mxNIK Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 26/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 26. 6. 2011 SVETO REŠNJE TELO IN KRI THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail http://www.carantha.nety st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Kruh in vino Mašnik pri spremenjenju ponavlja za Jezusom besede: To je moje telo... to je moja kri ... Kaj pomeni besedica »to«? Pomeni kruh in vino, ki ju je dala narava_ in tudi delež, ki gaje dodal človek, ko je oral, sejal, okopaval, obrezoval, škropil, žel, trgal, mlel. Jezus je s svojim telesom in krvjo povezal vso naravo in celotnega človeka. Vse posvečuje in vsemu daje svojo božjo prisotnost. Ljudje neradi dajemo, rajši jemljemo. Vzrok mnogih prepirov, vojn je v destvu, da nekateri hočejo jemati, česar jim drugi ne dajo. Jezus je drugačen. Daje in se daje. Postaja med nami kruh in ga ponuja, naj ga vzamemo, razlomimo in jemo. Računsko vzeto, se Jezusu takšno dajanje ne izplača. Prav tako, kot se kruhu ne izplača, da se daje v jed. Zmanjka ga in ni ga več. V resnici pa se spremeni v drugačen, višji način bivanja. Spremeni se v življenjsko moč tistega, ki ga je jedel, da postane močan in zdrav, sposoben za delo in za ljubezen. Tudi materi se, računsko vzeto, ne izplača biti mati, roditi in vzgajati otroke ter skrbeti za družino. Vsega tega ji nihče ne more poplačati. Toda njeno dajanje se spremeni v višjo obliko. Svetu je dala novega človeka, ki ga ne more dati nihče drugi kot le ona. Podobno velja za očeta v družini, za učitelja v šoli, za delavca v tovarni, za zdravnika v bolnišnici, za duhovnika v župniji, skratka za vsakogar, ki se daje in mu pri tem ne gre predvsem za lastno korist. Računsko se to dajanje nikomur ne izplača, toda človeštvo od takih dajalcev živi. Kruh so za življenje sveta. Če jih bo malo, bo svet obubožal, če jih zmanjka, bo svet umrl. procesija sv. resnjega telesa in krvi v župniji sv. Gregorija Velikega, v nedeljo 19. junija 2011. Sveto mašo smo začeli že ob devetih zjutraj, pri maši je pel župnijski mešani pevski zbor. Po maši smo se zvrstili v procesijo s tremi oltarji, ki so jih pripravile članice Oltarnega društva in Ženske zveze. Lepo vreme je pomagalo, da smo lahko zbrano stopali v procesiji, ob pesmi in molitvi pri vsakem oltarju. Hvala vsem, ki so sodelovali tako pri maši kot tudi pri procesiji, vsem, ki so poskrbeli, da so bili oltarčki lepo okrašeni in pripravljeni. 11th Annual Slovenian Day Camp: August 2nd - August 5th, 2011 This year will be our 11th Annual Slovenian Day Camp! Looking for your kids to have a fun filled week? Send your Slovenian Campers to our 11th Annual Summer Day Camp here at our Parish. We have a week Planned with exciting and fun activities for all our kids. There will be lots of crafts, sports, singing, dancing, Water Fun and of course our week wouldn't be complete without a few surprises. We hope that our Slovenian youngsters will take this opportunity to enjoy the company of great friends and ready to make new friends share in laughter, cheering and a week filled with fun. We're all sure to have an awesome time at SDC! For Teenagers in high school and if you need your volunteer hours, you can get your 40 hours in just one week. So we welcome you to take this opportunity to have fun with kids participate in your community and fulfil your volunteer requirements. If you have kids, grandchildren, cousins, etc... between the ages of 4 and 11 years, tell them about our camp and sign up now. It's only $65.00 for a week of fun packed activities! For more information and to sign up, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-6891367 ( as soon as possible. We always have lots of kids so the sooner we know our numbers, the better we can plan for another great camp this summer. This is a great Opportunity for our kids to be part of our Slovenian Community and spend time with some Slovenian friends. I hope you will come and enjoy the week of August 2-5, 2011 with us. We look forward to seeing you there! Sunday's Readings The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ First Reading Deuter. 8:2-3.14-16 Moses reminds the people that God is the one who has led them from slavery to freedom, and is the one who feeds them. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 For St Paul, the Eucharist is a sign of the unity of the Church in Christ. Gospel John 6:51-58 The body and blood of the Lord is the promise of eternal life. "The bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world." Illustration Our digital age is having a profound effect on our culture, in ways we do not yet fully understand. Social networking, where we publish details and pictures of our lives on the internet, means that many of us live more publicly than ever before. Tweeting, where we send short messages from our mobile phones or computers about what we are doing at any particular time, is like distributing a diary to family, friends and others. When we blog, we share our thoughts on anything that takes our fancy and put them where anyone can see. But what happens, in this electronic world, when people mess up? When there are embarrassing stories, photos or movies about them on the internet? Or if stories appear about people that can harm them, whether they are true or not? The internet means people's past can be ever-present, they are not allowed to forget, not able to move on from where they were. No one yet knows how to tackle this new phenomenon. Today we keep a memory: not one that will harm us or prevent our growth, but one that gives us life and promises eternal life. It is not a memory in the sense that it reminds us of long ago - it is rather a memory that makes the past present. The self-giving of Jesus in his life and ministry, at the Last Supper, on the cross and in his Holy Spirit is as present to us as it was to the first disciples. Gospel Teaching Today's feast celebrates the presence of Jesus in the mystery of the Eucharist, his presence among us under the appearance of bread and wine. How is it possible, nearly two thousand years after his death, that he is with us in this way? How do we know it is him? When Jesus rose from the dead, he was the same as before, but different. He could still talk, eat, walk, teach and work miracles; but now he could appear to his disciples who were cowering in a locked room; now he would hand his mission on to them; now he would ascend to his Father, and give them his Holy Spirit. It is this risen Lord, unconstrained by the ordinary laws of nature, who is present in the Eucharist, to nourish and save his people. If we do not immediately recognise him, we are in good company: Mary thought he was the gardener, early in the morning on the first day of the week; the disciples thought he was a ghost, until he ate a piece of grilled fish; the travellers on the road to Em-maus thought he was a well-informed stranger. It is here in this last story that we have a clue as to how we will recognise him. We study the prophe- cies about him; we listen to his teachings about his death and resurrection; we ponder the Last Supper when he says, "this is my body" and "this is my blood"; and we hear his words today in St John's Gospel where he tells us we are to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man - himself. Putting all this together, when we celebrate the Eucharist in his memory, we can recognise that he is truly with us, and we worship and rejoice. Our faith helps us to see what our eyes alone cannot. Application Knowing he is so close to us in the Eucharist gives a focus to our lives that is both here and now and in the future; both tangible, appearing as bread and wine, and intangible - this is no ordinary bread and wine but the flesh and blood of the Lord, the risen Lord. This is for us comfort, consolation, hope of eternal life, a constant call to be united with each other, a challenge to be worthy of his presence, an invitation to share with others the news that he is very close. The God who saved the chosen people in the desert is still saving, through Jesus Christ his Son. The risen Lord who appeared to Saul and called him to be an apostle is making himself known to us in the sacrament of the Eucharist, and inviting us to go out in his name. As we ponder this great mystery today, we can realise how life-transforming it can be, and how it can transform our world. This is a memory we hold, we share and we celebrate -today, on this feast, and every time we gather around the altar in his name. ureditev nase dvorane, da bo dostopna za invalide_ Na zadnjem župnijskem svetu smo se pogovarjali o tem, kaj vse je potrebno storit, da bodo šli naši načrti za preureditev dvorane, še posebej stranišč in dvigala, naprej. Prijavili se bomo na organizacijo »Trilium«, ki finančno pomaga pri takih preureditvah, prav tako še neka druga organizacija. Zaenkrat imamo odobreno s strani škfije, da gremo naprej z načrti in pripravami za začetek gradnje. Potrebno bo pridobit še vsa dovoljenja in izbrat izvajalce. Prejšnji teden se je sestal tudi naš gradbeni odbor. Pregledali so načrte, prostor in se posvetovali, kakšen je najboljši način za izvedbo projekta. Začeli bomo tudi sami z zbiranjem finančnih sredstev. Razmišljali smo, da bi bila ena od takih akcij Martinovanje. Odprli bomo poseben račun za to gradnjo. Za vsa darovana sredstva boste, kot običajno, dobili potrdila za income tax. Upamo, da bi lahko pozimi že opravili nekatera dela, ostalo, pa če bo šlo vse po sreči, bi začeli naslednje leto spomladi. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ V času počitnic zbor ne bo imel vaj. Vaje bomo začeli v jeseni, s septembrom, da se pripravimo za jesenski banket, ki bo 18. septembra. Hvala vsem pevcem, organistu Carlu za resno prihajanje in sodelovanje. društvo sv. jožefa Lancaster Region of Pennsylvania /Hershey & Bethlehem - Join in the fun with the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph : September 6-9, 2011. Trip highlights include all of the sight seeing attraction, performance of "Joseph"- Millennium Theatre, tours, step on guide & meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, accommodation, motor coach and gratuities. Also one night stay at the new Sands Casino Hotel with $30 free play. Subsidized package per person: $685 (dbl), $655 (tpl). Please reserve now as deposit of $150 is due! Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For further information and reservations contact Jerry Ponikvar @ 333-5813 or Frank Erzar @ 643-0285. baragovi dnevi: 24-26 september Počitnice se bližajo, vsak si že dela načrte za naprej. Da ne bi pozabili tudi letos imamo namen udeležiti se Baragovih dni. Tisti, ki ste bili lani tam, že veste, da gremo malo bližje kot lansko leto in sicer v Harbor Springs Petoskey Area. Kot običajno v soboto bo slovenska maša, v nedeljo pa angleška. Hotel smo že rezervirali, da ne bi zadnjo minute ostali brez, prav tako avtobus, sedaj potrebujemo vaše prijave. In sedaj še informacije za prijavo in cena. Prijavite se lahko Veri Gonza 905-560-0089 ali Tereziji Sarjaš 905-560-1218 in to najkasneje do konca julija. Ne čakajte na zadnji dan, sedeži na avtobusu so po načelu »kdor prvi pride prvi melje«. Cena za polni avtobus je cca. $100 CAD in $200 US in vključuje avtobus, banket in hotel. Slovenian Canadian Scholarship/Bursary Awards_ The SCSF Board encourages all of our Slovenian youth from the Hamilton Wentworth, Halton & Niagara Regions who are in attendance or entering College or University level programs to apply for the 2011 Awards. Application forms and information are available in the rack at the back of the Church or contact: Karl Ferko (578-5890), Teresa Zupancic (664-6013),or Jerry Ponikvar (333-5813) . This year's Annual Awards Banquet will be held at St. Gregory Parish Hall on Saturday, October 22nd at 6:00 PM. slovenski dan 2011_ Ob 20 letnici Slovenske samostojnosti ,v nedeljo 26 Junija 2011, ste vabljeni na BLED - Beamsvill na SLOVENSKI DAN. Ob 11:00 sv. maša in procesija sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi. Vabljeni vsi, ki imate narodne noše, da se jih obleče. Vabimo tudi deklice, da bodo potresale cvetje pri oltarjih. Ob 12:30 bo na razpolago okusno kosilo in tudi pečenka na ražnju. Točno ob 14:00 se v dvorani začne kulturni program in predstavitev gostov . Sledijo olimpijske igre za otroke in domača Veselica na kateri igra slovenski ansambel ansambel Gregorja Mlinarja (TICO-TICO) konzularne ure_ G. Luka bo v nedeljo, 26. junija na praznovanju Slovenskega dne na Bledu-Beamsville, na razpolago za konzularne ure. Vsi, ki imate za urejanje zadev, pridite na Bled. slovenija 2012_ Jože Razpotnik (Starejši) poskuša zopet zbrati skupino za 2012 potovanje v Slovenijo. Če ste zainteresirani ga pokličite na zgoraj navedeno telefonsko stevilko: 1-519-461-0653. Hvala Lepa. z avtobusom v bancroft_ V nedeljo, 31. julija Bled Park organizira izlet z avtobusom v Bancroft Slovenian Club-Planica, kjer bo moški zbor s petjem nastopil na pikniku. Sedeži na avtobusu so po načelu »prvi pride prvi melje«. Okvirna cena bo $40. Več informacij dobite pri Ivanu Krušiču na telefonski številki 905-930 -9503. darovi_ Za blazine na klopeh v cerkvi sta darovala Zoltan in ana Gergyek $100. pokojni_ V torej, 21. junija 2011 je zaspal v Gospodu naš faran LUDVIK ZIDAR. Pokojni je bil zelo povezan z župnijo takoj v samih začetkih. Star je bil 90 let. Pokojni Ludvik je ležal v Smith's Funeral Home na Guelph Line, Burlington v petek 24. junija. Pogrebne molitve smo opravili ob navzočnosti domačih in prijateljev v soboto, 26. junija ob 10:30 dopoldne v Funeral home in nato je bil pokopan na Burlington Memorial Gardens. Iskreno sožalje vsem domačim, pokojni Ludvik pa naj v božje miru počiva in večna luč naj mu sveti. prvi petek in sobota_ Ta teden je zopet prvi petek in sobota v mesecu. Obiskoval bom bolnike, zvečer pa bo kot običajno prilika za spoved, češčenje Najsvetejšega, osebno molitev in nato sveta maša. Med nami bo že g. Bogdan Kolar. Ker je ta petek tudi praznik Srca Jezusovega, bomo zmoli litanije Srca Jezusovega in posvetilno molitev. večna luč_ V juliju bo večna luč svetilapo namenu družine Vengar za pokojnega Antona Vengarja. koledar za junij - julij 2011_ ❖ 26. junij 2011 - nedelja: SLOVENSKI DAN pri društvu Bled-Beamsville. Ob 11:00 AM bo sv. maša s procesijo sv. Rešnjega Telesa in krvi po maši. Vabljene narodne noše in deklice v belem, da bodo potresale cvetje. Ob 12:30 kosilo in ob 2:00 PM začetek kulturnega programa. V župnijski cerkvi 26. junija NE bo slovenske sv. maše ob 9:30. Sv. maša bo samo ob 11:00 AM v angleškem jeziku. ❖ 3. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 1:00 PM sv. maša v Slovenskem parku. ❖ 24. julij 2011 - nedelja: ob 12:30 PM sv. maša pri društvu Bled Planica -Beamsville: proščenje - žegnanje! Od 26. 6. 2011 Do 03. 7. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 26. Junij SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI Jožef M. Escriva za žive in rajne župljane f Janez Kosednar 11:00 a.m. Žena Hema z družino tt Vsi pokojni Slovenci v Kanadi 11:00 a.m. SLOVENSKI DAN pri DRUŠTVU BLED PLANICA - BEAMSVILLE Ponedeljek - Monday 27. Junij Ema Krška, kneginja ff Bratje in sestre 7:00 p.m. Ignac Horvat z družino f Blaž Čulig Matila Bratuž f Marija Ipavec Matilda Bratuž f Blaž Čulig Družina Molec Torek - Tuesday 28. Junij Irenej, šk-mučenec ff Pokojni farani 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc f Blaž Čulig Naci in Ana Krampač ff Vinko in Katarina Antolin Ivan in Angela Antolin f Blaž Čulig Štefan in Gizella Ray z druž. Sreda - Wednesday 29. Junij Peter in Pavel, apost. f Darinka Ferletič 7:00 p.m. Elizabet Farkaš f Ana Šemen, obl. Sin Ivan z družino f Blaž Čulig Družina Kapušin ff Angela in Alojz Kocmut Betty in Frank Gimpelj Četrtek - Thursday 30. Junij Ladislav Ogrski, kralj f Anica Kološa 7:00 p.m. Hčerka f Ljubica Hribljan Anica Majzelj z družino f Blaž Čulig Martin in Pauline tonaj f Karl Volčanšek Monika Gašpar z družino Prvi Petek - First Friday 01. Julij SRCE JEZUSOVO ff za duše v vicah 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič f Anton Vengar Tone in Marija bukvič f Jože Gjerek Hčerka Minka z družino f Karel Volčanšek Manja Erzetič Sobota - Saturday 02. Julij Srce Marijino V zahvalo za uslišane prošnje 8:15 a.m. Gizella in Štefan Ray f Kristina Mertik 5:30 p.m. Alojz Ferenčak z družino f Terezija Marinič Alojz Ferenčak z družino f Alojz Zver Alojz Ferenčak z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 03. Julij 14. nedelja med leton Tomaž, apostol za žive in rajne župljane f Jožef Vuk 9:30 a.m. Ignac Horvat z družino f Milan Štefanec Alojz Ferenčak z družino f Ivan Dobršek 11:00 a.m. Alojz Ferenčak z družino ff Polde in Francka Alič in za zdravje1:00 p.m.SLOVENSKI PARK svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. 4Î*