Radio/ Oncol 1996; 30: 281-5. Vegetarian diet and cancer Drazigost Pokorn Institute of Hygiene, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Severa/ components in p/an/ foods, name/y pralease inhibito/'.v, izo/lavones, inosito/ heva/jhospha/e, phy/o-s/e/o/s and saponins, inhihil a va/iety o{ //i/nors in va/ious /is.rnes. /1 is c/eu/' t/wt popu/ation consuming high /eve/s offndt and vegetah/es /wve /ow ove/a// cance/' mo/ta//7y rates ,/jr the major' cance/s, common in the western hemi.v/i'/e. There are many theories offer ing exp/ww-tions Jo/' the va/ iations in cc/ncer frequency in di/|e/'ent popu/ation. The evidence ohlained is not yet su/fiVie/i/ fi!/' any specific dietary / ecomendation and/iirther wo/k is needed to eslah/ish the /'o/e