ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 6 JUNE, 1965 VOLUME 37 ZARJA TEAM CAPTURES TROPHY! For the first time in history, the ZAKJA team of the S.W.U. captured first place in the ten team Chicago league that just closed the 1964-65 season. They are: Mary Omerza, Marge Bnikema, Amelia Russell and Alice Post; with Captain Alvine Lehen and sponsor Editor Corinne Leskovar seated. The glcls* averages from 144 to 154 and a lot of good spirit helped to bring them into first place which they took from a field of top bowlers. Gerry Meindersma who replaced Mrs. Russell (luring the last ten weeks of the season is not pictured. ZARJA salutes ZARJA — the Champs! ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Z veze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO S, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII — No. 6 JUNE, 1965 LETO XXXVII — Št. G SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN VISIT PLANNED To The SANCTUARIES Of QUEBEC In JULY Midwesterners will be on a special excursion to St. Anne de Beaupre Shrine and other shrines of Canada leaving Chicago, 111. on July 17, 1965. The seven day train trip will include stops at St. Joseph’s Oratory, The Shrine of Our Lady, Basilica of St. Anne de Beaupre, Notre Dame de Lourdes, The Sacred Heart and many others. This trip is being planned by Mrs. Elizabeth Zefran, Director of Women's Activities of S.W.U. according to previous trips which were very successful and unforgettable for all who attended. The pilgrimage is planned to center around the feastday of St. Anne, July 25th. Reservations are still open and my be made thru Mrs. Zefran at 1941 W. Cermak Road, telephone Virginia 7-6678, area code 312. The cost of the entire round trip including train fare, hotel accommodations and sightseeing is only $110.00. Deadline for reservations is July 5, 1965. TREAT YOURSELF OR SOME LOVED ONE TO A BEAUTIFUL AND MEANINGFUL PILGRIMAGE TOUR TO ST. ANNE’S IN CANADA! IN OUR LETTER BOX From time to time an interesting letter comes to our office and among them is this one from a member of Br. 30, Aurora, 111. In her own words, she tells of her very pleasant reaction to our last issue of Zarja. Dear Editor, I must tell you about our Zarja in the month of May. All the pictures of our devoted mothers and grandmothers living in different states were so nice to look at and read a-bout. Mothers and their families, what they are doing, how they got married and how and when they came to this country were all interesting reading. We have young mothers, too, who were born in America — they are young and they are nice. Among them, whom did 1 see but my old friend from Aurora, Julia Verbič, with her husband and two sons. They all look so well. The picture on the cover of Grandma Gornik and all those grandchildren was a treat for the eyes. Grandma, those children all look like you, especially the one sitting on your lap — both are so nice and plump! Hope you don’t take offense at that — I really mean it most complimentary. You know, my dear editor, once I heard two ladies talking about Zarja and the cost going up and why we have to pay more. Well, one lady says, “I don’t care. I like my Zarja.” Who that lady was I must tell you, she is my good friend, Anna Rasicli from Aurora, 111. who was the Mother of the Year in 19G4. I hope she will be surprised with this picture I am sending of her with her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rasich The picture printed of her in 1964 with a group of members didn’t do her justice. She’s a lovely lady and a good friend. And, in the last Zarja a saw a picture of the Pevski Klub of Chicago and my old friend Mary Polden from way back 45 years ago. They all looked so good. I live in Chicago now since two years ago, but enjoy remembering all my friends who never forget me either back in Aurora. God bless you and all members of S.W.U. Josephine Mezan 5200 S- Long Ave. Chicago, 111. 60638 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . June 10 — First Excursion Departure for Slovenia by members of S.W.U. June 13 — Holy Mass at Shrine on Chardon Rd., Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio June 13 - Wisconsin State Convention and 35th Anniversary of Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 16 Second Excursion Departure for Slovenia July 17 — Departure for St. Anne de Beaupre Shrine in Canada by members of S.W.U. July 18 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, I.emont, 111. HAPPY IURTHDAY //V JUNE! Supreme Officers: June 21 — Marie Prisland, Founder and Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wis. Branch Presidents: June 13 — Mary Vidmar, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. June 15 — Wilma Zagar, Br. 72, Pullman, 111. June 18 — Barbara Umeck, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio June 2S — Pauline Stampfel, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! I a 7* I 1* S.W.U. Founders’ Campaign Standing BRANCH STANDING AS OF MAY 5, 1965 •A I * ¥ ~t< Classes: A B Jr. Total 45. Portland, Oregon A 1 B 1 Jr. 3 Total 5 1. Sheboygan, Wis. 1 10 8 19 47. Cleveland, Ohio - 2 4 6 2. Chicago, 111. 4 15 10 29 50 Cleveland, Ohio 9, 14 11 28 3. Pueblo, Colo. - 2 10 12 52. Kitzville, Minn. 1 - - 1 (!. Barberton, Ohio 2 1 - 3 54. Warren, Ohio - - 3 3 7. Forest City, Pa. - - 2 2 55. Girard, Ohio - 1 - 1 10. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 - 1 50. Hibbing, Minn. - - 1 1 12. Milwaukee, Wis. - 1 - 1 57. Niles, Ohio 1 3 4 14. Euclid, Ohio 2 2 - 4 G3. Denver, Colo. 3 1 1 5 15. Cleveland, Ohio 1 - - 1 67. Bessemer, Pa. - 1 2 3 16. So. Chicago, 111. - - 1 1 68. Fairport Harbor, O. - 5 1 6 17. West Allis, Wis. 1 2 7 10 71. Strabane, Pa. 9 - 1 10 19. Eveleth, Minn. 2 - 1 3 73. Warrensville, O. 1 2 8 11 21. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 - 1 77. N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. - - 2 2 23. Ely, Minn. 8 5 4 17 78. Leadville, Colo. - - 11 11 24. LaSalle, 111. - - 1 1 86. Nashwauk, Minn. - 1 - 1 25. Cleveland, Ohio - 1 1 2 90. Presto, Pa. 1 - - 1 2G. Pittsburgh, Pa. - 1 - 1 91. Oakmont, Pa. - 8 1 9 2S. Calumet, Mich. - il - 2 95. So. Chicago, 111. - 8 3 11 31. Gilbert, Minn. - - 1 1 100. Fontana, Calif. 1 - - 1 33. Duluth, Minn. 3 4 3 10 101. Bedford Hts., Ohio 1 7 1 9 39. Biwabik, Minn. 2 - 2 4 106. Meadowlands, Pa. 1 1 - 2 40. Lorain, Ohio 43. Milwaukee, Wis. 1 3 9 8 3 18 49 113 115 277 5th W/S. CONVENTION Branch 43 of Milwaukee, Wis. will host this year’s State Convention on Sunday, June 13th. A cordial invitation is extended to all Wisconsin branches. Members are urged to be present and make this day a great success. Program for the Day 11:00 A.M. Holy Mass at St. John Evangelist Church 12:30 P.M. Barbequed Chicken Dinner at St. John Auditorium 2:30 P.M. State Convention Meeting -A t 8 li LEMONT ZVEZA DAY July 18, 1965 Program of the Day 10:30 A.M. Procession. 11:00 A.M. Holy Mass at Grotto, Father Kalist Langerholz, O.F.M. officiating 2:30 P.M. Vespers at St. Mary’s Seminary Chapel Picnic will take place during the day on the grounds. All residents of the Chicagoland area are invited to attend the Candle-loght Procession at the Shrine on Saturday evening, July 17th at dusk. Charter bus from Chicago, Sunday July 18th at 8:30 A.M. will be available for those who reserve tickets by June 10th. Call Branch 2 officers for further information. OUR FIRST BOWLING TRIP TO MINNESOTA Joliet with 18 passengers arrived in Chicago bright and early on Friday, April 9th, and combined forces with Chicago’s 28 passengers. Mr. Louis Zef-ran, Uncle Lorry, Malio and Phil went along to see some of the relations at International Falls and to see Peppy Rodorigo and other relatives in Virginia. We left Chicago at 7:45 A.M. and arrived in Virginia at 8:30 P.M. including all our stops. The day was beautiful and we were able to see a lot of scenery. We also saw some of the floods and went through some of it. There was no lack of food, coffee, or something for the thirsty ones and I believe those on our bus had a grand time. Our ladies made a good time for themselves and claim that there was so much food that they better go on a diet, later. (Continued on next page) ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME TEAM TOPS AT VIRGINIA, MINN. Winners of the 29th annual Midwest Bowling Tournament, held April 10-11, 1965 at Virginia, Minn, were the Zefran Funeral Home team, pictured here with their colossal trophy. From left to right: Shirley Melissa, Elsie Statkus, Ann Vucko, Lil Putzell and Elsie Klasovity. They shot 2630 pins and came in for a nice cash prize, too. WINNERS OF THE 29th MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNEY, APRIL 10-H, 1965 T earn City Total Score Prize Zei'ran Funeral Home Chicago 2630 $70 Dawn Club Ely, Minnesota 2*599 55 Minnesota, Cleveland Zarja < Chicago 25S2 40 Hayden’s Marine Biwabik, Minnesota 2562 30 Drifters Duluth, Minnesota 2502 25 DOUBLES Name City 1. Agnes Marrazzo 579 G. Niedzielko Chicago 585 1164 $20 2. R. Ferderber 532 I j. Seliga Ely 600 1132 17 3. P. Hakala 570 F. Anzelc Biwabik 555 1125 13 4. C. Verbick 544 M. Renko West Allis, Wis. 541 1085 10 5. 11. Krall 493 S. Mattson Duluth, Minn. 587 1080 8 6. T. Turek Cleveland, Ohio 577 L. Gajda Chicago, Illinois 485 1062 5.50 7. H. Erchul 531 D. Potočnik Biwabik 522 1053 5.50 8. H. Swanson 582 A. Brennan Biwabik 469 1051 5.50 9. L. Somin 484 J. Gregorich Duluth 566 1050 5.50 10. M. Zadra 512 M. Bluth Joliet 518 1049 5.50 11. A. Kobe 512 M. Gasperich Joliet 5-33 1045 5.50 SINGLES 1. L. Putzell Chicago 605 ? 12 50 2. M. Maki Ely, Minn. 600 10.50 3. C. Verbick West Allis, Wis. 598 9.00 4. T. Brant Chicago 598 9.00 5. M. Gasperich Joliet 596 7.50 6. J. Schmidt West Allis, Wis. 584 6.00 7. H. Yurkovicli Biwabik 584 6.00 8. E. Kroschel Chicago 569 4.50 9. V. Kastelic West Allis, Wis. 564 4.25 10. M. Bluth Joliet 563 4.00 11. S. Mattson Duluth, Minn. 555 2.50 12. A. Selvo Hibbing, Minn. 549 2.50 13. R. Pucel Ely, Minn. 545 2.50 14. L. Anderson Joliet 544 2.50 15. P. Polyner Ely 544 2.50 16. S. Mellisa Chicago 542 2.50 17. J. Zupanich Ely 541 2.50 18. M. Zefran Chicago 540 2.50 19. M. Evanish Ely 539 2.50 20. A. Vucko Chicago 534 2.50 21. R. Ferderber Ely 532 2.50 A L L EVENTS 1. S. Mattson Duluth 1707 $ 10.00 2. J. Leben Chicago 1697 9.00 3. A. Selvo Hibbing 1657 7.00 4. E. Klasovity Chicago 1652 6.00 5. C. Verbick West Allis 1649 5.00 6. M. Gasperich Joliet 1622 4.00 7. T. Brant Chicago 1622 4.00 8. L. Seliga Ely, Minn. 1611 3.00 DOUBLES GOES TO AGNES AND GENEVA Agnes Marazzo and Geneva Niedzielko of Chicago display their Doubles trophies awarded them for a score of 1164 in the Doubles event of the recent tourney. They were in the group that traveled to Virginia from Chicago and Joliet, III. — other teams arriving from Milwaukee, West Allis and Sheboygan, Wis. To all the winners, heartiest congratulations! 9. H. Yurkovich Biwabik 1606 3.00 10. M. Evanish Ely, Minn. 1600 2.00 11. J. Zupanich Ely, Minn. 1598 2.00 12. M. Bluth Joliet 1597 2 00 13. T. Turek Cleveland 1592 2.00 14, J. Schmidt West Allis 1592 2.00 15. Fran Anzelc Biwabik 1588 2.00 16. L. Putzell Chicago 1586 2.00 17. M. Renko West Allis 1582 2.00 18. E. Polyner Ely 1576 2.00 19. A. Marrazzo Chicago 1572 2.00 20. A. Vucko Chicago 1571 2.00 21. M. Brant Biwabik 1566 2.00 High Game with Handicap: 1. T. Brant Chicago 243 5.00 2. L. Putzell Chicago 238 3.50 3. C. Verbick West Allis 238 3.50 Grandmother Trophy: R. Ferderber Ely 225 Mother & Daughter Trophies: K. Brant & T. Brant Chicago 414 Sisters: S. Mattson, H. Mosack Duluth 428 Mother-in-law — Daughter-in-law: Al Leben & J. Leben Chicago 399 A new trophy was given this year for most pins under average, which was won by M. Berlin, of Duluth, Minnesota — 106 pins. The above are the final scores for the Slovenian Women’s Union Midwest Bowling Tourney, which was held in Virginia, Minnesota on the 10 & 11 th of April, 1965. The scores for our tourney are always in the June issue of our magazine, also all the sheets are checked frame by frame so that anyone wanting to know why there are any changes should contact me. Elizabeth Zefran Last, but not least, I want to thank everyone for their co-operation and understanding on the last minute changes. Thanks to Fran Anzelc for her help and to those in Ely for bringing in another team to even out our squad. A big thank you to our Supreme President, Toni Turek, for attending and participating in our tourney. Another big vote ------------------------------------------------------ of thanks goes to our bus driver, Joe, to eat (what, again?) after the last tor taking us back and forth and see- squad. So, once again, thank you. ing to it that all the bowling balls Our director, Jo Sumlc, duo to ill- were transferred to the alleys with- ness, missed her first tournament of out any trouble to us. He stayed with the S.W.U. and we hope that she is us all three days and drove the girls well and making plans for our 1001! S.W.U. Tournament to be held in Joliet, Illinois at the Rivals Bowling banes. Don’t forget that our tournament will go back to the original schedule of two weeks before Easter. Mark the dates of March 26 and 27, 1966. Wo hope to see each and every one of you out there. We know that there will be a good time for everyone. Liz Zefran LIL PUTZELL SINGLES CHAMP A bowler with years of experience and know-how, Lil Putzell, took top place in the Singles event at the Midwest Tourney. She is also secretary of the Chicago league and a fine sport. She bowls with the Champ Zefran team during the season. ACTIVITIES No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — Well, folks, here I am again, but evidently some of our faithful members did 110L read my last article telling of our meeting dates. I know some were out of town and few had other plans and I am sure the older ladies just forgot. We officers cannot be making phone calls to remind members of our meetings, so we hope you will all be at the next one. Perhaps our meeting day being a Sunday is inconvenient? * * * So, the month of May slipped by without any plans concerning our annual mothers’ celebration. Well, we can at least talk about our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Mary Konechnik. Her write-up was in the Slovenian section of the May issue. She earned this title by being a very wonderful person and mother of nine children. She was born in 1888 and came to America in 1910. She married Frank Konechnik in 1911. They have a huge number of grandchildren, 43 in all and (i great-grandchildren already. A few years ago, in 1961, she and her husband celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary. Mrs. Konechnik is a very loyal member and really loves this organization. She also loves to pray and to read and in the summer, has a most beautiful garden. The members extend Mrs. Konechnik their very best wishes and loads of love. In sadness we report that the two couples who had their 50th anniversaries this year had to leave their partners for the great beyond. Mary Peschat’s husband, Joe and Rose Medvešček both passed away in the month of March. We offer our depest sympathy to the families. May God rest their souls in peace. We won’t be having any meetings for the summer months, but there will be important plans in the fall. See you then. Sophie Mumaugh, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Members, remember the date, Sunday June 13th, when we will have our annual Mass at 11 o’clock in the morning and which will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Chardon Rd„ Euclid, Ohio. At our May meeting we celebrated Mother’s day and birthdays. We also welcomed a long time member Mrs. Ivanka Macarol who had not attended meetings for quite a while. She enjoyed herself tremendously, and promised to come more often. — The birthday celebrants were: Frances Globokar, Mary Krnel, Antonia Sustar, Vida Kuliar and Mary Stražišar from Kewanee Ave. The best of wishes to Jennie Cer-cek who was married recently. The stork left a bundle at the home of Janet Bizay, a little girl and the first. This arrival made Angela Arko a grandmother for the 11th time. The following members have been ailing the past few months: Catherine Krall, Josephine Blatnik, Molly Legat, Alice Kausek, Sylvia Milavec, Amalia Povirk, Caroline Turk, Caroline Ratznian, Mary Jakse, Jennie Vi-dovich, Vera Troha and Josephine Strnad. Let us hope that all are well or on the mend by the time this appears in print. Condolences to the families of members Mary Koren and Mary Novinc who passed away in April. Mary Novinc was 9G years old. Sympathy is also extended to Vida Kuhar on the loss of her husband. May they rest in peace. Mitzi Sustar, the daughter of our recording secretary, Antonia Sustar, has just returned from an enjoyable three week tour of Rome, Paris and Germany. Contributions to the good-time treasury were made by: Mary Stražišar from Kewanee Ave., Vida Kuhar, Antoinette Wichich and Mary Mandich. Wishing you all a pleasant and safe summer and vacation season. Molly Sodja No. 17 West Allis, Wis. — The big event that West Allis was waiting for, the Mid-West Bowling Tournament at Virginia, Minnesota, finally arrived. The ladies met Friday evening at 8:00 P.M. with a suitcase in one hand and bowling ball in the other, all rating to go for the 11 hour drive. What with all the singing and accordian playing a few managed to catch a quick cat nap here and there. Nobody really cared if they saw any scenery; we all had a lot of time to do that on our way home Sunday afternoon. We arrived in Virginia at 7:00 A. M. Most of the bowlers went to the hotel to get a few hours sleep, some went for breakfast, while others who had friends and relatives in the vicinity went visiting. After catching a few winks of sleep naturally the women had to go shopping, which is always much more fun in a strange town. Those of us that had to bowl Singles and Doubles had a quick lunch before going to the alleys; it seemed that the time just hurried along. Before the evening squad got ready to roll, our 4 teams and guests, which included 1 team from Sheboygan, were presented with flowers (pink carnations) as our trademark. The Sheboygan group having the accordionist along, really set the place rocking with Slovenian melodies. Everyone joined in on the singing and dancing and like all good things it had to come to an end. We were being paged to get to the alleys, the big moment had at last arrived when our team started bowling. We didn’t do anything spectacular, but we sure had a good time. Sunday being a day of rest, that is exactly just what we did. After Mass, we had breakfast and just lounged around the hotel room until it was time for the bus to pick us up for our ride back to Wisconsin. Too bad that we couldn’t have stayed longer in the beautiful state of Minnesota to see more of its beauty, and to visit with our old and new friends that we have made over the years in the bowling tournaments. We were quite surprised to see so much snow still in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota. There were a few bad spots for our bus driver where the roads were covered by water, but fortunately we made it through. We were worried about the floods, but had we known we were riding the trail of the tornado that struck here in Wisconsin, we would have had much different thoughts. We thank the Almighty Lord for getting us home safely to our families and friends. Have to compliment 2 husbands who drove to Minnesota so that their wives could bowl with us, Mr. John Petrich, Sr. and Stanley Krizan. Am very happy you two fellows came a-long and helped to cheer us at the alleys. Many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hren of Chisholm, Minnesota who Supreme* President's Message The Founders’ Campaign is over and to all winners, beautiful prizes will be awarded besides cash money. It makes me very happy to see that as of May 1st, forty-two branches have been active in this campaign and were in the race to the finish. To all who had put their time and effort in enrolling new members, a big THANK YOU and hope we can rely 011 your cooperation in the future. To all winners: may you enjoy great satisfaction knowing you have done something for the good of our organization. Congratulations to branches that will be celebrating their 25th, 30th and 35th anniversaries this month of June! 35th Anniversary Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis., Organized June 4, 1930, Bara Kramer, Organizer Br. 45, Portland, Ore., Organized June 10, 1930, Bara Kramer, Organizer Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., Organized June 27, 1930, Marie Prisland and Josephine Speck, Organizers 30th Anniversary Br. G5, Virginia, Minn., Organized June 12, 1935, Antonia Nemgar and Rose Jerome, Organizers Br. (JC, Canon City, Colo., Organized June 28, 1935, Frances Raspet, Org. 25th Anniversary Br. 99, Elmhurst, 111., Organized June 13, 1940, Mary Tomazin and Mary Šinigoj, Organizers In the first week of April, I ventured on a short trip to Chisholm, Minn., to celebrate my mother’s 78th birthday. I also had the pleasure of attending the meeting of Br. 28 on April 7th and the following day, I went to Br. 37 at Greaney. Considering all the snow and cold weather they had previous to my arrival, the attendance was fairly good. Greaney is a town in the midst of farm country, 45 miles north of Chisholm and as I did not know the way there, I asked my mother to accompany me. She is very well-acquainted with the country-side and knows most people there. On our way, she related the story of how my dad and a friend ventured on foot through that part of Minnesota, each with a pack sack on his back, looking for land to home-stead. That was land given free to anyone who claimed it for farming. Of course, this was in 1900, many years ago and my dad never did settle down for farming, but he had many adventures in his youth exploring the country. On April 10th and 11th, I had the pleasure of attending the Midwest Bowling Tournament held for the first time at Virginia, Minn., sponsored by Br. 39 Biwabik. Salutations to our Women’s Activities Director, Elizabeth Zefran of Chicago on a fine tournament of 20 teams that she personally took charge of and promoted for this long trip up to Minnesota. Congratulations go to all the bowlers who came the far distance from Joliet, Chicago, Milwaukee, West Allis and Sheboygan. Loyal members and bowlers all of them! I am sure they all enjoyed themselves as much as 1 did and are looking forward to the next tournament (how about in Cleveland?). Salutations are also out to Br. 39 and especially president, Frances Anzelc, for a job well-performed in making all arrangements and reservations for this tournament. More details and scores will be given by Liz Zefran, sports director and secretary of the Midwest Bowling Association. July 18th is the day that all Zveza members and friends celebrate as Zveza Day in Lemont, 111., our Franciscan Fathers’ Shrine. Make your reservations now. Round trip fare lor Clevelanders traveling in our chartered bus includes lodging and meals for two days for only $27.00. Come and join us and make this one of the best Zveza Days ever held at Lemont. Chicago branch no. 2 is readying everything for our enjoyment. This two day stay should be very pleasant and restful. Cookbooks is our subject again! I have sent circulars to all branches in regard to ordering the cookbooks in bulk supply. This book is one of the best printed and I am sure if all the secretaries would have a supply on hand, and let everyone know they have them, the supply would diminish in no time. I know this because it’s happened over and over again. So, secretaries, please order your books now and make some money for your branch. Women’s Glory - The Kitchen, $2.75 including postage. Congratulations to all graduates and may the stepping stones to success in your life be easy to hurdle! Happy wedding day to our June brides and happy birthdays to all born this month. Speedy recovery to the ailing. Many of our members are off to Slovenia and other points in Europe this month. Bon voyage and we’re hoping you have a very enjoyable vacation and safe journey back. Toni Turek Br. 17 Continued: drove over to visit with my mother, Marie Floryan and myself It was very nice seeing you again after so many years and hope to see you a-gain soon. Congratulations to our sister branch No. 43 on their 35th anniversary, which they will celebrate on June 13, 1965. It will also be combined with our Wisconsin State Day. Any members or friends who are interested in going to the banquet, please get in contact with the secretary or at our next meeting. Our branch, in the near future, is planning a tour to Dickeyville, Wisconsin. Anyone interested in going please call me or the secretary. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of Mrs. Anna Godec, Ethel Sudich and Kate Horvath. May we all remember them in our prayers. To all our shut-ins a speedy recovery, and may God Bless you all. Marion Marolt No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our members mourn the passing of two of our sisters. Mrs. Isabelle Mihalek, age 43, died Apr. 4, 1965. She joined Zveza Nov. 17, 1963, recommended by Helen Golobitch. She is survived by her husband, two sons, three sisters and two brothers. Her death was a loss to every one who knew her. Also Barbara Gregorash, age 84, died April 13, 1965. She joined May 19th, 1935, recommended by Mrs. Ann Pluth and is survived by three daughters, four sons and 2'3 grandchildren. She was a pioneer of our parish, and member of various organizations. May they both rest in peace ,and our condolences to the surviving members of the family. Our members prayed in body at their biers and attended (lie funeral of both members. Our secretary received two letters, acknowledging our donation towards the J. F. Kennedy Library fund. One came from Sen. Robt. Kennedy, which reads: Dear Miss Gaspich: I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your very generous donation to the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library from the Slovenian Women’s Union. I have forwarded your donation to the appropriate office. Very many thanks and kind regards, Sincerely, Robert F. Kennedy Another, from Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy reads: The President’s family and I wish to express our deep appreciation for your contribution to the John F. Kennedy Library. The reality of this Library will serve as a perpetual memorial to the President and we are grateful for your support. Jacqueline Kennedy Members who were in St. Joseph’s Hospital are as follows; Mrs. C. Zu-pancich, Mrs. Jennie Pluth, Anna Ter- dich, Kristine Slapničar, Agnes Lovat-ti, and Louise Dusa. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mrs. Theresa Marentich, our past vice-president, was the recepient of a major prize won at the Rialto cooking school. Also Mrs. Jo Muster and Frances Bottari won minor prizes. Our congratulations. On Sunday, June 20, our branch is having a home-style picnic in York-ville at Mrs. Kunstek’s resort. Members who do not know the way may call Frances Gaspich for information. Also, there will be signs on the road. I am sure everyone will have a good time, so do come. Wishing Bon Voyage to Mrs. Pris-land and Mrs. Schlossar and other officers and members and travelers who are going to Europe this coming June. A happy return with many pleasant memories. We wish Mrs. Marie Prisland who is celebrating her birthday June 21st a very happy and pleasant birthday. May she live with us many more years. God Bless her! Wishing a happy Father’s day to all fathers of members and husbands of our members. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn., Dawn Club — Ten of the original thirty-five members of the Dawn Club affiliated with Ely Branch 23 were honored and presented with hanky corsages at the 30th anniversary dinner observance of the organization held May 16 in the Blue Room of the Forest Hotel. The Dawn Club was organized here in May 1935. Honored at the dinner were, Mary Shikonja, Mary Vidmar, Barbara Rosandich, Stephanie Vrane-sich, Barbara Brennan, Anne Rowe, Emily Mainer, Mary Stubler, Mary Jamnick and Mary Scufsa. The dinner program included the presentation of Mrs. Matt (Mary) Dey-ak, named Mother of the Year by-Ely Chapter 23, Slovenian Women’s Union, and presentation of a gift to Stephanie Vranesich for her activity in behalf of the club. Table decorations for the occasion w-ere blue carnations and blue candles provided by Barbara Brennan, a Mother’s Day gift from her daughter. Many thanks, Barbara, for sharing such a sentimental and personal gift with your sister Dawn Club members. Game prizes were won by Mary Got-chnik, Mary Bachar, Angela Erchull, Emma Pucel, Barabara Rosandich, Angela Godec and Louise Seliga. Rounding out the entertainment was the excellent accordion music by Mary Got-chik and a community singing of Slovenian folk songs. The anniversary dinner marked the conclusion of spring social activities for the club until we resume meetings in August at which time our annual A BRIDE-TO-BE . . . 1 The Joseph Zorko family of 1958 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, Illinois is mighty happy to have two wonderful occasions this summer. On June 6th, granddaughter Marianne Bogolin will graduate from St. Ann High School and on August 8th, daughter, Joan will become a bride. Marianne is the daughter of Henry Bogolin and the late Ann Zorko Bogolin. She is a graduate of St. Stephen’s School and after June 6th hopes to begin a career of volunteer service with VISTA, the domestic Peace Corps. She has been a volunteer social worker during her summer vacations and loves the work. Bride-to-be, Joan, is a resident of San Francisco, Calif, where she has been living for the past four years. She is employed at the Crocker Citizen Bank as a secretary. She is a graduate of St. Stephen’s grade school outing will be held. Until then, a safe and happy vacation to all. Margaret Somrock, Rep. No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Our April meeting was opened with a prayer by our president, Mrs. Trontel. It was nice to see some members who usually do not attend our meetings. At this time, plans for our luncheon were discussed. After the meeting, coffee and cake were served and we played the usual games. There will be no meetings during the months of July and August. A reminder to our members who might be in arrears with their dues, please pay up soon as possible. This job as secretary gets very tiresome when you have to leep after delinquent members all the time. We have quite a few sick members. Remember them in your prayers and if possible, visit them during the summer months. Deepest sympathy to Helen Kunic whose niece Helen Miller, nee Kunic, passed away April 18th. May her soul rest in peace and God bless you all. Mrs. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y and St. Mary’s High School in Chicago and attended DePaul University. For a time, she was employed part-time at the S.W.U. Home Office in Chicago so she is well-acquainted with the organization ,too. After her wedding to Mr. Jerome Steinman at St. Stephen’s in Chicago, they will return to San Francisco where they will make their home. The bridegroom is a native of Ohio and graduate of O-hio State University. For their wedding, Jerry’s two friends from S.F. will serve as best man and usher while Joan will have her sister, Mrs. Jennie Kovacic as matron of honor and a friend, Miss Judy Ovnik as bridesmaid. They are all members of Br. 2. Heartiest congratulations to this family and may their futures be bright and happy! C. L. ... AND A GRADUATE No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — The April meeting of our Branch was well attended — I think because of the nice wreather and Lent being over and Easter preparations were already a thing of the past since our meeting w'as on April 21. After business matters were taken care of, it was decided that our next meeting which w'as held on May 19th would be in the nature of a pot luck supper at 6:30 P.M. at the Parish Hall, with Father John Golobich and his housekeeper, Mrs. Madeline Vinceguerre as our guests. Members were urged to try and get new members to join the Union. A social hour followed and prizewinners at “500” were Mines. Ramon Berg and Joseph Stefanich, and at Scrabble winners were Mmes. John Bobence and Victor Chiabotti. The attendance prize donated by Mrs, Ed-ward Dragavon was won by Mrs. Louis Chiabotti. Mrs. Joseph Gornick will donate the May attendance prize. Mrs. Leo W’ilson and Mrs. Ernest Mustonen were the hostesses and REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. GOLDEN WINDOWS A young farm boy had to get up early every summer morning and go to the field to work. He was usually on his way as the sun was rising. Beyond several hills he always envied a house the windows of which dazzled in the sun. He thought the house had golden windows. Often lie would stand and gaze at the house. He wished that the house belonged to his father. Then, he would surely not have to work. Life would be so pleasant. One beautiful, sunshiny day, his father called him and said: “You have been a good boy and have worked hard. I will therefore give you a day off. Be sure to use it in such a way that you learn some worthwhile lesson.” The boy thanked his father, while he said to himself, “I will use the day to visit the house with the golden windows. He kissed his mother and set out. It was a long walk before he reached the house he had marked. He was very disappointed as he came nearer and nearer and found that the windows are not glittering with the gold at all. He knocked on the door. A kind women appeared. She asked him what he wanted. He told her about his quest, and asked her if this was the house with the golden windows. She laghed and said: “No, we are poor farm people. Our house has plain glass windows.” “At least,” she added, “you can see through glass windows — and that is what windows are for.” The boy was a little dazed; he hadn’t thought of it in this way before. She told the boy to sit down and rest. She then called her own boy to come and visit with him. Giving them a pitcher of milk and some apples, she went back to work. The two became fast friends in 110 time. They talked about the golden windows. Yes, said the second boy “I have seen them, but you have mistaken the house. At sundown 1 will show you the house where they are.” Evening came, and time for the boy to return home. The two walked together to the top of the small hill. “See there, the house with the golden windows.” The visiting boy’s eyes grew big in wonder. “Yes, that is it,” he exclaimed. But as he looked closer ,he recognized it as his own house. The boy was so excited he ran all the way home. It was almost dark when he arrived to his doorsteps. His parents wanted to know if he had learned anything. “Yes,” he replied, “I learned that we live in a house with golden windows.” His father and mother embraced him with great joy. They then sat down together to enjoy their simple meal; the boy remarked that this supper tasted better than any meal he had ever eaten before. A house that values love, kindness and consideration for the members of the family we could call the house with the golden windows. served a delicious luncheon to conclude a pleasant evening. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel Reporter — Br. 34 P. S. — My husband and I had a delightful surprise on April 9th when our Supreme President Antonia Turek and her husband came to visit us — they were visiting her mother in Chisholm and took time off to come here. Thanks so much—Antonia and Frank! No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — Our last meeting was attended by a nice group of members, the old faithful! It was the treasurer’s birthday, Mary Hočevar! She treated the group with apple strudel and coffee, and knowing her strudels, I was very sorry to have missed out! I’m writing this report from the hospital bed that has been my home for four weeks — and at this time I have one more week to go. (Hope Louise is out enjoying her own home and good health by now. — Editor). A person thinks he is so very sick and being in the hospital you find out about women your own age who had crippling strokes and have to be in a wheelchair, completely dependent on others to help with everything. So, ladies, count your blessings, because it could always be worse! Mrs. Angela Perko won the door prize and everyone is reminded to bring a large 4G oz. can of juice (any fruit but not tomato) to the next meeting so we’ll have a nice gift to take to the Holy Family Cancer Home. Mrs. Frances Legan will be home from Europe in time to be with her husband for their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations and best wishes! Louise Prhne, Sec’y No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — Since our meeting date fell on Mother’s Day, we decided to meet on the following Sunday, May 16th. A cordial invitation is extended to all, to attend the 5th State Convention and 35th Anniversary of our branch on June 13th. Tickets are a-vailable from members and yours truly, and the schedule for the day is in the Zarja. The Rummage Sale in the month of April was a success. Thanks to all who contributed clothing or articles, and to the workers. Our branch wishes to extend a hearty welcome to our new members, namely, Anne Konczal, Mary Cieszyn-ski, Jenny Pugel, Dora Stiglich, Crystal Mihelčič, Ella Udovich, Mary Pugel, Josephine Strukel, Maureen Scott, to our juveniles Patrick Scott, Barbara Scott, Helen Rifelj, John Recli-litz, Barbara Ocvirk, Cara Sery, and to our transfer members, Anna Pre-loznik, Katherine Osep, and Caroline Skrubey. Anne Goggius who had an accident at her home, is back home convalescing. Zenobia Dybul’s husband was rushed to St. Michael’s Hospital for an emergency appendix surgery. To the above shut-ins and other sick members may God grant them a speedy recovery. Our deepest condolence is extended to Anna Gorishek on the loss of her husband, who has been ailing for quite awhile, and to Frances Schneider and Anne Jones who lost their father-in law. May their souls rest in poace. Best wishes are extended to all June celebrants, may they be communicants, birthdays, anniversaries or weddings, and lastly a Happy Father’s Day to all Dads. Due to our state convention and anniversary celebration ,our meeting date will be Sunday, June 6th. Rose Kraemer No. 45, Portland, Ore. —- In April, the meeting opened with prayer by our president, Mary Roso. The attendance was very good and has been getting better all the time. We have also gained five new members, two adults and three children! In that number are my daughter-in-law, Mrs. Dorothy Sinovic, her 3 girls, Gayle Ann, Elizabeth and Marianne and Mrs. Theresa Smolcic who has just recently arrived in the IT.S. from Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Mrs. Smolcic is a permanent resident in this country now and is living with her daughter, Mrs. Ann Matu-lich. Our way of living, modern conveniences and comfort which we take so much for granted are a source ol constant wonder to her and she loves it here. So, we welcome our five new members to the organization and our branch! We have a sick member, Mrs. Lawrence Knez, who has had surgery and is getting better. She has all our good wishes and prayers for a quick recovery. Another one of our members, Mrs. Bouiss, who has been ill for quite some time is also getting better. God bless her. Our Palm Sunday communion breakfast brought out an attendance of 25 members .including guests. We had a lovely day and nice breakfast which was enjoyed by all. Now for some notes on the May meeting. It was the last meeting until Sept. and we had a rather small attendance because of a rosary prayer hour for a mutual friend. Many of the members who live in the other side 134 ZAKJA - THE DAWN MOTHER OF THE YEAR OF ENUMCLAW. WASH. Mary Potočnik Members of Br. 79 in Enumclaw, Wash, selected Mary Potočnik as Mother of the Year. She is always willing to help and ready to hold of town were missed, but there were enough for a meeting .anyway. We made plans for our annual picnic this summer, and we’ll be with the other Yugoslav clubs and lodge. It will be held at Jantzen Beach park. Come one and come all, and join in our eating, drinking and gab-fest. We know you will all enjoy it. Tickets for our fall dance will be sent by mail to all members. It will be Sept. 12 at the Police Athletic Association Hall. Music will be furnished by Vivian McCarthy and her all girl orchestra, who are very versatile entertainers. So, let’s get on the ball and sell tickets to family and friends and have a nice get-together, Sept. 12th. You are all asked to buy a ticket if possible, whether or not you use it. If we all make the dance a success, it will bring a nice little sum to our bank account. Hope to see most of you there. meetings and entertain. In fact, her greatest pleasure is entertaining her family and friends for holidays and family birthdays. She has donated many times for the branch and members. Mary Dolenc Potočnik was born at Stara Loka na Gorenjskem in Slovenia on July 2, 1887. She came to A-merica in January of 1909 and a few days later, married her husband, Prank. He passed away in June, 192». Two children were born to them, sons, Frank and George and now there are three grandchildren. She was postmistress in Cumberland, Wash, for 22 years, retiring in 1957. You can be sure everyone knows and respects Mary as she loves all her many friends. In her spare time, Mary does fancy hand-work and enjoys gardening. God’s blessings to her. Any member interested in purchasing a S.W.U. cookbook, Woman’s Glory - The Kitchen can do so by contacting Florence Lolich. Put in your orders now as they are having a special price for us, only $2.50 so you can save yourself a quarter by getting it from Florence. One of our oldest members, Mrs. Olga Mircovich, who held several offices during her many years with the Slov. Women’s Union, is ill at this time. She was hospitalized for several days and at this writing she is with her daughter, Mrs. Betty Flatt. More surgery awaits her at the end of the month and so, all our prayers and good wishes go to her and we hope God will grant a speedy recovery and return to good health. Be sure to mail your dues to Florence if you are behind. We hope you all have a wonderful summer, and please, let’s have a good attendance at our meeting in Sept. See you then. Ann Carlisle, Rec. Sec’y No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Many happy returns of the day to Frances Koseck who reached the age of 80 years on March 8th. She was a very faithful member in attending every meeting. Sickness was the only thing that ever stopped her! Congratulations to Susan Cignorelli, our junior member who will compete in the Tri-State Spelling Contest in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Susan is a 7th grade student at St. Michael’s and a granddaughter of Christine Konte. Also, congratulations to the members’ children receiving First Holy Communion and Holy Confirmation at. St. Michael’s. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Ivana Strazis-car, known to us as Johanna, a faithful member, who passed away in April. May her soul rest in peace. Dur thanks to those who attended the funeral mass at Florence, Colo, and special thanks to those offering transportation. My dad, John Legan, 85, passed away in February. We also lost a brother-in-law in March. May God’s blessings be with all of our sick members and again, Happy Vacationing to all. Cecile Adamic No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The April meeting was opened with a prayer led by President, Mrs. Barbara Umeck. At this meeting, plans were completed for a Mother - Daughter covered-dish dinner to be held at the Slovenian Home. Mrs. Frances Serca was to be chairman. Mrs. Katherine Russ was our honored Mother of the Year. At this time we learned of the death of Mr. Anthony Zitnik, father of Mrs. Frances Serca. Our deepest sympathy was extended to her. On the sick list we have Mrs. Nettie Juvančič who underwent surgery at Trumbull Memorial and Miss Beat-trice Brayer who was injured in an automobile accident. Best wishes for a speedy recovery were sent to them. Report by the Minnesota State President First of all, I wish to thank the Slovenian Women’s Union Br. 38 of Chisholm, Minn, for inviting me as the honored guest at their 35th anniversary May 21st. The chartered members were introduced and presented each with a fresh carnation corsage. A delicious chicken dinner was served, prepared by the members. Mrs. (Smoltz) Le-nich now of Eveleth, was the first president of the branch, but due to illness was not able to attend the event. She is now in the Eveleth Hospital. I had the privilege of visiting her before leaving for home that day and brought her the corsage from Chisholm. She was indeed happy to be remembered and we all wish her a speedy recovery. We have come to the end of our membership campaign and I hope that we will be able to see Minnesota high up when the results are published. “Tradition with a Future” is the keynote phrase to remember anytime when soliciting new members as membership is the life-blood of any organization. Here at Ely, our Slovenian Women's Union has a social club named “The Dawn Club” which is quite active. On May 16th, we planned a celebration of the 20th year of the Club at the Blue Room of the Forest Hotel. Mrs. Barbara Brennan and Ann Rowe were to be in charge of the celebrations. The Dawn Club helps us to enroll and to keep a nice, large membership as their social activities are very well received. They were organized in May, 1935 by members of Br. 23. The same rule still holds today. You must be a member of the main branch to qualify.. I think this has proven to be so successful other branches should adopt the same idea. It will really help your branch. Plans for a busy May were changed until September when we hope to have everyone back from their vacations, raring to go again. We will not be holding any meetings during the months of June and July, but, please pay your dues as you know the assessment still has to be paid and sent in on time. We are all looking forward to the annual Minnesota Zveza Day at Aurora, Minn, this September. Wishes to all for a speedy recovery and see you at the next, meeting in August. Barbara Rosandich Hermine Prisland Dicke: FATHER'S DAY Only too often we take Mother for granted. Blit our sin against Dad is even worse. He should work, bring home the money, hang the screens, cut the lawn, mend all things — why, that is his duty. Who else is expected to do these things? A hand-painted tie or bright colored socks one day a year will not repay the MAN whose back also aches, grinding away at the daily job that we may have good things to eat and fine clothes to wear. i^ove DAD all his days for he is human and longs for love. Respect him for his services to you and thank God that He has given you a man like your Dad. * * * * * A richly flavored, tender pot roast is a blessing any time, particularly on Father’s Day. Here is a roast that does not have to be seared in fat first, nor do pots and pans have to be scrubbed afterwards ,and gravy is self-made with the roast. TENDER POT ROAST 5 pound beef roast (bottom round or chuck) 1 package dehydrated onion soup mix 1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted Season with salt and pepper, as desired Aluminum foil. Place roast in center of double layer of aluminum foil large enough to completely enclose the roast. Shake the onion soup mix over the meat. Top with undiluted can of mushroom soup. Bring the lengthwise edges together then fold several times to fit snugly. Fold the ends inward then roll upward so that the roast is completely sealed in and no juices will run out. Place the package in a shallow roasting pan and cook in preheated oven at 300 degrees for about 5 hours. Open package and place pot roast on hot platter. Serve the gravy separately. * * * * * WEDDINGS Wedding-cake fashions are on the change. More and more the wedding cake is like a delectable dessert streamlined to modern appetites. Light sponge layers may be filled with nuts and bits of fruit. Sticklers for tradition may have the bottom and middle layers of light fruit cake, and the top layer dark fruit cake sealed in a tin and frosted over to appear as a part of the whole. The box is to be put away and open- ed for serving at the first wedding anniversary. If the top layer is dark fruit cake in tin, then use one of the commercial wedding-cake decorations, a bell, the simplest and in best taste. For the small home wedding, there is a trend back to cake baked by Mother. Those who wish a light cake might like this recipe. BRIDE’S CAKE 34 cup shortening 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 3' cups cake flour % teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 6 stiffly beaten egg whites % cup chopped blanched almonds V* cup chopped citron V* cup chopped candied cherries. Thoroughly cre;im shortening until soft and smooth. Gradually add sugar, creaming until very fluffy. Add vanilla. Add flour, sifted with salt and baking powder, alternately with milk. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites, then nuts and fruits. Turn into two greased and floured 10 inch layer cake pans in moderate oven (350 degrees for 30 minutes). FROSTING 2 cups sugar % cup water Vs teaspoon cream of tartar Vs teaspoon salt 2 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla. Cook sugar, water, and cream of tartar to soft ball stage, 236 degrees. Add salt to egg whites. Beat until frothy. Place over hot water and gradually add sugar syrup, beating constantly. Continue beating until mixture forms peaks. Add vanilla. Decorate the cake with a Pearl F rosting. Beat 2 egg whites untill stiff. Add 1 cup confectioners’ sugar and beat until smooth and thick. Cream % cup vegetable shortening. Add V2 cup confectioners’ sugar and mix until well blended. Combine these two mixtures. Add 1 teaspoon glycerine and % teaspoon almond extract. Glycerine helps keep the frosting glossy and soft. Gradually add about Vz cup more confectioners’ sugar until frosting will hold its shape, beating constantly. With a Cake Decorator: For edging: Hold plain tube upright, press, lift tube slightly. Repeat moving to right. For scrolls: Hold plain tube at right angle to cake. Press steadily. Don’t lift tube from frosting and form bottom part of “g.” Repeat moving to right. For flowers: Use a leaf tube. Press out mound of frosting. Hold tube at angle, and make leaves to resemble rose petals. For leaves: Hold leaf tube at angle, press, increase pressure to widen, decrease pressure. Pull away from point. For center of flowers: Add drop of yellow food coloring to sugar. Mix to distribute color. Sprinkle in center. If desired, tuck in spray or two of fresh lilies of the valley. A silver cake knife, festive witli a white satin or tulle bow, is provided for cutting the bride’s cake. The bride cuts the first slice of cake (from the bottom tier) and divides it, with the bridegroom as evidence that she is willing to share with him now and forever. The bride then appoints a friend to continue with the cutting and serving of the cake. ***** Melted marshmallows make a quick topping for cup cakes. Ten minutes before the cup cakes have finished baking, place a marshmallow on top of each cake. The oven temperature will turn the marshmallow into a delicious frosting. * * * * * It is always a pleasure to receive comments from the readers. I was especially happy to receive this letter from Mrs. Stephanie Osterman, member ol’ Br. 2, Chicago: “I made Mrs. Ribich’s refrigerator potica and it is delicious. Since I am working, there isn’t enough time to make regular potica, but with this refrigerated dough I manage very well. The dough is easy to roll out. I did add raisins to the filling. Thank you for the recipe.” ■—- Thank you, Mrs. Osterman, for your lovely letter. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers. Congratulations to the bridegrooms and graduates everywhere and a warm greeting of best wishes to the June brides. Sincerely, Hermine. Br. 55 Continued from page 135 To all our sick members, our fervent prayer that God may bless you and return you to good health. At the close of the business meeting, we had a social hour. Games were enjoyed and since it was Lent, good hot coffee was served. Now that the nice weather is here, come out to the meetings and have an enjoyable evening with us. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — For our Communion Mass, the following attended: L. Lubanovich, B. Bay-U8, I. Chase and Mary Ann, A. Walters, E. Sklenicka, N. Kaineo, J. Turk, C. Eble, L. Godec, JoAnn Turk, II. Duselc, A. Yogar, S. Kunka, L. Epley, S. Mauer and Patsy, E. Naso, J. Drsek, C. papez, R. Matyaszek, M. Bartholomew, F. Cazin, and Maryann, H. Kunka, M. Rivacelc, K, Yuratovac and Madelin and Annette. Thanks so very much for coining. Now we must start planning for our 30th Anniversary Mass in 1966. L. Epley is spending a weekend with her son in the service in No. Carolina. Hope you nil are fine and having a nioe time. We wish to extend our deepest sym- OGLESBY HONORS THEIR OWN Honored Mother Mrs. Mary Yazbec Honored Worker Mrs. Frances Nemeth patliy to Anna Brennas on the loss ol' her mother and mother-in-law. May they rest in peace. Also, D. Godfrey’s loss of her father-in-law is deeply felt. May they all rest in peace. Betty Adamovich’s sister-in-law had an emergency appendectomy. We hope she is feeling fine now. Also on our sick list is Nettie Kainec. Hope this sunny weather makes you feel better. We all wish our fathers a very happy day 011 their day, Father’s Day, June 20th. All the children making communion are very happy and we wish them God’s special blesings. It is a holy day to be remembered. Also, to all graduates, good luck in your new endeavors. June and July and then, no more meetings till Sept., our picnic. B. Bayus, Reporter No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. — Welcome back, girls! We are glad to be back in swing after our lengthy absence. First of all, we wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy to our former president, Katherine DePetro, whose husband passed away recently. Our meeting day has been changed to the fourth Tuesday of each month and for the present, we are meeting at St. Cecilia’s church hall. However, this is a temporary arrangement as our parish will be starting a building project soon and until it is completed, we’ll have to meet elsewhere. The members will be notified. We have a few new members also, since our last writing. Welcome to them. Anne Mazar, Reporter It may be a proud moment when an American father names his newborn son and heir after himself — but a Kuki or Zemi tribesman of Assam, India, feels equally proud when he takes his child’s name! In these tribes, Dad drops his own name immediately after the birth of a child and is known thereafter as “Father of So-and-so!’’ Dad’s titles have shown a fascinating worldwide variation. New England Puritans, if they were especially strict, might make their children call them "honored sir.” But in the South Pacific, a Trobriand Island son refers to his father by a name that means only “my mother’s husband.” Dad’s role is downgraded in this tribe, which believes that spirits are the true fathers of mankind. In parts of the Near and Far East, father has almost complete authority over his children, but must still defer to grandfather. Several generations may live under one roof, and the old patriarch dominates them all. But on Dobu Island off the coast of New Guinea, the uncle is head of the household. Dad has authority not o ver Ills own children, but over his sister’s offspring! No. 89, Oglesby, III. — Mrs. Mary Yazbec was honored as the Mother of the Year at the May banquet at Garzanelli’s Supper Club. Mrs. Frances Nemeth, as the best worker and Mrs. Sandy Morrison as the youngest mother, shared honors with Mrs. Antoinette Muhich, the oldest mother with the most children. Mrs. Frances Meg-lich won the door prize. The members were a grateful audience hearing how Mrs. Yazbec founded the Oglesby branch in 1938. She served as past president and was financial secretary for 12 years. She also served on numerous committees and helped so many ways toward the success of the branch. Mrs. Yazbec is the mother of five children, has 8 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Nemeth not only helped to found the Oglesby branch but also To more than 50 million American families, however, it’s father who will be the big man on June £'0. According to a hard liquor company’s records, Father’s Day was first celebrated in 1910 in Spokane, Washington, at the urging of a Mrs. John Dodd. She wished to honor her father, William Smart, for the devotion with which he had reared six motherless children. From this modest beginning, Father’s Day is now such an important occasion that Americans are expected to spend well over a billion dollars on books and bowling balls, new ties and vintage spirits for Dad. McKesson & Robbins, an importer of fine liquors, has noticed an annual rise in sales around Father’s Day. Another exotic custom pertaining to fatherhood might be more to the taste of American men. In some African and South American tribes, fathers fear that they might endanger their newborn children by going a-bout their daily chores. Therefore, although Mama returns to her usual routine almost as soon as the baby is born, Dad takes to his bed for days or even weeks and ho does absolutely nothing! served as the first president. In addition, she served as president on two other occasions, a total of 7 years and was treasurer for 3 years. She’s the mother of four and grandmother of five. Our heartiest congratulations to them. Father C. Meyer was guest along with many more friends and relatives of our members. These were given honorary mention along with Mrs. Josephine Livek, our past Supreme President. Mrs. Dorothy Davison and her com-mitte worked hard to make the banquet successful; a heartfelt thanks to these ladies. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. —• April meeting turned up to be the best gathering judging from the enthusiasm generated by the members who attended. Frank It. Burrows Jr. was our guest speaker from the Citizens Traffic Safety Board of Metropolitan Chicago, and his title was “Solution or Problem, There’s No Magic To It.” For the past seven years he has been a guest lecturer at Northwestern University Traffic Institute. He certainly has captivated our audience with his witty running commentary on traffic. Also motioned and moved at this meeting that $25 be donated to Sacred Heart Croatian Church for Easter. The goodies and table decoration was supplied by the following members: Rose Krneta, Mary Jurko, and Mary Nicksic. Cash donations by Marge Innis and Barbara Sambol. Many thanks for your generosity ladies. Affectionate birthday greetings to the following who are celebrating in June: Ann Cavlovich, Mildred Hut-nick, Katherine Jackovicli, Mary Kos-tecka, Mary Kozul, Alyce Kropel, Manda Mazar, Mary Rezek, Manda Saricli, Anna Starcevicli, Victoria To-mich, and Dolores Sambol. Delighted to hear that Mary Kahn who has been confined in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in Dyer, Indiana is back home and feeling better. To all of our shut-ins a speedy recovery. If there are any of our members who are moving, please notify us. Our sympathy to Catherine Alfire- THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF FATHERHOOD violi 011 the loss of lier dear husband, who was a splendid man, with a big heart, a loving husband and father was also my friend. I was privileged to know him for many years. He was much esteemed in our community in which he lived and was generally recognized as one whose acts and deeds were worthy and inspiring. Ill conclusion, my sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all of our members who prayed with me at Mrs. Florence Cuzella’s bier. To Edward Kompare for his great courtesies extended to our members. IN MEMORY It is with deep regret that I announce the death of our beloved member, Florence Cuzella, 2520 E. 91st Street. She was the beloved wife of the late Samuel, fond mother of Jerry (Amelia), Martin (Doris), Samuel Jr. Rose, Florence, Bessie (Jack) Pas-kvan, Carmella (John) Majcher and Sylvia (Carl) Dobrich; and nine grandchildren, two great-grandchil-dren. She was a woman of vast integrity, wisdom, warmth and achievement, she was a devoted wife, dedicated mother to her loving children, the nicest human being I’ve ever known. A woman of ideals and principles who never quit fighting. She was one of a proud list of pioneering minds that have brought honor to our branch, and the members of our branch can mourn her for that reason. Those who knew her will also mourn the death of a genial, kindly and generous friend. We join in extending to the members of her bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy and pray that in the years that lie ahead the good Lord will sustain them and give them peace and health. Mildred James No. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. - The month of May w'as dedicated to our Blessed Mother. Our annual Mother’s Day Communion was held on Sunday, May 2. Each member present received a pink carnation corsage. A junior member, Mary Kastelic, presented our Blessed Mother with a bouquet of flowers. She represented her mother, Dorothy, our 1964 Mother of the Year. It was good to see a lot of familiar faces. Following communion, we all enjoyed ourselves at Uncle John’s Pancake House. The following night, May 3, was our annual Mother's Day Banquet. Our Mother of the Year, Mary Szabo, was announced. She was speechless and overwhelmed. Mary was presented a beautiful plaque of the “Praying Hands,” and a dozen of roses by her granddaughter, Kimberly Adkins. Father Paulin, Mayor Willeford, and Vice-mayor Julius Seliga spoke a few choice words about Mary. Our 1964 Mother of the Year, Dor othy Kastellic, became a 1965 “mom- my” by giving birth to a beautiful baby girl on April 26. Anna Marie weighed in at 8 lbs. 4 ozs. Congratulations to Cheryl Bradac on her recent marriage to Jerry Si-bits. Also, on June 5 Roger DuBay is going to marry Dorit. Weldauer of West Germany. His mother, Mara, is an active member of the lodge and is serving as assistant program chairman at the present time. Glad to hear that Lil Russo is up and feeling better now after surgery on her ear. A speedy recovery to any other members on the sick list. Hope to see you all at our next meeting, and May God Bless You All! Betty Matjašič, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Our meeting was held at the home of Alice Kocjan. Prayer was led to open the meeting and 18 members were present, a good attendance, I would venture to say! There were three “old timers” with us, Jenny Vidmar, Zorka Maisel and Josephine Prazan. It was nice to have them interested in attending our meetings. Gail Simon was awarded Mother of the Year and our banquet was planned for early May at the Metropol in Canada. We were there last year and everyone enjoyed it, so we decided to have it there again. I believe I have written a previous article about Gail Simon, born up in the Copper Country of Calumet, Mich. She moved to Detroit as a very young Miss and attended high school and college here. She taught school for many years and has been very active in church activities. She’s an all-around nice gal! Always ready far a good laugh, too (like her sister, Ann McGee!). We were all indeed happy to nominate Gail as our Mother of the Year for 1965. Mary Kočevar, a charter member of Zveza passed away March 23 rd. She was 80 years of age. Our deepest sympathies to the family. May she rest in peace. Ann Lindich received one of the prizes, a set of three small glasses. Mrs. Krisler also received a handsome candy dish. Mary Zimmerman and husband have returned from a winter vacation in California and other places. They enjoyed it immensely. I could tell then she related her travelogue so happily. So nice to have her back again with us. Fulvia Rosa is making a trip to Minnesota, her home state, to visit her mother who will be 80 years old. God bless her! Give her our best wishes, Fulvia, for many more happy birthdays. You are so lucky to have your mother, so many of us have lost our mothers and they are gone from us forever. Ann McGee picked me up when we had our meeting and I didn’t recognize her in her new, maroon colored Ambassador! It’s like riding on air. eh, Ann? Good luck with your new car! When our meeting adjourned, we had a perfectly delicious lunch of slice turkey, sliced beef, baked potato, tossed salad, cranberry sauce, hot biscuits (home made), coffee and graham cracker pie for dessert. Oh, yes, liquid refreshments, too. Ml I can say about that is, Whoopee! Alice and Pauline Adamic took three cameras out and took several pictures. Am anxious to see them, wondering what we liked like after that feast and Southern Comfort? Thank you, Alice, for that deliciously prepared luncheon and to your lovely grand-daughter, who assisted you. Pauline baked a beautiful birthday cake with a question mark on top for Alice and Fulvia. Many, many more happy birthdays, ladies. Katherine Musick, our secretary, left for Milwaukee, West Allis to be exact, to visit with her aunts and friends for a few days. Nice place. West Allis. I, too, have friends and relatives living there. Our next meeting will be at Ann Anzick’s and we’ll report on that later. May I end with a wish for good luck to all and God bless you. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. Have A Priest in Your Family It Takes Only $5 A Month This is a message from Ecuador, one of the poorest countries of South America and here we find many quali-feid boys who would like to study for the Priesthood. However, they lack the necessary means, and because of the extreme poverty of the Latin American Church many of these poor boys cannot give their vocation a try. You can help these boys reach God’s altar. Their work will be yours . . . their merits yours. Adopt one of our Ecuadorian boys and have YOUR PRIEST who will pray for you daily, correspond with you regularly sending you photographs of himself and his activities, and whose priesthood studies you can sponsor with as little as $5 a month or a pledge of $500 which covers all his training. Only $5 a month is required so that one of our poor Ecuadorian boys may prepare to give a lifetime to God and to his fellow-countrymen. As soon as we receive your initial payment you will receive a letter and photograph from your boy. For further information please write to: Rev. John J. Porter, S.D.B. Administrator for Salesian Seminaries and Boys Clubs Quito (Box 2303) Ecuador, So. America The things we give back to God are the only things we keep for Eternity. (Submitted by C. Adamic, Br. 66.) 138 ZARJA — THE DAWN Marie Prisland: Svetovni znani in priljubljeni so valčki avstrijskega skladatelja Johanna Straussa. Zlasti so popularne PRAVLJICE IZ DUNAJSKIH GOZDOV (Tales of Vienna Woods). Gospa Mary Krainz, članica sheboyganske podružnice, mi je na razpolago dala slovensko prestavo te skladbe, ki jo je prejela od pokojnega pevovodja g. Ivana Berlisga v Detroitu. V upanju, da bo slovenski prevod naše glasbenike zanimal, ga tu podajam: Pravljice iz Dunajskih gozdov Sonca žar obliva griče, log večerni vabi, kliče. Oj . . . Tam šelesti in šumi, kot da ves gaj slavi maj. Kot da je raj tam vekomaj. Oj . . . Pravljice čudežne zrak prepletavajo, vile krasotice dražestno rajajo, meseo jim sveti za ples. Zvezdice sevajo, pesmi odmevajo, cvetke pa sanjajo, da jih pozdravljajo in se jim klanjajo. Snubci zaljubljeni, slavo jim dvigajo gor do nebes. Bajke vse ožive, kjer ljubezen živa je in srce se ji odpre. Resnične so vile in mesečni čari, vse tajnostne sile in ljubavi žari. Zavist je padla iz srca, pozabljen je pohlepni svet. Krasote tajne duh spozna, ko vrača v prsa mir se spet. Brez mej zeleni log se zdi, sovraštva v njem in zlobe ni. In krasen, blag jo vsak spomin. Vsaka želja čista je, vsaka nada zlata je. Tu svoboda dom ima. Srca topla bijejo, vino bratstva pijejo, sestre, bratje, družba vsa. Dune več ni, že se dani. Kam je izginil čar? Le v srcu ostal je žar, živečih pravljic dar. Spomin bo spremljal nas, ves dan in v tihi nočni čas. Log skrivnostni nepozabljen si ti. Od hudobe ti pokvarjen nisi. V tebi duša trudna se spočije in poguma se napije. Skrivnostno drevje si šepeta, ko s perjem vetrič se igra. V grmovju slavček žvrgoli in z ljubo svojo kramlja. Sonce zašlo je za goro. Gaj in log zajel je gost večerni mrak. Z mesta vse semkaj vre v hladni večerni zrak. Tu je zdaj vse oživelo. l.o ven, le ven na hladni zrak. Zaljubljeni par na klopi sedi. Fant ji na srce sladko govori. Skoz vrhe dreves pa luna miglja, in se smehlja. O šumi mili gaj in bajke svoje nam kramljaj. In predi pajčalon nam, iz prelestnih svojih sanj. Preganjaj nam skrbi. In hvaležni bomo vsi. Ti si pokoja dom, rešitelj brig in vseh nadlog. Oj, log . . . ŽENA in MLADOST Prav vsako ženo srce zaboli, ko opazi, da se je pričela poslavljati mladost. Grenkoba in trpkost jo objema. Tako mlada je še duševno, vse jo še zanima in veseli ,zato se z žalostjo skuša sprijazniti z dejstvom, da se vnanja lepota poslavlja od nje. Čim pametnejša je žena, tem lažje to dobo preboli. Čim večje so njene duševne zmožnosti, tem lažje se uživi v dejstvo, katerega ni mogoče prezreti. Lepa je mladost dekleta. Najbolj očarljiva in prikupna pa je žena med 30. in 40. letom, ko se vse njeno telo razvije do zrelosti in njena duša spozna vrednosti življenja. Pa tudi žene 50 let stare so prikupljive, dasi niso več mlade. Lepe so v svojem materinstvu, lepe z gubicami, ki jih je v obraz vtisnilo življenje. Žena nad 50 let stara, ki nima na obrazu nobene gubice in brazde pač ni živela ,ni žtrvo-vala, ni ljubila, kratko, ni bila zmožna nobenega globokega čustva, ki bi na obrazu pustilo svojo sled. S tem seveda ne rečem, da se moramo veseliti nagubanih lic, a sramovati se jih nikakor ni treba. Napačno je misliti, da se starejša žena ne sme moderno oblačiti, ne več šminkati, ne več veseliti. Vse to žena mora storiti, ker je to dolžna možu in otrokom. Otroci imajo radi lepo oblečene matere, možje radi vidijo svoje žene elegantne. Oblačiti se seveda moramo svojim letom primerno. Ko smo prekoračile 60-to leto, si ne moremo privoščiti pretiravanj v nobeni reči. Negovati se pa moramo veliko bolj, kot poprej, ko smo bile mlade. Starost tudi prinaša svoje veselje. Če živimo z otroci in vnuki, smo tako vedno v mladi družbi in bomo ostale tudi me duševno mlade. S svojimi izkušnjami pomagamo mlademu rodu, kar nam daje zavest, da smo potrebne. Ta zavest nas dela srečne. Posebno srečne pa smo med svojimi mladimi vnuki, ki nas ljubijo in katere ljubimo me skoro bolj kot smo ljubile lastne otroke. Žena, ki bo iz pravega stališča gledala na starost, bo z vedrimi očmi in lahkim srcem preživljala neizogibno slovo od mladosti. Ne bodo jo vznemirjale gube na obrazu, niti jo strašila leta, ki prihajajo. Zavedala se bo, da prava lepota prihaja od znotraj, iz plemenitega srca, ki je vredno mnogo več kot gladko lice. * # * Prva: “Ne vem kaj je mojemu staremu, da vedno godrnja. Z nobeno rečjo ni zadovoljen.” Druga: “Moj dedec je ravno tak! Če bi mu poliane piške v usta letele, bi še vedno godrnjal zakaj ne prileti še solata in krompir.” * * * Pridigar je v cerkvi iz Sv. pisma naglašal: “Dajte Bogu kar je božjega in cesarju, kar je cesarjevega,” ko se nek vernik dvigne, pozabivši kje je ter zaskrbljeno vpraša: — “Kaj bo pa meni ostalo?” Slovenska Izseljenska Matica v Ljubljani želi odkupiti vse letnike ZARJI']. Članica, ki ima vse zvezke — to je prav vse od prvega do zadnjega, ali vsaj od prvega zvezka pa do leta 1910 — in jih želi oddati, naj navede ceno in se javi na moj naslov. Marie Prisland, 1034 Dillingham A ve. Sheboygan, Wis. •TUNE, 1965 139 P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: OČETOVA SUKA Bogat trgovec je umrl na tujem, pa tutli njegov sin je živel daleč od rojstnega kraja Kmalu po trgovčevi smrti pridejo trije mladeniči na pokojnikov dom. Vsak je trdil, da je sin njegov in torej edini dedič. Ti mladeniči so si bili jako podobni, in ker je bil trgovčev sin že več leta z doma, ga nihče ni mogel ločiti od sleparjev. Tedaj ukaže sodnik, ki je opravljal dediščino, naj prineso očetovo sliko, ki je bila temu podobna, in reče: “Tisti izmed vas, ki zadene s psico znamenje, narejeno na tej sliki, posane dedič imetja.” Prvi prime lok in pšico in zadene blizu cilja, l^rugi izstreli pšico in zadene še bliže. Tretji hoče izstreliti, pa se pomišlja nekaj sekund, pogem vrže proč lok in pšico in reče s solznimi očmi: “Ne, ne morem se odločiti, da bi streljal proti sliki svojega očeta; rajši se odpovem ded- ' r>, ščini.” Sodnik se vzdigne s sedeža in reče z ganljivim glasom: H? “Plemeniti mladenič, ti sam si sin in zakoniti dedič raj- Vj nega očeta. Pravi otrok ni zmožen, da bi predrl srce svo- CV jega očeta, čeprav samo na sliki.” SLADKE MISLI Al) Oče, mati, otroci, brat, sestra, kaj je svetejšega slaj- j? •10) šega od teh imen! S Vdanost, zvestoba, ljubezen, ki vladajo v družini, mo- rajo vladati tudi v državi, drugače se ne more doseči mir. Kar je družina v malem, to je država v velikem. ZVEZIN DAN BO V LEMONTU 18. JULIJA Čas kar hitro beži naprej in prej kot si moremo misliti bo tukaj 18. julij in naš Zvezin Dan v Lemontu. Zato se mi zdi potrebno, da vam danes podam nekaj navodil. Skupni bus iz Cleveland bo odpeljal v petek okrog 11. ure zvečer in bomo v Lemontu zgodaj v soboto zjutraj. Prenočišče in hrano bomo imele v Baragovem Domu. Vožnja iz Clevelanda — tja in nazaj — bo samo $15.00. Domov pa bomo odpeljale v nedeljo proti večeru, ko bomo s zborovanjem in piknikom, ki nam ga bodo pripravile članice podružnice št. 2 iz Chicaga, gotove. V Cleveland bomo dospele v pondeljek zjutraj, dovolj zgodaj tudi za vse tiste, ki morate iti ta dan na delo. Za prenočišče v soboto večer bo $2.50 za osebo; za zajutrek, kosilo in večerjo pa bo $4.50 na dan. Torej skupni stroški za vsako članico za ta izlet bodo okrog $27.00. Torej odločite se takoj in pridružite se naši skupini, da bomo imele skupaj par dni vesele zabave. Za vsa nadaljna pojasnila mi pišite ali me pokličite po telefonu, ali vprašajte tajnico vaše podružnice. Vse prijave moram imeti jaz najkasneje do 18. junija. Torej, ne odlašajte, kajti po tem dnevu ne bomo mogle vpoštevati nobene prijave več. Toni Turek, 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 10, Ohio — KE 1-0230 DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. — PESEM MARIJI Marija, mati moja v žalosti tolažba, Sladka moja — ob Tvoji roki roma, po poti tja do doma — naj varno Tvoj otrok. Ob koncu pa, Marija, naj umrem v ljubezni Tvoji — Končani bodo boji, — pri Tebi bom doma. Moj materinski pozdrav vsem materam. Živim blagoslov, mrtvim pa večni mir. Pozdrav vsem članicam, posebno pri št. 2. Paulina Ožbolt Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Najprej prisrčna hvala vsem članicam za lepo udeležbo na seji v maju, bilo nas je nad 50 navzočih. Seja je bila kratka in poročano je bilo glede ZVEZINE-KA ROMANJA V LEMONTU, dne 18. julija. Vse rezervacije za autobus morajo biti do 10. junija, kajti posebni bus bo naročen samo, če bo dovolj prijav. Sv. maša pri lurski votlini bo ob 11 uri dop. s procesijo. G. p. Kalist je naprošen za daritev sv. maše in za pridigo. V skladu z novo liturgijo bo mnogo slov petja in molitve vseh navzočih. — Odbor bo zopet oskrbel za prigrizek in okrepčila in za igre na popoldanskem pikniku. Večernice bodo kakor pa navadi pop. v samostanski kapeli. Če bo šlo vse posreči, bodo med nami tudi sestre iz Clevelanda, kakor tudi iz Indianapolis, zato pozivamo naše Čikažane in okoličane, da pridejo v soboto k procesiji s svečkami, ki se bo vršile okoli Blejskega jezera pri Lurški votlini. To bo v soboto zvečer v mraku ter je vedno ganljivi prizor. Tudi prosimo članice, da bi napekle in darovale potic in drugih dobrot za popoldanski piknik. Kuhinjo imajo v oskrbi Mrs. Zorko, baro Mrs. Železnikar, dobitke Mrs. Zefran, ribolov Mrs. Osterman, čipse Mrs. Bogolin ,tekme in spored Mrs. Leskovar. Na seji smo tudi slavile rojstne dneve in sprejele novo članico, Mrs. Josephine Vuksinič, katero je pripeljala ses. Zorko. — Poročano je bilo, da je na bolniški listi ses. Wanda Gurtovvski, Amelia Russell in Ann Wagner, ki so bile operirane. Upamo, da so že zdrave. Zaslužna mati leta, Mrs. Frances Koželj je bila častni gost večera in je prejela krasen šopek, darilo ter ganljivi prizor, ko ji je 5 letna vnukinja, Jolyn Bare lepo zapela. Otroci so bili oblečeni v slovenske narodne noše in so predvajali razne pesmi in petje v slovenščini in angleščini: Mimi in Tonček Leskovar, Debbie in Frankie Žefran, Paula in Angela Petek ter Peter Bence. — V spomin našim dragim pokojnim smo prižgale svečke na majniškem oltarju; eno svečko za vsako preminulo članico, izgubile smo jili S v zadnjem letu in ses. Justine Cieblinski je pela Marijine pesmi. Bilo je res ganljivo. Na programu so bile tudi Mrs. JZ in njena hčerka Sophie v duetu ter Marija Petek v lepi pesmi za materinski dan. Po prigrizku je Mrs. A. Novak kazala krasne slike iz Slovenije, in tako je bil zaključen lep večer. Odbornice naše podr. so aktivne tudi v odboru za proslavo GO letnice slovenske fare sv. Stefana. Slovens-nosti bodo C. junija s slavnostno sv. mašo in banketom. Naša podr. in Zveza se pridružuje župljanom z iskrenimi čestitkami duhovnikom in fari ob tem lepem jubileju in želimo, da bi naša fara tudi v bodoče nadaljevala lepe slovenske tradicije naših pionirjev. Do septembra ne bomo imele sej, toda sestale se bomo odbornice za Zvezin dan. Na svidenje vsem v Lemontu, dne 18. julija! Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Zelena pomlad bo kmalu odšla in z njo nas je zapustilo tudi več naših znanih old-tajmerjev. Srce nas boli, ko vidimo kako se redčijo vrste naših prijateljev. — Sporočam, da smo izgubile dve naše dobre članice: Mary Kočevar je umrla v bolnišnici po enodnevni bolezni. Bila je bolehna, toda smrt je hitro prišla. Bog je poklical tudi Marv Krasovič iz Mesa St., ki je mnogo pretrpela v času njene dolge bolezni. Drage nepozabne sestre: mnogo ste prestale, toda spomin na vaša dobra dela ostanejo trajno med nami. Ses. Krašovec je rada zahajala na seje in je bila vesele narave, da smo se vedno nasmejale v njeni družbi — Elsie ZARJA — THE DAWN Mramor žaluje za bratom Frankom, ki je nenadoma umrl še v mladih letih. — Vsem žalujočim ostalim blagih pokojnih, izrekamo iskreno sožalje. V bolnišnici so naslednje sestre: mlada Mary Kostelic, ki je v najlepši dobi mladosti, pa je zbolela; Mary Miklieh je dobila srčni napad; Milka Henigsman se zdravi po težki operaciji in Mildred Pechek je v bolnišnici na zdravstvenem pregledu. Vse priporočamo v molitev, da bi hitro ozdravele. Naša poznana Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Škrabec sta obhajala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja v družinskem in prijateljskem krogu. Mrs. Škrabec je sestra Christine Konte iz Canon City, preds. podr. št. 66. Ses. Škrabec je naša zvesta članica in ji vsi želimo, da jima Bog še nadalje pošilja svoj blagoslov sreče in zdravih let. Dne 21. jun. bo rojstni dan naše č. preds. M. Prisland, katerega bo obhajala v domovini. Srečno pot v Slovenijo želimo tudi vsem drugim izletni-cam, med njimi bom tudi jaz in moja sopotnica Ann Burns (Princ). Upamo na srečno in zdravo potovanje tja in nazaj. Ko se vrnemo bomo prinesle lepih spominov za bralke naše priljubljene Zarje. Najlepše priznanje taj. Mary Vidmar, št. 78 v Leadville, ki je vpisala 14 novih članic v njeno podr. Sem vesela, da imajo tako pridno tajnico. Good luck, Mary, for some more new members! V mesecu junija slavimo OČETOV DAN in tako mi spomin uhaja na mojega pok. očeta, ki je bil šaljive narave. Radi so govorili: “Bog nas varuj revščine, bogastva se bomo že sami ubranili . . .” Bodi očetu blag spomin. Drage sosestre SŽZ: nadaljujmo naše delo, da bomo dvignile našo Zvezo in s tem pomagale napredku v bodočnosti. — Na rokah imam Kuharske knjige. Katera jih želi jih bo mogla dobili pri mojem soprogu, v času moje odsotnosti. S ses. pozdravom vsem skupaj. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. — Prelepi mesec maj je za nami. Narava se je prebudila in vse je v bujnem cvetju. Vse me spominja na kitico: “Čresnja vsa bela na griču stoji, gleda na breskev, ki v vrtu cveti; vse pomlajeno, vse oživljeno, meni se na sproti smeji . . 2. maja smo imele sejo združeno s proslavo materinskega dneva. Preds. Jeanette Killoran je pripela šopek naši zaslužni materi leta, slavljenki Frances Žagar. — Pri lepo okrašeni in obloženi mizi smo pod vodstvom Frances Lah zapele. Na mizi je bilo cvetja in Marijin kip. Po slavnosti smo imele prijetni popoldan skoro do sončnega zahoda. Sklenile smo, da bomo tudi letos i-mple piknik dne 18. julija. Članice, 38 LET V ENI SLUŽB! Mrs. Rose Potokar, članica št. 2 v Chicagu, je letos odpovedala službo v kateri je delala celih 38 let, kar gotovo ni malo let. Imela je odgovorno delo, namreč kot glavna kuharica v MacNeal bolnišnici. Pripravljati jedila za bolnike ni navadno kuhanje, ampak mora biti vešča sestaviti raznovrstne dijete. Zdravniki in ravnateljstvo se je zavedalo, da en človek ne more biti za vse večne čase v enem delu, zato so sprejeli njeno odpoved. Priredili so ji lepo odhodnico ter poklonili zlat znak z demantom, ki jo bo vedno spominjal na dovršeno delo. Iskrene čestitke! Rose in mož Frank bosta 14. junija odpotovalo z eno naših skupin v stari kraj na počitnice. Doma sta od Čateža ob Savi, pošta Brežice. Tukaj pa lastujeta svoj dom na naslovu 3738 So. Grove, Berwyn, Illinois. Vse članice in prijatelji jima želijo obilo zabave ter zdrav in srečen povratek! pridite v polnem številu, pa se bomo prav odlično imele na vrtu naše tajnice, Jennie Ožbolt. Zaradi počitnic smo sklenile, da tudi me ne bomo imele sej v poletnem času do oktobra 1965. Članice so naprošene, da javijo u radnicam, če katera članica zboli, ker se je že parkrat pripetilo, da so članice se že vrnile iz bolnišnice, pred-no smo uradnice izvedele o njeni bolezni. Bog z vami vsemi. Margaret Steblaj (Kaluža) zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Poročilo mesečne seje 4. maja. Članic se je kar veliko udeležilo naše seje v prelepem mesecu maju. Živahno smo se pogovarjale med seboj, kako smo preživele mrzlo zimo. Več jih je pobrala kruta smrt. — V zadnjem času pa so zopet nekatere obolele, to so sestre: Troha, Strnad, Turk, Vidovič in Oldč-ki. Molimo za nje, da jim Bog čim-prej vrne ljubo zdravje. Katera bi želela to leto poromati k Mariji Pomagaj v Lemont ob priliki Zvezinega dneva v juliju, naj se prijavi pri ses. Antoniji Turk. Na seji smo praznovale trimesečna godovanja in Materinski dan. čla nice so prinesle mnogo dobrot in si cer te so: Sustar, Globokar, Macarol, Sodja, Krmel, Mršnik pa je prinesla cake za njeno mamo Mrs. Stefančič, ki je letos praznovala svoj 83. rojstni dan. — Vse članice ji čestitamo in želimo še mnogo let, da bi v zdravju in veselju živela v krogu njene družine. V denarju pa so darovale tega večera: Stražišar (Kewanee), Vičič, Kuhar in Mandič. Naj vam ljubi Bog povrne na vašem zdravju. Pozdrav vsem, A. Sustar, poroč. Št. 15, Newburgh, Ohio. — Seja v aprilu je bila prav lepo obiskana. Čas hitro mine; lepi velikonočni prazniki in cvetoči maj so že za nami. V blagajno je darovala Mary Zabukovec, za kar ji velja srčna hvala. Bolna je Ana Jakič in več drugih članic. Vse jim želimo, naj jim Kraljica majnika skoraj zdravje podeli. Julija in augusta ne bomo imele seje, zato želim, da bi vse prišle zdrave na sejo v mesecu septembru. Iskren pozdrav vsem! Frances Lindič, preds. Št. 20, Joliet, 111. — Naša podr. žaluje za dvema članicami, ki sta pretekli mesec bili poklicani v večnost. 4. aprila je preminula samo 43 let stara Isabelle Mihalek iz N. Raynor Ave. K podr. je pristopila 17. nov. 63 priporočana po ses. Helen Golobiteli. Zapušča moža, dva sinova, tri sestre in dva brata. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Rozich. Bila je priljubljena med nami ter vse obžalujemo njeno prezgodnjo smrt. Sožalje tudi njeni rodni sestri Helen Golobitch. Dalje je umrla dolgoletna članica, Barbara Gregorash v lepi starosti 84 let. Pristopila je 19. maja 1935 priporočena po naši prvi tajnici, Anna Pluth. Bila je članica raznih organizacij in stara faranka. Zapušča 3 hčerke, 3 sinove in 2'3 vnukov. Obe pok. članici smo počastile na mrtvaškem odru, molile za pokoj njunih duš in ju pospremile na zadnji poti. Naj počivata v miru. Ostalim naše sožalje. Tajnica je poročala, da je prejela dve pismi zahvale iz Washingtona, D. C. in sicer od Sen. Roberta Kennedy, brata pok. preds. in od Jacqueline Kennedy, soproge pok. preds. Oba zahvaljujeta za naš prispevek za Ken-nedyevo čitalnico. V bolnišnici se nahajajo sestre, Catherine Zupancich, Jennie Pluth, Anna Terdich, Kristine Slapničar, Agnes l.o-vatti in Louise Duša. Čestitke naši bivši podpreds. The-resi Marentich, ki je dobila eno izmed prvih nagrad ob času Kuhinjske šole v Rialto Theatre. Prejela je washer-dryer. Dobitke so dobile tudi čla. Jos. Muster in Frances Botari ter več drugih Slovenk. Prihodnji mesec se poda naša ustanoviteljica Mrs. Prisland na pot.ova- OČETOV DAN — POMEMBNI DAN! Št. 25, Cleveland, O. — Že smo sredi leta 1965; ko boste brale te vrstice bomo sredi meseca junij, ki je posebno posvečen Presvetemu srcu Jezusovemu. V juniju pa imamo še en pomemben dan — namreč Očetov dan. Skromen, skrben in delaven očka skrbi za svojo družinico; marsikdaj bi si rad privoščil kakšen priboljšek, a misli mu uhajajo na svoj mali rod; naj ima sinček ali hčerkica raje nekaj, kar razveseli malo srce, to si pripoveduje očka. Da. kolikrat je ljubi očka vzdihnil v tihi molitvi in želji, naj bi bila usoda bolj mila njegovim malim, kot pa je bila njemu. Vse preredko se spominjamo na te naše junake — očete, ki žrtvujejo sami sebe za nas. Naj te skromne vrstice bodo v čast in priznanje vsem našim vrlim očetom in starini očetom, katere imamo resnično radi, čeprav malokdaj jim izrazimo naš čut. V tihi molitvici za miren pokoj pa se spominjamo tudi onih nepozabnih očkov in starih očkov, ki so utrujeni po napornem delu legli v prerani grob in se radujejo v božjem kraljestvu! Nekoliko zakasnelo, vzlic temu pa najtopleje čestitamo našemu prevzvi-šenemu duhovnemu vodju, monsigno-rju Louisu Bazniku, ob 30. obletnici ko je bil posvečen v duhovnika. Mon-signor Baznik je zadnja leta župnik velike slovenske fare Sv. Vida, v kateri je sam bil vzgojen, in uživa ugled in spoštovanje vseh faranov. Naj mu Bog nakloni še veliko, veliko let plodnega dela v božjem vinogradu. Pred pol-stoletjem je na 14. junija stopila naša prijazna podpredsednica podružnice št. 25 SŽZ, Mary pred oltar kot nevesta Leo Kolegarja. Poročena sta bila v cerkvi Sv. Vida in bivata že veliko let na 7004 Hecker Ave. Vsi jima iskreno čestitamo in nje v staro domovino. Pozneje se bodo pridružile še druge. Vsem izletni-cam, kakor tudi Josephine Schlossar ter ostalim odbornicam in potovalkam želimo mnogo lepih dni v domovini ter srečen in zdrav povratek. Mrs. Marie Prisland, ki bo obhajala svoj rojstni dan dne 21. jun., pa želimo, da bi še mnogokrat obhajala ta imenitni dan v življenju, da bi še mnogo let ostala med nami. Bog jo živi! 29. jun. bo dan našega piknika in sicer na prostorih Mrs. Kunstek v Yorkville. To bo družinski piknik, kjer 1)0 zopet vse lepo in prijazno urejeno za članice in družine, da pridemo skupaj v prijetni družabnosti. Ako vam je pot nepoznana, pokličite Frances Gaspich za informacijo, tudi navodila “signs” bodo ob poti. Torej na svidenje v Yorkville. Vsem očetom naših članic in soprogom članic, pa kličemo: Veseli O-četovski dan. Josephine Erjavec jima želimo obilo dobrega zdravja in sreče, da bi vesela dočakala svoj di amantni jubilej! Naše čestitke pa naj prejmeta tudi Mr. in Mrs. Joseph in Caroline Cukajne z 19541 Pasnovv Ave., ki sta prošli mesec obhajala 49. obletnico srečnega zakonskega življenja. Tudi njima želimo še veliko let sreče in zadovolstva v družinskem krogu! V juniju pa je bila pred leti tetica štorklja zaposlena, kajti imamo več naših članic, ki obhajajo svoje rojstne dneve v tem mesecu. Med njimi je tudi naša spoštovana predsednica podr. št. 25, sestra Pauline Stampfel z 1161 Norwood Rd., ki bo na 28. junija spolnila 75 let. Paula, le hitro se pozdravi, skrbno neguj bolne noge, da bomo lahko šle kmalu zopet plesati polko! Svoj 85. rojstni dan pa bo obhajala naša poznana sestra Mary Kovačič z Donald Ave., ponosna mati carinarja Johna Kovačiča in uradnika tranzitnega odbora, Edwarda Kovačiča. Vse najboljše še na mnoga leta, sestra Kovačič! Druga članica, ki bo obhajala svoj 83. rojstni dan, pa je sestra Antonia Skander z E. 64 St. Njena hči, Anna, vodi znano trgovino Ann’s Knit Shop na Glass Ave., kjer si žene in dekleta lahko nabavijo vsakovrstne potrebščine za pletenje, kvačkanje, itd. Poleg teh imamo število drugih članic, ki so naše “June babies,” namreč: Theresa Nousak z E. Cl St. in njena hčerkica Marcia; Nettie Zar-nick iz Euclid,O., ki je predsednica društva Sv. Cecilije št. 37 SDZ; Paula Rihtar z Carl Ave.; Agnes Opasker z Bayliss Ave.; Pauline Strnad z E. 77 St.; Jennie Lube z Addison Rd.; Mary Zorenc z Norwood Rd.; Ann Bizjak z Orton Ct.; Margaret Švajger z Chardon Rd.; Anna Marie Zak, žena pogrebnika Tony Zak z 6016 St. Clair Ave., pa je že obhajala svoj rojstni dan. Vsem tem slavljenkam kličemo: Živele še na mnoga leta! Predno zaključim, želim ponovno opomniti vse članice, bodite obzirne napram našim bolnim in onemoglim članicam. Spomnite se jih in obiščite jih od časa do časa, bodrite jih in lajšajte jim bol in otožnost v samoti. To dobro delo vam bo poplačano tisočkrat. Zbogom, Josephine (Antončič) Golinski Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Poročam, da smo imele lepo materinsko proslavo in počastitev naš častne matere, The-rese Zupančič. Prelepi Marijin mesec majnik je za nami. Naj velja slava Mariji Majniški Kraljici, da bo milna svetu, čeprav je naš preds. Johnson omenil na televiziji o raznih nevarnosti za svetovni mir. Sožalje sestri Ameliji Sterle ob izgubi ljubljenega moža. Bog mu daj večni mir. SesLra Mary Mismas je bila v bolnišnici, sedaj se zdravi na domu, kakor tudi ses. Agnes Kožuh (Zakraj sek) boleha in hudo je tudi bolan soprog Mary Sinkove in Theresa Kozuli. Vse bolne priporočamo v molitev. Prav lepo pozdravljamo naše čla., ki so v Floridi: Pirhek in Brakov le. čestitke vsem, ki slavite svoje rojstne dneve. V poletnih mesecih julija in avgusta ne bo sej. Najlepše pozdrave. Frances Kave, poroč. Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Vsakokrat ko dobim našo priljubljeno Zarjo, najprej pogledam, če je kak dopis od naše podružnice. — Torej naj nekoliko poročam o naših novicah. Naj bodo te vrstice v olajšavo naše dobre članice, Terezije Grdin, ki se je morala podvreči težki operaciji. Ona goduje ob sv. Juriju, zato njej posvečam to pesmico: Na konju Jurij se vezuje, na poljani god praznuje; cvetkam kliče: Brž vstanite, roso v čaše si nalite; ptički strune uglasite v pesem svatovsko nalite, da bo šla črez gaj in trato v dne. va svit in zarjo zlato, sonce se bo pri-svetilo, žarke črez naravo zlilo; bo poljana razsvetljena s cvetjem nežnim okrašena. Tam na brezi in bori bodo peli ptičji zbori. Pšenica le rasti, da zrela in povzdignjena boš pri vsaki sveti maši . . .” Te vrstice sem napisala sestri Grdin z godovnimi voščili in v upanju, da je nadloge sveta preveč ne mučijo. Pozdravljam vse. M. Pristavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Že dolgo se nisem oglasila v naši priljubljeni Zarji. Bila som zopet v bolnici zaradi prevelike izgube krvi. Zdravnik je ugotovil, da imam ulcer v želodcu. Bila sem v bolnici 17 dni in zopet so mi dali 2 pinte krvi. Računi so pa taki, da me je še strali misliti. Po vrnitvi iz bolnice me je prišel iskati sin Edward iz Oconomowoc, Wis., kjer sem preživela 3 tedne počitka z lepo postrežbo. Hvala lepa sinu in sinahi in Bog daj zdravje tebi in tvoji družini. Sinaha me je tudi peljala v Milwaukee na ogled živalskega vrta (zoo), kjer sem si ogledala ptičke in druge živali, kar me zelo veseli. Videli smo tudi gorilo, kar je posebno zanimalo 6 letnega vnučka, ki je tudi bil z nami. Pri večerji je kot odrasel fant govoril in opisoval kaj je vse videl, pa ga je oče Edward vprašal, kako velika je bila gorila. A on se odreže: “She was nearly like you.” Seveda smo vsi prasnili v smeh in fantek pojasni, da je mislil, da je gorila velika skoro tako kot oče, ki je močne in visoke postave. Upam, da se bom še malo pozdravila pri mojih visokih letih ter da bom se okopavala moj vrtec in se kakšno rožco presadila. Tople pozdrave vsemu članstvu. Frances Kranjc Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — MOJI VNUKINJI NANCY k njenemu petnajste inti rojstnemu dnevu, 30. maja: Lepa mlada deklica kot roža v zgodnji si pomladi; nekaj prav lepega za tvoj god radi bi ti dali. Tvojega življenja pot, s cvetjem bi okrasila; ko po njej popelje te korak, naj bi lahka bila ti stopinja. Sreče celega sveta, v šopek bi povila; in moji bi jo vnukinji v naročje položila. Tvoja stara mama, Martina (Hribar) Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Po dolgi zimi se zopet obuja, posebno naši vrtovi, 86. 11.25 20 — 88. 17.15 35 7 89. 41.50 77 45 90. 25.40 50 25 91. 38.50 6L 14 92. 15.00 24 2 93. ■ 64 6 94. 17 2 95. 110.45 174 39 96. 50.60 54 2 97. 12.65 20 4 99. 9.20 21 — 100. 23.35 43 9 101. 28.75 41 18 102. 27.60 19 4 104. 9.40 23 — 105. 12.58 21 5 106. 19 1 $4,492.68 8660 2461 /Assess, pd. for April, May, June; @ Jan.; # Feb. Mar.; % Feb.; * Mar. Apr. INCOME — DOHODKI: Assess, from members $4,492.68 Rent Income in March 155.00 Proceeds from cookbooks 1,000.00 Interest on investments 1,674.08 Total — skupaj $7,321.70 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: M. Boyance, br. 1, Sheboygan Class “B” $ 250.00 M. Gregorich, br. 2, Chicago 100.00 M. Ilomich, br. 7, Forest City 100.00 A. Plisitz, br. 8, Steelton 100.00 H. Somrak, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 F. Hollar, br. 14, Euclid 100.00 T. Kovacic, br. 24, La Salle 100.00 M. Erchul, br. 34, Soudan 100.00 J. F. Dragovan, br. 34 (Jun.) 100.00 M. Cercek, br. 32, Euclid 100.00 J. Hoffart, br. 41, Cleve 100.00 A. Stefančič, br. 41, Cleve 100.00 J. Zuzolo, br. 57, Niles 100.00 Rose Babich, br. 05, Virginia 100.00 Zarja - The Dawn March, 32 pages 2,017.49 Salaries and administration 1,015.00 Secretaries’ annual awards 573.45 Actuarial service, annual rep. 270.00 Bowling awards and East, tourney 160.00 Printing, monthly branch branch report blanks 85.00 Postage, telephone, supplies 92.29 Office stationery and printing 132.9G Electricity, fuel and water (two months) 72.29 Rental of Home office 75.00 Accrued interest on new bonds 238.80 Director of Insurance, report filing 25.00 Total $6,307.28 Balance Feb. 28, 1965 $497,816.16 Income in March, 1965 7,321.76 $505,137.92 Disburs. in Mar., 1965 6,207.28 Balance Mar. 31, 1965 $498,830.64 Albina Novak, Sec’y m mm m (sms JUNIOR’S P A Q E mmmm HI ItOYS anil (URLS, Vacation time is finally here. During the last two months of school, it was thought that vacation time was never coming. What days of summer fun and relaxation lay before us. Summer days also offer us a chance to do things for which we have no time during the school year — which may even include housecleaning, oh dear! Summer is a time for picnics and outdoor parties. Birthdays celebrated in the backyard or at picnic grounds are especially fun. Speaking of birthdays, the Junior Page readers extend sincere greetings on the 2'lst to Mrs. Marie Prisland, the founder of this organization. “May this birthday Bring joy in every way And may God’s blessings Be with you every day.” Summer is a time for swimming and tanning, fishing and boating, golf, baseball and many other outdoor sports. Fishing is a great source of relaxation. “Goin’ fishin’ ” with your dad or uncle can be very enjoyable, teach patience and good sportmanship. Here is a weather tip from Izaak Walton: “When the wind is in the north, The skillful fisherman goes not forth; When the wind is in the east, “Tis good for neither man nor beast; When the wind is in the south, It blows the bait in the fishes’ mouth; When the wind is in the west, There it is the very best.” Summer is a time for family fun, a time to break away from the regular routine of the past nine months, a time for some laziness, a time to rebuild and store up energy for another school year. Summer is a time for sight-seeing, visiting historic places, museums, the World’s Fair in New York, or if you’re lucky, the birthplaces of our grandparents abroad in Yugoslavia or elsewhere. Summer may also be a time for a course at school, perhaps to makeup a grade or add another credit. Summer can also be a time for much reading. Today the libraries and bookmobiles provide much reading material. Reading teaches and broadens one’s outlook 011 the world. For the pre-schoolers there are books like: “A Friend is Someone Who Likes You” and the “Five Chinese Brothers.” For those of ages (i to 9 are books like “How God Made You” and "The Courage of Sarah Noble”; age 10 to 12 “Homer Price” and the "fettle Juggler”; the 12 to 1G years “Seventeenth Summer” and “Johnny Tremain.” Summer is, finally, a good time to practice these “I)os” so you’ll be more like Jesus: 1. Obey your mother at once. 2. Be good to your brothers and sisters always. 3. Say you are sorry after you see that you have been disobedient or naughty. 4. Do not answer back when you get scolded. 5. Do not play about with your food at the table. 6. Do not insist on getting everything you want. O11 June 14, 1777 the Stars and Strips were adopted by the United States. Remember to display your flag 011 the 14th. Father’s Day is marked 011 the 20th this month. God bless all of our fathers! Remember this song? “My Dad, now here is a man To me he is everything strong. No, he can’t go wrong — My Dad. My Dad, llow he understands When I bring him troubles to share Yes, he's always there — My Dad. When I was small I felt ten feet tall. When I walked by his side And everyone would say: that’s his son And my heart would break with pride. My Daddy, Oh 1 love him so And 1 only hope that someday My own son will say, “My Dad”! Your friend, REGINA AS WE CELEBRATE FLAG DAY! From The Juvenile Director: Youth On Parade Dorothy Ann Zakrajšek Member of Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Dorothy Ann attends the Pueblo Catholic High School where she is a sophomore. Here she maintains a high scholastic average, is a member of the National Forensic League, the Junior Classical League, and accompanist for the Sophomore High School Chorus. She has been a National winner in the National Piano Guild Auditions for live years. For four years she has been organist at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. During the past two years, she has been teaching at St. Mary’s School as a certified teacher lor the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Also, she is a member of the Young Ladies Sodality at St. Mary’s Church. Among her extra-curricular activities is Folk Dancing which she attends during the summer. A IIA1\I)-STITCIIEI) AMERICAN FLAG WAS WORK OF S.W.U. MEMBER Twenty-two years ago, little Miss Ann Novak, a member of Br. 15, made this beautiful American Flag and sent it to the President of the United States. This photo was taken of Ann after she had completed her hand work. Today, this flag hangs in a museum in Washington, D.C. for all to see. This month, as we celebrate Flag Day 011 June 14th, let 11s all remember to display an American Flag from our homes. It is the symbol of free men all over the world and we should always be proud of it! PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Ril., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H. GRDINH& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Natl C21 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio J0S. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. LOUIS R. ZEFRAN ... . . Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia /-ooee Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Perfecl (J111 lor Weddings and SI o lowers! “A wealth of recipes in the handiest imaginable book!” “Dishes like mom used to make that we still love!” “Wouldn’t be without it!” Send for your copy of the famous S.W.U. Cookbook: WOMAN’S GLORY - THE KITCHEN Over 600 delicious recipes from the world over — favorites of everyone! Order your copy now! Send $2.75 (postpaid) to: Antonia Turek 19170 Monterey Ave. Euclid 19, Ohio