Editoriale Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1947 Allied Military Government VENEZIA GIULIA General Order No. 107 CUSTOMS TARIFF WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and advisable to confirm by-a formal Order the validity of the Customs Tariff established in Italy within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the ,, Territory“) ; and • WHEREAS it is considered advisable that any further amendment to the said Customs Tariff in Italy be given immediate effect also in the Territory, by the simplest possible procedure, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from 12 June 1945 the Customs Tariff established in Italy on such date and subsequently amended by 1) Ministerial Decree 28 January 1946 (published in the Italian Gazzetta Ufficiale No. 51 of 1 March 1946) ; 2) D.L.L. No. 402, 24 April 1946 ; 3) D.L.C.P.S. No. 206, 14 October 1946, copies of which have been deposited with Circoscrizione Doganale Trieste, shall have the same force and effect in the Territory as it has in Italy. ARTICLE II Any further amendment of the Customs Tariff shall become effective in the Territory upon publication thereof by the Customs Director, Trieste, through poster in the Customs Offices of the Territory, with the prior approval of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of May, 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer 665 Order No. 367 INDEMNITY FOR THE INCREASED PRICE OF BREAD TO CERTAIN CLASSES OF PENSIONERS AND UNEMPLOYED WORKERS WHEREAS in consequence of the increase in the price of bread, it has been deemed reasonable and necessary to grant a temporary indemnity to certain classes of pensioners and unemployed workers in that part of Venezia Oiulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) NOW, THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.6.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT OF INDEMNITY FOR INCREASED PRICE OF BREAD Section i. -— A temporary indemnity for the increased price of bread to be borne by the Allied Military Government is hereby established in favour of the classes of pensioners and unemployed workers specified in Article II hereof. Section 2. — The indemnity as stated in Section 1 above, shall be fixed at the rate of Lire 5.— (five Lire) per day, and shall be payable to unemployed workers for those days only in respect of which unemployment indemnity is due. Section 3. — The indemnity shall be effective as and from 10 February 1947, and shall be payable to the beneficiaries jointly with the instalment of pension or with the unemployment indemnity. ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY FOR INDEMNITY Section i. — The temporary indemnity for the increased price of bread established in terms of Article I hereof shall be due to those persons.who on the 10 February 1947 were in receipt of, or who might as from any subsequent date become recipients of : a) normal unemployment benefits based on compulsory insurance, or the special unemployment indemnity based on Order No. 82 dated 5 March 1946 ; b) pensions of any description, borne by Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale ; c) pensions or annuities for permanent disablement of from 50% to 100% in consequence of occupational accident or occupational sickness, and pensions or annuities to survivors of workers deceased in consequence of occupational accidents, in terms of R.D.L. 17 August 1935 No. 1765, Article 15 of Law T.U. 31 January 1904 No. 51, Article 111 of Regulations 21 November 1918 No. 1889, and R.D.L. 24 September 1931 No. 1555. Section 2 — The temporary indemnity for increased price of bread shall also be payable to those persons who on the 10 February 1947 were in receipt of, or who might as from any subsequent date become recipients of, any of the following pensions or allowances : a) as referred to in Article NV of Order No. 349, dated 26 April 1947 ; b) „tabellare“ pensions; c) as provided for by Order No. 348 dated 10 April 1947 ; d) war pensions (awards for military gallantry excluded) ; e) as provided fo by Order No. 236 dated 15 October 1946 : f) borne by „Istituto Nazionale Assistenza Dipendenti da Enti locali“. Section 3. — By resolution to be passed by their appropriate organs, the Local Government-Administrations may implement the benefits of the indemnity as referred to in Article I hereof, in favour of their pensioners. Section 4. — One indemnity only shall be due for survivors’ pensions, irrespective of the number of recipients of the pension. Section 5. — The indemnity shall be payable for e.ach pension or allowance to those persons referred to in Section 2 of this Article. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 378 SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT OF CAPITAL ANNUITIES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to issue in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) special provisions in respect of certain contract clauses referring to the amortization of debts contracted by the Communes and by the Provinces with Banks, Insurance Institutes and Assistance Institutes (hereinafter referred to as the „creditor Institutes), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. ' BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior. Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I SUSPENSION OF PAYMENT OF CAPITAL ANNUITIES Section i. —- By virtue of this Order the interested Communes and Provinces are authorized to suspend the payment of the capital quotas of the yearly or half-year amortization instalments of the loans granted to the same by credit Institutes. Section 2. —- The authorization contained in Section 1 of tins Article is applicable also to the capital quotas of the amortization annuities already fallen due and which have not been paid at the date on which this order becomes effective, as well as to those annuities which fall due in the future, until this Order is repealed. 667 Section 3. — This authorization does not affect the payment of interests and interests in arrear provided for in the contracts. Such interests shall be paid to the „Creditor Institutes“ within the limits and with the modalities established by the rules laid down in the contracts. Section 4. — A moratorium is hereby established in respect of loans guaranteed by „delegazioni di pagamento“ on the entries originated by taxes which have already expired and which have not been paid on the date this Order comes into force as well as in respect of those which will fall due at a later date. The obligation for the Communes and the Provinces respectively for the delegated collectors (esattori delegati), to pay the interests on the loaned capital and the interests in arrear, within the limits and at the rates provided for by the loan contracts, remains unchanged. 4 ARTICLE II PAYMENT OF DEFERRED CAPITAL QUOTAS Section 1. — The interest on the capital quotas, whose payment is deferred in conformity with Article I of this Order, will mature at the rate established in the loan contract. Section. 2. — The deferred capital quotas shall be paid by instalments after the normal expiry of the loan contract with effect from the last contract maturity day. The amortization plan shall be determined at the termination of the period of suspension after taking into account the conditions laid down in the loan contract. Section 3. — As regards the loans guaranteed by the „delegazione“ on the entries originated by taxes subject to the lien of the „delegazione“, the Communes and Provinces shall deliver to the „creditor Institutes“ at the end of the period of suspension a number of new „delegazioni“ equal to that of the amortization annuities, payable by instalments, as provided for by Section 2 of this Article. Section 4. — All guarantees, conditions and payment modalities established for the original loans remain in operation until the full settlement of the deferred capital annuities and relative interests, ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective in the Territory on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 379 RELATING TO WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE OF „MOBILITATI CIVILI“ AND OTHERS WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable and equitable to ensure the payment of insurance benefits as granted by Istituto Nazionale Infortuni, to certain categories of „mobilitati civili“ ; and WHEREAS it has been deemed reasonable and necessary to make provisions for the reimbursement of the respective outlay to the said Institute in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), 668 NO W. THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I CONFIRMATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Ail administrative provisions issued by the Government of the so called Italian Social Republic based on the provisions listed below shall be, and are hereby confirmed as valid and effectual : a) Note of the Ministry of Corporations No. 6447, dated 12 October 1943. b) Decree of the Chief of the Government, dated 15 November 1944. c) Decrees of the Ministry of Corporative Economy, dated 20 September and 24 November 1944. d) Notes of the Ministry of Corporative Economy, dated 9 November 1944 and 11 January 194'. ARTICLE II REIMBURSEMENTS TO BE MADE BY THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNEMENT Section i. — Reimbursement shall be made by the Allied Military Govemement in accordance with the customary procedure governing the reimbursements on behalf of State Administrations for all amounts paid, or still to be paid, by „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro“ within the Territory, for insurance benefits in connection with occupational accidents or occupational diseases incurred during the war to the following categories of workers : a) „Mobilitati civili“ employed in removal, repair, and building works determined by acts of war, or war defence requirements, ordered by Italian Civil Authorities or by Italian and/or occupying Military Authorities operating in the Territory ; b) „mobilitati civili“ employed in fortification works effected by Italian and/or occupying Military Authorities c) workers employed by the Military Labour Inspectorate and occupying Military Authorities for reinstatement of lines and means of transportation damaged by war actions. Section 2. — Reimbursements shall also be made by the Allied Military Government for all amounts paid, or still to be paid, by Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro for insurance benefits in connection with occupational accidents occurred on the occasion of work performed in the Territory by order, however issued, of Italian and/or occupying Civil and/or Military Authorities. ARTICLE III DEDUCTION OF CONTRIBUTIONS COLLECTED Any contributions that might have been collected by Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro in respect of all categories referred to in Article II hereof, and that might result from the returns which have to be produced by the Institute in order to obtain the reimbursement of the benefits paid, shall be deducted from the total amount of the aforesaid disbursements. 669 ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of May, 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 380 PROVISIONS CONCERNING GOODS IMPORTED UNDER BOND WHEREAS it is considered necessary to regulate the movement of certain goods subject to special control and to provide for guarantees for their proper delivery in those parts of Venezia OiuXia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“'), NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I Section i. — In addition to depositing guarantees or surety to cover: a) frontier customs duties; and b) the maximum fine provided for by Article 120 of the Customs Law in force, forwarding agents shall be required to deposit, as surety to guarantee proper transport and delivery of foreign sugar under bond through the Territory, a sum of 350 Lire per Kilogram with the Custom Offices. In the event of non delivery of the sugar in terms of the undertaking made to the customs, such sum may be confiscated instead of the sugar. In the event of proper delivery or transport of the sugar such sum will be returned on the production of the appropriate documents and evidence. Section 2. — Similar guarantees to those provided for in Section 1 will be required in the case of sugar imported under an import-licence issued by the Allied Military Government, Finance Division, for particular industrial purposes within the Territory. ARTICLE II The failure to discharge the bond warrant in whole or in part, or the use of all or part of the sugar for purposes other than those permitted by the Customs shall be punishable by the maximum fine („ammenda“) provided for by Article 120 of the Customs Law and by the the confiscation of the sugar or, if missing, by the forfeiture of the corresponding guarantee as provided for in Article 1 hereof. . ARTICLE III Customs Offices are hereby authorized to demand similar guarantees to those provided for in Article I hereof for other goods subject to an import-licenoe or to other restrictions, and shall, in ease of failure of discharge, comply with the provisions set forth in Article II hereof. 670 ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 382 ALLOWANCE OF TEMPORARY FEES TO INSTITUTES GRANTING LOANS ON LANDS WHEREAS it is considered advisable to authorize institutes granting loans and credits over land to collect temporary contingency fees in addition to the commission due on loans ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel,. J.A.O.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I AUTHORITY TO COLLECT A CONTINGENCY FEE Section I. — Authority is hereby given to the institutes granting loans and credits over land in accordance with the Consolidated Text, dated July 16, 1905, No. 646, and subsequent provisions, to collect contingency fees for the new loans as well as those already existing on the half year amounts due as from July 1st 1947 up to two solar years subsequent to that in which the termination of the state of war shall be declared. Section 2. — The rate of such contingency fee shall not, when added to the commission referred to in RDL 3 January 1926, No. 83 exceed the amount Lire 1.50 for each 100 Lire ox the loan granted and shall be regulated as provided for by Articles 27 and 28 of the Consolidated Text. ARTICLE II PAYMENT OF THE CONTINGENCY FEE IN CASE OF EARLIER PAYMENT OF THE LOAN In case of earlier payment of the loan in accordance with Article 28, first para of the said Consolidated Text, substituted by Article 4 of the Law 22 December 1905, No. 592, double commission and contingency fees shall be due, whenever earlier payment, either total or partial is effected prior to the elapse of a third of the agreed period for the redemption of the loan. This privision shall be applied to those payments occuring as from the effective date of this Order up to two solar years subsequent to that in which the termination of the state of war shall be declared. ARTICLE III EXEMPTION FROM OBLIGATION TO PAY THE CONTINGENCY FEE This Order shall not be applicable to the loans specified in Article VIII of General Order No. 14 dated September 11, 1945. 671 ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall take effect on the day it is signed by me. TRIESTE, 31st May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 389 (141 A) PROVISIONS RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTS WHEREAS by Article I, Section 3, letter b 0/ Order No. 141, dated 3 June 1946, the rent of money determined in agricultural contracts has been equalized, to that in kind in relation to the basic price of wheat, and by General Order No. 61 dated iy June 1946, Article X para I the basic price of wheat has been fixed at the rate of L. 2230 per quintal, and WHEREAS it is considered necessary to establish, within those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the'..Territory“), the method of division of the aforesaid basic price of wheat between the land-owner and the tenant farmer, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I DIVISION OF THE BASIC PRICE OF WHEAT For the purpose of determining the rent pursuant to the provision under letter b, Section 3, Article I, of Order No. 141, the basic price of wheat fixed for the year 1945-1946 in the first para of Article X General Order No. 61 at L. 2250 per quintal shall be apportioned as follows, - one portion amounting to L. 1500, shall be the basis for the determination of the amount of the rent in money due to the land-owner, whilst the remaining portion amounting to L. 750, shall be due to the tenant farmer as cultivation-bonus. - ARTICLE II ANNULMENT OF CERTAIN DECISIONS Section 1. — The decisions passed by District („mandamento“) and Area Agricultural Commissions, constituted under Art. IV of Order No. 141, before the effective date of this Order, may be annulled, upon request of the party concerned, when .they are inconsistent with the provision of Article I hereof. Section, 2. — The application for annulment, mentioned in the preceding Section, shall be submitted within 30 days from the effective date of this Order to the Agricultural Commission which made the decision. 672 ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day -of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 393 REVISION OF PENSIONS AND WAR ALLOWANCES GRANTED PURSUANT TO MEDICAL FINDINGS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied, Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory11 ) to revise the pensions and war allowances granted on the basis of findings made after September 8, i943> UP to the time of the lib-eration of the Territory hy the Allied Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED O. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I REVISION OF PENSIONS AND WAR ALLOWANCES State Pensions Commissions are hereby entrusted to make a special revision of pensions and renewable war allowances granted to military and „militarizzato“ personnel following medical findings made after September 8, 1943. ARTICLE II MEDICAL LEGAL VISITS DEFERRED TO THE CONTROL OF THE TERRITORIAL MEDICAL COMMISSION The recipients of pensions or allowances herein referred to are liable to be subjected to medical legal visits of the Territorial Medical Commission, established by Order No. 287, which will decide both in respect of the grade of the pension and on the war service or auxiliary war service origin of the wounds, injuries or infirmities. ARTICLE III CASES OF REVOCATION OR MODIFICATION OF PENSIONS GRANTED 1. — Whenever it results that the wounds, injuries or infirmities do not exist or have no relation to war service, or when the pension and the allowances were granted at a rate higher than that actually due, the appropriate war Pensions Commission will provide for the revocation or modification of the pension. 2. — The pension will also be revoked when the recipient does not attend - without a justified reason - to the control visit or refuses to subject himself to the same. 673 3. — The revocation or the reduction of the pension or the renewable shall be effective as from the date of the medical findings referred to in Article II of this Order. ARTICLE IV APPEALS There shall be no appeals from the decisions of the Territorial Medical Commission except . that Allied Military Government may revise the same. ARTICLE V APPLICATION OF PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN THE PRECEDING ARTICLES The provisions set forth in the preceding Articles are applicable to cases of invalidism ascertained after September 8, 1943 and for the period of enemy occupation of the Territory. The special revision shall take place within one year from the date this Order becomes erfective in the Territory. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall come into force in the Territory on the day that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 395 CONTROL OF MOVEMENTS OF GOODS INTO ITALY WHEREAS it is considered necessary to regulate and control the movement of certain goods and commodities from that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) into Italy, NOW, THEREFORE, 1, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I Commodities as listed in Article II hereof shall not be transported across the western boundary of Venezia Giulia into Italy nor by sea from any parts of Venezia Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces, into Italy without an export permit issued by Commerce Division, Headquarters Allied Military Government or the Area Supply officers of Gorizia or Pola. ARTICLE II The provisions of Article I herein shall applied to the exportation of the following commodities : 1) Petrol, Kerosene, Naphta, Lubricants and all other petroleum products, except such quantities as are reasonably necessary for the operation of the vehicle concerned for the current trip. 674 2) Coal, coke, coal residues and charcoal. 3) Timber and firewood. 4) Caustic Soda and Soda Carbonate. 5) Window glass. 6) Animal food including oil-cake. 7) All artificial fertilizers. 8) Monopoly goods. 9) Medicinal of the alcaloid groups (Cocaine, Morphine, etc.). 10) All building materials (including cement) and Bitumen. 11) Tires and Tubes. 12) Scrap metals (ferrous and non-ferrous) and reinforcing steel and structural steel. 13) Fungicides and insecticides used in Agriculture. 14) Livestock and farm machinery including tractors. 15) Seeds of cereals and forage crops. 16) Fisheries equipment (Nets, etc.). 17) Seeds bearing inedible oils. ARTICLE III All food stuffs rationed or otherwise, seeds bearing edible oils, and seed potatoes shall not be transported as provided in Article I hereof without an export permit issued by the Seprals of Venezia Giulia. ARTICLE IV Application for the aforesaid permit shall be made to, and permits issued by, the respective agencies indicated in Article I, III in accordance with regulations issued by said agencies'. ARTICLE V a) The movement of the goods and commodities listed in Article II and III across the boundary between Venezia Giulia and Italy shall be restricted to the Railroad lines at present in use and to the following roads: 1) Route 14 Pieris - Cervignano 2) Route 56 Gorizia - IJdine 3) Route 54 Caporetto - Cividale 4) Provincial road - Romans d’lsonzo - Palmanova - Udine b) None of the aforesaid goods or commodities shall be transported across the western boundary of Venezia Giulia except over the routes prescribed in Section a) above, and then only upon the presentation of the perm t as prescribed in this Order, at the control points on the routes stated in a) above. ARTICLE VI Any person violating any of the provisions of this Order shall be guilty of an offence and, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, shall be liable to such punishment by imprisonment or fine or both as the Court shall determine and in addition to such punishment, the products or materials constituting the subject matter of the offence and the transportation used in its commission, may be confiscated and ordered forfeited to the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE VII This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer 675 Administrative Order No. 112 RELIEF FROM SERVICE OF NOTARY CARLO MOSETTI FOR AGE LIMIT WHEREAS Dr. Carlo MOSETTI, notary. at Gradisca, has been relieved (dispensato) from service for age limit by Decree of the Provisional Head of the Italian State, dated 14 March 1947, effective as from 3 December 1945: WHEREAS it is considered necessary to give effect to the above order within the Territory of Venezia Giidia administered by the Allied Forces, and to publish it according to the law ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: 1- — Dr. Carlo MOSETTI, notary of Gradisca, is hereby relieved (dispensato) from service for age limit with effect as from 3 December 1945. 2. —. This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 29th day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Order No. 115 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF SMET ANTONIO AS ASSISTANT JUDICIAL SECRETARY WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to provide for temporary appointment of a secretary at the Procura di Stato of Gorizia ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — SMET Antonio, „repatriate of war“ having the qualification required, is hereby temporary charged with the functions of assistant judicial secretary of the Procura di' Stato of Gorizia and shall serve in the office with the allowances and indemnities due to the assistant judicial secretaries of Xllth grade. 2. — This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this’ 29th day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer 676 Administrative Order No. 117 APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL FOR THE „INDUSTRIAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL “ OF MONFALCONE WHEREAS it is considered necessary to provide for the temporary appointment of an Administrative Council for the Industrial Technical School of Monfalcone in accordance with the Statute of the said school approved by R.D. 17 May 1937, No. 1007, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: 1. — The following persons are hereby appointed temporary members of the Administrative Council of the above mentioned school : a) Engineer Dr. VARRIDI Nereo, vice-manager of the Monfalcone Shipyards, representative of the Education Division of the Allied Military Governement, President of the Council ; b) Engineer Dr. VERZEGNASSI Giuseppe, vice-manager of the Monfalcone Shipyards, representative of the Education Division of the Allied Military Government ; c) Engineer TOCICL Antonio, representative, of the Commune of Monfalcone ; d) Engineer Dr. GR1 ON 1 Bruno, representative of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ; e) Dr. PETRONIO Sergio, representative of „Adria-Solway“ ; f) The Director of the School, as secretary. 2. _The functions and duties of the Administrative Council shall be those provided for by the Statute of the school. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. , Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1947. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Instruction FEES AND CONDITIONS FOR PUBBLICATION AND SALE OF ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ARTICLE I Administrative Instructions dated 15 September 1945, and 25 March 1947 relating to the above subject are hereby rescinded. 677 ARTICLE II a) Pursuant to Article V of Proclamation No. 7, the following fees and conditions are prescribed for the publication in, and sale of, the Allied Military Government Gazette : aa) PUBLICATION 1) The Gazette will be regularly published on the 1st,' 11th, 21st day of each month. 2) Sub-section 1 above shall not apply to publication of Gazette „Bis“ issues published solely for legal insertions. „Bis“ issués shall be published on the 1st and 15th of each month. bb) SALE Copies of the Gazette will be transmitted to each Area President within the Territory, who will make same available for purchase by the general public at the following prices : 1) Por the three trnaslations of the Gazette, bound together 85 Lire per copy ; 2) for one translation, whether in English, Slovene or Italian, 35 Lire per copy. b) The Gazette shall be sold only by those persons authorized by the Allied Military Government. c) The Gazette will be furnished, through each Area President, to the various governmental authorities free of cost. d) Any private person or company who proposed to insert any material, as required by law, in the Gazette shall deliver a typewritten copy thereof to the Area Legal Officer toghetes with a postal vaglia or an assegno, payable to the Prefettura of Trieste, for the cost of insertion, computed at the rate of 4 lire for each word, exclusive of punctuation. Governmental authorities or officials shall submit such material in like manner, but shall not be required to pay for any insertion. All of such material must be delivered to the Area Legal Officer not less than 10 days prior to the date of proposed publication. ARTICLE III This Administrative Instruction shall take effect upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, June 4, 1947. CHARLES M. MUNNECKE Lt. Col. Inf. Chief Legal Officer Errata - Corrigenda The date at the end of Order No. 366 entitled „Adjustment of working capital of commercial insurance enterprises“, published on p. 642 of the Gazette No. 17, vol. 2nd, should read as follows : „Dated at Trieste, this 24 day of May 1947“. 678 PART II TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 54 (4 B) CLOSING TIME FOR PLACES SUPPLYING ALCOHOLIC REFRESHMENT WHEREAS it is considered necessary to amend the law governing the closing of places supplying alcoholic refreshment in the Commune of Trieste, NOW, THEREFORE, I, A. H, GARDNER, Lt. Col. R.A. Area Commissioner, Trieste ORDER: , ' ■ ARTICLE I ' This Order shall apply only to the Commune of Trieste. ARTICLE II With effect from the date of publication of this Order all hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes and other places where alcoholic refreshment is supplied in the Commune of Trieste shall, subject as hereinafter mentioned, be closed by 2400 hours. ARTICLE III No other person than permanent residents shall be permitted to remain on such premises, subject as hereinafter mentioned, after 2400 hours. ARTICLE IV On application to the Central Police Station V.G.P.F. licences will be granted for the time mentioned in Art.s II and III to be extended to 0230 hours, subject to such conditions as the Police may think fit. ARTICLE V The licences referred to in Art. IV shall be of two kinds : 1) Quarterly licences: These licences may be granted in the discretion of the V.G.P.F. for periods not exceeding three calendar months and application for their renewal shall be made 14 days prior to the expiration of the current licence. 2) Occasional licences: These licences may be granted for special occasions. Application for which shall be made 48 hours before the date for which the licence is required. 679 ARTICLE VI Any person violating or assisting in the violation of any provision of this Order shall, upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, be liable to punishment by fine, imprisonment or both as the Court may determine. The Court shall have the power to close any premises for such period as it thinks fit. ARTICLE VII Nothing in this Order shall supersede the local laws of „Pubbliea Sicurezza“ relating to such premises except where specifically stated. ARTICLE VIII This Order shall come into force on the 27th day of May 1947. Dated in TRIESTE, this 24th day of May 1947. A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R.A. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area Administrative Order No. 75 APPOINTMENT OF Dr. BORTOLO TAMBURINI TO THE AREA COUNCIL FOR THE AREA OF TRIESTE WHEREAS by Area Order No. 16 dated September 21, 1945, Sig. Erminio CONTE was appointed Member to the Area Council for the Area of Trieste, and WHEREAS it is necessary to substitute said Sig. Erminio CONTE who is unable to perform his functions owing to pressure of other work, NOW, THEREFORE, I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col. R. A., Area Commissioner Trieste, pursuant to the power given to me by General Order N. 11 dated August 11, 1945, ORDER: L — Dr. Bortolo TAMBURINI is hereby appointed Member of the Area Council for the Area of Trieste in place of Sig. Erminio CONTE. 2. — This Order shall enter into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated in TRIESTE, this 23rd of May 1947. A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner, Trieste 1 680 Area Administrative Order No. 76 REPEAL OF APPOINTMENT OF RAG. TOMASINO ANDREA AS LABOUR INSPECTOR OF THE ISPETTORATO DEL LAVORO, TRIESTE WHEREAS by Area Administrative Order No. 65, dated March 31,1947, Rag. TOMASINO Andrea was appointed Labour Inspector to the „Ispettorato del Lavoro“, Trieste, and WHEREAS it is considered necessary to remove Rag. TOMASINO Andrea from said appointment, NOW, THEREFORE, I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col. R. A., Area Commissioner, Trieste, ORDER: 1. — Rag. TOMASINO Andrea is hereby removed from his appointment as Labour Inspector of the „Ispettorato del Lavoro“, Trieste. 2. — This Order shall enter into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated in TRIESTE, this 27th day of May 1947. A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner, Trieste 681 PART III APPENDIX . LIST OF FINAL ORDERS MADE BY THE EPURATION COMMISSIONS IN THE TERRITORY EPURATION COMMISSION FOR THE PROFESSIONS AND ARTS - TRIESTE The Commission has considered objections lodged in the following cases in accordance with Section 8, 9 and 10 of General Order No. 13 and decided as follows : PERIOD EFFECTIVE NAME PROFESSION OF DATE SUSPENSION OF ORDER Dott. Amici Federico Physician 2 months susp.' 5/5/47 Ing. de Antonellis Ed. Engineer 3 months susp. 30/12/46 Dott. Antonicelli .Gius. * Musician 3 months susp. 27/1/47 Aw. Ara Mario Lawyer 3 months susp. 30/10/46 Ing. Barpi ' Arturo Engineer 6 months susp. 23/10/46 Dott. Barrella Vincenzo Attorney 6 months susp. 13/1/47 Dott. Battigelli Giacomo Doctor 3 months susp. 30/10/46 Don Beari Giorgio Journalist 4 months susp. 28/3/47 Geom. Cantagalli Galliano Surveyor 6 months susp. 5/9/46 Dott. Caprio Gerardo Attorney 1 month susp. 3.1/3/47 Dott. Corretti Fulvio Fed. Doctor 3 months susp. 24/4/47 Prof. Costa Domenico Chem. doctor 6 months susp. 3/5/47 Covacci Giacomo Painter 6 months susp. 13/11/46 Coffou Giordano J ournalist 6 months susp. . 13/5/47 Cetin Francesco Dentist 3 months susp. 22/11/46 Bag. Cimmino Michele Accountant 3 months susp. 27/3/47 Ing. Cumin Sergio Engineer 6 months susp. 16/9/46 De Luca Attilio Author-writer 6 months susp. 10/12/46 Dott. Deretto Ruggero Commercialist 6 .months susp. 9/1/47 de Privitellio L. Chemist 6 months susp. 14/11/46 Dott. Dolžani Pietro. Journalist 3 years susp. 31/5/46 de Dolcetti Carlo Journalist 6 months susp. 27/11/46 Ing. Fanna Romano Engineer 6 months susp. 20/1/47 Dott. Grambassi Manlio Journalist 12 months susp. 23/10/46 Avv. Gembrini Diego Lawyer 6 months susp. 20/3/47 Geom. Kretzschmar Ose. Surveyor 6 months susp. 14/11/46 Ing. Luci Costantino Engineer 18 months susp. 1/10/46 Lupi Eros Author-writer • 3 months susp. 13/11/46 Rag. Maineri Augusto Accountant 2 years susp. 4/10/46 Avv. Malossi Ferruccio Lawyer-attor. 3 years susp. 20/5/47 Ing. Malossi Livio Engineer 6 months susp. 3/1/47 682 PERIOD EFFECTIVE NAME PROFESSION OF DATE • V SUSPENSION OF ORDER Ing: Marziani Delio Engineer 2 months susp. 4/3/47 Avv. Mamolo Mario Lawyer-attor. 6 months susp. 11/12/46 Dott. Manzin Domenico Notary 2 months susp. 7/1/47 Geom. Medelin Aurelio Surveyor 1 month susp. 6/3/47 Ing. Miani Anteo Engineer - chem. 6 months susp. 30/12/46 Dott. Nanni Carlo Physician 2 months susp. 20/2/47 Avv. Novacco Francesco Lawyer-attor. 3 months susp. 17/4/47 Avv. Pagnini Cesare Lawyer-attor. 3 years susp. 11/2/47 Pavanello Geny Journalist 6 months susp. 13/11/46 Pizzarello Costante Journalist 6 months susp. 26/4/47 Dott. Pepeu Francesco Physician 3 months susp. 5/9/46 Ing.. Polli Alberto Engineer 18 months susp. 7/10/46 Rag. Pozza Ugo Accountant 3 months susp. -5/9:40 Dott. Roverelli Giuseppe Author-writer 6 months susp. 8/4/47 Ing. Rostorolla Renato Engineer 6 months susp. 28/4/47 prof. dott. Risolo Michele Journalist 3 years susp. 26/11/46 Rumer Vittorio Dentist 3 months susp. 16/9/46 Rota Massimo journalist 18 months susp. ’ 13/5/47 dott. Scampicchio Nicolò Notary 3 months susp. 26/11/46 Scocciai Mariano Journalist 6 months susp. 18/12/46 geom. Senardi Enrico Surveyor 6 months susp. 28/4/47 Simonini Stellio Journalist 1 month susp. 12/11/46 Sofianopulo Cesare Author-writer 6 months susp. 21/1/47 Ing. Spanyol Renato Engineer 6 months susp. 2/9/46 Stefani Armando Stage-direc. 1 year susp. 14/3/47 pr. dott. Tagliaferro Enr. Physician 3 months susp. 3/1/47 avv. Tamaro Remigio Lawyer-attor. 6 months susp. 3/2/47 avv. Tamaro Gianfranco Lawyer 6 months susp. 18/9/46 dott. Tranquilli Vittorio Journalist 2 months susp. 24/10/46 Toffolo Luigi Musician 1 month susp. 29/11/46 avv. Udina Manlio Writer-lawyer (attor.) 1 year susp. 30/12/46 prof. Urbani Umberto Writer-author 1 month susp. 17/12/46 dott. Usiglio Ester Rina Authoress 6 months susp. ’ 26/7/46 Valenti Omero Decorator 1 month susp. 5/11/46 Valeri Valerio Journalist 6 months susp. 26/4/47 Ing. Valitutti Umberto Engineer 15 months susp. 28/10/47 dott. Vatta Eugenio Commercialist 3 months susp. 22/12/46 avv. Zennaro Teobaldo Attorney-lawyer 1 year susp. 3/4/47 dott. Zoppolato Ferruccio Physician 3 years susp. 19/2/47 EPURATION COMMISSION OF I INSTANCE - TRIESTE The Commission has considered objections lodged in the following cases in accordance with Section IX o'f .General Order No. 7 or Section IX of General Order No. 8 and decided as follows : NAME OCCUPATION .ORDER Barale Emanuele Intend. Finança 15 days susp. Cosciani Albino I.L.V.A. dismissed 683, NAME De] Fabbro Vittorio Ferro Ferruccio Grill Giovanni Maggi olaro Umberto Magris Emilio Mersini Mario Perugini Vitaliano Quinto Domenico OCCUPATION I.L.V.A. Intend. Finanza Ferrovie I.L.V.A. C.R.D.A. S. Marco Coop. Operaie I.L.V.A. I.L.V.A. ORDER dismissed 15 days susp. 15 days susp. dismissed 9 months susp. 1 month susp. dismissed dismissed 684 VOLUME II GAZETTE No. 18 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PARTI HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE General Order Page No. 107 Customs tariff.........................................'.. 665 Order No. 367 Indemnity for the increased price of bread to certain classes of pensioners and unemployed workers ..................... 666 No. 378 Suspension of payment of capital annuities....................... 667 No. 379 Relating to workmen’s compensation insurance of „Mobilitati Civili“ and others .................................... 668 No. 380 Provisions concerning goods under bond ........■■...... 670 No. 382 Allowance of temporary fees to institutes granting loans on lands 671 No. 389 (141 A) Provisions relating to agricultural contracts . 672 No. 393 Revision of pensions and war allowances granted pursuant to medical findings .............................................. 673 No. 395 Control of movements of goods into Italy ........................ 674 Administrative Order No. 112 Relief from service of notary Carlo Mosetti for age limit........ 676 No. 115 Temporary appointment of Smet Antonio as assistant judicial secretary ..................................................... 676 No. 117 Appointment of' Administrative Council for the „Industrial Technical School“ of Monfalcone ............................... 677 Administrative Instruction — Fees and conditions for publication and sale of Allied Military Government Gazette............................................. 677 Errata - Corrigenda....................................................... 678 685 PA R T 11 TRIESTE AREA Area Order Page No. 54 (4 B) Closing time for places supplying alcoholic refreshment.... 079 Area Administrative Order No. 75 Appointment of dr. Bortolo Tamburini to the Area Council for the Area of Trieste ................................. 080 No. 70 Repeal of appointment of rag. Tomasino Andrea as labour Inspector of the Ispettorato del Lavoro, Trieste . . .. 081 PART III APPENDIX List of finai ordérs made by the Epuration Commissions in the Territory............................................... 682 686