UDK 621.3:(53+54+621 +66)(05)(497.1 )=00 ISSN 0352-9045 Strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko elektronske sestavne dele in materiale Strokovna revija za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials INFORMACIJE MIDEM, LETNIK 34, ST. 1(109), LJUBLJANA, marec 2004 □ RLS www.H^ RM36SC0012B10A2BJ, , Ser Nr: 0A3242 L V □ RLS www.ris^1 RM36SC0012B10A2B\„£ Ser Nr: 0A3242 r UDK 621,3:(53+54+621 +66)(05)(497.1 )=00 ISSN 0352-9045 INFORMACIJE MIDEM 1 o 2004 INFORMACIJE MIDEM LETNIK 34, ŠT. 1(109), LJUBLJANA, MAREC 2004 INFORMACIJE MIDEM VOLUME 34, NO. 1(109), LJUBLJANA, MARCH 2004 Revija izhaja trimesečno (marec, junij, september, december). Izdaja strokovno društvo za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale - MIDEM. Published quarterly (march, june, september, december) by Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials - MIDEM. Glavni in odgovorni urednik Editor in Chief Dr. IztokŠorli, univ. dipl.ing.fiz. MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana Tehnični urednik Executive Editor Dr. Iztok Šorli, univ. dipl.ing.fiz. MIKROIKS d.o.o., Ljubljana Uredniški odbor Editorial Board Dr. Barbara Malič, univ. dipl.ing. kern., Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Slavko Amon, univ. dipl.ing. el., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Marko Topic, univ. dipl.ing. el., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Rudi Babič, univ. dipl.ing. el., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Maribor Dr. Marko Hrovat, univ. dipl.ing. kern., Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Dr. Wolfgang Pribyl, Austria Mikro Systeme Intl. AG, Unterpremstaetten Časopisni svet Prof. dr. Janez Trontelj, univ. dipl.ing. el., Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, International Advisory Board PREDSEDNIK-PRESIDENT Prof. dr. CorClaeys, IMEC, Leuven Dr. Jean-Marie Haussonne, EIC-LUSAC, Octeville Darko Belavič, univ. dipl.ing. el., Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Prof. dr. Zvonko Fazarinc, univ. dipl.ing., CIS, Stanford University, Stanford Prof. dr. Giorgio Pignatel, University of Padova Prof. dr. Stane Pejovnik, univ. dipl.ing., Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Ljubljana Dr. Giovanni Soncini, University of Trento, Trento Prof. dr. Anton Zalar, univ. dipl.ing.met., Institut Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana Dr. Peter Weissglas, Swedish Institute of Microelectronics, Stockholm Prof. dr. Leszek J. Golonka, Technical University Wroclaw Naslov uredništva Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM Headquarters MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11, 1521 Ljubljana, Slovenija tel.: + 386(0)1 51 33 768 fax: + 386 (0)1 51 33 771 e-mail: Iztok.Sorli@guest.ames.si http://paris.fe.uni-lj.si/midem/ Letna naročnina znaša 12.000,00 SIT, cena posamezne številke je 3000,00 SIT. Člani in sponzorji MIDEM prejemajo Informacije MIDEM brezplačno. Annual subscription rate is EUR 100, separate issue is EUR 25. MIDEM members and Society sponsors receive Informacije MIDEM for free. Znanstveni svet za tehnične vede I je podal pozitivno mnenje o reviji kot znanstveno strokovni reviji za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale. Izdajo revije sofinanci rajo Ministrstvo za znanost in tehnologijo in sponzorji društva. Scientific Council for Technical Sciences of Slovene Ministry of Science and Technology has recognized Informacije MIDEM as scientific Journal for microelectronics, electronic components and materials. Publishing of the Journal is financed by Slovene Ministry of Science and Technology and by Society sponsors. Znanstveno strokovne prispevke objavljene v Informacijah MIDEM zajemamo v podatkovne baze C0BISS in INSPEC. 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Grafična priprava in tisk BIRO M, Ljubljana Printed by Naklada 1000 izvodov Circulation 1000 issues Poštnina plačana pri pošti 1102 Ljubljana Slovenia Taxe Percue UDK621.3:(53+54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana ZNANSTVENO STROKOVNI PRISPEVKI PROFESSIONAL SCIENTIFIC PAPERS A.Žnidaršič, M.Drofenik: Novi MnZn feriti in njihove aplikacije 1 A.Znidarsic, M.Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and their Applications M.Hrovat: Interakcije med prevodno in stekleno fazo v debeloplastnih uporih med procesom žganja 7 M.Hrovat: The Interacions of Conductive and Glass Phase in Thick-Film Resistors During Firing M.Šalamon, T.Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij 11 M.Salamon, T.Dogsa: Problem of Non-repeatability of the Circuits Simulation J.Dedič, A.Trost, A.Žemva: Enovit načrtovalski potek sočasnega načrtovanja strojne in programske opreme 18 J.Dedic, A.Trost, A.Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow D.Miljavec, R.Šušmelj, K.LenasI: Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov in feromagnetikov 26 D.Miljavec, R.Susmelj, K.Lenasi: Nondestructive Testing of Planar Paramagnetlcs and Ferromagnetics D. Nedeljkovič, R. Fišer, V. Ambrožič: Časovno-optimalno magnetenje dušilk z jedrom iz trajnega magneta 32 D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V. Ambrozic: Time-optimal Magnetization of Inductors with Permanent Magnet Cores H.Lavrič, D.Vončina, P.Zajec, F.Pavlovčič, J.Nastran: Precizijski hibridni ojačevalnik za napetostne kalibracijske sisteme 37 H.Lavric, D.Voncina, P.Zajec, F.Pavlovcic, J.Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems B.Benedičič, F.Pavlovčič, J.Nastran, J.Rejec: Komutator z integriranimi kondenzatorji 43 B.Benedicic, F.Pavlovcic, J.Nastran, J.Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors I.Kramberger, M.Šolar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami 54 I.Kramberger, M.Solar: The Spectral Analyzer Measurement System with Fix Placed Photomultiplier Tubes Povzetki magistrskih del in doktorskih disertacij v letu 2003 62 PhD and M.S. abstracts, year 2003 Predstavljamo podjetje z naslovnice: RLS 72 We present the company from front page: RLS POROČILA 74 REPORTS B.Malič: Simpozij o pripravi elektronske keramike, Bled 2003 74 B.Malic: Symposium on Processing of Electroceramics, Bled 2003 D.Resnik: SEMICON Europa 2004 74 D.Resnik: Semicon Europa 2004 NOVICE 77 NEWS MIDEM prijavnica 80 MIDEM Registration Form Slika na naslovnici: Brezkontaktni magnetni dajalniki zasuka iz podjetja RLS Front page: Noncontact Magnetic Rotation Sensors from RLS VSEBINA CONTENT Obnovitev članstva v strokovnem društvu MIDEM in iz tega izhajajoče ugodnosti in obveznosti Spoštovani, V svojem več desetletij dolgem obstoju in delovanju smo si prizadevali narediti društvo privlačno in koristno vsem članom.Z delovanjem društva ste se srečali tudi vi in se odločili, da se v društvo včlanite. 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Prijavnice pošljite na naslov: MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11 1521 Ljubljana Ljubljana, april 2003 Izvršilni odbor društva UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana NEW MnZn FERRITES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS 1Andrej Znidarsic in 2Miha Drofenik 1ISKRA FERITI, d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Maribor, Slovenia Key words: magnetic ceramic, MnZn ferrites, magnetic properties, electrical properties, microstructures, applications Abstract: MnZn ferrites, ceramic with special magnetic properties, are widely used as core materials for Inductive components in electronics. The demands of future electronic systems require solutions that improve efficiency, reduce weight and not add pollution to the environment. The requirements for component design are a smaller size, weight reduction, performance increase and durability. This paper describes the applications and properties of new designed matlreals12Gi, 27G, 55G, 75G and 65G. Novi MnZn feriti in njihove aplikacije Kjučne besede: magnetna keramika, MnZn feriti, magnetne lastnosti, električne lastnosti, mikrostruktura, aplikacije Izvleček: MnZn feriti so keramični materiali z magnetnimi lastnostmi in sestavni deli induktivnih komponent namenjeni različnim aplikacijam v elektroniki. Trendi na področju elektronske industrije so usmerjeni v zmanjšanje teže osnovnih kompoment in izboljšanju osnovnih magnetnih lastnosti. Zahteve po zmanjšanju teže in prostornine novih induktivnih komponent narekujejo boljše lastnosti osnovnih materialov in večjo trajnost. V članku so predstavljene lastnosti novih materialov 12GI, 27G, 55G, 75G in 65G ter njihova uporaba. 1. Introduction Several improved materials will be discussed. It Is important to select materials that are suited to specific applications. Some materials with their properties are listed: 1. EMI applications require a current compensated chokes which are very important to eliminate the disturbing interference sources. A ferrite material with a high initial permeability, high impedance over a broad frequency range and high operating temperature is required. 2. Splitter applications in ADSL applications required a plain old telephone system (POTS) splitter used to separate the high frequency data from low frequency voice signals. The core material must have a high reversible permeability at high magnetic field. In addition, a lower number of turns and smaller cores are required. This behavior can be achieved by high initial permeability and high saturation of the ferrite materials. 3. As electronic modules become smaller and lighter, the power supplies must likewise be reduced. The core losses, consisting of hysteresis losses, eddy current losses and residual losses, vary considerably with operating frequency and magnetic flux density. The losses can be reduced by a uniform microstruc-ture and high material resistivity. But low mechanical stress, low magneto crystalline anisotropy and low magnetostriction are also required. 4. DSL applications require a fast data transfer without distortion. Inductive components are used in the customers premises modem and central office line transformers to realize a distortion free digital signal transmission along the copper wire of the conventional telephone network. The main target for the inductive cores is a long reach (higher than 5 km) at a high data distance. 2. Ferrite technology The first step is the production of granulated ferrite powder. The weighed raw materials iron oxide, manganese oxide and zinc oxide are mixed and then palletized with a small amount of water. The red pellets with a pellet size of 3-5 mm are calcinated in a rotary kiln at about 1000°C. Here the oxides react partly to the magnetic ferrite with spinel structure. Afterthatthe black pellets, water and some inorganic additives (amount from 0.01 - 0.1 wt%) are added into an attritor for fine milling. The inorganic additives are necessary to improve the sintering behavior and/or the magnetic properties. The second part of the technology important to improve properties in associated with core shapes, sintering of them in the temperature range 1200 - 1400°C and grinding of final cores. 3. Design principles The performance of ferrites is not determined only by a high initial permeability. Other characteristics such as low losses, high saturation flux density, high sintered density and frequency characteristics are also important. In many cases, these requirements are not satisfied at the same time, so a compromise material has to be selected In such cases. 1 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 1-6 A. Žnidaršič, M. Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and Their Applications mol% ZnO Fig. 1: Composition diagram for MnZn ferrites The high initial permeability of materials depends to a large extent on the mobility of the Blochs domain walls. To obtain high permeability it is important to lower the anisotro-py and the magnetostriction. During the development of high-permeability MnZn ferrites much effort was devoted to the parameters which govern the bulk properties such as composition, microstructure and porosity /1/. To achieve a high permeability the composition of MnZn fer-rite must be selected from a relatively narrow composition range, figure 1, region ji, where a zero crystalline anisot-ropy and a zero average magnetostriction can be expected. Studies of the grain-boundary chemistry in combination with grain-boundary structural analysis revealed that the grain boundaries are characterized by ZnO evaporation and the presence of a glassy phase and the segregation of various cations /2/. Firing conditions and additives are also important for achieving good properties. Well-adjusted sintering conditions support the development of the proper microstructure and the resulting magnetic properties. All these points have to be optimized in order to obtain desired magnetic properties. Ferrites for power applications must be compositionally batched, figure 1 Bsat region, and processed for low losses. Low power loss MnZn ferrites should have uniformly sized grains and high saturation density. The use of additives, a well-controlled process and a suitable sintering profile must be selected to decrease the power loss of ferrites. Additives and impurities are responsible for the grain-boundary chemistry and have a remarkable effect on the grain boundaries properties, particularly on the grain-boundary resistance /3/. In orderto obtain a sintered body of uniformly sized fine grains, which would be suitable for achieving low power losses, grain growth should be suppressed especially in the initial stage of sintering process /4,6/. The selection of high-grade raw materials, with a defined low level of impurities, is of special importance in the production of MnZn ferrites for optimized microstructure properties. Addition of Ca and Si are well known to control the micro structural properties. Both ions strongly influence the microstructure of MnZn ferrites. Furthermore, the total resistance of MnZn ferrites increases due to the precipitation of silicate phases at the grain boundaries. This has the advantage that CaO and Si02 are doped in a defined amount in the ferrite mixture and their effect can be optimized in order to control the grain size and resistivity. In addition to the concentration of impurities, the reactivity of raw materials is a fundamental importance to control and optimize the production process /5/. The total usable flux, AC + DC, in single ended power supplies is becoming important. The usable flux of a ferrite material is closely connected with the saturation flux density Bs, which in turn depends on the composition and density of the ferrite. For practical purposes, the composition of a ferrite material has to be considered as a compromise between application temperature (the position of the secondary permeability maximum corresponding to the position of minimum core losses) and required saturation flux density (which falls as temperature rises). Detailed investigation of core loss mechanisms has made it possible to develop new ferrite materials for various applications. High saturation power ferrite 55G 55G is intended for output chokes in power supplies. The requirement of a high saturation level to accommodate a high dc current is necessary to avoid saturating the core. The energy storage value of a choke is proportional to the square of peak flux density and determines the core volume required. Whenever space is limited, this is an important consideration. The new Iskra Feriti material 55G is usable to 500 kHz and above /8/. Table 1: 55G Material characteristics Parameter measuring conditions value m n 25 °C, 10 kHz, 0.1 mT 1800 ± 20% Bs [mT] 25 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 510 100 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >430 120 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >400 Tc [°C] >240 55G (T221407) f=400kHz; B=50mT s s z 25 M M IM 120 temperature [°C] Fig. 2: Power losses versus temperature Preferred applications are: High current output chokes - wherever space is at premium like a low profile converter modules, core volume can be reduced. The advantage increases with temperature. 2 A. Žnidaršič, M. Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and Their Applications Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 1-6 Fig. 3: Initial permeability versus temperature 55G the market for voltage converters. The operating frequency of these converters will be about 500 Hz to 1 MHz. The right material is a high frequency power grade, like our 75G, Table2 and Figures 6 to 9. The ferrite components that will be needed for various applications could use 2 planar core sets, one for transformer and one for the output choke for the core solution. Table 2: 75G Material characteristics Parameter measuring conditions value m ri 25 °C, 10 kHz, 0.1 mT 1300 ±20% Bs [mT] 25 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 510 100 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >430 120 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >400 Tc [°C] >240 100 1000 f [kHz] 75G (T221407) f=400kHz; B=50mT ro s ,„ y 1« e 0- M temperature [°C] Fig. 4: Initial permeability versus frequency Fig. 6: Power loss versus temperature 75G (T221407) f=500kHz; B=100mT temperature }°C] Fig. 7: Power loss versus temperature Fig. 5: Inductance as function of Bpmax at 120°C High voltage Ignition transformers - for example in electronic lighting ballast where high flux density occurs during ignition, but losses have to be low during steady state operation. Gapped toroids where high-energy storage isrequired. High frequency power ferrite 75G The increase in electrical applications for the automotive market is stressing the 12 volt system. The way to solve the insufficient electrical power is to Increase the 12V standard to a 42V standard. The additional requirement to reduce weight and change to a drive by wire concept opens "50 frequency [kHz] Fig. 8: Initial permeability versus frequency 3 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 1-6 A. Žnidaršič, M. Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and Their Applications temperature Fig. 9: Initial permeability versus temperature Some potential applications under the 42V system are: Lighter, smaller and more efficient air conditioning Higher efficiency, longer life, water pump Faster starter, superior charging starter/alternator Mobile office: fax, PC,.... Power material 65G - new level of power density The properties of 65G, a new high flux density power material suitable for frequency up to 400 kHz is shown in Table 3 and Figures 10 to 13. This material is primarily Intended for output chokes in power supplies where a high saturation level is required to accommodate DC + AC currents at elevated temperatures. The energy storage volume of a choke is proportional to the square of peak flux density and determines the core volume required. When space is limited, this is an important consideration. Table 3: 65G Material characteristics Parameter measuring conditions value Hi n 25 °C, 10 kHz, 0.1 mT 2300 ± 20% Bs [mT] 25 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 510 100 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 380 120 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >360 Tc [°C] > 210 °C 65G (T221407) f=100kHz; B=100mT temperature [°C] Fig. 10: Power losses versus temperature Fig. 11: Power losses versus temperature Fig. 12: Permeability versus temperature f [kHz] Fig. 13: Permeability versus frequency Some potential applications are automotive electronics and electronic lighting ballasts. Innovative material 12Gi for (A) XDSL interface transformers The ferrite producer Iskra- Feriti has developed an improved 12i ferrite material optimized for (A) XDSL applications. In comparison with conventional 12G ferrite material, the new 12G1, Table 4 and Figures 14 and 15, allows for Increases in the data rate transfer and distance covered by (A)XDSL lines. 4 A. Žnidaršič, M. Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and Their Applications informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 1-6 The THD, Total Harmonic Distortion, of a ferrite component should be low under operating conditions. THD is a function of flux density (B), frequency (f) and temperature (T). To evaluate the material quality with respect to THD an audio analyzer was used on toroid samples. The improved 12Gi is optimized by low impurity raw materials, the addition of additives and improved processing and sintering conditions. Table 4: 12Gi Material characteristics the high permeability and the high saturation at room temperature lead to the improvement of the DC-bias behavior. This innovative material will also be of interest for interference suppression in automotive electronics and in frequency converters for industrial applications. Typical industrial applications are found in pumps, fans, conveyer belt drivers, textile machinery and printing presses. Suppression of this interferences is now a statutory requirement and calls for filters that can cope with high power outputs. The high power outputs inevitably cause high operating and ambient temperatures. The filters therefore require ferrite materials with high initial permeability and high magnetic saturation. The new 27G material is particularly suitable for these extreme requirements. Table 5: 27G Material characteristics Parameter measuring conditions value m n 10 kHz, 25 °C, 0.1 mT 10000 ±20% T) B [ 1 0"3/T] 10 kHz, 25 °C, 1.5-3.0 mT <0.15 tg5/|0.i [10-6] 10 kHz, 25 °C, 0.1 mT <7 100 kHz, 25 °C, 0.1 mT <40 ccF [106/K] 25 - 55 °C -1 -+ 1 TC [°C] > 130 20000 19000 18000 17000 16000 15000 14000 S 13000 « 12000 I 11000 £ 10000 a, 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 / p G i i Fig. 14: Permeability versus temperature v-i V-T' Slil! ■100 I.':- •r v«*i< ; -r >,<>• ^ -110 - 10 B [mT] Parameter measuring conditions value m n 25 °C, 10 kHz, 0.1 mT 3800 ± 20% Bs [mT] 25 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 530 100 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m >410 120 °C, 10 kHz, 1200 A/m > 370 Tc [°C] >210 60 temperature [°C| Fig. 16: Power loss versus temperature \ H=1200 A/m temperature (°Cj Fig.15: THD/fia versus B for 12G and new 12Gi at 20 kHz Fig. 17: Saturation flux density versus temperature New material 27G for splitter applications 27G material, Table 5 and Figures 16 to 18, replaces 25G material in splitter (POTS) applications. 27G material is the first MnZn-ferrite which is available in production and combines both a high permeability and high saturation,. Both Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 1-6 A. Žnidaršič, M. Drofenik: New MnZn Ferrites and Their Applications Fig. 18: Permeability versus temperature All materials were successfully introduced on production and available in different core shapes. 3. Conclusion The technical demand for improved soft ferrites has been growing. The technical department at Iskra - Feriti, has been busy developing and Improving new ferrites to meet these demands. These materials meet the demands in both quantity and applications requirements that demand improved performance. Raw materials, the improvements in manufacturing technology and the ability to measure the results, play a decisive role in improving the quality and lowering the costs of ferrites. The results of these developments are expected to give new impulses for electro-technical applications. 4. References /1 / Goldman, »Modern Ferrlte Technology«, Van Nostrand Reihold 1990, New York /2/ M,Drofenik, A.Znidarsic, D.Makovec, »Influence of Addition of Bi2C>3 on the Grain Boundary of MnZn Ferrites«, J.Am.Cer.Soc., 82(11)2841 -48(1998) /3/ M.Drofenik, A.Znidarsic, I.Zajc, »Highly resistive grain boundaries in doped MnZn ferrites for high frequency power supplies«, J. Appl. Phys., vol 82, No.1 333 - 340 (1997) /4/ A.Znidarsic, M.Drofenik, »Influence of oxygen partial pressure during sintering on the power loss of MnZn ferrites«, IEEE Trans. Mag. 32(3), 1941 -45(1996) /5/ A.Znidarsic, M.Drofenik, »Modern developments trends In high-performance soft ferrites«, Inf. MIDEM, 32(2), 95 - 99 (2002) /6/ M.Drofenik, A.Znidarsic, D.Makovec, »Stabilization of MnZn ferrites by re-oxidation of their grain boundaries«, Z. Met. kd, vol 92, 110- 114(2001) /7/ M.Drofenik, A.Znidarsic, D.Makovec, "Ca redistribution in MnZn ferrites grain boundaries during heat treatment In reducing atmosphere", ICF8, main conference, 286-287, Kyoto, Japan (2000) /8/ A.Znidarsic, M.Drofenik, "A new power MnZn ferrite for DC -DC applications", Apec., Seventeenth Annual IEEE, Applied Power Electronics, Conference and Exposition, vol. 1, Dallas, Texas (2002) Doc. Dr. Andrej Žnidaršič Iskra Feriti, d. o.o. Stegne 29, 1521 Ljubljana Prof. Dr. Miha Drofenik Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor Prispelo (Arrived): 11.12.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 6 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana THE INTERACIONS OF CONDUCTIVE AND GLASS PHASE IN THICK-FILM RESISTORS DURING FIRING 1 Marko Hrovat, 2Darko Belavič, 1 Janez Hole, 1 Janez Bernard, 1Andreja Benčan, 1Jena Cilenšek 1Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2HIPOT-R&D d.o.o., Šentjernej, Slovenia Key words: thick-film resistors, characterisation, ruthenium oxide, ruthenates, phase equilibria Abstract: Some thick-film resistors based on RUO2, ruthenates or a mixture of RuC>2 and ruthenates, were evaluated. The resistors were fired at different temperatures to determine the influence of firing temperature on the electrical and microstructural characteristics. The microstructures of the thick-film resistors were analysed with scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The temperature coefficients of resistivity, noise indices and gauge factors were measured as a function of firing temperature. After a long term high temperature firing ruthenate based conductive phase transform into RUO2 coinciding with a significant increase of the temperature coefficients of resistivity and decrease of the resistance. Glass phase in thick-film resistors was analysed by EDS. All glass compositions are rich in SiC>2 with the molar ratio SiC>2 / PbO between 2 and 2.5. Subsolidus equilibria in the RuC>2 - PbO - SiC>2 diagram were determined with the aim to verify the interactions between conductive phase (either ruthenium oxide or ruthenate) and silica-rich glasses. The tie line between RuC>2 and PbSiC>3 indicates that the lead ruthenats are not stable in the presence of the silica-rich glass phase. Interakcije med prevodno in stekleno fazo v debeloplastnih uporih med procesom žganja Kjučne besede: debeiopiastni upori, karakterizacija, rutenijev oksid, rutenati, fazni diagrami Izvleček: Karakteriziraii smo nekatere debeloplastne uporovne materiale na osnovi Ru02, rutenatov ali zmesi RUO2 in rutenatov. Uporte smo žgaii pri različnih temperaturah, da bi ugotovili vpliv temperature žganja na električne in mikrostrukturne karakteristike. Mikrostrukture debeloplastnih uporov so bile preiskane z elektronskim vrstičnim mikroskopom in rentgensko analizo. Izmerili smo temperaturne koeficiente upornosti, indekse tokovnega šuma in faktorje gauge v odvisnosti od temperature žganja. Ugotovili smo, da v debeloplastnih uporih, žganih dolgo časa pri povišanih temperaturah, rutenat preide v rutenijev oksid. Pri tem se zelo zniža plastna upornost in poviša temperaturni koeficient upornosti. Stekleno fazo v debeloplastnih uporih smo analizirali z EDS (Energy Disspersive X-ray Analysis). Ugotovili smo, da so vsa stekla bogata na SiC>2 z razmerjem SiC>2 / PbO med 2 in 2,5. Preiskali smo fazna ravnotežja v sistemu RUO2 - Si02 - PbO. Rezultati so potrdili, da rutenat ni stabilen v prisotnosti stekel bogatih na Si02. Introduction Thick-film resistors consist basically of a conducting phase, a lead-borosilicate-based glass phase and an organic vehicle. The organic material is burned out during the high-temperature processing. The ratio between the conductive and the glass phases roughly determines the specific resistivity of the resistor. In most modern resistor compositions the conductive phase is either Ru02 or ruthenates; mainly, as reported in the literature, lead or bismuth ruthenates. The main change during firing is the transition from a mixture of glass grains and, usually, much finer grains of the conductive phase in a thick-film paste, into conductive chains through the sintered glass in the fired resistor. During the firing cycle all the constituents of the resistor paste react with each other and the melted glass also interacts with the substrate The resistors are only a relatively short time (typically 10 min) at the highest temperature (typically 850°C). Because of this the reactions between the constituents of the resistor material do not reach equilibrium so that the required characteristics of fired materials (e.g long-term stability, low noise indices and a low tempera- ture coefficient of resistivity) are, in a way, a compromise as a consequence of this frozen non-equilibrium /1-5/. The aim of this paper is to present the results on some thick film resistor material, fired either at the required 850°C for 10 min or at higher firing temperatures for significantly longer times. The aim was to gain some insight into the changes in the electrical and microstructural characteristics, and gauge factors if the resistors are fired long enough at the high temperature to allow the reactions within the resistorto reach the equilibrium. Thick-film resistors with a nominal resistivity of 10 kohm/sq. (Du Pont 8039 and 2041, and Heraeus 8241) were evaluated. The conductive phase in 8039, 2041 and 8241 resistors is based on (Bi2-xPbx)Ru207-x/4, a mixture of Ru02 and Pb2Ru206.5, and RUO2, respectively /6,7/. Data on the conductive phase and the qualitative results of an energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) of the glass composition of the thick-film resistors are summarized in Table 1. All glasses contain, as main elements, lead, silicon and aluminum oxides. Boron oxide, which is also present in the glass phase, cannot be detected in the EDS spectra because of the low relative boron weight fraction in the glass and the strong 7 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 7-10 M. Hrovat, D. Belavic, J. Hole, J. Bernard, A. Bencan, J. Cilensek: The Interacions of Conductive and Glass Phase in Thick-film ... absorption of the boron Ka line during EDS analysis in the glass matrix. Table 1. Conductive phase and qualitative results of EDS microanalysis of elements detected in glass phase of thick-film resistors /17/. Resistor Conductive phase Ma in elements Other elements detected 8039 ruthenate Si, Pb, A1 Zr 2041 RuO 2 + ruthenate Si, Pb, A1 Mg, Zn, Ca, Ba 8241 RuO 2 Si, Pb, A1 Zn, Cu The X-ray analysis of conductive phase in investigated thick film resistors will be given. The change of conductive phase (from ruthenate to the ruthenium oxide) at high firing temperatures, depending on the composition of glass phase will be discussed. Experimental Thick-film resistors with dimensions 1.6x1.6 mm2 were printed on 96% alumina substrates and fired for10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C. The resistors were terminated with a Pd/Ag conductor that was prefired at 850°C. ColdTCRs (from -25°C to 25°C) and hotTCRs (from 25°C to 125°C) were calculated from resistivity measurements at - 25°C, 25°C, and 125°C. Current noise was measured in dB on 100 mW loaded resistors by the Quan Tech method (Quan Tech Model 315-C). Gauge factors (GFs) were measured. The resistors were examined by X-ray powder-diffraction (XRD)analysisAJEOLJSM 5800scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray analyser (EDS) was used for the micro-structural analysis. Results and discussion Sheet resistivities, cold (-25°C to 25°C) and hot (25°C to 125°C) TCRs, noise indices and gauge factors of the in- vestigated thick-film resistors that were 10 min at 850°C and 6 hours at 950°C are shown in Table 2. After firing at 950°C for 6 hours, the resistivities of all the resistors significantly decreased to around 5% of the resistivities after firing at 850°C for the 2041 resistors, and to 1 % or less for the 8039 and 8241 resistors. The GFs of all the resistors, as well as the sheet resistivities, decreased with increasing firing temperature. The TCR values of the resistors after firing at the "normal" temperature of 850°C are below 100x10"6/K. After firing for 6 hours at 950°C the absolute values of the TCRs of the 8039 and 8241 resistors increased significantly. The noise indices decrease with increased firing temperature. The 2041 resistor material has the lowest noise, around or under -20 dB, regardless of the firing temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra of ruthenate-based "equilibrated" resistors showed that at higher firing temperatures the ruthenate decomposes forming Ru02, while the conductive phase in Ru02-based resistors stays unchanged. This is shown in Figs. 1.a, 1.b and 1.c for 10 kohm/sq. Du Pont 8039 and 2041 thick film resistors, and Heraeus 8241 thick-film resistors, respectively/6/. As mentioned before, the 8241 resistor is based on RuC>2 and the 2041 material is based on a mixture of (mainly) ruthenate and Ru02. The resistors were fired for 10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C. After 6 hours of firing at 950°C the ruthenate peaks of the 8039 resistors disappear while the spectrum of RUO2 based 8241 resistors remains unchanged. Presumably because of the interaction with the molten glass the ruthenate decomposes. The decomposition of the ruthenate phase in the ruthen-ate-based 8039 resistor after high-temperature firing and the formation of RUO2 was confirmed with SEM. Micro-structures of the 8039 resistors that were fired for 10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C are as an example in Figs. 2.a and 2.b. The microstructure of the 8039 resistor, fired at 850°C (Fig. 3.a) consists of light sub micrometer-sized particles of a conductive phase in a grey glass matrix. The dark particles are SiZrC>4. After 6 hours firing Resistor T firing Resistivity Cold TCR Hot TCR Noise GF (°C) (ohm/sq.) (10-6/K) (10-6/K) (dB) 8039 850 7,3 k 50 90 -14.3 11.0 950, 6 h 37 1845 1810 -29.9 1.5 2041 850 6.6 k -35 20 -23.3 11.0 950, 6 h 280 -90 -85 -32.0 7.0 8241 850 5.4 k 20 60 -4.5 15.5 950, 6 h 36 1950 1990 -25.5 2.0 Table 1: Sheet resistivities, cold and hotTCRs, noise indices and gauge factors of the thick-film resistors, fired 10 min at 850°C and 6 hours at 950°C 8 M. Hrovat, D. Belavic, J. Hole, J. Bernard, A. Bencan, J. Cilensek: The Interaoions of Conductive and Glass Phase in Thick-film ... Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 7-10 Fig. 1a: XRD spectra of 2039 thick-film resistor, fired for 10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C. Spectra of ruthenate (RU) and of Ru02 (Ru02) are also included. 2041 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 2 theta (deg.) Fig. 1b: XRD spectra of 2041 thick-film resistor, fired for 10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C. Spectra of ruthenate (RU) and of Ru02 (Ru02) are also included. Fig. 2a: Microstructure of a'cross-section of the thick-film resistor 8039, fired for 10 min at 850°c. Alumina substrate is on the right. Light particles are conductive phase - (Bi2-xPbx)Ru207-x/4. 5 |_im 2 theta (deg.) Fig. 1c: XRD spectra of 8541 thick-film resistor, fired for 10 min at 850°C and for 6 hours at 950°C. Spectra of ruthenate (RU) and of Ru02 (Ru02) are also included. at 950°C the ruthenate particles In the 8039 resistor have nearly all disappeared. Adachi and Kuno /8,9/ studied high-temperature interactions between Pb0-B203-SiC>2 glasses and Pb2Ru2C>6.5 Fig. 2b: Microstructure of a cross-section of the thick-film resistor 8039, fired for 6 hours at 950°C. Alumina substrate is on the right. After firing at 950°C the ruthenate particles in the 8039 resistor have nearly all disappeared. or Ru02. They showed that in glasses poor In PbO the Pb2Ru2C>6.5 disappears and the RuC>2 is formed while for PbO-rich glasses the RuC>2 reacts with the PbO from the glass and forms Pb2Ru206.s- Their results are summarised In Fig. 3. Three regions are marked in the Pb0-B203-Si02 phase diagram. In the first region in the silica rich part of diagram ruthenates decomposes into Ru02. In third region (PbO rich) ruthenates are stable while Ru02 reacts with glass forming Pb2Ru20e.5. In glasses with roughly 1/1 Si02 / PbO ratio (second region) the Ru02 and the ruthenate coexist. To confirm these findings, the subsolidus ternary phase diagram of the Ru02 - PbO - Si02.system was investigated. The glass phase in different commercial thick-film resistors was analysed by SEM and the Pb0/Si02 ratio was 9 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 7-10 M. Hrovat, D. Belavic, J. Hole, J. Bernard, A. Bencan, J. Cilensek: The Interacions of Conductive and Glass Phase in Thick-film ... determined. All analysed glass compositions are rich in Si02 with the molar ratio SiC>2 / PbO between 2 and 2.5. The molar ratio Si02 / PbO in glass phases of thick-film resistors is also graphically shown as a short bold bar near Si02 in the PbO-poor part of the Ru02 - PbO - Si02 system in Fig. 4. The PbO-rich part of phase diagram, which was not investigated, is shown with dotted lines. No ternary compound was found in the system. There is no binary compound between Ru02 and Si02. The tie lines are between Pb2Ru206.5 and PbSi03, and between Ru02 and PbSi03. The results therefore indicate that the lead-ruth-enate-based conductive phase in thick-film resistors is indeed unstable when in contact with the silica-rich glass phase, as shown by dashed lines in Fig. 4. I f 8 is iiasi 1 Mvry -v\ v s1 \ ' \ % , ;*1 \ / s i v v y . ' ««»s« lit A ' v % ^ s I -- J v f , \ > /''iVA - /7,5 / '1, \ » v Fig. 3: The Pb0-B203-Si02 system (after Adachi and Kuno/8/). Leadruthenate is stable in the region III and unstable in the region I. Acknowledgement The financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia is gratefully acknowledged. References /1,/ J. W. Pierce, D. W. Kuty, J. L. Larry, The chemistry and stability of ruthenium based resistors, Solid State Technol., 25, (10), (1982), 85-93 12.1 R. W. Vest, "Materials science of thick-film technology", Ceram. Bull., 65, (4), (1986), 631-636 /3./ T. Inokuma, Y. Taketa, "Control of electrical properties of Ru02 thick film resistors", Active and Passive Elect. Comp., 12, (3), (1987), 155-166 /4,/ O. Abe, Y. Taketa, M. Haradome, The effect of various factors on the resistivity and TCR of Ru02 thick film resistors - relation between the electrical properties and particle size of constituents, the physical properties of glass and firing temperature, Active and Passive Elect. Comp., 13, (2), (1988), 76-83 /5./ M. Hrovat, Z. Samardžija, J. Hole, D. Belavic, Microstructural, XRD and electrical characterization of some thick film resistors, J. Mater. Sci.: Materials in Electronics, 11, (3), (2000), 199-208 /6./ M. Hrovat, D. Belavič, Z. Samardžija, J. Hole, A characterisation ofthickfilm resistors for strain gauge applications, J. Mater. Sci., 36, (11), (2001), 2679-2689 /7./ M. Hrovat, A. Benčan, D. Belavič, J. Hole, G. Dražič, The influence of firing temperature on the electrical and microstructural characteristics of thick film resistors for strain gauge applications, Sensors Actuators A, 103,(2003), 341-352 /8./ K. Adachi, H. Kuno, Decomposition of ruthenium oxides in lead borosiiicate glass, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80, (5), (1997), 1055-1064 /9./ K. Adachi, H. Kuno, Effect of glass composition on the electrical properties of thick film resistors, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83, (10), (2000), 2441-2448 PbO Pb^uQ RuO Marko Hrovat, Janez Hole, Janez Bernard, Andreja Benčan, Jena Cilensek Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Darko Belavič HIPOT-R&D d.o.o., Šentjernej, Slovenia Fig. 4: The proposed subsolidus ternary phase diagram of the PbO-poor part of the Ru02 - PbO - S/02. The molar ratio S/02 / PbO in glass phases of some thick-film resistors is shown as a short bold bar near Si02 in the Pb0-Si02 system. Prispelo (Arrived): 21.07.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted):25.02.2004 10 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana PROBLEM NEPONOVLJIVOSTI SIMULACIJ ELEKTRIČNIH VEZIJ Matej Šalamon, Tomaž Dogša Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko računalništvo in informatiko, Maribor, Slovenija Kjučne besede: simulatorji električnih vezij, benchmark testiranje, neponovljivost rezultatov, kaotična vezja, Chujev oscilator, nepravilnost. Izvleček: Najkvalitetnejši simulatorji SPICE, kljub svoji relativni zrelosti, zmeraj ne zagotavljajo pravilnih rezultatov, na kar opozarjajo številni znanstveni prispevki /1/, /2/, /3/, /4/, /5/, /6/, /7/. Naš prispevek opozarja na še eno kritično nepravilnost omenjenih simulatorjev - neponovljivost rezultatov simulacij. Ugotovili smo, da se lahko ta pojavi, kadar simuliramo vezje z istim simulatorjem, instaliranim na platformah z različnimi procesorji. Zaradi tega je smiselno preveriti, ali današnji simulatorji zagotavljajo ponovljivost rezultatov In kvantitativno ovrednotiti njihovo morebitno neponovljivost. V ta namen smo predlagali primerno testno vezje in tri stopenjsko metriko za ocenjevanje neponovljivosti, ki jo je mogoče uporabiti tudi pri ocenjevanju kakovosti simulatorjev. Problem of Non-repeatability of the Circuits Simulation Key words: circuit simulators, benchmark testing, non-repeatability of results, chaotic circuits, Chua's oscillator, anomaly. Abstract: SPICE circuit simulators are indispensable tools for integrated circuits design and for variety of scientific research activities. In spite of their mature age this simulators can give erroneous results /1 /, /2/, /3/, /4/, /5/, /6/, /7/. If we repeat the simulation on a different computer with the same simulator it is expected that results will not differ significantly. This property is called repeatability. There are a variety of situations where repeatability could be a problem. Repeated simulation can be performed with the same simulator on the same type of a computer, or with a different simulator on the same or on a different type of a computer, or with the same simulator installed on a different computer. We have focused on repeatability testing of different SPICE simulators installed on different platforms running transient analysis. If the repeatability is not assured it is reasonable to evaluate the non-repeatability. Since deviations can occur between reference and repeated results in different ways, we have proposed three different non-repeatability measures. First order non-repeatability measure is used for the evaluation of time value deviations of time-domain waveforms. Second order non-repeatability measure evaluates dissimilarities of time-domain waveforms, and third order measure evaluates the deviation of global circuit behavior. To address this problem a functional testing of simulators were used. Testing simulators with circuits of CircuitSim90 benchmark suite did not expose any repeatability problems. We have discovered that chaotic circuits are more efficient for the detection of non-repeatability because they are hypersensitive to the initial conditions. Chua's oscillator was selected as a representative member of chaotic circuits. We have found out that some simulators did not ensure repeatability of results if they have been installed on different platforms. It was also discovered that the non-repeatability was most frequent if simulators were installed on the platforms with processors made by different manufactures. The consequences of non-repeatability were: significant time value deviations of time-domain waveforms and dissimilarities of their form. The type of processors however does not have significant influence on the circuit's global behavior. The reasons for this anomaly and possibilities of its elimination were also addressed. The reason could be one or more errors in simulator's code or in the compiler, which allows different interpretations of the same processor instructions on different types of processors. 1. Uvod Najkvalitetnejši simulator električnih vezij, ki se uporablja v industriji, različnih znanstveno-raziskovalnlh in Izobraževalnih Institucijah, je simulator SPICE (Simulation Erogram with integrated Circuit Emphasis). Njegovo jedro, ki je javna last, je bilo razvito med leti 1972 in 1992 na Kalifornijski Univerzi Berkeley, v sodelovanju z Bellovimi laboratoriji. Vgrajeno je v številne komercialne različice, katerih kakovost lahko primerjamo s pomočjo standardne benchmark zbirke Cir-cuitSim90 /8/. Najpogosteje primerjamo hitrosti simulatorjev in njihovo uspešnost pri reševanju konvergenčnih problemov /9/, /10/, /11 /. Namen primerjalnih testov pa ni samo primerjanje izbranih karakteristik (npr. hitrosti, kon- vergence) ampak pridobiti širši vpogled v kakovost simulatorja. Primerjalni testi se lahko uporabijo tudi za merjenje uspešnosti novih in izboljšanih algoritmov /12/ ter za odkrivanje nepravilnosti simulatorjev, ki so še zmeraj prisotne. V letu 1993 sta Angelo Brambilla in Dario D'Amore opozorila na nepravilne rezultate, ki se pojavijo z analizo prehodnega pojava pri zelo preprostih linearnih vezij. V prispevku /1/ ugotavljata, da je razlog za nepravilne rezultate hiba trapezne integracijske metode, nikakor pa ne njena implementacija ali topologija vezij ter uporabljeni modeli. Opozorila sta na frekvenčno popačenje časovnih odzivov in lažni prehodni pojav. 11 informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 11-17 M. Šalamon, T. Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij Velikokrat se zgodi, da rešitev ne konvergira, kar povzroči prekinitev simulacije. Ti problemi nastopijo zaradi iterativnega iskanja rešitev, predvsem pri enosmernih analizah in analizi prehodnega pojava. Charles Hymowitz v literaturi /4/ opisuje reševanje tovrstnih težav. Avtorji prispevkov /5/ in /6/ opisujejo problematiko nu-meričnega integriranja na primeru vezja s pozitivno povratno vezavo. Analitično določen časovni odziv je neomejen, rezultat simulacije pa kaže, da je odziv omejen. Kot glavni vzrok nepravilnosti navajajo nepravilno izbran korak numer-ičnega integriranja, kar pa je mogoče odpraviti. Posledica nepravilno izbranega koraka integriranja je lahko ne le frekvenčno popačenje /1 /, ampak tudi lažno kaotično obnašanje vezij. Zaradi prevelikega dopustnega koraka numerlčnega integriranja se lahko pojavi frekvenčno popačen odziv že pri preprostem linearnem LC vezju /2/, /3/. V primeru nelinearnega vezja (Colpittsovega oscilatorja) pa je odziv celo lažne kaotične narave. Če ponovimo simulacijo, pričakujemo, da bomo dobili skoraj identične rezultate. To lastnost imenujemo ponovljivost simulacije. Ponovno simulacijo lahko izvedemo z istim simulatorjem na istem računalniku, z istim simulatorjem na drugem računalniku, ali s podobnim simulatorjem na istem ali drugem računalniku. V prispevku se bomo omejili na situacijo, ko ponovno simulacijo izvedemo z istim simulatorjem na drugem računalniku. Vtem prispevku se bomo ukvarjali s vprašanjem, ali današnji simulatorji električnih vezij zagotavljajo ponovljivost rezultatov simulacij. Problematika ponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij je opisana v drugem poglavju, v katerem je predlagana tri stopenjska metrika za kvantitativno ocenjevanje neponovljivosti rezultatov. V tretjem poglavju so opisani rezultati testiranja. 2. Neponovljivost simulacije Predpostavimo, da s simulatorjem A simuliramo vezje. Rezultate te simulacije poimenujemo referenčni rezultati in jih označimo z A. Rezultate, ki jih dobimo s ponovno simulacijo istega vezja, označimo z B. Če se ti rezultati razlikujejo od referenčnih za manj kot dopuščamo, je ponovljivost zagotovljena. Kadar rezultati simulacij A in B odstopajo za več kot dopuščamo, govorimo o neponovljivosti rezultatov. Če primerjamo rezultate analize prehodnega pojava (TRAN), se odstopanja med A in B kažejo na tri načine: 1. Z različnimi vozliščnimi potenciali. Oblike časovnih potekov so identične. Bistvenih razlik v globalnem obnašanju testnega vezja ni. 2. Z različnimi vozliščnimi potenciali in različnimi oblikami časovnih potekov. Bistvenih razlik v globalnem obnašanju testnega vezja ni. 3. Z različnimi vozliščnimi potenciali, različnimi oblikami časovnih potekov in z različnim globalnim obnašanjem testnega vezja. Z oziram na navedene načine odstopanj, smo predlagali ti di kvantitativne ocene za: neponovljivost trenutnih vred- nosti signalov - neponovljivost I. stopnje (M1), neponovljivost oblik signalov neponovljivost II. stopnje (M2) in neponovljivost globalnega obnašanja vezja - neponovljivost III. stopnje (M3). Naveden vrstni red ustreza stopnjevanju neponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij. 2.1 Mera za neponovljivost trenutnih vrednosti signalov Rezultat analize prehodnega pojava je m časovnih potekov napetosti in tokov. Posamezni časovni potek je opisan z n trenutnimi vrednostmi. Časovne poteke napetosti in tokov, ki jih dobimo s simulacijo A, zapišimo z vrstičnimi vektorji v matriki X: X = Z matriko Y na podoben način označimo rezultate simulatorja B. Namen ocene neponovljivost I. stopnje je ovrednotiti odstopanja trenutnih vrednosti časovnih potekov tokov in napetosti, ki jih dobimo pri simulaciji A in s ponovno simulacijo B. Odstopanja trenutnih vrednosti ovrednotimo s pomočjo razdalj med vrstičnimi vektorji matrik X in Y. Razdaljo med /(-tirna vrstičnima vektorjema xk in yk izračunamo s pomočjo enačbe: Oi) x1(t2) ■ ■ ('„)" x2 = x2(tl) x2 (t2) • • ('„) ■ (1) _Xm. xm(t2) ■ (2) Komponente vektorja Xk naj bodo referenčne, komponente vektorja yi< pa tiste, ki jih z referenčnimi primerjamo. Vsaka komponenta vektorja yk se sme razlikovati od komponente vektorja xr za največ Ax. Če je Ax dopustno odstopanje komponent vektorja yk od komponent vektorja Xk izraženo v odstotkih, je dopustna razdalja med Mirna vektorjema Xk in yk določena z enačbo: |Ax[ 100 |Ax| 100 BI ¡■=1 XMol ;*A(O = 0 / = 1,2...« ; sicer (3) =i pri čemer je £ minimalna, od nič različna, v računalniku predstavljiva, vrednost. Privzemimo, da je dopustno odstopanje Ax za vse pare primerjanih vrstičnih vektorjev matrik X in Y enako. Rezultati simulacij A in B so ponovljivi le, če so razdalje med vsemi primerjanimi časovnimi poteki manjše ali enake dopustnim: e, >d(x1,y1)ae2 >£?(x2,y2)A...Aem >d(xm,ym). (4) Kadar ta pogoj ni izpolnjen, so rezultati simulacij neponovljivi. Za kvantitativno oceno neponovljivosti I. stopnje predlagamo naslednjo mero: 12 M. Šalamon, T. Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 11-17 J m I>xk>yk)2 (5) k=\ Vrednost M1 je tem večja, čim več je odstopanj med trenutnimi vrednostmi časovnih potekov in čim večja so. Če želimo primerjati neponovljivost, ki se pojavi pri različnih testnih vezij, moramo M1 ustrezno normirati. Normiranje lahko izvedemo tako, da posamezno oceno M1 normiramo z normo vektorja dopustnih razdalj: (6) M i--5> Če izberemo zadostno majhen Ax in ne pride do neponovljivosti, potem bo tudi zagotovljena ponovljivost oblik in globalnega obnašanja. 2.2 Mera za neponovljivost oblik signalov M2 se nanaša na obliko časovnih potekov napetosti oziroma tokov. Ker so lahko rezultati simulacij A in B oblikovno podobni tudi, če so vzorci trenutnih vrednosti primerjanih časovnih potekov med seboj nekoliko zamaknjeni, smo za ocenjevanje oblikovnega odstopanja uporabili maksimalno vrednost križnokorelacijskih funkcij rXkyk(j) vseh m časovnih potekov. Časovna poteka xi< in yi< sta maksimalno korelirana, ko križnokorelacijska funkcija rXkyk(j) zavzame maksimalno ekstremno vrednost. Če je ta +1 obstaja med xr in yk popolna pozitivna koreliranost, če je ta vrednost -1, obstaja med njima popolna inverzna koreliranost, če pa je 0, med xr in yk ni linearne povezave. Časovna poteka Xk in yk sta oblikovno tem manj podobna, čimbolj je maksimalna vrednost križnokorelacijske funkcije rXkyk(i) oddaljena od vrednosti +1. Če je maksimalna vrednost križnokorelacijske funkcije rXkyk(j)^0, sta časovna poteka Xk in yk oblikovno nepodobna. Oblikovno nepodobnost primerjanih časovnih potekov lahko ocenimo s pomočjo naslednje mere: M2 = 1 ■ 1 m mk=\ (7) pri čemer je rk maksimalna vrednost križnokorelacijske funkcije: max xkyk (j)) ; max ((xkyk (j) )> 0 0 ; max (r,^ (./))< 0 za /=-(n-1 ),-(n-2).....0,1,2,...(n-1). (8) Neponovljivost oblik signalov je tem večja, čim večja je vrednost M2, ki je lahko iz intervala [0, + 1 ]. Primerjana časovna poteka Xk in yk sta podobna, če je vrednost rk večja ali enaka minimalni dopustni vrednosti rmjn, ki lahko zavzame vrednosti iz Intervala (0,+1j. Če to velja za vse primerjane časovne poteke: rm\n^rl Armin A-"A>"min (9) se oblike napetosti oziroma tokov, dobljenih s ponovno simulacijo, bistveno ne razlikujejo od referenčnih. 2.3 Mera za neponovljivost globalnega obnašanja Namen ocenjevanja neponovljivosti III. stopnje je ovrednotiti odstopanja med globalnim obnašanjem testnega vezja pri referenčni simulaciji A in ponovni simulaciji B. Globalno obnašanje testnega vezja ocenimo na osnovi njegovih značilnih lastnosti - bistvenih lastnosti, s katerimi je mogoče okarakterizirati in oceniti njegovo obnašanje. Tipične značilne lastnosti so: pasovna širina, vhodna upornost, preklopna napetost, harmonska popačenja, frekvenca os-ciliranja itd. Odstopanja med globalnim obnašanjem testnega vezja pri simulaciji A in ponovni simulaciji B bodo tem večja, čim večja bodo odstopanja med njegovimi istovrstnimi značilnimi lastnostmi. Ker imajo lahko različna vezja različne in različno število značilnih lastnosti, je mera za neponovljivosti III. stopnje odvisna od vrste vezja. Ker smo pri testiranju ponovljivosti uporabili kaotična testna vezja, smo to mero natančno definirali za tovrstna vezja. Za značilno lastnost smo izbrali mejo med kaotičnim in ne kaotičnim režimom delovanja. S pomočjo simulatorja A določimo m bifurkacijskih točk: a?, 32,...am, ki nastopijo pri bifurkacijah s podvojitvijo periode in jih odčitamo iz bifurkacijskega diagrama (slika 1). Ta predstavlja odvisnost maksimalnih vrednosti izbrane spremenljivke stanja v vezju od bifurkacijskega parametra tj. parametra, s katerim lahko vplivamo na kvalitativne spremembe v obnašanju vezja. iv, , b;:. paramctei Slika 1: Bifurkacijska diagrama, ki ju dobimo s pomočjo rezultatov simulacij A in B. 13 Informacije M1DEM 34(2004)1, str. 11-17 M. Šalamon, T. Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij Mejo med kaotičnim in ne kaotičnim režimom /13/ določa enačba: = (a2 - ax )• i -1 (10) Pri tem je Sa Feigenbaumova konstanta, ki jo izračunamo s pomočjo izraza: am ~am-1 (11) lim ■ a„ k—>m CL, , — 12, a. , uk+1 uk m+1 Na podoben način določimo mejo kaotičnosti £><*,, ki jo izračunamo iz podatkov, dobljenih s ponovno simulacijo. Za oceno nepodobnosti med globalnim obnašanjem testnega vezja predlagamo naslednjo mero1 : M3 = 100 (12) Nepodobnost globalnega obnašanja testnega vezja je tem večja, čim večja so odstopanja med mejnima vrednostma a°° in b°°. Predpostavimo, da je globalno obnašanje testnega vezja, določeno s simulacijo B še podobno globalnemu obnašanju določenim s simulacijo A, če meja med kaotičnim in ne kaotičnim režimom delovanja vezja v obeh primerih ne odstopa za več kot A[%]: ■ A a„ • A ■ < 6 < a„ + • (13) 100 100 Če pogoj (13) ni izpolnjen, je globalno obnašanje testnega vezja popolnoma nepodobno kar pomeni, da so rezultati simulacij totalno neponovljivi. 3. Testiranje ponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij Testirali smo ponovljivost rezultatov simulatorja, ki je bil inštalirani na platformah z različnimi procesorji. Ker je bila uporabljena ista izvršna koda, smo pričakovali, da bodo rezultati ponovnih simulacij popolnoma enaki referenčnim. Ugotovili smo, da vezja iz standardne benchmark zbirke CircuitSim90 niso zaznala nobene neponovljivosti. Ker so kaotična vezja hiperobčutljiva na začetne pogoje, smo za testiranje ponovljivosti izbrali Chujev oscilator (slika 2). Ugotovili smo, daje detekcija neponovljivosti uspešna le: 1. če je obnašanje testnega vezja kaotično in, 2. če je izbran dovolj velik čas trajanja analize prehodnega pojava. Dejanska neponovljivost lahko ostane nezaznavna: 1. če je osciliranje Chujevega oscilatorja periodično, ali 2. če je kljub kaotičnemu režimu delovanja, izbran prekratek čas trajanja analize prehodnega pojava (glej sliko 3). L1 S- lvUlH £ JO w [i / 6 -9V Slika 2: Chujev oscilator/14/ - testno vezje za testiranje ponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij. Slika 3: Divergenca časovnih potekov napetosti na kondenzatorju C2 v Chujevem oscilatorju, (R2=1600Q), simuliranem na platformi s procesorjem AMD Duron in Intel Pentium IV, je zelo očitna šele po približno 17.5ms. Podobne rezultate smo dobili tudi z drugimi kaotičnimi vezji. Testiranje smo izvedli na raznih platformah in z različnimi verzijami simulatorja SPICE proizvajalcev: Intusoft, OrCAD, PENZAR Development, Linear Technology Corporation, FERI Ljubljana - skupina CAD in Mentor Graphics. Le pri nekaj simulatorjih se problem neponovljivosti ni pojavil. 3.1 Ocene neponovljivosti trenutnih vrednosti signalov V poglavju 2.1 smo privzeli, da bodo rezultati simulacij ponovljivi, če nobena od razdalj med referenčnimi časovnimi poteki in časovnimi poteki, ki jih dobimo pri ponovnih simulacijah, ne presega dopustne. Pri testiranju smo privzeli, da je dopustno odstopanje trenutnih vrednosti primerjanih časovnih potekov Ax enako ±0.01%. Ocene neponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij, ki smo jih dobili pri testiranju enega izmed simulatorjev SPICE, inštaliranega na platformah z različnimi procesorji, so zapisane v tabeli 1 in so podane v normirani obliki M1 /M1". 1 Ker v primeru predlaganega testnega vezja mejna vrednost bifurkacijskega parametra a« ne more biti nič, smo M3 definirali kot relativna odstopanja med vrednostma a„ in b 14 M. Šalamon, T, Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 11-17 Tabela 1: Ocene M1 / M 1 * za enega izmed simulatorjev SPICE, inštaliranega na platformah z različnimi procesorji. Referenčna platforma A s procesorjem Platforma B s procesorjem Cyrix (IBM) 6x86MX AMD Duron AMD Athlon XP Intel Pentium MMX Intel Pentium III Intel Celeron (Willamette) Intel Pentium IV Cyrix (IBM) 6x8 6MX - 12099.93 12099.93 11905.79 11905.79 11905.79 11905.79 AMD Duron 12082.59 - 0 11782.12 11782.12 11782.12 11782.12 AMD Athlon XP 12082.59 0 - 11782.12 11782.12 11782.12 11782.12 Intel Pentium MMX 11991.36 11883.84 11883.84 - 0 0 0 Intel Pentium III 11991.36 11883.84 11883.84 0 - 0 0 Intel Celeron (Willamette) 11991.36 11883.84 11883.84 0 0 - 0 Intel Pentium IV 11991.36 11883.84 11883.84 0 0 0 - Ocene v tabeli 1 kažejo, da daje simulator: 1. neponovljive rezultate, če je inštaliran na platformah s procesorji različnih proizvajalcev; 2. ponovljive rezultate, če je inštaliran na platformah s procesorji istega proizvajalca - vrednosti M1/M1' so enake nič. 3.2 Ocene neponovljivosti oblik signalov Z ocenjevanjem neponovljivosti II. stopnje smo ocenili oblikovno nepodobnost primerjanih časovnih potekov. Ker postane morebitna divergenca primerjanih časovnih potekov očitna šele po približno 50ms smo privzeli, da sta dva časovna poteka od tedaj oblikovno podobna, če je maksimalna vrednost pripadajoče križnokorelacijske funkcije večja ali enaka 0.8. Če je pri tem pogoj (9) zmeraj izpolnjen, simulator zagotavlja oblikovno podobne časovne poteke. V tabeli 2 so podane ocene neponovljivosti II. stopnje za enega izmed simulatorjev. Glede na dobljene rezultate lahko zaključimo, da simulator zagotavlja oblikovno podobne časovne poteke napetosti in tokov v testnem vezju le, če je inštaliran na platformah z procesorjem istega proizvajalca. Vrednosti v tabeli 2 namreč kažejo, da je v teh primerih vrednost M2 enaka nič, v ostalih primerih pa pogoj (9) ni izpolnjen. 3.3 Ocene neponovljivosti globalnega obnašanja Ocena neponovljivosti III. stopnje vrednoti odstopanja v globalnem obnašanju testnega vezja. Po definiciji, opisani v poglavju 2.3, odstopanja ocenimo z odstopanjem meje med kaotičnim in ne kaotičnim režimom delovanja. Pri ocenjevanju neponovljivosti III. stopnje smo se omejili na prve tri bifurkacljske točke. Za bifurkacijski parameter smo izbrali upornost R2, za opazovano spremenljivko stanja pa napetost kondenzatorju C2. Upornost R2 smo spreminjali na intervalu 1820£Ž<*, večje od A=±10%. Na osnovi rezultatov ocenjevanja neponovljivosti III. stopnje smo ugotovili, da simulator, inštaliran na platformah z obravnavanimi procesorji, ne daje totalno neponovljivih rezultatov, saj je pogoj (13) v vseh primerih izpolnjen. 4. Sklep V prispevku smo se ukvarjali s vprašanjem: ali današnji simulatorji električnih vezij zagotavljajo ponovljivost rezultatov simulacij? Ponovljivost rezultatov simulacij je zagotovljena takrat, kadar dobimo pri ponovitvi simulacije rezultate, ki so znotraj dopustnih odstopanj. Odstopanja med referenčnimi rezultati in rezultati ponovne simulacije se kažejo v različnih trenutnih vrednosti, v različnih oblikah potekov napetosti oziroma tokov in v različnem globalnem obnašanju vezja. Za te tri primere smo definirali ustrezne metrike, s katerimi lahko tudi ocenjujemo morebitno stopnjo neponovljivosti. V prispevku smo se omejili na situacijo, ko ponovno simulacijo izvedemo z istim simulatorjem na drugem računalniku. Računalnika sta se razlikovala samo v vrsti mikroprocesorja, uporabljala pa sta isto izvršno kodo simulatorja. Kljub tej razliki, ki naj ne bi vplivala na rezultate simulacije, smo ugotovili, da v nekaterih primerih prihaja do neponovljivosti rezultatov simulacij. Ugotovili smo, dazvezjiiz benchmark zbirke CircuitSim90 ni možno zaznati neponovljivosti. Le pri simulaciji kaotičnih vezij se je pojavila neponovljivost trenutnih vrednosti in oblik signalov. Na osnovi rezultatov testiranja ponovljivosti lahko zaključimo, da nekateri današnji simulatorji električnih vezij, na platformah z določenimi procesorji, ne zagotavljajo ponovljivih rezultatov in, daje neponovljivost mogoče zaznati le s pomočjo hiperobčutljivih testnih vezij. Ker benchmark zbirka CircuitSim90 tovrstnih vezij ne vsebuje, predlagamo njeno razširitev s kaotičnim vezjem. Vzrok za neponovljivost rezultatov je lahko ena ali več napak v programu simulatorja ali prevajalniku programa, ki dopuščajo različno interpretacijo istih procesorskih ukazov na različnih procesorjih. To je mogoče, saj se proizvajalci današnjih procesorjev do potankosti ne držijo IEEE standardov za aritmetiko s plavajočo vejico. Zraven tega nekatere lastnosti te aritmetike niso natančno specificirane, kar dopušča različnost implementacij. Proizvajalci procesorjev v svoje izdelke vgrajujejo tudi lastne dodatke, ki jih trenutni standardi ne obravnavajo. Obstoj neponovljivosti rezultatov simulatorjev SPICE predstavlja njihovo novo nepravilnost, ki pa v mnogih primerih ostaja uporabniku prikrita. 5. Literatura /1 / A. Brambilla, D. D'Amore: The simulation Errors Introduced by Spice Transient Analysis, IEEE Transaction Circuits and Sys-.tems-l: Fundamental theory and applications, letnik 40, št. 1, januar 1993, str. 57-60. /2/ B. Peršič, I. Medič: Chaotic Results of SPICE Simulator, Proceedings of ECCTD '97, str. 1226-1230, Budapest 1997. /3/ B. Peršič N. Basarič: Frequency warping and chaotic behaviour generated by Spice, Informacije MIDEM, letnik 31, št. 1, marec 2001, str. 26-32. /4/ C. Hymowitz: Step-by-step procedures help you solve Spice convergence problems, EDN Magazine, marec 1994. /5/ P. Kinget, J. Crois, M. Ingles, E. Peluso: Are Circuit Simulators Becoming Too Stable, IEEE Circuits and Devices Magazine, letnik 10, št. 3, str. 50, maj 1994. /6/ B. Peršič: Primer napačnega delovanja numerične integracije simulatorja SPICE, Elektrotehniški vestnik, letnik 62, št. 2, leto 1995, str. 117-125. 16 M. Šalamon, T. Dogša: Problem neponovljivosti simulacij električnih vezij Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 11-17 /7/ T. Turna, F. Bratkovič: Simulacija numeričnih napak pri matričnih operacijah, ERK'93, Zbornik sedme Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference, zvezek A, str. 59-62. /8/ Computer-Aided Design Benchmarking Laboratory: http:// ftp.cbl.ncsu.edu/www/CBL_Docs/csim90.html /9/ J.A. Barby, R. Guindi: CircuitSim93: A circuit simulator benchmarking methodology case study, Proc. IEEE Int. ASIC Conf., Rochester, NY, str.531-535, september 1993. /10/ J. E. Harlow III: Overview of Popular Benchmark Sets, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, letnik 17, št. 3, julij-september 2000, str. 15-17. /11/ Intusoft: Benchmark Run Times, http://www.intusoft.com/ benchmarks.htm. /12/ T. Dogša: Dodatni primerjalni testi za simulatorje SPICE, Informacije MIDEM, letnik 31, št. 2, str. 88-93. /13/ R. C. Hilborn: Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics, An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2000, Second Edition. /14/ M. P. Kennedy: Three steps to chaos. II. A Chua's circuit primer, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, letnik 40, št. 10, oktober 1993, str. 657-674. dr. Matej Šalamon izr. prof. dr. Tomaž Dogša oba UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FAKULTETA ZA ELEKTROTEHNIKO, RAČUNALNIŠTVO IN INFORMATIKO 2000 Maribor, Smetanova 17, Slovenija e-mail: matej.saiamon@uni-mb.si, tdogsa@uni-mb.si Prispelo (Arrived): 13.11.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 17 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana SEAMLESS HW/SW CO-DESIGN FLOW Jože Dedič, Andrej Trost, Andrej Žemva Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Keywords: design space exploration, directed acyclic hyper-graph (DAG), HW/SW co-design, partitioning, scheduling Abstract: Computing applications complexity has raised to the level where managing the design flow in the classical way, while satisfying various constraints, is becoming extremely hard to cope with. We see two main reasons for that. The first reason is partial consequence of Von Neumann architecture inheritance which imposes throughput restrictions /1/ with its imposed program sequentializing. The CS curriculum and rich set of tools are both suited to that model. Now, speedups are possible by providing additional HW components operating concurrently. We expect that the work will be done in the direction of a revised application development design flow approach which would trade the execution time for complexity. The second reason is the consequence of the IC manufacturing technology improvement with its increasing level of integration which enables a steep system level complexity increase in a wide range of applications. Many of them also face short time to market. CAD tools are not in pace with this Increasing complexity, thus putting pressure onto design teams. The design cycle round time shortening is possible by different levels of modeling, where each of them features design decision estimations. This paper presents the HW/SW co-design architecture exploration space and gives an overview over the related methodologies. Based on the study of these methodologies and our experience with an ad-hoc approach, we present a seamless HW/SW co-design flow. The flow forms the basis for the development of a CAD tool helping designers to considerably benefit from the HW concurrency and offering an efficient system level approach. Enovit načrtovalski potek sočasnega načrtovanja strojne in programske opreme Kjučne besede: hkratno načrtovanje strojne in programske opreme, razmeščanje, razvrščanje, usmerjen graf vezja Izvleček: Kompleksnost računalniško podprtih aplikacij je narasla do nivoja, ko je klasičen potek načrtovanja, ob hkratnem upoštevanju vseh omejitev, postal zelo težko obvladljiv. Tukaj vidimo dva glavna razloga. Prvi razlog je delna posledica Von Neumannove arhitekturne zapuščine, ki z vpeljano programsko sekvenčnostjo omejuje podatkovno pretočnost /1/. Računalniška veda in nabor orodij sta oba prilagojena temu modelu. Pohitritve so sedaj mogoče z dodajanjem vzporedno delujočih strojnih komponent. Nadaljnje delo vidimo v smeri predrugačenega načrtovalskega poteka razvijanja aplikacije, ki bi ceno povečane hitrosti izvajanja aplikacije plačal s povečanjem arhitekturne kompleksnosti. Drugi razlog je posledica tehnološke izboljšave izdelave integriranih vezij, ki z vse večjo integracijo omogoča eksponentno naraščanje sistemske kompleksnosti na širokem področju aplikacij. Dodaten pritisk pri razvoju aplikacije pa je lahko tudi kratek čas do trga. CAD razvojna orodja pa ne uspejo držati koraka v kompleksnosti, tako se povečujoče se breme prenaša na raziskovalno ekipo. Skrajšanje načrtovalskega razvojnega cikla je mogoče z modeliranjem na različnih nivojih, ki podpirajo možnost ocenitve načrtovalskih odločitev. Članek predstavi arhitekturni nabor primeren za hkratno načrtovanje strojne in programske opreme in poda pregled sorodnih metodologij. Na osnovi študije teh metodologij in izkušenj pridobljenih z ad-hoc pristopom predstavljamo enovit načrtovalski postopek sočasnega načrtovanja strojne in programske opreme. Načrtovalski potek vidimo kot osnovo za razvoj CAD orodja, ki bi načrtovalcem omogočil efektivno izkoristiti prednosti sočasnega delovanja strojne opreme in bi nudil efektivni sistemski pristop. 1 Introduction Size and complexity of high performance signal, image and control processing algorithms is increasing tremendously. Classical SW approaches with traditional von Neumannlike architectures are far from being optimal. Their major strategy to overcome complexity and increase throughput is increasing the processor clock speed and SW optimization methods/1/, /2/. Moreover, the algorithm complexity and real-time constraints in reactive embedded systems can be so demanding that classical high end SW processor at a reasonable clock speed can no longer manage the task /3/. The only possible solution to the problem is a unified HW/SW co-design approach. Nevertheless, when studying HW/SW co-design, some other issues of similar Importance arise. When partitioning between HWand SW, the following design metrics have to be accounted for: cost, size, performance, power, time-to-prototype, time-to-market, correctness, safety, and maintainability/5/. As some of these design metrics compete among themselves, man- aging the HW/SW co-design exploration space is even harder. In order to meet the optimization challenge, the designer must be comfortable with a vast variety of HW and SW implementation technologies enabling him/her to find an optimal solution for a given application and constraints. A rich expertise in both SW and HW domain is required for this purpose. After the heterogeneity problem is solved, the next to be copped with is the system level complexity problem. The process of applying the application description onto architecture can be an extremely complex task when details are to be described in a non hierarchical way. Support for different level approaches has to be provided for. System level design decision choices should be available as late as possible within the design cycle, thus enabling the ex-plore-propose-validate-refine process to achieve its best, while the accuracy of a model gradually increases. This is not the case in the classical approach where HW (processor) is designed in advance, hopefully powerful enough, 18 J. Dedic, A. Trost, A. Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 and SW (application) is adapted to it. Each designer involved with designing a fairly modest system, from the initial specification to the final implementation, has to deal with complexity when interconnecting heterogeneous components. The explore-propose-validate-refine process can be a very tedious work, especially when a variety of possible implementations should be explored to best satisfy design metrics. In the first approach aiming at lowering the designers' stress while simultaneously increasing productivity and the largest manageable system complexity, the design work is partitioned among multiple designers. Two problems arise. First, when partitioning work on smaller subsets, the designers specialize into a relatively narrow segment of the whole system. This gives rise to the problem of how developing individual parts of the system without having a clear idea of the overall system integrity. Second, adding system designers to the project does not work as expected. Believing that the designer's productivity is independent of the project team size is not in place. Simple man-month relations are not valid when the project team size increases. After some point, enlarging the number of designers working on the project does not contribute to the design cycle shortening/5/. All these facts show the importance of research studies for guiding development of CAD tools to support the entire design flow based on heterogeneous architectures and to provide system level support. Such CAD tools are necessary to cope with the exponentially increasing system complexity. Already existing CAD tools provide a semi-automatic interactive environment where most important scheduling and partitioning decisions are the designer's choice. As seen currently, a fully automatic approach is impossible for the present. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes diverse architectures enabling efficient HW/SW co-design exploration. Analyzed are also their weaknesses and strengths. Section 3 presents some of the work related to HW/SW co-design approaches and methodologies. In section 4 we propose a seamless HW/SW design flow based on the study of these methodologies and our experience with ad-hoc approaches of application partitioning and system level integration /15/. In section 5 we introduce our ad-hoc application partitioning with which we acquired knowledge needed for mastering heterogeneous architectures and HW/SW partitioning. Section 6 concludes this paper. 2 HW/SW co-design exploration opportunities HW/SW design deals with balancing the architecture resources of a digital system in the search for an optimal implementation. With the term architectural resources we denote all kinds of storage resources (memory, registers), programmable resources (FPGAs), partially programmable resources (application specific and general purpose SW processors), nonprogrammable resources (single purpose processors) and communication resources (interconnections, buses) which provide space for flexible exploration. All resources should be taken into account and trimmed carefully to achieve optimal design metrics. Design metrics that we are focusing on in our work are cost, time-to-prototype and performance improvement. Meeting these criteria leads us to some compromises that still permit us a level of flexibility large enough to explore a variety of implementation options. Some possible exploration environments that enable HW/SW co-design study are: FPGA-only HW environment with a processor implemented as a softcore. Microprocessor architectures implemented as a softcore (ARM, ARC, MIPS, PowerPC, etc.) offer limited performance. There are many technical reasons for this. Far ahead in usage are Xil-inx's Micro Blaze (for the Spartan and Virtex family of FPGAs) /12/ and Altera's Nios (for Cyclone and Stratix FPGAs) /13/ sold as IP cores. These processors can achieve the maximum clock speed in the range of 100MHz and can occupy quite a large portion of FPGA; the more complex the processor is the slower the speed is. OSs can be very simple and provide only some basic functionality thus making the portability of application harder. Advanced OSs require a more powerful processor, more FPGA resources, but also decrease the maximal clock speed. Standalone processor with FPGA logic as its periphery /14/. Embedded systems are a very good example of it. Their maximal performance is attained if FPGA is connected directly to the processor's bus to optimize data transfer rates. A lower overhead for accessing external HW provides more partitioning possibilities. Despite their greater complexity and an additional HW overhead, an extensive computation power can be attained. The various OSs are well supported for many processors on the market with compilers, cross-compilers and debuggers. Many of them can be obtained free of charge. The initial cost includes building such an embedded platform and porting some OS to make the platform alive and stable. The PC environment and some additional custom HW /15/. PC does not represent any overhead as a result of its popularity and availability. Executing SW is stable and a variety of development tools exist. If communication method Is not of primary interest (PCI bus), it offers a great set of architectural resources when combined with a resource-wealthy add in PCI board. Also, when moving to another set of architectural resources, it allows for a great amount of code reusability (SW or HW IP). Some HW scalability is also supported in the PC environment through PCI extension slots. New extensions to HW/SW co-design are offered by programmable SoC platforms. They comprise programmable arrays, hard wired microprocessors and rich set of fast communication peripheries. Their rep- 19 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 J. Dedic, A. Trost, A. Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow resentatives are Xillnx Virtex II Pro /12/ and Altera Excalibur /13/. Virtex II Pro consists of up to four PowerPCs. They are integrated within a regular FPGA structure by sacrificing some silicon that would otherwise be used for CLBs and interconnections. Excalibur offers an ARM9 processor and programmable array integrated within the same IC, with a smaller level of integration than the former, in this way, HW/SW cohesion can be applied very efficiently and the whole design can be finally fitted in one chip. As a result of the overall complexity of the whole system design, regardless of the environment chosen, stable and efficient SW tools are required to efficiently manage application mapping onto available architectural resources. 3 Related work There is currently a lot of activities related to HW/SW co-design methodology underway. Many of the research groups focus on some particular stages in the design process or even optimize some of these stages to best suit their finite extent of supported architectures. Such closed areas of increased interest can be the system level specification and modeling, partitioning and scheduling, compilation and synthesis, co-verification and co-simulation, automatic code generation for HW and SW interfacing, and automatic code generation for the task manager. The common denominator among them is splitting the input description into subtasks and describing data dependency between them. For that purpose most of them use some form of directed acyclic hyper-graph (DAG) /3/, /6/. Nodes In the graph represent subtasks (more or less complex operations) and edges represent data dependency between them. Many automatic scheduling and partitioning tools uses DAG (or some extension of it) for applying some optimization methods to obtain satisfactory mapping of applications onto architecture. The task of optimization methods is to find an optimal partitioning and scheduling scenario for subtasks extracted from the input specification. Common partitioning and scheduling problems belong to the class of NP-hard and intractable problems. Research studies have been done on algorithms involving heuristic search /7/. Heuristic optimization methods are guided by applied cost functions to evaluate implementation space realizations. Numerous researches have already been done in the field of HW/SW co-design. Here we report only the work that we find particularly interesting for our study. Wiangtong, Cheung, and Luk /6/ presented a semi-automatic co-design environment for a system consisting of a single general purpose processor and multiple reconfigurable HW units. Their study involves building HW/SW architecture suited for dataflow dominated applications. The proposed design flow enables input application description in high level language (HLL). Mapping the input de- scription into DAG is done manually. Authors implemented automatic generation of the underlying code and taking care of necessary application sub-tasks communication by wrapping tasks in standard frames. Independent tasks are executed on several processing elements. They are controlled by an automatically generated task manager program running on the SW processor. Because of the task's standard frame overhead, this method is appropriate for coarse grain partitioning. Authors presented a study of heuristic methods suited for partitioning and scheduling /7/. They applied them onto DAG and thus made a next step towards a fully automatic design flow. AAA methodology /3/ extends DAG and adds ability to specify loops through factorization nodes. This leads to an algorithm model called factorized data dependence graph (FDDG). Graph factorization consists of replacing a repeated pattern by only one instance of it. Because of extension, it is suitable both for data and control flow dominated applications. FDDG may be specified directly or it may be generated from HLL (Esterel, Signal). Methodology main efforts are towards graph transformations. Optimization consists of finding defactorization transformations within implementation space. This gives best results in terms of cost function (heuristics guided by their cost function). AAA uses a single factorized graph model from the algorithm specification down to the architecture implementation through optimizations expressed in terms of defactorization transformations applied to the algorithmic graph. Automatic generation of a HW implementation from an algorithm specification based on FDDG is supported by employing a set of rules for data and control path. The algorithm employs synchronization rules and a delocalized control approach (as opposed to the above mentioned methodology). Support for real-time extension Is studied, too. A very important area of HW/SW co-design is task communication in terms of resource sharing, which often does not get enough attention compared to its influence on the overall system performance. Communication channel is a resource, similarly as other processing elements, and must be scheduled. When several tasks use the same communication resource, the channel activity also causes task delays which must be taken into account when task scheduling. /9/ gives an overview of this topic, proposes rules and explores genetic algorithm heuristics to schedule tasks. While achieving shorter execution time, implied rules impose only a small overhead to the whole scheduling and partitioning process. Work has also been done in the direction of finding a language that would meet the needs for describing HW and SW so as to enable compilation and synthesis, and support various level application modeling. Several mature languages exist that were originally suited for SW (C/C++) or for HW-(VHDL/ Verilog) design. They all exhibit some weak points when bridging the heterogeneity gap. Some special points of interest are: support for HW description, concurrency support, system level description and modeling, 20 J. Dedic, A. Trost, A. Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 gradual model refinement, and verification. SystemC /10/ solves this problem by introducing specific class libraries which are ANSI C++ compliant. SystemC benefits from all C++ object oriented attributes and leverages it by introducing concurrency, notion of time and support for HW data types. Extensions are realized through running an executable system description under the SystemC simulation kernel. SystemC tends to become a standard as a language-based modeling tool for system-level design; OSCI has already submitted it to the IEEE for standard approval. SystemC itself should not be considered as a methodology. It is a modeling language from which HW/SW co-design can benefit. Another very important feature is system verification support. Support is enabled through Cadenece SystemC verification extension built on top of SystemC library/11/. 4 Seamless design flow If we outline some properties, which in our opinion the designer-friendly and applicable HW/SW co-design CAD tool should have, we quickly find some weak points of methodologies in many of the currently active research studies in the field of HW/SW co-design. The CAD tool, which we are steaming to, should take the advantage of mature languages and just fill the gap caused by heterogeneity. Input description languages that are already widely accepted and have a rich set of underlying supporting tools should not be disregarded and, for the same reason, new description languages should not be forced by any means. A work around could be implementing some additional features to the already existent languages (by means of libraries or language extensions of a reasonable level) or building some supporting environment to extend the language description capability. Tools for building SW executives (compilers) are already well optimized, and designers are trained to use them efficiently. Tools for building HW net-lists (synthesis tools) are also very powerful. In this paper we are introducing a seamless environment where these sets of already existent tools can be used in a uniform way to support design flow from the system level description to distributed executives and net-lists. Effort should be made in the direction of automatically crossing the HW/SW barrier and at the same time reusing powerful aspects of tools on both sides. The gap between HW and SW is currently handled by the system designer, who is doing a tedious work of the ex-plore-propose-validate-refine process. The model accuracy is gradually increased when more details are added. This consequently prolongs the time needed for the system model development and simulation. To reduce the time required for design space exploration evaluation of design choices should be supported earlier in the design process, which leads us to system level exploration. Figure 1 outlines the traditional design flow. This approach is also known asY-chart approach/16/. It introduces the main idea that seamless HW/SW co-design environment should provide for a sufficient support. The input specification consists of an architecture and application description as well as application constraints. HW/SW co-design approach main object is finding the best mapping of application onto available HW resources, while satisfying constraints. As the Y-chart suggests, the process of finding the optimal mapping consists of iterating cycles. The process of evaluating different possible solutions that are candidates to realize the application within given constraints is named design space exploration. The design space consists of a variety of spatial and temporal mappings and, as mentioned before, this problem can easy become unsolv-able. Dashed arrows suggest the order of design space exploration. First, the design space built from a given architectural and application description is explored. If no solution within the design space satisfies constraints, the next step is to revise the application description in terms of algorithm speedups. The whole design cycle from the previous step is repeated. If widening the design space still does not produce satisfactory solutions, this is an indication that, within given architectural resources, application mapping cannot be made by realizing constraints. Another important aspect of the Y-chart is reusability since it enables mapping of multiple target applications onto candidate architectures in order to evaluate performance. Figure 1: Y-chart approach Our approach to HW/SW co-design partially follows the traditional Y-chart approach guidelines. It mostly extends it as it is in detail explained in Figure 2. The application is in the foreground. Optimal partitioning and scheduling are obtained by employing gradual model refinement. The application description is split into the system level description and full-detail level description. At the system level description we benefit from SystemC system level modeling and model refinement. The system level application description satisfies two purposes. First, information about tasks and data dependency between them is captured to construct DAG. Second, the system level description is used as a simulation skeleton to guide heuristic 21 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 J. Dedic, A. Trost, A. Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow methods so as to find the optimal spatial and temporal distribution. The task description can be very loose at this stage. The full-detail level is not needed at this stage and can be postponed. Architecture is described by a set of available system resources, providing necessary external tools for synthesis, compilation, verification and simulation, providing IP blocks of more or less complex operators in terms of library, specifying standard frames to enable automatic generation of task communication and automatic generation of control logic for task scheduling, and specifying communication channels. Similar to the application description, the architecture description is also split into two parts. The term architecture description means all kinds of specifications that smooth the higher level description compilation or synthesis onto target architecture (C/C++, VHDL, or an even higher level task representation abstraction). The coarse grain architecture description is provided with external tools that enable smooth transition from the HLL HW and SW code to the netlist (synthesis) and executable code (compilation) and provide its testing, simulating, verifying, debugging and profiling. Clearly defined architecture limitations that sensibly limit the design space size are also a part of the coarse grain description; e.g. a number of processing elements suitable for SW execution, amount of available memory, number of system buses... Library provides synthesizable and compilable description of standard elements, supports automatic generation of the underlying code and provides support for IP reuse. Library consists of blocks of HW and SW descriptions of various complexity levels. These can be all kinds of wrappers, supporting smoother integration of the user defined code (with HW or SW tasks), communication channels (implementing SW drivers and HW protocols), and various complexity level operators (from simple adders and multipliers to more complex cores such as DCT). Although the split architecture description may look somehow artificially made, it is a necessary design approach, because programmable gate arrays enable realization of virtually any function, endlessly extending the design space. The coarse grain description is used for quick infallible partitioning and scheduling decisions, rejecting unfeasible schemes. Providing library of synthesizable cores wraps the endless design space to a final extension and enables IP reuse. Constraints are used to build cost functions needed by heuristic methods to identify the best solution within the design space and to evaluate the result from heuristics. Constraints can be given in any combination of resource utilization, power consumption, and application execution time. Constraints must be later given appropriate weights to obtain the cost function to guide heuristic search methods. Given the necessary input specification, the system level application description is studied and data dependency between tasks is obtained to build DAG. The main feature of DAG is determining the dataflow dependency to overcome the sequential nature of the application description and to discover parallelism possibility. Tightly connected to building DAG is rearranging parts of the graph by applying different algorithms, i.e. by increasing the parallelism rate and granularity modification /3/. After application is split into subtasks and potential parallelism is discovered, DAG partitioning and mapping take place. Application is partitioned on the basis of the input specification about HW only, SW only and HW or SW tasks, and the design space, to be explored later, is defined. While partitioning and mapping, architectural resources information is needed to obtain a set of operators capable of executing application operations to be mapped. Up to this point the design space consists of a variety of combinations, covering every possible mapping of every subtask to appropriate available resource. In the case of implementation of HW resources with programmable circuits, the design space is infinite, thus practical limitation is set by a _. <• _? / Y Figure 2: HW/SW co-design design flow finite number of library components. Finding the optimal solution within the design space takes time that is exponentially dependant on the design space size when solved with feasible computers. Even in the case of a modest 22 J. Dedič, A. Trost, A. Žemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 application, the problem quickly becomes unmanageable. Here, the system level approach enables us to explore only defined subsection(s) of the entire system, thus isolating the detailed level description of a partition and schedule enabled task from the rest of the system, described only for a necessary interaction. In the next step, scheduler extends the design space even more. Solving this kind of optimization problems belongs to the class of NP problems. Keeping the design flow time under control, heuristic methods are necessary. These methods will select a point from the design space and estimate its result adequation guided by the cost function. The way how the design space is explored depends on the chosen heuristic method /7/. The partitioning step is tightly integrated with scheduling step heuristic methods and rules. The scheduler task is to find optimal temporal distribution which would produce the shortest application runtime. Temporal mapping is applied to subtasks that share common resources. The execution order depends on data dependency extracted from DAG and when determining the execution order, rules are applied which take into consideration resource conflicts and task delays caused by them /9/. Two resource allocation policies /4/ can be applied; dynamic and static. This paper addresses only the static one. To find optimal scheduling, each task must be described by its communication and processing time. This time can be obtained either as the input given approximately or as a more realistic feedback from subsequent stages. In Figure 2 it is depicted by dotted arrow labeled task model refinement. After tasks are spatially and temporally mapped, the mapping efficiency can be estimated using SystemC system level model executive. It is indicated by a solid arrow labeled c. The input specification for SystemC executive is built from the system level application description input, modified by graph transformation algorithms and spatial and temporal mappings. Estimations are getting closer to realistic values when task descriptions are becoming gradually refined, which is the primary feature of SystemC. Partitioning and scheduling heuristic algorithms iteratively explore the design space until an optimal solution is found (depicted by a dotted arrow labeled a). If iterative heuristic algorithms fail to find a solution within the design space, the input description must be reviewed (depicted by a dotted arrow labeled b). Gradual application system level model refinement introduces optimal spatial and temporal mapping for a given input specification. If results conform to constraints, the subtask descriptions should be refined to a full-detail level according to the winning partitioning scheme. Currently, we assume mixed SW and HW language description (C/C++, VHDL). At this point, architectural information is used to wrap detailed described subtasks into standard frames thus enabling automatic task connectivity and automatic control generation. Compilation and synthesis are done with the usage of external tools connected into a seamless design flow through command line extension. When constraints are satisfied, this is also the subsection of the design flow where the entire HW and SW code Is generated for every programmable part of the architecture. After a synthesizable and compilable code Is obtained for every task, it can be verified and simulated with the use of external tools. Task level verification and timing simulation can be applied using external tools, which will serve as an exact guide to the partitioning and scheduling algorithm. 5 JPEG design Example As previously described, the design flow gradually evolved by taking into account the related work in this area, leveraged by our experiences obtained with an ad-hoc approach of partitioning and system level integration. Experiences with real-life applications were the motivation key while evaluating the related methodology successfulness, and later they were golden guidelines when developing ourown design flow within a seamless environment. Following the architectural classification in section 2, our targeted exploration architecture fits into the second group of co-design exploration suitable architectures (processor, accompanied with array of programmable logic). The platform is based on the Intel Strong ARM microprocessor, supporting a variety of peripheries which eases communication and extends its flexibility /14/. HW programmability is achieved by introducing FPGA connected directly onto the microprocessor's bus. The platform supports the Linux operating system. Integration of SW executive and necessary control logic with the rest of programmable HW resources is supported through kernel drivers. While improving the design flow, we also made a move towards the PC based HW/SW co-design platform /15/, presented as the third possible architecture in section 2. Source j .....y Ai [east ene pixel {wild •:!!; color components) At less! 04 points Read inpuf \ * / Convert info \ T bitmaofile YUV colorspaee 'f i .'¡if.'!1/ si / \ (firrav oi oixeis) / ■ - No neighbourhood dependency ' ■ At lea;,! ">1 points + previous DC component ■ f Apply DCT I (each coiof prans. V oadi Sx8 si;te:r:c.tionV:/ y / DPCM/RŒ y !■ Huffman encoding V (DC coefficient aiotle. rest / i -63 6)'RLE) / Quantize \ each transformed ^ v coefficient m each 0x8 / \ subsection! A No neighbour hood • dependency ' WrteJFIf header & : compressed coeifficenty. Figure 3: JPEG encoding steps In order to carefully study the whole design flow, we decided to manually realize all design steps by implementing the JPEG coding / decoding image processing application 23 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 J. Dedic, A. Trost, A. Zemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow /17/. The JPEG Image processing overall complexity is well suited for a wide range of processors and their performance improvement can be substantial, provided that an optimal HW-SW co-design solution is found. Figure 3 shows JPEG compression steps, suitable as a starting point for the system level application description. This figure also exhibits the high level input application specification tightly connected to our basic idea of the high level task description. A closer examination of encoding steps already reveals not easily observable possibilities of design decisions, explicitly at the system level. Although the compression flow exhibits pure sequential data processing, the exploration space can be still revealed. Shaded nodes in Figure 3 straightforwardly resemble the JPEG compression flow. Only broken line circuited explanations commenting data dependency are here important. Dependency comments explain the minimally required amount of data provided by the previous task and needed to start the next one. If every task requirements were an entire image array, then the application task flow would be seen as strictly sequential. Here, we can discover/apply a mixed sequential, parallel, and In some stages even pipelined behavior. An optimal system level partitioning and scheduling decision would consider the required/available amount of memory between tasks, number of necessary task repetitions linked to the task execution time, and possible resource conflicts. Figure 3 expresses a close resemblance to DAG; the application is logically coarsely partitioned into sub-tasks, represented with nodes, and tasks data dependency is represented with arrows. After the tasks resource usage is evaluated, guidelines for finer task re-partitioning are obtained, leading into a successively refined partitioning scheme. Following the Figure 2 design flow, a coarse grain architecture description is provided by means of a gcc compiler and gdb debugger, limitation of only one SW processor, and a certain amount of the available memory. A detailed library description is provided by a Wishbone compliant 1D DCT core, Wishbone communication structure, and device driver (SW/processor to HW/FPGA communication). Since we chose a point from the design space manually, the only constraint that makes sense is HW and SW resource usage limitation. As every portion of the design flow was processed manually and the turnaround time was expected to be rather long, our focus was not on design space exploration, but rather on realization of the entire design flow from description to realization. It was noted that by choosing just one design point from the design space, only a suboptimal solution could be obtained. The design space is explored thoroughly as the entire flow is automated thus shortening the time required for the design decision. Rather than generating an executable application description for several partitioning and scheduling schemes with the use of SystemC, we analyzed application execution by hand C coding. By studying the JPEG coding algorithm, it was easily established that DCT is computationally the most intensive part of image processing. We decided to implement DCT in HW (VHDL) and the rest of application sequentially in SW (C). Considering our modest initial constraints, we were successful. However, despite straightforward partitioning scheme, it took us some time to hand write the necessary code. Any modification at the system level required from us afair amount of tedious handwriting. The main drawback of the ad-hoc approach is that a lot of handwriting has to be done. Namely, not taking the entire system integrity (e.g. communication resource conflicts) into account makes the partitioning scheme Inefficient. Solution to this problem is automatization of evaluating successively chosen design points. 6 Conclusion We presented a HW/SW co-design methodology design flow based on the study of current research activities in this area and our experiences with an ad-hoc approach to partitioning and system level Integration. With the presented ad-hoc approach drawbacks we highlighted features that we found particularly important. We proposed a seamless environment supporting system level development and automatization of repetitive tasks, and softened the solution to the issue of heterogeneity gap. The main idea is to reuse the already existent tools. Our future research effort will be towards blurring the gap caused by languages capable of describing heterogeneous capabilities. Our future work will address the following two main Issues. First, the persistent need of increasing the system complexity will widen the interest in IP-cores reusability. Our effort will be laid in finding an efficient way of IP libraries re-usage leveraged by user code development. IP libraries can consist of any of fine grain and coarse grain operators, encapsulating wrappers enabling automatic application subtasks connectivity, and communication channels. The second area of our future work will be towards optimizing specific parts of the design flow. 7 References /1 / R. Hartenstein, Data-stream-based Computing: Models and Architectural Resources, MIDEM Proceedings 2003, October 2003, pp. 29-37 /2/ G. Stitt, R. Lysecky, F. Vahid, Dynamic Hardware/ Software Partitioning: A First Approach, Design Automation Conference Proceedings 2003 (DAC'03), pp. 250-255 /3/ M. Akil, High-level Synthesis based upon Dependence Graph forMulti-FPGA, MIDEM Proceedings 2003, October 2003, pp. 83-96 /4/ T. Grandpierre, C. Lavarenne and Y. Sorel, Optimized Rapid Prototyping For Real Time Embedded Heterogeneous Multiprocessors, CODES'99 7th International Workshop on Hardware/ Software Co-Design, Rome, May 1999 /5/ F. Vahid, T. Givargis, Embedded System Design - A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction, John Wiley & Sons, inc., 2002, ISBN 0-471-38678-2 24 J. Dedič, A. Trost, A. Žemva: Seamless HW/SW Co-design Flow informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 18-25 /6/ T. 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Wallace, The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard, Communications of the ACM, April 1991, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 30-44 Jože Dedič, B.Sc., joze. dedic@fe. uni-lj. si, Assistant Prof., Dr. Andrej Trost, andrej. trost@fe-uni-lj. si Associate Prof., Dr. Andrej Žemva, andrej. zem va @fe-uni-lj. si University of Ljubljana Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +361 1 4768 351 Prispelo (Arrived): 11.02.2004 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 25 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana NEPORUŠNO TESTIRANJE PLANARNIH PARAMAG NETI KOV IN FEROMAGNETIKOV Damijan Miljavec, Rajko Šušmelj, Konrad Lenasi Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, Slovenija Kjučne besede: neporušno testiranje, vrtinčni toki, vrtilno magnetno polje, magnetna sonda, MKE, FLUX-2D; Izvleček: Delo obravnava problematiko neporušnega testiranja električno prevodnih plošč z metodo vrtinčnih tokov. Metoda je osnovana na merjenju sprememb magnetnega polja induciranih vrtinčnih tokov v testirani plošči. Fizikalno, metoda neporušnega testiranja temelji na uporabi vrtilnega magnetnega polja. Posledično, se zaradi tega polja Inducirajo vrtinčni toki v plošči in njihovo magnetno polje nad površino plošče vpliva na induciranje napetosti v iskalnih tuljavicah. Sprememba magnetnega polja vrtinčnih tokov nastane, ko poškodba plošče, bodisi razpoka bodisi korozijska razjeda, spremeni pot vrtinčnim tokom. Spremembo polja zaznamo s pomočjo Iskalnih tuljav na površini plošče. Stanje preizkušane plošče tako ovrednotimo na način brezkon-taktnega merjenja. Magnetne razmere pri testiranju zvrtinčnimi toki smo analizirali s pomočjo metode končnih elementov (MKE), ki jo podpira programski paket FLUX-2D /1 /. S pomočjo modela magnetne sonde smo preiskovali vpliv lege in dimenzij utora v testirani plošči na inducirane napetosti 3-osnega Iskalnega navitja. Ovrednotili smo merilne rezultate v smislu sposobnosti zaznavanja zarez in določanja njihovih smeri dveh tipov iskalnih navitij: 3-osnega iskalnega navitja in izvedbe s petimi z-osnimi iskalnimi tuljavicami. Teoretične izsledke smo testirali na aluminijasti in litoželezni plošči z vrezanimi zarezami. Nondestructive Testing of Planar Paramagnetics and Ferromagnetics Key words: non-destructive testing, eddy currents, rotational magnetic field, magnetic probe, FEM, FLUX-2D Abstract: The paper reports the principle of eddy current non-destructive testing of conducting plates. The flow paths of eddy currents induced in the testing plate are perturbed by cracks and defects, and the result is reflected in the magnetic field above the plate surface. The change of the magnetic flux density can be measured by search coil which is in vicinity with a specimen. The advantage of this method is that the cracks and defects can be evaluated without contact in a short time. Magnetic field distribution in electrically conductive plates was analysed with two-dimensional finite element method (FLUX-2D). The influence of the position and the size of a slot on output signals of the three-axis search coil were investigated. The relationship between the ability to consistently detect slots on one hand, and the electromagnetic properties of the specimen, the exciting frequency and the lift-off between the magnetic probe and the sample under test on the other hand have been estimated. The numerical results reveal the fundamental behaviour of magnetic probe. The prototype of the magnetic probe which generates rotational magnetic field in the testing plate was built-up. The mechanism of slot detection was elucidated. The results of this analysis show that output signals of the three-axis search coil include a lot of effective information of the direction and the position of a slot. Furthermore, experimental work has been carried out: the effects of the machined slots on aluminium and steel plate have been measured by the probe. In order to obtain better detection results of a slot, a set of five z-axls search coils was also used in the magnetic probe. Experimental results have proved that measurement system is useful in slot detection and recognition of slot direction. 1 Uvod Potreba po učinkovitem avtomatiziranem neporušnem testiranju ima za seboj močno ekonomsko ozadje. Avtomatizirana inšpekcijska oprema odpravlja dolgotrajne postopke vizualnih pregledov (nalogo odločanja seveda prepušča človeku) in nekajkrat prekaša njihovo učinkovitost odkrivanja poškodb. Posebej pomembno pa je, da lahko z instrumentalnimi metodami detektiramo in ovrednotimo skrite poškodbe. Sem sodijo: skrite razpoke, skrite korozijske razjede ali nezveznosti v kompozitnih materialih /2/. Poleg višjega odstotka odkritih poškodb omogočajo instrumentalne metode tudi enostaven način njihovega dokumentiranja. Z analizo zbranih podatkov testiranja serije enakih izdelkov oz. naprav lahko določimo njihove najpogostejše poškodbe. Podatke o tipičnih poškodbah določenega izdelka lahko uporabimo pri iskanju boljših konstrukcijskih rešitev in proizvodnih procesov s katerimi poskušamo izboljšati poškodbam najbolj izpostavljene dele. Izbira senzorja, ki določa metodo neporušnega testiranja, je ključnega pomena glede na vrsto okolja v katerega bo postavljen, saj lahko okolje dramatično vpliva na njegovo delovanje. Za preizkušanje sestavov iz prevodnih materialov se v zadnjem času vedno bolj uveljavlja metoda vrtinčnih tokov (ang. eddy current testing). Metoda je osnovana na merjenju sprememb magnetnega polja induciranih vrtinčnih tokov v testiranem objektu. Prednosti te metode so, da so senzorji vrtinčnih tokov neobčutljivi na umazanijo, prah, vlago, olje ali druge dielektrične materiale v razpokah, ki jih želimo oceniti /3/. Tako so ti senzorji primerni za delovanje tudi v okoljih z manj čistimi razmerami. Omogočajo tudi testiranje z veliko hitrostjo, zanesljivo delujejo v širokem temperaturnem razponu ter njihova izdelava je relativno poceni. Prednost je tudi njihova enostavna vključitev v računalniški merilni sistem. Širšo uporabnost metode testiranja na principu vrtinčnih tokov med drugim omejuje zahteva po enakomerni nalegi senzorja na površino testiranca. Tako težje preizkušamo objekte z zakrivljeno, 26 D. Miljavec, R. Šušmelj, K. Lenasi: Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov in feromagnetikov Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 26-31 hrapavo ali kako drugače slabo dostopno površino. Nezanesljiva in tudi ekonomsko neupravičena je preiskava poškodovanosti predmeta zaradi splošne utrujenosti materiala. 2 Magnetna sonda Pri neporušnem testiranju z vrtinčniml toki skušamo v testi-ranem objektu doseči čim večjo gostoto induciranih tokov. V ta namen stavzbujalna para navitij nameščena na feritnih jedrih, ki vzbujalno magnetno polje ojačita in ga usmerita v ploščo (slika 1). Med seboj pravokotno postavljena vzbu-jalna para navitij napajamo z za 90° fazno premaknjenima izmeničnima tokoma. V območju plošče pod sredino magnetne sonde se ustvari vrtilno magnetno polje. Le-to gener-ira vrtinčne toke, ki se z njim sinhrono vrtijo. Poškodba plošče spremeni pot vrtinčnim tokom, kar se v zunanjosti plošče odraža kot sprememba magnetnega polja vrtinčnih tokov. To spremembo lahko zaznamo preko spremembe induciranih napetosti iskalnega navitja nad površino plošče. Na spodnji levi strani slike 1 je narisano 3-osno iskalno navitje: iskalne tuljavice so orientirane v smereh koordinatnih osi, tako da posamezna tuljavica zaznava le komponento magnetnega polja v smeri istoležne osi. Druga različica uporabljenega iskalnega navitja je prikazana na spodnji desni strani slike 1. To je set 5-ih z-osnih iskalnih navitij, ki detektirajo spremembe magnetnega pretoka pravokotno na površino plošče. Z analizo induciranih napetosti iskalnih navitji moremo določiti prisotnost in usmeritev razpoke v plošči. prevodnosti yin permeabilnosti /i, odvisna še od električne krožne frekvence vzbujalnih tokov co: 5 = V2/®^ ■ (1) Zaradi opisanega učinka moramo uporabiti dovolj nizko frekvenco, da se tudi na nasprotni strani plošče inducira zadostna gostota vrtinčnih tokov. Zaradi manjše gostote induciranih tokov je razpoke na drugi strani plošče mnogo težje detektirati. MAGNETNA SONDA feritni jarem z y-osnima vzbujalnima naviljema (4> 0.5, 2x60 ovojev) feritni jarem z ^-osnima vzbujalnima navitjema ict> 0.5, 2x60 ovojev) ^-iskalno navitje c 0.1, 300 ovojev) .t-iskalno navitje (4> 0.1, 300 ovojev) 3-OSNO ISKALNO NAVITJE |——I z-iskalnonavitje__. ¡(¡^ TJW_L« ( 0.1, 150 ovcjevp*' ^'!!1^-r " SET 5-IH ISKALNIH Z-NAVITIJ ( * a 200 Slika 2: Postavitev magnetne sonde, dimenzije testirane plošče in lege merilnih točk. 27 informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 26-31 D. Miljavec, R. Šušmelj, K. Lenasi: Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov in feromagnetikov magnetne sonde, dimenzije testirane plošče in položaji merilnih točk (sondo smo premikali prečno na razpoko, to je od -10 mm do 10 mm glede na njeno središče). Numerično analizo smo opravili pri sledečih razmerah: gostota vzbujalnega toka 2,2x1 o6 A/m2, relativna permea-bilnost feritnega jedra 1000, preizkušali pa smo 5 mm debelo aluminijasto ploščo z relativno permeabilnostjo ¡mm= 1 In specifično električno prevodnostjo yA1 =35,4xl06 S/m ter enako debelo litoželezno ploščo relativne permeabil-nosti ¿¿rFe=1000 in specifične električne prevodnosti yFe = 8xl06 S/m. Rezultati analize, ki so predstavljeni na slikah 3, 4 In 5, veljajo za primer ko je utor širok 8 mm in globok 2 mm. S takim utorom smo simulirali stanje vrtilnega polja v plošči, ko inducirani vrtinčni toki tečejo prečno na utor. V takem primeru dobimo največji odziv induciranih napetosti v iskalnih tuljavah na prisotnost utora. Frekvenco napajanja smo prilagodili tako, daje globina prodiranja magnetnega polja (1) še presegala debelino plošče. Pri analizi aluminijaste plošče to pomeni napajanje frekvence 250 Hz, pri litoželezni plošči pa 1 Hz. Na sliki 3 so prikazani poteki induciranih napetosti vx- in z-iskalnem navitju pri različnih globinah utora na nasprotni (spodnji) strani aluminijaste plošče. Pri gibanju magnetne sonde čez utor doseže napetost U,x največjo spremembo takrat, ko sonda leži nad sredino utora. Takrat je zaradi prisotnosti razpoke vpliv zmanjšanega polja vrtinčnih tokov na x-iskalno navitje največji. Pri inducirani napetosti z-osnega iskalnega navitja pa se središčni položaj sonde glede na utor odrazi ravno nasprotno. Inducirana napetost U\z je vtem primeru enaka nič, kot v primeru plošče brez utora. V tej, simetrični legi z-tuljavice na razpoko se namreč izniči magnetni vpliv vrtinčnih tokov (magnetni pretok polja vrtinčnih tokov skozi z-navitje je enak nič). Inducirana napetost U\z pa je odvisna le od magnetnega polja vrtinčnih tokov. Vzbujalno magnetno polje nanjo neposredno ne vpliva. Temu je tako, ker je z-osno navitje postavljeno na sredini med poloma jarma in je njena normala pravokotna na gostotnice vzbujalnega magnetnega polja. Na sliki 4 so predstavljene napetosti iskalnih navitlj pri analizi litoželezne plošče z utorom na spodnji strani. Zanimiva je primerjava potekov napetosti UK v primeru litoželezne in aluminijaste plošče (sliki 3.a in 4.a). Pri prehodu magnetne sonde čez utor v litoželezni plošči napetost UK naraste. Porast napetosti je posledica stresanega vzbujalnega magnetnega polja čez utor. Pri plošči brez utora se magnetno polje v celoti zaključuje po plošči in ne pride do pojava stresanja polja. Zaradi tega je gostota magnetnega polja nad površino plošče na območju iskalnih navitij manjša kot v primeru plošče z utorom, posledično pa je manjša tudi inducirana napetost. Pri aluminijasti plošči pa je stresanje polja enako prisotno v primeru brez ali z utorom. Aluminij je namreč za magnetno polje enako sprejemljiv medij kot zrak. Ob prisotnosti utora se gostota magnetnega polja nad površino aluminijaste plošče zmanjša zaradi oslabljenega polja vrtinčnih tokov in inducirana napetost UK upade. Odvisnost inducirane napetosti z-iskalnega navitja od lege utora se pri litoželezni plošči kaže na podoben način kot pri preizkušanju aluminijaste plošče. Napetost U\z zavzame najmanjšo vrednost v položaju sonde nad sredino utora (slika 4.b). 3 Rezultati meritev Merilni sistem je sestavljen iz treh glavnih sklopov: napajalne enote, magnetnega senzorja in sistema za zajem in obdelavo merilnih signalov. Omenjeni sklopi so podrobneje predstavljeni na sliki 5. razpoka na spodnji površini aluminijaste plošče a) razpoka na spodnji površini aluminijaste plošče b) Slika 3: Inducirana napetost v x- in z- iskalnem navitju glede na lego sonde in utora (razpoke) v aluminijasti plošči. Sposobnost odkrivanja poškodb plošče s 3-osnim iskalnim navitjem in s setom 5-ih z-osnih iskalnih navitij smo preizkusili na različnih umetno "poškodovanih" vzorcih plošč in pri različnih merilnih pogojih. V 2 mm debelo aluminijasto ploščo velikosti 200x280 mm, relativne permeabilnosti /^rAi = 1 in specifične električne prevodnosti /ai = 35x106 S/m, smo vrezali tri utore dolžine 100 mm in širine 4 mm. Utori globine 0.7 mm, 0.8 mm in 0.9 mm so enakomerno razporejeni na površini plošče. V litoželezno ploščo rela- 28 D. Miljavec, R. Šušmelj, K. Lenasi: Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov in feromagnetikov Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 26-31 razpoka na spodnji površini litoželezne plošče -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 pozicija magnetne sonde / mm Slika 4a:Poteki inducirane napetosti v x- iskalnem navitju v odvisnosti od relativnega položaja magnetne sonde in utora (razpoke) v primeru litoželezne plošče. x10-1 razpoka na spodnji površini litoželezne plošče pozicija magnetne sonde / mm Slika 4b:Poteki inducirane napetosti v z- iskalnem navitju v odvisnosti od relativnega položaja magnetne sonde in utora (razpoke) v primeru litoželezne plošče. magnetni senzor O, V močnostni ojačevalnik funkcijski generator A/D pretvornik 3 * 12bit osebni računalnik Slika 5: Merilni sistem. tivne permeabilnosti nrFc=1000 in specifične električne prevodnosti = 35x106 S/m ter dimenzij 200x420x3.15 mm pa smo vdelali pet zarez dolžine 110 mm ter širine in globine: 3.3x2 mm, 3.3x1.3 mm, 2.8x0.75 mm, 2.8x0.5 mm, 1.8x0.2 mm. Občutljivost 3-osnega navitja smo tudi preverili s prehodom čez 0.1 mm široko režo med dvema 2.35 mm debelima ploščama iz Al-Fe litine. Za doseganje dobrih merilnih rezultatov je najbolj odločujoča frekvenca napajanja vzbujalnih tuljav. Najboljše rezultate pri odkrivanju utorov na isti strani aluminijaste plošče, kot je bila postavljena magnetna sonda, smo dosegli z napajanjem frekvence 3 kHz. Utore na spodnji strani plošče pa so se najjasneje "pokazale" pri frekvenci 1 kHz. Pri lltoželezni plošči pa smo dobili dobre rezultate pri frekvenci 250 Hz, seveda pri testiranju plošče z zarezami na zgornji površini. 4.1. Rezultati testiranja s 3-osnim iskalnim navitjem Prednost izvedbe 3-osnega iskalnega navitja je v tem, da lahko enostavno določimo smer reže (razpoke) iz razmerja signalov x- In y-iskalnega navitja. Na sliki 6 so prikazani trije možni prehodi x- in /-navitja čez režo: a) y-iskalno navitje pravokotno prečka režo, x-navitje se giblje vzporedno proti njej, b) obe navitji preideta režo pod kotom 45°, c) položaj navitij je ravno obraten kot v primeru a). Glede na prej omenjene prehode iskalnih navitij čez režo dobimo tri značilne poteke induciranih napetosti (slika 7). X = = = a) 3-osnc iskalno navitje b) 3-osno iskalno navitje c) 3-osno iskalno navitje Slika 6: Prehodi x- in y-iskalnega navitja čez režo med dvema ploščama iz Al-Fe litine. Inducirana napetost iskalnega navitja, ki se giblje pravokotno na smer reže, doseže najnižjo vrednost v legi navitja nad sredino reže. To velja za napetost x-navitja na sliki 7,a in napetost y-navitja na sliki 7.c. Vtem položaju je meroda-jna komponenta gostote magnetnega polja vrtinčnih tokov ,—, 1.6 > 1—' 1.4 1.2 o tu 1 0.8 2? 0.6 S TJ 0.4 C 0.2 0 • x-osno navitje y-osno navitje z-osno navitje 12 23.5 35 položaja magnetne sonde [ mm ; Slika 7a:Inducirane napetosti 3-osnega iskalnega navitja v položaju a (slika 6) glede na prehod čez režo med ploščama iz Al-Fe litine. 29 D. Miljavec, R. Šušmelj, K. Lenasi: Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 26-31 Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov In feromagnetikov "O C 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 i — — — — — — — i— — i -x-osno navitje i - - - y-osno navitje z-osno navitje ------ - I- - 12 23.5 35 položaji) magnetne sonde [ mm ] Slika 7b:lnducirane napetosti 3-osnega iskalnega navitja v položaju b (slika 6) glede na prehod čez režo med ploščama iz Al-Fe litine. ■ x-osno navitje y-osno navitje z-osno navitje 23.5 položaje magnetne sonde 35 [ mm ] Slika 7c:lnducirane napetosti 3-osnega iskalnega navitja v položaju c (slika 6) glede na prehod čez režo med ploščama iz Al-Fe litine. najmanjša zaradi netekočlh vrtinčnih tokov na območju reže. V primeru diagonalnega prehoda iskalnegih navitji čez režo pa sta poteka induciranlh napetosti x- in y-navitja enaka, slika 7.b. Velika razlika napetostnih nivojev signalov x-in y-navitja na eni in z-iskalnega navitja na drugi strani je posledica narave teh navltij. Večji del magnetnega pretoka, ki preide skozi x- in y-navitje, je stresani magnetni pretok med vzbujalnimi navitji. Od tod tako velika inducirana napetost na območju plošče brez reže. Simetrična lega z-tuljavice med jarmoma sonde pa vpliv vzbujalnega polja izniči, saj je normala na ravnino z-tuljavice pravokotna na gostotnice vzbujalnega magnetnega polja. 4.2. Rezultati testiranja s setom 5-ih z-osnih iskalnih navitij Izvedba iskalnega navitja s petimi z-osnimi tuljavicami (slika 1) zelo dobro izpolnjuje prvenstveno funkcijo, to je de-tekcijo poškodb testirane plošče. Pri najustreznejši frekvenci napajanja je sprememba amplitude induciranih napetosti iskalnih navitij ob prehodu sonde čez utortako izrazita, da lahko nedvoumno razpoznamo prisotnost utorov na zgornji in spodnji površini aluminijaste plošče. Iskalno navitje prav tako zanesljivo "odkrije" prve štiri najgloblje zareze na zgornji površini litoželezne plošče. Najmanjšo zarezo širine 1,8 mm in globine 0,2 mm pa zazna v 40% poizkusov. Pri odkrivanju smeri utorov (zarez) kot drugotni funkciji magnetnega senzorja s petimi z-osnimi iskalnimi navitji smo zabeležili slabše rezultate. Pravilno informacijo o smeri zarez smo dobili le v približno 20% primerov testiranja aluminijaste plošče. Pri preizkušanju litoželezne plošče pa je ta odstotek še manjši. Krajevna razmeščenost iskalnih navitij nam omogoča, da lahko iz časovnega poteka signalov določimo smer utora ali zareze. V ta namen pri vsakem signalu določimo trenutek nastopa spremembe napetosti, ki označuje prehod iskalnega navitja čez utor ali zarezo. Trenutek prehoda smo določili s pomočjo ekstremov motnje. Tak način določanja trenutka prehoda iskalnega navitja čez razpoko je seveda uspešen le v primeru dobro izražene spremembe inducirane napetosti. Signale oštevilčenih Iskalnih navitij nato razporedimo glede na čas nastanka motnje in s tem dobimo informacijo, v kakšnem vrstnem redu so navitja prešla zarezo. Primer razvrstitve signalov je prikazana na legendi slike 8. Signali so bili "posneti" pri testiranju aluminijaste plošče z utori na zgornji površini pri napajalnem toku 0.14 A, frekvence 3 kHz. Signale smo normirali z njihovimi povprečnimi vrednostmi z namenom, da lahko lažje preverimo pravilnost razporeditve. Na podlagi razporeditve signalov ugotovimo orientiranost razpoke (slika 9). 1.25 Slika 8: Razporeditev signalov glede na vrstni red prehoda iskalnih navitij čez utor v aluminjasti plošči. Na sliki 10 so prikazani še poteki induciranlh napetosti pri prehodu magnetne sonde čez zareze na zgornji površini litoželezne plošče. Inducirane napetosti smo posneli pri vzbujanju s tokovi 0.54 A, frekvence 250 Hz, ter jih zgladili z računanjem povprečnih vrednosti efektivne napetosti s korakom dveh period. Zaradi prevelikega vpliva stresanih magnetnih polj v okolici zarez nismo mogli določiti orientiranost le-teh glede na iskalna navitja. Medtem, ko so pris- 30 D. Miljavec, R. Šušmelj, K. Lenasi: Neporušno testiranje planarnih paramagnetikov in feromagnetikov Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 26-31 utor set 5-ih z- osnih na vitji Slika 9: Konfiguracija iskalnih navitij pri prehodu sonde čez razpoko. ,14 > 12 10 s- c iS 8 "O C I 1 1 1 - - -1 i 2 l --4 - -h— 1— 4-- -■ -3 ' ' ~5 ' -I "V 'v ' K i ! 1 M. ' 1 _ _ l¡h¡A-fr J^Mm IAv-h a a ji K M^'ityu # - ~A /pur '*'"J r v? •it.,,4J ^/vb, '/i Hi^y . h. 1 ! i 1 "T 1 1 i 0 70 140 210 280 350 420 polžaj magnetne sonde [ mm ] Slika 10:lnducirane napetosti seta 5-ih z-iskalnih navitij pri testiranju litoželezne plošče z zarezami na zgornji površini. otnost in velikost zarez zelo izražena na obliki induciranih napetosti (slika 10). Na sliki 11 si lahko ogledamo izdelano magnetno sondo. 5 Zaključek S pomočjo metode končnih elementov (modeliranje s pomočjo programskega paketa FLUX-2D) smo analizirali magnetna dogajanja v magnetni sondi. Pri tem smo osrednjo pozornost namenili odzivu induciranih napetosti iskalnih navitij glede na lego in dimenzije utoratestirane plošče. Rezultate teoretične analize smo zaokrožili z merilnimi rezultati izdelane magnetne sonde. Analizirali smo geometrijo vzbujalnega dela magnetnega senzorja. Vrtilno magnetno polje se je pokazalo za zelo učinkovito pri iskanju napak preiskušanca, saj lahko le z enoosnim premikom senzorja zaznamo prisotnost vseh možnih leg napak. Definirali smo odločujoči parameter za zagotavljanje kvalitetnih meritev, to je vrednost frekvence vzbujalnih tokov. Primerjava rezultatov meritev s 3-osnim iskalnim navitjem in setom 5-ih z-osnih iskalnih navitji je pokazala prednosti in slabosti posameznega merilnega sistema. Delo predstavlja tudi osnovo za nadaljnji razvoj magnetne sonde oz. merilnega sistema. Odprava pomanjkljivosti, ki so se pokazale pri praktičnem preizkušanju, pa zahteva celovitejši pristop k reševanju problematike metode testiranja z vrtinčnimi toki. Predvsem z namenom, da postane ta metoda zanesljivejša in učinkovitejša ter uporabniku prijaznejše "orodje" za vrednotenje stanja preizkušanega objekta. 6 Literatura /1/ Flux 2D, User manual, Cedrat, France, 2002 /2/ D. Miljavec, B. Šuštaršlč, T. Željko, K. Lenasi, Magnetne lastnosti mehkomagnetnih kompozitnih materialov, Elektrotehnični vestnik 70(3): 109-114,2003 Ljubljana, Slovenija /3/ G.Y. Tian, Z.X. Zhao, R.W. Baines, The research of inhomoge-neity in eddy current sensors, Sensors and Actuators A 69, pp 148-151, 1998. /4/ H. Hoshikawa and K. Koyama, A New Eddy Current Probe Using Uniform Rotating Eddy Currents, Materials Evaluation, pp 85-89, January 1998. /5/ P. Kokelj, Elektromagnetne strukture, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, 2000. /6/ D. Maga, R. Hartansky, Numericke riesenia elektromechan-ickych uloh, Trencianska unlverzita, Ludoprlnt Trencin, 2001, ISBN 80-88914-29-9 doc. dr. Damijan Miljavec, e-mail: miljavec@fe.uni-lj.si Rajko Šušmelj, univ. dipl. inž, el. red. prof. Konrad Lenasi e-mail: Konrad.Lenasi@fe.uni-lj.si Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana Tel. (01) 476 82 81 Slika 11: Izdelana magnetna sonda. Prispelo (Arrived): 10.11.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 31 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana TIME-OPTIMAL MAGNETIZATION OF INDUCTORS WITH PERMANENT MAGNET CORES D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V, Ambrozic Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakultetaza elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, Slovenija Keywords: magnetization processes, pulse magnetizing devices, permanent magnets, ferrites Abstract: Time-optimal accurate magnetization process for small magnetic cores in mass-production is presented. The procedure consists of magnetization to the saturation level, followed by optimal partial demagnetization, which sets the stable operating point of a magnet within required inductance tolerance (< 3 %). The basic topology of a pulse magnetizer/demagnetizer is described and some improvements in algorithm to calculate optimal demagnetization voltage are suggested. Thus, proper magnetization of a core can be achieved in less than 4 s per piece. Additionally, the production waste is drastically reduced. Časovno-optimalno magnetenje dušilk z jedrom iz trajnega magneta Kjučne besede: magnetilni postopki, impulzne magnetllne naprave, trajni magneti, feriti Izvleček: V članku predstavljamo časovno-optimalni postopek natančnega magnetenja v velikoserijski proizvodnji majhnih magnetnih jeder. Postopek sestoji iz magnetenja do nasičenja, čemur sledi optimalno delno razmagnetenje, s čimer postavimo magnet v stabilno delovno točko. Pri tem dosežemo Induktivnost dušilke, ki je znotraj predpisanih toleranc (< 3 %). Opisana je še osnovna topologija Impulzne magnetilne/razmagnetilne naprave, prav tako pa je predlagan izboljšani algoritem za izračun optimalne razmagnetilne napetosti. S postopkom dosežemo želeno namagnetenost v manj kot 4 sekundah po kosu, pri čemer pa velja omeniti tudi znatno zmanjšanje izmeta. 1. Introduction In this paper we will focus on accurate magnetization ("calibration") of the permanent magnet that is attached to a coil with soft-ferrite core in so-called "linearity corrector" (Fig. 1). The correctors are used for horizontal linearization of a picture in CRTs and TV sets, where the coil's desired inductance is selected by the dc current. The deviation in physical dimensions of ferrite correctors from the same manufacturing batch is up to 3 %, which results in an inductance variation of up to 23 %. To provide their equal performance in an application circuitry, it is more convenient to magnetize each single magnet to appropriate level in order to obtain magnet's desired effective height /1/. Namely, mechanical grinding would be inadequate for mass-production, because it is cost-and-time consuming. Permanent magnet's desired operating point can be achieved by magnetization to the saturation level, followed by one or more consecutive partial demagnetizations, where gradually higher magnetic field strength is applied. Thus, stable magnetization is provided, i.e., during normal operation in an application circuitry, the magnet's operating point cannot be affected /2/. However, if eventually too high magnetic field strength is used for demagnetization, we cannot reach stable operating point by any partial magnetization. On the contrary, the magnet has to be magnetized to the saturation level again and thereafter demagnetized to the desired level by applying proper magnetic field strength. Soft-ferrite core Coil Permanent magnet Plastic base Fig. 1. Linearity corrector consists of a ferrite permanent magnet, attached to a coil. Speed of described magnetization and demagnetization procedures is very important, since they have to be performed in the mass-production of linearity correctors. Therefore, the most suitable principle to magnetize and demagnetize such a permanent magnet, considering also the power consumption, is the pulse method /3/, /4/, where appropriate capacitor voltage is discharged on magnetizing/demagnetizing coil, into which the permanent magnet (corrector) is placed. 32 D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V. Ambrozic: Time-optimal Magnetization of Inductors With Permanent Magnet Cores Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 32-36 Fig. 2 shows the coil's inductance as a function of the dc control current through the coil. Calibrated correctors (with properly magnetized permanent magnets) should have the same characteristics, as close as possible to the "reference corrector" (left curve). The inductance limits are tightest in the reference point (with reference control current lc_ref), where 5 % or even 3 % accuracy is required. On the other hand the relative limits are wider at no current (e.g. 10 %) or at higher current (e.g. 14 %). A characteristic for corrector with saturated permanent magnet is also shown (right curve) in order to illustrate, how the curve has to be moved to the "left" by partial demagnetization(s) after prior magnetization to the saturation level. Upper tolerance limit Reference With saturated permanent magnet Fig. Control current through coil lc (A) 2. Tolerance range for calibrated corrector and characteristic of the saturated corrector. 2. Magnetization Method Permanent magnets can be magnetized to the desired level in many different ways. Under operating conditions it is important, that the magnetization is stable, i.e. that external magnetic fields do not affect the working point of the permanent magnet. This can be achieved by magnetization to the saturation level, followed by partial demagneti- Fig. 3. (De-) magnetization curve and load line determine the operating point of a permanent magnet. zation. An operating point of permanent magnet is defined in an intersection between the magnetizing curve, that is specific to the material, and straight load line p0, which represents the geometry of entire magnetic system (Fig. 3) /2/. When the permanent magnet is magnetized to the saturation level, the operating point is point 0 (h0, So). An external demagnetizing force H1 reduces flux density 6 to the point 1d. After disengagement of this external field, flux density follows the curve 1 * (lower part of the recoil loop) and reaches the point 1 on the line p0. Now only demagnetizing force H2, which is stronger than previously applied H1, can move the operating point by the curve 1" (upper part of the recoil loop) and demagnetization curve to the point 2d; after its disengagement the new operating point will be 2. Note that any partial magnetization cannot move the operating point upward the load line, i.e., from point 2 to point 1; full magnetization to the saturation level is required instead, followed by partial demagnetization, as described. From the energetic point of view the most suitable principle to magnetize and demagnetize a permanent magnet is the pulse method. Magnetization can be achieved by the circuitry from Fig. 4, which releases energy, stored in "magnetizing" capacitor Cm, in an aperiodic current transient: hi t)-UcM° t e"5 ' sin(co t) for t < — 03L 4 i W = Ecu*. L coL . T -5 «-!) t 4 for t> — with co; £ UCM 7 f ID ! L R II Fig. 4. Principal magnetization circuitry. 33 D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V. Ambrozic: Informacije MiDEM 34(2004)1, str. 32-36 Time-optimal Magnetization of Inductors With Permanent Magnet Cores f(ms) Fig. 5. Current pulse for magnetization Tm L--T Charger unit CD > ucd f hw- Td2 Í k Fig. 6. Principal demagnetization circuitry. <(ms) Fig. 7. Current pulse for demagnetization. For demagnetization, dumped periodic transient can be used and applied by circuitry from Fig. 6. After charging the "demagnetizing" capacitor Cd to the desired value Ucdo, the charger is disconnected and thyristorsTDi and Td2 are triggered simultaneously, resulting in a current transient, shown in Fig. 7: h (0 = e~5' sin(co t) (8) coL The same charger unit can be utilized for both magnetization and demagnetization. Due to the process requirement, that the magnetization must always reach the saturation level, while the demagnetization should be executed partially and more precisely, it is reasonable to use two separate capacitors. Namely, the energy, stored in a capacitor, is controlled through its voltage. Therefore the capacitor with lower capacitance can store the same amount of energy at higher voltage, thus enabling wider voltage range with better precision. Consequently, frequencies and time constants (3, 5, 6) are different for demagnetization, where capacitance Cd has to be considered before applying their values in (8). Magnetizing inductor is nevertheless the same for both actions. 3. Time-optimal magnetization procedure From Fig. 8 it is evident, that magnetic properties of magnets, made of the same material and with the same required dimensions, can differ significantly. Demagnetization curves for several linearity correctors of the same type were measured through pulse demagnetization. Magnets were magnetized to the saturation level and then gradually demagnetized by increasing the applied capacitor voltage. As it can be seen, the reference inductance L can be achieved by applying very different demagnetization voltages. Obviously the capacitor voltage, that would properly demagnetize the particular permanent magnet, has to be determined for each single piece separately. Demagnetization voltage UD(V) Fig. 8. Demagnetization characteristics for several permanent magnets of the same type. Demagnetization voltage UD(V) Fig. 9. Determination of demagnetization voltage. 34 D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V. Ambrozic: Time-optimal Magnetization of Inductors With Permanent Magnet Cores Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 32-36 Start 1 Magnetization to the saturation level n:= 0 UD( 0):=0 ¿(0) measurement at current lc_„j A UD(n)-.= UDs(n)-UD(n) UD(n+\)-.= UDl(ny&UD(n) I i/c(n+l) adaptation (if assigned) n:=n+l Demagnetize applying UD{n) [i.e. t/o(n+l) from step 5] Yes 1 T L measurements at other currents Ic 1 Fig. 10. Basic steps of magnetization procedure. It is possible to achieve the reference inductance L through several consecutive demagnetizations, starting from saturated magnet, by increasing the capacitor voltage in small steps. But this would result in numerous demagnetization steps, which would require too much time. Ideally, there should be only one demagnetization step, since the speed is paramount. To provide an optimal number of demagnetization steps, it is reasonable to measure the demagnetization curve for a sample (or an average curve for several samples), which is selected randomly among the magnets from the same batch. The form of this sample curve is then used to determine suitable demagnetization voltages for all individual magnets from the batch. The recursive principle is explained in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, as follows: After the magnet is beforehand magnetized to the saturation and then par- tially demagnetized by demagnetization voltage L/o(n) (sign a in Fig. 9, step 7 in Fig. 10), its inductance L(n) is measured (sign b, step 8) and its approximate relation to the sample curve can be established accordingly. Unknown demagnetization curve can be treated like a shifted sample curve (dashed), with the shift being estimated from the measured inductance of a magnet. Namely, the sample demagnetization curve reaches the same measured inductance L{n) (sign c) at demagnetization voltage L/os(n) (sign d), which is for AL/o(n) higherthan the voltage Uo(n). The same voltage difference AUo{n) can be assumed at the reference inductance (sign e), i.e., the voltage, that has to be applied to this magnet, is for AL/o(n) lower than the voltage Uds, which provided demagnetization of the sample in order to reach the reference inductance L at reference control current ic_reu The new demagnetization voltage, which can provide proper demagnetization of this magnet, is now Uo(n+1) (sign f in Fig. 9, step 4 in Fig. 10). Although the actual curve does not match the "shifted" sample curve entirely, the inductance after the demagnetization with voltage Uoin+I) would be set within required limits (sign g). The most important is the demagnetization voltage udn) = L/d(1 ), which has to be applied for first demagnetization step. In the best case, this demagnetization should result with an inductance within tolerances of its reference value. Therefore, the above-described principle could be used directly after the magnetization to the saturation level (step 1 in Fig. 10); in this case the demagnetization voltage Uo(n) - Uo(0) that is used in further calculation, is zero (step 2), i.e., only inductance L(0) after magnetization is measured (step 3). This approach gives excellent performance on magnets whose characteristics are close enough to the measured sample curve, because only one demagnetization is needed. In practice this condition cannot be assured, so undesired excessive demagnetizations can appear, i.e. the inductance L can exceed its reference value L. Consequently, new magnetization is needed, but with some magnetizing devices, which require longer time to charge magnetizing capacitor, this has to be avoided. The solution towards is to apply 75 % of voltage Uds for the first demagnetization, (step 5 in Fig. 10) thus avoiding the excessive demagnetizations for the expected range of magnets. 4. Conclusion The magnetizing procedure, described in this paper, was applied in mass production of linearity correctors with very good results. The obtained total time for the magnetization to the reference point was bellow 4 s. Beside the improved accuracy of the magnet's operating point, the production waste was significantly reduced. References /1/ D. Nedeljkovic, V. Ambrozic, J. Nastran, "An Improved Calibration of Ferrite Permanent Magnets in Mass-production," IEEE MELECON 2002 Proceedings, pp. 244-248, Cairo, Egypt, May 2002. 35 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 32-36 D. Nedeljkovic, R. Fiser, V. Ambrozic: Time-optimal Magnetization of Inductors With Permanent Magnet Cores /2/ P. Campbell, Permanent Magnet Materials and Their Application, Cambridge University Press, 1996. /3/ E. Steingroever, Magnetizing, Demagnetizing and Calibration of Permanent Magnet Systems, Magnet-Physik Brochure, Mag-net-Physik Dr. Steingroever GmbH, köln, Germany, 1988. /4/ E. Spahn, G. Buderer, J. Wey, V. Wegner, F. Jamet, "The Use of Thyristors as Main Switches in EML Applications", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1060-1065, January 1993. doc. dr. David Nedeljkovic Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25 Si-1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386 1 47-68-478 Fax. +386 1 47-68-487 davldn@fe.uni-lj.si Prispelo (Arrived): 14.11.2003 doc. dr. Rastko Fišer Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25 SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386 1 47-68-476 Fax. +386 1 47-68-487 rasto. fiser@fe. uni-lj. si doc. dr. Vanja Ambrožič Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Tržaška 25 SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386 1 47-68-286 Fax. +386 1 47-68-487 vanjaa@fe.uni-lj.si Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 36 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana A PRECISION HYBRID AMPLIFIER FOR VOLTAGE CALIBRATION SYSTEMS Henrik Lavrič1, Danijel Vončina1, Peter Zajec1, France Pavlovčič2, Janez Nastran1 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2Ministryfor Environment, Spatial planning and Energy; Environment Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenija Key words: voltage amplifier, hybrid power amplifier, feedforward-feedback, high efficiency, harmonic distortion Abstract: The paper describes a voltage amplifier that Is capable of accurate amplifying voltages up to 300 V rms within the frequency range from 40 Hz to 70 Hz with or without the presence of higher harmonic components up to 1.4 kHz. Its sophisticated topology consists of a supreme linear amplifier and an inner hybrid power amplifier with an output transformer. The hybrid power amplifier, which acts as a self-oscillating system, is based on a parallel connection of a superior three-stage class AB linear power amplifier and a switch-mode inverter. The latter provides a full load current while the former filters the waveform ripple. In this way a power efficient system is obtained whose efficiency at a nominal output power of 60 VA exceeds 90%. The experimental results demonstrate good performance of the proposed hybrid topology. Precizijski hibridni ojačevalnik za napetostne kalibracijske sisteme Kjučne besede: napetostni ojačevalnik, hibridni močnostni ojačevalnik, visok izkoristek, nelinearno popačenje Izvleček: V članku je predstavljen napetostni ojačevalnik za precizijsko ojačevanje napetosti do 300 V efektivne vrednosti na frekvenčnem območju od 40 Hz do 70 Hz z možnostjo superponiranja višjeharmonsklh komponent do 1.4 kHz. Celotna topologija je zgrajena okoli hibridnega močnostnega ojačevalnika z izhodnim, večodcepnlm transformatorjem. Slednji narekuje uporabo notranje regulacijske zanke za odpravljanje parazitne enosmerne komponente napetosti. Hibridni močnostni ojačevalnik, ki deluje kot lastno-oscllirajoči sistem, sestavljata paralelno vezana linearni močnostni ojačevalnik in stikalni inverter. Takšen moderen koncept zagotavlja, da Izkoristek pri nazivnl izhodni moči 60 VA preseže 90%, kajti celoten bremenski tok zagotavlja Inverter. Linearni ojačevalnik skrbi le za odpravljanje visokofrekvenčne valovitosti. Za linearizacijo odziva celotnega vezja je dodana zunanja regulacijska zanka s »feedforward-feedback« principom povratne zanke. Posledica tega je majhno nelinearno popačenje izhodne napetosti. Poleg tega eksperimentalni rezultati dokazujejo stabilno kratkotrajno delovanje ojačevalnika, ter odlično obnašanje tudi v primeru, ko ga obremenimo z nelinearnim, pretežno kapacitivnim bremenom. 1. Introduction Over the past two decades an extensive growth in the number of nonlinear loads, such as rectifiers in electronic equipment, and a rapid development of the static power converters have been noticed. Because of the nonsinu-soidal waveform of the current, which they draw from the grid, and the grid impedance, which is not zero, the voltage waveform at the end user differs from the sinusoidal one. Besides other undesirable phenomena, performing voltage measurements in presence of harmonics is also quite a task. However, they are not only the voltage meters but also wattmeters and energy meters that are exposed to the distorted environments. Especially the last ones are the most widespread. To assure the ability of accurate measurement in distorted conditions, treated meters must be calibrated at the end of manufacturing process and periodically, after they are put in use. This demands special equipment, which is capable of performing the harmonics analysis. The focus of this paper is a precision voltage amplifier designed for a portable three-phase power calibrator. The calibrator is used to calibrate three-phase energy meters in the phantom load test arrangement with the fundamental power and also with harmonics power components added in accordance with the International Standard /1/. Besides three voltage amplifiers, three current amplifiers are needed. The voltage amplifier for one phase should provide maximum power of 60 VA within the voltage range from 30 V to 300 V rms. Moreover, the output waveform should also be accurate in amplitude (±0.2%) and phase (±0.1 °). Within the frequency range from 40 Hz to 70 Hz its distortion (THD) should not exceed 0.5%. To allow for a harmonics analysis of the unit under test, the amplifier has to amplify a frequency spectrum up to 1.4 kHz. The magnitude of the first four higher harmonics should measure up to 50% and the rest of the harmonics up to 10% of the voltage magnitude at the fundamental frequency. Till now, such stringent demands have been efficiently solved using only the linear power amplifiers /2/. Their main disadvantage is low efficiency, which leads to excessive power losses for which reason an efficient cooling system is required. This may result in an unacceptable contribution to the volume and mass of the portable calibrator. 37 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 37-42 H. Lavric, D. Voncina, P. Zajec, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems To meet the above requirements, an advanced topology combining a switch-mode and linear technique was developed. Such concept was first applied in low voltage audio power amplifiers/3, 4/. 2. Description of the proposed topology The overall diagram of the precision voltage amplifier is shown in Fig. 1. The key element of the topology is the hybrid power amplifier (HPA) having its output connected to the primary winding of the transformer. By means of a local voltage feedback loop, HPA controls the voltage of the transformer primary to be the exact template of the signal applied on the noninverting input of HPA. The secondary of the transformer has three taps. In this way the operation of the voltage amplifier is split into three ranges. Output voltage u0, which is the voltage on the secondary of the transformer, is controlled by a supreme voltage control loop. In order to obtain stable operation, the feedforward-feedback principle is followed. Fig. 1: 2.1 Overall diagram of the precision voltage amplifier Hybrid power amplifier HPA is composed of a three-stage class AB linear power amplifier (LPA) /5/ and a switch mode inverter. They are connected in parallel as shown in Fig. 2. In this configuration LPA plays the leading role because it directly controls the voltage at the output of HPA. The inverter can be treated as a slave since its control signals are derived from the output current of LPA. Fig. 2: Block diagram of the hybrid power amplifier If we assume that T+ is turned on (conducting) and T. is turned off, the current through inductor Lf increases. Depending on the output voltage of HPA UHPA,out and load resistance R, part of it flows into the load and the rest sinks into LPA. When a certain value of the latter {-hi) is reached, we turn T+ off and T. on. The current through Lf decreases. After a while it becomes smaller than the load current and LPA starts to deliver the deficit. At the value +ltr, we again turn T+ on and T. off. The self-oscillating system is thus obtained. Its frequency fso is defined by ul- f J so Lf du HPA,out R ' \2 dt (1) 4-Ilr-Lf-Us The inverter can supply most of the load current as long as the slew rate of the load current is smaller than the slew rate of the inductor current. The inverter power bandwidth PBinv, this is the highest frequency of UHPA.out at which the upper condition still holds, is PB,., R 1 2nLf i(uHPA,ojusy (2) where Uhpa.oui is the amplitude of the output voltage and Us is the supply voltage. The LPA current is sensed as a voltage drop across the emitter resistors in the LPA output stage. The signals (Sh, Sm, Si) are then led through high-pass filters (Fig. 2) in order to block the low frequency content that belongs to the amplified signal. It is important that the crossover frequencies of the aforementioned filters are matched. If they are not, the load current ¡r and the inverter current ii.t are out of phase. In this case LPA not only filters the switching frequency current ripple but also delivers part of the fundamental and higher harmonics components of the load current. The differential amplifiers with an adjustable gain adapt the signals to the threshold levels of the Schmltt-triggers. These signals are further processed inside the handshake logic in a digital way. An interlock delay between the switching maneuvers of transistors is generated here. Optional blocking of the inverter is also possible by an external signal SD. 2.2 Suppressing the parasitic dc component The voltage error, being the result of asymmetry and non-linearities inside LPA, can lead to a considerable dc voltage component at the HPA output. If such dc component were applied to the output transformer, its magnetic core would become saturated and operation of the circuit would be unreliable or even impossible. In order to cope with the above problem, two methods were investigated. The first addressed the use of an additional dc voltage sensor in the form of a differential transformer with an extracting circuit as proposed in /6/. Because of its complexness and high cost, the solution was not accepted. An autonulling control circuit was applied instead. 38 H. Lavric, D. Voncina, P. Zajec, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems Informaclje MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 37-42 It consists of a low-pass first order filter and an integrator (Fig. 1). The latter integrates the output of the filter, where the low frequency content is present including the dc component. The result is then subtracted from the signal of the supreme control loop. The voltage drop, resulting from the dc current through the transformer primary winding, is relatively small because the resistance of the winding is small, too. Better performance of the autonulling circuit can be achieved by applying a higher voltage drop for the same value of the dc current. Hence a resistor with a small resistance (Rs = 0.1 £2) is added in series with the transformer primary winding. Its impact on the overall efficiency can be neglected. A high-pass filter, positioned right after the superior amplifier, assures an autonomous operation of the autonulling circuit. 2.3 Supreme feedforward-feedback control loop The use of a superior linear amplifier and a supreme control loop is of a paramount importance in providing a linear response of the system. The output voltage u0 of the amplifier is measured with a precision noninductive film resistor divider. The high frequency response of the measured voltage is attenuated as a result of its passing through the transformer. If we want to obtain a stable operation of the supreme loop, accurate information about the high frequency response in the feedback should be made available. This can be done by using the feedforward path from the output of HPA and thus bypassing the transformer. The feedforward-feedback network should have a transfer function Ff(s) that can be written as Ff(S) = Flp(S) + FHP(S) = 1. (3) In other words, the constant-voltage condition must be fulfilled. This can only be achieved by using the first order low-pass Flp(s) and high-pass Fhp(s) filters with matched crossover frequencies. Equation (3) can be written as 1 s/(ùh 1 + s/(ÛLp 1 + s/(ûh and finally with regard to colp = »hp = co, (4) 1 i/co 1 + s/co 1 + s/ co 1 + s/ co 1 + s/ co = 1. (5) The crossover frequency has to be high enough to avoid any remarkable impact on the linearity of the supreme control loop for the reason of the nonideality of the transformer. 3. HPA efficiency enhancement Practically all power losses of the hybrid voltage amplifier have their origin inside the hybrid power amplifier or more precisely inside the output stages of LPA and inverter. If a power efficient system with low THD is to be obtained, an adequate ratio between the quiescent current of LPA and the threshold current ltr has to be chosen. An additional guidance for the design is the condition that the minimum switching frequency of HPA must be beyond the perceptibility of the human ear, which is about 20 kHz. Considering the maximum loading of HPA, the minimum switching frequency and the threshold current ltr = 100 mA, the inductance Lf = 1 mH is obtained. This results in the inverter power bandwidth (2) much higher than the frequencies of the amplified voltage and enables the inverter to provide most ofthe load current. To have evidence of this, we need some parameters that are given below. The class AB linear power amplifier is designed to withstand the highest amplitude of its output voltage of 45 V at the supply voltage of ±50 V. The quiescent current through the output power transistors is set to 25 mA. Under these conditions the saturation and the clipping are eliminated. Though the quiescent current of a relatively small value generates small quiescent power losses, it is large enough to minimize the crossover and switching distortion. The power losses of HPA at a low output current are higher compared to the LPA losses alone. Because of this the hysteresis element is used to form the control signal SD. The inverter is enabled only when the current through the primary of the transformer exceeds 120 mA. When it falls under 100 mA, the inverter is disabled again. The whole range of the voltage amplifier operation is split into three subranges with the nominal voltages of 75 V, 150 V and 300 V. However, the output power of 60 VA is to be provided in each subrange. When connected with the aforementioned solution, this solution leads to a higher efficiency of LPA due to the longer operation with the output voltage swing closer to ±Us provided the desired output voltage is amplified within an appropriate voltage range. Since the hybrid topology is an efficient exchange for the pure linear topology, it is reasonable to compare their efficiencies. Evaluation will be done in particular working points where extreme values are expected. The first point is at maximum output power Pr = 60 W and voltage amplitude Uhpa,out = 45 V. Under these conditions HPA supplies the load R = 16.88 Q,. To answer the question what would be the efficiency if at this working point the inverter were disabled, we have to determine power losses on the power transistors in the output stage of LPA. Power losses Pt on the upper transistor are generated as a consequence of the voltage difference between the supply voltage +Us and the output voltage of HPA UHPA ,out ~ UHPA ,oul ' ® and the current through the load _ UHPA ,out R Uu R ■sinQ. (6) (7) As the ratio between the amplitude of the load current Ir and the quiescent current is very high (2.67 A : 25 mA), the quiescent current can be neglected. Calculation of Pt 39 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 37-42 H. Lavric, D. Voncina, P. Zajec, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems can be done in the same way as for the class B amplifier where each transistor conducts only half of the period 27:J o HPA ,out R sin © • - UHPA fiut ■ sin ©)l • d® The efficiency is defined by T| = PB PR + 2 PT (8) (9) and for the assumed conditions amounts to 70%. In other words, for 60 W of the output power 25 W are dissipated inside the linear amplifier. An accurate calculation of the efficiency for the hybrid topology is difficult to perform because power losses of the inverter are hard to be determined exactly. Although the conductive losses and the choke losses are known, the calculation of the switching losses is almost impossible because of the variable switching frequency (1) inside the period of the output voltage. Our evaluation will therefore be based on the assumption that the efficiency of the inverter him is 95%. This value can be obtained if we use high-speed switching transistors with low Rds.on < 0.18 and the choke with a low loss ferrite core. Furthermore, in this topology of the inverter only one transistor is in series with the load at a time. This is not the case with the bridge topology where two transistors are in series. LPA now only filters the high frequency ripple and its output current is of a triangular shape with the peak value of ltr. The shape of the current through the transistor in the output stage of LPA is of a triangular shape, too, but it has two slopes because of the quiescent current. Its average value Ir.av Is 31.25 mA. In this case power losses on the upper transistor are defined by Pr 2n ¿K -Uu ■sin and the overall efficiency by 11 = PrK^+^PT (10) (11) Thus the calculated dissipated power of LPA and the overall efficiency are 3.1 Wand 90.5%, respectively. The second working point worth the while of being considered is in the situation when the voltage at the voltage amplifier output is the lowest possible (30 V rms). For R= 16.88 Q, HPA has to deliver 9.6 W at an 18 V peak. The overall efficiency is more than 72% while that of LPA alone is some 28%. Compared to the linear amplifier, the essential advantage of the hybrid voltage amplifier are low power losses In case of reactive load. For the 60 VA reactive power LPA would dissipate more than 65 W, while HPA dissipates ten times less. When the amplifier is in the idle state, the reference signal and the output voltage are zero. The power dissipated by LPA is 3.1 W when the inverter is enabled. With the inverter disabled, only 2.5 Ware dissipated. When the amplifier is unloaded, losses are the same regardless of the output voltage. Moreover, disabling the inverter at low output currents abolishes the switching noise. 4. Experimental results The performance of the precision hybrid voltage amplifier was tested under various conditions. A special attention was particularly paid to the determination of THD, voltage error and phase error. Fig. 3 shows the voltage error and the phase error versus frequency of the amplifier within the 300 V range. The magnitude of the output voltage inside the frequency ranges was set according to the foreseen target values. The amplifier was loaded with a 6600 £2 resistor. Our measurements were made with a dynamic signal analyzer (DSA) HP 35665A. The performance of the amplifier within the ranges of 75 V and 150 V is better than at the 300 V range. 370 700 1030 Frequency (Hz) 1360 Fig. 3: Voltage and phase error versus frequency Short-term stability of the amplifier was measured after a warm-up period using an automatic measuring system consisting of PC with a LabWIEV™ software and a digital multimeter (DMM) HP 34401 A. Rms voltage readings were recorded at 30 s intervals over a five-hour period. The results are presented in Fig. 4. The amplifier was loaded within a particular voltage range with resistive loads as noted in Table 1. According to the DMM specifications, the meas- 40 H. Lavric, D. Voncina, P. Zajec, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 37-42 > « ts70\iV/V 145 v/y_i_ | -g L f 250 |iV/V O X-,-,-.-,-,-,-■-■-■-. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Time (h) Fig. 4: Short-term stability uring uncertainties for 300 V, 150 V and 75 V were 0.09%, 0.14% and 0.07%, respectively. THD of the amplifier was measured using a digital low distortion sine wave generator and DSA. Values for certain set points within the different voltage ranges are shown in Table 1. All the measurements were made at 50 Hz and a spectrum containing 30 higher harmonics was observed. Table 1: THD of the precision voltage amplifier 5. Conclusion A precision hybrid voltage amplifier is presented. By means of a novel topology combining linear and switching techniques, upgraded by a supreme feedforward-feedback control loop, a power efficient system with low output voltage distortion is obtained. Owing to the use of the output transformer, the output voltage is free of the do component. This is extremely advantageous when calibrating meters, which contain input voltage transformers. f= 50 Hz N = 30 75 V range Rl = 560 a 150 V range Rl = 2100 0 300 V range Rl = 6600 Q U (V) 25 50 75 75 100 150 150 200 250 300 THD (%) 0.05 0.025 0.015 0.028 0.023 0.015 0.025 0.017 0.015 0.013 In orderto test the performance of the amplifier under nonlinear load conditions, an electronic energy meter was applied to its output. THD of the voltage and current shown in Fig. 5 is 0.11% and 16%, respectively. The current is heavily distorted because of the rectifier and dc-dc converter, which are used as a power supply for the electronic circuits inside the energy meter. Although the load is of a capacitive nature, the stability of the amplifier is not impaired. As expected, the amplifier meets the amplitude inaccuracy and THD specifications. It is only the phase error that slightly exceeds the limit value when approaching the frequency of 70 Hz. This can be compensated by a voltage reference generator. Since the long-term inaccuracy depends only on the absolute stability of very few components in the supreme feedback circuit, it is expected that it will not exceed the limit value. The proposed topology is not necessarily limited to the discussed application. It can be also exploited in applications with even more rigorous demands. A further improvement of the amplitude and phase accuracy within a wider frequency range could be achieved by using a digital control loop/7/. For more powerful applications a topology survey of the switch mode inverter is presented in /8/. However, with only minor changes of the design parameters the output power of the topology, presented in this paper, can be increased significantly. Refereces Fig. 5: Output voltage and load current (ku =100 V/div, kj = 20 mA/div, kt = 2 ms/div) /1 / International Standard IEC 1036, "Alternating Current Static Watt-Hour Meters for Active Energy (Classes 1 and 2)," 2nd ed., Sep. 1996*. 41 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 37-42 H. Lavric, D. Voncina, P. Zajec, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran: A Precision Hybrid Amplifier for Voltage Calibration Systems /2/ N. M. Oldham, O. B. Laug, B. C. Waltrip, "Digitally Synthesized Power Calibration Source," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 341 - 346, June 1987. /3/ G. B. Yundt, "Series- or Parallel-Connected Composite Amplifiers," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 48 - 54, Jan. 1986. /4/ R. A. R. van der Zee, E. A. J. M. van Tuijl, "A Power-Efficient Audio Amplifier Combining Switching and Linear Technigues," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 985 - 991, July 1999. /5/ G. R. Slone, High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. /6/ P. Zajec, J. Nastran, "Power Calibrator Using Switched Mode Voltage Source," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 790 - 794, Aug. 2000. /7/ A. Gubisch, P. L. Lualdi, P. N. Miljanic, J. L. West, "Power Calibrator Using Sampled Feedback for Current and Voltage," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 403 - 407, Apr. 1997. /8/ H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, F. C. Zach, "Basic Considerations and Topologies of Switched-mode Assisted Linear Power Amplifiers," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 116 - 123, Feb. 1997. as. mag. Henrik Lavric, univ. dipl. inž. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 4768 466, fax: +386 1 4768 487 e-mail: henrik.lavric@fe.uni-lj.si doc. dr. Danijel Vončina, univ. dipl. inž. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 4768 274, fax: +386 1 4768 487 e-mail: voncina@fe. uni-lj.si doc. dr. Peter Zajec, univ. dipl. inž. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 4768 4 79, fax: +386 1 4768 487 e-mail: peter.zajec@fe.uni-lj.si dr. France Pavlovčič, univ. dipl. inž. Ministrstvo za okolje, prostor in energijo Agencija RS za okolje, Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 4784 098, fax: +386 1 4784054 e-mail: f ranee.pavlovcic@gov. si prof. dr. Janez Nastran, univ. dipl. inž. Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana tel.: +386 1 4768 282, fax: +386 1 4264630 e-mail: andreja.kladnik@fe.uni-lj.si Prispelo (Arrived): 05.11.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 42 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana A COMMUTATOR WITH INTEGRATED CAPACITORS 1 Boris Benedičič, 2France Pavlovčič, 3Janez Nastran, 1 Jožica Rejec 1R&D Department, Domel d.d., Železniki, Slovenia Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of environment, spatial planning and energy, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3University in Ljubljana, Faculty for Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: commutation, universal motor, capacitor, finite element method, arc model. Abstract: The paper presents a method of an improvement of commutation of a high-speed universal commutator motor with ceramic capacitors integrated in a commutator. A model of the motor was established to enable an analysis of an armature coil commutation. The capacitors were Included in the model as well. A prototype motor with integrated capacitors was made. The multilayer ceramic capacitors in the form of surface mounted chips were used. Good (sparkless) commutation is essential for long operational lifetime of the commutator motor. The calculation of internal brush resistances and nonlinear coil inductances was made with the finite element method . Brush contact resistances were also calculated. All resistances and inductances were calculated with respect to the rotor position. An actual overlap between the brush and the commutator segment was taken into consideration. A suitable arc model was used to estimate the arc, which varies with the width of the charred layer on the brush. The calculated results are compared with the ones measured on a special test motor. It was found out from calculation and from the measurement which closely agree, that the rightly chosen capacitors greatly Improve the commutation of the motor and therefore extend the lifetime of the motor significantly. Komutator z integriranimi kondenzatorji Kjučne besede: komutacija, univerzalni motor, kondenzator, metoda končnih elementov, model obloka. Izvleček: V prispevku predstavljamo izboljšavo komutacije hitrotekočega univerzalnega motorja z kondenzatorji, integriranimi v komutator. Izdelali smo računalniški model komutacije, ki omogoča analizo komutacijsklh tokov v posameznih rotorskih tuljavah. Kondenzatorji so bili prav tako vključeni v model. Izdelali smo tudi prototipe motorjev z Integriranimi kondenzatorji. Uporabljeni so bili večplastni keramični kondenzatorji Izdelani v SMD tehnologiji. Dobra komutacija brez oblokovje bistvena za dolgo življenjsko dobo komutatorskih motorjev. Za določitev porazdeljenih upornosti ščetk in induktivnosti tuljav v računalniškem modelu smo uporabili metodo končnih elementov. Upornosti so bile odvisne od relativnega položaja komutator - ščetka, prav tako tudi induktivnosti, ki so bile odvisne še od toka, ki je tekel skoznje. Upoštevali smo realno prekrivanje ščetka - komutatorska lamela, to je 1,8. Zaradi takega prekrivanja smo morali upoštevati, da dve tuljavi komutirata istočasno. Izračunali smo tudi kontaktne upornosti. Za upoštevanje nastanka obloka smo uporabili model po Holmu /9/, ki določa pogoje za nastanek obloka v odvisnosti od kontaktnih materialov. Ugotovili smo, da pojav obloka pod ščetko povzroči spremembe na ščetki, kjer nastane ožgana plast, ki ima slabšo prevodnost od ščetke same. Nastanek te plasti močno vpliva na potek komutac-Ijskih tokov. Izračunane komutacljske tokove smo primerjali s tokovi, izmerjenimi na prirejenem motorju, ki je Imel konce dveh rotorskih tuljav izvedene na drsne obroče. Izračunani rezultati so se dovolj dobro približali merjenim rezultatom. Komutacija se tako pri izračuni kot pri meritvi zelo izboljša, če v komutacijski krog vključimo kondenzatorje. Podali smo kriterije za pravilno izbiro kondenzatorjev, ki najbolj učinkovito izboljšajo potek komutacije. Zaradi izboljšane komutacije s kondenzatorji se podaljša tudi življenjska doba motorja. 1. Introduction The universal motor is one of the most common motors used in domestic appliances. It is a commutator motorthat has its field winding connected in series with the armature winding. The revolving speed of this motor is increasing because of the tendency to decrease both the motor size and weight. It Is not uncommon forthis motorto have 50000 rpm or more. But good commutation (current direction change) is difficult to achieve at such high speeds. The commutation in the commutating armature coil has to be fast enough to enable minimizing the current difference at the moment, when the commutator bar is leaving the brush. Excessive current differences give rise to the development of sparks and arcs, which shortens the motor operational lifetime through an increased brush wear. Moreover, the arc may occur before the commutator bar leaves the brush, if a voltage between the brush and the bar is large enough. The aim of this paper is to present a method of improvement of commutation with capacitors integrated in the commutator of the motor. The capacitors absorb the inductive energy which would otherwise disperse in the arcs and therefore greatly improve the commutation. Until recently, the commutation phenomena has been mainly investigated on DC machines, preferably equipped with interpole windings /1,2/, which significantly improve the commutation. The commutation in AC universal motors is much worse compared to the one in the DC motors. One of the causes for this state is the absence of interpoles and the other is the presence of transformer EMF because of the AC line voltage. Authors in /3/ researched the universal motor commutation, where during one commutation period constant current is presumed. For the calculation of the circuit parameters (inductances and flux linkages) they used the finite element method. In /4/ the universal motor model is improved by using the real current and by modelling brush resistances with the finite element method, though the arc model is somehow simplified. 43 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors The model of the commutator motor with the integrated capacitors is presented, with which the commutation current and other commutation related phenomena in small universal motor can be analysed. The inductances, the flux linkages and the brush resistances for the model are calculated with the finite element method. The commutation equation is solved iteratively until the calculated currents converge. The arc model is improved by using the arc U/l characteristics /6/. The change in the contact resistance and the appearance of the charred layer on the brush due to the arc under the brush are explained. With this model, the optimal value of capacitance of integrated capacitors was calculated to diminish the arc. These capacitors were mounted on a special prototype motor with slip rings. The improvement of commutation both in the computer model and in the prototype motor was found to be satisfactory and the lifetime of the motor was extended. Figure 1: A universal motor rotor and brushes. 2. A universal motor circuit topology and model equations The circuit topology of the two-pole universal motor is shown in Fig. 2. Because the brush-to-bar width ratio is 1.8, there are two possibilities: in the first one the brush covers two commutator bars and in the second one the brush covers three bars. In our model, both topologies are used, with a proper transition from one topology to the other, depending on the brush - bar position. The circuit in Fig. 2 is symmetrical, so it can be simplified. Four commutating coils in Fig. 2 are considered as two paralleled windings. The parallel rotor winding branches in series with the field winding are replaced with one equivalent winding. Consequently, when the brush covers three commutator bars, there are three windings in the system -two commutation windings and one main winding. But, if the brush covers only two bars, there are two windings, the commutation one and the main one in the system. i i — 11 i mm Remaining Rotor Winding Branch f Rotation ^ Remaining direction i Rotor JL, Source Winding Branch Commutating coils —i | | — | | 2 a bar ïBâfgi bruih ........t.',v...................... O Figure 2: The universal motor circuit topology - the brush covers three bars. The capacitors are connected parallel to the commutating windings. In series with the capacitor there is the damping resistance Rc. Fig. 3 shows two parallel commutating windings (/_33, f?3 and L44, R4), the capacitor C and the damping resistance Rc. The contact resistances fíci, Rc2 and fíc3 can also be observed. The main Equation (1) for Fig. 2 is: dV* U = (Rl+R2)-ia+^- + Ul+U3 at (1), where: U fît R2 /a Va is the applied voltage, is the field winding resistance, is the resistance of the non-commutating parallel armature winding branches, is the main current, is the total flux linkage of the main winding, U1, U2 and U3 are the commutator bar voltages. From Fig. 3 the following voltage Eqs. (2,3), are derived At dv4 U\~U2 =Ri'ic3+- U2-U3=R4-ic4+- d t (2), (3), where: \|/3, t|/4 are the total flux linkage commutating windings, R3, R4 are the commutating winding resistances, /'c3, /'c4 are the commutating currents. 44 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 For the capacitor branch from Fig. 3 Eqs. (4,5) can be written: Ux-U2=Rz-iczX+~\icclàt U2-U3 =Rc-icc2 + J'cczd' (4), (5), where: C is the capacitance of the integrated capacitor, Rc is the damping resistance, /'cci, /'cc2 are the capacitor currents. The connection between the commutator bar voltages and the currents is defined by Eq. (6): rn h = r\2 '22 + rc2 h (6) ri3 r23 ^33 +^3. h. where: /"n, /"12, ri3, r22, /"23, r33 are elements of the brush resistance matrix, rci, rC2, rC2 are the brush contact resistances, ' 1, ¡2, k are commutator bar currents. The value of the above resistances depends on the instantaneous brush position with respect to the commutator bars. The brush resistance matrix elements are determined by the brush dimensions and the brush material properties (e.g. material specific resistances). Figure 3: The brush with the parallel commutating windings and the integrated capacitors. According to Fig. 3, the commutator bar currents are defined as: (7), i, ll — h lc3 'ccl l2 ~ hi ~ lc4 + 'ccl — hc2 (8), (9). Energy in the capacitors is represented by the capacitor voltage. The capacitor voltages are defined in (10) and (11): U\~U2 =Mol U2-U3 =«c2 (10), (11). When the matrix (6) with the currents (7), (8), (9) is inserted in Eqs. (10) and (11) the following two equations for the capacitor voltage are obtained - (12) and (13): Ucl - ' ^21 - *c3 • (R22 ~ R3 ) Z'c4 ' R23 ~ hcl ' (R22 ~ R3 h cc2 -^23 : ' ^31 ~ Zo3 ' ^32 ~ ;c4 ' (R33 ~RA) 'ccl ' R32 ' The resistances in the above equations are (14): Ru = rn + rc\ + rn ~ rn ~ r23 R22 =Ri+rn+rcX- 2ri2 + r22 + rc2 (12), (13), L23 = '"l2 -13 r22 rc2 + r23 L31 = >"12 ~rn + r23 " r33 — rc3 "32 = ^12 -''13 — r22 " '"c2 + ^23 '33 = R4 + r22 + 'c2 — 2 r23 + r33 + rc3 (14). From the equations (12) and (13), the equations of the capacitor currents are derived - (15) and (16): *'cc2 = "cl - £21 - Mc2 ■ &22 + k ' k2 ~ *c4 (15), (16). Where the conductances g^...g22 and the coefficients kt and kz are: £n = 8X2 = 821 = 822 = R33 - Ra (r22 - R21 R23 ' R32 (R22 - R32 R23 ■ R32 (R22 ~ r22 - r3 R23 ' R32 (R22 - R23 ■ r32 R1l ' R23 ~ R2l ' (R33 - RJ (17). ■32 k R2\ ' R32 ~ R3\ ' (R22 ~ Ri) 2 {r22-r3)-(r33-r,)-r23-r3, 45 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors The time derivative of the capacitor voltages are obtained by inserting Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eqs. (4) and (5), and are represented by Eqs. (18) and (19): Rearranging (22), we obtain the following equation: d u, dt c y dt 11 di dt ' di + ~ "cl ' £ll + "c2 ' 8l2 + K ' K ~ 'c3 ) (18), d"c2 di d i 21 di £22 dt 1 di 1 + — • ("cl " 821 - "c2 ■ 822 + h ■ k2 - 'c4 ) (19). The time derivative of the flux linkages is divided into the transformer and speed EMF(10): d[y]= d[y]d; | d[\|/] dtp dt di dt dtp dt (20). The values of incremental inductances /5/, which are the derivatives of flux linkages with respect to the current, and the values of the flux linkages at different angles and currents were obtained with the commercially available finite element method (FEM) program. Since we presume the speed of the motor to be constant, the following equation can be written (21): dtvL^^ di d t dtp (21). By substituting the time derivative of the flux linkages in (1), (2) and (3) with (21) and by adding the time derivative of the capacitor voltages (18), (19), we get (22): Rn + R2 0 0 k C 0 n. - _ 0 - 1 0 - 1 8 12 c 8 22 C ^54 0 0 - R, R. 0 R.'gn R . -ga ' di dV , d^ di di d\|/ 3 + di di d V 4 du cl di di 0 d"c2 0 di . (22). ~&t di d'c4 di di dw„, di R, K 4 0 0 ¿34 0 0 ¿44 0 0 0 -K ■Sn "I ■8n Rz-k1 0 -Rc K •£21 -K ■822 + R, 0 R3 0 -1 0 0 0 «4 0 -1 *■ 1 0 -ilL 8]2 C c c C h. 0 1 8 21 821 c c C c U-^-co dt dy3 di dy4 di 0 0 ■CO (23). Eq. (23) represents the model of the system in the standard form of the state space formulation. At each time step the values of the inductances, the resistances and the flux linkages derivatives with respect to the angle are updated according to the angle (brush position) and main current /a. Since the flux linkages, but not their derivatives, were obtained with FEM, the table of the flux linkages derivatives with respect to the angle were calculated from the table of the flux linkages before the solution to the system (23) was initiated. The system is solved by time stepping numerical integration. 3. FEM computed inductances and flux linkages and their dependence on the commutation A large number of the finite element magnetostatic iterations had to be calculated to obtain the complete incremental inductance matrix and the flux linkage vector, since they depend on the current and the angle. They must be calculated at each angle and current step throughout all the currents values involved. The inductance computation method used by the commercially available FEM program /7/ is based on Gyimesi and Ostergaard /8/. The method uses incremental energy, which is calculated around the working point, when the currents are incremented. In Eq. (23) there are three currents; main current /a, and two commutating currents, /c3 and ic4- The inductance matrix and the flux linkage vector are dependent on all the three currents. The FEM magnetostatic solution should be calculated at each combination of these currents, which leads to an unmanageable number of calculations. Jet, since main current ia has the greatest influence on iron saturation, it is presumed that commutation currents do not considerably change the inductance values. A number 46 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 of test calculations was made, using the following two commutation current forms: 1. the linear commutation, using the linear commutation current from -/a to /a and the length of the commutation equals to the whole brush width; 2. the 50% overcompensated linear commutation, using also the linear commutation current from ~/a to is but shortening the length of the commutation by 50%. The results of these calculations with respect to the angle and at an unchanged value of the main current can be seen in Fig. 4. The maximum difference between the inductances is 5%, which is considered acceptable for further use. The difference is due to the slightly lower saturation at 50% overcompensated linear commutation. A database table is created at each angle and current step. It consists of an inductance matrix and flux linkage entries. As the integration of Eq. (23) is progressing, the values in the table are interpolated from the nearest values of angles and currents in the table. 10 - Laa 50% overcompensated linear commutation - Laa linear commutation - L44 50% overcompensated linear commutation — L44 linear commutation 0,1 • 0,09 0.08 ■ 0,07 0,06 0,05 . 0.04 ' 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 o o o o lo T in o o -tf t- y- 10 »- r> rj- — ot [d«9] Figure 7: The brush - commutator bars contact resistances. Here /AfUn represents the full commutator bar-brush contact area and /4(a) commutator bar-brush contact area on instantaneous commutator position. The contact resistance equations are written for all the three commutator bars with regard the commutator position. At the initial and final commutator positions, two bars only are covered by the brush and one contact resistance has an infinite value replaced by a large finite value. The calculated resistances are shown in Fig. 7. 4.3. The arc model When the commutator bar Is leaving the brush, the conducting area A=Ai draws near to zero and the contact resistance becomes infinite. The current density increases and causes vaporization of the surface material and formation of the electric arc. The conditions for the arc formation were thoroughly examined by Holm et al/9/ who measured U-l characteristics of the arc. The voltage at which the arc Is formed (l/m) depends on the cathode material of the separating contacts, whereas the current at which the arc extinguishes (/m) at the latest depends on the anode material. According to /9/, different authors have measured different values of /m and Um. In Table 1 these values for carbon and copper can be seen. In our case, the source voltage Is the AC voltage. So in one brush-commutator bar contact the cathode in one half of the AC cycle is copper and in the other half is carbon. At the other brush-commutator bar contact this is just the opposite. Average value for I'm and /m, measured by Holm, are then used. They are 16.5V and 0.22A, respectively. These values were confirmed by our measurements on a motor equipped with an additional brush, closely following one of the main brushes. The voltage was measured over both brushes. In the system described by Eq. (23), the arc characteristic is Implemented by changing the value of Rc 1, that Is the contact resistance of the first commutator bar and the brush. When the contact voltage on the trailing edge of the brush reaches Um, the arc is assumed to ignite and an apparent contact resistance Is calculated by maintaining the arc voltage drop. This model is valid as long as the commutator bar is under the brush and the distance between them is constant. This distance is the thickness of the commutator film and other deposits. When the commutator bar leaves the brush, the contact voltage Is no longer constant. It increases with the distance from the commutator bar. In this case, the arc U/l characteristic from /9/ is applied. The arc extinguishes when the arc current falls below a certain value derived from the U/l characteristics of the arc and of the load. The minimal arc current is larger than /m. In our case this is 0.22A. Under normal operating conditions of the universal motor, arcs underthe brush appear very often. They affect the brush visibly; a blackened charred layer or a belt develops on the brush. A photography of such layer Is shown in Fig. 8. The contact resistance of the charred layer is about fifty times larger than the normal brush-bar contact resistance. This contact resistance is of no importance if the arc has already been ignited. It is important forthe formation of the arc. If the charred layer Is already formed, the contact resistance reaches the value at which, as a result of other conditions, the arc occurs. This happens at a lower angle compared to the clean brush. This means that the charred layer itself grows In the direction opposite to rotation. The growing of the charred layer stops when the system reaches equilibrium. Table 1: \m and Um for carbon and copper, measured by different authors 4 [A] um m Material Ives Finie Holm Ives Gaulrapp Fink Holm C 0.02 0.01 15.5 20 Qi 1.15 0.43 12.5 8.5 13 48 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 Figure 8: Photography of a brush with a charred layer. In the model, instead of one contact resistance flci we have two contact resistances, i. e. the resistance of the clean brush and the resistance of the charred layer with a variable width as it is depicted on Fig. 9. cr: j bar ~j j bar I «de Rc1o brush Figure 9: Change in the contact resistance Rc 1 due to the charred layer on the brush. Fig. 10 shows the contact resistance Rc 1 which includes the increased resistance of the charred layer. Contact resistance Rci Í /' — Rc1 no charred layer —~Rc l with a chaired layer ......Rclo .......Rc1c / J ......... 0 1.6353 3,2726 4,3089 6.5452 3.1815 9,8173 11.4541 @ (5; brush brush bar IV brush brush bar V In some commutator positions, two sequential coils com-mutate and affect each other. For example, when the bar III enters the brush, the direction of the current /a changes. It begins to decrease despite having no direct contact with the bar III. This happens because of the mutual inductance of the coils a and b. The opposite happens when the bar I enters the charred layer; the arc develops and rapidly changes la and also /b - the commutation of lb is slowed down. It is seen, that the commutation of one coil current worsens the commutation of the other. But if the arc develops, the other coil dissipates the energy of the arc because of the mutual inductance between these coils. As the arc develops in the charred layer, the arc current decreases quickly. When it drops bellow the limit value, the arc extinguishes. In our case this happened just before the bar II left the brush. i 2 3 4 \ dwrredtovtx N MM>|> \ ; = \ i= 5 10 , 15 : ':■) ij/ s"js" * /^À/ I. : '........; -- angle [■) Figure 13: The simulated commutation currents without the capacitors. « o angle [') Figure 12: The five important commutator positions. Fig. 13 shows the simulated commutating current. The charred layer width was calculated to be 1°. This is the width of 0.2mm on the brush. This means there was the arc under the brush with the constant voltage. The current fell below /m when the commutator bar left the brush, so there was no arc in the air gap between the trailing edge of the brush and the leaving bar. In Fig. 13, two identical sequential calculations are shown thus presenting one complete commutation (current /b). Figure 14: The measured commutation currents without the capacitors. Let us now examine the comparable measurements. The measurements results are shown in Fig. 14. The measured commutating current has the same form as the calculated one. At the beginning of the commutation of the current lb - the point 1 - the simulated current commutated faster than the measured current. The effect of arcing of the previous current can clearly be seen on the simulated and on the measured current. The largest difference between these two currents happens from the points 3 and 50 B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 4, where the next current lc starts to commutate. The current [b at simulation starts to increase rapidly, at measurement this increase of the current is not so steep. The current difference, which dissipates the energy through arcing is therefore larger at simulation. The length of the charred layer is 0.8° in both cases. It is clearly shown, that arcing under the brush did occur, when a commutator without integrated capacitors was used. 7. The simulation and the verification results using the commutator with the integrated capacitors The integration of the capacitors in the commutator is seen in Fig. 15. The multilayer ceramic capacitors, manufactured as surface mounted chips, were used. The dimensions of capacitors were 2.0x1.25x1.2mm. The cross-section of such capacitor is seen in Fig. 16. The ceramic dielectric used was the stable 2R1. This material is made of ceramic materials, which are ferroelectric, principally barium titan-ate. The capacitors of the ferroelectric types have a nonlinear temperature characteristics, the capacitance and tand are effected by temperature, voltage and frequency. The material 2R1 was used because It has the best compromise between capacitance per volume unit and temperature and voltage stability. There is not much space in the commutator, so the size of the capacitor is critical. The above mentioned dimensions are maximal, which can be used in the given commutator. The maximal capacitance of capacitor with dimensions 2.0x1.25x1.2mm, using the 2R1 dielectric, is 1 )J,F and its withstand voltage is 100V. The capacitors were integrated into the commutator because of large centrifugal forces which are present at the rotational speed up to 50,000 rpm. As it is seen in Fig. 15, the capacitors were firmly soldered into the circular groove at the top of the commutator. The groove was then filled with a clear plastic glue, which furtherfixed the capacitors into the groove and also prevented any debris from the brush to make any additional unwanted contacts. The capacitors in the commutator work in a very harsh environment. As it was stated above, it is exposed to large centrifugal forces. The temperatures on the commutator surface reach the values of 110°C - 120°C. On the inside of the commutator the temperatures are lower by 10°C -20°C. So the ceramic material must not loose its dielectric capability because of temperatures around 100°C. The voltage of the capacitor must not exceed the nominal voltage of the capacitor, and it also must not reach too high value to cause additional arcing. The theoretical maximal capacitor voltage can be estimated using the magnetic and electrical energy equations. In Eq. (16) it is presumed, that all the magnetic energy, stored in the commu-tating winding at the angle, where the commutator bar leaves the brush, changes into the electrical energy of the capacitor. Li3-(Mj _C-(UCmJ (26), where: A/ = 1A Ccmax= 16,5V L33 = 240 |iH the current difference, maximal allowed capacitor voltage to avoid arcing, inductance of the commutating winding. □ The value of the required capacitance can be calculated using the Eq. (27), which is derived form (26): commutator \ ceramic capacitor Figure 15: The integration of the capacitors in the commutator. Termination Ceramlc-dlolectrfc Solderlnglayer-tfn Oiffuslonbarrlar-nlckel sae layer - sllvar or copper Mafal layar» Figure 16: The cross-section of the used ceramic capacitors. C = U r a- ^ A x Ur : 918 nF (27). With this capacitance the capacitor voltage will not exceed the arcing limit Um= 16,5V at the given working point. It must be emphasized, that the inductance L33 is dependent both on the main current and on the angle of rotation - this mean the position of the rotor. The current difference A/ depends on the behavior of the whole system. So this calculation is valid only for the estimation of the required capacitance for the working point. The capacitors which were used in the simulation and in the measurement had the capacitance C= 1 |aF, which leaves us slight safety margin. The capacitors nominal voltage is 100V. The simulation results are seen in Fig. 17. To avoid confusion only one commutating current is shown. The current has first oscillation at the position 2, which is the conse- 51 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 B. Benedlclc, F. Pavlovcic, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors quence of the previous commutation. From the position 3 to 4 the current starts to increase, because at the position 3 the next winding starts to commutate. The same effect can be seen in Fig. 13, where the commutation without capacitors is shown. When the commutator bar reaches the end of the brush at the position 4, the current starts to flow into the capacitor. This Is the beginning of LC oscillations, which are damped because of the winding resistance R3 and because of the damping resistance Rc. At the angle 45°, the oscillations have not yet ceased. In Fig. 18 the simulated capacitor voltage is shown. Only the second part of the simulation is shown - the rotor positions 3, 4 and 5. At the position 4 the commutator bar is leaving the brush and at that angle the energy starts to flow from inductance into capacitor. Therefore the capac-itorvoltage increases. The maximal capacitorvoltage reaches the value of 17V, which is slightly above the estimated value. But this voltage is can cause arcs, if it is present at position 4, where the commutator bar is still close to the brush. When the bar - brush distance increases, the voltage, necessary for arcing, increases as well. At the angle 32°, where the capacitor voltage is maximal, the distance of the brush from the bar is 3°, which is 0,65mm. According to /10/ at that distance the required arcing voltage is around 35V. The capacitor voltage has not reached this value at which arcing could occur. So the rightly chosen capacitors prevent arcing. •I....... £ 0 -o.s ! 5 Figure 19: angle [ J The measured commutation currents with the integrated capacitors C=1j.iF. The measurements were made on another test motor with the same construction as in Fig. 11, but with capacitors integrated in the commutator. The measured results are in Fig. 19. The current difference at the position 4, where the commutator bar is leaving the brush, is smaller than in the simulation, so the oscillation afterwards have smaller amplitude. The oscillation at the position 2 are smaller as well. This is because the commutation of the previous coil has smaller oscillations and the effect on the observed commutation also diminishes. Measurements show that there is no arcing. Quality of the commutation has direct effect on the lifetime of the universal motor. Arcing causes migration of material on the brush-commutator contact, specially the brush material. The brush material losses are divided to loses due to the mechanical causes- friction and vibration - and to the losses due to electrical one - arcing. It was proven in this work, that to prevent arcing the integrated capacitors have to be used. Because of that, the tested actual lifetime of the motors with integrated capacitors increases by 25% to 30%. 5. Conclusions Figure 17: The simulated commutation currents with the integrated capacitors C^ljiF. angle n Figure 18: The simulated capacitor voltage. 52 The method for the analysis of the commutation current and arcing of the high-speed universal motor with the integrated capacitors built in the commutator is presented in this paper. The analysis is done by the mathematical model. The model consists of the circuit elements obtained with the finite element method. These elements are inductances, flux linkages and internal brush resistances. The actual brush - commutator segment overlapping of 1.8 is used. The contact resistances are thoroughly examined and the arc model is implemented. The effect of the charred layer on the brush is considered as the increased contact resistance. The charred layer is caused by the arc under the brush. As the charred layer contact resistance is very high, it actually helps commutation. Because of this layer the commutation ends before the commutator bar leaves the brush and no arc develops In the air gap at the trailing edge of the brush. But still, there is the arc underthe brush, B. Benedičič, F. Pavlovčič, J. Nastran, J. Rejec: A Commutator with Integrated Capacitors Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 43-53 and the brush wears down more rapidly than it would in absence of the arc. The method for the estimation of the required integrated capacitance is presented too. The criterion for the capacitance choice was the capacitor voltage which must not exceed the value, at which arc is formed. The commutation currents with and without the capacitors are compared. It is shown, that without the capacitors arcing under the brush occurs. When capacitors are added to the commutation circuit, no more arcs occur, and the lifetime of the motor is extended by 25-30%. The calculated commutation currents are also compared with the measured ones. The measurements were made on special test motors with the slip rings. The results of the calculation are found satisfactory. With the appropriate machinery the integration of capacitors into the commutator is possible in the serial production. The cost of such an enhanced commutator in not too high and it is estimated that for high performance universal motors that kind of commutator is going to be used. 6. References /1/ J. S. Ewing, B. R. Patel: Contribution to Commutation Analysis. IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, January 1972, pp1663-1668. /2/ R. Schroder, K. Oberretl: Neues Verfahren zur Berechnung der Kommutierung von Gleichstrommaschinen unter Beruck-sichtigung der Burstenubergangswlderstande. Archivfur Elec-trotechnik, No.73, Springer Verlag 1990, 69-79 /3/ T. Matsuda, T. Morlyama, N. Konda, Y. Suzuki, Y. Hashimoto: Method tor Analysing the Commutation in Small Universal Motors. IEE Proc.-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 142, No. 2, March 1995 /4/ R. H. Wang, R. T. Walter: Modeling of Universal Motor Performance and Brush Commutation Using Finite Element Computed Inductance and Resistance Matrices. IEEE Trans. On Energy Converion, vol. 15, No.3, September 2000 /5/ R. H. Wang, R. T. Walter: Computer Aided Simulation of Performance and Brush Commutation for Universal Motor with Two Coils per Armature Slot. Intern. Cont. On Electric Machines and Drives IEMD '99 /6/ T. W. Nehl, F. A. Fouad, N. A. Demerdash: Determination of Saturated Values of Rotating Machinery Incremental and Apparent Inductances by an Energy Perturbation Method. IEEE Trans. On Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, No.12, December 1982 /7/ Erie I. Shobert, II: Carbon Brushes, Chemical Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1965 /8/ Ansys 6.0: ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference, 2001 /9/ Gyimesi, Miklos and Ostergaard, Dale: Inductance Computation by Incremental Finite Element Analysis, CEFC 98, Tucson, Arizona (1998) /10/ R. Holm: Electric Contacts, Theory and Application, 4th Edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York(1979) /11/ F. Pavlovclc, J. Nastran: Reducing EMI of commutator motors by optimizing brush-to-segment width ratio. Inf. MIDEM, 2002, Vol.32, No.3, pp. 189-193. Boris Benedičič, M.Sc. R&D Department Dome! d.d. Otoki 21, 4228 Železniki boris.benedicic@domel. si Dr. France Pavlovčič Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Ministry of environment, spatial planning and energy Vojkova 1b, 1000 Ljubljana france.paviovcic@gov.si Prof. dr. Janez Nastran Faculty for Electrical Engineering University in Ljubljana Tržaška 25, 1001 Ljubljana janez.nastran@fe.uni-lj.si Jožica Rejec, M. Sc. R&D Department Dome! d.d. Otoki 21, 4228 Železniki boris.benedicic@domel.si Prispelo (Arrived): 31.10.2003 Sprejeto (Accepted): 25.02.2004 53 UDK621,3:(53 + 54+621 +66), ISSN0352-9045 Informacije MIDEM 33(2003)4, Ljubljana MERILNI SISTEM SPEKTRALNEGA ANALIZATORJA S FIKSNO NAMEŠČENIMI FOTOPOMNOŽEVALKAMI Iztok Kramberger, Mitja Šolar Fakulteta za elektrotehniko računalništvo in informatiko, Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor, Slovenija Kjučne besede: atomska spektroskopija, monokromator, analogno-digitalni pretvornik, optične komunikacije, mikrokrmiinik, programirna logična vezja, USB vodilo Izvleček: Predstavljena je sodobna zasnova merilnega sistema analizatorja ultravijoličnega svetlobnega spektra. Merilni sistem je predstavljen za spektralni analizator z 64 fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami. Pri tem smo: - razvili, za krmiljenje visoke napetosti na fotopomnoževalkah, vezje z digitalnimi potenciometri in tokovno-napetostnimi pretvorniki, - uporabili smo optične vodnike med posameznimi stopnjami ter USB povezavo z osebnim računalnikom, - uporabili programirna logična vezja in mikrokrmllnike v posameznih delih merilnega sistema. Posebno skrb smo namenili nadzoru delovanja sistema in avtokallbraciji. Tako zasnovan merilni sistem je primeren za avtomatizirano meritev svetlobnega spektra z možnostjo dodatne obdelave izmerjenih vrednosti s programskimi orodji na osebnem računalniku. Dodana je možnost nadzora spektralnega analizatorja preko spleta. The Spectral Analyzer Measurement System with Fix Placed Photomultiplier Tubes Key words: spectrometer, atomic spectroscopy, monochromator, analog-to-digital converter, optical communication, microcontroller, programmable logic devices, USB bus, plug&play Abstract: Design and implementation of 64-channel spectral analyzer measurement system for ultraviolet spectrum of light is presented. The basic idea was to build a versatile measurement system for spectral analyze in atomic spectroscopy employment using of up-to-date digital and communication solutions. A basic structure and schematic drawing of an atomic spectral analyzer with 64-photomultipllers is presented in Figure 1 and 2. Figure 3 shows a monochromator. The first step in the spectral measurement system an attenuator system with high-voltage power supply system and attenuator module is presented. The next step is analog-to-digital measurement module with an analog-to-digital input module and system controller module. Analogue current-to-voltage converter, voltage-to-frequency converter and frequency-to-digital converter are in the structure of input analog-to-digital module. Figures 7, 8 and 9 present individual converters. All of 64-channels are connected to two digital measurement modules with 32-channels per module. The digital modules are connected to the system controller. The system controller is presented with a block diagram on Figure 10 and contains a microcontroller ATmegal 03. Its serial and parallel ports are used for communication with digital module, LCD bus, LCD display and USB bus for communication with a personal computer. At the same time, the ATmegal 03 is connected to a temperature and vacuum sensor with analogue inputs, to FLASH memory programmer with SPI bus and with a serial bus UART to an attenuator module. The high-voltage module and analog-to-digital module are isolated with fibre-optic communication from system controller and attenuator module. Four fibre-optic lines are used from analog-to-digital module to digital module. Measurement acquisition is carried out in two steps. The first step is the initialization of all system modules. In the attenuator system, the high-voltage for power supply of photomultiplier tubes are set to the initialization state. All digital counters in digital modules are set to the reset state. High-voltage on photomultiplier tubes and reset of digital counter on the digital module is set. Measurement value in the second step is acquired. For increasing reliability of measurement system an auto calibration function in both steps of measurement acquisition is used. In Figure 13, the schematic drawing of multilevel model for communication between user and measurement system is showed. The user can use the system methods and objects. They are represented in Tables 1 and 2. In the results, transfer function and error function of analog-to-digital module, analog-to-digital and digital module together, transfer function of vacuum and temperature sensor and transducer, transfer function of high-voltage regulator, current limiting characteristic of high voltage regulator and transfer function of attenuator module are presented. 1 Uvod Spektrometri so selektivni instrumenti grajeni za analiziranje posameznega področja elektromagnetnih valov. Spektroskopija se uporablja na primer za analize materialov, ki jih ne smemo uničiti (dragocene slike), materialov, ki niso dostopni (zdravila v zaprtih stekleničkah), pri analizi preveč oddaljenih objektov (raziskovanje zvezd) in podobno. Pri tem se spektroskopija ne omeji samo na vidno svetlobo ampak zajame elektromagnetna valovanja širše, kot so rentgenski žarki, ultravijolična in infrardeča svetloba. Eno od področji spektralne analize je atomska spektroskopija, ki raziskuje zgradbo snovi. Po načinu delovanja ločimo atomsko: - emisijo, - absorbcijo in - fluorescenco. Pri atomski emisiji analiziramo vir svetlobe (plamen). Pri atomski absorbc-iji se del svetlobe iz širokopasovnega vira absorbira v plamenu in opazujemo neabsorbirane komponente svetlobe. Pri atomski fluorescenci pa se pod vplivom dodatnega vira pojavijo v plamenu posamezne stimulirane komponente svetobe. Predstavili bomo merilni sistem spektrometra za analizo ultravijolične svetlobe, ki je uporaben za vse tri načine delovanja /1,2,3/. 54 I. Kramberger, M. Šolar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 54-61 2 Zgradba atomskega spektrometra Atomski spektrometer ima: virsvetlobe na vhodu, monokro-mator z uklonsko mrežico ali prizmo /2,6/ za razdelitev spektra na komponente, fotopomnoževalne vakuumske elektronke in merilni sistem. Merilni sistem /1,13,16/ vsebuje: vhodne ojačevalnike, analogno-digitalne pretvornike, mikrokrmilnike in komunikacijska vezja za povezavo z osebnim računalnikom. monokromator fotopomnoževaika Amiil > \ \ ' \ \ ukionska mrežica \ \ \ \ A \ \ Xmwi \ \ A/D i»K PC Slika 1. Figure 1. ojsčavatnlk A/D pretvornik mikroknnllnik osebni računalnik Splošna zgradba atomskega spektralnega analizatorja. Basic structure of an atomic spectral analyzer. Sistemski krmilnik [•<-{ Napajalnik (+5V)j 3 T TZ™ T» Glavni program v mikrokrmilniku ob sprejetem pravilnem ukazu izvede nastavitev želenih vrednosti napajalnih napetosti fotopomnoževalk. Ob sprejetju nerazumljivega ukaza ali ob nepravilnih parametrih ukaza krmilnik atenuatorjev o napaki obvesti sistemski krmilnik, ki glede na tip napake ustrezno reagira. Slika 4. Atenuatorski sistem. Figure 4. The attenuator system. Atenuatorski sistem napaja 64 fotopomnoževalk In je sestavljen iz: visokonapetostnega napajalnika, krmilnika atenuatorjev in osmih atenuatorskih modulov z osmimi izhodi. 2.3.1 Visokonapetostni napajalnik Nspajslni koaksialni vrjdmki ictopomnor'eivrilk :8piljaH: J iS le Im niki !otof mu je i i NAPETOSTNI REGULATOR TRANSFORMATOR > K— USMERNIK GlAOll.NI ČL.EN STABILIZATOR .....W..... . .. -o- ÖREME Slika 5. Figure 5. Napajalnik. Power supply system. Omrežna napetost je priključena na transformator, ki ima na sekundarni strani navitji z napetostjo 200V in 400V /7/. Iz napetosti 200V je z napetostnim regulatorjem HIP5600 /5/ dobljena napetost -85V za napajanje anod fotopomnoževalk. Posamezna anoda je vezana preko upora velikosti 10k£2 na Millerjev integrator. Le-tega odlikuje velika linearnost. Iz 400 V izmenične napetosti dobimo iz dvovalnega množilnika enosmerno napetost velikosti 1074V, ki jo visokonapetostni stabilizator zmanjša na 1015V. Stabilizirana napetost 1015 V je potrebna za napajanje dlnod fotopomnoževalk. Napetostni stabilizator napetosti s tokovno zaščito je narejen z diskretnimi elementi in zagotovi ustrezno napetost za breme z upornostjo do 19,1 k£2. 2.3.2 Atenuatorski modul Blokovna shema atenuatorskega sistema je podana na sliki 6. Izbira velikosti napajalne napetosti je izvedena s krmilnikom atenuatorjev /8/. Za vsako od 64 fotopomnoževalk je izvedena ločena krmilna stopnja z digitalno spremenljivimi upori DS1267 /9/. V enem digitalno spremenljivem uporu sta dva osem-bitna uporovna delilnika, s katerimi nastavljamo referenčno napetost za napajanji dveh fotopomnoževalk. Za krmilnik atenuatorjev je uporabljen Atmelov RISC mikrokrmilnik AT90S8515 v CMOS tehnologiji. V mikrokrmilniku vgrajen asinhron zaporedni vmesnik je uporabljen za komunikacijo s sistemskim krmilnikom. Povezava s sistemskim krmilnikom je izvedena po dveh optičnih vodnikih. ippp^i fnpfmfä y.'r 'ri.'.l : ■spiikaloii Slika 6. Blokovna shema atenuatorskega modula. Figure 6. Block diagram of the attenuator modul. Iz krmilnika atenuatorjev se željena digitalna vrednost zaporedno vpiše v register digitalnega uporovnega delilnika. Z nastavljeno upornostjo izbiramo napetost na vhodu na-petostno-tokovnega pretvornika. Napetostno-tokovni pretvornik je Izveden z operacijskim ojačevalnikom in visokonapetostnim tranzistorjem BUX85. Na visokonapetostnem uporovnem delllniku dobimo napajalne napetosti za posamezne dinode fotopomnoževalke /1,7/. 2.4 Analogno-digitalni merilni modul Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja je zgrajen Iz: a) štirih vhodnih modulov z: 16 analognimi vhodi, ana-logno-digltalnimi pretvorniki izvedenimi z napetostno-frekvenčnimi pretvorniki, vezjem za združevanje in Izbiranje kanalov (multlplekser); b) dveh digitalnih merilnih modulov z 32 kanali In c) modula sistemskega krmilnika. Analogni vhod vsebuje tokovno-napetostnl pretvornik/23/ s prenosno funkcijo opisano z enačbo: U = - kin • U, kjer je kin = R2 + Rs = 2 ■ 10' vhodnih tokov je od 0 do močje pretvornika pa od 0 do -5|xA in izhodno UjZh od 0 V do +10 V. 6 /£1/. Pričakovano območje 2,5 |iA, celotno vhodno ob- Izbran operacijski ojačevalnik TL072 ima visoko vhodno upornost (JFET tranzistorji), nizek šum, majhna mirovna vhodna tokova in vhodni ničelni tok. Napetostno-frekvenčni pretvornik je izveden z Integriranim vezjem LM331 /20/. Prenosna funkcija napetostno-frekvenčnega (U/f) pretvornika je podana v izrazu: f = kUfU = 20(kHz/V)UjZh. Za območje vhodnih napetosti od 0 do 56 I. Kramberger, M. Solar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 54-61 VHODNI TOK lvh R1 VHODNA NAPETOST ( Uvh ) 10K Slika 7. Figure 7. Tokovno-napetostni pretvornik. The current-to-voltage converter. 10V je območje izhodnih frekvenec je od 0 do 200kHz. V primeru, ko bo vhodni tok v tokovno-napetostni pretvornik večji od -2,5(iA, bo UiZ>5V in bo izhodna frekvenca večja od 100 kHz. Slika 8. Napetostno-frekvenčni pretvornik. Figure 8. The voltage-to-frequency converter. Tako je za povezavo med vhodnim modulom in sistemskim krmilnikom dovolj povezava s tremi optičnimi vodniki za vsakih 16 kanalov. Uporabljeni soThoshibini digitalni optični povezovalni moduli TORX173 /18/ in TOTX173 /19/. Celotni 16-kanalni združevalnik in ¡zbiralnik je izveden v programirljivem logičnem vezju Lattice ipsLSI1016 /17/. 2.5 Digitalni merilni modul Dva digitalna merilna modula, z 32 merilnimi kanali na modul, sprejemata merilne signale iz štirih analognih merilnih modulov. Digitalni merilni modul ima dve programirljivi polji logičnih vrat AT40K20LV/21/z 2x 16 = 32 merilnimi kanali. V statični RAM vezja AT40K20LV se ob vklopu vpiše konfiguracijska nastavitev iz EEPROM pomnilnika AT17LV512 /22/. V AT40K20LV vezjih se najprej izvrši razdruževanje sprejetih signalov na posamezne kanale, nato pa se preveri za vsak kanal prekoračitev zgornje meje toka iz fotopomnoževalke -2,5^A. Ker se signal v analog-no-digitalnem modulu vzorči s frekvenco 200kHz, bo ob nastopu največje vrednosti vhodnega toka -2, 5jiA na izhodu prisoten impulz v vsakem drugem okviru 16-bitne besede. V primeru večjega toka od -2,5\xA se bo impulz pojavil v vsakem podatkovnem okvirju. V tem primeru se izmerjena vrednost izloči. V naslednji meritvi se zmanjša napajalno napetost fotopomno-ževalke in s tem njeno tokovno ojačen-je. Po izbranem časovnem intervalu 10s predstavlja vsebina števca vsoto merjenih vhodnih impulzov, ki je pre-mosorazmerna z vhodnim tokom. Pri -2,5)iA toka dobimo: (1 impulz/10|j.s)x1 Os = 106 impulzov. Impulze prešte-je 20-bitni števec (220=1048576). Vrednost 20-bitnega števca za posamezni kanal se poveča s pozitivno fronto prenešenega impulza. Da bi zmanjšali število povezav med posameznimi kanali in sistemskim krmilnikom, je na vhodnem modulu dodano vezje za združevanje in izbiranje kanalov. To vezje zajema hkrati vrednosti iz izhodov 16 Ll/f pretvornikov v taktu CLK1 vvzporedno-zaporedni register. Med dvema impulzoma za zajem pa drugi del vezja sinhrono z uro CLOCK zaporedno odda na treh linijah: signal ure za sinhronizacijo CLK1, 16-bitne podatke posameznega kanala in okno FRAME oziroma okvir, v katerem so poslani podatki posameznega kanala (slika 9). T-3145nfc f-3,2MHz T=5ms; l~-200kl Iz t(HS) T-Sns; f—200kHz Hl-is) Slika 9. Signali FRAME in CLOCK. Figure 9. The signals FRAME and CLOCK. •MMtimSKSOfi; I; VHOtfCOA :?<>}•;«•; iigmli funkpi ¡KitYO *0Y EKC" (ii ¿TEVfii- • '•tea'Ssit iSM: : s+io4tu lijmk RESET i ii d9l«ite!rk«rtu6(A71ifi inti^ri-an^i vsiji Aw d ¡A6) vlioiins liynaU READin CS Slika 10. Digitalni merilni modul. Figure 10. The digital measurement modul. Naslovne linije AO do A5 so uporabljene za dekodiranje kanalov, A6 za naslavljanje posameznega integriranega vezja FPGA, A7 pa za naslavljanje digitalnega merilnega modula. CSO do CS31 so interne naslovne linije po dve na kanal, ker je vodilo 16-bitno in sta potrebni po dve 16-bitni besedi za 20-bitni rezultat. Z CS32 je naslovljen vektor prekoračitve. 57 I. Kramberger, M. Šolar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 54-61 fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami 2.6 Sistemski krmilnik Sistemski krmilnik s svojim programom povezuje implementirane module spektralnega analizatorja v funkcionalno celoto. LCD prikazovdnik (tekstovni način) katere od optičnih povezav ugasne ustrezna svetleča LED dioda. V času razvoja je možno vpisati vsebine v integrirana vezja iz osebnega računalnika. S tem je odpravljeno zamudno izvajanje programiranja raznih tipov ROM pomnilnikov. Ob tem je enostavno preizkušanje logičnih sklopov celotnega logičnega vezja na izvedenih modulih. MjkroRrrniifiifc. ¿m, ROM !Ä'r*aio:gtH vmesniki ■ i , eepromi vmesnik]; Serijska povezava s kimikiikcKTi tUenualwjbv (RX. TX: optična vodnika) Osebni računalnik (USB vodilo) DigitaJr« mtsilna modula (podatkovno in naslovno vodilo (er krmilni signali) Temperaturni in vakuumski P rog rame* or FLASH setuoi- {analoyiw povezava) piogramskeya pomnilnika Slika 11. Blokovna shema sistemskega krmilnika. Figure 11. Block diagram of the system controller. Povezave sistemskega krmilnika z drugimi moduli so izvedene z optičnimi vodniki. To so: povezava s krmilnikom delilnikov, s katerim nastavljamo napajalno napetost za fotopomnoževalke, povezave z digitalnima merilnima moduloma, s katerih dobi izmerjene vrednosti tokov, povezava s senzorjem za merjenje temperature in vakuuma v monokromatorju, zaporedni vmesnik SPI uporabljen za programiranje programskega FLASH pomnilnika in že omenjena povezava z USB vodilom z osebnim računalnikom. Sistemski krmilnik je 8-bitni mikrokrmilnik ATMega103 /14/ z RISC arhitekturo. Vsebuje programski in podatkovni pomnilnik ter večino vhodno-izhodnih vmesnikov, ki so potrebni za izvedbo sistemskega krmilnika. Za povezavo med sistemskim krmilnikom in USB vodilom je uporabljeno integrirano vezje PDIUSB12 /15/. Na sistemski krmilnik je priključen LCD prikazovalnik s tekstovnim zapisom. Le-ta je zelo uporaben pri razvijanju naprave, saj omogoča sprotno izpisovanje kontrolnih vrednosti sistemskega krmilnika. Ob nastopu napak pri prenosih lahko spremljamo vrednosti in kontroliramo stanje povezav. Sistemski krmilnik dostopa do števcev digitalnega merilnega modula preko 16-bitnega podatkovnega vodila. Za naslavljanje števcev je uporabljeno osem naslovnih linij in krmilna signala za izbiro integriranega vezja CS in signal za branje oziroma vpisovanje R/W. Za krmiljenje meritev sta dodana signala RESET in START/STOP. S signalom RESET se izbrišejo vsebine vseh merilnih števcev in naprava se pripravi za novo meritev. Meritev se začne s krmilnim signalom START v logičnem stanju enice oziroma se po izbranem intervalu konča s signalom STOP v stanju logične ničle. Vsebine števcev se zadržijo do nastopa RESET signala. Za boljši nadzor nad delovanjem merilnega sistema so dodani indikatorji na vseh optičnih povezavah. Ob izpadu 2.6.1 Temperaturni senzor Temperaturni senzor je nameščen na železno ohišje monokromatorja. Specificirani podatki za mono-kromator so podani pri temperaturi 25°C. Dovoljena je sprememba temperature ohišja za ±0,5°C. Uporabljen integriran polprevodniki analogni temperaturni senzor DS699 podjetja Dallas. Pri napajalni napetosti med 2,7V in 5,5V je izhodna napetost senzorja U=6,25(mV/°C) T(°C) '+ 424mV. Območje senzorja je od -40°C do +125°C in je za naše potrebe preširoko. Prilagoditev nivojev med senzorjem in analogno-digitalnem A/D pretvorniku vgrajenem v vezju sistemskega krmilnika ATMega 103 /14/ je izvedeno z napetostnim ojačevalnikom z ojačenjem Au=6. Na vhodu analogno- digitalnega pretvornika dobimo pri T= 10°C napetost 2,919V in pri T=65°C napetost 5V. Pri 10-bitnemA/D pretvorniku z območjem med 0 in 5V je korak 4,89mV. S tem izmerimo temperaturo na 0,13°C, kar je za našo napravo zadostovalo. Temperaturni senzor oziroma izhod ojačevalnika je povezan na prvi analogni vhod sistemskega krmilnika. 2.6.2 Vakuumski senzor Optične poti, ki so podane za predstavljen monokromator, veljajo samo v primeru vakuuma v komori monokromatorja. Vakuum zagotovi vakuumska črpalka, ki neprestano črpa zrak iz komore monokromatorja. V komori monokromatorja je nameščen vakuumski senzor, katerega izhodni signal se ojači in poveže na drugi analogni vhod sistemskega krmilnika. Princip delovanja vakuumskega senzorja je Plranijev /12/. Če postavimo v prostor s plinom električno ogrevan kos žice, je njegova temperatura odvisna od pritiska plina, saj je njegova toplotna prevodnost odvisna od spremembe pritiska plina. Temperaturo žice meri termočlen. I 1 tV=15mA Orokovni generator Simetriöi povezav Asimetrični povezava I Vakuumski senzor Sistemski krmilnik Inslrumenlacijski ojačevalnik Slika 12. Priključitev vakuumskega senzorja na analogni vhod sistemskega krmilnika. Figure 12. Simplified connection diagram of vacuum sensor to analog input of system controller. 58 I. Kramberger, M. Solar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 54-61 Območje napetosti iz senzorja je dano v mejah: za normalni zračni tlak Pi = 101325 Pa jeUi=0,599V in za vakuumsko stanje P2 =101,325 Pa je U2=4,99V. 2.7 Programska oprema Popolno avtomatizacijo merilnega postopka analize svetlobe omogoča programska oprema, ki je nameščena na osebnem računalniku. Osebni računalnik mora imeti vgrajeno USB vodilo za komunikacijo s spektralnim analizatorjem. Programska oprema je izdelana za operacijske sisteme Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT4 in Windows XP v obliki programske komponente tipa ActiveX /10/. Pri razvoju aplikaciji je možno uporabiti različne programske jezike, kot so Visual C++, Visula Basic, Delphi, C++ Bilder in podobni. Uporabnik lahko Izvede vizualizacijo glede na svoje potrebe, možno pa je programsko komponento spektralnega analizatorja uporabljati v že izvedenih aplikacijah, kot na primer v urejevalnikih tabel Microsoft Excel, s pomočjo njihovega skriptnega jezika. Prav tako je možno programsko komponento spektralnega analizatorja uporabiti v Internetu z vizualizacijo na poljubnem računalniku, vezanem na splet. medsebojna Uporabnik povezava Merilni sistem 1 i l Logični komunikacijski tok Slika 13. Prikaz večnivojskega modela komunikacije med uporabnikom in merilnim sistemom. Figure 13. Shematic drawing of multilevel model for communication between user and measurement system. Ob dinamični priključitvi spektralnega analizatorja na osebni računalnik omenjeni operacijski sistemi avtomatično prepoznajo priključeno napravo pri vključitvi na vodilo (po standardu Plug&Play/11/). Programska komponenta spekt64.dll je tipa ActivX in predstavlja dinamično programsko knjižnico, v katero je preslikana funkcionalnost spektralnega analizatorja kot celote. Merilne metode in lastnosti izvedene programske komponente delimo na: sistemske metode in lastnosti, ki omogočajoo izvajanje sistemskih ukazov in z njimi povezanih parametrov namenjenih konfiguraciji sistema, ter uporabniške metode in lastnosti, ki so vezane na merilni postopek spektralne analize svetlobe. Glede na enote delimo sistemske metode In lastnosti: asinhronega zaporednega vmesnika, analogno-digitalnega pretvornika, LCD tekstovnega prikazovalnika, časovnikain digitalnih merilnih modulov. Asinhroni zaporedni vmesnik objekt, Baudrate vrednost objekt. SeriallnterfaceOn objekt. SeriallnterfaceOff objekt. ReadSerialData objekt. WriteSerialData vrednost objekt. BytesReceived Analogno-digitalni pretvornik objekt. ADCSampleFrequency objekt. ADCOn objekt. ADCOff objekt. ADCStartConversion objekt. ADCValue Tekstovni LCD prikazovalnik objekt. LCDOn objekt. LCDOff objekt. LCDShowCursor vrednost Tekstovni LCD prikazovalnik objekt. LCDOn objekt. LCDOff objekt. LCDShowCursor vrednost Tekstovni LCD prikazovalnik objekt. LCDClear vrednost objekt. LCDLocate vrednost objekt. LCDWrite vrednost asovnik objekt. TimerOn objekt. TimerOff objekt. Tiinerlnterval vrednosti, vrcdnost2, vrednost3 objekt. TimerStart Digitalni merilni moduli objekt. ResetChannels objekt. ReadChannels objekt. ReadOver vrednost objekt. Test objekt. TestAttenuators vrednost Tabela 1. Sistemske metode in lastnosti. Table 1. System methods and objects. Uporabniške metode in lastnosti, ki so podane v tabeli 2, se nanašajo na merilni postopek spektralne analize svetlobe. Pri Izvajanju meritve se uporabljajo uporabniške in sistemske metode in lastnosti, ob tem pa se preverja pravilnost delovanja merilnega sistema. Uporabiake metode in lastnosti_ objekt. Attenuator vrednosti, vrednost2 objekt. SaveAttenuators vrednost objekt. UpdateAttenuators objekt. LoadAttenuators vrednost objekt. SetAttenuators_ objekt. Measurelnterval objekt. ResetData objekt. Measure objekt. GetData objekt. GetControl objekt. GetTemperature objekt. GetVacuum_ Tabela 2. Uporabniške metode in lastnosti. Table 2. User methods and objects. 3 Rezultati Delovanje merilnega sistema spektralnega analizatorja smo preizkusili po posameznih sklopih. Analogno-digitalni merilni modul vsebuje tokovno-napetostni in napetostno- 59 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, str. 54-61 I. Kramberger, M. Solar: Merilni sistem spektralnega analizatorja s fiksno nameščenimi fotopomnoževalkami frekvenčni pretvornik. Na vhod dobi tok iz fotopomnoževalk in daje na izhodu impulze s frekvenco od nič do 100 kHz. Za umerjanje modula sta referenčni vrednosti toka na vhodu analogno-digitalnega merilnega modula: - iVh=0, pri tej vrednosti vhodnega toka je frekvenca izhodnega signala pravokotne oblike 4 Slika 3 Dajalnik zasuka RM v brezkontaktni izvedbi Brezkontaktna breztorna zasnova, ki ne vsebuje ležajev, nudi visoko zanesljivost. Pri montaži ni potrebna sklopka med osjo dajalnika in merjencem. Slika 1 Integrirano vezje AM512 in magnet Visoka integracija vezja z vgrajenimi Hallovimi senzorji omogoča kompaktne rešitve merjenja zasuka diametralno polariziranega magneta. Silil»*.. MflnBBjb, 1111111 Slika 2 Primer modularne izvedbe Integrirano vezje AM512 na tiskani ploščici, primerni za vgradnjo. Absolutni dajalniki nudijo do 12-bitno ločljivost (4096 pozicij) s paralelnim ali serijskim podatkovnim izhodom, na voljo pa so tudi inkrementalni (1024 pulzov na obrat), analogni, linearni napetostni ter linearni tokovni izhod. Izvedbo z linearnim napetostnim ali tokovnim izhodom lahko uporabljamo pri aplikacijah, kjer nadomešča tradicionalne uporovne potenciometre (npr. pri komandnih ploščah). Zaradi tako prilagodljive zasnove so novi dajalniki uporabni za širok spekter aplikacij. Uporaba vključuje od področja avtomatizacije, na primer vgradnjo v motorje za namen po-zicioniranja, vgradnjo v pomorske instrumente, nadzor Slika 4 Dajalnik zasuka RE »klasične« zasnove Magnetni dajalniki v primerjavi z optičnimi ne vsebujejo stekla kot nosilca informacije, kar omogoča visoko odpornost na udarce, vibracije in umazanijo. položaja ventilov, črpanje goriva, merjenje nivoja, videon-adzorne kamere, samopostrežne avtomate, do delovnih vozil in medicinske opreme. Glavni distributerji nove palete izdelkov bodo poleg RLS še britansko podjetje Renishaw, nemško podjetje TWK, rusko podjetje SK BIS, italijansko podjetje ELAP, ter ameriški podjetji Encoder Devices in Gurley Precision Instruments. Izdelki bodo na različnih trgih na voljo pod blagovnimi znamkami RLS, Renishaw ali TWK. Nadaljnje informacije v zvezi z novimi magnetnimi dajalniki zasuka so na voljo na spletnih straneh www.rls.si in www.renishaw.com. Kontaktna oseba Sašo Pukšič e-mail: saso.puksic@rls.si tel.: 01 / 52 72 118; fax: 01 / 52 72 129 73 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana POROČILA REPORTS Simpozij o pripravi elektronske keramike Processing of Electroceramics, 31. 8. - 3. 9. 2003, Bled, Slovenija Od enaintridesetega avgusta do tretjega septembra 2003 je na Bledu potekal simpozij o pripravi elektronske keramike Processing of Electroceramics pod pokroviteljstvom tematske mreže Evropske skupnosti POLECER - Polar Electroceramics. Simpozij je organiziral Odsek za elektronsko keramiko Instituta Jožef Stefan s predsednico organizacijskega odbora Marijo Kosec ter sopredsednicami Danjelo Kuščer Hrovatin, Barbaro Malič in Wando W. Wolny (Fer-roperm, Danska). Na simpoziju je sodelovalo 92 udeležencev iz 26 držav-poleg večine evropskih držav tudi iz Japonske in ZDA. K udeležbi na simpoziju smo pritegnili tudi raziskovalce in razvijalce s področij fizike materialov, elektronike in načrtovanja elektronskih elementov, z namenom, da se podrobneje seznanijo s pripravo elektronske keramike. Simpozij seje po nagovorih predsednika Znanstvenega sveta Instituta Jožef Stefan, prof. Roberta Blinca, predsednice simpozija prof. Marije Kosec ter koordinatorke mreže POLECER gospe Wande Wolny začel s sklopom učnih predavanj o merjenju velikosti delcev od nano- do milimetrske velikosti ter o karakterizaciji keramičnih suspenzij (P. Bo-wen, Švica), o oblikovanju in žganju elektronske keramike (J.-M. Haussonne) ter o pripravi elektronske keramike iz raztopin (B. Malič, Slovenija). Dve nadaljnji predavanji sta bili namenjeni pomembnima metodama karakterizacije keramičnih materialov - praškovni difrakciji (A. Meden, Slovenija) in mikrostrukturni analizi ter pregledu mikroskopskih metod (G. Dražič, Slovenija). V sklopu preglednih predavanj je osemnajst raziskovalcev predstavilo tako stanje raziskav kot tudi svoje dosežke na izbranih področjih. P. Bowen, Švica, je predaval o koloidnem procesiranju in problemih, povezanih z delci nan-ometrske velikosti. V vrsti predavanj s področja sinteze iz raztopin je S.-I. Hirano predstavil raziskave hibridnih nan-odelcev oksid/polimer, J.A. Varela sintezo keramičnih materialov iz polimernih prekurzorjev, M. Yoshimura sintezo keramičnih materialov iz raztopin brez dodatne toplotne obdelave, K. Kato in M. L. Calzada pa sta predavali o pripravi keramičnih tankih plasti iz raztopin. Vsklopu predavanj, namenjenih 'klasični' pripravi elektronske keramike je J.-M. Haussonne opisal problematiko mešanja in mletja keramičnih prahov, M. Senna je predstavil mehanokemijsko sintezo elektronske keramike, C. Pithan je predaval o konsolidaciji keramike s pomočjo pritiska, M. Kosec pa o problematiki priprave elektronske keramike na osnovi svinčevih spojin. Oblikovanje keramičnih materialov so predstavili A. Safari s predavanjem o oblikovanju keramičnih struktur z računalniško podporo (SFF- Solid Freeform Fabrication), T. Button je govoril o oblikovanju piezokeramičnih elementov brez izrazitega krčenja med toplotno obdelavo, D. Spom je opisal pripravo piezokeramičnih vlaken, C. Galassi pripravo porozne keramike, D. A. Payne pa pripravo usmerjene keramike. M. Alexe je opisal procesiranje feroelektrikov na nanometrski ravni, L. Golonka pa uporabo LTCC (Low Temperature Cofired Ce-ramic) tehnologije v mikroelektroniki. Simpozij je zaključil P. Gonnard s predavanjem o okoljski problematiki elektronske keramike. Predavanja so objavljena v zborniku Processing of Electroceramics: Conference Notes. V poster sekciji je bilo 64 prispevkov s področij sinteze elektronske keramike v trdnem stanju in sinteze iz raztopin, mehanokemijske sinteze, tankih plasti (debelin do nekaj 100 nm), debelih plasti (do približno 100 mm) in večplastnih struktur, nano-tehnologij in elektronskih elementov. Barbara Malič, Odsek za elektronsko keramiko, Institut Jožef Stefan (povzeto po prispevku v internem glasilu Instituta Jožef Stefan 'Novice', sept. 2003) Semicon Europa - Monakovo, 20.-22. april 2004 Semicon Europa je sklop več dogodkov, ki se odvijajo v tednu dni (19.-24. aprila) pod pokroviteljstvom SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International) organizacije. Najbolj odmevna je seveda razstava, ki je bila letos v dneh od 20.-22. aprila. Tri glavne veje mikroelektronske industrije, ki jih SEMI spremlja že od leta 1970 so materiali, postopki proizvodnje (wafer fabrication) in testiranje skupaj z montažo (assembly) vezij in elementov. Ena od najpomembnejših vlog SEMI organizacije pa je razvoj tehničnih standardov za mikroelektronsko industrijo opreme. Z rastočo ceno razvoja nove opreme in materialov za naslednjo generacijo polprevodniških procesov predstavlja postavljanje globalnih standardov ključno vlogo pri povečevanju izkoristka proizvodnje in dviga kvalitete produktov. Vsakoletna razstava Semicon Europa je bila tudi tokrat na sejemskem prostoru (The New Munich Trade Centre) v Munchnu na Bavarskem. Poleg razstave Semicon West, ki se ponavadi odvija na zahodni obali ZDA in razstave Semicon East, ki pokriva azijski del in se odvija na daljnjem 74 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana vzhodu, je Semicon Europa največja razstava proizvajalcev opreme, materialov in tehnologij, povezanih z mikroe-lektronsko industrijo. Po obsegu je glede na kapacitete sejemskega prostora zasedla le majhen del razstavnih prostorov, vendar ni bila zato nič manj pestra kot ostala leta. Poleg informacij o novitetah, ki so danes dostopne na spletnih straneh, je obisk sejma koristen iz več zornih kotov. Sejem sam po sebi ni namenjen izključno prodajnim menedžerjem in potencialnim kupcem, temveč v veliki meri razvojnim in raziskovalnim ekspertom ter procesnim inženirjem, ki iščejo specifične rešitve in zmožnosti opreme, ki se ponuja na trgu. Nenazadnje je pomemben za vzdrževanje medsebojnih osebnih stikov in novih poznanstev, ki so pogosto odločilnega pomena, navkljub vsej informacijski tehnologiji, ko pride do strateških odločitev o nakupih opreme ali reševanju povsem tehničnih detajlov. Manj znano je, da se že pred, med in po razstavi Semicon odvijajo pomembni in pestri poslovni forumi, tehnični simpoziji in sestanki komisij za SEMI standarde. Posebna srečanja in seminarji so bila letos namenjena tudi aktualnim vprašanjem kot so npr. možnosti poslovanja s Kitajsko, ki danes predstavlja ogromen potencial za nova vlaganja, avtomatizacija in logistiki proizvodnje ter vidikom intelektualne lastnine. Potekalo je tudi 25 srečanj ekspertov iz vodilnih podjetij in posameznih komisij za usklajevanje SEMI standardov, ki določajo prihodnje smernice razvoja. Mednarodni MEMS forum seje letos osredotočil na proizvodne tehnologije in procesno opremo, tehnologije zapiranja MEMS v ohišja ter na izboljšane in nove materiale. MEMS tehnologije predstavljajo danes hitro razvijajočo vejo mikroe-lektronske industrije za potrebe avtomobilskega trga kot tudi čedalje večjega trga telekomunikacij in potrošne elektronike. Poudarek letos je bil predvsem na komercializac-iji MEMS izdelkov. SEMI tehnološki simpozij je bil sestavljen iz niza tehničnih prispevkov, ki so predstavili najpomembnejše tehnične novosti tako na strani proizvajalcev opreme kot tudi uporabnikov iz industrije. Po nekaj letih recesije mikroelektronske industrije in posredno industrije opreme se je trend končno obrnil navzgor. Poudarek je bil na temah kot so tehnologije 3D metalnih Cu povezav in dielektrikov z nizko relativno dielektrično konstanto (lovv-K) za 65 in 45 nm tehnologije z vidika samih procesov in materialov. Realizacija novih materialov in plasti za napredne CMOS strukture kot so SiGe/ SOI/Si z raztegnjena kristalno strukturo je bil tudi eden od segmentov omenjenega foruma, kot tudi fotopostopki, optika in maske za osvetljevanje pri 193nm oziroma 65nm valovnih dolžinah. Standardizacija 300mm silicijevih rezin je še vedno dopolnjujoč proces, kjer so bila trenutno v ospredju vprašanja povezana z napakami na robu rezine in vpliv ter spremljanje defektov zadnje strani rezine, vprašanja kaj in kako s ponovno uporabo procesiranih rezin (reclaimed vvafers) in kontaminacijo pri ponovnem procesiranju. Del simpozija je bil namenjen prispevkom o kontroli kontaminacije rezin v začetnih fazah procesiranja po čiščenju in oksidaciji ter vpliv na končni izplen. Poseben forum je bil namenjen tudi skrbi in vplivu na okolje, zdravje in varnost, čemur morajo biti zavezani vsi proizvajalci opreme in materialov. Poleg naštetih forumov so potekali tudi izobraževalni tečaji o novih SEMI in IEC standardih ter o osnovnih ULSI procesnih tehnologijah. Na letošnjem sejmu je sodelovalo preko 800 razstavljal-cev opreme, materialov, konzultantov, kot tudi vseh, kakorkoli posredno povezanih z industrijo mikroelektronike. Poleg močnih podjetij se je predstavilo tudi veliko število manjših, združenih podjetij na skupnih stojnicah ali pa so se,predstavili zastopniki, ki so predstavljali nabor ponudb več podjetij. Zanimiv pristop je bila tudi skupna predstavitev celih regij s svojo industrijo mikroelektronske opreme in tehnoloških zmogljivosti, kot npr. Koroška, Škotska in zvezna država New York. Spekter razstavljalcev je bil izredno širok, kar je razvidno iz kataloga, zatorej omenjam le nekaj pomembnejših. Največ je bilo ponudbe avtomatiziranih modulov pri manipulaciji in proizvodnji 300mm silicijevih rezin od začetnega čiščenja do posameznih faz procesiranja predvsem z eno samo rezino. Veliko je bilo tudi ponudnikov za t.i. "background facilities" kot na primer popolne rešitve za pridobivanje Dl vode s popolno kontrolo procesa in tudi rešitve glede odpadnih voda. Podobno je bilo tudi precej proizvajalcev sistemov za ultrafiltracijo in precizno kontrolo pretokov procesnih plinov. Veliko nove opreme je bilo predstavljeno za montažo in zapiranje integriranih vezij in mikrosistemov ter razne dodatne optične analitske kontrole. Predstavljeni so bili različni proizvajalci merilne in analitske opreme za spremljanje posameznih faz procesa, kot tudi pogojev v čistih prostorih. Za kontrolo kompleksnih tehnoloških procesov in sledljivosti postaja tak pristop vedno bolj nujen. Predstavljena je bila tudi oprema za globinsko suho (DRIE) in mokro mikroobdelavo silicija. Ponujene so bile celovite rešitve za globinsko mokro jedkanje silicijevih rezin s posebnimi držali in pretočnimi termostatiranimi jedkali ter mikroprocesorsko kontrolo procesa. Kot vsako leto je bilo tudi precej ponudnikov obnovljene rabljene opreme. Medtem koso včasih prednjačila v ponudbi ameriška podjetja, je sedaj zelo veliko že tudi evropskih podjetij, saj je trg rabljene opreme precej bolje založen in so povpraševanja po obnovljeni rabljeni opremi večja. Tak pristop močno znižuje začetno investicijo v določenih primerih zagona novih postrojenj. Marsikaj pove o razstavi izjava enega od udeležencev: " Informacijski boom je sejem precej spremenil, saj so sedaj vse informacije o produktih dostopne dan in noč na spletu. 75 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana Konec koncev sejma zaradi predstavitve novosti niti ne bi rabili, saj so stroški transporta in postavitve demo opreme na sejmu izredno visoki. Sam imam vpeljane produkte in prodajno mrežo že leta in na sejmu nimam kaj novega ponuditi. A kljub vsemu si ne morem privoščiti, da ne bi bil prisoten." Naslednje leto bo prireditev na istem mestu od 12-14 aprila, opozarjam pa tudi na možnost brezplačne registracije za obisk razstave na spletni strani www.semi.org/semi-coneuropa (vsaj mesec dni prej). SEMI koledar prireditev si lahko ogledate na spletni strani www.semi.org. Doc.dr. Drago Resnik Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Laboratorij za mikrosenzorske strukture in elektroniko Tržaška 25 1000 Ljubljana Drago.Resnik@fe.uni-lj.si 76 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana NOVICE NEWS Konec leta 2003 je Društvo za vakuumsko tehniko Slovenije izdalo knjigo Vakuumska znanost in tehnika, ki jo je pripravljalo nekaj let. Širokega znanja, ki ga je potrebno imeti za obvladovanje postopkov za doseganje In meritev nizkih tlakov ter vakuumskih tehnologij ne daje nobena od sedanjih študijskih usmeritev v Sloveniji. To vrzel že vrsto let zapolnjuje DVTS z organiziranjem tečajem, katerih dopolnilo je tudi primeren učbenik. Prvi slovenski učbenik Osnove vakuumske tehnike iz leta 1981 je pošel v nekaj letih, zato je bil leta 1984 izdan delno razširjen in dopolnjen ponatis. Od takrat se je na področju vakuumske znanosti in tehnike spremenilo marsikaj. Vakuumska tehnika je ostala pomembna veja na mnogih področjih življenja, osvojila in spremenila je mnogo tehnologij, česar neposredno najbrž niti ne opazimo. Predvsem pa je pridobila na pomenu na področju temeljnih in aplikativnih raziskav, ki so bile nekoč izključno domena fizike, danes pa se metode uporabljajo v mikroelektroniki, biologiji, farmaciji, genetiki, metalurgiji itd. Največji napredek v zadnjem desetletju je bil dosežen na področju, kjer preučujemo, gradimo, urejamo in opazujemo lastnosti snovi na atomskem nivoju, kar imenujem nanotehnologija. Mnogo spoznanj v navedenih vedah je bilo dobljenih z metodami, ki delujejo v ultravisokem vakuumu. Z izdajo knjige na 150 straneh, tiskani na kvalitetnem papirju formata A4, s 150 slikami in 10 tabelami v dovršeni grafični obliki, se Slovenci uvrščamo v skupino razvitih držav, ki imajo svoj učbenik vakuumske znanosti in tehnike. Knjiga je razdeljena na 14 poglavij, ki so delo 9 avtorjev. Cena knjige je 6000 SIT. Knjigo lahko naročite na elektronski naslov: alenka.vesel@ijs.si ali pa jo kupite na Odseku za tehnologijo površin in optoelektroniko - F4, Instituta "Jožef Štefan", pri dr. Alenki Vesel (tel. 01-4264592), v 1. nadstropju stavbe na Teslovi 30, Ljubljana, v kateri ima prostore tudi Tehnološki park Ljubljana. Urednik knjige Dr. Vincenc Nemanič AMD builds 300mm fab in Germany AMD has broken ground on a 300mm manufacturing facility in Germany. AMD Fab 36 will be part of AMD Dresden Fab 36 LLC &Co. KG and will be located in Dresden next to AMD's Fab 30, a 200mm production site. The 300mm facility is expected to be in volume production in 2006, employing 1000 people, mostly skilled engineers and technicians. External financing is expected to include up to $700mn in loans from a consortium of banks with an 80% residual guarantee from the German and Saxony governments. Grants and allowances of $500mn are expected from the local and federal governments (pending European Commission approval). Equity funding of $320mn is due from Saxony and a group of European investors led by M + W Zander. AMD and other potential partners will provide the balance. "AMD's investment in Dresden is one of the largest in East Germany since unification in 1990," says minister president of the Free State of Saxony, Professor Georg Milbradt. "By building in Dresden, we are able to leverage the outstanding capabilities of our existing AMD Fab 30 and gain access to the most substantial government-backed financial incentives package available to us," comments Bob Rivet, chief financial officer at AMD. "We expect AMD Fab 36 will cost approximately $2.4bn overthe next fouryears. We have arranged external financing and government support of approximately $1,5bn during that period." IMEC pushes high-k/metal gate performance IMEC says that it has successfully demonstrated the use of high k dielectrics and metal gates to values below Inm. The European research centre believes that this level of electrical performance removes one of the industry's Ved brick walls' to advancing semiconductor technology. The research team used metal gates to overcome the problems imposed by the interaction between high k materials with the commonly used polysilicon electrode. Using TiN orTal\l gates and Hf02 as dielectric, aggressive scaling down to a 0.5 nm equivalent-oxide thickness (EOT) was demonstrated in both nMOS (8.2A EOT) andpMOS (7.5A EOT) transistors. The metal-gated devices outperformed their polysilicon-based counterparts in terms of electrical performance pa- 77 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana rameters, including high conductance, low leakage and reduced threshold-voltage instabilities. The Hf02 was deposited by atomic layer chemical vapour deposition (ALCVD). Part of this research was done in collaboration with IMEC's high k industrial affiliation programme partners International Sematech, Renesas, Matsushita and Samsung. Circuits Multi-Projets 46 avenue Felix Viallet 38031 Grenoble Cedex, France Tel.+33 476 57 4617; Fax.+33 476 47 3814 Email : cmp@imag.fr; http://cmp.imag.fr CMP INTRODUCING 0.35 M CMOS-OPTO PROCESS Grenoble, December 2003 - CMP today announced the introduction of the CMOS-Opto 0.35um process from aus-triamicrosystems AG. The optical process C35B401 provides enhanced optical sensitivity for embedded photodiodes. It enables the design of high density photo sensors, APS, and CMOS cameras. The process is fully compatible with the already supported 0.35 fim CMOS, thus enabling IP reuse with the existing CMOS standard-cell libraries. The Peripheral cell libraries are available for 3.3 V and 5 V with high driving capabilities and excellent ESD performance. Process features: 0.35um CMOS polycide-gate process 4 layers metal, 2 layers poly, and MIM Peripheral Cells with high driving capabilities High performance digital and mixed signal capabilities N/PMOS saturation current: 520/240 Opto features: Q Dark current < 45 pA/cm2© 27° C Cut-off frequency > 20 MHz Responsitivity @ 550 nm: 290 mA/W Responsitivity © 850 nm: 330 mA/W Minimum pixel size 6 (jm x 6 pm) The design kit is supported under Cadence CAD tools. CMP offers 5 MPW runs for this process in 2004: 26 January, 19 April, 05 July, 27 September, 06 December. Xerox reports three-basic materials needed for printable circuits News:R&D Xerox says that it has developed a high-performance sem-iconductive ink that can be used to print transistor channels at low temperatures and in open air - a requirement for low-cost manufacturing. The company hopes that flexible roll-up television screens and computer displays will be one step closer to reality as a result. Low-cost RFIDs are also in prospect. Most semiconductor materials, including those that are polymer-based, require processing at high temperatures and under inert atmospheres. Beng Ong's team at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada (XRCC) has also developed materials for printing conductor and dielectric components. Ong discussed the research findings in a presentation at the Materials Research Society spring conference. Thus, all three elements necessary to make a plastic circuit - a semiconductor, a conductor and dielectric - may now be printed using inkjet techniques. The technology promises a low-cost alternative to silicon technology that could print flexible plastic transistors as easily as printing a newspaper. "Having developed these three critical liquid-processable materials may make it possible to create low-cost, flexible plastic transistor circuits using common liquid-deposition 78 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana techniques such as spin coating, screen or stencil printing, offset or inkjet printing," says Ong. He believes that products based on these or similar materials will be available commercially in the near future. Xerox's advances build on the unique polythiophene semiconductor previously designed by Ong's team at XRCC, as well as on a method developed by the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) for creating a plastic semiconductor transistor array using inkjet printing. PARC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Xerox. Being able to print in open air is significant because the electrical properties of most liquid-processable organic semiconductors degrade when exposed to atmospheric oxygen. This makes it difficult to build functional transistors in air. However, the Xerox polythiophene semiconductor not only possesses better air stability, it also exhibits excellent self-assembly behaviour. Its unique molecular characteristics allow it to be readily processed into structurally ordered semiconductor nanoparticles. These nan-oparticles, when dispersed in a liquid, form an environ-mentally-stable nanoparticle ink. The ink provides consistent properties and enables inkjet printing of high-performance organic transistor channel layers under ambient conditions. Xerox is working with Motorola and Dow Chemical to develop plastic integrated circuits for various electronic applications under a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Advanced Technology Program grant. In addition to XRCC's materials and PARC's inkjet printing of active-matrix addressed arrays for display backplane switching circuits, Motorola is fabricating plastic circuits for various applications using commercial printing technologies. Last week, US company TDA Research announced development of a new conductive plastic - oligotron polymer possessing a conducting polyethylenedioxythiophene (PE-DOT) centre and two non-conducting ends (Bulletin 526, April 14, 2004). Caption: Beng Ong's research team at the Xerox Research Centre of Canada. Infineon puts audio into snowboard jacket SPORTSWEAR producer O'Neill Europe has joined with Infineon Technologies on a joint product development project for 'wearable electronics'. Infineon developed a chip module suitable for integration into a snowboard jacket based on O'Neill's specifications. This technology enables Bluetooth mobile phone and MP3 player use. The product, called "THE HUB", will be part of O'Neill's 2004/05 winter collection. Woven into THE HUB are electrically conductive fabric tracks that connect the chip module to a fabric keyboard and built-in speakers in the helmet. If the snowboarder wants to make a phone call, the stereo system acts as the headset. A microphone is integrated in the collar of the jacket. Since presenting its technology, Infineon has discussed projects with more than 200 companies from the textile industry. In co-operation with VorwerkTeppichwerke carpet plant in Germany, Infineon is currently working on an initial prototype for a "smart carpet". 79 Informacije MIDEM 34(2004)1, Ljubljana Informacije MIDEM Strokovna revija za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavine dele in materiale NAVODILA AVTORJEM Informacije MIDEM je znanstveno-strokovno-društvena publikacija Strokovnega društva za mikroelektroniko, elektronske sestavne dele in materiale - MIDEM. Revija objavlja prispevke s področja mikroelektronike, elektronskih sestavnih delov in materialov. Ob oddaji člankov morajo avtorji predlagati uredništvu razvrstitev dela v skladu s tipologijo za vodenje bibliografij v okviru sistema COBISS. Znanstveni in strokovni prispevki bodo recenzirani. Znanstveno-strokovni prispevki morajo biti pripravljeni na naslednji način: 1. Naslov dela, imena in priimki avtorjev brez titul, imena institucij in firm 2. Ključne besede in povzetek (največ 250 besed). 3. Naslov dela v angleščini. 4. Ključne besede v angleščini (Key words) in podaljšani povzetek (Extended Abstract) v anglešcčini, če je članek napisan v slovenščini 5. Uvod, glavni del, zaključek, zahvale, dodatki in literatura v skladu z IMRAD shemo (Introduction, Methods, Results And Discsussion). 6. Polna imena in priimki avtorjev s titulami, naslovi institucij in firm, v katerih so zaposleni ter tel./Fax/Email podatki. 7. Prispevki naj bodo oblikovani enostransko na A4 straneh v enem stolpcu z dvojnim razmikom, velikost črk namanj 12pt. Priporočena dolžina članka je 12-15 strani brez slik. Ostali prispevki, kot so poljudni cčlanki, aplikacijski članki, novice iz stroke, vesti iz delovnih organizacij, inštitutov in fakultet, obvestila o akcijah društva MIDEM in njegovih članov ter drugi prispevki so dobrodošli. Ostala splošna navodila 1. V članku je potrebno uporabljati SI sistem enot oz. v oklepaju navesti alternativne enote. 2. Risbe je potrebno izdelati ali iztiskati na belem papirju. Širina risb naj bo do 7.5 oz.15 cm. Vsaka risba, tabela ali fotografija naj ima številko in podnapis, ki označuje njeno vsebino. Risb, tabel in fotografij ni potrebno lepiti med tekst, ampak jih je potrebno ločeno priložiti članku. V tekstu je treba označiti mesto, kjer jih je potrebno vstaviti. 3. Delo je lahko napisano in bo objavljeno v slovenščini ali v angleščini. 4. Uredniški odbor ne bo sprejel strokovnih prispevkov, ki ne bodo poslani v dveh izvodih skupaj z elektronsko verzijo prispevka na disketi ali zgoščenki v formatih ASCII ali Word for Windows. Grafične datoteke naj bodo priložene ločeno in so lahko v formatu TIFF, EPS, JPEG, VMF ali GIF. 5. Avtorji so v celoti odgovorni za vsebino objavljenega sestavka. Rokopisov ne vračamo. Rokopise pošljite na spodnji naslov. Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11, 1521 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email: Iztok.Sorli@guest.arnes.si tel. (01) 5133 768, fax. (01) 5133 771 Informacije MIDEM Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Informacije MIDEM is a scientific-professional-social publication of Professional Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials - MIDEM. In the Journal, scientific and professional contributions are published covering the field of microelectronics, electronic components and materials. Authors should suggest to the Editorial board the classification of their contribution such as : original scientific paper, review scientific paper, professional paper... Scientific and professional papers are subject to review. Each scientific contribution should include the following: 1. Title of the paper, authors' names, name of the institution/company. 2. Key Words (5-10 words) and Abstract (200-250 words), stating how the work advances state of the art in the field. 3. Introduction, main text, conclusion, acknowledgements, appendix and references following the IMRAD scheme (Introduction, Methods, Results And Discsussion). 4. Full authors' names, titles and complete company/institution address, including Tel./Fax/Email. 5. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on one side of A4 page format in font size 12pt. Recommended length of manuscript (figures not included) is 12-15 pages 6. Slovene authors writing in English language must submit title, key words and abstract also in Slovene language. 7. Authors writing in Slovene language must submit title, key words and extended abstract (500-700 words) also in English language. Other types of contributions such as popular papers, application papers, scientific news, news from companies, institutes and universities, reports on actions of MIDEM Society and its members as well as other relevant contributions, of appropriate length , are also welcome. General informations 1. Authors should use SI units and provide alternative units in parentheses wherever necessary. 2. Illustrations should be In black on white paper. Their width should be up to 7.5 or 15 cm. Each illustration, table or photograph should be numbered and with legend added. Illustrations, tables and photographs must not be included in the text but added separately. However, their position in the text should be clearly marked. 3. Contributions may be written and will be published in Slovene or English language. 4. Authors must send two hard copies of the complete contributon, together with all files on diskette or CD, in ASCII or Word for Windows format. Graphic files must be added separately and may be in TIFF, EPS, JPEG, VMF or GIF format. 5. Authors are fully responsible for the content of the paper. Contributions are to be sent to the address below. Uredništvo Informacije MIDEM MIDEM pri MIKROIKS Stegne 11,1521 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email: lztok.Sorli@guest.arnes.si tel.+386 1 5133 768, fax.+386 1 5133 771 80