100 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 Copyright (c) 2022 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre: the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana experience Primarni retroperitonealni sarkomi: preživetje bolnikov, zdravljenih na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana, referenčnem centru za sarkome Marko Novak,1 Naja Bohanec,2 Andraž Perhavec,1,3 Sonja Kramer,1 Darja Eržen1 Abstract Background: Retroperitoneal sarcomas are extremely rare, therefore, patients should be treated at sarcoma referral cen- tre. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Compartmental resection is proposed as the best surgical approach. Methods: The Institute of Oncology Ljubljana is the only referral centre for these patients in Slovenia. Data for all con- secutive patients surgically treated from January 1999 to June 2020 for primary localized retroperitoneal sarcoma were extracted from a prospective surgical database. The patient outcome, quality of surgery, and postoperative adverse events were analysed. Results: A hundred patients were eligible for the study. Their median age was 62 years. The median tumor size was 21.5 cm. Dedifferentiated liposarcoma was the most common histology (39%). Compartmental resection was performed in 24% and multivisceral resection in 25%. 29% of patients had postoperative complication grade 3a or higher according to Clavien-Dindo classification and 58.6% (17/29) of them required reoperation. The 30-day and 90-day mortality rate was 3% and 5%, respectively. The median follow-up was 55.1 months. The 5-year overall survival was 67.8%. The 5-year crude cumulative incidence of local recurrence and distant metastases were 16.9% and 21.4%, respectively. ASA score and blood loss during surgery were significant prognostic factors of overall survival. Conclusion: Retroperitoneal sarcomas belong to the group of rare cancers. We achieve very good results in the treatment of retroperitoneal sarcoma patients and outcomes are comparable to other referral centres. Our results also confirm the crucial role of sarcoma referral centre in the management and treatment of these patients. 1 Department of Surgical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Statistics and modeling, Novartis, Mengeš, Slovenia 3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Marko Novak, e: mnovak@onko-i.si Key words: sarcoma; retroperitoneum; referral centre; treatment Ključne besede: sarkom; retroperitonej; referenčni center; zdravljenje Received / Prispelo: 10. 1. 2021 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 2. 8. 2021 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Novak M, Bohanec N, Perhavec A, Kramer S, Eržen D. The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre: the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana experience. Zdrav Vestn. 2022;91(3–4):100–7. DOI: https://doi. org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 doi 10.1.2021 date-received 2.8.2021 date-accepted Cytology, oncology, cancerology Citologija, onkologija, kancerologija discipline Original scientific article Izvirni znanstveni članek article-type The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients, treated in a sarcoma referral centre: the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana experience Primarni retroperitonealni sarkomi: preživetje bolnikov, zdravljenih na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana, referenčnem centru za sarkome article-title Outcome of retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana Retroperitonealni sarkomi: preživetje po zdravl- jenju na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana alt-title sarcoma, retroperitoneum, referral centre, treatment sarkom, retroperitonej, referenčni center, zdravl- jenje kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2022 91 3 4 100 107 name surname aff email Marko Novak 1 mnovak@onko-i.si name surname aff Naja Bohanec 2 Andraž Perhavec 1,3 Sonja Kramer 1 Darja Eržen 1 eng slo aff-id Department of Surgical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Oddelek za kirurško onkologijo, Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Statistics and modeling, Novartis, Mengeš, Slovenia Statistika in modeliranje, Novartis, Mengeš, Slovenija 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija 3 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 101 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre 1 Introduction Retroperitoneal sarcomas (RPS) are extremely ra- re. According to the literature, the incidence is 0.3– 0.4/100,000 inhabitants (1), which means 6–8 patients per year for Slovenia. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment of RPS patients. Compartmental resection offers the best option for local control and the potential cure to the pa- tients (2). This surgical procedure involves removing the tumour along with the colon, kidney, and psoas fascia or muscle. If during surgery the tumour is estimated to involve other organs, the compartmental resection is ex- tended to multivisceral resection. In this case, the tumour is removed together with the colon, kidney, psoas fascia or muscle and all the organs involved. We speak of prima- ry localized RPS if the patient has not yet been operated on and the disease has not spread. Local recurrence of the disease is possible as a recur- rence at the site of the primary tumour in the retroperi- toneum and/or in other areas of the abdomen and/or as peritoneal sarcomatosis. In the case of liver metastases, which are classified as distant, the disease is defined as metastatic. The benefit of preoperative radiotherapy for local re- currence in patients with primary localized RPS is still in the research phase and is therefore not routinely recom- mended in treatment guidelines. EORTC 62092 (STRASS 1) was the only prospective phase III randomized study comparing the impact of preoperative radiotherapy and surgery versus surgery alone on local recurrence (3). The benefit of preoperative radiotherapy in various histolog- ical subtypes of RPS was not confirmed, it was indicated Izvleček Izhodišča: Retroperitonealni sarkomi so izredno redki, zato naj zdravljenje bolnikov z retroperitonealnimi sarkomi poteka v referenčnem centru. Temeljno zdravljenje je kirurško. Priporočen tip operacije je kompartment resekcija. Metode: Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana je edini referenčni center za sarkome v Sloveniji. V raziskavo so bili vključeni bolniki s primarnim lokaliziranim retroperitonealnim sarkomom, zdravljeni pri nas v obdobju od januarja 1999 do junija 2020. Opredelili smo preživetje, kakovost kirurškega zdravljenja in zaplete. Rezultati: Vključenih je bilo 100 bolnikov. Srednja starost je bila 62 let. Srednja velikost tumorja je bila 21,5 cm. Najpogostejši histološki podtip je bil dediferenciran liposarkom (39 %). Kompartment resekcija je bila opravljena v 24 %, multivisceralna resekcija pa v 25 %. Zaplete po posegu je imelo po klasifikaciji Clavien-Dindo stopnje 3a ali višje 29 % bolnikov, pri 58,6 % (17/29) je bila potrebna ponovna operacija. Zgodnja in pozna smrtnost po operaciji sta bili 3 % in 5 %. Srednji čas sledenja je bil 55,1 mesecev. 5-letno celokupno preživetje je bilo 67,8 %. Kumulativna verjetnost za lokalno ponovitev bolezni po 5 letih je bila 16,9 %, za oddaljene zasevke pa 21,4 %. Ocena ASA in izguba krvi med operacijo sta bila neodvisna napovedna dejavnika celokupnega preživetja. Zaključek: Retroperitonealni sarkomi sodijo med redke vrste raka. Naši rezultati zdravljenja bolnikov z retroperitoneal- nimi sarkomi so zelo dobri in primerljivi z rezultati drugih referenčnih centrov iz tujine. Potrjujejo tudi ključno vlogo refe- renčnega centra pri obravnavi in zdravljenju teh bolnikov. only in well-differentiated liposarcoma. The effect of che- motherapy on local recurrence or distant metastases in these patients has not been explored in the research. The purpose of our study was to determine the param- eters of survival, quality of surgical treatment and compli- cations after surgical treatment of patients with RPS who underwent surgery at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana (IOL). We wanted to compare our results with the results of some reference centres with a similar number of cases. 2 Methods We analyzed data from patients treated at the IOL for primary localized RPS between January 1999 and June 2020. The primary objective of the study was to determine overall survival (OS) and the five-year cumulative inci- dence of local disease recurrence and distant metastases. Secondary objectives were to define the quality of surgi- cal treatment, complications after surgical treatment, and prognostic factors of OS by multivariate analysis. The In- stitutional Review Board (KSOPKR-0020-2020) and the IOL Ethical Commission (ERID 0023-2020) approved the study. The quality of surgical treatment was assessed by ana- lyzing the status of surgical margins, duration of surgery, blood loss during surgery, complications, duration of hos- pitalization, and mortality after surgery. To identify pos- sible independent prognostic factors for OS, the analysis included the ASA classification and blood loss during the surgical procedure. The ASA classification summarizes 102 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 the American Society of Anaesthesiologists’ scale for cat- egorizing the patient’s physiological status prior to sur- gery (4). Tumour grade was based on the FNCLCC grad- ing system (fr. Fédération Nationale des Centers de Lutte Contre le Cancer) (5,6). 2.1 Statistical Methods The main objective of the study was to identify OS, local recurrence of the disease, and the occurrence of dis- tant metastases. OS was defined as the time from surgery to the time of death or truncation, regardless of the cause of death. The survival curve was constructed using the Kaplan-Meier method. Local recurrence of the disease and the occurrence of distant metastases were defined by competing risk analysis and status analysis with the as- sessment of cumulative incidence. In the competing risk analysis, the cumulative inci- dence of local recurrence of the disease, the occurrence of distant metastases, and death without recurrence of the disease or metastases were assessed. The first of these events was analyzed; however, the events did not coin- cide. In the status analysis, the probability of individual statuses over time was estimated. The analysis included local recurrence status, occurrence of distant metastases, local recurrences and distant metastases together (LR + DM), and deaths. Cox proportional hazards model was used to identify possible independent prognostic factors for OS. Results were defined as statistically significant if the p value was less than 0.05. 3 Results During the period covered by the study, 134 patients underwent surgery for RPS at IOL. Patients who had undergone operations with primary metastatic disease (n=6), patients with residual sarcoma after being operat- ed on in another hospital (n=14), and those who came for treatment due to recurrent RPS (n=14) were excluded from the study. The study thus included 100 patients who underwent surgery for primary localized RPS (Figure 1). The median age of patients at diagnosis was 62 years. Half of the patients were diagnosed due to a palpable tu- mour in the abdomen (n=49), 23% (n=23) due to other health problems, and in 28% (n=28) of cases the tumour was detected by chance during imaging tests. Weight loss was reported by 41% (n=41) of patients. Prior to surgery, fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed in 60% of patients (n=60), core needle biopsy in 23% (n=23), and both (n=11) were performed in 11% of patients. Only 6% (n=6) of patients underwent surgery without tumour biopsy before surgery. The most common histological subtype was dediffer- entiated liposarcoma (39%). The median tumour size was 21.5 cm. In all operations, we managed to achieve macro- scopic complete resection, in 74% (n=74) with negative margins. Compartmental resection was performed in 24% (n=24) and multivisceral resection in 25% (n=25) of patients. Only in two patients (2%) the tumour was re- moved without a simultaneous resection of a larger organ. Organ removal by frequency: kidney 56%, colon 55%, adrenal gland 40%, psoas fascia 31%, psoas muscle 26%, diaphragm 19%, small intestine 12%, spleen and distal part of the pancreas 10%, inferior vena cava 8% and liver resection 5%. The median number of resected organs in surgery was four. On average, surgery lasted 7.5 hours, median time was seven hours (range 1.3–19.0). The mean blood loss during surgery was 3260 ml and the median value was 1330 ml (range 100–32000). The median time of hospitalization after surgery was 20.5 days (range 5–102) and in the intensive care unit it was eight days (range 0–55). According to the Cla- vien-Dindo classification, complications after surgery, grade 3a or higher, were experienced by 29% (n=29) of patients and 17 patients (17/29; 58.6%) required reopera- tion. The most common complications were: ileus (n=7), sepsis (n=6), retroperitoneal abscess (n=5), bleeding (n=4), abdominal abscess (n=3), anastomotic dehiscence (n=2), and intestinal gangrene (n=1). Within 30 days af- ter surgery, three patients died (3%), and within 90 days after surgery, five patients died (5%). Most of the data are shown in Table 1. Figure 1: Selection of patients with primary localized retroperitoneal sarcoma included in the study. Legend: RPS – retroperitoneal sarcoma. Operated on for RPS 134 Primary RPS 100 With metastatic disease – 6 With residual RPS – 14 With recurrent RPS – 14 103 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre Legend: BMI – body mass index; ASA – American Society of Anesthesiologists classification; FNCLCC – fr. Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre Le Cancer; G – tumour grade; AJCC – American Joint Committee on Cancer. Characteristics Number (% as well) Gender Male 55 Female 45 Median age at diagnosis (age, range) 62 (24 – 84) <50 years 23 ≥50 years 77 Mean BMI (kg/m2) 26.9 Weight loss before treatment 41 ASA score ASA 1 21 ASA 2 49 ASA 3 26 ASA 4 4 Histological subtype Dedifferentiated liposarcoma 39 Well-differentiated liposarcoma 22 Leiomyosarcoma 16 Solitary fibrous tumour 9 Other tumours 14 Average tumour size (cm) 23.4 Median tumour size (cm, range) 21.5 (3–80) Tumour grade (FNCLCC system) G1 35 G2 18 G3 35 No data 12 AJCC staging (8th edition) IA 1 IB 47 IIIA 7 IIIB 45 Table 1: Demographic, pathological and clinical data. Characteristics Number (% as well) Postoperative complications (Clavien-Dindo classification) 3a 7 3b 9 4 8 5 5 Preoperative treatment No 94 Chemotherapy 1 Radiotherapy 3 Chemotherapy and radiotherapy 2 Postoperative treatment No 90 Chemotherapy 1 Radiotherapy 7 Chemotherapy and radiotherapy 2 Status at the last documentation review Alive 61 Dead 39 Local recurrence No 75 Yes 25 Distant metastasis No 71 Yes 29 The median postoperative follow-up time was 55.1 months (range 1–223). 39 patients died. The correspond- ing five-year OS was 67.8% (Figure 2). 25 patients had local recurrence and 29 patients had distant metastases. 14 patients had local recurrence alone, six patients had local recurrence and then distant metastases, three pa- tients had distant metastases and then local recurrence, two patients had local recurrence and concurrent distant 104 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 metastases and 18 patients had distant metastases alone. In the competing risk analysis, the five-year cumulative incidence of local recurrence was 16.9%, for distant me- tastases 21.4%, and for death without local recurrence and distant metastases 9.12% (Figure 3). In the status analysis, the cumulative incidence of death after five years was 32.1% and the probability of the patient remaining disease-free after five years was 52.6% (Figure 4). The Cox model of multivariate analysis included two variables: ASA score and blood loss during surgery. Figure 2: Overall survival curve. Follow-up period (months) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 O ve ra ll su rv iv al Figure 3: Graphical representation of competing risk analysis. Follow-up period (months) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0 50 100 150 Cu m ul at iv e in ci de nc e Death without recurrence or metastases Distant metastasis Local recurrence 105 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre Three coefficients were identified as statistically signifi- cant: ASA 3, ASA 4, and blood loss during surgery. The coefficient for patients with ASA 3 is statistically signif- icant with p=0.002, hazard ratio 6.3 (95% CI: 1.9-20.7), which means that these patients are 6.3 times more at risk of death than patients from the ASA 1 group. The co- efficient for patients with ASA 4 is statistically significant with p=0.006, hazard ratio 8.8 (95% CI: 1.9-41.8), which means that these patients are 8.8 times more at risk of death than patients from the ASA 1 group. Coefficient for blood loss during surgery is statistically significant with p=0.040, hazard ratio 1.05 (95% CI: 1.0-1.1), which means that each additional litre of blood lost during sur- gery increases the risk of death by 5% (Table 2). During this period, During this period, 9 patients with primary localized RPS were not surgically treated. In five, the risk of death during and after surgery was considered too high due to comorbidities, two were re- jected due to old age, in one, the tumour was assessed as unresectable, and one patient refused surgery. Two were treated with palliative radiotherapy, and symptomatic and supportive treatment led by a chosen physician with the option of consulting with a palliative care team was suggested to the others. 4 Discussion The care of sarcoma patients is differently organized around the world. Patients should be managed by a multidisciplinary team before starting treatment. Most Figure 4: Graphic representation of status analysis. Legend: LR + DM – llocal recurrence + distant metastasis. Follow-up period (months) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0 50 100 150 Pr op or tio n of p at ie nt s Local recurrence Death Distant metastasis LR + DM Legend: IC – confidence interval for the risk relationship; ASA – American Society of Anesthesiologists classification. Variable Hazard ratio Lower limit 95% CI Upper limit 95% CI P-value ASA 2 1.50 0.42 5.23 0.527 ASA 3 6.30 1.91 20.70 0.002 ASA 4 8.81 1.86 41.81 0.006 Blood loss 1.05 1.00 1.09 0.040 Table 2: Multivariate analysis of overall survival. 106 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3211 patients with limb and trunk sarcomas are operated on by orthopaedists, while patients with RPS are operated on by abdominal surgeons, both focused on sarcoma sur- gery. Reference centres in which the same team operates on patients with tumours in all anatomic locations are rare. According to the recommendations of the European Cancer Organisation published in 2017, an institution is considered to be a reference centre if it treats at least 100 new cases of patients with soft tissue and bone sarcoma per year (7). A sarcoma surgeon should perform at least 2–3 sarcoma surgeries per month (7). Villano et al. pub- lished an article in 2019 in which the limit for optimal treatment of these patients was identified as at least 13 RPS surgeries per year in the reference centre (8). The centre that meets this condition was declared “a high-vol- ume retroperitoneal sarcoma centre”. IOL was founded in 1938, and the multidisciplinary team for sarcomas in 1975. It is the only reference centre for sarcoma patients in Slovenia. There are currently 23 doctors on the team. We treat patients with soft tissue and bone tumours/sarcomas in anatomic locations and propose a diagnostic and treatment plan. At IOL, patients with sarcomas of the soft tissues of the limbs, trunk, su- perficial part of the head and neck, and with visceral, retroperitoneal and pelvic sarcomas are operated on. Patients with sarcomas in the ORL area, central nervous system and the chest are operated on by appropriate spe- cialists. According to the Cancer Registry, the incidence of patients with soft tissue sarcomas was highest in 2015, when 112 cases were recorded (9). At the IOL, about 90 new cases are dealt with per year and about 60–70 sarco- ma surgeries are performed, of which (only) five are due to primary RPS. A sarcoma surgeon performs at least two surgeries a month. In our series, the five-year OS rate is 67.8%, cumula- tive incidence of local recurrence after five years is 16.9%, and of distant metastases it is 21.4%. 29% of patients in our series had serious postoperative complications, ear- ly postoperative mortality was 3%, and late mortality was 5%. The data can be compared with the results of the largest retrospective study to date, which included 1,007 patients treated in centres with a high number of patients. The five-year OS rate was 67%, the five-year cu- mulative incidence of local recurrence was 25.9%, and of distant metastases it was 21.0% (10). In the same series, the complication rate was 16.4% and postoperative ear- ly mortality was 1.8% (11). Reports of reference centres similar to ours in the number of patients treated with primary RPS are rare. In an article, written in 2019, Ma- linka et al. from the Charité Clinic in Berlin reported the results of the treatment of 61 patients (12). The five-year OS rate was 58% and the five-year local disease recur- rence rate was 41%. The postoperative complication rate was 31% and the 90-day mortality rate was 3%. Similar results as reported by us were reported in an article pub- lished in 2018 by Snow et al. from the MacCallum Centre in Melbourne (13). 88 patients with primary RPS were operated on. The five-year OS rate was 66%, the five-year local disease recurrence rate was 35%, and the five-year distant metastases rate was 29%. In the future, we want to reduce the complication rate and shorten hospital stays. There are no recommendations in the form of guidelines for enhanced recovery of patients with RPS after surgery (ERAS) (14). In a multivariate analysis, the ASA score and blood loss during surgery proved to be an independent pre- dictor of OS. In addition to age, the ASA score is a key parameter for deciding whether a patient is fit for sur- gery. Patients with localized RPS from groups ASA 1 and 2 are operated without restraint if the tumour is remov- able (resectable). However, the final decision regarding surgery in the ASA 3 and 4 group of patients also takes into account the size, location and histological subtype of the tumour. The final decision regarding the operation is made at the anaesthesiology-surgical tumour board. In the analyzed period, five patients were rejected, although their tumour was resectable. Dealing with groups ASA 3 and 4 by means of the multivariate analysis is important, as patients in this group are expected to have poorer sur- vival than in groups ASA 1 and 2. Membership in the international Transatlantic Aus- tralasian Retroperitoneal Sarcoma Working Group (TARPSWG), led by dr. Gronchi from Milan, gives us the opportunity for education, international cooperation and participation in research. Thus, we get to know this rare disease better in the desire to provide our patients with the best possible treatment. 5 Conclusion Our results in the treatment of RPS patients are very good and comparable to the results of other reference centres. However, we would like patients with retroper- itoneal tumours, where sarcoma is suspected, to be re- ferred to us for diagnosis and treatment without prior surgery, because only then do they have the opportunity for optimal treatment. Conflict of interest None declared. 107 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE The outcome of primary retroperitoneal sarcoma patients treated at sarcoma referral centre References 1. Mettlin C, Priore R, Rao U, Gamble D, Lane W, Murphy P. Results of the national soft-tissue sarcoma registry. J Surg Oncol. 1982;19(4):224-7. DOI: 10.1002/jso.2930190410 PMID: 7078175 2. Gronchi A, Lo Vullo S, Fiore M, Mussi C, Stacchiotti S, Collini P, et al. Aggressive surgical policies in a retrospectively reviewed single- institution case series of retroperitoneal soft tissue sarcoma patients. J Clin Oncol. 2009;27(1):24-30. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2008.17.8871 PMID: 19047283 3. Bonvalot S, Gronchi A, Le Pechoux S, Swallow CJ, Strauss DC, Meeus P, et al. STRASS (EORTC 62092): A phase III randomized study of preoperative radiotherapy plus surgery versus surgery alone for patients with retroperitoneal sarcoma. J Clin Oncol. 2019;37:11001. DOI: 10.1200/ JCO.2019.37.15_suppl.11001 4. 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