ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 6 .JUNE, 1976 VOLUME 48 From the old family album . . . "MARTIN FROM LITIJA", OUR SPECIAL TRIBUTE FOR FATHER'S DAY IN THE IMMIGRANT SERIES ON PAGE 11. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 6 JUNE, 1976 Vol. 48 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Month'y except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno za ne-člane. For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice.40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, lil. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications fcr the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE National Officer: June 21 — MARIE PRISLAND, Founder of S.W.U. and Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wisconsin Branch Presidents: June 3 — Madeline Debevec, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio Branch Secretaries: J'une 1 — Anne Pavelich, Br. 8, Steelton, Pa. June 3 — Christine Zivoder, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio June 8 — Jane Kaplan, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio June 17 — Chriteine Meyer, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. June 22 — Johanna Bole, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich Jinne 27 — Pauline Stolec, Br. 27, N. Braddock, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER ... JUNE 12 — FOURTH DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL, Cleveland, Ohio. JUNE 13 — COMMEMORATIVE MASS & MOTHER OF YEAR PARTY, Br. 41, Clevel., O. JUNE 20 — BURGETTSTOWN BICENTENNIAL, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. NOV. 21 — CONCERT & DANCE, DAWN CHORAL GROUP, Cleveland, O. Oct. 3 — 45th Anniversary Dinner, Br. 50 Cleveland, 0. SWU - ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT SUNDAY, JULY 18th Hostess Branch No. 2, cordially invites you to attend. Mass will be at 11:00 a.m. at the Grotto. Picnic in the afternoon. Visit with members and friends at the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers' Shrins of "Marija Pomagaj", Lemonl, 111. BARAGA SUNDAY, AUG 29lh You are invited to join ths various charler-bus groios to Marquette, Michigan for the annual Baraga Sunday. Aug. 29th. See Baraga Coni-mittee leaders in your locality. Buses are sxpsctrd from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Chicag? and Joliit. The Mass will be solemnizsd at St. Peter's Cathedral followed by Banquet at th-j Ramada Irn. For further information write to the Baraga Association, Miss Agnes Rufus, Sec'y, 239 Baraga Ave., Marquette, Mich. 49855. čonc^ratulationA Wiclwelt Do ionA I vHclweAi ^Journey (Continued from page 5) lowlers! 1 Vickie Kastelic West Allis ALL EVENTS 578 047 514 1739 $10.00 2 Debra Zeman West Allis 607 530 575 1712 8.00 3 Rosemary Krapenc Chicago 527 612 571 1710 6.00 4 Mitzie Mohorko Milwaukee CO »*> 616 558 1708 5.00 5 Chris Tomasik So. Chicago 580 6'?3 501 1704 5.00 6 Paf Zefran West Allis 549 569 581 1699 4.00 7 Befty Lakotich Joliet 560 576 546 1682 4.00 8 Lil Putzell Chicago 545 567 562 1674 4.00 9 Pat Robinson Chicago 562 526 584 1672 4.00 10 Mary Stuck Chicago 541 546 580 1667 4.00 11 Caroline Dawson Oglesby 585 561 519 1665 4.00 12 Ann Shaw Milwaukee 522 567 558 1647 4.00 13 Bevery Ott West Allis 585 544 502 1631 3.00 14 Barbara Jakubowski Chicago 522 543 556 1621 3.00 15 Carol Morinelli West Allis 531 549 540 1620 3.00 16 Dorothy Horvat Joliet 602 516 501 1619 3.00 17 Betty Hamilton Oglesby 548 581 482 1611 3.00 18 Jen Kochevar Joliet 547 567 497 1611 3.00 Grandmother Mary Bolskar Sisters Alice Salino Pat Robinson West Allis Chicago Chicago 229 198 240 23 252 438 trophy trophys Here are the winners of the 40th Annual S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Tourney, which was held in Milwaukee, Wise, on April 10 & 11, 1976. I wish to thank Marion Marolt and Br. No. 17 for all the help I received. Congratulations to the winners. LIL PUTZELL, Secy. CONGRATULATIONS! NATIONAL OFFICERS OF SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION ELECTED AT THE 17th TRI ENNIAL CONVENTION MAY 26, 1076 - PITTSBURGH, PA. Spiritual Advisor ................................ Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM, Founder-Honorary President .......................Marie Prisland, Sheboygan, Wis. President ........................................Mary Bostian, Cleveland, Ohio Vice-President ................................... Nežka Gaber, Chicago, Illinois Secretary ........................................ Olga Ancel., Joliet, Illinois Treasurer ........................................ Mary Marolt, Joliet, Illinois 1st Auditor ...................................... Anne Kompare, South Chicago, Illinois 2nd Auditor ...................................... Barbara Rosandich, Ely, Minn. 3rd Auditor ...................................... Marion Marolt, West Allis, Wis. Editor ........................................... Corinne Leskovar, Chicago, Illinois Director of Youth ................................ Frances Sietz, Cleveland, Ohio Director of Women’s Activities ................... Lillian Putzell, Berwyn, Illinois. Scholarship Chairman ............................. Hermine Dicke, Madison, Wis. State Presidents: Colorado-Kansas Missouri.......................... Frances Simonich, Pueblo, Colorado Wisconsin ........................................ Anna Modiz, Sheboygan, Wis. Pennsylvania-New York-D.C.........................Lucille Smith, Strabane, Pa. California-Washington-Orcgon ..................... Rose Scoff, San Francisco, Cal. Illinois-Indiana ................................. Ann Vucko, Chicago, Illinois Ohio-Michigan .................................... Sophie Magayna, Cleveland, Ohio Minnesota ........................................ Angeline Karish, Biwabik, Minn. Honorary State Presidents: Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo. Mary Tomsic, Strabane, Pa. Sincere thanks to the Convention Chairman, Mary Slaney, Co-Chairman, Anna Trontel, officers, members and committees of Br. 26, Pittsburg, Pa. for their untiring efforts on behalf of the , SWU Delegates and Guests. Minutes of the Convention will be printed in the July-August ZARJA. Decisions of the Convention included adoption of a set of newly-revised By-Laws allowing for the enrollment of a new class of Associate members for men; publication of Dr. Frank J. Kern’s , Dictionary; relocating the Home Office to Joliet, Illinois. There is no raise in assessment. Solicitation of new advertisements in ZARJA will be undertaken by the branches. New By-Laws go into effect July 1, 1976. CONVENTION CITY FOR 1979 is Duluth, Minnesota. * il« i*i ill il« «i« li« iti A ■•» i>i i*i Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION It seems to me proper to say something about the New Rite of Penance. Perhaps you noticed in the church Sunday Bulletin or heard from the pulpit that the hours for celebrating the sacrament of penance would be from 4-5 and from 7-8. What is so different from previous announcements? Before we used to say Confessions will be heard and now we use the phrase "celebrating the sacrament of Penance." The change is small but significant. The term "penance" includes the entire process by which a sinner changes heart, turns from sin and is reconciled with God. The Church has begun to implement the "revised" rite of Penance, the last of the Church's sacraments to be revised since Vatican II. There are three aspects of the revised rite: face to face with the confessor, in the traditional confessional and communal confession. From the Lent of 1977 the new rite becomes the common required practice of the Church. A great activity is underway in parishes, schools, catechetical centers and elsewhere, all aimed at overcoming a growing indifference to the sacrament of Penance over the past decade. The reality of sin, both individual and collective, and the need for reconciliation of sinners with God is being reasserted into culturally transformed society that has largely eliminated the concept of sinfulness of evil from its consciousness. The New Penance Rite provides the option of celebrating the sacrament in the traditional way behind the screen or in tnore conversational setting face to face with the priest. Many parishes have built such "confessional rooms" to provide for such an option. Specifically, the revised Rite of Penance includes four principal elements: PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Members: It's always a good feeling when so many of us work together and so the National Convention will be a part of history when this Zarja is out. It was so good meeting all the delegates who came from near and far to attend the Convention. Thfe great turnout of guests and members on Sunday pointed out that we still care to keep our S.W.U. on top. Convention news has much to offer anyone interested, so be sure to read about all the happenings of our Convention in our Zarja. Many branches will be celebrating their anniversaries this month. We send them our best wishes and hope they celebrate by signing up new members. This would be a beautiful gift to their branch. My wish is for all branches to work together, cooperate with each other and make the organization meetings a friendly place to come. Thank you, members, for your nice compliments and best wishes that were sent to me before the convention. It made me a very happy person. The Dawn Choral Group with their director, Mr. Frank Zupan, the Junior Baton Twirlers and the Marie Prisland Cadets, along with all the other entertainers deserve a big THANK YOU for making us all so happy and proud at the Convention. We surely have much good talent among all our members. In the April issue of Zarja, we were informed that Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. were to be hostesses for the Midwest Bowling Tournament set for April 10th and 11th. We know it must have been a great success. We have quite a few members E The greeting of the penitent and response with a concern for informality and in recognizing the ceremony as one of forgiveness and reconciliation. A Scripture reading follows the new pattern for the celebration of all sacraments. Although optional, it will usually be encouraged beccuie from God's word the reality of sin is recognized, as is the need for coi,version and trust in God's mercy. Confession, contrition and sctli.faction folic.v in traditional fashion and the confessor m y offer counselling, ask and answer questions when necessciry. The penitnt follows the confession with the proyer of sorrow for sin. Nrw prayers are being offered to the penitent in addition to the traditional "act of contribution." The priest then gives the absolution and says a prayer of thanks to God for His goodness in forgiving and healing the penitent. In addition to individual penx'.ce the revised rite provides two communal penance services, one with the individual confession and absolution and the cfh'.r with general confession and sacramental absolution. The lo'er form is largely being reserved for instances of special concern, such as danger of death, war, some disaster or emergency. Cchgratu/atichA Claude! • An auspicious anniversa v, his 40th as a priest, , will be celebrated by our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn in July. Vie expend our heartiest felicitations! His former Parishioners of St. John the Evangelist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will fete ’ him on June 27th. Father Claude has exerted ex- } emplary leadership in these years and for Zveza, ;> has given distinguished spiritual inspiration in. his • monthly ZARJA column. We extend our best wishes ( for health and contentment in his dedicated work! who enjoy the arts and now come along our vice-president, Marie Floryan of Br. 17, reporters, Ritamarie Mertle of Br. 101 and Mary Mum of Br. 17 and Mary Ploszaj of Br. 40 who on occasion share their favorite poems with us. Thank you, ladies. Father Okorn's Eacter Message was full of inspiration helping us to stay good Christians with the right spirit. And, Mrs. Prisland's Capsules on the 200th Anniversary of America was very informative, I do hope that our branches will in some way celebrate our country's wonderful commemorative year. How we are remembering in the Immigrants column — all the recollections of the past. / Ibina Novak is now gone 5 years from our midst and we felt she was still so much with us as we read Irene Odorizzi's April column on Albina from Ribnica, making us all remember how Albina inspired us all. Thank you, Irene, for this wonderful series. Congratulations to the Erjavec family of Joliet, III. You can be sure that the coming generations of their family will keep their heritage strong. This is a real fraternal family and we salute them. Let's hope that our birthday celebrants will be serenaded by this "Happy Birthday to You . . ." wish from all of us. God bless you all with good health. And, now, how can we thank our hostesses who did such marvelous work in making our stay in Pittsburgh, Pa. during the 17th National Golden Anniversary Convention a truly special event? You could feel their warm hospitality from all the Pittsburgh members who worked so diligently to make us all very welcome. Again, our many thanks to you all who helped in any to make our Convention so enjoyable MARY BOSTIAN -™EN1 TO THE PITTSBURGH COMMITTEE, THANKS! The plans end arrangments of the local committee of Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. were thoughtfully made t.nd beautifully carried out! This was the unanimous opinion of tne delegation attending the 17th National S.W.U. Convention just concluded. Those most responsible for the success of this convention are seen above. Sitting, left to right: Anna Trontel, Helen Cesnik, Antoinette Jaketic, Ann Bobel; standing, left to right, Angie Veselic, Helen Gulla, Anna Steckel, Helen Kunich, Mary Slaney. Mrs. Slaney and Mrs. Trontel were Co-Chairmen and besides this lovely group Of officers, many, many members were in attendance at the various functions of the convention. Not on the photo is Frances Lokar, another committee member. The SWU extends heartiest thanks and best wishes to the Pittsburgh ladies! You have a beautiful city and beautiful members! Mrs. Magdalena Widina, organizer of Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. attended the National Convention as a very special guest. Sunday she was seen with tears •n her eyes as she witnessed the beautiful mass at St. Mary Assumption church and later that evening, at the Grand Banquet, she was seated at the main table. In response, she has asked us to extend her best wishes to all the members and friends of Zveza. It was one of the highlights °f her life. ACTIVITIES No 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Happy Birthday to all June celebrants deluding my mother, Mrs. Marie Prisland. Three teams (including one junior team) a*tended the Midwest Bowling Tournament from our branch at Milwaukee; they did some fine bowling and enjoyed the s°cial gathering. A reminder for our card party being held June 16th at St. Cyril and Methodius Hall. Janet Maurin is the chairman assisted by Ann Modiz. Plans are under way for the 50th Anniversary celebration combined with the State Convention; the date: October 3rd. Our deep sympathy to Mrs. Josephine Slapnick and Joseph Dragan families upon •heir bereavement. Mrs. Josephine Slap-n,ck was my aunt. Congratulations to my niece, Sara Prised who received $500 prize in a Creative Writing Contest held at University Illinois where she is a student. Cheery thoughts to all the sick and shut-ins. Next meeting date is June 20th, at vvhich time our delegate, Anne Modiz "'ill give us a report on the National Convention. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Our May meeting was on the 9th at the Slovene Center, and we honored our Mother of the Year, Mary Lauter. After the meeting a social was planned. With love, we wish our all Slovenian mothers in the U.S.A. a very happy year and God bless you all. Perhaps this is now the time to ask the ladies to check their policies if they wish to change the beneficiaries. Sometimes this gets overlooked. The ladies that are 75 years of age please notify the secretary, Mary Swaggard, call 745-7501. We need the month and date of your birth. Thank you. Sympathy to the family of Mrs. Mary Samic and Mrs. Frances Maxim whom we lost in March. They were good members. Also, we send our condolences to the family of Amelia Wein who passed away April 13th. Our member, Mrs. Lucy Ujcic and her family are grieving the loss of her very dear daughter, Louise. God grant her and our other departed eternal peace. We will think of them in our prayers. MITZI SWAGGARD No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. It was a real pleasure to walk into the beautiful Easter setting for our April meeting. Jo and Ann, again you outdid yourselves! Easter favors and table setting was just beautiful. It was very heart warming too, to see a good many of our usual ladies there to help make the meeting a success. The meeting started with prayer, roll call, committee reports and then on to discussion of the Convention. It is a bit disappointing that not enough were interested in taking the trip even though a definite schedule of tours had been made. The May 16th card party was then discussed with numerous promises of prizes and donations being offered. Our usual generous bakers are also promising to help out for lunch with sausage and coffee to be sold for us "hungry ones"! I know I always look forward to it. The Mother of the Year, Evelyn Launch, was to be honored at a luncheon after the May meeting so we hoped all you former mothers would be there as well. JOLIET BOWLERS BID SEASON Prizes were given out and we have five lucky ladies, but the attendance prize was not claimed. Louise Seruga, that could have been yours; so let's hope the next month a winner will be there. The meeting ended with prayer and the usual officers and Mary Starich and Mary Evanich helped serve the coffee and set the table with the ham cooked by Mrs. Plesko, a gallon of wine from Stavia, cheese strudel baked by Mrs. Rupee, flancete by Theresa Gmeiner, a jello mold and bean salad by Mary Starich, potato salad by Mary Evanich, and a junior member, Lisa Laatsh (Jo Wilhelm's granddaughter) brough colored Easter Eggs, at least two for each member present. Of course, Jo and Ann (the twins) donated the table decorations, candy, tiny Easter baskets for each, napkins and plates. Prizes were donated by Stavia and Christine Boja nee. We surely are fortunate to have such hard working, generous members and several are Social Members who really are pitching in to make the meetings a real event each month. Thank you, all! The usual favorite games were played, all of which helps to pay for a lot of our expenses and maintains our Sunshine Club in charge of Mary Evanich. Please report any sickness, hospitalization or nursing home entries to her. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Bab-nick who celebrated their 50th Anniversary. God bless you all! MARY DEZMAN -----------—» ■ -<«i> ■ —--------- No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Our Mother's Day Brunch was a lovely springtime event. The weather was glorious and our honored Mother of the Year, Mrs. Anna Fabian, looked beautiful. Our special day began with mass at the Church of the Nativity and as always the choir sang superbly. Mass ended with the choir singing "češčena Si Marija". On that joyous note we continued our day. The Holiday Inn was the setting for our Brunch. The view of our city is breathtaking from the Veranda Restaurant on the 30th floor. We are forunate to live in such a picturesque city set on steep hills overlooking San Francisco Bay. The presence of our ladies attired in bright spring pastels added their special glow. All officers were present as was our very active and attractive state president Rose Scoff. Sharing this proud moment with their mother were Anna's two doughters, Joann and Diana and two darling granddaughters. Anna "thanked" Mrs. Helen Sustarich who did an exellent job as chairman in organizing the brunch and Anna "thanked" all the ladies of Branch No. 13 for bestowing on her the honor of Mother of the Year. President, Josephine Aiuto gave a No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Our spring banquet was held at Merichka's Lounge in a beautiful recently built banquet room. The new manager, Al Lovati went all-out to be so nice. He also is a great story teller. Thank's, Al, for everything! Meeting was opened with prayer by the Pres. Mary Mihelich. After a short meeting reports were given by the officers for the season. New officers for the year are: Pres., Ann Stofko; Vice-Pres., Betty Lakotich; Sec., Marj Wajchert; Treas., Bee Plankar; Rec. Sec., Mary Rudman; Serg., Ann Sternisha. We want to thank all our sponsors for their support. Also, congratulate: First Place Champs. Northwest Rec. Club and their 4 man team, Lill Anderson, Janet Burgin, Mary Marolt, and Vicki Bernikas, Capt. Second place, Merichka's Lounge, Mary Rudman, Dorothy Horvat, Mary Cleveland, and Jo Mlakar, Capt. Third place. Slov. Home, Ann Kobe, Millie Ellena, Ann Sternisha, and Marge Gasparich, Capt. Fourth, Crow's Nest, Bernie Bluth, Jo Getson, Bee Plankar, Marj Wajchert, Capt. Fifth, Tezak Fun. Home, Millie Briski, Kay Sukle, Ag. Verbischer, Betty Lakotich, Capt. Sixth, Fred C. Dames Fun. Home, Ann speech "thanking" all the ladies for participating and making the day a truly special one. A feeling of happiness and harmony prevailed. Happy Birthday to our dear sister-member Rose Bianca and all members who shared birthdays in May. A springtime wish for all: When songbirds awaken and morning is breaking . . . May love, joy and laughter be yours for the taking. JACQUELINE LOWE Reporter No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our May meeting was opened with prayer at 7:15 p.m. It was so nice to see such a big group of members attending. This was our Woman of the Year meeting and party combined. Reports were made and our Sunshine Committee reported that they visited our members in the hospitals. They were Ann Novinc and Mary Panchur. We wish them a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathies to Frieda Miller whose husband passed away recently. May he rest in peace. Two of our members died recently, they are Mimi Rezonija and Vida Kuhar. Our deepest sympathies to their families and friends. May they rest in peace. Papesh, Ann Stofko, Mary Mihelich, Catherine Putrich, Capt. Trophies were distributed to the winners and also a trophy awarded to Ann Papesh for being the most improved bowler. A prize was given to Mary Rudman for the Spring Sweeper. Perfect Attendance, to L. Anderson, V. Bernickas, M. Cleveland. B. Plankar, M. Briski, K. Sukle, M. Ellena, M. Mihelich, and C. Putrich. We also want to congratulate D. Horvat and M. Cleveland on first place Doubles at the tourn-ment. Very Nice, Girls! We had a nice time at the tournament, and also on the bus traveling to Milwaukee. Games were played and prizes received by almost everyone, which was all arranged by our Marge Gasparich and Jo Mlakar and their little helpers. Thanks from all of us I am sure there was fun for all. Our Pres., M. Mihelich was a little nervous as someone had taken her bowling bag, ball and shoes by mistake. But everything was back in shape in an hour. Then the next day she had to leave for Florida with her family. But now she's back with a nice tan. Am sure that all enjoy the trip the S.W.U. midwest tournament. This is it for now, girls; until next time, may God be willing. Have a nice summer. Your Reporter MARY RUDMAN Our Woman of the Year for 1976 is our President Pauline Krall. She truly deserves this honor because really works hard for our Branch No. 14 and Zveza. Congratulations, Pauline. Our vice-president Mary Stražišar became a great-grandmother recently, when her granddaughter, Sharon O'Brien gave birth to a baby girl. Congratulations, Mary. Congratulations are also in order for our member Mary Fakult, who became a grandmother when her son Frank and his wife adopted a baby boy named Matthew. We had a surprise visit at our meeting from Mary Mandich who now resides in Florida and was here for a visit. All the members were happy to see her. I* was nice to see our Treasurer Mary Iskra back with us looking great after her operation and stay in the hospital recently. A great big thank you to our super kitchen committee who came through with great service of food and desserts for our party. Thank you to all the members who donated the baked goods, salads. Thank you again to Vera Bajec for cooking the fresh ham that was served. (Cont. on page 6) 40th MIDWEST S.W.U. BOWLING TOURNAMENT RESULTS Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April TO & IT, 1976 TEAM EVENT 1 DR. GRILL Chicago 4. ERMENCE FUNERAL HOME West Allis $72.0 Agnes Marrazzo 114 131 133 120 498 $85.00 & trophy Ann Krizan 124 125 142 120 511 Geneva Niedzielko 138 169 153 99 559 Debra Zeman 111 154 127 120 512 Mary Stuck 165 146 182 87 580 Pat Zefran 128 192 180 81 581 Pat Robinson 163 160 178 83 584 Vickie Kastelic 123 145 127 119 514 Alice Salvino 129 167 143 72 511 Marion Marolt 126 118 98 96 438 709 773 789 461 2732 612 734 674 531 2556 2 FRANCES' TAP West Allis $80.00 5 S.W.U. Br. 43 TEAM 1 Milwai ikee $67.C Debra Zeman 135 150 176 114 575 Ester Gorishek 130 157 106 117 510 Frances Potočar 85 112 116 120 433 S. Schachtschneider 122 134 110 112 478 Mary Bolskar 147 134 229 69 579 Elsie Gallun 140 117 129 90 477 Frances Zeman 98 131 128 120 477 Julie Douglas 177 152 132 51 512 Molly Mathea 100 173 125 110 508 Mitzie Mohorko 174 176 159 49 558 565 700 774 533 2572 743 736 636 419 1534 3 GEREND-HABERMANN Sheboygan $76.00 6 S.W.U. Br. 17 West Allis $62.2 Louise Ribisch 134 155 166 63 518 Pat 1 was refused to work in large dispensaries or being assistant to doctors. < , The patients she received were Negros, whites did not come . . ., < With great stamina and patience she built up her practice and , finally was recognized by her work and invention of new medicine. An Infirmary, a Hospital and a Medical College for Women were named after ’ her. She died at the age of 88 in England, the first woman of modem > times to graduate in medicine and the first woman to be placed on '■ , the British Medica! Register (1859). < No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Our April meeting was an enjoyable time for all. The plans for the National Convention were discussed and there were hopes that some of the ladies may go. President, Sonny Spehar, was chosen as our delegate with Jackie Rukavina as alternate. The Croation ladies served the lunch and we had old favorites — Sarma, Kupus in Grah (sauerkraut and bean soup) and Palachinke with cottage cheese. A few of the ladies, not of Slavic descent, particular enjoyed the Kupus in Grah, which is an old stand-by of all Slavs. We hope everyone enjoyed the food. Welcome into our lodge Betty Schrei-fels and Mary Majec. Congratulations go out to Josey and Michael Rzatkowski on the birth of a son in March. Get well wishes and a speedy recovery go to Marie Diskin, Eileen Fedo, Gertie Puchalla, and to all others who are ill. Planning a three week trip to Poland this summer are Helen Mosack and Stella Mattson. Hope you ladies have a real good time. As you know May is the month we honor all mothers and at this meeting we did just that — honored our Mother of the Year, Anna Strukel. Members of her family participated in the celebration. Daughter, Ann Menart, and granddaughter, Rita Menart, presented a Puppet Show depicting some of the highlights in Anna Strukel's life. The Stojevich boys, grandsons of Anna, and sons of Polly Strukel Stojevich, presented several musical selections. The program was delightful. As usual everyone who came enjoyed the Pot Luck Supper. Congratulations to all the June grads. MARY CHEPELNIK No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Mrs. Herman Mesojedec and Mrs. John Bobence were hostesses for the April meeting of Branch No 34, with 20 mem- bers present. A pleasant evening followed the business meeting which was presided over by Mrs. John Pahula. She said that no word had reached her or the Secretary regarding who was representing Branch No. 34 as delegate to the National Convention. We do know that we are combined with other Branches —but we thought we would be informed who was representing us. At the Social Hour winners were Mrs. Nick Tekautz, Mrs. John Pahula and Mrs. Joseph Gornick at "500" and Mrs. Joseph Skala at POKENO. Named to the Hostess Committee for May 19, are Mrs. Joseph Masojedec and Mrs. Carl Mattson. The attendance prize will be donated by Mrs William Vollen-dorf. Mrs. Frank Planton was awarded the April attendance prize donated by Mrs. Nick Tekautz. All Branch No. 34 members wished success in all the deliberations and efforts of delegates and officers at the National Convention in Pittsburgh — they had a difficult — and sometimes hard to solve problems to work out for the success and betterment of our ZVEZA — our prayers are with them. To all MOTHERS - belated Happy Mother's Day — may God grant them a long and happy life with their families — and to our deceased Mothers — Eternal rest grant them, O Lordl BARBARA YAPEL No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. The SWU Branch No. 38 held a meeting on May 5th at the Slovenian National Home in Chisholm, Minn. This is the last meeting until September 1. At this meeting plans were made to honor mothers who are in hospitals or nursing homes. The ill members will re-seive a red carnation on May 9th as a token of our esteem. We pray it may bring them a little happiness. Fran Techar volunteered to take care of all details, for which we thank her. All members were requested to attend the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, May 16, receiving Communion in a body, offering it up to all mothers, living and deceased. In the afternoon, beginning at 1:00 p.m., SWU Branch 38 sponsored a Mothers' Honor Dinner at the Slovenian National Home in Chisholm. President Jennie Samsa planned the meal, the menu being Jennie's famous Slove- nian Fried Chicken, with strawberry shortcake for dessert. A delightful program was to be presented, and Ann Bradach took charge of the entertainment. We also had button box music for singing and dancing. President Jennie Samsa has completed all arrangements for her trip to the Convention in Pittsburg. We wish her a very successful and beneficial sojourn. We know she will bring many new ideas home to our branch. One of our members, Mrs. Mary Ober-star, was hospitalized, but she is home again. Happy to hear that! Best wishes for your health, Mrs. Oberstar! So until Fall, this is your reporter signing off. ANN NUSICH, Rec. Sec'y No. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. Since the beginning of 1976, Branch 39 has gained a few new members. We have three generations who joined the organization, Mrs. Ann Purkat who is young at heart and loves to do what she can for us;, her daughter, Jean Perpich, a lovely person who will be a great help to the Slovenian Women's Union and her granddaughter, Kathleen Maki We also have Jane Purkat, a daughter--in law, who is a willing worker. Branch 39 welcomes them to the Union. In February, we had a bake sale which was a great success. The ladies are well-known for their delicious bakery. The meetings have been well-attended despite the cold winter weather. Everyone enjoys getting together once a month. In March we had each member bring a friend to the meeting but the weather wasn't in our favor, so the turn out wasn't too great. There's a good possibility that two of the guests may become members in the future. We are all working to enroll more new members. The Month of May is the day for honoring a Mother of the Year. Our Mother of the Year Banquet was held May 8th and everyone was looking forward to this event, especially the charter members. Mary Berkness was our honored guest and she well deserves it. The coming months will be busy planning for September and Minnesota Zveza Day here. We hope to have the members coming from all over Minnesota and exchange ideas and have a successful event. In July, we have our annual picnic and everyone looks forward to that event, too. In conclusion, we would like to remind all members to attend all the meetings. Get well wishes to Mrs. Zallar and Mary Vodnick. MARGARET SETNIKAR No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our meeting on April 14th wcs attended by 14 members. It was Holy Week and seemed unbelieveable that Easter was almost here. And, nov/ it has already come and gone. It was a lovely day and of course, after being "Easter Bunny" to five children and one big child, then later to 5 grandchildren, the tables were finally turned and the Easter Bunny left me the biggest basket of all. I guess you never get too old for q surprise from the usual flowers, which I also love. So, a belated Happy Easter to everyone and also thanks. We held a business meeting and sang Happy Birthday to our ladies celebrating, namely, Angeline Kozjan, Johanna Stiglin, Rose Kragley and Mayme Erjavec. So, happy, happy birthday to all and many more. To all of our ill members, hurry and get well. Our sincere sympathy to Rose Kragley on the death of her sister, Johanna Go-renshek. May her soul rest in peace. Do you realize that we will have celebrated Memorial Day by this reading, and I love a parade! And, Mother's Day is already gone! When this issue comes out it will be time for Father's Day. My heart still aches with the thought of my Dad not being with us anymore. It's such a lonely feeling not having a Mother or Dad anymore. So, if you're lucky, bless your good fortune and give Dad a big kiss. I read this little sentence often so I'll pass it on to you. "The lovely things of life are as necessary as the air by which you-livel!" Makes you think, doesn't it? Bless you all. MARY PLOSZAJ No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Please don't forget June 13. Those of you who are coming, please you must have reservations called in. Thanks to members who are paid up on their dues. If you have not paid as yet please mail them to the secretary with your book and money, to Jane Kaplan, Secy., 19309 Preston Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44128. Our new members have talent. Mary Ann James makes home-made candy. colorful arts and crafts with flowers and macrame. Madeline Debevec is a by-line reporter for the American Home news paper of which her husband is also an editor. Her brother is also an editor for another local newspaper. Jane Kaplan extended personal greetings to Br. 47 on their 45th anniversary also Br. 73 on their 40th anniversary. If you are near Miami or Fort Lauderdale please call these American Slovenes who are ready to welcome you: Mamie Willis 758-9032 or Erna Kotula 554-1318. I understand the Slovenes there are just grand at keeping the Slovene tradition of hospitality. If and when you are there call the:e ladies and they will roll out the red carpet during your stay or visit in Florida. Seen at the opera were Jane Kaplan and Jim and Madeleine Debevec. Jim and Madeline had the privilege of meeting Bobby Vinton and had their pictures taken with him which was later published in the American Home. Mr. & Mrs. Oswald just got back from a trip to visiting Rochcs!er, New York where they visited with their daughter and grandchildren. Your secretary hcs a birthday coming up June 8th and 25th wedding anniversary on Aug. 4. There will be Mass at St. Wenceslas on Aug 1, at 1:15 p. m. and a small family gathering at the Slovenian Home on Stanley Ave., right after Mass. Just had a flash! Our President, Madeline has her 13th wedding anniversary on June 8 and her birthday is June 3; a lot of celebrating in one week. To all members who have a birthday in June we wish you a joyful and happy birthday celebration, wherever you are. Donated to treasury: Thank you so much to: Louise Pahiz, Mary Dacar, Julis Kom-pes, Sophie Magayna. JANE KAPLAN Sec. No. 41 . . . . — i * -l her life at Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. She attended St. Vitus elementary school and is now a student at Erieview Catholic High. Her activities at school are Junior Achievements as Treasurer and Student Council Hoime Room Representative. Carol has also been very active for years teaching J'unior members from Br. 25 the arts of baton twirling and cheer leading. Her proud parents are Frank and Theresa Komat of 1086 E. 66th St. Cleveland, Ohio. Carol’s mother, has always been very active in one way of other since she joined the Slovenian Women’s Union. Carol’s hobbies are sewing, needlepoint and sports. f-^citricict (jraben Pat is a student at Bowling Green State University and is affiliated with the Chi Omega Sorority. She is busy with studies, dorm activities and extracurricular events at college. She is an S.W.U. Schoarship Student, earned in 1974 when she also was granted scholarships from the Euclid PTA and Business, Teacher’s Scholarships. Pat does volunteer work for the St. Thomas More Church in cn the Cancer Society program teoture sessions and BGSU presented by Ohi Omega Sorority. She has been a junior member of Br. 32 for many years and taught baton twirling for the Cleveland group for three years. 4th S.W.U. 1Z*Ju flo loSAc Rosalie Ann Nosse, born on February 28, 1960 is the daughter of Anthony and Irene Vidrich Nosse and lives in Hambden Township, five miles each of Chardon, Ohio. She attends Chardon High and SLOVENIAN NA1I0NAL ST. CLAIR AV., CLEVELAND, 0. this year accomplished a Straight A for her sophomore year and made the "Honor Roll". She's currently in the Vo-Ed Program for the Special Education Students and studying "Stables and Management" She wants to train and take care of horses, altho at first the wanted very much to go into Veternairy Medicine! She may yet, the future will tell us soon. Born in Cleveland, Rosalie had an open-heart operation at the age of three and has had no trouble since. She enjoys playing her flute and music, especially Slovenian, very much. She played for 3 yeais in the Middle School Band and one year in the Sr. High Band. She is now taking formal lessons and perhaps will go back to the Band for her last two years of school. She also sang in the Middle School Chorus and then one year in the Senior High Chorus. She enjoys rding and will do that "English" style after she has trained her young horse "Pretty-Boy Leroy". She purchased him with her own earnings while working at her first job at nearby stables. He is half-Apoloosa and half-Double AA Quarter horse. Living at home with her parents, she also has two brothers, Gregory and Matthew and a young sister Marie Elaine with whome she has shared some of her happy adventures. She says she never could live in a big city like Cleveland, her mother Irene did for over 20 years. She now understands why grandparents, Frank and Paula Vidrich chose to live in Geauga County in their later years. csLiAci ^J^cistelic I am sixteen, a member of Branch No. 42 of the Slovenska Ženska Zveza in Maple Heights, Ohio, and a student at Lumen Cordium High in Bedford. In 1972, my parents, four brothers and I toured Yugo;lavia, learning about the Slovenian people and their culture. We visited many friends and relatives of my grandparents, Louis and Antonia Kastelic, who migrated as teenagers to the United States where they met and married. We were much impressed by the beauty of the countryside end the warmth of the people. Slovenian traditions have always been a part of our family life; Planina concerts, blessed Easter baskets, the button-box accordian, and the fantastic Slovenian foods — especially my grandmother's delicious cherry strudel! My hobby is sewing and I enjoy other activies — all kind of sports. It was like home — Slovenia — to them. Rosalie and the rest of her family last year visited the birthplaces of all four grandparents and the favorite was Grandma Vidrich . . . that is the first Mrs. Vidrich . . . Luzerje pri Rckek, Nova Vas blizu Velike Lašee. and also where her grandfather Nosse came from ... Zagradec, Kuzelce, near or in Vasi Laze, fara Krka. The other two grandparents were from well-known Cerknica and Postojne, Razdrto. She sure wants to visit again in the future, and not only once more, but many times. She really loved it there, as well as her sister and brothers and has asked Mother Irene to help her speak and maybe, just maybe try and learn to write and read Slovenian and then contact will not be broken with all the new cousins she met. They are learning English, so why can't she learn Slovenian, the right way? Grandmother Nosse Tanezic (nee Sa- SCENE AT JUNE 12th BALL Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 * For centuries, buckwheat ŽGANCI were almost a daily dish for people living in Slovenia. In fond memory of Helen Corel, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Branch No. 93, her traditional recipe for ŽGANCI follows. Helen was a former, very diligent Slovenian Women's Union worker who recently died at age 93. Žganci (Buckwheat Crumbles) 1 quart water 2 cups buckwheat flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Slowly pour buckwheat flour into briskly boiling salted water. Cook over low fire for 15 minutes without stirring, then with a wooden spoon, make a hole in the center of the flour to allow the water to come over the flour. Simmer for another 15 minutes. Pour off half of the water and stir the flour and the remaining water, until you get an even mixture. Melt butter, pour it over the mixture, cover the pot and let it stand for a few minutes. With a wooden spoon (a wooden spatula works better) pick up portions of the mixture and with a fork scrape crumbles off the spoon and pile them fluffily into a bowl (do not press down). These crumbles (žganci) may be put in clear chicken or beef soups or served topped with pork cracklings or browned buttered bread crumbs. A traditional combination is ŽGANCI in ZEUE (Buckwheat Crumbles and Sauerkraut). jovec) was a member of No. 32 in Euclid and along with Grandmother Vidrich would be sewing her dress for the ball in June. With all of them gone now, its hard to try and still remember the ones or relatives that she never knew. As the Vidriches were very active in S.N.P.J., S.D.Z., Mladinski Zbor No. 3 and Progressive Women, so is her mother Irene active with the libraries in Chardon and Zelje (SAUERKRAUT) Cover the kraut with water and boil for 25 minutes. Pour off the water and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon flour. Stir well and cook a little longer. Serve with pork cracklings or crumbled bacon. It may be seasoned with: 1 or 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 teaspoon caraway or celery seed. ***** Another century old traditional Slovenian recipe in honor of our Bicentennial celebration is CARAWAY SEED SOUP. Mrs. Ann Kompare's version of this soup is excellent. Ann, a national auditor, is from South Chicago and is a member of Branch No. 95. Caraway Seed Soup 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper, as desired 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 1 teaspoon caraway seeds 2 tablespoons ketchup 4 cups of boiling water or left over beef stock or clear chicken broth or vegetable stock (water was used in Slovenia since beef or chicken soup was served only on special occasions such as Easter or Christmas — one couldn't afford meat soup more often) 1 egg, well beaten Brown flour in butter (pork or beef drippings traditionally were used). Add seasonings, parsley and caraway seeds. While stirring cook until seeds start to burst; then slowly stir in boiling water or broth. Add ketchup and bring to the boiling point. Let simmer slowly for 5 minutes then quickly stir in beaten egg, mixing all the while so that the egg cooks into flakes. Boil a minute or two longer. Serve hot. Note:—Ketchup, of course, was not part of the century old recipe which adds much to the flavor. My mother, Mrs. Prisland, recalls how tomatoes just were not available. They were called "nebeške jabolke" or "heaven's apple". As a child she remembers when her grade school class in Slovenia visited the local priest's garden to see his one tomato plant — the only one in the area. Hambden and also with the Democratic Women of Ohio and Geauga County. Maybe she will be as much Slovenian as her mother and grandparents and dad are and very proud of her Slovenian Heritage. Mother is member of No. 68 of Fairport. Starbor, o. Rosalie is looking forward to the Cotillion Ball in June and so are her mother and Dad. Mrs. Marion Fink of Fraser, Michigan, offers these two very flavorful recipes that you will like very much. Chicken Delight 1 cup uncooked rice 1 cup milk 1 can cream mushroom soup 1 can cream of celery soup 1 chicken, cut up 1 package dry onion soup 1 package chicken stuffing Mix together the rice, milk and canned soups in bottom of roaster. Lay pieces of chicken in soup mixture. Sprinkle with dry onion soup Make stuffing on top of stove according to package directions. Place on top of chicken. Cover roaster and bake at 350 degrees for 1 £ hours or until chicken is tender. Rutabaga Croquettes 1 medium rutabaga Vi cup butter 1 egg % cup grated cheddar cheese Vi teaspoon pepper J cup fine dry bread crumbs Peel rutabaga. Slice thinly. Place in boiling water, and cook until tender, about 10 to 20 minutes. Drain. Place in medium bowl with butter, egg, cheese, and pepper. Beat until smooth. Chill until firm enough to handle — about 1 hour. Shape into one inch balls. Roll in bread crumbs to coat. Place on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 425 degrees for 10 to 20 minutes or until slightly browned Makes six vegetable servings or three dozen J inch balls for appetizers. Very good! ***** Marlene Dietrich in a surprising article writes of men and cooking: "Cooking will do more for you than give you Joy. It will occupy your hands constructively, the greatest occupational therapy there is. It's easy to cook simple things. Men like simple things. If you cook you will know a joy you never knew — to watch your man eat." Marlene adds: "You are the queen of your house. Therefore don't grumble. Grumbling is the death of love. Your man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman. Be in a happy mood — it's much easier to make the bed and clean the house and cook and sew. To live up to the images he has of you will make it a wonderful life for you and for him." Hermine Happy Father's Day! (No. 52 CONT’D:) Alice Baratto, Ivana Prelesnik and Pauline Germ. Our door prize was again won by our lucky Secretary, Virginia Krak. This brought our very delightful evening to a close. Don't forget our meeting again will be held the first Wednesday of the month. And now that summer is here and vacations are upon us, drive carefully, for the life you save may be your own. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health, until we meet again. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. "Congratulations and all good wishes to Agnes Barkis, our chosen Mother-of-the-Year! May our Lord keep and guide her always!" This took place at the beginning of the social which brought recognition to Mrs. Clifford Barkis — an active, loyal, member of our S.W.U. for many past years, one who is truly deserving of the honors paid her. Our May meeting was very well-at- tended as members arrived to offer sincere felicitations to the honored guest. Seeing and greeting so many friends, young and old, provided Agnes with tears of joy. She looked lovely in the pleasure she derived in the greetings — such happiness was very becoming to her! We hope this happiness stays with her — for keeps! Our branch president, Rose Maras, presented Mrs. Barkis with a lovely corsage and a gift from the group. Mrs. Anne Satovich, hostess chairman of the evening activities introduced members of the Barkis family. In attendance were two sons (by a previous marriage) with their wives — Mr. and Mrs. Wm Bischoff, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Bischoff, and a daughter, Mrs. Frances Tobey — and three (3) grandchildren, Anita, Glo-rian and Frances, and her husband, Clifford Barkis. Mrs. Barney Bischoff entertained with piano selections, and accompanied a sing-a-long of Slovenian songs. Son Barney gave a short talk "Tribute to Mothers". On the tea table, beautifully appointed with red roses, (a gift from her family) and a white china Madonna enhanced with lighted candles, was a beautifully decorated layer cake with the inscription "Congratulations to Mother" — (this, too, was a gift from the family). Her daughter, Mrs. Tobey, presided at 'he silver service. The business meeting was short considering the event of the evening. Reports were heard from other officers after which members were informed of a summer recess with no further meetings until August. A social in games and visiting followed the meeting. Hostesses for the evening were the other Letters to the Editor... I just cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading the April issue of Zarja, and especially the beautiful tribute to your beloved Mom. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading it — and every picture was familiar, including Ribnica. Did you know that my Mom was also in the group picture of Lira? In the second row next to your Mom were the two Petrovčič sisters, and my Mother was next to them, wearing the huge white hair ribbon on the back of her head. My Mother's brother, or Uncle Joe Hočevar, was also a member. He was in the last row, the third from the end. How well I remember Bara Kramer. She came from Bela Krajina, as did my Dad. Many, many years ago, she visited Cleveland, and with our family. Last summer I had the good fortune to visit Slovenia. We spent an afternoon in Ribnica, were in the church and also recognized the building, where your Mom and her cousin were pictured. When I saw the program for the play, it certainly brought back many beauti- members of Mrs. Barkis's card club, all of whom are members of S.W.U. with Mrs. Anne Satovich, Chairperson. She was assisted by Amelia Doman, Mary Bisso-nette, Barbara Doshen, Dorothy Oberstar, Mary Drobnick, Katherine Marino, Man-da Butorac, and Mary Puhek. Have a nice summer — everybody. A. SELVO, Pub. ---- ------- I lOEIB -------------------“ No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Hi! It was nice to see so many members at our meeting in May. Margaret Yenko is recuperating at home and doing well after her recent operation. Hilda Monteguin, our recording secretary, added a little extra cash towards our treasury by a special project — giving a "Pig in a Poke", a pair of bunnies that you put on the refrigerator and that went to Jennie Ferbežar. Mary Vuksano-vich retired as a clerk at the PX Market in Slovan. She will enjoy her retirement by traveling and of course, relaxing more. Yours truly, Rosemary Orenchuk, was honored on Mother's Day, it also being her birthday, May 7th, with a family dinner at Johnny Lounder's restaurant. We played our favorite games and the special prize was won by Catherine Ferbežar. Cake and coffee was served by the committee. ROSEMARY ORENCHUK -■*» ■—«1» i mm-------------------------- No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEGHTS Our 40th Anniversary Mass was held the day of this writing, and members who attended are as follows: Betty Bayus; Virginia Cherosky; Mary Chesnik; Jenny DeRoia; Helen Dusek; Louise Epley; Jeannette Epley; Ann Fike; Margarita Fran-chini; Helen Kainec; Louise Majersik; Ann ful memories. My first Slovenian costume, being part of many programs, when we sang the beautiful Slovenian songs and acted out the little skits. Your Aunt Jean was also in the group — Josie Perpar, Josie Valencie, Millie Brancel, just to mention a few. Those were happy days. That was the beginning of really learning about and appreciating our Slovenian heritage. And a few years later, there was the Baraga Glee Club. Already in those years we had a deep respect and regard for Bishop Baraga, taught by beloved Father Jager. And to think that perhaps very soon the day will come, when he will be proclaimed a saint! That was such a beautiful mass and program in his honor last September at St. John's Cathedral. And it certainly was a pleasure to see you there. I just had to write to you to let you know how many "Golden Memories" were brought back to me! Thank you! Lovingly, DOROTHY ZUGEL STANONIK Modic; Jean Novotny; Pauline Svette; Mary Schneider; Josephine Turk; Agnes Walters; Kay Yuratovac; Ann Yane; and Ann Yoger. Our ladies were first recognized and welcomed as a group by the "first Reader" of the Mass, Roy Kozlik, and then by Father Anthony before his sermon. All the members were deeply touched by Father Anthony's address to them as a group, but at the same time giving one the impression that he was holding an individual conversation with each member. He stated that groups such as our branch, holding together for so many years, makes up the backbone of good living, good family relationship, and in turn makes one more aware of what they can do to better their fellow men and women, their church and their communtiy. All the members want to thank Father Anthony for his encouraging words, his true sincerity, and the meaningful sermon which followed. His interest did not extend to our branch alone, but to the Slovenian Women's Union as a whole, and we know that the prayers he offered were for each and every member of the Union. May God bless him and everyone! We are happy to report we have three new members in our branch. Mary Castillo is our new senior member, and Mark and Heather Nemeth are new junior members, grandchildren of Virginia Nemeth. Our Sophie Maurer is in the hospital at this writing, and hope that she will have a speedy recovery. Our love and best wishes to you Sophie always. Joseph Travnik, husband of Frances, a long time member, is hospitalized also, and we wish him a speedy convalescence also. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Herman (Elaine Maur- er), have been blessed with the arrival of a baby boy. Congratulations to the parents, and good health to the new baby! Sorry to report that Frank (Rose) Spre-mulli's bioiher passed away, and also Charles (Vera) Kozak's Mother. May they all rest in peacel Our combination Mother's Day recognition and Pot Luck Dinner won't be held until the first Monday in June instead of the month of May as in previous years, as we have quite a few members who are feeling under the weather so to speak and also some of the member s families, so we are hoping by then this affair will be more enjoyable as more members will be able to attend. Our prayers and thoughts go to all the members and their loved ones, and trust that all will be feeling much better real soon. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary —---------—MiLV-a——a ■63*»" ---------- No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Our group met on April 27th in Father Frederick Hall. The meeting was well-attended. Our president, Mary Brletich, opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was accepted. Correspondence and cards of thanks were read. The articles on the Immigrants which are published in the Zarja in March and April issues, were discussed. The women enjoyed the articles very much since some of them were also immigrants. These women were encouraged to respond to the letter from Mrs. Odorizzi asking for their own experiences as immigrants when they came to this country. I hope some of them will get in touch with Zarja about this. Plans were finalized for the Mother's Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 8th at which Mrs. Antoinette Kukich was to be honored as Mother of the Year. The members of her family were to be guests at the breakfast. Preceding this we had a mass offered. Mrs. Molly Boben and Mrs. Josephine Kapla served as cochairpersons for the breakfast. A door prize was given to Mrs. Mary Marolt. A delicious dessert then was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Antoinette Kukich, Mrs. Antoinette Mestnick, Mrs. Mary Sametz and Mrs. Clem Bolf. The rest of the evening was spent in visiting and singing. The meeting came to a close with a prayer by our president. MARY MICHELICH Reporter —H --------------------------------- No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. We held our regular meeting on Tuesday, April 27th. Earlier in the day, we had a rummage sale and also sold sloppy joe sandwiches, cake and bars along with coffee. A report on the sale was given at our meeting and proved to be quite satisfying. We wish to thank everyone for their help. Following the business meeting, we enjoyed a social hour with Canasta and Bridge. Christine Meyer was the winner in Bridge, Hilda Denne and yours truly, Anne Mazar in Canasta. Mary Gram took home the cut prize. A delicious lunch was served by host-tesses, Hazel Smith and Amelia Alampi. We hope to see you all soon. Your Reporter, ANNE MAZAR --------------------K« ------------------ No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Hello, all! Had our Mother's Day Banquet at the Kaskaskia Hotel. Had a real good turn out and our very faithful members plus some very nice guests. Prizes were given out to the lucky ladies present. A short meeting was held by our president, Frances Meglich who was also the chairlady of the committee. No bowling report was made because we had not received the final tally from the tournament, but we were hoping for the best. Hope the Convention is a hugh success and all delegates have a good trip to and from Pittsburgh. Sure wish we could have made it. Good health to all the sick and best wishes for a happy summer. Belated Mother's Day wishes, too. C. A. DAWSON No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Our April Meeting brought out 31 dedicated members. After all reports were given, our chairlady, Mary (Robert) Per-kovich (for the May Party) put forth a special effort, to pay a proper tribute to our "Woman Of The Year" Evelyn Driscoll. She felt that she can rely on all of our members to make this event in May an outstanding success. For our program we had Mr. Chuck Moran from the Illinois Bell Telephone as our guest speaker, who showed slides on "Chances Are", which gave us an insight on how many chances we take in our lifetime, and dramatized various ways on how we should take extra precautions on what's ahead of us in our lifetime, which is nothing but chance. He also fielded questions from our members. Table decorations using a Easter Theme were lovingly prepared by Evelyn Driscoll and assisting her was Helen Price, and the tasty delicacies by: Mary Nicksic, Mary Jurko, Rote Kmeta and Evelyn Driscoll. Hostessess were, Emma Yergo-vich and Mary Barcevac. Cash contributed by: $10 by Mary Jurko and Rose Krnetci, in memory of their beloved sister Anna Nagoda, $3-Rose Krneta, $2-Ann Pearson, and $1-Mary Malcic. With gratitude we acknow- Etlmic Art Series Opens The Slovenian Research Center of America started its Slovenian Heritage Bicentennial Art Series with a wooJcut of a Slovenian village by H. Gregory Prusheck (1387-1940). Prusheck (originally Perusek), who came to America at the age of 17, was referred to in American sources as "the be-'t of the modernistic painters of Chicago in the 1920’s.” He moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1931 and died there in 1940 as director of the Yugoslav Art School and one of America’s most talented ethnic painters. His works have been preserved in American and European museums, art galleries, and private collections. "By July 4, we hope to publish a complete series of art cards, introducing to the American public, together with other Slovenian contributions, also the leading Slovenian American artists and their most significant works,” said Prof. Edward Gobstz, director of the Center. Prushek’s early hardships as a struggling painter living in Chicago are described in Andrej Kobal's book “Svetovni Popotnik Pripoveduje”. The author met Prushek when he was still a yoiog imen and tells of hiis antiistiic taients. His niece, Marie (Perusek) Dolinar, is our good member of Euclid, Ohio. She and her family can be justly proud of their uncle who brought fame and renown to the Slovenian nationality thru his high quality of artistic ability. ledge your donations, and Rose and Mary, your friendly sentiments are also heartily appreciated. Please pray for Michael Dosen, (wife is Manda Dosen), who has recently undergone open heart surgery, I'm so grateful to hear that he is making a good recovery and is feeling stronger every day. Also pray for our beloved member Virginia Kwiatkowski who certainly has had her share of operations, and for Mary Kovacevich of Allegan, Mich, who has been ailing; in your invocations include all of our members who are ailing. Birthday Greetings to the following who are celebrating in June: Alyce Kro-pel, Ann Starcevich, Mary Malicic, Manda Sarich (TEXAS), Mary Rezek, Victoria Tomich, Helen Alb, Irene Evans, Rose Mary Latoza, Mary Kostecka, Helen Hoff, Katherine Jackovich, and Eva Mesin. My thoughts turn to all of the Daddies out there! We wish you health, blessings and joy! H^ppy Fathers Day! MILDRED JAMES MARIE PRISLAND GOD'S COUNTRY (BOŽJA DEŽELA) teko prijateljica Mary Matjazich v Los Angelesu imenuje Južno Kalifornijo. Zares je to čudovita pokrajina. Meseca jui’iija vidite na visokih gonaih večen sneg, ki dolino varuje pred vročino, meseca januarja pa že laihko neberete šopek cvetlic na svojem vrtu. Dolino ogreva toplo sonce vso leto. Kaj takega rr-cnda ne najdete nikjer drugje na svetu. Ko je v Wisconsnu mescca marca razsajal ledeni vihar in je mnogo krajev bilo hudo prizadetih-ibrez eiektrike in gorkote-kct je cpisa a moja hčerka v svoji gospodinjski koloni, sem jaz bila v gorki Kaliforniji. Obiskala sem dve vnukinji, ki živita v mestu S ata Rosa ter se oglasila pni prijateljicah Mary Matjazich in Mary Ercek v Los Angelesu. Ga. Matjazich me je peljala v Fontano, kjer sem v tamo-šnjem slovecc kem počitniškem ©oimu želela prebiti nekaj mirnih dni. Ta Dom je bil cdprt leta 1960. Na 4 in pol akrih zemlje so ga na najlepšem kraju mesta Fontana postavili naši požrtvovalni rojaki. Za zemljo so kar na “zamisel” posodili 15 tisoč do’arjev, cstc.'o so prispevali dobrosrčni rojaki, ki se Doma še vedno spominjajo z večjo ali manjšo vsoto. Danes je zemlja z vsemi poslopji vred popolnoma plačana. Poleg tega zbirajo doneske za zidavo bolniškega doma (Nursing Home), ki bi ga radi dostavili. Stanovanje v Domu je jako poceni, čista, lepo urejena soba z umiva Im: ko m in straniščem, domača trikrat na dan hrana in perilo vam operejo in zlikajo in vse to za majhno vsoto 250 dolarjev na mesec. “Zakaj ne računate več?” sem vprašala, misleč na tukajšne visoke cene. Rekli so, da je Dom bil inikorporiran kot ndobičkarska organizacija, zato smejo računati le toliko, da stroške pokrijejo. Dom je pod natančno zdravniško oskrbo Fontana okraja. Tamošni rojaki so silno požrtvovalni. Ob vsaki prireditvi Za Dom se izkažejo z delom in daritvi. Tako Frank in Minka Aleših brezplačno za Dom delujeta vse od početka, torej 16 let. Točasna, tudi brezplačna oskrbnika Doma sta Frank in Mary Kebe. On je nečak Rev. Kebeta pokojnega slovenskega župnika v Pittsburghu in bivšega duhovnega svetovalca naše Zveze. Frank je bil glavni poštar v Moon Run, Pa. Ko se je vpokojil je dospel v Kalifornijo, kjer njemu in ženki zelo ugaja. Tukaj imata krasen dom. Slovenski počitniški Dom je zgrajen, da lahko sprejme 46 stanovalcev. Točasno se v Domu nahajata dve članici Zvezine podružnice št. 84, New Yoik: Angela Voje in Pau lina šubel. Prvi odbor Dcma, ki je bil tudi začetnik korporacije ie bil: Frank in Minka Alesh, Peter Benedict, Mary Ercek, Ludvik Sanabor, Mary Matjazich, Martin Judnich, Elizabeth Fortuna, in Mike Ludvik. Slovenski starostni Dom v Fontani vsakomur priporočam. Nasilov: Slovene Rest Home 8320 Cypress-Fontana, Ca!; 92335. Naša Zveza ima v Fontani podružnico št. 100, katero sem pokojni Mary Meglich nekoliko pomagala ustanoviti leta 1956, ko sem bila tam na obisku. Podružnica je imela svojo redno mesečino sejo, na katero so me povabile, da sem imela priliko spoznati se s prijaznimi in delovnimi Zbornicami in članicami, kar mi je bilo zelo drago. Predsednica je vodila sejo kot kak Kongresni parlamentarian. V spomin na Zvezi no 50 letnico mi je bil poklonjen krasen šopek, sestavljen iz rož, ki ne rastejo na nobenem vrtu. Stotera zahvala! Kar me najbolj veseli je, da so obljubile pridobiti nekaj novih članic, kar se je že zgodilo. Lepa tudi za to! Naj omenim bližno vas Etiwando, kjer stoji lepa mednarodna cerkev z drugimi pcslop;-; zgrajenimi po Rev. Francis Horwathu. Od svojega škofa je Father Horwath, prišedšii v Ameriko leta 1946, prejel ukez naj kipi zemjlšče in najn postavi cerkvico za zelo razkropljena družine živeče med številnimi sadovnjaki dotične okolice, škof je posodil 10 tisoč dolarjev za nakup zemlje. Father Horwath je kupil zemljo in postavil leseno cerkvico z dvema sobama v ozadju, eno za svoje stanovanje, drugo za gospodinjo. Kmalu se je priglasilo 62 družin, ki bi rade spadale v novo faro. Fara je rastla, točasno šteje 230 družin. Poleg nove, lepo zidane cerkve imajo novo šolo s pomembnim imenom ŠOLA ANTON MARTIN SLOMŠEK, župnišče ter udobno urejeno novo sestrsko hišo. Od prvotnih 22 aktov zemlje so za nadcesto prodali 10 akrov za ceno 80 tisoč dolarjev. Vsa n j ih poslopja so popolnoma plačana. V šoli, ki jo po-seča 265 otrok poučujeta dve sestri iz SheboygEina: Sestra M. Marystella Slapniok in sestra M. Annette Schincet Imele smo prijetno svidenje. Father Horwath je povedal, kako cerkev turistom ugaja. Stoji ob veliki, važni cesti proti Los Angelesu; promet je nepretrgan. Mnogi turisti se ustavijo v cerkvi. So tudi dobrosrčni. čeki po 100 dolarjev in celo več, se najdejo v nabiralniku. Rev. Horwath je zdaj upokojen, njegovo mesto zavzema Rev. Joseph Snoj, ki je prišel v Ameriko leta 1946. Je priljubljen župnik kot je bil Fattier Horwath pred njim. Parkrat na leto imajo v cerkvi lepe slovenske slavnosti, ki se jih udeležijo Slovenci iz Fontane in iz drugih krajev Južne Kalifornije. V Kaliforniji (Pasadena) sem našla novo prijateljico. Je to ga. Mary Levenick, žena vpokojenega armadnega stotnika in hčerka Zvezine majpridnejše dopisovalke v ZARJI. Frances Krainz od podružnice št. 30, Aurora, III. se je vsak mesec skozi več let točno oglasila dokler ji ni smrt vzela pero iz rok. Blag ji spomin!-Ga. Levenick je takoj postala Zvezina članica ter vpisala 3 nove od svoje družine. Ker je časa zmanjkalo za oseben obisk, se je prijateljica Rose Scoff, državna predsednica za Daljni Zapad, potrudila in prišla na San Francisco letališče, da sva izmenjali pozdrave in nekaj besedi. Prav lepa hvala, Rose! Vsem, ki so mi bili na uslugo za časa mojega obiska, iskrena zahvala! Utrinki —Dobro razpoloženje je kakor lepo vreme, ki pod njim vse detoro uspeva. —Ni ga dela, ki mu ne bi mogli podati svoje ljubezni, če ga prav razumemo. —Ljubezen je izmed vseh človeških občutkov najmo-čenjša. Udari v istem trenutku v glavo, srce in telo. —Marsikdo, ki bije s klad vem ob steno misli, da vsakikrat zadene žebelj na glavo. —Zdravje je bogastvo tako za bolnika kot za zdravnika. —V mladosti se učimo, v starosti razumemo. —Da se resnica pokoplje je treba mnogo lopat. Nečakinja telefonira tetii: “Teta Mary, prosim pojdi v mojo sobo, odpri omaro in iz spodnjega predala vzemi nogavice in milo ter mi pošlji . . . “Da ne razumeš, praviš? — No, pojdi v moj rum, odpri ladelc v dreserju, vzemi ven štumfe in žajfo ter mi pošlji.” p. Klavdij Okorn, ofm: ZVESTA SLUŽBA BOŽJA Neki delavec je bil ustužben pri neki firmi več kot dvajset let. To je bil edini kraj kjer je bi'l do takrat zap-osten. Začel je svojo službo pri tej firm še ko je hodil v gimnazijo. Delal je tam tudi začasa svojega študija na univerzi. Za časa vojske je bil vpoklican. Ko je prišel iz vojske domov je debil staro službo nazaj pri isti firmi. Za njega je bilo to ze'o prijetno. Taim je vsakega poznal in vsi so poznali njega in so imeli ga radi. Ko je začel službo, je opravljal najnižja dela in imel trto priložnost spoznavcti ustroj firme in si pridobival več znanja in skušnje. Postal je ravnatelj velikega oddleka pri firmi. Za časa svojega upravjrnja je prišel do svojih pogledov kako upravljati firmo. Začel je te svoje poglede uvajati v svoj oddelek. Ti njegovi pogledi niso vedno bili v skladu z nalogami in načrti finme. Nekega dne so ga klicali v pisarno in mu svetovali naj se uskladi z miselnostjo in načrti firme v svojem oddelku. Firma je bila prepričana, da so njene namere in ncorti pravilni in je potrebno, da jih izpolnijo vsi oddelki firme. Mož je bil jezen in užaljen. Miislil je, da so njegovi načrti za firmo boljši. Odšel je v svojo pisarno, spokal svoje stvari in odpovedal sivo; e delo za firmo. V trenutkih jeze je pretrgal svoje vezi s firmo, ki jo je cenil, če bi ostal, bi imel lepo pokojnino, dovolj denarja in bi v miru uživail svoj pokoj, ko bi čas zato prišel. Vsa leta je vedel, kaj firma od njega pričakuje, toda cn je začel ubirati svoja pota. Namesto, da bi prizna'! svojo napako, je rajši odpovedal delo. Ta zgodba me je spomnila neke žene s katero sem pred leti razpravljal o veri. Bila je dobro odgojena, hodi'ia je v katoliške šole in živela redno versko življenje. Toda po nekaj letiih je prišla v navzkrižje z nekaterimi zakoni svete vere. Začela je napadati vero, da je starokopitna in da ne gre s časom naprej. Odločila se je, da hodi svoja pota. Posebno se je razjezila, ko ji je neki duhovnik 'rekei, naj zapusti svoja grešna pota, ker, hoditi k zakramentom brez namena poboljšati se nima nobenega po- mena. Namesto, da bi spremenila svoje življenje, se je izbrisala iz cerkve. Žena se je pcctavila na stališče, da bolje ve kaj je prav in kaj ni prav, kakor pa duhovnik, ki ji je svetoval dobro. Zavrgla je milost božjo in si mislila, da bolje ve kakor cerkev. Prav kakor mož, ki je zapustili službo. Pretrgal je vezi, ki bi mu pomagale preskrbo za telesno življenje. Ona pa je pretrgala vezi, ki so ji pomagale vzdrževati duhovno življenje. Mož, ki se je odpovedal svojemu delu lahko vedno dobi novo de'lo, toda žena ne bo mogla najti drugo cerkev, ki jo je ustanovii Jezus. Vse, kar nam ostane je, da molimo za take ljudi, da prej ali slej spoznajo svojo zmoto in da sa nekega dne zopet vrnejo nazaj v očetovo hišo in v naročje svete Cerkve, ki je naša mati in varuhinja. ČESTITKE OB 40 LETNICI, FR KLAVDIJ! Naš duhovni svetovalec, g. p. Klavdij Okorn, OFM slavi visoko 40 letnico mašniškega, posvečenja. Vse članice Zveze pošiljamo našemu priljubljenemu slavljencu iskrene čestitke k temu lepemu jubileju z najlepšimi željami za zdravje, srečo in še mnogo uspehov v njegovem delu v vinogradu Gospodovem. Naj ga Bog blagoslavlja še mnega leta! ZVEZIN DAN V LEMONTU DNE 18. JULIJA ŠT. CHICAGO, ILL. Pri naši ipodružnici smo imeli žalostni dan za našo zaslužno članico Justino Kosmač Oieblinski. Bog jo je poklicali .iz the soizine doline dne 7. maja in pogreb je bil 11. maja. Izkazalo se je kako je bila priljubljena pri ljudeh na njeni zadnji poti, kakor tudi v cerkvi. Dne 13. maja smo imeli sv. mašo in litanije zvečer za pokojno Justino in potem v cerkveni dvorani kavo in pecivo, toda ni bilo pravega razpoloženja, pogrešale smo našo drago Justino. Corinne je pripravila zanimivi program v spomin Justi, kakor tudi vsem pokojnim materam. Justina je pela Ave Maria na plošči posneti pred nekaj leti. Bilo je ires ganljivo in v srce segajoče. Naše globoko sožalje Tini Terselich nad izguibo njene drage mame.. Bog jim bodi milostljiv. Imamo tudi več bolnih članic: Klara Kosmaoh v Floridi, Frances Žumer v Floridi, Mary Hozjan, Ursula Skofl-janac in Angie Oblak. Spomnite se jih s kakšno kartico. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja. Naša dobra članica Mrs. Lillian DuMer se je vrnila iz bolnice ter ji vsi želimo ljubega zdravja. Prav lepa hvaila vsem za okusno pecivo dne 13. maja in za pomoč v kuhii n j i in dvorani. Imena se bodo prebrala na seji, torej ne pozabite 10. junija, ki bo važna seija s poročili od 'konvencije in pripravah za Zvezin dan in romanje v Lemont na ameriške Brezje, ki bo v nedeljo dne 18. julija. Katere imate rojstne dneve v juliju in avgustu, pridite gotovo na junijsko sejo, ker naslednja dva meseca ne bo seje. Ta mesec praznujejo svoj dan očetje. Naše čestitke in posebno vsem želimo mnogo ljubega zdravja. Vsem članicam lepe pozdrave in na svidenje na seji. F. ZIBERT ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLO Čas počitnic je tukaj in večina si želimo oditi na razne izlete po naši krasni deželi Ameriki, ali pa v rojstno domovino. Kamorkoli vas bo pot zanesla, upam, da se boste lepo razvedrili in se srečno vrnili med svoje drage. Dne 21. junija praznuje naša spoštovana častna preds. in ustanoviteljica Zveze, Marie Prisland svoj rojstni dan. Njena ko'ona, "Oh ta svet” je vedno polna podatkov našega življenja in Zveze. Hvala vam gospa Prisland za Vaš prispevek poučnih in veselih vrstic v našem glasilu Zarji. Vse Vam kličemo. Happy birthday, Mrs. Prisland! Kakor črtamo, naša SŽZ velikodušno daje šolnino potrebnim študentom naše organizacije. Vadim vas, da ne pozabite darovati v naš Šol n inski sklad, saj je naša Zveza vedno vzgled sesterske ljubezni, ki je neobhodno potrebna za uspešni napredek. Te lepe čednosti moramo gojiti tudi v bodoče, šolnina je povišana na $300. V letu 1975 je prejel ta doprinos Donald Grahek, sin Mrs. Frank Grahek. Donald študira na univerzi Colorado. Doslej so že 4 študentje prejeli šolnino od naše podr. Njihove matere so naše članice. Res je, da ima današnja mladina vsega v izobilju, ne vedo za težave za košček kruha in skrbi, vendar jim radi pomagamo do uspeha v življenju. Naša domovina Amerika proslavlja 200 letnico rojstva. Tudi Slovenci smo doprinesli ogromni deflež k napredku te velike dežele, na kar smo lahko ponosni. Upam, da konvenčna kampanja sijajno uspeva in zapomnimo si, da ne samo v času kampanje, ampak vedno doborodošle nove članice v naši organizaciji, posebno še sedaj za 50 letnico ustanovitve. Kako krasno ime S.Ž.Z. Ponosno sem vpisala 8 novo-pristoplih, ki so bile veselo sprejete v našo podr. V B.C. je pristopila moja sorodnica Mary Russ, v Jr. C. so Kathy Lennon, Shawna Lennon, Diana Lennon, 3 sestrice in vnukinje grandma. Anna Gradišer, Guštin K ra H, Wil- liam K ra II, Mary Krall, Angela Krall. vsi so nečaki naše aktivne članice, Angele Meglen. Najlepša hvala za povišano članstvo naše podr. Hvaležna sem, da so se me spomnile s pozdravi moje drage gl. odbornice iz glavne letne seje. Naj tudi omenim prispevke za naš Šo'minski sklad. V blag spomin smrti $10 Ana Paohek od družine, Gertrude Jordan $10 poklanja ob smrti ljubega moža Franka. Podr. št. 3 v počastitev 50 letnice naše Zveze, $10. John in Anna Pachak tudi v počastitev spomina 50 letnice obstoja naše SŽZ $20. Bog živi našo Zvezo še mnogo let in da bo cvetela za našo mladino, ker s tem se vsi postavimo kot zavedni Slovenci. V aprilu je podlegla smrti poznana Elizabeth Terlep. Njefla krsta je bila odeta s cvetlicami in šopkom sv. maš. Zapušča mnogo sorodnikov in tudi v Jolietu je bila poznana. Naj b'aga pokojnica počiva v miru. Otrokom in sorodnikom naše iskreno sožalje! Odzvala sem se tudi povabilu no-voporočencev in udeležila se poročnih sv. maš ter slavnostnih večerov v raznih dvoranah, na čast novim parom: Rudy Krašovec, in Patricia Zupančič, ter Kiinby Klements in Mary Anne Pe-chek. Vse je bilo prvorazredno in posebno godba je igrala naše slovenske poskočne. Zaročila sta se Thom Hopson in Marie Skul. Vsem želimo naj jim Bog podeli obilo blagoslova in sreče na skuipni poti v zakonu. Naša seja v maju, je bila razkošna party v počast zaslužne matere podr., Frances Skul in vseh mater podr. Sprejmite moj poletni pozdrav vse čla., ki smo ponos slovenskemu narodu v Ameriki. ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Naša člaica, Mary O’Block je pre minula dne 29. febr., letos. Desegla je lepo starost 85 let in je bila med ustanoviteljicami naše podr. Bolana je bila zadnjih 14 let in pred 9 leti so ji odrezali nogo. Bila je res dobra članica. Rojena je bila v Logatcu v Sloveniji. Za njo žalujejo 2 brata in sestra, ki živijo v Logatcu. Živela je s 4 hčerkami in sinom v Vandiingu. Otroci so zelo lepo skrbeli za drago mamo. Naša podr. je poklala sožalje. Naj ji dobri Bog nakloni nebeški mir. Žal moram sporočiti, da je to naša četrta članica, ki je umrla v tem letu. Druge so: Mrs: Pauline, Mrs. Verhash-ek, Mrs. Dutchman in Mrs O'Block. Naj počivajo v miru! Mary Marolt se je pravkar vrnila iz bolnišnice po dve-tedenskem bivanju v bolnici zaradi visokega krvnega pritiska in sladkorne. Imela je 14 ope- racij, med njimi tudi težje. Tudi ona je so-ustanoviteljica in živi pri hčerki Sylvia, ki zelo lepo skrbi za njo.. Naj Bog blagoslovi vse bolnice in jim nakloni ljubo zdravje. Najlepši pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze! JOSEPHINE GOSTISHA, taj. ------------ ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Naša majniška seja je bila dobro obiskena, saj smo imele kar trojno godovanje. Najprej smo počastile našo zaslužno mater, Pav’o Krai. Podpredsednica, Mary Stražišar ji je pripeia šopek rož z željami za zdravje in srečo ter našimi iskrenimi čestitkami. V tem času je bolena Anna Novinc. Vrnila se je iz bolnišnice iin se sedaj zdravi na domu. Resno je tudi zbolela Mary Pančur, ki je v Euolid splošni bolnici. Imela je težko operacijo. Vesela bo, če jo katera obišče in želimo ji, da bi se hitro pozdravila. V zadnjem mesecu je umrla Mimi Rizonja. Naj v miru božjem počiva. Domačim naše sožalje! Wally in Stana Gril sta postala stari oče in stara mati. Mary Stražišar pa prastara mati. Naše čestitke na obe strani! Pevski zbor Dawn choral group bo imel card party dne 14. junija. Vse vabljene! Obiskala nas je naša članica Mrs. Mandič, ki je prišla iz Floride in se je udeležila naše majske seje. Hvala ji za njen obisk. Imeli smo tri-mesečno godovanje in naslednje sestre so prinesle mnogo dobrot: žužek, Humphrey, Sustar, Stražišar, Koren-čič, K ral, Mramor, Erz«n, Rodgers, Krnel, Povirk, Ucman, Zimperman, Ko-že'l, Manic, Simončič, žužek, Vidovec, Fakuilt, Zabukovec, Zigman, Mali Le-gad, J. Zigman. Seja je bila zaključena ob 8:30 z molitvijo za umrlo čla. Vido Kuhar. Ob koncu lepe pozdrave vsem in najlepša hvala za vsa darila in door pnajze. A. SUSTAR -»• •—4*t>—• ■*»■■■--------------------- ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. iNaša zadnja seja v aprilu je bila kratka, da je bilo omogočeno našim članicam se udeležiti card party v korist cerkve pod vodstvom naših Senior faranov. Kakor poročano, je bila dvorana natlačeno polna in mnogi so dobili dobitke. V pretek'em mesecu je umrl Luke Benedik, star 62 iet in živel je v Chananaha. Bil je sin pok. dobre članice Jennie Benedik in Luke B. Zapušča pet sestra, ki so naše članice: Mrs. Ugo Vatli, Mrs. Genevieve Golo-bitcti, Mrs. Louise (Harry) Peppard, Alice, (Mrs. John) Jakovick in M'iss Lorraine Benedick; dalje enega brata William v Albuquerque, New Mexico, teto Frances Benedick ter več drugega sorodstva ter Alice Koren. Uslužben je bil pri kompaniji za air conditioner in refrigeration. Med vojno je služil pod generalom Fatten v Afriki in Evropi. šel je v pokoj pred 37 leti ter bil član Plumbers in Pipefitters Union. Spominjam se ga, ko je večkrat prišel k nam, da popravi naš Frigidaire in smo se vedno pogovarjali o njegovi službi pod gen. Patton; kako je bil general strog in ko jih je pustil na polju, jim je dal komando “Go and take that hill”! Ped teko strogim generalom, ni čudo, da so Amerikanci zmagali. Pok. je bil pokopan iz cerkve Sv. Jožefa. Naj v miru počiva. Ostalim naše sožalje! Umrl je tudi Peter Picco iz Cora St. Podlegel je dolgi bolezni., Uslužben je bil pri Uniroyal do svoje upokojitve 1. 1970. Zapušča soprogo Anne Mihelič (našo čla.), enega sina, hčerko, štiri brate in tri sestre. Bil je član Ameriške Legije, post 1080 in Raven Kluba. Pokopan je bil iz cerkve Matere Božje (Nativity). Naj mu sveti večna luč. Sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. Naše čestitke čla. Eva in soprogu Tony Fabian ob njihovi srebrni poroki. Dom imajo na N. Broadway. Tajnica Olga Anceil poroča o številu novih članic, katere smo dobile v tej kampanji ter povdarja, da bi bilo lepo, da izpolnimo 500 do konvencije. V maju smo počastile našo popularno mater, Anne Papesh, ki res zasluži to čast. Ob tem času so bolane Mary Galie, Mary Valentich in Mary Soinkovec. Iskrene čestitke k zlati poroki pošiljamo Justini in Antonu Kauzlaric iz Raub St. Poročil ju je sedaj že pok. župnik John Plevnik. Na zadnji seji smo zaprisegle vse nove članice, in praznovale Materinski dan. Serviran je bil okusni prigrizek. Vsem naše iskrene želje za zdravje in želje, da se kmalu vidimo, lepo pozdravlja. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Na aprilski seji, smo imele lepo ude’ežbo. Hvaia, da ste prišle. Na seji smo sklenile, da v maju mesto seje praznujemo Materinski dan v počastitev materam in posebno “častni materi” podružnice, Mary Golobec, ki je naša dobra in delavna članica. Ko boste brale te vrstice bo naša proslava in običajna večerja na Providence Hgts. že za nami. Dne 14. aprila sta proslavila 25 letnico poroke Ann Cooke in njen soprog Edward. Naše čestitke in najboljše želje za ljubo zdravje. NOVA ČLANSKA KAMPANJA SE PRIČNE V * S i I 'i 17 konvencija je sklenila, da se prične nova članska kampanja s M prvim junijem! Novo sprejeta pravila določajo, da morejo moški postati $ pomožni člani z istimi zavarovalninskimi ugodnostmi, kakor odrasle * ženske članice. § To je namenjeno kot vabilo vsem našim možem in drugim dru- . A žinskim članom, da vstopijo v naše vrste. $ $ Podrobnosti bodo objavljene v Zarji. Potrudimo se, da podvojimo |jj ^ članstvo Slovenske ženske zveze. V Y Maša prisrčna zahvala pridnim odbornicam in članicam, ki so pri- $ £ dobile precej nad 500 novih članic v konvenčni kampanji. Imamo tudi nekaj bolanih članic: $ Justina Kanalec, Tina Modic, Alice § Graben, Dorothy Ulepic in Frank Radwanick. Vsem želimo ljubo zdravje. w Naše iskreno sožalje članicam, Agnes Cooke in Theresa Popovič, ki sta izgubile dobrega očeta, poznanega, Anten Potokar. smo poslale kartice sožalje. Pokojni naj v miru počiva. Naše sožalje čla. Frances Klun ob priliki žalostnega dogodka, ko se je njen vnuk, samo 19 leteli smrtno ponesrečil dne 19. aprila. Nesreča se je zgodila z motornim ko'eson (motorcycle). Kakšen udarec za žalujočo družino in vse ostale, človek ne ve, ne ure, ne dneva kje te čaka smrt. Bog se ga usmili. Naj mladi fant v miru počiva! Prosim, če veste za kake novice, mi sporočite. Po seji v aipnllu smo se zabavate s čajem in pecivom, kar so prinesle članice in smo zapele “happy birthday” za vse slavljenke rojstnih dne-vov. V juniju ne pozabite plačati ases-menta, ker v juliju in avgustu imamo počitnice in v teh dveh mesecih ne bo sej. Če še niste plačale, bo tajnica hvaležna, da ne čakata konec leta. Čim prej, boljše je! Kakor je ta teden mrzlo, zgleda, da ne bo lemaiu počitnic. Naj vas vse Bog varuje, kamorkoli se boste podale na potovenje. Beg živi vas in vse vaše družine! ANNA TEKAVEC, zapis. ----------------------------------------- ŠT. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Prosim vse članice, da ne pozabite naročiti svoje rezervacije za kosilo dne 13. junija. Zahvala velja članicam, ki imajo že plačan svoj asesment. če še nimate plačano, prosim, da pošljete svoje plačilne knjižice vaši tajnici, Jane Kaplan, 19309 Preston Rd., Cleveland, O. Naše nove članice so prav talentirane. Mary Ann James dela domače sladkorčke in razne pisane umetniške izdelke s cvetlicami. Madeline Debevec, je poročevalka za Ameriško Domovino pri kateri je njen mož so-wedmik. Njen brat je tudi urednik nekega drugega lokalnega časopisa Podpisana Jane Kaplan pošilja osebne pozdrava podr.. št. 73 za 40 letnico. Če ste v bližini Miami ali Fort Lauderdale, prosim, da pokličete ameriške Slovenke, ki so pripravljene vam pomagati: Mamie Willis (tel. 758-9032) ali Ema Kotula (564-1318). Tamkajšnji Slovenci se držijo tradieijonalne slovenske gostoljubnosti in se bodo vedno potrudili, da napravijo vaš floridski obisk kar najlepši. Tam smo se udeležili opere in Jim ter Madeline Debevec sta imela priliko biti slikana s poznanim pevcem Bobby Vinton. Slika je bila objavljena v Ameriški Domovini. Mr. in Mrs. Oswald sta se pravkar vrnila iz Rochester, N. Y., kjer sta obiskala hčerko in vnuke. Vaša tajnica bo slavila rojstni dan 8 jun. in 25 letnico zakona dne 4. avg. Sv. maša bo darovana 1. avg. v cerkvi Sv. Vencislava ob 1:15 pop., nakar bo manjše družinsko slavje v Slovenskem domu na Stanley Ave. Naša preds. Madeline Debevec slavi 13 obletnico zakona dne 8. jun. in rojstni dan ima 3. junija. Mnogo razlogov za proslavljanje. Vsem članicam, ki slavijo rojstne dneve v juniju, najlepše čestitke! V blagajno so darovale: Louise Pahiz, Mary Dacar, Julia Kompes in Sophia Magayna. Najlepjša hvala vsem. JANE KAPLAN, tajn. ----------- m I —»- kon poslal v Belo hišo, kjer ga je 21. aprila podpisal predsednik Ford. NI BILA SAMO SREČA Iz podrobne kronike zakcna H.R. 11598 in njegove slovenske Sekcije 2 (c) povzete po zapisnikih kongresnih razprav in poroči) in iz Kongresnega dnevnika (Congressional Record), je razvidno, da gre na kengresni strani posebna zahvala. Hon. Wayne Haysu, predseniku pododbora poslanske zbornice za Mednarodne operacije. Prepričan po dokazih, ki so bili predloženi in podkrep jeni na razpravah, je kongresnik Hays sprejel odločilni amandma senatorja Lausoheta ter ga pripeljal do odobritve v svojem lastnem pododboru, nato pa še v od'boru poslanske zbornice za Mednarodne odnose in slednjič v plenumu poslanske zbornice. Na tej kritični točki je potem tudi senat sprejel od poslanske zbornice odobreno verzijo H.R. 11598, ker je njegov lastni odbor za Zunanje odnose v poročilu z dne 20. ju hi ja 1975 že bi sprejel poziv senatorja Lauscheta, naj bodo slovenske oddaje Glasa Amerike obnovljene. Tako je na koncu odpadla potreba po konferenci predstavnikov senata in poslanske zbornice o dokončnom besedilu tega zakona. To pa je zakon H.R. 11598 rešilo negotovosti in nadaljnjega zavlačevanja, ki bi ju povzročil zapleteni postopek medzbornične konference. Ta izvirna zgodovina zakona z dne 21. aprila 1971 — k: bi ga lahko imenovali “Lex Slovenica” — je močan primer, kaj je mogoče doseči, če se prepričljivi zagovorniki, ki uživajo spoštovanje kongresnih voditeljev, odločno in vztrajno zavzamejo za pravično stvar. CIRIL ŽEBOT, Georgetown University MEET THE S.W.U. JUNIOR LEAGUE MEMBERS Being a Debutante for the Slovenian Women's Union doesn’t end on the night of the Ball! The Debs automatically bcccme members of the S.W.U. JUNIOR LEAGUE, now organized in the Cleveland area of the young ladies wl'» were presented at the three previous Debutante Cotillions. Let’s meet some of them and learn of their current activities. LYNN ARKO No. 25 Lynn is a graduate of Washington Jefferson college and wit! now attend Western New England School of Law. She will vaccticn this summer in Boston, Mass. MARY BETH BENCAR No. 50 She wi I graduate from Lakeland Community College in 1977 as a Registered Nurse and is now busily studying. She became engaged at Christmastime to her Cotillion escort, Dave Weybnect. MARY LOU CULKAR No. 47 Works at the Cuyahoga Community College and takes night time courses at the same College. She is looking forward to a good vacation this summer. Many Culkar, her grandmother, is active in S.W.U., too. JANICE CULKAR No. 47 Attends Bowling Green State University in Elementary Education — to be a teacher is her goal. She graduated from Brecksville High in 1975, receiving high honors in foreign languages. Mother is He!en Culkar, who serves as Invitation Chairman for our Fourth Cotillion Ball this month. DEBRA FLACK No. 47 At the present time, Debra is a receptionist. She was many talents in the arts. She plans to attend Cuyahoga Community College for night classes. CAROL COOKE No. 32 Graduate of Villa Angela Academy, she is a junior accountant at Reliance Electric Co. At present, she belongs to a basetoaill team and was a longtime instructor in Baton Twirling. She won many trophies for her skill in baton twirling, too. Her mother, Anne Cooke and Grandmother, Anna God-lar are very active members. MARY MAJERCIK No. 73 Graduation took place this month from Lumen Cordium High School in Bedford, Ohio and after a short vacation in Florida, she is all set up as a cashier for a large company. MARY ANN GOLBOKAR No. 14 Graduated May 30th from Villa Angela Academy and will go on to complete her schooling at Cleveland State University. Her major subject will be Specialized Education. Mother, Mitzi Globokar, is another very active worker for the S.W.U. Her late grandmother, Frances Globokar was a National Vice-President at one time. Grandmother and grandfather Tomazic were favorite people in stage performances for Br. 25 years ago. RUTH PRHNE HUG No. 50 •In 1973, Ruth granduated from Lakeland Community College, her major being accounting which she is employed in now. She married in the year of 1975 and said those famous word, “I Do” to her Cotillion escort, Edward Hug III. Her aunt, Marie Ažman, also of Br. 50, is a very loyal member. CYNTHIA JAGODNIK No. 50 Mount Union in Alliance, Ohio is Cynthia’s college. She has two majors, Theatre Arts and Communications in Radio and TV. With a group from her college, she has traveled to Austria, England, Germany, Greece and Switzerland to study the arts of other countries. Her mother, Irene, is the very eficient secretary of Br. 50. KATHERINE PRIMUTH No. 50 Kathy graduated from John Carroli University in 1975 and now attends Law Classes at Toledo State University. She was a great worker on the idea of ‘having a Debutante Float in the 1972 Parade celebrating the opening of the Slovence Home for the Aged. MICHELLE SPECH No. 25 Attended John Carroll University in 1975 with high honors in the medical field. She now is employed at the Cleveland Clinic in the Research Division on Hypertension. Her mother, Frances, was the chariman of Invitations for the Deb Ball of 1974. KATHY S. WALLACE No. 47 Graduated from Cleveland Central High School, and now is employed by the government as a voucher examiner. Kathy changed her name from Spellacy to Wallace in 1974. She is a very good worker for our organization. SUSAN URANKAR No. 32 Graduated May 30th from Villa Angela Academy and plans to attend St. Mary’s College in Indiana. Susan has been a Baton Twirler instructor for our junior group for a number of years. She likes to work with children and plans to become an elementary school teacher. SUSAN PODBOY No. 32 Attends Cleveland State University after two years at Lakeland Community College. She plans on being an Elementary School Teacher and is very active in sports and loves camping. In her spare time, Susan also works at a supermarket. CHARLENE PODBOY No. 32 Sister of Susan, Charlene were both Debs in 1974. Accounting is her major at Lakeland Community College. Charlene too, is very active in sports. DONNA PESTOTNIK No. 50 Is a registered nurse since June 29, 1975, graduated from St. Alexis school of Nusing and is now working at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Likes outdoor activities and would love to take a trip to Eurcpe, especially to Slovenia. Her Dad, Albert Pestotnik, was a great help decorating for our Deb Ball for 1974. ANN TREBAR No. 50 Works as a Professional Secretary, Ann loves to dance, especially to the tunes of her Dad, Lou Trebar's Orchestra Ann has travelled and still wishes to go to far away places. MARY ANN VORISEK No. 73 Graduated from and is now working at St. Alexis School of Nursing, along with helping out in surgery at University Hospital. Mary Ann also belongs to the Women's Auxiliary Police Dept, in Warrensville Hts., Ohio. SUSAN ŽELODEC No. 50 Susan is a Dental Lab Technician. On J'uly 3, 1976, Susan will say, “I do” to her escort Frank Levonduski. They will be married at 1:30 p.m. in St. Martin of Tours’ Church. Her grandmother, Rose, and her late grandfather, Max, Sr. were very, very active Slovenes in all main activities. For more information on the Junior League, and its future plans, contact Franz Sietz, 308 Richmond Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44124 who is now looking for Junior Department Leaders for SWU branches throughout the country. BUDDING SCIENTIST "FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" H! BOVS AND GIRLS In the March ZARJA you were invited to help select the official Bicentennial motto. During the 18-month search over a million entries were sent each hopefully reflecting America's experience of the past 200 years. From these, one hundred were chosen and the final list included six of which "Freedom's Way — USA" was the winner. Its author is 29-year old Mrs. Ellen Harness of Litchfield, Conn., who said her slogan came to her while driving to work. She said: I began to think about the number and extent of the Freedoms that we enjoy, the most striking being the number of things that I can do or say without fear. The pursuit of those same freedoms was the driving force behind the Revolution and continues as a driving force today. Two hundred years ago our Founding Fathers were, as we learned last month, joined by the Founding Mothers in the pursuit of the freedoms we enjoy today. Revolutionary leaders were sure that America would achieve its freedom from colonial rule and that a republic of free peoples would prosper and serve as an example to a world aching for liberty. The task was great, since "there were no precedents for them to follow and no one to show them the way." They were dedicated to freedom and the belief that all men are created equal, entitled to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. He was one of the 56 Signers who gambled all they had, even their lives. The oldest Signer, 71-year old Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania said, "we must all hang together, otherwise we shall most assuredly hang separately." The youngest Signer was 26-year old Edward Rutledge of South Carolina. Of the 56 there were 27 judges and lawyers, 11 merchants, with the remaining being planters, farmers, doctors or soldiers. Each was a "man of sense" and a leader in his community. As members of Congress they thought long and very carefully before they risked their necks. None of the Signers were hung yet each suffered in one way or another with their signed opposition of the king. The first to be captured was 46-year old Richard Stokton of New Jersey. After being whipped, tortured and starved he was sent home as a warning to all other American leaders. Four others were jailed but none treated as badly as Stockton. Other Signers had their homes and belongings destroyed or stolen, two lost their merchant shipping fortunes, two were severly wounded in battle and one lost his wife having died in prison suffering from physical and mental torture. OLD MSN CORROSION, i WHAT A GAS! Ann Marie Zak Besides Stockton, seven Signers were hastened to their graves by the tensions or fatigues of war before final victory. In one way or another, more than half paid heavily for their signed defiance of the King. Benjamin Franklin, who felt that mankind's hopes would be decided by the character and events of the American Revolution said, "God grant that not only the love of liberty, but a thorough knowledge of the rights of man, may pervade all the nations of the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on its surface and say, 'This is my country.' " The Founding Fathers believed that the American Revolution had a message Ann Marie Zak, ninth grader at Forest Park Junior High, and a. member of Br. 50 Cleveland, Ohio, won an Honorable Mention in the Chemistry Division. She is very proud of her award. Her project titled, "Old Man Corrosion, What a Gas!” was good enough for her to win a First Place from the American Society of Metals and a. $50 prize. Ann worked since October on her project. She developed procedures and constructed an apparatus to collect hydrogen gas. By adding acid to metals she determined the amount of hydrogen produced and the resultant weight loss. In her results Ann concluded that various metals react differently to certain accids and the greater the amount of hydrogen produced, the greater the weight loss. This reaction, of course, is called ‘corrosion’. Rain or water on metal creates an acid solution which causes rusting also. Ann was happy to receive her awards for her effort and already is planning her next Science Fair project for 1977. Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Zak of 27304 Hickory Court, and credits Mr. Ernest Koluder, her teacher, with help in her projects. Her grandmother, Vi Zoc, was Moth-er-of-the-Year for Br. 50. To the budding scientist, lots of wishes that success stays with her and will never evaporate away. and meaning for the whole world and that America was a symbol of freedom and an "empire of liberty." Your friend, REGINA f VISIT BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIATHIS SUMMER! ‘ Round trip air fare from CLEVELAND to Ljubljana from $398.00 on direct Jet flights: •, July 17 — August 29 August 2 — August 23 . July 20 — August 19 August 6 — September 7 September 8 — September 28 ■ Direct Jet flights from CHICAGO to Ljubljana Round trip air fare $455.00 July 17 — August 29 June 29 — July 20 from August 28 — September 21 MILWAUKEE t For information and reservations please write to: K0LLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. MAIN OFFICE: 589 East 185 th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 , Telephone: (216) 692-2225 k CHICAGO OFFICE: 2032 West Cermak Road, Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone (312) 847-7199 According to Travel Group Charter regulations, reservations for flights have to be in as soon as possible. After 65 days prior to each ► departure, reservations can be accepted on a standby basis only. - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - lllllll