SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 38/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 18.9. 2022 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FALL BANQUET Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Izbirati vrednote v luči večnosti »Poglejte, če vzamemo dobesedno te in druge evangeljske besede, vsebujejo nekaj obup zbujajočega. Zdi se, da za večino kristjanov odzvanjajo samo kot neko zavračanje. Gre za področje, v katerem te besede - čeprav ohranjajo radikalnost - izginejo iz meril vsakdanjosti: lahko jih prebiramo kot klic k nenehnemu spodbujanju vesti, kot vabilo, da bi vse svoje življenje živeli v napetosti, k nenehnemu spreobračanju, kar je v nasprotju z duhovno monotonostjo, počasnim prilagajanjem, ki vodi v navado, onstran samega bivanja.« (Mario Pomilio) Pustimo v oklepaju priliko o krivičnem oskrbniku, pri katerem gre za pravo in svojevrstno »zvrst« pokvarjencev, ki ne bodo nikoli izginili iz človeške zgodovine. Osredotočimo se na vrsto Jezusovih izrekov, ki jih je Luka zbral ob koncu. Ti postanejo mala zbirka opominov, namenjena kristjanom, o odnosu do gmotnih dobrin. Izrekov ne moremo vedno takoj neposredno razumeti, vabijo pa nas, da bi svoje življenje živeli v napetosti. Začnimo s prvo, ne tako preprosto spodbudo o »prijateljih«, ki jih pridobimo s »krivičnim bogastvom«. Za nekatere preučevalce so »prijatelji«, o katerih je govor, angeli ali celo Bog. Vendar pa je bolj verjetno, da gre za uboge: na tak način izrek postane veliko jasnejši saj nam ponuja življenjsko lekcijo prav glede bogastva, ki je pogosto »nečastno«: »Plačilo, ki ste ga utajili delavcem«, je priložnost za »naslajanje, uživaštvo in razkošno življenje«. Res, Jezus nas spodbuja, da bogastvo poklonimo revežem, božjim »prijateljem«, da nas VESTNIK 2022 | bodo takrat, ko pride trenutek smrti in nam bo vseh dobrin zmanjkalo, sprejeli v »večna bivališča«, v nebeške »šotore«, kjer bomo vedno veseli in v miru z Bogom in z zadnjimi na zemlji, ki bodo postali prvi v nebeškem kraljestvu. Poglejmo izrek o zvestobi v velikem in v malem, v »nečastnem« in »pravem« bogastvu, glede lastnih in tujih dobrin. Beseda, ki nenehno odzvanja, je prav »zvestoba«. Vseobsežnost darovanja sebe je odločilna odlika. Žal je Kristus z grenkobo ugotovil, da so »otroci tega sveta bolj prebrisani kot otroci luči«. Da bi dosegli »nečastno bogastvo« in si ga ohranili, žrtvujejo dušo in telo; za lažne malike so pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, medtem ko so za prave vrednote pogosto počasni. Oster Jezusov odziv, izražen v močni govorici, lahko pojasnimo s trdo govorico iz Razodetja: »Vem za tvoja dela, da nisi ne mrzel ne vroč. O, ko bi le bil mrzel ali vroč! Ker pa nisi ne vroč ne mrzel, ampak mlačen, sem pred tem, da te izpljunem iz svojih ust« (Raz 3,15-16). V tretjem izreku se medsebojno soočata dva »gospodarja«, oba zahtevna. Z ene strani se dviga Mamon (aramejska beseda, ki kaže na »lastništvo, bogastvo, imetje« in se tu pooseblja, kot da bi šlo za poganskega boga), na drugi strani pa je živeči Gospod. Človek je postavljen pred izbiro, ki jo Jezus postavlja za svojega učenca kot nujnost. Gre predvsem za »služenje«, ki v svetopisemski govorici kaže na bogoslužno dejanje in češčenje. Navezanost na stvari in na denar postane že prava in svojevrstna vera, lažna liturgija in čaščenje idolov; tu ni sredinske poti, ni mogoče, da bi v človekovem srcu hkrati sobivali dve ljubezni. Bog in lakomna sebičnost se torej izključujeta in predstavljata alternativo. Prevara, da bi sledili enemu in se ne odtrgali od drugega, je odstranjena z Jezusovim besedami, ki so jasne in odločne. Tudi danes se te besede dotikajo naše nezvestobe, prilagajanj in kompromisov in nas opominjajo na absolutno zahtevo in nedotakljivo čistost evangeljske izbire. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - C_2006/7, štev. 5) 350 | VESTNIK 2022 25TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Praise the Lord who lifts up the needy. First Reading Amos 8:4-7 The prophet speaks in blunt terms. Religious observance without concern for justice towards those who are poor is nothing but empty show. Second Reading 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Prayer is essential, not only in individual terms but as the obligation of the whole community. It is important for the common good that we take our responsibility to pray seriously, even when we cannot see the results. Gospel Luke 16:1-13 The parable of the dishonest steward appears baffling at first sight. But the key is in the final comment: whoever is faithful in little is faithful in much; and whoever is dishonest in little will be dishonest in much. “You cannot be the slave both of God and of money.” Illustration In Dickens’ novel A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge learns to see the emptiness and heartlessness of a life centred on the desire for money. Scrooge is saved by seeing the results of his obsession with wealth. This insight unlocks his mind and heart and reveals an unrealised capacity for love and generosity within him. Most of us don’t get a mirror held up to our lives in this way, and perhaps don’t need it as starkly as Scrooge does, but it’s rare for anyone to be satisfied that they have enough money. The need to be secure can blind us to the needs of others and to the Gospel imperative to do justice to those who are poor. Jesus calls us blessed when we hunger and thirst for justice. Being hungry and thirsty isn’t a comfortable feeling and standing up for justice will make demands on our lives. A faith that focuses on devotion but is indifferent to the needs of others is not an adequate response to God’s call. Our faith will be known by its fruits. God calls us to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with him. Pope Francis has invited us to become revolutionaries of tenderness. We do this by caring for those who are poor and all who suffer as if we were caring for Jesus himself. Gospel Teaching Today’s parable is difficult to understand at first sight, but it makes a telling point. Virtue needs to be kept in practice as much as any skill we may have in life. A pianist can’t learn to play a concerto without practising. We can’t grow in faith, hope and love unless we practise them on a day-to-day basis. Small acts of kindness, justice and faith are not insignificant to God. The mystic Julian of Norwich tells us that God notices not only great deeds, but also those that are small and simple, because not even the least of our good deeds will be forgotten. Virtues, like vices, are cumulative. They gather a momentum of their own. So our little daily acts of goodness become embedded in us and develop into a habit of grace, just as negative habits can become an unconscious but deadly habit that prevents grace from flourishing in our lives. This is demonstrated in our use of money and material things. Especially in these times when the pandemic has had a negative effect on many people’s disposable income, it can be hard to think of the needs of others before our own. We may be tempted to think that we will take care of others once we have secured our own wellbeing. But Jesus reminds us that our heart will be where our treasure is. If we treasure goodness and justice above our own security, we will find that God becomes our security and a rock on which we can build our lives in trust. Application It’s frequently noticed by fundraisers and those who work for charities that, proportionately, those who are poorer themselves tend to give more money to poor and disadvantaged people than do the wealthy. It is perhaps easier to see and act on the need for justice when we have been in need of justice ourselves. Acting for justice, whether by campaigning and raising awareness, by prayer or by direct involvement in caring for those in need, is the necessary fruit and proof of faith. A faith that is focused mainly on devotional practice with little or no focus on the poor and suffering Christ living among us risks becoming merely an abstraction and a dream that has little effect in reality. Pope Francis teaches us that God invites us to “touch the suffering flesh of Christ in others”. If we want to come close to Jesus, the nearest way is through our suffering sisters and brothers. We may not feel that our contribution to the common good is going to make much difference but, however small, what we give day by day, whether in material terms or by way of our actions and attitude towards our neighbour, makes a difference to the kind of human being that we are. This is how we grow into being “Christ for others”, especially for those whose only access to the Gospel is through us. Jesus calls us not only to hear the Gospel but to live it in the small actions and attitudes of our lives. This is the principal way in which we become evangelisers of those around us. VESTNIK 2022 | 351 We celebrated the end of the Summer Season and we welcomed Back to School at our Labour Day Long Wknd Baseball Tournament with much success. Thanks everyone for your support – by signing up a team, by volunteering to work the event/ picnic, by attending and supporting by purchasing food & beverages. Together – Members and Friends – we continue to keep our Slovenian culture alive and recreation thriving especially through the youth and sporting events and picnics. Lets begin with those who make sure the park is clean, tidy and welcoming for when we enter through the gates: Andrej Kanc and his crew, Štefka Kanc, and our hišnik Adam Dalessio and the countless others who do not count their hours, but count their blessings. As always, next up the members of the Executive who order the food, pick up the food and deliver, get the volunteers organized and run all the aspects of the picnic wknd – thanks to Regina & John Bell, Gerry Finn, Louis Kopač, Josie Dubé, Nicholas Scarcelli, and special thanks to Peter Novak and Dan Demsar. So much hard work, long hours; but they make it look so easy. We cannot say Thank You enough. Making sure our baseball players and guests did not get “hangry” the Kitchen was open all day Sat & Sun selling Kranjske, Schnitzels, Hotdogs, & Fries. Many thanks to Elizabeth Smolinger, Vida Kobetič, Maria Rogina, and Karen Simčič. Not only did they keep guests satisfied Saturday, they even prepped all the veggies for Sunday’s meals. Thanks ladies! On Sunday – our Kitchen staff was Anita Manzone, Marianne Horvat, Linda Novak, Peter Novak, and again Elizabeth Smolinger. Thanks for working the 352 | VESTNIK 2022 kitchen with the regular fare as well as the Roast Dinners. Your awesome work does not go unnoticed. And then of course – Sun morning Breakfast – what an awesome treat! Thanks so much Heidy Rumohr for spearheading this special extra and to her assistants, Patricia Pinter and Milica Muhic. We were blown away by the positive response to this initiative. And of course, thanks to those who worked the Bar Sat: Stan Pelcar, Dennis Puklic, Leah Skerl, John Kajin, Boris Grdadolnik and Peter Novak. And Bar on Sun: Drago Horvat, Sandy Manzone, Steven Horvat. Finally, thanks to Mayda Pušič who worked the first shift of the Cash Register Sunday and to Peter Novak who worked the second shift it sure helps. What is a picnic without Pečenka? Well, I guess it’s not really a picnic! So thanks to those members who prepped Sat night: Tom Mlekuž, Isabella Mlekuž, Matija Simčič, Emil Smolinger. Thanks to our Sun Roasters: Emil Smolinger, Tom Mlekuž, Juri Kobetič. And thanks to our cutter: Andrew Vitrih. Members and guests alike raved about the roast pork and roast chicken. Thanks to those who worked the Front Gate – who so diligently did their job and collected admission to fund this fantastic event wknd, proceeds going for the needs of Slovenski Park. Fri: Thanks to Clark Novak and Rachel Ragbir – and to their friends who came by to keep them company into the night. Sat: Frank & Lori Mramor and Jamie Adamic. Sun: Mary Hode, Martina Bellmore. As reminded in the Aug thank you letter, anyone who joins us on event wkds over the age of 18 – must pay the admission/ camping fees. Where else can you get such a deal? Next – the recreational aspect of the wknd. Wow! Sat night Dance Party with DJ Joe and special appearance by DJ Jason. Music for everyone and dancing for anyone. So much fun! And then of course: the corn roast – so delicious – glo sticks – such fun - thanks so much to those who set up – VESTNIK 2022 | 353 Danny Demsar, Frances Scarcelli, Mary Ann Demsar, Nicholas Scarcelli, Frank Gambioli, Amanda Purdon. If you were not on the Patio – well - you certainly missed a Slovenski Park Tradition: parents dancing with their kids, their tweens, their teenagers, their adult children – one of the best Slo Park memories to share and remember! Thanks DJ’s for making the magic happen. Sunday the weather changed – but it did not rain – so we held Holy Mass with Father Drago in our outdoor chapel as we gave thanks for our blessings and glory to our creator. Thanks to those who set up, participated in the readings, and donated to the needs of the church. Thanks to Štefka Kanc for cleaning, Mary Ann Demsar for organizing, and Father Drago for celebrating Mass with the Slo Park membership and guests. Sunday afternoon – the weather remained cold, so the band went indoors. Thanks to Šibaj Band for the great tunes into Sunday evening. So much dancing, singing and fun. We are very lucky we have Slovenian bands for your entertainment and enjoyment. Now … let’s see …. Anything else? Of course … the Baseball Tournament! Thanks go out to the Competition Organizer Frank Gimpelj. After a 2 year hiatus due to Covid, Frank was able to get the Tournament up and running again – and what a success it was. Special thank you to all who helped Frank make this tournament successful including. Eric Pušič, Lee Rumohr, Dave Pušič, Andrej Kanc, Robert Kanc, John Kajin, Travis Blackwell, Nicolas Scarcelli & Heather. Hosting a tournament takes a lot of work and organization and Frank was able to embrace the challenge with fortitude. Thanks so much Frank Gimpelj, "The Comish." Baseball Tournament Report will be given separately below. Did I miss anything? I hope not. As you can see – 354 | VESTNIK 2022 there is always something going on at Slovenski Park to keep our Slovenian culture alive through recreation, culture, faith, food, family & friends. We promise to keep our park this way – with events for Members, by Members, and open to our family and friends. We are not a trailer park – we are a Slovenian Park that just happens to have trailers. We are a cooperative working with each other - for the good of the Park. How special are we! Hope to see you next time – Octoberfest – Slo Park Style - Saturday October 22.nd $35-. if you prepurchase your tickers before Oct 14. Admission at the Door $40. For information contact Danny at: or 905 330 3460 Join us! Slovenski Park truly is our "home away from home." Mary Ann Demšar, Chairperson Board of Directors, Slovenski Park SLOVENSKI PARK ANNUAL SEPTEMBER LONG WEEKEND BASEBALL TOURNAMENT 2022 Baseball was back in a big way this past long weekend at Slovenski Park! Eleven teams participated in the return to the diamond, featuring several returning teams and some new recruits which all made for a great tournament! Once again, through some tough competition, the Burger Buddies, led by park member Luke Watson were crowned champions for the 7th consecutive tournament. Tournament MVPs, as voted by the players were male MVP Lee Rumohr from the Slivo Sluggers and the female MVP Hannah Snider from the Scared Hitless squad from Kitchener. The Don Snider award for most sportsmanlike player for the tournament was awarded to park member Lee Rumohr. Lee shows year after year the attitude and generosity of someone worthy of the award. His dedication to the tournament with his willingness to help when asked is appreciated making him well deserving of this recognition. Finally, I would be remiss not to mention the countless volunteers and members that make this event possible. Everyone from Slovenski Park Councils and Slovenski Park members, from grounds crews to kitchen staff, which make this weekend one of the best events every year. Their dedication to the continued success of this tournament would not be possible without them. As well as all the teams that make this tournament fun and exciting, there would not be any tournament without them. As the “Commissioner” of the Baseball Tournament, I say THANK YOU to all the members, volunteers, participants, and spectators for making this year’s event a great return to the diamond and I look forward to doing it all again next year! Frank Gimpelj, “The Commish” VESTNIK 2022 | 355 MIDLAND 2022 V soboto, 10. septembra smo se Slovenci zbrali na vsakoletnem romanju v Midlandu. Pri križu so ob 10:30 dopoldne pripravili komemoracijo ob nagovoru in pesmi. Potem so se premaknili v park, kjer je sledila molitev rožnega venca ob postajah. Vmes je bila v cerkvi priložnost za sveto spoved. Ob 12h smo se zbrali v cerkvi za daritev svete maše in na koncu maše še pete litanije Matere božje. Malo manj nas je bilo kot pred Covidom, vendar je bila cerkev kljub temu precej polna. Pri maši je pel mešani pevski zbor iz Toronta. Maševala sva z g. Tinetom Batičem. Po maši, pa si je vsakdo našel prostor za malico in ogled parka. Upamo, da nas bo drugo leto še več. Slovenci imamo rezervirano drugo soboto v septembru, tako da lahko že naprej računate. 356 | VESTNIK 2022 invites you to share in their Thanksgiving Luncheon Sunday, October 2, 2022 Slovenska skupnost v Londonu se je v nedeljo, 11. septembra 2022 zopet, v lepem številu, zbrala pri sveti maši. Za mnoge je to edina prilika, da se srečajo s svojimi prijatelji in znanci. Hvala vsem sodelavcem za pripravo in sodelovanje pri maši. Featuring Music By: Tony Habjan and the Nu-Tones Doors open at 12:00 noon Delicious home-style dinner served at 1:00 p.m. Paid Members Non-Members Student (ages 11-17) Child (ages 6-10) Ages 5 and under For Tickets: MaryAnn Barich John Gerden Stan Drobnich $30 $35 $17 $10 FREE 905-945-3750 905-708-7221 905-894-6062 Please Respect Our Ticket Order Deadline: Tuesday, September 27 No Late Orders Accepted, No Tickets At The Door - Thank you for your cooperation. Open Invitation to ALL Members of Lipa Park Please join us for an open, honest, and very important discussion on: Saturday, October 29, 9:00 am — 12:00 pm at Lipa Park (or virtually) The attendance of this meeting will give insight as to the interest in keeping our park open. Please contact MaryAnn Barich at 905-945-3750 to confirm your participation by Wednesday, Oct. 26. Thank you for your continued support. Lipa Park's Executive Officers Frank Chermez John Cernac Sue Augustin President Vice President Vice President VESTNIK 2022 | 357 Vseslovenski kulturni odbor is proud to announce that from Sep. 26 to Oct. 2, representatives from Knjižnica Koper (Koper Central Library) will be in Toronto presenting a series of information and seminars. They are setting up a free mobile library of over 300 books which will be available for rent and use to the Slovenian community out of Župnija Brezmadežna. The visit from Knjižnica Koper is geared towards the focus of strengthening cooperation between Slovenia and Slovenian clubs/ organizations in Canada, but primarily promoting reading/learning/preservation of the Slovenian language. 358 | VESTNIK 2022 This is an amazing opportunity for members of the Slovenian Community across Ontario to access key resources for both culture and literature straight from Slovenia! There will be 2 public presentations for members of the Slovenian Community at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medals Church Hall - 739 Brown's Line:  Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 7:00 p.m. - Presentation and opening of the Mobile Library and presentation of the free membership to Knjižnica Koper. - Discussion and collection of memories  Thursday, Sept. 29 at 7:00 p.m. - Presentation of the web portals Kamra, Album Slovenija and Obrazi Slovenskih pokrajin (faces of Slovenian regions) - Presentation of web portals, Audiobook, Biblos and their uses. Presidents and Community representatives are also invited to join us for a small reception to conclude the visit from Knjižnica Koper on Friday, September 30 at 7pm | Moya Financial Board Room - 725 Brown's Line. September is here and the school doors are open for another year. This means that it will also be time for SLOVENIAN SCHOOL. If you have a child in Kindergarten or older in elementary school, he/she is eligible to enroll in Slovenian School. Be proud of your culture and heritage! As descendants of our small Slovenian nation, let's make it possible for our children to become acquainted with their ancestral homeland and learn Slovenian. One day they will thank you for having the foresight and the interest in sending them to Slovenian school. We all feel the need to offer our children extra-curricular activities in sports, music, dance, etc. Don't you think that it is just as important to offer them the opportunity to broaden their intellect by learning the language of their parent or grandparents? We urge you to think about it and send your children to SLOVENIAN SCHOOL! Our programs are easily comprehended and geared towards the ability of the children. They are made along the lines of the ones we use in English schools so that they can be easily followed and understood. We offered our existing Sola families an online survey to determine the best day to hold classes and the overwhelming choice was to keep it on Saturdays. So, starting September 24, classes will be held on Saturdays from 9am to 12:30pm. A registration link will be provided to existing Sola families. For any new students, please contact Sandy at or 905977-8464 for the registration information or to answer any questions. See you at Šola!! - Sandy Ferletič 2022 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, residing within the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, and Niagara regions, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Due to the Foundation’s suspension of operations during the pandemic, categories for award consideration have been expanded to include students who are commencing/ continuing post-secondary full-time studies at an accredited college/university in Fall 2022, as well as, students who have successfully completed a post-secondary program at an accredited college/university in the 2020-2021 or 2021-2022 school year. Select applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. This year’s awards will be presented on Sunday, November 20, 2022 at St. Gregory the Great after English mass. Application forms are located at back of the church and via email request to Teresa Zupancic ( Completed application packages must be submitted via email to: by 9:00 p.m. on Friday, October 28, 2022 for award consideration. Please forward any questions to Teresa at 905-930-7545 or via email. VESTNIK 2022 | 359 Sobota, 17. September 2022. Na novo urejenem prostoru pred Villo Slovenijo, se je dopoldne ob 9:30 ob balinišču zbralo lepo število igralcev in tudi navijačev. Vreme je prav lepo in prijetno jesensko. The St. Joseph Society hosted their 26th annual bocce ball tournament and would like to thank the following teams for participating: 1st Place Team Benc 2nd Place Team Horvat 3rd Place Team Škerl 4th Place Team Ferletič 45 friends gathered together as Father Drago blessed Villa's Slovenia's new courtyard which included new walkways, flower beds, gazebo and picnic tables for our community and tenants at Villa Slovenia. St. Joseph Society would like to thank Heidy and Clark Novak who helped develop and complete this project for everyone to enjoy. The bocce ball tournament funds collected ($250 ) are being donated to the parish to go towards the OHOS campaign. St. Joseph Society is also donating $1000 towards the OHOS campaign. Thank you to everyone who came out to play bocce ball and enjoy a lunch among friends. Peter Novak 360 | VESTNIK 2022 VESTNIK 2022 | 361 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI: SEPTEMBER - OKTOBER JESENSKI BANKET - ŽEGNANJE - Sept. 18, 2022 - St. Gregory the Great - Fall banquet - Oct. 2, 2022 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving lunch - Oct. 8, 2022 - Bled - Oktoberfest Take Out - Oct. 12, 2022 - St. Gregory - SCON meeting - Oct. 16, 2022 - Kanadsko Slovensko zgodovinsko Društvo - Remembering May 1945 - Slovenian Exodus - Luncheon and short program at St. Gregory the Great - Oct. 22, 2022 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest - Nov. 20, 2022 - Scholarship presentation Danes »obhajamo« god sv. Gregorja Velikega, zavetnika naše cerkve, čeprav je njegov god po novem koledarju 3. sept. (prej 12. marca). Ker je v začetku septembra tu v Kanadi ravno »Long weekend«, smo že dolga leta prestavili praznovanje na tretjo nedeljo v septembru. DONATIONS - DAROVI V spomin na pokojno Jožo Šušteršič ali namesto rož na njen grob, so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - $100 CWL - KŽZ - $70 Sidonia & Robert Poppa - $50 Martin in Frances Gazvoda -$50 Zlatko in Marija Berkovič Hvala za vse vaše darove. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE Noble Volunteers, we need you! 40 Days for Life is a campaign which seeks to end abortion through prayer, compassion and a commitment to standing for life. Using the power of prayer to seek God’s intervention to end abortion, it is a quiet and positive witness to life. The unborn baby humans that could be your sister or nephew, need you more than ever! 40 Days For Life is starting Sept. 28th - Nov. 6th! Sign up on hamilton or call 905-962-2864! 362 | VESTNIK 2022 Hvala članom župnijskega sveta, ki so vse pripravili za jesenski banket in hvala tudi Nancy, ki je prevzela kuhanje. Hvala Olgi Glavač za skrb, da je naša cerkev vedno lepo okrašena. Hvala tudi vsem, ki redno čistite cerkev in Pameli Gosgnach, ki skrbi, da je vedno pripravljen razpored za čiščenje in sedaj tudi za prinašanje darov ob nedeljah pri slovenskih mašah. Hvala vsem bralcem in še posebej hvala Mary Miklavčič, ki skrbi za razpored bralcev pri angleški maši in Franku Novaku, ki skrbi za bralce pri slovenski maši in tedensko pošilja Vestnik bolnikom. Hvala našima zvestima pomočnikoma pri bogoslužju New branch hours in Hamilton Phone: 905-578-7511 Tuesdays 11:00a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursdays 11:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fridays 11:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Outside of these regular office hours please call 1-888-728-1742 to reach our Browns line staff; if you get the voicemail please leave a message and someone will call you back. You can also reach us via email or online at Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 16. septembra 2022: - $138,890. - Obljubili / Pledged - $120,160. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. V sredo, 14. septembra je naše parkirišče dobilo sveže pobarvane črte, da bo lažje pravilno parkirati. Kot ste opazili je tudi več mest za »accesible parking«. Ni še vse končano, ker se jim je pokvaril stroj. Pridejo še dokončat. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Ferk Matkovič Kolenc Horvath Gomboša Zorko Drvarič Grobelnik DON BOSCO Karl Marija Marija Meta Anna Slava Edward Franc Viktor September 21, 1994 September 21, 2019 September 22, 1989 September 22, 2002 September 22, 2020 September 23, 1993 September 23, 2000 September 24, 2018 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2022 | 363 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 18. 9. 2022 - 25. 9. 2022 Za žive in rajne župljane 18. SEPTEMBER JOŽEF KUPERTINSKI, DUH. † Milka Ferko †† Vinko in Milka Skale † Frank Pavlakovič 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Udovč - Levstek Families Sestra Jožica Pavličič Sestra Jožica Pavličič Gizela Hauzar Tatjana in Zvone Zaletel Društvo sv. Jožefa PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 19. SEPTEMBER †† Ignac in Marija Horvat † Elizabeth II 7:00 P.M. Tony Horvat Helena Kwasniewska TOREK - TUESDAY 20. SEPTEMBER † Frank Pavlakovič Po namenu za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Manja Erzetič Helena Kwasniewska SREDA - WEDNESDAY 21. SEPTEMBER † Drago Ferk †† Marija in Leopold Langenfus 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Sonja Langenfus ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 22. SEPTEMBER † Jožef Gönc †† Pokojni iz družine Vegelj 7:00 P.M. Olga Glavač z družino Ivan in Jožica Vegelj † Jurij Rajbar Na čast Kristusovi krvi 7:00 P.M. Sestra Ana Gergyek Ana Tadić 25. NEDELJA MED LETOM † Magda Udovč † Marija Grobelnik 25TH SUNDAY † Viktor Grobelnik IN ORDINARY TIME Januarij, šk-muč. Andrej Kim in korejski muč. Matej, apostol-evangelist Mavricij, mučenec PETEK - FRIDAY 23. SEPTEMBER Pij, duhovnik † †† SOBOTA - SATURDAY † †† 24. SEPTEMBER † Anton Martin Slomšek, škof † Kupert, škof † Kvatre †† †† Viktor Grobelnik, obl. Za pokojne farane Joe Lackovič Pokojne sestre Ivan Glavač Franc Raduha Ivan Žižek Mama in sestra Mama in brata Jože in Marko 26. NEDELJA MED LETOM † Za žive in rajne župljane Jože Pust, obl. 26TH SUNDAY † Ann Božnar † Mira Špiler IN ORDINARY TIME 25. SEPTEMBER SERGIJ, MENIH SLOMŠKOVA NEDELJA †† Franc in Cecilija Antolin † Susan Gentilcore † Joža Šušteršič F A L L 5:30 P.M. Rose Marije & Tony Vengar z dru. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Žena Vera z družino Marija Košir Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak Družina Raduha Družina Raduha Martin Malevič z družino Stanka Malevič z družino 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Družina Pust John Božnar z družino Manja Erzetič Rozalija Čule z družino 11:00 A.M. English Choir Polde Kline Next Sunday Slov. Mass at 9:30 a.m., Eng. at 11:00 a.m. 364 | VESTNIK 2022 B A N Q U E