Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 427 Optimizing Parameters of Software Effort Estimation Models using Directed Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Thanh Tung Khuat, My Hanh Le The University of Danang, University of Science and Technology, Danang, Vietnam, Keywords: Software effort estimation, directed artificial bee colony, optimization, swarm intelligence, estimation models Received: December 5, 2016 Effective software effort estimation is one of the challenging tasks in software engineering. There have been various alternatives introduced to enhance the accuracy of predictions. In this respect, estimation ap- proaches based on algorithmic models have been widely used. These models consider modeling software effort as a function of the size of the developed project. However, most approaches sharing a common thread of complex mathematical models face the difficulties in parameters calibration and tuning. This study proposes using a directed artificial bee colony algorithm in order to tune the values of model param- eters based on past actual effort. The proposed methods were verified with NASA software dataset and the obtained results were compared to the existing models in other literature. The results indicated that our proposal has significantly improved the performance of the estimations. Povzetek: S pomočjo algoritma umetne čebelje kolonije so optimirani parametri za oceno potrebnega soft- verskega dela. 1 Introduction Software effort estimation is the process of predicting the most realistic amount of effort which is usually expressed in terms of person-hours required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain and noisy input. This activity has become a crucial task in software engi- neering and project management. Effort estimation at the early stages of software development is a challenge due to the lack of understanding the requirements and information regarding to the project. Both underestimated and overes- timated effort are harmful for projects under development. Underestimation results in a situation where commitments of the project cannot be accomplished because of a short- age of time and/or resources. In contrast, overestimation can lead to the rejection of a project proposal or cause the allocation of an excess of resources to the project [1]. Several techniques for cost and effort estimation have been proposed over the last few decades, and they can be classified into three main categories [2]. These categories comprise: 1. Expert judgement [3]: a technique widely used, re- lies on an expert’s previous experience on similar projects to gather, evaluate, discuss, and analyze data concerning a target project to generate an estimation. 2. Algorithmic models [4]: also known as parametric models attempt to represent the relationship between effort and characteristics of project. The main cost driver of these models is the software size, usually measured by Kilo Line of Code (KLOC) or function point. This is still the most popular technique in the literature [26]. These models include COCOMO I [6], COCOMO II [7], SLIM model [8], and SEER-SEM [9]. 3. Machine learning: In recent years, machine learning approaches have been used in conjunction or as alter- native to the above two techniques. These techniques in this group consist of fuzzy logic models [10], neu- ral networks [11], case-based reasoning [2], and re- gression trees [12]. However, none of the aforementioned approaches are complete and can be appropriate in all situations [13]. This study focuses on the algorithmic models and deals with their difficulties in parameters calibration and tuning in or- der to enhance the accuracy of software effort predictions. The objective of this study is to focus on improving the al- gorithmic models which were proposed in the literatures of Sheta [14] and Uysal [15] by using the directed artificial bee colony algorithm with several modifications. Swarm intelligence is the discipline that collectives be- haviors from the local interactions of the individuals with each other and with their environment. This discipline also models swarms that are able to self-organize [16]. Exam- ples of systems studied by swarm intelligence are behav- iors of real ants [17], schools of fish, flocks of birds [18]. Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm [16] is one of the most-studied swarm intelligence algorithms. There have been a lot of improved variants of ABC algorithm used to tackle a wide range of optimization problems. Among these studies, the directed artificial bee colony (DABC) al- 428 Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 T.T. Khuat et al. gorithm [19] is a new version of basic ABC. This algorithm is better than the original ABC in terms of solution quality and convergence characteristics [19]. This work, therefore, applies the DABC in order to optimize parameters of algo- rithmic models for software cost estimation. Our contributions in this paper include: – We combine a control parameter and direction infor- mation for each dimension of food source position to update position of the current food source in the state-of-the-art of the Directed Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. We also use a new boundary constraint- handling mechanism for the DABC if the position of the food source exceeds the boundaries of variables. – We apply the DABC to improve the effort estimation models introduced in recent literature. – We evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approaches compared with original models. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly represents software effort estimation models in gen- eral and algorithmic models in particular. Section 3 shows the DABC algorithm. Experimental results are presented in Section 4 and Section 5 concludes the obtained results of the study. 2 Software effort estimation models Estimation methods based on algorithmic models are com- mon. Researchers have attempted to derive algorithmic models and formulas to present the relationship between size, cost drivers, methodology used in the project and ef- fort. As a result, an algorithmic model can be expressed as follows: Effort = f(x1, x2, ..., xn) (1) where {x1, x2, ..., xn} denote the cost factors. In additon to the software size, there are many other cost factors pro- posed and used by Boehm et al in the Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) II [20]. These cost factors can be di- vided into four categories: – Product factors: required software reliability, database size, product complexity. – Computer factors: execution time constraint, main storage constraint, virtual machine volatility, and computer turnaround constraints. – Personnel factors: analyst capability, application ex- perience, programmer capability, virtual machine ex- perience, and language experience. – Project factors: multi-site development, use of soft- ware tool, and required development schedule The existing algorithmic models differ in two aspects: the selected cost factors, and the function f used. 2.1 Algorithmic models The simplest formula of relationship between effort and in- put factors is a linear function, which means that if size in- creases then effort also rises at a steady rate. Linear models have the form: Effort = a0 + n∑ i=1 ai ∗ xi (2) where the coefficients a0, a1, ..., an are selected to best fit the completed project data. The linear model, nevertheless, is not appropriate for es- timates of non-trivial projects in large and complicated en- vironments. Therefore, more complex models were devel- oped. These ones reflected the fact that costs do not nor- mally increase linearly with project size. In the most gen- eral form, an algorithmic estimation for software cost can be represented as: Effort = A ∗ SizeB ∗M (3) where A is a constant factor depending on local organiza- tional practices and the kind of software that is developed. Size might be either the size of the software or a function- ality estimation expressed in function or object points. The value of exponent B is normally between 1 and 1.5. M is a multiplier formulated by combining process, product and development attributes. COCOMO which was introduced by Boehm [21] is one of a very famous software effort estimation models using general formula presented in Eq. 3. The COCOMO model is an empirical model that was derived by collecting data from 63 software projects. These data were analyzed to construct a formula that was the best fit to the observations. The formula of the basic COCOMO is shown in Eq. 4. E = A ∗ (KLOC)B (4) where E shows the software effort computed in person- months. KLOC stands for Kilo Line of Code. The val- ues of the parameters A and B depend mainly on the type of software project. There were three classes of software projects that were classified based on the complexity of projects. They are Organic, Semidetached and Embedded models [21]. 1. For simple, well-understood applications (Organic): A = 2.4, B = 1.05 2. For more complex systems (Semidetached): A = 3.0, B = 1.15 3. For Embedded systems: A = 3.6, B = 1.2 COCOMO model ignores requirements and documen- tation, customer skills, cooperation, knowledge, hardware issues, personnel turnover levels at all. Therefore, with regard to the complex projects, the estimated results us- ing COCOMO model are not accurate. Extensions of CO- COMO, such as COMCOMO II [20], enhanced the quality Optimizing Parameters of Software Effort Estimation. . . Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 429 of software estimates. However, this paper does not take into consideration this model. Another method to improve the quality of the COCOMO model is to complement a methodology (ME) factor used in the software project into the equation to estimate effort. It was also found that adding the ME factor similar to the classes of regression models assists to stabilize the model and reduce the influence of noise in measurements [14]. Software effort estimation model is changed to: E = f(KLOC,ME) (5) where f is a nonlinear function in terms of KLOC and ME. Sheta [14] presented two various versions for function f as follows: – Sheta’s Model 1: E = A ∗ (KLOC)B + C ∗ME (6) where A = 3.1938, B = 0.8209, C = −0.1918. – Sheta’s Model 2: E = A ∗ (KLOC)B + C ∗ME +D (7) where A = 3.3602, B = 0.8116, C = −0.4524, D = 17.8025. Uysal [15] developed Sheta’s models and proposed two new models as the following functions: – Uysal’s Model 1: E = A ∗ (KLOC)B + C ∗MED + E (8) where A = 3.3275, B = 0.8202, C = −0.0874, D = 1.6840, E = 18.0550. – Uysal’s Model 2: E = A ∗ (KLOC)B + C ∗MED +E ∗ ln(ME) + F ∗ ln(KLOC) +G (9) where A = 3.8930, B = 0.7923, C = −0.2984, D = 1.3863, E = 2.8935, F = −1.2346, G = 15.5338. This study uses the DABC algorithm with several modi- fications to optimize the parameters of four aforementioned models in order to enhance the accuracy of estimates. 2.2 Measuring estimation quality The approaches which are widely used to evaluate the qual- ity of software effort estimation models encompass: – The Mean Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) [22] – The Median Magnitude of Relative Error (MdMRE) [23] – The Prediction at level N (PRED(N)) [24] The Mean Magnitude of Relative Error is probably the most widely employed evaluation criterion for appraising the performance of software prediction models [26]. The MMRE is defined as Eq. 10. MMRE = 1 T T∑ i=1 MREi (10) where T is the number of observations, i expresses each observation for which effort is predicted and MRE is Mag- nitude of Relative Error, which is computed as: MREi = |ActualEfforti − EstimatedEfforti| ActualEfforti (11) Conte et al. [24] indicated that MMRE ≤ 0.25 is ac- ceptable for effort estimation models. Given two data sets A and B, suppose that data set A includes small projects whereas B contains large projects. Given everything else is equal and MMRE(B) is smaller than MMRE(A). As a result, a prediction model assessed on data set B will be considered as better than a competing model evaluated on data set A. Unlike the mean value, the median always shows the middle value m, given a distribution of values, and assures that there is the same number of values above m as below m. Therefore, the median of MRE values for the number of observations called the MdMRE is an alternative to evalu- ate the performance of software prediction models. Similar to MMRE, the value of MdMRE less than or equal to 0.25 is acceptable for effort estimation models. Another method which is commonly used is the Predic- tion at level N known as PRED(N). It is the percentage of projects for which the predicted values fall within N% of their actual values. For instance, if PRED(25) = 85, this indicates that 85% of the projects fall within 25% error ranges. Conte et al [24] claimed that N should be set at 25% and a good estimation system should offer this accu- racy level to 75% of the effort. Eq. 12 illustrates the way to compute the value of PRED(N): PRED (N) = 100 T ∗ T∑ i=1 { 1, if MREi ≤ N100 0, otherwise (12) Although MMRE and MRE were frequently used for assessing the accuracy of effort estimation, Shepperd and MacDonell [25] criticized that the use of these criteria is biased. For instance, we have two projects where the first project is an over-estimate and the second project is an under-estimate. The actual and estimated values of the ef- fort of project 1 are 20 and 100 respectively. Project 2 has the actual effort value being 100, and the estimated value is 20. Both estimates have identical absolute residual with 80, but the MMRE values differ by an order of magnitude. Consequently, MMRE will be biased towards prediction systems that under-estimate [25]. Therefore, Shepperd and MacDonell proposed a novel measure called mean absolute 430 Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 T.T. Khuat et al. residual (MAR), and it is shown in Eq. 13. MAR = T∑ i=1 |ActualEfforti − EstimatedEfforti| T (13) This paper uses all four approaches above to assess the accuracy of the various software effort estimation models presented. Next section shows the DABC algorithm with some modifications to optimize the parameters of predic- tion models. 3 Directed artificial bee colony algorithm The original ABC algorithm was proposed by Karaboga [16] based on simulating intelligent behavior of real honey bee colonies. One half of the artificial bees population con- tains the employed bees, while the other one includes the onlookers and scouts. In this algorithm, the total number of food sources (solutions) is equal to number of employed bees. The employed bees search the food around the food source and then give their information about the quality of the food sources to the onlookers. On the basis of infor- mation obtained, the onlooker bees make a decision, which food source to visit, and further search the foods around the chosen food sources. When the food source is ex- hausted, the corresponding employed and onlooker bees become scouts. These bees will abandon the food source and search for a new food source randomly. The general structure of ABC algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 General framework of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Initialization Phase while Cycle < Maximum Cycle Number (MCN) do Employed Phase Onlooker Phase Scout Phase Memorize the best solution achieved so far end while There are four control parameters in the original ABC. They are the maximum cycle number (MCN), the size of the population (SP) (the sum of numbers of employed and onlooker bees), the number of trials for abandoning food source limit and the number of scout bees (usually chosen as 1) [16]. In the initialization phase, the population of solutions is randomly produced in the range of parameters by using Eq. 14: xij = Lbj + r ∗ (Ubj − Lbj), i = 1, 2, ..., SP/2, j = 1, 2, ..., D (14) where D is the number of decision variables of the problem (also the number of variables need to be optimized in soft- ware effort estimation models), xij is the jth dimension of the ith food source which will be assigned to the ith em- ployed bee. Lbj and Ubj are the lower and upper bounds of the jth dimension respectively, r is a random number in the range of [0, 1]. After the food sources are generated, their qualities are measured by using Eq. 15. fiti = { 1 1+fi , if fi > 0 1 + |fi|, otherwise (15) where fiti is the fitness of the ith food source, and fi is the corresponding cost function value for the optimization problem. This study uses fi as the value of MMRE on N projects of the training dataset using parameter values of the ith food source, fi =MMREi. In the employed bee phase of the orig- inal ABC algorithm, every solution xi (i = 1,...,SP/2) is updated according to the following equation: vij = xij + ϕ ∗ (xij − xkj) (16) where vi is the candidate food source position generated for food source position xi, xij denotes the jth parameter of xi, j and k are random indexes (j, k ∈ {1, ..., SP/2}), ϕ is a uniform random number in the range of [-1, 1], xk presents the other solution chosen randomly from the pop- ulation. It can be seen that only one dimension of the food source position is updated by the employed bees. This leads to a slow convergence rate. In order to overcome this issue, Akay and Karaboga [27] introduced a control parameter called modification rate (MR). In this improved algorithm, whether a dimension will be updated is decided by using the predefined MR value which is a number in the range of [0,1]. Eq. 16 is modified as follows: vij = { xij + ϕ ∗ (xij − xkj), if rij < MR xij , otherwise (17) where rij is a random number generated in the range of [0, 1] for the jth parameter of xi. If rij is less than MR, the dimension j is changed and at least one dimension is updated by using Eq. 16, otherwise the dimension j is re- mained [27]. Kiran et al. [19] claimed that the search process around the current food source in the basic ABC is fully random in terms of direction because ϕ is a random number in [-1, 1]. Therefore, they proposed adding direction information for each dimension of food source position and Eq. 16 is changed as follows: uij =    xij + ϕ ∗ (xij − xkj), if dij = 0 xij + r ∗ |xij − xkj |, if dij = 1 xij − r ∗ |xij − xkj |, if dij = −1 (18) where ui is the candidate food source position generated for food source position xi, dij is the direction information for jth dimension of the ith food source position and while Optimizing Parameters of Software Effort Estimation. . . Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 431 ϕ is a random number in the range of [-1, 1], r is a number generated randomly in the range of [0, 1]. This paper uses the following function to update position of the current food source: vij = { uij , if rij < MR xij , otherwise (19) where rij is a random number generated in the range of [0, 1], uij is presented in Eq. 18. Algorithm 2 The pseudo code of the DABC algorithm Input: – the maximum cycle number: MCN – the size of the population: SP – the number of trials for abandoning food source: limit – the modification rate: MR – the dimensionality: D Output: The best individual in the population: ~xbest = {x1, x2, ..., xD}. Initialize the population solutions xij , i = 1,...,SP /2, j = 1,...,D. Compute fitness value for each xi by using Eq. 15 cycle = 1 while cycle ≤MCN do for i = 1 to SP/2 do - Generate a new solution vi for the employed bee xi by using Eq. 19 - Apply the boundary constraint-handling mechanism for the created solution vi by using Eq. 20 - Compute fitness value for each xi by using Eq. 15 - Apply the greedy selection process end for for i = 1 to SP/2 do - Compute the probability value pi for the solution xi by Eq. 21 end for Formulate the set of potential solutions S by using the roulette-wheel selection mechanism to select SP/2 solu- tions in the population based on the probability value pi for each solution xi in S do - Generate a new solution vi for the employed bee xi by using Eq. 19 - Apply the boundary constraint-handling mechanism for the created solution vi by using Eq. 20 - Compute fitness value for each xi by using Eq. 15 - Apply the greedy selection process end for for i = 1 to SP/2 do if value litmit of solution xi is reached then Produce a random solution and replace xi with this solution break; end if end for Memorize the best solution achieved so far cycle = cycle+ 1 end while At the beginning of the algorithm, the direction infor- mation for all dimensions is equal to 0. If the new solution obtained by Eq. 18 has fitness value better than old one, the direction information will be updated. If prior value of the dimension is less than current value, the direction informa- tion of this dimension is set to -1; otherwise it is set to 1. If the fitness of candidate food source is worse than old one, the direction information of the dimension is assigned to 0. This way will help to improve the local search capability and enhance the convergence rate of the algorithm [19]. After generating the candidate food source position, if this position exceeds the boundaries of the variables then boundary constraint-handling mechanism is used and a di- verse set of parameter values is produced, which helps to maintain diversity in the population. This paper applies the mechanism proposed in the Kukkonen and Lampinen work [28]. This mechanism is presented as follows: vij =    2 ∗ Lbj − vij , if vij < Lbj 2 ∗ Ubj − vij , if vij > Ubj vij , otherwise (20) where vij is the jth variable of the candidate solution vi, Lbj and Ubj are the lower and upper bounds of the vari- able vij . By using Eq. 20, if there are a lot of solutions fo- cused on the extreme values of the search space, the bound- ary constraint-handling mechanism will help algorithm to avoid getting stuck in the local minimum. After boundary constraint-handling mechanism is applied to the new solu- tion, if the fitness of candidate food source is better than the old one, the new food source position will be memorized and trial counter of the food source is reset; otherwise the trial counter of the food source is increased by 1. This task is called the greedy selection process. In the onlooker phase, each onlooker bee chooses an em- ployed bee based on the probability value associated with food source of the employed bee and improves the quality of the food source chosen by using roulette-wheel selec- tion mechanism [29] with the probability value given as follows: pi = fiti SP/2∑ j=1 fitj (21) where pi is the being selected probability of the ith em- ployed bee by an onlooker bee. Thereafter, the onlooker bee searches around the food source position chosen and the update process for the current food source position in the onlooker bee phase is the same as in the aforementioned employed bee phase. In the scout phase, solutions that do not change over a certain number of trials are again initialized by using Eq. 14. In our study, each cycle has a maximum of one scout bee. The details of DABC algorithm are shown in Algo- rithm 2. 432 Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 T.T. Khuat et al. 4 Experiments and results 4.1 Experimental dataset Experiments in this paper have been conducted on a dataset represented by Bailey and Basili [30]. The dataset includes two variables, which are the Kilo Line of code (KLOC) and the Methodology (ME). The measured effort is described in person-months. The dataset is shown in Table 1. Project No. KLOC ME Measured Effort 1 90.2 30.0 115.8 2 46.2 20.0 96.0 3 46.5 19.0 79.0 4 54.5 20.0 90.8 5 31.1 35.0 39.6 6 67.5 29.0 98.4 7 12.8 26.0 18.9 8 10.5 34.0 10.3 9 21.5 31.0 28.5 10 3.1 26.0 7.0 11 4.2 19.0 9.0 12 7.8 31.0 7.3 13 2.1 28.0 5.0 14 5.0 29.0 8.4 15 78.6 35.0 98.7 16 9.7 27.0 15.6 17 12.5 27.0 23.9 18 100.8 34.0 138.3 Table 1: NASA software project data In [14] and [15], authors utilized the data of first thirteen projects to optimize parameters of the estimation model, and five remaining projects were used for testing the perfor- mance after optimizing the parameters. To ensure compar- ison with these studies, we also took first thirteen projects as a learning set, and remaining ones are the testing set. 4.2 Experimental setup The parameters of software effort estimation models are real numbers. With regard to Sheta’s Model 1 and Sheta’s Model 2, this paper used the range of parameters as pre- sented in [14], and shown in Table 2. Table 3 presents pa- Parameter Minimum Value Maximum Value a 0 10 b 0.3 2 c -0.5 0.5 d 0 20 Table 2: Configuration parameters for Sheta’s Model 1 and Sheta’s Model 2 rameter settings for Uysal’s Model 1, and Table 4 shows configuration parameters for Uysal’s Model 2. In [14], Sheta used the maximum generation for genetic algorithms to optimize parameters of Sheta’s Model 1 and Sheta’s Model 2 is 100. This paper, therefore, also used the Parameter Minimum Value Maximum Value a 0 10 b 0.3 2 c -0.5 0.5 d 0 5 e 0 20 Table 3: Parameter settings for Uysal’s Model 1 Parameter Minimum Value Maximum Value a 0 10 b 0.3 2 c -0.5 0.5 d 0 5 e 0 5 f -5 5 g 0 20 Table 4: Parameter settings for Uysal’s Model 2 value of 100 for the maximum cycle number of the DABC algorithm when optimizing parameters of models. The re- mainder settings of the DABC algorithm to optimize pa- rameters for four software effort estimation models were as follows: – The size of the population: 10 – The number of trials for abandoning food source: 2 – The modification rate: 0.7 4.3 Results and empirical evaluations The model parameters which presented by Eq. 6 were op- timized using the DABC algorithm as bellow. This model after optimizing parameters using the DABC was called as Model 1. A = 5.4507, B = 0.7082, C = −0.3184 The model represented by Eq. 7 was named as Model 2 af- ter its parameters was optimized by using the DABC algo- rithm. The optimal values of parameters of Model 2 were as bellow: A = 1.7319, B = 0.966, C = −0.5, D = 11.5731 This paper calls the software effort estimation model pre- sented by Eq. 8 after optimizing parameters using the DABC as Model 3. The optimal values of parameters in Model 3 were as follows: A = 2.3003, B = 0.8982, C = −0.0164, D = 2.0623, E = 14.1862 Model shown by Eq. 9 after optimizing parameters using the DABC was called as Model 4. Model 4 got the optimal Optimizing Parameters of Software Effort Estimation. . . Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 433 values as bellow: A = 4.4442, B = 0.7826, C = −0.373, D = 1.2756, E = 2.4425, F = −4.9198, G = 17.0804 Table 5 shows the actual effort, and predicted effort val- ues using Model 1, Sheta’s Model 1, Model 2, Sheta’s Model 2, and simple Regression model. Table 6 presents measured data, predicted values of Model 3, Uysal’s Model 1, Model 4, Uysal’s Model 2, and simple Regression model. First of all, we assess the accuracy of models using cri- teria MMRE, MdMRE, and PRED(25). Table 7 shows the obtained results of nine estimation models on 18 NASA projects. The results indicated that Model 1 could not improve the MMRE of Sheta’s Model 1, while Model 2 significantly enhanced the MMRE of Sheta’s Model 2 by 46.5%. After applying the DABC algorithm, the MMRE of Uysal’s Model 1 decreased by more than 5.8% and an ad- ditional 5.6% improvement over Uysal’s Model 2 was ob- tained. Model 2, Model 3, and Model 4 produced the bet- ter results compared with simple regression with regard to MMRE. This means that the efficiency of software cost es- timation models except for Model 1 has been significantly improved after using the DABC algorithm to optimize pa- rameters. With regard to MdMRE, Model 4 gave the lowest result, the second one belonged to Model 3, while Sheta’s Model 2 produced the highest value. In general, the values of MdMRE for models with parameters optimized using the DABC are lower than those using original models. With respect to PRED(25), Model 4, Model 3, and Re- gression produced the highest value, while the lowest value belonged to Sheta’s Model 2. An improvement of 5.5% was achieved in PRED(25) on Uysal’s models after apply- ing the DABC algorithm for optimizing parameters. Three out of four improved models gave the values of PRED(25) higher than 75%. This proved that the improved models have been good effort estimation systems. Meanwhile, the values of PRED(25) of both models proposed by Sheta were less than 75%. These results indicated that the models of Sheta have not been suitable for making effort estimates. In general, the improved models using the DABC algo- rithm to optimize parameters presented the good prediction accuracy, and were better than the original models in terms of all evaluation criteria. It is also seen that Model 4 gave the most accurate predictions. As mentioned above, the MMRE criterion is biased, so MAR is used for evaluating the performance of predicted models. The values of MAR of each model on 18 projects are reported in Table 8. Based on the results of the experiments, it is seen that all improved models outperformed their original ones in terms of MAR. It is also found that the Model 4 overcame all models, while the Model 3 was ranked second. Although Sheta’s models were enhanced by using DABC to optimize parameters, they could not show better performance when compared with Uysal’s models and the simple regression model. These results continue to prove that Sheta’s models are not suitable for software effort estimation. To enrich the study of the MAR results of the Model 4, we carried out statistical tests to see whether the Model 4 is statistically different from other models in datasets. We also applied statistical tests to see whether the Model 3, the second winning model, is statistically different from other models. We used a normality test on the results obtained and identified that data were not normally distributed. For this reason, we employed the Wilcoxon test, which is a nonparametric test; this type of tests should be used when the distribution is not normal. Table 9 gives the results of the Wilcoxon test based on the 95 % confidence interval (CI). Bold text indicates that the model is statistically dif- ferent at 95% CI. If the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05, then we conclude that the current model is statistically dif- ferent from the other models at 95% CI. Otherwise, models are not statistically different at 95% CI. Based on Table 9, we can see that the Model 4 is statistically different from the model 3, and Sheta’s Model 2, but it fails to be statis- tically different from remaining models. Model 3 is sta- tistically different from the Model 2 and Sheta’s Model 2, but it is not also statistically different from the remaining models. 5 Conclusion and future work In this paper, we studied the problem of optimizing param- eters for software effort estimation models. The directed artificial bee colony algorithm with several modifications was used to tackle this optimization problem. The models after optimizing parameters produced the results whose ac- curacy was considerably improved in comparison with the original models in terms of all evaluation criteria such as MMRE, MdMRE, PRED(25), and MAR. In general, the accuracy of software effort is enhanced by more than 5.5% by applying the improved models. The future work focuses on employing the DABC al- gorithm to optimize parameters for other effort estimation models. We also use other algorithms of Swarm Intelli- gence for four models presented in this paper and carry out the comprehensive assessment in terms of the performance of algorithms for the cost estimation problem. References [1] Ochodek, M., Nawrocki, J., Kwarciak, K. (2011). Simplifying effort estimation based on Use Case Points, Information and Software Technology, 53(3): 200-213. [2] Mendes, E., Mosley, N., Watson, I. (2002). A compar- ison of case-based reasoning approaches. Proceed- ings of the 11th international conference on World Wide Web, Hawaii, USA, pp. 272-280. 434 Informatica 40 (2016) 427–436 T.T. Khuat et al. 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