VESTNIK 2020 | 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 51/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20. 12. 2020 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ V iskanju resničnega in popolnega templja Neki francoski biblicist je svoji razlagi današnjega bogoslužja dal naslov »V iskanju resničnega in popolnega templja«. Poskušajmo tudi sami odkriti ta tem- pelj, ki ni zgrajen v marmorju. Zamislimo se v noč, v kateri je Natan, prerok v času kralja Davida, spoznal, da je Bog popolno- ma zavrgel predlog o postavitvi velikega svetišča. Davidovo željo, da bi bil v Jeruza- lemu, ki so ga pravkar zgradili, postavljen tudi veličastni tempelj in bi bil tudi Bog član njegovega kraljestva, je prerok zavr- gel kot tujek in izbiro Boga, ki tega ne pri- čakuje. Namesto ujetosti v sveti prostor tem- plja, ki so ga nameravali zgraditi kot pro- tiutež poganskim svetiščem sosednjih ljud- stev, želi biti Gospod navzoč v stvarnosti, ki je tesno povezana s člove- kom, v času in zgodovini, ki jo označuje Davidov rod, iz katerega bo pri- šel Mesija: »Bil sem s teboj, kjer koli si hodil ... Določil bom tvojega tele- snega sina za tvojega naslednika« (2 Sam 7,9.12). Kamnito hišo, ki jo Da- vid načrtuje za svojega Boga, nadomesti hiša, ki jo sestavljajo živi kam- ni: »Gospod ti oznanja, da ti bo sezidal hišo« (2 Sam 7,11). Na mesto tem- plja Gospod izbira čas, v katerem bo tudi človek prebival z njim. Druga Samuelova knjiga, ki izvira iz časa nastanka Davidovega kra- ljestva, nas jasno popelje v odkritje duhovnega središča evangeljskega besedila današnjega bogoslužja. Luka postavlja Kristusa v neposredno zgodovinsko povezavo z Davidom: »Ta bo velik in sin Najvišjega; Gospod Bog mu bo dal prestol njegovega očeta Davida, kraljeval bo Jakobovi hiši vekomaj in njegovemu kraljestvu ne bo konca« (Lk 1, 32-33). Marija je novi Sion, mesto, ki v svoje nedrje sprejema Tempelj. V Ma- riji je božja navzočnost popolna in dokončna. Na zgodovinskem jeruza- 558 | VESTNIK 2020 Illustration How does wisdom work? It might be helpful to start with the insight of Meister Eckhart, a famous German Dominican philosopher, theologian and mystical writer of the thirteenth century. He said: “Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart and finding delight in doing it.” So how do we determine the next thing we have to do? This time last year, it may have been about making all sorts of elaborate plans and schemes to be more successful in our profes- sional lives, or in acquiring something that we have 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Response: Forever I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord. First Reading 2 Samuel 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16 David is getting ready for his next big pro- ject. Having overcome his enemies, he won- ders if he now needs to build a house for the ark of God. God, however, has different ideas of greatness. Second Reading Romans 16:25-27 In his letter to the Romans, Paul explains that the mystery which has puzzled genera- tions of seekers of truth has now been re- solved. The wisdom of God has been re- vealed in the person of Jesus. Gospel Luke 1:26-38 We see two sides of Mary’s character. She is a meek and humble servant of the Lord but she is also a strong and courageous young woman, able to ask sensible questions, even of an angel, the messenger of God. “How can this come about?” lemskem griču Sionu je bil postavljen tempelj, tako ljub judom, kot živo znamenje božje nav- zočnosti v prostoru. Na sionskem griču so se dvigali oblaki kadila in vonj darovanih živali; oblak je bilo videti kot božjo senco: »Ti, ki živiš v zavetju Najvišjega, ki bivaš v senci Vsemogočne- ga. Reci Gospodu: Moje pribežališče si in moj grad, moj Bog, ki vanj zaupam« (Ps 91,1-2). Z Jezusovim učlovečenjem je Marija postala novi Sion, v katerem ne prebiva tempelj iz kam- nov in cedrovega lesa, marveč popoln tempelj samega Kristusa: »In Beseda se je učlovečila in se naselila med nami.« V Marijinem naročju se v Sinu razodeva božja navzočnost. Nad Marijo se dviga »moč Najvišjega«. V Mariji prebiva on, ki je resnično varno zatočišče, obramba in moč vsega človeštva. V tej ženi iz Nazareta sta se na najpopolnejši način srečala nebo in zemlja, ko se je svetu predstavil Jezus Kristus, pravi Bog in pravi člo- vek. Poziv, ki sta ga prejela David in Marija, naj prepoznata božjo navzočnost v njunem telesu, je namenjen tudi nam. Boga ne smemo iskati v daljnih in oblačnih nebesih, marveč se obrača- mo na Kristusa, navzočega sredi med nami. Kristjanovo prizadevanje naj bo torej osredoto- čeno na zgodovino in človeštvo, ki ne predstav- ljata zgolj število dni in oseb, čakajočih na smrt, marveč sta prostor božje navzočnosti, ki vse posvečuje. V legendi vzhodnega meniha Epifani- ja je zapisana tale duhovna oporoka: »Nikoli ne iščite v Kristusu podobo nekega človeka, marveč v vsakem človeku iščite podobo Kristusa.« To veličastno marijansko bogoslužje se tedaj in vedno spreminja v hvalnico Kristusu. V vzho- dnem izročilu obstaja znana ikona, imenovana »podoba Device Hodigitrije«, to je »tiste, ki nam kaže pot«. Marija ne predstavlja zgolj poti po- polnega bivanja, posvečenega Bogu, marveč nam kaže tudi končni cilj, to je srečanje z nje- nim Sinom, ki je Bog in naš brat. (Prim. Oznanjevalec 2005-2006, št. 2) VESTNIK 2020 | 559 worked hard to achieve. Now, as this momentous and, in many ways, tragic year draws to a close, we wonder what is now the next thing we have to do. How will we do it with our whole hearts and find delight in doing it? Gospel Teaching In today’s Gospel, we have the arrival of the angel Gabriel, who invites Mary to rejoice that she has been chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Classical artists tend to depict Mary as a docile young woman, often kneeling in prayer as she accepts the awesome invitation. Mary, though, is also eminently prac- tical and asks the angel to ex- plain how this will be possible since she has no husband. Mary is testing the wis- dom of the message she has received. She is being invited to risk her reputation and perhaps even her life. The law of Moses would have classified her as someone deserving death by stoning, since she would have been regarded as an adulteress. She would also have known that her parents would have been disgraced in their community because of their daughter’s shame. The angel, in reply, is able to offer compelling evidence that the invitation to Mary is genuine. Against all the odds, Mary’s kins- woman Elizabeth, well beyond the age of child- bearing, is now expecting a baby herself as a sign of God’s blessing. We, of course, know that the story of Jesus unfolded to reveal all sorts of joy and sorrow, con- tradictions and challenges, leading to his death on the cross of a criminal and, ultimately, his resurrec- tion in glory. But, like the uncertainty which has been the hallmark of this year, let us simply sit with the tensions and the challenges of what Mary was asked to do and be assured that it all worked out well for her, and for us, in the end. Application We use all sorts of imagery for holiness and commitment. Our readings today use the imagery of the dwelling places of God. David does not simply go off and begin his great construc- tion enterprise without checking with his wise advisor, the proph- et Nathan. As it turns out, David doesn’t get to finish the work and it falls to his son, Solomon, to complete the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. God’s promise to David was to make David himself the house. His fam- ily line would be forever blessed, and this was achieved through the birth of Jesus. We use the image of the house for many aspects of our lives. Our political institutions are often named “houses”. “House of David” meant the entire chosen people of God rather than a build- ing. For us as a faith community, our house of God can be both our physical place of public worship and the house of our hearts. Are we sometimes more caught up in the trappings of the architecture and lavish liturgy than the meaning of our worship? What type of house can we make for God this Christmas, at the end of a year in which our own homes may have been places of refuge and safety but also places of restriction and confinement, away from family and friends? What did we learn about the things that make our houses good places to be? Were these physical items or ways we use our time? Should we ration our social media activity so that we can actual- ly be present in real time to others, or do the new technologies offer us more opportunities to connect with those who are isolated and unwell? How can we be more fully the house of God as we go forth to love and serve the Lord this Christmas? We remember that the first house of Jesus was a stable and that he had to rely on the shelter offered by strangers. Are we able to take this as our model for the Christian life? 560 | VESTNIK 2020 Cilj naše kampanje je v treh letih zbrati vsoto $200,000.00. Nekateri še vedno ne razumejo, da vse, kar boste darovali preko te kampanje, bo prejela naša župnija in še 10% iz skupnega sklada. Škofijski uradi pa bodo vodili vse računovodske zadeve, tako, da nam ne bo potrebno tega dela urejati. V Vestniku bomo vsak teden objavili koli- ko ste »obljubili« da boste darovali za kam- panjo za našo župnijo in koliko je že dejan- sko »vplačanega«. Iz škofije nam bodo te- densko poslali tekoče stanje. Do 12. decembra 2020 ste na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« za našo župnijo da- rovali: $58,979 - Pledged - obljubili $22,929 - Paid - ste že vplačali Časi v katerih trenutno živimo so za mnoge zelo negotovi, vendar smo prepri- čani, da bo tudi to minilo. Naj vse spremlja božji blagoslov in pri- prošnja nebeške matere Marije. Vsem božjega blagoslova ob letošnjem Covid 19 Božiču, da bi ga kar najlepše in zdravo preživeli. Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $200 - Jože in Marija Magdič - $200 - Magda Udovč - $200 - Štefan Kolar Francka Cestnik je darovala $50 Slomško- vemu oltarnemu društvu in $50 Katoliški ženski zvezi. - Hvala vsem, ki ste darovali za gradbeni sklad in vsem, ki redno darujete za cerkev pri nedeljski sveti maši. Notice: Any contributions intend- ed for the tax year 2020 must be received at the church by the end of Sunday, December 27. VESTNIK 2020 | 561 CLUB SAVA - BRESLAU V nedeljo, 10. decembra 2020 ob 1:00 popoldne, smo imeli še zadnjič mašo v dvo- rani, dokler ta nosi naslov SAVA KLUB. Z novimi lastniki so dogovorjeni, da bo- mo Slovenci še vedno, nekajkrat na leto, lah- ko imeli v dvorani mašo in poleti piknik. Zaradi Covida-19 se nas je zbralo samo19 korajžnih. Ker je bila to za nas božična maša, smo na koncu zapeli tudi sveto noč v Sloven- ščini, kajti po cerkvah, kjer bodo za Božič jo bodo peli v Angleščini. Pri sv. Gregoriju pa božični kaktus nič ne za- muja. Že od prve adventne nedelje, vsak dan pokaže več cvetov, ki se prav lepo ujemajo z barvo adventnega praznovanja. Hvala Olgi, ki ga redno oskrbuje z vsem potrebnim, da lepo uspe- va. - Lučke in angel pred našo cerkvijo pa tudi vsem, ki se peljemo mimo ali se iz Eastgate tr- govskega centra, ozrejo proti severu, naznanja- jo, da je tukaj katoliška cerkev. 562 | VESTNIK 2020 B I S H O P O F H A M I L T O N Dear friends, Christmas 2020 As the Christmas feasts begin, I am pleased to send you greetings in the form of an excerpt from the 2019 Christmas homily of Pope Francis: “A charming legend relates that at the birth of Jesus the shepherds hurried to the stable with different gifts. Each brought what he had; some brought the fruits of their labour, others some precious item. But as they were all presenting their gifts, there was one shepherd who had noth- ing to give. He was extremely poor; he had no gift to present. As the others were competing to offer their gifts, he stood apart, embarrassed. At a certain point, Saint Joseph and Our Lady found it hard to receive all those gifts, especially Mary, who had to hold the baby. Seeing the shepherd with empty hands, she asked him to draw near, and she put the baby Jesus in his arms. That shepherd, in accepting him, became aware of having received what he did not de- serve, of holding in his arms the greatest gift of all time. He looked at his hands, those hands that seemed to him always empty. They had become the cradle of God. He felt himself loved and, overcoming his embarrassment, began to show Jesus to the others, for he could not keep for himself the Gift of gifts. … Dear brother, dear sister, if your hands seem empty, if you think your heart is poor in love, this night is for you. The grace of God has appeared, to shine forth in your life. Accept it and the light of Christmas will shine forth in you!” Christmas is God who comes to us! Christmas saves us, lifts us up, fills us, and frees us! During this time of profound fear and suffering, I wish you the experience of light, life and love! Merry Christmas! + Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI VESTNIK 2020 | 563 DIOCESE OF HAMILTON MEMORANDUM To: Pastors in Hamilton Region From: Monsignor Murray Kroetsch, Chancellor Date: December 19, 2020 Re: Hamilton Region Lockdown Following yesterday's announcement by the Ontario Government that the Hamilton Region will move to the "grey - lockdown" zone effective at midnight on Monday, De- cember 21st, 2020, please note that ALL pub- lic Masses are cancelled in Hamilton Region beginning on Tuesday, December 22nd for at least two weeks, and until further notice. According to the protocols for the "Grey Zones", the maximum capacity for any indoor gathering is 10 persons. This include religious services, weddings and funerals. For this rea- son, there are no public Masses to be cele- brated in our parishes during the coming weeks. All priests are encouraged to celebrate Mass each day without the participation of the faithful, and on Sundays, and the Solemni- ties of Christmas, Mary Mother of God and Epiphany, to celebrate for the intentions of parishioners. His Excellency Bishop Crosby has already dispensed all Catholics in the Diocese from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays for the duration of the pandemic. This includes Christmas and New Year's Masses. You are asked to advise your parishioners this weekend that there are no public Masses in any parishes in the Hamilton Region dur- ing at least the next two weeks. You may encourage them to tune into Salt and Light TV or CHCH TV for the telecast of the Midnight Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. You may also encourage families to gather for prayer in their home using the resource that is posted on our Diocesan Website in lieu of their participation at Christmas Mass. Of course, parishes which are able to livestream their Masses during the Christmas season are encouraged to do so. Let us continue to pray for an end to the pandemic and for the health and safety of all. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN PARISH - HAMILTON - LIVESTREAM MASSES ON FACEBOOK: Dec. 24th - Christmas Ever: 8:00 p.m. Dec. 25th - Christmas Day: 10:00 a.m. Dec. 26th - St. Stephen Day: 10:00 a.m. Dec. 27th - Holy Family - Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Jan. 1st, 2021 - New Year's Day - Mary, the Holy Mother of God: 10:00 a.m. Jan. 3rd, 2021- Sunday, Epiphany of the Lord: 10:00 a.m. Jan. 10th, 2021 - Sunday, Baptism of the Lord: 10:00 a.m. 564 | VESTNIK 2020 Hvala družini Mramor, ki je tudi letos postavila jaslice. Izkušnja iz prejšnjih let pomaga, da se kar precej hitreje postavi- jo. Letos smo v pomankanju mahu, ker ni bilo pravega časa, da bi ga nabral. IZ OČI V OČI Ob mozaiku p. Marka Rupnika, ki prikazuje sveto druži- no na poti v Egipt (Naslovnica Družine) razmišljam o moč- nem sporočilu, ki ga ta podoba prinaša v letošnji božični čas. Kakšen kontrast od siceršnjih božičnih upodobitev, ki jih zaznamujeta tiha družinska sreča in veselje nad uresni- čeno Božjo obljubo. Le nekaj ur za tistem, ko so se ji prišli poklonit trije modri z vseh koncev sveta, je sveta družina že na begu, strežejo ji po življenju. Po kamniti poti, skozi razbi- tine sveta in mimo nevarnih kač stopajo v negotovo priho- dnost. Marsikdo se bo zdaj verjetno laže našel v tej kruti realni podobi kot v sladkih družinskih prizorih iz jaslic. Tudi mnoge naše družine so, čeprav »zaprte« doma, v resnici na begu: ne le pred virusno boleznijo, tudi pred številnimi stiskami, ki jih prinašajo s seboj nove življenjske razmere, morda celo pred samim seboj. Covid-19 je razgalil nevralgične točke naših družin. Nekatere so v tem času v resnici postale pravi pekel, druge pa skoraj nebesa, je delila z nami svoja opaža- nja družinska psihoterapevtka dr. Katarina Kompan Erzar. Prinašajo božični dogodki kakšen odgovor na sedanje dru- žinske izzive? Kar nekaj jih ponudi Rupnikova podoba. Družino skozi preizkušnjo trdno vodi Jožef, mož in oče, v oporo mu je popot- niška palica, z roko usmerja oslička, ki nosi malega Jezusa. Marija, kot prava večopravilna ženska, istočasno podpira Jezusa, nosi zlato in oljčno vejico, z nogo pa stre glavo kači. Pri vsem tem Jožef in Marija ne odtrgata oči drug z drugega. Iz njunih sklenjenih pogledov se zrcalita neizmerna poveza- nost in zaupanje, ki jima dajeta moč, da gredo po poti naprej. Mali Jezus je povezan z obema: z mamo prek dotika, z oče- tom prek pogleda, v katerem išče zgled in varnost. Koliko prispodob za naše družinske vloge! A kako naj »dohajamo« sveto družino, boste rekli. Brez skrbi, sveta družina ni seštevek treh popolnih ljudi. Je veliko več, nam je v pogovoru zagotovil Rafko Klemenčič. Kakor mi, sta tudi Jožef in Marija odkrivala, »da je družina pot in ne cilj. To je dobro vedeti takrat, ko nasedemo skušnjavi in začnemo ustvarjati podobo popolne družine.« Lahko si torej oddahne- mo: tako v betlehemski štali kot na poti skozi kače in preizkuš- nje je vedno prostor za nepopolne, ki jih druži močna želja po medsebojni povezanosti in Božjem varstvu. Družina, 20. 12. 2020 | Katarina Ropret | Uvodnik VESTNIK 2020 | 565 Šola Christmas Update This week Slovenska Sola had our last clas- ses before the Christmas Break. Some of the students had some fun building Gingerbread Houses, while others dressed up in silly Christ- mas hats, proving that we can still have some fun and silliness even if we’re not together! The first half of the year has gone by quick- ly and has been both fun and challenging. COVID19 has certainly changed what our “classrooms” look like but hasn’t changed our commitment to sola, our students and our community. We’ve even had several new stu- dents sign-up! We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Vsem želimo lepe in vesele Božične prazni- ke, in srečno novo leto! Sandy Ferletič 566 | VESTNIK 2020 O BVESTI LA - A NNOUN CEMENTS ČIŠČENJE CERKVE Naslednje skupine, ki bodo poskrbele za čiščenje cerkve v decembru in januarju:  Jan 16: Joe & Pamela Gosgnach  Jan 23: Joe & Pamela Gosgnach  Jan 30: Joe & Pamela Gosgnach Daily Mass - high touch point cleaning:  Mon-Friday - Majda Lukežič  Saturday - Ferenčak family  Sundays, Funerals - Gosgnach family CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE - MEMBERSHIP 2021. In order to allow extra time for members to collect their 2021 membership envelopes, we will be placing the envelopes, in alphabet- ical order, on a table in the vesti- bule starting on Sunday, Decem- ber 6th. Please take your envelope and if possible the envelope of a member you know, who is currently not at- tending Mass due to COVID 19 concerns. These envelopes can be returned to Pame- la or can be placed in the collection box in the vestibule. Thank you for your understanding and help with this task. Pamela Katoliška ženska zveza – članarina 2021 Kuverte za članice bodo na razpolago na mizi v cerkveni veži od nedelje, 6. decembra, naprej. Prosim da poravnate članarino s Pamelo Gosgnach ali oddajte kuverte v cerkveni nabi- ralnik pred vstopom v cerkev. Nove članice so vedno dobrodošle. OGNJIŠČE - NAROČNINA Vsi, ki želite biti naročniki Ognjišče v letu 2021 sporočamo, da je naročnina enaka kot lansko leto in sicer CAD $88. Če kdo ne bo več naročnik, prosimo, naj to čimprej sporoči. BOŽIČNI ČAS 2020-2021 V soboto, 19. decembra smo dobili iz škofi- je obvestilo glede bogoslužja v času »lockdown«. Začasno zopet ne bo bogoslužja s prisotnostjo faranov- bomo podobno kot v spomladanskem času, ob praznikih in nede- ljah sveto mašo prenašali preko Facebook župnijske spletne strani. Nekateri že poznate, drugi si lahko pripravite tako za sveti večer, Božič, Sv. Štefana dan, v nedeljo - na praznik sv. Družine, na novega leta dan, na praznik svetih treh kraljev - v nedeljo 10. januarja. Vse maše bodo ob 10h dopoldne, razen na sveti večer bo ob 8h zvečer. Med delavnikom bom maševal sam po namenih, ki so zapisani v oznanilih. VESTNIK 2020 | 567 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFES- SIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905- 561-5971. DON BOSCO V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: V atriju so nedeljske kuverte za 2021, slovenski Mari- janski koledar, angleški Misijonski koledar, kadilo in Angleška knjižica za nedeljsko bogoslužje. Danes si jih lahko še vzamete, sicer pa tudi med tednom, če se peljete mimo se lahko oglasite v župnijski pisarni, si lahko vzamete oznanila, letne nedeljske kuver- te, koledarje. Kdor ne bo danes vzel božičnega pisma, mu ga bomo poslali po pošti. Izkoristimo tudi ta poseben izreden čas za našo oseb- no duhovno obhajanje praznikov. 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA Evgen, mučenec 20. DECEMBER 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT † † † †† † † † † †† † † † Za žive in rajne župljane Slavka Mramor Ivan Sarjaš Stanko Kuzma, obl. Ivan in Barbara Car Slava Gomboša Katarina Kapušin Katarina Kapušin Alojz Sampl Pokojni člani slov. skup. London Štefan Horvat Ignac Kotnjek Daniel Horvat 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. - - - - - Družina Mramor Družina Kolenko Dorothea Ježovnik Zlatko in Marija Berkovič Zlatko in Marija Berkovič Anica in Janko Bubaš Družina Sampl Žena z družino Cerkev St. John the Divine-London Vera Lackovič z družino Vera Lackovič z družino Terezija Zadravec Sudac Anna December 22, 1995 Ponikvar Lucija December 23, 2000 Na božični dan, 25. decembra, se bo ob desetih sv. maša darovala še za naslednje pokojne: + Yousf Abboodi, + Karema Matte, + Mofeeda Yousf, + Fathela Behnam, + Dawood Asofey. Za maše darujeta: Maha in Zuhair Abboodi 568 | VESTNIK 2020 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES od 21. 12. 2020 do 27. 12. 2020 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 21. DECEMBER Peter Kanizij, duhovnik † † Za zdravje Pavlina Za zdravje sorodnikov Stane Kuzma, obl. 7:00 P.M. Družina Števančec Helena Kwasniewska Jožica Novak z družino Brat Tone z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 22. DECEMBER Frančiška Cabrini, red. † † † Slava Gomboša Maks Pavlič V priprošnjo M. Božji za srečno pot Jože Seljak NO MASS FOR PUBLIC Prijatelji društva Bled Joana Kutleša Dragica Đondraš Žena Francka SREDA - WEDNESDAY 23. DECEMBER Janez Kancij, duhovnik † † † John Recek Eileen MacKenzie Zvone Slana Za zdravje v družini Seljak NO MASS FOR PUBLIC Žena z družino N.N. Marija in Zlatko Berkovič Francka Seljak ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 24. DECEMBER Adam in Eva - Sveti večer † † † † †† †† Anthony Joseph Krajc Elizabeth Ferko Karl Zorčič Pokojni sorodniki Terezija in Rudi Hajdinjak Zofija in Mihael Ferenčak 8:00 P.M. ON FACEBOOK Žena Marilyn Mož Toni z družino Sestra Jožica Vegelj Milan in Sandy Ferletič Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak PETEK - FRIDAY 25. DECEMBER BOŽ IČ GOSPODOVO ROJSTVO † †† † † Za žive in rajne župljane Martin Simončič Pok. Iz družine Rajbar Ana Nedelko Franc Marič 10:00 A.M. ON FACEBOOK - - - - - - Žena Kathy Ana in Zoltan Gergyek Milka Pavlič Milka Pavlič SOBOTA - SATURDAY 26. DECEMBER Štefan, diakon Dan Slovenske Samostojnosti in enotnosti † † †† †† † † † † Štefan Dundek Štefan Hozjan Štefan in Gizella ry Martin in Jožefa Kobe Milka Dolinšek Ema Moršič (SLO) Slavka Mramor Jožef Prša, 30. dan 10:00 A.M. ON FACEBOOK Žena Aranka Žena Marija Family Hči Marija Bajuk Marija Košir Aranka Dundek Štefan in Francka Antolin Matilda Prša z družino NEDELJA SVETE DRUŽINE Janez, evangelist 27. DECEMBER HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH † † †† † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Maks Pavlič Joe Lackovič Ignac in Marija kolenko Maks Pavlič Miko Kosem Vladimir Dim Zdravko Troha in Mio Maradin 10:00 A.M. ON FACEBOOK - - - - - - Žena Milka Žena z družino Sin z družino Družina Kolenko Žena Rada z družino Družina Kosem Danica Maradin