Y. ZHONG et al.: APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS ... 547–553 APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS FROM A BEZAFIBRATE SYNTHESIS WASTE SOLUTION UPORABA CS/ATP KOMPOZITNEGA FLOKULANTA ZA RECIKLIRANJE GLAVNIH KOMPONENT V BEZAFIBRATNI SINTEZI ODPADNE RAZTOPINE Yuan Zhong 1 , Jie Wu 1* , Su-Zhen Wang 2 , Seng Tang 3 1 Jiangsu Health Vocational College, Nanjing, China 2 Key Laboratory for Palygorskite Science and Applied Technology of Jiangsu Province, Huaian, China 3 Key Laboratory for Specialized Resources and Medical Research of Jiangsu Province, Huaian, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-03-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-08-08 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.456 A chitosan/attapulgite (CS/ATP) composite flocculant with excellent adsorption was prepared from chitosan (CS) and attapul- gite clay (ATP). The micro morphology and structure of the composite flocculant were characterized with SEM and IR. The ef- fect of the CS/ATP composite flocculant on the recovery of the main components from the bezafibrate (BZ) wastewater of a pharmaceutical plant was investigated. The influences of the flocculation temperature, mixing time and standing time on the flocculation effect were investigated by determining the BZ content of the recovered crude products as the evaluation index so as to obtain the best recovery process. The experimental results show that the best flocculation condition is created when we add 20 mg/mL of CS/ATP to the waste liquid, stir it at 30 °C for 10 min and allow it to stand for 30 min. Compared with the tradi- tional recovery process, the BZ content of the recovered crude products can be increased from 47 % to 74 % when using the CS/ATP composite flocculant. This flocculant can effectively overcome the defects of single material residues and difficult sep- aration, accelerate the settlement of impurities in a waste liquid effectively, and can be used in the field of solution clearing and waste liquid separation. Keywords: chitosan, attapulgite, flocculant, bezafibrate waste solution, recycling Avtorji so iz me{anice hitosana (CS) in atapulgitne gline (ATP) pripravili novo vrsto hitozan/atapulgitnega (CS/ATP) kompozitnega flokulanta z odli~no adsorpcijsko flokulacijo oz. sposobnostjo kosmi~enja. Mikromorfologijo in strukturo kompozitnega flokulanta so dolo~ili z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) in infrarde~im spektrometrom (IR). Nato so ugotavljali vpliv CS/ATP kompozitnega flokulanta na popravek glavnih komponent bezafibratnih (BZ) odplak iz farmacevtske tovarne. Ugotavljali so vpliv flokulacijske temperature, ~asa me{anja in stojnega ~asa na vpliv flokulacije. Indeks ovrednotenja, s katerim so dobili najbolj{i proces o~i{~enja odplak, je predstavljal vsebnost oz. koli~ino odstranjenih snovi v BZ odplakah. Eksperimentalni rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so najbolj{e pogoje flokulacije dosegli pri dodatku 20 mg/mL CS/ATP, me{anju raztopine 10 min pri temperaturi 30 °C in njeni odstavitvi za 30 min. Primerjava s standardnim procesom poprave oz. ~i{~enja je pri uporabi CS/ATP kompozitnega flokulanta vsebnost BZ v ostanku narasla s 47 % na 74 %. Kompozitni flokulant dejansko u~inkovito premaga napake ostankov posameznega materiala in izbolj{a te`avno lo~evanje ter pospe{i posedanje ne~isto~ v odpadni teko~ini oz. odplakah. Zato se lahko uporablja na podro~ju razbistrenja raztopin in lo~evanja ne~isto~ v odplakah. Klju~ne besede: hitosan, atapulgit, flokulant, bezafibratna odpadna raztopina, recikliranje 1 INTRODUCTION Bezafibrate (BZ), belonging to fibrates, is a first-line drug in the treatment of various types of lipid metabolic disorders. 1,2 The synthesis of BZ includes two steps of acylation and condensation, in which the condensation reaction leads to an increase in the coproducts as the re- action temperature rises rapidly in a short time due to spontaneous exothermic heat. However, there is still a b o u t7%o fB Zi nt h er e m a ining waste liquid (the high-performance liquid method) 3 after the crystalliza- tion and solvent recovery of the mother liquor in this re- action. The crude BZ obtained with the traditional recov- ery is directly discarded by enterprises due to a large amount of impurities, high viscosity and high purifica- tion cost. Therefore, developing a green method with a simple operation and low cost to recover BZ from waste liquids is an effective way to improve the product yield and reduce the production cost. Previous studies have found that the major impurities in a waste liquid can be removed by using the carbon dioxide precipitation method, 4 but simple filtration and general centrifugation methods cannot separate BZ because the precipitation is often difficult to settle due to small impurity particles, large viscosity of the waste liquid, and is even suspended in the form of colloid in the waste liquid. Attapulgite (ATP), a non-metallic clay mineral, formed from the layered chain structures of hydrated magnesium aluminum silicates, has a large specific sur- face area and an internal porous characterization due to Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 547–553 547 UDK 544.77.052.22:504.5:615 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 56(5)547(2022) *Corresponding author's e-mail: wujie1760@126.com (Jie Wu) large channels resembling zeolite. In recent years, ATP has been developed considerably in the wastewater treat- ment industry. Due to its excellent adsorption and decolorization performance, non-toxic, pollution-free and in-depth research on the treatment of pharmaceutical and chemical waste liquids has been carried out. 5–7 Espe- cially after organic modification, ATP improves its hydrophobicity and enhances its adsorption capacity for organic matter as some of the crystal water and adsorbed water inside and outside the lattice is replaced by organic matter. 8,9 However, it is difficult to form only ATP as a powder adsorbent, and perform a solid-liquid separation of liquid with high viscosity. Chitosan (CS), a biodegrad- able natural amino polysaccharide polymer compound, is an excellent natural cation clarifier, and it is commonly used for the flocculation and clearing of Chinese drug extracts and fruit juices as it is non-toxic and taste- less. 10,11 This study intends to realize the recovery of BZ from a waste solution, using CS to modify ATP and pre- pare a chitosan/attapulgite (CS/ATP) composite floccu- lant to enhance the adsorption performance of ATP on organic impurities, improving the separation effect of the impurities in the waste solution of BZ synthesis. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials BZ control products were purchased from the Na- tional Institutes for Food and Drug Control (batch No.100732-200501), BZ waste liquid was from Jiangsu Tasly Diyi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (lot No.20170509), CS from Zhejiang Golden-Shell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (95 % deacetyl), ATP was from Jiangsu Jiuchuan Nano Material Technology Co., Ltd. (100 screen), chromatographically pure methanol was from Tianjin Oubokai Chemical Co., Ltd., water was deionized water and other, analytically pure reagents were purchased from Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. 2.2 Instruments We used a 1100LC HPLC, G1315B UV detector (Agilent), Nicolet 5700 infrared spectrometer (Thermo Electron), S-3000N scanning electron microscope (Hitachi, Japan), IKA-Werke thermostatic magnetic stir- rer (Guangzhou Yike Laboratory Technology Co., Ltd.) and Allegra X-30 centrifuge (Beckman, USA). 2.3 Preparation of CS/ATP 1 g of CS was added to 100 mL of 1 % (w/w) acetic acid solution, which was stirred slowly and heated to 40 °C so that CS dissolved completely and a CS solution was obtained. ATP was added to the CS solution (w CS : w ATP = 6 : 100) slowly and stirred in (400 min –1 ) continuously at room temperature for 24 h. After being allowed to stand for 8 h, the upper acetic acid solution was dumped, the solid product was washed with water to become neutral and dried at 60 °C for 12 h. The CS/ATP complex obtained was ground, screened through a 100 mesh sieve and sealed in a dryer for storage. 2.4 BZ recovery from the waste liquid 2.4.1 Traditional post-processing method (method A) The BZ waste solution was diluted with water at a ra- tio of 1 : 25 (v/v), acidified and the pH was adjusted to 3–4 with 15 % of HCl. The solution was allowed to stand until the precipitation was complete, then it was filtered and dried to obtain the BZ crude product. 2.4.2 CO2 precipitation method (method B) The BZ waste solution was diluted with water at a ra- tioof1:25( v/v) and CO 2 was passed into the solution under airtight conditions. Then the solution was centri- fuged (5000 min –1 ) after 40 min to get the supernatant, which was acidified and allowed to stand until the pre- cipitation was complete, then filtered and dried to get the BZ crude product, as with method A. 2.4.3 CS flocculation method (method C) After passing CO 2 into the solution according to method B, a 1.2 % (w/w) CS solution was added to the solution, which was filtered after 30 min of flocculation. The filtrate was acidified, allowed to stand until the pre- cipitation was complete, then filtered and dried to get the BZ crude product as with method A. 2.4.4 ATP adsorption method (method D) After passing CO 2 into the solution according to method B, a certain amount of ATP was added to the so- lution, which was stirred for 10 min and filtered after be- ing allowed to stand for 30 min. The filtrate was acidi- fied, allowed to stand until the precipitation was complete, filtered and dried to get the BZ crude product as with method A. 2.4.5 CS/ATP flocculation adsorption method (method E) After passing CO 2 into the solution according to method B, a 1.2 % (w/w) CS solution was added to the solution, which was filtered after 30 min of flocculation. A certain amount of CS/ATP was added to the filtrate, which was stirred for 10 min and filtered after standing for 30 min. The secondary filtrate was acidified, allowed to stand until the precipitation was complete, filtered and dried to get the BZ crude product as with method A. 2.5 Measurement of the BZ content HPLC analyses were performed in a Hypersil ODS2 column (4.6 mm × 250 mm and 5 μm), at a column tem- perature of 30 °C with a mobile phase of 0.01 mol/L po- tassium dihydrogen phosphate solution (the pH was ad- justed to 3.8 with phosphoric acid) – methanol (40 : 60, v/v), at a flow rate of 1 mL/min, an injection volume of 10 μL and a detection wavelength of 228 nm. The sam- ples were the BZ crude products recovered with different Y. ZHONG et al.: APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS ... 548 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 547–553 methods. 100 mg of a sample was dissolved with the mo- bile phase to prepare the solution with a certain concen- tration. The solution was filtered with a 0.25 μm microporous membrane and injected into a liquid chro- matographic analysis system. The chromatogram was re- corded and the content was determined with the area nor- malization method. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Characterization of the CS/ATP composite floccu- lant 3.1.1 FTIR of the materials ATP, chitosan and their complex of CS/ATP were characterized by the FTIR spectra, and the results are shown in Figure 1. When a degree of CS deacetylation of 95 % was used, the peak of CS at 1600 cm –1 belonged to the bent vibration peak of the amino group, which was blue shifted to 1560 cm –1 in the CS/ATP complex. More- over, the stretching vibration peak at 3550 cm –1 which was attributed to Si-OH in ATP became weak in the complex, indicating that the amino group in CS formed hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group in ATP. 12 The OH bending vibration peaks of 1650 cm –1 attributed to the ATP coordination water and the adsorbed water be- come weak in the complex. The characteristic absorption double peaks of ATP at 1030 cm –1 and 990 cm –1 caused by the stretching vibration of the Si-O-Si bond also ap- peared in the complex, indicating that ATP had success- fully recombined with CS. 13 3.1.2 Microstructure of the material Electron micrographs of ATP and its complex CS/ATP are shown in Figure 2. This figure shows that ATP is a kind of fibrous rod-like crystal, easy to agglom- erate in bundles due to a large specific surface area. In the composite with chitosan, the rod crystals of ATP are covered with a layer of polymer, forming a composite material with organic-phase chitosan as the matrix and inorganic-phase ATP as the core, having a denser struc- ture compared with ATP. However, when compared with the single polymerization system, the presence of the in- organic phase provides the dispersion medium for chitosan and gives it a rough microstructure, providing a structural basis for its adsorption and flocculation prop- erties. At the same time, the presence of chitosan also provides the material basis for the processing and mould- ing of ATP. 3.1.3 Flocculation morphology According to the experimental optimum process con- ditions for the flocculation of the BZ waste solution by ATP/CS, ATP and CS, the flocculated waste solution was diluted with deionized water at a certain concentration, and the structures of the flocs were photographed and observed, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows the flocs produced after the addition of ATP, CS and ATP/CS to the waste solution, respec- tively. It can be seen that after adding ATP to the waste solution, ATP flocculates with the adsorption of impuri- ties through the van der Waals force, and the floc parti- cles are small and loose, with a slow settling speed and difficult filtration. After adding CS to the waste solution, although CS can form larger flocs by bridging through the electrostatic gravitational force, there are still a large number of fine flocs, affecting the settling speed. On the Y. ZHONG et al.: APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 547–553 549 Figure 2: SEM micrographs of: a) ATP, b) CS/ATP Figure 1: FTIR spectra of ATP, CS and CS/ATP contrary, after adding ATP/CS, large and dense flocs are generated, easy to separate. It can be seen that ATP with good adsorption performance quickly adsorbs impurities, while the CS polymer compound with the bridging effect makes the flocs larger, accelerating the settling of the flocs, and has a netting effect, which can clarify the waste solution and separate impurities in a short time. Here, the effect is obviously better than in the case of the adsorption and flocculation effect of only CS or ATP. 3.2 Recovery of BZ from the waste solution 3.2.1 Comparison of different recovery processes The effects of different recovery processes on the content of BZ in the waste solution are shown in Fig- ure 4. Compared with the conventional recovery method (A), the CO 2 precipitation method (B) makes it difficult to filter the fine precipitation formed as larger particles in the viscous liquid because the treatment target is a vis- cous waste solution with lots impurities, thus causing the content of BZ in the resulting crude product to be lower than that of the conventional recovery method. However, using the C method that adds CS to the flocculate in the waste solution after the CO 2 precipitation, the content of BZ in the resulting crude product is significantly higher than that of the B method, increasing from 44 % to 57 %; the solution is clear after the flocculation and the flocs at the bottom can be removed by filtration, showing that chitosan has an obvious charge neutralization and adsorption bridging effect on the precipitation formed by CO 2 and other tiny impurities in the waste solution. 14 The effect of the ATP treatment (the D method) is similar to that of the C method, indicating that the large specific surface area of ATP allows it to have a significant ad- sorption effect on impurities and also enables fine pre- cipitates to form larger precipitates by depositing them on the surface of ATP for easy filtration. The CS/ATP complex (the E method) formed by compounding chitosan and ATP has the best effect on the impurity removal in the waste solution, and the recov- ered crude product contains up to 62 % of BZ, which is due to the fact that on the one hand, the floc formed by chitosan only was lighter and less likely to settle, while the presence of ATP effectively increased the floc weight, making the aggregated floc more compact. In ad- dition, the rough microstructure of the complex is condu- cive to the adhesion of fine precipitation and flocs, speeding up the settling speed and making it easier to re- move them. 15,16 On the other hand, based on the FTIR spectra from Figure 1, it can be suggested that the three-dimensional network structure formed by the hydroxyl group on ATP and the amino group on CS through hydrogen bonding in the complex also has a net- ting effect on the precipitated particles. 3.2.2 Effect of the flocculation temperature The variation in the BZ content in the waste solution with the flocculation temperature is shown in Figure 5. With the increase in the temperature, the content of BZ gradually increases and reaches the highest value at 30 °C. Due to the fact that with the temperature increase, the Brownian motion of particles in the waste solution is strengthened, the collision frequency between the parti- cles increases and the electrical neutralization and ad- Y. ZHONG et al.: APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS ... 550 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 547–553 Figure 3: Observation of flocculation morphology: a) ATP, b) CS, c) ATP/CS Figure 4: Effects of different recovery processes on the BZ content in the waste solution sorption bridging effects are gradually enhanced, while the temperature continues to increase and the effective number of collisions per unit time increases, leading to the self-polymerization reaction of the flocculant itself, which affects the flocculation effect. 17 At the same time, the acceleration of the reaction rate also makes the fine particles unfavourable for settling. 3.2.3 Effect of the flocculant dosage The effect of the flocculant dosage on the BZ content in the waste solution is shown in Figure 6. The BZ con- tent tends to increase and then decrease with the flocculant dosage, reaching the maximum value at 20 mg/mL. This is due to the fact that when the amount of flocculant is low, the electrical neutralization and adsorp- tion bridging effects between the flocculant and impurity molecules are extremely weak, resulting in insufficient flocculation. 14 On the other hand, when the amount of flocculant is too high, an excessive amount of positively charged particles is adsorbed on the surface of colloidal particles, and bridging cannot be formed between the particles under the effect of their electrostatic repulsion because the premise for flocculation is that the surfaces of the particles in a solution should be left blank to pro- duce bridging adsorption. So a continued increase in the amount of flocculant produces a colloid protecting ef- fect, which enhances the stability of the particle system and makes it less likely to settle. On the other hand, CS is positively charged and an excessive amount of flocculant can also reduce the BZ content with the ad- sorption on the dissociated negative ions of BZ. 3.2.4 Stirring and standing time After adding the flocculant, the effect of the solution stirring and standing time on the BZ content in the waste solution is shown in Figure 7. The stirring time is one of the important factors affecting the flocculation effect. The whole flocculation process consists of two stages: mixing and reaction. In the mixing stage, stirring can promote the full contact of the objects, while in the reac- tion stage, a stirring time that is too long leads to the fragmentation of the formed flocs. In addition, the stand- ing stage of flocculation is the process of floc gathering and settling. If the time is too short, the flocs do not set- tle completely, causing difficulties during separation; if the time is too long, the flocs may adsorb the main com- ponents in the solution, resulting in a reduction in the main-component content. As shown in Figure 7, the best flocculation effect was achieved after 10 min of stirring and standing. 3.2.5 Orthogonal test An L 9 (3 4 ) orthogonal test was designed based on the above experimental results to further optimize the floc- culation process, and the lever factors are shown in Ta- Y. ZHONG et al.: APPLICATION OF A CS/ATP COMPOSITE FLOCCULANT FOR RECYCLING THE MAIN COMPONENTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 547–553 551 Figure 5: Effect of the flocculation temperature on the BZ content in the waste solution Figure 7: Effect of the stirring and standing time on the BZ content in the waste solution Figure 6: Effect of the flocculant dosage on the BZ content in the waste solution ble 1. The optimum flocculation process was determined with an extreme difference analysis based on the experi- mental results, with a flocculation temperature of 30 °C, CS/ATP dosage of 20 mg/mL, stirring time of 10 min, and standing time of 30 min. The order of the influenc- ing factors was standing time > flocculant dosage > floc- culation temperature > stirring time. A validation experi- ment for this optimal flocculation condition was performed, and its result showed that the BZ content of the crude product recovered from the waste solution was 74 %. Table 1: Orthogonal-factor table for the recovery technology using CS/ATP Level Factor Tempera- ture (°C) Dosage (mg/mL) Stirring time (min) Standing time (min) 12 01 51 01 0 23 02 02 02 0 34 02 53 03 0 3.3 Comparison of recovery processes A comparison of the best process obtained with the orthogonal test and the conventional recovery process is shown in Figure 8; the results show that the crude prod- uct obtained with the ATP/CS flocculation treatment had a BZ content of 74 %. The crude product was then recrystallized once with ethanol (95 %), and the BZ con- tent reached 98 % with a yield of 20 %. The crude prod- uct obtained with the conventional recovery was very sticky due to the BZ content of only 47 %, and the con- tent reached 81 % after one recrystallization. The syner- gistic adsorption and flocculation of ATP and CS in the compound flocculant promoted the sedimentation of fine impurities suspended in the waste solution, which was conducive to the separation of impurities and the in- crease in the BZ content in the waste solution, thus more favourable to the recovery of BZ from the waste solution. 4 CONCLUSIONS The preparation of the CS/ATP composite flocculant with the synergistic effect of adsorption and flocculation using CS and ATP as raw materials is simple and easy, suitable for industrial mass production, and can effec- tively recover a high-purity BZ crude product from a BZ synthesis waste solution, thus reducing the production cost. Through a single-factor experiment and orthogonal test, the best flocculation conditions for using CS/ATP in a BZ waste solution were created when 20 mg/mL of CS/ATP were added to the solution at 30 °C, stirred for 10 min and allowed to rest for 30 min. Under these con- ditions, the flocculant not only facilitated the recovery of BZ from the waste solution, but also increased the BZ content in the crude product from 47 % to 74 %, and the content of crude product from 81 % to 98 % after one recrystallization. The CS/ATP composite flocculant is a natural green composite material, which avoids the disadvantages of the residuals of a single CS flocculant and difficult sepa- ration after a single ATP adsorption. It effectively accel- erates the settling of impurities in a waste solution, and can be used in the fields of solution clearing and waste solution separation and purification. Acknowledgment This research was funded by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China (19KJD430005), Qinglan project of excellent teaching team in Jiangsu, and teaching and research pro- ject of the Jiangsu Health Vocational College (JKA202004, JKB202002, JKB202008). 5 REFERENCES 1 L. M. Luo, Q. W. Zhu, B Zhu, Y. H. 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