| 387 | | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S V G 202 2 GEODETSKI VESTNIK | letn. / Vol. 66 | št. / No. 3 | SI | EN KLJUČNE BESEDE KEY WORDS remote sensing, image processing, water body, river, corine data daljinsko zaznavanje, obdelava slik, vodno telo, reka, podatki Corine Water resources is crucial for the continuity of life. Therefore, mapping water resources is required. Successful analysis of remotely sensed images can provide reliable information for water researches. However, it is very complex process to ensure that the maps created are not affected by shadows, cloud or other noise. In addition, it is necessary to successfully map all water types in various geographies. It is important that the method used is practical so that scientists who are not image analysts can use the large data pool provided by satellite images. In this paper, a novel algorithm for water body extraction from Landsat imagery is proposed. In this method, Corine data are used as auxiliary data to automatically generate training data. Four study areas with different characteristics, from different parts of the world, are used to test the proposed method. The results obtained are compared with other automatic classification methods. UDK: 004.652:528.8 Klasifikacija prispevka po COBISS.SI: 1.01 Prispelo: 7. 2. 2022 Sprejeto: 8. 8. 2022 DOI: 10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2022.03.387-402 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Received: 7. 2. 2022 Accepted: 8. 8. 2022 AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES Dilek Küçük Matci SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK Vodni viri so ključnega pomena za obstoj življenja, zaradi česar je pomembno, da jih kartiramo. Z uspešno analizo daljinsko zaznanih slik lahko pridobimo zanesljive informacije za raziskave vode, vendar je postopek zapleten in poskrbeti moramo, da na ustvarjene karte ne vplivajo sence, oblaki ali drugi šumi. Poleg tega je treba uspešno preslikati vse vrste voda na različnih geografskih območjih. Pomembno je tudi, da je uporabljena metoda praktična, da lahko znanstveniki, ki niso slikovni analitiki, uporabljajo širok nabor podatkov, ki jih zagotavljajo satelitske slike. V prispevku je predlagan nov algoritem za ekstrakcijo vodnega telesa iz posnetkov Landsat. Pri tej metodi se podatki Corine uporabljajo kot pomožni podatki za samodejno ustvarjanje učnih podatkov. Za testiranje predlagane metode se uporabljajo štiri študijska področja z različnimi značilnostmi iz različnih delov sveta. Dobljene rezultate primerjamo z drugimi samodejnimi metodami razvrščanja. Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | ABSTRACT IZVLEČEK | 388 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N 1 INTRODUCTION Climate change and rapid, uncontrolled urbanization in recent years have affected the distribution and quality of water areas (Franczyk and Chang, 2009; Huong and Pathirana, 2013). Sustaining a healthy environment, climate and agriculture depend on the protection of water resources. Regular monitoring of water resources and the identifiying changes are the first steps towards conservation of resources. On the other hand, it is necessary to monitor water bodies in order to reveal floods and their effects on the environment as a result of the storms and excessive precipitation which are a result of the changing climate (Huong and Pathirana, 2013). With the rapid development of technology, remotely sensed images have begun to provide data about environmental changes in many areas. In the past years, various water body extraction studies have been carried out using remotely sensed images (Chen et al., 2020; Feng et al., 2016; Monegaglia et al., 2018; Rad et al., 2021; Somasundaram et al., 2020). In one of these studies, an inland water body dataset was created using Landsat satellite images. Landsat images are used in another water extraction study, surface water area extraction has been carried out by using learning vector quantization (LVQ) methods (Somasundaram et al., 2020). Similarly, Landsat images were used to test theproposed method (Monegaglia et al., 2018). In another study a novel neural network method for water body extraction method was proposed. To evaluate this proposed method, ZY-3, GF-1, and GF-2 multispectral images were used (Chen et al., 2020). The water index, which is used to identify water areas, is a simple and effective method of identifying surface water bodies by separating the signals of water from other surface classes with the band ratio method. The normalized difference water index (NDWI) based on extracting green and near infrared (NIR) bands from multispectral bands has been proposed (McFeeters, 2013). The modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI) has been proposed to suppress background residential areas, while eliminating water areas (Hanqiu Xu, 2006). Recently, the Augmented Normalized Difference Water Index has been proposed to extract water bodies from Landsat images (Rad et al., 2021). Other water indices such as the automated water extraction index (AWEI), all band water index (ABWI) and multi- band water index (MBWI) have been proposed using other bands in multispectral images (Feyisa et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2018; Xiong et al., 2018). One of the other water extraction approaches is supervised classification approaches. For example, a water and urban land use map was prepared is a random forest (RF) classifier (Chen et al., 2018). Also, two machine learning frameworks (pixel based and object based) have been proposed to determine water types (Huang et al., 2015). The monthly changes in the water surface area of Lake were determined in another study using Landsat and Sentinel 1 images and the Otsu method (Jingzhe Wang et al., 2019). Using different satellite images, spectral indices, and thresholds, the spatial and volumetric changes of the Aral Lake between 1960 and 2018 have been determined in one of the recent studies (Yang et al., 2020). Unsupervised classification methods are frequently used in the literature for the extraction of water areas. In a study conducted in Sri Lanka, the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) method was used to extract the water area. The obtained results were compared with other state of the art methods such as support vector machine, K-nearest neighbor, discriminant analysis, combination of modified normalized difference water index and modified fuzzy clustering method, and K-means methods. The results of the Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 389 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N study indicated that LVQ performed well in detecting all water types with fewer training samples (Soma- sundaram et al., 2020). In another study, LVQ was used to extract water areas from Landsat 4 images (Wang and Zhu, 2003). In a study proposed to extract water regions in mountainous areas, the image was first classified with K-Means, and these classes were used as masks (Gao et al., 2016). High resolution Dem and K-Means were used in a study to extract valley and channel networks (Hooshyar et al., 2016). When these studies are examined, supervised classification generally gives higher accuracy results, compa- red to unsupervised classification or water indices (Jiang et al., 2018). However, creating separate training data for each classification in the supervised classification process is laborious and time-consuming. In addition, the accuracy of the training data directly affects the results (Foody and Mathur, 2004; Matci and Avdan, 2020). Corine data have been created for the purpose of monitoring natural resources, and prepared in line with the criteria determined by the European Environment Agency (Corine, 2019). The European Corine land cover mapping scheme has a 100m resolution and includes 44 land cover and land use classes. These data are used in various studies such as the determination of the changes in land cover classes, the creation of population density maps, the spatial interpolation of air pollution measurements, and the determination of urban heat islands (Dabija et al., 2021; Dzieszko, 2014; Gallego and Peedell, 2001; Janssen et al., 2008; Kucsicsa et al., 2019; Stathopoulou and Cartalis, 2007; Waltner et al., 2020). In a study conducted using this data, the effectiveness of satellite image classification, according to the Corine land cover guidelines, was examined. Training data were collected by randomly selecting samples of pixels falling within the Corine land classes (Dabija et al., 2021). In another study, Corine data were used to reveal the main land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) patterns in the Poznań Lakeland mesoregion (Dzieszko, 2014). In a study to identify and predict land cover change in Romania, Corine data was used in conjunction with the existing land use/cover model(Kucsicsa et al., 2019). In a study conducted in Greece, an urban heat island extraction study was conducted and Corine data were used together with Landsat 7 images(Stathopoulou and Cartalis, 2007). The Corine data were used in another study to improve the mapping of population density that the European Commission could use at the commune level (Gallego and Peedell, 2001). In another study, Corine data were used to model air pollution data(Janssen et al., 2008). Corine data were used in a study to evaluate changes in soil erosion potential caused by changes in land use and land cover based on Land Cover data in Hungary (Waltner et al., 2020). This study uses a fully automate water extraction approach, from satellite images, using data. The method uses a training data collection system based on the Corine data. With the training data prepared in this way, the water bodies in selected areas outside the Corine region were also successfully extracted from the Landsat Images. In order to test the method developed, images of regions in Canada, Guinea, Zhengzhou and Tibetan were used, and the water bodies in these areas were automatically mapped. The results obtained reveal the potential of the proposed method. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The materials and methods used in the study are presented under the following sub-headings. Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 390 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N 2.1 Satellite Imagery Launched on February 11, 2013, Landsat-8 collection includes two sensors, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensors (TIRS). Landsat-8 OLI images were used in the study. The bands of the Landsat-8 satellite used in the study are given in Table1. Table 1: Specifications of Images Used in the Study Satellite Band Name Resolution (m) Wavelength(nm) Landsat 8 Blue 30 483 Green 30 560 Red 30 660 NIR 30 865 SWIR 30 1650 SWIR 30 2220 In the study, 30m resolution Landsat images were used. The acquired dates of the images are given in Table2. Table 2: Acquisition Date of Used Images Study Area Specification of the Area Landsat 8 Training Turkey, Greece, Swe-den, UK, France Turkey: Sea, Lake, Urban areas, river, Agri- cultural areas Greece: Sea, Fr: Muddy canal, Sweden: Surrounded by the trees. Mean of im- ages acquired between 01.01.2021- 09.12.2021 Classification Loughborough Lake, Canada It has different depths and is surrounded by trees. 24.08.2021 Guinea Region Muddy and the shores are covered with rhizophoraceae mangroves 03.06.2021 Lake yamzho Yumco, Tibet The selected area is surrounded by snow- capped mountains 28.01.2021 04.02.2021 Yellow River Zhengzhou,China The selected area has urban areas, water bod- ies, mostly turbid rivers, artificial channels, artificial lakes, reservoirs and ponds. 02.10.2021 2.2 Study Areas In order to test the proposed method, images of the regions given in Figure 1 were chosen. The reason for choosing these study regions is that the proposed method can be evaluated in various geographical conditions (mountainous, delta, urban, with and without vegetation). Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 391 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Figure 1: Study Areas a) Loughborough,Canada b)Dangara, Guinea d) Yamzho Yumco –Tibetan,China d) Yellow River Zhen- gzhou,China The first study area is Loughborough Lake, located in the Cataraqui River basin, 20 km north of Kingston, Canada. The size of Loughborough Lake is 2002.9 hectares. The lake is divided into two main basins with very different characteristics. The western basin is on limestone, is much deeper (maximum 38.4m), is colder and contains species such as trout. The eastern basin is on the Canadian Shield and is shallower (maximum 7.6m) and warmer, with many islands and shallows. Like most lakes in the Cataraqui region, Lake Loughborough mixes in spring and autumn as the lake water warms and cools. During mixing, nutrients are cycled throughout the lake and it may appear cloudy with a brown or green colour from algae using cyclic nutrients. The water temperature varies according to depth (Gehrke, 2021). The second image used in the study is Dangara in the Boke region on the Atlantic coast of Guinea. The Dangara inlet is located 20 km west of the Fatala Estuary. A tropical monsoon climate is dominant in the region. The length of the Dangara branch is 30 km, and the width of its mouth is 1 km. The shores are covered with rhizophoraceae mangroves. The bottom is covered with mud. Seasonal flow variations are not very evident in Dangara. Fresh water inflow is minimal and marine influence is dominant (Baran, 1995). The third image used in the study is Yamzho Yumco Lake, located in the fault basin of southern Tibet. The altitude of the lake surface is 4441m. The lake is branch-shaped, extending northwest to southeast, with a maximum length of 74 km, a maximum width of 33 km and an average width of 8.62 km. The structural lake contains brackish water. The lake is quite meandering, with many major branches, he- Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 392 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N adlands and bays. There are many islands and islets in the lake with a total area of 44 km2, the largest of which is 16.8 km2 (Shao et al., 2008). The last image is the Yellow River, located in the Zhengzhou district in Yellow River, China. In Zhen- gzhou the climate is warm, temperate, continental and monsoon, with four distinct seasons. The selected image has urban areas, water bodies, mostly turbid rivers (Yellow River), artificial channels, artificial lakes, reservoirs and ponds (Zhang et al., 2019). 2.3 Methods The proposed method for automatic mapping of water bodies is given in Figure 2. The method has three stages: creation of the training pool and the training stage; image pre-processing stage; and classification stage. All operations in the method are carried out in the Google Earth Engine. Figure 2: Workflow of the Proposed Method Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 393 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N One factor that directly affects the accuracy of the classification process is the training data (Foody ve Mathur, 2004). Therefore, creating a strong training dataset is critical, which is why the training regions are chosen (Table 2). After filtering the Corine data of the areas, the land classes were determined, and the boundaries of these areas were vectorised. In the training phase of the algorithm all of the Corine classes are used. Ones the class borders are extracted from the Corine image, classes which had the id of 511 (Water courses), 512 (Water bodies), 521 (Coastal lagoons),522 (Estuaries) and 523 (Sea and ocean) were grouped into water class. All remaining classes were grouped into the non-water class. Due to the resolution difference between the Corine data and Landsat data, a negative buffer of 200 m was applied, in order to get rid of the mixed classes at the edges of the Corine data (Figure 3). Figure 3: Created polygons from the Corine Data Training data have been prepared in order to give successful results for water areas with different chara- cteristics. The inclusion of classes found in the Corine data was accepted as a criterion when selecting the samples. In addition, versions of the same class in different geographies were also selected. Samples from Turkey, England, Greece, France and Sweden were selected as training data. Some of the selected sample regions are given in Figure 4. At the end of the first stage, the satellite images in the training pool were filtered temporally and spati- ally. The average of the images for the year containing the test date is taken as the training data. Because there are too many cloud problems in optical images. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the periodic changes of classes. For the test images, the mean of the images belonging to October 2021 was used in this study. Then the cloud images were removed from the pool. The spectral indices were calculated and included in the training data in order to increase the classification accuracy. The spectral indexes NDVI, NDWI, MNDWI-1, MNDWI-2, AWEIsh and AWEInsh were used (Table 3). Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 394 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Figure 4: Training Areas a) Samples from the water bodies b) Samples from the other classes Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 395 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Table 3: Indices used in the study Index Name Band math Feature extraction Reference NDVI Modified Normali- zed Difference Vege- tation Index − = + NIR REDNDVI NIR RED Vegetation extraction (DeFries and Townshend, 1994)  NDWI Modified Normali- zed Difference Water Index − = + GREEN NIRNDWI GREEN NIR Identifies water com- ponents from satellite images (Gao, 1996; Mc- Feeters, 1996)  MNDWI-1 Modified Normali- zed Difference Water Index- 1 11 1 − − = + GREEN SWIRMNDWI GREEN SWIR Aims to separate water from the background (Xu, 2006)  MNDWI-2 Modified Normali- zed Difference Water Index-2 22 2 − − = + GREEN SWIRMNDWI GREEN SWIR Aims to detect very low reflectance values for water features, shallow water and water with other features in the image (Xu, 2006)  AWEIsh Automated Water Extraction In- dex-Shadow 2.5 1.5 ( 1) 0.25 2 = + × − × + − × AWEIsh BLUE Green NIR SWIR SWIR Effectively eliminates non-water pixels, includ- ing dark surfaces, in areas with urban back- grounds  (Feyisa et al., 2014) AWEInsh Automated Water Extraction In- dex-Non Shadow    4 ( 1) (0.25 2.75 1) = × × − × + × AWEInsh Green SWIR NIR SWIR Improves the accuracy by removing shadow pixels that AWEIsh can- not effectively remove  (Feyisa et al., 2014) After calculating spectral index values, the last step of the first stage was to filter the satellite images using the class boundaries obtained. Thus, the training pixels of the classes were determined. In the second stage of the proposed method, the satellite images were filtered temporally and spatially. Then, cloudy images were removed according to the Cloud rate data. In this study, images with a cloud cover of less than 0.5%, for training images and less than 10% for test images were selected. Then, the spectral indices were calculated. In the last stage, classification was carried out with the random forest algorithm. This algorithm has been preferred due to its ease of use and high accuracy rates in the literature. The Random Forest classification algorithm is a machine learning method based on decision trees. In- stead of branching each node using the best branch among all variables, RO branches each node using the randomly selected best variables at each node. Each dataset is generated by displacement from the original dataset. Trees are then developed using random feature selection. RO is also very fast, resistant to overfitting, and the the number of trees to work with can be adjusted (Breiman, 2001). The results obtained were compared with the results obtained by K-means and Learning Vector Quantiza- tion (LVQ) methods. K-Means is one of the most preferred clustering algorithms. Clustering of data with statistically similar characteristics was performed. While performing clustering operations, separations are made so that a data is a member of only one cluster. The main purpose of the algorithm is to ensure that each cluster from the “K” clusters to be created is as different from each other as possible, so that the data of each cluster is close to each other (Hartigan and Wong, 1979). Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 396 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N The LVQ model is an artificial neural network model with a supportive learning strategy. Unlike the supervised learning strategy, both the input values and the expected output values are not given to the network for training in the supportive learning strategy. It only tells the LVQ network whether the output values produced for the input values are true or false. In the LVQ model, the goal is to represent a multi- dimensional vector with a set of vectors. That is, to represent a vector with a certain number of vectors. During training, the network determines with which vector set the input vectors will be expressed (Ito and Omatu, 1999; Kohonen, 1995). Accordingly, the number of classes for K-means was determined as 2. For LVQ, the number of classes = 2, the learning rate = 0.1 and the epoch value of 100 were used. The accuracy of the classification results obtained was determined by the overall accuracy and kappa methods. One of the most commonly used metrics to evaluate the performance of classification results is overall accuracy. This value is calculated over the error matrix, where the estimates of the target attribute and the actual values are compared (Alberg et al., 2004). Kappa is a measure of how well the classifier actually performs. In other words, a model will have a high Kappa score if there is a large difference between accuracy and null error rate. Kappa can take a value between -1 and +1. A Kappa value of +1 indicates perfect agreement between the two observers, while a value of -1 indicates perfect discord between the two observers. If the kappa value is found to be 0, it indicates that the agreement between the two observers is not different from the agreement that may be due to chance (Kraemer, 2014). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to test the proposed method, the images of water bodies in Canada, Tibetan, China and Guinea were classified. In order to assess the classification accuracy, 110 points for Canada, 100 points for Guinea and 125 points for Tibetan were created randomly using the high-resolution data available from Google Earth (Figure 5). The obtained results were compared with the K-Means and LVQ methods, which are frequently used in the unsupervised classification of remote sensing images. Figure 5: Points used for accuracy assessment Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 397 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N In order to test the proposed method, the various study areas with different geographies from around the world are used, the first of which is the region in Canada. The classification results are given in Figure 6. Figure 6: Classification Results for Canada Region a) Landsat Image b) Result of Proposed Algorithm c) Result of K-means d) Result of LVQ To test the accuracy of the algorithm, the overall accuracy processed and kappa values are calculated. The results are given in Table 4, Table 5. Table 6, Table 7 respectively. Table 4: Accuracy rates of obtained results Method Overall Accuracy Kappa Proposed Algorithm 0.94 0.87 LVQ 0.92 0.83 K-Means 0.92 0.83 The second classification process is carried out on the images of the Tibetan region. The classification results are given in Figure 7. Figure 7: Classification Results for Guinea Region a) Landsat Image b) Result of Proposed Algorithm c) Result of K-means d) Result of LVQ Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 398 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Table 5: Accuracy rates of obtained results for Guinea Region Method Overall Accuracy Kappa Proposed Algorithm 0.97 0.93 LVQ 0.92 0.84 K-Means 0.92 0.86 A third classification process is carried out on the images of the Tibetan region. Results are given in Figure 8. Figure 8: Classification Results for Tibetan Region a) Landsat Image b) Result of Proposed Algorithm c) Result of K-means d) Result of LVQ Table 6: Accuracy rates of obtained results for Tibetan Region Method Overall Accuracy Kappa Proposed Algorithm 0.98 0.97 LVQ 0.82 0.66 K-Means 0.9 0.78 The last classification process is carried out on the images of the Zhengzhou region. Results are given in Figure 9 . Figure 9: Classification Results for Zhengzhou Region a) Landsat Image b) Result of Proposed Algorithm c) Result of K-means d) Result of LVQ Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 399 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/3 | RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Table 7: Accuracy rates of obtained results for Zhengzhou Region Method Overall Accuracy Kappa Proposed Algorithm 0.97 0.92 LVQ 0.83 0.53 K-Means 0.83 0.52 A new automatic water body extraction algorithm has been proposed in this study. The results were compared with other automatic classification methods, and the accuracy was higher. One of the biggest advantages of the proposed method is that it does not require any parameter or threshold values. It can work all over the world with a single training dataset. The methods used in the literature require either a parameter for classification or a specified threshold (Behnamian et al., 2017; Das et al., 2021). For example, a study using OpenStreetMap to remove water requires a filtering threshold to be determined (Zhang et al., 2019). Figure 10: Classification Results for Zhengzhou Region a) Landsat Image b) Result of Proposed Algorithm c) Cloudy regions of the satellite image d) Classification results obtained by proposed algorithm e) Result of K-means f ) Result of LVQ g) Classification results obtained by K-means h) Classification results obtained by LVQ Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 | | 400 | | 66/3 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK RE CE NZ IRA NI ČL AN KI | P EE R- RE VIE W ED AR TIC LE S SI | E N Another advantage of the proposed method is that it is not specific to any study area such as a city, mountainous region, plant, etc. In the Yellow River area used in this study, bare surfaces, urban area and turbid waters make water surface removal difficult. However, with the proposed method, various types of water area in the image are extracted successfully. One of the biggest problems encountered in the extraction of water bodies is the presence of cloud-like noise in images. There is cloud in the image of the Zhengzhou area used in this study, but the results obtained with the proposed method show that it is much less affected by cloud than other methods (Figure 10). In the literature, water extraction methods are usually prepared for a single type of water body, such as a lake, river, etc. (Jin et al., 2021; Nugraha et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2021). The results show that the proposed method can successfully extract various types of water body from the Landsat Images. 4 CONCLUSIONS Water bodies play an important role in the life of living things and socioeconomic development. There- fore, any changes or developments should be monitored. Rapidly developing remote sensing technology offers opportunities for automatic extraction and dynamic monitoring of surface water bodies. However, these images need to be analysed accurately and quickly. This study proposes an automated method of surface water extraction using Landsat 8 images and Corine data, which are used to prepare the training data. Once prepared, the training data can be used all over the world. The method gives successful results compared to other automatic classification methods used in the literature. The results show that the proposed method can be used successfully for water body extraction and monitoring. In future studies, the success of the proposed method on images with different resolutions will be tested. For this purpose, satellite images such as Sentinel-2 and Planetscope will be used. Literature and references Alberg, A.J., Park, J.W., Hager, B.W., Brock, M.V., Diener-West, M., 2004. 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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15292/geodetski-vestnik.2022.03.387-402 Dilek Küçük Matci | AUTOMATIC DELINEATION OF WATER BODIES USING CORINE DATA FROM REMOTELY SENSED IMAGES | SAMODEJNA RAZMEJITEV VODNIH TELES Z UPORABO PODATKOV CORINE IZ DALJINSKO ZAZNANIH SLIK | 387-402 |