K. KERN et al.: EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS 155–161 EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS VPLIV DODATKA SKANDIJA NA ANODIZIRANJE ZLITIN AlMg Katarina Kern 1 , Janez Kova~ 2 , Marta Klanj{ek Gunde 3 , Ale{ Nagode 1 , Milan Bizjak 1 , Matija Zorc 1 , Borut Kosec 1 , Bla` Karpe 1 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Slovenia 2 Jo`ef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 National institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-01-18; Sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-02-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.755 Scandium (Sc) is known to be one of the most effective alloying elements of aluminum alloys. The only drawback is its high price, but that could change quickly due to the promising results of recent research on its extraction. However, the data on how it affects anodic oxidation are very scarce. In this research, we analyzed how a micro-addition of Sc to the AlMg alloy affects the growth mechanism and properties of the protective aluminium oxide layer depending on the anodization parameters. For com- parison, alloy AA5083 with a similar magnesium content was also anodized with the same anodizing parameters. In all experi- ments, sulfuric acid (VI) with concentrations of 1.72 M or 2.2 M at temperatures of 21 °C or 35 °C was used as the electrolyte. Potentiostatic (18 V) and galvanostatic (20 mA/cm 2 ) anodizing methods were applied. The results (SED-EDS) show that scan- dium is uniformly intercalated in the matrix of the oxide layer and decreases its resistivity, which increases the oxide growth rate during potentiostatic anodizing and decreases the pore density and pore diameters during galvanostatic anodizing. More- over, it increases the mobility of cations through the oxide layer, thus accelerating the oxidation reaction in concentrated sulfuric acid electrolytes. On the other hand, the increased cation mobility considerably increases the sensitivity to the temperature of the electrolyte, which can change the growth mechanism of the oxide layer and thus its morphology. Keywords: anodization, scandium microalloying, AlMgSc alloys, oxide protective layers Skandij je eden izmed najbolj u~inkovitih legirnih elementov aluminijevih zlitin. Njegova edina slabost je zelo visoka cena, kar pa se zaradi obetavnih rezultatov novej{ih raziskav glede njegovega na~ina pridobivanja hitro spreminja. Zelo malo je podatkov o tem kako vpliva na anodizacijo aluminijevih zlitin. V raziskavi so analizirali vpliv mikrolegiranja AlMg zlitine s skandijem na rast oksidne plasti med anodno oksidacijo tako v odvisnosti od ~asa kot tehnolo{kih parametrov anodne oksidacije. V vseh poskusih so za elektrolit uporabili `veplovo (VI) kislino s koncentracijama 1,72 M ali 2,2 M pri temperaturah 21 °C ali 35 °C. Uporabili so tako potenciostati~no (18 V) kot galvanostati~no metodo anodiziranja (20 mA/cm 2 ). Rezultati (SEM/EDS) ka`ejo, da se skandij enakomerno vgrajuje v matrico oksidne plasti in zmanj{a njeno upornost, kar pove~a hitrost rasti oksidne plasti med potencionisti~nim anodiranjem ali zmanj{a gostoto por in njihov premer med galvanostati~nim anodiziranjem. Poleg tega se pove~a mobilnost kationov skozi oksidno plast in tako pospe{i reakcijo oksidacije v koncentriranih elektrolitih `veplove (kisline. Po drugi strani pa se zaradi pove~ane mobilnosti kationov znatno pove~a ob~utljivost na temperaturo elektrolita, kar lahko spremeni mehanizem rasti oksidne plasti, s tem pa tudi njena morfologija. Klju~ne besede: anodizacija, mikrolegiranje s skandijem, zlitine AlMgSc, oksidna za{~ita 1 INTRODUCTION Anodic oxidation (anodizing) of aluminium or its al- loys is an electrochemical process that produces a corro- sion- and abrasion-resistant aluminium oxide (Al 2 O 3 ) layer on the surface of a workpiece. Anodizing is usually done with direct current (DC) in an acid electrolyte. An oxide layer consists of a 10–100 μm thick porous layer with hexagonally shaped cells with a central pore per- pendicular to the metal surface and a thin (several tens of nanometers) compact barrier oxide layer between the metal and the porous oxide layer (Figure 1). The result- ing anodic layers are generally transparent to visible light, but various methods have also been developed to colour the anodic layer and then sealing the porous struc- ture. The structure, mechanical properties and optical ap- pearance of the anodized surface depend on the anodiza- tion parameters as well as on the composition of the alu- minium alloy and its surface morphology. 1–13 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 155–161 155 UDK 621.357.8:669.793 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(2)155(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: blaz.karpe@ntf.uni-lj.si (Bla` Karpe) Figure 1: a) Schematic representation of the oxide layer and b) cross-section of the oxide layer 2 Figure 2 shows the change in the voltage during an- odization at a constant current density (galvanostatic an- odization), the change in the current density at constant voltage anodization (potentiostatic anodization), and the corresponding morphology of the oxide layer. At the be- ginning, a compact amorphous barrier layer is formed (range 'a'), which resembles the natural oxide layer on aluminium. After a few seconds of anodization (range 'b'), the first embryos of the pores in the barrier layer be- gin to form. The barrier layer thickens (to the end of range 'b'), increasing its electrical resistance. When the voltage reaches its maximum (or the current density its minimum) the barrier layer reaches its maximum thick- ness. In region 'c' the pores begin to deepen and increase their diameter to their final size, which leads to a de- crease in the electrical resistance of the oxide layer. In region 'd', a uniform growth of the porous layer is gradu- ally established. The growth of a barrier and porous oxide layer on aluminium in an electric field involves the outward mi- gration of Al 3+ cations and the inward migration of O 2– or OH - anions through the barrier oxide layer. A stable (uni- form) growth of the porous oxide layer is possible only if a dynamic equilibrium is established between the growth rate of the barrier oxide layer at the metal/oxide interface and its dissolution rate at the bottom of the pores, at the oxide/electrolyte interface, which is accelerated by the electric field. Scandium is one of the most effective precipitation strengthener, recrystallization inhibitor, and grain refiner in aluminium alloys. 14,18 The only drawbacks include its scarcity, difficult production and the associated high price. Scandium-alloyed aluminium alloys have therefore only been used as high-priced niche products in the aero- space industry or in the sporting goods industry, such as high-performance frames for mountain bikes and base- ball bats. As the new process of selective extraction of scandium from transition metals has proven successful, promising to transform the production of scandium in the future, the interest in scandium as a microalloying ele- ment of aluminium alloys is growing in science and industry. 19 One of the main advantages of scandium addi- tion is also the improved superplasticity of some alu- minium alloys, i.e., the ability of a material to exhibit highly uniform deformations by more than several hun- dred percent without visible necking. 14–18 One of the superplastic aluminium alloys is AlMg microalloyed with Sc when synthesized with a suitable process. With this study, we aimed to find how a micro-addition of scandium to the AlMg alloy affects the anodization pa- rameters, growth mechanism, and the properties of the protective aluminum oxide scale. For comparison, the AA5083 alloy with a similar magnesium content was also anodized with the same anodizing parameters. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART All specimens were fabricated from 1.5 mm thick cold-rolled sheets and cut into 12 mm square coupons, wet-ground with SiC abrasive paper (800, 1200, 4000), mechanically polished with diamond pastes MD-Mol 3 μm and MD-Nap 1 μm, etched in a solution of 100 g NaOH/L deionized H 2 O at 60 °C for 1 min, neutralized in a solution of6gHNO 3 /100 mL H 2 O for 4 min, rinsed in deionized water, and dried in an air flow. The chemi- cal composition of the cold-rolled sheets used is listed in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of cold-rolled sheets 14 El. (w/%) AA5083 AlMgSc Al 93.63 95.2 Mg 4.72 4.5 Si 0.25 0.008 Cr 0.14 0.0002 Mn 0.79 0.0027 Fe 0.39 0.02 Cu 0.08 0.003 Sc 0.25 Ti 0.0144 Anodizing was performed in a 100 ml anode cell at different anodization parameters: • Potentiostatic anodization, at a constant voltage of 18 V in 1.72 M or 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 acid electrolyte at 21 °C or 35 °C for up to 25 min. • Galvanostatic anodization, at a constant current den- sity of 20 mA/cm 2 in 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 acid electrolyte at 21 °C for 25 min. The electrolyte temperature during anodizing was continuously monitored with Pt100 RTD (4-wire method) and NTC 10k and kept constant by stirring and cooling with a Peltier element (QuickCool® QC-241- 1.0-3.9M). The constant voltage and current density dur- ing anodization were maintained with a laboratory power supply (PSI 5080-05A Elektro-Avtomatik Gbmh). K. KERN et al.: EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS 156 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 155–161 Figure 2: A) Voltage change during galvanostatic anodization, B) cur- rent density change during potentiostatic anodization, C) schematic presentation of oxide growth during the initial phases of anodization 2 The cross-sections of the anodized samples were ana- lysed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDS Thermo Fischer Scientific Quattro S) and Olympus BX61 optical microscope with Material Research Lab image analysis software. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Potentiostatic anodization From the curves of the current density measurements during the initial phase of potentiostatic anodizing (U=18V ,Figure 3), it is evident that the kinetics of the formation of the barrier oxide layer is only slightly dif- ferent for these two alloys. The main difference lies in the maximum current density i max and the current density during the stationary growth phase of the porous layer, which are almost twice as large for alloy AlMgSc, result- ing in a much thicker oxide layer. The average thickness of the oxide layers after 25 min of anodization at a con- stant voltage of 18 V was 50 μm for AlMgSc and 25 μm for AA5083. Figure 4 shows the specific distribution of elements (EDS mapping) in the cross-section of the oxide layer. In addition to Al, O and Mg, Sc was found to be uniformly distributed in the anodic oxide layer. Parallel pores run- ning perpendicular to the substrate surface, 14–16 nm in diameter, can be seen at a higher magnification in the up- per right micrograph. A comparison of the pore fractions and pore diame- ters, measured on the free surface of the oxide layer of the two alloys, is shown in Table 2. While the thickness of the oxide layer varies by a factor of 2, the difference in the proportion of the pores and their diameter is prac- tically negligible. Table 2: Pore fractions and their diameters, measured on the free sur- face of the oxide layer on AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys, anodization time of 25 min, voltage of 18 V, electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , T el =21°C Alloy Pore fraction (%) Pore diameter (nm) Oxide layer thickness (μm) AA5083 9.31 15 ± 1.7 25 AlMgSc 7.78 15.8 ± 0.9 50 3.2 Galvanostatic anodization The curves of the voltage change (Figure 5) during the initial phase of galvanostatic anodization (20 mA/cm 2 ) K. KERN et al.: EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 155–161 157 Figure 4: Specific distribution of elements (EDS mapping) in the ox- ide layer formed on the AlMgSc sample. An anodization time of 25 min, voltage of 18 V, electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , T el. =21°C Figure 3: Current density change during anodization of AA5083 and AlMgSc aluminium alloy: a) initial phase (10 s); b) first (60 s) and c) steady state phase of anodization (25 min); a voltage of 18 V, elec- trolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , T el. =21°C show a similar trend of the oxide layer growth as the curves of the current density change during poten- tiostatic anodization. Distinctive voltages U max and U s are higher for the AA5083 alloy, indicating a higher resis- tance of the porous oxide layer on the AA5083 alloy. On the other hand, the thickness of the oxide layers is practi- cally the same for both alloys, indicating that the current density determines the thickening of the oxide layer, while the voltage is related to the pore diameter and den- sity (Table 3, Figure 6). 3.3 Electrolyte temperature effect With an increase in the electrolyte temperature from 21 to 35 °C, the current densities i min , i max and i s increase significantly (Figure 8), while the barrier layer growth time and pore formation time shorten for both alloys. Despite much higher current densities, the thickness of the oxide layer increases only slightly for alloy AA5083 (from 25 μm to 29 μm), while it decreases by half for al- loy AlMgSc (from 53 μm to 24 μm). The average pore diameter increases significantly, while the pore density decreases for both alloys. In addition, the mechanism of the oxide growth changes. Most of the free surface of both alloys is covered with a "bird’s nest" oxide structure (Figure 7, Table 4). 20 3.4 Anodization in 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 electrolyte at 21 °C and constant voltage A comparison of the current density measurements during potentiostatic anodizing (U =1 8V )i n1 . 7 2M and 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 electrolytes shows that the maximum current density i max for both alloys increases significantly in the concentrated electrolyte, while the current density K. KERN et al.: EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS 158 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 155–161 Figure 6: Pores (coloured in red) in the oxide layer (free surface): a) AA5083, b) AlMgSc; an anodization time of 25 min, current den- sity of 20 mA/cm 2 , electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 ,T el. =21°C Table 3: Pore fractions and their diameters measured on the free sur- face of the oxide layer on AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys, an anodization time of 25 min, current density of 20 mA/cm 2 , electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , T el. =21°C Alloy Pore fraction (%) Pore diameter (nm) Oxide layer thickness (μm) AA5083 12.03 18.9 ± 0.4 21.5 AlMgSc 6.03 15.8 ± 1 22 Figure 5: Voltage change during galvanostatic anodization of AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys: a) initial stage, b) after 60 s and c) steady state phase of anodization (25 min); a current density of 20 mA/cm 2 , elec- trolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , T el. =21°C in the stationary phase i s increases only for alloy AlMgSc (Figure 10). The average thickness of the oxide layer after 25 min of anodization in 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 is 81 μm for AlMgSc and 31 μm for AA5083 (Figure 9). From the images of the free surfaces of the oxide lay- ers formed after 25 min, it can be seen that the pore di- ameter increased with the increasing electrolyte concen- tration, especially in the case of alloy AlMgSc (Table 5). Table 5: Pore diameters, density and proportions of the oxide layers on AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys; an anodization time of 25 min, volt- age of 18 V, T el =21°C Alloy El. conc. H2 SO 4 Pore frac- tion (%) Pore diame- ter (nm) Oxide layer thickness (μm) AA5083 1.72 M 9.31 15 ± 1.7 25 2.2 M 10.88 17.5 ± 0.2 31 AlMgSc 1.72 M 7.78 15.8 ± 0.9 53 2.2 M 13.92 17.6 ± 1.3 81 K. KERN et al.: EFFECT OF A SCANDIUM ADDITION ON ANODIZING AlMg ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 2, 155–161 159 Figure 8: Current density change during potentiostatic anodization of AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys at 21 °C and 35 °C, 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 elec- trolyte, a voltage of 18 V Figure 7: Pores (coloured in red) in the oxide layer (free surface) of the AA5083 alloy: a) T el. = 21 °C, b) T el. = 35 °C; and of AlMgSc: c) T el. = 21 °C, d) T el. = 35 °C; an anodization time of 25 min, voltage of 18 V, electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 Table 4: Comparison of pore densities, proportions and diameters for the oxide layers on AA5083 and AlMgSc alloys after anodizing in electrolyte 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 at 21 °C or 35 °C; an anodization time of 25 min, voltage of 18 V Alloy El. temp. (°C) Pore frac- tion (%) Pore diam- eter (nm) Oxide layer thickness (μm) AA5083 21 9.31 15 ± 1.7 25 35 27.42 48.4 ± 1.7 29 AlMgSc 21 7.78 15.8 ± 0.9 53 35 8.08 / 24 Figure 9: Pores (coloured in red) measured on the free surface of the oxide layer after anodization in electrolytes with different concentra- tions: a) AA5083, 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , b) AA5083, 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 , c) AlMgSc, 1.72 M H 2 SO 4 , d) AlMgSc, 2.2 M H 2 SO 4 ; an anodization time of 25 min, voltage of 18 V, T el. =21°C 4 DISCUSSION The electrical parameters of anodization (voltage and current density) are inherently related to the resistance of the growing oxide layer. If we maintain one electrical pa- rameter constant, the value of the other depends on how the growing oxide adapts (pore density and pore diame- ter), which in turn depends on the chemical nature (al- loying elements) as well as the processing history of the alloy to be anodized (microstructure, intermetallic phases on the surface). In addition, the value of a mea- sured electrical parameter also depends on how the re- sulting oxide reacts with the electrolyte under certain conditions (type, concentration and temperature of the electrolyte). Predicting how a particular alloy will be- have during anodizing is therefore extremely difficult without trial and error testing. The current density deter- mines the thickness of the oxide layer, as it indicates how many metal anions have reacted with the cations of the electrolyte on one unit of the workpiece surface. The higher the current density, the faster is the oxide growth. However, strictly speaking, this is true only if an oxida- tion reaction occurs at the metal/oxide interface and the metal anions are not ejected into the electrolyte or the rate of chemical dissolution of the oxide at the ox- ide/electrolyte interface does not become a dominant fac- tor. Anodizing the same alloy at different constant volt- ages also affects the thickness of the barrier layer and the pore diameter of the porous layer (both of which in- crease with the increasing voltage). The temperature of the electrolyte has a large effect on the structure of the oxide layer as well as on the kinetics and mechanism of the growth itself. The pore diameter increases signifi- cantly even with a small increase in the temperature of the electrolyte, which is due to thermally enhanced dis- solution of the pore interior supported by the electric field. At a certain temperature of the electrolyte, the thickening of the oxide layer stops despite a high current density, which is due to an altered growth mechanism (ejection of anions into the electrolyte) or faster dissolu- tion of the oxide at the oxide/electrolyte interface. In- creasing the sulphuric acid concentration at a given volt- age increases the oxide thickness due to the increased concentration of the cations available for the oxidation reaction and simultaneously increases the dissolution rate of the pore interior, increasing the pore diameter. At a certain concentration threshold, dissolution predomi- nates and the stable oxide growth is interrupted. Scandium has a lower Gibbs free energy of the oxide formation per equivalent ( G/n) and a lower ionization energy than aluminium, and therefore exhibits preferen- tial oxidation and faster cation mobility in the oxide layer, resulting in a higher current density during con- stant-voltage anodization or a lower voltage required to keep the current density constant during galvanostatic anodization. Scandium binds uniformly with the alumina matrix and decreases its resistivity, which in turn in- creases the growth rate during potentiostatic anodization or decreases the pore density and pore diameter during galvanostatic anodization. Scandium also increases the mobility of cations through the oxide layer, thus acceler- ating the oxidation reaction in concentrated sulphuric acid electrolytes. On the other hand, it significantly in- creases the sensitivity to electrolyte temperature due to the increased mobility of ions. Even small variations in electrolyte temperature can have a large effect on the ox- ide growth. 5 CONCLUSIONS Alloy AlMg microalloyed with scandium is suitable for anodizing and requires a shorter anodizing time (at a constant current density) for the same oxide layer thick- ness as alloy AA5083, which is generally considered suitable for anodizing. 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