R. CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL 263–268 CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL KARAKTERIZACIJA IN KINETIKA PLAZMA BORIRANJA S PASTO JEKLA AISI 316 Redouane Chegroune1, Mourad Keddam1, Zahra Nait Abdellah2, Sukru Ulker3, Sukru Taktak3, Ibrahim Gunes3 1Laboratoire de Technologie des Matériaux, Faculté G.M. et G.P., USTHB, B.P. 32, 16111 El-Alia, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria 2Département de Chimie, Faculté des sciences Université Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi-Ouzou, 15000, Algeria 3Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Afyon Kocatepe University, 03200, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey chegroune_redouane@yahoo.fr, rchegroune@usthb.dz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-01-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-11 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.031 In this work, AISI 316 steel was plasma-paste borided in a gas mixture of 70 % H2 – 30 % Ar using a mixture of 30 % SiC + 70 % B2O3 as a boron source. The samples were treated at temperatures of (700, 750 and 800) °C for (3, 5 and 7) h. The morphology of the formed boride layers was examined by light microscope and scanning electron microscope coupled to an EDS analyser. The borides present in the boride layer were identified by means of XRD analysis. The boron-activation energy for the AISI 316 steel was found to be equal to 250.8 kJ mol–1. This value for the energy was compared to the literature data. A regression model based on a full factorial design was used to estimate the boride layers’ thicknesses as a function of the boriding parameters: time and temperature. A comparison was made between the values of the boride layers’ thicknesses estimated from the regression model with those given by an empirical relation. In addition, an iso-thickness diagram was plotted to predict the boride-layer thickness as a function of the processing parameters. This iso-thickness diagram can serve as a simple tool to select the optimum values for the boride layers’ thicknesses for a practical utilisation in industry for this kind of steel. Keywords: plasma paste boriding, kinetics, borides, transition zone, activation energy, regression model V tem delu je bilo jeklo AISI 316 borirano s plazmo v me{anici plinov 70 % H2 – 30 % Ar, z uporabo me{anice (30 % SiC + 70 % B2O3), kot vir bora. Vzorci so bili obdelani pri treh temperaturah (700, 750 in 800) °C v trajanju (3, 5 in 7) h. Morfologija nastale boridne plasti je bila preiskovana s svetlobnim mikroskopom in z vrsti~nim elektronskim mikroskopom, opremljenim z EDS analizatorjem. Boridi v borirani plasti so bili identificirani z rentgensko analizo. Aktivacijska energija bora v jeklu AISI 316 je bila 250,8 kJ mol–1. Ta vrednost je bila primerjana s podatki iz literature. Za dolo~anje debeline borirane plasti v odvisnosti od parametrov boriranja (~as in temperatura), je bil uporabljen regresijski model, ki temelji na upo{tevanju faktorjev. Izvr{ena je bila primerjava debeline borirane plasti, dolo~ene z regresijskim modelom in primerjava s tisto, ki je bila dolo~ena empiri~no. Za napovedovanje debeline borirane plasti je bil postavljen diagram enake debeline v odvisnosti od procesnih parametrov. Diagram enake debeline je uporaben kot enostavno orodje pri izbiri optimalne debeline borirane plasti, za prakti~no uporabo v industriji za to vrsto jekla. Klju~ne besede: plazma boriranje s pasto, kinetika, boridi, prehodno podro~je, aktivacijska energija, regresijski model 1 INTRODUCTION The boriding process is widely used in industry because of its broad application range.1 This thermo- chemical treatment is generally performed in the range 700 °C to 1050 °C. The boriding process results in a metallic boride layer of about 20 μm – 300 μm thickness. The boriding treatment can be carried out in solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma media.2-5 Due to their relatively small size and very mobile nature, boron atoms can diffuse into the surface material to form hard borides. In the case of ferrous materials, the boriding treatment leads to the for- mation of either a single layer (Fe2B) or a double-layer (FeB+Fe2B) with a definite composition. The boride- layer thickness is determined by the temperature and treatment time. The characteristics of this boride layer depend on the physical state of the boron source used, the boriding temperature, the treatment time, and the chemical composition of the material to be borided.6-9 In order to lower the boriding temperature and the process time, ion-implantation boriding10, and plasma- assisted boriding11 have been employed. Although the plasma boriding process has an advantage over the powder- or paste-boriding process, the use of expensive gases such as B2H6 and BCl3 for the plasma-boriding process poses a major problem related to their toxicity. To overcome this problem, an alternative was recently proposed by using the plasma paste boriding (PPB) process. This recently developed method uses inert gases such as hydrogen, argon and nitrogen, making it very advantageous.5 The objective of this work was to investigate the bo- riding kinetics of AISI 316 steel by plasma paste borid- ing. The boron-activation energy for the AISI 316 steel was also estimated basing on our experimental results. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268 263 UDK 669.14:621.793/.795:533.9 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(2)263(2016) 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study the AISI 316 austenitic steel used for the plasma paste boriding has the following chemical com- position given in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of AISI 316 stainless steel (in mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava nerjavnega jekla AISI 316 (v masnih dele`ih, w/%) C Cr Mo Mn Si Ni P S Fe 0.08 16 2 2 0.75 10 0.045 0.03 balance The samples had a cylindrical shape and were 20 mm in diameter and 5 mm in height. The surfaces of the AISI 316 steel were mechanically polished in sequence with (600, 800, 1200 and 2400) grit wet SiC emery paper, followed by fine polishing with an alumina slurry. The samples were cleaned in alcohol before the plasma paste boriding. In this study, a mixture of powder (30 % SiC + 70 % B2O3) constituting a boron source was applied, where silicon carbide (SiC) was used as a catalyst for the B2O3 paste. The plasma paste boriding was carried out in a dc plasma system, which is described in detail in the work by Gunes et al.5 Argon gas is important for the plasma system. It is used to change the plasma para- meters such as the electron temperature and the electron density, which influence the production of active species by inelastic collisions, plasma reactions and plasma surface interactions. During the plasma paste boriding, H2 gas plays an important role. Borax reacts with active hydrogen (H+) in a glow discharge. Atomic boron was produced through the decomposition of the boron hydride (BxHy) from the paste, and this atomic boron became the active boron, B+1, within the molten borax or in the glow discharge. Finally, this active boron B+1 diffused and reacted with the Fe to form the boride layer. The samples of AISI 316 austenitic steel were plasma paste borided at (700, 750 and 800) °C for (3, 5 and 7) h in a gas mixture of 70 % H2 – 30 % Ar under a constant pressure of 10 mbar. The temperature of the samples was measured by means of a chromel–alumel thermocouple, placed at the bottom of the treated samples. After the plasma paste boriding process, each borided sample was cleaned in an ultrasonic bath with alcohol. The treated samples were chemically etched using a chemical solu- tion consisting of 20 mL glycerine, 10 mL HNO3 and 30 mL HCl. The morphology of boride layers was observed using a light microscope (Olympus Vanox AHMTS) and a LEO 1430 VP model Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The values of boride layers’ thicknesses were taken as averages of at least 10 measurements. The presence of different borides formed in the bo- ride layer was confirmed by means of an XRD analysis. This analysis was carried out using a Philips X-ray diffractometer with Cu-K radiation (Cu = 0.154 nm). The distribution of alloying elements was analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) from the surface towards the substrate. EDS line analyses were performed to determine which element accumulated across the boride layer and the transition zone. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Observation of the morphology of the boride layers Figure 1 shows the etched cross-sections of boride layers formed on the surfaces of AISI 316 steel at different temperatures and for various treatment times. It reveals the formation of a bilayer configuration com- posed of FeB and Fe2B. A transition zone exists in all the optical micrographs due to the accumulation of un- dissolved elements beneath the boride layer. The morphology of the boride-layer/transition-zone interface exhibited a flat diffusion front due to the effects of the main alloying elements such as Cr, Mo and Ni. This fact can be explained by the reduction of the active boron flux in the diffusion zone by the presence of these ele- ments. It is clear that the thicknesses of the boride layer and the transition zone are affected by the process para- meters (time and temperature). For instance, the boride layer’s thickness reached a value of 10.4 μm at 750 °C for 7 h, while its corresponding value was 5.11 μm at a temperature of 700 °C during 7 h of treatment. Further- more, some precipitates (i.e., chromium carbides) were also observed along the austenitic grain boundaries revealed by the chemical etchant composed of 20 mL glycerine, 10 mL HNO3 and 30 mL HCl. Figure 2 gives the cross-sectional views of micro- structures of borided AISI 316 steel. The FeB and Fe2B layers are discernable from a difference in contrast. The inner layer Fe2B is clearer than the outer layer of FeB. The transition zone is also observed on the all SEM images. It is clear that the obtained boride layers are compact and continuous. The smooth morphology of the R. CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL 264 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268 Figure 1: Light micrographs showing the microstructures of boride layers formed on the AISI 316 steel for different boriding parameters: a) 700 °C for 7 h, b) 750 °C for 7 h, c) 800 °C for 3 h, d) 800 °C for 5 h Slika 1: Svetlobni posnetki mikrostruktur boriranih plasti na AISI 316 jeklu, pri razli~nih parametrih boriranja: a) 700 °C, 7 h, b) 750 °C, 7 h, c) 800 °C, 3 h, d) 800 °C, 5 h boride-layer/transition-zone interface is observed in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the SEM image (for the EDS analy- sis) of cross-sections of the boride layer formed on AISI 316 steel at 800 °C for a treatment time of 3 h. The EDS line scan taken perpendicularly from the surface of the borided sample at 800 °C for 3 h showed a qualitative distribution of different elements along the boride layer and the transition zone. It indicates the precipitation of metallic borides inside the boride layer and an accumu- lation of certain elements (such as Cr, C and Mo) in the transition zone (Figure 3b). In particular, molybdenum has a lower tendency to dissolve in the boride layer and tends to concentrate in the diffusion zone.12 In addition, the boride layer thickness was found to increase with the boriding temperature. 3.2 XRD analysis Figure 4 gives the XRD pattern recorded at the sur- face of the borided AISI 316 steel at 800 °C for 3 h of treatment. To confirm the presence of iron and metallic R. CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268 265 Figure 3: Cross-section of the borided AISI 316 steel at 800 °C for a treatment time of 3 h: a) SEM image of the cross-section of a borided sample for EDS analysis, b) EDS line scan across the borided zone, c) EDS spectrum of the selected zone (Figure 3a) Slika 3: Presek jekla AISI 316, boriranega pri 800 °C, v trajanju 3 h: a) SEM-posnetek preseka borirane plasti za EDS-analizo, b) EDS-linijska analiza skozi borirano podro~je, c) EDS-spekter v izbra- nem podro~ju, ki ga ka`e Slika 3a Figure 2: SEM micrographs of the cross-sections of boride layers formed on the AISI 316 steel for different boriding parameters: a) 750 °C for 5 h, b) 750 °C for 7 h, c) 800 °C for 3 h Slika 2: SEM-posnetki preseka borirane plasti, nastale na AISI 316 jeklu pri razli~nih parametrih boriranja: a) 750 °C, 5 h, b) 750 °C, 7 h, c) 800 °C, 3 h borides, the corresponding files taken from the JCPDS database13 were used. The iron borides (FeB and Fe2B) were identified as well as the presence of metallic borides as precipitates within the boride layers such as CrB, Cr2B and Ni3B. In addition, Cr and Ni tend to dissolve in the boride layer and form independent metallic borides (CrB, Cr2B and Ni3B). 3.3 Estimation of the boron activation energy The growth kinetics of boride layers is controlled by the boron diffusion into the substrate. The boride-layer thickness varies parabolically14–17 with the process time given by Equation (1): u k t= ' (1) where u is the boride-layer thickness (in μm), k’ is a parabolic growth constant (in μm s–1/2) at a given tem- perature, D is the diffusion coefficient of boron in the boride layer, and t is the boriding time. The time depen- dence of the boride layer thickness for increasing temperatures is given in Figure 5. It is clear that the boride layer varies linearly with the square root of time, which proves that the growth kinetics of the boride layer is governed by the diffusion phenomenon of boron atoms inside the substrate. The relationship between the parabolic growth con- stant k’ (in μm s–1/2) and the boriding temperature T in Kelvin, can be expressed using an Arrhenius-type equa- tion as follows: k k D Q RT ' exp= −⎛⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 0 (2) where D0 is the diffusion coefficient of boron extrapo- lated at a value of 1/T = 0. The Q parameter is the activation energy that indicates the amount of energy (kJ mol–1 ) required for the reaction to occur, and R is the ideal gas constant (R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1). Taking the natural logarithm of Equation (2), we obtain Equa- tion (3): ln( ' ) ln( ) ln( )k k D Q RT 2 2 0= + − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (3) The activation energy Q can be easily deduced from the slope of the curve relating ln (k’2) to the inverse of the temperature. Figure 6 provides the temperature de- pendence of the natural logarithm of the square of the parabolic growth constant k’2. The reported values for boron-activation ener- gies4,18–25 for borided steels are listed in Table 2 together with the value of the boron-activation energy (250.8 kJ mol–1) estimated from this work. However, these R. CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL 266 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268 Figure 4: XRD pattern obtained at the surface of borided AISI 316 steel at 800 °C for 3 h of treatment Slika 4: Rentgenogram, dobljen na povr{ini jekla AISI 316, boriranega 3 h na 800 °C Figure 6: Temperature dependence of the square of the parabolic growth constant Slika 6: Odvisnost temperature od kvadratnega korena paraboli~ne konstante rasti Figure 5: Evolution of the boride layer thickness versus the square root of time for increasing temperatures Slika 5: Rast debeline borirane plasti pri nara{~ajo~i temperaturi v odvisnosti od kvadratnega korena iz ~asa values for the boron-activation energies for different steels depended on various factors such as: the boriding method, the chemical composition of the base steel, the nature of the boriding agent, and the mechanism of boron diffusion. For the paste plasma boriding of AISI 316 steel, the high activation energy shown in Table 2 is ascribed to the formation of FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and Ni3B phases in the boride layer. The obtained value of the boron-activation energy (250.8 kJ mol–1) from this work, can also be interpreted as the required barrier to allow boron diffusion inside the steel substrate. Thus, the diffusion phenomenon of boron atoms can occur along the grains boundaries and also in the volume to form the boride layer on the AISI 316 steel. Table 2: Values of boron-activation energies obtained in the case of borided steels using different methods Tabela 2: Vrednosti aktivacijske energije bora, dobljene pri boriranju jekel z razli~nimi metodami Material Boridingmethod Q (kJ mol –1) References AISI 304 Salt Bath 253.35 18 AISI H13 Salt bath 244.37 18 AISI 4140 Paste 168.5 19 AISI H13 Powder 186.2 20 AISI 1040 Powder 168 21 AISI440C Powder 340.4 22 AISI 316 Powder 199 23 AISI 51100 Plasma 106 24 AISI 304 Plasma PasteBoriding 123 4 AISI8620 Plasma PasteBoriding 124.7–138.5 25 AISI 316 Plasma Pasteboriding 250.8 This work 3.4 Prediction of the boride-layer thickness with a re- gression model A full factorial design with two factors at three le- vels26 was used to predict the boride-layer thickness as a function of the boriding parameters (time and tempera- ture). Using this approach, Equation (4) was obtained as follows: u T t tT T = − − + + + + 761.50 2.0856 11.763 0.015825 0.001435 0.2 108333t 2 (4) where t is the boriding time (h) and T is the temperature in degree Celsius. Table 3: Comparison between the experimental values of the boride- layer thicknesses and those given by Equation (1) and the regression model (Equation 4) in the temperature range 700–800 °C Tabela 3: Primerjava eksperimentalnih vrednosti debeline borirane plasti z vrednostmi iz ena~be (1) in iz regresijskega modela (ena~ba 4), v temperaturnem obmo~ju 700–800 °C T (°C) Time (h) Predicted (FeB+Fe2B) Layer thickness (μm) Equation (1) Predicted (FeB+Fe2B) Layer thickness (μm) Equation (4) Experimental (FeB+Fe2B) layer thickness (μm) 700 3 3.59 3.34 3.30 700 5 3.92 4.32 4.20 700 7 5.11 5.11 5.84 750 3 5.72 7.15 6.60 750 5 7.63 9.23 8.50 750 7 10.40 10.92 9.45 800 3 15.02 14.20 15.13 800 5 18.51 18.34 18.16 800 7 22.86 21.70 24.00 Table 3 compares between the experimental values of the boride layers’ thicknesses and the predicted values using Equations (1) and (4) in the temperature range 700 °C – 800 °C. A good agreement was observed between the simulated values of the boride layers’ thicknesses and those obtained experimentally. Equation (1) can be used to plot the iso-thickness diagram shown in Figure 7. The iso-thickness diagram can serve as a simple tool to select the optimum value of the boride-layer thickness for a practical use of the plasma paste borided AISI 316 steel in industry. As a rule, thin layers (e.g., 15 μm – 20 μm) are used to protect against adhesive wear (such as chip- less shaping and metal stamping dies and tools), whereas thick layers are recommended to combat abrasive wear (extrusion tooling for plastics with abrasive fillers and pressing tools for the ceramics industry). In the case of low-carbon steels and low-alloy steels, the optimum boride-layer thicknesses are between 50 μm and 250 μm. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this work AISI 316 steel was plasma paste borided in a gas mixture of 70 % H2 – 30 % Ar using a mixture of 30 % SiC + 70 % B2O3. The boride-layer/transition- R. CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268 267 Figure 7: Iso-thickness diagram describing the evolution of the boride-layer thickness as a function of the boriding parameters (time and temperature) Slika 7: Diagram enakih debelin opisuje razvoj debeline borirane plasti v odvisnosti od parametrov boriranja (~as in temperatura) zone interface had a smooth morphology with a boride layer thickness ranging from 3.3 μm to 24 μm. The boride layer formed on the surface of the AISI 316 was composed of FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B and Ni3B phases. This result was confirmed by XRD analysis and a transition zone was also visible beneath the boride layer. The boron-activation energy for the AISI 316 steel was estimated to be 250.8 kJ mol–1. 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CHEGROUNE et al.: CHARACTERIZATION AND KINETICS OF PLASMA-PASTE-BORIDED AISI 316 STEEL 268 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 263–268