Radiol Oncol 1997; 31: 368-73. Requirements for a clinical electrochemotherapy device - electroporator Marko Puc, Stanislav Rebersek and Damijan Miklavcic University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia In the paper we discuss requirements for a clinical electrochemotherapy (ECT) device. These requirements are discussed in the light of the hardware that is needed for ECT. The hardware needed for ECT consists of an electroporator and a set of electrodes. The electroporator is a device that has to fulfill both electrical and safety requirements. Under electrical requirements we understand output characteristics of the electroporator that make the treatment efficient. This is why they have to be consistently fulfilled. On the other hand, the electroporator has to be built and operate in a way that the safety requirements defined by IEC standards are met. Safety requirements are intended to protect both the patient and the personnel from an accidental electric shock. In addition, these safety requirements have to define who can use the electroporator, a device which is similar to a defibrillator with respect to its high voltage output. The second hardware component that is needed for ECT are the electrodes. We classified them as internal and external, based on whether they are used for treatment beyond the skin or superficially. Both types have been studied since the start of ECT application. We also describe the electroporators that are currently being used in clinical situation today. Notwithstanding the availability of some electroporators, we have to conclude that a true clinical electroporator is still needed, since the currently used electroporators do not fulfill all requirements. Key words: electroporation-instrumentation; neoplasms-drug therapy Introduction The combined treatment in which delivery of chem-otherapeutic agent is followed by pulsed high electric fields has been termed electrochemotherapy (ECT). This treatment relies on the physical effect of locally applied electric fields that cause permea-bilization of cell plasma membrane. This permeabi-lization of plasmalema allows increased entry of the drug molecules into the celi. The comparison of ECT and conventional chemotherapy shows that much lower amounts of drugs are needed in ECT to Correspondance to: Prof'. Dr. Damijan Miklavčič, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Tel:+386 61 1768 456, Fax: +386 61 1264 658, E-mail: UDC: 616.-006.6-085:615.84 achieve equal antitumor effect. Thus the effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs with intra-cellular target which do not readilly cross the plasma membrane can be greatly potentiated. Since the first report of this type of treatment, many studies have been conducted with encouraging results. Studies focused on the optimization of ECT by testing various chemotherapeutic agents, electrodes and electric pulse parameters. In most in vivo studies, however, the same electrical parameters were used, i.e. 4 or 8 square-wave electric pulses of l00|is duration, delivered at lHz repetition frequency and 1 000-l 500Vcm-' voltage to electrode distance ratio.' The ECT parameters from in vivo studies were then transferred to experimental clinical trials and, in all cases, the same pulse generators were used. For experimental clinical trials, laboratory equipment can be used, but it needs to be Requirements for a clinical electrochemotherapy device - electroporator 369 emphasized that safety requirements for clinical devices are much more severe than for laboratory devices. If we want the ECT to become a cancer treatment of choice, appropriate clinical electropo-ration devices have to be developed. In this paper, we explore ali the important parameters for a clinical electroporator and electrodes that are currently available. Every clinical electric device has to fulfill safety requirements, and in the same time has to be efficient. We can meet these requirements with appropriate electronic design, assuring the output parameters that are based on pre-clinical studies. Currently there are many electroporators available, but only few of them could be used in clinical situation. One of the electroporators that could be used in clinical situation is BTX's T820. It generates square wave pulses and can work in high voltage or low voltage mode. In the high voltage mode T820 can generate pulses of 5|is to 99|is and 100V to 3000V. In the low voltage mode it can generate pulses of 0.3 ms to 99 ms and 5OV to 500V. The BTX T820 can generate up to 99 consecutive pulses with repetition frequency of 1 Hz. This instrument is designed in a way that electrodes are floating ali the time.2 Table l. Parameters of representative electrochemotherapy. First author; year of publication Shape of the pulses Duration Okino; 1987, 1990 exponential 2 ms Kanesada; 1990 12 exponential 4 ms Mir; 1991, " rectangular IOOU Belehradek; 1991 " Salford; 1993 14 exponential 325 us" Belehradek; 1994 " rectangular IOOU Sersa; 1995 10 rectangular lOOUs Heller; 1995 16 rectangular 99 us Heller; 1997 17 rectangular 99 us Jaroszeski; 1997 '" rectangular 99/s Mir; 1997 4 rectangular 100 ES ' Pulse amplitude • Time constant p Four pulses of each polarity The second one is Jouan' s Cellular Electropulsa-tor PS 10 (or newer model PS 15) that generates square wave pulses of 5|is to 24 ms and 0V to 1500V. The design of the older model is a bit awkward, but it could be improved so that it would become safer.3.4 The third one, Antony's CELTEM MKO, is stili a prototype and is able to deliver electric pulses to needle arrays. So far it has only been used in France.4 A new clinical electroporator is also being developed by Genetronix, USA. Parameter description The hardware that is used in ECT consists of an electroporator and a set of electrodes. Our classification of parameters is based on such a division of hardware equipment. The parameter values refer to preclinical and clinical ECT studies as well as to the theoretical analysis. The electroporator The electroporator is an electronic device that has to meet several requirements. Appropriate choice of electrical parameters makes ECT efficient by facilitating the uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs by celi. Therefore, it is of extreme importance to be able to deliver pulses of specific width, amplitude, and to meet the power requirements. Table 1 shows the parameters, used in representative ECT studies. Number of Electrode to distance Electrodes pulses ratio 1 5 kVcm'1 external 1 3 kVcm"1 external 8 1.5 kVcm'' external 8 to 12 400V or 600V * needle 8 >1050Vcm"1 external 8 1.3 kVcm"1 external 8 1.5 kVcm'1 external 8 1.3 kVcm'1 external 6 1 kVcm'1 needle array 4+4 p 800 Vcm-' needle array From Table 1 it is evident that the electrical parameters of ECT have been optimized since the first trials. According to the in vivo and clinical studies performed so far, a clinical electroporator should generate pulses with amplitude up to 3000V, but probably not much higher, since excessive strength of electric field strength diminishes the viability of cells,5 thus killing the cells around electrodes, causing necrosis. On the other hand, the electric field has to be strong enough to induce 370 Puc M et al. sufficient transmembrane voltage change to cause permeabilization of the cell membrane. The equation which defines induced transmembrane voltage reads:6 M.= fsERcosQ 1-exp ( t\ V (1) where E is the magnitude of electric field, t is the time, R is the cell radius, fJis the polar angle measured with respect to the direction of the field, / is a function reflecting the electric and dimensional properties of the cell and the surroundings, and z- is the time constant of the membrane (for detailed description, refer to reference 6). The rate of transmembrane voltage change depends on the ratio in the exponential term in the equation (1). Under physiological conditions, ris in the microseconds range. In case where the electric pulse duration (T) is much longer than z (i.e. T > 3i), A