209 Between Philosophy and Mathematics: General Trends in Dissemination, Teaching, and Research on Mathematical Logic in 1930s China Jan VRHOVSKI* Abstract This article studies some central developments in the propagation and teaching of math- ematical logic in 1930s China. Focusing on the emergence of a twofold disciplinary ap- proach to mathematical logic, namely as a discipline studied and disseminated by Chinese philosophers on the one hand and mathematicians on the other, this paper explores one of the key turning points in the development of the academic notion of mathematical logic in China. Apart from casting some light on the teaching of mathematical logic in the framework of both philosophical as well as mathematical spheres of inquiry, this article also provides some preliminary insights into the circumstances surrounding the first systematic introduction of mathematical logic into the modern standardized system of education, which gradually took shape over the late-1920s and early 1930s in China. Keywords: mathematical logic, mathematics, philosophy, China, Republican Period Med filozofijo in matematiko: splošne težnje v širenju, poučevanju in razisko- vanju matematične logike na Kitajskem v 30 letih 20 stoletja Izvleček Članek preučuje osrednje razvojne smernice v širjenju in poučevanju matematične logike na Kitajskem v 30. letih 20. stoletja. Osredotočen na pojav dveh različnih znanstvenih pristo- pov k matematični logiki – namreč kot disciplini, ki so jo preučevali in širili kitajski filozofi na eni strani ter kitajski matematiki na drugi – nadalje preučuje eno izmed osrednjih točk obrata v razvoju matematične logike kot akademske discipline na Kitajskem. Poleg tega, da pojasnjuje, kako se je predmet poučevalo v sklopu tako filozofskih kot tudi matematičnih raziskav, članek prav tako podaja nekaj preliminarnih vpogledov v okoliščine, ki so obdajale prvi sistematični poskus vključitve matematične logike v moderni standardizirani sistem izobrazbe, ki je postopoma nastajal na Kitajskem v 20. in 30. letih 20. stoletja. Ključne besede: matematična logika, matematika, filozofija, Kitajska, republikansko obdobje * Jan VRHOVSKI is currently working as a research fellow at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. Email address: jan.vrhovski@ff.uni-lj.si DOI: 10.4312/as.2022.10.2.209-241 Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 209 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 210 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... Introduction By the early 1930s, mathematical logic as a notion and field of study became an integral element of the efforts of nationalist government to modernize Chinese education both at the higher as well as the secondary levels. Catalysed by the efforts of a group of Chinese philosophers, educated either at foreign institutions or Chinese universities in the centre of intellectual modernization in the 1920s, mathematical logic as a subject of teaching and research became established as one of the central pillars of modern philosophical studies as early as in the late 1920s. By the early 1930s, as a widely renowned paragon of university-level curricular reformation, the Department of Philosophy at the reformed National Qinghua University (Guoli Qinghua daxue 國立清華大學, official English name Tsinghua University) became the first centre of teaching and research in mathematical logic nationwide, prompting the start of a new wave of dissemination and advancement of mathematical logic in Chinese academia. This article represents a follow-up to one of my previous publications entitled “‘Qinghua School of Logic’: Mathematical Logic at Qinghua University in Pe- king, 1926–1945” (Vrhovski 2021a), which surveyed the development of teaching and research of mathematical logic at Qinghua University in the late-Republican period. The main aim of this article is to supplement the results of this earlier article by presenting a more general overview of the development of mathemat- ical logic as a subject of teaching and research in 1930s China. In the course of following discussion, these developments will be presented through the prism of two contending currents of approach towards studying and teaching mathemat- ical logic that formed by the early-1930s: that is, mathematical logic as a part of Chinese academic philosophy on the one hand, and mathematics on the other. With regard to their conceptual extensions—i.e. as the constituents of broad- er theoretical discourses of both respective disciplines—the distinction between these two currents shall be referred to as the philosophical and mathematical “notions” of mathematical logic. The main reason behind introducing such a dis- tinction resides in the fact that, for the most part, the advancement of the latter had been conducted in the context of the wave of popularization of mathematics in the 1930s. More importantly, the application of a conceptual disparity of this kind can serve as an ample explanation for the relatively rapid “mathematization” of mathematical logic which took place in Chinese academia in the early 1950s. Thus, in the broadest sense, in line with the above-mentioned article on the so- called “Qinghua School of Logic”, this study will provide a background for the subsequent surveys on the development of mathematical logic in the People’s Republic of China (1949–). Aside from a brief overview presented by Rafael Suter Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 210 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 211Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 (2020) in his contribution to the Dao Companion to Chinese Philosophy of Logic and specific sections of Xu Yibao’s doctoral dissertation from 2005, this study will be one of the first such contributions to the Western scholarship on the history of logic in Republican China. Furthermore, it will be first study highlighting the parallel development of mathematical and philosophical notions of mathematical logic in this context. The Ariadne’s thread of the following discussion will interconnect three main parts: In the first chapter I will take a closer look at teaching and research in mathematical logic in the context of philosophical departments at Chinese universities. Because the main features, directions, and achievements of the Qinghua School have already been discussed in detail in the above-mentioned article, only a brief summary of the developments at Qinghua will be given, while the main focus of the chapter will reside with the developments at other universities of similar status, including Peking University and the reformed National Wuhan University, and finally also the gradual introduction of essen- tials of mathematical logic in the modernized and standardized textbooks for higher secondary schools, normal schools and universities. Correspondingly, the second chapter will closely examine the development of mathematical logic in the context of Chinese mathematicians’ research and efforts at popularizing mathematical logic in the 1930s. Finally, the third and the last section will be reserved for concluding remarks and a brief analysis of the value of the main findings of this survey for our understanding of the following period of math- ematical logic. Mathematical Logic as Part of Academic Philosophy: From Qinghua to Wuhan University As already mentioned in the introduction, mathematical logic as a part of ac- ademic discipline of philosophy reached its full bloom in the progressive en- vironment of the Department of Philosophy at Qinghua University. In the framework of the flourishing of modern Western philosophy at the department, mathematical logic became one of the pillars of both undergraduate and later also graduate studies of philosophy. As such, mathematical logic as formulated in the works of Bertrand Russell and his and Whitehead’s monumental Prin- cipia Mathematica was taught as part of the basic and advanced courses on logic both at the level of the institute of humanities and specialized studies in phi- losophy. Apart from its early inclusion into the mandatory and selective courses on logic, from the late-1920s on mathematical logic was also one of the main Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 211 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 212 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... research foci of the leading senior members of the department, such as Jin Yue- lin 金岳霖 and Zhang Shenfu 張申府. Concurrently with the formation of the first generations of graduates specialized in logic, mathematical logic also be- came one of the leading specializations of those alumni of the department who either continued their studies at Western universities or upon graduation joined the department as junior lecturers—such as, for instance, Shen Youding 沈有鼎 and Wang Xianjun 王憲鈞. While at the earliest stage the style and content of teaching of mathematical logic at Qinghua University was more or less epito- mized in Jin Yuelin’s renowned textbook Logic (Luoji 邏輯), the later genera- tion of Qinghua-trained logicians ushered in a wider selection of contents from contemporary advances in European circles of modern logicians. Thus, by the mid-1930s the range of content relating to mathematical logic taught at the department included: the system of Principia, advances of the “Harvard School” of symbolic logic, symbolic logic as advanced by the members of the Vienna Circle—from Carnap to Gödel, down to theories of many-valued logic of the Polish Circle of modern logicians. In line with the general trends in the field, as still extant in Western academia in the 1920s and 30s, mathematical logic at Qinghua was taught in strict cohesion with analytic philosophy, in particular, and in direct connection with traditional and modern Western philosophy, in general. In other words, mathematical logic was more or less considered as an advanced form of traditional formal logic, which still shared the same discipli- nary framework with its predecessor. (See Vrhovski 2021a) From the early 1930s on, the influence of the Qinghua School of Logic and its slowly growing circle of analytic philosophers extended far beyond the university. After the former student and propagator of Russell’s philosophy Fu Tong 傅銅 rejoined the reopened Peking University as the head of the Department of Phi- losophy in 1929, interest in modern logic and analytic philosophy was gradually rekindled at the department. Consequently, in addition to the advancement of a special study group for logic (lunlixue zu 論理學組) in the framework of the Philosophical Research Society (Zhexue yanjiuhui 哲學研究會) (see Guoli Bei- jing daxue 1929, 68), his strong inclination towards modern Western philosophy probably also prompted a new wave of integration of courses on analytic philoso- phy and mathematical logic into the basic curriculum at the department. Subse- quently, in the early 1930s, the undergraduate and graduate students of philoso- phy at Peking University were able to attend a series of lessons given by professors from the neighbouring Qinghua University, from Zhang Shenfu’s introductory course on mathematical logic and Russell, to Jin Yuelin’s specialized lectures on Mill, epistemology and so on. In this regard, the developments relating to the teaching of mathematical logic at Beijing’s most prestigious universities had their Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 212 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 213Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 epicentre at the early studies of Western modern logic and philosophy at Qinghua University.1 The second important wave of spreading the Qinghua-type of teaching of math- ematical logic at Chinese universities came with the first generations of graduates of the Qinghua philosophical department, or in rarer cases through the work of scholars who had in any way been affiliated or in touch with the developments at Qinghua. Naturally, in parallel with the spread of the Qinghua Circle’s influence by means of personal ties and fostering a new generation of outstanding Chinese scholars, the dissemination of the notion of mathematical logic as taught and researched at the department was to a much larger degree conducted by means of publications, which included research treatises and propaedeutic articles on one side, and the dissemination of certain types of textbooks on the other. Apart from Peking University, another instance of the introduction of content related to mathematical logic by an alumnus of the Qinghua school was the reformed National Wuhan University (Guoli Wuhan daxue 國立武漢大學). National Wuhan University was officially established in 1928. It was founded as an attempt to combine a number of smaller institutions of higher education from Hubei, including the recently established (1926) National Wuchang University (Guoli Wuchang daxue 國立武昌大學), into one major and modernized univer- sity. Owing to its relatively late establishment, and through the influence of a the newly rising tide of modernization of Chinese academic philosophy, the earlier National Wuchang University already boasted a relatively theoretically pertinent and updated curriculum for logic. In the framework of the Wuhan University’s Department of Philosophy, the first major advance towards a modernized course in logic came in the year with the appointment of Tu Xiaoshi 屠孝實 (courtesy name Zhengshu 正叔, 1898–1932) as a lecturer of logic (Guoli Wuhan daxue 1931, 73, 82). Tu was a graduate of Waseda University in Tokyo and a former pro- fessor of philosophy at Peking University, who in 1926 wrote and published the highly influential textbook Logic Primer (Mingxue gangyao 名學綱要), which also encompassed a short introduction to early algebraic logic (Boole and De Morgan) based on Jevons’ Elementary Lessons on Logic. In 1932, Tu was replaced by Wan Zhuoheng 萬卓恆 (1902–1948), a graduate of philosophy from Qinghua and Harvard Universities. Prior to his tenure at Wu- han University, Wan taught philosophy at the North-Eastern University. During his professorship at Wuhan, between 1931 and 1948, Wan was generally known 1 On the earlier developments in teaching and propagating modern logic at Peking University, see Vrhovski (2021b). On development of the academic discipline of Chinese philosophy at Chinese universities in the 1920s and 1930s, see Lin (2012), etc. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 213 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 214 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... as a lecturer of logic who specialized on mathematical logic.2 Wan’s reputation as a professor of philosophy who understood mathematical logic and lectured about Principia Mathematica extended beyond the circle of professors and stu- dents at the university. Even though Wan did not produce any writings related to mathematical logic or even logic, he is mentioned in some contemporary Chinese histories of modern logic in China as one of those philosophers from Republican China who were engaged in teaching and spread of mathematical logic.3 Beside logic (lunlixue), Wan also taught other courses related to contemporary Western philosophy and epistemology. The official overview of courses and programs at the National Wuhan University from 1932 reveals that the first course on logic organized by Wan had already assumed a modern outlook. The content of Wan’s lectures from 1932 covered the following topics: various problems in formal log- ic, forms of deduction and contemporary logic (Guoli Wuhan daxue 1932, 23). In the following years, apart from an elementary course Wan also organized an advanced course on logic (called “Logic 2, Lunlixue er 論理學二”), which was offered as an elective course for students of philosophy. In 1934, the elementary course was devoted exclusively to an overview of Aristotelian logic and aimed at presenting a general outline of the principles of human thought and the idea of correct thinking. The advanced course, on the other hand, consisted of three main parts: Aristotelian logic, symbolic logic (mathematical logic) and theory of induction (Guoli Wuhan daxue 1934, 26–27, 33). According to the reminiscences of Wan’s former student Xiao Shafu (萧箑父, ?), the part of the lectures related to symbolic logic revolved exclusively around the Principia Mathematica, covering the parts about the basic principles and logical calculi (Xiangren 2017, 26). The content of the elementary course changed again in 1936, when it was reorgan- ized to include 1) formal logic and 2) the scientific method, while the content of the advanced course remained unchanged (Guoli Wuhan daxue 1936, 33, 40). In the same year, two elementary textbooks were prescribed: beside the by then already standard textbook Essentials of Logic by Wolf, there was also Logic (Lun- lixue 論理學 (1931)), written by Fan Shoukang 範壽康 (1895–1983), another professor of philosophy at Wuhan.4 2 Beside He Lin’s mention of Wan as one of the leading contemporary Chinese philosophers who specialized in mathematical logic, there are also accounts and reminiscences of his former students, most notably the philosopher Xiao Shafu. See Li Mianyuan (2016); Li Weiwu (2009); Xiangren (2017). 3 See, for example, Shi and Zeng (1998, 29–33). 4 The textbook was published as a part of Kaiming Pedagogical Textbooks (Kaiming shifan jiaoben 開明師範教本). It was designed in accordance with a psychological approach to logic (logical psychologism), which favoured the experimental logic of American pragmatists above other types of modern logic. As a matter of fact, even though in his historical introduction Fan did mention Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 214 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 215Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 Mathematical Logic as a Mathematical Field of Research: The Wuhan Circle of Mathematicians As indicated in the introduction, before the 1930s mathematical logic was still generally understood as a field of studies researched by, so to say, “philoso- phers-logicians”. This also meant that the predominant notion of mathematical logic in the Chinese intellectual world was still understood in the context of modern Western philosophy. However, this understanding underwent signif- icant changes in the early 1930s, when a few young mathematicians who re- turned from their studies in Europe decided to engage in research of the foun- dations of mathematics and mathematical logic. One of the most important centres for the concentration of such interest in mathematical logic was the aforementioned Wuhan University. After Fu Zhongsun’s 傅種孫 and Zhang Bangming’s 張邦銘 translation of Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Phi- losophy in the early 1920s (see Russell 1922), the following developments rep- resented the first major shift of identity of mathematical logic in China, which in the 1930s started its twofold evolutionary path. One of the young scholars who was at the forefront of this transformative process was the mathematician Tang Zaozhen 湯璪真 (Tang Tsao-Chen, 1898–1951). Tang, who completed his graduate studies in mathematical logic at the Universities of Berlin and Göttingen, became the main driving force behind the research on mathematical logic at the mathematical department of Wuhan University. The importance of Tang Zaozhen and the circle younger mathematicians at Wuhan University has already been noticed by Xu Yibao (2005), who briefly mentioned Tang in his doctoral dissertation Concepts of Inf inity in Chinese Mathematics. He wrote: After graduating from Department of Mathematics of Beijing Teachers College in 1919, TANG taught mathematics at Beijing Teachers Col- lege for Girls. In late of 1923, he went to Germany to pursuit his further study in mathematics. During the next two and a half years, Tang studied mathematical logic or symbolic logic of Boole as one of the mainstream currents in contemporary logic, it was only a brief mention, ignoring all its main contributors who succeeded Boole. Moreo- ver, he treated mathematical logic as a less important branch of the formalist school in philosophi- cal logic, and instead devoted more attention to idealist conceptions of logic. Fan also regarded the pragmatist logic of Dewey as one of the most important logical schools of the time, which con- tented against logic formalism, as manifested in mathematical or symbolic logic (Fan 1931, 1–26). One of the immediate consequences of his view of logic led Fan to exclude the most important contemporary contributions to theory of deduction from the textbook. Instead, Fan’s outline of the science of reasoning derived its broadness from the inclusion of a great number of metaphysical and phenomenological meditations on logic. Thus, for example, beside deductive and inductive reason- ing, he also discussed the notion of analogical reasoning (leibi tuilun 類比推論) etc. The textbook also maintained a notion of Chinese logic as reflected in traditional Chinese philosophy. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 215 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 216 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... primarily differential geometry and mathematical logic at University of Berlin and University of Göttingen. When he returned in 1926, he was appointed as Professor of mathematics at National Wuchang Univer- sity (the predecessor of Wuhan University). At the University, he used Wilhelm J. E. Blaschke’s textbook for teaching his course on differential geometry. Mathematical logic was not on the curriculum of the Univer- sity, but TANG did not lose his interest in it. Although his focus was on Clarence Irving Lewis’s calculus of strict implication, and was not directly related to aspects of the infinite, it does show how quickly Chi- nese mathematicians began to respond to this new area for their own research. TANG published three articles on the subject in the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. In the first of these, “The Theorem p − 3q = pq = p and Huntington’s Relation Between Lewis’s Strict Impli- cation and Boolean Algebra,” he shows that the theorem “p − 3q = pq = p” holds true in Lewis’s system, and that it strengthens a previous result of Edward Huntington. Based on this result, TANG went on to show that where any implication “p − 3q” is asserted, then “p − 3q = i,” from which it follows that any two asserted implications are strictly equivalent, and, in particular, that any two of Lewis’s first eight postulates can be deduced from each other. TANG also studied algebraic postulates for Boolean rings. (Xu 2005, 189–90) As pointed out by Xu, Tang’s main contribution to mathematical logic consist- ed in his treatment of Huntington’s discussion of Lewis’s theory of strict im- plication and the theorem “p ⥽ q .=. pq = p”. Although Xu’s account of Tang’s main contributions to mathematical logic is close to complete, some additional points related to Tang’s work must still be added. Firstly, we need to point out that Blaschke’s differential geometry was one of the central subjects of Tang’s studies in Germany. Apart from mathematical logic, in the early 1930s Tang also focused on other branches of mathematics, such as for example, Levi-Civita’s ab- solute differential calculus, which he also translated into Chinese (Cheng Minde 1994 I, 60–71). Tang’s translations also included Hans Hahn’s “Set-Theoretical Geometry”, which was first published in 1930 in the Quarterly Journal of Science of the National Wuhan University (Guoli Wuhan daxue like jikan 國立武漢大學理科 季刊). Secondly, according to the biography composed by his son Tang Xiangsen 湯湘森, Tang researched mathematical logic throughout the entire wartime pe- riod. If this is true, the same or similar could also apply to the research activities of the group of mathematicians working closely with Tang (ibid., 68). Unfortu- nately, no textual evidence is preserved to confirm these claims. Finally, Tang was also one of the founding members of the Chinese Mathematical Society. From Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 216 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 217Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 its official inauguration in 1935, Tang assumed a series of important positions in the society—he was one of its 21 council members elected in 1935 and a mem- ber of the society’s executive council in 1936 (Ren and Zhang 1994, 30, 52). At the second annual meeting of the society, which took place at Qinghua Science Museum in 1936, Tang also read his two articles on strict implication, published in the same year in the Bulletin of American Mathematical Society. Thus, together with Zhu Gongjin—about whom we shall say more in the next section—Tang was one of two most important members of the society, who maintained an in- terest in contemporary mathematical logic and contributed to its advancement in Chinese mathematical circles. Interestingly, both Zhu and Tang had studied mathematics at Göttingen University in Germany, although only the latter con- tributed scientifically to the field. Furthermore, in the 1930s both participated in activities related to science education. Tang was also invited to take part in the 1933 consultative symposium on astronomy, mathematics and physics organized by the Ministry of Education. Another Wuhan mathematician, who (probably under the influence of Tang Zaozhen) engaged in research on topics related to mathematical logic, was Xiao Wencan 蕭文燦 (1898–1963), an assistant professor of mathematics at Wuhan.5 Xiao started his path in higher education at the Guizhou Province Normal Col- lege in Guiyang (graduating in 1916). In 1921, he enrolled in Wuchang Higher Normal College (predecessor of Wuhan University), majoring in mathematics. Upon graduation in 1925 he joined the university as a lecturer in mathematics. Concurrently, he also worked as a lecturer of mathematics at the China University. Later, in 1937, he went on a scholarly exchange to Germany, where he studied consecutively at the Universities of Berlin and Leipzig. Xiao returned to China in 1940, after he was awarded a doctoral degree in mathematics from University of Leipzig. Working under Tang Zaozhen, back in the early 1930s, Xiao Wencan also devoted a part of his work to problems related to mathematical logic, more precisely to Cantor’s transfinite set theory.6 Between 1933 and 1934, Xiao pub- lished a series of articles entitled “Set Theory ( Jihelun 集合論)” in the university’s Quarterly Journal of Science, in which he delivered a systematic introduction to Cantorian set theory. The collection of Xiao’s four articles on set theory was re- printed in the form of a monograph (Jihelun chubu 集合論初步 (Elementary Set Theory)) in 1939. In the same journal Xiao also published a Chinese translation 5 For a condensed biographical account on Xiao Wencan, see Li and Xiao (2005). 6 Xu Yibao and his doctoral supervisor Joseph Dauben claim that Xiao was the first Chinese math- ematician to have provided a systematic overview of Cantor’s set theory (Xu 2005, 200; Dauben 2002, 267). Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 217 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 218 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... of Hardy’s work “Orders of Infinity (Wuqiongda zhi jie 無窮大之階)”.7 In his dissertation, Xu Yibao commented on Xiao Wencan’s and Zhu Gongjin’s contri- butions to the propagation and spread of mathematical logic in the following way: Xiao’s and Zhu’s articles, together with Chinese translations of Russell’s work, kindled further interests in mathematical logic in China. As a re- sult, in the 1930s a number of Chinese students of mathematical logic were able to carry out their own research. By the time TANG Zaozhen’s third article was published in America, another Chinese student had written his dissertation on mathematical philosophy and the theory of sets at the University of Paris. This was ZENG Dinghe 曾鼎鉌, also known as TSENG Ting-Ho.8 The major parts of ZENG’s thesis dealt with set theory and transfinite numbers. In retrospect, one may regard ZENG’s thesis as superficial and sketchy.9 It nevertheless represents the beginning of serious and important work that Chinese logicians would soon make to mathematical logic. (Xu 2005, 200–1) Although Xu’s summarization of Xiao’s contributions is somewhat biased, he might have made a pertinent remark regarding mathematical logic as a subject studied by Chinese mathematicians. Furthermore, the contributions by Xiao and Zhu, which must be regarded as introductory works or attempts at the popular- ization of mathematical logic and set theory as one of its constitutive branches, could indeed have been pivotal for kindling the Chinese mathematician’s interest for the above-named fields of studies, especially because they both purported to convey their mathematical content rather than philosophy-related categories. 7 Xu (2005, 200) mistakenly believed that Xiao’s two articles were authored by Xiao himself. In truth, they were a translation of above-named work of the British mathematician Hardy. In addition to that, Xu also noted that the notion of infinity was of great interest to Chinese mathematicians of the time (see Hardy 1932; 1933). 8 His name was also written 曾鼎龢 (Zeng Dinghe). In 1938 Zeng was awarded a PhD degree for a doctoral dissertation entitled “La philosophie mathématique et la théorie des ensembles (Math- ematical Philosophy and Set Theory)”; see Tseng 1938. 9 This were the exact words of Frederic B. Fitch, who reviewed Zeng’s doctorate in 1943 (The Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 (2) ( June 1943): 56–57). Fitch said: “This is a philosophical and historical survey of various topics in modern mathematics, such as set theory, probability, transfinite numbers, and math- ematical logic. The treatment is somewhat sketchy and often superficial. In discussing mathematical logic no mention is made of Gödel, although literature as later as 1936 is referred to.” (Fitch 1943, 56) Zeng’s doctorate was listed in the bibliography of Bernays’s and Fraenkel’s 1958 book Axiomatic Set Theory (although the latter wrote only the introductory parts and provided some bibliographical data). Consequently, in his letter to Bernays from March 14th, 1958, Gödel inquired about the content of Zeng’s work: “Ich habe bemerkt, dass Sie in Ihrem neuen Buch über Mengenlehre einen gewissen Tseng[g] Ting-Ho zitieren. Ist diese Arbeit interessant? (I noticed that in your new book on set the- ory you cite a certain Tsen[g] Ting-Ho. Is that paper interesting?)” (Gödel and Solomon 2014, 152) Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 218 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 219Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 Mathematical Logic and the Popularization of Mathematics: Zhu Gongjin and Hilbertian Foundations of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic Another important Chinese mathematician, who to some extent contributed to the introduction and propagation of mathematical logic as a branch of mathe- matics in China, was the well-known educator and popularizer of mathematics Zhu Gongjin 朱公謹 (also known as Zhu Yanjun 朱言鈞, 1902–1961). Zhu started his pursuit of mathematical knowledge at Qinghua College, where he completed the basic preparatory course. In 1921, he was awarded a scholarship for undergraduate studies at the renowned Göttingen University in Germany. In the years he subsequently spent in Göttingen, Zhu eventually specialized in applied mathematics and was in 1927 awarded a doctoral degree in mathematics for his thesis on the theory of differential equations, entitled On Existence Proofs of Certain Types of Single-Variable Functional Equations. After he returned to China in 1927, he worked as a professor of mathematics at Guanghua University, Cen- tral University, Shanghai Medical School, Normal Faculty of Zhejiang University, Datong University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. With the establishment of Chinese Mathematical Society in 1935, Zhu became one of its permanent council members and one of the most productive contributors to its periodical publications the Shuxue tongbao 數學通報 (Bulletin of Mathematics or Bulletin des Sciences Mathematics) and the Shuxue zazhi 數學雜志 (Mathematical Review) (Zhang Youyu 1991, 2). Although Zhu spent almost seven years at the University of Göttingen in Germa- ny and obtained a PhD in mathematics studying under two of the most famous and well-established mathematicians of the time, David Hilbert and Richard Courant, upon his return to China he ended up working at relatively marginal universities, such as Guanghua University and Jiaotong in Shanghai, although also at some more prominent universities, such the Central University in Nanjing. Although his direct influence on the theoretical development of mathematics in China seems to be (at least in when it comes to documentation) somewhat ob- scured by the marginality of the institutes of his employment, in the late 1920s and 1930s Chinese intellectual world his voice was loud and clear. Zhu was prob- ably the most prolific popularizer of general and specific aspects of mathematics in early 1930s China. His numerous articles introducing different aspects and problems of advanced mathematics (especially analysis), philosophy of mathe- matics and finally also his translations of writings by important mathematicians like Dedekind or Hilbert, were not only published in university-affiliated peri- odicals, such as the Shuxue zazhi 數學雜志, but also in magazines devoted to Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 219 5. 05. 2022 15:46:47 220 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... popularization of Western science.10 It was especially the latter that established his role as a popularizer of applied mathematics in China. Among Zhu’s articles introducing various topics, theories or branches of mathe- matics, there were also some that explicitly or implicitly involved the principles of contemporary mathematical logic. Two of the most influential such articles were “An Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Shuli luoji daolun 數理邏輯導論)” from 1936 and “Essentials of Mathematical Logic (Shuli luoji gangyao 數理邏 輯綱要)” published in two parts in 1933 and 1934. Although the articles only expounded on a rather elementary notion of mathematical logic, their signifi- cance lay in another aspect: because Zhu was introduced to mathematical logic as a mathematician, he regarded its content to be primarily a part of mathematics. Consequently, his articles usually implicitly indicated that the research on math- ematical logic ought to be reserved exclusively for mathematicians. As such, in- troductions to mathematical logic or set theory done by mathematicians were of a different value to those done by philosophers, for they each derived from different theoretical or practical contexts and ultimately also influenced separate academic spheres of discourse. As an ardent popularizer of mathematics who also maintained a considerable interest in mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematics, Zhu often also wrote articles commenting upon the relationship between mathematics and logic on one side, and modern philosophy on the other.11 More importantly, a 10 For the general significance of translations—and for highlighting some general problems linked to translations of Western vocabulary—see for instance Ciaudo (2021, 36). 11 Zhu’s earliest publications on philosophy of mathematics were a series of articles written in re- sponse to contemporary misinterpretations of the nature of mathematics, proposed by Chinese adherents of pragmatism who propagated Dewey’s experimentalist theory of logic and science. In 1928, in an article entitled “A Refutation of Experimentalism (Bo shiyan zhuyi 駁實驗主義)”, Zhu emphasized that mathematical knowledge is a priori and as such a formal expression of the unchanging principles of the universe. What Zhu argued against was the experimentalist position that the universe is subjected to constant change and that the main task of science is to constantly realign itself with the current state of the universe. In order to corroborate his position, Zhu used the example of ontologically positive concept of logical laws, which are manifested in axiomatic systems of mathematics. As examples thereof he listed three axiomatic (jiben yuanli 基本原理) systems of geometry as developed by Euclid, Riemann, and Lobachevski. Having expounded on the concepts of consistency and non-contradiction as concrete examples of the application of log- ical laws in mathematics, he explained the difference between different kinds of judgments as de- fined by Kant, shedding some light on the epistemic value and sufficient conditions of the truth of mathematical axioms. In short, Zhu’s principal aim was to portray the objectiveness of logic, as the main condition of mathematical truth, through a system of laws reflecting the a priori structure of reality. This implies that mathematical judgements and inferences are beyond experimental in- quiry and that mathematical judgments were a priori synthetic judgments. In a sequel to the article, Zhu directed his criticism against the philosophical viewpoints of Hu Shi and Dewey. Similar was Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 220 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 221Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 closer reading of his philosophical writings on mathematics and modern logic reveals that one of his principal sources was the teaching of the leading mathe- matical formalist of the time, David Hilbert. As noted above, Zhu’s connection to Hilbert’s mathematical and logical formalism can be traced back to the former’s studies in Göttingen. Consequently, one of the main parts of Zhu’s populari- zation of modern mathematical logic also consisted of introducing the work of Hilbert. Thus, for example, in an article published as early as 1929 Zhu discussed the differences between Brouwer’s intuitionist “theory of sets” (tuanlun 團論) and Hilbert’s formalist idea of contradiction (ziweiyu 自違語) in the same theory. Interestingly, Zhu discussed both schools as offshoots of two currents in mathe- matics, analogous to those in modern cosmologies which derive from advances in modern physics (see Zhu Yanjun 1929b). In another article from 1932, Zhu gave a lengthier exposition on Hilbert’s life and his theory of axiomatics (yuanlishuo 原理說), axiomatization of arithmetic, as well as other aspects of Hilbert’s views on questions related to the fundaments of mathematics, some of which were also intrinsically linked to mathematical logic (see Zhu Yanjun 1932, 2–8). Finally, in 1935 Zhu published an updated version of his evaluation of intuitionism and formalism. In this sequel to his first such mediation from 1929, Zhu focused both on set theory and theories of inference in mathematics, covering three main topics: Poincare’s view on mathematical inference and set theoretical questions, the rise of intuitionism and Russell’s mathematical logic. The main topic of Zhu’s second survey was still Hilbert’s views on axiomatization of mathematics. Zhu’s writings on the foundations of mathematics from this period reveal that his views on the subject remained within the constraints of Hilbertian theory, which he came into contact with during his studies in Germany. He did not discuss, for instance, the developments in the Polish School of Logic or, most importantly, Gödel’s results related to the above-mentioned problems and topics. Even in his “Critiques of Mathematical Axiomatics (Shuxue yuanlixue zhi piping 數學原理 學之批評)” from 1937, the primary aim of which was to outline criticisms raised against Hilbert’s project of axiomatization of mathematics, Zhu made no mention of these important contemporary contributions. In the early 1930s, Zhu edited a series of short discussions on practical or pure- ly theoretical curiosities of mathematics, which was regularly published in the Guanghua daxue banyuekan 光華大學半月刊 (Guanghua University Fortnightly). intended also in Zhu’s other writings from the late 1920s, such as, for example, “New Geometry and Philosophy (Xin jihexue yu zhexue 新幾何學與哲學)”; “From Theory of Knowledge to Crit- ical Theory (Cong renshilun dao pipinglun 從認識論到批評論)”; “On the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Natural Science (Xuanxue yu ziran kexue de guanxi 玄學與自然科學的關係)”, and “Socrates and Leonard Nelson (Sugeladi yu Na’ersong 蘇格臘底與納爾松)”, which were all published in 1929. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 221 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 222 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... These discussions were subsumed under a common title “Shuli congtan 數理叢 談 (Mathematical Discussions)”, and by the year 1934 the number of individual discussions already reached twenty.12 Furthermore, in 1936 Zhu published yet an- other series of writings introducing the advances in foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic in the above-mentioned periodical. The series bore the title “Casual Conversations on Set Theory ( Jilun xiaotan 集論小談)”, and was written in form of a dialogue between Zhu and a colleague of his, who was also a professor of mathematics (see Zhu 1936c; 1937b (first and last part)). Through dialogues Zhu touched upon various questions related to the recent advances in foundations of mathematics. Perhaps the most important feature of these conver- sations was that they were written from the mathematical perspective—treating set-theoretical problems and mathematical logic as an integral part of mathemat- ics, which, as also pointed out by Zhu himself, had been often entirely neglected (see Zhu 1936c, 28). Even though the title of the conversations implies a sense of casualness and elementariness, the dialogues also touched upon more advanced topics in set theory, mathematical logic and even number theory, all of which were bound together in meta-mathematics of Hilbert. The conversations were published in ten parts between 1936 and 1937. In 1935 and 1936, Zhu also published a series of other propaedeutic articles on topics related to the foundations of mathematics and mathematical logic. Such were, for example, the series of articles entitled “Methods of Inference in Math- ematics (Shuxue zhong zhi tuili fangfa 數學中之推理方法)”. Other relevant articles from the same period were “The Origins of Mathematical Knowledge (Shuxue renshi zhi benyuan 數學認識之本源)”, “Topological Geometry and Our Views on Space (Dingxing jihexue yu wuren zhi kongjian guan 定性幾何學與 吾人之空間觀)” and so on. The common thread interconnecting the majority of his writings from 1930s was again Hilbert’s theory of foundations of mathemat- ics (axiomatics, geometry, arithmetic, set theory). Whenever Zhu required the assistance of more philosophical views on mathematical principles he resorted to philosophy of Leonard Nelson, one of his former professors at university in Göttingen and a close friend of Hilbert’s. In 1928, one year after he had returned to China, Zhu even published a short booklet commemorating Nelson’s life and work.13 12 Eight of these chapters were also published in form of a book in 1947. 13 Nelson passed away in 1927. The mentioned booklet bore the title Nelson—A Philosopher of Critical Rationalism (His Life and Teaching) (1928c). Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 222 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 223Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 Introduction of Mathematical Logic of Hilbert and Ackermann, 1933–1936 Zhu’s pivotal contribution to the introduction of Hilbertian symbolic logic in China took form in two lengthier articles outlining the essential concepts of mathematical logic. The first article, entitled “Essentials of Mathematical Logic (Shuli luoji gangyao 數理邏輯綱要)”, was published in 1933 in the Zhexue pinglun journal. Here, Zhu’s approach to mathematical logic was similar to his other publications: he essentially described mathematical logic as a version of formal logic which assimilated the most advanced knowledge from mathemat- ics. Moreover, Zhu mainly ascribed its advantages to the advances in modern mathematics; in particular, its use of symbols and formulae, which endowed log- ic with a capacity to attain completeness, consistency, and a greater analytical capacity. Even though his short overview of the history of mathematical logic mentioned all the important contributors to the field, from Leibniz to Russell, Zhu’s focus remained with Hilbert, who, according to Zhu, was able to include the most advanced principles of mathematics into his logic. While Zhu did not explicitly indicate this, the content of the article derived heavily from Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik (1928).14 As a matter of fact, some parts of Zhu’s “Essentials of Mathematical Logic” correspond entirely to individual sections of the 1928 edition of Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s Grundzüge der theoretischen Logik. Thus, Zhu’s introduction to mathematical logic was in fact an introduction to the early Hilbert-Ackermann system of mathematical logic. Zhu’s article from 1933 covered the following aspects of the Hilbert-Ackermann system of logic: Propositional logic (lunduan luoji 論斷邏輯),15 which included: a) the definition of proposition; b) methods of elementary connectives (jiben jiehe 基本結合);16 c) equivalence (dengshi 等式); d) a further discussion on the elemen- tary connective methods (including the Sheffer stroke, Russell, etc.); e) elementary forms (of logical expressions) (jiben xingshi 基本形式);17 f ) tautological (always true) 14 The first (1928) and second (1938) editions of the book differ considerably from each other. The first book builds upon Hilbert’s formalistic first-order logic and still included the Entsheidungs- problem and the question of completeness of logic as a system, which were ultimately left out of the later edition. The second edition was also translated into English and given the title Principles of Mathematical Logic (1950). 15 Here the term lunduan 論斷, otherwise meaning “inference” or “judgment”, stands for “proposition” or German Aussage, as in Hilbert’s Aussagenkalkül. 16 Zhu’s term jiehe 結合 is semantically motivated after the original German term Verknüpfung as in “logische Grundverknüpfungen” as used in Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s mathematical logic. 17 The original title of the section was “Normalform für die logischen Ausdrücke” (i.e. Section 1, Chapter 3 of the 1928 edition). Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 223 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 224 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... connections of propositions (yongzhen zhi jiehe 永真之結合);18 g) the theorem of reciprocity (huyixing zhi dingli 互易性之定理);19 h) the ever-false connections of propositions (yongmiu zhi jiehe 永謬之結合);20 i) special elementary propositions (teshu zhi jiben xingshi 特殊之基本形式);21 j) a further discussion on the question of conjunction (always true) and disjunction (always false); k) the problem of how to draw conclusions (ruhe xia duan’an zhi wenti 如何下斷案之問題). As indicated above, the structure and content of Zhu’s presentation of the essential features of mathematical logic corresponds to that of Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s book from 1928. As Zhu himself also noted in the 1933 version of the article, his source material was his notes from Hilbert’s lectures, taken when he was still a student at Göttingen. Maybe the only parts of the text which Zhu decided to modify were the examples of propositions, which Zhu adapted to fit the Chinese socio-political context. The same article was reprinted in 1934 in the Quarterly Journal of Science of the National Wuhan University (Guoli Wuhan daxue like jikan 國立武漢大學理科季刊), which also happened to be one of the central means through which the group of mathematicians at Wuhan University promulgated their research, which in 1934 also encompassed set theory and the foundational, mathematical, and mathematico-logical theories of David Hilbert.22 Two years later, in 1936, Zhu published another article, “An Introduction to Mathematical Logic (Shuli luoji daolun 數理邏輯導論)”, which represented a continuation of the article from 1933, where Zhu introduced the content of the remaining few chapters of the book by Hilbert and Ackermann. In this new arti- cle, however, Zhu’s attitude towards logic changed slightly, at least in his manner of expression. This time, he compared mathematical logic to the method of “ex- hausting the principles” or “qiongli 窮理”, a Neo-Confucian term which used to be linked to the Western concept of science. Zhu claimed that through logic one can extend already known laws to individual physical entities and distil the most fundamental principles of nature from known facts. In this context, mathematical logic represented the most advanced such method. He also remarked that math- ematical logic takes the most elementary laws of science and translates them into relations between subjects and predicates, and between propositions. 18 Originally: “Charakterisierung der immer richtigen Aussagenverbindungen.” 19 The original title of the section was “Das Prinzip der Dualität [The Principle of Duality]”. 20 Originally “Die disjunktive Normalform für logische Ausdrücke.” 21 This section appears to summarize chapter 7 of the first section in the original book, “Mannigfaltigkeit der Aussagenverbindungen, die aus gegebene Grundaussagen gebildet werden können.” 22 Volumes 4 and 5 of the above-mentioned journal saw the publications of a Chinese translation of Hilbert’s The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields by Hua Luogeng, a series of articles on “Set Theory” ( Jihelun 集合論) by Xiao Wencan etc. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 224 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 225Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 The 1936 sequel introduced two new chapters from Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s book. It was divided into two main chapters: “The Axioms of Propositional Log- ic (Lunduan luoji zhi yuanli 論斷邏輯之原理)” and “Main Ideas of Predicate Logic (Weici luoji zhong zhi zhuyao sixiang 謂詞邏輯中之主要思想)”. In the first chapter Zhu summarized the content of chapters 10 and 11 of the first part of Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s Grundlagen.23 At the same time, Zhu seems to have slightly departed from their original line of thought, for in his description the ax- ioms from the Principia Mathematica are given the main role. He even added his own thoughts about the relationship between axioms of other branches of science and mathematical logic, where he maintained that mathematical logic represented a meta-scientific view of the axiomatic system, for it takes logical method as its main subject of enquiry. By being a meta-systemic science, it would thus be exempt from the rest of sciences, which must adhere strictly to the principles of the logical method and depend upon the consistency of their axiomatic fundaments (Zhu Yanjun 1936b, 85). The second part of Zhu’s article summarized the introductory parts of the second section of Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s Grundlagen (1928).24 Gao Xingjian—“ABC of Mathematical Logic” Significant contributions to the popularization of mathematical logic in 1930s China were also made by Gao Xingjian 高行健, a graduate in chemistry from the Central University (Zhongyang daxue 中央大學), a member of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation (Guoli bianyi guan 國立編譯館), and a professor of mathematics at Guiyang Medical University (–1948). As a prolific contributor to the journal World of Science (Kexue shijie 科學世界) he composed a series of articles on different topics from mathematics, mathematical games (youxi shuxue 游戲數學), interesting mathematical problems (shuxue wenti 數學問題), and new records of the most recent developments in mathematics (jinnian shuxue zhi xin jilu 近年數學之新紀錄), to more specific topics from the most fashion- able branches of mathematics, such as mathematical logic. Gao also contributed a few articles to the famous Kexue journal, such as a short article on the Goldbach conjecture and some shorter articles on number theory. For the present discussion, the most relevant of Gao’s articles from the 1930s was his “ABC of Mathematical Logic (Shuli luoji ABC 數理邏輯ABC)” from 1936. The article aims to introduce the main concepts from mathematical logic to a 23 “Die Axiome des Aussagenkalküls” and “Beispiele für die Ableitung von Formeln aus den Axiomen.” 24 Such as, for example, “Methodische Grundgedanken des Funktionenkalküls” etc. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 225 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 226 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... more general readership. Most importantly, it attempts to do so by treating math- ematical logic as a branch of mathematics. Gao was well-aware of previous intro- ductions to Hilbert’s and Ackermann’s mathematical logic made by Zhu Yanjun. The main source of Gao’s guide to the principles of mathematical logic was prob- ably J. S. Turner’s Mathematical Logic from 1928. A further interesting feature of the above-mentioned article was Gao’s notion of mathematical logic, which he called the science of sciences, and science as such as an example of materialized logic. And a rather natural corollary to that position was that mathematical logic was the most advanced and modern example of this method. As the most impor- tant contemporary mathematical logicians Gao listed Russell and Hilbert, and enumerated the numerous synonyms for mathematical logic which were in use at the time. Otherwise, Gao’s article was extremely concise and simple. The first part25 covered three main topics: 1) Elementary Symbols, 2) Elementary Equa- tions, and 3) Proofs of Elementary Equations. Introduction of the Principles of Mathematical Logic into the National System of Education Another important aspect of the establishment of mathematical logic in Republi- can China, and one of the most substantial direct outcomes of the developments described above, was its gradual inclusion into the new standardized secondary school, normal school, and university curricula. The beginnings of this inclusion can be traced back to the first bundle of reforms of the national system of edu- cation promulgated by the Nationalist government, whose aim was to unify and standardize education at Chinese schools and universities. Not long after the cen- tral government had moved to Nanjing (April 1927), the new Nationalist Minis- try of Education began devising new plans for large-scale reforms of the national system of education. In so doing, it consulted various Western models, from the American “pragmatic” model of education, propagated by Hu Shi and his adher- ents, to French and German models of education. Subsequently, the first drafts of reforms were issued in the aftermath of the first national congress on questions of education in May 1928. The collection of documents issued following the Na- tional Congress on Education was epitomized in one titled “Reorganization of School System of the Republic of China (Zhengli Zhonghua renmin xuexiao xitong an 整理中華人民學校系統案)”. In 1929, further documents stipulating new sets of regulations for institutes of higher education were issued—such as the 25 According to its title, Gao also planned to publish further parts of the article in the Kexue shijie. However, I was not able to ascertain the existence of any sequels to the 1936 article. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 226 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 227Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 “Regulations for Universities (Daxue guicheng 大學規程)”, “Organizational Law for Universities (Daxue zuzhifa 大學組織法)” and so on. These plans were re- vised at the Second National Congress on Education in 1930. Finally, new school laws for secondary, normal, and vocational education were promulgated again in 1932. The education system reforms in the Nanjing period of the Republic were not the first enterprise of this kind. In some respects, the first set of reforms, promulgated in 1922, were only continuing previous plans for modernization and standardization of the Chinese system of education26 (see Pepper 1996). Curricular changes, proposed in the framework of the National Congresses on Education of 1929 and 1930, were outlined in the Curricular Standards for Junior and Senior Secondary Schools (Chuji gaoji zhongxue kecheng biaozhun 初級高級中 學課程標準 (1932)), and Curricular Standards for Normal Colleges (Shifan xuexiao kecheng biaozhun 師範學校課程標準 (1934)). These were published in several consecutive publications from 1932 on, and the manuals were revised in the early 1940s. For university curricula, there further existed a series of documents issued by the Ministry of Education entitled List of University Courses (Daxue kemu biao 大學科目表 (1940)). These started to appear in 1933, when an original draft ver- sion of the publication was published by the Commercial Press in Shanghai (Da- xue kemu caoan 大學科目草案 (A Draft of University Courses)). In this draft document, the list of proposed standard courses at universities was supplemented by a list of prescribed literature. Mathematical Logic in Senior Secondary Schools The Curricular Standards for Junior and Senior Secondary Schools from 1932, which were based on the reform plans drafted and ratified by the Ministry of Education in 1929, stipulate that an introductory course on logic was to be taught in the final years of the senior secondary schools.27 The prescribed content of the course “Logic (Lunli 論理)” covered the following topics: • The Scope of Logic (essential characteristics, classification of logic, the relationship between logic and “other sciences”). • Analysis of Human Thought (the relationship between thought and life, the origin and development of thinking, organization of 26 For developments related to teaching of logic, see, for example, Zhai 2016, 59–63; He 1989, 75–106. 27 The chapter of the manual, entitled “Gaoji zhongxue lunli kecheng biaozhun 高級中學論理課程 標準 (Standard Curriculum in Logic for Senior Secondary Schools)”, was later also issued as an independent document. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 227 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 228 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... thought, the difference between true and false thought, the differ- ence between simple and complex thinking, the relationship between thought and writing). • Essentials of Scientific Method (comparison between common sense and science, the aims and attributes of science, etc.). • Induction (the concept of causality and critical review of the simple “five methods of induction”, observation, analysis, conjecture, experi- ment and probability, the meaning and effect of scientific laws). • Deduction (the new and old fields of induction (“old” refers to Ar- istotelian logic (lunlixue 論理學) and “new” refers to mathematical logic (luoji 邏輯), propositions (ci 辭) and propositional forms, rela- tionships between propositions (kinds of immediate inferences and mediate inferences, syllogism), criticism of the old method of de- duction, an exposition of the new method of deduction (analytical structure of thought, symbolist reformation of thought, strict form of thinking). • System of Science (empirical science and pure science, natural sci- ence and social science, science and art, science, and philosophy). As we can observe in the above outline of the content of the course on logic, at least in relation to the field of logic, the curricular reforms of the late 1930s em- bodied an extremely ambitious attempt to equip future university level students with basic knowledge about the scientific method on the one hand, and science of logic on the other. Furthermore, the new standard curriculum, which was drafted in the late 1920s and promulgated in the 1930s, was devised in a manner similar to the propaedeutic writings of Wang Dianji 汪奠基 which had been published in the first two years of the Nanjing period. As a matter of fact, the introduction of “new” mathematical logic into the curriculum might also have been indirectly fa- cilitated by Wang’s contributions to logic education and his ideas about how logic and the scientific method ought to be taught at different levels of education in China. Aside from that, the secondary school course on logic, as stipulated by the new standardized curriculum, conveys a certain evolutionary image of Western logic, where mathematical logic was not only treated as the only extant upgrade of the classic Aristotelian logic, but also a new version of logic, which ought to be used in everyday life. Because, through the relationship between old and new, the significance and usefulness of logic was not believed to shift from the quotidian to the scientific sphere, but rather to retain the same sense of universality throughout Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 228 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 229Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 the entire process. This implied a view that knowledge about the patterns of the universe was also seen as pertaining to the sphere of its practical use in everyday life. Maybe the only feature of the curriculum which was critically aligned to the native discourse on the relationship between Western and Eastern thought was its strong emphasis on providing a clear delimitation between rational thought and the view on life. The standard curriculum described above remained unaltered throughout the fol- lowing decade,28 until in the Revised Curricular Standards for Junior and Senior Middle Schools from 1942, when for some unknown reason the course “Logic” for senior middle schools was abolished in favour of more extensive courses on physics and chemistry (Ministry of Education 1942). Following the curricular re- forms at secondary level of education, from 1928 on, a series of new standardized textbooks on logic started to emerge. In accordance with the new model, these textbooks apportioned a considerable part of their content to mathematical log- ic—usually referred to as shuxue (de) lunlixue 數學(的)論理學. The first such sec- ondary school textbook emerged in 1925. The book Logic (Lunlixue 論理學) was written by Wang Zhenxuan 王振瑄 (1928), a teacher at Peking Women’s Higher Normal College (Beijing nüzi gaodeng shifan xuexiao 北京女子高等師範學校). It was included in the semi-official series New Education System Senior Secondary School Textbooks (Xin xuezhi gaozhong jiaokeshu 新學制高中教科書), published by the Commercial Press. At this stage, the textbook had not yet offered an overview of the content mathematical logic, nor did it mention any results of Russell’s mathematical logic in the section on deduction. Nevertheless, mathematical log- ic had already been included in the historical overview of development of both Western and Eastern logics (Chinese and Indian logic). A substantial step for- ward was made in the standardized secondary school textbooks in the early 1930s. Thus, in 1935, Zhang Xizhi’s (張希之, ?) book Essentials of Logic (Lunlixue gang- yao 論理學綱要) from 1932 was abridged and upgraded into a textbook, Senior Secondary School Logic (Gaozhong lunlixue 高中論理學). In 1935 it was reissued under the title Gaozhong xin biaozhun lunlixue 高中新標準論理學 (New Stand- ard Logic for Senior Secondary Schools). Although Zhang’s earlier book had only briefly mentioned mathematical logic, the new one, published just three years lat- er, already included an entire chapter devoted to the “contributions of new deduc- tive method”. Aside from a historical introduction to the concept of mathematical logic, Zhang’s textbook also introduced the elementary concepts from Russell’s Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy and Principia Mathematica, in particular a few elementary notions from relational and propositional calculi, propositional functions, the Sheffer stroke and so on (Zhang Xizhi 1935, 198–221). Apart from 28 In the 1933, 1936, and 1937 editions the structure and content of the course remained unaltered. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 229 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 230 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... these concepts and principles, Zhang also extensively introduced Shen Youqian’s 沈有乾 interpretation of Ladd-Franklin’s theory of syllogism together with his bagua-based notation. Zhang’s book was published in the New Standard Senior Secondary School Textbooks series with the Wenhua xueshe 文化學社 in Peking. Zhang’s introduction to mathematical logic for secondary schools was not su- perseded by any new generation of Chinese textbooks. As a matter of fact, in the following years the trend to introduce mathematical logic slowly declined. In the new generation of textbooks, starting with Zhu Zhangbao’s 朱章寳 New Edition Senior Secondary School Logic (Xinbian gaozhong lunlixue 新編高中論理學) from 1940, even though mathematical logic was still mentioned in the historical over- view of logic, the section on “new deductive method” (yanyi xin fa 演繹新法) was reduced to a less technical introduction of contemporary symbolic logic. Normal Colleges and Universities The implementation of early education system reforms in early 1930s brought similar curricular modifications to the general course on logic in the framework of national normal colleges. The document Curricular Standards for Normal Col- leges from 193429 provides the following outline of the prescribed content of the course on logic (called “Lunlixue 論理學”): a) Analysis of Thought (with an em- phasis on the ability to identify fallacies and the so-called truth-standards etc.); b) Essentials of the Scientific Method; c) Induction; d) Deduction: i) Deductive Systems; ii) Terms and Classes; iii) Propositions and Propositional Forms; iv) Exposition of Formal Deduction: 1) Aristotelian Logic and 2) New Method of Mathematical Logic (shuxue luoji 數學邏輯): (Calculus of Classes, Calculus of Propositions, Calculus of Propositional Functions (ci zhi hanshu 辭之函數). The course on logic was also cancelled from the basic curriculum for normal colleges, only a few years after it was removed from the secondary school cur- ricula in 1946. In the early 1930s, introductory courses on logic (usually called “Lunlixue 論理學”) became a common component of the general curriculum for the first-year undergraduate students. Initially, these were elective courses, usually conducted by members of the departments of philosophy. As in the case of Qinghua University, the course of logic was offered as a part of a bundle of elective courses in science or humanities. Later, the status of logic at universities rose, as it became an independent mandatory course for all first-year students at national universities. 29 See the Editorial Committee for Elementary and Secondary School Curricular Standards of the Ministry of Education (1934). Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 230 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 231Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 Consequently, logic also became a topic of entrance exams, as well as general exams at the end of each academic year. The growing presence of logic in univer- sity curricula also entailed a growing need for standard elementary and advanced textbooks on the subject. Following the reforms of the late 1920s, there was also an increase in the number of translations of Western textbooks on logic as well as textbooks written by various Chinese authors. Moreover, because mathematical logic became a synonym for contemporary logic, in the 1930s there was also a growing need for Chinese textbooks which would include mathematical or con- temporary symbolic logic. Beside the most important textbooks, such as those written by Wang Dianji and Jin Yuelin, the late 1930s and early 1940s saw the publication of further textbooks written by young Chinese philosophers, which included at least a section devoted to modern logic. The first such noteworthy book was Shen Youqian’s short overview of Modern Logic (Xiandai luoji 現代邏 輯) from 1933, and the other was Mou Zongsan’s Logical Paradigms (Luoji di- anfan 邏輯典範) from 1940.30 Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, translations of foreign works in modern logic kept emerging at a relatively steady pace. Even though already from the 1920s on a relative abundance of new Chinese publica- tions on modern logic was available to Chinese readers and scholars, the evolution of standard material prescribed for elementary courses in logic at Chinese uni- versities seems not to have followed the same developmental trajectory. Instead, lecturers in logic at more marginal universities kept prescribing already outdated Western textbooks, which did not include symbolic or mathematical logic at all. Often these universities tended to retain the earlier pragmatist approach towards teaching logic. Even at Qinghua, in 1933 the textbook on logic, which was pre- scribed for the entrance examination and the general exam at the end of the year, was Wolf ’s Essentials of Logic from 1926.31 On the other hand, the content of basic university courses on logic depended largely on the lecturers. A general view of Chinese universities in early 1930s reveals that sometimes the modern outlook of the course on logic was correlated to the lecturer’s affiliation with the Qinghua School of Philosophy. A solid exam- ple of this would be Peking University, where Zhang Shenfu lectured on mathe- matical logic. Another example was the newly founded Wuhan University, where contemporary logic was taught by Wan Zhuoheng 萬卓恆 a former student of Qinghua College (class of 1923) and the holder of a master’s in philosophy from Harvard. In 1930s and 1940s Wuhan University was known as one of the few Chinese universities where mathematical logic was taught both in the framework of the general course on logic and as a specialized course (advanced logic) at 30 On Mou Zongsan’s early work related to modern logic, see Suter (2017); Vrhovski (2020). 31 See Qinghua daxue (1933). Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 231 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 232 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... the Department of Philosophy.32 Sometimes, however, the most important factor behind the development of more advanced courses on logic was, quite naturally, the lecturer’s familiarity with the subject, mostly through first-hand experience gained at Western universities. The educational background of lecturers also greatly influenced the selection of specialized elective courses, both at undergraduate and graduate levels, within the curricula at departments of philosophy across the country. Thus, for example, Qinghua’s status as the centre for mathematical logic in China was inextricably linked to Jin Yuelin’s pedagogical and scientific work as well as Zhang Shenfu’s intensive propagation of the notion of mathematical logic. In other words: a broad selection of lectures on logic was the first condition of development of the dis- cipline of modern logic at the department, and more than on anything else this depended on the pedagogical effort of the lecturers and their efforts at the broader dissemination or popularization of this new subject of learning. According to documentary evidence and biographical material, by the early 1930s Chinese logicians’ efforts to popularize the notion of mathematical logic in China were extremely fruitful. Various indications speak in favour of this assumption, the most important of which was, of course, the inclusion of mathematical logic into secondary and normal curricula. At the university level, the education system reforms of the early 1930s materialized mainly in the establishment of a man- datory general course in logic for all freshmen at universities. Apart from that mathematical logic became gradually recognized as an integral part of curricula at national philosophy departments. Although the levels of inclusion varied between historical overviews and concrete theoretical introductions, mathematical logic also became a specialized, selective course at some philosophical departments. However, this change did not occur overnight, because in the early 1930s math- ematical logic was actually taught only at an extremely small number of Chinese universities, considerable efforts were needed to achieve its broader presence in Chinese academia. Thus the draft version of the document University Cours- es (Daxue kemu 大學科目) from 1933, which enumerated the basic mandatory courses, still mentioned only the course “Logic” (Lunlixue).33 The original content 32 Wan Zhuoheng is also mentioned in He Lin’s book Modern Chinese Philosophy (1947) as one of only a handful of Chinese experts in the field of mathematical logic. He’s recognizing Fan as a mathematical logician probably rested on his reputation as one of only few professors of logic, who attached great importance to the mathematical logic of Russell’s Principia Mathematica (see He Lin 1947, 31). 33 The booklet Draft of the University Courses (Daxue kemu caoan 大學科目草案), issued by the Chi- nese Ministry of Education in 1933, also prescribed the basic literature for the course, namely the following two books: Josiah Royce’s “The Principles of Logic” (1913) and J. E. Creighton’s Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 232 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 233Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 was extended and upgraded in the revised version of the List of University Courses from 1940, which provided a list of both obligatory and selective courses. In this document (or possibly even earlier) “Mathematical Logic” was listed as the stand- ard selective course for undergraduate programs in philosophy, prescribed to be taught in the fourth year of study (Ministry of Education 1940, 48). Concluding Remarks The above analysis reveals that the advances in Chinese studies of mathematical logic were represented, above all, by the so-called “Qinghua School of (Mathe- matical) Logic”. In its earliest years, as the central Chinese platform for research on Russell’s philosophy and his Principia Mathematica, the Department of Phi- losophy at Qinghua University defined the state of Chinese knowledge of the topic and at the same time assumed the role of the main disseminator of the Russellian notion of mathematical logic. To a certain degree, this early period of mathematical logic at Qinghua was epitomized by Jin Yuelin’s work Logic, while at the same time it also marked an important transition of the research interest of the members of the school towards developments in the framework of the Har- vard School of Logic on one side, and trends in European mathematical logic on the other. Similarly, in the late 1930s the new generation of logicians at Qinghua University also assumed the leading role in raising Chinese research into the dis- cipline to a new level. This final chapter of mathematical logic at Qinghua was defined by the introduction of more recent advances in European mathematical logic into the curriculum at the department. However, in the framework of the school of logic at Qinghua University math- ematical logic was still deeply immersed in the context of philosophical studies, and consequently also generally explicated in a profoundly philosophical manner. Secondly, as a school of thought, the development of the Qinghua School was also strongly inclined towards particular theories and currents in mathematical logic, and therewith also more or less disassociated from specific other such theories. Thus, one example of a theory which was not at the centre of inquiries at Qin- ghua was Hilbert’s formalist project, which also offered its own solution to the foundations of mathematical logic. The task of introducing Hilbertian formalism, Cantorian set theory and other topics from mathematical logic to Chinese schol- ars was later assumed by a group of Chinese mathematicians headed by Tang Zaozhen, a professor at Wuhan University, and Zhu Gongjin, a mathematician An Introductory Logic (1919 edition). Both were also available in Chinese, and the translators were Tang Bohuang 唐擘黃 (Tang Yue 唐鉞, 1891–1987) and Liu Qi 劉奇, respectively. Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 233 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 234 Jan VRHOVSKI: Between Philosophy and Mathematics... who studied under Hilbert. The related developments which took place at Wuhan University and in the framework of the popularization and introduction of math- ematical logic in mathematical journals can be described as a step in the direction of the mathematization of the notion of mathematical logic in China. Moreover, the research conducted by the leading figures in this movement, such as Tang Zaozhen and Xiao Wencan at Wuhan University, was profoundly different from the that conducted at Qinghua School, since the notion of mathematical logic as well as its content were regarded within the context of mathematics, and as a branch of mathematics closely related to the problems of its foundations. Based on its different conceptualization, the notion of mathematical logic produced through this important turn can be described as the current of the “mathematical notion” of mathematical logic. Finally, the degree of the establishment of the notion of mathematical logic in the more general intellectual discourse in late 1920s and 1930s China is further at- tested by the inclusion of its content into the new, standardized secondary school and university curricula. In the context of the standardization and modernization of the logical curricula, the integration of content from mathematical logic as a most highly developed form of deductive logic reached its peak in the first half of the 1930s, when several new standard textbooks for secondary schools already included elementary concepts from Principia Mathematica and related works by Russell and others. Together with the rise of the notion of mathematical logic as the newest form of deductive logic a new terminology started to form, which pos- sessed a strongly modern undertone. Although this distinction originated in the earliest introduction of the notion in the early 1920s, by the 1930s the difference between traditional and modern logic became expressed more uniformly in the terminology used to describe these two developmental stages in Western logic. On the other hand, the use of terminology in the 1930s also revealed an indirect influence of broader philosophical and political trends on logical terminology. An important influence was that of cultural relativism, which created the urge to differentiate the universal idea of logic from “culturally conditioned” evolutionary versions of logic, such as Indian, Chinese or Greek Aristotelian logic. When this first concerted attempt at standardizing logical terminology was completed in 1939, some of these distinctions were still retained, while in the actual literature the terminological gaps remained considerable. For these as well as other reasons, a focused study of the shifts and changes in Chinese logical terminology in the 1920s and 1930s is needed. Unfortunately, the development of mathematical logic in the years following the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war is, due to circumstances of the time, very poorly documented. As a consequence, there is a wide and unsurmountable gap Azijske_studije_2022_2_FINAL.indd 234 5. 05. 2022 15:46:48 235Asian Studies X (XXVI), 2 (2022), pp. 209–241 in our understanding of the later parts of the trends and developments described above. In the end, however, with the profound changes that took place at the establishment of the PRC in 1949 the majority of these developments were brought to an abrupt end. In this way, our treatment of these early developments will serve as a basis for assessing the degree of discontinuity and change rather than the main basis for describing a general continuity in Chinese studies of mathematical logic. Moreover, a deeper insight into the developments of math- ematical logic at Chinese universities during wartime, which probably brought the foremost experts in the field closer together than ever before and thus pro- vided very favourable circumstances for the development of a more unitary or even interdisciplinary developmental trajectory, would also provide the missing narrative link between the period under examination in this article and the pro- foundly disparate developments in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Since we are still unable to provide an adequate insight into the development in mathematical logic that took part under the fog of war which enveloped China between 1937 and 1945, the present study represents the last still historically attainable fraction of its developmental path. 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