ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION DECEMBER, 1965 NUMBER 12 VOLUME 37 \ oČunc/on fin Aon J/>e iJia/ion a yJ'itCi/ OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT TO YOU: HER FAVORITE RECIPE! (See “Pots, Pans and Pastime”) ZARJA - THE DAWN % Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 VV. Cermak Rd., Chicago 60608 Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. fficial Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America radno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII — NO. 12 DECEMBER, 1965 LETO XXXVII — ŠT. 12 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUI Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis, * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Treasurer—'JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago, Illinois 60608 Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor—FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. Director of Women’s Sports Activities: ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Director of Youth Activities: LOUISE EPLEY, 20294 Emery Rd., Cleveland. 28, O. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. 'JCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St, West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— MARY BOSTIAN, 19617 Mohawk Ave., Euclid 19, O. State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of lllinois-lndiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, HI. State President of Minnesota—• BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * • Scholarship Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, Pres. HERMINE DICKE, Sec’y ANTONIA TUREK 3717 Council Crest ALBINA NOVAK Madison, Wis. 53705 * * • Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 Tel. Bishop 7-2014 DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Many Branches are having their Chrismas Parties anil Yearly Meetings on their regular December meeting date; however, the following have made a special notation about their doings in this issue of Zarja. CHRISTMAS PARTIES: Dec. 2 — Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. Pot Luck, 5:30 p.m. Dec. 5 — Br. 16, S. Chicago, 111. Dec. 5 — Br. 22, Bradley, 111. Dec. 5 — Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Dec. 7 - Br. 91, Oalcmont, Pa. Dec. 7 Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Dec. 8 — Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 8 - Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. Supper, G p.m. Dec. 8 - Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Dec. 8 — Br. 33, Duluth, Minn. 7 p.m. Dec. 8 — Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio, 6:30 p.m. dinner Dec. 8 - Br. 71, Strabane, Pa. Dec. 9 - Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Dec. 12 Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Children and Adult Dec. 13 Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 1G - Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 1 p.m. Dec. 18 - Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Children 2:30 p.m. Dec. 19 Br. t. Sheboygan, Wis. 2 p.m. Dec. 19 Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Dec. 19 Br. 20, Joliet, 111. Dec. 21 — Br. 2'6, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dec. 21 — Br. 54, Warren, Ohio 6 p.m. at Brier St. SK Dec. 21 — Br. 84, New York, N.Y. HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V DECEMBER Branch Presidents; Dec. G — Stella Ciccione, Br. 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. Dec. 15 — Victoria Volk, Br. 9!), Elmhurst, 111. Dec. 17 — Frances Harvatine, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. Dec. 21 — Mary Mihelick, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 23 — Mary Smolich, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. Dec. 27 — Jean Kuril'ich, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. Dec. 31 - Frances Vidmar, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OP THE DAY! £• '^5*- ’*&£<’. XSjsg. DECEMBER’S BIRTHDAY MESSAGE “Great wealth has December, for December can remember”! May the blossoms of love, W-/‘ Perfume your days, And may happiness walk with you Now and always. Flower: Narcissus, Stone: Turquoise ? '■3M?- 'qfcg. <5«? OUR BIRTHDAY! Organized 39 year ago this month, the Slovenian Women’s Union now celebrates its birthday by wishing all officers and members, especially those with charter membership, a happy and successful year ahead! MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! • DECEMBER 1965 SUN MON TUI: Will) mu IRI SAT i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ^9) 20 21 22 23 24 25 r>6 27 28 29 30 31 Special wishes to our Founder, and the organizers of branches — throughout the land. We remember with gratitude the work and sacrifices of our pioneer members! May the 40th Year be blessed with true accomplishments! IN CELEBRATION OF THIS ANNIVERSARY, YOU ARE URGED TO JOIN THE S.W.U.’s 40th ANNIVERSARY, “RUBY” CAMPAIGN As we step into our 40th year, the Board of Directors of Slovenian Women’s Union has directed that an Anniversary Campaign be held, to conclude on April 1, 1966. The prizes for this campaign are scaled for everyone’s benefit — a cash award for every new member, PLUS, a beautiful S.W.U. Emblem Charm to wear on your bracelet or necklace for achieving 10 points. The charm is a gold disc with the Zveza emblem in three colors, red, white and blue. Join us in celebrating the great, 40th Anniversary of S.W.U. !!! These are the prizes: Individual Workers: Cash Award of $1.00 for every Class B member; 50^ for every Class A member and 25f for every Junior member. Branches: $20.00 Cash for First Place Branch with largest total of new members; $15.00, $10.00 and $5.00 Cash for next three top branches. THE POINTS AND HOW THEY ARE COUNTED Every worker, besides being entitled to a Cash Award will be given the following points: Class B, 1 full point; Class A, x/2 point; Junior Class, y2 point. For 10 points, a special award will be given, the S.W.U. Emblem Charm! The “Ruby” Campaign is now in effect and will continue until April 1, 1966. Mrs. Marie Prisland, honored guest in Cleveland at Oct. 17th event with Supreme President, Toni Turek and Rose Želodec, of Br. 50. With the Marie Prisland cadets looking on, Founder of S.W.U is presented a scroll by Mrs. Bostian on behalf of Ohio branches which sponsored the affair. “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles” captured the audience as singers of Br. 50 appeared in their Gay Nineties’ costumes. Supreme President’s Message A record breaking crowd of over 600 people attended the SWU Slovenian Day held by the Combined Cleveland Branches on Oct. 17th. Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland, was the guest of honor and made a very fine appearance in her Slovenian national costume. A very touching scene during the program was the presentation of a beautiful bouquet of red carnations to Mrs. Prisland by two of the S.W.U. former scholarship students, Miss Nancy Beck of Br. 50 and Miss Kathy Kikel of Br. 25. She was escorted to the stage by two of the Prisland Cadets and then given the lovely tribute of flowers and a scroll by Mary Bostian on behalf of all the Ohio Branches. The program in the afternoon was in charge of Prances Sietz. It was enjoyed by all especially the performance of the Beatles, who really livened up the audience, especially the older people. A remark was heard from one person who said she never cared for the Beatles before; but, from now on she’ll listen to all their songs! Bloomer girls also stole the show and put the audience in an uproar. The Gay Nineties girls looked beautiful in their old-fashioned dresses and umbrellas and they sang with real bubbles flying in the background. We are very honored and proud to have such talented actresses at Br. 50. The juveniles who performed as baton twirlers were under the guidance of the new director, Ann Cooke and her two daughters who are professionals in this field. They are now teaching the groups in the St. Clair area and in Euclid. Congratulations to all on their fine performance. We enjoyed them very much and also, the dancers and tap dancers who did so well. Accordion player, Max Želodec, was kept busy through the day and evening and he surely must have been tired from all that playing. I’ll bet it took him a week to recuperate, eh, Max? I can’t forget another faithful performer, Dominic Dekleva, who sang quite a few solo numbers and also sang with his wife, Ann. We have four male non-paying members in Br. 50 and they are Max Želodec, Dominic Dekleva, John Cesnik and Frank A. Turek. There are our faithful men, always at our sides to help at all the doings or entertaining on our trips when we travel between branches in Ohio and Pa. To the State President of Ohio, Mary Bostian, all credit and congratulations should be given her for carrying out the greatest responsibility so well and successfully. She undertook this grand job and did it with her heart and soul. To Mary and her committees, and to all our Cleveland branches I can only say: Slovenian Day held by our S.W.U could not have been any better!!! Fifty members and friends from Barberton arrived by bus and I am sure they enjoyed themselves very much. I know they went home with quite a few door prizes. Out-of-town guests who attended this gala affair included: State President of Penna., Mrs. Mary Tomsic and her two sisters. She never fails to attend all our doings. Thanks you, Mrs. Tomsic. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Racher and friends from Warren, Ohio, officers and friends from Fairport Harbor and Mr. and Mrs. John Kozjan and friends from Lorain, Ohio. Surprising us with a visit was Yugoslav Consul and his charming wife, Mr. and Mrs. Andrej Dcbenak of Pittsburgh, Pa. On the day after our Slovenian Day, that was Monday, Oct. 18th, Founder Marie Pri-sland and yours truly were invited to a lovely luncheon at the Slovenian Village restaurant given by officers of Br. 25. We all enjoyed tremendously the delicious meal and visit with our good officers of Zveza’s largest branch. (See photo on Page 283.) RUBY CAMPAIGN How are we all doing in our Ruby Campaign? Hope that you will try your best in writing in some new members. This is a very good campaign for the branches as they will receive a nice amount of cash for their branch treasury, providing they come in among the top four branches with the most new members. Watch the Zarja for results and see if your branch is doing its part! SCHOLARSHIP FUND We are going into our 40th year. The organization has been in existence all these years and one of our main aims is to be of service to others. We were the first to initiate the idea of scholarships for our good students. In order for us to expand this idea and help more students, the Founder, Marie Prisland has asked that in honor of our 40th anniversary, Zveza give two extra scholarship giants this year, making a total of four. We must ask the branches for help if this is to be done, and the suggestion was given in the last issue of Zarja, that each branch c' I HIGHLIGHTS OF OHIO’S “ONCE-A-YEAR DAY!” t “Today we are celebrating Slovenian Day. Why? Be- 1 cause of memories of mom and dad. Memories of those beautiful Slovenian songs they used to sing; memories of those delicious Slovenian pastries such as potica, krofe, strudel. How could we forget? It's in our blood, we won’t forget ever! And, Slovenian Women’s Union aims to keep it that way!” (Words spoken by Mary Bostian, | Ohio State President) State President of Ohio-Mich., Mary Bostian, welcomed the crowd at this year’s S.W.U. Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th on stage of the Rechar Euclid Hall. Our Slovenian Day celebration was a great success. The program was out-of-this-world. Those who were not present missed out on a very worthwhile show. Our Slovenian Beatles made a big hit as well as the Bloomer Gals and the dear little children baton twirlers of Euclid. Our new Euclid gang did a wonderful job considering the little time they had to get ready. Bless their hearts; I am so proud of them. The St. Clair Baton Twirlers also did a lovely job and the little Slovenian girls who danced were just so sweet. Those little angels of Globokar’s were honeys. I must add that Mrs. Ann Cooke and her daughters, Kathy and Carol, surely do a wonderful job in instructing all these children in baton twirling. We are very fortunate to have them. Oh, and we had a very terrific M. C., Mrs. Frances Globokar. She was just IT! And, the chairlady of our program was our dear, Mrs. Frances Sietz. She worked so hard and it was all worthwhile. Bless her. May 1 add that I think our Gay Nineties act and the Slovenian Quartette and Husband and Wife Duet were great acts. We had the great pleasure of having our first lady of S.W.U., Mrs. Marie Prisland on our first Slovenian Day. We presented her with a scroll from all Ohio branches. After the presentation, the Zvezina Himna was sung by Mrs. Carole Traven, Vicki Faletič and Ann Dekleva. A load of thanks to our out-of-town guests who came to help us celebrate. They were from Barberton, Lorain, Fairport, Warren, Ohio and even from Strabane, Pa. with our faithful friend and state Pres, of Pa., Mrs. Mary Tomšič as the leader of the group. I want to thank each and every one who took part in helping and to all the branches for their co-operation. I also want to thank the chairlady for the waitresses and tables, Frances Nemanich; also, all who helped at the bake sale and all who donated baked goods. There were many who brought in lovely door prizes. I would like to state all the names of our workers, but there are too many, so please excuse me, but know that I do thank you all. Our lucky winners were: TV SET — J. Kersman; $100.00 BOND — Albert Uhry; 1 CASE CHEER — Frank Stare and $25.00 CASH — Ray Skolar. Our Miss Slovenian was none other than Ann Cooke and the one who found her among all our guests was Marie Chinnici. They each won a Slovenia doll. Again, I want to say that I am very grateful to all who had part in this big affair and took time to make it an attractive and successful one. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian contribute something to the scholarship fund. A money-raising project in your branch would do a twofold purpose; it would give your branch a social activity (or other form of activity) and you’ll be helping a student achieve some measure of financial security to continue his or her studies. Please take this up at your yearly meeting and make the 40th year of Zveza a part of your program for 19GG. Send all contributions to Mrs. Marie Prisland. Education is very important today and as we all know, it is so expensive to send a young person to school. Let us all try to help the cause as it will be greatly appreciated by some lucky young lady or man. Branches who donate to this cause will be honored in our Zarja and you will have the personal satisfaction of helping a worthy student. You’ll be hearing more about the Scholarship Fund and its workings as the year progresses. DECEMBER IS THE MONTH OF YEARLY MEETINGS December is here and hope it will not be too cold and snowy so that you will be able to attend your important meeting of the year when, election of your officers will be held. Officers elected hold important rolls in the progress of your branch as they guide you and set up the branch's program for the year. Make the most of your meeting by 1. attending and 2. selecting good officers to carry on the work of 196G. Most of the branches climax the year with their Christmas party where there is an exchange of gifts and some branches donate to a worthy cause. I hope you all enjoy yourselves together and have a wonderful time. 1965 was a wonderful year for many who had their good health and were happy to be of service to others. Some of our members were not so fortunate and the year brought trials and tribulations. This is the way of life which we can all expect, but, I do wish that in 19GG, you shall have the best, healthiest and happiest year of all. Wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas!!! Toni Turek Nancy Beck of Br. 50 and Kathy Kikel of Br. 25, presenting Mrs. Marie Prisland a bouquet of red carnations. The two young former scholarship students expressed their gratitude for being recipients of the awards from S.W.U, Nancy will be graduating in January, 1966 as a dietician and has been working at her profession at Euclid Gl'en-ville Hospital in Cleveland. ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — It is that time of the year when election of officers will take place for the following year. Also, our Christmas program and party will follow the meeting on Dec. 19th at 2 P.M. at the Sts. Cyril and Methodius church hall. After our October meeting, games were played and a delicious birthday cake and coffee were served by our president, Olga Saye, who was celebrating her birthday. Congratulations, Olga, and many more. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ruppel; the bride was formerly Margaret Walters before her marriage. And, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anton Grabner on a new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pentek also have a new baby boy — our best to them. The new mothers are sisters. Also, hearty wishes to grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brulla. Tonca is a big helper at all our Zveza activities. Our sick members in the hospital were Hermine Udovich, Marie Pris-land and Angeline Brulla. We wish them and all our sick members at home, a speedy recovery. Congratulations to all our birthday gals this month. Ladies, please take care of your dues books. With the end of the year at hand, we don’t want anyone to be delinquent. In closing, I wish to all our Zveza members a Blesed Christmas season. Mary Vertatic, Rep. New address: 1223 Mead Ave. No. 2, Chicago, III. — Instead of our regular meeting, we held our regular party in November and it was a smashing success. Most gratifying was the crowd of nearly 100 members who came to play the games and contribute to our Christmas Party Fund. There were many winners — nearly everyone took home a prize — and many of our good members donated articles such as baked goods and a variety of prizes. Some of our generous members brought strudel and they were Mary Polden, Millie Paisoli, Julia Pavlin and Josephine Matkovich. Those who made poticas were our hostess, Ann Zorko and sentinel, T.uba Troha. Cakes came in from Metoda Fischinger, Frances Zibert, Mary Tivador, president Josephine Železnikar, Sophie Bogolin and Mrs. Jazbec. Krofe that were still warm when brought to the hall were the work of Jennie Puhek and delicious flancate were made by Angela Zugich and Anna Stare. Cookies came from Mollie Ceryanec and Tončka Golob. There were many who brought prizes but the major donor was our treasurer Liz Zefran. To her a special vote of thanks. Alvie Jerin and Mrs. Polden made 7 darling candy boxes for gifts and others who brought a number of prizes each were Mrs. JZ, Mrs. Novak, Mrs. Jazbec, Mary Petek, Mary Jager, Ann Hozzian, Mary Hozzian, Ann Krapenc, Mrs. Ceryanec and yours truly. The committees worked hard for the success of the party. Pres. Josie Železnikar took chairmanship with assistance from her daughter, Sophie Bogolin, Stephanie Osterman, Albina Novak and C. Leskovar. In the kitchen handling the volume of bakery, coffee and tea were Ann Zorko and Luba Troha. Again, thanks a million to all who brought things and attended to make the party a success. We will have a nice sum for our juvenile Christmas party to be held Sunday afternoon, Dec. 19th at the St. Stephen Gym Hall. And, don’t forget members, that day is Zveza’s birthday and we will have a special commemorative Mass for all the living and deceased members of S.W.U. at 10:30 A.M. at St. Stephen’s. Please, be there. In fact, Mrs. JZ. wishes you all to sit in the front pews of church so' that we will be seated together as members of Br. 2. Just another note of thanks. Mrs. Jazbec, who had a special request for all our members to contribute to her home parish in Slovenia which is very, very poor, wishes to thank all of you who donated your dollars to the special prize that was given at the Penny Social. The total amount raised was $77.00 that one evening. She will send it to the pastor of the church in Slovenia as a special gift from the branch members. Mrs. Jazbec’ letters from the pastor will be printed in a future edition of Zarja in Slovenian. Winner of the beautiful afghan was Mrs. Antoinette Gradi-shar who also made an extra donation to this good cause. So, members, we have a busy December before us — please try to be with us for the meeting on Dec. 9th and the Mass and Juvenile Party on the 19th. Corinne Leskovar No. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. — Our October meeting was called off by the president since the night before, our branch had the sausage supper and I guess everyone who worked all day and late in the evening were tired and needed the relaxation. I hope the two hours I helped, washing dishes and picking them up, did take a little of the strain off Josephine Lampert since she was at that task all day. Her quote: “I will not wash and dry another dish for a month after this is over!” These old faithfuls were in the kitchen from morning till night. Sylvia Stanfield who chased her husband from the kitchen when he came in and said: Hurry up, we’ve got a big line waiting. Leona Bayt: I didn’t even have a chance to go to the rest room. Dolores Konechnik: Boy! We BOWLERS SHOOT HIGH SCORES IN CHI! No. 2, Chicago, III. Bowling News.— Falling leaves and whistling winds outside warn us of colder days to come, but the competition is getting hot as the S.W.U. Chicago bowling league goes into November. As of October 26, only one game separates the first four teams in the standings. Marquette Service station and Zarja, defending champs, are tied for first place with a record of 18 wins and 9 losses; Reliance Federal and St. Paul Federal are running close behind with 17 wins and 10 losses. Marquette also retained its lead in high team series with 2851; Zarja came up with a terrific 1024 to take over the lead in the high team game. Individual leaders were: high series — S. Gorka, G78; high game — S. Melissa, 257. October was a good month for railroad pick-ups. Once in a while we get a chance to look like good bowlers. (Isn’s it funny that we can pick up these tricky railroads, yet miss that easy one-pin spare by a mile?). This month’s stars were A. Hozzian — 5-8-10, 6-7, and 3-7-10; W. Šinkovec — 4-10 and 3-6-7; A. Post — 6-7-10; M. Buikema — 4-7-10; F. Smulski and B. Zurek —- 5-7; M. Persa — 3-7; C. Waitkus — 5-10. Barbara Zurek sure could use some help! And, helping in between were Maggie Turk, Johanna Sekula and Anne Neese. Sophie Turk had a concession of her own, serving coffee, potica, etc. Oh, yes, we cannot forget the older women who helped: Mrs. Luzar, and Mrs. Tomasettig. Of course, we cannot do anything unless the men are helping, too. Our bar-men were husbands of the women. Namely: Duck, Inkie, Louis, Humble and John. If anyone is left out of this report, it is unintentional. The only result we have of the sausage supper is IT WAS A SUCCESS! The ladies of Br. 5 always did have a nice turn-out when the older women had their suppers in the past. Now, for the most part, this was handled by the younger members and we are very grateful to them. We have another important item for this month. Election of officers will not be held in December, since the shareholders of the Slovenian National Home have their annual meeting at the same time. We will have to postpone our meeting to a different time and you will all be notified of the change of date. So, how about you members who have been inactive taking the initiative and if we can’t get to you before the meeting, please call one of us for the particulars. Since this will be my last article in the DAWN for this year, I want REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS When, we were children our parents and our playmates would begin early in December asking us “What do you want for Christmas?” At first we did not know, but as we thought about Santa Claus and Christmas, as we heard A BLESSED QHRISTMAS AND A NEW Yfar 01 HAPPINESS! from the Supreme Officers and Spiritual Director of S.W.V. other children talking about thing they wanted, as we caught the hints of our parents, suddenly we knew with all our heart what we wanted. It may have been a doll with eyes that open and close, it may have been a train or some of the games. Whatever our Christmas wish was, we hugged it close to us and we never once gave up knowing and believing that on Christmas morning, in some magical way, the things we wonted the most in the world would be waiting for us. Have we thought this year what we want for Christmas? Perhaps it has been a long time since we have wanted things for Christmas. Let us open our heart and mind to the magic of Christmas and ask ourselves: What do I want for Christmas? Suddenly we will know with all our heart what it is that we want more than anything else in the world. We will know that there is not actually any material possession that now has power to make our dreams come true; we will realize that what we want for Christmas cannot be bought in any store or in any land. For our desire springs from our inmost secret heart. It may be that what we want is freedom from fear, or from a feeling of inferiority or inadequacy. It may be that what we want most of all is a feeling of being loved, or being wanted, or being appreciated. It may be that we want understanding and harmony in our home or on our job. Whatever it is that we want, we realize that it is not something that we find under the tree on Chrsitmas morning. But Christmas time, time of loving and giving, our gift from Christ could be the realizantion that we are created to the image of God and His likeness and that we want Christ and His spirit and that the Christ in us meets the Christ in other persons, establishing bonds of friendship and understanding. At the first Christmas nearly two thousand years ago our Lord gave Himself to us as His gift. After all these years this Is still the most important gift for Christmas. Maybe this year our heart wants Him. He will be here again, showering his grace all over the whole world . . . As we want Him so is He wanting us. Merry Christinas to you all! to tell you it has been a pleasure and hope I have done my job to your satisfaction. Also, as a recording secretary of the branch, I have always meant only the best for the good of the members and the branch itself. The sick members who were in the hospital and we hope are well before this is printed are: Mary (Mitz) Ba-yt, Anna Cerar, Katherine Pesut, Giz-ela Blazic, and Mary Prkne — all on the sick list. Good health to all our members. This is always the sad part of penning an article. We offer our sincere condolences to one of our older members, Margaret Susteric whose husband, Frank, passed away Oct. 17th. Also, our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mauser whose daughter, Anna Marie, passed away Oct. 26th at the age of 17 years, a victim of hypo-aplastic anemia. Anna Marie was one of our junior mem- bers and was in our branch since she was 4 years old. She attended St. Mary’s Academy and was a senior. She was the granddaughter of Anna Cerar, one of our members. May God grant rest to the souls of our two departed. I do not know a better way to end an article, since this will be close to Christmas, than to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year. Adieu! Sophie Mumaugh, Rep. No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Fall and the winter season is with us once a-gain. Our meetings have been well-attended. The ladies enjoy the games that are played and the light lunch that is served. We want to welcome our two new members, Evelyn and Linda Laurich. Our meetings are held every third Thursday of the month at St. John’s Hall, 1028 So. 9th St. at 1 o’clock p.m. On Dec. 16th, we have decided to have a Christmas Party so all our senior and junior members are invited to attend. We shall play games and have a nice lunch. A speedy recovery to all our sick members and a cheery help to all our elderly ladies who cannot attend our meetings. May God grant all good health and happiness. I wish you all a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Theresa Sukys, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our congratulations to the St. Joseph’s Altar and Rosary Society on its 74 th anniversary — also to St. Joseph’s Society No. 2 of KSKJ on its 75th anniversary. The celebration began with a High Mass and concluded with a Banquet and Program. Deceased officers and members were remembered at this time. Also those who are still living. COMBINED BRANCHES OF CLEVELAND REVIEW SUCCESS Our November meeting was a joyus one, with everybody anxious to talk about our successful Oct. 17th bazaar and Slovenian Day. A very large group attended. To those who don’t seem enough interested to come to the meetings, I just wish you could see the happy faces of our members, especially when we made the financial report and each branch was given its allotted sum. This is one of the reasons we have these affairs, to help the branches with their treasuries. But, without co-operation, nothing can be done, so you see why it’s so important. The combined affairs relieve the branches from their headaches in making money, but load them on to me and a few of our officers who form the committees. I am sure that all the branches helped willingly and that if many could do more, they would. So, I am very grateful to all branches who participated in some way for the Slovenian Day. It resulted in a grand pay-off to everybody. Wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. A special speedy recovery to Mrs. Prisland who we hear was hospitalized and to Nettie Strukel and to all the sick. May God bless you all and lots of luck in 19G6! Mary Bostian State Pres, of Ohio-Mich. Our condolences to the relatives of our two deceased members who passed away recently and were both buried within a week. They were Mrs. Ursula Gabrian, age 85 years and Mrs. Jennie Pluth, age 73. Mrs. Gabrian was a former resident of Joliet but after her husband’s death, made her home with her brother in So. Chicago — the Marko Krall family. Her married son preceded her in death also. Mrs. Pluth was confined to the hospital several times before her death. Surviving her are nine sons and four daughters, all married except two. Our members prayed for both members at their biers and attended their funerals, both at St. Joseph’s. May they rest in peace. The brother of our member ,Mrs. Micheala Maren also passed away. He was Joseph Riffel. He is survived by numerous nieces and nephews, and brother and other members of his own family. May he rest in peace. Our members spent some time traveling to the east and west coasts. Miss Catherine Butala and her brother, our pastor, Rt. Rev. Msgr. M. J. Butala, visited the World’s Fair in New York and later went to Washington, D.C. My daughter, Jonita Ruth and her husband, Fred, traveled west with their two daughters, Janice and Ros-anne, visiting Long Beach, Disneyland and other places in California. They spent one month from home. It was a marvelous time for the children to see real Indians and Cowboys. Our sick members were Mrs. Josephine Goran, this year’s Mother-of-the-Year, who underwent two major operations, Mrs. Mary Russ from N. Broadway, Mrs. Mary Horvat and Mrs. Mary Music of Oak Park — all hospitalized; and, at home convalescing are Mrs. Anna Furlin o,f Stone St., Mrs. Antonia Struna of Wilcox and Mrs. Anna Jerman at Pleasant Center Nursing Home. Mrs. Elizabeth Kostelec of Vine and Mrs. Mary Legan at Lincoln Nursing Home are also reported ill and Mrs. Ann Pluth of Chicago. To all our sick members, a quick recovery. Also, to other members who are ill at this time. The bowlers of our branch held a masquerade party before their regular bowling session at Rival’s on Monday evening Oct. 25th. Celebrating Hallowe’en in this way is an annual e-vent. The girls had many interesting masques and prizes were given. You are all invited to our annual meeting at Ferdinand Hall on Dec. 19 when elections of officers will be held and many important matters for the coming year discussed. So, do come, one and all. Congratulations to Irene Planinšek who organized a new Zveza branch in Washington, D.C. where she makes her home. Good luck to you, Irene, and to Mrs. Emma Planinšek, her mother, who is our president. Christmas greetings are in order at this time as the holidays will soon be around the corner. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas — May the good Lord keep you well now, and in the future, and those who are ill during this season, may God restore them health. With best wishes to all. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — To the Supreme Board, the officers of Br. 21 and all the members, we wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Members, please note that our meetings in January, February and March will be held the first Sunday of the month at West Park Slovenian Hall, beginning at 2 P.M. in the afternoon. We hope that many members who usually absent themselves will use this opportunity to attend the meetings. The S.W.U. Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th was a great success, one of the best events. Thanks to all who worked in any way, who donated, bought and sold booklets, (sorry, no winners in our group!). It was a pleasure to see our Founder, Marie Prisland on this special occasion. Congratulations to Lillian Lunder who became a proud grandmother for the ninth time to a darling granddaughter, Anne Marie. With this blessed event, great grandmother, Mrs. Cecilia Brodnik, .added another to her long list of thirteen great grandchildren. Congratulations and hope all are fine. Our deepest sympathy is extended to member, Caroline Valentine ,on the death of her daughter-in-law, Linda, who passed away recently. Our sincere condolences to the family. And, get-well wishes are extended to Antoinette Estanek and our branch president, Theresa Lach, hospitalized. We hope our members are quick to return to good health. With every good wish, Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 22, Bradley, III. — Helen Sebas-tiani entertained at the Oct. 2G meeting with her mother Mrs. Anna Yakof cich assisting; and a good job she did making the delicious apple strudel. It was reported that Margaret Hassett is home and able to be about again after her recent four-week stay in the hospital. This was good news, also to hear now that Mollie Met-schuleit is doing well after eye surgery. We pray for successful treatment and complete recovery for them and likewise for Marie Vandenhout’s daughter Mary Kay Wright and her husband who were seriously injured in an auto mishap in Winona, Minn. The visit of our Holy Father Pope Paul VI to our beloved land on Oct. 4 brought happy memories to Mollie Metschuleit and Gabrielle Lustig who on May 30 had the great privilege of attending Mass celebrated by His Holiness in St. Peter’s Basilica and to receive on two occasions his blessing in the square. The 4-day visit in Rome was indeed the highlight of our tour which included stops at other points of interest in Italy — the Shrines of St. Anthony and Pisa. Travels took us through Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As in November we are reminded to pray for our departed, let us continue to do so throughout the year. In particular at this time we remember our sister-member Christine Hartman whose sudden and untimely death occured May 31. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace! The Christmas party-meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Hassett and Corinne on Dec. 5 at. 3:00 P.M. Gabrielle Lustig, Rep. WASHINGTON CAPITAL-izes ON CULTURE The distinguished Senator from Ohio, Frank J. Lausche and his charming wife are seen on this photo with Franc Gorse, noted Slovenian artist and sculptor. The occasion was the opening day of the exhibit of “CONTEMPORARY SLOVENIAN ART ABROAD” in the Terrace Lobby of the Washington Hilton Hotel which took place the week of Oct 17 to 30, 1965. Arrangements for the reception attended by many dignitaries were made by the new S.W.U. branch in Washington and chaired by Miss Irene Planinšek, their organizer. The photo was taken by Stane Sustersic of the VOICE OF AMERICA before Gorse’s relief entitled: “Glory." The ladies of the Metropolitan Washington Branch were hostesses for the first Slovenian art exhibit held in Washington, D.C., October 17 - 30th, at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Our young and newly organized group took the initiative in preparing for the reception and exhibition by nine Slovene artists now living in France, Argentina, and the United States. A reception was held, Sunday, October 17, for the general public and among the Washingtonians present were our special guests, Senator and Mrs. Frank Lausche. We are especially grateful to Senator Lausche for his interest in the exhibit and the promotion of its success. Three of the exhibiting artists, Franc Gorse, Miro Zupančič and Joseph Vodlan, were on hand to present commentaries on their art forms. They remained in Washington for the entire two weeks as guests of Nika and Eric Kovacic. Nika is one of our charter members. The artists were also dinner guests in the homes of members: Agna Javornik, Mary Mejac, Frances Gregorič, Marie Mejac, Iča Zebot, Tinča Lapornik and Irene Planinšek. In connection with the art exhibit, a special showing of sculptural works by Franc Gorse was presented at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., Sunday, October 24. Ida Zebot was in charge of arrangements and Florence Gregorič the refreshments. Our members baked delicious delicacies for the occasion. Looking back over the month’s activities one can predict by this beginning a bright future for the newest branch of the Slovenian Women’s U-nion. Irene M. Planinšek No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — It was Celebrity Night at the Ely Dawn Club Hallowe’en Party on Oct. 20th. Masked characterizations were: Sandy Koufax, Zaillo Versilles, Earl Bat-tey and Don Mineher, to give the affair the World Series touch. Television personality, Freddie the Freeloader, besides a gypsy, fanner, a cute old man and lady, plus many other quaint masks made for a hilarious time. Excellent accordion music was furnished by Mary Gotchnik. The business session was conducted by vice-president, Emma Pucel. Mary Sliikonya, our president went out east to visit with her nephew, John Ros-andich and family. By the way, congratulations to the Rosandich’s on a new granddaughter in John Jr’s family. Plans for our Christmas party were set in motion. Then, serving delicious refreshments were Mesdames: Mar- gery Pershiren, Angela Walli, Margery Skubitz, Rose Pucel, Josephine Jam-nick, Florence Markovich, Rose Novak, Frances James, Jennie Pusan and Frances Grahek. Prize winners during the course of the evening were: Margaret Shuster, Helen Kotchevar, Margaret Somrock, Julia Zgonc and Josephine Jamnik. Lunch committee for November was, Mesdames: Margaret Somrock, Louise Seliga, Mary Evanish, Molly Marolt, Ann Rove, Julia Prijatel, Margery Gornick, Mary Pucel, Mary Don-oven and Teresa Koschak. Margaret Somrock, Rep. No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. — If you are interested in a variety of chitchat, then by all means, join br. 25. Now is an excellent time since we’re celebrating the 40th year anniversary of Zveza. Familiar sounds: "I’m just plain tired of staying home continually, cleaning, cooking and baking — oh, don’t forget the washing!” And, “Seems that clothes basket is always well stacked, ready to tackle, again and again!” “Ironing? Forget it!” All this kind of work certainly flattens one’s spirit, but the day looks a little brighter and chores seem lighter when you can look forward to an evening of “going out somewhere.” Not that the love for your family is less, but, some sort of diversion is necessary occasionally. It feels good sometimes to stay home, flop into a chair with a favor- ite refreshment and watch TV — dozing off now and then. Soon, “bang, bang!”, those western stage coaches come a ridin’ in and a-shootin’, waking you up for a split second, then, off you go, again. Ahhh, better a quick shower, fresh make-up, change of attire and get going! Where? To your branch meeting, of course. Br. 25 provides many happy hours at their meetings. Join us and keep your joints from kreak-ing. We have quite a few elderly members in group 25 who could pass up Stella Walsh in a 40 meter track run, leaving her behind, za luno. They are really very energetic, so don’t think you won’t enjoy the company. Br. 25 graciously invites you to be one of us; of course, we don’t participate in any track meets or strenuous push-ups, just healthy, down-right good gab-fests. Guess I’m campaigning for Zveza, huh? So, see you at the meetin’ and we’ll do the treatin’! Vicki Faletič No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — The attendance was very good at our Sept. and Oct. meetings. We all had a very nice time in Acmetonia, too. The next Penna State Day will be celebrated in Strabane some time in the spring. We have numerous sick and lonely members; whenever possible, please visit one of them. I am sure it would be greatly appreciated. Ladies, try and come to the December meeting; it is the most important meeting of the year. It will be on Dec. 21st. Our sympathy to two of our members, Thersa Zbasnik, on the loss of her husband, John who died on Oct. 21st and to Barbara Kumer on the loss of her sister, Anna Garasich, who passed away Oct. 30. May their souls rest in peace. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Sorrow fills my heart when again we have lost a very good member, to me a special loss because she was my sister-in-law, Annie Tekavec, wife of Anton, mother of 9 children and grandma 14 times. Words can’t express this loss and emptiness. May she rest in peace; now, her work is done. We express our sympathy to her husband and family. To our sick, we wish health and courage. Katherine Golinar went to the hospital on Oct. 29th and we hope and pray there’s nothing serious and that she will be on her feet soon a-gain. May our Lord hear our prayers. Barbara Baron became grandmother the second time and Jennie Gustinčič for the 10th time. Congratula- tions to the proud grandparents and parents. Annie and John Chinchar celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sept. 28th. Congratulations and may God bless you and your family. These members donated dollars to the good time fund: Antonia Nemec, Barbara Baron, Theresa Potokar, Josephine Comenchelc, Annie Chinchar. We thank them and wish them a happy birthday. We also wish to thank all who helped in any way to make the Combined Branches’ day a success on Oct. 17th. To Annie Godlar, who sold 41 booklets of tickets herself, we thank her for working so hard for the branch and for giving up so much of her time. Also, her daughter, Ann Cook, is following her footsteps. Ann instructed the Baton Twirlers and they did perform beautifully, including her two daughters. These juvenile members are good, they have won numerous trophies and we encourage them and others to join them. Thanks to our Founder of S.W.U. for her efforts in coming to Cleveland for the event, Mrs. Marie Prisland. It was a pleasure to have her in our midst. You can see, we can eat again and again and will always have room for more. Our Christmas party will be after the yearly meeting in December and all birthdays of the past three months will be celebrated. We have election of officers, etc. to take care of also. For the party, there will be a $1 gift exchange. That’s Dec. 7th. No meeting was held in Nov. as it was election day and other doings were taking place. For December, we hope everyone will come as the meeting and Christmas party is always a good affair. The members and officers of Br. 32 wish our Supreme Board of Directors a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the Infant Child bless you and your dear ones. To our Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Claude Okorn, we thank you for your spiritual column in English and Slovenian each month in Zarja. Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and teachings. God bless you, Father and we wish you a Merry and Blessed Christmas. To each and everyone, a very happy holiday. Annie Tekavec, Rec. Sec. No. 33, Duluth, Minn. — A large attendance was seen at our meeting which was most gratifying. A new member was enrolled, Eileen Fedo. Congratulations, Eileen; it is with pleasure that we welcome you to our group. Since the December meeting will be more lengthy, the election of officers taking place and all, it was de- cided that we’ll begin the Dec. 8th meeting at 7 P.M., that’s !/•> hour earlier than usual. The Christmas party will follow. Toni Panyon and Frances Danko are in charge along with their committee. Suggestions were made that each and every member pay their dues for 6 months at a time, especially those who are unable to attend the monthly meetings. The dues must be sent into the headquarters each month, but many do not think of paying their dues on time or in advance. Should death occur when they are suspended, the death benefit would not be paid to beneficiaries. Remember, bo a paid up member at all times. Preparations are being made by our juvenile chairman, Althea Tverberg and Mary Peterangelo for a Christmas Party to be held for our juveniles in December. A nominating committee was selected to present a slate of officers for 19GG. Following the meeting, cards and popular games were played and luncheon served to all. Very enjoyable. Our congratulations to our member, Pat Danko who was united in marriage recently to Dennis Piccanatto. Many years of happiness to Pat and Dennis. Congressman Mr. John Blatnik, who is confined at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn, is wished a very speedy recovery from all of us. He’s our wonderful United States Representative. There are a number of members on the sick list and we hope and pray all our ill will be granted good health from the One Above. The Christmas season is fast approaching and everyone will soon be hustling and bustling. Wishing the Supreme Officers and all the members of our great organization, S.W.U., a very Merry Christmas. May God bless you with health and happiness in abundance. See you at our Dec. 8th meeting and Christmas party. Ann Podgoršek, Rep. No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. — The Slovenian Day of S.W.U. in Cleveland is over and what a success! But why wouldn’t it be? We have such a capable president in Mary Bostian. When we came into the hall, Mary came and greeted us, showed us to a table that was reserved for us and for the people from Barberton. There were five in our group from Lorain, namely, Mrs. Rose Kragely, Mrs. Mathilda Strukely, Mrs. Josephine Žiberna and my husband, John and I. Later on, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Russ and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Zgonc, all members or Br. 40, came, too. A delicious dinner was served and then the program started. Mary I!os-tlan introduced Mrs. Marie Prisland. the organizer of the S.W.U. and then Mrs. Toni Turelc, the president. Mis. Globokar was the toastmis tress. The entertainment included the Gay Nineties singing “I’m forever blowing bubbles” and they let out the bubbles all around them, just like on Lawrence Welk’s show. Their red umbrellas really caught the eye of everyone in the audience. They also had straw hats, black skirts and white blouses. They really looked stunning. The girls taking part were: Mary Bos-tian, Mary Susnik, Rose Želodec, Marie Azman, Ann Dekleva. What is nicer than when our little ones get out on the stage to perform? First the baton twirlers, then the little girls dancing Slovenian dances. Mr. Želodec played for them. Then came on the two little granddaughters of Mrs. Globokar, dressed up in yellow ruffles trimmed in gold. They tap danced to a number and looked just like little fairies. The four Slovenian Beatles came on with a roar. They sure had the people laughing and calling for more. Oh, I could go on and on, but space in Zarja would never be enough for a full description. Mrs. Prisland was presented with a bouquet of red carnations and also a dedication was made to her by Mary Bostian for her 40 years of faithful service in the S.W.U. It was nice meeting the grand people from Barberton and Mr. and Mrs. Racher from Warren, Ohio and many, many of my friends from Cleveland. Everything turned out just wonderfully and as they say: where there is a will, there is a way! With the good cooperation of our members in Cleveland, it was a job well done. Wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas. Angela Kozjan, Sec’y No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. — Our October meeting was attended by the usual number. They had a lovely time; birthdays were celebrated with cherry strudel by Mrs. Angela Perko, coffee by Milly Lipnos. It was very good. I was not present as my return from the hospital kept me away. It was another long siege, but, I’ll keep going as long as I can. I hope to be back in circulation in a couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who sent me get-well cards and prayers. We will have our December meeting on Dec. 8th starting with dinner at 6:20 P.M. Instead of gift exchanges we will each donate $1.00 for the Holy Family Cancer Home in Parma. Also, the fruit juices, don’t forget ladies. After that, we will have our meeting, election of officers and program 1'or 1966. Door prize, donated by Mrs. Antonia Kastelic was some lovely candy from Europe, won by Mrs. Angela Perko. We have a few ladies that are more or less sick, but getting better; Mrs. Antonia Legan, Mrs. Ivana Hrovat, Mrs. Jennie Perko, Mrs. Mary Prhne. It would be nice to remember them with cards. If any addresses are needed, get in touch with me. Husbands of the members are also oil the sick list: John Lipnos, husband of Dolores, and Jack Yemec, husband of Mary Yemec. They are much better by now, but a card or two to the men would be appreciated. “Planina,” our choral club from Maple Hgts., had their concert Sunday, Sept. 30th. Well-attended by the people, it was very enjoyable with refreshments and dancing after the concert to the music of Zabak’s Orchestra. A note of sadness. One of our neighbors, Ludvik Vrcek, husband of Agnes Vrcek, was not on the stage with Planina to sing in his usual bass voice as on Monday, the 25th, he was at rehearsal but the angel of death visited during the early hours of morning and took him to sing in the choir that God provides for all lovely voices in heaven. Mr. Vrcek also sang at St. Lawrence church, so God certainly has another beautiful voice to sing of His Goodness and Divine Mercy. Our sympathy to the family, Mrs. Agnes Vrcek, son, Albert, daughter, Agnes and to daughter-in-law and son-in-law and grandchildren, his brother, Frank, nephews and nieces. So, everyone take heed, once again, how fast life is cut short. Be kind to one another, don’t be always biting and looking for argument with your loved ones or with your neighbors. For a beautiful and holy Christmas, try to live a more serene life, don’t take everything so seriously. God takes care of everyone in His own lovely way. Be cheerful, and you will see it is not so bad as you usually think it is. We all know sometimes things are hard to take and bear, but with a little patience and love in your heart, it will all turn out for the best. DECEMBER MEETING DATES 1st SAT. DEC. 4 Br. 02, Conneaut, O. 1st SUN. DEC. 5 Br. 6, Barberton, O.; 8, Steelton, Pa.; 23, Ely, Minn.; 2-1, LaSalle, 111.; 27, N. Brad-dock, Pa.; 51, Akron, O.; 92, Crested Butte, Colo.; 99, Elmhurst, 111. Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 1st MON. DEC. 6 Br. 29, Broundale, Pa.; 73, Warrensville, O.; 83, Crosby, Minn.; 101, Bedford Hgts., O. 1st TIES. DEC. 7 Br. 14, Euclid, O.; 32, Euclid, O.; 41, Cleveland, O.; 59, Burgettstown, Pa. Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. 1st WED. DEC. 1 Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo.; 21, Cleveland, O.; 33, Duluth, Minn.; 35, Aurora, Minn.; 38, Chisholm, Minn.; 52, Ivitzville, Minn.; 95, S. Chicago, 111. 1st nwits. DEC. 2 Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal.; 45, Portland, Ore.; 80, Moon Run, Pa.; 100, Fontana, Cal. 2nd SUN. DEC. 12 Br. 37, Greaney, Minn.; 43, Milwaukee. Wis.; 46, St. Ixmis, Mo.; 49, Noble, O.; 61, Braddock, Pa.; 66, Canon City, Colo.; 67, Bessemer, Pa.; 74, Ambridge, Pa.; 97, Ca-irnbrook, Pa. Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn.; Br. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash.; 2nd MON. DEC. 13 Br. 4, Oregon City, Ore.; 25, Cleveland, O.; 89, Oglesby, 111. 2nd TUES. DEC. 14 Br. 7, Forest City, Pa.; 10, Collinwood, O.; 30, Aurora, 111.; 48, Buhl, Minn.; 56, I-Iibbing, Minn.; 57, Niles, O.; 70, W. Ali-quippa, Pa. 2nd WED. DEC. « Br. 13, Cleveland, O.; 28, Calumet, Mich.; 31, Gilbert, Minn.; 40, Lorain, O.; 71, Stra-bane, Pa.; 88, Johnstown, Pa. 2nd THURS. DEC. 9 Br. 2, Chicago, 111.; IG, S. Chicago, 111.; 19, Eveleth, Minn.; 55, Girard, O.; 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa.; 81, Keewatin, Minn. 3rd SUN. DEC. 19 Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis.; 17, West Allis. Wis.; 20, Joliet, 111.; 39, Biwabik, Minn.; 47, Garfield Hgts., O.; 64, Kansas City, Kans.; 68, Fairport Hbr., O.; 85, DePue, III.; 90, Presto, Pa.; 102, Willard, Wis.; 104, Johnstown, Pa.; 105, Detroit, Mich. 3rd MON. DEC. 20 Br. 50, Cleveland. O.; 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 3rd TUES. DEC. 21 Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 54, Warren, O.; 84, New York, N.Y.; 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. Br. 22, Bradley, 111. 3rd WED. DEC. 15 Br. 34, Soudan, Minn.; 65, Virginia, Minn. 3rd THURS. DEC. 16 Br. 12, Mihvaukee, Wis.; 106, Meadow -lands, Pa. 4th SUN. DEC. 26 Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind.; 94, Canton, O. Br. 63, Denver, Colo. 4th TUES. DEC. 2H Br. 22, Bradley. 111. 5th THURS. DEC. 30 Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. NO SPECIFIED DATE Br. 9, Detroit, Mich., each 3rd Mo. God keep you in His love and goodness. A Blessed Christmas to everyone. Louise Prhne MERliY CHRISTMAS WISHES from Br. No. 2, Chicago, 111. “For perfect Christmas giving, a copy of the Br. 2 Choral Club Record Album, featuring favorite Slovenian folk songs!” Only $2.00 Send order to Mrs. J. Železnikar, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago, 111. 60608 Hermine Prisland Dicke: a. n d. At this special and beautiful Christmas season we give you favorite recipes from a very special lady — Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson. She most graciously asked her social secretary, Miss Bess Abell, to forward these recipes to me along with a letter and personal photograph acknowledging our request. The letter reads as follows: The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Mrs. Dicke: Mrs. Johnson asked me to thank you for your letter. She was delighted that you wanted to inclule some of her recipes in THE DAWN magazine, and it was thoughtful of you to let her know of your interest. Although we do not have available any recipes for Christmas cookies, we are enclosing the recipe for pecan pie and one for brownies, along with the picture you requested. Mrs. Johnson sends you best wishes. Sincerely, Bess Abell, Social Secretary PECAN PIE (A favorite of Mrs. Johnson) Cream: 4 cup butter % cup firmly packed brown sugar Beat in: 3 eggs, one at a time Stir in: 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup broken pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla Vi teaspoon salt. Pour into an unbaked pie shell. Bake in a moderate oven 375 degr. for % hour. Luci Johnson’s Recipe for Brownies For one batch of 20: Melt Vi pound butter; while it is melting, put a cup of sugar into a mixing bowl. Add part of the butter to sugar (about %). To the rest, add 3 squares of unsweetened chocolate and mix. Add this to sugar and butter mixture. Add 2 eggs, 1 cup of chopped pecans, % cup flour, 1 teaspoon of vanilla and mix. Bake in greased pan for 20 - 25 minutes at 375 degrees. It is important to watch that they do not get too done. To test, lightly press a finger on the brownies. If no imprint is left, they are done, and ready to remove from the oven. KRIS KRINGLES This is a very pretty Christmas cookie; a dozen over a plateful of regular cookies adds much to the color. % cup shortening (butter or oleo preferable) Vi cup sugar 1 beaten egg yolk 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated orange peel 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 cup sifted cake flour dash salt 1 slightly beaten egg white % cup finely chopped walnuts Candied cherries. Cream shortening, sugar; add egg yolk, orange and lemon rind, and lemon juice. Beat thoroughly. Add flour and salt. Chill until firm. Form into small balls about the size of a walnut, dip in the beaten egg white and roll in nuts. Press half candied (rounded side up) or whole candied cherry on each ball and flatten on greased cookie sheet. Bake 20 minutes at 325 degr. Makes about 20 balls. You can also freeze this cookie. Colorful salads add much to the beauty of a holiday table. Pineapple Cranberry Salad 1 pound cranberries ground 1 large can crushed pineapple, drained 1 cup sugar. Combine ingredients and chill well. Whip one package of Dream Whip and fold in % package of small marshmallows. Finally combine fruit mixture and Dream Whip. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Cranberry Salad 1 package raspberry jello 1% cup hot water 1 cup sugar 1 cup cranberries, chopped 1 orange, chopped 2 or 3 apples, chopped Vi cup chopped nuts. Dissolve jello in V/z cup hot water. Add 1 cup sugar and chopped cranberries. Let jello mixture stand while you chop orange (rind also) and apples and nuts. Add to jello and let set. Serve on lettuce leaf with a little mayonaise. [a' BON BON COOKIES % cup butter % cup sifted confectioners sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 1% cups sifted flour % teaspoon salt. Heat oven to 350 degr. Mix butter, sugar and vanilla. Blend in flour and salt thoroughly. Wrap a level teaspoon around filling. Bake 1 inch apart on ungreased baking sheet 12 - 15 minutes until set, but not brown. Dip tops of cookies in icing. Filling: Cherry, date, nut, or chocolate chip. Icing: l cup sifted confectioners sugar, 2 tablespoons milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla and food coloring if desired. » * * * * One of the symbols of Christmas that has come to be a custom is the Christmas tree. For a healthy, fire-resistant Christmas tree, keep your tree well-watered, urges the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A G foot tree may take up as much as a quart of water a day when It’s first brought indoors. This water is needed to replace the moisture given off by the needles in the warm atmosphere of your home. Also, the more moisture the needles give off, the more fragrant your tree. Keep the tree in water and give it a daily drink. A blessed Christmas to all of you! May this be one of your happiest. Sincerely, Hermine SET A JEWEL OF A CHRISTMAS TABLE The table is dressed for Christmas, and never looked so inviting, with a glittering jeweled centerpiece and colorful, taste-tempting holiday fare. Dainty stemmed glasses are a showcase for the vivid Christmas salad which serves as a meal starter or accompaniment to roast turkey. Cubes of tomato aspic and light green avocado gelatin form the red and green jewels. This unusual salad gives the cook an opportunity to show off prowess for planning a distinctive Christmas table. The reputation-building results are worth every bit of effort, not that this salad is tricky. This attractive salad fits the busy holiday schedule as the gelatin can be made one day and the salad assembled the next. In fact, the cubes hold their shape best when the gelatin is chilled overnight. Cut cubes with a sharp knife which has been dipped in hot water, then unmold onto waxed paper or remove with a spatula. The red and green jewels can be served 011 lettuce-lined plates or piled into sherbet glasses and garnished with a sprig of watercress or a pouf of mayonnaise or sour cream. The popular cooking ingredient, Hunt’Sauce (canned tomato sauce), gives bright color and flavor to the tomato gelatin salad. The creamy green cubes combining sour cream and avocado with celery flavor salad gelatin is a delightful contrast, to the tangy aspic. The colorful centerpiece carries out the “Set a Jewel of a Christmas Table” theme. The table decorations can be fancy Christmas tree ornaments or dime-store earrings clipped on a bough of fir or other greens. A tree branch, painted white or silver and gaily decorated, can make an especially effective centerpice against a bright red or green table cover. Arrange the branches in a dramatic diagonal across a snowy white table cloth. The handsomest table linens, jeweled centerpiece, best china and silverware punctuated by the bright accent of candles (but not near the dry fir branch) create a warm and inviting picture. With the food as beautiful as the table decorations, this can be one of the most successful dinner parties of the season. This jewel-like salad is one you can serve with pride during the holiday or anytime a decorative salad is wanted. Sweet Thoughts For A Holiday Hostess Try this “different" and wonderful fixin’ for the holidays, a coconut-pineapple-yam substitute for white potatoes! CHRISTMAS JEWELS — Sparkling centerpiece and colorful salad of cubes of tomato aspic and avocado gelatin carry out “Set a Jewel of a Christmas Table” theme. Hunt'Sauce (canned tomato sauce) offers tangy tomato salad bright color, special flavor. CHRISTMAS SALAD JEWELS Red Jewels: 1 (3-oz.) package lemon flavor gelatin % cup hot water 1 (8-oz.) can Hunt’s Tomato Sauce 1 tablespoon vinegar % teaspoon salt % cup sliced ripe or stuffed olives Dissolve lemon flavor gelatin in hot water. Stir in Hunt’s Tomato Sauce, vinegar, and salt. Stir until syrupy. Fold in olives. Pour into 4” x 8” pan. Chill. Green Jewels: 1 (3-oz.) package celery flavor salad gelatin % cup hot water % cup cold water 1 small avocado, mashed Vi cup sour cream or mayonnaise Vi cup finely chopped celery J/2 teaspoon salt Lettuce Mayonnaise Dissolve celery flavor salad gelatin in hot water. Stir in cold water, avocado, sour cream; chill until syrupy. Fold in vegetables and salt. Pour into 4” x 8” pan. Chill. Cut both pans of gelatin into %-inch cubes and pile both colors on lettuce-lined plates or in sherbet glasses. Top with mayonnaise if desired. CHATTANOOGA CHEW-CHEWS 2 cups canned Louisiana yams, mashed /2 cup chopped pecans 1-|\ cups (about) flaked coconut 2 tablespoons softened butter % cup (8-%-oz. can) drained pineapple tidbits or crushed pineapple 1 teaspoon salt Zi cup crushed corn flakes Combine yams, nuts, coconut, butter, pineapple, and salt and mix well. Shape into 8 to 10 croquettes and roll in the crushed cereal. Bake at 375 degr. until lightly browned, about 20 minutes. Makes 8 to 10 servings. “Courtesy of Baker’s Angel Flake Coconut” No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — My report for this month will be short. First of all, I am very sorry, and hope I will be forgiven for omitting Freddie Pugel from last month’s report. Freddie is our photographer and took pictures at our 35th anniversary celebration and state convention and at this time, I wish to thank him from the bottom of my heart. Congratulations are in order for 2 sets of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Dvornik from Lafayette, Ind. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Straitz of Milwaukee. Both welcomed new grandsons. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Bistan, Zinko and Re-bernisek families on the loss of their father, Louis Rebernisek. May his soul rest in peace. The “Beatles” of Br. 50 performed at Slovenian Day in Cleveland and they are, left to right: Mary Cesnik, Mary A»man. Annie Ljuhi and Rose Želodec. The Singers of Br. 50, Cleveland performed with Max Želodec on the accordion while from behind the table can be seen Supr. Pres. A. Turek, Sec. of Br. 41, Ella Starin and Euclid Councilman Max Gerl and his wife. On November 27th, a surprise wedding anniversary was planned in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ambrosh. A large group of friends and relatives were to attend the celebration at St. John’s Hall. “The three little words you’ll find below are as simple as can be, but they express this wish: Happy Silver Anniversary.” A new membership drive is on its way. Let’s all get in on this one and bring in a new member or two. Your dues must be taken care of, so, please check your dues books. If you are in arrears, take care of this matter at your EARLIEST convenience. Thank you. Meeting is Dec. 12th. Please attend. This is a very important meeting. Christmas Party for Children is Sat. Dec. 18th at 2:30 P.M. at St. John’s Hall. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Our October meeting started a lttle late because we waited for our vice-president, Toni Turek, and her guest who was Mrs. Marie Prisland. She was in town for our Slovenian Day Oct. 17th, a big success AND A BIG CROWD. We had a few other guests at the meeting, too, the Notre Dame Sisters who were invited to come in to receive a few gifts we had for their convent. They were well pleased and thanked us. Pres., Frances Sietz took a little ribbing from the Sister Principal but she dished it right back, much to the amusement of us all. After the Sisters left, we discussed plans for our Election meeting. Let’s have a big turn-out for all the meetings. You’ll be sorry if you don’t come. We missed Mary Bostian at the meeting as she was reported ill. I hope she’s better now. We wish to thank Carole Traven for making the Marie Prisland Cadets’ caps. Beautiful work. One of our members, Stella Iloitz from Bonna Ave. has left us and gone to Florida to live. Good luck to her. Nothing else than I can think of, so pray for all of us. Frances A. Glavan No. 54, Warren, Ohio. -— The Christmas holiday will soon be here and our group is planning a covered dish dinner at the home of Mrs. Betty Vadas, 2C52 Brier St., S.E. on Dec. 21st, 1965, a Tuesday. Her home is between Willard and Central Pkwy. It starts at 6:00 P.M. and the lodge will provide the meat and rolls. All members are asked to bring their own silverware and $1.00 gift exchange. Please tiy to come and have some fun! Speedy recovery is wished to Mrs. Anne Volk, who is convalescing after a hospital stay. Just returning home from a few weeks in Florida were Mary and Frank Ponikvar, my in-laws. And, visiting relatives in Arizona were Vic and Frank Zuga. Welcome home to you all. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Persin family. Jacob Persin, 79, passed away this past week. His wife, Elizabeth, remains and four married sons. Our branch prayed the Rosary at his bier and our prayers and condolences were given to his bereaved family. He was one of the few remaining “old timers” of our Slovenian clan here in Warren. Happy 2)5th Wedding Anniversary to Anna and Tom Brdek. Our last meeting was at the home of Jean Ponikvar, a small group in attendance, but we enjoyed ourselves very much. Remember, Dec. 21st at 6 P.M. for our Christmas party. May you all have a blessed and happy Christmas. Joanne Ponikvar No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — The November meeting opened with prayer led by Vice-President, Mrs. Matilda Ci-gollo in the absence of the President. This meeting was well-attended. After the business meeting, a social hour was enjoyed. Mrs. Mary Bradish was chairman and her aids were: Mrs. Emma Zore, Mrs. Helen Dagati, Mrs. Anna Catoni, Mrs. Theresa Lozier and Mrs. Margaret Tripoti. They served a delicious cake and coffee. Mrs. Maria Cvetnic gave an interesting talk on her trip to Europe. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Emma Zore, Mrs. Matilda Cigolle, Mrs. Helen Biscan and Mrs. Marie Cvetnic. Am very glad to say that no illness or deaths have been reported this month. May God bless you all and keep you healthy and happy. At this time, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness and sympathy the members have shown my family during our recent bereavement, the loss of our beloved father and husband. May God richly repay our debts to you. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 66, Canon City, Colo. — Our best wishes are extended to Jennie Lukezio who was in the hospital at Colorado Springs for her leg trouble. And, to all our sick members on the list, a speedy recovery, too. We are enjoying the most beautiful weather ever. At this writing, I feel as does everyone else, like scamping around the hills. And, by the way, pinion nuts were quite plentiful this year, so many families enjoyed hunting for them. And again, big game hunting season is here and many of our members’ husbands and sons went out in the woods, coming back with good luck. It is quite something to hear them talk, with the sons growing up and telling you of their thrilling experiences in getting the first deer. The boys add their stories to their dads’ and it’s good listening! Mary Ann Stariha vacationed in Alabama visiting her son who lives there. She also spent some time taking care of her mother at Walsenburg as she was very ill. My mother, Mrs. John Legan, also has been quite ill for some time. Thank God, she has shown some improvement. Remember all, that cookbooks make very nice Christmas gifts and are appreciated as they can be used all the year around. We have them on hand, so order early. Wishes to everyone for a “Merry and Peaceful Christmas” and a “Healthful, Happy New Year”! Pray for world peace and church unity. Cecile Adamic No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — We had our birthday dinner and are glad it is over; hope next year it will be even nicer. I am sorry I didn’t announce that Betty Lipp had a baby girl. Congratulations and hope you and the baby are fine, Betty. On our sick list are two of our junior members. Gary Mauer had a leg operation; Virginia Kunka had her tonsils out. Hope both are well on the road to recovery. Elinor Svette has moved into her new home in Streetsboro. Good luck and good health to you and your family. Come and see us sometime, Elinor. Hope everyone has a nice time at our Christmas pot-luck dinner and have a very merry holiday. At our combined dinner, we had 11 ladies serving. Thanks so much for giving up your Sunday afternoon. One of our junior members was on the program. Congratulations to the ladies of our branch for selling 151 books for prizes at the bazaar. Job well done; thanks again to all our members. Happy birthday to all and I wish to add that the birthday hankies are lovely. Betty Bayus, Rep. No. 89, Oglesby, III. — New officers elected at the Nov. meeting and to be installed in January are as follows: Frances Meglich, president; Mary Kernz, vice-president; Anna Vogrich, financial secretary; Angela Nico, recording secretary; Sophie Frank, treasurer; Josephine Morrison, chancellor; Frances Nemeth, sentinel; Lena Dawson, Honorine Corpus and Catherine Golick, auditors and Rev. C. A. Mayes, spiritual director. The Christmas party was to be in in the form of a dinner at the Gar-zonelll Supper Club. Instead of a gift exchange, the members followed last year’s example and took up a sliver offering from which flowers were bought and sent to the shut-in members. Mrs. Ann Querciagrossa was chairman. The sympathy of the branch goes to Mrs. Frances Nemeth and family whose son-in-law, Robert Schmidt passed away. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. Mary Kernz, Rep. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — It seemed like everything went wrong at our November meeting, which left me a little uncomfortable. First, the program scheduled for the evening l'izzil-ed out and left me deflated as a flat tire. Nevertheless, if we could only choose the time and the place for our important contacts we would have our problems licked, but life doesn’t work that way, sometimes. However, I could say our meeting was well-attended, well-planned, with a time limit, and the business part was most effective and valuable. Discussion was steered to a conclusion, not always a happy conclusion, but most of our members rejoiced in any kind of verbal “ceasefire.” So you see we, too, have problems. I do hope that our Christmas party will be a little more entertaining because our Chairlady, Mary Possedi, and Co-Chairlady .Rose Boerner, promised some surprises for the evening. During the course of the evening, Marge Krmpotic, our Chairlady for the November meeting, called winners of three turkeys, and the lucky ladies are: Ljuba Trgovac, Mary Possedi, and Marge Krmpotic. Congratulations, winners! Best of all, was the heavily-laden table of goodies donated by the following ladies: Amelia Cu-zella, Agatlia Mesin, Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Sambol, Mary Duicli, Mary Mundger, Ann Pave, Marge Pozeck, Ljuba Trgovac, Mary Perkovich, Marge Krmpotic, Olga Krmpotic and Mary Jurlco. Cash donated by the following: Mary Plesha, Olga and Marge Krmpotic, Phyllis Perlto, Mildred Poropat, Matilda Martin, Marge Paveletic, Mary Possedi, and Marge Innis. I have stated many times how grateful I am for your generous support. Thanks ever so much. Many happy returns to the following December birthday celebrants: Mary Ashenbrenner, Rose Boerner, Mary Budislich, Rose Marie Cacich, Anna Cavlovich, Jennie Gaspar, Matilda Jovica, Mary Kahn, Hermina Laldch, Frances Perpich, Stephanie Magnovite, Vica Rukovina, Mary Sambol, Lucy Sarich, Frances Seabloom, Marge Simunic, Josephine Stengel, Mary Lou Tomich and Helen Stewart. Delighted to see that Amelia Cu-zella is on the mend from the frao-ture she sustained when she fell on ■A. i>i !>■ lil ilH I*« !>■ IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED MOTHER Mrs. Charles (Isabel) Kniskern who passed away Oct. 18, 1963. Two long years have passed Since our great sorrow fell, The pain and anguish we went through We still remember well. God gave us the courage to face it, And the courage to heal the blow; But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. At times like these when we’re lonely And our thoughts begin to fall, We just turn and tell our problems To your picture on the wall. It’s the best of our possessions The most precious of them all, And we wouldn’t take a million For your picture on the wall. Dear mom, they said that we’d forget; But, oh, that is not true; There’s never a day in our lives That we do not think of you. There’s much in life that’s altered, There’s much in life that’s new, But these two years haven’t altered The memory we keep of you. Sadly missed by husband and daughters: Mr. Charles Kniskern Mrs. William Bianchine Mrs. William Vidergar and Grandchildren FONTANA, CALIF. "w‘ f »v« »■» ■■■ ■■■ her arm. My sincere thanks to you, Amelia, for your kind gesture in stepping in to substitute for Evelyn Driscoll when she was absent as our Rec. Sec’y. Our condolence to Mary Kresich and Louise Dichele on the loss of their beloved husbands. As all of you know, Louise was our proficient Secretary for many years. It always saddens me to write the following lines. We wish to report the loss of our beloved member, Anna E. Lisac, 9725 Exchange Ave. She was the beloved wife of Nick, fond mother of Katherine (Donald) Pur-per, and Mary (Roy) Litten, dear Grandmother of Linda Ann and Sandra Purper and Roy Litten Jr. She was a member of Ban Jelacic Lodge No. 440, C.F.U. and Our Lady of Txmrdes Altar and Rosary Society. Nevertheless, she always took a con-cientious interest in our branch. Sometimes in the rush of living, it is easy to ignore or take lightly the obligations which we fully assume when we choose to be members of any organization. But remember when your contract runs out, and all of us will be summoned to appear before the Supreme Judge, so make sure you have fullfilled all its terms just as our faithfully departed Anna Lisac already has. Her untimely death is a loss to our branch and we share the grief of her family and associates. May I thank all the pallbearers, members and officers who prayed with me at the bier. I would also like to thank Edward Kompare for his kindness and courtesies extended to me and our branch. In conclusion, may I say that Christmas will be here sooner than all of us think. It is something of the spirit of Christmas that will get us thru the years of tough sledding that will be ahead of us all. God cannot bless us, if we will not keep the spirit of Christmas alive today, tomorrow, and the following day. Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to attend our next meeting, January 5, 196G, when we will have election of officers. Mildred James, Pres. No. 101, Bedford Hgts, O. — The November meeting was held as a very unusual meeting! Hostesses for the meeting were Ann Swaney and Stella Hajsek. At our November meeting, we held the election of officers. They are as follows: President, Betty Matjašič; Vice-President, Pauline Svette; Secretary, Pauline Stepic; Treasurer, Barbara Orlosky; Financial Secretary, Dorothy Kastellic; and Auditors, Liz Mertel and Mary Bradac. Sorry that more members and friends did not attend our card party. Everyone in attendance walked away with a door prize or two. Thanks to the committee who worked and to the members who baked and donated prizes. A special thanks to all those friends who attended the card party and I h'ope that you all had a good time. Hope to see more of you at our card party to be held next year, though! Have seen Agnes Bejcek and Ethel Rittwage up to date with their new hair do’s. Ethel’s daughter is a mem- ber of the Vogue Beauty Academy and Agnes’ daughter attends Ohio State Beauty College. Noreen Rittwage Is a junior member of our lodge. It seems that we all should be very proud that one of our members has become the Mayor of Bedford Hgts. She is Mrs. Lucille J. Reed. Congratulations and lots of happiness and luck in your new office, Lucille. Sorry that one of our social members, Helen Samko, who tried for city council, was defeated. To all members who have birthdays or anniversaries, best wishes. To any of you who might be on the sick list, hope you’ll be feeling better real soon. Members, please try your best to attend our January meeting and pay your dues. It will be of great benefit to you. As Christmas draws near, I am sure we all have many memorable memories behind us, along with the thought of a close of another year. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. Betty Matjašič, Rep. No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—It has been a hectic summer for me, making preparations for a shower and wedding for our daughter who was married Sept. 25th. Now that the anxiety and excitement have somewhat subsided, maybe I can think normally again. We had our first meeting at Mary Zimmerman’s home. A small attendance of eleven members, we finally called the meeting to order. Ann Lindich did not attend the meeting as she was nursing the flu. Ann always attends and there is always a logical reason for her absence. Ann McGee had a minor operation this summer and is coming along very nicely. She also was unable to attend our meeting due to plans made previously. She was to be feted at this affair. Gail Simon never fails to attend the meetings, too, but for some unknown reason, was absent. Alice Becker underwent a major operation a few weeks ago. She is coming along fine and lost considerable weight. I hope I’ll be able to recognized her when I see her! Good luck to all of our ladies and hope to see you all at our next meeting. Catherine Musick, our secretary, toured European countries for three weeks including Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, England and Yugoslavia with her cousin and cousin’s husband. Seems to me that Catherine has acquired a taste for wine or “vino” since that trip. She said in Europe the water faucets were all shut tight, as they just don’t believe in drinking water. They all enjoyed their tour immensely. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo IN LOVING MEMORY of Our Dear Sou PFC» ALVIN 1. JAMNIK WHO WAS KILLED IN ACTION 23 YEARS AGO, DEC. 28, 1942. “Our wounds have not healed Like people say they do They are still fresh Since we have lost you. We miss you, son, .... Though years have passed Since that cruel War Has taken you.” Your loving parents, brother and sister ROYAL OAK, MICHIGAN Br. 105 OQOOOOOCOOOOOOQOOCOOOCOCOO Mary Zimmerman and her husband will also be leaving for the west coast if this winter will prove to be snowy and cold. Fulvia Rosa’s son is in the service at Fort Knox. She was anxious to return home that evening as she was expecting a call from him at hoot camp. We certainly wish him luck. Alice Kocijan left for Warren, Mich., her home town, for the weekend. I just received word that one of our older members, Mrs. Marie Nez-beda passed away. She had been in the hospital for the past, three years and was in her late seventies. Our deepest sympathy to her husband and family. ’ ! Pauline Adamic, our President, received a gift, donated by our hostess. It was a hand-made pair of pillow cases, and a pair of plastic protectors to place on hangers for clothing. Very nice and very practical, I must say. We had a delicious lunch which consisted of goulash with noodles, pineapple gelatin salad, hot rolls, chocolate cake and ice cream. Very delicious! We also sang Happy Birthday to Mary and Rose Jamnik. We have three new juvenile members; they are grandchildren of Ann Korun, Cheryl and Ronald Bernick. whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. A1 Bernick and Edward Bernick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bernick. Cheryl is a talented tap dancer, 9 years of age, and likes to swim. Her brother Ronny is 7 and loves music and sports, builds racing cars and who knows, some day he may be an accordionist. Edward is 11 years of age, throws a mean bowling ball, is a boy scout and delights in all sports. We all certainly wish them success. My, but this is a lengthy article! This yet, Gail Simon and her son visited her home town up in the Copper Country this summer. Here’s hoping we have a better turnout at our naxt meeting. Luck to you all and God bless you. Stephanie Hometz, Rep. SEE SLOVENIA AND TOUR EUROPE THIS SUMMER JET FARE, ROUND TRIP FROM NEW TORK TO LJUBLANA IS $395.00 For 1966, we have decided on the following program for our members and their families: I Departure June 14, Returning July 14 II Departure June 21, Returning Sept. 8 III Departure July 12, Returning Aug. 12 IV Pilgrimage Tour to Rome with the following stops: Amsterdam, Paris, Lourdes and Rome concluding the tour in Slovenia, Departure June 2, Returning June 23 or July 28. The total cost of the Pilgrimage Tour, including Round Trip Fare from New York to Zagreb, with all the above-mentioned stops, all hotels, three meals a day, sight-seeing trips, transportation, transfers and services of an expert guide, based on a 3 week excursion fare is $508.00 for those returning June 23; or $538.00 for those returning July 28. Members who wish to travel leisurely on a luxurious ocean liner, we recommend May 25 or July 5 departures via S.S. Queen Elizabeth. Travel with Slovenian Women’s Union Tours for a carefree trip filled with fun and pleasure. For reservations and information, please write to: SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION 1937 WEST CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60608 PHONES: Bishop 7-2014 or Bishop 7-7999 All land arrangements by: AUGUST K0LLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 j TEL. 431-4148 I ______________________________________________________________________________ _ xsm* at. SEASON’S GREETINGS from EDWARD F. KOMPARE FUNERAL HOME 9858 South Commercial Avenue Chicago 17, Illinois Phones: SO 8-1111 — 8800 $395.00 iz New Yorka do Ljubljane! Drage članice: Če pogledamo nazaj, bomo ugotovili, da je v zadnjih šestih ali sedmih letih močno povečano število članic Slovenske Zenske Zveze potovalo na obisk Slovenije v Zvezinih skupinah, bodisi z najmodernejšimi jet letali, ali pa z razkošnimi ladjami. Taki skupni izleti, so ne samo najprijetnejši dogodki polni razvedrila in zabave, ampak tudi ustvarjajo zavest skupnosti med članicami ter prinašajo več življenja v našo organizacijo. Istočasno pa so naše članice deležne izrednega popusta pri voznini in njihovo potovanje je olajšano in bolj razveseljivo. Če potujete s skuDini, si vsak potnik prihrani $235 v primerjavi s cenami jet letala v letni sezoni. Za leto 1966 smo odločili naslednji spored za naše članice in njihove družine: Odhod dne 14. junija Vrnitev dne 14. julija Odhod 21. junija Vrnitev 8. septembra Odhod 12. julija Vrnitev 12. avgusta Odhod na romanje v Amsterdam, Pariz, Lurd in Rim z zaključkom v Sloveniji, dne 2. junija, Povratek 23. junija in 28. junija. Vsi zgoraj omenjeni izleti so z najmodernejšimi jet letali. Pozivamo članice, ki se zanimajo, da bi se pridružile romanju, naj nas o tem obvestijo čimprej, ker vse mora biti pripravljeno mesece v naprej za taka potovanja, in moramo vedeti za točno število potnikov. V zadnjih letih smo morali odkloniti nekaj članic, ki so se prijavile prepozno. VOZNINA Z JET LETALOM OD NEW YORKA DO LJUBLJANE IN NAZAJ JE SAMO $395.00 CELOTNA CENA ROMANJA, vključno VOZNINA OD NEW YORKA DO ZAGREBA (Z VSEMI OMENJENIMI OBISKI), vsi hoteli ,trije obroki hrane dnevno, prevoz, skupni ogledi znamenitostih, prehodi in izkušeni vodiči, temelječe na 3 tedenskem izletu, vrnivši se 23. junija, bo stalo samo $508. Tisti, ki se bodo vrnili 28. julija, bodo za celotno potovanje in ostale stroške plačali samo $538. Tistim članicam, ki raje potujejo komodno in počasi, priporočamo luksuzno ladjo “Queen Elizabeth,” dne 25. maja in 6. julija. ' ZA BREZSKRBNO IN VESELO POTOVANJE, se pridružite eni izmed skupin Slovenske Zenske Zveze. Za rezervacije in informacije pišite na: SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA 1937 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, Illinois 60608 Vsa potovanja so v oskrbi slovenske potniške agencije: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 6419 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 Tel.: 431-3148 SEASON’S GREETINGS TO ALL ! from Officers and Members of Br. No. 73 Warrensville Hgls., Ohio CHRISTMAS GREETINGS HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! MINNEQUA UNIVERSITY CLUB m 2100 LAKE AVENUE PUEBLO, COLO OLGA TEZAK, Manager Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! B & A BOOTERY ROBLEE - PEDW1N - FLORSHEIM - JOHANSEN NATU RALI 7/ER - LIFE STRIDE and VALLEY SHOES BUSTER BROWNS FOR CHILDREN Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Jennie Boltezav 520 N. Main Phone 544-2511 405 W. Northern Phone 544-3767 PUEBLO, COLORADO Vsem Uradnicam, Članicam in Prijateljem S.Z.Z. MERRY CHRISTMAS IN f/, SREČNO NOVO LETO! BUTKOVICH MERCANTILE MR. & MRS. JOHN BUTKOVICH 1201 So. Santa Fe Ave. — Pueblo, Colo. A«_,- Best Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A VERY HEALTHY NEW YEAR from SLOVENIAN SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 107 Latimer Avenue, Strabane, Penna. Phone 745-5000 — SAVE BY MAIL SEASON’S GREETINGS! BIWABIK STATE BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. BIWABIK, Minnesota Mrs. Louise Nisen, President Mrs. Mary L. Chernowski, Exec. Vice-Pres. & Cashier Thank You! The beautiful array of Christmas advertisements is due to the energy and thoughtfulness of our officers who have solicited them among our friendly businessmen. Our sincere thanks to Mmes. Mary Lenich, Anna Pachak, Mary Tomsic, Louise Epley, Marie Pris-land, and Ella Starin for their marvelous co-operation. The merriest of all Christmases to you all! (— Editor) 0) >J.M- ‘ji Rest Holiday Wishes and Greetings! FORTUNA FUNERAL HOME “COMPLETELY REMODELED” 5316 Fleet Ave. MI 1-0046 Cleveland, Ohio -?* vSSv"'.«* jraa* *:■£■ DECEMBER, 1965 WISHING EVERYONE A JOYOUS SEASON AND A HEALTHY HOLIDAY and SATISFACTORY NEW YEAR 1966! MINERS NATIONAL BANK EVELETH, Minnesota THE BEST TO YOU THIS HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON Prim’s Super Market & Locker Plant “Primozic’s Red and White Store” Phone 741-5895 ..509-11 Grant Ave. Home-cured, smoked meats — free delivery! GREETINGS! from BEVERAGE SALES, INC. George & Marcus Brince EVELETH, MINNESOTA CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS! THE GOLDEN RULE Eveleth’s Leading Department Store Phone 741-7435 321-323 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota A Joyous Christmas! FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 418 Jones St. Ph. SH 1-8180 EVELETH, Minnesota “If your hair is not becoming to you You should be coming to us!” GREETINGS TO ALL! FIRST NATIONAL BANK EVELETH, MINN. Wishing everyone a joyous holiday! MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR! SEDEY’S FAIRWAY FOODS 317 Grant Ave. EVELETH, Minnesota FRESH HOME-SMOKED MEATS, FINE FOOD GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES — WE DELIVER — SEASON’S GREETINGS! RAINALDI FOOD MKT. Quality Groceries and Meats Phone SH 1-1881 417 Pierce St. EVELETH, MINNESOTA MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR STEBLAY’S JEWELRY M307 Grant Avenue EVELETH, Minn. All kinds of religious articles & beautiful gifts which will be long treasured by all your friends! THE HAPPIEST OF HOLIDAYS! EVELETH DRY CLEANERS JOSEPH J. BAYUK 404 Grant Ave. 741-2080 EVELETH, Minn. “Free Pickup and Delivery!” Božična romanca “Pa so nam v šoli rekli: ‘Ves svet bo blagoslovljen ta večer. Sama sreča, samo veselje bo v vsaki hiši . . Pa nič res ni!” Ostro, kakor bi govoril v življenju težko izkušen mož in ne trinajstleten deček, so padle besede v molk dolge, ozke sobe. In so vse tri, ki so bili razen Petra v sobi, trdo zadele, hudo vznemirile. Milka, nekoliko mlajša od brata, je vsa vztrepetala; drobni prsti so se ji drhte zagrebli med liste v knjigi pravljic, ki jo je bila malo prej dobila od matere za božično darilo. Prestrašila in zbala se je brata, sedečega tudi pri knjigi na nasprotni strani nize. Vedela je, kakšen je oče, odkar je tako bolan in zlasti še zadnje čase, kar sestre Malke, ki jo je najrajši imel, ni več doma: vse ga razburi, nihče si skoraj govoriti ne upa in ne sme, da ga ne bi ujezil, ker v jezi ne pozna mere; in če se zdaj loti Petra, ga pretepe, nocoj, na sveti večer! Zato je tako plašno zastrmela v brata. Od Petra so ji pogledi pohiteli dol po sobi, na očeta, na mater. In je videla, kako se je oče, ki je kakor po navadi stopal zamišljeno in kašljajoče po sobi, ustavil spodaj ob vratih, da ga je svetloba svetilke, stoječe na mizi med Petrom in njo, le slabotno obsevala. Cel6 po-kašljevati je prenehal, da je tišina v sobi postala še bolj težeča in grozeča. Mati pa, ki je sedela pri ognjišču in se ji je zdela že ves dan čudno vznemirjena, se je naglo dvignila, stopila za korak od ognjišča, kakor bi nameravala zastaviti očetu pot proti Petru, braniti Petra, še bi ga oče napadel. A ko je oče le stal in molčal, je samo zaklicala: “Kaj vendar govoriš, Peter!” Zdaj se je zdramil tudi oče. “Saj je resnico povedal,” je iztisnil polglasno, kakor bi on odgovarjal materi namesto Petra. In je nastopil spet svojo pot po sobi, od okna do vrat, od vrat do okna, počasi, z enakomernimi, trudnimi koraki, z povešeno glavo, roke držeč na bolnih prsih, iz katerih mu je skoraj nenehno vrelo khe-lche, khe-khe-khe. A Peter je spet, kakor bi se vse to nič ne tikalo njega, strmel v knjigo predse. A misli mu niso bile pri knjigi niti no doma. Po mestu so mu blodile; preživljal je v mislih, kar je bil doživel malo prej, in je bilo vse tako nenavadno in čudno, da se ni mogel umiriti, ne najti pravega izhoda iz vsega tega, ne najti poti do božičnega miru, do svetonočnega vselja. V mraku je bil s setro Milko v mestu, v življenju, ob bogastvu, lepoti in sreči. Prišla sta bila tudi na trg. Še je bilo tam božičnih drevesc na izbiro. Tiho so padale nanje mehke bele snežinke, kakor bi jih že kar na trgu nameravale okrasiti za sveto noč. Kljub metežu je bilo še dokaj ljudi na trgu, ki so kupovali večinoma ne več drevesc, le sladkarije in druge drobnjarije na stojnicah ob drevescih. — “Mama, še to, prosim.” — “Ata, glej to, prosim,” so prosili otroci, ki so jih očetje in matere vodili za roke, jim kupovali razne dobrote in lepote. Vsaka taka prošnja je zarezala Petru v srce. Krepkeje je stisnil hladno, od snežink vlažno Milkino roko. In je čutil, kako podrhteva ta drobna roka, kako so prsti nemirno pregibljejo in krčijo, ne menda toliko od mraza kakor od nemira in hrepenenja po lepotah in dobrotah, ki jih ne moreta imeti, niti dotekniti se jih ne smeta. Po strani je pogledal sestri v lice. Glej, kostanjevi kodri nad čelom so ji posuti z nežnimi snežinkami, kakor bela krona se mu zazde. Bledo lice pod krono ji je nekoliko zardelo, morda nekaj od mraza, bolj morda od hrepenenja — saj vidi, kako ji oči strmijo v te vabljive piškote, orehe, jabolka in drage razstavljene privlačnosti. Usteča so ji nekoliko odprta, kakor da nameravata tudi ona zdaj zdaj zaprositi: “Tudi meni nekaj, prosim, prosim . . Nenadno mu je prešel spomin na sestro Malko, sunkovito in tako močno, da je za trenutek postal, kakor bi se bil silno ustrašil vsega hudega, s teni spominom združenega. Milka, ki so ji nedolžne oči begale na vse strani, da ji ne bo ušlo nič od teh božičnih lepot, je menda mislila, da je brata tako zamamilo veliko, razkošno razsvetljeno izložbeno okno, pred katerim se je ustavil. Pa je vzdihnila: “Ah, kako lepo!” Pa jo je trdo za roko prijel, osorno je velel: “Pojdiva!” Tako sta stopala po predmestni ulici, čisto prazni. Samotna svetilka na voglu večje hiše, kakor so bile sosednje, jo je le slabo razsvetljevala, gosti sneži metež je luč še bolj vpijal. Kar je le nekaj korakov pred njima stopila iz ozke stranske ulice vitka mlada ženska v črnem plašču, ki pa je bil s snežinkami že precej pobeljen, z oglavico čez glavo. A toliko da ju je zagledala, je postala, naglo se obrnila, izginila nazaj za vogel. “O Marija, ali ni bila to Malka?” je vzkliknila Milka, obstala, naglo izvila roko iz njegove, ki je tudi obstal na mestu, ker mu je bilo, kakor bi ga bil kdo v prsi sunil, da se za kak trenutek niti geniti ni mogel. “Tu počakaj, Milka, takoj se vrnem,” je čez trenutek naročil sestri in zbežal v stransko ulico. A nikogar nikjer! “Tako daleč še ni mogla zbežati, da je ne bi videl. Morala je v kako hišo, da se je kje v veži skrila; če ne stanuje kje tukaj, kar pa ne bo, plašč je imela tako osnežen.” Pomislil je, če bi jo iskal po vežah, od hiše do hiše. “Ne bom,” se je odločil. “Če se mi skriva, je tako ne bom našel. In me še kje primejo, kaj po hišah stikam.” Ko se je vrnil, je Milko miril: “Nikjer nikogar. Morda pa vendar ni bila Malka. A veš, Milka, nič ne pravi doma. Očeta bi le ujezila, saj veš, da jim nihče ne sme o Malki kaj omeniti.” “Ne bom, Peter,” mu je obljubljala. Tako sta se vrnila, tiha, zamišljena, potrta. Vendar je bil med skromno večerjo ves čas nemiren. Če je Milka pogledala mater, ga je spreletelo: “Ma menda vendar ne bo povedala?” A je večerja srečno minila. Mogoče so mislili tudi oni trije nanjo, ki je letos niti ta večer ni bilo pri mizi, na Malko. Po večerji jima je mati dala vsakemu knjigo pravlic. O, on jih dobro pozna! Pri sosedovih, krojačevih, jih je nekajkrat videl ,tudi bral. A tam otroci doraščajo, odraščajo menda tudi pravljicam, pa so jih dali materi. Saj ve, dobra je mati. Že nekaj časa ju je pripravljala na to, da letos ne bo ne jaslic ne božičnega drevesca; oče je bo lan, zdravnik in zdravila so dragi, oče že več mesecev nima službe — kar je Malka odšla z ravnateljevim sinom, so mu povedali dečki iz soseščine, oče in mati mu o tem nista nikdar govorila. Tako bolno mu je postalo ob teh težkih vprašanjih, ob ti moreči skrbi, da je nekako proti volji izkričal svojo srčno bolečino: "Pa so nam v šoli rekli: ‘Ves svet bo blagoslovljen ta večer. Sama sreča, samo veselje bo v vsaki hiši . . .’ Pa nič res ni!” Mati in Milica sta si sproščeno oddahnili, ko oče ni vzkipel, le pritrjevalno rekel: “Saj je resnico povedal,” in spet stopal svojo pot po sobi. A mati, vsa nemirna že ves dan, v skrbeh in v strahu, da bi se pripetilo vendar kaj hujšega, je otroka spravila kmalu v posteljo. In je še in še pogledala, če že spita. Peter je ležal mirno, z zaprtimi očmi. A se ji je vedno zdelo, da se je samo po-tajil. Milka je odprla velike, lepe, a nocoj čudno zbegane oči, kolikokrat je zaslišala in začutila ob postelji tihi, previdni materin korak. Naposled se ji je vendar zdelo, da oba spita. Bilo je res že pozno. Pa je stopila k možu, ki se še ni nahodil. Legel je navadno pozno; zakaj brž ko je ležal, mu je padlo na prsi kakor težek kamen in se ga je kašelj lotil še huje. Sto pila je k njemu, bleda, a še vedno lepa, nekoliko upognjena, a ne toliko pod številom let kakor pod težo naloge, ki jo je nameravala in morala nocoj napraviti. “Martin, božični večer je. Ko bi nocoj prišla . . Mož je postal. Pogledal jo je, ko je stala ob njem tako vsa ponižna, a tudi vsa ljubeča. A v njegovem pogledu ni bilo nič ljubezni, nič usmiljenja, sama odpornost in sama jeza. Hropeče je govoril. Vendar je materino uho, ki sliši tako tenko, in materino srce, ki čuti tako jasno, slišalo in čutilo, da tudi iz jeznih besed kriči hrepenenje po otroku. Nov pogum ji je vlilo to v srce, naj ne odneha. In tako sta se bojevala ob pozni svetonočni uri v tihi, samotni delavski sobi dve trpeči duši za tretjo, zablodelo, izgubljeno, a morda prav v ti noči, ki bi naj rosila blagoslov, mir in srečo vsemu svetu, prav tako ali še bolj trpečo. Težek je bil boj in dolg. Če bi ga bilo sovraštvo, bi duši menda omagali. A obe ti duši sta ljubili. Res, ena je bila zastrupljena od trpljenja, globoko ranjen je bil njen ponos; zato je mislila, da mora sovražiti, medtem ko je v resnici le bolno ljubila . . . Težek je bil boj. če bi ga bojevala mlačnost, o, kmalu bi omagala in bila premagana. A bojevala ga je ljubezen. In ljubezen nikoli ne omaga, materina ljubezen ne! “Martin, povsod je mir nocoj in blagoslov. Ali pri nas ne bi mogel biti? Tudi otrok, Peter, je poprej rekel, da ga ni. Glej, tudi v mlado dušo že kaplja strup.” “Mir? — Mir! —- O, ko bi bil! Kdo ga bolj želi, kdo ga je bolj potreben kakor jaz! A ko mi je vso dušo zastrupila! Ah, kako rad sem imel to dekle! Kakor tebe v prvih časih najine ljubezni. Pa je šla in mi to storila! Vse srce mi je zastrupila, vse življenje mi uničila, dobro ime mi oblatila. Od kod potem mir, od kod blagoslov?” “Glej, Martin, ni premislila tega, ni nameravala tega, tako mlada je še! In bolj je pač poslušala glas srca in glas zapeljivca kakor očetov glas! To je njen greh.” “Da, to je njen greh. In tako velik, da ni odpuščenja zanj.” Žena je za trenutek pomolčala, čez lepo, a trpeče lice je šlo še bridkejše trpljenje. Tiše, z veliko težavo je spregovorila: “Martin, veš, da te ne spominjam rada, kaj je bilo in kako je bilo. A nocoj te moram: Tudi jaz sem sledila tebi proti volji staršev. Iz brezskrbnosti v skrbi in težave sem šla iz ljubezni do tebe.” Mož je sklonil glavo in rame kakor pod težkim bremenom, ki je nenadno padlo nanj. Prekrižal je roke na izsušenih prsih in glasneje, bolestneje zakašljal. “Res — res —” je mrmral med kašljem. “A jaz sem se trudil, da bi ti nadomestil starše in ugodnosti prejšnjega doma. A ona, glej! Ko bi bila sledila drugemu, največjemu siromaku! A da je šla s tem bogatim razuzdancem! Ah, kako sovražim to kanaljo, ki mi je vse uropala, kako sovražim vse bogatine!” “Martin, ali misliš, da so njene oči videle bogatina in razuzdanca? Ne, Martin. Gledalo je pač srce, ljubezni oko. In to je videlo le ljubezen lepega, mladega moža.” “Ah, toliko opravičenj imaš zanjo.” “Materino srce jih ima zmeraj nešteto.” “A glej, njen korak nas je vse onesrečil. V siromaštvo je pehnil tebe, mene in ta nesrečna otroka.” Zamahnil je proti posteljama. Nemirno se je tam pre-metavel Peter, kakor v hudih, morečih sanjah. “Res, njegov oče ti je odpovedal službo, ko sta ona odšla po svetu. Na nas je valil krivdo, da smo mu sina zmamili in zapeljali. A glej, Martin,” — govorila je še tiše in mehkeje, da ga bridka beseda vendar ne bi preveč ranila — “ubog si bil tudi ti, ko sem šla jaz s teboj. Pa sva vendar živela.” Zgrabil se je pa prsi, zazibal se, kakor ne bi mogel več stati pod težo življenja in trplenja. Zakašljal je huje, hropel: “Šla si, Amalija, šla. Velika je bila tvoja ljubezen.” Tedaj je stopila povsem k njemu. Nežno mu je položila roko na ramo. In preprosto, a toplo kakor mlado dekle v prvi ljubezni ga je zaprosila: "Martin, vso to mojo ljubezen — vrni jo zdaj mojemu otroku.” Kakor vkopan v tla je stal na mestu. Glasno je dihal, Mastal po besedah, pa ni našel primernih za t&ko prošnjo. Čutil je, kako proseči ijogled ženin išče njegovih oči. A si jih ni upal upreti v njene, v tla je strmel. Čez nekaj trenutkov obupnega dušenega boja je molče odkimal. “In je ne vrneš — svojemu otroku?” je vprašala, da jo je komaj slišal. ‘‘Ne morem . . . ! Ne moreni ... !” Bledo kakor najbolj belo platno ji je postalo lice. “Ti . . . ti . . . Ah, vsa moja ljubezen — izgubljena!” je zatožila skoraj brezglasno. Opotekla se je, se zrušila na stol ob ognjišču, zagrebla bolno glavo v dlani in bridko bridko zaihtela. Dolgo je jokala. Le kakor iz daljave je slišala stopinje moževe, opotekajoče se, drsajoče. Kakor v sanjah je slišala, kako je nesrečni in trpeči zaječal: “Jezus! Jezus!” Potem je govoril sam sebi, bolj hropel kakor govoril: “Saj ne pride! Saj ne pride!” Če bi ne bila tako ubita, tako strašno ponižana in obupana, bi morda slišala iz teh besed klic njegove trpeče duše: “O, da bi prišla! Naj pride! Naj vendar pride!” A ni slišala tega, ker ji je udarjalo vse na uho kakor iz velike daljave, kakor iz drugega sveta. In resnično, želela si je v ti težki uri, da bi že davno ne bila v tem mrzlem svetu, v svetu brez ljubezni in usmiljenja. “Ah! — Jezus, Marija!” Kdo je kriknil? Ena? Dva? Trije? Ali vseh pet, ki so bili v sobi? Dekle, klečeče v mokri obleki na pragu sobe, oče, stoječ ob mizi sredi sobe, mati, ki je preplašeno planila pokonci, Peter in Milka, ki sta se prestrašeno zbudila, stremela proti vratom, zbegano, še v pol-spanju, gledala, kaj se vendar godi? In sta videla, kako je mati pohitela proti vratom, se sklonila k tam klečeči, se oklenila klečeče, med ihtenjem govorila: “Moj otrok, moj nesrečni otrok!” “Malka! Torej je vendar ona. Prišla je. Tako ni bila zmota — videl sem jo na ulici!” Topla sreča je zaplala Petru v srcu. A je takoj onemel v velikem strahu: “Oče! Kaj bodo storili? Spodili jo? Ubili jo?” V tesnem pričakovanju je zastreinel v očeta. In je videl, kako se je naslanjal ob mizo, strmel proti vratom, nič kašljal, menda niti dihal ni. S tresočo se roko je dvignil zeleni senčnik s svetilke, da bi bolje videl do vrat. Pa je padel senčnik na mizo, preveč so je menda tresla očetu roka . A nenadno so se mu drhteče roke stisnile v pest. “Zdaj se bo odločilo,” je boleče zazeblo Petra. “Ali bodo planili nanjo, jo pobili na tla?” Mrzel mir mu je prešinil vse telo, neka divja odločnost. Golo nogo je potisnil izpod odeje, vendar ni mogel stopiti na tla, kakor da je oledenel, okamnel. V čelo so se mu zarezale gube, gube so se mu začrtale ob tesmo stisnjenih ustih globoko dol po lepo zaokroženi bradi. Tudi njemu so so roke stisnile v pesti, zdaj in zdaj mu vročično za- drhtele, kakor bi začutil ostro bolečino v njih. In srce mu je drhtelo v odločnem, strašnem sklepu: “Udari jo naj, pa pobijem jaz njega!” “Oče, oče — odpustite! — Nocoj na sveti večer! Sicer moram umreti!” Kakor bi ga bila zdramila ihteča prošnja, je oče globoko zasopel. S silo se je vzravnal, se naglo zagnal proti vratom. “Zdaj bo —” je ledeno zarezalo Petru v srce. “Božji Jezušček, ti pomagaj!” je ihte prosila Milka, sklepala in dvigala drhteče roke. Peter je stopil na tla. Videl je, kako se je mati ob Malki vzravnala. Desnico je dvignila, levico držala na Malkini glavi. Tako je stala odločna, skoraj grozeča, čakala. ‘‘Oče, oče!” je kriknila Milka, planila s postelje. Peter je stopil nekaj korakov po sobi, proti mizi, ves bled in drhteč. “Martin, pri vsi moji ljubezni!” Peter je nenadno obstal. Videl je, kako je oče z nežno silo potisnil mater v stran, se nagnil globoko h klečeči, jo ljubeče pogladil po nekoliko razmršenih laseh in pol- tiho, kakor bi dušil jok, govoril: “Ti moja uboga . . . moja uboga ... !” Zdaj se je Peter moral nasloniti ob mizo, ob kateri je stal. Ni se mogel več premagovati, jokaje je vzkliknil: “Pa so nam vendar resnico povedali s šoli: ‘Ves svet bo poln blagoslova in sreče nocoj . . ” A BLESSED CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ! METROPOLITAN STATE BANK \\\\' 2201 WEST GERMAK ROAD CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CL 4-1000 A FULL SERVICE HANK Robert W. W allerstedt, Pres. Member — Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation & ,0 1 „ _ - "Sef r- * :&*• * #,-^rjjFs&K V-T'Ci. Vr'Sfc. Marie Prisland: “Pridi! Na razpolago imaš lepo mirno sobico, šoferja in sobarico,” je pisala glavna predsednica gospa Antonia Turek. Takemu vabilu se res ne sme odreči. Povabljena sem namreč bila na SLOVENSKI DAN, ki so ga 17. oktobra priredile skupne podružnice države Ohio. Vse je bilo idealno. Vreme prav lepo in gorko, udeležencev več kot so jih pričakovale in program je bil izvrsten. Bivša gl. podpredsednica gospa Frances Globokar je bila stoloravnateljica. Program je uredila aktivna in spretna državna predsednica gospa Mary Bostian. Nastopili so ljubki mladinski krožki v uniformah z lepimi telovadnimi vajami, s palčicami in v umetnih plesih. Nastopil je tudi starejši vežbalni krožek. Sledile so muzikalne točke in petje. Štiri članice od podružnice št. 50 so se preoblekle v “Beatles” in imenitno oponašale slavne fante iz Anglije. Ugajale so tako, da jih je občinstvo' dvakrat klicalo nazaj. Zelo so ugajale tudi “Bloomer Girls,” ki so izvajale vaje za shujšanje, nekatere z veliko težavo, da je bilo smeha na koše. Gospa Frances Sietz, ki se že dolgo vrsto let zanima za mladinske aktivnosti, je bila imenovana “Komandant vseh uniformiranih Zvezinih skupin.” Ta titel s svojo de-javnosto v polni meri zasluži. Proti koncu programa se je v dvorani pojavil kralj polk, Frankie Jankovich. Gostje so takoj želeli, da bi zaigral vsaj eno polko. Ustregel je in igral kot zna le on. Navzoči gostje so bili jako dobro razpoloženi, da se je dvorana izpraznila še le okrog polnoči. Odbor skupnih podružnic, ki je program priredil, sme biti ponosen na lep uspeh. Prihodnji dan sem imela prijazen sestanek z odbornicami podr. št. 25, s katerimi smo obujale spomine na nekdajne delavne dni. Naj omenim gospo Mary Otoničar, bivšo gl. nadzornico, našo najboljšo kampajnsko delavko in večletno tajnico največje Zvezine podružnice št. 25 (912 članic). Pričakovati bi bilo, da je gospa Otoničar s tajniškim delom tako obložena, da ne bi mogla delovati nikjer drugje. Vkljub temu pa že mnogo let kuha za svatbe, ki imajo od 300-500 gostov. Ravno soboto pred programom je spekla 24 potic, dva škafa flancatov, očistila 90 kokoši in spekla 80 funtov govedine. Taki delavnosti se res moramo čuditi, a za Mary je to vsakdajno delo, ker je svatba skoro vsako soboto. V pondeljek zvečer je bila seja podr. št. 50, katere sem se udeležila. Predsednica, gospa Frances Sietz, vodi sejo prav po parlamentarnem redu, kar mi je ugajalo. Ugajale so mi tudi članice, ki se ne dajo prosit, kadar je treba odbor prevzeti, temveč so se takoj javile prostovoljno. Tak duh bi naj bil povsod! Napravila sem še nekaj obiskov in v torek zvečer videla kegljati naše krožke. Lepo so jih podirale in zmagale trikrat, kar mi je bilo jako všeč. Stanovala sem kot omenjano pri ses. gl. predsednici, ki ima krasen nov dom, 15 milj izven mesta. Daljava jo pa prav nič ne ovira. Vpreže svoj avto nemške firme (Mer-cedes-Benz), ki ga je kupila na obisku v Evropi, ter se pelje na vsako sejo in vsako prireditev naših podružnic. Nobena daljava jo ne ovira .nobeno delo ni zanjo prete-žavno. Zveza je srečna, da ima tako požrtovalno predsednico! Drago mi je bilo spoznati njenega soproga Franka, ki je za Zvezo istotako navdušen. Da ga predstavim: G. Frank A. Turek je bil rojen na Blokah ter v Ljubljani izvršil učiteljišče za slovanske jezike. Dobro govori tudi nemški. Prišedši v Ameriko je dve leti poučeval slovenščino na farni šoli Sv. Vida v Clevelandu. Bil je 12 let pomožni urednik pri dnevniku AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. Bil je prvi urednik GLASA, uradnega glasila Slovenske Dobrodelne Zveze v Clevelandu. Točasno je vpos-Ijen kot preddelavec v tovarni za alumij. Velike alumij-ske plošče pridejo zavite v gotove vrste močan papir, katerega gospod Frank domov prinese in vanj naše kuharske knjige zavija. Dosedaj jih je zavil že 6,000 ter s papirjem Zvezi lepe denarce prihranil. Pakete zavije profesi-jonalno in soprogi ni treba drugega kot naslov pritisniti in poslati naprej. Prav lepa hvala g. Tureku za njegovo delo! Taka dejavnost se mora javno priznati. Razmišljala sem kak naslov mu naj dam, da bi bil primeren. “ŠEF predsedniškega pomožnega odbora,” mu najbolj pristoja. Upam, da bo naslov sprejel. Hčerka, ki urejuje kolono POTS and PANS and PASTIME mi je naročila: “Mama, prosim prinesi kaj dobrih receptov iz Clevelanda.” Prinesla sem jih in bodo objavljeni. V soboto pred Slovenskim Dnevom sem bila gost poroko Turekovega najmlajšega sina Jolinija. Jako me je zanimal obred ob polnoči, ko nevesti “krancelj dol jemljejo.” Običaj je nekoliko drugačen kot pri nas. Morda vas bo zanimal. Svatje posedejo okrog pogrnjene mize. Pred njimi stojijo kupice z rdečim vinom. Družica sname nevesti venček ter ji v lase pripne rdečo rožo. Tudi ženinu sname belo vrtnico ter jo nadomesti z rdečo -— znak ljubezni. Nato ženin poljubi nevesto in njen poročni prstan, nevesta pa poljubi ženinovega očeta. Ženin poljubi nevestino mater, nevesta poljubi ženinovo mater in ženin nevestinega očeta. Medtem pevski zbor poje priljubljeno narodno pesem — "Venček na glavi se” _ in angleško “I love you truly.” Sledi napitnica. Nato se svatje vstopijo v krog. Nevesta vrže svoj šopek med družice; katera ga vjame, bo prihodnje leto nevesta. Ženin pa sname podvezo nevesti z noge, se obrne in preko rame vrže podvezo fantom, ki stojijo za njim. Kdor podvezo vjame, bo prihodnje leto ženin. Novoporočencema želimo mnogo sreče v zakonskem stanu. Vesela sem bila srečati moje prijateljice, nekdajne sodelavke, ki so še vedno mlade in za Zvezo aktivne. Najlepša hvala podružnicam za odlikovanja, darila in Mr. in Mrs. Turek za iskreno gostoljubnost. * i* * * Ta mesec bo naša Zveza dopolnila 39 let požtrvovalnega dela za svoje članice in slovensko narodnost. Kdo bi ob Šef predsedniškega pomožnega odbora, g. Frank Turek. Prvi Prispevki v Šolninski sklad Skupne podružnice države Ohio od prireditve na Slovenski Dan, darovale Antonia Turek, glavna predsednica SŽZ Corinne Leskovar, urednica Zarje Marie Prisland Mary Otoničar, bivša gl. nadzornica $ 50.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 L Skupno $100.00 Darovalkam iskrena zahvala! Naj bi njih vzgled našel mnogo posnemalcev. Za Šolninski odbor: Marie Prisland, pred. rojstvu pričakoval, da bo organizacija dosegla tako “častitljivo” starost. Mnogo tistih zaslužnih članic, ki so vsaka na svoj način doprinesle k Zvezinemu uspehu, da so naše podružnice vzrastle, uspevale in cvetele po vseh 14tih državah A-merike, ob tej obletnici ni več med nami. Ohranjene bodo za vedno v častnem spominu, ker brez njih doprinosa bi organizacija danes ne bila to, kar je. Tiste pa, ki ste še članice Zveze lahlco s ponosom rečete: — “Tudi jaz sem sodelovala pri Zvezi takoj od za- četka! Tudi moja zasluga je, da se je ta mlada, majhna mladika razvila v močno drevo! Medsebojna povezanost članlo nam je bila kot sonce, ki je ogrelo ozračje Slovenkam v novi domovini. Naj ta povezanost, simpatija in sočutje ogreva tudi naše naslednice, da bo Zveza ostala vedno mlada, vedno močna, vedno idealna!” Iskrena zahvala vsem delavkam — bivšim in sedajnim — za njih delo, trud in požtrvovalnost! Bog je vaše delo obilo blagoslovil! Ivan Zorman: OSTANI SE PRI NAS Odpeli srečni angeli z višav Zveličarju so hvalnico v pozdrav . . . Novorojeno dete v jaslih spi, Nad Njim Marija z Jožefom bedi. Skrivnosten mir nad Njim je razlit — v preroški sen je Božji Sin zavit. Mar zre stoletja, k narodom sveta, v sebičnosti oholim, brez srca, ki po krivinem mamonu jih strast peha v vojske, v razdor, v propast? O vidi jih. A glej Njegov nasmeh: podobo lepšo Mu prikaže sen. V bodočnosti On gleda rod peklen, ki luč zvestobe mu gori v očeh. Kot orel čil je pod Triglavom vstal in zmagovita stoletja kluboval Oblastnim gospodarjem nasilnim vsem viharjem. O Tvoja milost ga krepila je po širnem svetu ga hranila je . . . Najmanjši smo, saj veš, o božji Sin, a s Tabo močni, kakor sklad planin. Ostani milost Tvoja še pri nas, ostani, hrani nas na večni čas! P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. BLAGOSLOV BOŽICA Božič bo vedno imel svoj pomen. Vse zlorabe tega velike praznika ne bodo mogle uničiti njegovega blagodejnega vpliva, ki ga ima na ljudi. Blaga človeška čuvstva, ki so morda zaradi prevelike zaposlenosti in neusmiljenega tekmovanja stopila v ozadje z čudovito silo zopet pridejo na dan. Hvala Bogu. Brez tega bi bil svet takoi mrzel in nemogoč. Ob božiču je navada, da ljudje izmenjajo darove in pozdrave. Ti darovi pa imajo lahko različno obliko. Naslednja zgodba nam podaja take vrste božičnega darila. Mlado dekle pripoveduje, kaj so otroci storili za svoje starše za božični praznik. Takole pravi: “V naši družini so bili oče in mati, moje dve sestri in jaz. To leto nismo imeli preveč denarja. Ni vse šlo tako gladko. Dekleta smo sklenile, da damo staršem za božič namesto darov našo postrežbo. Ta je obstojala v obljubi, da bomo storile nekaj za našo mater, kar ona vedno stori za nas.” Časnikar, kateremu je to pripovedovala je hotel vedeti kakšna je bila ta služba. Odgovorila je “Ena izmed nas deklet je prevzela postiljanje postelj za celo leto, druga je obljubila, da bo krpala obleko in nogavice za celo leto in tretja je obljubila, da bo čistila hišo vsak teden in vse kar je s tem v zvezi. Te vrste službe je dala naši materi nekaj dragocenih ur počitka in je to pomenilo zanjo več kakor pa kakršenkoli dar, ki bi bil kupljen v trgovini. ” “Kaj ste pa storile za očeta?” je vprašal časnikar z nasmeškom. Odgovorila je: “Naš dar njemu je bilo razumevanje in upoštevanje. Dale smo mu vedeti, da ne bomo zahtevale stvari, ki bi pomenile obremenitev na njegovi plači in da ne bomo zavidale dekletom preko ceste in da bomo zadovoljne s tem kar imamo in da se ne bomo kisale zaradi tega, ker nimamo stvari, ki jih imajo druga dekleta. Obljubile smo, da bomo prišle po nasvet predno bi napravile kaj dvomljivega in ne potem, ko je prepozno. Ko je leto minilo od tistega božiča sta nam naša oče in mati pove-dala, da se nista nikoli preživela tako prijetnih dni, tednov in mesecev kakor so bili ti. Nikoli nista imela tako malo skrbi kakor to leto.” Čudno božično darilo in vendar bi verjetno marsikatera družina bila bolj srečna, če bi jih imela kakor pa še tako bogate iz trgovine. Srečen božič. KAMPANJA ZA 40. LETNICO ZVEZE! Dne 19. decembra bo stopila naša Zveza v 40. letnico obstoja. Kampanja, ki je sedaj v teku je namenjena v proslava te pomembne obletnice in vsaka dobra članica naj si šteje v svojo dolžnost pridobili vsaj eno novo članico za podružnico, v kateri je včlanjena, v dobi kampanje. NAGRADE ZA DELAVKE V KAMPANJI SO NASLE-DNE: Vsaka članica, ki pridobi eno novo v razredu B, je upravičena do ene polne točke; nova članica razreda A in mladinskega oddelka nudi članici pol točke za vsako. Vsaka članica, ki bo pridovila skupno 10 točk bo prejela Zvezin spominček z grbom in dodatno tudi denarne nagrade; kakor sledi: Za novo članica razreda B, $1.00, za razred A 50 centov in za mladinski odelek 25 centov. Tako bo vsaka članica v tej “rabinski” kampanji deležna denaruib nagrad in spominčka, če bo imela skupno vsaj 10 točk. Vsaka najmanjša pomoč bo z hvaležnostjo sprejeta. Albina Novak, gl. tajnica DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Približuje se konec leta. Za našo podružnico je bilo to leto prav uspešno. Pridobile smo v kampanji 38 novih članic. Odstopila ni nobena. Žal, da nam je smrt ugrabila 4 članice. Točasno podružnica šteje 186 odrastlih in 58 mladinskih članic, skupno, 244. Tretjo nedeljo popoldne — 19tega decembra —■ se bo v cerkveni dvorani vršila letna seja podružnice. Prijazno ste vabljene vse članice, da pridete na sejo, ki bo kratka In po seji bo nekoliko zabave in dober prigrizek. Na letni seji navadno določimo aktivnosti za prihodnje leto. Čim več nas bo navzočih, tem živahnejše bodo razprave in tem boljši zaključki. Torej, pridite vse! Vsem članicam želimo prav vesele Božične praznike, da bi jih v zdravju in zadovoljstvu praznovale! Odbor St. 2, Chicago, III. — Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste se udeležile prireditve v novembru. Imele smo se prav prijetno in tako bo tudi 9. decembra, ko se bomo zbrale za letno sejo. Pridite in nas razveselite vsaj ob zaključku leta z obiskom. Kakor vsako leto, tako bomo tudi letos imele skupno sveto mašo v nedeljo 19. decembra ob pol enajstih, ki bo darovana za umrle in žive članice naše podružnice. Imele bomo rezerviran prostor v sprednjih klopeh, katerih se poslužimo, saj to je samo enkrat v letu, da se zberemo skupaj v cerkvi ter zahvalimo za prejete dobrote in se priporočamo za bodočo srečo in zdravje. Obenem pa tudi molimo za sestre, ki so odšle pred nami v večnost, ker ne vemo kdaj bomo tudi me poklicane. Isto nedeljo 19. dec. ob eni popoldne se vrši božičnica za otroke in to bo v veliki Gym dvorani. Otroci bodo obdarovani z darili in zabave bo tudi za starejše, ker bodo otroci nastopili tudi na odru. Serviran bo prigrizek. Na svidenje! Blagoslovljene praznike želimo vsem v imenu podružnice, Corinne Leskovar, poroč. Št. 3, Pueblo, Čolo. — Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto želim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Upam, da boste praznike praznovale v najlepšem razpoloženju in, da vam bo Novo leto prineslo srečo in ljubo zdravje. Seja v okt. je bila lepo obiskana. Vse smo bile vesele uspeha. Imele smo tudi okusni prigrizek, jabolčni štrudel in toplo kavo. Dne 4 .okt. je poteklo 50 let zakonskega življenja Antona in Mary Golob in za to priliko so jima otroci, sorodniki in prijatelji priredili lep sprejem. Lepa slavnost zlate poroke bo ostala vsem v najlepšem spominu. Mary je naša dolgoletna članica ter želimo njej in njenemu soprogu še mnogo let zdravja in sreče med nami. S čestitkami jima želimo božji blagoslov! V teku je važna kampanja za nove članice v počastitev 40 letnice obstoja naše SŽZ. Naša podr, je ponosna, da nosi številko 3 in bo skupno s ce- lo organizacijo stara 40 let v decem-ru 19GG. Članice so naprošene, da počastimo in izkažemo hvaležnost tistim, ki so šle na delo za dosego napredka in za močno in solidno žensko organizacijo. Kot vaša predsednica 19 let, vas vljudno prosim, da vpišite sorodnice in prijateljice v našo Zvezo kot poklon ob 40 lenici. Pokličite me po telefonu in bom radevoije prišla na dom, da vpišem novo članico. Bolne so Mary Dolgan, ki je imela operacijo na očesu. Theresa Fear je v bolnišnici na pregledu. Hose Yersin je tudi že več časa v bolnišnici. Naša prijazna Helen Miklich je že 3 operacije prestala to leto. Vsem bolnicam želimo, da jim Bog vrne ljubo zdravje! Tudi naša slovenska naselbina v Pueblo, Colo, poklanja iskrene čestitke č. g. Juriju Trunku ob 70 letnici maš- VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO VSEM ČLANICAM IN PRIJATELJEM! Želimo JOHN & ANNA PACHAK WILLIAM PACHAK in družina PUEBLO, COLORADO VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Želimo MARY T0MSIC IN DRUŽINA STRABANE, PA. VELIK USPEH SLOVENSKIH UMETNIKOV V WASHINGTONU Dekleta in žene slovenskega poka-lenja v Washingtonu, smo zelo ponosne na velik uspeh prve slovenske u-metnlške razstave, ki se je vršila ort 17 - 30 oktobra v Washingtonu Hilton Hotelu. Naša pravkar ustanovljena podružnica si šteje v čast, da je mogla pomagat pri pripravah in pri organizaciji razstave. S tem delom se je naše novo društvo prvič predstavilo ne samo slovenski, ampak tudi ameriški javnosti v Washingtonu. Poskrbele smo za objave v vseh treh washing-tonskih dnevnikih, kakor tudi v tedniku Catholic Standard, kjer je bila objavljena tudi slika gospoda Franceta Goršeta pri kiparskem delu. S temi objavami smo spoznale tudi nekaj slovenskih družin, s katerimi preje nismo imele še nobenih stikov. Nekateri so se kar začudili, da je v Washingtonu toliko Amerikancev slovenskega pokolenja. Na razstavi sodobne slovenske u-metnosti so bila zastopana dela slovenskih umetnikov in umetnic, ki žive v ZDA, Franciji in Argentini. Razstava je bila odprta 14 dni m je obsegala slikarska dela in dva reliefa kiparja gospoda Franceta Goršeta, ki je ves drugi teden imel še posebno kiparsko razstavo na Georgetown University. Pri obeh otvoritvah smo me pripravile in organizirale okrepčila in prigrizke. Skušale smo tudi sprejemati novo došle goste, med katerimi sta bila tudi gospod senator in Mrs. Frank J. Lausche, ki sta imela za vsakega prijazno besedo. S to razstavo so slovenski umetniki po širnem svobodnem svetu dokazali, da naša slovenska umetnost ne samo živi, pač pa še raste in zori. Istočasno pa trdno povezuje Slovence po vsem svetu. Nika B. Kovačič ništva. Visokemu jubilantu želimo, da bi ga Bog ohranil do skrajnih mej življenja. V nedeljo dne 31. okt. je bil prirejen koncert pod okriljem 16 letnice slovenske radio ure, katero vodi g. J. Butkovich. Na sporedu so bili mešani zbor, godba in petje. Kakor vedno je zopet nastopila z odličnim uspehom naša mlada članica Mary T. Kal-inger. Zapela je tudi tisto “Na mostu” in dodala še eno pesem za nameček. Glede programa lahko rečemo, da je bil dobro urejen z izjemo, da ni Mr. Butkovich niti z besedo omenil v slovenskem jeziku potek programa. Za zaključek nam je zapela tu rojena Linda Yaklich, ljubko pesem “Tam za goro . . .” Vsed ploskanja je dodala še eno. Sporočam, da imamo še vedno na rokah zalogo kuharskih knjig, ki je prav primerno darilo za božični čas. Na razpolago imam tudi novo pesmarico, katero je tiskala SŽZ v slovenščini in angleščini ter obsega veliko izbiro Slovenian and American folk songs za vsako priliko. Knjižica stane samo $1 in je prav pripravna za skupne izlete. Vse članice ste vljudno vabljene, da pridete v velikem številu na januarsko sejo, da boste slišale letna poročila o poslovanju podr. Vsem članicam obilo božjega blagoslova in še enkrat vesel Božič in srečno Novo leto. Pozdravljene. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, O. — Zima že trka na vrata in ne bo dolgo, ko bo pokrila zemljo z belo odejo. — Naša podružnica se je kar v lepem številu udeležila slavnosti S.Ž.Z. Slovenskega dneva v Ohio. Naložili smo se na bus in hajd v Euclid v Jugoslav dom na Recher Ave. Dan je bil lep, družba v dobrem razpoloženju, petja ni manjkalo in tako smo kar hitro dospeli v Euclid. — V domu smo našli mizo z napisom “Barberton.” Komaj se vse-demo za mizo, že so prišle pridne strežkinje in začele nositi okusna jedila. — Predstava je bila lepo urejena. Nastopala je mladina in starejši. Mladina je izvrstno igrala svoje vloge, a starejši so nas spravili v smeh <*• r.\ r.\ /► r,‘. 9C & BOŽIČNA NOČ Ko nad zemljo bo noč nocoj Tiho se razgrnila, Ko bo na nebu kakor kres Zvezda se zasvetila, Pojdejo duše naše odtod. Pojdejo daleč na božjo pot . . . Stokrat ponižne. Stokrat razžaljene, V mrzlih viharjih Stokrat razgaljene. Pot bodo našle tja v Betlehem, K jaslicam revnim, V božji objem . . . Kaj, če od dolge poti bodo strte! Saj so jim duri hlevca odprte . . . Angeli bodo vanj jih peljali In jim detece pokazali — V jaslicah na slami Jih pričakuje, Da jih z zakladom svoje ljubezni obsuje . . . Ljubka Šorli KL0BASE-MES0 Izborne, okusne domače klobase, meso in slanino lahko naročite po sledečih zmernih cenah: Mesene prekajene klobase .........85c funt Riževe klobase (krvavice) .........49c funt Prekajeno svinjsko meso bres kosti .........79c funt Prekajeno svinjsko pleče .........75c funt Prekajena slanina (slab bacon) .............79c funt Krasna ajdova moka za žgance in štruklje....23c funt (Navodilo za žgance in štruklje najdete v Zvezini kuharski knjigi, Women’s Glory -The Kitchen.) Naročila pošiljamo po vsej Ameriki. Poštnino plača odjemalec. Za naročila se priporoča: Suscha Meat Market 931 Indiana Ave. Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 s svojimi vlogami. Sledila je domača zabava za srbeče pete. Imeli smo res zabaven popoldan in večer, kar hitro je minil čas in že smo morale nazaj domov, toda prej smo še zapeli: “Prej pa ne gremo dam, da se bo delal dan, da se bo šajnalo proti Lju-bljan . . .” Sedaj pa voščim vesele božične praznike vsem uradnicam in članicam širom Amerike.Vsem tudi želim nad vse srečno in blagoslovljeno Novo leto 19GG. Bog z Vami! Margaret Steblaj (Kaluža) zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Poročilo seje v novembru. Tega dne so bile občinske volitve, zato je udeležba bila manjša. Za nami je banket skupnih podružnic. Na programu je bilo več zelo zanimivih stvari. Udeležba je bila zelo velika. Na banketu je bilo na razpolago veliko okusnih jedil, članice so napekle mnogo potic in krofov, toda vseeno je vseh stvari že pred nočjo zmanjkalo. V novembru je umrla naša članica, Mrs. Gersin, Naj v miru počiva in naj ji sveti večna luč. Ostali družini pa naše sožalje. Bolane so še dve članici: Mrs. Troha, ki je že en teden v bolnišnici in Mrs. Horning, ki se zdravi doma. O-bema želimo, da bi jim ljubi Bog čim-prej vrnil ljubo zdravje. Članice so tudi sklenile, da letos na decemberski seji ne bomo imele običajne izmenjave daril, ampak se bo od vsake članice pobralo $1 za revne otroke. V oktobru je prišel v Cleveland na obisk nekdanji učitej petja, Mr. Seme. Toplo se je zahvalil našemu društvu za dar $25, ki jih je dobil za pomoč v svoji težki bolezni. Na tej seji smo tudi sprejele novo članico, Mrs. Kovač. Darovale so naslednje: Mrs. Tomazin, lep predpasnik, a v denarju: Ivana Ivančič, Paula Adams, Vida Kuhar in Ivana Rozberger. Naj vsem darovalkam povrne Bog na dobrem zdravju. Čas res hitro beži in že stojimo pred božičnimi prazniki. Vsem želim vesele in zadovoljne praznike, da bi jih še mnogo let dočakali. Enako vsem srečno Novo leto 1966. Pozdav vsem članicam . Antonia Sustar Št. 15, Cleveland, O. — Poročati moram žalostno novico, da je sestra Mary Papež izgubila soproga. Njej in vsej družini izrekamo globoko sožalje. Pokojni pa naj uživa nebeško plačilo. V bolnišnici sta hudo bolane Ana Jakič in Mary Ajdišek. Želimo jima, naj jima Bog in Marija skoraj podeli ljubo zdravje, kakor tudi vsem ostalim bolnim članicam. V blagajno so darovale: Mary Pa- pež in Uršula Ulepič. Obema srčna hvala. Poletje je za nami in bliža se zima ter lepi Božični prazniki, zato voščimo vesele in zdrave praznike ter mir v božični noči, a v Novem letu 1966 mnogo blagoslova božjega. To je naša želja in voščilo vsemu glavnemu odboru in vsem članicam SŽZ širom Amerike, posebno še sestram pri podr. št. 15, da bi zdrave hodile na seje v bodočem letu in da bi kaj novih članic pridobile, ker smo jih že veliko izgubile. Upamo, da bomo vsaj vse umrle nadomestile. Lep pozdrav vsem skupaj in na svidenje na seji dne 8. dec. Frances Lindich, preds. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Glavna seja bo vršila 9. decembra ob 1:30 popoldne na domu tajnice. Vljudno ste vabljene, da se udeležite vsaj zadnje seje v letu. Dolžnost vsake članice je poset glavne seje na kateri se prebere poročilo o poslovanju ter sklepa za dobrobit vseh članic v novem letu. Vsaka dobra sugestija bo hvaležno sprejeta. Vtem letu nam je smrt pobrala tri dobre članice: sestre Skrinar, Fi-lipovich in Kržišnik. Naj jim bo ljubi Jezus dober plačnik za vsa dobra dela. Bolezen nam tudi ne prizanaša. Več članic se zdravi na domu; v bolnišnici se nahaja sestra Mary Sersha. Vsem bolnim želimo, da bi kmalu okrevale in posebno sedaj, ko se nam približujejo prazniki. Priporočam vsem članicam, da bi si nabavile našo popularno kuharico. Knjiga “Woman’s Glory - the Kitchen" vsebuje mnogo navodil za sta-rej-še gospodinje in še posebno za mlade, ki bi rade pekle in kuhale dobra jedila. Razveselite svoje sorodnice in znanke s to koristno kuharsko knjigo ter jim jo poklonite za darilo. Dalje imam na rokah tudi pesmarice. V tej priročni knjižici je na stotine priljubljenih pesmic. S petjem se prežene marsikatera dolgočasna ura. Na mnoge pesmice ste morda že pozabile besedilo in ko imate pred seboj knjižico, potem se lahko poje, da je veselje. Približujejo se nam božični prazniki in kmalu bo napočilo novo leto 1966. Naj vam Novorojeno dete pode- li ljubo zdravje, saj to je največje bogastvo sveta. Želim vesele praznike duhovnemu vodju, vsem glavnini odbornicam in članicam Zveze. Članice pri naši podružnici ponovno prosim, da pridete na glavno sejo 9. decembra to bo drugi četrtek v mesecu ob pol dveh popoldne na mojem domu. Lepo bo, če boste prišle in bomo prijetno prebile par ur skupaj ter si segle v roke z voščilom za praznike. God bless you all! Mary Lenich, taj. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naše čestitke cerkvenemu društvu Sv. Rožnega Venca, ki je praznovalo 74 letnico usta- novitve s proslavo na farnem parku dne 8. sept. Zmalo izjemo so vse članice Rožnega Venca, tudi naše članice. Dalje tudi čestitke društvu Sv. Jožefa št. 2, KSKJ, ki je 17. okt. praznovalo 75 letnico z mašo in banketom v cerkveni dvorani. Počastili so tudi prejšnje odbornike društva, kakor tudi pokojne člane. V enem tednu so bile pokopane dve naši članici. Njihovim žalujočim družinam izrekamo naše sožalje. V lepi starosti 85 let je umrla Uršula Grab-rian, ki jo prej živela v Jolietu, toda po moževi smrti se je preselila k sorodnikom Marko Krall v So. Chicago. Prepeljana je bila v Joliet za pokop. Ko je ležala na mrtvaškem odru, so jo naše članice prišle počastit z molitvijo ob rakvi ter jo spremile na zadnji poti. Pokojna je bila rojena v Adlešiči, Bela Krajina v Sloveniji. Pristopila je 1928, torej kmalu po ustanovitvi podružnice. Pred leti ji je tudi umrl njen že poročen sin. Zapušča brata Marko Krall in druge sorodnike. Umrla je tudi dobro poznana Jennie Pluth iz Center Street. Pred letom se je večkrat nahajala v bolnišnici. Rojena je bila 18. jun. 1892 v Suhi Krajini v Sloveniji. K podr. je pristopila 20. marca 1938 priporočena po Uršuli Ambrose. Za pokojno žaluje devet sinov in štiri hčerke, ki so vsi poročeni razen dveh sinov, katera sta stanovala z materjo. Pokojnica je rada prihajala na naše seje in se udeleževala drugih prireditev. Bomo jo zelo pogrešale. Umri je tudi Joseph Riffel iz No. Broadway. Poleg dveh hčera, zapušča tudi štiri sinove ter sestro Mihaelo Maren, ki je naša članica. Žena mu je umrla pred mnogimi leti. Poleg ostalih sorodnikov zapušča tudi brata Johna Riffel. Naše članice so molile za pokoj duš omenjenih ter jih spremile na zadnji poti. Pokojnim naj sveti večna luč, a sorodnikom naše sožalje! V bolnišnici se je nahajala več tednov letošnja častna mati podružnice, Josephine Goran. Podvreči se je morala dvema težkima operacijama. Dalje tudi Mary Horvat in Mary Russ iz No. Broadway. Več tednov se je nahajala v bolnišnici tudi Mary Mu-sich iz Oak Parka. Vsem bolnim članicam želimo, da bi kar hitro okrevale. Na domu se že dalje časa zdravi Anna Furlin iz Stone St. ter Antonia Struna iz Wilcox; a v Lincoln Nursing home je Mary Legan iz N. Broadway; v Pleasant Center Nursing home pa Anna Jerman. Na domu se zdravi Eliz. Kostelec. Vse omenjene so zelo vesele obiskov, zato članice, če se nahajate v bližini, ali ako imate nekaj časa so ustavite pri teh članicah in jih razveselite s svojim obiskom. V SLOVO OB ZAKLJUČKU LETA Božič je pred nami. Vsem članicam želim, da bi te praznike obhajale zdrave in vesele v krogu svojih družin, da bi ostale zdrave še mnogo časa in da bi prišle na našo sejo, ki se bo vršila 19. dec. v Ferdinandovi dvorani. Pridite gotovo in tudi poravnajte svoje prispevke. Miss Irene Planinšek, ki je ustanovila novo podr. v Washing-tonu, D.C., kjer se bo vršila prihodnja konvencija, pa naše čestitke. Ona je hčerka naša marljive predsednice Emine Planinšek. Pozdrav vsem skupaj. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Članice so sklenile, da bomo imele naše mesečne seje v zimskih mesecih, to je v januarju, febr. in marcu na prvo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri popoldne. Prosim, da si to zapomnite in se udeležite v velikem številu. Vse sestre čestitamo hčerki naše dobre članice Mary Hosta, ob priliki slovesne poroke njene mlade hčerke. Mlademu paru pa božji blagoslov na skupni življenski poti. Enako tudi sestri Juliji Česnik. Zbolela je ses. Lah, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Čestitke ses. Lili Lunder, ki je postala stara mati devetič; ses. Cecilija Brodnik pa prastara mati. Bolehajo sestre: Thresa Zupančič, Agnes Zakrajšek, S. Kožuh. Prav nevarno je padla ses. Paulina Frigel, ki si je zlomila 3 rebra. Bila je v bolnici, a sedaj se zdravi na domu. Draga Paulina, vse obžalujemo tvojo nesrečo in upamo, da boš prav hitro zopet vesela med nami na seji. Prav lepo se zahvalimo ses. Marv N'osan za dobro pecivo. Iskrena ji hvala. Tajnica Stela želi opozoriti vse tiste, ki še dolgujejo, da bi prišle na sejo in čimprej poravnale. Ses. Mary Hočevar, ki slavi svoj rojstni dan, želimo srečo in ljubega zdravja. Leto gre h kraju, Božič prihaja, zato želim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto, posebno ljubega miru vsem članicam Zveze. Vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja in vsemu ljudstvu za-željeni mir, katerega naj nam izprosi ljuba nebeška Mati. Z Bogom, Frances Kave, poroč. Št. 24, LaSalle, III. — Vreme imamo v tem času, ko pišem to poročilo prav lepo, toda leto se naglo nagiblje h koncu in že smo na pragu lepega Božičnega časa. Upam, da boste vse članice prišle na letno sejo in poravnale asesment, da bodo knjige ob koncu leta v popolnem redu. Za prihodnje leto, pa Vam vsem voščim vesele praznike in zdravo in srečno Novo leto. V bolnišnici je Ana Oklejšen in Mary Savnik. Želimo njima in vsem, tudi tistim, ki se zdravijo na domu. ljubega zdravja. Najlepše pozdravlja, Angela Strukel', taj. Cleveland, Ohio. — Kmalu bo leto 1965 prišlo h kraju. Nekateri so bili v tem letu deležni obilo sreče in zadovoljstva, za druge je morda to bilo leto žalosti in nesrečno. Ko se ob tem času poslavljamo iz tega leta in se nadejamo prihoda novega leta, v tihi molitvi prosimo milosti božje, naj nam novo leto prinese obilo ljubega zdravja in sreče ter da bi bilo za vse naše slovenske in hrvatske članice in njih družine to novo leto polno uspeha. V minulem letu so bile naše seje povoljno obiskane. Vse smo se jih veselile in prijetna zabava po seji je dobro vplivala na navzoče članice, ki so se razvedrile med svojimi znankami. Upamo, da se bodo članice v še večji meri udeleževale naših sej v prihodnjem letu! Poročati moram tudi žalostno vest, da smo zopet zgubile dve dolgoletni članici, sestro Johanno Hlad, ki je svoječasno živela na E. 64 St., in sestro Lucijo Gnidica z E. 70 St. Tako smo v letošnjem letu do sedaj zgubile že 14 članic, ki so odšle v večnost. Naj počivajo v miru in se veselijo božjega raja, kamor jim bomo vse prej ali slej sledile. Še enkrat želim opomniti vse članice, ki ste morda zaostale s plačevanjem svojega asesmenta, da to storite prav gotovo pred koncem tega meseca. Storite svojo dolžnost v tem oziru in olajšajte delo vaši tajnici. Kakor je običaj v decembru, bomo tudi letos imele svojo letno sejo in volitev uradnic za prihodnje leto. Po seji pa bo običajna božičnica in izmenjava dobitkov v vrednosti $1.00. Pričakujemo veliko naših članic na tej letni seji. Obenem prosim tudi, če bi naše dobre članice, katerim je mogoče, prinesle nekaj peciva za našo božičnico po letni seji. Uradnice bodo vam hvaležne za uslugo in vašo dobroto. Poleg božičnih praznikov v tem mesecu bomo obhajala tudi rojstne dneve naših članic. Med slavljenkami so sestre Jennie Feme, Anna Fertak, Marija Curk z Akrona, O., Stephanija Arko, Mary Hrastar, ki jih bo zaznamovala osem križev, Victoria Kmet, Josephine Kolenc, 82 let, Mary Koprivec, 83 let, Johanna Jakomin, 91 let, Julija Marolt, Antonija Mihevc, Johanna Karlinger, ki ji bo 80 let ravno na božični dan, Angela Svetanovic, Vida Zak, katera je tudi zagledala luč sveta na božični dan, Anna Zalar z Bonna Ave., Mary Williams in Kose Vovk. Vsem tem članicam in drugim, ki bodo v decembru obhajale svoje rojstne dneve, želimo obilo sreče in veselja ter še mnogo, mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva. V novem letu upamo, da bodo od časa do časa tudi druge članice vam Ustanoviteljica Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prisland in gl. preds. Tončka Turek v krogu članic podr. št. 25 pri mizi v Slovenski Gostilni v Clevelandu, dne 18. okt. Sedijo: Mary Otoničar, tajn., Mrs. Prisland, Paula Stampfel, preds., in Mrs. Turek. Stojijo: Josie Golinski, poroč., Dorothy Strniša, zap., Jennie Feme in Mary Kolegar, podpreds. poročale, kaj je novega pri podružnici št. 25 SŽZ. Predno zaključim, želim v svojem in v imenu naših uradnic: predsednice Pauline Stampfel, podpredsednice Mary Kolegar, tajnice-blagajničar-ke Mary Otoničar, nadzornic Jennie Feme in Antonije Mihevc, vratarnice Molly Deželan in zapisnikarice Dorothy Strniša, vsem glavnim odbornicam in prijateljicam Slovenske ženske zveze vesele božične praznike ter zdravo, srečno in uspehapolno novo leto 1966! Josephine (Antončič) Golinski poročevalka podr. št. 26 BOŽIČNA Sredi tihe polnoči. Dete božje se rodi, da bi radi nas trpelo, naše grehe nase vzelo. V jaslicah leži otrok, ki je radi nas ubog, da bi nam bil pot v življenje, našim dušam v odrešenje. In zato smo danes vsi v cerkev k jaslicam prišli, da se bomo zahvalili, k Tebi, Jezušček, molili. Zdravko Ocvirk Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Ko to pišem, morem poročati, da imamo zelo lepo jesen. Cel oktober, še slane nismo 1-ineli, tako imam še lepo salato na vrtu. Če bi ostalo tako do Božiča, potem pa ne bi bila nič huda, če pride sneg. Naš Beacon News je prinesel sliko in lep dopis o Miss Jeannie Račič (granddaughter naše Mrs. Ane Račič), ki je bila na kontestu Farmers Insurance Group izbrana za Kraljico njihove flote, ki bo poslana v Pasadeno, Cal. v veliko parado na Novega leta dan. Parada bo prenašana preko televizije po celi Ameriki. Miss Račič bo šla tudi v lcontest za naslov te kompanije za cel Illinois. Želimo ji mnogo sreče. Sin naše blagajničarke Barb Fajfar je bil vpoklican k vojakom in je že v Južnem Vietnamu. Naj ga dobri Bog kmalu pripelje nazaj, ker je bil priden študent in je imel samo še eno leto iti v college. Naj še povem kako deluje naša priljubljena Zarja. V septemberskl Zarji sem pisala o Father Trunku, kako je čvrst in zdrav in kako še telovadi pri svojih 95 letih. Pa sem dobila pismo od naše Tilly Aister (doma iz Au-rore), ki pravi, da bo nesla č. g. Trunku pokazati kaj pišem v Zarjo o njem. Tilly, hvala lepa za Tvoje zanimanje za moje dopise in povej Father Trunku, da jim iz srca želim dočakati 100 letnico in tudi to povej, da vsaki teden berem kolono “Pisano Polje” v Glasilu. Vesele Božične praznike želim in voščim vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Naj vas vse Dete Jezušček blagoslovi! Pozdravlja, Frances Kranjc % Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Čas je, da napišem nekaj vrstic iz našega kraja. V splošnem so novice bolj žalostne kakor pa vesele. — Umrla je ses. Rose Indihar, ki je bila dobra žena in skrbna mati svojim hčerkicam in sinu Franku. Živela je srečno in veselo s svojo družino , pa je morala nenadoma zapustiti to kar je najbolj ljubila. Bobri Bog pa ji bo gotovo dobro poplačal vsa njena dobra dela. Nagloma je umrl sin sestre Grahek. Zapušča mater, ženo, 8 otrok. In preminul je tudi moj brat Anton Lapp. V petek je še delal, a v soboto je bil že mrtev. ff Izseljenčeva Božična Pesem , i P, Nocoj, nocoj Ko tiha polnoč [■j Največjo skrivnost oznani, jjj Moj duh, Utrujen od težkih hoj & Poroma K Do doma Čez svet prostrani Vt Po mir in pomoč . . . 1 In kakor nekoč & Bo pota v poljani Sneg pokril, & Vse misli uspaval, Kj Jih v sanje zavil . . . ^ Pod streho domačo A Pa vonj po kadilu y Pričaral bo košček nebes . . , % Oh, res! £ In takrat \ Ob jaslicah v kotu ?j Bo duh moj bogat . . . # t z LJUBKA ŠORLI & $ ’« Ravno tako je preminul tudi sin pokojne Mary Kern. Zapušča ženo, sestro, brata in več drugih sorodnikov. Družinam pok. naše sožalje, a za vedno odišlim sladko spanje. V Eveleth Nursing home se nahajata Mary Prešeren in Mary Rauh. Pridite jih obiskati. Ses. May Dreshar je prestala operacijo in se sedaj zdravi doma. Vsem bolnim ljubega zdravja! Ker smo sedaj v dolgočasnem letnem času, ko je več temno, kakor svetlo, vas vljudno vabim, da pridete na seje, da se tako ena drugi odložimo in bomo šle bolj vesele domov. Ne pozabite, 8. dec. pridite vse. Po seji se bomo lepo zabavale. Vesel Božič celokupnemu članstvu in tudi onkraj morja. Antoinette Lucich, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. — Naša prihodnja mesečna in obenem glavna seja bo 7 decembra, popoldne ob 1:30 v navadnem prostoru. Vse članice ste vabljene da se iste udeležite. Imele bomo tudi običajna božičnico. Vse katere še dolgujete na asesmentu, prosim da istega poravnate pred zaključkom leta. Na kraj miru in pokoja smo zopet spremile dve naši sestri: Frances Slapnik-Arko, ki je bila ustanovna članica naše podružnice in Helen Tib-jash. Sorodnikom in prijateljem obeh izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje. Pokojni sestri pa naj sladko snivata in večna luč naj jima sveti. Globoko sožalje izrekamo ses. Frances Kern in družini, ob izgubi ljubljenega soproga in očeta Josepha Kern, ki se je nepričakovano preselil v večnost. Bog mu daj večni mir in pokoj. Že več tednov se nahajata v bolnišnici resno bolani sestre: Nettie Strukel in Frances Pintar, obema želimo popolnega okrevanja v najkrajšem času. V počast rojstnih obletnic so nas po seji prav dobro pogostili ses. Mary Markel, Mary Cerjak in Jennie Ceka-da, gostiteljici sta bili tudi sestri Rose Pujzdar in Nellie Pintar. Prisrčna hvala vsem, in še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic. Prisrčna hvala ses. Anne Košuta, Anne Fabian in Mary Dobida za dar v blagajno. “Slovenski dan” skupnih podružnic je nad vse lepo uspel. Vesele smo bile navzočnosti naše ustanoviteljice, Mrs. Marie Prfsland, ki se je prav lep postavila v ljubki narodni noši. Lepa hvala našim članicam za darovano pecivo, posebno pa še onim, ki so pridno pomagale vse skozi do zaključka. Vsem želim blagoslovljene Božične praznike, ter srečno, zdravo novo leto-EHa Starin, taj. Št. 47, Garfield Hts., Ohio. — Leto gre v zaton, zato je prav, da se zopet oglasim s poročilom v naši Zarji. Jaz tudi rajše čitam, kakor pišem, zato bi rada videla, da bi se še katera druga oglasila v Zarji. Naša letna seja bo že pivo nedeljo v mesecu decembru, tako, da se bodo mogla druga društva in klubi zvrstiti. Leto 19G5 je bilo še dokaj razveseljivo in napredno za našo podružnico in VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO želi vsem članicam PODR. ŠT. 19 EVELETH, Minnesota Msgr. J. Jershe, duh. vodja; A. Nemgar, preds.; Catherine Polack, podpreds.; Mary Lenich, tajnica in blagajničarka; Frances Sterle, zapisnikarica; nadzornice: Matilda Rebetz in Jennie Zatlkovich BLAGOSLOVLJENE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO, ZDRAVO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM PODR. ŠT. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Mary Debevec, Preds. Anna Rebolj, Zapis. Mary Markel, Podpreds. Mary Cerjak, in Ella Starin, Taj. Ann Videnšek, Nadz. za vso Zvezo. Pristopilo je mnogo novih članic. Ko bi se dala vrata za prehod v večnost zapreti, potem bi beležile zopet lep napredek, toda smrt nam dela vrzeli v naših vrstah. Dal Bog, da bi za 40 letnico SŽZ zabeležile posebni napredek. Ohijske podr. so 17. okt. priredile lep slovenski dan v ameriškem duhu. Uspeh je bil triumfalen. Lepo vreme je zvabilo lepo udeležbo od vseh krajev Ohio, kjer so postojanke SŽZ. Tudi drž. preds. Penna. in New Yorka M. Tomsic je pripeljala lepo zastopstvo. Vesele smo bile videti našo ustanoviteljico Mary Prisland in ostale goste. Občinstvo je bilo navdušeno nad izvajanjem točk programa. Pri naši podr. bomo prihodnje leto slavile 35 letnico ustanovitve. Praznik društva bo 24. aprila in prosim že sedaj, da bi za ta datum druge podružnice ne prirejale svojih prireditev, ker bo istočasno tudi državna konvencija za Ohio in Mich. Podrobnosti proslave bodo objavljene ob pravem času. Za 75 letni rojstni dan so presenetili svojo drago mamico, družina I-vanke Bizjak. Morete si predstavljati, da se je okoli nje zbralo 31 vnukov in vnukinj. Eni že kot možje, a naj-mlajši samo nekaj mesecev. Stara in prastara mamica je bila ginjena od presenečenja, da so se ji vlili veliki biseri solz iz oči. Bog Vas živi še mnogo let v krogu obilne družine. čestitke naši ustanovni članici Mary Barbič, ki je 4. nov. slavila že 58 let zakonskega življenja. Bog Vas blagoslovi še mnogo let v zdravju in veselju dočakati biserni jubilej. Sestre Rose Praznik in Mary Kusian sta srečno prestale operacijo. Na bolniški listi so še naslednje: M. Vidakovič, M. Evanovich, C. Kortovich. Naj vam ljubi Bog zdravje nakloni! Katere ste že, ali pa še boste obhajale slavile rojstne obletnice v tem času, Vam želimo vse najboljše! Vsemu članstvu voščim, da bi obhajale vesele Božične praznike, posebno še našim članicam v Cal.: Mrs. J. Ludvik, J. Baily, M. Železnik in M. Jelarčič v Arizoni. Sprejmite moje voščilo in prisrčne pozdrave vsem! Jennie Pugely, taj. Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Poletje je minilo, približala se je jesen. Ko to pišem je vsa narava v najlepših barvah. Dne 17. okt. smo se udeležili Slovenskega dneva v Clevelandu. Udeležba je bila velika in v čast si štejem, da sem srečala ses. gospo Prisland, ustanoviteljico naše Zveze. Mrs. Prisland je predstavljala pravo slovensko dekle v narodni noši. Za njeno delo je bila lepo počaščena. — Imele so tudi lep program. Vse priznanje velja gl. preds. Mrs. Turek in državni preds. M. Bostian, ki je tako spretno vodila program. — Kuharice so nam pripravile okusno večerjo. Res le lepo, da številne ltleveland-ske podružnice lepo složno sodelujejo, kajti posamezne podružnice ne zmoremo tako veličastne prireditve. Božični prazniki se nam hitro približujejo in zopet bomo zaposlene s pripravljanjem daril za naše vnučke. Lepo bi bilo tudi, da bi Zveza prejela mnogo daril v obliki novih članic. Potrudimo se in če bo vsaka podr. vpisala saj eno novo članico, bo Zveza štela 100 novih sester. Bolna je ses. Mary Netmanich, je še v bolnišnici. Dalje časa je bolana tudi ses. Batista. Obema in vsem drugim bolnim članicam, želimo ljubega zdravja. Dec. seja se bo vršila 8. dec. in ste vse članice vljudno vabljene, da se seje udeležite, ker je to važna seja za vse članstvo. Slišale boste poročila odbora, nakar bo volitev odbora za prihodnje leto. Naša tajnica je tudi obljubila, da bo prinesla lepe door prize. Na rokah imam kuharske knjige, ki je prav lepo božično darilo za mlade neveste. — Hvala naši urednici Corin-ne za lepo urejeno Zarjo. Njej in vsem gl. odbornicam, duh. vodja č.g.p. Okorn ter članicam Zveze, želim, da bi Bog dal svoj blagoslov za božične praznike in v vsem letu 1966. Čestitke gl. taj. Mrs. Novak za Vaš rojstni dan. Želim še mnogo srečnih in zdravih let! Lep pozdrav in na svidenje 8. dec. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Vabim vse članice podr. na letno sejo, ki se bo letos vršila 9. dec. točno ob 8 uri zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Prosim, da se udeležite te važne seje vse članice, da se bomo skupno pogovorile kako se bo delovalo prihodnje leto. Za rešiti imamo več važnih stvari v dobrobit članstva. Posebno prosim tiste članice, ki nimate navade redno prihajati na seje, mislim, da mi res bilo lepo, če bi prišle vsaj enkrat na leto. Na tej seji bo tudi volitev novega odbora za prihodnje leto. Malo spremembe bi tudi koristilo, kajti članice se tudi naveličajo gledati ene in iste obraze že toliko let. Mogoče bi bilo več zanimanja pod novim odborom. Torej pridite in si izberite odbor po svoji volji. Isti večer bomo praznovale tudi Božičnico. Imele bomo vse kakor prejšnja leta. Vsega bo dovolj, samo vaše navzočnosti je treba, da bomo pospravile s čemer nam bo postreženo. Bližajo se nam Božični prazniki za katere vse bodisi stari ali mladi najbolj pripravljamo. Vsak se veseli praznikov. Leto za letom hitro izgine, včasih se zdi, da se leta vedno krajša, ali hitro, prehitro se nam leta nabirajo na naših plečah. Torej Vam želim vsem članicam širom Amerike, vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto, posebno vsem ljubega zdravja. Minka Chrnat, taj. Št. 84, New York, N.Y. — Zopet se oglašam z novicami v naši Zarji. Dne 11. sept. smo imele posebni bus in izlet v Greenwood Lake. Bila nas je vesela družba, dosti petja in zabave. I-mele smo tudi krasni dan. Po lepem 9 milj dolgem ježem je bila nepozabna vožja v lepih čolnih. Postrežba v hotelu je tudi bila izborna. Ses. Fannie Krč je spekla in darovala potico za društvo, dale smo na listke in dobila jo je ses. Mary Judež, ki je prav tisti dan obhajala 75 rojstni dan. Hvala lepa Fanny za potico. Vsem izletnikom tudi iskrena zahvala za prijetno druščino, upam, da se bomo v prihodnjem letu zopet kam popeljale. Opozarjam članice, da se gotovo udeležijo naše letne seje, ki se bo vršila dne 21. decembra, saj v jan. je vedno bolj slabo vreme in je bolj slaba udeležba. Pridite vse na to sejo, da se izvoli odbor za leto 1966. Zopet se začenja slamnikarska sezona, toda naše članice so skoraj vse v pokoju, nekaj jih še dela, toda malo, saj smo se nadelale do G5 leta, če računajo, da smo začele s 14 letos šivat v Domžalah za par let, potem pa po svetu. Jaz sem šivala samo eno leto, potem pa v Ameriko. Voščim vsem članicam št. 84 in 93 ter 100 v Fontani, dalje vsem gl. odbornicam, posebno naši urednici, vsem članicam SŽZ vesele Božične praznike in blagoslovljeno leto 1966. Hvala za lepe karte iz Slovenije od voditeljic skupine SŽZ. Pozdrav vsem! Angela Voje, pred.s Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Sinoči 4. nov. se je vršila mesečna seja. Ker bo 2. dec. božičnica in pot luck supper ob 5:30 zvečer, zato bo naša prihodnja redna seja in volitev odbora za leto 1966, na januarski seji. V nov. so imele rojstne dneve ses. Jennie Kurilich, naša preds. in Mary Marovich. Prinesle so kejke in smo se prav lepo imele. Bolane so naslednje sestre: Anna Petrich se nahaja v Kaizer bolnišnici, Josephine Sternad se zdravi doma in Frances Kurilich je bila v automo-bilski nesreči. Imela je zlomljeno nogo In druge poškodbe. Ona je hčer naše predsednice. Vsem sestram želim ljubega zdravja. Naša članica Gertrude Rupar je izgubila dobrega soproga Johna, ki je umrl zadnji mesec nenadoma za srčno kapjo. Globoko sožalje sorodnikom, a pokojnemu večni mir in pokoj. Tukaj imamo zelo lepo in toplo vreme sedaj v novembru, da se na soncu grejemo in rože lepo cvetejo po vrtovih, medtem ko pa imajo po nekaterih krajih že sneg. Vesele praznike in pozdrav vsemu članstvu in urednici. Frances Lukanich, poroč. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1965 FINANČNO POROČILO ZA MESEC OKTOBER, 1965 No. 1. 9. 4. 5. G. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 28. 2*9. 30. 31. 32. 23. 34. 35. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 54. 55. 56. 57. 59. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Totals 98.45 218.25 151.15 4.65 52.45 63.55 24.35 158.80 81.40 52.95 146.70 54.15 75.80 80.10 59.40 186.25 44.80 19.60 117.90 81.45 370.85 48.80 33.55 43.25 12.20 49.70 59.10 85.65 19.40 36.65 9.00 58.00 25.55 47.35 105.70 24.15 75.55 81.00 15.20 58.55 3.50 8.45 29.80 40.65 34.70 46.70 39.55 35.40 61.50 26.90 28.85 44.90 32.50 57.10 11.95 55.85 28.20 31.00 19.05 8.95 Adult 174 361 276 16 108 115 105 56 61 358 198 109 301 2'28 129 154 128 409 115 20 233 168 713 106 63 80 29 18 102 110 149 38 60 25 144 52 99 249 48 136 59 31 114 10 38 173 16 54 72 69 113 67 33 11 33 107 55 53 52 74 51 14 116 30 103 43 55 25 32 19 22 Junior 57 152 167 32 * 12 103 1 38 52 16 27 26 77 67 30 127 54 63 75 197 11 4 9 6 41 2 24 17 13 8 3 19 4 G5 4 31 15 22 # / — % 32 32 80 7 40 3 1 22 3 33 75 101 15 56 11 16 33 4 / 83. 12.30 22 3 84. 200.00 69 6 85. .12.00 28 5 86. 11.35 20 88. 19.95 37 11 89. 38.00 84 38 90. 24.50 50 19 91. 37.90 60 14 92. 14.30 23 2 93. 64 — 94. 16 1 95. 223.85 173 40 & 96. 25.15 47 2 97. 12.40 22 5 99. 8.95 21 — 100. 23.75 43 9 101. 29.45 42 19 102. 20 4 * 104. 8.50 20 — 105. 24.50 21 8 & 106. 21 1 $4,403.70 8,690 2,460 * Assess, pd. in Sept.; ! Oct. Nov.; # Apr.; % Oct.; / July; ©Aug. Sept. Oct.; & Sept. Oct. INCOME — DOHODKI: Asessment from members $4,403.70 Rental income in October 155.00 Interest on Investments 1,244.69 Total — Skupaj $5,803.39 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI: O. Muhich, br. 3, Pueblo $ 100.00 M. Bucar, br. 8, Steelton 100.00 U. Grabrian, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 J. Plut, br. 20, Joliet 100.00 P. Mihelčič, br. 25, Cleveland 100.00 M. Stražišar, br. 25, Cleve. 100.00 L. Vesel, br. 38, Chisholm 100.00 F. Baraga, br. 40, Lorain 100.00 P. Slapnik, br. 41, Cleveland 100.00 P. Rostohar, br. 63, Denver 100.00 M. Zauhar, br. 83, Crosby 100.00 A. Lisac, br. 95, S. Chgo, “B” 250.00 M. Andretich, br. 95, S. Chgo 100.00 M. Mazar, br. 95, S. Chgo 100.00 V. Prijatel, br. 96, Universal 100.00 Zarja - The Dawn October, 32 pages 2,032.64 Administration & salary 1,015.00 Director of Internal Revenue 620.90 Campaign Award s-worlters 196.25 Campaign Awards — “Emblem pins” 111.36 Remington-Rand Electric Adding machine and table 265.53 IZŠEL JE SLOVENSKI IZSELJENSKI KOLEDAK ZA LETO 1966 Drage rojakinje, Dne 25. oktobra je izšel Slovenski izseljenski koledar za leto 1966, torej pravočasno, da vas bo obiskal še pred novim letom v vaših domovih. Ko ste na obisku pri nas, pripovedujete, da ga rade prebirate. Tega smo zelo veseli. Tudi v novem Koledarju boste našle mnogo zinimivega branja in kar 160 fotografij. Mnoge med vami ne morejo potovati v rojstno domovino, pa jo boste našle na straneh Koledarja in si obudile spomin na kraje svoje mladosti. Pokazale ga boste lahko tudi svojim otrokom in vnukom, ker so v njem tudi članki v angleškem jeziku. O slovenski naselbini v Sheboyganu piše v Koledarju častna predsednica Vaše Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prislandova. Izvedele pa boste kako žive naši ljudje tudi drugod po svetu. Prav gotovo vam bosta všeč tudi barvni fotografiji na ovitku Koledarja — cerkvica sv. Janeza v Bohinju in pa nočni posnetek Ljubljane. Še posebno lepo pa je opremljen koledarski del, kjer je trinajst barvnih ilustracij že-nitovanjskih običajev na Slovenskem. Če še niste Koledarja naročili, pišite čimprej na naslov: Slovenska izseljenska matica, Ljubljana, Cankarjeva l/II. Vsem prav lep pozdrav iz domovine, Mila Šenk Rental of Home Office 75.00 Printing-stationery, sundries 156.67 Tel., postage, stamps, misel. 125.58 Total — skupaj $6,248.93 Balance ledger assets Sept., 1965 Income October, 1965 Disbursements Oct., 1965 $506,591.06 5,803.39 $512,394.45 6,248.93 Ledger assets, Oct. 31, ’65 $506,145.52 Albina Novak, Sec’y ATTENTION! IMPORTANT NOTICE! Please pay your dues in December for all the months of 1965, in order that the secretaries will be able to complete the December report. It is very important to have all' reports from all the branches by December 31, 1965 at the Home Office. IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Cut this out, fill out and mail immediately to: ZARJA - THE DAWN — 1937 W. Cermak Rd. — Chicago, 111. 60608 I am a member of Branch No...............and have moved: from to Signed: HI BOYS AND GIRLS Birthdays and Anniversaries are important events in every family. And so it is in our organization as it celebrates its 39th birthday this month. Congratulations to its foundress Mrs. Marie Prisland and its huge “family.” The greatest love story in the world will be repeated when Christ is born again in Bethlehem. As God gave us His only Son, so we commemorate this great gift of love by giving presents to one another. This season of love is also a very busy one. Decorating the home, baking of sweets, remembering friends with gifts and cards, taking part or attending many musical plays and programs, and setting up a Crib are all a part of this season. Many hours are needed to make things ready for Christmas. Prepare for His coming by giving of yourself wholeheartedly. From St. Anthony’s Guild I’ve chosen this Christmas Wish for you . . . That you may hold forever in your heart the golden memories of every happy Christmas Day you have ever known: That you may be brave in the hour of trial when the cross is laid upon your shoulders, when the hill you must climb seems very high and the beacon lights of hope are far away: That every gift God has given you may grow with the years and fill the hearts of those you love with its fragrance . . . And that in every hour of joy or of sorrow the peace-giving smile of the Christ-child may abide with you and keep you near to God. Your friend, REGINA Can you read this little Slovenian Christmas Poem? Try it. What a surprise if you would learn to say: VESEL BOŽIČ to your family on Christmas morning! (Write it on Grandma’s Christmas package!) Tam v goščavci, v mali štalci svetla lučca že gori, tam Marija si povija lepo Dete Jezusa. K njej priseda Dete gleda sivi starček Jožef svet, z nogo giblje, Dete ziblje, sveto Dete Jezusa. Narodna THE NIGHT THE CHIMES RANG by Raymond MacDonald Alden Once, long ago, a magnificent church stood on a high hill in a great city. When lighted up for a special festival, it could be seen for miles around. And yet there was something even more remarkable about this church than its beauty — the strange and wonderful legend of the bells. At one comer of the church was a tall gray tower, and at the top of the tower—so people said—was a chime of the most beautiful bells in the world. But the fact was that no one had heard the bells for many years. Not even on Christmas. For it was the custom on Christmas Eve for all the people to bring to the church their offerings to the Christ-child. And there had been a time when a very unusual offering laid on the altar brought glorious music from the chimes far up in the tower. Some said that the wind rang them, and others that the angels set them swinging. But lately no offering had been great enough to deserve the music of the chimes. Now a few miles from the city, in a small village, lived a boy named Pedro, and his little brother. They knew very little about the Christmas chimes, but they had heard of the service in the church on Christmas Eve, and they decided to go to see the beautiful celebration. The day before Christmas was bitterly cold, with a hard white crust on the ground. Pedro and Little Brother started out early in the afternoon, and despite the cold they reached the edge of the city by nightfall. They were about to enter one of the great gates when Pedro saw something dark on the snow near their path. It was a poor woman, who had fallen just outside the city, too sick and tired to get in where she might have found shelter. Pedro tried to rouse her, but she was barely conscious. "It’s no use, Little Brother, you will have to go alone.” “Without you?” cried Little Brother. Pedro nodded slowly. “This poor woman will freeze to death if nobody cares for her. Everyone has probably gone to the church now, but when you come back be sure and bring someone to help her. I will stay here and try to keep her from freezing, and perhaps get her to eat the roll I have in my pocket.” “But I can’t leave you!” cried Little Brother. “Both of us need not miss the service,” said Pedro. “You must see and hear everything twice, Little Brother — once for you and once for me. I am sure the Christ-child knows how I would love to worship Him. And if you get a chance, Little Brother, take MERRY CHRISTMAS, JUNIORS! this silver piece of mine and, when no one is looking, lay it down for my offering.” In this way he hurried Little Brother off to the city, and winked hard to keep back the tears of disappointment. The great church was a brilliant place that night; it had never looked so beautiful before. When the organ played and the thousands of people sang, the walls shook with the sound. At the close of the service came the procession with the offerings to be laid on the altar. Some brought wonderful jewels, some heavy baskets of gold. A famous writer laid down a book which he had been writing for years. And last of all walked the king of the country, hoping with all the rest to win for himself the chime of the Christmas bells. A great murmur went through the church as the king took from his head the royal crown, all set with precious stones, and laid it on the altar. “Surely,” everyone said, “we shall hear the bells now!” But only the cold wind was heard in the tower. The procession was over, and the choir began the closing hymn. Suddenly the organist stopped playing. The singing ceased. Not a sound could be heard from anyone in the church. As all the people strained their ears to listen, there came — softly, but distinctly — the sound of the chimes In the tower. So far away and yet so clear, the music seemed so much sweeter than anything ever heard before. Then they all stood up together and looked at the altar to see what great gift had awakened the long-silent bells. But all they saw was the childish figure of Little Brother, who had crept softly down the aisle when no one was looking and had laid Pedro’s little piece of silver on the altar. * * * ANSWERS: 1. Pint. 2. Tip. 3. Poet. 4. Sit. 5. Nose. 6. Pea. 7. Pats. 8. Toe. 9. Neat. 10. Sip. 11. Pets. 12. Set. 13. Pane. 14. Tin. 15. Past. 16. Pin. 17. Soap. 18. Sap. 19. Pain. 20. Pen. From the Youlh Activities Director: YOUTH ON PARADE Little Miss Maureen Centa strutted on stage of the Euclid Rehar Hall on Oct. 17th and performed her tap number before a large audience gathered for the Ohio Branches Slovenian Day. Maureen lives at 803 E. 153rd St., in Cleveland and is a member of Br. 14. She has taken dancing lessons for 5 of her eleven years from Miss Helen Smith. Her hobbies are dancing, singing in the school choir and dramatics at the YWCA. She also is a student of violin at the Wm. H. Brett school and is a member of the school orchestra. Quite a large program to follow, with all the lessons and practices besides school work! She’ll certainly grow up to be an entertainer, and as she says: that’s what I like best! Our best wishes to her and hopes she’ll achieve all her dreams of a glamorous, exciting career in this field. Words from “I’OINSETTIA” from Highlights Head each numbered definition at the right. Pill in, at the left, the missing letters to complete the proper word, using only the letters in the word “poinsettia.” Miriam Leskovar At nine years of age this Christmas, Miriam is a very busy and happy young girl. She’s a dancer as you can see by this photo, studying seriously all forms of dance at the Bene Urban Dance Studio for the past four years; she’s also a student of Prof. Alfred Fischinger who teaches piano to many youngsters in her community and is a junior Girl Scout. In her spare time, after school, she relaxes at the St. Stephen’s roller rink and she reads at least two library books a week. On Saturdays she’s one of Mrs. Anna Gaber’s students at the Slovenian Language School and participates in their yearly plays and pagaents. When her mother began a group of junior folk dancers for the Slovenian Radio Club, Mimi, as she Is fondly called, was the first to join and has possibly been the most enthusiastic folk dancer in the entire group of 18 little ones. Naturally, in many of those activities Mimi is closely followed by her 7 year old brother, Ut9