OHaeqUetia 15/2 • 2016, 113-132 DO!: 10.1515/hacq-2016-0019 Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Vitaliy Kolomiychuk1 & Denys Vynokurov2* Key words: bunchgrass steppe, classification, diagnostic species, dry grasslands, Eastern Europe, numerical analysis, TWINSPAN, vegetation. Ključne besede: stepe z bodalico, klasifikacija, diagnostične vrste, suha travišča, vzhodna Evropa, numerična analiza, TWINSPAN, vegetacija. Received: 20. 10. 2015 Revision received: 22. 3. 2016 Accepted: 19. 5. 2016 Co-ordinating Editor: Idoia Biurrun Abstract Syntaxonomy of the class Festuco-Brometea in Ukraine has barely been still explored. There are some scattered and local data, mainly within the Forest-Steppe zone, which need to be compiled and critically reviewed. Similarly, the Azov Sea coastal zone, which, despite the considerable diversity of habitats, remains unstudied phytosociologically. We have carried out large-scale comparisons of relevés from the Sea of Azov coastline with data from other regions of Ukraine, Europe, and Russia. In total, 2336 relevés were used for the analysis. For the analysis, Modified TWINSPAN classification was used. Diagnostic species were determined by means of the phi fidelity index. In total, 9 associations and 4 subassociations, belonging to four alliances, were identified and categorised as follows: Artemisio-Kochionprostratae (ruderalized steppes), Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae (saline steppe vegetation on sites affected by the sea or saline ground water), Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis (forb-bunchgrass steppe vegetation) and Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae (bunchgrass steppes). The last alliance is proposed as a new one. Izvleček Sintaksonomija razreda Festuco-Brometea je bila dosedaj v Ukrajini slabo raziskana. Obstaja nekaj razpršenih in lokalnih podatkov, predvsem v coni gozdne stepe, ki pa jih je potrebno združiti in kritično ovrednotiti. Podobno velja za obalno območje Azovskega morja, ki kljub veliki raznolikosti habitatov ostaja fitocenološko neraziskano. Naredili smo obsežno primerjavo popisnega gradiva z obal Azovskega morja in podatki iz ostalih predelov Ukrajine, Evrope in Rusije. Skupaj smo v analizi zbrali 2336 popisov. Za analizo smo uporabili modificirano TWINSPAN klasifikacijo. Diagnostične vrste smo določili s pomočjo fi indeksa navezanosti. Ugotovili smo 9 asociacij in 4 subasociacije, ki jih uvrščamo v štiri zveze: Artemisio-Kochion prostratae (ruderalizirane stepe), Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae (slana stepska vegetacija na rastiščih z morsko vodo ali slano podtalnico), Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis (stepska vegetacija z zelišči in bodalico) in Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae (stepe z bodalico). Zadnjo zvezo smo opisali na novo. 1 O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden, the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine, 1 Simon Petlura St., 01032 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: vkolomiychuk@ukr.net 2 M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2 Tereschenkivska St., 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine. E-mail: phytosocio@ukr.net * Corresponding author 79 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Introduction Methods The coastal zone of the Azov Sea lies in a unique region, both in origin and natural conditions. It is characterised by high diversity of species and ecosystems. The dominating type of vegetation is formed by a particular kind of steppe vegetation. It is characterised by lower floris-tic richness and less aboveground biomass compared to steppe vegetation further north. Moreover, its vegetation shows a lower average height, and less flowering aspects during the year (Dembicz et al. 2016) thought to be due to the decreasing moisture gradient. Under the influence of human activity in the 19th and especially the 20th century, the landscape of the Azov sea coast was significantly transformed (Matishov et al. 2011). Residues of natural vegetation (steppe, meadow, halophytic and psammophytic communities, etc.) has only remained in some areas, particularly, at the coast, near the outputs of rocks, in areas of special protection (e.g. military sites, nature reserves, national parks) or in places inaccessible to humans (gullies, ravines, flood-plains). There are four types of steppes in the study area according to the Map of the natural vegetation of Europe (Bohn et al. 2004): 1) West and Central Pontic herb-rich grass steppes (Eastern Pryazov'ya); 2) West and central herb-grass steppes (Northern and Don Pryazov'ya); 3) West Pontic grass steppes (Northern, Kerch and Taman Pryazov'ya); 4) West and Central Pontic desert steppes (Syvash and Kerch Pryazov'ya). Steppe vegetation of the steppe zone is considered to belong within Fescuco-Brometea class (Solomakha 2008). The majority of authors attributed this type of vegetation to the Festucetalia valesiacae order (Kostyliov et al. 1984, Tyshchenko 1996, 2000, 2006, Grechushkina et al. 2012, Korotchenko & Peregrym 2012, Vynokurov 2014a,b). But, recent studies have shown that it should be considered as a new separate order Galatello villosae-Stipetalia lessingianae nom. prov. (Vynokurov 2016). The syntaxonomy of Festuco-Brometea for the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov has previously not been developed in full. However, there are some known studies about classification of the Eastern Crimean steppes (Korzhenevskij & Kljukin 1986, 1991, Korzhenevskij et al. 2003) from some areas of Prysyvashshia (Dubyna & Dziuba 2007) and from Northern and Eastern Pryazov'ya (Demina 2012, Grechushkina et al. 2012, Tyshchenko 2006). In view of the current rudimentary state of available information, the authors propose to develop and complement the classification of steppe communities of Festuco-Brometea class of the coastal area of the Sea of Azov by characterising selected syntaxa. Study area The Sea of Azov is a small sea (approx. 39,000 km2) in south-eastern Europe (Figure 1) and lies southeast of Ukraine and southwesterly of Russia. The region includes the coastal areas of southern Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia, "Northern Pryazov'ya" and "Prysyvashshia" (east of the Kherson region), "Crimean Pryazov'ya" (east of the Crimea), "Don Pryazov'ya" (northwest of the Rostov region) and the region west of the Krasnodar ("Eastern Pryazov'ya"). The basin of the Sea of Azov is mostly shallow. Its topography is broken up by subsea elevations emerging in submeridional direction and by a broad belt of about 20—30 km in width of very shallow water (6—7 meters). The area of the sea without Syvash Bay and the estuaries amounts to 37 802 km2 (Tyshchenko 2006). The coast of 46° Figure 1: Location of the study area within Europe. I — Northern Pryazov'ya, II — Don Pryazov'ya, III — Eastern Pryazov'ya, IV — Kerch Pryazov'ya, V — Taman Pryazov'ya, VI — Syvash. Slika 1: Lokacija preučevanega območja v Evropi: I — severni del Pryazov'ya, II — Don Pryazov'ya, III — vzhodni del Pryazov'ya, IV — Kerch Pryazov'ya, V — Taman Pryazov'ya, VI — Syvash. 80 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone the Sea of Azov are mainly composed of friable abrasive rocks of the Neogene and the Quaternary (Kaplin et al. 1991) intensively influenced by erosion of the sea. Steppe alluvial and loess plains reach close to the sea almost along the entire coastline. They are formed on structures of ancient (Russian Precambrian) and younger (Scythian) platforms. Bedrock coast mainly takes the form of a cliff. It is formed by rocks of the Upper Neogene and Quaternary (Shnyukov et al. 1974). According to the geobotanical zoning of Ukraine the study area belongs to the Prychornomor'ya (Pontic) steppe province of the Eurasian steppe region (Didukh & Shelyag-Sosonko 2003). The sea coast lies within one of the three stripes of the Chornomor'ya-Azov steppe subprovince in the Pontic province (Barbarych 1977), namely: forb-bunchgrass (Pryazov'ya district and part of Kerch-Taman geobotanical district); bunchgrass (Dnieper-Azov, Azov-Egorlyk and part of Kerch-Taman geobo-tanical districts); and strip of sagebrush steppes (Prysy-vashshia geobotanical district), which covers the territory adjacent to Syvash Bay in the Sea of Azov. Data collection The classification of steppe vegetation of the class Festu-co-Brometea of the coastline of the Sea of Azov has been developed on the basis of own geobotanical research carried out from 2002 to 2014 in the Ukraine (Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) and in Russia (Rostov region and Krasnodar territory). 478 relevés of 16 to100 m2 plot size were sampled in the study area according to the Braun-Blanquet approach (Braun-Blanquet 1964, Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973). Most importantly, the vegetation samples had to meet the criterion of homogeneity. In addition to that, published data from other syntaxonomy studies on coastal steppe vegetation of the Azov Sea was implemented into the data set (62 relevés) (Tyshchenko 1996, 1998, 2000, Dubyna & Dziuba 2007, Grechush-kina et al. 2012). Plot sizes ranged from 16 to 100 m2. Furthermore, 1758 relevés of Festuco-Brometea class from other regions were also used. 466 of them, sampled by D. Vynokurov (2009-2013) in neighbouring areas of the steppe zone of Ukraine, were obtained from the Ukrainian Grassland Database (EU-UA-001) (Chytry et al. 2016). The rest of relevés (1292) from Ukraine, Eastern Europe and Russia were compiled from different literature sources (bibliographic references listed in Vynokurov 2014a). The final data set of 2336 relevés in total was arranged using TURBOVEG 2.0 (Hennekens & Schaminée 2001). Further on, only relevés clearly suborded to the class Festuco-Brometea were included in the data set: This means that relevés with more than 50% of their species diagnostic to other related classes (e.g. to the Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer et al. ex Von Rochow 1951 or Festucet-ea vaginatae Soo ex Vicherek 1972) were removed from the dataset. Because of this, all communities described by Grechushkina et al. (2012), for example, were rejected as they are transitional between steppe, psammophytic and ruderal vegetation. For the analysis, species which were only determined to genus level and cryptogams were removed from the dataset. Also, some taxonomically ambiguous species were combined into aggregates (Table 1). Nevertheless, species names are given in narrow understanding without combining into aggregates for the description of the considered syntaxa. Data analysis Vegetational classification was conducted by means of Modified TWINSPAN (Rolecek et al. 2009), implemented in the software package JUICE 7.0 (Tichy 2002). We used the default settings of JUICE (with three pseudospe-cies cut levels: 0%, 5% and 15%; minimum group size: 5; Whittaker's beta) and tried cluster numbers of up to 15. The analysis was conducted in two steps. First, the entire data set was processed with Modified TWINSPAN to identify the high level syntaxa at alliance level. Secondly, each cluster with relevés from the study area was analysed separately using Modified TWINSPAN with the same parameters as above. Next, associations and subassociations were identified. The type relevés of the associations were used to identify associations within clusters. New associations were established when no types were matched with a cluster. To identify diagnostic species, the phi fidelity index was used (Chytry et al. 2002). It was calculated using presence-absence data with standardization of all groups of relevés to equal size. Non-essential values of fidelity (less than 0.001) were removed on the basis of Fischer's exact test. Fidelity indices were calculated first for the level of association and subassociation. Diagnostic species for the alliance level were calculated after merging associations in alliances. We considered species as diagnostic when phi > 25% and as highly diagnostic when phi > 50% (written in bold letters in the current article); constant species, with frequencies > 25%; highly constant species with frequencies > 50% (also bold). As dominant species we considered those with a mean cover of more than 25%, with a 10% threshold of frequency. 81 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Syntaxa names were specified according to the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000). Species names are given by "Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist" (Mosyakin & Fe-doronchuk 1999). Results The most fitting cluster pattern divided the entire data set into 8 clusters, which could be interpreted as alliances (except cluster D which includes 3 alliances) as they had clear ecological and floristical differences (A-H in the dendrogram, Figure 2). Clusters A (ruderal steppe communities of Artemisio-Kochion prostratae), B (saline steppes of alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae), C (bunchgrass steppes) and H (forb-bunchgrass steppes of Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis) consisted of relevés from the coast of the Sea of Azov, as well as other relevés from the south of the steppe zone. Cluster C did not correspond to any syntaxonomical unit at alliance level. Therefore, we propose a new alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae for the communities of this cluster. Details of the remaining clusters (D, E, F, G), which do not contain any relevés from the study area, are outlined in our earlier publications (Vynokurov 2014a, 2014b). The second step of the analysis yielded only one association for the relevés from the study area within cluster A. It was matched to the Goniolimono taurici-Poetum an-gustifoliae, described by Tyshchenko (1996) for the area of "Obitochna Kosa" Reserve in Northern Pryazov'ya. In cluster B we distinguished between three associations: one n A B E F H Figure 2: Dendrogram for the steppe vegetation after the first step of the analysis (Modified TWINSPAN, Pseudospecies cut level: 3; cut level values: 0, 5, 15; Minimum group size: 5; Whittaker's beta). A-H — alliances: A — Artemisio-Kochion prostratae, B — Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae, C — Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae, D — Festucion valesiacae, Stipion lessingianae, Cirsio-Brachypodion pinnati, E — Potentillo arenariae-Linion czerniaevii, F — Poo bulbosae-Stipion graniticolae, G — Festucion valesiacae (incl. Fragario viridis-Trifolion montani), H — Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis. Slika 2: Dendrogram stepske vegetacije po prvem koraku analize (modificiran TWINSPAN, odrezani nivo psevdo vrst: 3; vrednosti odrezanega nivoja: 0, 5, 15; minimalna velikost skupine: 5; Whittaker beta). A-H — zveze glej zgoraj. was matched to Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pectinati, described by Tyshchenko (2000) for Stepok Island (Fedotova Spit). The other two associations have to be described as new ones: Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae and Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae. The third cluster (C), comprising four associations, is the largest one. Two of them did not match any type relevé and should be considered as new: Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappado-cicae and Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae. Within these new associations, we further differentiated between four subassociations. The other two units of the cluster C match the associations Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae described by Krasova & Smetana (1999) from the northern part of the bunchgrass steppe zone in the Dnipropetrovsk region and Stipo ucrainicae-Agropyretum pectinati, described by Tyshchenko (1996) for the area of "Obitochna Kosa" Reserve. Cluster H, yielded only one association for the relevés from the study area and was assigned to our newly defined association Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis. In total, nine associations and four subassociations were identified in the second step of analysis. The corresponding synoptic table is shown in Table 2 and their distribution displayed in Figures 3 and 4. Individual relevés of the new associations are given in Tables 3 and 4. Discussion All of steppe vegetation of the coastline of the Sea of Azov can be categorised to the Festuco-Brometea class. Yet, it strongly distinguishes itself from other European steppe vegetation by the absence, or insignificant participation, of xero-mesic species from Central-European and Euro-Siberian forest steppes (e.g. Anthyllis vulneraria, Astragalus monspessulanus, Betonica officinalis, Carex caryophyllea, C. flacca, C. humilis, Centaurea jacea, Festuca rubra, Fragaria viridis, Galium mollugo, Knautia arvensis, Linum cathar-ticum, Luzula campestris, Pimpinella saxifraga, Poterium sanguisorba, Primula veris, Salvia pratensis, Salvia verticil-lata, Thymus praecox, Trifolium montanum, Viola hirta, etc.) (Dubravkovà-Michàlkovà et al. 2008, Dubravkovà & Kostàl 2012, Vassilev et al. 2012, Foggi et al. 2014, So-potlieva & Apostolova 2014). Additionally, coastal steppe vegetation of the Sea of Azov is characterised by large number of Pontic species not especially common to Central Europe, namely: Artemisia lerchiana, Artemisia taurica, Astragalus ucrainicus, Bellevalia sarmatica, Euphorbia stepposa, Galatella villosa, Jurinea arachnoidea, Salvia nu-tans, Stipa lessingiana, S. ucrainica, Tanacetum millefoli-um, T. achilleifolium, etc. We propose to place this type of vegetation in the new order Galatello villosae-Stipetalia lessingianae Vynokurov ord. nov. prov., which includes 82 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Pontic-Caspian true steppe vegetation (Vynokurov 2016). Clusters D-G in the dendrogram (Figure 2) should be placed in the Festucetalia valesiacea order. The alliance Artemisio-Kochion prostratae includes steppe communities, which has become ruderal due to overgrazing. Dubyna & Dziuba (2007) suggested two associations for this alliance for the territory of the Azov-Syvash National Park: Artemisio austriacae-Poetum bulbos-ae Pop 1970 and Agropyro pectinati-Kochietum prostratae Zolyomi 1958. However, the analysis showed that these names were used not in the proper understanding but as pseudonyms for Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angustifo-liae, described by Tyshchenko (1996) for the study area. Association A1. Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angustifoliae Diagnostic species: Elytrigia repens, Euphorbia virgata, Thalictrum minus. Figure 3: Distribution of the associations of the alliances Artemisio-Ko-chion prostratae, Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae and Stipo lessingia-nae-Salvion nutantis along the coastline of the Sea of Azov. A1 — Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angustifoliae, B1 — Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pectinati, B2 — Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae, B3 — Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae, H1 — Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis. Slika 3: Razširjenost asociacij zvez Artemisio-Kochion prostratae, Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae in Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis vzdolž obale Azovskega morja. A1 — Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angustifoliae, B1 — Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pectinati, B2 — Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae, B3 — Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae, H1 — Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis. Constant species: Achillea millefolium, Agropyron pectina-tum, Centaurea diffusa, Dactylis glomerata, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Medicago falcata, Phlomispun-gens, Poa angustifolia, Poa bulbosa, Salvia nemorosa, Senecio vernalis, Silene otites aggr., Tragopogon dubius. Dominant species: Elytrigia repens, Festuca valesiaca. Communities of the association are distributed mainly on the slopes of the sea cliffs and surrounding uplands in the Northern (from Rostov-on-Don in the east and Prysy-vashshia in the west), Eastern and Crimean Pryazov'ya. In particular, they are common for slopes to Kryva, Sam-sonova, Bilosarayska, Obitochna, Ochakivska spits, and sometimes along the right banks of Molochny and Utly-utsky estuaries (Figure 3). These communities are characterised by the dominance of rhizomatous and loose bunchgrasses (Elytrigia repens, Poa angustifolia, Agropyron pectinatum) and the co-dominance of xerophilous forbs 83 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Figure 4: Distribution of the associations and subassociations of the alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae along the coastline of the Sea of Azov. C1a — Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum, C1b — Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae, C2a — Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae typicum, C2b — Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae helichrysetosum arenarii, C3 — Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae, C4 — Stipo ucrainicae-Agropyretum pectinati. Slika 4: Razširjenost asociacij in subasociacij zveze Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae vzdolž obale Azovskega morja. C1a — Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum, C1b — Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae, C2a — Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae typicum, C2b — Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae helichrysetosum arenarii, C3 — Tanaceto millfolii-Salvietum nemorosae, C4 — Stipo ucrainicae-Agropyretum pectinati. (Marrubium praecox, Kochia prostrata, Salvia nemorosa, etc.). Firm bunchgrasses of the genera Stipa and Festuca are few because of erosion processes on the slopes. Total vegetation cover of these communities is about 80%. The accumulative species richness of vascular plants in the communities of the association sums up to 284. The alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae comprises saline steppe vegetation. It was described on mud volcanoes of the Kerch Peninsula by Korzhenevskij & Kljukin (1991) within the order Festucetalia valesiacae. Ac- cording to the common approach this type of vegetation is classified as desert steppes (Bilyk 1973). In Ukraine such communities are distributed in the far south of the steppe zone, Prysyvashshia, in the lowlands along the Black Sea and along the Sea of Azov, between the Dnieper and Molochna rivers, and in the Crimean Prysyvashshia. In Russia, the communities of the alliance appear in the valley of the Manych river and along the coastline of the Caspian Sea. Korzhenevskij & Kljukin (1991) have suggested one association within this alliance, named Ferulo orientalis- 84 OHacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Artemisietum tauricae, which combines specific coenoses on mud volcanoes much less common to the study area. They are quite different floristically from saline-steppe communities prevailing in the Sea of Azov coastline. Association B1. Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pectinati Diagnostic species: Artemisia santonicum, Bupleurum marschallianum, Elytrigia elongata, Limonium gmelinii, Poa angustifolia. Constant species: Achillea millefolium, Bromus squarrosus, Cardaria draba, Cichorium intybus, Consolida panicu-lata, Elytrigia repens, Eryngium campestre, Festuca valesiaca, Galium humifusum, Plantago lanceolata, Poa bulbosa, Tragopogon dubius. Dominant species: Artemisia santonicum, Elytrigia repens, Festuca valesiaca. This association was described by Tyshchenko (2000) for Stepok island (loess part of Fedotova Spit), located in the Northern Pryazov'ya. It was included in the Fes-tucion valesiacae alliance, but, in our opinion, it should be considered in the alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae because it is characterized by a number of halo-philic species: Artemisia santonicum, Elytrigia elongata, Artemisia taurica, Camphorosma monspeliaca and others. These communities are distributed in Prysyvashshia, the Crimea, and Pryazov'ya (Figure 3). They are related to alkaline loam ecotopes of the coastline. Total cover of these communities is about 70-80%. The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 132 vascular plant species. Association B2. Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae ass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 3, relevé 1; Location: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia region, Yakymivsky district, neighbourhood ofAtmanay village, 19. 07. 2005). Diagnostic species: Artemisia santonicum, Artemisia taurica, Cardaria draba, Consolidapaniculata, Ferula euxina, Limonium gmelinii. Constant species: Achillea millefolium, Agropyron pecti-natum, Bromus squarrosus, Centaurea diffusa, Elytrigia repens, Eryngium campestre, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galium humifusum, Plantago lanceolata, Poa angustifolia, Poa bulbosa, Salvia nemorosa, Tragopogon dubius. Dominant species: Artemisia taurica, Elytrigia repens, Festuca valesiaca. This association combines desert-steppe communities on chestnut (loam) soils dominated by Festuca valesiaca, Elytrigia repens and Artemisia taurica that occur mostly on upper part of the slopes (Figure 5). Such communities in the study area were referred to Ferulo orientalis-Artemisietum tauricae Korzhenevskij & Kljukin 1991 by Dubyna & Dziuba (2007). However, the floristic composition of these communities is quite different from the original ones described by Korzhenevskij & Kljukin (1991) for mud volcanoes of the Kerch peninsula. Thus, we describe a new association which combines these communities. They are distributed in Prysyvashshia on Kerch and Taman peninsulas within the study area (Figure 3) characterised by a relatively high total cover of vegetation (65-90%). The accumulative richness in the communi- Figure 5: Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae (B2), Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesky district, Kuyuk-Tuk Island, Azov-Syvash National Park, 18.04.2014 (Photo: D. Vynokurov). Slika 5: Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae (B2), Ukrajina, območje Kherson, okrožje Genichesky, otok Kuyuk-Tuk, narodni park Azov-Syvash, 18.04.2014 (foto: D. Vynokurov). O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone ties of the association sums up to 132 vascular plant species. Therefore, this association distinguishes itself by a poor floristic diversity, similar to the previous one. The reason for this being the limiting factor of salinity. Association B3. Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae ass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 3, relevé 12; Location: Ukraine, Kherson region, Novotroitsky district, south suburbs of Druzhelyubovka village, Kutara Cape, 09. 05. 2003). Diagnostic species: Caroxylon laricinum, Cerastium sy-vaschicum, Erodium ciconium, Galium tenuissimum, Lamium amplexicaule, Lepidium perfoliatum, Leymus ramosus, Linaria macroura, Ornithogalum kochii, Pran-gos odontalgica, Taraxacum erythrospermum, Trifolium arvense, Vicia tetrasperma, Viola kitaibeliana. Constant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Artemisia austriaca, Carduus uncinatus, Crepis tectorum, Elytrigia repens, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Kochiaprostrata, Phlomispungens, Poa bulbosa, Salvia aethiopis, Senecio vernalis, Stipa capillata. Dominant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Festuca valesiaca. This association combines transitional communities from saline-steppes to real steppes which are spread on the upper slopes of the coastal zone. The distribution of these coenoses ranges as far as Prysyvashshia (Figure 3). In comparison to the other communities of the alliance, they are characterised by the lowest number of species indicative for saline steppes. Most of them are presented by Leymus ramo- sus, Caroxylon larinicum, Cerastium syvaschium, Artemisia taurica, etc. Conversely, they are characterised by the highest number of true steppe species — Prangos odontalgica, Artemisia austriaca, Falcaria vulgaris, Galatella villosa, Phlo-mis pungens, Stipa capillata, S. ucrainica and others. The significant number of ephemeral plants and ephemeroids (Cerastium syvaschicum, Poa bulbosa, Myosotis micrantha, Lamium amplexicaule, Ornithogalum kochii, Tulipa gesne-riana, Bellevalia sarmatica) is a characteristic feature of the sagebrush steppes (Figure 6). The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 205 vascular plant species. The average total vegetation cover is 70%. The alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae Vynokurov all. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Ephedro distach-yae-Stipetum capillatae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (see below), Table 4, relevés 21-40) includes the vegetation of bunchgrass steppes. Diagnostic species: Agropyron pectinatum, Alyssum hirsutum, Dianthus elongatus, Dicho-don viscidum, Ephedra distachya, Galatella villosa, Pleconax subconica, Tanacetum millefolium. According to our preliminary data (Kolomiychuk & Vynokurov 2014), communities of Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae are distributed in the bunchgrass steppe subzone of Ukraine (according Barbarych 1977), which stretches from the Danube estuary in the west to Taganrog Bay in the east. In the North it is replaced by Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis (forb-bunchgrass steppes). We distinguish between four associations of the alliance and four subassociations in the study area. v,.'-'- ' • v -V oU' - . ' .V* . . . , 4 - ; ¡v.; | ■ v " ■ \A. ,»■ : ,,. ^ > ' - • . - * V - • ■ : • ■. . ft« c „ *■ Figure 6: Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae (B3), Ukraine, Kherson region, Novotroitsky district, Churiuk Island, Azov-Syvash National Park, 18.04.2014 (Photo: D. Vynokurov). Slika 6: Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae (B3), Ukrajina, območje Kherson, okrožje Novotroitsky, otok Churiuk, narodni park Azov-Syvash, 18.04.2014 (foto: D. Vynokurov). 86 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Association C1. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappado-cicae ass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 4, relevé 6; Location: Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district, the eastern neighbourhood of Hla-zovka village, Shyroka Balka stow, slope to the Kerch strait, 18. 09. 2010). Diagnostic species: Dactylis glomerata, Orchispicta, Orni-thogalum flavescens, Plantago lanceolata, Scorzonera mollis, Stipa brauneri, Teucrium chamaedrys. Constant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Artemisia taurica, Bromus squarrosus, Carduus uncinatus, Centaurea diffusa, Dianthus elongatus, Elytrigia repens, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Galium verum, Jurinea mollis, Koeleria cristata, Linum perenne, Phlomis pun-gens, Poa bulbosa, Potentilla recta, Salvia nemorosa, Secu-rigera varia, Silene otites aggr. Dominant species: Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa. This association combines communities on black soils, which cover Pontic and Meiotic limestones the Pliocene. These coenoses are distributed on slopes facing various directions on the Kerch Peninsula (Figure 4). They can be described as an intermediate type of limestone vegetation community . Total vegetation cover is approximately 70%. The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 241 vascular plant species. Subassociation C1a. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cap-padocicae typicum subass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus, diagnostic species: identical with the type of the association) (Figure 7). Figure 7: Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum (C1a), Ukraine, Crimea, Leninsky district, east of Zolote village, Karalarsky Regional Landscape Park, Shovkovytseva bay, 28. 05. 2010 (Photo: V. Kolomiychuk). Slika 7: Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum (C1a), Ukrajina, Krim, okrožje Leninsky, vzhodno od vasi Zolote, regionalni krajinski park Karalarsky, zaliv Shovkovytseva, 28. 05. 2010 (foto: V. Kolomiychuk). Subassociation C1b. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae subass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 4, relevé 18; Location: Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Leninsky district, between Kamyanske and Zavods'ke villages, steppe slope to Arabatska Bay, 08. 06. 2009). Diagnostic species: Alyssum tortuosum, Artemisia ler-chiana, Astragalus pubiflorus, Bromopsis cappado-cica, Dianthus capitatus, Ephedra distachya, Jurinea stoechadifolia, Koeleria cristata, Scorzonera mollis, Stipa brauneri, Veronica verna. Constant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Bromus squarro-sus, Centaurea diffusa, Cephalaria uralensis, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia seguieriana, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Galium verum, Kochia prostrata, Li-num perenne, Medicago falcata aggr., Phlomis pungens, Pleconax subconica, Potentilla recta, Silene otites aggr., Teucrium polium, Veronica triphyllos. In contrast to the previous subassociation, the communities of the subassociation Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae are formed on steeper slopes of limestone, and are characterized by more sparse vegetation (50-60%). Just as communities of the previous subassociation, they are distributed exclusively on the Kerch Peninsula (Figure 4). The accumulative richness in the communities of the association amounts to 213 vascular plant species. Association C2. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae ass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 4, relevé 21; Location: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia region, Yakymivsky district, neighbourhood of Bogatyr village, steppe slope to Molochny estuary, 28. 05. 2008). Diagnostic species: Linaria genistifolia, Stipa capillata. Constant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Arenaria ser-pyllifolia, Bromopsis riparia, Carduus uncinatus, Elytri-gia repens, Ephedra distachya, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca vale-siaca, Galatella villosa, Goniolimon tataricum, Koeleria cristata, Medicago falcata aggr., Poa bulbosa, Potentilla recta, Salvia nemorosa, Salvia nutans, Seseli tortuosum, Silene otites aggr., Tanacetum millefolium, Teucrium po-lium, Thalictrum minus, Xeranthemum annuum. Dominant species: Festuca valesiaca, Stipa capillata. The communities of this association are most advanced of xerosere succession in the region. It is the central association of the alliance, and, accordingly, its distribution area matches with the area of Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae. In the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov these grasslands are mainly to be found on the uplands and upper gentle slopes. They are commonly distributed in North and Crimean Pryazov'ya (Figure 4). The accu- 87 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone mulative richness in the communities of the association amounts to 260 vascular plant species. Total vegetation cover is on average 60-70%. Subassociation C2a. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capilla-tae typicum subass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus, diagnostic species: identical with the type of the association) (Figure 8). Subassociation C2b. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capilla-tae helichrysetosum arenarii subass. nov. hoc loco (Holotypus: Table 4, relevé 32; Location: Ukraine, Zapor-izhzhia region, Yakymivsky district, neighbourhood of Bogatyr village, steppe slope to Molochny estuary, 27. 05. 2008). Diagnostic species: Achillea leptophylla, Artemisia austriaca, Asparagus officinalis, Astragalus varius, Echinops ruthenicus, Ephedra distachya, Helichrysum are-narium, Herniaria besseri, Jurinea multiflora, Kochia prostrata, Limonium sareptanum, Polycnemum arvense, Polygonum aviculare, Thymus x dimorphus, Tragopogon dasyrhynchus. Constant species: Agpopyron pectinatum, Alyssum hir-sutum, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Galium verum, Goniolimon tataricum, Medicago falcata, Poa bulbosa, Potentilla recta, Stipa capillata, Stipa lessingiana, Tanacetum millefolium, Verbascum phoeni-ceum. Dominant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Festuca valesi-aca, Stipa capillata. This subassociation comprises pontic hemipsammo-phytic bunchgrass steppes. They are not widely spread within the observed region and mainly concentrate on the slopes of Molochny estuary, in the Zaporizhzhia region (Figure 4). Next the coastline of the Sea of Azov, such coenoses are distributed in the old estuary of the Dnieper River. The communities form on sandy soils, so they include psammophytic species: Helichrysum arenarium, Astragalus varius, Echinops ruthenicus and Achillea lepto-phylla. The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 159 vascular plant species. The total cover of vegetation is 70-90%. Figure 8: Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capiUatae typicum (C2a), Russian Federation, Rostov region, Azovsky district, west of Semibalky village, steppe slope to the Taganrog bay, 15.09.2010 (Photo: V. Kolomiychuk). Slika 8: Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capiUatae typicum (C2a), Ruska federacija, regija Rostov, okrožje Azovsky, zahodno od vasi Semibalky, stepsko vznožje do zaliva Taganrog, 15.09.2010 (foto: V. Kolomiychuk). 88 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Association C3. Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae Diagnostic species: Bromopsis riparia, Securigera varia, Tanacetum millefolium. Constant species: Aggropyron pectinatum, Alyssum hirsu-tum, Artemisia austriaca, Bromus squarrosus, Carduus uncinatus, Elytrigia repens, Eryngium campestre, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesi-aca, Galatella villosa, Kochiaprostrata, Koeleria cristata, Medicago falcata, Phlomis pungens, Poa bulbosa, Salvia nemorosa, Silene otites aggr. Dominant species: Festuca valesiaca. This association represents disturbed communities as a result of overgrazing. They are in the intermediate stages of pasture degradation. Reducing or ceasing the disturbance factors allows communities to restore and change into the association Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capilla-tae. In the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov, they are widespread (Northern, Eastern Pryazov'ya, and Prysyvashshia) and occupy uplands and retreating slopes (Figure 4). The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 234 vascular plant species. The average cover is 70%. Association C4. Stipo ucrainicae-Agropyretum pectinati Diagnostic species: Serratula erucifolia, Stipa ucrainica. Constant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Artemisia austriaca, Buglossoides arvensis, Carduus uncinatus, Crepis tectorum, Cruciata pedemontana, Elytrigia repens, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Goniolimon tataricum, Iris pumila, Kochia prostrata, Lamium amplexicaule, Le-pidium perfoliatum, Pastinaca clausii, Phlomis pungens, Poa bulbosa, Scorzonera mollis, Stipa capillata, Tulipa gesneriana, Verbascum densiflorum, Viola kitaibeliana. Dominant species: Agropyron pectinatum, Elytrigia repens, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Stipa ucrainica. The communities of this association occupy an intermediate position along the salinity gradient between associations Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae and Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae. They are distributed in Northern and Eastern Crimean Pryazov'ya and Prysyvashshia (Figure 4). They occur on medium steep slopes of the coastline. In the study area they do not cover large areas because of ploughing of surrounding upland eco-topes. The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 122 vascular plant species. The average cover is 70-75%. The alliance Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis includes vegetation of forb-bunchgrass steppes (Vynokurov 2014b). Its distribution roughly coincides with that of forb-bunchgrass steppe subzone of Ukraine (Barbarych 1977). It is marked by the presence of forbs less common for bunchgrass subzone (Stachys recta, Asperula cynanchi-ca, Marrubium praecox, Seseli tortuosum, Potentilla recta, Phlomis pungens, Astragalus onobrychis). In the examined area, communities of the alliance are spread along the coast of the Taganrog Bay and in the Russian part of the Sea of Azov (Rostov region, Krasnodar territory). Association H1. Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis Diagnostic species: Asperula cynanchica, Medicago falcata, Salvia nutans, Stachys recta, Stipa lessingiana. Constant species: Achillea millefolium, Artemisia austriaca, Astragalus onobrychis, Bromopsis riparia, Dianthus elongatus, Elytrigia intermedia, Elytrigia repens, Ephedra distachya, Euphorbia seguieriana, Falcaria vulgaris, Festuca valesiaca, Galatella villosa, Galium verum, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Kochia prostrata, Koeleria cristata, Linum perenne, Phlomis pungens, Poa angustifolia, Potentilla recta, Salvia nemorosa, Securigera varia, Seseli tortuosum, Stipa capillata, Tanacetum millefolium, Teucrium polium. Dominant species: Festuca valesiaca, Stipa lessingiana. This association takes up the central position of the alliance. The presence of these communities at the coast of the Sea of Azov was described by Demina (2012), who included them in Stipetum lessingianae Soo 1949. But, cluster analysis separated relevés from Azov and original relevés from Transilvania in different alliances (Soo 1949). Thus, we propose to include them in Stipo lessingi-anae-Salvietum nutantis described in the forb-bunchgrass steppe zone (Vynokurov 2014b). These communities cover upland areas and gentle slopes. They are not widely spread in the area (distributed in Northern, Eastern and Don Pryazov'ya, Figure 3), but they are characterised by the richest floristic diversity of all the identified associations at plot level. The accumulative richness in the communities of the association sums up to 104 vascular plant species. The average total vegetation cover is 75-80%. In the following, we present a syntaxonomic scheme indicating the most used synonyms and specification of type syntaxa. Class Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & Tx. ex Klika & Hadac 1944 Typus: Brometalia erecti W. Koch 1926 Syn.: Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & Tx. 1943 nom. inval. (Art. 8), Festuco-Brometea Br.-Bl. & Tx. ex Soo 1947 nom. illeg. (Art. 31) Order Galatello villosae-Stipetalia lessingianae Vynokurov ord. nov. prov. Typus: Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis Vynokurov 2014 Syn.: Carici praecoxi-Elytrigietalia pseudocaesiae Solo-makha et al. 2005 nom. inv. (Art. 5) p.p. 89 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Alliance A. Artemisio-Kochionprostratae Soo 1964 Typus: Agrogyro cristati-Kochietum prostratae Zolyomi 1958 Syn.: Artemisio-Kochion Soo 1959 prov. (art. 3b), Agro-pyro-Kochion Soo 1971 (fantom) Association A1. Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angus-tifoliae Tyshchenko 1996 Typus: relevé 2, table 2 in Tyshchenko 1996, p. 69 Alliance B. Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae Korzhenevskij et Kljukin 1991 Typus: Ferulo orientalis-Artemisietum tauricae Korzhenevskij et Kljukin 1991 Association B1. Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pecti-nati Tyshchenko 2000 Typus: relevé 2, table 2 in Tyshchenko 2000, p. 90 Association B2. Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 1, table 3 (this paper) Association B3. Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 12, table 3 (this paper) Alliance C. Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae Vynokurov in Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Syn.: Poo angustifoliae-Ferulion orientale Solomakha et al. 2005 nom. inv. (Art. 5) p.p. Association C1. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum capa-docicae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 6, table 4 (this paper) Subassociation C1a. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 6, table 4 (this paper) Subassociation C1b. Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 18, table 4 (this paper) Association C2. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 21, table 4 (this paper) Subassociation C2a. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae typicum Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 21, table 4 (this paper) Subassociation C2b. Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae helichrysetosum arenarii Kolomiychuk et Vynokurov 2016 (this paper) Typus: relevé 32, table 4 (this paper) Association C3. Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemo- rosae Krasova et Smetana 1999 Typus: Krasova & Smetana 1999, p. 27 Syn.: Crinitarietum villosae Krasova et Smetana 1999, Bromopsidi ripariae-Plantagetum lanceolatae Smetana 2002 nom. inv. (art. 5) p.p. Association C4. Stipo ucrainicae-Agropyretumpecti-nati Tyschenko 1996 Typus: relevé 6, table 2 in Tyshchenko 1996, p. 69 Alliance H. Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis Vynokurov 2014 Typus: Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis Vynokurov 2014 Syn.: Astragalo-Stipion Knapp 1944 sensu auct. ukr., Phlomenion pungentis Saitov et Mirkin 1991 nom. inv. (art. 2a), Chamaecytision ruthenici Smetana 2002 nom. inv. (art. 5), Poo angustifoliae-Stipion capillatae Goncha-renko 2003 nom. inv. (art. 5) Association H1. Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nu-tantis Vynokurov 2014 Typus: relevé 21, table 2 in Vynokurov 2014b, p. 543. Syn.: Stipetum lessingianae sensu auct. ukr. non Soo 1949. Conclusions The vegetational class of Festuco-Brometea of the Sea of Azov coastal zone comprises four alliances. Whether steppe communities are transformed as a result of natural or by anthropogenic factors, they are related to the alliance Artemisio-Kochion prostratae. They are characterised by a significant number of synanthropic species. The vegetation of saline steppes or desert steppes is classified in the alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae. In this alliance we distinguish three associations, two of which we propose as new ones. The vegetation of bunchgrass steppes, which is marked by a powerful block of diagnostic species, did not meet any currently known syntaxonomi-cal unit. Therefore, we describe a new alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae. It features great coenotic diversity and includes four associations and four subassociations. In our study area, the vegetation of forb-bunchgrass steppes is rerpresented by one association which was ordered to alliance Stipo lessingianae-Salvion nutantis. The loess and limestone coasts of the Sea of Azov have been subject to constant and heavy erosion, which is aggravated by currently rising sea levels caused by global climate change. Key factors accelerating coastal erosion processes are the lack of coastal protection strategies, the destruction of accumulative forms that protect abrasion coasts, persistent violations of environmental and water legislation (i.e. construction projects in the protective coastal belt, soil cultivation close to the cliffs). The 90 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone combined impacts of the abovementioned factors lead to increasing incidents of landslides in the coastal area. As a result, steppe ecosystems are lost or replaced by synan-thropic ones. Moreover, the flora of the coastal zone of the Sea of Azov loses its natural makeup while it is more and more anthropogenically influenced. References Barbarych, A.I. (ed.) 1977: Geobotanical zoning of Ukrainian SSR. Naukova Dumka, Kyiv, 304 pp [in Ukrainian]. Bilyk, G. I. 1973: Desert steppe vegetation. In: Barbarych, A.I. 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Achillea millefolium Ajuga chamaepitys Allium flavum Allium paniculatum Allium scorodoprasum Alyssum calycinum Alyssum desertorum Anthemis tinctoria Anthyllis vulneraria Arenaria serpyllifolia Artemisia campestris Asparagus officinalis Asperula supina Aster amellus Brassica elongata Bromopsis pannonica Campanula sibirica Campanula glomerata Caragana frutex Carduus hamulosus Carlina vulgaris Centaurea scabiosa Centaurea stoebe Cerastium pumilum Cerastium fontanum Cerastium semidecandrum Dorycnium pentaphyllum Elytrigia intermedia Eremogone saxatilis Euphorbia nicaeensis Euphrasia stricta Festuca valesiaca Galium aparine Galium mollugo Galium verum Gypsophila altissima Gypsophila fastigiata Hylotelephium maximum Isatis tinctoria Jurinea mollis Jurinea stoechadifolia Jurinea longifolia Knautia arvensis Koeleria cristata Lathyrus pannonicus Leontodon crispus Limonium tomentellum Linaria biebersteinii A. collina, A. euxina, A. millefolium, A. pannonica, A. setacea, A. stepposa, A. submillefolium A. chamaepitys, A. chia, A. glabra A. flavum, A. paczoskianum, A. pseudopulchellum A. paniculatum, A. podolicum A. rotundum, A. scorodoprasum, A. waldsteinii A. calycinum, A. alyssoides A. desertorum, A. turkestanicum A. tinctoria, A. tinctoria subsp. subtinctoria A. vulneraria, A. macrocephala A. serpyllifolia, A. leptoclados, A. uralensis, A. zozii A. campestris, A. marschalliana A. officinalis, A. polyphyllus A. cimmerica, A. praepilosa, A. supina A. amellus, A. bessarabicus B. elongata, Erucastrum armoracioides B. pannonica, B. pannonica subsp. monoclada C. praealta, C. sibirica, C. taurica C. glomerata, C. farinose C. frutex, C. mollis C. hamulosus, C. pseudocollinus, C. tauricus C. biebersteinii, C. intermedia, C. vulgaris C. adpressa, C. apiculata, C. scabiosa, C. scabiosa subsp. spinulosa C. biebersteinii, C. pseudomaculosa, C. stoebe, C. stoebe subsp. australis C. crassiusculum, C. kioviense, C. pumilum Curtis, C. pumilum subsp. glutinosum, C. ucrainicum C. holosteoides, C. fontanum subsp. vulgare C. heterotrichum, C. semidecandrum D. pentaphyllum, D. herbaceum E. intermedia, E. trichophora E. micradenia, E. saxatilis E. glareosa, E. pseudoglareosa, E. stepposa E. pectinata, E. stricta F. pseudodalmatica, F. pseudovina, F. rupicola, F. valesiaca G. aparine, G. spurium, G. vailantii G. album, G. mollugo G. ruthenicum, G. verum G. altissima, G. oligosperma, G. thyraica G. collina, G. dichotoma, G. fastigiata H. maximum, H. polonicum, H. stepposum I. tinctoria, I. praecox J. arachnoidea, J. calcarea, J. mollis, J. transylvanica, J. mollissima J. stoechadifolia, J. brachycephala J. longifolia, J. paczoskiana K. arvensis, K. kitaibelii K. cristata, K. macrantha L. lacteus, L. pannonicus L. biscutellifolius, L. crispus L. hypanicum, L. alutaceum, L. tomentellum L. biebersteinii, L. maeotica 93 O Hacquetia V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov 15/2 • 2016, 79—104 Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Linum flavum L. czernjajevii, L. ucranicum, L. flavum, L. linearifolium Linum perenne L. austriacum, L. perenne Lotus corniculatus L. arvensis, L. corniculatus, L. ucrainicus Minuartia setacea M. leiosperma, M. setacea, M. thyraica Nepeta ucranica N. parviflora, N. ucranica Nonea pulla N. pulla, N. rossica Onobrychis viciifolia O. arenaria, O. gracilis, O. miniata, O. tanaitica, O. viciifolia Ononis arvensis O. spinosa, O. arvensis Silene otites Otites artemisetorum, O. borysthenicus, O. chersonensis, O. densiflorus, O. dolichocarpus, O. eugeniae, O. hellmannii, O. orae-syvaschicae, O. wolgensis, Silene baschkirorum, Silene exaltata Phlomis tuberosa P. hybrida, P. tuberosa, P. scythica Pimpinella tragium P. lithophila, P. tragium, P. titanophila Pimpinella saxifraga P. saxifraga, P. saxifraga subsp. nigra Plantago lanceolata P. lanceolata, P. lanceolata subsp. lanuginosa Plantago media P. media, P. urvillei Potentilla cinerea P. cinerea, P. incana Potentilla argentea P. argentea, P. inclinata, P. neglecta Potentilla recta P. astracanica, P. mollicrinis, P. recta, P. obscura, P. pedata, P. pilosa, P. semilaciniosa, P. taurica Poterium sanguisorba P. polygamum, P. sanguisorba Prunus spinosa P. spinosa, P. stepposa Pulsatilla pratensis P. pratensis, P. bohemica Ranunculus illyricus R. illyricus, R. scythicus Rhinanthus serotinus R. aestivalis, R. serotinus, R. vernalis Rosa spinosissima R. pimpinellifolia, R. spinosissima Salvia nemorosa S. nemorosa, S. tesquicola Salvia pratensis S. pratensis, S. transsylvanica, S. stepposa Scutellaria supina S. creticola, S. verna Sedum sexangulare S. borissovae, S. sexangulare Serratula radiata S. bracteifolia, S. radiata Seseli tortuosum S. campestre, S. tortuosum Seseli libanotis S. libanotis, S. libanotis subsp. intermedium Sideritis montana S. montana, S. comosa Teucrium montanum T. montanum, T. pannonicum Thalictrum simplex T. simplex, T. simplex subsp. galioides Thymus calcareus T. calcareus, T. cretaceous Thymus serpyllum T. glabrescens T. serpyllum Thymus pulegioides T. marschallianus, T. pannonicus, T. pulegioides Tragopogon dubius T. dubius, T. major Valeriana officinalis V. officinalis, V. stolonifera Verbascum chaixii V. austriacum, V. marschallianum Veronica austriaca V. austriaca, V. jacquinii, V. sclerophylla Veronica spicata V. barrelieri, V. maeotica, V. orchidea, V. spicata 94 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Table 2: Shortened synoptic table of steppe communities of the study area with percentage frequencies and phi fidelity indices (in the superscript). Species with frequencies > 20% at least in one cluster or with fidelity > 20% in at least one cluster are included. Tabela 2: Skrajšana sinoptična tabela stepskih združb v preučevanem območju s frekvencami v odstotkih in fi indeksi (nadpisano). Vključene so vrste s frekvenco > 20% vsaj v enem klastru ali navezanostjo > 20% vsaj v enem klastru. Codes of syntaxa A1 B1 B2 B3 C1a C1b C2a C2b C3 C4 Average total cover of vegetation (%) 80 75 75 70 70 55 70 80 70 75 Number of relevés 32 39 35 49 44 26 41 20 51 20 Diagnostic species for the association Goniolimono taurici-Poetum angustifoliae: Elytrigia repens 9430.1 62 57 41 30 19 32 20 65 40 Thalictrum minus 41289 3 11 12 32 25 2 Euphorbia virgata 19253 12 10 Diagnostic species for the association Ferulo orientalis-Agropyretum pectinati: Elytrigia elongata 3 4441.9 2317.4 7 6 5 Bupleurum marschallianum 25355 11 5 Poa angustifolia 28 44279 31165 2 6 Diagnostic species for the association Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae: Cardaria draba 19 31 4630 20 11 10 10 Ferula euxina 12 20294 4 Consolida paniculata 19 31 4928.5 6 5 18 20 25 Artemisia taurica 12 19 49275 16 30 19 5 5 6 20 Diagnostic species for the association Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae Leymus ramosus 3343.1 5 2 10 Prangos odontalgica 2243.1 2 Ornithogalum kochii 6 4334.3 6 5 15 4 20 Lepidium perfoliatum 3 2931.7 30 Taraxacum erythrospermum 3 12 3 2931.6 5 10 Trifolium arvense 6 6 2029.7 5 Lamium amplexicaule 25 3 3928.9 7 5 5 4 30 Cerastium syvaschicum 12 19 14 4127.8 2 6 5 14 20 Caroxylon laricinum 827.3 Vicia tetrasperma 3 1227.1 2 Viola kitaibeliana 9 2726.6 2 5 5 10 50 Erodium ciconium 1626.1 2 2 10 Galium tenuissimum 6 9 2025.4 11 Linaria macroura 1625.1 6 10 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum: Stipa brauneri 3 3228 5049.4 2 Scorzonera mollis 9 4 5025.8 5630.9 14 15 12 30 Bromopsis cappadocica 6 6 2514.3 6958.6 5 10 Teucrium chamaedrys 12 12 6 3432.6 6 9 Orchis picta 3 2331.4 6 5 5 Ornithogalum flavescens 6 2 2331.3 6 5 Dactylis glomerata 28 6 20 2 3626.4 12 5 5 2 Plantago lanceolata 6 44 37 4525.3 14 14 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae: Jurinea stoechadifolia 5 8889.3 2 Dianthus capitatus 2 5668.7 5 Artemisia lerchiana 3 3851.9 5 2 Alyssum tortuosum 1941.6 Astragalus pubiflorus 2 1938.9 50 38 12 12 12 H1 80 17 95 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Codes of syntaxa A1 B1 B2 Average total cover of vegetation (%) 80 75 75 Number of relevés 32 39 35 B3 C1a C1b C2a C2b C3 C4 70 70 55 70 80 70 75 49 44 26 41 20 51 20 Koeleria cristata 19 6 11 8 55146 7528-4 36 25 41 10 75 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae typicum: Stipa capillata 3 12 6 51 11 25 100388 65 18 60 88 Linaria genistifolia 66 6 3629 1 25 12 12 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae helichrysetosum arenarii: Helichrysum arenarium 6 14 50521 10 Echinops ruthenicus 36 3 2 6 50507 12 Achillea leptophylla . 6 3 4 0455 4 12 Limonium sareptanum 3 8 2 9 45413 4 10 12 Herniaria besseri 20386 4 Tragopogon dasyrhynchus 7 6 5 30379 4 Jurinea multiflora 2 9 40373 2 10 25 Astragalus varius 15372 Polygonum aviculare 15345 2 Polycnemum arvense 15345 2 Asparagus officinalis 3 . 14 25321 6 Thymus x dimorphus 16 25 14 35306 2 Artemisia austriaca 22 6. 20 45 2 23 7529-5 5717.2 60 38 Kochia prostrata 22 19 23 41 14 38 23 7526-7 49 30 50 Diagnostic species for the association Tanaceto millefolii-Salvietum nemorosae: Bromopsis riparia 36 3 7 19 36 20 5731.6 50 Securigera varia 22 . 6 2 36 9 10 4727.7 38 Tanacetum millefolium 16 . 3 14 2 32 45 55257 20 50 Diagnostic species for the association Stipo ucrainicae -Agropyretum pectinati: Stipa ucrainica 18 9 5 15 4 80629 12 Serratula erucifolia 6. 20 5 12 9 5 14 7048.4 25 Diagnostic species for the association Stipo lessingianae-Salvietum nutantis: Stipa lessingiana 6. 18 7 9 35 16 8861.1 Stachys recta 2 18 6 5053.6 Salvia nutans 3. 3218.8 20 8 10 6248.3 Asperula cynanchica 3. 11 12 10 12 5045.4 Medicago falcata 38 6 6 8 25 38 27 45 5918.4 10 88379 Diagnostic species for the alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae Artemisia santonicum 12 69519 46304 6 . Limonium meyeri 6 62429 57381 8 2 Limonium tschurjukiense . . . 14224 . Diagnostic species for the alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae: 10 10 Ephedra distachya 3 6 20 6933.5 36 6027 6 10 50 Salvia nemorosa 53 19 26 10 50 12 45 25 65213 20 38 Tulipa gesneriana 2222.1 5 6 2 30 Sideritis montana 3 2 6 1221.3 Jurinea mollis 3 2 2723.3 25 18 5 4 Silene otites aggr. 28 6 20 6 41 44 36 10 53191 20 25 Centaurea diffusa 28 19 34 6 50197 31 14 20 22 10 25 Pleconax subconica 3 12 7 31 9 25 4 20 Myosotis micrantha 6 2021.1 7 14 10 2 H1 80 17 96 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Codes of syntaxa A1 B1 B2 B3 C1a C1b C2a C2b C3 C4 H1 Average total cover of vegetation (%) 80 75 75 70 70 55 70 80 70 75 80 Number of relevés 32 39 35 49 44 26 41 20 51 20 17 Euphorbia seguieriana 25 12 14 20 5914.6 31 41 65 31 30 75 Dianthus elongatus 3 6 3 32181 23 25 10 38 Muscari neglectum 3 11234 5 Diagnostic species for the order Galatello villosae-Stipetalia lessingianae: Agropyron pectinatum 34 19 49 59 32 38 64 85 7515 80 25 Galatella villosa 3 6 6 29 8023.4 75 41 40 37 80 75 Phlomis pungens 31 6 9 43 30 38 23 20 37 30 50 Poa bulbosa 31 31 29 57 34 19 50 30 45 30 Alyssum desertorum 6 20 14 19 9 10 20 10 Carduus uncinatus 12 19 11 57234 41 25 36 33 40 Cruciata pedemontana 3 1415 2 30 Diagnostic species for the class Festuco-Brometea: Galium verum 12 3 3414 44 14 30 6 10 38 Teucrium polium 3 6 9 18 44 4521.5 25 10 10 38 Filipéndula vulgaris 11246 6 Eryngium campestre 25 50 40 16 57 62 7321.5 45 31 10 25 Festuca valesiaca 66 81 57 82 86 81 82 95 9612 80 88 Botriochloa ischaemum 3 1623.2 6 9 Achillea millefolium 38 31 34 12 23 19 5 10 8 20 38 Falcaria vulgaris 44 19 34 47 27 12 36 40 51 40 62 Linum perenne 12 6 6 4523.6 38 5 5 25 10 38 Cerastium glomeratum 11229 6 2 Seseli tortuosum 12 25 14 6 20 6 32 25 12 20 38 Crepis tectorum 22 12 9 33154 7 5 10 8 50 12 Salvia aethiopis 9 17 31241 7 9 15 10 Potentilla recta 19 6 12 34 38 55 3021.1 20 20 62 Senecio vernalis 34 6 6 35209 5 5 14 10 25 Other species: Galium humifusum 22 38 37 8 2 10 22 10 Artemisia absinthium 16245 3 12 Galium aparine 9 12 11 20198 10 Atriplex tatarica 6 9 20217 10 2 10 97 OHacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brojmetea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Table 3: Floristic table of the new syntaxa of the alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae: associations Agropyropectinati-Artemisietum tauricae (rel. 1—10), Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae (rel. 11—20). Tabela 3: Floristična tabela novih sintaksonov zveze Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae: asociaciji Agropyro pectinati-Artemisi-etum tauricae (popisi 1—10), Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae (popisi 11—20). Relevé N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Slope (°) 5 110 15 5 Aspect (°) 160 20 0 90 90 320 90 Cover (%) 60 90 70 90 60 70 70 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 3 15 1 5 0 10 1 1 3 10 1 2 50 340 100 200 170 350 350 180 15 180 10 90 270 70 60 70 65 85 70 70 90 80 70 60 90 70 Diagnostic species fot the association Agropyro pectinati-Artemisietum tauricae Artemisia taurica Anisantha tectorum Consolida paniculata Diagnostic species fot the association Cerastio syvashici-Poetum bulbosae Ornithogalum kochii Cerastium syvaschicum Myosotis micrantha Stipa capillata Taraxacum erythrospermum Diagnostic species fot the alliance Artemisio tauricae-Festucion valesiacae Limonium meyeri . 1 . 1 . + . . . 1 Agropyron pectinatum 2 2. .112.2. Atriplex tatarica ..11.1.... Tulipa gesneriana . + ........ Galium tenuissimum 1 ... + .... . Marrubium peregrinum ......1.11 Cardaria draba . . 1 1 . + . 1 . 1 Peganum harmala .... 1 ... 1 . Trifolium retusum ... 1 ..... . Diagnostic species fot the class Festuco-Brometea Artemisia austriaca . . . 1 . . . . . . Stipa ucrainica Serratula erucifolia Tragopogon major Senecio vernalis Salvia nemorosa aggr. Potentilla obscura ... 1 ... + Bromus squarrosus .....4.1 Crepis tectorum . . + Festuca valesiaca 13 1 Centaurea diffusa 1 . 1 Galatella villosa . 2 . Eryngium campestre ..1.11 + Kochia prostrate ..... + + Poa bulbosa 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 Phlomis pungens ... 1 .. 1 1 Carduus uncinatus . Falcaria vulgaris . 1 . . 1 Lactuca serriola . 1 + . + Verbascum densiflorum . . + . + Linum austriacum . . 1 + + 1 1 + 1 + + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 1 3 4 5 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 + + + 1 1 1 + 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 3 4 4 1 + + 2 1 2 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 . 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 98 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Relevé Ne 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Slope (°) 5 1 1 0 1 5 5 5 3 15 1 5 0 10 1 1 3 10 1 2 Aspect (°) 160 20 0 90 90 320 90 50 340 100 200 170 350 350 180 15 180 10 90 270 Cover (%) 60 90 70 90 60 70 70 70 60 70 65 85 70 70 90 80 70 60 90 70 Other species Elytrigia repens 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 Vicia cracca 1 1 1 1 1 Galium aparine 1 1 1 + 1 Lamium amplexicaule + 1 1 1 Viola kitaibeliana 1 1 1 1 + + Salvia aethiopis 1 1 + + + Anthemis ruthenica + + + 1 Species with small frequency: Achillea setacea (3: 1; 8: 1; 10: 1), Acroptilon repens (3: 2; 18: 1), Adonis flammea (17: +), Alcea rugosa (8: 1), Alliumguttatum (18: +), A. rotundum (2: 1; 7: 1), Alyssum desertorum (11: 1; 12: +; 18: 1), A. hirsutum (7: +; 17: 1), Anthemis cotula (3: 1), Arenaria uralensis (10: +), Artemisia absinthium (8: 1), A. santonicum (20: 1), Asparaguspolyphyllus (14: 1), Astragalus asper (14: 1), A. corniculatus (12: 1), A. reduncus (12: 1), A. ucrainicus (11: 1), Bellevalia sarmatica (11: +), Bromus hordeaceus (6: +; 10: 3), Buglossoides arvensis (13: +), Camphorosma monspeliaca (20: 1), Capsella bursa-pastoris (3: 1; 7: +), Carduus acanthoides (9: 1), C. tauricus (8: +), Caroxylon laricinum (2: 1), Centaurea adpressa (14: 1), C. salonitana (7: +), Cerastiumperfoliatum (4: 1), Chondrilla juncea (7: +), Cirsium arvense (3: 1; 8: 1), Clinopodium vulgare (8: +), Conium maculatum (2: 1), Convolvulus arvensis (3: 1; 5: +; 10: 1), Conyza canadensis (3: +), Cruciatapedemontana (14: 1; 16: 1), Dactylisglomerata (8: 3), Dasypyrum villosum (6: 2), Dianthus elongatus (7: +), Dichodon viscidum (3: 1; 4: 1; 20: 1), Diplotaxis tenuifolia (9: 1), Elisanthe viscosa (13: 1; 19: +), Ephedra distachya (7: 2; 14: 1; 17: 1), Erodium cyconium (18: +), Euphorbia leptocaula (18: +), E. seguieriana (15: 1; 16: 1; 20: 1), Ferula caspica (12: +), Galatella dracunculoides (1: 1; 2: 1; 8: 1), Galium humifusum (5: 1; 10: 1; 17: 1), G. ruthenicum (7: 1; 8: 1), Geraniumpusillum (20: 1), Goniolimon tataricum (1: 1), Heliotropium suaveolens (6: +), Hyoscyamus niger (2: 1), Irispumila (11: 1; 12: 1), Jurinea multiflora (7: +), Koeleria cristata (1: 1; 11: 1; 16: 1), Kohlrauschiaprolifera (6: +; 9: +), Lactuca tatarica (13: 1), Leopoldia comosa (5: +), Lep-idiumperfoliatum (12: 1), Limonium sareptanum (5: 1; 7: +; 17: 1), L. tschurjukiense (19: 1), Linariagenistifolia (1: 1), L. macroura (16: +), Malva mauritiana (6: +), M. pusilla (13: 1), Medicago falcata (4: 1; 7: 1; 14: 1), M. lupulina (13: 1; 15: 1; 16: 1), M. sativa (7: +), Meniocus linifolius (17: 1), Nigella arvensis (5: +), Ornithogalumponticum (18: +), Otites artemisetorum (7: +; 9: +), O. densiflo-rus (7: +; 8: +), Papaver dubium (2: 1; 5: +; 14: +), P. hybridum (9: +), P. rhoeas (9: +), Pastinaca clausii (15: 1), Phelipanche lanuginosa (1: +), Plantago lanceolata subsp. lanuginosa (1: 1; 5: 1), Pleconax subconica (14: 1; 18: +), Poa angustifolia (5: 1; 10: 1), Potentilla argentea (10: 1), P. semilaciniosa (4: 1), Prangos odontalgica (2: 1), Pterotheca sancta (20: 1), Ranunculus oxyspermus (12: +; 16: 1), R. scythicus (20: 1), Scleranthus verticillatus (16: 1), Scolymus hispanicus (5: +; 6: +), Securigera varia (1: 1; 14: 1), Senecio jacobaea (3: +), Seseli tortuosum (1: +; 5: +; 20: 1), Sisymbrium loeselii (18: 1), Stipa lessingiana (12: 1), Tanacetum millefolium (11: 1; 12: 1; 19: 1), Thlaspiperfoliatum (10: +), Thymelaeapasserina (9: +), Trifolium arvense (13: 1; 18: 1; 20: 1), T. dubium (18: +), Trinia hispida (16: +), Valeriana tuberosa (4: +; 13: +), Valerianella costata (4: 1), Verbascum blattaria (1: +; 16: +), V. phoeniceum (9: +), Veronica teucrium (4: 1), V triphyllos (10: +; 11: 1; 20: 1), Vicia angustifolia (4: 1; 6: 1), V lathyroides (4: 1; 14: 1; 17: 1), V tetrasperma (14: 1). Localities: 1 - 46° 21' 04.39'' N, 35° 05' 04.35'' E (19. 07. 2005); 2 - 46° 08' 35.17'' N, 34° 15' 57.90'' E (04. 07. 2006); 3 - 46° 10' 56.70'' N, 34° 14' 31.51'' E (16. 06. 2005); 4 - 46° 08' 14.57" N, 34° 16' 05.60" E (04. 07. 2006); 5 - 45° 21' 25.33'' N, 35° 05' 23.64'' E (12. 08. 2011); 6 - 45° 28' 51.23'' N, 36° 20' 26.61'' E (09. 09. 2011); 7 - 46° 10' 30.35'' N, 34° 45' 24.84'' E (14. 07. 1999); 8 - 45° 21' 42.42'' N, 37° 04' 53.45'' E (22. 05. 2009); 9 - 45° 17' 12.84'' N, 35° 30' 23.13'' E (08. 06. 2009); 10 - 45° 45' 08.57'' N, 34° 42' 38.55'' E (31. 05. 2012); 11 - 46° 13' 38.07'' N, 33° 56' 10.86'' E (09. 05. 2003); 12 - 46° 07' 27.28'' N, 34° 02' 17.52'' E (09. 05. 2003); 13 - 46° 07' 16.34'' N, 34° 27' 02.99'' E (22. 04. 2011); 14 - 46° 04' 57.31'' N, 34° 14' 36.70'' E (12. 05. 2011); 15 - 46° 07' 36.32'' N, 34° 02' 18.03'' E (12. 05. 2011); 16 - 46° 05' 52.01'' N, 34° 01' 25.51'' E (12. 05. 2011); 17 - 46° 23' 54.82'' N, 36° 06' 34.61'' E (13. 05. 2011); 18 - 46° 05' 16.21'' N, 34° 18' 21.84'' E (26. 05. 2010); 19 - 46° 09' 49.81'' N, 33° 48' 43.18'' E (23. 09. 2011); 20 - 46° 35' 52.25'' N, 35° 22' 01.83'' E (27. 04. 2013). 99 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Table 4: Floristic table of the new syntaxa of the alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae: associations Stipo brauneri-Bromop-sidetum cappadocicae (rel. 1—20), Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae (rel. 21—40). Relevé No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slope (°) 7 3 1 5 7 7 Aspect (°) 50 270 10 320 320 40 Cover (%) 70 80 60 60 60 75 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 325 27733 10 15 3 30 270 340 0 10 345 345 360 320 300 0 80 70 70 60 90 60 70 70 60 60 50 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae typicum Stipa brauneri Orchis picta 5 5 24 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae jurineetosum stoechadifoliae_ Jurinea stoechadifolia ..........2 + 3.. 13 Dianthus capitatus .......... .. + . + 1 + Bromopsis cappadocica 1... .1.2. .1113... Cephalaria uralensis ... + ......1..1.11 Diagnostic species for the subassociation Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae typicum Stipa capillata . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3 Linaria genistifolia Diagnostic species for the subassociation Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae helichrysetosum arenarii Helichrysum arenarium Echinops ruthenicus Achillea leptophylla Tragopogon dasyrhynchus Astragalus varius Asparagus polyphyllus Artemisia austriaca Diagnostic species for the alliance Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae Ephedra distachya . . 1 1 . . . . . . 2 1 2 1 Agropyron pectinatum . 1 ... 1 .... 1 Scorzonera mollis . . 1 + . . + + + 11 Poa bulbosa 1 . 1 1 ..... 1 1 Galatella villosa 21331 .4.421 Kochia prostrata . . + + Bromus squarrosus .1.1 Tanacetum millefolium Stipa lessingiana Seseli tortuosum . + . . + . 1 . . . Limonium platyphyllum . + . . 1 1 + . . . Jurinea arachnoidea . + ....... 1 Otites densiflorus ... + .... + + Iris pumila ... 1 Potentilla astracanica Verbascum blattaria Achillea nobilis Teucrium polium .........1.11 Marrubium peregrinum Dianthus elongatus Goniolimon tataricum Chondrilla juncea Bellevalia sarmatica Kohlrauschia prolifera . . + 1 Senecio erucifolius Arenaria uralensis 100 2 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Tabela 4: Floristična tabela novih sintaksonov zveze Tanaceto millefolii-Galatellion villosae: asociaciji Stipo brauneri-Bromopsidetum cappadocicae (popisi 1—20), Ephedro distachyae-Stipetum capillatae (popisi 21—40). 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 37237 10 73757 220 0 0 100 80 150 180 150 90 340 320 50 70 60 80 85 55 70 85 75 60 70 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 10 5 20 15 25 15 20 5 3 7 5 2 120 100 100 100 100 90 100 90 100 90 90 0 70 80 85 85 85 75 75 90 75 70 60 70 331 1 1 . 33 1. 1 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 4 3 2 + 1 1 1 1 . + 11 11 1. +. 1. 11 + 1 1. 1+ 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 + + + + 1 + 1 1 1 2 1 1 + + + + 1 1 + + + 1 + + + 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 + + 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + + + 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 + + 1 1 + + 1 1 2 4 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 2 1 1 1 + + + + 1 + + + + 1 + 1 + + + + 1 1 + + + 1 1 101 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone Relevé No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slope (°) 7 3 1 5 7 7 Aspect (°) 50 270 10 320 320 40 Cover (%) 70 80 60 60 60 75 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 325 27733 10 15 3 30 270 340 0 10 345 345 360 320 300 0 80 70 70 60 90 60 70 70 60 60 50 Erysimum diffusum Verbascum phoeniceum Pleconax subconica Botriochloa ischaemum Linum austriacum Other species Elytrigia repens Consolida paniculata Centaurea diffusa Dactylis glomerata Tortula ruralis Anthemis ruthenica l .l 4l Alyssum i Xeranthemum annum . . . Diagnostic species for the class Festuco-Brometea Festuca valesiaca Eryngium campestre Stipa ucrainica Euphorbia seguieriana Koeleria cristata Salvia nutans Thymus x dimorphus Medicago falcata Salvia nemorosa aggr. Thalictrum minus Galium ruthenicum Ornithogalum kochii Tragopogon major Bromopsis riparia Stachys recta Alyssum hirsutum Achillea setacea Oxytropis pilosa Potentilla obscura Potentilla argentea Asparagus verticillatus Veronica triphyllos Asperula cynanchica Securigera varia Phlomis pungens Carduus uncinatus Convolvulus lineatus . t . t ll 1 1 . 1 t . l ll t . ll l. l. ll l. ll ll ll 3. . t l. 114 11 l.l. .l.. ll.. l 3. ll t t l. t . ll ll t t t 2 l 2 l l t l l l l 2 l t t t l t t t l t t t l l t t 2 l l t t t l Species of low frequencies: Achillea millefolium (3: 1), Adonis aestivalis (11: +), Aegilops triuncialis (15: 1; 16: 1), Agropyron cimmeri-cum (14: +), A. desertorum (19: 1), Ajuga chia (26: +; 37: 1), A. orientalis (27: 1), Alcea rugosa (10: +; 27: +), Allium firmotunicatum (10: +), A. paczoskianum (14: +; 24: +; 38: +), A. rotundum (34: 1; 36: +), Alopecurus vaginatus (15: +; 17: 2), Alyssum tortuosum (17: 1), Amygdalus nana (38: 1), Anisantha tectorum (16: 1; 39: 1), Anthemis cotula (31: +; 32: +; 34: 1), A. tinctoria subsp. subtinctoria (7: 1), Artemisia lerchiana (16: 2; 17: 1), A. marschalliana (27: 1; 36: 1; 37: 1), A. santonicum (12: +), A. taurica (11: 1; 15: 1; 16: 1), 02 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3 7 2 3 7 10 7 3 7 5 7 10 5 20 15 25 15 20 5 3 7 5 2 220 0 0 100 80 150 180 150 90 340 320 120 100 100 100 100 90 100 90 100 90 90 0 50 70 60 80 85 55 70 85 75 60 70 70 80 85 85 85 75 75 90 75 70 60 70 + + 1 + 1 + 2 2 3 4 4 1 3 4 1 1 4 2 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 + 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 + + + + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 1 + 1 1 + + + 1 1 + + + 1 + + 1 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 + + 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 + + 1 3 1 + + + 1 2 2 2 1 + 1 Astragalus henningii (13: +), A. onobrychis (18: 1; 24: 1; 30: 1), A. pubiflorus (9: +; 14: +; 16: +), A. reduncus (8: +), A. ucrainicus (23: 1; 30: 1), Buglossoides arvensis (24: +), Bupleurum marschallianum (5: 1; 28: +), Calophaca wolgarica (30: +), Camelina microcarpa (8: +; 25: 1), Carduus acanthoides (13: +; 24: 1), Carex ligerica (39: 1), C. melanostachya (37: 1), C. stenophylla (40: 3), Centaurea abbreviata (2: +; 10: 1; 28: +), C. adpressa (22: 1), C. lavrenkoana (22: +), C. orientalis (23: +), C. salonitana (1: +), C. solstitialis (6: +; 11: 1), Cerastium heterotrichum (1: +; 23: 1; 27: 1), C. pumilum (15: +), C. sp. (5: 1; 14: +; 28: +), C. syvaschicum (12: +; 22: 1), C. 103 O Hacquetia 15/2 • 2016, 79-104 V. Kolomiychuk & D. Vynokurov Syntaxonomy of the Festuco-Brometea class vegetation of the Azov sea coastal zone ucrainicum (33: 1), Cerinthe minor (28: +), Cladonia rangiformis (21: 1), C. sp. (14: +), Cleistogenes bulgarica (22: 1), C. squarrosa (39: 1), Convolvulus arvensis (25: +; 38: +), Crambeaspera (7: +), Crepis tectorum (8: +; 26: 1; 33: +), Cruciatapedemontana (1: 1), Crupina vulgaris (4: +; 12: +), Cynanchum acutum (23: +), Cynodon dactylon (2: 1; 13: 1; 37: 2), Dianthus carbonatus (38: +), Dianthuspal-lidiflorus (23: 1; 24: +; 39: +), D. platyodon (37: 1; 39: +), Dichodon viscidum (22: 1; 33: +), Echium biebersteinii (10: +), E. vulgare (24: 1), Elytrigia elongata (6: 1; 12: 1), E. maeotica (39: 1), Eremogone rigida (22: 1), Erodium cyconium (8: +), Erophila verna (27: 1), Erysimum repandum (10: +), Filago arvensis (26: +), Filipendula vulgaris (9: 1; 11: 1), Gagea dubia (29: +), Galatella dracunculoides (5: 2; 31: 1), G. rossica (13: 1), Galium tenuissimum (9: +), G. volhynicum (22: +), Glycyrrhizaglabra (24: 1), Goniolimon rubellum (19: +), Gypsophilapaniculata (16: +; 24: 1; 39: +), Herniaria besseri (26: 1; 34: 1; 37: 1; 38: 1), Hesperis tristis (2: +; 8: +), Hieracium sp. (17: +; 19: +; 20: +), H. umbellatum (13: +; 28: +; 34: +), H. virosum (34: +), Hypericum perforatum (2: +; 6: 1; 39: +), Inula aspera (2: +; 5: 1; 31: +), I. germanica (6: 1), I. oculus-christi (20: +), Jurineagranitica (31: +), J. multiflora (36: +; 38: +), J. sordida (13: +), Koeleria glauca (39: +), Lactuca serriola (5: +; 26: +), Lamium amplexicaule (27: 1), Lathyrus tuberosus (1: +; 9: 1), Ligustrum vulgare (31: +), Limonium gmelinii (12: +), L. sareptanum (26: +; 29: +; 39: +), Linaria vulgaris (5: +), Marrubium praecox (28: +; 36: 1), Medicago minima (37: +), M.praecox (8: +; 18: +), Melandrium album (32: 1; 35: +), Melica transsilvanica (14: 1), Meniocus linifolius (21: +; 25: 1; 33: +), Milium vernale (9: +), Muscari neglectum (27: +), Myosotis micrantha (25: +; 33: +; 35: 1), Nonea rossica (21: +), Onobrychis viciifolia (7: 1; 9: 1; 11: +; 40: +), Onosma rigida (3: +; 14: +), O. tinctoria (7: +; 9: +), Ornithogalum flavescens (7: +; 15: +), O. melancholicum (23: +), Pastinaca clausii (1: 1; 22: +), Phelipanche lanuginosa (27: 1), Phleumphleoides (39: 1), Phlomis hybrida (22: +), Plantago lanceolata (2: +), P. lanceolata subsp. lanuginosa (7: 1; 25: 1), P. urvillei (11: 1; 14: +; 27: 1), Polycnemum arvense (39: +), Polygala major (9: 1), Polygonum aviculare (38: +), Potentilla semilaciniosa (29: +), Prangos odontalgica (1: 1), Pterotheca sancta (12: +), Ranunculus oxyspermus (21: 1; 23: 1), Reseda lutea (23: +; 33: +), Rosa adenodonta (21: +), 32: 1), Syrenia montana (37: +), Taraxacum erythrospermum (27: 1), Teucrium chamaedrys (6: 1; 17: 1), T. krymense (3: 1; 10: 1; 14: 1), Thymelaeapasserina (22: +), Thymus calcareus (14: 1), T. marschallianus (27: 1; 29: 1; 37: 1), Trifolium arvense (37: 1), T. campestre (5: 1), Trinia hispida (4: +; 10: +; 20: +), Tulipa ophiophylla (22: +; 32: +), T. gesneriana (3: +), Valeriana tuberosa (22: +; 31: +), Valerianella carinata (15: +; 16: +), V. costata (22: 1), V. turgida (5: 1; 12: +; 14: +), Verbascum densiflorum (23: +; 24: 1; 38: +), Veronica peregrina (16: +), V. polita (15: 1), Vpraecox (32: +), V. sp. (4: 1), V spicata (29: 1), V triloba (15: +), V verna (8: +; 12: +; 18: +), Vicia angustifolia (1: 1), V cracca (23: +), V. tetrasperma (5: 1), Viola kitaibeliana (25: 1; 35: +). Localities: 1 — 45° 28' 09.81'' N, 36° 21' 35.68'' E (28. 05. 2010 3 — 45° 28' 41.59'' N, 36° 17' 30.57'' E (10. 09. 2011 5 — 45° 23' 56.45'' N, 36° 36' 56.32'' E (18. 09. 2010 7 — 45° 26' 54.06'' N, 36° 05' 36.78'' E (07. 06. 2009 9 — 45° 28' 14.47'' N, 36° 12' 13.17'' E (08. 06. 2009 11 — 45° 26' 59.79'' N, 36° 05' 54.19'' E (28. 05. 2010 13 — 45° 28' 07.46'' N, 35° 49' 55.76'' E (09. 09. 2011 15 — 45° 22' 35.18'' N, 36° 02' 34.31'' E (07. 06. 2009 17 — 45° 26' 50.03'' N, 36° 05' 18.17'' E (07. 06. 2009 19 — 45° 19' 52.46'' N, 35° 41' 41.83'' E (30. 06. 2011 21 — 46° 37' 05.97'' N, 35° 17' 54.90'' E (28. 05. 2008 23 — 46° 46' 32.99'' N, 36° 50' 54.38'' E (05. 05. 2002 25 — 46° 56' 17.96'' N, 37° 10' 35.65'' E (05. 06. 2010 27 — 45° 16' 29.47'' N, 36° 57' 16.26'' E (15. 04. 2011 29 — 46° 06' 24.87'' N, 38° 01' 55.37'' E (19. 04. 2012 31 — 46° 34' 02.76'' N, 35° 17' 01.05'' E (27. 05. 2008 33 — 46° 37' 07.02'' N, 35° 17' 54.58'' E (27. 05. 2008 35 — 46° 37' 06.42'' N, 35° 17' 55.46'' E (15. 06. 2008 37 — 46° 33' 03.85'' N, 35° 17' 41.20'' E (02. 07. 2004 39 — 46° 37' 33.24'' N, 35° 17' 00.10'' E (15. 08. 2010 2 — 45° 26' 37.20'' N, 36° 04' 38.97'' E (09. 09. 2011) 4 — 45° 27' 00.14'' N, 36° 26' 21.46'' E (10. 09. 2011) 6 — 45° 23' 57.67" N, 36° 36' 49.89" E (18. 09. 2010) 8 — 45° 19' 16.38'' N, 35° 38' 50.54'' E (08. 06. 2009) 10 — 45° 17' 40.71'' N, 35° 33' 23.31'' E (30. 06. 2011) 12 — 45° 28' 04.72'' N, 35° 49' 53.06'' E (09. 09. 2011) 14 — 45° 28' 46.84'' N, 36° 17' 37.32'' E (10. 09. 2011) 16 — 45° 22' 26.34'' N, 36° 02' 10.98'' E (07. 06. 2009) 18 — 45° 19' 16.91'' N, 35° 38' 48.55'' E (08. 06. 2009) 20 — 45° 17' 45.34'' N, 35° 33' 33.31'' E (30. 06. 2011) 22 — 46° 34' 06.99'' N, 35° 16' 53.21'' E (27. 05. 2008) 24 — 47° 05' 37.49'' N, 37° 42' 56.80'' E (29. 07. 2010) 26 — 46° 32' 29.85'' N, 35° 17' 40.86'' E (26. 07. 2011) 28 — 45° 25' 56.81'' N, 36° 34' 21.10'' E (10. 09. 2011) 30 — 46° 38' 07.57'' N, 35° 50' 48.16'' E (20. 05. 2012) 32 — 46° 37' 05.10'' N, 35° 17' 54.68'' E (27. 05. 2008) 34 — 46° 37' 09.27'' N, 35° 17' 54.48'' E (15. 06. 2008) 36 — 46° 37' 09.06'' N, 35° 17' 56.17'' E (16. 06. 2008) 38 — 46° 41' 42.07'' N, 35° 16' 58.24'' E (15. 08. 2010) 40 — 46° 42' 02.42'' N, 35° 17' 08.63'' E (21. 05. 2010) 104