SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 A u stra 1 i a P ost p ri n t a p p rove d PP 534387/00013 SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 45 Autumn / jesen 2008 NEWSLETTER Slovenia - Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Jan - Jun 2008 President's Address Dear Club members, I hope we all survived the March heat relatively unscathed. Forty degrees is not very pleasant when it comes in a 15 day spell, and outdoor events are even less pleasant in the heat, so this year's Sandy Creek picnic and bocce events were cancelled for obvious reasons. In the middle of Adelaide's longest heat wave the world renown Adelaide Festival of Arts was in full swing and Slovenia was represented this year at the Adelaide Fringe Festival's Puppet Palace in The Garden of Unearthly Delights at Rymill Park. The Slovenian community was lucky to have the Nebo Puppet Theatre stage a special performance of their delightfully simple and uniquely entertaining puppetry at the Slovenian Club. The children who attended the event certainly enjoyed themselves. Thank's to Franc Lavrencic for opening his house and accommodating the performers for three weeks at such short notice. I would like to remind the Slovenian community that this newsletter is a way of communicating local events and news to South Australian Slovenians and that involvement and contribution from all members of the community is important to us all. Please forward anything you would like to share with the rest of us, to the Slovenian Club committee. Enjoy the cooler weather. Tomo Les Upcoming Slovenian Club Adelaide functions I prireditve Slovenian Club calendar 2008 April 16 April 25 May 4 May 18 May 21 Sunflower Day / Dan Sončnic Bocce competition / Balinanje Mother's Day / Materinski dan Bocce competition / Balinanje Sunflower Day / Dan Sončnic Radio Committee Slovenian Radio Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio broadcast committee or the appropriate program presenter if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. Radio broadcast committee members are Vida Končina, Ernest Orel (President), Olga Orel, Cvetka Petrovski and Rosemary Poklar. Program presenters are: Olga Orel (with Cvetka Petrovski monthly) and Vida Končina (Sunday afternoons); Pater Janez Tretjak (Wednesday evenings) or Rosemary Poklar (last Wednesday evening of the month only with guest presenters Adrian Vatovec, Anna-Maria Zupančič, Chantel Flavel Zupančič and Stanka Sintič). The Slovenian program has been broadcast in Adelaide for over 30 years. Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. Slovenian Club Cultural Day 10 February, 2008 This year's theme for the Slovenian Club Cultural Day was the Pust Carnival and was well attended by members. Tomo Les made paper mache blank masks for children to decorate with the help of Sonja Hahn and Rosemary Poklar also kindly gave a talk on the traditions of Pust Carnival in Slovenia. Thank you to all those who attended. Hopefully next year will be an even bigger event. Tomo Les Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Tomo Les Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo, Ice (Insight Central Europe),, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.46 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: OBVESTILO MEDIJEM V TUJINI Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije (MNZ RS) sporoča državljanom RS v tujini določene novosti, ki se nanašajo na pridobitev državljanstva RS, ter na določene dolžnosti, kot so: obveznost sporočanja prijave, odjave in spremembe stalnega prebivališča v povezavi z evidenco volilne pravice, ter sporočanja matičnih dejstev, kot je sklenitev zakonske zveze, razveza, rojstvo otroka, smrt družinskega člana... Postopek pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slovenije Pridobitev državljanstva po rodu Državljanstvo Republike Slovenije po rodu pridobi otrok: 1. če sta ob njegovem rojstvu oče in mati državljana Republike Slovenije; 2. če je ob njegovem rojstvu eden od staršev državljan Republike Slovenije, otrok pa je rojen v Republiki Sloveniji; 3. če je ob njegovem rojstvu eden od staršev državljan Republike Slovenije, drugi pa je neznan ali je neznanega državljanstva ali je brez njega, otrok pa je rojen v tujini. V primeru 1. in 3. točke je potrebno o rojstvu otroka obvestiti upravno enoto, v primeru 2. točke pa je državljanstvo Republike Slovenije avtomatično vpisano ob vpisu rojstva v matični register. Vlogo za naknadni vpis rojstva otroka v matični register lahko vložite preko diplomatsko-konzularnega predstavništva RS. Priglasitev V tujini rojen otrok, katerega eden od staršev je ob njegovem rojstvu državljan Republike Slovenije, drugi pa je tuj državljan, pridobi državljanstvo Republike Slovenije po rodu, če je do dopolnjenega 18. leta starosti priglašen kot državljan Republike Slovenije ali če se do dopolnjenega 18. leta starosti za stalno naseli v Republiki Sloveniji s tistim od staršev, ki je državljan Republike Slovenije. Otroka priglasi tisti od staršev, ki je državljan Republike Slovenije. Oseba, starejša od 18 let, lahko pridobi državljanstvo Republike Slovenije, če do dopolnjenega 36. leta starosti da izjavo, da se priglaša kot državljan Republike Slovenije, če izpolnjuje naslednja pogoja: - da je od njenega rojstva do dane izjave eden od staršev državljan Republike Slovenije oziroma je bil državljan Republike Slovenije do smrti, če je umrl pred dano izjavo; - da ji po dopolnjenem 18. letu starosti državljanstvo Republike Slovenije ni prenehalo na podlagi odpusta, odreka ali odvzema. Izjavo o priglasitvi se lahko vloži na vseh diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništvih RS, Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve ali na vseh upravnih enotah. Ugotovitev državljanstva Oseba, katera meni, da je državljanka Republike Slovenije, vendar njeno državljanstvo ni vpisano v matičnem registru, lahko vloži vlogo za ugotovitev njenega državljanstva. Upravna enota je dolžna na vlogo osebe izdati ugotovitveno odločbo. Vloga za ugotovitev državljanstva se lahko vloži na vseh diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništvih RS ali upravnih enotah. Postopek pridobitve državljanstva po izredni naturalizaciji Pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slovenije po izredni naturalizaciji je možna, če to iz nacionalnih razlogov koristi državi Republiki Sloveniji. Z zadnjo spremembo Zakona o državljanstvu Republike Slovenije v decembru 2006 je zakon omogočil osebam, ki uveljavljajo nacionalne razloge, pridobitev državljanstva še pod olajšanimi pogoji, saj je kot potreben pogoj za pridobitev državljanstva odpravil pogoj zagotovljenih sredstev za preživljanje, oseba pa je dolžna priložiti dokaz o poravnanih davčnih obveznostih samo v primeru, če je dolžna plačevati davke v Republiki Sloveniji. Izredna naturalizacija iz nacionalnih razlogov je možna, če je prosilec slovenski izseljenec oziroma njegov potomec do četrtega kolena v ravni vrsti ali pripadnik avtohtone slovenske narodne skupnosti v zamejstvu, ki izkaže aktivno vez z Republiko Slovenijo oziroma aktivno večletno delovanje v slovenskih društvih, šolah slovenskega jezika ali slovenskih izseljenskih, zdomskih ali manjšinskih organizacijah (ali je bil odpuščen iz slovenskega državljanstva zaradi razumljivih razlogov in ponovno prosi za sprejem v slovensko državljanstvo). OBRAZEC za vlogo po izredni naturalizaciji se lahko dobi na naslovu: http://e- esju?id=263. Obrazec se lahko dobi tudi na vseh diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništvih RS, na Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve ali upravnih enotah, to page / stran 4 LUTKOVNO GLEDALISCE NEBO - NEBO PUPPET THEATRE Slovenian club patrons, particularly the younger ones, were thrilled by the entertainment provided by the Nebo Puppet Theatre on Friday March 7 in the clubrooms. The performers Petra Stare and Andrej Stular (partners in puppetry and in life), presented their 40 minute children's show Folk Tales, which is a re-creation of The Rabbit and The Fox spiced with proverbs, songs and old wisdoms. In addition to performing at the Slovenian Club, Nebo gave extensive performances at the Adelaide Fringe Festival at the Puppet venue in The Garden of Unearthly Delights with two shows. The day show, Folk Tales, for children, and The Room, a subtle tale about a young woman, daydreaming, expressed with the beauty of bare hands and clay, in the evening for adults. Petra and Andrej are from Kranj in Slovenia and were here with their baby daughter Ana. A huge thank you to Franc Lavrencic for billeting Petra, Andrej and Ana. Further information about Nebo can be found on the internet at: Adrian Vatovec kjer lahko izpolnjeno vlogo, skupaj s predloženimi dokazili, vložite. Pri vložitvi vloge za pridobitev državljanstva po izredni naturalizaciji ni starostne omejitve. Vodenje matičnih dejstev in sprememb osebnega statusa državljanov Republike Slovenije v matičnem registru Zaradi zakonske obveze vodenja osebnega statusa državljanov Republike Slovenije so državljani, ki živijo v tujini dolžni neposredno ali preko pristojnega DKP Republike Slovenije ažurno obveščati pristojne organe v Republiki Sloveniji o vseh spremembah osebnih stanj, izvršenih v tujini (npr: sklenitev zakonske zveze, razveza, rojstvo otroka, smrt družinskega člana,...itd). Vpis dejstev, ki so se državljanom Republike Slovenije dogodila v tujini Matična dejstva, nastala v tujini se v Republiki Sloveniji vpišejo v matični register na podlagi izpiska (javne listine) tujega organa. Izpisek mora biti overjen in preveden v slovenski jezik, tuje sodne odločbe pa mora potrditi tudi sodišče v Republiki Sloveniji. Osebno ime Državljan Republike Slovenije lahko veljavno spremeni osebno ime le v RS, v skladu z zakonom, ki v Republiki Sloveniji ureja to področje. Če državljan spremeni osebno ime v državi, katere državljanstvo ima poleg slovenskega, se ta sprememba v Republiki Sloveniji ne upošteva in jo v RS ni mogoče vpisati v uradne evidence, kar pomeni, da osebni dokumenti, izdani v Republiki Sloveniji ne bodo glasili na to osebno ime. V primeru, ko državljan RS spremeni priimek s sklenitvijo zakonske zveze, mora biti iz izpiska tujega organa razviden nov priimek, ki ga državljan uporablja. Če je priimek sestavljen iz več kot dveh besed pa mora podati tudi izjavo o izbiri priimka za pravni promet. Na ta priimek mu bodo, na njegovo zahtevo izdani tudi osebni dokumenti v RS. Vodenje podatkov o prebivališču v Registru stalnega prebivalstva MNZ RS in drugi pristojni organi vodijo register stalnega prebivalstva zaradi zagotovitve pregleda nad stanjem in gibanjem prebivalstva. Podatki za vodenje te evidence se zbirajo neposredno od posameznika na katerega se podatki nanašajo ali iz že obstoječih zbirk podatkov in evidenc, ki jih na podlagi zakonov vodijo in upravljajo pristojni organi. Na podlagi Zakona o prijavi prebivališča je dolžnost posameznika, da prijavi stalno prebivališče in spremembo naslova stanovanja, odjavi stalno prebivališče, če se za stalno odseli z območja Republike Slovenije, prijavi začasni odhod z območja Republike Slovenije, ki traja več kot tri mesece. Posameznike mlajše od 18. let ter posameznike, ki niso poslovni sposobni, morajo prijaviti oziroma odjaviti starši ali skrbniki, oziroma tisti pri katerih stalno prebiva. Spremembo naslova stanovanja v tujini državljani RS lahko prijavijo na diplomatsko konzularnem predstavništvu RS v tujini ali na upravni enoti v domovini, na predpisanem obrazcu, ki ga pridobijo pri uradni osebi ali na Državnem portalu Republike Slovenije -elektronski naslov: Dosledno sporočanje spremembe prebivališča je izrednega pomena za ažurno vodenje registra stalnega prebivalstva v katerem se vodi tudi evidenca volilne pravice. Na podlagi Zakona o evidenci volilne pravice se v evidenco volilne pravice vpiše vsakega državljana RS, ki je dopolnil 18. let starosti in mu ni bila odvzeta volilna pravica. Državljana RS, ki nima stalnega prebivališča v Republiki Sloveniji in še ni vpisan v evidenco volilne pravice državljanov RS, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča v Republiki Sloveniji, se vpiše v evidenco volilne pravice na podlagi njegove zahteve ali po uradni dolžnosti upravnega organa, če razpolaga s podatki, ki so potrebni za vpis v evidenco volilne pravice, ti podatki so: ime, priimek, spol, datum rojstva, državljanstvo, podatki o zadnjem stalnem prebivališču državljana ali enega od staršev v Republiki Sloveniji. MNZ si prizadeva, da se za vse državljane RS, ki nimajo stalnega prebivališča v RS, vzpostavi ažurna evidenca volilne pravice, za to pa potrebuje popoln naslov stalnega prebivališča, poštno številko ter naslov za uresničevanje volilne pravice, ki je zadnji stalni naslov državljana v Republiki Sloveniji. Če državljan RS tega ni imel se določi naslov zadnjega stalnega prebivališča matere ali očeta. Če tudi tega naslova ni, državljan RS sam izjavi v kateri volilni enoti in volilnem okraju v Republiki Sloveniji bo uresničeval volilno pravico. Interes MNZ RS, MZZ RS in upravnih enot v Republiki Sloveniji je, da se vzpostavi točna in popolna evidenca, zato poziva državljane RS, da se čim prej oglasijo na najbližjem predstavništvu RS, da skladno z določbami Zakona o prijavi prebivališča sporočijo morebitno spremembo naslova stalnega prebivališča kakor tudi podatke o naslovu za uresničevanje volilne pravice. Vsa dodatna vprašanja lahko zastavite na elektronski naslov: na katera vam bo odgovorilo MNZ RS. Ljubljana, 21. 2. 2008 Umrl Janez Drnovšek STA /DeloLjubljana 23.02.2008 Janez Drnovšek Po dolgi bolezni je ponoči v 58. letu starosti umrl nekdanji predsednik Republike Slovenije dr. Janez Drnovšek. Novico o smrti so sporočili iz pisarne nekdanjega predsednika. Janez Drnovšek se je rodil 17. maja 1950 v Celju. Študij ekonomije je končal na Ekonomski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, leta 1986 pa je na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti v Mariboru pridobil naziv doktor ekonomskih znanosti. Na politično prizorišče je stopil leta 1989, ko je za leto dni zasedel mesto predsednika predsedstva nekdanje Jugoslavije. Vloga pri osamosvojitvi Drnovšek je kot pogajalec med slovenskim vodstvom, vodstvom nekdanje Jugoslavije in Jugoslovansko ljudsko armado odigral ključno vlogo že ob samem rojstvu slovenske države. Julija 1991 se mu je uspelo dogovoriti za dokončen umik zvezne vojske iz Slovenije. Za svoje zasluge v procesu osamosvajanja je leta 1992 prejel najvišje državno odlikovanje zlati častni znak svobode Republike Slovenije. Na čelu države Leta 1992 je stopil na čelo Liberalnih demokratov, še istega leta pa je postal predsednik slovenske vlade. To funkcijo je s krajšo prekinitvijo, ko je na mesto premierja leta 2000 za nekaj mesecev stopil Andrej Bajuk, opravljal do konca leta 2002. Decembra leta 2002 je Drnovšek postal drugi predsednik samostojne Slovenije. Zadnja leta njegovega predsedovanja je zaznamovala njegova dejavnost na mednarodnem področju, zlasti pri reševanju krize v Sudanu, posvetil pa se je tudi ekološko usmerjenemu in socialno angažiranemu delovanju. Zadnje slovo velikega državnika V stolnici maša za pokojnega predsednika M. P., P. M., K. Š., Ta.S./STA, Tor 26.02.2008 Pogreb Janeza Drnovška v ozkem družinskem krogu. Na sliki: sin Jaša Drnovšek, sestra Helena Drnovšek Zorko in hči Nana Forte | foto: Ljubo Vukelič/Delo Ljubljana - Včeraj je bil v Sloveniji dan žalovanja za v soboto preminulim nekdanjim predsednikom republike Janezom Drnovškom, njegov pogreb pa se je začel ob 15. uri v Zagorju ob Savi v krogu družine in prijateljev. Bivšega predsednika, ki mu je v slovo zapel Vlado Kreslin, so pokopali ob 15.30 uri. Pogrebu je poleg ožjih družinskih članov in pokojnikovih prijateljev prisostvovalo še okrog 1000 ljudi. Žalni sprevod z žaro z Drnovškovimi posmrtnimi ostanki je mrliško vežico na zagorskem pokopališču zapustil ob 15. uri in se napotil proti družinskemu grobu. Na čelu žalnega sprevoda so bili pokojnikov sin Jaša Drnovšek, hči Nana Forte in sestra Helena Drnovšek Zorko. Sprevodu je proti grobu spontano sledila množica, ki se je zbrala pred mrliško vežico. Pred grobom je v spomin na svojega brata nekaj besed spregovorila sestra Helena. Ta je v svojem govoru izpostavila pomembnost duhovnosti in dobrote. Nato je pevska skupina zapela lastno skladbo z naslovom Ave Maria. Po koncu pesmi so v grob spustili pokojnikovo žaro. Zbrani so potem počasi zapustili pokopališče. Former President Janez Drnovšek Dies Ljubljana, 23 February Former President and Prime Minister Janez Drnovšek died on 23 February at his home in Zaplana, at the age of 57. Having led four governments between 1992 and 2002 with a brief intermission in 2000, Former President Janez Drnovšek was the longest-serving Slovenian prime minister. He steered Slovenia through the transition to a market economy and towards the EU and NATO. Janez Drnovšek Drnovšek battled cancer for most of his last ten years in office. In July 1999, doctors had removed one of his kidneys, but in late 2003 he would admit that medical tests had showed that the cancer had reappeared. As a result, the soft-spoken technocrat underwent a major personal transformation, becoming a vocal advocate of healthy living and positive thinking. Condolences over the death of Former President Janez Drnovšek were sent by all Slovenian politicians and religious officials. Heads of parliamentary parties agreed that Drnovšek was a seminal political figure both as a long-time prime minister and president and that he made a lasting contribution to Slovenia's development. The funeral of Janez Drnovšek was held on 26th February in Kisovac near Zagorje. Along with his family and closest friends, around a thousand people spontaneously joined the funeral procession. Fathers of Our Culture and Literature For more than six decades, Slovenia has been celebrating Culture Day on February 8th. On that day, the country's most celebrated poet France Prešeren died in 1849. And on that day Slovenia remembers all its great poets and writers for their contribution to the nation's identity, arts and culture. The decision to name February 8th the Day of Culture was adopted in February 1945. Not by chance, of course: without any hesitation, any school child in Slovenia would name France Prešeren the greatest Slovenian poet. Since then, celebrations have been held all over the country at all levels, to mark this holiday, to mark Prešeren's importance for Slovenia and its people. It might be difficult for a bystander or visitor to understand why Slovenians praise writers, poets and other literati so much. For example, Prešeren was just an attorney, who, in his spare time, also wrote poetry, and which, by the way, was not particularly appreciated at that time. So, how could it be that through the years he attained the status of the greatest Slovenian poet? The answer to why writers occupy so important a position among Slovenians is not that difficult: literature and language were the pillar of Slovenia's identity and books were vital for the survival of the nation. Through the centuries, the Slovenian language was the national treasure, a distinctive mark of identity for the Slovenian people. Slovenian writers put the national identity at the core of their work and their artistic aim was to raise national consciousness. They were keepers and guardians of the mother tongue and Slovenian history is the history of the Slovenian language. The first Slovenian book Written records in Slovenian, like sermons, confessions, poems, have survived from the 8th century on, but it was in 1550 that Slovenians got their first book in their mother tongue. That was the year when the Protestant preacher and writer Primož Trubar completed his first Slovenian book - Cathechismus - and thus laid the foundation for the script, vocabulary and grammar of the Slovenian language. Trubar's aim was to offer God's word in the native language in which people communicated and thought: the Slovenian language, the language of all Slovenians regardless of their regional name or local dialect. Therefore, he saw the need for translation of the Bible and hymn books. With his work, he provided a foundation for the nation's culture and literature, which ultimately shaped the Slovenian national identity. Therefore, the influence and significance of Primož Trubar for the evolution of Slovenian literature and the Slovenian nation is, without doubt, extraordinary. As a priest and a reformer, he also preached the return to the true Christian faith and rejected what he considered superstitious practices. Smuggled books Trubar published his books in Germany, where he was forced to withdraw from the religious persecution of the Catholic Counter-Reformation at home. From Germany, he smuggled books to Ljubljana in barrels and carts. They were later secretly distributed across Slovenian lands. He also resisted tendencies, which often recurred in the ensuing centuries, to combine Slovenian speech with the other south Slavic languages, and thus create one single central literary language. Like France Prešeren, Trubar saw the Slovenian people as linguistically and culturally separate. A Toast to freedom France Prešeren (1800-1849) is the country's most revered poet. A lawyer by profession, he could write fluently in German and Slovenian, but his first choice was his mother tongue and, without a doubt, he created his best and everlasting works in Slovenian. Although his great creativity was often accompanied by a great capacity for alcohol, his poetry accomplished a miracle. With their message of liberation, his poems managed to symbolically unite all Slovenians. For example, the lyrics of the poem called "A Toast" (Zdravljica) are permeated with sentiments relating to the nation's freedom and independence, the words calling for mutual understanding between equal, neighbouring peoples. Today this poem is the national anthem and the anniversary of his death has become a national holiday. On that day -among others - Prešeren prizes are awarded to the most prominent poets, writers, painters, sculptors, architects, etc. The latest recipients of the highest award for Slovenian culture are author and translator Janez Gradišnik and designer Miljenko Licul. The awards ceremony usually takes place in Cankarjev dom - the Slovenian cultural centre, named after another important author, one of the greatest Slovenian prose writers. A Frequently translated author Ivan Cankar is the greatest Slovenian short story writer and dramatist, a universal representative of Slovenian Modernism who commented strongly on social, national, and moral issues. Like France Prešeren and Primož Trubar, Ivan Cankar also had a great impact on the nation. He influenced thought regarding the Slovenian national question and proposed the emancipation of the Slovenians within a union of the Southern Slavic peoples. Although Cankar supported the idea of the Southern Slavic union, he was at the same time of the opinion that these nations were too diverse for one homogenous nation-state. Cankar was also active as a politician, being a member of the Socialist Democrat party. His socialist inclinations were an impulse for the story "Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica" (The Servant Jernej and his Justice), which has been translated into several languages. A spot on a bank note When the Austro-Hungarian Empire (which Slovenia was a part of) disintegrated, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes was formed in 1918. A year later, the Slovenian language became the language of instruction at the newly established University of Ljubljana. Slovenians could finally use their mother tongue without restrictions; the contribution of Slovenian writers to this turning point in 6 history was remarkable. It is no wonder that Slovenians cherish their writers, particularly the three mentioned, so much. All the above-mentioned Slovenians were also depicted on Slovenia's banknotes. The Protestant reformer and writer Primož Trubar appeared on the ten-tolar bank note, poet France Prešeren on the 1000-tolar note and author Ivan Cankar on the 10,000-tolar note. While those bills are no longer in circulation since Slovenia joined the Eurozone, Trubar can be found on the Slovenian one-euro coin and Prešeren on the two-euro coin. Barbara Štor Olje v prehrani Olju smo dolga leta delali krivico. Pavšalno uvrščanje med maščobe je na njegovem slovesu pustilo trajne posledice in skrajni čas je, da operemo njegovo dobro ime. Olje je namreč zdravo in koristno živilo, dokler ga uživamo v pravilnih odmerkih ob natančnem ločevanju njegovih dobrih in slabih pojavnih oblik. Slabe in dobre maščobe Nasičene maščobne kisline najdemo predvsem v mesu, mesnih izdelkih, maslu, mlečnih izdelkih in jajcih. Telo jih uporabi kot energijo, višek pa spravi za hude čase v maščobne zaloge. Nasičene maščobne kisline telesu bolj škodijo kot koristijo, saj zvišujejo raven holesterola in trigliceridov v krvi ter znižujejo občutljivost inzulinskih receptorjev, kar lahko vodi do diabetesa. Njihova dobra lastnost je, da so kemijsko gledano zelo obstojne za segrevanje, zato pri tem ne tvorijo (dodatnih) telesu škodljivih in strupenih snovi. Nenasičene maščobne kisline so kemijski gledano zelo neobstojne, zato jih ne smemo segrevati ter izpostavljati svetlobi in kisiku, ker oksidirajo, pri čemer nastanejo prosti radikali, ki so za telo škodljivi. Nenasičene maščobne kisline telo uporabi kot vir energije, pozitivni učinki na zdravje pa so ravno nasprotni - znižujejo namreč raven holesterola in trigliceridov v krvi in povečujejo občutljivost inzulinskih receptorjev. Mononasičene maščobne kisline poznamo kot omega 9 maščobne kisline in jih najdemo predvsem v olivnem olju, lešnikih in makadamijah. Polinenasičene maščobne kisline so znane predvsem kot omega 6 in omega 3. Oboje so nujne za delovanje telesa, hkrati pa jih telo ne more proizvesti samo, zato jih v telo vnašamo v obliki nerafiniranih rastlinskih olj in rib. V sodobni prehrani povprečnega človeka vnos omega 6 maščobnih kislin močno prevladuje nad vnosom omega 3 maščobnih kislin, zato je pomembno, da omega 3 maščobne kisline dodatno zavestno uživamo, saj nam jih v nasprotnem primeru skoraj zagotovo primanjkuje. - Omega 3 maščobne kisline pozitivno vplivajo na hitrost presnove, povečujejo število inzulinskih receptorjev in krepijo njihovo občutljivost. Odličen naravni vir so laneno, ribje in konopljino olje, k prehrani pa jih lahko dodajamo tudi v obliki prehranskih dodatkov. - Omega 6 maščobnih kislin je v običajni hrani več kot dovolj. Med drugim jih najdemo tudi v bučnem, sojinem in sončničnem olju. Priporočljivo razmerje med vnosom omega 6 in omega 3 maščobnih kislin pa je 3:1. Nenasičene maščobne kisline obstajajo v trans in cis konfiguraciji (način vezave vodika na ogljikov atom maščobne kisline). Cis maščobne kisline najdemo v naravi, trans maščobne kisline pa so telesu in zdravju škodljive in služijo zgolj kot vir energije in strupenih snovi. V naravni hrani jih je zelo malo (nekaj malega v mleku in mlečnih izdelkih), zato pa jih veliko več najdemo v sodobnih industrijskih izdelkih, kot so margarine, solatni prelivi, rafinirana olja, sladoledi itd. So produkt predelave ter slabe obstojnosti nenasičenih maščobnih kislin in škodujejo zdravju celo bolj kot nasičene maščobne kisline. Številne študije dokazujejo neposredno povezavo med trans maščobnimi kislinami in boleznimi sodobnega časa. Če olje segrevamo ali pustimo dalj časa na zraku, svetlobi ali soncu, cis konfiguracija preide v trans konfiguracijo. Zato za peko raje uporabite maslo, ki je sestavljeno iz nasičenih maščobnih kislin in ne more tvoriti trans maščobnih kislin. Nahajališča dobrih maščobnih kislin Ribje olje Ribje olje vsebuje vitamine A in D, zato pospešuje obnavljanje kože. Je vir omega 3 nenasičenih maščobnih kislin, ki zmanjšujejo alergije, vplivajo na ostrino vida, rast, psihomotoričen razvoj in razvoj sivih možganskih celic ter s tem razvoj intelektualnih sposobnostih. Kot dodatek k prehrani se priporoča ribje olje v kapsulah, saj tisto v steklenici hitro oksidira. Olivno olje Deviško olivno olje vsebuje med 55 in 85% nenasičenih maščobnih kislin ter vitamine E, D, A in K. 10ml deviškega olivnega olja vsebuje 5mg antioksidantov, predvsem polifenolov, ki vežejo proste radikale in znižujejo možnost mutacije celic. Najkvalitetnejše je ekstra deviško olivno olje, nato fino deviško olivno olje, pol fino in nazadnje rafinirano olivno olje. Laneno olje Je zelo občutljivo na višjo temperaturo, svetlobo in kisik in zelo dober vir omega 3 maščobnih kislin. Kokosovo maslo Je resda vir nasičenih maščobnih kislin, a je brez holestorola in odporen na visoke temperature, zato pri segrevanju ne pride do tvorbe škodljivih trans maščobnih kislin. Ker je brez vonja in okusa, je priporočljiv za uporabo pri pečenju. Bučno olje Vsebuje skoraj 80% nenasičenih maščobnih kislin ter vitamine A, B, C, D in E, veliko mineralov in nekaj beljakovin. Ker pa bučno olje večinoma vsebuje omega 6 maščobne kisline, ki jih vnašamo v zadostni meri z vsakodnevno prehrano, njegovo dodajanje zaradi zdravstvenih razlogov ni potrebno. Če povzamemo ... Dobre, zdrave in priporočljive so nenasičene maščobne kisline (olivno in laneno olje), ki pa jih moramo uživati hladne. Še posebej pozorni moramo biti na vnos omega 3 maščobnih kislin, saj jih imamo redko priložnost zaužiti, zato jih je 7 priporočljivo vnašati v telo v obliki kapsul kot prehranski dodatek. Za segrevanje so primernejše nasičene maščobne kisline, ker te ob segrevanju ne tvorijo trans maščobnih kislin. Trans maščobne kisline nastajajo s segrevanjem nenasičenih maščobnih kislin in so strupene in škodljive za telo. Za segrevanje uporabljajte kokosovo mast, saj je ta za razliko od masla rastlinskega izvora in torej brez holesterola. K.J. / SiOL A HEALTHIER LIFE What is the Glycemic Index? Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health, reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss. What are the Benefits of the Glycemic Index? Eating a lot of high GI foods can be detrimental to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is especially true if you are overweight and sedentary. Switching to eating mainly low GI carbs that slowly trickle glucose into your blood stream keeps your energy levels balanced and means you will feel fuller for longer between meals. Low GI diets help people lose and control weight Low GI diets increase the body's sensitivity to insulin Low GI carbs improve diabetes control Low GI carbs reduce the risk of heart disease Low GI carbs reduce blood cholesterol levels Low GI carbs can help you manage the symptoms of PCOS Low GI carbs reduce hunger and keep you fuller for longer Low GI carbs prolong physical endurance High GI carbs help re-fuel carbohydrate stores after exercise How to Switch to a Low GI Diet The basic technique for eating the low GI way is simply a "this for that" approach -ie, swapping high GI carbs for low GI carbs. You don't need to count numbers or do any sort of mental arithmetic to make sure you are eating a healthy, low GI diet. Use breakfast cereals based on oats, barley and bran. Use breads with wholegrains, stone- ground flour, sour dough. Reduce the amount of potatoes you eat. Enjoy all other types of fruit and vegetables. Use Basmati or Doongara rice. Enjoy pasta, noodles, quinoa. Eat plenty of salad vegetables with a vinaigrette dressing. Look for this symbol to purchase food with a low GI. The University of Sydney has developed an extensive base of foods rated on the GI index. You can look this up at http://www. glycemicindex. com. Foods can be identified as High, Medium or Low GI foods according to the diagram below. High GI (70 and above) Medium Gl (56 to 69) Low GI Beware that the GI index of a food can be different from one grown in Australia to other parts of the world. For example the potato, Desiree, peeled, boiled 35 min (Australia) has an extremely high GI index of 101 compared with potato, white, cooked (Romania, Europe) with a low GI index of 41. Source : http ://www. glycemicindex. com. KNJIGE - BOOKS Trubarjevo leto Ljubljana | 2. 1. 2008 | B. B. | STA Letos praznujemo 500-letnico rojstva Primoža Trubarja (1508-1586), zato je vlada leto 2008 razglasila za Trubarjevo leto. Na Catechismusu in Abecedariumu je Trubar zgradil temelj slovenskega knjižnega jezika in književnosti. © BOBO Primož Trubar je bil osrednja osebnost slovenskega protestantizma v 16. stoletju in hkrati začetnik slovenskega jezika in slovenske književnosti. Objavil je 22 knjig v slovenščini in dve v nemščini. Prvi slovenski knjigi Catechismus in Abecedarium je Trubar izdal leta 1550. Prevedel je tudi celotno Novo zavezo in psalme iz Stare zaveze. Poleg tega je v slovenščini objavil pesmi in molitve ter sestavil pravila protestantske cerkve, tj. Cerkovno ordningo (1564). Pisal je tudi katehetske in teološke razlage. Trubar je za črkopis izbral latinico, ki ji je dodal znamenja za slovenske šumnike in sičnike, knjižni jezik pa je osnoval, kot ugotavlja nova teorija, na takratnem ljubljanskem mestnem govoru. Njegovi spisi pomenijo začetek slovstva v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku, poleg tega pa tudi začetek zgodovinskega poročanja, teološkega in filozofskega razpravljanja v slovenščini. Trubar zaznamoval Slovence S Trubarjem se začenja javna raba imena Slovenci ter razglašanje enovitosti pripadnikov slovenstva ne glede na ločujoče deželne meje. Dr. Igor Grdina z Inštitiuta za kulturno zgodovino ZRC SAZU ocenjuje, da je Trubar z oblikovanjem nacionalnega knjižnega jezika neizbrisno zaznamoval življenje rojakov. Trubar sodi v vrsto velikih evropskih reformatorjev. Podobno kot Martin Luther se je, tako Grdina, zavzemal za razvoj šolstva in je poleg verskih del izdajal tudi didaktična (abecedniki). Posvečal se je izobraževanju mlajših rojakov, glasbi oziroma petju. " Čeprav je bil Trubarjev opus od leta 1596 dalje na seznamu katolikom prepovedanih knjig, so njegova dela predstavljala vabljiv zgled za številne pisce tudi po zatrtju protestantizma v večini slovenskih dežel (1600-1628)." Grdina poudarja tudi pomen, ki ga je Trubar imel za kasnejše generacije, saj so se avtorji poznejših dob v marsičem zgledovali po njem. "Kulturno-civilizacijsko prelomnost Trubarjevega nastopa so v 19. stoletju eksplicitno priznali tudi slovenski katoliki (Jernej Kopitar, škof Anton Martin Slomšek),"je dodal Grdina. President Launches Trubar Jubilee Year President Danilo Tuerk unveiled a bust of Primož Trubar (1508-1586) at the National and University Library (NUK) in Ljubljana in February, thus officially launching the jubilee Trubar year, dedicated to the 500th anniversary of this Protestant reformer who gave Slovenians the first books in their mother tongue. m 4 m m At the time when Slovenia presides over the EU, there are many reasons for reflecting on all implications of his work, Tuerk said, referring to Trubar as a founder of Slovenian culture and a man who had the courage to intervene in the social and political developments of his time. uinjom / (5»a&o/ (Dyr/ flOyfc t?o/i tmt promt ©pofiid licbofljyc / ffitft jar M<* Ctyifhfa projjtnj. (et&^eniv ti/lefifcmdctc ff Me is fuettQa pi(ma( mu ittl> iilagc v>te ptifr tii fl?lofbcne) F4tcw vföfifostop nt }t?leutF/ftr vnebitpryti ima veibiti mu i>crfj?att / (/tint tut) t to It Miti» iti» aito prttuffo/ v!c te buqiu« pujttll prcptfViri iifigt S05it na ittit fyöobrttroti vfcm mUtinm rar prcprofftm Ut&crn n«ff)c t>cfl?«i fe. ©dFrtt te, til}/ft üfdfi Ul?F« 21 lit The picture above shows the first page from the first book written in the Slovenian language, Catechismus / Katekizem, in 1550, by Slovenian Protestant priest Primož Trubar (June 9, 1508 - June 28, 1586). The book was printed in Tübingen, Germany. Trubar was born in the village Rašica (or Raščica, Račca or Rastčica) near today's Slovenian city of Velike Lašče and died in Derendingen, Germany (now part of the city of Tübingen), where he is also buried. Slovenia will commemorate the 500th anniversary of Trubar's birth this year with a number of ceremonies and by the issue of a commemorative €2 coin. Rare Book Featured in Primož Trubar Exhibition By STA An exhibition on the 500th anniversary of the birth of Protestant priest Primož Trubar (1508-1586), which opened in March, features a rare gem, as the Vatican Library has loaned the only remaining copy of his 1564 book "Cerkovna ordninga", a kind of rules-of-procedure for the Slovenian Protestant Church. Slovenian Ambassador to the Holy See Ivan Rebernik made great efforts to get the book for the exhibition, but the decisive step was made by President Danilo Tuerk, who asked for the book when he visited the Vatican in early February. " Cerkovna ordninga", considered to be the first legal text written in Slovenian, describes the organisation of the Protestant Church in Slovenia and the rites, as well as Lutheran teachings and the activities of the Church in general. According to Anja Dular, who heads the Library Department at the National Museum, the book has never left the Vatican before. It will be on show in Ljubljana until 6th May. The National and University Library (NUK) has managed to acquire a very rare translation by Primož Trubar, the father of the Slovenian written language. It has recently bought an original of "Noviga testamenta pusledni dejl" (The Final Part of the New Testament) and unveiled it in Ljubljana. The book was published in Germany's Tuebingen in 1577. While incomplete -416 of the estimated 600 pages survived -the value of the book lies in Trubar's commentaries. Slovenia paid EUR 20,000 for the book. ZGOŠČENKE - CDs Neisha - Nor je ta svet (This world is crazy) Plošča, Nor je ta svet, slovenske popularne izvajalke Neishe vsebuje 12 avtorskih pesmi, od tega so 3 v angleškem jeziku. Na njej najdemo različne stile, ki so vplivali na Neishino ustvarjanje. To je plošča, ki bo potešila najbolj zahtevne poslušalce, vsak pa bo našel delček, ki mu bo všeč. Neisha je v zelo kratkem času osvojila slovensko občinstvo. Za svoja dela je prejela mnogo nagrad. Šolala se je na Srednji glasbeni šoli, kasneje pa tudi na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani. Poleg popularne glasbe ustvarja tudi komorne skladbe, skladbe za big band in simfonične zasedbe. Festival MIDEM Neisha je 29.01.2008 nastopila na festivalu MIDEM v Cannes-u v Franciji. MIDEM je največji evropski sejem/festival, namenjen predvsem profesionalcem iz vseh vej glasbene industrije. Vsako leto je to odlična priložnost, da se predstavijo mladi izvajalci. Tokrat bo v pop glasbi Slovenijo predstavila Neisha, poleg nje pa bodo v Cannes-u nastopili tudi drugi priznani slovenski umetniki. Rebeka Dremelj zmagovalka Eme 08 Dejan Vodovnik/Do.P./Ta.S., Ned 03.02.2008 Ljubljana - Slovenijo bo na letošnjem 53. tekmovanju za pesem Evrovizije, ki bo od 20. do 24. maja v Beogradu, zastopala Rebeka Dremelj s pesmijo Vrag naj vzame, avtorskega dueta Josip Miani-Pipi in Amon. Nekdanja misica je v super finalu za 395 glasov premagala skupino Langa in Civili. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on YouTube. Seen & Heard The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra celebrates its 100 year anniversary, 1908 - 2008. The Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra marked its centenary with a gala concert in Brussels, in March, at a ceremony that the Slovenian presidency staged as a prelude to the spring EU summit, to be chaired by Prime Minister Janez Janša. Conducted by George Pehlivanian, the orchestra performed Gustav Mahler's Symphony 2, "The Resurrection". The composer embarked on his career in Ljubljana as a conductor in a theatre. The concert also featured the Slovenian Chamber Choir and the Consortium musicum choir. The solos were preformed by soprano Sabina Cvilak and mezzo-soprano Bernarda Fink, both acclaimed and award-winning musicians. Officials at the Brussels Palais des Beaux Arts, where the concert was held, labelled Fink's voice as currently one of the best mezzo-sopranos. The Slovenian Philharmonic was founded on 23rd October 1908 and performed its first concert on 8th November that year, but its precursor was established two hundred years earlier. Records show that the first musical group on Slovenian lands was set up in Ljubljana in 1701 as Academie Philharmonicorum Labacensis. It became the third professional philharmonic society in Europe and held its first public concert on 8th January 1702. The biggest Slovenian box office hit in the last four years and the second most popular Slovenian film ever, "Petelinji Zajtrk" (Rooster's Breakfast), received the Great Golden Roll Award for surpassing the 125,000-ticket milestone. The first full-length feature by Marko Nabersnik has so far received four Golden Roll Awards, given to Slovenian films that sell over 25,000 tickets, since being released on 17 October and also picked up a number of awards at the Festival of Slovenian Film. Receiving the award on behalf of the film crew, Nabersnik told the press that he was surprised by the numbers of people who have turned out to see the movie. In his opinion, screenplay is the key to a film's success. He believes that the stereotype that Slovenian films are not for mass viewing have been surpassed by the likes of "Rooster's Breakfast, Outsider, Granma Goes South, Last Supper, Desperado Tonic, Fuckit and Porn Movie." Rooster's Breakfast was the biggest hit in Slovenian cinemas in 2007 with 126,275 viewers, leaving behind Hollywood blockbusters "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" and "Mr. Bean's Holiday", the only other films to sell over 100,000 tickets. The film, set in the late 1990s, is a social drama that traces the story of Gajaš, a car mechanic, and Djuro, his apprentice, the former fantasising about Croatian pop star Severina and the latter embarking on a risky love affair with a local beauty. Brdo castle played host on 25 January to the first meeting ever between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Prime Minister Janez Janša. The discussion between Ban Ki-moon and his host Janez Janša mainly focused on the common priorities shared by the United Nations and the European Union. According to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the European Council, the European Union is an important part of this organisation since it contributes almost 40 percent to the capacity of United Nations peacekeeping operations, while also providing contributions to a number of other common priorities, such as climate change, intercultural dialogue and the challenges in the Western Balkan region. According to the 2008 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) produced by Yale University and Columbia University, Slovenia ranks 15th globally for environmental performance compared with Australia on 46th ranking. Slovenia scored 86.3 out of 100 compared with 79.8 for Australia. The index ranks 149 countries on 25 indicators tracked across six policy categories: environmental health, air pollution, water resources, biodiversity and habitat, productive natural resources, and climate change. Switzerland tops the rankings with 95.5%, followed by Sweden, Norway and Finland. Slovenia's neighbours have mixed results. Austria is 6th, Croatia 20th, Hungary 23rd and Italy 24th. President Danilo Tuerk was received by Pope Benedict XVI during his first visit to Rome and the Vatican in February as the head of state. Tuerk presented the Pope with a bronze statue of Christ, 10 while the Pope conferred upon Tuerk a pontifical medal. After the audience with the pope, Tuerk told the press that they touched on topical issues, including Kosovo, global warming, the principle of secularism and cooperation between the Church and state, pontifical encyclical as well as hope, which is a universal value of all people. Tuerk presented to the Pope the celebrations of the 500th anniversary of Primož Trubar (1508-1586), a Protestant reformer who in 1550 published the first Slovenian books, which are to take place throughout the year. According to the Holy See, Tuerk also met secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and Secretary for Relations with States Dominique Mamberti, to whom he expressed a wish that Slovenia exhibit, as part of the celebrations, "Cerkvena Ordninga" (1564), a book of Protestant rules written by Trubar, which is kept in the Vatican. In the meeting, Tuerk also touched on the issue of returning works of art that had been taken by the Italians from the Primorje region to Italy before WWII. He said that the Church was not directly involved in the process of returning art works, however, it played an important role, since the works of art are now mostly in the hands of the Church. The Slovenian town of Idrija in western Slovenia alongside two mining towns in Spain and Mexico have filed the first ever serial intercontinental bid for a UNESCO World Heritage Site listing, the Culture Ministry stated in a press release. President Danilo Tuerk is the most trusted politician in Slovenia, according to the February Politbarometer public opinion survey. Meanwhile, the support for the government remains low. Niko Toš, the head of the Public Opinion and Mass Communication Research Centre, which conducted the survey, said that the majority of Slovenians (67%) trust Tuerk, while 8% distrust him. The president is followed by the euro and the Bank of Slovenia (50%), the police, the EU and trade unions (37%) as the most trusted institutions. The media as well as the Corruption Prevention Commission (36%) trails, while 31% of the respondents trust the prime minister and 20% the church. Government approval stands at 33%, up one percentage point over the December Politbarometer, while opposition to the government stands at 57%. Speaking on the occasion of International Mother Language Day (21 February), Marko Stabej from the Ljubljana Faculty of Arts said that Slovenian was far from being an endangered language and that in case it dies out within a few generations, it will do so along with most of Europe's other languages. A professor at the Faculty of Arts Slovenian language department, Stabej pointed out that an interesting, diverse and culturally and economically rich Slovenian environment was the key precondition for future development of the Slovenian language. The possibility of Slovenian dying out has been the subject of numerous expert debates, however the influence of other languages, especially of the globally increasingly dominant English language, by no means translates into a pending demise of Slovenian, Stabej said. Radio Slovenia International will be among 16 radio stations from 13 EU countries associated in the European Radio project, which will as of April prepare and simultaneously air programmes focused on social issues in all 27 EU member states. The purpose of the European radio is to enable EU citizens to hear news from other EU member states in ten languages, and hopefully in all official languages of the EU in a few years, European Commissioner for Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy Margot Wallstroem said. BUSINESS SLOVENIA New business support centre buildings, Ljubljana A glistening ceremony on 7 December saw the inauguration of the first four buildings of the new business support centre for hi-tech companies in the leafy Ljubljana neighbourhood of Brdo. The new centre, part of the Ljubljana Technology Park (LTP), is to boast 23 state-of-the-art buildings when completed in 2014, with the next three buildings put into use in January of 2008. The new facilities should aid the LTP in its vision to become an internationally recognised support environment and catalyst for innovative and globally competitive hi-tech entrepreneurship. *** The pharmaceutical company Krka, one of the most successful Slovenian companies and ranked among the top pharmacy companies in Central and Eastern Europe, has won the 2007 Business Excellence Award. *** Survey: Slovenia on Top of Region in Purchasing Power A survey has found Slovenia well ahead of the rest of Eastern Europe in terms of purchasing power. According to the RegioData survey from Austria, an average Slovenian's purchasing power now stands at 80% of that of Austria's average. The survey found Eastern Europe continuing to close the gap quickly with Western Europe. It also found big differences among the countries of the region. While Slovenia's purchasing power stands at 79.9% of Austria's average, Ukraine's is only at 18.3%. According to the authors, it will take decades for some in Eastern Europe to catch up with the West. The survey also found large differences in development between urban areas and rural areas in Eastern Europe, with purchasing power in cities growing significantly faster. Regional differences now stand at over 200% in some places. Purchasing power in Slovenia stands at EUR 22,600, while the country is followed by the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia and Poland. *** The port of Koper has become the first port in the world to have obtained the International Organisation for Standardisation's (ISO) 22000:2005 standard for food safety, port operator Luka Koper said. The 22000:2005 food safety management standard is a new ISO standard that has combined previous standards in the field, Luka Koper explained. The company said it was among the first companies in Slovenia to have successfully completed qualifications for the standard and the first transport company. In order to be certified, the port had to meet a number of standards in food management with the aim of providing for all the risks to food safety, the company added. *** Slovenia's largest retail chain, Mercator, has reported generating revenues of EUR 2.45bn for 2007, a rise of 18.4%. The group said its profit soared 45.3% to EUR 43.8m. According to the group, operating profit soared 60.4% to EUR 81.4m. *** A small software company from the industrial town of Trbovlje, some 50 km east of Ljubljana, has proved that even a small firm in a relatively remote place can score an important international contract. Dewesoft has helped develop NASA's new data transmission software. Dewesoft's team of 12 young experts started working on the project together with Austrian measuring instruments maker Dewetron in 2003, three years before the two were commissioned to help develop new Shuttle monitoring systems for the US space agency. Dewesoft director Andrej Orožen said that the project was a great achievement, proving Slovenia's technological resolve. He is very proud that Dewesoft's entire team was educated in Slovenia. The new software enables real-time data transmission from space and detects automatically if the signal from a Shuttle is lost. The team also met NASA's request to display results not from left to right, but from top to bottom, as the space agency's engineers have grown used to this from their previous system involving print outs. The system developed together with Dewetron involves 25 measuring devices, which receive up to 3,000 parameters of data from 20,000 km away. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Spoštovani, Sodelovanje s slovenskimi društvi in drugimi organizacijami, nam je do sedaj obrodilo veliko dragocenih poslovnih in drugih kontaktov, zato vas prosimo, da zadevno pismo posredujete vašim članom, znancem, komur se Vam zdi primerno. Morebitne jezikovne prepreke bomo premostili. Smo malo podjetje, ki se ukvarjamo s proizvodnjo in trženjem svojih inovativnih izdelkov. Vabim vas na ogled naše spletne strani. Cobra je v serijski proizvodnji. Gre za uvajanje in prodajo novega načina dela pri manipulaciji z lončki v in pred hladilno vitrino v marketih, super- in hipermarketih z ogromnim prihrankom časa, zdravja in torej denarja, ter veliko lepšim izgledom polic v hladilnih vitrinah. Paleto dopolnjujemo z novim izdelkom Re-laser, ki ga bomo predvidoma lahko dali na trg pred koncem leta. Nov način dela želimo ponuditi tudi na vašem trgu. Stranke so manjše in večje trgovske verige. V Sloveniji smo nov način dela uvedli v nad 300 lokacijah v vseh trgovskih verigah. V naslednjemu sporočilu pripenjam naš nov prospekt s katerim budimo zanimanje uporabnikom. Hvala lepa in lepa pozdrave. Novak Jože, CNS Jože Cvetko s.p. CNS* Podjetje za raziskovanje in eksperimentalni razvoj na področju tehnologije Orova vas 1 B 3313 Polzela 00386 51 31 35 69 Fax.:00386 3 490 15 04 SI 87187914 Spoštovani rojaki! Z današnjim dnem prenavljamo komuniciranje z vami prek zvočnih pisem. Doslej ste jih na našem spletnem serverju prejemali enkrat mesečno. Od danes naprej jih boste dobivali enkrat tedensko v dolžini do 15 minut. Za spremembo smo se odločili z željo, da bi vas pogosteje informirali o dogajanju v domovini in da bi bile informacije, ki vam jih ponujamo, bolj ažurne. Prepričana sem, da bo sprememba za vas dobrodošla. Prav gotovo pa boste manj navdušeni nad spremembo, v katero nas sili zakonodaja na področju avtorskih pravic. Strokovnjaki, ki se ukvarjajo z avtorskimi pravicami, nas na raznih seminarjih opozarjajo, da moramo spoštovati avtorske pravice glasbenikov. V letih slovenske samostojnosti se je razvila tudi slovenska zakonodaja na tem področju in naša radijska hiša je bila prva, ki je začela plačevati avtorske pravice za uporabo v glavnem glasbenih avtorskih del, ki jih uporabljamo pri svojem delu na Radiu Slovenija. Kljub našemu trudu pa v zadnjih mesecih nismo našli načina, na kateri bi vam lahko legalno pošiljali glasbena dela za nadaljnjo uporabo v vaših oddajah. Nobenih težav nimamo s plačevanjem avtorskih pravic za glasbo, ki jo predvajamo v našem mediju, vendar pa nimamo pravice presnemavati glasbe in je pošiljati drugim radijskim postajam najsibo v domovini ali tujini. Tako smo izvedeli, da smo s takim početjem nevede kršili Zakon o avtorskih in sorodnih pravicah, ki velja v Sloveniji. Upam, da razumete, da zakonov ne želimo in ne smemo kršiti. S pomočjo naših glasbenih urednikov, ki spremljajo slovensko glasbeno ustvarjalnost, vas lahko obveščamo o novostih na tem področju in vam pomagamo vzpostaviti zveze s spletnimi mesti, prek katerih se da to glasbo zakonito kupiti. Zavedam se, da boste nad to novico razočarani, saj vaša pisma govorijo o tem, da vam slovenska glasba ogromno pomeni, vendar pa upam, da razumete da kot uslužbenci nacionalnega radia res ne moremo zavestno kršiti Zakona o avtorskih pravicah. Upam, da se bo zakonodaja na tem področju še spreminjala in da bomo kdaj našli zakonit način za pošiljanje glasbe za vaše radijske oddaje. Lepo vas pozdravljam, Cirila Štuber Urednica uredništva večernega in nočnega programa tel. št. +386 1 475 22 98 mobi: +386 31 614 773 7/03/2008 Spoštovani! Z veseljem vam sporočam, da smo našli način obveščanja o glasbenih novostih v domovini, s katerim ne bomo kršili Zakona o avtorskih pravicah. O glasbenih novostih vas bomo kot doslej obveščali mesečno in to tako, da vam bomo glasbene novosti podobno kot tedensko zvočno pismo odlagali na našem serverju, do katerega lahko dostopate z geslom, ki smo vam ga poslali. Hkrati vam bomo po elektronski pošti pošiljali tudi podatke o vseh glasbenih novostih in kratko besedilo o avtorjih in skladbi. Temu besedilu bomo vsakič dodali tudi obvestilo o tem, da so skladbe last avtorjev in založb, pri katerih so izšle in da so zaščitene z Zakonom o avtorskih pravicah, ki ureja možnosti njihovega reproduciranja oz. objavljanja v medijih. Po tem zakonu skladb, o katerih vas bomo obveščali, ni dovoljeno objavljati v medijih brez dogovora z avtorji, založbami oz. avtorsko agencijo. Upam, da boste s takim načinom obveščanja o glasbenih novostih v domovini zadovoljni in da boste tudi sami našli ustrezen način uporabe skladb, o katerih vas bomo obveščali. Za nas je pomembno, da ne kršimo Zakona o avtorskih pravicah, vi pa boste pač po svoji presoji spoštovali avtorsko zakonodajo države, v kateri živite. Lepo vas pozdravljam, Cirila Štuber Urednica uredništva večernega in nočnega programa 21/03/2008 Boris Kopitar in njegove Zapeljivke Izlet v Victor Harborju Ko se je Boris Kopitar in njegove Zapeljivke nahajal v Adelaidi, smo ga vsi z veseljem pričakovali, tudi njegovi plakati, so že dolgo prej viseli v našem slovenskem klubu. On je eden med naših slovenskih pevcev zelo poznan. Tukaj pri nas pa niso imeli dovolj uspeha z zvočniki, da bi se res pokazal njegov talent. Seveda na njegovih CD je dokazano, da je njegova beseda nam dobro ganila naše srce. Bili smo v Victor Harborju na izletu z majhnim avtobusom, in so nam prepevali celo pot in mi smo peli tudi z njimi. Imeli smo se lepo in smo si ogledali Victor Harbor, šli smo na kosilo potem pa počasi proti Adelaidu. Bil je tudi naš predsednik Tomo Leš. Živijo naš predsednik Tomo Leš in podpredsednica Olga Hrvatin. Anica Strgar SPORT - SPORT Hammer thrower Primož Kozmus and cross-country skier Petra Majdič have been selected Slovenia's male and female athletes of the year 2007 by the Association of Slovenian Sports Journalists. Kozmus (28) took the limelight in the track and field competitions by winning silver in hammer throw at the 11th Athletics World Championships in Osaka, in what was the best outdoor result for Slovenia ever. Slovenia's best cross country skier Petra Majdič (27), who won the award for the second year running, won four World Cup events in 2007 and won silver at the World Nordic Ski Championships in Sapporo. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Daniel and Melanie Leš (nee Terrett) a son Jasper Thomas. Born February 4, 2008. Birthday - Rojstni dan January - Anica Majcen, Kristina Paluza, Ivanka Ivančič February - Branko Kreševič, Cvetka Jamnik, Katica Segulin, Ivanka Lukač, Jože Jamnik, Mario Paluza March - Alda Batista, Jože Vuzem, Izidor Strgar, Emil Borlak April - Ivanka Pahor, Milan Čeligoj Engagement - Zaroka Tom Valenčič and Julie Mannix on December 9, 2007. Australia Day 2008 Honours MEDAL (OAM) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION Peter MANDELJ 149 Bellevue Avenue, Rosanna Vic 3084. For service to the Slovenian community, particularly through the Council of Slovenian Organisations of Australia. Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : David Peter Pistor Suddenly on December 7, 2007 in Queensland. 38 years old. Committed at Enfield Memorial Park Cemetery, South Australia. A special friend to Rosie and loving father to his three children, Chelsea, Georgia and James. Dearly loved son of Marjan and Karin Pistor. Cherished brother, brother-in-law and uncle of Ricky and Suzie, Rebecca, Mathew, Nicholas, Elizabeth, Melissa, Katherine and Teresa. Sonja and Vance, Michael, Mathew and Kirsty. Anita Magaina Born in Slovenia, June 13, 1932. Passed away Adelaide, December 16, 2007. 75 years old. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery, Catholic K Section. Dearly loved wife of Frank. Loving and loved mother of John and Geri. Loved and treasured mother of Helen and Gianclui. Proud and loving nana of Daniel, James and Sasha. Loving sister of Francka, Tine (deceased), Janez, Paula and Minka. Lovingly remembered by all her relatives and friends in Australia and Slovenia. Toncka Zokalj Born in Slovenia, April 25, 1935. Passed away Adelaide, December 13, 2007. 72 years old. Vida Bastalec Born in Slovenia, 1922. Passed away Melbourne (formerly of the Riverland, South Australia), December 26, 2007. 85 years old. Committed at Renmark Cemetery, South Australia. Loving wife of Pepi (deceased, also committed at Renmark Cemetery). Mother of Nadia and John and family. Leonarda Čenčič Passed away Adelaide, January 5, 2008. 77 years old. Committed at Enfield Memorial Park Cemetery (Catholic Section). Beloved wife of Dolf (deceased). Loved mother of Darko, Milan and Lynette. Mother-in-law of Maxene and Caroline. Loving grandmother of Terese. Great-grandmother of Joseph. Bernardo Stemberger Born in Vrbovo, Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia, March 22, 1923. Passed away in Adelaide, February 17, 2008. 84 years old. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery, Catholic K Section. Loving and devoted husband of Rozina (deceased). Supportive and beloved father and father-in-law of Malcolm and Debbie, Silvana and Michael. Special Nono of Sarah, Alex, Tessa and Evelyn, Zoe, Jordan, Zac and Nathan. Cilka Jerebica (nee Ivančič) Born in Golac, near Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia, August 7, 1933. Passed away in Adelaide, February 21, 2008. 74 years old. Loving wife of Jože. Devoted Mama to Dinka, Margaret and Nina. Nona to Michael, Emma, Luke and Martha. Mother-in-law to Jason and Colin. Sister to Tonič, Dinka, Pino and Mila. Sister-in-law to Frane, Ivanka and Mario. Teta to Joško, Robert, Rosemary, Marino, Anita, Lily, Gianni, Suzy, Paul, Simon, Dory, Teresa, Adrian, Paula, Roy, Vicki and Tamara. Great-Teta to Leah, Stephanie, Daniel, Mathew, Stephen, Alyssa, Mia, Stefan, Christian, Rebecca, James, Isaac and Jane. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $700.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $850.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00pm - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sundays 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8121 3869 fax: 8346 2903 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) St. George's Building Level 6, 60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Železna Cesta 14 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 430 2810 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00 - 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: http://www9. sbs. com. au/radio/language.p hp?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 369 5900 fax: +386 1 369 5901 internet: Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 241 0280 fax: +386 1 425 1673 internet: Od leta 1956 organizira vsakoletna izseljenska srečanja (piknike) imenovana "Srečanje v moji deželi" Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: RTV Slovenija II Slovenian Magazine Every second Saturday at 9.30pm (Slovenian time) Satelite: Eutelsat, Hot Bird 3, 13 degrees East, transponder 80, 12302, 880 MHz, polarisation Y, coding system Viaccess. Internet (view anytime): The Slovenia Times Fortnightly newspaper in English, published in Ljubljana. Internet: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Friday Night 7- 8pm $3 Do you require a Justice of the Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 SLOVENIAN CLUB ART CLASSES After an extended Christmas break, Slovenian Club is offering free art classes to its members. Please contact Tomo Les for details. Classes will re-start in April 2008 and will be held on the last Sunday of every month from 3 - 5pm.