ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1972 VOLUME 44 20 NEW MEMBERS FOR BRANCH 20 IN FIRST TWO MONTHS OF CAMPAIGN! wm Another officers 100% co-operation! We proudly present Branch 20, Joliet, Illinois. The committee has enrolled over their quota for one-member-per-officer in the 45th Anniversary Membership Campaign. From left, standing are trustees: Theresa Marenti?, Emma Nosse, Frances Hubert, treasurer Jo Sumic and sergeant-at-arms Theresa Muhich; seated from left: secretary, Olga Ancel, president, Emma Planinšek, vice-president, Jo Muster and recording secretary, Josephine Erjavec. Heartiest congratulations! ZARJA - THE DAWN N0T3 MARCH 1972 Vol. XLIV Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Geranak Rd. Chicago IH. 00608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office. 1937 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MARCH National Officer: March 3 — Anne Podgoršek, National Auditor, Duluth, Minn. Branch Presidents: March 5 — Theresa Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. March 5 — Anna Kastelic, 3r. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 8 — Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 36, Nashwauk, Minn. March 10 — Helen Shuster, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. March 15 — Mary Ann Brletich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 15 — Betty Matjašič, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. March 16 — Paula Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. March 20 — Frances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 20 — Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. March 21 — Mary Kameen, Br. 7, forest City, Pa. March 23 — Slyvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. March 31 — Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. Secretaries: March 1 — Ann Stich, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. March 4 — Anna Trdan, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 8 — Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, III. March 9 — Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90. Oakmont, Pa. March 21 — Mary Camloh, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio March 23 — Ella Starin, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio March 25 — Frances Kucic, Br. 27, Braddock, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! On Die Cover The appeal to all branches has gone out - make this membership campaign yours by enrolling one new member per officer! This is a challenge and a necessity. If you follow it, your branch will benefit and the entire organization as well. We will publish the picture of every branch reaching 100% officer's quota on the cover page of ZARJA according to the order in which your complete package of new members is sent to the S.W.U. Home Office. We hope you will work for this tribute in ZARJA as we are pleased to present it. Good luck and good work! EDITOR DATES TO REMEMBER ... Mar. 18 — SAUSAGE SUPPER, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. noon to 6 p.m. Mar. 18-19 — MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, LA SALLE, ILL. PLA MOR BOWLING LANES, 51 3rd St. April 9 — GAMES PARTY, Br. 2.3, Ely, Minn. April 9 — 36th ANNIVERSARY OF BR. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. — Holy Mass at St. Jude’s Church, 10:30 a. m. April 10 — BOWLERS BANQUET, Br. 20, Joliet, III. Apiil 20 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. April 28 — ANNUAL CARD PARTY, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. May 2 — MOTHER’S DAY NOON LUNCHEON, Br. 54, Warren, O. May. 11 — MOTHERS DAY MASS, 7:30 p.m., Br. 2, Chicago, 111. May. 13 — DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL, Celebrity Room, Eastgate Plaza, Mayfield Hgts, Ohio June 22— CARD PARTY & SOCIAL, Er. 55, Girard, O. Oct. 15 — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Oct. 19 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Bi. 17, West Allis, Wise. For members and their families: SeAt Opportunity Cder tc J/ij to Qotiewia in Rummer otf 1972 at the i.ou>eAt Jared! Direct flights from Cleveland to Ljubljana: June 17 — August 18 July 8 — August 25 June 23 — July 16 July 30 — August 31 July 2 — July 30 Direct flights from Chicago to Ljubljana: July 1 — July 23 July 29 — August 29 July 8 — August 25 Round trip Jet fare $298.00 Children rates quoted upon request. Group flights via New York begin May 17 until Sept. 6 and are from 3 weeks bo 3 mos. These flights are on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines all the way from New York to Ljubljana (using Jumbo Jet Boeing 747 from N. Y. to Amsterdam). The estimated prices; in off season about $240.00 - in season about $330.00. Children under 12 pay half fare and infants 10%. For more information contact: HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. 589 East 185 Str., Cleveland, Ohio, 44119 or: Mrs. Corinne Leskovar 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARDED TO MRS* PRISLAND On Wednesday, January 26, the second annual Recognition Banquet was held at the Grand Executive Inn in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Mayor Roger D. Schneider, who originated the idea for the special recognition night, served as master of ceremonies. Among the 40 citizens honored, Mrs. Marie Prisland received two awards. In the category of those individuals who have not only served their community but also brought national acclaim to the city of Sheboygan, Mayor Schneider presented her with the Community Service Award. Simultaneously, he presented her with the Certificate of Merit, conferred upon Mrs. Prisland by the Slovenian Research Center of America. This is a group of Scholars who are tracing the emigration of the Slovenians throughout the world and compiling a history of their fortunes in the various lands. The headquarters are in Cleveland, Ohio. As he made the presentation, Mayor Schneider said, “Mrs. Prisland is an outstanding member of our city. In addition to being author of "From Slovenia to America” she has given years of service on the Library Board, has written many articles, is a charter member of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, the only living charter member of her parish Christian Mothers Society, the founder of the Slovenian Women’s Union, a national organization, was decorated with the Cross of St. Sava by the Yugoslav government; she exemplifies leadership in church work and community service. I have been to her home and have discussed community matters with her on several occasions”. Approximately 200 persons in attendance added their applause as Mrs. Prisland approached the podium to receive the plaques. Among those present were her husband John, Maxi* Prisland: IN MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGNS we often hear the expression that it is hopeless to get new members because everyone is already enrolled. That is not true! Many, too many nice ladies we know are not as yet members of our Zveza. Aproach them, point out the many benefits they will have by joining. First: To be a member of a woman's national organization is in itself an honor especially for those, who are proud of their Slovenian heritage. Second: They will enjoy the company of other members, all fine people. Third: Their assessment will help our youth to attain higher education by receiving Zveza’s scholarship grant. Fourth: ZARJA, our monthly publication, has interesting reading material which they will enjoy, and lastly - the death benefit. All this a member receives for a few dimes, which we sometimes throw away for something we don’t even need or like. The assessment is 45 cents per month for Class A (your husband can't even buy a good drink for that). Class B assessment is 70 cents and the death benefit is much higher. OFFICERS, go to work! Look around, and you will easily find some relative, a friend or a new acquaintance whom you will enroll. Remember: EVERY OFFICER — ONE NEW MEMBER! SPRING ELECTIONS Miss Elsie Brager and Miss Nancy Simenz, members-officers of Sheboygan branch are candidates for re-election to the aldermanic position in the Sheboygan City Common Council. Primary elections will be held March 7th, general elections April 4th. We appeal to all members living in the Second Ward and in the Fourth Ward to vote for Elsie and Nancy, and recommend them to their families and friends. Both our Slovenian ‘'aldermen” conducted their office in the City Council in a most exemplary way and were a credit to the Slovenian nationality. They certainly deserve to be re-elected. Sheboygan awardee, Mrs. Prisland. her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer, Elsie Brager and Nancy Simenz, both of whom are members of the City Council and your reporter. It Mas a very proud moment for all of us. During the reception which preceeded the banquet, Mrs. Prisland was surrounded by many who extended their congratulations. The following morning, I had the opportunity to speak with Mrs. Arnold Sdano, secretary to the Mayor and chairman of the banquet, who said, “Mrs. Prisland certainly deserves the awards she received”. Our local radio station, W.H.B.L. singled out Mrs. Prisland in their coverage of the event. The Christian Mothers Society expressed their appreciation to her, as did the Rev. Louis Koran and the parishioners of Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church. We of Zveza are very pround of her. DOROTHY KREGEL Reporter March Message from the President 45TH ANNIVERSARY You have all read about the new campaign that is now in effect and the deadline was May 31, 1972. It has been decided that the campaign oe extended to June 30, 1972. In last month’s issue I hope that you all read my article and why I am emphasizing this campaign because Zveza is celebrating its 45th Anniversary and my wish is that we enroll the most members during this campaign and exceed all previous campaigns held the past 40 years. We are very fortunate that we still have our Founder with us, Mrs. Marie Prisland, and her greatest wish is that each officer of your respective branch enroll one new member. I think this is a very good idea for your branch as this way the branch will increase your membership and will replace some of the members that have left us which was God’s will that He has called them. Another reason is that many of our members and officers who have joined in the past 45 years are getting up in age and are ailing and is a hardship to be active either as an officer or member and attend the meetings and would like to give up their posts. We all realize this stuation and it would be very nice if the younger members would be so kind and take over in your respective branches where one of your older officers is unable to perform her duty and would be very grateful to you to relieve her from her office. My parents taught me to respect and help the people that are up in age. Here is where you can help your branch and your older members by trying to do your part by taking office or helping in any way for the benefit of the branch and its members. (Give this a great deal of thought). Now I appeal to all you members and officers who have given your time and were active in one capacity or another during the years you have been a member. Help this campaign by enrolling your daughters, granddaughters and friends to join and be active. With your help and qui-dance they shall follow your footsteps and make a very active Slovenian Women’s Union member. Branch enrolling most new members shall receive a nice purse of which will be well worth working for. Branches get busy. Deadline is June 30, 1972. Happy Anniversary to Branch 81 Keewatin, Minn, organized April 22, 1937 by Caroline Kozina * * * WOMEN’S GLORY-KITCHEN COOK BOOK NEW EDITION We now have a large supply of cook books on hand. They sell for $4.00 each including postage. They also can be purchased from your branch. To all branches that are interested in handling them we give a nice discount; with this discount you can build up your branch treasury. Just a few History Books (From Slovenia to America) and Song Books (Zapojmo) are still on hand. Write me for more information. Wishing all a Happy Birthday celebrating this month of March and a speedy recovery to all ailing. Just recived a call sad news that our State President of Pennsylvania, Mary Tomsic’s "on, Frank passed away. Our sincere sympathy to Mary Tomsic and her family on the loss of her beloved son. TONI TUREK ACTIVITIES NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. We would like to introduce three new members: Mesdames Olga Maynard, Josephine Yerasha and Florence Guenther and wish them a hearty welcome! The City of Sheboygan on January 26th honored its outstanding citizens with a Certificate of Community S;rvice Award. Mrs. John Prisland (Marie) was one of the honorees. Mayor Rodger Schneider presented the Awards. Ot Mrs. Prisland he said, "she is a lady who publicized the folk tradition of a major segement in the Community in the book From Slovenia to America, and is especially honored for her writing on Sheboygan Slovenian population; in addition she has many years of service on the library board, Red Cross, Girl Scouts, church work and various community service organizations.” The Mayor also presented her with a Certificate of Merit, forwarded from the Research Center of America by President, Dr. George E. Gobetz of Cleveland, Ohio. Our best wishes for a great victory to our two Slovenian Alderman, Elsie Braeger and Nancy Simenz for re-election in the primary to be held in spring. We extend our belated congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tagel upon their 60th wedding anniversary. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Mesdames Anna Zoran and Josephine Schuette and their families each upon their bereavement since the loss of their dear mother and grandmother. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary NO. 2. CHICAGO, ILL. January cold wave didn’t frighten our members. The temperature outside was below ze'o, but St. Stephen’s was buzzing with warm activity as .about 25 of us participated in a lively monthly meeting. We heard the financial report for 1971. And we're happy to hear that we have a nice bundle of money for our Sunshine Fund. Our teasurer, Liz Zefran, deserves a big thank you from all of us for her business and money know-how. At our Christmas party the parents were amazed and the children thrilled with the toys they received. Lizzie found them all at a great bargain and that’s why we have money left over. Thank you, Lizzie. Incidentally, she is collecting old nylon stockings, Christmas cards and used shavers for nursing homes where they will be put to a good use. Please don’t discard these items, but bring them to Zefran’s at 1941 W. Cermak or to our next meeting. The officers or 1972 were officially sworn in at this meeting by our spiritual director, Father Thomas Hoge. I feel that we all sincerely meant it when we promised to do our best in the coming year. The officers must give good example and encouragement to the members by coming dilligently to the meetings and be willing to be the first to do whatever chores are required to keep our organization running smoothly. Our campaign for new members is going very well. We already have thirty-five new candidates. At our January meeting the following new members officially entered our ranks: Jean Lenart, Jennie Intihar, Alice Martinčič, Lillian Otrin and Anne Scies-zka who also enrolled her two boys. A warm welcome to all of you. We picked our mother of the year, Mrs. Pavla Ozbolt who has been our faithful member for many, many years. As a good friend to many, she received our unanimous vote. Congratulations and our best wishes, Mrs. Ozbolt! Winter seems to bring depression and a lack of energy to many people. Illness strikes even the hardiest. Our branch is no exception and the following members are ill or were ill enough I -------------------------------------------------------- j 36th ANNUAL MIDWEST S.W.U. BOWLING TOURNAMENT ; March 18-19, 1972 J BR. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. j Saturday afternoon and evening, Doubles & Singles Event j Sunday afternoon from 12:00 until closing, Team Event 5 PLAY-MOR BOWLING LANES J 51 3rd St. " LaSalle, Illinois ! Welcome bowlers, visitors and all spectators! ; GOOD LUCK AND GOOD BOWLING! u LIZ ZEFRAN, Sec’y NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL BOWLING NEWS to be hospitalized: Clara Kosmach, Mary Šinigoj, Mary Stuck, and Veronika Kolenko. Many more members are ill with the cold and that awful flu. May everyone recover soon. If you know of any member who is sick, please notify Mrs. Fani Zibert or our secretary, Mrs. Fanika Humar. Mrs. Zibert is the kind lady who tries to cheer our sick members by sending them cards and hankies. For our March meeting we have invited Dr. Angela Chemazar to tell us about her work as the director of Catholic Charities. We are certain that her talk will be interesting and enlightening to all of us and we urgently ask you to please attend. We will probably hear a lot of good ideas about doing something worthwhile with our Sunshine Fund. See you at the next meeting, Thursday, March 9, at 7:30. Sincerely, KRISTA ARKO NO. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO If you read my article of the meeting in December in Slovenian, I stated we were without a president and secretary. Well, we have good news to report! Our oresident, Ann Markovič accepted the duties of president again for the coming year and so did our secretary, Mary Camloh. Thanks to both of these ladies for their co-opera-tron and help. On March 8th, 1927, our branch was organized. The ladies who joined that first meeting became the charter members. Most of them are gone now, as we go into our 45th year. They Were the strong backbone of the organization and they kept things going. Because most of us up in years, we will not be celebrating any big occasion —it's hard to get anyone to participate. Some ladies are ailing— they just can’t do the work anymore. So, in honor of our 45th anniversary, we’d like to ask each member to donate a dollar to our treasury. I’ll be very frank with you; we need that money to continue on. Congratulations to Patricia Frances 2rmsek who has joined our adult class after being a junior for many years. 1971 was a bad year for us. We lost 10 fine members; with the passing of our members our membership is going down all the time. We are always interested in new members —do you have some one you can sign up? Think big! (Turn to P. 4.) The Chicago S.W.U. bowling league is in the throes of midwinter cold and snow, but the competition on Tuesday nights is keeping us all heated up. As of January 18, Marquette Super Service, with a record of 43 w'ns and 17 losses, had a six-game lead. Tied for second with 37 wins and 23 losses, were Zefran Funeral Home and Dr. Grill. Zefran’s had a tremendous 11-1 record during the month. K. and K. Market (35!/ž and 241/£) fell to fourth place. There were some unusually high scores during January, but Chris Wrez-zes walked off with hop honors as our bowler of the month. Chris’ series was only 440, but that was 125 pins over her 105 average. She had games of 120, 183, and 137. Dorothy Maes rolled games of 172, 190 and 199, for a 561 series, which was the highest of the month. This was 120 pins over her 147 average. Marietta Clement, one of our newer bowlers, was 113 pins over her 94 average with a 395 series. Shirley Melissa came up with a 535 series— 97 pins over her 146 average. Kathy Sveda’s 400 series was 84 pins over her 106 average. Some of the high scores of the month: A. Vucko, 537 (220 game) and 528; H. Fitzgerald, 527 (212 game); S. Gorka, 524 (204 game) and 510; B. Schacht, 513 (220 game). Barb Haas had a 205 game. Railroad pick-ups for January; F. Smulski, 5-7 and 3-10; A. Hozzian, 5-7 and 6-7-10; S. Melissa, 3-10 and 4-5; R. Swartz, 3-6-8, 4-5-7 and 5-7-9; A. Vucko, 5-6 and 3-10 (2); J. Ja-kubowski, 2-8-10 and 5-10 (2); L. Zefran, 5-8-10; E. Statkus, 3-7; G. Nied- zielko, H. Fitzgerald, B. S e I i g, L. Ovnik, 5-7; R. Haas, 3-10 (2); C. Wrezzes, 4-5-7; L. Putzell, 2-7. Hope we are out of the deep-freeze when I see you next! BARBARA ZUREK NO. 20 JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Just a few “500” series rolled in January. Marge Gasperich had a 518 with a 200 high game. She really has been knocking those pins down. Marge Wajchert also had a 504 series with a 187 high game. Marilyn Nemanich just missed her 500 series — she rolled a 498 with 191 high game! Team standings: Sheps Sunoco Service Station, 37 wins, 23 losses; Northwest Rec. Club, 32-28; Fred C. Dames Funeral Hime 31-29; Tezak Funeral Home, 29.5-30.5; Merichka’s Restaurant, 26-24 and American Slovenian Home, 24.5-25.5. Louise Hedrick who replaced Shirley Goran is hearily welcome. Sorry to see Shirly leave and hope she will return next season. Splits picked up by Barbara Bush, 2-7-10; Jo Mlakar, 5-8-10, Betty Lako-tich, 3-10, Mary Lou Barbie, 2-7 and 4-5, Ann Kobe, 5-7 and Marge Wajchert, 6-7. Don’t forget the 36th anniversary S. W. U. Midwest Handicap Bowling Tournament at Play Mor Lanes, La Salle, III. on Match 18th and 19th. LaSalle is that town that has the hostess with the mostess! Have fun and knock those pins down! A Valentine Party was held on Feb. 14th and a good time was had by all. The Spring Sweeps will be held March 27th and the Banquet April 10th. Well, girls, that's al! for now and see you next month! GEN KLAINSEK NO. 10: A couple days after Christmas we lost a well Known lady from the Col-linwood area, Mrs. Mary Vinsek. She was 92 years oid and operated a tavern tor many years. Also, another member, Jennie Kosir, a well-Known cook of weddings and banquets passed away. She attended our meetings frequently and it was a shock to see her go. On Jan. 9th in the new year, we lost Ursula Ilovar age 90 years. To all the remaining families and friends of our departed members, we send our deepest sympathies. To our members, may the perpetual iight shine upon them! I have a massage to all of you from the secretary, Mary Camloh. She asks that if you are making your payments by mail, please send checks, not cash, and in her name only, —do not make it to Slovenian Women’s Union. Another message: we will not publish notices of our meetings in the Slovenian papers anymore. Just remember we hold our meetings on the 2nd Sunday at 2 o’clock every other month. Our very best wishes to all sick members and happy birthday to you! SOPHIE MrtGAYNA NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. A belated wish for a happy and prosperous new year for everyone all over these United States and I hope most of you at least vowed to be a better participating member of your organization. That way you get to know one another and get better ideas of how you would like your meetings run and when someone brings up a proposed trip or social event, we can better satisfy you as it isn’t fair for only a few to always make suggestion which you may or may not agree with. So, let’s try to attend at least a couple of meetings if not all of them. Perhaps we should start giving attendance prizes. In spite of a fresh and wet snow fall, we had a ‘lucky 13” women show up for the first meeting of the year which is pretty good for the first meeting of the year which is pretty good for this condition. But as the weather gets warmer, let’s try to make it more aften as we always have lunch and our favorte games after the meetings. The meeting went on in its orderly manner the same officers were installed again. Doesn’t anyone like to be a reporter? If so, please volunteer. A trip to "Our Lady of Snows” was suggested for the month of May. It would be a weekend tour. Interested members, please contact Mrs. Plesko or any of our other officers so we can have an idea of how much interest there is with the idea and please, do it by April 1st, at least, because the bus and reservations will have to be made about 6 weeks before the date. Got any ideas about a meeting place? The rent has been made on a yearly basis whether we use the hall or not, so we’re looking for other ideas. Interest in a card party has been suggested also, but no date set as yet. The meeting ciosed with prayer and special prayers for the sick especialy Mrs. Alpner who was in the hospital. Helen Presechnik passed away last mnnth — she was our only death for 1971. Remember the departed and our sick members in your prayers. Dues can be paid at your meetings too, so let’s see more of the membership at the next one. Thanks to all whose who so faithfully worked and donated time and money for the branch during 1971. We do appreciate it! Sincerely, MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Happy News: Our past Treasurer for many years Katie Plut and Matt Plut celebrated their 50th wedding Anniversary or January 15th the exact date of their Wedding. Katie and Matt have lived on Kranski Hrib their entire wedded life. Sons Eddie and Richard and their wives Connie and Regina planned the entire evening which proved to be a wonderful and happy one. Of the wedding party only the flower girl Mary Rezak Shobar lived to be present and enjoy this happy occasion with Katie and Matt. Being surrounded by their five grandchildren and their family at the head table, along with Father Vital Vodušek seemed to bring out the happiest expression on both Katie and Matt presented Katie with a beautiful orchid and a gold and opal ring; this surprised and pleased Katie. I was most one of the family and was able to be present with my family enjoying visiting with many friends we have not seen in a long time. It is times like these that make friends come together in a good and happy mood. Their life, needless to say, was a difficult struggle in their youth as it was for all, but Katie and Matt never seemed to lack for good humor thus assuring many friends who were all glad to see these two fine people reap such harvest of good things in later life. They live for their families and spend much time together. The children adore Grandpa and Grandma as the house is always a place to come for goodies, home made potica, cookies etc. are always on Katie’s table (I know from personal experience) and hospitality is extended always. We all wish for this lovely family continued good health, happiness and contentment with life itself. The 160 people who attended the anniversary dinner (cooked by Joe Nanut) at the Slovenian Hall all had a wonderful time, dancing, drinking and generally having one grand time. Katie was dressed in a pink lamei dress with silver shoes and bag and she looked more like a bride than a 50 years celebrant. Matt wore a nice dark suit and he simply beamed each time he looked at Katie. I’m afraid this marriage will last another 50 years from the looks of things. Happiness to you Katie and Matt! Sad News: This will be a simple article as it is about a simple and good person, my beloved Teta Katie Judnich who passed away January 29th (my Dad passed away the same day 19 years ago). This dear lady was my mother's aunt aitho younger than my Mom. If the word Mother comes to mind we immediately think of Teta as she truly depicted the true meaning of the word. Her heart was so large, love just flowed f-om it freely and touched all those close to her. Her life was a difficult one as she was widowed very young and had to practically raise her own family of four wonderful children, Helen Sustarich, Josephine Aiuto Virginia Sustarich, and Matthew Judnich (the girls all members and former officers of S.Z.Z.) which she did uncomplainingly. With all her work she was never too busy to help a needy neighbor and because of her my Mom suffered much less during her long illness, and when Mom passed away she made our burden so much easier just standing by with her smiling face, and her help. Her epitaph should read ‘‘In life Katie Judnich never did anyth- ----------------------------THE TIME HAS COME---------------------------------- Dear Sisters: The time has come when all of us officers must go to work. The present MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN is dedicated to us and has the slogan: EACH OFFICER — ONE NEW MEMBER. Let s get to work and place our branches in the front lines! Our love and our loyalty for Zveza is at stake. Let’s celebrate its 45th anniversary in the only proper way by each officer enrolling at least ONE NEW MEMBER! MARIE A. FLORYAN National First Vice-President West Allis, Wisconsin Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM: PLAN FOR LENT How are we to observe Lent this year? The building blocks of fasting, almsgiving and prayer are still the key works of this season. FASTING. Although we no longer are obliged to fast during Lent under pain of sin except on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, our Bishops have recommended a self-imposed observance of fasting. Thus, fasting has not been done away with; it has simply been transferred from the catagory "mandatory” to that of “voluntary”. As with all form of penance, we can please God more by undertaking this holy discipline on our own than by doing it under command. Laudable as it is to give up candy or beer or cigarettes, we should remember to direct our greatest efforts toward fasting from sin and vice. To determine which area of our daily life needs the most attention, have but to recall our confessions of the past year. Was there any sin or fault that kept cropping up - maybe lack of patience with our family, uncharitable speech about our neighbors, hostile feelings toward a fellow worker? Our answer will point out what we should be fasting from. ALMSGIVING. Though this word is not used much among us, the practice of giving must never become obsolete. Again, our Bishops tell us: Let us witness to our love and imitation of Christ by special solicitude for the sick, Poor, the underprivileged, the imprisoned, bed - ridden, the discouraged, the stranger, the lonely, and person of other color, nationality or background than our own. Certainly each of us knows some person in one of these categories to whom we can give of ourselves and of our goods. We Americans are known worldwide for our generosity; Lent is no time to put a freeze on this worthy virtue. PRAYER. Let it be said right away that frequent or even daily participation in Holy Mass is the best way of Praying. The Eucharist is our source of strength, our chief nourishment during this season of fasting and giving. If we cannot attend Mass because of our job, perhaps we can make it to the Stations of the Cross. The practice of spiritual reading and meditating on the suffering of our Lord is one home practice that does not require much physical effort and should be ideal for shut-ins, the bed-ridden, the elderly, busy housewives, and tired fathers. The family rosary has always been a worthwhile prayer form. At those times when these formal ways of praying are not possible, let us remember that prayer is simply talking and listening to God in love. CHARITY. As pre-condition and end result of all our lenten efforts, let charity, the genuine love of God and neighbor, inspire everything we do; with out it our fasting, our prayer, our giving is of no account, as St. Paul tells us: “if | give everything I have to feed the poor and hand over my body to be burned but have not loved, I gain nothing. 'ng but good, she did not have one single enemy and never knew an unkind word or deed; all who knew her loved and respected”. I wonder how many of us can admit to the same? There is so little one can say to the family at this time except to say walk in the shadow of your beloved Mother and life will bless you many, many times. To be even a little like dear Teta is a wonderous thing. In passing into the garden of Heaven there are Jolietans Mourn Sr. Perpetua On her 91st birthday, Sr. M. Perpetua was feted at a party at St. Joseph's in Joliet and is seen here in a photo taken of her and cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Erjavec and Mrs. Frances Hubert. “The Lord has called another one of our dear ones to Himself”. With these words, the Slovenian Franciscan Sisters of St. Francis in Joliet, III., announced the passing of their dear Sister M. Perpetua Kaiser, born in Dvor at St. Vid near Ljubljana Slovenia on April 18, 1881. This year she would have been 91 years young. Sr. Perpetua came to America in 1905 and became a nun in 1914. Her first assignment was teaching the little ones at St. Joseph’s school. She remained there until 1944 when she took up a lighter occupation in general domestic work and sewing at the Prep, St. Francis Assisi, Sacred Heart - Lillyville, and Assumption. From 1954 to 1962 she assisted wherever she could be of help at the Guardian Angel Home. She resided at Our Lady of Angels since 1962 and was there until her death. Sr. Perpetua leaves a family of mourners in the midwest and many, many former students whom she taught in Joliet. Her funeral rites were said on February 1st and she is buried in Resurrection Cemetey in Lockport. III. In remembering Sr. Perpetua !n our prayers, we realize the profound mystery of life. She was 91 years of age at thr; time of death, but she did not die from old age - she had caught a cold. She was always active and interested in everything in her surroundings and this kept her young. May she rest in eternal and sweet peace. J.E. many good people waiting with arms outstretched for dear Teta, let her walk into Heaven be easy and happy knowing full well all that is good has been left Dehind for those who love her. She knew only that she was loved by all and that God would be good-this is ner teaching. Teta Katie brought me into Zveza in 1937 and ever sang the praises of Zveza. She prompted us to become active as we all did. My cousins and I have all held office and worked for Zveza. Church was ever near nnd dear to Teta’s heart and it pained her that because of illness she could not attend and was unable to see her friends on the Church steps on Sundays and Holidays. She lived her religion fully and applied the word of God to her daily life. May God meet you at the Gate of Heaven and lead you to your friends dear Teta. We who are left behind will Final Scholarship Announcement The deadline for mailing the required material to compete for a 1972 scholarship is March 31st. There is still time to meet that deadline if you act immediately. High School graduating seniors, please write to Mrs. Hermine Dicke for an application form at 3717 Council Crest, Madison, Wisconsin; 53711. There will be four $200.00 awards, one of which is a Nursing Scholarship in honor of Mrs. Marie Prisland who recently contributed $800.00 to the Scholarship Fund from the proceeds of her book, “From Slovenia — To America”. A fifth scholarship of $250.00 will be given to the applicant with the highest scholastic record in the name of Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič of Cleveland, another high contributor to the Scholarship Fund in the total amount of $750.00. Cordially, MRS. HERMINE DICKE, Sec. Scholarship Fund, S.W.U. in some small measure try to live as you have taught us, life will be a little less happy for the loss of you, we will all miss you. Helen Sustarich, Doreen and Moreen Sustarich, Josephine Aiuto, Vince and David Aiuto, Michele and Philip Seril, Virginia Sustarich and Rudy, Ann, Mark and John Sustarich, Matthew Judnich and Carole and Judy. Helen's husband Frank will be waiting in Heaven to greet her having passed away a couple cf years ago quite suddenly. God grant peace to the entire family as no Mother could be better loved or better treated than Teta was treated by all her children and grandchildren. Be happy knowing SHE in turn loved each and everyone of you dearly. FRAN CHIODO NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. We had a very good attendance at our annual meeting in December. Important business topics were discussed and approved for the year 1972. The officers were all re-elected to their term of office and thank the members or their confidence. Meetings are held every 3rd. Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. at St. Mary’s Church Hall, with the exceptions of June, July and August. Please u=e the rear door for admittance and procced to the lower level. A $1.00 yearly donation towards the treasury and 10c. for each death of a mpmber Is assessed. A $3.00 gift will be given to a member if hospitalized for I week. $10.00 is given for masses of flowers for a deceased member. We shall sponsor 2 Misc. Card Parties; one for St. Mary’s Church, which will be held on Thursday April 20, 1972 at St. Mary’s Hall, So. 60th. & W. Madison at 8:00 P.M. Donation -75c. with cake and coffee. The other one will be held on Thursday, October 19 at 8:00 P.M. same place - also 75c. with cake and coffee. Again we ask our members to keep these dates in mind and to bring along a sister member or friend for an enjoyable evening of card playing. Donations for these affairs are most greatly appreciated at all times. We were very happy to receive a hand-made afghan from Mrs. Anna Kegel, a past president, and was decided to give 10 other prizes and try to sell subscription sheets at $1.00. These prizes will be awarded at our May meeting. Sheets will be mailed to members and please return them by May 1, 1972 to the secretary. A handkerchief and Christmas wishes were sent to each of our shut-in members, tor which we received their acknowledgements. Branch No. 17 will sponsor a team in the Midwest Bowling Tournament which will be held in LaSalle Illinois this month. A motion was made and carried that we donate $25.00 to the Dan Winkler Fund. He is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Winkler, wellknown West Allis residents, who was injured in a school accident, and needs medical help. A acknowledgement came from the family, asking that we continue our prayers for his health. Marion Marolt was chosen as our Mother of the Year for 1972. After the business meeting a social gathering was held with Santa (yours truly) distributing the children’s Christmas gifts. The exchange of gifts among the adult members was distributed by Santa (Mrs. Jackie Nimmer) and her “elf” (Roberta Marolt), who faithfully comes to our meeting and enjoys them. At the January meeting the attendance was fair dispite bad weather. Margaret Mesich installed the officers to their respective offices. A bus has been chartered for our bowling teams and anyone interested in cheering the bowlers on their merry way, please contact the president or secretary. A campaign is now in progress to get new members. Let’s all get in the act and try to get a friend or relative to join. To all of our shut-ins a speedy recovery. To all, may God shower you with his choicest blessings. MARION MAROLT NO. 19, EVELETH, MINN. At the December meeting, we enjoyed a wonderful time together. With us were junior members Tony Menart and Marie Bayuk. Tony entertained on his accordion and both of these youngsters extended Christmas geet-ings to us. The table was full of good things to eat which the members brought for the occasion. Nothing was missing! We had everything from apple strudel to Christmas decorated cakes. My heartfelt thanks to all the members for their fine cooperation thru the year. Your help and kindness was very much appreciated. I have been confined to the hospitals so much during the past few months, that I am grateful to the officers who have been willing to take care of the dues and selling of the new cookbook. Any member wishing to buy a book or pay dues can drop in at the home of our president, Catherine Poliak. We are proud of the young members in our town who have become wed. Last July, Carol Korpela married James Techar. Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Techar, parents of the groom, are residents of Chisholm and Mrs. Techar and her family are our long standing members. After their wedding at Resurrection Church, the newlyweds had a large reception at the Gilbert Community Center. Then in November, our church was the setting for the wedding of Nan-nete Primozich, daughter of William Primozich of Eveleth and Keith Wagner of Wisconsin. Nannette is our member since her hirth and in her family there are nine members in our branch, due to the good work of grandma Primozich! The Wagners are now making their home in Reedsburg, Wise. And, in December, a pre-Christmas wedding was held uniting Paulette King and James Poliak, youngest son of our President, Mrs. Catherine Poliak. She has nine children and all belong to Zveza! We congratulate all our young couples and wish them happiness and long life! ~fechar Jamili), JelicitaticnA! (vir. & ivirs. James lecnar on their wedding day, are pictured with the groom’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Techar of Chisholm, Minn. The wedding took place at Resurrection Church in Eveleth, the bride’s home town. The senior Mrs. Techar is a long-standing member of Br. 19 as are five members of the family. Hearty felicitations! Ohio-Michigan Members Take Note! So happy to write my deepest thanks to all who sent me such wonderful messages of cheer, cards, gifts and flowers during my hospital confinement. I am grateful to each and everyone; I never knew I had so many friends which means a let. This thoughtfulness gives a person a great lift. I will remember all and thanks to Br. 32 who were just wonderful. Also, to Br. 14 for their kindness and thoughtfulness. The Dawn Choral group girls sent so many good wishes, too. I wish them lots of luck and many thanks to them all. May God bless you all! The Combined Branches of Ohio send sympathy to Stella Dancull and family on the loss of her son and daughter-in-law who had a tragedy and lost their lives in an accident. May they rest peace. It isn’t easy for Stella and Micky and my heart does ache for them. Stella is our Combined Branches Auditor. Also, our sympathy to Jennie Kosir’s daughters. Jennie will be missed by all of us. She was our baker for the Bake Sales and such a lovely person to work with. She was loved by all - always with a smile for every one. The ladies would say, "It's fun to work with Jennie!” Jennie was a big help to me - she was as a mother to me. May she rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon her and all the dearly departed members and friends, especially the Danculls and Mrs. Kosir. We won’t forget you! Wishes to Mary Drobnick and her husband for a nice vacation in Florida and to Mary Tushar and her husband also traveling to the sunny south. Stay well. Also, get-well wishes to Barbara Strumbly. We a'l hope you get home soon and may God look after you and bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN We have many members who are ill and we wish them all good health; they are: Angela Vesel Smith, Jennie Chapel, and sister Kausek. I, too, have to thank you all for your many cards and gifts and flowers during my stay at Eveleth and Virginia hospitals. Condolences to the family of Anna Mejasich who passed away just as I am writing this article. Our deepest sympathy to our sisters, Maurin who lost her husband and Udovich who lost her son and to the family of Jennie Bratulich. May our dearly departed rest in peace. For Christmas, six of our members living at the Arrowhead Nursing Home in Eveleth enjoyed a most wonderful party. They had music, decorations all over and a delicious buffet supper. This was all due to the thoughtful staff at the Home and we too, wish to thank them for making our elderly members so comfortable there. Hope to near from our members who wish to pay their dues for the year ahead and to all, my best wishes. MARY LENICH Secretary NO. 20, JOLIET, ILL. We mourn the loss of our loyal member, Mary Perush from Hickory St. who died at the age of 83. Mrs. Perush was the “godmother” of our branch banner many years ago. She was always very kind to our branch and her hospitalitiy was well-known. We are grateful to her for everything and to her three daughters who are our members and who survive. They are Mrs. Josephine (Robert) Berard, Mrs. Edith (Osborne) Rosenquist and Mrs. Pauline (Joseph) Mauser. One daughter preceded her in death - Bertha Gerl - and her husband, Joseph also. She became our member soon after the branch was organized, recommended by her neighbor Catherine Judnich, also deceased. The members rose and prayed for her soul and also escorted her to her final resting place at St. Joseph's. Our condolences to the bereaved family, her son from California, grandchildren and great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. She will never be forgotten by her surviving sisters of the branch. We also have anumber of members who were sick such as Mrs. Barbick, Mrs. Sandal, Mrs. Bauc who is still in the hospital, Mrs. Zadel and we are glad to heart that Frank Muster, husband of our vice-president, is on the road to recovery. Your reporter also stresses that whan there is a sick member in the hospital or at home, please notify the secretary as we will try to visit her and shorten the long hours of illness. Our meeting in January honored all the famous members of the branch who celebrated their namesdays that month - they were ali whose names were Genevieve, Pauline, Antonia and Agnes. Special honors were given to Agnes Mahoney and Antonia Sandal who received corsages. Just to call it to your attention, we will keep this system for the rest of the year, honoring the names of our members. So, come to the meeting. President, Mrs. Planinšek stressed the importance of our “Scholarship Fund” as your sons and daughters can be the recipients of aid from this fund for schooling. Our members can donate at various times such as anniversaries, in memory of death, or as a good-will gesture. This is an everlasting gift. The students who benefit from this Fund will always be grateful to the donors and to the SWU organization. A nice number of new members were initiated at the meeting and their names will be printed in a future issue. There is still time to join in this campaign for new members. If you know of anyone, just call our secretary, Olga Ancel and she will get in touch with the new members for you. This campaign is in force until summer. To honor all members celebrating their namesdays and the new members plus those wno came bravely out in the cold weather, lunch was ssrved and refreshing polka music was played arranged by our secretary. For the benefit of those who did not attend the meeting to hear the annual report a recapitulation is as follows, s- bmit-ted by secretary, Olga Ancel for your information: Income, $3,218.64 (Dues: $2,416.94); Expenses, $2,586.85; Gain in 1971, $631.79. Total in checking acct. and savings acct. as of Dec. 31, 1971, $4,684.57. We have membership totalling 417. At the Jan. 16th meeting, our officers were installed by Msgr. M.J. Butala and they ate pictured on the cover of this issue in a photo taken at that time. With best wishes to all for a very happy St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick's Day in March! JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC NO. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO The Dec. 1st. Christmas meeting & social was sadly attended by twenty-five members in all. Each member was notified by one of three callers; so there were not many excuses for not knowing of the event. The "Sad” of the session was the loss of two family members of the Danculls. Ken and LeeAnn met their eventual death by a tragic accident. Our Stella and Mickey had a heavy blow. We all extend our sympathy to the families and offer a spiritual bou-guet of prayers and holy communions-for the deceased and bereaved. All issues were reviewed and discussed. Few changes were made. New business was the decision for the Mother of the year. For Christmas all shut-in members at home and away were remembered with a gift. Jay Sanker and I arranged time to deliver the gifts personally after purchasing terry slippers or angsl treads. They were lovely; a delight to all. Our first top was at Teta Zupan-cic’s. How pleased she was to be visited and remembered. We simply had to have a drink on ‘Stric’ and talk. Then on over to Pelcic’s, Kozuh's and Blat-nik’s; both only home a few days, and finally Ma Brodnik looking ever so we I again. Sunday’s first stop was Weiss’ before going to the Slov. home for the Aged where Mary Nosan is recuperating. On west to Holly Terre Home to see Mrs. Kavc doing so nicely. Our final stop west to Berea to Mrs. Less; it was most rewarding. We were real Santas for a few hours. The ladies were happy, mostly for the visit I believe. When we returned home to my mother awaiting our report of the day, Jay presented the gift. In tears Mother told us of Teta Zupancic’s death - her long-time friend. A shock after years of pain and confinement to lose a loving mother resigned to suffer. I am sure there is emptiness in that home. Christmas can be a sad and happy occasion. Loved ones are always remembered especially not having them here to enjoy the birthday of our Infant Jesus. Kindest regards to all our confined members. Hopfuily we will see you all again soon. Please, you out there girls, note the date, March 1st. See you at the meetings. HELEN L. KONKOY NO. 23, ELY, MINN. Our meeting date has been changed to the 2nd Tuesday of the month now and we hope you will all attend. At the last meeting it was 12 below zero, but we had a nice attendance nevertheless. We have decided that 5 ladies will volunteer to be on the lunch committee for each meeting and“sup-ply the entertainment for that month. This seems to bring more of our members to the meeting. We also discussed means of defraying our increasing expenses and it is important now because of the Big Day next September. We decided, therefore, that each member will be asked to donate a book of Greens Stamps or any gift equivalent to a book. With these stamps we will get prizes and have a games party April 9th, 1972 at the Parish hall at 7:30 p.m. Each member is asked to help with this project. The Sunshine Committee reported that Marjory Gornick is a patient at the St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth. Get well wishes to her. Our meeting was closed with prayer and we had a nice social hour afterward at which time some cash was given to the treasury. A wonderful lunch was served by Emma Pucel, Stephanie Vranesich, Amelia Marolt, Rose Stupnik and Jen Er-chull. Thank you, ladies. God bless you and the best of health in 1972. BARBARA ROSANDICH NO. 23, ELY, MINN. - DAWN CLUB Officers for the ensuing year were seated and took over their duties at the January meeting of the Ely Dawn Club. They are, Angela Kosir, succeeding Margie Preshiren as president; Ann Levar, vice-president; Gertrude Mosnik, secretary and Jennie Deyak, treasurer. In assuming the presidency, Mrs. Kosir proposed a number and variety of activities as club programs and projects. Mary Starkovich, Sunshine chairman presented a review report of 1971 activities. New members acce p t e d were, Mary Folio, Angela Golobich and Stephanie Weinzierl. In spite of the 25 degree below zero temperature, 33 members were present and enjoyed participating in the games social following the business session. Luncheon hostesses were Mary Tolyon, Mary Gotchnik, Pauline Polyner, Millie Gornik and Christine Grahek. Ann Saari won the door prize. The February meeting was to feature a White Elephant Party with, hostesses Mary Petrie, Jennie Deyak, Frances Grahek, Mary Tolio and Frances Zupan-cich. MARGARET SOM ROCK, Reporter NO. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Though it’s a little late, I will wish all the members a Happy New Year. Would like to start the New Year with a better attendance at our meetings. Br. 24 lost five members last year, Evelyn Kastigar, Frances Tomazin, Mary Setinz, Pearl Leon and our charter member, Mrs. Sodec, a very loyal member who never missed a meeting until her last illness. The State Convention for Illinois and Indiana will be held in LaSalle in October and time goes by fast. Bowling tournament will be held here this month and the girls are working very hard. A lot of our members are sick with the flu. Wish them well and a speedy recovery. Mrs. Josephine Savnik, a very good member, lost her husband, John. Our sympathy to her and the family. Mrs. Mary Uranich, our member from Orlando, Fla., fell and broke her arm. Wishes to her for a speedy recovery. Our member, Marie Pyszka from Chicago also caught the flu bug and we hope she is better soon and good luck. Our pastor, Rev. Michael Železnikar celebrated his 80th birthday. God keep him in good health for many more years. Mr. & Mrs. Anton Klopcic celebrated their golden weeding anniversary on Jan. 15th. Congratulations. Many more happy years to you. Our old school building was torn down for a parking lot. Ladies, you have no excuses for the meetings now as we can nave them in the new hall and lots of parking nearby. Members, if you are behind in your dues, please pay up as the money has to be sent in on time each month for your insurance. My name isn't in the phone book, so please remember to mark down this number if you wish to call me: 223-2766. Anyone wishing to get a new SWU cookbook can do so now as I will be getting more. MARY KROGULSKI, Secretary ---------------------WE ARE PROUD MEMBERS ------------------------------ Since this is our 45ih Anniversary year, I am appealing to all our officers and branches, to please try to each sign up at least one new member, for this membership campaign. We owe this to our beloved organization, for its 45th birthday. With special efforts, I'm sure it can be done. I sincerely hope that this appeal will be accepted graciously into each and every one of your hearts. May we again be proud of our State of Minnesota in this campaign! ANN PODGORŠEK National Auditor Duluth, Minn. NO. 33, DULUTH, MINN. With the Holidays and busy time of expectation over, the first meeting of 1972 for Br. 33 was the installation of our new officers. The new officers are: President, Mrs. Frances Blatnik; Vice-President, Mrs. Helena Ellena; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Delores Heski; Financial Secretary. Mrs. Jackie Rukavina; Reporter, Mrs. Florence Burger; Juvenile Director, Mrs. Joan Danielski. The outgoing officers have done a wonderful job and are to be congratulated. Many interesting things are planned for future meetings so watch the news. We have now utilized the Duluth Budgeteer for advance notices of meetings so all members will be reminded. Greetings go out to all our sick members in hospitals, nursing homes or confined at home. Our own supreme auditor, Ann Podgoršek, has been on the sick list these last few months. She and husband Frank recently celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. Son, Bill, managed to come home from California tor the occasion. We all wish them well. We would like to mention that our next meeting will have as a guest speaker County agent Dick Herman from the Branch of University Exten-tion for the County. He will give us a few tips on gardening, which will be very timely. It is never too late to wish you all a Happy New Year and God's Blessings through out 1972. "Be a Columbus with whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade but of thought”. FLORENCE BURGER Reporter No. 32 EUCLID, O. (Con’d. From Feb.) We had two big prizes and they were made and donated by our generous members, Frances Gerjevic, God bless her. Winner of the afghan was Mary Vodishar and the shawl went to Thelma Leaching's daughter. Now for some news. President M. Bostian was sick and at the Richmond Euclid Hospital; Josephine Novak’s husband in Euclid General Hospital Mary Kos is ill and Caroline Peck’s husband is in Euclid General. Let’s Pray for the sick and them — it means so much. Fanny Michle moved to Richmond Hgts. Going lo Fr. Lauderdale, Fla. are Mary Drobnick in January; also Mary and John Tushar for three months. Passed away, Anton Drobnick, brother in law of Mary and brother of Josephine Kromar. Mary he rest in peace. In conclusion, please come to the meetings and we will be discussing our plans for Mothers Day Party and the membership campaign. In January we planned to initiate our new members. Check your dues, girls and let this be a reminder. The Lord be with you all. I wish to explain that the auditors of our branch are Mary Drobnick and Barbara Baron and the Mother of the Year is Ceil Zn'dor. Also, the Christmas party entertainment committee included Mary Drobnick, Ann Rossman, Mary Batich and Mary Tushar. ANNA TEKAVEC Rec. Secretary NO. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Our January meeting, (in bitterly cold 35 degrees below zero weather) was held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Gornick in Tower, where warmth and friendship and fun made for a pleasant evening. Twenty two members were present. Mrs. John Pahula presided at the business session, during which the election of new officers was on the agenda. The same officers who took care of the Branch’s activities and business during the past year, were again, unanimously re-elected for 1972. They are Mrs. John Pahula, president; Mrs. William Vollendorf vice-president; Mrs. Mary Pahula, sec-treasurer; Mrs. Nick Tekautz, recording Secretary; Mrs. Joseph Gornick, Mrs Frank Planton Sr. and Mrs. John Zpvodnick, trustees; and Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, reporter. Other routine business was conducted, and a social hour followed. Winners at "500” were Mrs. John Bobence and Mrs. John Pahula. Winners at Scrib-bage were Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec and Mrs. Nick Tekautz. The attendance prize was donated by Mrs. William Lilya and was awarded to Mrs. John Bobence. Hostesses for our Feb. meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Michael Musich were to be Mrs. John Tekautz and Mrs. Musich. Mrs. Joseph Mesojedec was to furnish the door prize. Our Lenten season is close upon us —a good time for enrolling new members for SWU. Belated HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to all members. MRS. ANTHONY F. YAPEL Reporter NO. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Congratulations to all the officers of our branch. It was unanimously voted upon to have the same for another year, namely, Agnes Jancar, president, Albina Uehlein, vice-president, Angeline Kozjan, secretary, Mary Klinar, treasurer, Stephanie Polutnik, recording secretary and auditors: Mary Kurjan, Agnes Celik and Rose Kragley. Mary Jere is our door sentinel. Our January meeting was well attended. Those of us who do attend regularly still find pleasure in the socials that follow the meetings and the coffee and cake and goodies donated by some members who have birthdays for the month. In Jan. the hostesses were Agnes Jancar, Agnes Celek and Albina Uehlein. A very happy belated birthday to all the members celebrating in January. May the year bring to each member God's blessings. At this time I wish to report the loss of our member, Margaret Baraga. Sincere sympathy to her husband and family. Happy Golden Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anzclc who celebrated their 50th wedding day. Congratulations and best wishes Dn this memorable occasion. Extending get well wishes to all our of ailing members. ---------------------------AN INSPIRING GIFT------------------------------- Dear Officers and members: I feel it is my duty to remind you that our 45th ANNIVERSARY MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN is on now! Branch officers and members can help immensely by impressing their eligible neighbors and friends that our Union does offer many fraternal benefits and social activities that can enrich their daily lives. Let each BRANCH be represented in this Campaign. The success of this Campaign can be a generous and inspiring gift to out founder, Hon. Pres. Marie Prisland, who organized the SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 45 years ago. Let us show vur appreciation to this gracious lady by making a concerted effort to bring this project to a grand conclusion. With best wishes and a HEALTHY, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! ANNE KOMPARE National Auditor S.W.U. Chicago, Illinois The meetings ere held every second Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. and following this is a social get-together. Please ladies, attend our meetings regularly. Introducing myself as the newly elected Mother of the Year and also reporter. I wish to thank all the members for honoring me as their chosen Mother of 1972. Truly, it’s a great honor. Thanks to all. Congratulations on the 40th year as officer of our branch to president, Agnes Jancar, my mother. She was vice-president in the earlier years. A job well done and still a dedicated member. May God bless her and each and every one of our members. AGNES BUCHAR Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO This is a quiet, cold time of year in Maple Hgts., so two of our members decided it was time for some "fun in the sun”. Anna Dragonic visited her daughter in sunny Florida and Mary Prhne headed west to attend a wedding in beautiful California. Weddings are popular all over the country. We send congratulations to Suzanne Gruden, the granddaughter of Angela Perko who became the lovely bride of Daniel Gaines on January 29th. God bless your future with joy and happiness. Everyone is happy to hear that Mary Hočevar is home after a week’s stay in the hospital. We're pleased to say she is feeling fine again. Also, we are glad that several of our members have recovered from their bouts with the flu. May everyone stay healthy and happy. Happy Birthday to all those celebrating their days. Three are Finn Stavec, Helen Lipnos and Carol Kastelic. Regards to our members. MRS. L. KASTELIC No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. (Continued From Feb.) After a short business meeting, cake and coffee and special Norwegian cookies were served by our members. Fran Widemsek donated a delicious cake for the birthday gals which is a favorite of all and she is an excellent baker. Stella Yernesek, our December birthday gal, donated her favorite Norwegian cookies which are just fantastic and melt in your mouth. Thank you, gals, for the food donations. Mary Seley is still hospitalized at Deaconess Hospital. Angeline Pasler is recuperating at her daghter’s home and doing well. Mary Bruno is at home also. A card or a visit will be appreciated. On Christmas Day we were informed that our member, Josephine Zinko passed away. She has been ailing for 17 months in the hospital. She will be sadly missed by her family, relatives and friends. The beautiful Prayer of St. Francis was dedicated to her and read at the altar by her daughter, Lani, Deepest sympathy to the Peter Zinko and Rebernisek families. May her soul rest in peace. Congratulations to Pauline Plesko on the recent mairiage of her daughter, Jacquelyn M. Plesko to Neil D. Hansen. To the newlyweds, best wishes. Ann and Don Hiller were the proud grandparents of a grandson. Josephine Struke! and Sophie Bev-sek spent a few days during the holidays visiting Mr. & Mrs. Glavan who moved to Florida recently. The Tratnik’s, Mitz, Al and Albert Jr. drove to Florida to visit friends. While there, they also visited Mr. & Mrs. Wenzel Dvornik at Clearwater, Fla. From there, they drove to New Orleans and traveled the southern route home. This was their first driving a long distance as Mitz and Al always fly. * * * I am happy to report that our Jan. meeting was very-well attended. The new officers for 1S72 were installed; members, now give them your cooperation and we shall achieve whatever goal we set. The members decided that twice a year to have dinner meetings, but at different locations. In October, we had the first try-out and the attendance was great. Thursday, March 2nd at 7:00 p.m. is the next dinner meeting at Kuglitsch’s, 4401 W. Greenfield Ave. All members are invited, but please call me in advance as I must make reservations. January birthdays were celebrated after the meeting. Amalia Fritzel brought a delicious whipped cream cake, Marie Wilier, a luscious home-ba-ked cake, Lucille Jenich, an assortment of very tasty home-made cookies and Mary Tratnik, the coffee and cream. All these goodies just melted in your mouth. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. J. Guiffre on the birth of a daughter, Gina Rae and to Mr. & Mrs. M. Vidus-ki on a son, \1ichale Kenneth, Jr. To the grandparents of Gina Rae, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Delopst and of Michael Kenneth, Mrs. Ella Viduski, our congratulations, also. March birthday wishes to Zenobia Dy-bul, Elsie Brzek, Josephine Verbick, Bevery Frangesh, Mary Martino, Mary Bruno, Rose Howe, Many Bistan, Josephine Peterson, Elsie Gallun, Anne Pogorelc, Frances Jacobi and two male members, Mark Frangesh and Joseph Mohorko. Mary Meley who was hospitalized for over 2 months is now at home and is recovering slowly in a wheelchair. Keep up the good spirits, we are thinking of you and all the rest of our shut-in members and may you all have a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mary Tratnik who was chosen Mother of the Year for our branch. I have cookbooks and also copies of "From Slovenia to America” to sell. A Happy St. Patrick’s Day. ROSE KRAEMER Secretary No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. We wish to congratulate Marie Thompson who was chosen as our Good Member and Friend of the year. Our party honoring her will be on the first Sunday of May. You will be notified of details later. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mary Moenigmann and her family on the loss of husband and father. After almost 7 years of illness all I can say is he was great fellow. Please try to attend our meetings. JO PREBIL Rec. Sec’y. NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO With the spirit of the Holiday Season, a jolly time was enjoyed by all members and guests who were present at the Christmas Party held at the Celebrity Room in Mayfield, Ohio on Sunday, Dec. 12th. A short meeting was held as promised by our president, Ann Hočevar. Vice-President, Jane Novsk announced that the SWU Debutant Cotillion Ball will take place on May 13th at the Celebrity Room, and more details will be written on this event in the future issues of ZARJA. Our very nard worker, smiling and good-natured member, Vicki Pianecki was unanimously voted as Mother of the Year. Toni Turek brought beautiful stamps from the Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington D. C. and also took pictures at 1he party. Happy Birthday greetings were sung to Vera Nosan whose birthday happened to be right on the day ofthe party and to 5 or 6 other members whose December birthdays we were celebrating. Pres. Ann Hočevar and others had many surprises in store for us such as playing games, etc. At one point, a very hilarious game was enjoyed by everyone. Another game was musical chairs and Jean E. Paik played the accordion which was brought by our thoughtful member, Justine Zak. Frances Nemanich, Joan Hočevar and Sophie Kaplan told jokes by popular demand and were received by a great deal of laughter. Jean Tomsic (potica queen) was dressed as a live Christmas Tree. Everyone was asked to guess the humber of articles she wore. There were some correct answers and they all received prizes. Jean Tomsic also brought her camera and took pictures. After all the hardy laughter and exchange of gifts, our hungry buds were satiated by a smogasboard buffet supper consisting of a great variety of hot and cold dishes, salads and many delicious desserts, etc. Speedy recoveries to all members who have reported sik: Nettie. Leslie, Josephine Simenc and Ann Kumse. New grandmothers are Mary Ches-nik who has a new granddaughter, a first grandchild and to Julia Woda, a new grandson. Mrs. Nowakowski announces that her daughter, Patricia, became engaged last November. Recent vacationists to sunny Florida include: Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Perusek (Mary) and Mr. & Mrs. John Jerse (Frances). Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Novak (Jane) on their 25th Wedding Anniversary — they are at the present time enjoying themselves on a Caribbean cruise. Our sympathy goes out to our member, Mrs. Chas. (Rose) Zalneratis who lost her husband in an unfortunate auto accident on Dec. 27th. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter. May God grant him eternal rest and comfort to his sorrowing family. Officers for 1972 are: Pres., Ann Hočevar; Vice-Pres. Jane Novak; Sec’y-Treas. Juliana Gorensek; Rec. Sec'y and Reporter Jean E. Paik; Sunshine Chairman, Rose Roesch; Sgt.-at-Arms, Vicki Pianecki; Auditors Toni Turek, and Irene Jagodnik. Meetings are held on the Thurd Tuesday of each month at the Euclid Public Library on East 222nd St. Please remember to pay your dues to the Sec’y-Treas., Mrs. Gorensek, 980 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wicklif-fe, O., 44092. We appreciate and thank all members who in any way helped, donated or did other useful things for our club in the past year. Best wishes and a Happy, Prosperous 1972. JEAN E. PAIK Rec. Sec. and Reporter NO. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. ~ We held our Jan. meeting at the Little Grove on the first Wed. of the month. Our Minutes were read by our rec. secretary and election of officers held. They all remained the same and were seated at the Jan. meeting: Sisters Josephine Oswald, president; Rose Chiodi, secretary and treasurer; Rose Trombly recording secretary; Dorothy Russo, vice-Dresident; Ann Roberts, Jennie Crea and Margaret Kochevar, auditors; Gertrude Kochevar, reporter; calling committee: Rose Trombly, Margaret Andrican and Betty Strazishar. Mother of the Year chosen is sister Genevieve Zidarich. We all know that she will hold her title well. She does her part in upholding her responsibilities and takes an interest in everything there is to do. She has a son who is teaching and she has been widowed for many years. So, she has been mother and father to her son and has done a great job. We know that there are a lot of deserving mothers and as you all know, only one can be chosen each year. We all wish to congratulate Genevieve Zidarich in doing the honors for us as being Mother of the Year for 1972. Good luck to you. To Caroline Fink we send Gods speed to a rapid recovery. She had a fall at home and suffered a broken arm. We pray that all our sick members will soon be on the road to recovery. God bless you all. This brought us to the conclusion our business seasion and with sister Jos. Oswald leading us in prayer the meeting ended. We then continued with the delicious luncheon served by the officers, namely sisters: Rose Trombly, Rose Chiodi, Dorothy Russo and Josephine Palitano. Games were played with prizes to the following: Alberta Russo, Rose Zidarich, Alice Baratto, Dorothy Russo, Julia Mancuso, Mary Techar, Angeline Russ and Josephine Oswald who also won the door prize. The evening was very enjoyable. Please try to make our next meeting, members. We would like to see some new faces. We also wish Gods speed to a rapid recovery to Angeline Hrovat who is on crutches with a torn ligament. May God b'ess you all and keep you in the best of health. Don’t forget the meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Little Grove. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR, Reporter ------------------------ OUR DUTY & PRIVILEGE ----------------------------- Dear Sisters: The 45th universsary membership campaign is on and we must do our duty. The branches are requested to get as many new members as they have officers. I know I can count on my branch to fulfill this ordei and I am sincerely recommending to all the branches in the State of Ohio to do the same. Let’s get active and put this campaign over the top! We can do it if me try! EVERY OFFICER — ONE NEW MEMBER is the slogan. MARY BOSTIAN State President tor Ohio Michigan and National Junior Director P. S. I am also appealing to all the Juniors to become campaign workers. Enroll your sister or brother in the finest organization in the World. ____________________________________________________________________________ NO. 55, GIRARD, OHIO With the end cf the year 1971, we held our election of officers and they are as follows: Mary Macek, pres., Maria Cvetnic, vice-pres., Tillie Cigolle, sec’y-treas., Nancy Domrosky, rec. sec’y and Mary Kristin reporter for ZARJA. Mrs. Cvetnic, Mrs. Cigolle and Mrs. Kren are auditors. After the yearly meeting, games were enjoyed and prizes were given to Mary Macek, Nancy Dombrosky, Ann Strouss, Maria Cvetnic and Sophie Cekuta. Coffee and dessert was served by Mary Svesko and Helen Biscan. The Christmas party was held at the home of Tillie Cigolle. The dinner and gift exchange were very enjoyable. All members are most welcome to attend our meetings each second Thursday of the month. MARY KRISTIN NO. 55, GIRARD, OWIO Happy New Year to all our S.Z.Z. members all over these United States. I hope that the New Year brings us peace and a happy reunion with those of you who have sons and daughters serving in the Armed Services in the Far East. To the ill, I wish health, and happiness to the unhappy. This is my prayer for the year. Our branch elected a new slate of officers to guide our group through the year. For President we selected the very capable Mary Macek, Vice President Maria Cvetnic, Secretary Treasurer M. J. Cigolle, Recording Secretary Nancy Dombrosky. The auditors are Maria Cvetnic, Mary Kristin and Sophie Kren. Our spiritual advisor is Monsignor Fannon, Pastor of St. Rose Church in Girard. Our since' re congratulations and much success to you all. Our honored mother of the year is Mrs. John Juvančič. Nettie has been a member for many years. S.Z.Z., is a tradition of the Juvančič ladies, undoubtedly through the encouragment of Mother Frances Juvančič who now, due to illness, is unable to come to meetings any longer. All honor to this great lady and her husband, John. For the February meeting there was be a Valentine and ‘‘Hankie” exchange and table games played. Make it a point to come to the meetings. To refresh your memories they are held at the Cigolle home every second Thursday of the month at 7:30 P.M., unless otherwise specified. There is a card party and social being planned for June 22, at the home of Nancy Dombrosky. So keep this date in mind. Nancy’s daughter is also getting married this year. She will be a very busy girl in '12. To my knowledge the members ill and in poor health are Mrs. Anzicek, Mrs. Kren, Mrs. Juvančič, Mrs. Robsel and Mrs. Barbara Umeck, all of these once very active members of our branch. Wishing you all God’s Blessing. MARY BRALtlSH NO. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Our Jan. Meeting was short and brief and attendance not too good. Now our coid weatner has set in and & suppose our meeting attendance will be less. Following a short business meeting, cards were piayed and prize winntrs were Katherine Marolt, Mary Meadows, Mary Massich, Margaret Shelko, Agnes Barkis and Mary Drobnick. Hostesses were Angeline Hassino, Delores Pas-sino, Mary Putzel and Rose Koempt-gen. We have nad quite a loss in our membership and seeing there is a campaign on for new members, maybe some of our members can round up some new ones for our branch. There is a lot of flu around, so to our sick members, a speedy recovery and to Mrs. Katarina Musich we extend our deepest sympathy on the loss of her husband, Joseph. God bless all of you. ANNE B. SATOvlCH, President No. 68, FAIRPORT HRBR., OHIO Our January meeting was held at the American biovene Club and was opened with a prayer by our Pres. Rose Bradack and the minutes were read by our Recording Sec. Moily Južna. The meeting was well attended and we were all happy because it was our election meeting. The slate of officers was presented and the following were elected. Pres.— Rose Bradack; Vice Pres. - Jean Sni-dersich; Secretaiy & Treasurer - Frances Ulle; Recording Secretary - Molly Juzna, Auditors, Molly Juzna, Carol Satej; Reporters - Angela Godec, Frances Ulle and Sentinel Jennie Troha. Last year was a very successful year and we all hope that this year will be even better. Our Christmas party was a huge success and was held again at the American Slovene Club; it was a pot luck supper and we had a gift exchange. It proved to be one of our nicest parties because our husbands came along to share in the good time. Slavko Bajc came and played his accordion which truly made it a happy occasion. He certainly knows how to play all the favorite Slovenian songs. Group singing was enjoyed by all. Everyone had such a good time that we are fooking forward to our next party. On the sad note we want to extend to Ann Jackopin our deepest sympathy at the loss of her husband, Felix. May God in His mercy grant him eternal rest. On our sick list are Mary Hosta and Barbara Hambor and from latest reports they are doing fine. We hope that it won t be to long before they will be well again. A letter of thanks was received from the executive officers of the Slovenian Old Age Home on Neff Rd. for our generous gift of money. May they use it wisely for the welfare of the home. So in closing may I say belated Happy New Year to you all and may God bless you all and keep you in the Dest of health. FRANCES ULLE Reporter No. 72, PULLMAN, ILL Our next meeting will be held on Sunday, March 12th at the NEW home of Mrs. Angela Arko, 2o4t> West l