CODEC New education model(s) Future of design education May 2017 Barbara Predan with Petra Černe Oven CODEC’S RESEARCH PROJECTS ARE BASED ON VICTOR PAPANEK’S THOUGHT: “THE ONLY IMPORTANT THING ABOUT DESIGN IS HOW IT RELATES TO PEOPLE.” 5 CONTENT 1: Brief 6 1.1: Background 1.2: Problem statement 1.3: Research topics 1.4: Objectives and methods 1.5: Definitions 2: Context 10 2.1: A brief theoretical background 2.2: Possible future(s) 2.3: Between past and future 2.4: Education as the “corruption” of youth 3: Case Studies 18 3.1: Institutionalised learning 3.2: Informal forms of learning 3.3: Learning “after the end of the world” 4: Research Results 26 4.1: The state of research 5: Look Ahead 30 6: Appendix 34 6.1: References 6.2: Research team 6.3: About CODEC 7 Whilst examining the field 1: BRIEF of design in relation to society, the newly established design collaborative CODEC recognised the following topics as an important subject for research: new management models, 01 collaborative networks, new financial and business models, new knowledge exchange models, and new education models. Section One (the brief) presents the backbone to the study of new design education BRIEF models: background, problem statement, research topics, and methodology. 8 9 1.1: 1.2: 1.3: 1.5: Problem statement Research topics Definitions Background As we all know, we are living in a rapidly Understanding our unfolding future was vital in In this text, the term design is used as outlined The turn of the millennium witnessed many changing society. The world has and will defining our search. The latter questioned two in the chosen definitions of (most inclusive) fresh strides toward a new thinking in design always change and will change without perspectives on design education: designers’ activity and, in turn, the field education. In his 2001 text “Rethinking Design warning. That’s nothing new. Design was and of design. Education for the 21st Century: Theoretical, is a vital part of this change. Nevertheless, for 01. Design education as a profession Methodological, and Ethical Discussion” (2001: some time now, we’ve been reading about What skills will a future designer need? “[Students] should be trained not only to solve 13), Alain Findeli specified three priorities for predictions and warnings that design is lagging Which (new) education models we will problems – but what is more important, they the design field: behind. Instead of offering solutions, it is have to develop to achieve and master should be trained to help others solve their own more and more recognized and described these skills? problems. One of the most valuable functions ■ a discussion on the purpose of design, as part of the problem: not willing or able to of a good industrial designer today is to ask ■ the reform of design education, and, as confront the full force of current ecological and 02. Design education as a general “tool” the right questions of those concerned so ■ there can be no responsible design without humanitarian crises. What design skills do we all need that they become freshly involved and seek a responsible designer, … the development Victor Margolin wrote that it is possible (not only professional future designers)? a solution themselves.” of an individualistic ethics. to reinvent design, if the will exists among Which (new) education models will we — Charles and Ray Eames, The India Report, designers. “If it doesn’t, designers will have to develop to achieve and master 1958 In her text “On care and education”, Susan simply remain part of the problem whose these skills*? C. Stewart wrote: “Among these valuable solution other professions will need to invent.” *Disclaimer: We are thinking about skills “Everyone designs who devises courses of dispositions is the designer’s acquired (2002: 102) we all need in order to rebuild our world action aimed at changing existing situations orientation to the pursuit of attentive and The imperative is simple: the design in a more sustained way. into preferred ones.” open-ended inquiry into the possibilities latent profession, with education as its vital part, has — Herbert A. Simon, The Sciences of the within the material context. A second promising to be able to recognize the roles it plays and Artificial, 1969 characteristic of design is its restless might play in society and from these roles dissatisfaction with answers. Expert designers develop new skills and tools, new knowledge, “All men are designers. All that we do, almost are addicted to iterative projection and critique.” new educational models. The idea is to help all the time is design, for design is basic to all That is why, according to Stewart: “Design create conditions for better integration of 1.4: human activity. The planning and patterning will certainly be a key player in our unfolding different disciplines and to redefine the of any act towards a desired, foreseeable end future. Whether or not it plays to good effect competences of the design profession in the constitutes the design process. Any attempt will depend upon the possibilities that blossom construction of a better society and its future. to separate design, to make it a thing-by-itself, within its own practices, carrying it in new Objectives and methods works counter to the inherent value of design directions.” (2015: 275–276) as the primary underlying matrix of life.” The report on new educational design — Victor Papanek, Design for the Real World: models challenges both key notions presented Our objective is defined by the main question, Human Ecology and Social Change, 1971 above. The report’s primary goal is to inform which is not how, but what. What do we want to and provide a guide for future strategies achieve with new educational models? Or more in design education, in order to ensure the importantly: What is our vision of a (preferred) beneficial impact of design as a key player in future? What kind of designers/citizens do we our unfolding future. need in order to develop these better societies? And of course, what type of education do we need in order to achieve this? After answering that, we can proceed to reconsider how: Which new models do we have to develop in order to achieve the set goals? 11 2: CONTEXT 02 The first part of Section Two is a brief introduction of selected theoretical notions on our current view of education, which is defined by our neoliberal and globalized world. The second part of Section Two focuses on the current (lack of) understanding of the changes that our society and environment are to undergo in the next 25 years. It is vital to understand the changes that CONTExT await us, for they will have a profound impact on design education as a profession, as well as design education as a general “tool”. The context provides the relevance and the nature of the research problem. 12 13 2.1: possibility of application, all with the goal of demonstrate that design is an integral part of forests, and the release of carbon from separating so called useful knowledge from each solution (Section Four). permafrost or sub-sea methane hydrates the non-useful. Below follows a short overview of the main could all cause large-scale disruption of Useful knowledge also automatically concerns that the aforementioned strongly the climate. (King et al., 2015) establishes the measurement of knowledge. interconnected challenges are raising, or will And that is despite the fact that knowledge soon give rise to. The direct risks of climate change may induce requires independent criteria, independent systemic risks like: A brief theoretical background standards. Independent standards raise the demand to reject the status quo, when ■ Migration as a necessity could take place on knowledge – as Dolar mentions – is all the 01. CHALLENGES: a historically unprecedented scale. To today’s world of identities as opposition, more “subjected to an evaluation that happens Climate change, food production, ■ The risks of state failure could rise the French philosopher Alain Badiou offers a bit like the model of credit rating agencies water scarcity and migration significantly. The expansion of ungoverned a world of encounters. Here is how Badiou and measures everything except that which territories would in turn increase the risks of answers the question What is an encounter? : is essential: ‘the sharp cut of the real’, as In the forward of the report Climate Change: terrorism. “It is a contingent, chance element of existence. Lacan said.” (2017) A Risk Assessment (2015) The Rt Hon. ■ The temptation for states or other actors Something happens to you that nothing among Baroness Anelay of St Johns, Minister of to take unilateral steps toward climate your existing world’s points of reference made State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth geoengineering would be significant, and likely or necessary. You encounter someone Office made the following observation: “It is could become a further source of conflict. who you do not know and yet who strikes you, remarkable that even in the run-up to a attracts you, enters into your life.” general election, the leaders of the UK’s three in his book In Praise of Love, Badiou warns largest political parties came together to there is no encounter without risk. But, “if you 2.2: say that ‘Climate change is one of the most 02. CHALLENGES: try to reduce this insecurity then you destroy serious threats facing the world today. It is Overpopulation and the decimation the encounter itself,” you destroy the chance not just a threat to the environment, but also of other species of a beginning, the chance of the potentiality to our national and global security, to poverty of the possible construction, or – according Possible future(s) eradication and economic prosperity.’” “The massive growth in the human to Badiou – the chance to “rise to shared According to the report the risks of population through the 20th century has consequences, shared innovations”. (2014) climate change are non-linear: while average had more impact on biodiversity than any Power is thus in the potential of the “This is the most dangerous time for conditions may change gradually, the risks other single factor.” encounter. With that, when we share our planet.” can increase rapidly. Among direct risks — Sir David King, science advisor to the knowledge on the basis of encounters, we — Stephen Hawking aforementioned report acknowledges UK government create the possibility of new know-how. the following: Each new know-how then raises the standard There are a number of reasons why it is high Population Reference Bureau argues that of knowledge. Precisely the latter – the time for the inhabitants of – as Buckminster ■ On all but the lowest emissions pathways, “for the last 50 years, world population standard of knowledge –, is today in a greater Fuller called it – Spaceship Earth, to think a rise of more than 2°C is likely in the latter multiplied more rapidly than ever before, and extent constantly being put to the test. about the need to collaborate, the need to half of this century. more rapidly than it is projected to grow in the Just as Slovenian philosopher Mladen Dolar share and work for the common goals that ■ In future, climatic conditions could exceed future. In 1950, the world had 2.5 billion people; warns, “the massification of the university connect us and, even more importantly, sustain potentially lethal limits of heat stress even and in 2005, the world had 6.5 billion people. created a general decline in the standards us. Sustain us, as a species, and all other for individuals resting in the shade. By 2050, this number could rise to more than of knowledge. […] Dragging along with it the living organisms around us. According to ■ When critical thresholds are exceeded, 9 billion. […] The growth of the last 200 years commercialization and instrumentationalization Stephen Hawking, we will soon have to “face yields may be drastically reduced. On a high appears explosive on the historical timeline. of knowledge. It has become attached to the awesome environmental challenges: climate emissions pathway, the incidence of extreme The overall effects of this growth on living demand that certain results be produced on change, food production, overpopulation, the drought affecting cropland could double standards, resource use, and the environment the marketplace.” (2017) decimation of other species, epidemic disease, globally over the course of the century under will continue to change the world landscape The demand for results goes hand in hand acidification of the oceans”. (2016) central estimates. long after.” (2005) with the current prevailing social system, Hawking places before us a selection of ■ The number of people exposed to extreme Even more – according to the Rewilding capitalism. It seems universally acceptable that exceptionally complex problems with which water shortage is projected to double Institute (2013) – the human population capitalism as a system constantly emphasises we as a society will be forced to confront and globally by mid-century due to population explosion over the last 200 years is the the need for new knowledge, for critical also, according to our own possibilities, solve. growth alone. Also the risk of flooding will primary driver of today’s mass extinction. thinking. Everyone is also aware of the political This complexity and omnipresence indicate increase. With 1m of global sea level rise, the Harvard biologist E. O. Wilson even estimates catchwords, that we are living in a society of that it will not be possible to solve these probability of what is now a ‘100-year flood that 30,000 species per year (or three knowledge, in an information society. It must be problems only with a selected, highly-educated event’ becomes about 40 times more likely species per hour) are being driven to stressed that it is not about the celebration of specialised elite (undoubtedly, professional in Shanghai, 200 times more likely in New extinction. Extinction is the most serious, knowledge in general, but it is about the search designers also belong among them). But in York, and 1000 times more likely in Kolkata. utterly irreversible effect of unsustainable only for that knowledge which bears results, order to successfully solve the aforementioned ■ Many elements of the climate system human population. (Center for Biological that knowledge which is able in the shortest problems it will be necessary to empower every are capable of abrupt or irreversible Diversity, 2012) possible time to transfer into the economy. single individual with a knowledge of design. change. Changes to monsoons or to ocean Another consequence of the planet’s A demand for knowledge that provides the In the continuation of this research we will circulation patterns, die-back of tropical warming with the effect of the decimation 14 15 of other species is acidification of the oceans. Text to Change project, sending text messages remains centred on identifying and acquiring Species from corals to lobsters and fish are to provide and collect important information, the skills that could be interesting to future succumbing to pathogenic infection. “A lot informing the Sierra Leonean population of 2.4: employers. Implementing such changes means of marine bacteria, viruses, and fungi grow ways to prevent the spread of Ebola virus perpetuating old thinking. Perpetuating an better at warmer temperatures,” Drew Harvell, (Beijma, 2017). education system which is expected to an expert on marine infectious diseases and continually adapt to the demands of the professor of ecology at Cornell University Between past and future market yet the role of which never changes. explains. At the same time, the animals they Perpetuating an education system the sole infect are weakened by the hotter temps. 04. CHALLENGES: purpose of which is to prepare young people “It’s a perfect storm of trouble.” (Wilcox, 2016) Automatization, Robotization “Education is the point at which we decide for the labour market. (Decimated jobs, widening economic whether we love the world enough to This approach is objectionable for yet inequality, Lights-Out Manufacturing) assume responsibility for it and by the another reason. This is an approach that turns same token save it from ruin which, except schools from educational into vocational 03. CHALLENGES: One story goes that factories all over the for renewal, except for the coming of institutions. Considering the described Epidemic Disease world are “applying robotics engineering and the new and young, would be inevitable. complex problems and also all unpredictable other innovative manufacturing technologies And education, too, is where we decide challenges that are expected to lie ahead, Up to today, more than 400 infectious diseases to replace repetitive tasks previously done whether we love our children enough not vocational schools seem all the more were identified and more than 60% came by employees and through training, also to expel them from our world and leave unreasonable. What is more, it is precisely due from animals. Pathogens have transferred enable (human) employees to focus on higher them to their own devices, nor to strike to these premises that learning how to think from animals to people for as long as we have value-added elements in the manufacturing their hands, their chance of understanding seems to be the most reasonable thing to do. had contact. Domestication of livestock led process, such as research and development, something new, something unforeseen by Accordingly, the purpose of school should be to the emergence of measles, expanding process control and quality control. ” us, but to prepare them in advance for the to equip students with knowledge that cannot trade routes in the 14th century spread the (Wakefield, 2016) task of renewing a common world.” be randomly picked up on the street. This is why rat-borne Black Death across Europe and But a starker reality seems to be this: — Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future the ongoing process of reforming schools into smallpox to the Americas in the 16th century. “Nine robots now do the job of 140 full-time merely practical ways of acquiring knowledge Intensification of farming in recent decades has workers. [...] The company, which exports 1,500 In addition to universally acknowledged future raises doubts. It raises doubts about whether caused problems such as the brain-wasting sinks a day, spent more than $3m on the robots. projections, which are largely based on the exclusively empirical (practical) learning Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of ‘These machines are cheaper, more precise assumption that understanding the present can truly result in knowledge that is broad BSE) and today’s tightly connected world has and more reliable than people,’ says Chen. situation makes it possible to ponder the enough to allow one to question and change seen the spread of swine flu, Sars, West Nile ‘I’ve never had a whole batch ruined by robots. future, numerous studies give advice as to the existing situations. virus and H5N1 bird flu with the fastest possible I look forward to replacing more humans in skills that will be considered important for jobs According to Professor of Sociology speed. (JHa, 2013) future,’ he adds, with a wry smile.” (Bland, (livelihood) in the years to come. One of the Frank Furedi, theoretical knowledge matters These diseases resulted in the biggest 2016) or “The Foxconn factory has reduced most prominent forecasts of this kind is a list because, “it can help students to rise above threats to entire population of humans on its employee strength from 110,000 to 50,000, of 10 skills published by the World Economic their particular experience and gain insight into the Earth (as example epidemic of Ebola thanks to the introduction of robots. It has Forum (Gray, 2016), according to which one the wider world into which they are initiated. virus disease in West Africa, causing at least tasted success in reduction of labour costs.” will need to acquire (by 2020 at the latest) to This type of formal education has as its premise 11,000 deaths from 2013-2016) because of the (Bolton, 2016) thrive in society: 1) Complex Problem Solving; the understanding that there are real limits to increased mobility and global traveling which Many economists and scientists have 2) Critical Thinking; 3) Creativity; 4) People what can be learned from direct experience.” enables fast spread of the diseases. issued dire warnings about how automation Management; 5) Coordinating with Others; (Furedi, 2016 [2009]: 75) For, “the way the world In the World Health Organisation report titled will affect the job market. As mentioned 6) Emotional Intelligence; 7) Judgment and appears is often not the way it is, we rely on Blueprint for R&D preparedness and response before, in a column written by Stephen Decision Making; 8) Service Orientation; abstract theoretical knowledge to interpret to public health emergencies due to highly Hawking for The Guardian, “the automation 9) Negotiation; 10) Cognitive Flexibility. it.” (Ibid.) Or as Michael Young, Professor of infectious pathogens, we can find an initial list of factories has already decimated jobs in These skills have at least one thing in Education observed, “because the world is of seven diseases requiring urgent R&D. The list traditional manufacturing, and the rise of common: they are (and presumably will remain not as we experience it, curriculum knowledge includes: Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic artificial intelligence is likely to extend this job for at least a few years to come) all skills must be discontinuous, not continuous with fever; Filovirus diseases (Ebola & Marburg); destruction deep into the middle classes, with that the present and emerging automation everyday experience.” (in Ibid.) coronaviruses (MERS CoV & SARS); Lassa only the most caring, creative or supervisory processes involving robots and artificial fever; Nipah virus; Rift Valley fever. Also listed roles remaining.” The fear is that while artificial intelligence have so far failed to master to the were three further diseases determined to be intelligence will bring radical increases in extent people can. In short, these are the skills serious, necessitating further action as soon as efficiency in industry, for ordinary people one will supposedly need to prosper in the possible: Chikungunya virus, severe fever with this will translate into unemployment and coming Fourth Industrial Revolution. thrombocytopenia syndrome, and Zika virus. uncertainty, as their human jobs are replaced However, all this seems to have come Fields such as medicine (Theoretical by machines (Hawking, 2016). halfway, to have become ensnared in a Biology, Medical Modelling), media, policy world where ongoing changes are being planning and technology can contribute acknowledged yet the perception of learning directly to improvement of the situation. remains the same. In other words, an education Better information flow can greatly prevent system is still in place which only appears the spread of the diseases. A good example is to be constantly changing when in fact it 16 17 2.5: In this context, corruption of youth by means of education will become increasingly necessary. This will be the only way for young people to be able to interpret the world beyond the existent and the particular. This will be a way for them to play an active role in changing Education as the “corruption” the world instead of merely uncritically of youth maintaining existing (unsustainable) practice. All of the above raises the question, what active role can design knowledge play in the In the light of what has been said, attention education process, in the process of the should be drawn to another aspect or, corruption of youth? better still, ability. The ability to question traditions, the ability to question what seems inalterable. The ability to confront universally accepted postulates. This is precisely what the philosopher Alain Badiou underlines when discussing Socrates’ death sentence for corruption of youth. Badiou writes: “Essentially, to corrupt youth means only one thing: to try to ensure that young people don’t go down the paths already mapped out, that they are not just condemned to obey social customs, that they can create something new, propose a different direction as regards the true life.” (Badiou, 2017 [2016]: 8) How is this relevant to design and the education process? If, as in the previous Section, understanding the present was proposed as a prerequisite for future activity, another approach may be much more interesting in terms of our existence (and this research): an approach where one can envision a future in which coexistence is possible as well as envision the person one wants to become. Only after charting this course, can one start looking for ways to modify the world in such a way that this can be achieved. Design theorist and philosopher Tony Fry shares a similar line of thought. In his book Becoming Human by Design, Fry introduces a new way of understanding the objective of design. He writes: “We have always been partly formed by the way we form our world, what we have never done is to make such action a conscious, directed and deliberate transformation of the self.” 19 3: CASE STUDIES 03 To answer the last questions in Section Two, a selection of case studies highlighting relevant findings is presented in Section Three. These are then discussed further in Section Four, Research Results and Section Five, Look Ahead. CASE STUDIES 20 21 3.1: ■ Deep emotional engagement with the Urban Montessori Charter School 3.1.C: University puppet greatly helps in setting up goals and Location: Oakland, USA energy, children are eager to get involved and have steep learning curves not just for Department of Science Education, Faculty facts but are also creative in finding their Urban Montessori is a TK-81 charter free public of Science, University of Copenhagen own methods for solving related problems. school located in Oakland. The school is Location: Copenhagen, Denmark ■ An innovative form of learning is thus an based on the teachings of Maria Montessori, Institutionalised learning independent form practiced by children, in combination with design thinking, and educators, parents and other experts, who arts integration. Rikke Kortsen Okholm from Department of are not scared of change or transformation Science Education is editor of an innovation The first set of case study examples focuses and have a vision of how to improve the Relevant findings toolbox for (university-) teachers. The toolbox on institutionalised learning programmes world, their pre-knowledge and enrich was developed by Katapult - entrepreneurial whose teaching methods intentionally involve formal education. ■ Classrooms are: greenhouse and Teach First Denmark, both design thinking tools in order to improve • mixed age based at the University of Copenhagen students’ results and their acquired knowledge. • self-directed — children select activities in collaboration with WorkZ (concept Very importantly, these are not design schools from a prepared environment development), Stickelback (web development) per se. 3.1.B: Primary school • organized around uninterrupted blocks and Marie Flensborg, UCPH HUM (graphics). of work time In addition, the development happened • places where children learn through in collaboration with teachers based at Budapest schools discovery Copenhagen Business School (CBS), the 3.1.A: Kindergarten Location: Budapest, Hungary ■ The school defines design thinking as Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the the ability to use a systematic process to University of Copenhagen (UCPH). (Innovation understand people and situations, define and entrepreneurship in education) Trnovo Kindergarten Budapest School was launched in September problems, and come up with innovative Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia 2015 and is a network of local and community solutions. Relevant findings driven schools with education for around 2000 ■ “Design Challenges” are integrated learning young adults. The main aim of the school is to projects in which students go through ■ Toolbox – created for teachers – covers Vrtec Trnovo (Trnovo Kindergarten) is a create an educational environment in which the steps of the design thinking process. various design-related models and nursery school that is part of wide network children become naturally equipped with the These can be short, designed to introduce approaches: design thinking, business of pre-school childcare institutions publicly mindset and skills needed to lead a happy life. all phases of the process quickly, or long, model canvas, double diamond... funded in Slovenia. It has, however, one strong to allow for in-depth investigation into the It deliberately gives tools to cover all the characteristic which distinguishes it from the Relevant findings curriculum components. areas of a typical design project: team rest. Over the years, management and staff ■ Students are also engaged in hands-on dynamic, field work, problem definition, have developed a special method of learning, ■ The idea behind the school is to design projects that focus on building empathy, idea generation, idea selection, concept researching and developing creativity through a school system where collaboration, promoting a bias toward action, encouraging development, testing, prototyping and the involvement of puppetry. Educators of growth-mindset and cooperation are in the ideation and fostering active problem realization, but are to be implemented Trnovo Kindergarten calls this method frontier of the education curriculum. solving. Using one’s imagination is central and use in all the courses at the University “Pedagogical Puppeteer” (Antič et al., 2015). ■ In order to achieve future-adaptiveness in a in this process as is building competency of Copenhagen. competitive environment, they foster critical in learning-to-learn skills such as working ■ Most models and methods in the toolbox Relevant findings thinking, creativity and a curious mind. in groups, following a process, defining have been tested within the context of ■ They practice learning as a system which is problems and creating solutions. previous and current efforts to integrate ■ Methods and tools are exactly defined and being constantly improved by educators and ■ In short: teachers utilize design thinking innovation and entrepreneurship into were developed through iterations over tech professionals. principles and processes in order to enable courses at the University of Copenhagen. many years. ■ Main characteristics: students to build creative confidence and ■ The aim of the innovation toolbox ■ In the learning process, a pedagogical • mixed age classrooms enact positive change in the world. is to provide (university-) teachers puppeteer uses a pedagogical puppet in • personalized education and focus on with a clear means of planning and a systematic and meaningful way. the whole child implementing courses that incorporate ■ Through pedagogical play, the educator and • subjects are taught around themes innovative elements. child gain knowledge based on a research • learning environments are managed by question by: 1. experience, 2. observation, teams of teachers 3. gathering information, 4. communication • school builds emotionally safe and 5. experimenting in open and laboratory environment and is radically inclusive learning environments. ■ Experiences to solve difficult problems with 1 K–8 schools, elementary-middle schools, or K–8 the help of a puppet in a safe environment centers are schools in the United States that enroll students from kindergarten/pre-K (age 5–6) through gives children assurance and stays in the 8th grade (up to age 14), combining the typical long-term memory as a positive experience elementary school (K–6) and junior high or middle for the future. school (7–8).–8_school (March 20, 2017). 22 23 3.2: ■ How do they contradict formal education? ■ Although tools and technics on how He graduated in Electrical Engineering and By: to visualise are very important, the Computer Science (EECS) from MIT and • non-linear learning paths publication’s vital contribution is also clear was awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy in • learning by doing communication about the design process: Mathematical Psychology from the University • new professions and skills how to define a problem (what do you want of Pennsylvania. He is best known for his books • a sharing space to grow up to communicate), and what tools can be on design, especially The Design of Everyday Informal forms of learning ■ Their value proposition is: used at what point (organisation of elements, Things. He is widely regarded for his expertise • Access to a future, a better one: consult abstraction and simplifying of material, use in the fields of design, usability engineering, with others, cooperate, work on projects of colour, use of space, the importance of and cognitive science and his advocating of The second set of case study examples with a tangible impact on the real world editing and iterations...). user-centered design. focuses on informal and unconventional • Curiosity being the engine of progress (open source) forms of learning, those • Promoting a transversal and peer-to-Johannes Torpe that deliberately challenge the present peer approach to the learning topic state. Additionally, the focus is on projects • Spaces for social aggregation to learn in 3.2.C: Self-educated designers A self-educated designer, the former Creative and individuals who lack formal training as a cooperative context: the necessity to Director of Bang & Olufsen, and now founder designers yet practice design professionally restore sharing spaces and practices and creative director of Johannes Torpe or use professional design tools in their jobs • New professional figures: things change, Design professionals are not always educated Studios. He was raised by parents on a hippy in a professional way. The term “professional therefore we need to change things at design and architectural schools or commune in Denmark and taught to think freely design tools” primarily denotes the ability to academies. Some of the most prominent and in unorthodox ways. In his studio they work understand complex situations (the ability figures in the design field can serve as good across a multitude of creative industries with to recognize and solve complex problems) examples of self-taught designers. Here we interdisciplinarity at the heart of the studio, they with the explicit purpose of changing existing 3.2.B: Science present few examples from diverse fields are advocates for an unrestrained and fearless situations into preferred ones. and backgrounds: approach to design. “From a musician, lighting designer and club owner to furniture designer, Visual Strategies. A Practical Guide to Giulio Gianturco restaurant owner and interior designer, Graphics for Scientists and Engineers Johannes Torpe has proven that formal training 3.2.A: Open Source School Felice C. Frankel and Angela H. DePace Gianturco represents an example of a isn’t a necessary prerequisite to success in the Yale University Press, 2012 doctor/surgeon turned designer. He graduated design industry.” (Tucker, 2016) in medicine and surgery but gained his La Scuola Open Source visual-strategies knowledge of materials and problem solving Elizabeth (Dori) Tunstall Location: Bari, Italy know-how from his hobbies, such as sailing. A research scientist at MIT’s Center for He applied design skills first to his own private Tunstall holds a PhD and an MA in Anthropology Materials Science and Engineering, Felice environment, but soon developed production from Stanford University [1994–1999] and a Educational Institute, Centre for Research Frankel, and systems biologist Angela DePace runs for the products and left medicine to BA in Anthropology from Bryn Mawr College and Consultancy – in Art and Technology – (with others experts from the fields) wrote establish his design studio. [1990–1994]. She is Dean of the Faculty of for Industry, Trade and Handicraft (digital or a very practical and enlightening book about Design at Ontario College of Art and Design not). They believe and practice open source the importance of science communication. David Goodsell and Sabina Radeva (OCAD) in Toronto, Canada and the first black because, in its incremental logic, it represents The book is based on the notion that scientists Dean of a Faculty of Design anywhere. She is the blueprint for a collaborative, adaptive and are not trained in design and visual language interested in human values and design as a recursive cultural system. They believe that and their concepts and outcomes of research Natural scientists often became interested in manifestation of those values. She works as a such an approach needs to be used in all are often poorly presented. The book is a tool visualisation and in visual explanations of the design anthropologist, researcher, academic fields of knowledge, so to enable possibilities to educate scientists and engineers in how to material they are researching. Two of them leader, writer, and educator. Tunstall has for everyone. visually present their findings in clearer and are successful illustrators: David Goodsell described the teaching of design anthropology more comprehensible ways. — as a practicing molecular biologist turned as a hybrid praxis of: critical anthropological Relevant findings artist-illustrator he merges his interests in and design theory; anthropological and Relevant findings cells, pathogens, molecules and art. A second participatory design research methods; design ■ What do they believe in? example is molecular biologist Sabina Radeva, studio and social systems making. She also • Non-linearity ■ The aim of the book is to help scientists and who also became an illustrator without suggests a shift in design education to focus • Co-design engineers improve the way they portray their formal education and recently published on how students and staff exist ontologically, or • Open work research through visual communication a picture book based on Darwin’s On The ‘be,’ in the world rather than solely how they see • Multiverse design (photos, diagrams and graphs). Origin Of Species in order to communicate his the world. (Tunstall, 2011 and 2012) • Antifragility Different media (journal submissions, breakthrough ideas in understandable and • Do it yourself grant proposals, conference posters and accessible way. • Opensource presentations) urges them to apply different • Hacker ethics methods in which they are not skilled and Don Norman • Sharing this book gives them a rich base from which • Osmosis to learn about successful visual language. A university professor, co-founder and consultant with the Nielsen Norman Group. 24 25 3.3: Similarly, the Association of American Colleges 3.3.B: The Studio at the Edge of Relevant findings and Universities (AAC&U) is working on the World identifying the hallmarks of the 21st Century ■ The studio is to grow a cadre of graduate: “new emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary ‘designers’ able to globally educating students to be purposeful and Location: Tasmania, the Island State proliferate transformative inspirational self-directed in multiple ways—on becoming of Australia ‘trigger’ projects that, over time, will Learning “after the end of the intentional learners”. The report Greater advance cultures, economies and politics of world” Expectations: A New Vision for Learning ‘The Sustainment’. as a Nation Goes to College (2002), states: The Studio has an interdisciplinary and ■ The studio practices learning that is by its “Becoming such an intentional learner means international focus. It is a new kind of very nature interdisciplinary and necessarily The third set of good practice examples developing self-awareness about the reason venture and centres on two areas of activity: intercultural. focuses on projects and considerations that for study, the learning process itself, and how the creation of learning events; and the ■ The studio attracts those architects, extend to learning “after the end of the world”, education is used. Intentional learners are development of a design think-tank in designers and other professionals who at the time when the scenarios under Section integrative thinkers who can see connections partnership with education institutions, are unsettled by ‘the state of the world’ as Two (context) may start to become a reality. in seemingly disparate information and draw on government, NGOs and associates. seen in its environmental, geopolitical, Possible learning trajectories were examined, a wide range of knowledge to make decisions. The name of the Studio is based on socio-cultural and inequity problems. with an analysis as to which aspects are They adapt the skills learned in one situation the recognition that we, human beings, all Such people are frustrated by the limits already closely associated with design (and in to new problems encountered in another—in a now live on the edge of a disaster wherein of their practice, and recognise the what way). classroom, the workplace, their communities, environment, social, geopolitical and economic insufficiency of the ways that ‘sustainability’ – and their personal lives. As a result, intentional unsustainability will fuse. Thus humanity is in as theory and practice - is currently applied learners succeed even when instability is the danger of going over this edge. Behind the to the unsustainable human condition and only constant.” (Clayton-Pedersen and O’Neill) Studio is Tony Fry, an internationally to world making, and who want an intense 3.3.A: Intentional learners recognised design theorist, educator, and and grounded learning experience that Relevant findings author. Fry, by working with other distinguished will advance their knowledge, practice and authors, pushes the envelope by addressing transformative capability. (The Studio at the Supporting students to self-direct ■ A vital combination of empowerment emerging areas. Edge of the World) intentional learning projects through intellectual and practical skills, Terje Väljataga and Sebastian Fiedler which is informed by knowledge and ways of knowing; and responsible for personal students_to_self-direct_intentional_learning_ actions and civic values. projects_with_social_media ■ Mastery of a range of abilities and capacities empowers intentional learners as they Already in 2009, Väljataga and Fiedler manoeuvre in and shape a world in flux. published an article advocating “self-directing ■ Intentional learners possess a core of intentional learning projects”, which would knowledge, both broad and deep, derived be helpful in coping with “many authentic from many fields. Through discussion, challenges in increasingly networked and critical analysis, and introspection, technologically mediated life”. intentional learners come to understand their roles in society and accept active participation. ■ In short: students are expected to draw on various knowledge bases, integrate them, conduct increasingly more sophisticated analyses as they progress through college, and use their integrated knowledge to solve complex problems. (Clayton-Pedersen and O’Neill) 27 4: RESEARCH RESULTS 04 In Section Four, we discuss our findings, conclusions and posed questions about the state of new education models. After a brief introductory overview, we follow Fry’s suggestions and search for new education models that would help reshape the world in a way that enables humanity to consciously and deliberately transform the self. We conclude with a challenging notion – the need to reflect on how design might RESEARCH enter all educational programs. RESULTS 28 29 4.1: transfer of knowledge from general knowledge 04. 05. to an understanding of the complexity of situations (an ability to recognise problems), to empathy? Thus to the knowledge that is already The common denominator of all three concerns The one question that remains is: Where is necessary for professional designers today is the problem of the existing condition, or the place for professional designers in the as well as for all people who are changing an rather, the fact that design is separated from future? Here we are following the notion of existing situation into a preferred one? other professions, from other knowledge. Italian designer and theorist Andrea Branzi. The state of research ** With a supplementary question, how long It seems all the more logical to abolish design Branzi perceives design no longer “as a can we still debate human labour? See more as an independent, separate education positive response to a functional requirement, under point 3. discipline and introduce it into all the pores but as creation of the demand itself, i.e. Here we present an overview of the main of education as a mandatory component. as active intervention in the modification of concerns regarding new design educational The fact that everything is designed and behaviour, creating new functions and new models and the opportunities that lie ahead. 03. simultaneously only a small part of everything freedoms. As early as 1954 Ettore Sottsass has been designed by trained designers, Jr. wrote: ‘When Charles Eames designed his clearly demonstrates that the existing system chair, he was not designing a chair, but a way of 01. is not working. Actually, it is becoming clearer sitting; that is to say he was not designing for The third question, which is becoming that it would be more reasonable to empower a function, but designing a function.’” (Branzi increasingly relevant for the field of education: everyone who daily changes an existing 1984, 49) What will happen with education in the event situation into a preferred one with a knowledge According to Branzi, design no longer The research shows that in some places of the end of human labour? Will the focus of design. In a similar way, just as the majority of responds by proposing a solution to an doubt is rising about the established (political, on education be even greater? Or will the us learn to read today, that same majority can identified problem, but rather – as the quote economic and social) criteria for the necessity possession of knowledge become entirely learn the basics of design (that is – to simplify – above implies – by creating the demand itself. of a constantly changing and adapting of pointless? Will we search with even greater an ability to recognise a problem and find an This means that instead of a solution to a education. It seems more important to seek intensity for new knowledge that will help us empathetic, functional solution to it). Only in problem, one designs a problem itself. In the the answer to the question: What are the basic reach even further, since we will finally no this way will we finally begin to pay attention light of this, one may understand what Branzi types of knowledge that an individual should longer waste time working just to survive? to our skills, knowledge and also to the effects means by referring to the necessity of creating acquire (or at least know), regardless of the Or will we simply lose the desire to learn, since we cause with our doings. Comprehending this the demand itself. It is about redesigning the time in which one is becoming educated? In the robots will do all the thinking for us? might give us (human designers) the identified problem, where the result of the context of the current study, the key question The continuing degradation of the opportunity to be (in the future) part of the redesign creates conditions for new functions. is thus: What are the basic aspects of design environment – another completely possible solution and not the problem. By enabling new functions, one paves the knowledge that one* must acquire during the scenario –, would also dramatically affect our way – in the words of Branzi – for new freedoms education process? focus on education. It seems that certain skills and the capacity for active intervention in the * Here we are thinking about each one of us, would greatly benefit us in such a situation, modification of our behaviour. To achieve this, since we are following the aforementioned skills such as: how to find drinking water, design needs thinking individuals. It needs all definitions recognizing all of us as designers how to raise food, how to take care of one’s those whose everyday actions are overlooked, safety… With a shift of focus, the question but freed of the domination of the market. arises: in such a case what would happen to So, the role of design is both to recognize these 02. all of philosophy, art, culture, all the learning individuals and empower each and every one from general knowledge we have piled up of us. Even more, the role of design (as one of through millennia? the key elements that shape the environment It is interesting that mastering the basics we live in) is therefore not only to transform The demand for the separation between of design remains relevant in both of the our environment in such a way that it enables knowledge that ensures the possibility of described potential futures – for confronting the described empowering of individuals; but direct application (often this knowledge is all the types of recognisable, more or less also, design is in a position to create the right characterised by the term “useful knowledge”), complex problems. We can once again confirm conditions for devising and encouraging new and that which does not reveal a direct the fact that design has always been an functions. As the essence of emancipatory application, is today substantially interfering important part of what makes us human. learning, the latter constitutes a solution to in the field of education. But, as we’ve tried to the challenge described under point 4 of stress: Is not the formation of a curriculum with this Section. merely “useful knowledge” rather insufficient? Would we not instead be more successful in gaining applicable knowledge through working in practice**? Or does useful, applicable knowledge actually apply to exercising skills? The latter leads us to the next question. If applicable knowledge is regularly acquired through practice, does that not mean that classical education should be dedicated to the 31 5: LOOK AHEAD 05 If we concur that it would be reasonable to empower everyone who changes an existing situation into a preferred one with a knowledge of design on a daily basis; and if we concur that there would still be a place for professional designers in a world where everyone had a basic knowledge of design, the question arises: What now? If we establish that the role of designers today is to create the conditions that LOOK AHEAD make possible what has been proposed, perhaps the first step is to specify the type of designers that we should start discussing. The answer to this question begins and concludes Section Five of this research. 32 33 5.1: In other words, according to Klepec, if life What matters is reason, the ability to make providing a wake-up call from the pleasant threatening pollution forced us to choose independent and conscious decisions, choices. dream that technology can provide a last-between proposal (1) – building a ring around Acting this way means being active, critical. minute rescue), this research should be used the planet – and proposal (2) – making changes Or, in the words of Freire, developing a critical for re-establishing the working ground. It is to our behaviour in order to stop pollution – we consciousness. One is capable of rising to the only by developing a critical consciousness would find the first proposal more acceptable. situations and challenges they are faced with, that designers can once again become integral Despite the technological complexity of and changing them, through their action. One is persons and finally assume the role of Subject Design as critical consciousness building rings, such a process is more easily capable of intervening with the context that in today’s society. What is more, by educating conceivable than a world in which – as Fuller first seems unalterable. And this is essential ourselves, we will grasp that we possess the proposes – the accumulated knowledge would in understanding conscious critical behaviour, power and means – namely intercultural and In 1969, renowned American visionary, inventor, be invested, rather than in the development of for, as Freire explains: “The integrated interdisciplinary action – to undertake real designer, architect, lecturer and prolific writer ever new weapons and warfare, in a better life person is person as Subject. In contrast, social change. Richard Buckminster Fuller published his for everyone. This and all Fuller’s previously the adaptive person is person as object, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. As the listed proposals seem in their very essence to adaptation representing at most a weak form title suggests, this is a manual. A manual for be impracticably fictitious. As something that is of self-defense. If man is incapable of changing life: not in terms of today’s self-help newspeak, simply not real. This is why, even if the decision reality, he adjusts himself instead.” (Ibid., 4) but in terms of reflection about the ways of for a better life for everybody may appear to be The latter – uncritical adjustment – is far too teaching and acting that pursue the principles self-evident, this seems an impossible choice often also seen in the field of design. Each time of sustainable coexistence of all who share life each and every time that society is faced with it manifests itself, the designer becomes a on Spaceship Earth at any given time. it. Regardless of how enforced we may find negation of what he or she should be. This is It is an irrefutable fact that if only a few the alternative, this option still seems to be a negation of the premise of an all-round of the guidelines from the manual had utterly unfathomable as it envisages social individual capable of anticipatory thinking, of been adhered to when it was first published, change. It seems that time and again, we lack an individual who can see the big picture, of a today’s world would be a different place to what it takes to make a conscious, critical and thinking individual. By acceding to uncritical live in. I dare say it would be a better place to responsible choice and decision, and accept adjustment, individuals are objectivised, along live in. A world without hunger, a world with its long-term implications. with their thoughts, actions, roles, and, as a underlying “more with less” logic, a world Needless to say, such choices and decisions result, the position of design in society. that would have realized long ago the short-are not easy to make. Yet it is the accumulated The role of the disempowered assumed by sightedness and exhaustibility of the use of knowledge and the range of available thinking today’s designers and their uncritical stance fossil fuels and nuclear energy. This would be tools that no longer allow one to evade thinking on the present situation are reminiscent of the a world where wealth and peoples’ attitudes and using these tools to change our behaviour. state of tutelage as defined by the philosopher towards knowledge and learning were In his Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education Immanuel Kant. This is a state self-incurred fundamentally re-defined. It would be a world of Man, Friedrich Schiller wrote: “Man is not by an individual due to his “inability to make where decision-making were not in the hands better treated by nature in his first start than her use of his understanding without direction of a handful of individuals. What is more, fair other works are; so long as he is unable to act from another”. Kant offers a seemingly simple distribution of resources and means would for himself as an independent intelligence, she piece of advice on how to emerge from this have become self-evident rather than still acts for him. But the very fact that constitutes state: “Have courage to use your own reason!” being a matter of mere initiatives proposed by him a man is that he does not remain stationary, (1784) As the first step towards using one’s own individuals such as the aforementioned British where nature has placed him, that he can reason to find a way out of the state of tutelage, astrophysicist, mathematician and cosmologist pass with his reason, retracing the steps philosopher Ivan Urbančič emphasizes the Stephen Hawking. nature had made him anticipate, that he can necessity of acknowledging one’s true state, Nearly fifty years since the publication of convert the work of necessity into one of free the necessity of finally realizing the truth about the book, our attitude towards technology solution, and elevate physical necessity into oneself. It is only after one realizes that no man is probably where we most relate to Fuller’s a moral law.” (1794) is free that one can start asking questions such thinking, but only in that despite the climate Nearly two centuries later, Paulo Freire as: What now? What chances have we got? change we are causing with our own followed a similar line of thought. In his (2009) Or in the words of philosopher Rado insatiability, we still firmly believe technology is Education as the Practice of Freedom, he Riha: “Freedom starts by asking ourselves: what will ultimately save us. Thanks to our firm wrote: “Human relationships with the world What do we really want?” (2009) faith in technology, we still belive we can safely are plural in nature. Whether facing widely This research confronts us with the necessity avoid addressing the urgency of changing different challenges of the environment or the of the critical education of designers. Here, individuals’ behaviour. Philosopher Peter same challenge, men are not limited to a single it should be noted that “designers” refers to Klepec refers to this as the inability to imagine reaction pattern. They organize themselves, trained professionals as well as those without what is “real”, for “the Real always comes as choose the best response, test themselves, formal training. Rather than a reason to a surprise, as a traumatic incursion. Today, we act, and change in the very act of responding. succumb to the role of a compliant Object, this find it easier to imagine building rings around They do all this consciously, as one uses a tool interdependence is precisely the reason why the planet to fight pollution than contemplating to deal with a problem. Men relate to their world a critical stance should be an indispensable real social change.” (Klepec, 2015) in a critical way.” (2011, 3) premise of all our actions. 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She has published common social purpose: to not only do things several professional and scholarly articles and right, but do the right things. is the author or coauthor of four books. She has edited ten books and curated ten exhibitions. She regularly lectures at international academic and professional conferences, and, with Petra Černe Oven, leads a number of workshops in the field of service and information design. Barbara is a co-founder of CODEC. Petra Černe Oven (Researcher) Petra is a designer, associate professor at Published by: CODEC, the Academy of Fine Arts & Design (Ljubljana), Authors: Barbara Predan and researcher on typography, information Petra Černe Oven design and visual communication design. Edited by: Barbara Predan She is a member of the supervisory board Copyediting by: Kate Spacek of The Brumen Foundation, active in the English translation (excerpts): Jana Wilcoxen and Pekinpah Association, and co-founder of Soglasnik – Translation Cooperative Institute of Design. She is a national delegate Design: Dániel Kozma, for ATypI, member of Scientific Committees for international conferences (ICTVC, CIDI/2015, Information+/2016). With Barbara Predan they established and edit Zbirka 42, book series in the field of design theory. Funded by the Visegrad Fund Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, London, Prague, Warsaw 2017 © The authors Document Outline _GoBack