CLEVELAND 3, O., FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 15, 1946 LETO XLVIII—VOL. XLVIII Nogavice kot mana ;; neba Albert E. Payne, ki kandidira za ohifskega guvernerja na republikanski listi, bo v nedeljo popoldne ob 3 vrgel z letala 150 parov nylon nogavic. Ta "mana" za ženske noge bo padala nad Edgewatef parkom. Ker je to ob jezeru, se bojimo, da ne bi nogavice zgrešile obrežje in padle v vodo. Oni dan je parv ta kandidat pustil v raznih delih Clevelanda 150 denarnic, v vsaki pa $1 z listkom, naj "posten" najditelj vrne denarnico na njegov naslov. Niti ene -ni dobil nazaj. Zdaj bo metal nogavice, a po volitvah bo najbrže metal-vse kaj drugega na nehvaležne volivce. j --o-- i Vojaški odsek zahteva Roške čete marširajo proti Turčiji ! Byrnesa, da odslovi sovjetske prijatelje T? odsek poslanske zbornice bo začel z akcijo, če Byrnes ne ugodi temu Washington. — Andrew J. May, demokrat iz Kentucky, ki je načelnik vojaškega.odseka poslanske zbornice, je napravil zahtevo na državni oddelek, da odslovi iz službe vse osebe, ki so znane kot pro-sovjetske. May ni podal nobejrih detajlov glede tega, razen to, da je njegov odsek že dlje časa študi- ral inteligenčni štab državnega oddelka in da je odločen, da stvar razčisti. Drugi člani odseka so pa zasebno izjavili, da se je na državnega tajnika Byrnesa napravilo odločno zahtevo in če ji ne bo kmalu ugodil, bo odsek sam pod-vzel odločno akcijo. Ta vojaški odsek sicer nima nobene jurisdikcije čez državni oddelek, toda lahko pa ukaže vojnemu oddelku, da preneha dajati poročila državnemu odde-ku. Tako tajnosti vojnega oddelka ne bi prišle v "neprave" roke v državnem oddelku. člani oddelka so prepričani, da bo,tajnik Byrnes "počistil" v svojem uradu, ne da bi bilo začeti odseku kake akcije. -o-- Moncrief razstavi najbolj moderne grelne naprave Na hišni in cvetlični razstavi v Public avditoriju v Clevelan-du, ki se bo vršila od 16. do 23. marca, bodo izdelovalci Mon-erief furnezov razstavili najfinejše in najmodernejše grelne naprave. Moncrief lahko greje s plinom, oljem ali premogom, je povsem zanesljiv in v Clevelan-du ter okolici zelo upoštevan že zadnjih 50 let. Zdaj, da ostane 7. duhom časa na isti liniji, je Moncrief zgradil mnogo novih prednosti v grelni napravi in sicer z namenom, da bo moderno in uporabno še čez 10 let. Oglejte si na razstavi to čudo moderne grelne naprave. Rusija je dala Češki moderno orožje London. — Rusija preskrbuje Češko z najboljšim orožjem. Tako je izjavil sam premier Zde-nek Fierlinger. i! AMERIŠK^BlDOMOVINft Da&OM! [j AMERICAN IN SPIRIT—FOREIGN SLOVENIAN MORNING IN LANGUAGE 0NLY AMERICAN HOME - CLEVELAND 3. O.. FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 1K 104K I.RTO YT.VTTT_vni Trm« fiSMA IMAJO Pil NAS | ^'■"z^"'16 *rnamo Pri nas pisma, ki smo jih prejeli od njih gasijo naj se pri nas, ali naj nam pišejo, da jih dopo- 'Hatl Aurl ^triil na (Milwaukee)> piše mu" Kosančič Bogdan. !iaUri Bozieh (Cleveland), piše ji Petrovič Marija. AgnesCe/^h (Muskegon), piše dr. Anton Suhacjolc. •J> Piše Jovan Miloševič, Jakob ^ (Chisholm, Minn.) piše Matevž Mihelič. Ast0n 1 a^ode (Cleveland), piše Peter Nagode. 'Vi)ilka p(Cleveland), piše Valentina Orehek. ^ p^ot°čnik (Bessemer, Pa.) piše Kette Pavla. S Pi ,ac'1 (Beech Grove, Ind.) piše Sonja Falcone. ! ^ijipjoe (Cleveland), piše Franc Hočevar. !) ^Uis pSS' (Keewatin, Minn.) piše Franc Plos. «*ilja (Ely, Minn.) piše Ivan Prijatelj. Wesh*a (Chicaga), piše Jovan Miloševič. I ^ Sit RU?ar (°hicaga) Piše Mary Zalaznik. j J I s "" (Timmins, Kanada), piše Justina Ambrožič. I (Cleveland) piše Lucija Sovine. I H: \i Lpica (Chisholm, Minn.) piše Farncka ICošir-Modic. S zli 1 (Cleveland). ISlc g raVje (New York City), piše Adolf Jančar. 1 j1®2 ZaVr' Minn-) Piše Ana Remic- ij^Uiie (Ely, Minn.) piše Remic Julka. J (Colorado), piše Adolf Jančar. .i i, Te^a razlika med uredniki, kot vidimo je Jurij Previc zapisal, najbrže sicer vedoč, da je tako pisanje oslarija, toda ker gre na rovaš belogardistov, je vse O. K. Toda urednik Prosvete, ki je tudi Pre-vicov dopis priobčil, je bil vsaj toliko pameten, da je izpustil tisto bedasto trditev o belogardistih. Uredniku Prosvete se je zdela Previceva koncem konca le predebela in je ni hotel servi-rati dvojim Čitateljem, da se mu ne bi smejali, kot se urednikoma Enakopravnosti in Nove Dobo. Da, da, med uredniki in uredni-• ki je včasih velika razlika. Tudi fanatizem bi moral imeti svoje meje. ^Naf P'"evic iz Export, ' Oob0 d°Pis v 3 liste. >at'C* ABZ, Ena-i d ,Pr°sveto. V ti- & ter L 'eh pošilJ'k iz i 6 najbrl Je' da tiste JH rze Prestrežejo be- i, že VraK . . a v tabci na strehi čiv-e Mog'^oslaviji ni niti a Ve< in da je i-1 iettii,- a bi kaki belo-^ Poši^ke partizani Pad-iudalost, ali pa JHi S ob°je- I- šjNti !°Ve Dobe in Ena-' ^^P^gila, kakor D^8NE VESTI IZ SLOVENIJE ^SLrvt (Došle preko Trsta) prej Nemci izropali, sedaj rešilo življenje. USTRELJEN JE BIL NA; VRHNIKI trgovec MalavašičJ Očitajo mu, da je skrival blago' in ga dražje prodajal. Ne vemo, I če to drži. Epo pa vemo, da jej ta mož podpiral z »velikimi svota-j mi partizane. Tako so delali na1 Vrhniki tudi razni drugi trgovci. Sedaj imajo svoje plačilo za zaupanje komunistom. BRANJEVCI SO NA VRSTI. — Toda velikih adutov, katerim se da res kaj vzeti je vedno manj. Sedaj prihajajo na vrsto že branjevci, prevozniki, gostilničarji in razni posestniki. Enega za drugim razlaste v imenu pravice, v imenu enakopravno-| ?ti, v imenu svobode itd. "Ujud-j stvo" tako zahteva, beremo v ko-i munističnih listih. S čim bodo J voditelji komunistov krmili svo-1 je pristaše, katerim so'obljublja-j li nebesa, ko ne bo nič več za raz-| lastiti ? Začeli se bodo klati med i seboj. Pravo ljudstvo, ki danes | trpi pod partizanskim terorjem, 1 misli, da bo to pričakovano medsebojno klanje komunistov, narodu samo v korist. M,) ^SLmrr, (Došle pre! ;NC°VEnija TRPE- 'ki ■ ttisk; v , , \ iZ 'h 10,000 pre- I " Su ZUje izgube: i ie 181 ljudi; v! S).70 102 (večinoma! "emSki vojski jih! " Je k V ne°iških tabori-! S 31, V borbahl t ^ki ^Udi Vrinem je! 'ii) So jih n 80 večinoma s^Ci^zahrbtno ii, ajih skih napadih po S!bitih'i4 Sti P° Nemčiji, i&'^ZiK: ji; ' kuPa.i 495 oseb. I VELETRGOVEC, !|)> tMCi m o6e'-n. Parti- bi to bil, i V>iP u° navrhu> de'! f S0jennai^u-' \ nad^etletje- ^CJebilJeuPri "Asovem g nojen že prej V f11 « 0 s« njlmi se 'ie ' pndrli v Celje Je ,Vd zacets s trgo-»mei preVeč i / Sjet^tizanska roka. ' da so ga je po- Vprasanje, na katerega mi ne vemo odgovora: V času italijanske okupacije so pobili partizani okrog 15,000 Slovencev. Vseh Lahov, pa je padlo in umrlo naravne smrti v tem času na Slovenskem nekaj čez 700. Ali je bil tak boj partizanov kbristen Lahom ali Slovencem? Lokalna unija se ne mom pofeofeH s Fisher Body ©d ft Unija zahtevp. dnevn? iestvico mesto za delo od koga in j'rugo Včeraj so se vršila dopoldne in popoldne pogajanja med unijo 45 CIO in vodstvom Fisher ' Body v Clevelandu, ki je del General Motors. P rajanja niso prinesla nobenih m-pehov včeraj in danes bodo nadaljeval; ž njimi. Kakih 5,000 delavcev čaka na telo pri Fisher Body. V nedeljo bi morala biti seja vsega članstva, da bi odobrili sporazum med glavno unijo in General Motors. Ta seja je prestavljena, ker se mora unija 45 naprej pogoditi z vodstvom Fisher Body. V glavnem je treba urediti ^-lede starostnih pravic pri tovarni ter dnevno plačilno lestvico mesto plače od kosa. Včeraj so šli na stavko delavci pri Ohio Crankshaft Co. 3800 Harvard Ave. Uhiia in vodstvo lovarne se niso mogli sporazumeti na višji mezdi, na počitnicah in zaprti delavnici. L'nija zahteva za delavce 1,81 :»c na uro priboljška in druge ugodnosti." Dozdaj so dobivali delavci okrog U.20 na uro. Kakih 1.150 de-avcev je na stavki tukaj. VES SVET NAPETO j ČAKA CHURCHILL- j DV GOVOR NOCOJ j New York, — Nocoj bo govoril v New Yorku bivši angleški premier Churchill/ Ves svet napeto čaka na ta govor v pričakovanju, če bo odgovoril Stalinu na obtožbo, da (Churchill) šču-i je svet na vojno proti Sovjetski Uniji. j V dvorani, kjer bo, govorili Churchill, je 2,000 sedežev. Prosilcev za te sedeže se je pa oglasilo že do včeraj nad 10,000.' Navzoč bo diplomatski zbor, toda če bodo ruski diplomati tam, i še ni znano. 1 -o—-— Mlade Slovenke so izdale mično kuharsko knjigo •Naše mlade Slovenke, ki so organizirane v "Jugoslav (Slovene) klubu, so izdale zelo lično kuharsko knjigo v angleščini, i Hotele so, da bi se slovenska dekleta naučila pripraviti razno pecivo in kuho, kakor so tp znale in še znajo naše matere. Zato je pisana knjiga v angleščini. , Marsikatera tu rojena Sloven-1 ka bi bila rada vedela, kako sej napravi potica, štruklji, flancati' in druge take dobre stvari, pa niso mogle dobiti recepta, ker ga v angleškem jeziku ni bilo. Temu je zdaj torej pomagamo. Matere, opozorite svoje hčerke na to knjigq. Recite jim, da več o tem lahko čitajo na angleški strani današnjega lista. Tam bodo lahko videle, kje se knjigo lahko naroči. Lahko trdimo, da tako lično vezane knjige še ni bilo med Slovenci v Ameriki. Slovenski motiv, ki je na platnicah knjige v treh barvah, je narisala umetnica Mrs. Johanna Mally, ki zasluži vse priznanje. Knjigo je tiskala tiskarna Ameriške Domovine. Našim dekletom in mladim ženam jo prav toplo priporočamo. Turška vlada je nervozna; baje je že poslala ojačenja | proti perzijski in reški meji; Carigrad je pod ob- , sednim stanjem f 1 Teheran, Perzija. — Dolga kolona sovjetskih čet, ki je 1 zapustila Tabriz in Azerbijan v severni Perziji, se je obrni- * la, kot trdijo poročila, v smeri proti turški meji. Iz Turčije J prihajajo poročila, da je dežela pripravljena, da se upre £ vsakemu napadu, pa naj bodo posledice že take ali take. z Baje je že odšlo turško vojaštvo na perzijsko in rusko mejo. s Turška vlada ne reče nič, toda izjavila je, da se bo borila do | smrti, predno bo dovolila kaki j drugi državi prekoračiti njeno j i mejo. ' j j Turčija ima še vedno pod oro-j ž.jem do 1,000,300 najboljših čet J Carigrad je še vedno pod obsed- '' nim stanjem. j' j Ruski maršal Ivan Bagramian, ekspert za bojevanje s tanki, se | nahaja že par tednov v Tabrizu ' v Perziji. Bagramian je povelje'-! val na baltiški fronti proti Nem-' l 1 čiji. I Ruska kolona, ki je odšla iz Tabriza, se je najprej obrnila' < proti ruski meji, se je poročalo, j j Pri Marandu se je pa naenkrat obrnila zahodno proti turški me-|(J .ji. O drugih ruskih četah se paiK 11 poroča, da so se pomaknile ju-j; žno proti Iraku, kjer so bogata j oljna polja. Vse ruske kolone se, j pomičejo samo ponoči. Bogato perzijske družine že zapuščajo'glavno mesto Teheran j in odhajajo na svoja posestva na jug. Vsa*rgovina malodane počiva. Druga poročila, ki pa še niso 1 potrjena, trdijo, da zbira Rusija 1 svoje čete v Bolgariji ob turški • meji. •i* * :!< j Washington. — Predsednik Truman je včeraj izjavil na- 1 pram časnikarskim poročevalcem, da ga ta razburljiva poro- i čila ne vznemirjajo in da je pre-j pričan, da se bo vse ugodno rešilo ob svojem času. Državni tajnik Byrnes pravi, j da Moskva še danes ni odgovorila na zahtevo ameriške vlade, da naj da pojasnilo, zakaj soj ruske čete še vedno v Perziji, j Izjavil je tudi, da so poročila, ki! trdijo, da se pomičejo ruske čete proti turški meji, resnična, najsi se to zanika tudi iz Moskve. Darovi za begunce 1 V našem uradu so bili izročeni sledeči darovi za slovenske be-! gunce: neimenovan je daroval j $10, Mrs. Rozi Cimperman, 1315; E. 55. St. je darovala $10 in si-j cer za Katoliško ligo $5, za begunce $2 in za Villa Angela $3,! neimenovana je poslala za be-; gunce $3. Najlepša hvala vsem skupaj za velikodušne darove in priporočamo še drugim, da bi se ob priliki spomnili slovenskih beguncev. U. S. VOJAKE SO KAMENJALI V KOBARIDU London. — Reu ter jeva agencija poroča, da so bili ranjeni cn amei iški stotnik in štirje ijcgori rojaki v Kobaridu. Va->ije sc metali kamenje Slovenci likam nekih demonstracij. NOVI GROBOVI Anton Kaluža Sinoči je umrl na svojem lomu Anton Kaluža, s tiar 55 Set, .stanujoč na 14501 Sylvia Doma je bil iz Kosane pri 5t. Petru na Krasu, odkoder je jrišel v Ameriko pred 23 leti. F u k a j zapušča žalujočo so-ingo -Mary, rt.j. Kruiič, v Bar-erU'nu, O., sinova Antona in Krnila ter sestro• Štefanijo Lita n, v stari cu>rnovirir pa 'U'eta Franceta, tri brate in dve »3-■ tri. Tukaj dalje zapušča dva pastorka, Petra in Josipa Janes :er pas'iorko Mary Janes. Bil ic član društva sv. Ciriia in Metoda št. 18 SDZ Pogreb bo iz Svetkcvega pogrebnega zavoda, kjer t: do povedali tudi .'•as pogreba. Naj bo pokojnemu lahka ameriška (zemlja, preostalim pa izrekamo >naše iskreno sožalje. Marij Prijatelj Danes zjutraj je umrla poznana Mrs. Mary Prijatelj, stanujoča na 18003 Nottingham Rd. Bila je bolna okrog enega leta. Pogreb bo iz Svetkovega pogrebnega zavoda, čas pogreba še ni eoločen, najbrže bo pa v ppnde-ljek ali torek. Podrobnosti o pokojni Mrs. Prijatelj bomo prinesli v pondeljek. V civil bo šlo 47,000 armadnih častnikoV I Washington. — Vojni oddelek naznanja, da namerava kolikor mogoče hitro poslati v ci-cil 47,000 častnikov. Tisti, ki bodo imeli 31. avgusta 2 leti ali več službe, bodo odpuščeni. -o- V nemirih v Siciliji je ubitih 11 oseb Rim. — Sedem civilistov in 4 policaji so bili ubiti tekom izgredov v Palermu in drugih mestih po Siciliji. ------1---;___ _ , \ ! Razne drobne novice iz Clevelanda in te okolice Mgsr. Hribar vabi— Slovenski farani Marije Vne-bovzete in v okolici, pridite v nedeljo 17. marca k 8. sv. maši v slovensko cerkev na Holmes Ave. Tam prisluhnite razlagi o stavku: "Jaz ne lajkam spovedi.*' Vsi ste vabljeni, ki se za to zanimate in posebno pa oni, ki se za to več ne zanimate. Vam ne bo žal, če pridete. — Vitus Hribar. ' Pozdravi iz Floride— Anna G. Mihelich, soproga slovenskega odvetnika John L. Mihelicha, pozdravlja iz Fort Lauderdale, Florida, vse svoje prijateljice v Clevelandu in drugod. S John Bukovnikovo družino se tam prav udobno senčijo in sončijo. Važno iminovanje— Alice Kosmerl, hčerka Mr. in Mrs. Frank Kosmerl i/ 857 E. 155. St., ki pohaja na Seton Hill kolegij v Tenn. je-bila imenovana k šolskemu uredniškemu štabu. Vabilo na seje— Podružnica št. 5 SMZ ima se-jo v soboto zvečer ob 8 v navadnih prostorih. °rememba si je— članom društva sv. Antona Pad. št. 138 C. K. of O. se nažna-r.ja, da se bo vršila redna seja v nedeljo 31. marca ob 1:30 popol-:tne in NE na 3. pondeljek kot navadno, člani naj to blagovolijo upoštevati. U bit na St. Clair Ave. Včeraj zjutraj je bil ubit ad ivtcmoicila na Sti. Clair Ave. in jI. ct-ti neki Peter Witisk. Voznik, je/drvel 70 ur na uro, trdijo očividci, 0.-em ur po nezgodi je policija aretirala nekega 20 let starega fanta, ki je povedal, da se je preveč ustrašil, da bi avto ustavil po nezgodi. Iz listin tiri ubitem ni razvidno njegovo bivališče in policija zdaj išče sorodnike. Dvojčka sla— Vile rojenice so prinesle družini Mr. in Mrs. Toni Tramte, 6708 Edina Ave., dvojčka fantka in punčko. Matii in otroka se dobro počutita v Woman« bolnišnici. Tako je postala poznana Mrs. France^ Tramte že osmič stara mamica. Čestitke! Žalmtnu vest od doma— Mrs. Mary Mohar, 6033 St. Clair Ave., je prejela žalostno vest iz domovine, da ji je 22. j an. 1940 umrl dragi oče Antom Grbec v Lips en ju pri Grahovem na Notranjskem. Stari so bili 88 let. V domovini zapuščajo ženo, enega sina in eno hčer Fanny Obreza, tukaj -pa gori Omenjeno hčer, tri vnuke in enega pravnuka. Naj jim bo lahka domača grud'a, preostalim« naše sožalje. -t—o-- DANES ŠE LAHKO PLAČATE DAVEK STRICU SAMU Thomas M. Carey, vladni pobiralec davkov v Clevelandu sporoča, da je danes zadnji dan, da plačate dohodninski davek. Za one, ki so v Clevelandu in ki gredo lahko osebno v davčni urad, bo odprt urad danes od 8:15 zjutraj do 9 zvečer. Drugi pa lahko pošljejo po pošti, samo da bo na kuverti današnji datum poštnega pečata, pa bo še veljavno. POLICIJA SVARI ZLASTI STAREJŠE, NAJ BODO SKRAJNO PREVIDNI NA ULICAH To kaže, da morajo biti zlasti starejše osebe previdne, kadar gredo preko ceste. Policija svetuje, naj bi šel s starimi l judmi vedno kak mlajši član družine. Priporočljivo .je tudi, da imajo pešci kaj belega na sebi, kadar gredo ponoči iz hiše. Voznik avta bo ponoči bel predmet lažje opazil. Statistika dokazuje, da je bilo 23 izmed 27 oseb ubitih od avtomobilov ponoči. Geo. J. Matowitz, elevelandski policijski načelnik, svari zlasti' i starejše osebe, naj bodo previ- i , dne, ka ^ prva v čisto strfc a ni obleki, ševec*' razcapanih sta:rK ^ j pošljejo iz hiše- » vnemo odklanja. ^ ; S takimi ceJ jfV, smešnimi norčiP ^ stikratvečkotce^, ; padajo razne . t pa tudi burkaste sede, dokler m"^ j roče prave se začne ples- '' 0#;; do tretjega dne; " V mi jo drugo teto | mov. 1 0 ie i No, če govor^ in ženitovanju- '^piTf ko je bilo pri P^ ; Ponekod, na P^J či, Jesenicah m ^ • kmetih navad*. ^ štiri, pet ali cel" Vsak boter mo^ j^; kev kos platna, * pedi dolg, in g«1 ^ To se imenuje *gVOji . mora otroku P« fjfrA nekaj denarja v_ ^ štirinajst dni kj / trinjo. Vsak \ kos kruha, ki ^ ča, nekaj jajc 3 0d# ter to nodari P° AUGUST F. SVETEK POGREBNI ZAVOD 478 East 152nd St. Tel IVanhoe 2016 BOLNIŠKI AVTO NA RAZPOLAGO AMBKISKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 15, 1046 Gozdarjev! spomini Spisal Jos. Kostanjevec. "Dal Bog, da bi bili vaši sklepi trdni in vaša volja zadosti močna!" Toda sam ni bil prepričan o tem, vedel je, kako slab je človek in kako 'zadošča včasd samo' iskrica, da mastane nepogaisljiv plamen. Sklenil pa je, da od sedaj podvoji čuječnost nad svojimi župljani in cla jih ot-me preteči nevarnosti, ako le mogoče. Očitati si ne bode smel nikdar, da ni izpolnil svoje dolžnosti. * * * Birk je slovesno otvoril svojo gostilno. Pred hišo sta stala dva mlaja, počez je bila deska z napisom "Dobro došli," in vhod v hišo je bil okrašen z zelenjem in cveticami. Po oglih so vabili veliki natisnjeni lepaki, k otvoritvi, in mestni časopisi so bili prinesli debele oglase o tem toliko važnem dogodku na črni. V novo prirejeni gostilniški sobi je svirala na nalašč v to prirejenem odru trška godba in vabila na ples. Bilo je ravno nedeljo popoldne, ko se je to vršilo. Mrgolelo je ta čas tam cestnih delavcev, ki jih je bil z delovodji skupaj povabil Birk, prišlo je tudi nekaj lačnih in žejnih tržanov, ki so bili navadno ob takšnih prilikah povsod, zakaj razglasilo se je bilo, da bo tisti dan pri Bir-ku vse zastonj, pijača in jedača. Kdo bi ne bil porabil takšne prilike? Toda črnjana ni bilo nobenega blizu, takoj po popoldanski službi božji so se bili poizgubili in poskrili, da ni bilo nobenega videti. Skoro vsa hišna vrata na črni so bila zaprta. (Dalje prihodnjič) MALI OGLASI Hiša naprodaj Naprodaj je hiša za 2 družini, 4 in 5 sob, zaprta veranda, en furnez, ena garaža, kokoš-njak, blizu Nottingham Rd. Se lahko takoj vselite. Pokličite po 6 uri zvečer KE 6275. • VERA SULAK Zemljiška prodajalka (53) 2 sobi išče Moški išče 2 sobi brez pohištva. Kdor ima kaj pripravnega naj pusti naslov v uradu tega lista. (Wed.&Fri. Mar.29) ^iiiiiiimimiimimiiimiimiiiiimiiiiiiif: I , JOHN NOSE | E KLEPARSKA DELA, POI'KAVA = STREH IN SPLOŠNA PO- S E PRAVILA E E Kompletna dela za furneze S 1 22331 Beck for d Ave. IV 3247 ali KE 4992 | Tiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiii|tiiimiiiii? Nazaj iz vojne Vsled pomanjkanja gotovih snovi smo se odločili, da za časa vojne bc bolje prenehati izdelovanje, nego poceniti ta naš produkt TRINERJEV LINIMENT. AMPAK SEDAJ se te snovi zopet lahko debe in tako je naš stari preizkušeni in zanesljiv Triner's Liniment zopet priporočan kot zunanja pomoč isitnostim radi nevralgijc, okArelesti vratu vsled prepihov, pretegnenja mišic in manjših zvinjenesti. Na prodaj je pri vaših lekarnarjih in v večjih trgovinah, narejen pri Joseph Triner korpo-rari.ji, izdelovateljih Trinerjevega grenkega vina MALI OGLASI Nov bungalow Naprodaj je nov bungalow, 5 sob, vse moderno; na 1260 E. 60. St. Proda se zaradi bolezni. (55) Pohištvo naprodaj Pr.oda se 4 kose pohištva za parlor ; v jako dobrem stanju. Zglasite se na 1256 E. 58. St. (55) Stroj za sladoled Naprodaj je stroj za izdelavo sladoleda; 5 gal. prostornine. V dobrem stanju. Vprašajte od 7 zj. do 7 z v. na 7001 Lawnview Ave., (55) Mi brusijo nože, britve, škarje, žaga in vse enako orodje; cene zmerne. John Mostečnik 1493 E. 65. St. Kupim pohištvo Kdor ima kako pohištvo, ki bi ga rad prodal, naj pokliče EX 1876.v (x) Hišo vzamem v najem Družina odraslih oseb želi dobiti stanovanje 6 ali 7 sob sipo-daj', ali hišo za eno družino v okolici E, 65. ceste do E. 90. Stl. severno ali južno od Superior. Se moramo seliti, ker je hiša prodana. Kdor ima kaj primernega, naj pokliče EX 2267. (x) PLES! Pri nas je ples vsak petek in soboto Igra Johnny Rozman t Serviramo tudi vsak petek okusno ribjo pečenko. Se toplo priporočamo za obilen poset. LAKE ERIE CAFE 5205 St. Clair Ave. Slovenska gostilna INSURANCE Fire — Windstorm Automobile Za zanesljivo postrežbo se priporoča Daniel Stakich Agentura 15813 Waterloo Rd. KE 1934 (Sat-x) Jos. Rupnik Cafe (prcj Louis Seme) • 6507 St. Clair Ave. Odprto od 6 zj. do 2:30 zj. (Fri. - x) NOTTINGHAM WINERY 17721 Waterloo Rd. Ima na razpolago oh i j skd vina. dobra PRIPELJEMO TUDI NA DOM 5 GALONOV ALI VEČ Naša vinarna je odprta od 10 zjutraj do 10 zvečer. Se priporočamo MARTIN KOŽAR, lastnik Pokličite IV 2724 Trebušne podpore Pri nas dobite vse velikosti trebušne podpore (Abdominal Supports) Masidel Drug Lodi Mandei, Ph. G., Ph. C. SLOVENSKI LEKARNAR 15702 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland 1U, Ohio Lekarna odprta: Vsak dan od 9:30 dopoldne do 10 zvečer. * Zaprta ves dan ob sredah. HODITE PREVIDEN VOZNIK Mnogo nesreče se pripeti radi pokvarjenih oči.. Dajte si pregledati oči, da se boste počutili Varne. Vid mora biti tak. da lahko razločite Številke na metru brzine, da vidite, kako hitro vozi. Imamo 30 let izkuSnjo v prelzkovanju vida in umerjanju očal. Zadovoljni boste v vsakem odru. Mi Imamo petino zalogo »lastlčnln nogavic za zabrekle žile. EDWARD A. HISS jLekatua—farmacija In optometrlstične potrebščine. 7102 StrClair Ave. Ml imamo v zalo&i pasove za pretrgal-nje. za moSke in ?enskfc. JIIMHSlllloni»itii»>M>u.;in. Employment Office 700 Prospect Ave. goba 901 od 8 z j. do 5 pop. vsak dan razen v nedeljo THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE CO. Za pomivanje posode Sprejme se žensko za pomivanje posode od 4 do 8 zvečer. Zglasite se v šornovi restavraciji, 6036 St. Clair Ave. (55) LI OGLASI Ugoden nakup Naprodaj so 3 loti na St. Clair Ave. in 170. St. Cena $2,200. 3 in pol akra zemlje na Nottingham Rd., pripravljeni za zidavo. Cena je $11,000. Mi imamo kupca v gotovini za vašo hišo. Mi tudi prodajamo trgovine ter smo imeli velike uspehe v severno vzhodnem Cle-velandu. Ne računamo nič, če ne prodamo. Pokličite nas najprej. A. J. Salettel EX 4808 Wm. Lynch Realty & Assoc. GL 0015 3 hiše naprodaj Naprodaj so 3 hiše, kjer je 5 stanovanj. Nahajajo se v fari sv. Vida; nizki davki. Iliše so na 1026, 1028 in 1030 E. 68. St. Cena za vse je $9,000. Zglasite se pri lastniku v Patrick Church Supply, 1379 E. 9. St. tel. MA 5960. (53- Izvrstna prilika Tukaj je edina prilika v življenju. Naprodaj je hiša za 2 družini in 2 prodajalni; vse za $10,000. Če želita dom in trgovino imate tukaj priliko. Nahaja se v prometnem kraju E. 65. St. in St. Clair Ave. okolici. Govorimo slovensko. Vprašajte za Mr. Paušiča. Porath Realty RA 5777—10522 Superior Ave —RA 6853 ________ (53) Naprodaj farma Naprodaj je farma, obsegajoča 150 akrov, fina poslopja, ve-ternica, velik cementiran hlev za 40 krav, 2 traktorja. Nahaja se na Babbitt Rd. blizu ceste 46; 2 in pol milje od vasi Newline. Podrobnosti izveste pri Mrs. Ju-lia Kassai, 1259 E. 169. St. tel. IV 6945. (58) 1921 1945 V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA IN NIKDAR POZABLJENEGA SINA IN BRATA Stanley L Rossa ki je padel za svobodo in bcljšo bodočnost narodov sveta, tam na daljnem Pacifiku dne 15. marca 1945. Sel si daleč tja na morje, zdaj na daljnem tam vlhodu kjer boj zanetil je obzorje,, rfiirnc na dnu morja počivaš, beril si se za boljši tsvet, vžil sveta si le še malo, in padel v cvetju mladih let. ime Ti častno bo ostalo. Končal si boj, sin in brat, . kako zdaj žaluje Tvoja mati, srce je polno bolečin, nasvidenje pri Bogu, sin. Tem potom se želimo prav prisrčno zahvaliti vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem, ki so darovali za svete maše, da se bodo brale za mir in blag pokoj njegove duše: Iskrena hvala tudi vsem., ki so nam poslali sožalna ipfema in brate. Žalujoči ostali: MATI. BRATJE in SESTRA. Cleveland, O. 15. marca 1946. Pristava naprodaj Naprodaj je 30 akrov pristava, krasna hiša, velik parlor, 2 spalnici, kopalnica z vzidano banjo, neizgotovljeno 2. nadstropje; posebna pršna kopel v kleti, tla iz trdega lesa; 75 čevljev globok vodnjak z novo sesalko; furnez. Vse udobnosti kot v mestu. Vse natančno prenovljeno. Idealno za človeka, ki bi rad lep razgled. Najvišja točka v Lake okraju. Vidi se zadej prav na jezero, 8 milj oddaljeno, od spredaj se pa vidi 12 milj daleč. — 'H/2 akra jablan, ki dajo do 400 bušljev jabolk na leto. Nahaja se na Turney in River Rd. v Perry, O. Do Clevelanda se vozi % ure. Jako zmerna cena $11,-000. Za podrobnosti pokličite IV 9611. (53) Alf! |M Sheet Metal & fillLlil Furnace Co. Mi vam inštaliramo nove furneze na premog in plin. Postavimo termostate in reconverzionalne bur-nerje. Mi čistimo, resetamo in popravimo. Mi imamo dele za poprave vseh, furnezov. Na razpolago tudi gutter dela. 613 E. 99. St. JOE J. AH LIN GL 7630 ............................................iismimiiiiiimiiiiumitiimmm": f Sedaj je cas, da naročile I LEDENICE i PRALNIKE I I RADIJE I 1 ČISTILCE E in druge hišne pripomočke. V zalogi imamo tudi linolej za kuhinjo in = s kopalnico, ki vam ga polože naši izvedenci. Kompletna zaloga hišnih potrebščin. Obiščite našo trgovino s pohištvom. Primerjajte kakovost cene — in izdelek. Odprto zvečer. • 5 FERFOLIA FURNITURE I f 3515 E. 93. St. in Union Ave. Tel. MI 8990 1^ DR. P. B. VIRANT - OPTOMETRIST PREGLED Oči — PREDPIS OČAL Uradne ure: 9:30 do 12:00; 1:30 do'5:00 Zvečer: 6:30 do 8:30 v sredo in soboto: 9:30 do 12:30 15621 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio v poslopju North American Banke Za sestanek pokličite IVanhoe 6436 Naročite se na dnevnik "Ameriška Domovina" i;««! a, sam je bil popustil slu-■oJelovodje, trdnemu in ve-SBni ? I)0sestniku se ni več BS% da bi bil Podrejen stli'1 ^egovi glavi so rate!!07' nacrti kakor gobe po resn te načrite je hotel u" IfHotei^' naj velja kur hcče-ge P°:stati prva oseba, da Vsi b0d° v .strahu klanjali ; 0(ikr?jani' a da Se mu bode i Mpera tlKli gospoda, ko se ,(tvemajw.? -svetl° kočij« i« z v*estcT v k0njema v trg in pre: ,; Vse je videl jasno na- 18e ,„'. P o dije tn a glava, ki tiidj 'j ftrašil nobene c-vire, pa (ij j 'J lz!biral sredstev, samo Cse«el svoj cilj. Natiho- [■/HobeJie dela1' da Se ni zavedel M, kaj misli', a ko je.hi- 1 ^!iW ?ZOrela' je spravil z Tako SUmom med ljU(:li- lo, j Je bilo prvo njegovo de-hiši p ?dpre gostilno v svoji litlei'ji ■mu bi idelali samo kan" ; ko j -11 3i Polnili mošnjičke, ;, itKi^^-i Pravi čas za to, da Ijki ';ačne pobirati denar, L;tor,',j' Valja "a cesti. Najprej potegni3131® dtelavce, ti 'bodo lio za seboj Črn jame, a r ^ cesta»' pridej° |% rd' TUgi' cele PrCl0e3'ije b 1'arkr t ■ na Cmo k Birku- 1^'su j. je romal v, tistem ^ Rostii avarstvu in 'imel J« l^ieuo* '"žko koncesijo oMjub- I^Nnj0Prsd®n je vložil za njo | ' . Ko je prišla preš-h CinolaVarst^a k žmpanstvu f !;ikako",? I poročiI°. je vpliva-l%li oj 5re|a. Župan je tekal p^^ih svetovalcev in nezaslišano novico. ■ ^°v<)liti lG' 'se mu 11 e sme h % f'" je; bila enoglas- ko Zu'pnik je. zmajal z ' 'in'in°,8() ga za svet vpraša-,iVJe «eial: # . !H ke., b°St,e mu ubranili, zlasti 111 na Orni in v okolici M bjj^ ^Ulaie. Pa tudi, , ako ; dovolj zvit, da \ ^ v v. ®v°j namen navzlic, f'te sicer'm ue°vorom. Vi sto-: J se, t0(1Svoj° dclŽTiost, brani-i l kfatb'a, ne b0(,e pomagalo. i >le ^m'b(>do pri Birku žven- Url if PrePevale Pe- f v da kar 'morete storiti, S ^.»osti,.fioClbeden od vas ne gre ' c'a ostanete taksni, f+C bili do zdaj. Mor-j^eha ,f^efn"sama od se- 80 °m o,d župnikaV 2^PHe2adOVOljni Sami S D ^ . ,SeJi so storili svojo fjj^viij 111 «0 se enoglasno i.% ^r; namwaviinem u pod- S je Nh ita 111 pomagalo, h kon- C^ Bi?^ in ne čez dolgo K v rokah zaželjeno V! Silil Varn Povedal?" je' ir. vajj! k žalostno. "In se-, V %CVerinše t0' tudi vaši ne P°jd'ete tja, * iS(i fn0r' ln zgodiilo se bo, v^l^.hoditi; zakaj me-S" ■ «1 izkušnjave bodo so ** P°jdemo tija, ni-vP,sr 0vesno zatrjevali ■Bm SsUH ^g ^fBBF h METllO EXPORT PACKERS 261 GREENWICH ST. NEW YORK 7, N.Y. Sluga zaustavi stražo pa namigne fantu, naj mu sledi. Žarko je sijala električna luč na hodniku, a ligurski staruh je izgledal kar skrivnosten. Narahlo je stopical pred fantom, tiho prijel za kljuko, toda široko in bahavo je odprl vrata, kakor bi 'hotel nekoga presenetiti, nato se globoko* poklonil v sobo in odstopil. Fant je vstopil, zasadil pogled naravnost, obstal pa begal z očmi okrog po sobi, gledal in bil čudno presenečeni. Palme, la-vori, mamljivo cvetje in rastlinje južne zemlje po stojalih in stelažah, v kotu ligursko znamenje, okrog znamenja vise po zidu svetli šajšani, tisti nad znamenjem je celo zlat; po stenah mamljive slike lepotic, med slikami svetle ogrlice,, svileni trakovi,' ženski nakit, po tleh težke preproge in blazine ; izza svilenih zastorov kuka bela postelj, a izza širokih pahljač palm sije električna žarnica, in ob njenem siju skrivnostno odsevajo palme in sohe in slike in zvezde. Na divanu pestuje Kordula veliko belo mačko pa hladno gleda prišleca. Sredi sobe sedi pri nizki mizici Azunta, pu-ši cigareto pa nekaj piše. Pred njo na mizici leži kopica knjig, papirjev in šatulje z lepotili. Izredno resna je, v obličje po-sinjela. "Dober večer,!" pozdravi Bran skoro neslišno; v rokah vrti klobuk, išče bega iz mučnega položaja. Zmeden je od presenečenja in od močnega vonja dišav, s katerimi je pre-nasičena soba. Molk. Zdajci Azunta ošine fanta s pirezirnim pogledom. Nato spusti pisanje, sunkoma vrže glavo kvišku ter prične z ostrim naglasom razlagati svojo moč. Ona je voditeljica šole in gospodarica nad pogorsko otročadjo. Simba je vrhovni Po tem sporazumu se je gruča zamajala in hrumela iz vasi. Budinka je stopala poleg sina, odločna in silna, za njima Liguri, a tem za petami so se nesli 'možje velikani. Gorje šajmiulom, ako,. se polotijo fanta! Pogorja ni ne doprinesejo nobene žrtve več! In srečno so prešli nevarno temioto pa dosegli sij električne luči nad šolskimi vrati. Pred šolo so se eoipet spoprijeli: vsi so hoteli noter. Končno pa je Bran svo- NE PUSTITE JIH STRADATI! Sorodniki in prijatelji preko morja nujno potrebujejo vaše pomoči ZDAJ! POŠLJITE POŠILJKE ŽIVIL Da si ohranijo zdravje in moč . . . Naročite eno ali obeh teh velikih, ekonomskih parcel, ki vsebujejo visoko kakovost živil, ki jih rabijo. PARCELA ŠT. 4 (tehta 11 ft.) PARCELA ŠT. 8 (tehta U ft.) Vsebuje: 1 ft. Skatljo maslu . . . Vsebuje: 1 ft. čistega Candy . . . 1 ft. pkt. sira . . . lVš Skatljo 14 unč. moke ... Vi ft. kakao narezanega mesa ... 1 ft. zdrob- ... 1 ft. riža ... 3 velike kose ljeneuu mleka (toliko kot .4 kv'or- mila ... 1 ft. zdrobljenih jajc te) ... 14 unč. pkt. farina . . . (en^ko 18 jajcem ... l'/a ft. 1 ft. kakao . r . 8 velike kose Skatljo roast beef . . . dva 1'A mila. Unč. kosa čokolade. V Belgijo Anglijo, Finsko, V Belgijo, Anglijo, Finsko, Francijo, Grčijo, Holandijo, Francijo, GrSko, Holandsko, Italijo, Norveško, Poljsko tfr no Italijo, Norveško, Poljsko 4.7 cp in Švedsko ....................... 1>O.VO in gVedi*ko ....:.................. p/.OO & V ČehoalovaSko, Lu- <;./• 1 r V Cehoslovuško, Lux- 00 embourg in Švico .......... V"embourg in Švico............ v>o.i'w V evropsko Rusijo, Pa- «./» 97 V evropsko Rusijo, Pa- f.o r v lestino I11 Jugoslavijo...... £0.«/ lestino in Jugoslavijo...... pO.Jt Metro Export Packers vam nudijo več za. manj denarja . . Cene vključujejo popolno odpremo v specialno močnem zavoju, poštno postrežbo, pristojbino in ZAVAROVALNINO. * ODDAJA GARANTIRANA * METRO EXPORT PACKERS SO ZAVAROVANI PRI LLOYDS V LONDONU, TER VAM DAJO POLNO PROTEKCIJO. Pošljite DANES s čekom ali money ordrom . , . ter vprašajte za cenik drugih pošiljatev. Slovenska banka Iz uprave slovennske, THE NORTH AMERICAN BANKE, se naznanja, da banka sprejema in odpošilja denar v staro domovino ali kamorkoli drugam, kakor to vršijo druge agencije. Pošiljatve so jamčene; domača postrežba. Rojaki se sedaj lahko poslužijo te prilike v obeh uradih ibanke: 6131 'Sit. Clair Ave., kakor tudi na 15619 Waterloo Rd. Odprto je t'udi vsak petek večer med 6 in 8 uro. DALJE: Banka posojuje denar na osebna in vknji-žna posojila po volji in želji odjemalcev. Poslužujte se dcimačega podjetja v lastno korist naroda. The May Co.'s Basement, Poseben nakup! 3516 parov! Kupljeni od ene najbolj poznanih verižnih trgovin z čevlji v Am<3rl j^/3-95 do 5.95 ČEVLJI n *l_______?j • o 00 5 00 - '_____ Prihranite si 2.39 do 3.39 pri paru Opravile se za pomlad! Tu je prilika, da si nabavite krasne ^^^H ^HH^flB nove spomladanske čevlje po velikih ^^^H prihrankih! Sleherni čevelj je nare- ^^^H ^^^B^^^B jen za prodajo po veliko višji ceni— toda po srečnemu naključju smo ku- ^^^B91 ^^^ pili čevlje od poznane verižne trgovine, da nam je mogoče nuditi vam prihranek! Pridite po nje takoj v ponedeljek! Mere: Od 3 do 10'/i v celotni skupini. Srednje in ozke širine. Blaao* Vključuje fino, mehko s * usnjo, pomladanski Gabardine in lahke teže suede. • "DIAL TONE" je znamenje, da je pripravljeno, da si Stili* Pum.Ps> s pentjo in sandali, z * nizkimi, srednje visokimi ali visokimi petami. zvrtite na dialu svojo številko. Torej, prosimo, počakajte na ta ton. Ako pričnete vrteti poprej kot slišite ta glas, boste dobili napačno številko ali pa sploh nobene—in boste morali pričeti znova vrteti. naTva. črna, rjava, zelena, mo-ucurvd. dra aU rdeČ£L Obširna izbera mer in stilov za žene z "Cinde- rella" nogami! 02000000532323020001010202020001000002000201010000000002010202 THE OHIO BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY DIAjL TONE signal pomeni tKT " ™mo POČAKAJTE w^KSt r ZANJ PREDEN ZAVRTITE ŠTEVILKO f Kc^ojp' je pogovoril, naj počakajo zunaj, tu bo opravil že sam, se mu adi. Vdali so se, ker so videli, dia ne kaže fant nikakega vznemirjenja več. Kar zagnal se je prek stoipnic v vežo. Tu jim je prišel narproti šolski sluga, isitar Ligur, pa jim namignil, naj se podvizajo gor. Bra-nu se je čudno zdelo, da ni bilo videti ne v veži, ne na stopnicah, ne gori na hodniku simbo-ve telesne straže, ampak bila je neka zagonetna tihota. ŽIVI VIRI IVAN MATlClC - glavar nad Pogorjem, ona pa' - je glavarica nad mladim zaro-1 t dom. Kar hoče ona, je isto, kar . ; ukaže simba. Ni marala tirati: - vseh upornikov predse, tirala , je njega samega, a on naj po- - ve drugim, da jih bo nemilost-, no zadela njena maščevalnost, . ako ne pošljejo jutri otrok v ' l šolo. Umolknila je, jezno puhnila oblak dima pa se zagle- < . dala nekam v strop, milostno 1 ; čakaje na odgovor. Fant pa je i . stal tu kakor učaran in ni dal ] nobene od sebe. — Vso svojat 1 . treba kratkomalo izročiti šaj- < mulom, je pikro pripomnila j Kordula Azunti. s "Džaj!" udari Azunta po 1 mizi in vstane. Bo dal zlomek 1 odgovor ali ne? S krčevitimi * pestmi stopi predenj, ga gleda '-razjarjena. Fant stoji tu čisto ' lesen, zroč Ligurki naravnost 1 v srepo lice, kakor da ne razu- ( me niti besede. Ona ne ve, ka- • ko bi se znesla, zacepeta z no- ' garni, iztrga fantu klobuk 'iz 1 rok pa ga zaluči ob tla. Fant nekoliko zardi, pogleda cepe-tajočo devojko, nat0 pa bušk-ne v smeh. Kordula spusti mačko na tla, vstane, gleda zdaj osuplo Azunto, zdaj drzneža. "Uj?" vprašuje pikro. "Komedija!" dostalvi užaljena in gre ven, ' izgine v svojo sobo. Azunta prične zdaj na glas krilati nad neotesancem, zmerja ga z robavsom, kolne sužnje in puntarje in kliče pčklo nad ta malopridni svet. Fant ji prične pogumno prigovarjati, naj se pomiri, naj se toliko ne togoti, saj se ne izplača. In dekle se je res umirila, njeno obličje je postalo prijaznejše in milejše. In končno ga je povabila k divanu: naj sede. Ona 'ima še toliko raznih zadev, o katerih se je treba pogovoriti. Saj to ljudstvo je ta-šo sila nepristopno, nihče se ji ne približa, vse se je izogiblje, vse jo sovraži, kakor b'i bila gobava. Toda krivo jo sodijo, saj ona ni taka; če bi bili ljudje drugačni do nje, bi bila , tudi ona čisto druga. Saj spri- | čo teh šolarjev ne mara izva- j jati posledic, toda želi, da so j ljudje drugačni napram nji, j da jo ljubijo in se ji približa- | jo. | (Dalje prihodnjič) SLAVA! NIČ VEČ f* HRBTOBOLA Tukaj je čisti, moderni na6in f olajfiati navaden hrbtobol. John- / / . J /J son's Back Plaster! Olajša bo-I L ' / /J lečine, otrpje, nategnjenost. — l/Ji / /J Vpliva prijetno! V vseh lekar-V^j&y" nah. Zahtevajte Johnson & Johnson kakovost. ii|Adams Heating Service] 500 East 200. St. vogal Monterey 1 Odprto dnevno do 6 zvečer, v soboto do 8 zvečer PRIDITE IN SI OGLEJTE NOVE povojne forced air in gravity plinske furneze Sedaj na razstavi pri nas • FURNEZE ZACEMENT1RAMO IN POPRAVIMO. * • INŠTALIRAMO NOVE FURNEZE NA PLIN, PREMOG ALI Ofc • INŠTALIRAMO PIHALNIKE, STOKERJE IN BOILERJE- Sedaj so na razpolago za takojšno inštalacijo plinski burner ji Nič gotovine'takoj, se plača v 3 letih. Podložite svoja tla v hiši z Off QC posebnimi stebri, ki je vsak.V■ PRORAČUN ZASTONJ NA VSEM DELU EKSPERTNO DELO Pokličite KE 5200 za takojšno postrežbo J PER K 9 electrical appliance 9213 Union Ave. DI 0025 Takoj vam dostavimo na dom ESTATE—-GR^Lj QUALITY—GIBSON & ROPER električne peči ter P ske peči. PHI LiGO—OR O S LE Y—A D MIR AL namiznni f1 in kombinacij ski radijski aparati—na razpolago se"a ' Naročila se naglo izvršujejo na ledenicah. Kompletna zaloga APEX pralnikov, IRONRlT^ ^ dilnikov, šivalimh strojev, vacuum čistilcev in drug trebščin. Garantirana postrežba in popravila. "Vljudna postrežba z nasmehom" ^ i ^ : 1 i ^ J >'. ^^ _------- \ Ustanovljeno 1908 • Zavarovalnino vseh vrst vam točno pr^r j HAFFNER INSURANCE AGENCY 6106 St. Clair Avenue ^TED 1( ^CAN TO THE YOUNG SLOVENES The American Home DEADLINE FOR ALL COPY IS WEDNESDAY NOON Ameriška W Domovina american home ^^AiVlhKlCAlN HUMh_ news from our home front Ohio Friday, March 15, 1946 Yugoslav Slovene Club Cook Books Ready To the members of the Club the news is very welcome indeed, as inquiries for the book have been numerous. Just one year ago the brilliant idea cf a "Cook Book" was proposed by Mary Marsjich. The idea met with Bond Queens Back From Hollywood Stay of Two Weeks Three queens for a day stepped oul of the sky at Cleveland Airport Monday night, took a final backwarc, glance at the make-believe world thej had inhabited for the last two weekt. and with three long sighs prepared ti resume their customary roles. The three, Miss Jean Jaksic, 6111 St Clair Ave.; Mis. Mary Prince, 6003 Bridge Ave., and Miss Edith Davis, 1055 Thornhill Dr., were home frojr. Hollywood. They had won the two-week tour-in which they lunched and dined with the film stars, watched pictures ir» production and generally saw the sights in the film capital, by selling prodigious volumes cf Victory Bonds in the drive that ended Dec. 8. The all-expense tour was arranged by the War activities committee of the motion picture industry and the1 War Finance Committee. Miss Jaksic, the queen (and she could easily be mistaken for one of the movie luminaries), won her crown by selling $191,000 worth of E bonds, the highest individual sales record in the nation. Her companions on the trip—Miss Davis went as chaperon and Mrs. Prince as queen's attendant—were close behind her in total sales. All are members cf the American Women's Voluntary Services group sponsored by Loew's State Theatre. They were met at the airport by Howard C. Burkhardt, Loew's State manager, and Chief Gunner's Mate Eelby L. Eades, to whom the 25-year-cld Miss Jaksic will be married in May. Burkhardt, who directed the group's bond sales, pointed out that its total in the Victory Loan drive was 723,350, highest of any similar group in the country. -o- "AND THE BRIDE WORE SATIN" On March 2 at 11 o'clock our Orel member, Olga Mozic and Richard Ko-cevar were joined together in wedlock. The bride wor an exquisite creation of "Satin and Lace." Her finger-tip veil of "misty net' was sprinkled with orange blossoms around the edge. In her hands she carried a white pray-erbook with an orchid and flowing streamers. Her two attendants, maid of honor Julia Kosec, and Helen Pevec brought out the spirit of the day in their flowing gowns. The fitted bodice was made- of agua jersey, trimmed with soft, white net ruffling. The skirt consisted of yards and yards of misty white net, with rows of ruffling adding to the beauty. They carried white and pink carnatinos made into colonial bouquets. The groom Richard Kocevar, besi man Joseph Mismas, and usher Robert Novak, wore white dinner jackets and black trousers. To the newly weds we say: Good luck and happiness throughout youi wedded life! Spun Rayon Suit . »_ A SMOOTH spun rayon gabardine suit like this one will give smart service all year round. It features a snug-fitting jacket, winged shoulders, the new deeper armhole and wide cuffs on three-quarter sleeves. Wear it with a blouse, with jewelry at the neckline or with an ascot scarf as shown here. If you want accurate information about the rayon fabrics in your suits—look for i factual labels that give you the results of laboratory tests for dry j cleanability and v/ear qualities. You i may have a free copy of a helpful 1 leaflet, "Mending Tricks for Rayons," by sending a stamped self-j addressed envelope to the Woman's Department cf this ijicvspspci great approval. Members were reuqested to present their favorite recipes, which have been tried and true, and sumbit them to the Board. The Board assumed the responsibility of reading and sorting the hundreds of recipes, which was no easy task, and many an early hour found the Board hard at work. The compiling completed, it was then ready for the printer. The cover on the book is very artistically designed by Johanna Mally. The book will be said at $1.25 tax included, so members get your 1L1 of buyers ready. t SftBW* BOXING Lcs Angeles Jimmy Doyle was many a point ahead of Artie Levine of Brooklyn, N. Y„ as they moved out for ths ninth round of their scheduled 1C-rcund fight at the Arena Monday night, but now poor Jimmy is in Cha. -ity Hospital, the victim of a technical knockout and a concussion of ths brain. Toppled three times by his middleweight foeman's right hand before Referee Jackie Davis stopped the bloody mitting at 57 seconds of the ninth, the classy welterweight championship challenger struck his her.d on a cloth-covered metal rope buckle after catching the last punch and lie was unconscious for te next 15 mi-lutes. The eager Levine boy had followed through on that final swing and fallen on the hapless Californian, who stooped breathing entirely, according to Dr. Arthur P. Hagedorn, ere he was cairied frcm the ring on a stretch'r and rushed to the hospital by a Cleveland Fire Department rescue squad. Rudy Zadeli, hard-leathering little welterweight out of Barberton, slammed the stepper on the highly-touted Nello Nucelli from Rochester at 2:11 of the third chukker of a scrap routed for six rounds. AMATEUR WRESTLING TOURNAMENT The Northeastern Ohio A A U Amateur Wi-xstling Tournament will be held Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16 at the Central Armory. AH amateur wrestlers in,»the district are invited to participate and a record entry total is expected. The winners of the local Tourna-meet in Brooklyn, N. Y. during the mtet in Brooklyn, N. Y. during the mcnth cf April. The winners in each division will receive the A A U awards as well as personal trophies from outstanding sportsmen cf Cleveland. The Tournament will start on Friday night at 7:00 p .m., with the semifinals on Saturday afternoon starting at 2:00 p. m. The finals will take place Saturday night at 8:00 p. m. Amateur wrestling has been at a lew ebb and it is hoped that this meet will revive the sport and that the Tournament will become an annual affair All proceeds' frcm the meet will go ton the betterment cf the sport Jack Ganson, the professional wrestling promoter, is underwriting the Tournament and is the man behiid the increased interest in the amateur sport. The complete running of the meet is strictly in the hands of the local AAU wrestling heads. The weight division s arc as follows: 108 pounds; 116 pounds; 121 pounds; 128 pounds; 135 pounds; 145 pounds; 155 pounds; 165 pounds; 175 pound: and the unlimited division. Any amateur wrestler may compete in the Tournament. Fersenal ticphies have been donated by the following Cleveland sportsmen; Max Rcsenblum, Stanley Cofall. Bat Neal, Harry Mamolen. Walter Davis Steve Gresch, Harry Zirker and Jack Ganson. The world's heavyweight professional wrestling champion, Frank Sexton is also donating a trophy. The men donating trophies all realize that amateur sports are the finesl thing in the world for the youth oi America, and are going out of thsii way to aid in increasing interest ir the sport. There will be no profit foi anyone and all proceeds will go to th< fund to send the winners to the Nationals in Brooklyn. Many collegiate stars are cxpcct:c to enter as* well as many of the outstanding high school mat men. Then are many ex-GI's entered and Iron all appearances the meet should b top's in wrestling. Jack Ganson is particularly inter ested in the amateur movement b, cause he - has an appreciation of tin fine opportunities that the mat spor give a young man to develop his bod; as weH as his mind. He also know that out cf such competition the bes professional wrestlers have ccme Jim my Lcndos, ths Greek champion, go hit start in wrestling as an unherald:i entry in the amateur meets. The trcphies that will b: presents! to the winners on the final night an I cn display in Bond's window, 41! ! Euclid Ave. | There will be three price, range: with reserved seats at $1.80 and gen eral admission at 1.20. Student ticket will bs 75 cents. Tickets are cn at Bond's ticket office, 419 Eu.eli: 1 Ave. -o-- "I conducted a most . int«-e:thv experiment in Chemistry class today. Ishe said. "I winked at a boy and h turned red." "NASH" GIVE-A-WAY We are pleased to announce the annual parish contest. This year the winner will receive a brand new.1940 NASH Four Door Sedan! Parishioners have, received their entry blanks for the contest. Who will drive it away on May 5? NEW SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR The Holy Name Seniors have been notified that from now on. their new spiritual advisor will be Father Patrick, our new assistant, who has just lately been released from the army chaplains corps. SOCIAL NIGHT Last Tuesday was supposed to te Social Nile, but instead it turned out to be "Work Nitei." The annual church benefit tickets and letters were assembled and made ready for distribution. The Box Hockey tournament w,;-.s postponed until a future date. MEETING AND COMMUNION DATES CHANGED At the meeting last Sunday afternoon, the members decided to go back to evenings for their. monthly meetings. The next meeting will be n Tuesday, April 2, 1946 at 8:30 P. M. For a change our next group Holy Communion will be held on the FIRST Sunday in April at the 8:30 A. /,1. Mass. Breakfast will follow in- the] school hall. Reason for the change was that the second Sunday in Ap-!1 :s Palm Sunday. "SPIRITUAL HUMPTY DUMPTIES" PUT THEM TOGETHER AGAIN The story of how Humpty Dumpfy had his famous fall, never being the ;ame again, is familiar to us all. The iiien who did not fully participate in the Holy Name Communion Mass last Sunday are our "Spiritual Humpty Dumpties," only they have one advantage, they can be spiritually "together again." Yes, they have the wonderful opportunity to be spiritually "together again" and they won't need "all the King's horses and all the King's men"; they ::~ed is enough gumption to go to Confession and Communion with :heir fellow men. The next monthly Communion of the Holy Name Society is Sundav, April 7 at the 8:30 Mass. (Note the change.) Hopes are that arrangements can be made to have the singing of the hymns and the recitation of the Holy Name Pledge as has been planned. NOW IT'S YOUR TURN A Good Conduct Medal, a Purple Heart, an ETO Ribbon, a Victory Medal, "a Campaign Bronze Star for the Normandy Battle, an American Defense Ribbon was our country's way bf showing how highly it valued the services of one of its warriors. Loss of both legs, the normal use of his right hand, enduring ten major operations, requiring the use of artificial legs after he had answered the call of battle, was former Tech Sergeant Joseph Brodnick's way of showing his love for his country and people. In turn security an da home for Brodnick's family in the midst of handicaps is to be the people's way of showing their love for their war hero. Meet 'Mr. and Mrs. North' j at Shore High BY CHRIS LOOS The Senior Class of Shore High School will present "Mr. and Mr? North" as their play the second weel. in April. The title of this three-act comod;-is familiar to most people, because c its wide popularity as a radio program. It has also been made into a movie and played a long run cn Srcadway, as well as at Cleveland':; own Playhouse. The play, written by Owen Davis, is based on the novel c'. Me same name by Frances and Richard Lockridge. Hilarious comedy, thrilling suspens and murder are all contained in thi play, in which Pamela and Jerry-North, the main characters involv :hemselves. The cast is dominate H by 18 male parts as compared wit. four female characters. As there a-; :o few girl parts, two girls have bee ■ • ! assigned to each. A tentative cast h:-.: been chosen by the play co-ach. M1 ' Angene, and practicing has commer-: ced. The production staff is also assigned and is starting their backsta; , duties. i Tickets will be cn sale within tlr next few days, so buy one early and ; olan to attend "Mr. and Mrs. North." -o- Two from Shore Attend U.N0. Meeting Two students from Mr. Stanley L Whiteside's American History Classes | Bill Brahms and Eob Lux, attended a simulated United Nations Organization meeting at Western Reserve ; University last Saturday, March 9t'\ Bob Lux "represented" the Repub-! lie of Liberia on the trusteeship couu-' sel. He was largely responsible f having that nation placed on th trusteeship commission for the administration of a former French co. ony. Will Brahms "represented" ths Republic of Mexico on the Atomic Bomb Commission. This commission formulated a plan for the control of atomic power. He also- ce."-Vrated with tre "delegate" from FolauJ hi . v.. -paration of the minority report which wae accepted by the general assembly in addition to the regular report. Beth boys are in their junior "A" year at Shore, and have expressed 1 their desire to attend the conference ' again next year. -o- ! Attention! 1 MEMBERS OF BARAGA COURT ' COF NO. 1317 You are hereby notified of a special ' meeting to be held in St. Vitus Scheol - Hall Friday, March 15th, 1946, at 8 pm. i It is urgent that all members at-' tend. The importance of this meeting cannot be overemphasized, for we ! are to act cn legislation that will af-' feet every member of our organi? a-1 ticn. Ccme and exercise your rights ' as a member of Baraga Court Refreshments will be served. ; C. BAZNIK. Financial Secretary. ! DEATHN0TICES Bodell, Mary — Wife of Mike, step-rpother of four. Residence at 1007 1 E. 64 St. r Budan, John — Husband of Nan-Icy, father of Dolores, Vivian, Robert, ' William, son of Anna Vokas, brother of Anne Azman. Residence at Geauga Lake Ohio. Jarc, Anton — Husband of Caroline (nee Erbeznik), father of Caroline Janezic, Mary Kostansek, Tony, Joseph, grandfather of three. Residence at 19600 Ormiston Ave. Marn, Joseph — Husband of Danica (nee Fredovic), father of Joseph, Max, Albert, Stanley, John, Anthony, Mary, Mollie, Alice. Petric, Frances (nee Kurnse) — Wife of Frank, mother of Stanley. Residence at 19715 Mohawk Ave. Prijatel, John — Father of John, Mary Koss, Olga Edger, brother of Anton, Cecelia Skerbec, Anna Furlan. Simcic, John — Husband of Jennie, father of John, Anne Cimperman. Residence at 6911 St. Clair Ave. -o- Repairs were being carried out on the focr of an asylum by a local builder who had asked for an inmate to assist him. All went well until lunch-time, when the builder's assistant clutched him around the neck and 'said: "Come on. let's jump down." The builder was frightened almost ; out of his wits, but suddenly he had ' an inspiration that saved his life. "Oh. rat.'s,'" he replied, "anybody could do that. Come on down and let's jump up." Cute Little Freshman: "Mama, he followed me home. Can I keep him? " "Sir, your daughter is going to marry me." . ' "Well, what did you expect hanging around our house every night.'" A weman called up the paper and tcld them she wanted her husband's name put in the obituary column because she had caught him kissing his secretary. "How long has he bsen dead?'" asked the girl at the paper. This is a city-wide appeal, particularly addressed to ^the Slovenians in all the parishes. , The Disabled War Hero drive now has the official approval of Bishop Hoban. It will be climaxed by two social events in the St. Vitus parish, although others are planned for outlying districts. A Card Party whose proceeds will go to the fund will be held in St. Vitus Church Hall on Sunday night, May 5th. A War Hero Dance on Friday night, May 24th, at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. and E. 65th St. will feature ten of the best bands in town. Contributions can be made to the fund treasurer, Anthony Brodnick, 1324 Giddings Rd. (ENdicott 1305). For the convenience of patrons, the American Home Editorial Offices have been designated as a receiving station. T/Sgt. Joseph Brodnick, who now resides with his family at 1198 E. 177 St., joined the Armed Forces in June 1941 entered the European War Theater in July 1944 and three weeks later was back in England as a war casualty. Despite his severe losses and handicap T Sgt. Joe has retained his cheerful disposition which made him so popular before going over there. raffled off there. Both James and the ball are about the same size. Wonder how he managed to carry it honte, or did he roll it home? Chuck Hlabse bought four bottles of Birley's at Grdina's or -was it five? Oh, well, let the Budget Department worry about that. But who were they for ? x - Ed Perpar wants a twenty-one plate battery. Anyone here know why? I bit. Ray Golobic smokes Luckies—but, he promised not to smoke them where there's a "No Smoking" sign. Why not switch to Chesterfield's, Ray? By the way, sure was a nice showing we had "at the 11:30 Mass Sunday. Nice going, fellas! Baraga Glee Club A SUNDAY NIGHT "Hello there" ... If you remember, last week's column closed with yours truly wishing you all "Pleasant Dreams," while you pondered and thought of our Pre-Lenten Social, held on March 3, and which as yet has had no publication. Wonder if during the past week, your dreams were getting better all the time? ? ? How's about comparing notes? ? ? Yours truly has the following to reveal . . . "It was just a friendly neighborhood dance, that's all that it was, but oh what it seemed to be . . . There were .costumes (Slovak, Polish, Ukraine. and Slovene) and it seamed just like a night in gay Paree . . . Bet you're thinking, she's snatched a song title again, -but wouldn't you agree, that the above is. the most appropriate melody, if ever there was one? Thus it was that our Pre-Lenten Social again came to a start ... All table space available had been reserved, and it wasn't long before our countless number of friends, wO're re-enacting this nite just as they had for many years in the past ... At their service were the glee club members, accompanid by the Ju»iior Holy Name members,, wearing white jackets, who served refreshments listd on the menu for the evening . . . The "Parade of Nations," as it was entitled or "Folklore" in all its splendor was then presented to our guests, with the gay and striking beauty of costume dances, and songs, by / the Slovak, Polish, and Ukraine groups . . . Songs were also sung by Loretta Cvar, and the Radio Quartet . . . The program came to a hlose with the glee club presenting the lovely scene' of the bride's unveiling at the Slovene Wedd'ng. Portraying roles were by the following: Helen Meglich, our beautiful bride, truthfully wore something borrowed, as both her veil and dress were the treasured and cherished memoirs of 2 former glee club members now happily married . . Her groom for the evening was Eddie Avsec, who we must admit was iust as calm as ever ... Was that Ed, nervously smoking backstage, before the performance?) We\can well understand, Ed, your bride for the evening was just as excited. Here's to both of you! . . . Ushers were the Messrs. Golobic and Merhar, and the bride's attendants were Dimples Vi-rant and Curly Jo Kozel . . . Parents of that newlyweds were Mr. and Mrs Perpar and Mr. and Mrs; Brancel A marvelous presentation by all, and thanks ever so much. Community singing took place thru-out the entire ceretfiony ... To the lively rhythm of "Fantje pojdejo na vojsko," the glee club girls entered the hall and danced the Slovene dance and a waltz, which brought the program to a dose . . . Emcee for the program was our ex-G.I. Frank Lav-rich . . . Thanks, Googs, for the work well done . . . The musical background for the evening, from start to end was that of .Kauihnik's orchestra, nd also Matt Mlinar and Suzy. My dreams were pleasant dreams I must admit, and such slumber is most precious, as it holds memories never to be forgotten . . . What was that? You say our notes were iden-(Continued on page 6) JUNIOR HOLY NAME JOURNAL SIGHTS Captain "Ike" Ivancic's "Eight-Balls" Bowling Team whipped Tom Jurlinas "Draft Baits"—two out of a series. The "Eight Balls" were in the cellar all through the season. These two teams are the only sqnads comprised so!ely of Junior members. Toms only quip after the game, "Aw, we weren't on tonight." Eddie Avsec took a bow last Saturday at Benedictine High School, Ed is finishing his high school basketball career, and last Saturday the senior class held a Victory Dance for the East Side Champs. Air. Avsec was called up to say a few words—you know, they call him the fighting "Slovenian." Jimmy Slapnik, freshman at Benedictine won the basketball that was Keep posted on winter road end weather conditions, A safe driver it alwayt dwjro of his limitations end has chains and other equipment necessary to gat. tlrough, iafoly and,"on tlm«.; Ludwig Gustincic of Per- j ry, O., send greetings to all their friends from . Miami Beach, Florida. ( • • • mm t John Joseph Cardinal ( Glennon of St. Louis, 83, oldest of 32 new cardi- ,t nals, died in Dublin, Ireland, last Saturday. His ( body was placed aboard a plane Thursday for i burial in Missouri. c • • • mm Because they asked for a divorce from their New Zeland wifes, 87 American soldiers- found they can't leave for America until the case is settled. 1 • • • Bon American Communists '<■ | cannot become officers 1 in the army, nor can they 1 hold any other important 1 position in the army, ac- ! cording to the War De- j partment. • • • n Gen. Vuadimir Vele- , vit, Yugoslav Minister, ^ declared that Gen. Dr.- , ja M'lhaljevich is still , hiding in the Yugoslav j mountains and that they < have not, as yet, begun to search for him. - o • • am The Clipper of the Pa.i- ~ American Air Lines hes 1 reached a new record in ( its flight from Hawr.ii ] to Los Angeles, making i the trip in 9 hours and 1 53 minutes. ! • • * Mrs. Pauline Stampiul received a letter from Josephine Holmar of New ; York, reporting the death ■ of her brother, Matt HcU 1 mar, in Yugoslavia. Many Clevelanders will remer.i- . ber him when he was or- ' ganist at St. Vitus. • • • nw Employees of the Ad- 1 dressograph Multigraph i Co., Babbitt Rd., Euclid, : numbering 1200 factory ■ workers and 300 office 1 employees, are out on strike. The union is asking \8'/i cents an hour ; inlrease, the company offered 15 cents. • • • warn The OPA has author- ' ized the clothing industry to raise its prices, so it is hoped that thousands of men's suits will come out on the market, which have been held back until now. • • • an Pres. Truman has appealed to Americans to eat 40 per cent lett wheat and 20 per cent less fats so more can be sent to hungry Europe. t • • • MM The Australian wife j of an American soldier, Charles Beckham, who arrived in Los Angeles with their 2-year-old j daughter, had a bitter awakening when she found no husband waiting for her at the dock, only a message that he did not care for her any more. • • • MB The War Department advises relatives and friends of soldiers overseas to send them Easter greetings now. (Novak's at 6122 St. Clair Ave., have a beautiful assortment of Easter cards.) I • ® • mm Mrs. Jennie Sever of 435 E. 156 St., is a patient at the Cleveland Clinic, E. 93 St. and Euclid Ave., where.she will stay until her condition is improved. • • • mm A resolution, sponsored by Edward Pucel, was sent to Pres. Truman asking him to help end the G.M. (General Motors) strike, which is going into its 4th month, and which is seriously affecting the economic life of many Cleveland-; ers. The strike was set-; tied last Wednesday. | • • • mmt Mrs. Mary Ann Dani-! . cic, nee Bandi, is visit- I ing her husband, Staff i Sergeant John R. Dani-; cic, who is at the military hospital in Coral i Gables, near Miami, Fla. i He is still recuperating j from injuries received in ' : a plane crash in France j , in January 1945. with a plane motor, that mould fly a plane from Los Angeles to Chicago in one hour. • • • mm The Army and the Na-yy are answering war rumors with the following: It is not true that iemobilization has been stopped, or that reserves fiave been called, or that leaves .have ben cancelled. • e • n Representative John E. Rankin to d the House :hat James Roosevelt has oined the Communists. Representative Outland 3f California replied by siting the war record of :he late president's son, ivhich showed him a real American. o c c earn The telephone strike :alled by the National Federation of Telephone workers was settled on March 7, just 15 minutes befo«e it was to start. • o e «mm Mrs. Paul Bizjak of 8902 Macomb Ave., has been in Charity Hospital for some weeks. Her :ondition has been much improved and she hopes to be home soon. • o • emm During a battle in Belgium, James DeLuco lost i ring, initialed "JDL" which he received on his graduation from Du-luesne University. Not long ago, a soldier from New Jersey sent the ring to the university, saying thi|t he took it from a German soldier. The ring is now back on its owner's finger. • o ■ na Mrs. Katherine Bricel of 8109 Grand Division Ave., has returned from the hospital and is now at home under the doc-tar's care. • a • mm Strikes are not allowed in "free" Yugoslavia, just as they are not allowed in the Soviet Union. Recently several hundred workers, building a new bridge in Belgrade, went on a strike, but were forced back to work at the point of a gun. • • • MM General Rooss, commander of army transport, stated that 2,500,-000 American soldiers have been returned from Europe and about 500,-000 are left. • • • wmm An elderly man told police in Tampa, Florida, that his wife is missing. Police asked for a description. When they asked the color of her eyes, he said that during their 41 years of married life, he never noticed the color of her eyes. If šhe evr returns home, she will properly reward his vigilance. • • • oaa County Auditor Zan- gerle warned persons, and especially veterans, who may be buying a business, to check with him if all the taxes are paid up on it. According to a new Ohio law, the buyer is responsible for all unpaid taxes. • • • mm Diplomatic circles are firmly convinced that Pres. Truman will fire Secretary of State Byrnes and appoint Gen. Marshall. This is denied. • « • mm Twins William and Charles Flood of Louisville, Ky., 20 years old, served together in the Navy and were released together. Recently both were killed in an auto accident. • * • Australian authorities condemned to death 13 Japs. The sentence was immediately executed. • • • mm J. J. Stare and Q. W. Lehman have opened a new florist shop at 9320 Kinsman Ave. Joseph Stare is the son of Joe and Mary Stare of 1096 Norwood Rd. •• c • ■ Martin Kozar of the Nottingham Winery and »C^ed that '»t sI-HrS be-N fch People i F"n? r°,m Am-vjrEin„e and Eng. 5 r to git nc°s govtem- \Sp;ha' Mr. and r »eddin« e their A s al anniver- Wars old " k file?" Jhe other " s«'t for a |>CarP protests r CU8es RuS i taking !,„ UbSld 5 °»t Of D USSian Persia by Sing6* Russia "Sri>chuna ofCTu P a»a?n Urt in- b T mass y Unio°l tlle CIO il > Pr1Cketed iS J"? of Hoo- 1% todJ° leave C> aunddy the iJst 1 *ar. ,er the first 'Pi j5*Coun. n meut O1* Seich> so 9nt 43 ' be 33 * cltV fath- s Cafe l>chtt strate, t S* ' »»'s "ets f took! car " found in /!>C^Ponnd C' f body NV* f« L *0Urt r> told a kiihe ft °a ^ his 4 I Oh^'le hS:at^ay N, H Zl w'fe V>Us(£hers to S an]USt t0 * in 7py and ■V » % n°me, N>sit " made W«tnt ) he be- lir" of rt Fed" Cov p rch- Het h rank n> at VSh p e With . mbus SiV," for5ln book ll\ * ^ tK" theA^Mean Sclent e*,ec«- " of the ■ n>nth .he Na! »hen *v% * S S, "^Papers ?>a S' U^ting air I is^the^niver. <1 Call. Renting st. vnas hols nomc" Wecklg . ftfl THE' American legion month m & Pi ^pPMjvli MA RCH • 15=A P RIL15 V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE PRELJUBLJENE IN NIKDAR POZABLJENE MATERE Mary Gornik ki so v Bogu mirno za vedno zaspali . dne 14. marca 1945. Eno leto predraga mati vtč ne čuje Vaš se glas, da bi nauke nam delili, kakor ste nam jih nekdaj. Pa pri Bogu zopet združeni bomo skupaj enkrat vsi, tja Vam berno vsi sledili, tako sveti križ nam govori. Žalujoči ostali HČERE in SINOVI Cleveland. O. 15. marca 1946. For further information ask any member of Lake Shore Post No. 273 of American Legion, or Adjutant Rudy Gregorich, IV 6702. Come to the next meeting at Knaus' Hail, 6131 St. Clair Ave (up). Meetings every 2nd Thursday in the month at 8:00 P. M. St. Mary's Weekly Flashes liuiv NAME HIGHLIGHTS The Young Men's Hoiy Name Society at te. Mary's continues to show prcgiess? as new members are added at each monthly meeting. Following the reception oi new members last month. mere has been created a new Interest in the group's activities by the young men of the parish and particularly ex-servicemen. At the meeting last Monday evening, ideas proposed by those present indicate tne summer schedule shall haye many new events on the Ltcial calendar. At present, the .boys are boosting the showing of the celebrated movie , "King of Kings" which is scheduled for shewing Sunday, April 12. Ar- j range a movie party for your group to see this picture now. Tickets can be obtained from any of the members. The meeting was snort and went ol'l in grand fashion. The executive board especially pleased with the co-epeiation thuo displayed by all members. f ollowing the business meeting, the boys viewed some souvenirs of the Middle East, European and Pacific war areas brought by Prexy Joe Novak and others. The members were keen about photographs of natives, battle areas and Japanese flags and trophies displayed. Mere trophies of the ex-servicemen are promised for ether meeting nights. Members are reminded to meet in the Club Room . Sunday morning before the 8:00 o'clock mass for the * Monthly Group Communion.. Attend Holy Communion with the Young Men's Holy Name Society and inspire ctherg to do likewise. This is real and effective CATHOLIC ACTION. WHAT ARE WE DOING 1 OK LENT? Lent is a time for PENANCE. No one is exempted from the law of pen- ! ance for we read in the Scriptures j "UWess ycu do penance, you shall all j likewise pemh." We can obey this j law in various ways, our penance need j net be that of a hermit in the desert, i nor c>f a religious in a monastery; but j this much is certain, WE MUST DO | PENANCE, either for our own sins j o. ior the sins of others. i Since the leftten i emulations are so | light, many of us have become even i alter. Our.bishop asked us to attend j daily Macs and receive Holy Communion more frequently. How many are heeding the bishpps plea? The least we ceuld do that our Spiritual Father asked—and how many even considered this?—was: to refrain from public amusements, such as, dances and movies. Some supposedly modem people don't realize that where there is noise there can not be recollection. Are you a. modern of this icrt? 'Ihere are still l'ivo weeks of this: peniitental season left, let as resolve to d;j a' little bit of penance and prove cur iove to Him who died on the Cross for our tins. • RECALLING OUR PRE-LENTEN SOCIAL Everyone enjoyed the picture in Which Bobby Breen took the part of an orphan. He played his role as the choir boy and fisherman very well. Touching, indeed, were many scenes that per trnyed life of boys in true | term. When we went to the upper hall, we saw incidents worthy of report. For instance, • in the corner room, the kitchen, Mrs. Louis Izanc was busy' preparing the delicious roast beef sandwiches. Jc Ssrcely and Mrs. Novak k :e her assistants. Up in front of the room, our medley Oi orchestra leaders played the dance music. Amongst the self-sacrificing of the .miusicial crew, we had: Jos Miklavic, Ernie Miklavic, Pete Ba-str.iic, Albin Tercek. Joe Glinsek, Joe Casey, Pete Sokach, Niki Klink and Frarikie Kap::l. Here we must say "Thank you, Gentlemen." Mrs. Mooney, the P-T.A. Cardparty Cha'irlady, helped us by selling tickets for the "Nylons." Aided by Betty Markoylc and Irene Walters, this concenen did fine in its returns. Come of our dancers didn't miss a dance, others were exhausted by their previous labors. Honestly, we never heard such wonderful Slovene polkas and waltzs. Even Ma. and Pa's feet "itched" to dance to these tunes. One filing we did miss—the old fashioned P.fvnie "yecdling." Smiling at each one, as they came in, Mr. Koketec and Frank Martic stamped each one's hand with an admission to the upper hall. Jn Muzic and Frank Supanick were the men lespcnsible for much of the good time that night. We must say, we will never forget your wonderful spirit of generosity. Tickets ripped at the bar and in the kitchen were sold to the customers by Mrs. MickcV'lc and Mrs. Baltus. Amongst our jolly bar-tenders we had Mr. Kocin, and Mr. Kosmerl, Mr. Habat, Mike Anžlin, Louie Pizmoht and before the night was over Ike Kocin -elieved the men. Before we forget, Tommy Supanick, Stan Pajek and Tony Ruttar sacrificed themselves to be the checkers. All the profits were pooled into the athletic fund. 1 Again, the success of the Pre-Lenten social must be accounted to the spir- - —» —«————.» — »—« » it of cooperation and good will of all who did any thing for the occasion. We have reasons to be proud of our spirit, but we must not be satisfied. We must increase this spirit of love and sacrifice and teach it to others by. our example. To all who participated in any way in Shrove Tuesday's Athletic Benefit Afafir, we say Thanks! THE CHURCH CONCERT Say, did you get your ticket for the ccncert to be held at St. Mary's on April 7th (Passion Sunday)? If you | haven't you better lpok to it right away. Our choir is preparing constantly for that event, let us show them that we appreciate their effort. Wait until that day, our boys are preparing the Program which is quite | lage. Joey Kocin and Jim Dobay are J the. head Mimecgraphers. Give us your opinion on these programs, after . you receive yours. But till that day, we! will keep these fine productions a 1 secret. j Mr. Rakar and our "Ilirija" mem- I ters, might we encourage you to con- 1 tinue your good work. Also, we as- ; suie ycu all of St. Mary's is for you. i So we promise, ycu will have a great i number in your audience on. April f 7th. We know that we can-buy our tickets from the choir members. Before Passion Sunday, we guarantee ycu there will not be a seat left to be filled. Be wise and save yourself re- ; morse, buy your ticket now! UNDERTAKERS, SHOEMEN, SAINTS REGISTER SHUT-OUTS Three of' the four encounters last Sunday evening were won by the clean sweep method. The first of these so-called clean sweeps was registered by the Dave's Shoe Quint as they downed that rec-ord-breaking crew of the Burke and Prince team. The Burke-Prince crew was almost in complete reverse from their previous week. As a result of their three-game-win. the Dave's Shoes continued their hold on first place. The second clean sweep of the evening was tui'ned in by the Don Bos-co Saints as they drubbed the Acme Cleaners. It sems as though the Saints have again found themselves after a brief relapse. The three wins now have extended the Saints winning. streak to seven games. The white wash job brought the Don Bosco Saints another step closer' to the league leading Dave's Shoes team. It was the Svetek Funeral Home that chalked up the third sweepstake of thenight, as they dpwned the Nottingham Cleaners. As a result of their three wins thr Funeralmen gained a share cf third place with the Burke-Frince team:. As for the Cleaners, the setback pushed them deeper into the cellar position. In the encounter which was not decided by the xclean sweep method, the Kocin Decorators halted the Zla-te's Market five as they gained a two-game win. J. HOČEVAR AND J. KUMEL—HIGH It was Captain J. Kumel and J. Kocevar 'that spelled a three-game victory for the Dave's Shoe Quint over the Burke-Prince five. Captain J. Kumel with a 557 series was the big noise for the shoemen, followed by J. Hočevar with a 506 count. For the Politicians, B. Osolin with a 481 serl%s was high. SEVEN IN A ROW: J. Ferra Sr. with his 514 series led the Don Bosco Saints team as they landed their seventh straight game. The rejuvenated Saint crew was also aided to their three wins by C. Smerdel with a 499 and J. Izzi with 483. For the Acme Dry Cleaners, W. Koss with a 447 total was high. ■ NO BROTHERLY LOVE The Svetek Funeral Home showed no signs of brotherly love as they drubbed the Nottingham Cleaners three times. Leading the attack for the Undertakers were M. late with a 548 series and A. Svetek and H Kers-man with 520 and 508 respectively. For the poor Cleaners. A. Fortuna with a 537 total was high. TROBENTOR HIGH After their previous week's reverse, the Kocin Decorators quint came right back in the win column and handed the late's Market five a two game setback. Leading the Kocin Decorators' crew back to the win column was B. Trobentor with a 517 series. For the late Market five R. Sulak and J. Somrak with 476 and 455 respectively were the leaders. Team Standings Daves Shoes ........................................5'2 25 Don Bosco ............................................44 34 Svetek Funeral Home ....................42 36 Prince & Burke .............................42 36 Acme Cleaners...................................39 39 Kocin Decorators ..............................36 42 Zlate's Market ..................................32 46 Nottingham Cleaners ....................24 54 200 Circle J. Kumel—213. J. Ferra Sr.—224. M. late—201-202. Schedule fro Sunday, March 17: Alleys 1-2: Don Bosco vs. Nottingham Cleaners. Alleys -34: Acme Cleaners vs. Svetek Funeral Home (Will not bowl this Sunday). Alleys 5-6: Dave's Shoes vs. Zlate's Market. Alleys 7-8: Kocin Decorators vs. Prince & Burke. (Svetek Funeral Home and Acme Dry Cleaners will not bowl Sunday, but will bowl on a future date which will b'^ arranged between the two captains.) SIDE GLANCES .... John and Frank Urankar tcok off , Sunday. (We mean from bowling) ffhere was a "Botrija" at Johnnys (christening to you). Our "congrat-." to the proud parents. Father Celesnik promised a certain group a whole month's. salary if his team beat Dave's Shoes in three games. (Well, it doesn't hurt to have a pious wish and besides it costs nothing.) One lady registered the protest "Mike Zlate, don't we women count? You were passing out cigars to re- . member that blessed event. Don't we , get anything?" (Comment: He migh' , have offered snuff to the women.) Buddyy Kumel. that 190 was a nice ( game you bowled Too' bad you could- ( n't make it an even 200. Better luck ( next time. The Osolins are a nice big "tribe." , They certainly are loyal to each other and faithful rooters too. Frank Kumel Sr. and Mike Anzlin 1 Sr. are real pals on the sidelines. But I not this time. It so happened their I respective sons bowled against each i other. WIND AND SNOW DO NOT STOP TROOP 285 I The scouts of St. Mary's enjoyed an i overnight camping trip this last week- < end. Leaving home at 11:30, they ar- < rived at the camp at 12:15. i After reaching camp we got a sup- . ply of1 coal and wood. When supper j was over, ten of us went on a hike. Luckily all returned safe and sound. , Sunday morning we walked to nearby (?) Solon, O.. to Mass. It was a , seven mile hike, but F. Brodnik Jr., ( S. Baltus and J. Avcin were faggen out at Solon Rd They decided to "thumb" a ride. Tho rest walked all the way in spite cf the snow. We reached St. Rita's at 7:50. Five of the scouts received Hcly Commun-iyon. Hiking like that on an empty stomach is pretty hard, eh boys? Phli Raymond went to church—ir a car. After late breakfast, six boys started out on another hike. Ed Zak told them he would walk along the creck and meet them at Squaw Rock. F. Brcdnik nd G. Leskovec ditto. But the latter two sneaked back to the ctfbin When we reached Squaw Rock, only four were present. E. Ipavec and J. Kocin planned to search for the missing ever the hill, while F. Brodnik Sr. and Ed Zak followed the rlvor. Returning to the cab'n, the last two found no one. A second time-they set cut, but meeting nobody, they had thvir own hike. ■ Imagine their surprise, when reaching thr. cabin they discovered the mi-sing four lying in their bunks and playing cards. You may be sure the scoutmaster' demanded a good explanation! After dinner we cleaned up the cabin' and at 2:30 it was a clo.ed camp The following b:;ys participated ia th. trip: F. Brcdnik, Sr. and Jr, Phil Raymond, Ed Zak, E. Ipavec. J. Kocir. J. Zuzek, J. Avcin, S. Baltus and G Leskovec. All hope to go cn ancthe camping trip soon. Father Vic said there wao plenty c. mud all over the place. The experienced campers brought a'.-nr,- tVl boots. (Father Vic's shoes were mudd\ despite the rubbers) Till the nex trip, we'll be seeing you. A SPORT REVIEW Plans are being set. for a sport view in our portable school. this will be a fete for our Basketbal players who will have a light luncheon cn this occasion. Mr. Herb Eisele. great Coach c Cathedral Latin High, will bo tli guest speaker. So we hope! Be prepared to attend this affair oi a minute's notice, any day now! 4RMY\fws Sgt. Adolph Frank Grajzar, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grajzar of 128L E. 170 St, arrived home with an honorable discharge from the army. W-tl. the Air Corps, he served Uncle Sam 34 months, of which, 11 months were spent on the Pacific. He tells how much he enjoyed receiving the American Heme overseas, with its new;: from home. Mr. and Mrs. John Stiftar of 5810 Dibble Ave., report that their son William, has reutrned home with an honorable discharge, aftdr serving Uncle Sam: for three years. He open,. 21 months overseas. The family had three sons in service and Bill was tht last to arrive safely home. I Pfc. Paul R. Cvelbar, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cvelbar of 9129 Prince Ave., has been honorably discharged 1 from the army and is now h opne afte. 28 months of service. He, spent 18 months overseas, being on Luzon and Manila, where he participated n. 1 some bitter battles. He has been dc ccrated with the Good Conduct Star. American Asiatic Pacific Ribbon ana the Philippine Libei ation Ribbon. While he was overseas, he received the American Home, which, he says, was a source of great pleasure to him. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Macck of 15810 Trafalgar Ave., report a new address, for their son, who is serving Uncle Sam, as follows: Pfc. Andrew A. Macek, 35861495, 3436 M & M Old Co. APO 331, c-o Postmaster, San Francisco, California. On a two-week furlough is Cpl. Joseph M. Grdina, son of Mr. and Mr-Anton Grdina of 1053 E. 62 St. Jjf is stationed in Texas. -o- Baseball League to Be Formed This Sunday, March 17, at 2:00 P.M. a'meeting will be held in Room 4 of St. Vitus School for the formation of the Slovenian Softball1 League. Invitations have been extended to St. Lawrence, St. Mary, St. Christine, Sac-1 red Heart (Barberton), and SS Cyril; and Methodius (Lorain). All persons interested may attend and it is hoped that all the parishes will re repre-! sented. . . Eastern KSKJ Bowling j Tournament The first post-war KSKJ BeViing ' Tournament will be held at the ne>v Grdina Alleys on May 18-19 according | to plans discussed at the recent in; ing held by the Ohio KCKJ Bo. "te Clubs. All K-Jers who are inters.;tc:'; should contact their lodge secretar c o—--- ST. VITUS 1 (Continued from page 51 tical, splendid, although it isn't sur- j prising, as your truly knew at the " start, that that was exactly what they " would prove to be - • . Our director Miss Kay and the girls wish to thank all our friends, who were present, . 11 who participated in the progrcm as the Slovak, Polish, and Ukraine groups, the Holy Name Juniors, the orchestra, our Emcee, and just every one who made this evening the sue-1 cess it was . • . Thanks a million. THE NIGHT AFTER THE DAY BEFORE Dropped in the school and found .. the auditorium cleared of- chairs and . tables . . . Gals spic and spanning kitchen and glass ware . - . Met a number of Juniors in the lobby , . . Had the honor of hearing the "Four Feathers," and must say they will go places . . . Gathered with others at j the close of evening and ate the wed- ! ding caek and ice cream . . . Mind ! you, the cake was cut in the absence ' of both bride and groom . . . Sorry you missed it . . . Walked home mak- | ing plans for the dance next night J . . . Shrove Tuesday . . . SHROVE TUESDAY DANCE " At a .glance . . . Joey Kauchnik's Orchestra rates "TOPS" with all dance lovers here at S.V.S. Eager feet prefer keping step to livly polkas and smooth waltzes . . . Floor deserted on "jitterbug numbers" . . . Lucky for the hep-cats who had the entire floor . . . From expressions noticed, couldn't tell whether the Holy Name Juniors were surprised, happy, " or sad . . . What's wrong fellows? r Missed Murph Gerbec and Carl Hlab- I se . . . Glee club gals enjoying them- | selves. Did I hear someone say, she | tore her only pair of nylons? • • • j Woe is me ... Dance livens up at 11:15 .. . Just 45 minutes to go . . Juniors now in full swing . . . Heard that refreshments were forgotten entirely ... by the way missed Junior Carl Kakucka both evenings ... It seemed that everyone did all the dancing they possibly could . . . Guess what a new organization went into effect during one of the intermissions at the dance it's made up entirely of glee club gals. Maybe you were one that heard ... If not, sorry, secrets must be kept, and cannot .be repealed . . . No matter though, all who came to the dance had a grand time . . Or am I wrong? : OVER THF1 WEEK-END Glee club sang at the 11:30 Mass Sunday . . . Bowled at the alleys at 2:30 ... A wonderful day for those who w'on and otherwise for those " of us who faced defeat . . . Heard ' 'ovely harmony coming from the direction of the Teen-Agers, they must have been happy, they were, hadn't ■ thy won three games . . . The back- f ground for a number of the teanu I was "Gold and Blue," the colors of i the newly acquired Holy Name Junior jackets . . . Certainly are mellow, if the expression may be used . . We meet again Sunday, at 2:30, may ! the best team win ... TUESDAY REHEARSAL The glee club will go to Communion ! on Sunday March 24, at the 7 o'clock » Mass ... It won't be long when our j club pins will be received, and rumors > have it that their distribution will be | made to the girls with ttie highest > number of points, at a ceremony, the ' date to be announced in the near fu- I ture . . . Three girls attended their J first meeting Tuesday, and they are I now known as members of the club; j they are Mary Jane Legat. Ann Rakar, and Vida Kodnomaz . . . Here's | hoping that your stay with us be j pleasant ann for a very long time to come ... A hearty welcome is ex- I tended to you by our direutor Miss Kay, and the girls. i — ! ST. VITUS MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers Club of St. Vitus wish- ! es to thank everyone, who, in one way j or another, helped to make our card party the success it was. With the proceeds from this party, curtains and other furnishing will be'bought for | our Sisters' Home. These are to be 1 presented at the next mting, .April 3 ! at 8 p. m. All the present officers were reelected with the addition of a vice-president, Mrs. Mary Grdina. It was also decided that the Mothers will receive Holy Communion in a body Sunday, March 31st, at the 7 o'clock Mass. So please circle the two dates: March 31st and April 3rd. We'll be seeing you. _JOSEPHINE TRUNK. | PRMATEL'S RADIO SERVICE ' 1142 East 66 Street 90 dav guarantee on all work and parts. Open from 2 P. M. to 10 P. M. Store Phone: EXpress 2680 I Residence: EXpress 3985 1 Charles & Olga Slapnik FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 1 6026 St. Clair Ave. EX 2134 ms wmmsn ] 'AIR AKO KOD- 0j -RATEIY COLD— ^iip' J ! Sijj out your /„ ^fccfV mmens, and / A's/ ' tofse your ujed fo» to the meat J?^"" I deeler. 1 " ' | Subscribe to the " AMERIŠKA l)OMO V / A' A " E. 64 St. Auto Wash 1076 E. 64. ST. rear of Croatian National Home next to Tom's Garage CAR WASHING, POLISHING AND SIMONIZING TO YOUR SATISFACTION Give us a try! HE 1832 PAPESH BROS. BEER to take Out BY CASES STANDARD. CARLING'S, CARL-ING'S ALE, DORTMUNDER'" TINO CAFE 6030 St. Clair Ave. JACK'S CONFECTIONERY 6026 ST. CLAIR AVE. Greeting cards for all occasions Race's Ice Cream School supplies and Candy Cigars—Cigarettes—Tobaccos FOR WEDDINGS AND I ALL FORMAL OCCASIONS ' % FULL DRESS 0 TUXEDOS $ CUTAWAYS (ffomtfc? ^0217 ST CLAIR AVE DRESS SUIT RENTAL HE ruler son 2305 DR. L. A. STARCE OPTOMETRIC EYE EXAMINATIONS — GLASSES ALSO INVISIBLE CONTACT LENSES Hours: 10-4, 7-8 Wed. 10-12 6411 ST. CLAIR AVE. Sat. 10-4_____HE 1713_ B1R0S STUDIO mAk 6116 St. Clair Ave. Tel. EN. 0670 nw « Studio will be CLOSED until 2nd week in April * H all types all types of record 1ftf?l of record \ players fr^ta changers j for sale repaired i * ^V " H K . M Radio, Washer and Sweeper repair is our business. J H No joib too large or too small for our experts. No matter * what the trouble is, we can fix it. J MALZ ELECTRIC 6902 St. Clair Ave. EN 4808 ► sxxxxxzm x imiimrmu »»»»tTmrnrrrTrtn^ $ud Out" The Jugoslav-Slovene Club COOK BOOK wiith your favorite Slovenian recipes, includiing such old-time favorites as: "potica, titrutkle, flancaite." • The price is $1.25 (tax included), plus 5c for postage. Use older blank below. Address your orders to: Mary Marsich, 20931 Tracy Avenue, Euclid 19, OHIO Enclosed please find $1.25 plus 5c for postage for the Jupgoslav-Slovene Club Cook Book. ; Name ..................................................................................................................................... Street ....................................................................................................... I City ......................................................................................................... zone ................ State...................................................................................................................................... p bili milijone steklenic B TRINERiJEVEGA ■■ GRENKEGA VINA. Najvišje odlikovanje pri H sedmih mednarodnih MTTTi razstavah. Vil Vsebuje 200 edinic vita- V BLAG SP^f® TRETJE OBLETNICI NAŠE LJUBLJENJ POZABNE S0f I IN MAT£p I 1 Agnes m 0 , vfltis"19« ki je za vedno z? ^IJ blage oči 15. marf | Tri leta Te zetrdj« ?*'M na grobu zelenem cl'M sobice pomladno 9 t a v duhu pa-živiš. Žalujoči: SOPROG IN °T J Euclid, O. 15. tttW*M ffr V iSpiif - jjl V BLAG $ PRVE OBLETIH NAŠEGA NEP^f SOPROGA I* .1 Frank S^ ld je zatisnil J marca 1945. Ljubi soproy ^ / prezgodaj si * A:, ko ni dneva ne vedno nam s> P\. ^ zastonj Te ^Lfi'* ker Tebe od i>:lK žalujoči: SOPROGA ^ I k Cleveland, O. mm i If^J I p i JI aJH ZAKRAjl FUNeK&l MERRYMAtfjjV 4814 SUPE