OCTOBER, I960 - NUMBER 10 - VOLUME 32 ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * « * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * » HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DlRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities'. Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. Slate President of lllinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK ♦ * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA THE DAWN Izhaja vsak mesec Published monthly Annual Subscription S2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the. hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER .. . Oct. 2 —OHIO STATE CONVENTION, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 30—Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., Misc. Card Party Nov. 10—Br. 2, Chicago, III., Penny Social Nov. 27 — Br. 96, Universal, Pa., Christmas Party and Yearly Meeting. HAPPY BIRTHDAY II\ OCTOBER Supreme Officers: Oct. 8- Antonia Tanko, State President Ohio-Michigan, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 9 — Corinne Leskovar, Editor, Zarja-The Dawn, Chicago, Illinois Oct. 15 — Anna Pachak, State Pres. Colorado, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 30—Elizabeth Zefran, Director Women’s Activities, Chicago, 111 Branch Presidents: Oct. 10—Mary E. Roso, Br. 45, Portland, Ore. Oct. 10 — Angela Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Oct. 11 — Theresa Potokar, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 14 — Josephine Oswald, Br. 52, Kitzville, Minn. Oct. 15 — Theresa Bizjak, B. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Oct. 15 — Mildred James, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 22 — Mary Stupar, Br. 85, DePue, 111. Oct. 29—Henriette Van Haiverbeck, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. Oct. 30—Frances Bresak, Br. 40, Ixjrain, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! On the Cover . . . Wine is a. familiar beverage to young and old alike in Slovenia, and their own vineyards yield succulent grapes which become the domestic table wines. Some think it’s the best there is. This picture is a candid scene of the grape harvest in the province of Gorica. Pre-C onvention iHemkers liip Oami ► n Until D ecember 31st ! ipaigr Title of "HONORARY DELEGATE” with full program of activities at the National Convention, May, 1961 Ely,Minn., for every worker who enrolls 30 new members! Sign up your relatives and friends, now! _ J ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXII — NO. 10 OCTOBER, 1960 LETO XXXII — ŠT. 10 Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Rosary A favorite prayer of Catholics is the Rosary. It especially honors the Mother of God. The month of October is dedicated to the devotion of the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a devotion that in its fifteen mysteries sums up the whole scheme of Man’s Redemption, the whole life of our Lord and the whole life of our Lady as the mother of God. The rosary is the form of prayer so simple, yet so comprehensive of Christian faith, that every one can grasp, ponder, understand, and make it one’s own, deepening thereby his devotion and intensifying his belief in God and his revelation of miercy and salvation to man. Every recorded scene of Our Lord’s life on earth is brought vividly before the mind for contemplation in its round of fifteen mysteries, joyful, sorrowful and glorious and the wonderful prerogatives, and dignities of Mary as the Mother of the Redeemer and our great intercessor in heaven before the throne of Christ, her Son are brought vividly home to us as over and over we repeat the prayer of the lowly: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” In religious as well as secular things some persons are always seeking novelties. They like to try new devotions and seek the protection of some unfamiliar saint. They run from devotion to another, seeking the accomplishment of their desires, almost as people try patent medicine, then P. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Molek Poleg bogkovega kota, ki je zavzemal odlično mesto v krščanskih hišah in v mnogih še sedaj, je bil na vidnem mestu tudi rožni venec. Bil je tako različen od tistih, ki smo jih sedaj vajeni. Njegove debele jagode, ki so bile nanizane že na več krajih pretrgane in ponovno zvezane vrvice, so takoj padle v oči. Navadno je bila z njim združena precejšnja zgodovina Velikokrat je bil podedovan; prehajal je iz roda v rod. Iz obrabljenih iagod, ki so že izgubile vso barvo, sl lahko sklepal, da ni visel rožni venec tam na steni brez uporabe. Uporabljali so ga stari in mladi gospodarji in gospodinje oziroma oče in mati, ker to je bila njihova pravica, da so ga molili naprej. Oklepale so se ga žuljave roke preprostega človeka tako kmeta in delavca kakor tudi mehke roke izobraženca. Če bi jagode mogle govoriti, bi povedale o solzah sreče in veselja pa tudi o solzah žalosti in trpljenja. Koliko vzdihov se je izvilo iz trpečih in preizkušenih src, ko so prebirale te jagode Mnogim se je ob molitvi na ta rožni venec vrnila vera in zaupanje. Bolniki so navadno našli ob njem največjo tolažbo. Molitev rožnega venca jim je prinesla pred oči trpečega Gospoda in znova se je naselil mir v njihova srca. V luči verskih resnic, ki jih je kazal rožni venec so začeli razumevati pomen trpljenja in smisel življenja. Kako je padel v oči ta rožni venec na steni. Nehote je človek dobil spoštovanje do družine, kjer je ta rožni venec bil v toliki časti. Tesno je bil povezan z vsem družinskim življenjem. Nihče ni vedel odkod so ga dobili. Odkar pomnijo je tarn na steni. Morda ga je prinesla stara mati ali stara teta s kakšnega misijona. Nihče pa si m mislil, da dela kaj izrednega, ko pokleka v skupni molitvi rožnega venca. Ko se je dan nagnil in je utrujeno another, hoping for the cure-all at last. Whatever the Church sanctions is good, of course, and Catholics have a wide range in the choice of their devotion. But It is to be hoped that in the search after something new the rosary will not be neglected. The rosary is adapted to the use of the savant and the illiterate. It is a prayer book for all classes. The namie rosary was chosen to indicate its character. As the rose is composed of leaves, thorns, and flowers, so the rosary supplies subject for meditation on the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of Our Redemption. Those who say the rosary frequently with devotion find meditation easy because they acquire the habit of it unconsciously to themselves The real fruit of the devotion is obtained by faithful meditation on the points of our Lord’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension, whici will bring forth acts of faith, hope and love, expressions of gratitude to Almighty God for blessings received, feelings of repentance, and resolutions of amendment, while we repeat the Our Father and Hail Mary. A Protestant once remarked, after hearing the rosary explained, that it was more useful than any book, even the Bible, because it revealed its truth to all, whether they could read or not, even If they could not see or did not possess a book. To those who know them and use them, they speak as forcibly as a living voice or book. What we store in the realms of memory becomes peculiarly our own, and is available at all times. No one can take it from us or prevent us using it when and where we will. telo čakalo na potreben počitek, so dali priliko tudi duši, da je pozdravila svojega Stvarnika se zahvalila za prejete dobrote in prosila novih. Roka gospodarja je segla po rožnem vencu kakor sama od sebe in to ob vsakem času bilo poleti ali pozimi. To je bil znak za družino, da se je zbrala in hitro pokleknila k molitvi. Če si šel ob gotovi url zvečer po vasi sl lahko slišal kako skoraj Iz vsake hiše prihaja molitev rožnega venca. Zdelo se ti je, da si v cerkvi. Rožni venec pa je bil vzgojno sredstvo, če so se otroci dregali, ali jih je prijemal spanec, jih je nenadni zamah očeta z rožnim vencem preko njihovih glav, pomiril in streznil in pomagal, da je molitev zopet zadobila pobožen značaj. Že dolgo si vzgojitelji mladine in narodne blaginje prizadevajo najti sredstvo obdržati družino skupaj in ji dati zopet blesk starega in lepega družinskega in skupnega življenja. Ko je prišla televizija so mislili, da je to tisto, kar so iskali. To naj bi držalo družino skupaj. Vendar je to premalo. To je le zunanja vez. Notranja vez manjka. To vez prinaša skupna družinska molitev in katera je bolj primerna kot rožni venec. Staro navado, molitev skupnega rožnega venca je treba poživiti, potem bo dom zopet zadihal tisto domačnost, ki jo daje samo zasidranost v Boga po molitvi. Še danes najdemo stare može in žene, ki jim je rožni venec sestavni del dnevnega reda tako kakor kosilo in večerja. V nekaterih družinah so ga že zopet uvedli kot skupno molitev pa jih to ni prav nič motilo pri njihovi zaposlenosti. Ravno nasprotno. Neka gospa pripoveduje, da je ob času, ko so molili rožni venec, prišel raznašalec časopisov, ki je bil protestant. Začudeno je pogledal, ko je videl vso družino na kolenih. Poln spoštovanja je dejal: “Oprostite, nisem vedel, da je vaš mož minister. Drugič bom prej prišel, da vas ne bom motil pri službi božji. To je nekako vsakdanja zgodba rožnega venca na steni. PUEBLO HOSTS COLORADO DAY HANDSOME COUPLE WED No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — The Colorado State Convention was held in Pueblo, Colo, on August 28, 19G0, at St. Mary’s Parish Hall. A 7:00 A.M. Holy Mass signalled the official opening of the Convention, and at 10:00 A.M., the business meeting was called to order by the State President, Mrs. Anna Pachak who welcomed the delegates and members. Supreme President, Josephine Livek extended warmest greetings to all present. Preceding the opening, a coffee hour and apron sale took place Minutes of the previous convention were read and approved. The delegates were then prevailed upon to sum up their respective reports. Those who participated were Mmes: Frances Simonich, Pueblo; Mollie Svigel, Denver; Agnes Lukeman, Canon City; and Kay Starika, Crested Butte. Mrs. Livek in turn submitted her ideas and suggestions as to the best possible ways to make for a better and more progressive organization. As delegates submitted their reports, all were approved as read. The floor was then open to discussions which evolved around the following — 1) that a member who has paid dues for 25 years should no longer be required to pay further assessments — 2) that the “Zarja" be made up in larger print and 3) that there should be some donations made toward furthering juvenile activities. All the aforementioned motions were carried unanimously. During the course of the meeting, greetings were read from Supreme Officers, Mmes: Marie Prisland, Albina Novak, Mary Tomsich (Strabane, Pa.) and officers of neighboring communities, Mary Vidmar and Mary Klune (Leadville, Colo.); Antonia ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. — Our October meeting promises to be rather special, as we will celebrate Columbus Day (the day preceeding) with a St. Christopher Party! So, try to make it on the 13th of October and join the fun! There’ll be a vacation travelogue with pictures by Liz and Marilyn Zefran following the meeting as well as our monthly birthday party, this time for the October celebrants. In September, on a very warm evening, twenty members attended our meeting and among them were 5 brand new members. We extend a hearty welcome to Mmes, Ann Kra-penc, Josephine Meden, Mary Koste-lec and Prances Kure as well as Miss Candace Meden, a junior. Two additional new members who were not present but who were enrolled this month are Misses Betty Collins and Paula Music. All except Candace joined Class B. This will be a fine begln- Kastelic (Kansas City); Josephine Prebil (St, Louis); Mary Lenich( Eve-leth. Minn.); Bara Kramer (San Francisco) ; Angela Škerjanec and officers of the Immaculate Conception Society, K.S.K.J. in Pueblo. Denver, Colorado will be the scene of next year’s Convention. The meeting adjourned with farewells to all from Sisters Pachak and Livek. Members, delegates and hundreds of guests then journeyed to the Minne-qua Ciub where a sumptuous banquet was served. Mr. John Butkovich was the toastmaster at this event and Mrs. Pachak extended a warm welcome to the guests. The Most Rev. Charles Buswell, Bishop of the Pueblo Diocese, Mon-signor A. J. Miller and our own pastor, Father Daniel, made short speeches emphasizing the vital need for cooperation and help in organizational work. Other speeches included those of John Germ, K.S.K.J. Supreme President, and officers of other Slovenian lodges. Acknowledgements were made by the delegates. A special tribute was paid to the charter members who were seated at the honor table. They were given love-ly corsages as were the visiting delegates and officers of our local branch. Musical numbers were intespersed with the speech making. After the banquet, guests enjoyed several hours of dancing. All in all, it was a most successful ana wonderful (lay and one not soon to be forgotten. To all who helped in any way to make it a memorable occasion we say a hearty “Thank you.” Katherine A. Kochevar, Reporter liing for our "honorary delegate” candidate, Ann Zorko, for whom we’re all working to achieve the 30 new member goal. In the coming months we hope to have very interesting meetings, so try to attend—the second Thursday of the month. Nov. 10th we will have instead of our regular business meeting niglit, another popular PENNY SOCIAL event See you on Oct. 13th., when, I hear, each member attending will receive a surprise remembrance from our president. Corinne Leskovar, Reporter No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Hello ladies, hope you all had a nice summer. Now, let’s all get busy and get soma new members — see who will be the honorary delegate from our branch to the next convention. We had our last picnic at Kameen’s pottage on Sept. 11th. In spite of the bad weather, we all enjoyed ourselves Mr. & Mrs. John Fuja Chicago, III. St. Stephen’s Catholic Church in Chicago was the scene on May 7th of the beautiful wedding of Miss Mary Ann Gomilar, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gomilar who operate their own Self-Serve Market and Mr. John Fuja. The newlyweds received hundreds of guests at their reception that evening where everyone enjoyed a true Slovenian banquet. Mary Ann Is a graduate of St. Ann’s High School and St. Stephen’s grammar school. She is the eldest daughter in a family of four children: brother Ronald is attending St. Ignatius High School, another brother, Joseph, and sister, Rosemary, are St. Stephen’s pupils. The Gomilar family is very active in our Slovenian societies in Chicago and the bride’s mother, Frances, is one of the hardest workers at Branch 2 ,S.W.U. To the happy young couple, best wishes for a happy and blessed wedded life. and also celebrated Mary Mlinar’s and Chris Menart’s birthdays. Thanks to Anna Kameen, Mary-Frances Lauriha and all the ladies present. Our deepest sympathy to the Zidar-Shamro families on the loss of their dear dad, Matthew Zidar. May he rest in peace and all the souls of our de parted rest in peace. We have a large number of members on the sick list — we hope with God’s help that they will recover soon. On August 8th, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Becliy of Forest City, well-known Slovenians, observed their 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Bechy is our Vice-President. On Sept. 4th, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matircho of this vicinity observed their 25th wedding anniver sary. Mrs. Matircho and daughters are our members. We wish these couples blessed health and happiness for many years to come. Congratulations to all our newly Vveds, welcome to new members! Our latest newlywed is Elaine Ferraro, now Mrs. William Kubus. Best wishes. We are still looking for customers for the beautiful hand-knitted sofa pillows made by Mrs. Leopolda Tusar. All who would like to help will be most welcome. Hurry, let’s pile the sales up and see who’ll be the lucky one. The four generation picture in the August Zarja was of Mrs. Mary Shiv-itz and family, not Shurtz, as was printed. So much for now — more later. But, a reminder to all who are 'behind in dues—please straighten out this situation and make it easier for you and for me. Come to our meetings, we must make plans soon for our Christmas party as time is flying — že mrzlo ratuja — and. see vou all there. Christine Menart, Sec’y No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. — East has met west! A most pleasant visit was had from our Director of Sports, Liz Zefran and her lovely daughter Marilyn from Chicago, 111. It is most regretable that Liz's visit could not be extended so she could attend one of our meetings. Her magnetic personality is something one wishes to share with all. Maybe one of these times we can have Liz as a guest at our gatherings. I shall do all in my power to call a few friends and the officers if Liz will let me know a little in advance. Her trip had quite an iterarv with stops here, there and every where. Thanks for the nice visit, Liz, just wish it could have been longer so we could have shared your wonderful company with some of the gals! Anyone knowing you would feel RICH to basque in that friendship. Come again and soon ... Well, Zveza’s Trip To Hawaii is now a reality with all the plans in the offing, but I feel it is most important to let all you folks know so you can plan and when the literature arrives at your door you will have some knowledge before hand Our Founders Trip for Zveza will honor our Founder and Friend, Mrs. Marie Prisland, who will be a guest of the State of Hawaii being the First Slav group to go in body. Plans that I cannot devulge just yet are being arranged to make this wonderful Lady the sole recipient of any honor. With my agent we have arranged to take any excess money that can be realized and make a fund so that each and every traveler will benefit with a ticket of lower price and many more tours, etc., will be prepared on our arrival to Hawaii. This seemed more logical than to let one person benefit, I prefered to have this arrangement. A complete schedule will be printed in Zarja. SO, LET’S ALL HONOR MRS. PIUSLAND IN AUGUST, 1961, WITH OUR VISIT TO HAWAII. At this writing California Zveza’s Day is still in the offing and a complete report will appear in Nov. May eacb and every one have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving not losing sight it is a day to thank God for his many blessings and truly enjoy the many blessings of each day, good friends, health, all the beauty around us with each waking day. There is so much to be truly thankful for, the list would become too long. Just stop and count your blessings, it’s surprising how many there are. Don’t forget August of 1961, Founders Trip to Hawaii. Frances E. Chiodo, reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — At our Sep-tembei meeting we discussed the State Convention Banquet. It was a short meeting since we wanted more time to celebrate our quarterly birthdays. Included in this celebration was our President Amalia Legat. We have only the highest praise for her and we hope to see her and all our other celebrants for many years to come. Sister Anna Ban returned the pillow cases, which were a gift from all our members. With them she also sent a nightgown. Sister Anna Marolt will embroider the pillowcases, which, a-long with the nightgown, will be given away at a future meeting. Thank you Sister Ban. We have heard that Sister Anna Novak’s son, Robert, has opened his dental office in Mentor Headlands. He has just completed his two years in the service, which he spent near Boston, Mass. Dr. Novak is a graduate of Western Reserve University. Hospitalized was Antonia Slabe and Sister Justine Skufca. Sister Slabe is convalescing at home but Sister Skufca is recuperating at the home of her son and daughter-in-law. We wish you both will be in good health soon. We miss seeing Sister Gerchman at our meetings. We hope you will soon be well enough to grace our meetings with your presence. Welcome back as a member of S. W.U. to Sister Mary Kollar. We hope to see you for many years to come. Hearty Thanks! to the officers and members who made Our Minn. State Convention and Banquet so successful. Over 400 attended the festivities on Sept. 11th! (Complete report in Nov. issue. Editor) The following women donated to the “good time treasury,” Mary Simončič, Anna Marolt, Mary Koljat, Caroline Turk, Anna Mukovetz, Margaret Tomazin, Frances Medved, and Vera Troha. We enjoyed the goodies that Sister Mitzie Globokar and President Anualia Legat brought. Sister Globokar brought a delicious homemade kuchen and Sister Legat brought a flavorful lemon strudel. We wish our following members a happy autumn birthday: Rose Aubel, Rose Fakult, Jean Gainer, Enime Gregorlch, Mary Jazbec, Christine Kebe, Pauline Krall, Jean Ann Lourin, Rose Miklich, Anna Novinc, Rose Owens, Louise Poje, Frances Prijatel, Anna Prince, Rose Leskovec, Lillian Milielick, Frances Sajovec, Esther Semich, Josephine Setina, Mary Struk-el, Jean Lube, Frances Stupica, Ursula Trtnik, Mary Tich, Frances Turk, Jennie Virant, Jennie Zigman, Rose Marie Kirn, Helen Kusar, and Florence Dormasa Zalar. Pauline Cesar, Sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — Members of the bowling league’s “Penny-A-Blow” club motored to one of the better supper clubs in the suburbs, to feast on their past season’s errors. The evening of merriment and gaiety brought forth a resolution that more members be recruited into the club. Endorsing this resolution were: Terese Trishner, head toastmaster; Bernice Suski, her “thin-line” side-kick; Gen Gasmovich, chief promoter; Lill Berge, the quiet one: Ann Stefanich, the conscientious chauffeur: Ann Stemisha, always ready, willing and able; Millie Ellena, the poets inspiration of expectant motherhood and Yours truly. Incidentally, the “Penny-A-Blow” club is optional as is the league’s ”Pot-luck” club — all interested parties accepted. When the last issue of the Zarja went to press, a complete roster for the 1960-61 season wasn’t available. Besides Ann Ariagno and Ann Picco COMPLIMENTS OF MATT J. KIKEL DISTRICT ATTORNET Res. 525 Linda Vista Office: 308 Bon Durunt PUEBLO, COLORADO “Will Appreciate Your Votes at the Election, NOV. 8th, I960!” 8. novembra volite sa našega rojaka, Matt Kikel! S.W.U. BOWLING 25 YEARS Joliet, III. —■ The S.W.U. Midwest Bowling Association is celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of its institution during this 1960—1961 season. To make this commemoration a huge and fitting success the Association is soliciting the help and aid of the entire S.W.U. membership and that with the unmitigated help of all the officers of the respective branches. In that they help to stimulate S.W.U. Bowling interest among their respective members with bowling leagues, bowling teams and bowling individuals and that everyone make some effort to participate and attend the grand S.W. U nationwide tournament which will be held in Milwaukee, Wise., two weeks before Easter, 1961. To make this possible, practical and most feasible, the officers of the Association are on the alert and will be ready and eager to give any information and assistance needed to help stimulate and organize this bowling interest. Feel most free to write them for any information you may need. Josephine Sumic, 1305 N. Center Street, Joliet, 111. Rose Kraemer, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wisconsin Elizabeth Zefran, 1941 W. Cermak Rd, Chicago 8, 111. Lill Putzell, 3731 So. Home Ave., Berwyn, 111. Ann Pelko, 1216 7th St., LaSalle, Illinois The first nation wide S.W.U. tour- deserving a hearty welcome to our league, we are fortunate to have with us this forthcoming season Ann Cer-netich, MaryAnn Gregorič, Josephine Angules and Bernie Tezak. A “good to have you back” salute to Mary Nahas, Jean Murtaugh and Dorothy Surman. May you find as much pleasure In bowling with us as we will in having you! The team line-up for the ’60-’6l season is as follows: Team #1, Clarence Ellena, Builder— Bee Kostelc, Dot Nemanich, Ann Ari-agno, Jo Goron and Marge Wajchert, Capt. Team #2, Krause Radio & TV—Fran McCarthy, Terese Trishner, Joyce Flynn, Dorothy Surman and Gen Klainsek, Capt. Team #3, Shep's D X Service Station — Gen Gasmovich, Marie Senffner, MaryAnn Gregorich, Bernie Tezak and Lorraine Rothlisberger, Capt. Team #4, American Slovenian Home •— Helen Golobic, Bernice Siiski, Ann Cerneticb, Theresa Pavnica and Jo Mlakar, Capt. Team #5, Northwest Recreation Club — Jean Murtaugh, Ann Plcco, Agnes Koerber, Ann Stemisha and Marge Rachor, Capt. Team #6, Mericlika’s Restaurant — Maiy Rudman, Rita Mitchell, Mary nament was held under the auspices of the Midwest S.W.U. Bowling Association in Milwaukee 25 years ago and this was succeeded annually in almost every S.W.U. Bowling center in the U.S.A. Each of these tournaments has been most successful and a splendid credit not only to the organization but also to the Women’s International Bowling Association. In fact, ours was one ol’ the first tournaments sanctioned by this worldwide bowling association. This gives all of us the greatest incentive to make the silver anniversary affair the greatest we girls ever held. Ijet’s start preparing now for the best time of our lives which will be assured us at this tournament in Milwaukee. Besides the bowling programs, the tournament becomes a virtual convention spectacle filled with the most gala events interspersed with diversified features of fun, frolic and amusement. The Milwaukee Branches are going all out in preparations for a most inclusive extravaganza of S.W.U. Spirit. We especially welcome the State Presidents who are doing so much good in advancing the real Union spirit to get on the band wagon with us and help to make this silver S.W.U. Bowling Anniversary a mtost eventful success for Wisconsin. Let’s keep bowling all season to roll along in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Josephine Sumic, President S.W.U. Bowling Ass’n Rezick, Vickie Bernickas and Ann Savol, Capt. Team #7, Horvath Bakery — Ann Makovec, Sophie Stiglich, Josephine Angules, Ann Cox and Bea Zobel, Capt. Team #8, Papesh Funeral Home — Ann Stefanich, Jo Sumic, Mary Nahas, Ann Papesh and Edna Grohar, Capt. Jo Goron, Reporter No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — During the months of July and August, no meetings were held and I sincerely hope that each member enjoyed this vacation period. We all grieve the passing of two members, Mrs. Mary Hosta and Mrs. Ivana Zalar. Mrs. Hosta was one of the original eight ladies who organized our branch on July 12, 1928. She held office of president for 24 years and was vice-president for five years. She was also our honorary president for the last three years During her lifetime, she was very active in attending conventions, and lodge meetings. Illness caused her to retire from all active duties and on August 2nd, God called her to heavenly reward. Her memory remains with each of us. Surviving are eight sons, three daughters (all members of branch 21) and twenty-five grandchildren. Ten of these are also members of the branch. Our deepest sympathy to the Hosta family Aug. 17th, Mrs. Ivana Zalar passed away at the age of 67 years. Surviving are four daughters, one son. and twenty-one grandchildren. She was a member for thirty years and always gave her best to whatever task confronted her. She was also a past president for one year and past delegate to a convention. Six years of illness kept her from attending most of the meetings. We extend the family our deepest sympathy. We recently enrolled three new members, Renee Nosan, Denise Nosan, and David Nosan. To each, we extend a warm welcome. Thank you, Mary Nosan, for bringing such delicious pastry to our Sept. meeting! Wo received a nice card from Slovenia from Albina Novak, thanks, Al! And, to each and everyone celebrating birthdays this month, our very best wishes. Stella Dancull, Sec’y No. 23, Ely, Minn. — Our outing at Half Way Camp Grounds was held Aug. 10th from 3 o’clock #n, and food of all varieties was the highlight of the day. 1 must say, it was very good. Many members came, as the weather was very nice. It was sort of a surprise for one of our members, Mrs. Amelia Mainer, as it was her birthday we celebrated besides everything else. Stephanie Vranesich surprised her with a birthday cake, candles and all, and happy birthday was sung by the entire group. Our first fall meeting was planned for Sept. 21st at the Yugoslav Nat’l Hall. Since vacation time is over, we were hoping for a good attendance. More on this meeting later. A speedy recovery to all who are convalescing. Ann Rowe, Reporter No. 24, LaSalle, III. — We hope many of you will attend the October meeting, especially those who seldom join us In these monthly sessions. The end of the year will soon be here, and all dues payments must be made up to date. Please do this at your earliest convenience. Our sincere sympathy to Jennie Harakovic whose son, Nick, passed away recently and to Rose Savnik on the loss of her father, Anton Ajster. To Marian Sliinko who lost her father Charlie Kiltar—as well as to Mrs. Rose Kiltar, his widow, onr deepest sympathy. May the good Lord bless all our departed with eternal peace. We have several members in the hospital, namely, Mary Savnik and Paula Vidrik. Two members who underwent surgery are Mary Uranic and our auditor, Emily Jordan. Best wishes to them all for speedy recoveries, as well as to all who are sick but haven’t been reported to me. See you all at the meeting. Angela Strukel, Sec’y M. P : OTS & a, zi d. ANS * * * * No. 40, Lorain, Ohio — Here we are in the beautiful fall season, with its colorful foliage and brisk autumn air. And, since the weather will be cooler and more comfortable, we hope that many of our younger members will attend our meetings. We have very enjoyable times. It is nice to see how some of our older members attend the meetings so regularly every month. For example, the 3 sisters. Mrs. Mary Plečnik, Mrs. Frances Tomazic and Mrs. Agnes Jancar, our vice-president, are at the meeting every month, helping to discuss and decide the issues for the good of the branch — and this, regardless of weather — sleet, snow and ice or heat! Of course, there are others, too, who are just as faithful In attendance Won’t the rest of our members join us? We hope- so! On July 24th, sister Mary Mlach celebrated her 70th birthday and the members of the Auxiliary of Slovenian Home, who are mostly our branch members, helped to celebrate the happy occasion. We all went to her home and brought along good things to eat and drink. She had a beautiful birthday cake with candles and one of the women put in a brick candle which would not go out no matter how hard she blew at it! Well, we had a lot of fun and we hope Mrs. Mlach, too, may enjoy a long life among her family and friends, in good health. She is also one of those who seldom misses a meeting. Aug. 27th, Miss Nancy Marie Gerbec, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John and Mary Gerbec was married In Sts. Cyril and Methodius church to Donald Jary-zinski from Parma, Ohio. The bride graduated from St. Alexis School of Nursing and is a registered nurse. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Gerbec is our member. Many happy years to the newly married couple! We certainly cannot forget the Stork News. To Mr. .& Mrs. Gabe Di-Luciano was bom a darling daughter who with her 2 brothers is going to be the pride a joy of mommy and daddy. The stork also surprised Bob and Ruth Pogorelc, who with 3 boys at home, welcomed a lovely little baby girl to be loved and cuddled by brothers and parents. Mrs. Angela Kozjan, our secretary, is Bob’s aunt. To the newborn babies, our sincere wishes that they may live in God’s wisdom and love. It has been reported before that Ann Tomsic, who was awarded the Slov. Women's Union scholarship, and Arlene Vojtko are attending college. We also want to add that Miss Barbara Tomsic, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Tomsic from 36th St., Is attending St. Alexis School of Nursing. Also, Carl F. Pavlovčič, son of Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Pavlovčič of Avon Lake, Ohio and my grandson, is going to attend Fenn College on a scholarship grant awarded him- from Fenn. To all our This column is dedicated to our younger members. It will comprise reading material of interest to women, especially homemakers. Any suggestion partaining to the interest of this column will be appreciated. 1 will begin with favorite dishes of our Supreme officers. This summer I had a delightful visit at the home of Supreme president Mrs. Josephine Livek. Knowing I like apple strudel, she promptly robbed an apple tree in her garden of some choice apples and made the strudel. This is her recipe: Apple strudel Ingredients for dough: 2 cups sifted flour 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 egg % teaspoon salt % cup lukewarm water Mix flour, salt and oil. Add beaten egg. Add water. Knead dough by hand for at least 20 minutes. Toss dough on floured board. Moisten top of dough with oil to prevent crust from forming. Cover dough with a bowl and allow to rest for one hour. Filling 8 large thinly sliced sour apples % teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup sugar % lb. melted butter % cup bread crumbs Poll out the dough to % inch thickness on cloth covered table sprinkled with flour. Moisten the dough with about 3 table spoons of melted butter and then stretch the dough from all sides until it is paper thin. Cut off thick edges. Combine apples, cinnamon and sugar and spread it over % of the dough then sprinkle over it % cup bread crumbs browned in but- students in high school and colleges, we wish good luck in their pursuits for higher education. Mr. Jack Ferlic, beloved husband of our member, Annette Ferlic, and son-in-law of our organizer, sister, Mary % ter. Roll up the strudel but not to the very end. The last quarter of dough is not filled, only spread with melted butter. Poll up the entire strudel, place it In well greased long pan and bake it at 400° for one hour. Moisten top of baked strudel with butter or sour cream Cut it in suitable slices and serve it hot or cold, sprinkled with powdered sugar. H= * H< Plastic table mats are good looking and so easy to care for that they are ideal for daily use. Save your linen tablecloths for company dinners and cut down on your laundry. * * * New colors for Fall: Geranium pink, lilac and flame for day dresses. Dark amethyst, garnet and deep pine green for suits and dresses with a jacket. The suit is integral part of any wardrobe. With a silk blouse the suit is for afternoon, dinner and theater evenings. * * * Beatitudes for a Housewife Blessed is she whose daily task is a labor of love, for she translates diity into privilege. Blessed is she who mends socks and toys and broken hearts, for her understanding is a balm to her family. Blessed is she who serves laughter and smiles at every meal, for she is blessed with goodness Blessed is she who preserves the sanctity of home, for hers is a sacred trust that crowns her with dignity and respect. O. Mann * * * Thank you, Ted Prisland, for designing the Title of this column! —Editor. Cernilec, passed away recently after a brief illness at the age of 53 years. Be he young or old, rich or poor, when God calls us to Himself, we have to abide 'by His will. Jack is survived, betides his wife, Annette, by a son, Ronald and daughter, Janice and a granddaughter, mother, brothers and sister. May God be merciful to his Foul and may he rest in peace. Sister, Johanna Debevec is still on the disabled list. Best wishes to all and hope to see you at the next meeting. Mary Pavlovčič, Treas. No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — Now that summer is over, I hope we have a better attendance at our meetings. The last meeting on Sept. 4 was not well attended at all. So hope I see more ladies now that weather is cool. It was a hot day and I can see where some of the older members did not care to go out. As I said in my Sept. article, Mr. Jacob Speck is in Mo. Pac. Hosp. He came home and had to go back. So send him some cards and cheer him up. Also, the husband of one of our members, Josephine Ancel, is home and doing nicely. He had major surgery at Lutheran Hosp. I’m sure he would appreciate getting some cheering cards also. Ladies, please come to the November meeting which will be Nov. 6; we have to discuss plans for our Christmas party in December; the date, where and what we want to have. We had a new member join at Sept. meeting. She is daughter of Ann Ponder. Hope tc get her two small daughters to join too. Helen Skoff, Treas. is busy these days getting ready for her son’s wedding Oct. 15. Her daughter, Helen, also a member, spent a month in Europe during the month of August. She enjoyed it very much and went be way of Jet. She took a number of pictures which I hope she will show at one of our meetings. Should be very interesting and educational since her trip was in conjunction with St. Louis University. So hope we get to see your pictures, Helen. Ann Petrovič, daughter of Katherine Petrovič, was visiting her mother in the month of Sept. She is from New York City. Margaret Zvanut had her son and daughter-in-law and children over Labor Day Week end from1 Chatanoo-ga, Tenn. So, looks like every body is busy these days, visiting and entertaining. Remember our meeting November G, to discuss our Christmas party in December. Marie Thompson, Rec’d Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Seems like no. 50 is always on the go. We have so much to look forward to. For instance, our ‘‘Rummage Sale” was a lot of fun with us trying to be like professional salesladies, selling articles the members had collected. The refunds from this project helped boost our good time treasury, to make DEEPEST SYMPATHY TO MRS. TANKO! "Life" to live—to any age, passes by so fast and then, suddenly, death takes over. This is what happened to a very good friend of the S.W.U., Mr. Anton Tanko who passed away suddenly on Aug. 27th, 1960, just three days after he returned from a 3 month trip to Europe. Ever since his wife, Antonia, had been elected Ohio’s State President at our last national convention, Tony had been her silent partner. To hold the office of State President requires a lot of time and work and Tony was always encouraging and helpful to his wife, to make her office a success. All the members of branch 50 extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Tanko and hope that prayer and good deeds will soon heal the wounds that hurt so much when someone you love is gone to rest. Frances Sietz The Supreme Board of S.W. U. and all members, especially those of Ohio, extend heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Antonia Tanko. God is with you in your sorrow and He will always be there with His love and care. our meetings more interesting. On Oct. 2nd, the State Convention and Banquet is one of the majn events of the year. It will be a pleasure to meet again with our neighboring branches. At our last few meetings, we were happy to see Josephine Strumbel, Stella Roitz and Ann Nowakowski. Mary Finley and Rose LoPresti surprised us, too, along with Josephine Bencin. Keep it up now that it is meeting time again. This makes the officers very happy and makes them work so much more, when they know their efforts are appreciated. A special Invitation is extended to all our members to be sure and come to our Oct. 16th meeting. Sophie Posch is going to show us movies she had taken on her European Tour. It will be very educational and interesting, especially to members who have never traveled thru Europe. So, remember the date, Oct. 16th, 1960 at St. Vitus School, S p.m. Cecelia Žnidaršič is still recuperating after a serious operation and is coming along just fine. Mary Hočevar, too, has returned from the hospital after a week’s stay. She is still on the sick list. Louise Mlakar is home again after a two week stay in the hospital. Louise was injured In a car accident, and latest reports are that she is getting better and stronger day by day. Mrs. Mihelčič, mother of our members, Frances, Mamie and Julia, is still on the sick list. It’s very sad when a parent is ill and must have constant attention at all times. The girls have been doing so well in caring for their mother—what a comfort it must be to Mrs. Mihelčič to have such devoted care. I’m sure our sick members would be happy to receive a cheery note. So, why don’t you do a good deed today and send them a card. In the grandparent dept., we wish to congratulate grandma, Josephine Hočevar and by the time Antoinette Celesnik reads this, she, too, will be grandma again. Best wishes to the happy families. See you Oct. 16th! Frances Sietz, Pres. No. 54, Warren, Ohio — Our regular meeting was held Sept. 1, 1960, at the Slovenian Home with hostesses Rose Racher, Mary Waltko. Rose Korošec and Joanne Ponikvar serving a delicious luncheon after the business session. There was “strudel”, and many other goodies provided by these members, who all celebrated their birthdays in August and September. The attendance was very good that evening, considering that tornado warnings were out — But our good, faithful sisters are brave and they came anyway. All members were asked to attend the Banquet (State Convention) in Cleveland on Oct. 2nd and many bought tickets tor the prizes to be given there. Congratulations to Louise Burnett, who was visited by the Stork last month! Our family went to our Family Reunion at my Godparents’ home in Geneva, Ohio — Frank and Caroline Klaus. It certainly was a wonderful day seeing cousins and more cousins, most of whom belong to our beloved Zveza. Best wishes to all sick members; and to our state president, Mrs. Antonia Tanko, we send you our deepest sympathy in the loss of your beloved husband. May the perpetual light shine upon him. Joanne Ponikvar, Rec’v sec’y No. 72, Pullman, III. — In spite of hot weather, vacations, etc., we had a fair meeting in August. After the meeting we had a very nice birthday celebration for our treasurer, Mrs. Orazem, and we hope she will have many more such celebrations. Our sick member, Mrs. Arko ,is coming along fine. We hope she wilt soon be well enough to be back with us at our meetings. We wish to extend our sympathy to Mrs. Nemenich on the loss of her mother, who passed away in July. Miti. Globokar reported a happy vacation spent at Greensburg, Pa. I had a lovely time at Tawas City, Michigan. We hope you all had a wonderful summer, wherever you were or whatever you did, and we’ll be looking forward to seeing you at the coming meetings. Wilma Zagar No. 73, Warrensville Hts., Ohio -— Our meetings do not resume again until a w'eek after this article is clue, therefore, there is no business news to report. Our deepest sympathy is extended to our good members, Frances Gliha and Mary Rivacheck, whose husbands passed away last month. May they rest in peace. Also, several of our members are on the sick list. Molly Sawyer and our treasurer, Agnes Walters are both recovering from operations and Barbara Orlosky was also in the hospital. To these ladies and whoever else may be recuperating, our very best wishes for a speedy recovery. Congratulations to grandmas Adeline King and Frances Kainec on the birth of their grandson James John. A letter was received from member, Josephine Novak who now resides in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She invites anyone who may be out that way to come and visit her. To all who may be celebrating birthdays and anniversaries, our very best wishes. Rosemary Mauer, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. — Branch #S9, following the slow summer, meetings began in full swing with plans for the fall. October will begin with an auction sale for the members. The officers hope for a full attendance and a variety of homemade foods and stitched articles for the auction. November will bring out our annual Turkey Trot which closes just before Thanksgiving. We wish our sick members full recovery and hope to see them soon at the meetings. Mary Kernz, Reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — Wednesday, Oct. 5th is the date of our next meeting. With the approaching fall season, we should have cooler w'eath-er. Our Sept. meeting was poorly attended due to the heat wave we had at that time. I am very much concerned that so few younger members attend our meetings. Most of our members are about my age, with their families grown up and gone away. We would like to encourage some younger members to join us old timers! Our meetings are informal, so that your precious time away from home will be very well spent. Do try your best to come. The business session starts at 7:30 p.m. Hostesses at our Sept. meeting were Mary Barcevac and Sylvia Werner. Your bakery goods, Kate Markulin and Catherine Cacich and Anna Tuni-pich, your cheese strudels have always been an outstanding contribution to the popularity of our meetings. Many thanks. All the good wishes and best of everything for a happy and blessed birthday to the following members who are celebrating in October: Evelyn Ashenbrenner, Teresa Butcher, Marie Grankowski, Mildred James, Mary Kovacevich, Phyllis Perko, Katherine Rajcic. Ann Savich, Anna Sorak and Frances Zburin. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Matt Tumpich, 2911 E. 97th St., who observed their 40th wedding anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving on June 23rd. They are blessed with 4 grandchildren and one son, John, who has an extensive musical background. He’s known throughout the city as the “Singing Fireman” and sang at the Chicago Music Festival at Soldier Field. He performs at various churches, civic and veterans programs. Throughout the years, the Tumpichs have been closely associated with Sacred Heart Parish activities and have given unselfishly of their time and energy to promote our branch. We ask God to shower his choicest blessings upon the Tumpich family. We have another singer, Cathy Sva-lina, daughter of State Rep. and Mrs. Nick Svalina, 10732 Ave. F. Miss Sva-lina, a junior at St. Francis De Sales High School, has also appeared on various programs. She plans to further her singing career upon graduation Our wannest congratulations to her and her good parents. I am sorry to report that one of our members, sister Georgia Gaspar of 9729 Huston Ave., was struck by a car and seriously injured recently. When one is ill, such as Georgia, a word of cheer will help fill the blank spots, so, please members, drop her a card of cheer. And, Georgia, this is just to make you aware that we are all thinking of you. A speedy recovery to you and all our members who are ill. See you at our October meeting! Mildred James, Pres. No. 96, Universal, Pa. — All who didn’t attend our last meeting at the home of Irene Zaverelli in Renton. Pa., can really be sorry as it was a most enjoyable time and Irene served the most delicious pastries and refreshments. Thank you, Irene. A reminder to those who have “kitty” prizes to bring for the Christmas Party, to do so at the October meeting, because the party is scheduled for Nov. 27th because we cannot have it in December. The yearly meeting takes place the same day, beginning at 1:30 p.m. at my home. Please remember to bring a $1.00 Christmas gift for exchange. We will have a good time with games and refresh- ments. We hope St. Nick will come to visit us even those it’s a little early for his schedule! Bring along a new member or two—just call our secretary, Mary Klemenčič w’ho will give you the necessary papers. With the closing of the year we hope to have our books in order— therefore, please pay all outstanding assessments soon. Once again, our Christmas party and annual meeting, Nov. 27, 1960— 1:30 p.m. Pauline Kokal, pres. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — After an absence of 3 months — with no reporting in Zarja, here I am again. I hope someone missed me!!! We did keep up with meetings as the ladies were good enough to open their homes to us. Right now, I have some important news. Two of our members have become grandmothers again this summer. Our secretary, Katherine Musich has a first grandson as her daughter, Pat gave birth to a boy, her third child. Mrs. Katherine Petrich became grandma for the first time when her daughter, Marion, gave birth to a girl. Congratulations to both grandmothers as well as parents and babies. The ladies who were hostesses this summer were Mrs. Alice Kocjan, Mrs. Mary Zimmerman and Mrs. Ann Lindlch. Many thanks to you for the effort and nice entertainment. They also supplied the usual hostess’ gifts, but, I cannot name the recipients — sorry. I also made a trip to Cleveland on the Aquarama boat and the usual yearly trip to Philadelphia. Had a nice time. Mrs. Ann Lindich reported her enjoyable trip to Cleveland on the Aqua-rama with some of her friends. Mrs. Kathine Petrich was hospitalized for a short time after school closed in June. After recuperating, she took a trip to Indiana and Illinois and on to So. Dakota where she saw many places including the Mt. Rushmore Memorial with four presidents’ faces carved in the mountain. She enjoyed the vacation very much and is now ready to take up her teaching job once more. Mrs. Pauline Adamic took a trip with her 2 granddaughters to see their relatives in Hancock, Mich., where they spent a week. Oh, by the way, Mr. & Mrs. Musick’s son, Michael, joined the Army and is in training now. They hope to have him home on leave before he is transferred to another base. We also had a wonderful visit with our daughter and her family who came from Hartford, Conn. and spent 4 weeks with us. Her three boys had a marvelous time with their cousins enjoying fishing and swimming at their uncle’s lake home. Hope you all had a nice summer and are ready to begin the routine of work. See you at the meeting. Rose Jamnik, Reporter Marie Prisland Pisatelju, filozofu, diplomatu, prijatelju Slov. Ženske Zveze Rev. G. M. Trunku, kličemo iz srca: Bog Vam daj še mnogo zdravih let! Rev. G. M. Trunk je nedavno praznoval 90-letnico svojega rojstva. Kako lepa starost! Kako plodonosno življenje! Koliko dobrega je č.g. za svoj narod storil ne le s peresom, temveč tudi z udejstvovanjem, zlasti po prvi svetovni vojni, ko je na mirovni konferenci v Parizu kot Jugoslovanski delegat zastopal Slovence ter se boril za pravice svojega naroda in za ostale Slovane, živeče v novo-formirani Jugoslaviji. Ko se je naša Zveza ustano\ ila in smo leta 1928 izdale nad 200 strani obsegajočo prvo knjigo AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA, sem Rev. Trunka prosila naj bi za knjigo nekaj napisal Rev. Trunk je takrat bil župnik v Leadvillu, naj-višjem inkorporiranem mestu na vsem svetu, ki je celo tisoč metrov višje kot znana gora Triglav v Sloveniji. Zdaj je gost Rev. Vital Voduška na slovenski fari v San Franciscu Rev. Trunk je za našo knjigo napisal krasen članek. Bil je Zvezin prijatelj takrat, ko so oil drugod letela polena. Ko se je pri Zvezi ustanovil Šolninski sklad, je takoj poklonil $50.00 kot član Prijateljskega krožka. Na njegovo prijateljstvo smo ponosne in mu hvaležne. — Iz članka za knjigo navajam nekaj izčrpkov: “ ... Pravijo, da je v ženskem obrazu izražena posebna milina, a da mu manjka odločnosti, energije. Mogoče. Gotovo pa je, da narava odmerja in dodeluje na vse strani v pravi meri, ne odveč in ne premalo. Kar ima ženski spol po svoji naravi, ima to v pravi meri za svoj naravni pomen ” “Moderni čas je prinesel moderno žensko gibanje. Slovenska Amerikanka mora imeti svoje oči odprte, se mora organizirati, če noče zaostati. Moderna, v dobrem in najboljšem pomenu moderna žena, mora ohraniti svojo milobo, pridobiti si pa mora odločnost, da izpolni svoje mesto . . . Slovenski Amerikanki velja klic: Kvišku, duša mila! Kvišku, dvigni svojo glavo za pravi ženski napredek, ostani pa duša mila, kakršna je tvoja narava!” * * * Amerika je po naši lastni izbiri naša nova domovina. Dala nam je priliko, da smo si tukaj ustanovili svoj dom, kjer so se rodili naši otroci in vnuki. Tu je zdaj naš dom., tukaj bomo ostali ml in naše družine, tukaj tudi legli k večnemu počitku. Za nas je torej zelo važno, kakšna bo bodočnost Amerike, naše nove domovine. Naši deželi moramo posvetiti pažnjo in vso svojo energijo. Posebno bo letos prilike dovolj, da obrnemo pozornost na domače dogodke, ker se bodo vršile važne predsedniške volitve. Od teh volitev bo odvisna bodočnost Amerike in našega blagostanja. Odkar je svet razdeljen v dva dela igra Amerika važno vlogo. Bodoča vodilna vloga naše dežele bo takšna, kakršni bodo voditelji, izvoljeni v novembru. Pobrigajmo se torej, da pronajdemo karakter in osebno delovanje kandidatov, ki bodo na volilnih listih, da bomo na važna, odgovorna mesta postavili ljudi, ki so zaupanja vredni, katerim bo blagor naroda in dežele res pri srcu. Posvetimo vso svojo pozornost administraciji in razvoju Amerike ter sodelujmo povsod, kjer le količkaj moremo, da se razmere izboljšajo, kar bo v korist nam in našim družinam. Ni samo naša pravica pač pa tudi dolžnost kot ameriških državljank, da se zanimamo in po svoje pomagamo pri vsem, kar smatramo, da je za to deželo koristno. Čeprav je naša slovenska narodna skupina kot kapljica v morju ameriškega nacionalizma, storimo vseeno svojo dolžnost, saj odvisi uspeh dežele od slehernega njenega člana, ki se zaveda svoje državljanske dolžnosti ter jo lojalno izvaja. * * * Spomladi je bil pred kongresom takozvani Forandov Bill, ki bi upokojenim državljanom zagotovil pomoč v bolezni, če bi bil odobren. Namen predloga je bil, v socialno zavarovalnino vključiti tudi zdravstveno zavarovanje. Vzela sem si pravico ter kot ustanoviteljica Zveze, v imenu vseh naših upokojenih članic apelirala na John Blatnika, slovenskega kongresnika iz Minnesote, naj Forandov predlog podpre. Apelirala sem na kongresnika mojega okraja Van Pelta in na oba senatorja iz Wisconsina. Na državni konvenciji za Wisconsin, vršeči se v Milwaukee, sem v tem oziru predložila resolucijo, ki je bila sprejeta in odposlana desetim važnim činlteljem kongresa in senata z apelom, naj delujejo na tem, da se odobri zdravstveno zavarovanje, češ, Amerika zaporedno trosi milijone za druge narode, ki niti hvaležni niso za našo pomoč, ali naj pustimo svoje lastne priletne državljane v bolezni nepreskrbljene ... ? Forandov predlog je propadel. Predlog pa je med narodom vžgal, da je v senat in kongres pričelo deževati protestov na kupe. Oba predsedniška kandidata sta se strinjala, da je treba uzakoniti zdravniško zavarovanje. Zasedanje kongresa tega sicer ni odbrilo na predloženi podlagi, ten> več je odobrilo predlog, da federativna vlada pomaga državam kriti stroške za zdravstveno oskrbo ljudi, ki so na javni podpori in onih starih državljanov, ki sami tega ne zmorejo. — To je torej pričetek! Prepričani smo, da pri tem ne bo ostalo, temveč, da se bo zakon sčasoma raztegnil na Social Security ter dal priliko vsem, ki delajo, da se zavarujejo napram stroškom bolezni na stara leta. * # * V stari domovini polagajo veliko važnost izobrazbi. Izobražence visoko cenijo in spoštujejo. Kadar se gre za osebno oceno je prvo vprašanje: “Koliko šol ima?” Ne samo profesionalci, temveč tudi rokodelci morajo Imeti višjo izobrazbo. V Šoštanju sem se seznanila z mlado šiviljo, ki je ravnokar napravila izpit iz trgovske šole Pozanimala sem se kake vrste izobrazbe se v Sloveniji pričakuje od šivilje. Prejela sem sledečo fnformacijo: Ko dekle dopolni ljudsko šolo in se želi izučiti za šiviljo, mora pohajati 3 leta v trgovsko šolo, kjer se uči šivanja, risanja modnih vzorcev, spoznavanja blaga ter kroja oblek. Poleg tega je obvezen pouk slovenščine, enega tujega jezika po izbiri, matematike, zakonodaje, zemljepisja, zgodovine, moralne vzgoje, čistoče in zdravstva. Po izpitu v obrtni šoli mora študentka imeti dve leti izkušnje pri kaki poznani šivilji, nato pa še dodatno dve leti takozvane mojsterske šole, nakar sme pričeti lastno obrt in postati samostojna šivilja, ali pred-delavka v tovarni za izdelavo oblek. Isto šolanje velja za krojače. Na deželi šivilja računa tisoč dinarjev za obleko sešiti, kar je približno $1.65 naše valute. V mestu je to delo dražje. Dobra šivilja računa od 3-4 dolarje za krojenje ene obleke. Kakšno plačo dobivajo delavke v oblačilni industriji mi ni znano. * * * Znanega slovenskega pisatelja dr. Ivan Tavčarja je v gostilni prosil vbogajme star berač, znan po svojem dobrem teku. Pisatelj je 'bil dobre volje, pa mu je rekel: — “Veš kaj, za goldinar žemelj ti kupim, če jih poješ.” Takrat se je za goldinar dobilo 60 žemelj, ki so bile res prave žemlje, da je bilo kaj v usta dati. Berač Je v ponudbo privolil in natakarica mu je prinesla 60 žemelj. Mož jih je pospravil do zadnje drobtinice, nato pa zahteval: “Micka, prinesi mi še za en groš kruha, da ne bo ta škric mislil, da sem se njegovih žemelj do sitega najedel.” ZAPISNIK POL-LETNE SEJE DIREKTORIC CHICAGO, ILL. 16. in 17. AVGUSTA 1960 Pol-letna seja odbora Direktoric se je pričela v torek dne IG. avgusta 1960 v Glavnem uradu v Chicagu, 111., ob pol deseti uri dopoldne. Prisotne so bile naslednje direktorice: Predsednica Josephine Livek, ustanoviteljica Marie Prisland, tajnica Albina Novak, blagajničarka Josephine Železnikar in nadzornice Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller in Anne Podgoršek. Prva točka dnevnega reda je bila pregled poslovnih knjig Po zaključku pregleda, je bil obisk Metropolitan Banke in pregled depozitov v varovalnem predelu (Safe deposit box). Vse investicije so bile najdene v redu, kakor poročano v tajniškem poročilu. Nadzornice so izrazile svoje zadoščenje, da so bile vse finančne zadeve najdene v najlepšem redu. Popoldne so direktorice nadaljevale sejo s čitanjem poročil. (Računi so bili v sept. Zarji.) Poročilo glavne predsednice Pozdravljene odbornice na naši drugi pol-letni seji 1. 19G0. Veseli me, da se nam je naša ustanoviteljica mogla pridružiti po dosotnosti zaradi bolezni od zadnje seje. Pozdrav tudi odbornicam, ki ste bile na obisku Evrope. Aktivnosti in delo v raznih državah se je pričelo zgodaj v tem letu. Prva drž. konvencija je bila v Illinois dne 22. maja in podr. št. 16 iz So. Chicaga je bila gostiteljica. Šest podružnic se je udeležilo te konvencije. Drž. konvencija za Wisconsin je bila dne 12. junija. Obe omenjeni prireditvi sta pritegnili lepo udeležbo članic in prijateljev. Bila sem navzoča na obeh konvencijah in vidi se napredek od lanskega leta. Članicam vedno bolj ugaja udeležba na teh zborovanjih, kjer se spoznajo z drugimi članicami njihove države ter posežejo v razpravljanje. Sestanki tega značaja bolj povežejo članice in jim nudijo priliko spoznati kaj druge podr. delajo za napredek. Podr. št IG se pohvali, da nima nobene težave s pobiranjem asesmenta, kar je gotovo zasluga tajnice. Tudi pensilvanijska drž. konvencija se je vršila dne 12. junija v Universal, Pa., št. 96. Ta podr. še ni objavila zapisnika njihove konvencije, kakor se pričakuje od vseh konvencij, da morajo biti objavljene v Zarji. Upam, da bomo slišale od njih v kratkem. Po poročilu drž. preds. sestre M. Tomsic, je bil lep uspeh. Poslala se mjim svoje čestitke in voščila. Drž. preds. M. Muller za 111., R. Kraemer za Wis. In M. Tomsic za Penna., moramo čestitati k njihovemu dobremu vodstvu. Še tri konvencije se bodo vršile in sicer: 11. sept. v Minn., 2. okt. v Ohio in 28. avg. v Colo. Dobila sem povabilo iz Colo. ter se bom udeležila, če mi bo zdravje dopuščalo. Kegljaška tekma v Jolietu zadnjo pomlad je bila večja kot prejšnje leto. To kaže, da so naše odbornice še bolj aktivne za kar jim velja zahvala. Od p. Odilo Hajnšek iz Lemonta sem prejela povabilo, da se Zveza uradno udeleži sv. mašo v spomin pok. škofa Rožmana dne 3. julija. S. Josephine Železnikar in jaz sve se udeležile skupno s 37 drugimi organizacijami, ki so poslale zastopstva. Letos se nisem udeležila letnega Zve-zinega dne v Lemontu, ker sem takrat bila na počitnicah, toda sem slišala, da je bila velika udeležba kot običajno. Naša pred-konvenčna kampanja se počasi razvija, toda prepričana sem, da ko se bodo pričele redne seje podr. v jeseni, bo sigurno več zanimanja. Moramo doseči kvoto! In jo bomo, če bo vsaka sodelovala. Svetujem, da si pre-čitate dopis ustanoviteljice v avg. štev. Zarje, ki pojasnjuje kako pridobivati nove članice. Je dobro berilo. Zopet bi vas želela opozoriti, da bo potrebno spremeniti pravila. Imela sem v mislih ko so bile izvoljene drž. predsednice, da bi se osnovali mladinski krožki, ki bi imeli svoje seje pod vodstvom starejše članice. V skladu z našimi pravili so omejeni samo k omejenemu glasu na sejah. Zaradi tega bi se pravila morala spremeniti, ker niso pravična in zadržujejo napredek. Svetujem en dodatni dan po prihodnji januarski seji za spremembo. Sedaj je tudi čas, da se pogovorimo z našim aktuarijem glede novih predlogov za konvencijo. O tem bomo govorile pozneje. Josephine Livek Poročilo tajnice finančnega odbora in predsednice šolninskcga in dobrodelnega odbora Prisrčno pozdravljene, drage sosestre, zbrane k polletnemu zborovanju našega odbora. Pozdravljam srečno se vrnivši glavni odbornici, ki sta letos obiskali našo rodno domovino. Na obrazu se j tona pozna, da sta se dobro imeli. Podajam poročilo mojega urada. INVESTICIJE Zadnjega pol-leta so potekli trije U.S. zakladniški bondi, vnovčeni za $3,000.00. Kupljeni so bili za ceno $2,966.25. Nove vloge: $3,000.00, 3%% U.S. Treasury bonds. Cena $2,969.00. Potečejo Nov. 1962. $4,000.00, Sisters of St. Francis bonds, Peoria, 111. Cena $4,000.00. Obresti 5%%. Potečejo okt. 1971. Massachusetts Investors Growth Fund. 400 delnic. Obresti 4%. Cena 6,420.00. Skupno Zvezino premoženje je naloženo sledeče: U.S. zakladniški bondi ....................... $105,329.64 Državni bondi .................................. 34,775.50 Bondi katoliških insitucij ..................... 19,817.00 Hranilnice in posojilnice ..................... 240,000.00 Central banka v Clevelandu ...................... 3,297.05 Zvezino posestvo ............................... 12,777.53 Skupno ............. $432,514.72 ŠOLNINSKI SKLAD Preostanek 1. jan. 1960 $7,341.35 Dohodki: Peter in Ella Starin, Cleveland, O., v spomin pokojne Josephine Praust, $5 00 Slovenska Ženska Zveza, v spomin pokojne Agnes Mahov-lich in Josephine Praustt, $10.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo., v spomin svoje pokojne sestre $5.00 Članice podružnice št. 50, Cleveland, v spomin pokojne tajnice Mary Loushin, $25.00 Darovale so: Frances Sietz, $5.00; Alyce Stewart, $3.00; Cecelia Žnidaršič, $2.00; Po dolarju: Mary Bas-tian, Agnes Trebar, Sophie Zagorc, Mary Hochevar, Josephine Hochevar, Ann Dekleva, Anne Slapnik, Carol Traven, Louise Mlakar, Frances Macerol, Toni Tanko, Marie Kobe, Mamie Marin, Antoinette Celes-nik, Josephine Trunk. Obresti: Community Federal S. & L. St. Louis, Mo.................................... $106.25 Sheboygan Savings & Loan, Sheboygan 37.28 Skupni dohodki........... $188.53 Skupna vsota ....................... $7,529.88 Stroški: Joseph Widina, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1959-1960 šolnina ................................ $200.00 Patricia Hren, Chisholm, Minn., 1960 šolnina .................................. $100.00 Skupni stroški .......... $300.00 Preostanek v šolninskem skladu 30. junija 1960 $7,228.88 DOBRODELNI SKLAD Preostanek 1. jan. 19G0 $172.65 Dohodki: Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo., darovala 2.00 Skupna vsota ...................... $174.65 Stroškov ni bilo. Preostanek v Dobrodelnem skladu 30. jun. 1960 $174.65 Šolninski odbor je za leto 1960-61 naklonil šolnino sledečima: Ann Frances Brešak, članica pod. št. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Njena mamica in stara mamica sta dolgoletni Zvezini članici. Ann Frances se je vpisala v St. Francis kolegij, Loretto, Pa. Posvetila se bo znanstvenim študijam. Larry J. Pheil, Lakewood, Ohio, sin naše članice Rose Pheil od podružnice št. 21 v Clevelandu, se je vpisal v Bowling Green državno univerzo. Njegova ambicija je postati zobozdravnik. Njegova mamica, stara mamica in 4 sestrice so Zvezine članice. Odbor obema odlikovancema iskreno želi srečo in uspeh v njunem študiju! Država Wisconsin je letos imela Zvezino konvencijo v Milwaukee in sicer 12. junija. Konvencija se je vršila vzporedno s proslavo 30 letnice podružnice št. 43. Bilo je mnogo uspeha, zabave pa tudi resnega dela v prid Zveze. Bilo mi je drago sniti se z našimi dobrimi in prijaznimi članicami. Podružnici št 43, prav lepo čestitam k njenemu jubileju ter želim mnogo napredka tudi v bodoče. Priporočam, da bi na tem zborovanju pregledale Zve-zina pravila in podale svoja poročila za prihodnjo konvencijo. Važne stvari vzamejo čas za razpravo in študirnje. Nič prezgodaj ne bo, če se že zdaj pogovorimo, zlasti ako bi se dal vpeljati nov razred zavarovanja, ki ga mladina želi. Kampanja za novo članstvo ni tako živahna kot bi morala biti. Če bi vsaka gl. odbornica v ZARJO napisala vzpodbuden članek, ki bi osvetlil točke Zvezinega delokroga in dobrobit organizacije, bi se morda vnela iskra delavnosti med članstvom. Naj bi glavna predsednica tozadevno opozorila ostale gl. odbornice. Amerikanci imajo pravilo, da mora vsaka stvar imeti dobrega prodajalca. “Sales talk!" V tem smislu sem v avgustovi ZARJI napisala preprost prizor za oder, ki vsebuje ves Zvezin program in delokrog, ki sme biti sleherni članici v ponos in v spodbudo za delo v sedanji kampanji. Kot je rekel naš duhovni svetovalec č.g. Claude Okorn: "Idealno organizacijo imate! Delajte za njo s prepričanjem!” Tu končuje moje poročilo. Nadaljna priporočila bom podala sorazmerno z dnevnim redom. Našemu zborovanju želim prav mnogo uspeha. Marie Prisland Poročilo glavne tajnice Iskreno vas pozdravljam in vam želim prijetno bivanje v Chicagu. Naj bi vsi sklepi le seje pripomogli Zvezi do velikega napredka Prepričana sem, da ima vsaka izmed vas koristen predlog, in če vsa naša mnenja vključimo v dejavnost, moramo doseči uspeh, kar je naš cilj in želja. Poseben pozdrav naši ustanoviteljici Mrs. Prisland, ki se radi bolezni ni mogla udeležiti naše pretekle seje. Želim Vam še mnogo let najboljšega zdravja. V prvih 6 mesecih leta 1960, je umrlo 87 članic; 84 umrlih je bilo včlanjenih v razredu A in njihovim dedičem je bilo izplačanih $8,400.00. V razredu B so bili trije smrtni slučaji, za katere je bilo izplačanih $450.00. Skupaj je bilo izplačanih smrtnin v znesku $8,850.00. Naše investicije prinašajo sedaj večje obresti, kar pomeni več denarja za naše sklade. Predkonvenčna kampanja ne poteka z uspehom kot smo si predvidevale. Do sedaj je bilo vpisanih 54 novih članic, to je v prvih dveh mesecih kampanje. Upam kar najbolj, da bodo podružnice sodelovale od sedaj naprej pa do 31. decembra, ko se kampanja zaključi. Dne 22. maja sem se udeležila proslave 30 letnice obstoja podružnice št. 41 v Clevelandu, Ohio. Preko 300 oseb je bilo navzočih na slavnostnem banketu in z veseljem poročam, da je bila prireditev ena najprijetnejših pri katerih sem prisostvovala. Čestitam pridnim odbornicam, članicam in vsem cenjenim gostom, ki so pomagali k lepemu izidu. Moje potovanje po Evropi je bilo prav lepo. Odsotna sem bila šest tednov, storila pa sem, kar je bilo v moji moči, da sem nadomestila čas odsotnosti s čezurnim delom bodisi pred potovanjem, bodisi po vrnitvi. Izrekam moje polno priznanje vsem, ki so me nadomeščali, posebno urednici Corinne za njeno požrtvovalno pomoč. Zahvaljujem se tudi blagajničarki Mrs. Železnikar za sodelovanje, kakor tudi moji hčerki. Gloriji, ki je dobra pisarniška pomoč. Potovanja v Evropo postajajo bolj in bolj popularna radi hitrih prevozov in upam, da bo Zveza priredila še več skupnih potovanj v bližnji bodočnosti. Z veseljem bom pomagala v ta namen in nudila vse svoje izkušnje v dobro naših članic. Državni dnevi in državne konvencije so nam prinesli mnogo zanimivih predlogov. S sestanki in konferencami nam je dana možnost, staviti razne predloge Zvezini konvenciji. ki bo v Ely, Minnesota v maju 1961. Do tedaj ni več dosti časa in ena glavnih razprav na današnji seji naj bo o predpripravah. Da gremo z duhom časa naprej moramo vključiti v svoj program zanimivosti zlasti za mladinske članice, da zasiguramo bodočnost Zveze. Predloge bo treba staviti našemu aktuarju, da bo sestavil možnosti sprememb ali dodatkov in to na podlagi statistik in v soglasju z zavarovalninskimi naredbami. Za pridobitev mladine mora imeti organizacija posebne privlačnosti in se moramo resno zanimati in nuditi smotrne načrte. Na podlagi vabljivih sprememb bomo zagotovile najboljšo možno bodočnost Zvezi in posameznim članicam. Končno pozivam vse podružnice, da poizkusijo kar se da imeti na prihodnji konvenciji zastopnico, če že ne z redo delegatko, pa s priznanjem za častno delegatko. Še vedno drži pregovor: Kjer je volja, tam je pot! Albina Novak Poročilo ft'1. blagajničarke Pozdravljene direktorice zbrane na današnji seji. Veseli me, da smo zopet vse skupaj zbrane. Na zadnjem zborovanju smo pogrešale sestro Marie Prisland zaradi bolezni, no pa sedaj je zopet med nami. Ravno tako so se srečno vrnile iz potovanja gl. tajnica A. Novak in nadzornica sestra Otoničar. Vsem skupaj srečno snidenje. Poročilo bom podala skupaj za 6 mesecev ker natančno poročilo ste prejele po sestri tajnici Albini Novak s čemer se tud! jaz strinjam. Dohodki za 6 mesecev $ 35,182.83 Stroški za isto dobo $ 24,862.96 Šest mesečni prebitek $ 10,319.87 V blagajni 31. dec. 1959 $428,492.15 Preostanek 30. junija 1960 $138,812.02 Finančno še vedno lepo napredujemo čeravno smrtni slučaji postajajo številčni. Prav lepa hvala sestri Marie Prisland za skrbno investicijo Zvezinega denarja, ker Zvezin denar nam prinaša lepe obresti. Hvala tudi gl. tajnici Albini Novak za lepo sodelovanje mojega posla v gl. uradu Udeležila sem se kegljaške tekme v Jolietu kjer je tekmovalo lepo število timov v krasnih prostorih. Voditeljice zaslužijo vso priznanje za njihov trud in požrtvovalnost v dobrobit organizacije. 22 maja smo se zbrale v lepeni' številu od podr. 2 in se napotile v So. Chicago, kjer se je letos vršila State Convention iz Illinois. Bilo je lepo zborovanje in vse v redu pripravljeno o