Title of the original work: STRATEGIJA RAZUMEVANJA ODRAŠČANJA IN UČENJA NAJMLAJŠIH Strategija učnega stičišča THEATRE LAB TRNOVO (TLT) Title: THE STRATEGY OF UNDERSTANDING YOUNG CHILDREN'S GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING The Strategy of an Educational Nexus THEATRE LAB TRNOVO (TLT) Authors: Suzana Antič, Natalija Komljanc Language editor and translation: Alenka Komljanc Painting on the frontpage: archives Trnovo Kindergarten Graphic design: Tomaž Ebenšpanger Published by: Trnovo Kindergarten, https://vrtectrnovo.si/prirocniki/ First digital edition Ljubljana, January 2019 Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=298449152 ISBN 978-961-94611-7-4 (pdf) Suzana Antič, Natalija Komljanc THE STRATEGY OF UNDERSTANDING YOUNG CHILDREN’S GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING The Strategy of an Educational Nexus THEATRE LAB TRNOVO (TLT) Contents Preface 7 Introduction 9 What is the nexus? A Co-Existing Community 11 Used terminology (in alphabetical order) 25 Bibliography 29 Preface Based on long-standing development re- The mental burden of a child does search on the education of children in kin- not pass simply by strengthening his/ dergarten, we have concluded that an in- her personality, but mostly by relieving stitution need to move from childcare and the organization of education work, by day-care activities to the open development managing the institution and the group of space and the conditions for voluntary of children, putting an emphasis on and liberating learning in a social learning ethical qualities and better professional community in order to achieve a joyous skills, as well as by feeling love in co-ex- and curious life and/or holistic self-devel- periencing with people we accept and opment in the institution. thus respect. An institution that used to take Following long-standing devel- care of children instead of parents has to opment research and an innovative transform its fundamental priorities and approach, the Trnovo Kindergarten thus the purpose in its philosophy, vision has managed to find the key to under- and activity so that the children can learn, standing children’s learning and devel- demonstrate empathy and develop in the opment, which represents the founda- community without suffering from hos- tion of the strategy we are presenting pitalism or parental alienation syndrome. below. 7 Introduction Educators observe various periods of ideas for the further development of children’s development as part of their educational nexus named TLT – Thea- natural growth. In collaboration with tre Lab Trnovo. parents and education experts, educa- The Strategy represents a start- tors establish a special form of collabo- ing point for launching an action plan ration with children by introducing two for holistic programme activities and threads: 1. enriched educator’s work and training for educators to establish 2. in the form of the Pedagogical Puppet- the new pedagogic/didactic features eer. These two approaches, combined in of the newly created educational in- one person, enable the spread of recipro- stitution. In this context, the Trnovo cal and unconditional pedagogical love Kindergarten and TLT will function to- for the healthy development of children gether with the intention of mutually and their adaptation. enriching professional knowledge. The Strategy of Understanding Young Children’s Growth, Development Builders of TLT and Learning considers all the current findings of the Project Work with a Pup- pet (PWP) and also includes courageous 9 WHAT IS THE NEXUS1? A Co-Existing Community. Based on three different views: Free natural adaptation + the art of didactical communication 1. Free natural adaptation2 + an open science approach = 2. An open didactic stage for developing the art of impressions and expressions3 “TLT” 3. TLT for the research, exploration and discovery of science and art4 Goals of the strategy = the co-ex- istence of the strengths of the big ones (adults) and the small ones (children) 1 A place for educational co-existence – Open Learning Space, open for free acceleration with prediction that everyone is able to do/search/discover everything without limits. 2 UNESCO learning strategy and PDL. 3 For relieving and reconstructing of one's mind. 4 Some sort of self-supply with learning magnets – attractive content that functions well and are up-to-date. 11 Method: natural liberating DEFINING the Theatre Lab It is a matter of an inventive balance of learn ing Trnovo (TLT) the tendency towards a global world in A didactic approach: didactic the present time and place. stage 1. The Project Work with a Puppet (PWP) TLT is a movement that encour- Learning place: TLT defines learning as natural, liberat- ages this sort of learning for holistic Goal of the Strategy: co-existing ing adaptation.5 Learning as a free self-development – so-called healthy community and liberating form of adaptation development. to the world is an innovative strate- Nevertheless, it is not only about gic goal of transforming global society upgrading the global community in by 2030. This is defined as the sustain- the way we intend, it is more about an able development of the global world. innovative form of self-development with didactic support that expresses 5 According to UNESCO, learning is defined as free natural pedagogical love. We perceive it as op- adaptation. The point is to ensure the sustainable develop- timal development with support for ment of the world by learning. Natural adaptation signifies the transformation, renovation and adaptation of tempera- the innovative creation of sustainable ment, an atmosphere where a person can cope with no health pedagogical love. This is a vision of the related consequences and minimal bad temper, anger and Strategy of Understanding Young Chil- anxiety, with a positive attitude and interest that one is ca-dren’s Growth, Development and Learn- pable of sharing with others. 12 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. ing. The vision addresses global society view of ensuring an open global learn- to help it self-transform and thus (self-) ing space offering various possibilities adapt by following a strategic learning and establishing multi-generational method as an intertwinement of two and multicultural liberating learning in didactical approaches simultaneous- the current era. ly6: 1. the principle of life-long learn- We are ready for global learning8 ing that encourages healthy develop- as a methodology for social transfor- ment and 2. the reciprocal/inclusive mation and thus, the transformation principle of collaboration for creating of pedagogy. Therefore, we push for and therefore mutually reinforcing7 a better understanding of the corre- growth. Both principles represent a lations. Innovative learning ensures challenge for society from the point of greater harmony between space and time (friendly relations) inside and out- 6 As a UNESCO vision. side of ourselves (personal connection 7 The principle of life-long education is regarded as an in- with the world). Through innovative dividual passing through all life periods (childhood, adoles- learning, we sense a two or more di- cence, adulthood and old age); the principle of inclusion is regarded as the social capability for the reciprocal empower- ment of multi-generational and socio-personal development. 8 UNESCO offers. 13 Our vision = “Be smart – don’t mensional perception of the world and of the society. fight, rather strive for perma- didactics. We are aware of the varying nent welfare.” vibrations of the learners’ strengths, 2. Educational Theatre9 offers a pedagog- who represent our common start- ic and didactic stage as an open place up educational material; the young- for representing what one has learned. Developing an inner thinker for est collaborate with curiosity and the According to Vygotsky, this is a place for optimal personal and social de- adults always search for better or new building scaffolding, while according to velopment or cultural blossom- things to ensure the healthy develop- Goethe the stage represents a place for ing. ment of society. Our vision, therefore, play – the “playground”10. To both, the encourages an innovative search for environment represents a process of the co-existence of mental process (self-) transformation. that enables each and every one to at- tain personal growth through commu- 9 Theatre, playground; Theatre = stage; a place for open learning, a range or educational counter offering possibility nity co-development. The innovative to learn from both sides, a place where personal and collec- learning community in life-long learn- tive stories are written and presented (exchanged). ing believes in an individual who con- 10 Someone might think that we are talking about today’s fides in society. Therefore, the adults playground; on the contrary, it is not a range. The notion of a playground should be regarded as a game for sponta- and children together create the future neous creation. 14 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. To us, the educational theatre/ with it to achieve a harmony of aware- Theatre, playground for develop- playground represents a place with ness. ing the art of accepting impres- possibilities for discovering innova- In the theatre/playground12, we sions and expressions and for tive literary-didactical stories for in- write intergenerational stories, create developing innovative forms of novative adaptation to the world. It new educational magnets, spontane- thought support. is a stage with and for the game of ously develop experiences and freely thoughts, and a stage as an opportu- perform different experiments13. There nity for exchanging ideas and experi- is a fine, transparent and variable line ences for metabolising11 and for form- between the imagination and reality. ing personal and collective knowledge. The learners’ needs are taken into con- This is a place where new ideas arise sideration. and new, unknown associative rela- The children can see how the tionships are discovered. The stage adults identify themselves in public enables a special way of learning and a cycle of accepting diversity and dealing 12 Theatre as a place that emphasises dialogue and com- munication, a place for observation; and a playground as a place for playing, which is an intimate method of under- 11 “Metabolising” as a form of learning – an individual has standing and creation. time to self-reflect, assess, test, experiment and think and for other ways that lead toward self-cognition. 13 Experiment as the purest form of observing the plan. 15 with the roles they play, how they per- Education15 that encourages a natural- form and how others perceive their ly interdependent, contemplative, in- performance. The children even think dependent learner with the following about taking on their own role. The characteristics: 1. courage for discov- play within the stories is in fact simu- ering new things, 2. self-motivation lated reality. The experiences of good for creating and achieving personal and evil are in balance. Supporting and and common goals, for self-examina- upgrading knowledge and mutual en- tion, for creating references and for richment come as one since the social finding learning sources, 3. capability pedagogy is based on bringing togeth- of facing the challenges, 4. capability er empathic relationships in a holis- for self-planning and setting criteria of tic co-existence in order to make the personal learning for achieving a goal, world a better place. and 5. self-education for building per- We all draw the Didactical Map14, severance and resistance with the de- in which the roles are shifted within sire to pass through phases together in the inspiring transformative Post-15 the process of self-development in the 14 Read more in the manuals on the creation of PWP publi- 15 According to UNESCO. shed by the Trnovo Kindergarten. 16 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. community – meaning to grow up. 3. TLT: In its foundations, it represents a A starting point and the concept laboratory form of learning that enables of learning on the theatrical stage are a shift from closed forms of observation already established, checked and test- to the safe and open assessment of spe- ed within the Project Work with the cific influences and then returning to a Puppet at the Trnovo Kindergarten16. world of holistic perception. Opening The approaches are described in publi- and closing the learning environment cations recently prepared by the Trno- is not controlled from the outside or in vo Kindergarten. We develop a culture advance, it is regularly adjusted to the and skills for observing, thinking, ex- needs of the learners’ thinking process- pressing, collaborating, accepting and es. In this way, we would like to use the giving reciprocal messages from life brains of all generations, especially the and for life. young ones, to revitalise/re-invent clas- sic analytic and synthetic thinking. The Theatre Lab Trnovo has its vision: To teach 16 Find out more about the work and results in the ma- people how to observe and sum up their in- nuals of the Trnovo Kindergarten. You can read about the sights to find innovative solutions that are open, transparent, respectful, responsible development of compatible with prior self-development and a life-loving being. 17 are beneficial for natural and social co-exist-Everyone can be included and al can ence. This means to rejuvenate academia col aborate. Each individual is responsible by introducing the mental insights of the for carrying out safe research for every- youngest. The purpose of the laborato- one. The young and old collaborate with ry is to renovate the observation system mentors who assess their personal and using the principles of self-development common development. An open labo- for the healthy development and learn- ratory represents a place of the mental ing of the youngest with adults. liberalisation of learning.17 TLT is a nexus TLT functions according to the prin- that enables a person’s self-restoration ciples of an open learning environment. in the process of development, as well TLT provides open access to all kind as a place for community development; of sources through open interaction an individual comes up with a basic idea and the cross-fertilization of thoughts and then presents it to the society so (s) and findings. Moreover, there are also he can use its feedback to continue the open forms of presenting and preserv- development of his/her idea. The bond ing exchanges with other learning en- vironments. We communicate in a re- 17 It was an attempt already in USA in the 70s, more in: We- demeyer, Charles A., The Once and Future school, Washing- search-adaptive way. ton, August, 1973. 18 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. between the individual and the society gogical love and the love of learning is essential for healthy life-long learning. are notions that are far more promi- Thus, this concept of open learning in- nent. fluences institutional education on all Open learning thus signifies an levels and also the development of ed- open will, love of self-development ucational technology. and self-development itself. It is an un- A tendency to attain high grades finished life-long story that is unique is certainly no longer at the forefront, for every generation. TLT therefore car- it is more important to have knowl- ries out a responsibility towards the edge based on discovering what is in- learning community where an indi- side of us. Therefore, in this context, vidual, in the process of development, openness means accessibility to one- seeks oneself and feels liberated in a self, self-discovery of one’s potentials, dialogue with others. In this most nat- and their understanding, activation ural way, we support each other in be- and fulfilment. The inspirations and coming what we desire and achieving expectations, the capability to fulfil what we can do, without any limits. the self-development of one’s poten- TLT liberates our knowledge, unlike tials while feeling parental and peda- information overload. This is a com- 19 plex mental and didactic transforma- tal games, 3. work, 4. the self-develop- tion that we are aware of. Neverthe- ment of everyone (the youngest, their less, we are encouraged by the already parents and/or experts) in education, achieved goals of the literary-didacti- science and art (a pedagogic, scientif- cal stories of the Trnovo Kindergarten ic and artistic approach or concept of in the last decade. the new era in education). Through The openness of the TLT can be this approach, we cultivate healthy detected from the point of view of project-based learning to foster inno- methods and from research strategies vation and conditions for sustainable and approaches. development. Moreover, it offers open Through openness, we conscious- access to information or data and en- ly empower pedagogical, scientific and ables reciprocal enrichment with qual- artistic discovery for creating updated itative feedback so we can help each expressions, enriched with the ideas other / overcome problems using feed- and thoughts of the youngest, the ex- forward recommendations, better perts and/or the experienced. It is an suggestions for self-development con- open laboratory, open science and art nected to the current research ques- for 1. self-experiencing, 2. experimen- tions and, at the same time, (self-) 20 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. judgement of adaptation (learning). ed toward new innovative forms of In the open environment, TLT not co-existence and/or reciprocal connec- only represents an open process of un- tions between: thoughts, ideas, find- derstanding, it is a place for encourag- ings, people, the findings of previous ing discovery and research18. An open disciplines, children’s discovery play, laboratory generates ideas in a unique children’s and adults’ games and oth- way: it enables free discovery using a er sources of surpluses (personal and systematic protocol of assessing the other) for writing new creative stories. development of an idea and its use. In Special care is devoted to beauty (aes- this way, we foster the current form of thetics) from the point of view of vital Project Work with a Puppet. needs that change a character to ena- In a special pedagogic/puppet ble the more subtle experiencing of the laboratory, the puppets and Pedagog- world’s impressions and expressions, ical Puppeteers (PP) enable the for- which support a better harmony in re- mation and unfolding of new learning lationships. The laboratory is a perfect stories. The didactic principle is orient- place for discovering and working with different material according to the 18 Holistic mental process. children’s perception. The puppeteer 21 The VISION of Theatre Lab encourages them to find answers to nesses, the capabilities are put for- Trnovo (TLT): To teach people their research questions, which they ward as a fundamental kick-starter of how to observe and sum up in- enrich with the experts’ and parents’ the learners’ mental process. The PP is thinking. sights to find innovative solu- aware of the changing cyclical process- The Pedagogical Puppeteer (PP) tions that are compatible with es of content development and en- is therefore not only a generational prior self-development and are sures an inexhaustible source of sup- facilitator, encourager and source of beneficial for natural and social port. The PP represents an innovative pedagogical love, but also a prominent co-existence. In other words, to binder who connects, strengthens, supporter and catalyst for the devel- rejuvenate academia by intro- maintains and ensures that the TLT re- opment of ideas. The PP does not only ducing the mental insights of mains an inexhaustible oasis of knowl- assess personal development but also the youngest. The purpose of edge that impregnates constantly. the process of development in the ho- the laboratory is to renovate We are aware that love is the listic context and its forms of adapta- the observation system using strongest link and thus a master key tion to the world. The PP assesses how the principles of development for the qualitative adaptation and cre- the resistance of the youngest in the for achieving social self-develo- ation of a new world. Reciprocated mental world develops through the pment19. love reinforces the affiliation of crea- desires of a child and not only through tivity. his/her needs. In addition to the weak- 22 WHAT IS THE NEXUS? A Co-Existing Community. Table: Summary 1. PWP Natural free learning/adaptation Learning as free natural adaptation/development Our vision is free learning on a didactic stage Sustainable development with 2 principles: life-long edu- cation, and inclusion for achieving the transformation of analyti- cal and synthetic academic knowledge into self-recognition of the personal development 2. The didactic stage for accepting impressions Healthy development and expressions The didactic stage for the self-transformation of learners – of learning and into the process of develo- open learning for individual and common intergeneration- pment (in accordance with the principle of al learning stories – social pedagogy: emphatically bring-life-long learning). ing together within a holistic co-existence We create a sustainable world in An open environment for innovative forms of adaptations Didactical Map in Post-15 Education (according to UN- an open environment for self-restraining ESCO through inspirations and expectations. An inclusive approach in life-long 3. TLT for the development og ideas and learn- Transformation of analytical and synthetic thinking in- ing stories cluding the insights of the youngest – observation/recog- learning together with a Didactical Map nition of self-development within Post-15 Education enables the most A nexus of self-renovation with inspirations and expec- open learning forms for self-recognition. tations The most open form of learning for experiential and experimental games, work of self-development. 23 Used terminology (in an alphabetical order) 1. Coherence as a kaleidoscope of vibrations of several dimensions. 2. Conscious empowerment of pedagogical, scientific and artistic discovery of Post15 education is a new era in education. 3. Developing sustainable innovations as a form of encouraging the modernization/actualization/improvement of the living environment. 4. Educational theatre as art of impressions and expressions. 5. Feedforward instruction as a form of encouragement and support for continua-tion of adaptation/learning/innovation. 6. Freedom of defining learning aims is a vision for creating personal and social surplus. 7. Healthy project-based education as a healthy form of learning. 8. Inclusion for collaboration for mutual reinforcement. 9. Interdisciplinary groups and programs as the academic type of collaboration of different experts. 10. Laboratory as a place for scientific experiments and research. 11. Learning stage as an educational counter offering possibility to learn from both sides. 12. Multidisciplinary project collaboration – considering the problem/challenge from the point of different disciplines, professions that deals with life challenge. 25 13. Nexus. Place of binding together, building relationships, link. 14. Observation of holistic perception for reinventing of analytic and synthetic thinking. 15. Principle of inclusion as a form of mutual empowerment for the development of society and one's personality. 16. Principle of life-long learning – an individual passing through all life periods (childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age). 17. Protocol of assessment is a holistic system and procedure of improving the existent knowledge. 18. Self-active heart-minded learning and teaching approach as a deep learning collaboration between learners. 19. Self-developing actual research question is a question for personal and social self-development. 20. Sustainable development of global world. 21. The aim of life-long school learning is an independent learner as a form of be-haviour and learner’s reaction; the overall goal of a free school is the transformative learning as a form of learner’s thinking process. 22. Theatre – a place for work, study and play. 26 23. Transformative learning theory combines the theory of humane and constructive learning. 24. Trnovo lab is an open system of self-development in the community. This means to rejuvenate academia by introducing the mental insights of the youngest. 25. UNESCO Learning as free natural adaptation. 26. Using one's heart to achieve higher intelligence – considering intuition and inspiration that create a willingness and spirit for self-development. 27. Vision of UNESCO = aspirational, transformative holistic Post 15 education = Trnovo Lab = To teach people how to observe and sum up their insights to find innovative solutions that are compatible with prior self-development and are beneficial for natural and social co-existence. 28. Young in an innovative community. 27 Bibliography Antič S. in drugi (2015). Pedagoški lutkar. Vrtec Trnovo. Antič S. in drugi (2013). Pedagoška inovacija. Didaktični zemljevid. Vrtec Trnovo. Antič S. in drugi (2015). Pedagoška inovacija. Literarno-didaktična zgodba. Vrtec Trnovo. Education 2030: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002432/243278e.pdf Education fro personal development and well-being. Report 2016. Life-long interest group: http://www.lll-interestgroup.eu/pdf/LLLIG_report_1_2016.pdf http://edglossary.org/21st-century-skills/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNESCO http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002273/227336E.pdf http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002312/231288e.pdf http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002432/243278e.pdf 29 http://www.aoacademy.com/7-characteristics-of-independent-learners/ http://www.ayscbc.org/documents-resources/20140320-1328-Battling-for-the- -Soul-of-Education.pdf http://www.mizs.gov.si/fileadmin/mizs.gov.si/pageuploads/Obvestila/OS/Pu-blikacija_o_globalnem_u%C4%8Denju_april_2010.pdf http://www.unesco.org/education/pdf/413_48a.pdf http://xotonecrectomyg.comunidades.net/the-little-book-of-life-skills-pdf-download https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxngqMavda0 Wedemeyer, C. A. (1973). The Once and Future school, Washington. 30