Rr*T» • m • i * Slovenian Bishop Frederic Baraga Memorial Scene at Lemont, Illinois Site of S.M^ U. “Zveza Day" Sunday, July 15th ZARJA -DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State oj Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union oj America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Z,veze v Ameriki Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina S2.00 letno For SWU members S1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ S1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA. 1937 \V. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter Xovember 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Editorial Office: 1937 VV. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month, i'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. SNAPS FROM OUR WASHINGTON SCRAPBOOK Washington weather was ideal for our tour of the Capitol last April and our ladies were thrilled to have as their illustrious guide, Congressman John A. Blatnik of Minnesota. He’s seen here with a group of our members from Cleveland, Joliet and Chicago ini front of the Capitol. Sen. Frank J. Lausche seems to be holding the "Bag”, but it’s really a potica in disguise! He treasured this gift presented by the Cleveland ladies and readily posed for pictures with our Supreme Officers, Vicki Faletič, Ella Starin, Toni Tanko and Corinne Leskovar. Here’s just one of the fleet of buses we had to transport our 117 ladies to Washington — complete with sign and all! The Joliet group had 19 passengers, pictured here with their bus-partners, the Chicago, So. Chicago .and Milwaukee members. (Photos 1 and 3, courtesy Frances Ga-spich (20); photo 2, by M. Beribak (16).) ZARJA »DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA XXXIV — No. 7 JULY, 1962 LETO XXXIV — ŠT. 7 Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. CHRISTBEARER We all heard about St. Christopher. He is one of the most popular saints. But nothing certain is known about his life or death. According to an ancient legend he was the son of a heathen king. Acquiring in time gigantic stature and great strength. He resolved to serve only the strongest and the bravest. He bound himself to a mighty king and to Satan. But he was really disappointed. They were both lacking in courage, the former was afraid even of the name of the devil and the latter frightened at the sight of the cross at the wayside. He was looking for a new master. Finally, a hermit told him to offer his allegiance to Christ. He instructed him in faith and baptized him. In spite of the fact, that he being a Christian, he would not promise to do any fasting or praying. We would say he wanted to be one of the modern ones. The only thing he willingly accepted was the task of carrying people for God’s sake, across the river. One winter’s day, when the river was swollen, a child came and asked to be carried across. The ferryman, that's what Christopher was, lifted the child on his shoulder and started to cross the stream. At first, the weight seemed insignificant. But, by the time they were half-way across, Christopher found his burden so heavy, that he said to the child: “You are a heavy weight to carry.” The child, on inquiry, made himself known as the Creator and the Redeemer of the world. To prove his statement, the child ordered Christopher to fix his staff in the ground. The next morning, it had grown into a palm tree bearing fruit. Thereafter, Christopher promised to serve the Lord faithfully and become a zealous preacher of the Gospel converting many to the Faith. On his missionary journeys, he came to Lycia, where, after his first sermon, eighteen thousand heathens requested baptism. This excited the rage of Emperor Decius, who had him cast into prison, and after many cruel torments, beheaded. We ought all to be Christbearers, by preserving in our hearts faith, hope and charity. By being Christians, we should be a little missionaries. It should include the continuing effort to apply the principles of the Gospel to the whole world, to the whole of life, and to the whole man, body and soul. Those who enjoy the blessing of the true faith have a grave obligation than all others to bring divine justice, goodness, beauty and decency, in short, divine love into daily life. You are far more important than you realize. God has given you a job in life to do, which He has delegated to no one else. This means, there is no substitute for you. The world will be a little better — or worse — because you have been in it. THIS MONTH WE INVITE YOU TO LEMONT! No. 2, Chicago, III. July 15th is the date of our annual pilgrimage co Le-mont, 111., and the beautiful Shrine of Marija Pomagaj. All those who’ve visited there in the past know how lovely it is and what an inspiration it is to be there for the annual S.W.U. Pilgrimage. Expected are several buses from our neighboring branches and we cordially invite as many as possible to join the groups. Lemont, 111., is just an hour’s ride from Chicago and easily accessible by bus. The Holy Mass at he Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place at 10:30 a. m. as usual. The members of Br. No 2 Choral Club will sing favorite hymns during the Mass. Father Kalist Langerholz, O.F.M., will offer the dedication to our living and deceased Zveza members. Be with us this day and tak part In the delightful activities! At our last meeting, we outlined plans for the Zveza Day celebration in Lemont and committees were chosen to take charge. We also discussed the summer tours many of our members will be making; pres. Albina Novak was off to Europe June lGth and auditor Liz Zefran will be off for Canada with a large group of Zveza tourists on July 18th. We hope all our vacationers have wonderful times! Our past president and member of long-standing, Frances Sardoch sent her loving greetings to all the members by way of a note to V-P Steffie Osterman. We think it would be grand if our members would drop Mrs. Sardoch a line to cheer her in her lonely hours. She lives at 3737 S. Wesley ave., Berwyn, 111. Corinne Leskovar JULY 22 IS COLO. DAY! No 3, Pueblo, Colo. The officers and members of Br. no. 92 in Crested Butte, Colo., have accepted with pleasure the task of being hostesses to this year’s Colo. State Zveza Day, which will take place on July 22nd. Holy Mass will be dedicated to us at 11:00 a. m. and then, the dinner and convention meeting will follow. Our group will travel by bus to Crested Butte, a trip of 4 hours. So, we must be ready to leave early and 6 a. m. has been set as departure time from St. Mary’s school. Please be prompt, so that we can leave on time. The return trip will be that evening and tho it’s a long trip, I’m sure it will be very interesting and fun in the company of our dear sisters. I wish to remind all our neighboring branches that this is an important observance of the annual event. Each branch should take it seriously and select a number of delegates, who will represent the branch at the convention meeting. Do this at the branch meeting this month so your members will be prepared for the convention. The charming members of Br. no. 02 expect a large turn-out and we must not disappoint them. It’s a once-in-a-year- affair, so let’s get together and really make it a pleasant day for S.W.U. We’ll be seeing you, July 22nd, at the picturesque citv of Crested Butte! Anna Pachak, State Pres. DATES TO REMEMBER July 8 — Slovenian Day at Willard, Wis. Br. No. 102 July 15 — Lemont Zveza Day, Br. 2, Lemont, 111. July 18-23— Excursion to St. Ann De Beaupre, Canada July 22 — Family Picnic, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis., at City Park by Ashby Bridge July 22 — Colorado State Convention at Crested Butte, Colo. Br. No. 92 August 19 — Excursion to Hawaii Sept. 6 — Luncheon at St. John’s Hall, Milwaukee, Wis., Br. No. 43 Sept. 12— Card Party, Br. No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 16 — 4th Annual Wisconsin State Convention, Willard, Wis. Br. No. 102 Sept. 30 — Bazaar & Baking Demonstration, Combined Cleveland Branches, Cleveland, Ohio. Oct. 28 — Miscellaneous Card Party Br. 17 West Allis. 35th Anniversay Dinner Held by Pioneer Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. After the May meeting, our branch had a most entertaining program for Mothers Day, honoring Mothers, Grandmothers and our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Josephine Kotnik. 18 members of our Junior Class performed in music, singing, baton twirling, dancing and reciting lovely verses to Mothers. Enjoying the program were close to a hundred members, the largest attendance for a long time. Mrs. Marie Prisland arranged and presented the program. Participants in the program were: Recitations: Mary Zagožen, Kimberly Modiz, Margie Fischer, Virginia Mueller, Karen Kotnik and Kathy Dicke, the latter coming from Madison to take part. Vocalists were Patric Zigenhorn, Jennie Zigenhorn, David Girdaukas, Dorothy Krolnik. Dancers included Mary Lyn Gustave-son, who did tap dances, and Celine Zunter, who appeared as a ballet soloist. A baton twirling demonstration was given by Barbara Schmidt. Accordionist was Marilyn Kotnik. Jackie Rupar and Barbara Carek were piano soloists. Piano accompaniments were provided by Gail Girdaukas and Marsha Zunter. After the program, a small gift was presented to all the children with the compliments from the Slovenian Women’s Union. Delicious refreshments were served after the program. The contributors were: Molly Zunter, potica; Mary Go-dez, Mary Vertacic, strudels. Cakes were donated by: Mary Turk, Ruth Sheck, Christine Panko, Martha Kotnik, Clarisse Cwetan, Anna Modiz, Frances Tagel, Margaret Fischer. The refreshments were served by: Frances Melanz, Molly Zunter, Christine Rupnik. The Committee wishes to thank the Juniors who participated in the program and those who contributed the refreshments. A resolution presented by Mrs. Marie Prisland, regarding the aid to aged persons, a Bill now before Congress, was adopted at the meeting and will be sent to President Kennedy, Wisconsin Senators and our Congressmen. We welcome two new members, namely: Mrs. Stanza Francis, our church organist and Mrs. Gisella Pod-berk, a social member from Sacramento, California. We are most happy to receive them into our circle. A hearty thank you to Mrs. Josephine Vogrin, a social member from New Smyrna Beach, Florida, for her generous donation to our branch’s treasury. Prize books and card party tickets were distributed. The Committee is very grateful for the willingness of members to help in these two pro- Br. No. 7, Forest Cty, Pa. The 35th anniversary banquet was held Sunday, May 20, at the Hillside Cafe, Forest City. A delicious dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zedar and staff. The members and guests report that the affair was a great success and enjoyed by all present. The honorary guest was the Rev. A. Krusinski, pastor of the St. Joseph’s parish. Invocation and Benediction were given by Father Krusinski who also honored the members and guests with a few inspiring words, for which the members of the Branch thank him jects, which will replenish the treasury. Sunday, July 22nd, our branch will have a picnic in the city park by Ashby Bridge, beginning at 11:00 A. M. Ančke and Christine will celebrate their namesday in grand style that day. It will be lots of fun. All are invited! Members of our branch express deep sympathy to our treasurer Mary Vertacic, who lost her dear sister. She was Mrs. Frances Taushek, who died recently, after being bedridden for 17 years with arthritis. May the good Lord give her his reward for the suffering she sustained while on this earth. There will be no meeting in July and August. The first meeting in the Fall will be September 9th. Three days later, September lSth, our card party will take place. Vice-president Ruth Sheck is chairman and Mary Turk is co-chairman for the party. Have a nice summer and stay well and happy! Margaret Fischer, Secretary No. 7, Forest City, Pa. On May 20tli, we celebrated our 35th anniversary. All members and friends report it was a great success. The honorary guest was our pastor, Rev. A. Krusinski. Gifts were presented to our president and other worthy members. Pictures were shown by Louise and John Gliha taken of their tour thru most sincerely. Father Krusinski is the spiritual adviser. Special tribute was paid to Mrs. Mary Telban, who is tli only living member from the chartered list of eight members. Honors were also extended to Mrs. Anna Kameen, who has been president 35 years. Mrs. Christine Menart, secretary, also received praise for her wonderful work in the interest of the organization. Corsages were presented to the three honored members. The accompanying photo was taken at the Banquet. Our heartiest congratulations! Yugoslavia. The older members were especially happy to see pictures of their homeland. The members of Br. no. 7 wish to thank everyone for the time, effort, help, and for all donations, prayers, flowers, gifts, which made this affair such a success. We will try to repay when others need us — thanks again, one and all. God bless and keep you. Congratulations to all our graduates, some from kindergarten, or grammar school, high school and college. A number of our junior members are a-mong this year’s graduates. All success to them. Best wishes to all especially our newlyweds and new mothers! Chris Menart, Sec'y. No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Zveza Day is now but a happy memory, but it will live long in the minds of all who were present as Rose Scoff worked despite the loss of a niece and made ail have a happy time. Our Mother-of-the- Year, Ann Stark was presented with a lovely orchid as was our president Jeri Adami. Prizes were donated and we all had a lot of laughs when our new Junior member won three; see it pays to belong to Zveza! Father Vital Vodušek preached a nice sermon and thanked the ladies of the Zveza for such a nice turnout. All the members received Holy Com- munion so that we could offer prayers for those who have gone on before us. Ann Stark came home with glowing reports of her trip to Calumet, Michigan and her visits to the branches of Zveza. Of course it was no surprise that OUR ANN was accepted among the fold as she is one person who can bring dignity to any gathering. Of course her visit was not a really happy one as she went home 10 see her brother who has been very ill. She told us of her meeting with Ann Heineman whom we have had the pleasure of meeting also. Well we know OUR ANN will be remembered very favorably by those who enjoyed her company and it is so wise when on vacation to visit sister branches and get to know one another this adds much to your knowledge of Zveza and its functions. HAWAII here we come! Our brochures are all out in the mail and we have been having a very good response. We are so happy to see so many interested in our 50th state. It is almost impossible to tell you of the many wonders and the beauty of Hawaii other than to tell you to “Come Along with Me to Paradise” and see for yourself. We had quite a group from Joliet last time, I hope we have as many this time as the folks from Joliet are good travelers. Well, folks, it is up to you now to take advantage of a well planed tour which I shall personally conduct. See you on August 19th or sooner if you. prefer as we have arranged for direct flights if you so desire. This will give you time when you come home to go to Seattle at no extra cost and see the Pair. Your return ticket will take you to Los Angeles, San Francisco or Seattle for the same price. Plans for our dinner meeting are progressing very nicely. We are going to have a SMACK BANG TIME once again and with Mrs. Mary Stariha cook you’ll have an excellent meal we can promise. Thanks to Mrs. Ana Pacliak for her wishes for our success on our tour to Hawaii; it is this kind of encouragement we need. IIVALA ANNA! Have put Bara Kramer to work once again answering all the Slovenian correspondence, I can speak it, but I have a hard time to put on paper my thoughts. So once again Bara will play Secretary. Thanks to her for her help and support on this most important project our trip to Hawaii. We hope the good Lord will bless her with good health so she can be active once again. We hear of the illiness of Albina Novak’s mother and we most sincerely pray for a speedy recovery. The longer we have them with us (our Mothers) the more we worry when they are ill, so I can feel for Albina as her mother and she have a very close relationship. God willing all will go well. Sophie Anzick, our Financial Secretary, and daughter of Ana Skala, (deceased) who was our Secretary for 18 years, passed away from the much dreaded illness of cancer. We really will miss her smiling face in the window as we walk down the hill to work each morning. Sophie was such a sweet person and all those were lucky enough to call her FRIEND will find a big empty spot in their hearts. May God grant her peace and happiness in His garden of Paradise. Zorka Vukojevich is very happy to learn her brother who is a Doctor and now practicing in New York, will come to visit her for a few weeks. Zorka was bubbling over with excitement as her family is a very close one. Zorka will be one of our workers for our dinner, she is always willing to give a hand and what a worker! May the Good Lord bless and keep you till we meet again. REMEMBER AUGUST 19, HAWAII! Fran Chiodo No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. June 3rd was an enjoyable day at Lapp’s Farm in Geneva, where many of our members and their families appreciated another good dinner prepared by Mrs. Lapp. We welcome into our branch a new member, Mary Baitt. We hope to see you at our meetings and other functions, Mary! Bon voyage to recording secretary Antonia Suster and her family, who departed for a trip to her native country. They will leave in July and be gone for 3 months. Also going to Europe with a group of Slovenian women is Sister, Frances Mocnick. May she have a pleasant trip. Treasurer Mary Iskra and her husband will motor west for their yearly vacation. They plan to attend the World’s Fair in Seattle. Happy vacationing! ! Mr. and Mrs. F. Turk became happy grandparents for the second time when their daughter, Dorothy Bolden, presented them with a bouncing baby boy. Congratulations! During the month of May, two of our members passed away, Sister Mary Novinc and Sister Albina Vesel. Our deepest sympathy to both families. Two of our members were operated on during the month of May: Sister Angela Bencin and Sister Carolyn Tekaucic. They were visited by Sisters Mary Iskra and Pauline Cesar and presented with a small gift. Our “good time treasury” received a boost, when the following members donated: Ixmise Reja, Alice Yerak, and the late Albina Vesel. A happy birthday to all our members, who will celebrate during the month of July. Pauline Cesar FROM THE EDITOR When President Kennedy suggested in his Inaugural Day speech that, we must move forward into the sixties with renewed energy, he prophesied just exactly what our members of S.W.U. would be doing in 1962! We are moving, by bus, train and plane, into distances farther and farther, away — and the time seems to have come when even our members aren’t afraid to travel anymore! Read our reports and you’ll see where many branches are planning small excursions for their members — of course, Zveza is sanctioning a number of major trips and they’re all successful. We’re seeing other parts of the states and of the world, and bettering ourselves for it! So, to all our Canada-bound, Europe-bound and Hawaii-bound travelers, have a good time and bring back all your experiences to tell about in Zarja! It’s gratifying to me to read of the successful activities our branches are able to have throughout the year. I’m sure that ZARJA helps immeasurably to assure success as our one important publicity media. We must build on this idea and I urge that our reporters and officers keep plugging the branch’s affairs so that ZARJA will be utilized even more in the future to spread the good word around I By now, dear members, you have all been asked for your contributions of 25«1 per year for our ZARJA fund. This will help defray the increased cost of printing. As your Editor, I feel this problem most deeply and I assure you, I appreciate all the fine cooperation, which has been shown by many of the branches, who are ready to submit their quota without hesitation. Since our Board of Directors determined it was the only way we can all share and share alike in this expense, I hope we shall be able to step over this financial hurdle in the easiest and best manner. Yours for a bigger and better S.W.U! Corinne Leskovar SEE YOU IN WILLARD. SEPT. 16! The Wisconsin State Convention is to be held in Willard, Wis. on September 16, 1962. All five Wisconsin branches are cordially invited. Program of the Day 11:00 A. M. — Low Mass at Holy Family Church 12:00 Noon — Chicken Dinner Short Program to follow 2:00 P. M. — Convention meeting 4:00 P. M. — Buffet Lunch Call for bus reservations at your earliest convenience. Rose Kraemer State Pres, of Wise. GOD BLESS YOU, KATIE! 25 Years President No. 16, SO. CHICAGO. At our annual chicken dinner treat, we surprised Katie Triller with a celebration of her twenty-five years as President of our branch. She was presented a Helbros wrist watch and well wishes to remain with us for many years to come. She did a splendid job in the leadership of this branch and we owe much to her in the progress we have made fraternally and financially. She also served as auditor of the Supreme Board for many years. Congratulations, Katie, and may God keep you! In the foreground of the picture, on the right hand side, you see Katie as she is opening her gift. In the front, is the Maypole center piece made by ..No. 20, Joliet, III. Our last meeting was dedicated to our mothers At this time Mrs. Emma Planinšek has honored our most popular mother for the year of 19C2, Mrs. Theresa Muhich, and presented her with a corsage, and was seated next to the president for the meeting. Good wishes from the members were extended to her, and in return Mrs. Muhich expressed the hope she will be able to work many more years for the branch if her health permits. Later a lunch was served and this time Mrs. Muhich was served unlike other similar occasions when she would run about and serve others. This meeting was well-attended and the last series of Erjavec’s colored movies were shown, traveling with our Monsignor M. J. Butala and his sister Catherine to various important places in Slovenia, also Zagreb and Belograd, later traveling thru the serpentine mountains to the Dalmatian coast and stopping for the night at Zadar—which city has so many Roman structures—in ruins. Coming back, the movies of Onatia Crikvini-ca, Portorož, Koper, Piran and the visit to Postojna were shown; later the visit to the childrens’ Hospital in Ljubljana in company of our other Joliet visitors, and then the farewell when our pastor and sister departed for BeloKrajina, where they visited our good members, Marge and Sylvia Spretnak. We are grateful to Mrs Cholak for the wonderful dinner she prepared. The table setting was beautiful — we know she went well out of her way to give us such good accommodations. The members had a most enjoyable evening and we regret the absence of the ones who missed it. On the sick list, at this writing, we have Mrs. Kundrat. We also lost a member, Antonia Sokolowski, our deepest sympathy to the family. July birthdays are: Mrs. Anna Buck, Mrs. Zee, Anne Springer, Marge Prebil, Mrs. Cholak, Marie Cieslik and Gloria Serapin. See you at this meeting. Rose Salakar, Rec. Sec. their relatives. Also in the movies we saw the trip on the cable car to Krvavec mountain, also farwell from our relatives who live at various places in Slovenia. Last the farewell from home, where we made our headquarters while staying in Jugoslavia, then, to Austria the beautiful resort in Heilgebluth, Kufstein, and others. In Germany Munich-Ulm, Stuttgard and other cities of interest. Again in Switzerland Interlocken, Luzern, Zir-ich-Bern-Geneva. Again in Paris, then on to Lexieus, visiting the beautiful Basilika of St. Theresa, and on to Cherbourg, to our Steamer Queen Elizabeth, to New York and home. It was a great tour—well worth remembering. Many thanks to members and friends who attended the three showings, and who were interested in the trip. Bon Voyage was extended at this meeting also to Mrs. Frances Pikush and Mrs. Frances Sega who with Mrs. Evelyn Juricich, after many years, are returning to their native home'and for a much needed vacation. Mrs. Pikush and Mrs. Sega after 42 years and Mrs. Juricich after 50 years, have traveled on the United States Liner June 1st. We wish them a very enjoyable trip, with many hours of interesting visits. Hoping they will return home safely and in good health. Since we will not have meetings lor the next three months the president wishes all members a good time during this vacation and hoping they will all return in September—refreshed and healthy. Mrs Mary Laurich is still in the hospital seriously ill. Mrs. Margaret Muha is reported ill lor some time. We wish all members who are on the sick list a speedy recovery. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Ambrose from Prairie Avenue who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Mothers Day. Mr Ambrose, ill for the past years, was brought to church to be present for this occasion. They have three sons and three daughters, all married except one, who is in the Franciscan order as Sister M. Marlene and teaches here at St. Joseph’s. We hope they will celebrate another such occasion for the 50th, and this time in health. With best wishes to all members for a happy vacation. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Joliet, III. The bowling season for this branch came to a conclusion with Merichkas Restaurant taking first place. Trophies and emblems were awarded to Ann Mahkovec, Mary Gaspich, Ann Ariagno and Mary Rudman and Gen Klainsek, at the Spring Banquet a week later at Bruns in suburban New Lenox. Special Achievement award was given to Mary Kay Spelicli, a newcomer to the league this past season, who improved her game eleven points in the alloted time. American Slovenian Home took second position, Horvath Bakery third, Ellena Builders fourth, Papesli Funeral Home, Sheps DX Service Station, Northwest Recreation Club and Krause Radio & TV following in the order named. In winding up the season, Jo Goron rolled her first over 2)00 game, coming up with a 208. Marge Rachor rolled a series of 561. Excitement ran high the last night, but some of the girls managed some nice pick-ups — such as Jo Sumic’s 2-7 and Agnes Ko-erber’s 7-2-10 and 7-4-5. One of our faithful subs rolled an odd series of 158-116-158 and Sophie Stiglich went up the ladder with a 126-136-147 series. The season ended with a short business meeting and election of officers. Elected to hold office for another year were: Mary Rudman, as President: Jo Mlakar, Vice-President: Agnes Ko-erber, Secretary; Bernice Suski, Treasurer and Therese Trishner, Sargent-at-arms. The entertainment committee headed by Edna Grohar and ably assisted by Ann Cox schemed up delightful entertainment during the dinner hours at the banquet. A good time was had by all. And so, until next season. Agnes Koerber, Secretary SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION MIDWEST HANDICAP TOURNAMENT 1962 WINNERS TEAMS 1. Zefran Funeral Home Chicago 2710 $70.00 2. S.W.U.Sports Club No. 1 Chicago 2703 55.00 3. Wagners Bakery Chicago 2664 40.00 4. S.W.U. Pleadquarters Chicago 2660 35.00 5. Marquette Super Service Chicago 2643 30.00 6. Kastigar Market La Salle 2605 25.00 7. S.W.U. Br 2 Chicago 2594 20.00 8. Scholsar’s West Allis 2578 20.00 Doubles 1. C. Tomazin 631 L. Foys Chicago 597 1231 $23.00 2. P. Ilozian 520 R. Krapenc Chicago 618 1138 20.00 3. A. Marrazzo 513 M. Stuck Chicago 610 1123 16.00 4. J. Squok 542 J. Gajda Chicago 659 1111 13.00 5. J. Foley 556 P. Mauser LaSalle 539 1085 10.00 6. G. Norman Chicago 561 A. Batty Oglesby 532 1093 8.80 7. H. Swanson 526 F. Anzelc Biwabik 549 1075 7.00 8. A. Hozzian 549 C. Toplak Chicago 525 1074 7.00 9. A. Vucko 490 E. Statkus Chicago 581 1071 7.00 10. M. Uliks 532 G. Niedzielko Chicago 537 Tie 1069 6.70 11. M. Roth 571 T. Brant Chicago 498 1069 6.70 12. E. Rosenquist 537 B. Suski Joliet 524 1061 5.40 13. S. Rybak 525 E Kroscliel Chicago 534 1059 5.40 Singles 1. H. Fitzgerald Chicago 585 $21.00 2. E. Klassovity Chicago 579 10.00 3. D. O’Keefe LaSalle 573 9.00 4. A. Grossa Oglesby 572 8.00 5. J. Zeibert Chicago 571 7.00 6. A. Matthews LaSalle 570 6.00 7. S. Gorka Chicago 569 5.00 8. F. Zefran Chicago 564 4.00 9. M. Roth Chicago 567 4.00 10. T. Krapenc Chicago 564 4.00 11. M. Persa Chicago 553 4.00 12. M. Stuck Chicago 553 4.00 13. M. Fabian Chicago 548 4.00 14. A. Persa Chicago 545 4.00 15. E. Rosenquist Joliet 544 4.00 16. T. Terselich Chicago 543 4.00 17. E. Kroschel Chicago 540 4.00 18. T. Brant Chicago 538 4.00 19. E. Jasien Chicago 537 4.00 20. A. Pelko LaSalle 536 3.00 21. A. Leben Chicago 536 Tie 3.00 22. S. Rybak Chicago 533 3.00 23. H. Swanson Biwabik 532 3.00 24. F. Anzelc Biwabik 528 3.00 25. C. Verbick West Allis 526 3.00 26. II. Venskus Chicago All Events 523 3.00 1. M. Roth Chicago 1697 $11.00 2. H. Fitzgerald Chicago 1669 9.00 3. C. Tomazin Chicago 1643 7.00 GOOD SPORTS OF ELY THE DAWN CLUB TEAM FROM ELY, MINN. — Seated from left to right: Margaret Preshiren, Mary Jam-nick. Standing: Margaret Somrock, Rose Lobe, Ann Mik-lavcich, and Florence Markovich. The above picture was taken on May 10, the evening of their Bowling Banquet, at which time each Dawn Club Bowler was presented a lovely corsage from the Club. Mary Starkovich and Mary Jamnick were recipients of trophies from the League for perfect attendance. The Dawn Club has had a bowling team for six years now, and Mary Starkovich and Rose Lobe have been with the team since its origination. —R. 4. V. Bogolin Chicago 1640 6.00 5. E. Statkus Chicago 1633 5.00 6. L. Gajda Chicago 1622 4.50 7. F. Klecki Chicago 1622 Tie 4.50 8. S. Rybak Chicago 1621 4.00 9. F. Anzelc Riwabik 1620 3.00 10. S. Gorka Chicago 1619 3.00 11. E. Klassovity Chicago 1618 3.00 12. H. Swanson Biwabik 1616 3.00 13. A. Leben Chicago 1610 3.00 14. R. Krapenc Chicago 1609 3.00 15. M. Gawlik Milwaukee 1607 2.50 16. M. Marolt West Allis 1605 2.50 17. M. Stuck Chicago 1605 2.50 18. E. Kroschel Chicago 1603 2.50 19. T. Brant Chicago 1602 2.50 20. T. Krapenc Chicago 1598 2.50 21. E. Jasien Chicago 1598 2.00 22. A. Pelko LaSalle 1586 2.00 23. E. Rosenquist Joliet 1583 2.00 24. L. Foys Chicago 1583 2.00 25. T. Terselich Chicago 1579 2.00 2G. A. Bovdik Chicago 1576 2.00 High Gatne with Handicap 1. M. Omerza Chicago 214-35-249 $ 5.00 2. M. Marolt West Allis 207-36-243 3.00 GRANDMOTHERS TROPHY MOTHER & DAUGHTER TROPHY 1). O’Keefe LaSalle 226 R. Krapenc 222 M. Krapenc 187 409 SISTER TROPHY MOTHER-IN-LAW & DAUGHTER-IN-LAW TROPHY A. Matthews LaSalle 224 D. O’Keefe LaSalle 226 450 F. Zefran 199 L. Zefran 205 404 GOODLADYSHIP TROPHY F. Zibert 136 (Low) E. Lesza 187 (high) MARIE PRISLAND: ’ T T T t T '■ 1 J a. zid Mrs. Josephine Livek, our beloved past Supreme President, is very much interested in this column. At my request, she responded with the following recipe: Pork Roast, Sauer Kraut and Dumplings Pork Roast — Take 3 pounds of pork loin, salt it and put in a few caraway seeds and a bit of garlic for flavor. Roast it for 2% hours at 350 degrees. Sauer Kraut — One large (No. 2) can of sauer kraut. Drain it. Add water to cover the kraut and cook it for 30 minutes. Add one tablespoon flour mixed in % cup of water to thicken the kraut. Simmer for 5 more minutes. Dumplings — Boil 3 large potatoes. When cooked peel and mash them. While still warm, add one teaspoon salt, two eggs and enough flour to make a thick dough. Roll out the dough and cut it into two inch squares. Place the squares in the palm of your hand and roll it into a ball. Drop the balls in^o boiling water and slowly cook for 10 minutes. To serve — Slice the pork, place it on the serving platter, surround it with dumplings and sauer kraut, pour over both, the brown juice from the pork roast and you have a fine meal. Serve it hot. Serves 6 people. Mrs. Hermine Udovich, member of br. 1, Sheboygan, is an excellent cook and baker. She contributed her favorite recipe for: French Apple Slices Ingredients for dough; 2 cups flour J/2 teaspoon salt % cup shortening 2 egg yolks 1 tablespoon lemon juice 7 tablespoons water Sift flour, add salt. Cut in shortening and blend well, until mixture resembles course meal. Beat yolks slightly, add lemon juice and water, add to dough and stir until dough is formed. Filling: 8 medium apples 1 cup sugar teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon J/2 teaspoon nutmeg Peel and slice apples very thin. Combine sugar and other ingredients, then add to apples and coat well. Roll greater half of dough % inch thick. Place on bottom and sides of pan 7" x 15”. Add apple mixture. Roll top crust. Place on top, seal the edges well. Prick top as for pie crust. Bake one hour at 350 degrees. A thin icing may be dribbled on top, while still warm. When cool cut in 1 inch slices. A «&> For PASTIME, I recommend reading the bestseller, “My 30 years Backstairs at the White House”, by Lillian R. Parks. The book is interesting and at places amusing. If you are interested in World affairs, two bestsellers, “The Ugly A-merican” and “A Nation of Sheep”, by William J. Lederer, is very instructive reading. It will broaden your understanding and open your eyes. Both are books that any one interested in the immediate destinies of our nation should not miss. »2* TWO BEST BEAUTY AIDS—There are two best beauty aids that cost nothing. They are essential to good looks that many women overlook. And, oddly enough both are free — yet both are priceless. One is sufficient rest. The other is cold water. A good night’s sleep followed by cold water (not ice water) splashed on your face and neck, can work wonders for your appearance. Both should be a matter of habit. Women, who otherwise display good sense, often show none at all about getting enough rest. And women, who think nothing of spending $5.00 for a jar of face cream, never think of using cold water as a free and marvelous astringent to tighten slack skin and aid in shrinking coarse pores. If water were bottled and sold as a cosmetic, a good many women probably would get around to buying it. The fact that it’s free makes them ignore it as a beauty aid. And the same thing is true of proper night’s rest. »£* *£» Maybe you’ve heard of the little girl, who pointed a small finger at the star-spangled sky one night and said: “Heaven must be very beautiful, because even the wrong side is so pretty.” No. 34, Soudan, Minn. The final meeting of Br. 34, before the summer recess was in the nature of an “outside” dinner party at the beautiful Wildlife Lodge at Eagles Nest Lake. Twenty four members enjoyed the delicious fried chicken and Swiss Steak meal with all the “trimmings” — member’s choice. The meal was served in a large, window-inclosed area, overlooking the Lake and was such a beautiful setting for the delicious food, and candle-lighted tables. After the meal, a short business meeting was held and then a social hour was held with some members playing “500” a n d others enjoying "Cootie”. Winners at “500” were Mrs. Tony Planton and Mrs. Louis Zupa-nich, while at the latter, Mrs. Ludwig Mesojedec and Mrs. Edward Dragavon took home the prizes. Mrs. William Vollendorf won the attendance prize. To conclude the evening, the Lai-tenens, who manage and own the Wildlife Lodge, served coffee and pastries to the ladies to bring to a closet another successful season for Br. 34. May I, at this time, wish every SWU member a happy and restful “vacation”, so that we can begin activities in September with renewed vigor and interest. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel LOST — FOUND? P. S. One of our members, Mrs. Joseph Stefanich received a letter from her aunt Ana Znidarsich from Črnomelj, Jugoslavia, in which she asked her how she liked the angora sweater she made for her from wool taken from goats she raised herself. The fact is, that Mrs. Stefanich never received the sweater. It was given to a lady, who came to visit Jugoslavia (Črnomelj) from America, to be delivered or sent to Mrs. Stefanich. Evidently, the visitor lost Mrs. Stefa-nich’s address and does not have Mrs. Znidarsich’s address, so can do nothing about the matter. If perhaps, she is a SWU member, she may see this and can send the sweater to Mrs. Joseph Stefanich at Tower, Minnesota. Her father, Steve Grahek, of Ely, Minnesota, is a brother to Mrs. Zni-darsich in Črnomelj — if this will help the lady in question to identify the parties concerned. No. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio. Well, ladies, our Mother-of-the-Year celebra tion is now history. The attendance exceeded all expectations—32 in num her! To those of you who could not attend, you really missed a nice affair. A rumor lias been circulating thac the tomato juice at the breakfast was somewhat stronger than the usual Hunt's, Heinz or Welch brand. I can’t imagine how this started, but after my sudden and unexpected leap through space (without a launching platform, too!) I’ve got a pretty good idea! To these who did attend I’m “EVERY MOTHER DESERVES A CROWN” No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. We now have a reigning queen. She is one of our charter members and at one time was president of br. 25 Mrs. Mary Peterlin of 265 East 150 St. (Turn to the Slovenian section and read all about her, through the well-known Mrs. Otoničar.) Pictured here with her are Councilman Edmund Turk, who crowned our queen and Mrs. Pauline Stampfel, president of br. no. 25. It was a magnificent evening and I wish to thank all the members and guests, who so graciously made it possible. Here is a saying that’s honestly true — “Every mother deserves a Crown.” A BIG "GET WELL" CARD TO MRS. KRIŽMAN (FROM ALL MEMBERS OF BR. 25) * * * Dear Angela, May Our Lady smile upon you, And Our Saviour bless your days With HEALTH, LOVE and JOY Today, tomorrow and always! P. S. September 30th is an important day. In the next issue of Zarja look for it and plan to keep the date open. Vicki Faletič sure words aren’t necessary to express our thanks—our guest of honor, Mrs. Stavec, a perfect example of grateful elation. Movies of this affair taken by Antonia and Marie Matis were shown at the June 27th meeting. I think Mamma Prhne and Mrs. Michael Hrovat deserve a very special thanks for putting forth a real effort to attend in spite of ill health. This is a good example for all the younger members. Since my last report, Antonia Cer-cek has undergone major surgery. Our very best wishes to her of a satisfactory and speedy recovery! Let’s keep “on the ball” for new members, ladies. We have a few very interesting projects in mind, but without ample support they are useless. You all deserve a lot of credit for making our first event this year such a successful one, but don’t let’s it stop there. How about it, gals—will YOU be at meetings Lillian Sadowski No. 43, Milwaukee, Wise. This being the month of July, our vacations are well planned and in full swing. No meetings will be held in July or August, but on September 9th, our first Fall meeting will resume, and we are hoping for a big attendance. Many happenings have occurred recently, and I just know where to begin. Our president, Josephine Kolar is now convalescing at her home after a lengthy ankle injury. Ceil Groth, our vice-president has a severe finger injury. She too, was hospitalized, but is presently at home. Celia Vachetz, who was hospitalized suddenly, is coming along very well. Josephine Kramer is now at home and feeling better. Rosie Pugel’s husband Rudy, is still in the hospital, but is improving. To the above and all other members, who are shut-in’s, a speedy recovery. To the Zinko Family, I wish to extend our deepest sympathy on the recent loss of their son and brother. Congratulations and best wishes are in order for the following members- Connie Rebernisek, who became Mrs. Terrence Gilboy on March 3rd; Judy Mikol, who became Mrs. Ronald Metsa on April 2Sth, and Donalyn Tratnik, who became Mrs. Donald Walsh on May 5th. All had large weddings with many guests attending and wishing them well. On Thursday, September Gth, our branch is sponsoring a “Luncheon” at St. John’s Auditorium at 5 P. M. All members, and their friends are invited. Tickets are available from the secretary. We need an overwhelming representation at this “Luncheon”. Several prizes will be given away. Be sure to get your ticket as soon as possible. Then comes our Wisconsin 4th State Convention. It will be held in Willard, Wise, on September lGth. A bus will leave from St. John’s Church. Members and their friends can contact yours truly after 4 P. M. daily for any information. Last, but not least, check your dues, if you are behind, please pay them. To all vacationers, a safe and happy trip. Rose Kraemer, Sec. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. On Sunday, June 10th, we planned a surprise for one of our members, Mary Lousha, who celebrated her Golden Wedding Anniversary. She has 3 living children, 3 deceased. So we wish her many more years of health and happiness. She is a very good member, always ready to contribute, to do for the good of the branch. She is one of our longest and original members of the branch. We had a nice attendance at our Mother’s Day Party, at Lemmon’s on Sunday, May 6th. I hope everybody had a good time. I think the food and service were excellent. Of course I may be partial, because I happen to know the owner. So, whoever is hostess next year, I hope they will go back. Again the non-members outnumbered the members. We have so many members, who could go and don’t. Nobody knows all the work that is involved and the planning. If they did, I’m sure they would try to go. Mary Gregorič is not very well, now. I hope we will be seeing her again, soon. I understand she uses one crutch now and is walking on her leg, again. In the next two months of July and August, we will not be having any meeting. Maybe many of our members will be taking a trip. The next meeting will be on Sept. 9th, Labor Day weekend. I may not be here, so we’ll have to make other plans. The meeting is supposed to be at my home. No, I guess Labor Day will be the 3rd. So, the meeting will be at my house on Sept. 3rd. In closing, I would like to wish everyone a nice summer. If you plan to take a trip, be careful. Get home safe. See you in September. Marie Thompson, Rec’d Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Our May meeting was a fine affair with pot-luck party and a large attendance. We had a guest from Minnesota, Mrs. Mary Brancich and her daughter, Libby. We certainly enjoyed having them. Three new members were initiated, namely, Mary Ludvik, Mary Chesnik and Ann Tusek. We hope they will enjoy being part of our group. Oh, we had such excitement talking about our trip to Washington — as we had to tell all our members a-bout it. Sophie Posch and Mamie Marin showed their beautiful pictures which were snapped during the tour. We enjoyed seeing them very much. Loads of thanks to Agnes Trebar for making those beautiful crocheted doggies, which she presented to Senator Lausche — one for his wife and the other for Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. This was presented in behalf of Br. no. 50. Thanks again, Agnes, for your thoughtfulness. Toni Tanko surely had her hands full and she really knows how to handle everything. Bless her heart. Same goes to Corinne and Vicki — they, too, were very busy girls and did a wonderful job. They had a big smile for everyone in spite of how tired they were! We are very grateful to you all — you were wonderful. Oh, I must not forget to mention our pals from Joliet and Chicago. They were real sports and very, very friendly. We send our best wishes and hope we can get together again some day. Br. no. 50 can’t find the words to praise the grand time we all had —including the lovely Cleveland ladies of our neighboring branches. We enjoyed meeting our wonderful Sen. Lausche and Congressman Blatnik of Minn. He was a real “honey” to us. We can’t thank them both e-nough for the sincerity with which they met us and the extra time they gave to our large group. By now, Toni is having a good time in Europe. She’s a good doctor and can cure any ailments as she proved on the Washington trip. Only, it’s too bad her head nurse, Frances Seitz, won’t be along to help with the "shots”! We wish a speedy recovery to Louise Mlakar — we wish her loads of good luck from now on. And, the same to Justine Pieman. We were so sorry to hear of the loss of the Pieman’s first born baby boy. Our Elephant Sale turned out very satisfactorily. At the June meeting, we heard the results and made plans for the next sale. It was the last meeting until Sept. Hope everybody will keep this in mind and really turn out in a large number, when we resume our meetings. God bless you all. Mary Bostian No. 55, Girard, Ohio. Fifty-four members and their guests had an enjoyable evening at our annual Mother-Daughter Banquet held at the Slovenian Home. Mrs. Catherine Ansek was the honored member of the year. Mrs. Theresa Lozier, president, presented her with a gift to mark the occasion. Gifts were also given to Mrs. Anna Krivak, oldest mother. Mrs. Jennie Daras, the oldest daughter and Fran-cine Racick, the youngest daughter. Mrs. Mary Turk and Mrs. Victoria Penksa won door prizes. Joyce Ann Westhart recited a poem and her mother, Mrs. Jerry Westhart gave the response. These beautiful poems written by Jerry are well worth reading, and if space permitted, I would have you all read them. Patricia Dombro-sky was featured in a piano solo and Ann Marie and Francine Racick sang “Wisdom”. Mary Louise Umeck played several selections on the accordion. Cards and games were enjoyed after the program. The president thanked the chairman, Mrs. Nancy Dombrosky and her aids, Mmes. Louise Hill, Anna Marie Racick and Jerry Westhart for the arrangement of this lovely affair. The June meeting chairman, Mmes. Helen Biscan and aids, Bar- bara Martin, Anna Krivak, Jennie Ol shuk and Mrs. Steve Fabian were also selected. We are happy to announce that no names have been, reported on the sick list this month. May you all be blessed with the best of health and happiness. Mary Ann Mehalco No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Hello from Canon City! Our meeting will be held on Aug. 12th at 2 p. m. Hope all our members will be there. Our sympathy goes out to our sister member, Gertrude Jurjovec, who lost her husband and son within 5 months time. Also, to member, Mary Ann Stariha and Sophie Stariha, who lost their father-in-law. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery after surgery to sister, Hannah Adamic, who is 78 years old and has been our vice-president for many years. We have other sick members, too, including Josephine Kuminiak, who underwent surgery. To all, our heartiest wishes. Members, since our charter member, Anna Susman will be 80 years old on July 13th, try and remember her with a card or note. She is one of our fortunate mothers with a nun in the family. Members, the State convention will be held in Crested Butte on Sunday, July 22nd. A bus will be available for outlying sections, so please contact me for reservations. All members, husbands and families are very welcome — so, let’s make it a really fine affair. Keep the date open for Colorado State Day, Sunday, July 22nd. The bus from Pueblo with our sister-mem-bers and State pres. Anna Pachak, will be for 11:00 a. m. Mass. Plan now to attend. Cecilie Adamic, Sec’y. No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our June meeting was very well attended. We said a prayer for Pat Jaksa, who is very ill. Hope you get well soon, Pat. His mother is our member for many years. Also on the sick list are two members, Angela Mlakar and Mrs. Frank Satovich, Sr. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Get well soon, for we miss you both! There will be no meetings until September 11th, but we hope to see you all at Minnesota State Day in Gilbert on Sept. 9th. Anyone wishing to join our bus tour may contact any of the branch officers for reservations. Our pres., Ann Satovich and family had the pleasure of vacationing in Colorado. They visited their son, Francis, who is stationed at Camp Carson and also had a pleasant visit with Anna Pachak, State pres., of Colo., who lives in Pueblo. Ann is just bubbling over with reports of the trip and all the beautiful places she saw. After the meeting, we played cards with honors going to Agnes Barkis and Mary Drobnik in Canasta, Mary Meadows and Dorothy Oberstar in 500 and Mrs. Frank Drascovich and Anna Rapinac in B. A very delicious lunch was served by Mmes. Angeline Pas-sino, Mary Massich, Rose Vukich, Barbara Doshen and Angela Genac. Happy journey to all who are travelling this summer. Fran Puhek No. 72, Pullman, III. Greetings! Not much to report on at this time, but just thought you would like to hear from us anyway. We have several members, who are, or have been sick. Mrs. Orazem, our treasurer, came through her operation in good shape and is doing very well now at home. We are happy to see her coming back to her old self, again. I do not have a report on Mrs. Mesec right now, except that she was hospitalized for an operation. But, 1 just want her to know that we are thinking of her and wishing her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Arko also is not well. Surgery always takes so much out of a person, and sometimes it takes so long to get over it. Again, we just want to let her know we are thinking of her and hope she will be her happy cheerful self again, real soon. To these sick members, and to all other members who might be sick, but about whom I have no report — we wish a speedy recovery and continued good health. Vacation time is coming up, again. I hope everyone of you will have a happy summer. Plan to attend our meetings — you will enjoy them. Wilma Zagar No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Just a few words on our belated Mother’s Day party, which was a grand affair. I want to thank all who brought the delicious food and all who donated. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Best wishes and good luck to our graduates and those celebrating happy occasions. Deepest sympathy to our recorder, Frances Rosenberger on the loss of her father and to Joe and Louise Rosenberger and families. May the perpetual light shine upon him. With a fond wish to all who are ill — for a speedy recovery, I am, Mary Habich, Pres. No. 85, DePue, III. We held our monthly meeting on May 20th, commemorating Mother’s Day at the Slovenian Dom. Eleven members were present. It was decided to dispense with our summer-time meetings and we will gather again in October, unless some important matter arises in the meantime. After the meeting, our respective husbands joined us for a social time. As always, the food was delicious and plentiful! I’m sure everyone present had an enjoyable time. May all those who are ill have speedy recoveries to good health! It was nice to see Mrs. Josephine Slatner at the meeting again after a lengthy seige of ill health. See you in the Fall, God willing! Frances Machek No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Our meeting May 1st was very well attended. We had a very nice lunch and a grand evening. Our next meeting will be Sept. 4th. Since we meet every three months, we will take advantage of the usual summer recess and stay with our schedule. Our town was preparing for the National Open Golf Tournament, which was to take place June 16th at the Oakmont Country Club. Golfers from all States and other countries come to play and to watch. If any one from your city is playing out here, we hope he’ll enjoy the beautiful countryside. Our sincere sympathy to one of our sisters, Mrs. Helen Mihelič and daughter, Katherine Meketic on the loss of husband and father. May he rest in peace. I wish each and everyone a healthy and happy summer — so, till fall, Sincerely, Anna Kastelic No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Our regular meeting in April was held at Frank’s Cafe. Pauline Stayduhar and Josephine Somrak were hostesses. Frances Saya, one of our charter members, w'as unanimously voted as our Mother of the Year. We are so happy to have Frances receive this honor. We hope to see you often at our meetings this sumer. We also feel very honored to be chosen as the convention city for this year’s State Convention. It will be a great pleasure to have the important meeting here and to host the groups coming from all over the State. Our May meeting was presided over by my sister-in-law, Pauline Stayduhar, due to my taking a two week vacation. My dear daughter took me on this trip accompanied by my two younger daughters and we toured southern California and Tijuana, Mexico. One of our highlights, was visiting my son at the Naval Training Center at San Diego. We also met Lawrence Welk and danced to his music. We were happy to see Peggy and Kathy Lennon at the program, too. We toured Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, San Diego Zoo and many other interesting places. My sister and her family, Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Saya and boys, were our hosts. My father, Gregory Stayduhar came back to Crested Butte with us, but he isn’t feeling too well. Getting back to the May meeting . . . hostesses were Mrs. Jake Ko-chevar and Mary Kapushion. At this meeting, tribute was paid to our dear mothers and to those who had gone before. May God let them rest in peace. Our meeting in July was held on the first Sunday at the home of Miss Aurelia Welch. Hostesses for the evening were Miss Welch and yours truly. Mrs. Kay Starika of Colorado Springs, one of our members, also attended. Mrs. Eva Lubin joined the branch at this meeting. Plans got underway for our State Convention scheduled for July 22nd. As I read through our June issue of Zarja, I noted Mrs. Anna Pachak of Pueblo urged all the ladies to come to the convention. I do hope all of you Br. no. 3 members will plan on attending, as well as members of our neighboring branches throughout Colorado. Let us make this a most memorable convention and we can, if the turnout is good. We are planning a scenic drive, w'hich I do hope we can-work out, as a means of showing our guests the beautiful parts of this section. I know it will be very enjoyable. We will have Holy Mass at cir new’ and very beautiful Queen of All Saints Church that morning at 11:00 a. m. So, welcome, ladies, one and all. I wish to thank the members of our branch for electing me as the official delegate to the convention meeting. On June 27th, we had plans made to motor to Colorado Springs to be guests of our sister-member, Kay Starika. Thank you, Kay, it was nice of you to invite us. And, we are grateful to her, too, for helping us plan our convention activities. Also, a big thank you to Francse Pogorelz. So, we’ll see you at the Convention, July 22nd. God bless you. Helen Cobai No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Vacation time time is here again! With the closing of the June meeting, I wish to remind you all of the physical dangers of the summer time, the long, lazy days which lie ahead. Members, you have a tremendous responsibility to your family during this time. Being careful will save you many a headache and heartache! To those of you, who are behind in dues payments, we suggest that you send a money order to Mildred Po-ropat, Sec. of Br. no. 95, 8214 Saginaw Ave., Chicago 17, 111., or call her at BA. 1-6906 and make certain that your dues are taken care of properly. Many happy returns of the day to the following July celebrants: Louise Dichele, Matilda Grepo, Marge Krmpo-tich, Anna Loncar, Ann Matesevac, Mary Medonich, Milka Miljak, Manda Nosich, Joanne Pavlich, Mary Posse-di, Anna Sabljak and Sylvia Werner. In closing, I wish all of you a happy vacation and to our shut-ins, a wish for your speedy recovery. Remember all our sick and deceased members in your daily prayers. I hope to see all of you at our Sept. 5th meeting. Mildred James, Pres. No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio. We are pleased to report that our Mother of the Year, Lucille Picone, was greatly surprised and honored at our May Dinner. It was well attended with 13 of our chosen mother's children in attendance. One son is serving in the U. S. Army and was unable to attend, another son, the eldest, was home recuperating from an operation. But, we are sure that their thoughts were with their mother that evening. Lucy’s youngest daughter, Lou Ann, presented her mother with 15 red roses, representing each of her 15 children. She also has 15 grandchildren and her daughter announced that there’s another on the way. This news surprised and pleased us all. The dinner was a huge success. We are so happy and proud that our members responded with 100% cooperation and loyalty. They all wrorked so hard! A special thanks to the ladies who worked and to Anna Gyuriclc and Betty Matjašič for planning the dinner so well. We also thank Father Paulin for attending and the Mayor of our fine town, Robert E. Willeford. Our president, Mary Szabo presented a MUU MUU ANYONE??? Our Supreme President Toni Tanko rated as one of the top models on board the Matson Line ship coming home from Hawaii last summer. She picked up that little “number” at one of the fashion spots on the Islands and did it justice by wearing it at the ship’s party. If the temptation to travel to Hawaii has you—join the group leaving August 19th under the auspices of Br. no. 13, San Francisco, Calif, and you’ll have a wonderful time. For all particulars, write to the excellent Hawaiian guide, Fran Chiodo, 624 San Bruno Ave., S. F„ and if you need just a bit of encouragement to make the trip, read her column on page 115. THE PLACE AND THE TIME IN RHYTHM AND RHYME No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Dear Sisters and Friends: For sure now, I’m no poet Yet the words come from my heart, When you read this you will know it, Perhaps a smile I shall impart. And if such may be the case, Be rest assured I’ve reached the place Of charming friends, so kind and true I have been blessed just knowing you. Boy oh boy did we have fun, Thursday the tenth of May We honored Christine Filips, It really was her day. We had a pot luck dinner, With such good things to eat, Say, when it comes to cooking, Slovenians can’t be beat. Roast beef and strudels, Klobase we had oodles, Well w'hat do you know, We even had Italian noodles! Krofe and cake, real juicy pies and salads by the score, Our tummies were filled, yet hungry with eyes, We managed to go back for more. Evanich and Petrich were serving the food To people waiting in line, They served Mothers and Fathers, Sisters and Brothers, While Ruppert was pouring the wine. Upon this place with lovely tace, Tears in her eyes of brown, Came little Diane Mrgich, Her shining hair, a crown. She gazed at me, t’was plain to see She had a tale of woe, As I knelt down to hear her, Relate she did real low. In voice so sweet she did repeat. These words so tearfully: “Just look how hungry I am And Mom won’t even feed me. Kuralich did say, “What a wonderful crowd!” My sentiments exactly said I aloud, I looked for Mayzak to wave a “hello” But she was so busy enjoying jello. With appetites sated, We recessed to a room, We were really elated, T’was no time for gloom With gifts from our group Honored one was presented “You shouldn’t have done this,” Our Christine lamented An added touch of gaiety To the occasion lent. An orchid to a dress being pinned, By Dot, our president. “I don’t deserve this honor,” Christine was heard to say, Nor lovely gifts being given, Upon this merry day. Hand clapping then followed.. With shouts of good cheer, Here and there hallowed, A real happy tear. One of our guests, Liz Parkel by name And we all agree, she is hep. That gal is quite bright, she did alright, When into our “Union" did step. Lukanich sat like a queen on a throne. Now and then heaving a deep sigh. Not missing a stint, “Zarja” will print, Events of this day passing by. Came time for the dishes Being washed, .and set aside, Pieri and Krainik Were there in full stride. Now in the corner and in full swing, There was a very busy game table, Mrs. Martin was playing the game, As fast as she was able. As I was leaving and through the din I shouted out with glee: "I wish you luck, may all you win A large amount of money!” At the close of the day, sincere prayers were said; I thanked the Dear Lord as I bowed down my head. For good times, for good friends, with a warm smile for you, These are treasures on earth, now isn’t that true? Edith Drawenek plaque to Mrs. Picone and gave a short, but very warm speech. We are proud of everyone in Br. no.101 for with all your help and interest, we have been getting along so well. We will be a branch that everyone will l>e proud of! God bless you and keep you all. Helen Hoerl No. 102, Willard, Wis. — At our meeting on May 22, we decided to sponsor a Slovenian Day here at Willard, Wis., on July 8, 1962, at the West Side Hall, starting at 1:30 P. M. This is to be a social get-together for all interested people from the local and surrounding area. Slides of local interest and others will be shown, games played, and a door prize given. A bit of lunch will be served along with some Slovenian stereo-music. Everyone is welcome, so come and enjoy an afternoon with friends. A date has finally been set for the 4th Annual State Convention, which is to be held at Willard, Wis. on Sept. 16, 19G2. This was postponed until fall, because of conflicting dates in June. We hope that this later date will enable more of you to come, so start planning now. The following schedule has been arranged. At 11:30, there will be a special low Mass at our Holy Family Church to accomodate our visitors. At 12:00 noon, a delicious chicken dinner will be served followed by a short program. The convention meeting is scheduled for 2:00 P. M. and at 4:00, a Buffet Lunch. The time of departure would perhaps be around 5:00. This, I hope, will not make your arrival back home too late. Looking forward to a successful and enjoyable day. Mary Staut, Sec. Rt. 2 Greenwood, Wis. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. What a nice meeting in June! What a nice attendance! What a nice group of ladies! What a nice time we had — at Alice Kocjan’s home! What a nice hostess she was! What a nice luncheon she served and how grateful we are, she'll never know. It really was just grand, and we thank Alice so very much. I have been absent for over a year, and I had a good reason, everyone knows. Sickness for one thing — But, I enjoyed being with you and so did the other ladies, I know! I especially appreciate being remembered with a gift for being your reporter and as president, Pauline Adamic handed it to me, she said: “Here, I've been carrying this to meetings for 5 months and I am sure glad to have the honor of presenting this to you now.” Thank you ladies, for the lovely gift. I also, took home the hostess’ gift, supplied by Alice Kocjan. Thanks again. Our past-president, Julia Panzica was presented a gift as she was our Mother of the Year. She was delighted with it. We met Alice’s mother, who is visiting here from Warren, Ohio, a member of Br. 54. She has been quite ill and we were surprised and happy to see her so cheerful and peppy. Pauline Adamic and her husband started their vacation early — scheduled to depart June 28th for Vel’Dor Quebec, Canada, to attend the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Pauline’s godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zidar. The Adamic’s also won a trophy for bowling, which was a surprise for them and which they will cherish, I’m sure. We signed a get well card for Mrs. Marie Nexbeda, who is recuperating in a rest home at Mt. Clemens, Mich. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mary Kochevar is still fighting her illness. We pray for her recovery, too. Happy July Birthday to Pauline A-damic and wish her many happy returns. Next meeting will be at my home — hope to see you all there. Rose Jamnik Marie Prisland Evropski poročevalec velikega ameriškega časnikarskega sindikata opisuje vtise, katere je dobil po 17-letne-mu bivanju v raznih delih sveta. Takole piše: "Amerika je moja domovina, kjer pa ne živim več. Rad bi seveda, a sem eden tistih ljudi, ki letajo po svetu in iščejo novice. V 17-tih letih sem prepotoval 32 držav v Evropi, Aziji, Afriki in Južni Ameriki. Sedaj sem v Združenih Državah, da dobim sliko od moje domovine, kakoršna je danes. — Ugaja mi! Istctako ugaja moji ženi, ki je Angležinja in mojemu 11-letnemu sinku, rojenemu v Parizu. Mislita, da je lepše in udobnejše živeti v New Yorku kot v Londonu ali Parizu. Prepričana sta, da je draga U. S. boljša dežela kot vse druge, katere smo videli in prepotovali. Izmed vseh narodov sveta je povprečni Amerikanec boljše oblečen in boljše hranjen, ima več prostosti ter višji standard udobnosti ter se v vsakem oziru počuti srečnejšega. Do tega prepričanja me je privedlo opazo vanje na potovanju 14 tisoč milj od obale do obale; od kanadske meje do Mehike. Glavne ceste vseh večjih mest kažejo več dobro oblečenih in veselo razpoloženih ljudi, kot jih vidite v kateremkoli inestu po svetu, izvzemši morda Buenos Aires in Braziliji. Kar se tiče ameriških žensk pa sloh ni primere. Boljše so oblečene, bolj očarljive, imajo več prostosti in uživajo več spoštovanja in negovanja kot njih sestre po ostalem svetu. Prvo, kar nas je na potovanju po Ameriki presenetilo je, prijazno občevanje s tujci, česar se drugod ne najde. Večkrat sem potoval ves dan skupno z osebami v kupeju, ki pa niso niti besedice med seboj spregovorili, niti se drug drugemu nasmehnili. Tu je vse prijazno med seboj. V dveh minutah se s tujcem razgo-varjam kot z rodnim bratom. Amerika nas je presenetila s prijaznimi in postrežlji-vimi strežniki in posli. Postrežba, ki jo dobimo v trgovinah je za tujca naravnost neverjetna. Hitrost dovažanja, lahka odplačila, svežost blaga, izbira vzorcev in mer, itd. Čisto drugače kot v Evropi, kjer dobiš v prodajalni vtis: k vragu z odjemalcem! Presenečen sem bil nad izvrstnimi tlakovanimi cestami širom dežele. Kako velike daljave ljudje prevozijo z avtomobili in s kako hitrostjo! Postrežba, ki vam jo nudijo razne gasolinske postaje, je skoro neverjetna. Postreženi ste s prostim zrakom za obroče; z vodo; pregledajo porabo olja, osnažijo vam okna na avtomobilu ter dajo vse informacije z največjo prijaznostjo. Potovanje po Ameriki je zabava. Železnice so boljše, udobnejše, hitrejše in čistejše kakor kjerkoli drugje po svetu. Zrakoplovni sistem U. S. pa sploh nima primere nikjer. Potoval sem 75,000 milj po zraku v eroplanih 17-tih držav ter spoznal, da potujejo ameriška letala za 50-75 odstotkov hitreje kot evropska. Na ameriških letalih lahko pišete, prijazne strežajke vam servirajo kavo, prigrizke in cigarete; oddajo za vas brzojavke, postrežejo z zemljepisi; prineso vam blazinico pod glavo ali vas ogrnejo z odejo, če je hladno. Vse to je v Evropi bela vrana. Hotelov kot so v Ameriki, ne najdete nikjer drugje na svetu. Na kontinentu je težko dobiti lepe, snažne sobice, komodno opravljene s kopalnico in telefonom. Tudi ne morete dobiti očiščenega klobuka v eni uri, perilo oprano in vrnjeno v enem dnevu, obleko zlikano v 30 mi- nutah; lučko ob vzglavju postelje, radio, TV aparat, pripravo za steklenice odpreti, vžigalice, gumbe, sukanec, šivanke, pisalno orodje in papir, vse gostom brezplačno predloženo, za poljubno vporabo. Na razpolago so telefonski operatorji. Perilo je poslano zastonj za vami, ako odidete pred časom; prav tako so vam dostavljene pozabljene reči. Ne, kaj takega ne najdete nikjer drugje kot v Ameriki. V restavracijah je hrana boljša, bolj sveža, vse je čistejše in postrežba točna. Edino, kar sem opazil je, da Ameri-kanci ne znajo pijač izbirati. Vse pijejo, kar se jim predloži, medtem ko Evropejec izbere vino in likerje z isto pažnjo in skrbjo, kot bi izbral avtomobil ali novo hišo. Nekatere stvari so me posebne presenetile in se mi vtisnile v spomin. Naprimer; Sloka (kriva) držba policistov; radiji v avtomobilih; dim v velikih mestih; krasota mesta Washington; fakt, da pred Belo Hišo ni nobene straže; neverjetna izbira zelenjave na trgih in v prodajalnah; da poulične železnice v velikih mestih tudi ponoči vozijo; da so restavracije in lekarne vso noč odprte; lepi, beli zobje, katere ima skoro vsak Amerikanec; lepi, dobro oblečeni in inteligentni fantje in dekleta višjih šol; bogata posestva osrednjega zapada. Čudil sem se telefonski in brzojavni ureditvi. Večkrat sem telefoniral na več tisoč mij razdalje, a sem zveze dobil v par minutah. Iz Londona vzame 20 minut, da se dobi zvezo s Parizom, ki je samo 250 milj oddaljen. Brzo-jav je od štiri do šestkrat hitrejši v Ameriki kot v Evropi. Zdi se mi, da je v Ameriki nebo višje, horizon širši, ter da človek dobi vtis mogočnosti, kakoršna ne obstoja v drugih delih sveta. Več Evropejcev mi je reklo, da je zrak v Ameriki napolnjen z energijo, katero čuti tujec takoj, ko stopi na ameriška tla. Edino sitnost in neprilike, na katere sem naletel v svoji domovini so mi delali ovitki iz celofana, v katerega je zamotana vsaka reč.” » * * Nasveti V lonček s sobnimi cvetlicami vtakni cent, ker baker odganja gnilobo. Bencin, pomešan s praškom magnezije, lepo očisti belo kožuhovino in madeže na volneni obleki. Krpico pomakaj v zmes ter drgni po madežih. Ko se bencin posuši, skrtači magnezijo z obleke. Če deneš malo ruma v testo, krofi ne popijejo toliko masti. Limona je dobra za obraz in roke. S sokom si oddrgni obraz in roke ter nato splahni z hladno vodo. Koža bo bela in mehka. Proti izpadanju las pomaga umivanje z mlačno vodo, kjer so se kuhale korenine od kopriv. Teh lahko nakoplješ poleti in jih spraviš na suh prostor, da jih lahko rabiš tudi pozimi. Med je dobro zdravilo za mnoge bolezni, posebno za prehlajeno grlo. Če trpiš na zaprtju, popij vsako jutro na tešče skodelico vroče vode. Ko stepaš beljak, kani vanj par kapljic limoninega soka; se bo hitreje strdil. Časopisni papir je dobro sredstvo proti moljem. Tiskarsko črnilo moljem ne ugaja. Če volnene obleke, ki jih čez poletje denemo v shrambo, zavijemo v časopisni papir, se je molji ne bodo dotaknili. Pol ure odmora po obedu naj bi si vsak privoščil. Tak odmor dela čudeže: pomiri živce, okrepi mišice in daje novih moči za nadaljno delo. Pustimo posodo po obedu na mizi, se prijazno pogovorimo in še le potem nadaljujmo z delom. Tako ima želodec vsaj malo miru za boljšo prebavo. * * * Mama: “Jej, jej Tonček, skoraj si si koleno razbil, pa še jokal nisi.” Tonček: “Mislil sem, da te ni doma.” P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. PRIJATELJSTVO SEGA DALEC Pred nekaj časa sem bral zgodbo, ki mi je povedala, da so Se dobri ljudje na svetu. Na mene je napravila zelo globok vtis. Ker o dobrih stvareh malo slišimo, ali pa jih premalo povdarjamo sem se odločil, da vam to zgodbo povem. Vem, da bo tudi vam všeč. Neka šestdesetletna Holandžanka je potovala iz Kalifornije domov v Holandijo. Bilo je pozimi. Kakor veste, se rado zgodi, da radi snežnih viharjev včasih vlaki ne morejo skozi. Njen vlak je imel tako smolo. Bil je zasnežen blizu Salt Lake City in je tako imel šest ur zamude. Za to ubogo ženo je to bila velikanska nesreča. Potniki, ki so se z njo vozili so opazili, da se žena potiho joka. Nikakor niso mogli zvedeti, kaj naj bi bil vzrok. Da bo nesreča še večja, je pripomoglo še njeno neznanje jezika. Znala je le tri angleške besede: Nimam denarja, kosilo, in zbogom. Končno se je le posrečilo neki postrežnici na vlaku razvozlati njeno težavo. Imenovana žena je imela le 15 dolarjev denarja v žepu. Zamuda vlaka bi pomenila zamudo njene zveze z vlakom iz Chicaga v New York. In če ta vlak zamudi, bo zamudila tudi ladjo, ki bi jo popeljala domov. Ko je neki možakar iz Chicage to slišal, se je takoj podal na delo. Vzel je v roko klobuk in začel zbirko po vlaku za ubogo popotnico. Pri tem delu je moral včasih prekiniti kako igro kart, ali kak razgovor ali pa celo koga zbuditi iz spanja. Od 195 potnikov je nabral 68 dolarjev. Postrežnica je telefonirala v Chicago in napravila rezervaciji za avijon, ki naj potnico pripelje pravočasno na zvezo z ladjo. Postrežnica je tudi povedala kako je bila stara gospa prestrašena in kako je jokala ko ji je možakar iz Chicaga dal nedar. Ni sl mogla razložiti, kako so ljudje postali naenkrat dobri do nje. Ko je vlak po osmih urah dosegel Chicago, je staro gospo čakal njen sin, ki je priletel iz Kalifornije potem, ko mu je zeležnisko osobje sporočilo v kakšni težavi se nahaja njegova mati. Tam je pomagal materi, da je mogla na pravi avijon in tak srečno odpotovati v New York. V New Yorku pa jo je že čakal taxi, ki ga je naročilo društvo za pomoč potnikom. Ta jo je počakal na letališču in jo je takoj odpeljal k ladji, ki je odpotovala po sporedu. Tako je ta žena po dobroti dobrih ljudi dosegla svoj cilj. Našla je v tuji deželi prijatelje, ki jih nikoli ni prej videla in jih tudi verjetno ne bo, a spomin nanje ji bo vedno ostal. Vedno bo govorila o dobrih amerikancih. Tak način širjenja dobre volje med narodi je več vreden kot vsa uradna propaganda skupaj. Če bi nas kdaj premotilo mišljenje, da danšnji svet drvi v pogubo in da zanj ni rešitve, nam taki zgledi kakor je zgoraj povedo, da ni vse izgubljeno in da Bog prav zaradi dobrih src zadržuje svojo jezo in še vedno deli obilno milosti in blagoslova. Pridružimo se tem dobrim dušam. Nam bo zelo dobro delo. Besed smo že siti. Pokažimo se v dejanju dobre in junaške in ne samo v besedah. Tudi zadržimo svojo sodbo kadar vidimo, da se ljudje mučijo, da kaj dobrega storijo. Ne recimo, to bi se dalo drugače napraviti. Šveda. Pokaži z zgledom. Zgledi vlečejo, besede le mičejo. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. ZAHVALA IN PRIPOROČILO. Kot predsednica naše podr. se prisrčno zahvaljujem vsem, ki ste pomagale na razne načine, da se je naša proslava za materinski dan tako lepo izvršila. Imele smo povoljno udeležbo, posebno naši mladinski člani so imeli good time. Vsak je prejel malo darilce, compliment gl. urada SŽZ. Bila je dobra ideja, ker nekateri še vedeli niso, da so člani naše organizacije. In ker so bili skoro vsi na programu, so nam prisrčno in iskreno čestitali za Materin dan. Ses. Pris-land je bila načelnica programa. Res smo bile skoro do solz ganjene, ko je predstavila in čestitala naši letošnji zaslužni materi ses. Kotnik, ki se je nato lepo zahvalila za izkazano čast. Voditeljica programa je nato imenovala starše in stare starše mladih igralcev, ki so nastopali in posebno ljubko so čestitale male vnukinje ses. Kotnik svoji dobri grandma. Tudi Kathy, vnukinja ses. Prisland je prišla s svojo mamico Hermina Dicke iz Madison, Wis. Kathy je prav tako prisrčno čestitala svoji stari mamici. Res, tako iskreno izkazane ljubezni do svojih mater že dolgo nismo imeli na naših programih. Še enkrat hvala vsem, posebno še sestram, ki so darovale jestvine in katere so postregle pri mizah in delale v kuhinji. Živele naše dobre mamice še dolgo, dolgo vrsto let! Ker do sept. ne bomo imele sej, zato vas prijazno prosim, da ne pozabite na naše delovanje tekom poletnih mesecev. Skušajte razprodati knjižice, kakor tudi tikce za card party, ki VABILO NA COLO. KANS. IN MO. DRŽANO KONVENCIJO V CRESTED BUTTE Članice podr. št. 92 v Crested Butte, Colo. so častno in z veseljem sprejele pokroviteljstvo naše državne konvencije, ki se bo vršila dne 22. julija. Sv. maša bo za delegatinje in članice ob 11 uri, nakar bo kosilo in konvenčno zborovanje ter druga razvedrila. Ker bo naša vožnja z busom vzela cele 4 ure, zato bo bus odšel točno ob 6 uri zjutraj od St. Mary šole. Prosim, bodite točne za čas odhoda, da ne bo potrebno čakati. Vrnile se bomo proti večeru. Vožnja bo sicer dolga, toda nič se ne bojte, ker čas bo v prijazni družbi še prehitro minil. Drage sestre: državne konvencije so važnega pomena, ker na njo podružnice pošljejo delegatinjo, ki predstavlja želje in predloge članic za korist in napredek cele organizacije. Prijazne članice podr. št. 92 pričakujejo veliko udeležbo, saj je to samo enkrat na leto in to naš Zvezi n dan, da se osebno zberemo skupaj. Vsem podružnicam Colo., Kans. in Mo. kličem na veselo svidenje 22. julija v krasni naselbini Crested Butte, Colo. Anna Pachak, Državna Predsednica se bo vršila drugo sredo v sept., dne 12. sept. Načelnice za to prireditev sta Ruth Shek in Mary Turk. Ker je to edina prireditev letos v prid naše blagajne, zato prosim, da bi se vse potrudile. 22. julija bomo imele piknik za vse članice v mestem parku pri Ashby Bridge. Državno konvencijo in Zvezin dan bomo imele v prijazni slovenski naselbini v Willard, Wis., prvo nedeljo v sept. Več bo še sporočeno v Zarji. Od naše podr. bomo imele posebni Bus in upamo, da se boste v lepem številu udeležile tega važnega izleta. V imenu podr. čestitam Mary in Viktor Turk k 40 letnici njunega zakona, ki sta ga praznovala v maju. Mary je veliko pomagala pri vseh prireditvah. Hvaležni smo ji za njeno dobrodušnost ter njej in soprogu želimo še mnogo let sreče in zdravja. M. Godez, preds. VABILO NA ZVEZIN DAN V LEMONT, ILL. Podr. št. 2, Chicago, Ul. vabi vse članice in prijatelje Zveze od blizu in daleč na letni Zvezin dan in romanje k Mariji Pomagaj na Ameriške Brezje v Lemontu, 111., v nedeljo dne 15. julija. Sv. maša bo ob pol 11 u'i pri Lurski votlini. Vsi vljudno vabljeni! Podr. št. 2. PROSLAVA 35 LETNICE LEPO USPELA Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. Proslava obletnice ustanovtive naše podružnice je lepo uspela v zadovoljstvo vseh. Imele smo banket na Hillside, Cafe pri Mr. in Mrs. Zedar, kjer so nam servirali okusno večerjo. Za njihov trud z nami, jim izrekamo najlepšo hvalo. Naš župnik Father Krušinski je bil častni gost, ki je otvoril program z molitvijo in nam nato podal lep govor. Prevezi je tudi vlogo našega duhovnega svetovalce in upamo, da bo še mnogokrat nastopal na naših prireditvah. S šopkom cvetja in lepim darom je bila obdarovana naša predsednica Ana Kameen, ki lepo vodi našo podr. že 35 let in smo vse zelo ponosne na njo, da še imamo našo prvo predsednico. Hvala tudi njeni hčeri Mary Kameen, ki je program lepo vodila v zadovoljstvo vseh. S šopkom cvetja je bila obdarovana tudi naša nadvse pridna in agilna tajnica Kristina Menart. Zaradi njene agilnosti, mislim, da imamo največji mladinski oddelek pri Zvezi in njej gre tudi zahvala za prireditve in druge aktivnosti pri naši podružnici. Častna članica je bila Mrs. Mary Telban, poznana tudi v Clevelandu, kjer ima sinove in hčere. Ona je namreč še edina živa članice od osmih ustanoviteljic društva. Višek proslave pa je bil za vse navzoče, ko sta John in Louise Gliha kazala slike, katere sta posnela lansko leto ob priliki obiska Slovenije. Slike so barvne in zanimive. Hvala jima za trud. Mary Kotar Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. Tajnica sporoča vsem članicam št. 6, da ne bomo imele sej do meseca septembra. Ako hočete plačati mesečnino, sem vam na razpolago vsak četrtek, kakor sem že naznanila. Prosim tiste, ki dolgujejo, da poravnajo čimprej ko mogoče. Sporočam tudi žalostno vest, da je preminul naš dober znanec in prijatelj Mr. Anton Ožbolt. Njegovi užaloščeni ženi Mrs. Jennie Ožbolt, ki je naša dobra in zvesta članica S2Z., ji vse članice izrekamo iskreno in globoko sožalje. Pokojnemu pa večni mir in pokoj v hladnem grobu. Pozdravljene vse sestre SŽZ. Mary Fidel, taj. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Vabim vse članice na našo sejo, ki se bo vršila dne 5. septembra v St. John’s dvorani točno ob 1 uri popoldne. Pridite gotovo vse, ker imamo tudi več važnih zadev za rešiti na tej seji, posebno še priprave za našo 35 letnico ustanovite. Na bolniški listi imamo naslednje sestre: Anne Planovšek, Fanny Herold Karn, Carolina Skrnbey, Frances Pečovnik, Mary Bubnik, Mary Kangus, Kathie Stuler, Josephine Martinčič. Vsem želimo hitrega okrevanja. Prosim, če bi pridobile kaj novih članic za št. 12. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam Zveze, posebno pri št. 12. Mary Shimenz Št. 13, San Francisco, Cal. Pozdrav Iz daljnega Zapada vsem sestram po Ameriki. Vse do junija smo imeli prav hladno vreme, tako da še stari pionirji ne pomnijo takega. Toda vseeno je vse že v lepem cvetju, kar mi nese spomin na mladostna leta v domovini, kako lepo je bilo v cvetočem maju, ko smo dekleta s poljskimi cve tlicami okinčale Marijin oltarček, kako smo posečale šmarniške pobožnosti in kako je pesem donela v čast Mariji, Kraljici majnika. Mnogo jih bo letos obiskalo našo lepo domovino, med njimi bo tudi naša narodna pevka E. Judnich. V imenu slovenskega cerkvenega zbora in sester Zveze, ji vse želimo srečno pot in mnogo veselja ob svidenju njenih dragih. V zboru jo bomo zelo pogrešale. V San Francisco imamo urad za Foreign Students in sicer pri Frančiškanih. Okoli 1000 študentov iz celega sveta je tu in pri frančiškanih dobijo za 25<( na dan hrano in stanovanje in po novem zakonu morejo tudi delati do 20 ur na teden. Kdor bi se za to zanimal naj se obrne na Mr. H. A. Ryder, Director Foreign Students Bureau, 55 Jones St., S. F., Cal. Brezplačno vim bodo poslali malo knjižico, študentje pohajajo v razne univerze, ki jih je tukaj 6. Vsakemu, ki potuje v domovino, priporočam knjižico Statistical Information on Jugoslavia. Prijateljica mi je dala en ducat knjig od naših pisateljev, Cankarja, Tavčarja, Zupančiča, Meškota, Gregorčičeve poezije in dru- ge. Mnoge te knjige je težko dobiti, ker jih ne tiskajo več. Ce bi, katera imela E. Ganglovo knjigo ‘‘Veliki trgovec” in bi jo hotel prodati, se priporočam, da mi to javi na moj naslov: Poldice Podgornik, 819 Ulloce St., S.F. Ponovno opozarjam vse sestre na izlet na Havajske otoke, ki bo v au-gustu. Hitite pogledat havajski raj. Zvezin dan je bil 20. maja s sv. mašo v slovenski cerkvi in po maši za-jtrek v krasni dvorani. Pozdrav vsem bolnim članicam, posebno Mrs. Stauc. Poldica Podgornik Št. 15, Newburgh, Ohio. Seje v aprilu in maju so bile zelo lepo obiskane. V aprilu je obhajala svoj rojstni dan ses. Viki Spech in je poslala na sejo sirov štrudel in kavo in smo lepo proslavile njen rojstni dan. Vse ji želimo, da bi zdrava in srečna obhajala še mnogo, mnogo veselih rojstnih obletnic. Srčna ji hvala! V maju smo obhajale materinski dan in rojstne obletnice sester: Verone Skubce in Alojzije Černe. Mrs. Skubca je prinesla sendvič in vse kar spada zraven, Mrs. Černe pa dobro kapljico, da smo se pogrele in veselo prepevale. Imele smo tudi kavo in sirov štrudel, ki ga je spekla naša letošnja zaslužna mati. Ona vedno rada pomaga pri naši podr. Srčna ji hvala za vse. Bog daj slavljenkam dočakati še mnogo let. V blagajno so darovale: Mary Ceka-da In Mary Zabak. Obema najlepša hvala. Naslednje tri mesece, julija, augusta in sept., ne bo sej, zato upam, da boste prišle vse zdrave na sejo v oktobru. Bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Prisrčni pozdrav vsem članicam Zveze in uradništvu. Frances Lindich St. 19, Eveleth, M Inn. — Zopet imam za poročati žalostno novico, da smo izgubile našo dobro članico Agnes Klune. Preminula je 26. aprila. Lani ji je umrl sin Frank za srčno hibo, star 49 let. Smrt nič ne izbira in se moramo vsi ukloniti pravici božji. Pokojna sestra Klune je zapustila tri hčere, dve sta v Milwaukee in ena v Californiji ter več vnukov. Naše globoko sožalje vsem prizadetim. Šolsko leto je v kraju. Med članicami smo imele dve graduantki, ena iz college in ena iz višje šole. Iskrene čestitke vsem graduantom ter u-spešno bodočnost! Več članic je na bolniški postelji. Sestra Skriner in sestra Lustik se nahajati v bolnišnici. Sestra Vrhovnik je srečno prestala operacijo, kakor tudi Annie Podgoršek za katero smo izvedeli, da je bila v bolnišnici. Naj ljubi Jezus podeli zdravje vsem bolnim med katerimi je tudi Mrs. Križman, mama naše glavne tajnice in želimo, da bi vse bolne kmalu okrevale. Vsem, ki boste potovale na obisk v domovino želimo srečno rajžo ter zdrav povrtek. Ko sva bila z možem v Chicagi na svatbi vnukinje, sva se ustavila tudi pri glavni tajnici. Albina mi je vse natančno raztolmačila o sedanjih velikih izdatkih pri Zarji, oziroma o novih cenah za papir in pošto. Stroškov je sedaj nad $500 dolarjev več mesečno in to za IG strani, zato moramo vse članice upoštevati sedanje razmere ter brez prigovarjanja dati .25 centov na leto v ta namen, ker glavna blagajna ne more utrpeti vseh povišanih stroškov. Članice pri naši podružnici mi dajo kvoder brez vsake sitnosti, za kar izrekam vsem najlepša hvala ter upam, da bodo tudi pri drugih podružnicah tajnice imele od članic lepo sodelovanje, V Chicagi sva obiskala tudi našo glavno blagajničarko Mrs. Železnikar, s katero smo že vsa leta dobri prijateljici, kakor tudi z Mr. Železnikarjem in sta bila pri nas na Evelethu pred nekaj leti. K poroki vnukinje bi rada dodala samo to, da je bilo vse zelo lepo in tudi vreme krasno, da je bil res velik užitek za vse. Pred 28 leti je oče Tone Lenich peljal svojo hčerko Lillian k oltarju v cerkev sv. Štefana k poroki in to pot pa vnukinjo, kar je bilo vsem v ponos in veselje. Vabim vse članica na sejo v avgustu, ker bomo imele več važnih stvari za urediti. Pridite prav gotovo! Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. Imele smo se prav lepo na naši zadnji majski seji, ker smo proslavile naše matere, posebno se Mrs. Thereso Muhich, ki je bila izbrana za najbolj zaslužno mater naše pod. za to leto. Presednica Mrs. Planinšek ji je pripela corsage in ji dala prostor poleg sebe pri glavni mizi. Prejela je tudi druga darila. Vse smo ji čestitale. Ona se ji zahvalila za to čast in omenila da bo še rada naprej delala med nami ako ji bo zdravje dopuščalo. Lepo je bilo videti jo to pot ko je mirno sedela med članicami po seji in čakala da so ji druge servirale lunch, katerega smo pripravile za to priliko, vsaj po-novadi je ona tista, ki leta okrog in servira druge. Seja je bila dobro obiskovana. Po seji smo kazali zadnjo serijo barvanih slik iz potovanja družine Erjavec in drugih, ki so se istočasno mudili med nami tudi monsignorja M. J. Butala in sestro Catherine katere je tudi zanimalo te filme videti, in sicer kazali smo potovanje po Sloveniji — nato v Zagreb in Belograd in Dalmaciji z župnikom Mons. Butala in sestro po Gorejnskem in Dolejnskem, nato ponovno v Opatijo, Crikvinica-Reko-ter po serpentinah do Zadra, kjer smo prenočili in si ogledali krasno mesto ob modrem morju Jadrana. Nato potovanje nazaj na Portorož-Piran-Koper-in ogled v Postojnsko jamo, dalje slovo od župnika ko se je odpeljal s sestro v Belokrajino obiskati svoje sorodnike; na Gorejnskem in Dopjen-skem ter izlet na Krvavec končno slovo od doma, pri Koračin družini in pot do Podkorena do meje Jugoslavije in Austrije. V Austriji smo kazali lepo letovišče Heiligebluth (Presveta Kri), nato Kufstein in druga lepa mesta Avstrije, nato na Nemškem smo videli, Munch-Ulm-Stuttgard itd. Potem zopet potovanje skozi Švico, kjer smo videli Interlockent-Zurich-Lasanne -Luzeren-Bern-Geneva itd. Potem zopet v Francijo, Pariz, nato v Lexieus-Basiliko Sv. Terezije in končno pot do Cherbourga, nato na ladjo in končno pot domov v USA. Bila je velika tura in se zahvalim mnogo številnim članicam in prijateljem za njih zanimanje in udeležbo. Na seji so slovo vzele tudi naše članice Mrs. Frances Pikush in Mrs. Frances Sega, katere so z 1. junijem odpotovale v staro domovino po 42 letih in sicer s parnikom United Stat-es. Ob istem času je znjimi potovala tudi Mrs. Evelyn Julcich, katera je po 50 letih se vračala. Vsem želimo lepo potovanje in lepe dneve po tolikih letih v domovini ter srečen in zdrav povratek. Naše misli bodo pa z Va- mi potovale po krasnih krajih domovine. Predsednica želi ob sklepu seje vsem lepe in zdrave počitnice ,da se v treh mesecih vrnejo na sejo sveže in do-brevolje. Mrs. Mary Laurich se še vedno mudi v bolnišnici liudo bolna. Dalj časa bolna je pa Mrs. Margaret Muha, ki se zdravi doma. Želimo obema in vsem ostalim bolnim članicam hitrega okrevanja. Naše čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Valentine Ambrose iz Prairie Ave., katera sta praznovala 40 letnico poroke pri sedmi sv. maši na Materni dan. Mr. Ambrose se nahaja že več let bolan, da ne more hoditi, pa so vkljub temu ga prinesli v cerkev da skupaj z soprogo obhaja ta pomenljiv dan v življenju. Potem so v sredi nekaj prijateljev in domačih g. duhovnikov obhajali praznovanje tega dneva pri kosilu. V družini so tri hčerke in trije sinovi. Ena hčerka je v redovnem stanu po imenu Sister Marlene, ki podučuje v naši farni šoli, ostale dve so poročene, kakor tudi vsi sinovi. Želimo Mr. in Mrs. Valentine Ambrose še mnogo let sreče da bi se kaj kmalo pozdravil soprog in nato v zdravju obhajala na-daljna leta da dočakata zlati jubilej. Lepo pozdravlja vse članice — Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. Nekaj novic od naših sester. Na seji smo imele v svoji sredi ses. Viktorijo Brekovič, kateri se prav dopade v Floridi. Bilo je veselo, da smo jo zopet videle in imele smo si marsikaj pomeniti. Želimo ji vso srečo in zadovoljstvo. Iz Californije pa smo prejele žalostno novico, da je tam umrla ses. Josephine Struna. Družini iskreno sožalje. Pokojni sestri pa večni mir. V bolnišnico je morala ses. Mencin, a sedaj se zdravi doma. Na bolniški listi so: M. Rahne, ses. Stražišar, Oblak a boleha tudi soprog sestre Rozi Kožuh. Vse priporočam v molitev. Čestitke ses. Frances Cimperman, ki je postala stara mati že šestič, ko so pri sinu Ralph kupili zalo hčerko. Bog daj mamici ljubega zdravja in blagoslova božjega. Sporočam, da do septembra ne bo seje. Bodite zdrave do svidenja, Vse najboljše tudi slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov: Cecilija Brodnik, ter ses. Zanan, kakor vsem drugim. Frances Kave Št. 25, Cleveland, O. Pri naši podr. smo prav lepo slavile materinski dan. Naša pridna tajnica Vicki Faletič je pripravila prav lep program s pomočjo naše podpredsednice Stelle Koporc. Povabila je dosti mladih članic, kakor tudi starejše in vsaka je prejela listek na katerega se je podpisala in tista, katere ime se je potegnilo, je bila kronana za kraljico. Naš mestni councilman je bil na seji in je on potegnil listek z imenom ses. Mary Peterlin ter jo kronal za kraljico. Potem pa je ona kronala Marijo z malim vencem in okrasila s cvetlicami, nakar smo vse zapele par majniških pesmi. Ses. Peterlin je bila na seji najstarejša članica, ona je bila ustanoviteljica podr. prva nadzornica in nekaj let tudi preds., zato smo bile res zadovoljne, da je ona dobila naslov kraljice podružnice, kar bo ostala do prihodnjega leta. (Slike je na st. 119.) Našim mlajšim močem se moramo zahvaliti, da so pripravile tako lep program. Povabljen je bil tudi mestni odbornik John Kovačič, toda ni mogel-priti, je pa njegova žena Vera v prav lepih besedah izrazila njegove čestitke in nam želela mnogo napredka. Mrs. Kovačič je tudi naša članica. Tako je lepo, saj v slogi je moč in napredek. Vse tiste članice, ki še niste poravnale asesmenta, lepo prosim, da bi to storile čimprej, da ne bo naša tajnica imela nepotrebnih sitnosti in skrbi. Naslov naše tajnice ses. Vicki Faletič je: 107G E. 72nd St., tel. EN 1-4019. Po seji smo tudi imele prav okusni prigrizek. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste darovale ali pripravile. Vas vse lepo pozdravlja, Mary Otoničar Št. 30, Aurora, Illinois. — Berite lepo voščilo za god, katero je dobila Mrs. Račič iz Slovenije od 11 letne nečakinje: “Oj ti zlato sonce, ki potuješ vsaki dan Iz preljube domovine črez široki ocean, Cez doline in planine v sepovsod Pod nebeškim svodom vodi tebe pot. Oj preljubo zlato sonce, poslušaj želje mojega srca; Za imendan čestitke nesi moji teti prek morja Oj preljubi zlati sonček Zarja Tvoja naj prekrasno sveti, Za vezilo imendan preljubi moji dragi Teti. Z žarki zlat’ga sonca v duhu k Vam hitim V duhu Vas poljubljam, objeti Vas želim Za imendan Vam kličem iz dna hvaležnega srca: Bog obilno Vam poplačaj moja zlata Teta ljubljena. Z Bogom Teta obilo sreče Vam želim. Sprejmite pismo to od mene za spomin. Sveta Ana Vaša lepa godovnica, Naj Vam v večno domovino bo vodnica.” To je samo polovico voščila. Ce je 8 kitic lepega voščila deklica sama zložila, potem ji pa res iz srca čestitam in da bi zdrava dorasla in prav porabila svoj talent. Tople pozdrave vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc. Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Mesec junij bo že za nami, ko boste prebirale te vrstice. Teta štorklja je precej zaposlena. Oglasila se je v aprilu pri sinu naše blagajničarke Tony Gregorc ter pustila zalega sinčka prvorojenca. Nadalje pri Edy-ju in Nancy Potokar so dobili tudi fantka, da bo delal družbo bratcu in sestrici. S tem je postala naša preds. Terezija Potokar že 19-tič stara mati, Mary Crček pa 5-tič pra-stara mati. Mary Hočevar je tudi že 3-jič stara mati, ko so dobili pri hčerki Mary tretjega otroka. Naše čestitke na vse strani in Bog ohrani mladino zdravo! Molly in Tony Gregorc sta 29. maja slavila 25 letnico poroke. Voščilom sorodnikov in prijatelev se pridružujemo tudi mi z željami za zdravje in zadovoljstvo še mnoga leta. Bog vaju ohrani! Naša tajnica Lilly Vehovec je bolj slabega zdravja in podvreči se bo morala operaciji. Želimo ji, da bi kmalu okrevala. Vse tiste, ki ste zaostale s članarino, ste prošene, da poravnate, če ne na seji, pa 2'5-tega v mesecu na njenem domu ter ji tako vsaj to skrb prihranite. V juliju in augustu ne bo seje. Vabljene ste pa že sedaj, da pridete na septembersko sejo. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, vsem zdravim pa kličemo, na svidenje na seji. Vasa poročevalka, F. Perme Št. 41, Cleveland, O. Zopet moram poročati žalostno vest, da smo v enem mesecu izgubile dve članici. Kar nepričakovano sta se za vedno poslovili sestri; Antonia Yapel in Mary Liinc. Prva zapušča soproga, sina in vnuke, druga pa dva sinova, štiri hčerki, več vnukov in dva pravnuka. Vsem žalujočim izrekamo globoko sožalje, pokojni sestri pa naj v miru počivata, in ohranjen naj jima bo lep spomin. Iskreno in globoko sožalje izrekamo ses. Mary Kren in družini, ob izgubi ljublenega soproga in očeta Mr. Joseph Kren Blagamu pokojniku pa naj bo ohranjen blag spomin. Za poletni čas bomo prekinili s sestanki šivalnega kluba, z ročnimi deli bomo pa kar nadaljevale, da bomo več stvari pripravile za bazar. V blagajno so darovale ses. Mary Dacar, Anna Sholar in Katarina Matkovič. Vsem trem prisrčna hvala. Vse katere ste zaostale s plačilom ases-menta prosim, da istega poravnate čimprej mogoče. Vsem bolanim članicam želim hitri-ga okrevanja. Lepe pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio. Pošiljam nekaj vrstic za našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Članicam sem se opravičila, ker so me izvolile za poročevalko, toda se nič ne oglasim. Seje v maju sem se u-deležila kot prve v tem letu. Zima je bila huda in ker nisem imela posebnih zadržkov, sem šla v sončno Florido, kjer se mi je prav dopadlo. Niti pojma nisem imela, da je zimski čas. Srečala sem prijazne ljudi, da je bilo res prijetno. Ko pa se je zopet začelo ogrevati, me je vleko nazaj proti severu, saj Ohio je lep. Sejo smo bolj na kratko zaključile in nato smo v veselem razpoloženju obhajale materinski dan. Imele .smo dovolj vseh dobrot, predvsem pa veselo družbo. Posebno jaz sem bila vesela, da sem bila zopet med Vami, ker imamo vedno lepo razvedrilo. Srečno številko je dobila Jennie Lagi-na, drugo pa preds. Jennie Mohorčič. Obenem smo se poslovile od nje, ker sta z možem odpotovala na obisk stare domovine. Želimo jima srečno ra-jžo,dobro zabavo in zdrav povratek. V poletnih mesecih ne bomo imele sej, toda tretjo nedeljo v augustu, ko bo Jennie že nazaj, bomo pa imele piknik na vrtu Klubovih prostorov v Fairportu. Pridite zopet v velikem številu. Jennie nam bo povedala kako so se kaj imeli v domovini. Njej in vsem članicam želim, da Vas vodi božja roka na potovanjih, da bi se vse zdrave vrnile nazaj. Vsem čitateljicam Zarje — sester-ske pozdrave. Angela Lunka St. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sezona zabav v naših dvoranah je začasno minila, sedaj je čas, ko se radi podamo na zabavo v prosto naravo. Taki sestanki so bolj privlačni, ker imamo več prilik za razvedrilo in pomenke med prijatelji. Tudi letos bomo imele svoj letni piknik in to dne 19. julija, kakor prejšnja leta na Cherry Grove, North Park. Pridite prav vse in pripeljite tudi mladinske članice. Kakor je že navada, bo podr. zopet poskrbela, da bodo naši mali dobili darilce. Obeta se nam dosti zabave in prostega prigrizka. Žene pripeljite s seboj tudi svoje može, kajti tudi za njih bo v steklenicah nekaj preskrbljeno. Na veselo svidenje dne 19. julija. Vsem, ki boste slavile svoje rojstne dneve, želim še mnogo zdravih in veselih let. Ne smemo pozabiti naših bolanlh članic. Spomnimo se jih z obiski in voščilnimi kartami. Kakor ste brale, se je Zarja podražila za 25»» JUNIOR’S PAGE «««<-« Sheboygan Jrs. Taking Part in Mother s Day Program Dear Donna, I wish to report about tile nice program the Sheboygan branch had for Mothers Day. Mrs. I’risland arranged tlie program and called 011 Is Junior members, who very happily participated. The program included singing, recitations, dancing, piano and accordion solos and baton twirling. The ladies almost a hundred of them liked the program. Some even cried, when Mrs. Josephine Kotnik, the Mother of the Year, was presented and congratulated by the group. After the program, all Juniors received gifts, pictures were taken, of which 1 am enclosing one, and refreshments were served. We. the singers, wish to thank Gail Girdaukas for piano accompaniment, and my aunt, Mrs. Frank Gorenz, for letting us use her piano: also thanks to my Grandma and Uncle Frank for their patience during rehearsals. I wish all the Juniors an enjoyable summer vacation. Yours truly, Patrick Ziegenhorn Sheboygan. \Vis. Why docs a Chinaman buv a suit of clothcs ? Because he can’t set it for nothing. * * * What is the difference between a beehive and a diseased potato? Xone at all, as the one is a beholder (bee holder) and the other a spectator (specked tater). Hi. Hoys and Girls, Well, the tour to Washington, D. C. is over. There were about four juniors, who came along, and 1 was lucky enough to be one of them. I thank :ny mother for taking me, and all the members of the S.W.U. who were so wonderful to me during the trip. As for the tour, the memories will always be with me. While visiting Washington, I noticed that among all the tourists who were sightseeing, half of them were teenagers and groups of Boys and Girls Scouts. School groups were plentiful and also many organizations. It would be a good idea for our organization to plan tours of this kind for our Junior members, such as to Washington. D. C. and other historic places. It would require the help of members to act as guides and chaperons, but, think of the fun we’d have and the knowledge we’d receive if tours like this were planned. At the same time, we’d make lasting friendships with other junior members and as a result, the organization would grow with the interest of younger people w ishing to join. For the next few months, I will try to describe, in teenage fashion, the sights of Washington. I hope you will find the articles interesting and travel along with me as you read 011. So, till next month, I remain, Your Pen Pal, DONNA WASHINGTON SIGHT-SEER KEPT HER CAMERA HANDY! Tanhe Ehnat (Her first is the reverse of her last. name!) a junior member of Ur. 110. JG in So. Chicago, 111., accompanied the ladies 011 their Washington tour and here she is snapped with her grandmother, Mary Beribak in the center and friends. Mary Pushnik (13-Milwaukee), Gladys Buck (IK) and Corinne Leskovar (2) next to the chartered bus. Oil the right, Tanhe gets ready to heave one of the cannon balls (impossible, they're cemented!) at Gettysburg National Park in Pennsylvania. In the background is the Peace Light, which burns continuously as a symbol for peace In the world. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois R.GRDINR & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 59 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin IZLET S. Ž. Z. V SLOVENIJO V LETO 1962 Vabi se vse članice in prijatelje SZZ. da se pridružijo izletu v staro domovino. Še imate čas si rezervirati prostor na lukzusni ladji QUEEN ELIZABETH za 16. avgusta. To bo zadnja priložnost potovati z večjo skupino in zanesljivim vodičem. Skupni izleti na "jet” letalih se pa bodo vrstili po sledečem redu: 15. julija 28. julija in 4. avgusta. Pošljite rezervacijo takoj na August Kollander Travel Bureau { 6417 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Phone HE 1-41445 MAKE YOUR RESERVATION NOW! DON’T DELAY! L ............................................................................................................. JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities