N. LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING 27–33 PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING PRIPRAVA IN TRDOTA PREVLEKE NA OSNOVI Ni-Al Ningning Li, Lei Xu, Liang Huang, Yuping Tong, Zhengquan Jiang * , Keliang Li North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-10-10; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-12-05 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.650 A functionally graded Ni-Al coating can improve the hardness of low-carbon steel, which can then adapt to various conditions due to a high hardness. The primary purpose of this research was the preparation of a Ni-Al coating by adopting a two-step method including nickel plating and pack aluminizing. The coating phase and morphology were characterized with XRD, SEM and EDS. Subsequently, the hardness of the Ni-Al coating was measured using a nanoindentation test. The results show that dif- ferent aluminum contents in the coating surface lead to different coating phases, mainly Ni2Al3. The change in the coating phases conformed to the Ni-Al binary phase diagram. The Ni-Al coating showed a continuous gradient structure and composi- tion. In addition, the coating also showed continuous gradient variation, relating to the hardness. Keywords: Ni2Al3 coating, nanoindentation, hardness, gradient Funkcionalnim prevlekam Ni-Al se lahko po preseku spreminja sestava in temu primerno tudi fizikalne lastnosti. Osnovni namen raziskave, opisane v ~lanku, je bila priprava prevlek Ni-Al z dvostopenjsko metodo elektro platiranja niklja in paketnega aluminiziranja (angl.: pack aluminizing). Faze prevlek in njihovo morfologija so bile dolo~ene z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD), vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo (SEM) in elektronsko disperzijsko spektroskopijo (EDS). Sledile so {e meritve nanotrdote izdelanih prevlek Ni-Al s postopkom nanovtiskovanja oziroma kontroliranim vtiskovanjem nanoprizme. Rezultati analiz so pokazali, da razli~na vsebnost Al na povr{ini prevleke vodi do nastanka razli~nih faz, predvsem faze Ni2Al3. Spremembe fazne sestave v prevleki se ujemajo z binarnim faznim diagramom Ni-Al. Izdelane prevleke na osnovi Ni-Al ka`ejo neprekinjen gradi- ent strukture in sestavo. Isto~asno se v skladu s tem zvezno spreminjajo tudi njihove fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti, kar se predvsem odra`a na izmerjeni nanotrdoti. Klju~ne besede: prevleka na osnovi Ni2Al3, nano vtiskovanje, trdota, gradient 1 INTRODUCTION Functionally graded materials (FGMs) refer to a class of non-homogeneous composite materials with continu- ous and quasi-continuous changes in the structure and el- ements, exhibiting the performance and composition change in the gradient. Their microstructures, physical, chemical and biological properties show continuous changes in a single phase, or a combination of phases, to achieve a particular function. FGMs are one of the cru- cial topics relating to the current structural and func- tional materials. 1 A functionally graded coating is classi- fied according to the changes in the composition, relating to the surface technology area, and its potential applica- tions are primarily found in high-temperature, wear, cor- rosion and other areas. 2,3 The preparation methods for a functionally graded coating include vapor deposition, 4 plasma spraying, 5 la- ser cladding 6 , etc. A vapor-deposition coating is very thin. Plasma spraying is subject to power restriction where the processes are complex and difficult to control, and the coating bonding strength is poor. The high en- ergy of the laser-cladding method may damage the prop- erties of the matrix. In recent years, several intermetallic compound coat- ings have been researched due to their high melting points, low densities and excellent corrosion resistance at high temperatures. Ni-Al intermetallic compound coat- ings have been applied to high-temperature alloy sur- faces because they can easily form a dense alumina layer at high temperatures. 7,8 Pack aluminizing is the favored method that can be used for preparing nickel-aluminum coatings on Ni-based alloys. To apply a nickel-aluminum coating onto another metal surface, a two-step process including nickel plating and powder aluminizing has been invented. 9–11 In addition to exhibiting the advan- tages of good quality, simple operation, minor technical difficulties and low investment in the equipment, this method also reduces the influence of the chemical com- position of the substrate on forming an aluminized coat- ing so that a low aluminized temperature can be used. According to recent research, the low temperature can also protect the substrate properties. In this study, we investigated the synthesis of a func- tionally graded Ni-Al coating on a substrate by adopting a two-step method including plating nickel and pack alu- minizing. The coating composition and morphology were characterized with XRD, SEM and EDS. The hard- ness was tested with nanoindentation. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 1, 27–33 27 UDK 669.058.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(1)27(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: jiangzhq@ncwu.edu.cn (Zhengquan Jiang) 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials To carry out the research conveniently, the ordinary Q235 steel was selected as the substrate, with dimen- sions of (10 × 10 × 2) mm; its nominal chemical compo- sition is shown in Table 1. Before plating, the substrate was mechanically polished with metallographic papers, polished and ultrasonically cleaned with acetone for 5 min, then washed with distilled water and activated in 5 w/% HCl for 20 s; finally, it was washed with distilled water again and quickly immersed into a bath. The basic Watts nickel composition and plating con- ditions are shown in Table 2. The chemicals used are of analytical grade and dissolved in distilled water. The so- lution pH value was adjusted to 4.0 for H 2 SO 4 (20 w/%). The electroplating power supply was a DC power supply. For maintaining the solution homogeneity, mechanical stirring by a magnetic stirrer located at the container bot- tom was used. Four nickel-plated samples were prepared. The samples were washed with distilled water and etha- nol repeatedly, being removed from the cell. The pack mixture is composed of the Al powder, AlCl 3 and Al 2 O 3 powder reminder as the filler. Alumina power needs to be used after high-temperature calcina- tions. AlCl 3 was used without any processing after being removed from the reagent bottle. Previous studies showed that the content of aluminum powder has the greatest impact on the coatings phases. 12 In order to ex- plore the Al-powder role in the formation of a Ni-Al functionally graded coating, a series of samples was manufactured, and the contents of the Al power were (8, 15, 50 and 70) w/%. For the convenience of discussion, they were defined as Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3 and Sample 4, respectively. The activating AlCl 3 content was 5 w/%, and the Al 2 O 3 reminder was the inert filler. The pack aluminizing process is described as follows: the substrate was embedded in a packed mixture in an alu- mina crucible and then positioned in a vacuum tube fur- nace with argon. The furnace was heated at a rate of 10 °C/min and the dwell time was 20 h at a temperature of 650 °C. Eventually, the samples were removed after having been cooled down to room temperature, and alco- hol was used to remove the adhered particles. 2.2 Hardness test The hardness of the coatings was measured with a nanoindentation test; the CSM instrument, which came from Switzerland, was equipped with a diamond Berkovich indenter. The maximum applied load was 50 mN, the holding time was 10 s, while the loading and unloading rates were 100 mN/min. 2.3 Surface characterization The phase composition of the surfaces of the coatings was identified using X-ray diffraction (XRD) with a CuK a radiation (D/Max-RA, Rigaku, Japan). The chemi- cal compositions and microstructures at the cross-sec- tions of the coatings were tested with SEM and en- ergy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) (S-3400II, Hitachi, Japan). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Coating phases of pack aluminizing with different Al amounts XRD results are shown in Figure 1, namely, the phase results for different coatings, which show that the four samples have different phases. Sample 1 has a sin- gle Ni 2 Al 3 phase, while Samples 2, 3 and 4 are composed of Ni 2 Al 3 and NiAl 3 of different ratios. The formation of varying phases will be discussed in combination with other data in Section 3.5. N. LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING 28 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 6, 27–33 Table 1: Nominal chemical composition of Q235 low-carbon steel (w/%) Composition C Mn Si S P Fe Content 0.140–0.220 0.300–0.650 0.300 0.050 0.045 Bal. Table 2: Chemical composition of the Watts Ni bath and the electro-deposition conditions Composition NiSO 4·6H2O NiCl2·6H2OH 3BO3 T pH Agitation Parameter 240 g/L 20 g/L 30 g/L 45–60 °C 4.0 Magnetic stirrer Figure 1: XRD patterns for different coating surfaces 3.2 Chemical morphologies and compositions of alu- minized coating surfaces Figure 2 represents different coating-surface mor- phologies, while Table 3 shows the components of dif- ferent coating surfaces. As can be seen, the morphologies of the coatings are different. Figure 2a represents the single Ni 2 Al 3 phase, fabricated using an 8 w/% Al-power amount, and its sur- face as a whole is relatively flat. The EDS result shows that the coating components are 58.57 x/% Al, 40.99 x/% Ni and 0.44 x/% Fe (atomic %). The XRD data analysis consists of a phase diagram of Ni-Al. 13 Figure 2b shows the coating fabricated with 15 w/% Al powder. Ex- hibiting a sharp contrast, its appearance is relatively rough. More Fe is detected with the EDS results. The Al content is 64.78 x/%, and the phases are NiAl 3 and Ni 2 Al 3 , combined, in the two-phase region, in the Ni-Al diagram. This result is consistent with XRD, and when the peak intensity of Ni 2 Al 3 is much stronger than that of NiAl 3 , it is clear that the Ni 2 Al 3 phase prevails. Fig- ures 2c and 2d show the Ni-Al layer fabricated with 50 w/% and 70 w/% Al powder, and the apparent differ- ence is the Fe element that is not detected on the two coating surfaces. The Al contents are 73.93 x/% and 74.96 x/%, which means that the NiAl 3 phase prevails. This is also confirmed with the XRD result. NiAl 3 and Ni 2 Al 3 are the two typical phases that are easy to form; their melting points are 854 °C and 855–1133 °C. By comparison, NiAl 3 is not expected to appear in the coating. However, the three layers are pre- pared with pack Al-powder amounts of 15 w/%, 50 w/% and 70 w/%, and they all contain a NiAl 3 phase. There- fore, in the following discussion, this paper mainly fo- cuses on the Ni 2 Al 3 coating to explore its microstructure and properties. 3.3 Cross-sectional microstructure and composition of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating Figure 3 shows SEM and EDS results for the cross- sectional microstructure and composition of the Ni 2 Al 3 N. LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 1, 27–33 29 Figure 2: Surface morphologies of different coatings fabricated using different pack Al-power amounts: a) 8 w/%, b) 15 w/%, c) 50 w/%, d) 70 w/% Table 3: Components of different coatings (x/%) Material components Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Al 58.57 64.78 73.93 74.96 Ni 40.99 23.28 26.07 25.04 Fe 0.44 11.94 0.00 0.00 coating, fabricated with an 8 w/% pack Al-powder amount. It can be seen from Figure 3a that the alumi- nized layer is composed of the surface Ni 2 Al 3 coating and an interdiffusion zone in the center. The Ni 2 Al 3 layer and substrate are clearly distinguished in Figure 3a, while the interdiffusion layer is not easily observed on the backscatter image. Figure 3b shows that the Ni 2 Al 3 coating thickness is approximately 30 μm with a low Fe-element content. The Ni/Al content ratio is constant throughout the coating thickness. This proves that the Ni 2 Al 3 coating is a single and stable phase, which is con- sistent with XRD. In addition, the coating cross-section is very smooth, with no cracks at the interface, indicating a tight bond with the substrate. It can also be seen that the interdiffusion zone thickness is 20 μm, with three el- ements including Al, Ni and Fe. The content of Ni and Al decreases slowly, gradually penetrating the substrate. At the same time, a small amount of iron is found to be diffusing from the Q235 substrate. In addition to being different from the Ni 2 Al 3 coating, the diffusion layer is also different from the substrate, which is the result of the interdiffusion between the coating and substrate, therefore leading to the metallurgical bonding with the substrate, and further enhancing the interfacial adhesion. A reduction in delamination and spalling is a unique ad- vantage of a functionally graded layer. The reason for this is that it reduces the stress concentration and de- creases the crack-driving force. Another phenomenon that can be seen on Figure 3b is the fact that the Al atoms fluctuate at the beginning and then reach a relative stability. A possible reason for this is the fact that the sample surface is in direct contact with the pack cement agent during the aluminizing pro- cess, enhancing the activity of the Al atoms, while after aluminizing, rich Al atoms are not evenly spread, thus resulting in a high Al content on the surface. Later the Al atoms are stabilized throughout the coating thickness. 3.4 Hardness of the functionally graded Ni 2Al3coating Nanoindentation is also known as a depth-of-indenta- tion sensitive method, which has been used for precision measuring of hardness, elastic modulus and other me- chanical properties of various materials in recent years. 14,15 It can directly determine a contact area in real time through a load-displacement curve, instead of mea- suring the surface indentation with an optical method, thus significantly reducing errors. 16 Its theory is based on the Oliver-Pharr method for calculating the hardness and elastic modulus. In addition to considering the unloading curve, this method also considers the indenter shape and the indentation depth to calculate the contact area under a load. Figure 4 shows a typical load-displacement curve of the nanoindentation test. The symbols represent the fol- lowing: P max is the maximum load, h max is the deepest penetration depth, S is the contact stiffness (the initial slope of the unloading curve), and h f is the residual dis- placement after complete unloading. The measurement process is divided into three stages: loading, load holding and unloading. Through the testing and analysis, the hardness (H) and elastic modulus (E) values for different materials can be obtained, to find out whether the coat- ing can improve the substrate property. N. LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING 30 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 1, 27–33 Figure 3: Cross-sectional microstructure and composition of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating Figure 4: Typical load-penetration depth curves obtained with a nanoindentation test Load-penetration depth curves for the Ni 2 Al 3 coating are shown in Figure 5. As can be seen, five turns are on the same trend, though exhibiting low discrete variables. Table 4 reveals specific data, verifying the change in the hardness. Finally, the average hardness H of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating is about 15.05 GPa, and the elastic modulus E is 227.59 GPa. The value of H/E is characterized by the material wear resistance to some extent. 17 The same method is used to measure different coat- ing regions, to verify whether the coating improves the property of the substrate, and the specific figures and data are shown in Figure 6 and Table 5. For comparison, only one group of data is selected for the analysis. It is evident that the hardness value of the substrate is the lowest, while its values for h max , h f and S are the largest. In contrast, the hardness value of the surface Ni 2 Al 3 coat- ing is the highest, while h max , h f and S are the lowest. From the coating surface to the interdiffusion layer, and then to the internal substrate, the value of H/E is gently decreased, thereby a gradient change in the performance is realized. The size of the area surrounded by the curve indicates a plastic material. As can be seen, the nano- indentation area of Ni 2 Al 3 is more compact than the interdiffusion zone and substrate, including smaller re- gions and indicating a less plastic deformation of the coating in the loading process. This is in line with the high hardness of the Ni 2 Al 3 layer: the greater the hard- ness, the smaller is the plastic deformation under the same pressure. It can also be seen that the variety in the pressing depth of the coating is the smallest, within the same holding time. Figure 7 represents the morphology after the nanoindentation. Although each area was detected five times, only two groups appear in this image due to a lim- ited range of the camera, but the difference can still be N. LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 1, 27–33 31 Figure 5: Load-penetration depth curves for the Ni 2 Al 3 coating Table 4: Specific data for the Ni 2 Al 3 coating measured with nanoindentation Parameter 12345 Mean H (MPa) 16589.46 15561.99 15124.08 14169.13 13789.45 15046.82 E (GPa) 221.80 221.72 215.26 239.53 239.62 227.59 Table 5: Nanoindentation test data for varying coating regions Material H (MPa) E (GPa) h max (nm) h f (nm) S (mN/nm) Q235 substrate 2543.1 203.2 1044.54 974.11 0.8994 Interdiffusion zone 6614.5 175.6 676.92 482.49 0.5317 Ni 2 Al 3 coating 15046.82 227.59 481.43 329.55 0.4389 Figure 6: Load-depth curves obtained with the nanoindentation test of different coating regions Figure 7: Morphology of different regions measured with nano- indentation noticed. It can be concluded from Figure 7 that under the same pressure, the indentation size and deformation of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating are the smallest, and a triangular pyramid shape can be seen. However, the indentation size and deformation of the interdiffusion zone are in the middle, while the matrix is the largest. A more signifi- cant deformation indicates a lower hardness and a deeper indentation depth. Similarly, the value of the unload- ing-curve initial slope S is also larger. Therefore, it can be concluded that the hardness of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating is the highest, which is also consistent with the previous test data from Table 5. 3.5 Formation analysis of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating The formation of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating is analyzed be- low, as shown in the relation 18,19 where X stands for one element out of F, Cl or Br, n is an integer of less than 3, and the range of y is more than 1/3, but less than 3. Al + AlX 3 AlX n (1) AlX n +Ni AlNi y +AlX 3 (2) For this research, X indicates Cl. A brief analysis is as follows. The low aluminizing temperature promotes the inward diffusion of aluminum. The AlCl n gas phase is formed due to the contact between the Al powder and activator AlCl 3 , which is a crucial step in the formation. AlCl n is more thermally stable than AlCl 3 as the tempera- ture increases. After that, AlCl n reacts with the nickel- plated surface to deposit aluminum atoms. An inter- metallic layer forms on the surface, with an AlNiy com- position of (1/3 y 3). As the aluminum atoms are brought to the surface by a gaseous-state process, a solid-phase diffusion follows. The generated activator AlCl 3 returns to the aluminum source to continue the process. When X represents F or Br, a similar chemical reaction occurs. This process is different from pack aluminizing of a nickel-base superalloy surface. 20 The general reason for it is that there are two noticeable differences in the chemical composition and precipitation phase between the nickel-plated substrate and nickel-base superalloy. The electroplated nickel layer is a single phase, while the nickel-base superalloy includes a solid solution as well as multiple precipitation phases, namely the and carbide phase; at the same time, solution elements Mo and Co increase the activation energy of the vacancy for- mation. The presence of residues reduces the effective diffusion zone, leading to an extension of the diffusion path. Therefore, high-temperature aluminizing is applied on the nickel-base superalloy, while the nickel-plated substrate can be aluminized at a low temperature to re- duce the impact on its properties. The microstructure and chemical composition of the aluminized layer exhibit a gradual change. As a result, the hardness also changes gradually, effectively reducing the stress. This is the advantage of functionally gradient materials. Instead of the traditional homogenous material coatings, FGM coatings do not only improve the connec- tion strength and reduce the crack-driving force, but they also endue excellent friction and wear properties of ma- terials. 4 CONCLUSIONS From the study, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) A single Ni 2 Al 3 coating phase can be prepared with an 8 w/% Al content of pack cement. There is a transition zone between the coating and substrate. The thickness of the Ni 2 Al 3 layer is approximately 30 μm, with a low content of the Fe element. The interdiffusion zone thickness is 20 μm, with three elements including Al, Ni and Fe. 2) The average hardness of the Ni 2 Al 3 layer is about 15.05 GPa, which is higher than those of the inter- diffusion zone and Q235 substrate that are 6.6 GPa and 2.5 GPa. The indentation size and deformation of the Ni 2 Al 3 coating are the smallest, with a triangular pyramid shape. Acknowledgment This research was funded by the Key R&D and Pro- motion Special (Scientific Problem Tackling) Project of the Henan Province (No. 212102210039), Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation of the Zhengzhou Project in 2022 and the High-Level Introduction of Tal- ent Research Start-Up Fund of the North China Univer- sity of Water Resources and Electric Power (No. 4001/40680). 5 REFERENCES 1 Y. Tang, Z. S. Ma, Q. Ding, T. Wang, Dynamic interaction between bi-directional functionally graded materials and magneto-elec- tro-elastic fields: A nano-structure analysis, Compos. Struct., 264 (2021) 8, 113746, doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113746 2 M. J. Yu, A. X. Feng, L. J. Yang, M. E. Thomas, Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of 316L-IN625 functionally graded materials via laser metal deposition, Corros. 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LI et al.: PREPARATION AND HARDNESS OF A FUNCTIONALLY GRADED Ni-Al COATING Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 1, 27–33 33