MakeLearn : Management Challenges in a Network Economy Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference – May , Lublin, Poland  Organizedby International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Kasetsart University, Thailand Edited by TIIM ValerijDermolandMarkoSmrkolj Production Editor & AlenJežovnik Published by ToKnowPress Bangkok • Celje • Lublin May  earn MakeLearn•ISSN- ToKnowPress is a Joint Imprint of eL KasetsartUniversity,NgamWongWanRd.Ladyao Chatuchak Bangkok , Thailand International School for Social and Business Studies Mariborska cesta ,  Celje, Slovenia Mak MariaCurie-SkłodowskaUniversity Pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej , - Lublin, Poland ©  International School for Social and Business Studies Photo Credits • p.  City of Lublin, p.  Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, p.  Hotel Europa, p.  and p.  Lublin Conference Centre, p.  Alan Hugs restaurant The author is responsible for the linguistic correctness of his or her paper. Published under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND . License. CIP – Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana :()(..) .()(..) MAKELEARN and TIIM International Conference ( ; Lublin) Management challenges in a network economy [Elektronski vir] : proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, – May , Lublin, Poland / [organized by] International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Kasetsart University, Thailand ; [edited by Valerij Dermol and Marko Smrkolj]. – El. knjiga. – Bangkok ; Celje ; Lublin : ToKnowPress, . – (MakeLearn, ISSN -)----/MakeLearn.pdf ISBN ---- (pdf ) . Gl. stv. nasl. . Dermol, Valerij . Mednarodna fakulteta za družbene in poslovne študije (Celje) . Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin) . Kasetsart University (Bangkok)  Table of Contents Welcome Address  Conference Boards   Conference Aims  Conference Programme  Venue Map  TIIM Keynote Speakers  Academic Leadership Forum  & Editors’ Panel with Exhibition of Journals  Research-Education-Business Forum  Academic Networking  Sessions  earn MBA Students from Kasetsart University  eL Seminar on Starting/Developing/Managing an International Journal  Workshop on Publishing for Young Researchers  Publishing Opportunities  Mak Pearson – Personalized Learning Solutions  Index  Organizers and Sponsors  Welcome Address  ItisagreathonourandpleasuretowelcomeyoutotheMakeLearn&TIIMInternational Conference. The conference is a great opportunity to make your contribu-tion to and share the most recent developments in the field of knowledge management with experts from all over the world. The title of the MakeLearn & TIIM  International Conference is Management Challenges in a Network Economy: Creativity TIIM andEducation–BusinessCollaboration–EconomicActivity–InformationTechnol- & ogy. International School for Social and Business Studies (ISSBS) is organising MakeLearn & TIIM  in cooperation with co-organizers Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, and Kasetsart University, Thailand. The conference deals with continuous and never ending change in business environment. Progress in ICT and other tech-earn nologiesaretransformingourenvironment,thewaywelive,workandthebusiness landscape and society. We can see the growth of more dynamic networks and orga-eL nizationsgeneratenewknowledgemorequickly.Inordertomaximizethebenefits, knowledge must be properly managed and exploited. In recent years, knowledge management has been given a lot of attention in companies and other organisations as well as in rapidly increasing numbers of scien-Mak tificandexpertpublications.TheISSBSencouragesthediscussionandexchangeof knowledge also through the International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, as well as through the Academic International Publisher ToKnowPress. We are proud to welcome  participants from  countries who will present  papers (% paper acceptance rate). We would especially like to welcome our keynote speaker: Prof. Sang Chul Park from Korea Polytechnic University, Korea. We also thank everyone who helped us organise MakeLearn & TIIM , and wish you all a success-ful conference and a pleasant stay in Lublin. Dr. Srečko Natek, Dean of the ISSBS, Slovenia with co-organizers Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Kasetsart University, Thailand  Conference Boards ds Honorary Board The representatives of organizations who organized previous MakeLearn and TIIM ar conferences. o Dr. Srečko Natek, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, B general chair and organiser of MakeLearn&TIIM conferences e Dr. Stanisław Michałowski, Rector, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Viorel-Aurel Şerban, Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Romania, conference co-organiser of MakeLearn&TIIM  Dr. Radoslaw Dobrowolski, Deputy Rector, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, enc conference co-organiser of MakeLearn&TIIM  er Dr. Ryszard Debicki, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, co-organiser of MakeLearn –, TIIM  and co-organiser of MakeLearn&TIIM  nf Dr. Pekka Kess, Univesity of Oulu, Finland, local co-organiser of TIIM  Dr. Dušan Lesjak, EMUNI University, Slovenia; International School for Social o and Business Studies, Slovenia and Faculty of Management Koper, University C of Primorska, Slovenia, local co-organiser of MakeLearn  Dr. Leonardo Marušić, University of Zadar, Croatia, local co-organiser of MakeLearn  Dr. Karim Moustaghfir, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco, co-organiser of MakeLearn  and  Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, Kasetsart University, Thailand, co-organiser of MakeLearn –; organiser of TIIM , ,  Mr. Aleš Štempihar, IIBA Slovenia Chapter, Slovenia, co-organiser of MakeLearn  Dr. Antonio Felice Uricchio, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, conference co-organiser of MakeLearn & TIIM  Dr. Hamid El-Zoheiry, EMUNI University, Slovenia, local co-organiser of MakeLearn  Conference Board Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, conference chair Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, conference co-chair Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand, conference co-chair Dr. Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, advisor to programme chair Dr. Binshan Lin, Louisiana State University, USA, advisor to conference chair Programme Board Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, programme chair  Dr. Anna Rakowska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, ds programme co-chair ar Dr.PornthepAnussornnitisarn,KasetsartUniversity,Thailand Dr. George Draghici, University Politehnica Timisoara, Romania o Dr.MalgorzataPorada-Rochon,SzczecinUniveristy,Poland B Dr.SusanadeJuanaEspinosa,UniversidaddeAlicante,Spain e Dr.AugustoSebastio,UniversityofBariAldoMoro,Italy Dr. Anna Karmańska, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Dr. Witold Chmielarz, Warsaw University, Poland Dr. Bart J. Debicki, Towson University, USA enc Dr.AncaDraghici,UniversityPolitehnicaTimisoara,Romania Dr. Wojciech Dyduch, Katowice University of Economics, Poland er Dr.AleksanderAristovnik,UniversityofLjubljana,Slovenia nf Dr.ElenaAndreevska,SouthEastEuropeanUniversity,FRYOM Dr. Yasemin Bal, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey o Dr.FlorianBauer,MCIManagementCenterInnsbruck,Austria C Dr.JaroslawBanas,MariaCurie-SkłodowskaUniversity,Poland Dr. Sabiha Shala, University of ‘Haxhi Zeka’ in Peje, Kosovo Dr. Srećko Goić, University of Split, Croatia Dr. Zsuzsana Horvath, Budapest Business School, Hungary Dr. Ralf Isenmann, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany Dr. Radosław Mącik, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Claude Meier, HWZ University for Applied Science Zurich, Switzerland Dr. Adam Śliwiński, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Dr. Frederick Kohun, Robert Morris University, USA Dr. Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan Dr. Ru-Jen Lin, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Dr. Tomasz Michałowski, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Dr. Haruthai Numprasertchai, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Tomasz Parys, Warsaw Univeristy, Poland Dr. Réka Polák-Weldon, University of Pannonia, Hungary Dr. Łukasz Wiechetek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Rita Remeikiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Dr. Punnamee Sachakamol, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Olesea Sirbu, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Moldova Dr. Jacek Szoltysek, Katowice University of Economics, Poland Dr. Suparerk Sooksmarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Oskar Szumski, Warsaw Univeristy, Poland Dr. Ali Türkyilmaz, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Dr. Kris M. Y. Law, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, PR China Dr. Janusz Wielki, Opole University of Technology, Poland Dr. Natascha Zeitel-Bank, MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria Dr. Moti Zwilling, College of Law & Business, Israel Dr. Mohamed Buheji, University of Bahrain, Bahrain  Organizing Team s Marko Smrkolj, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, d head of organising team Dr. Monika Jakubiak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland, head of co-organiser organising team oar Dr. Miroslaw Loboda, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland B Dr. Malgorzata Kamieniecka, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Bartlomiej Twarowski, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland e Dr. Dorota Chmielewska-Muciek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Bartlomiej Zinczuk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland nc Patrycja Marzec, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Aneta Karasek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland re Pawel Wojcik, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland e Anna Jańska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Katarzyna Budzyńska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Kinga Bednarzewska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland onf Bogumila Brzuchala, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland C Dr. Vesna Skrbinjek, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia • Aleš Trunk, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia ims Conference Aims Ae MakeLearn & TIIM  conference theme focuses on Management Challenges in a Network Economy. Today’s change in business is continuous and never ending. Progress in ICT and other enc technologies are transforming our environment, the way we live, work and the business landscape and society. We can see the growth of more dynamic networks and er organizations generate new knowledge more quickly. In order to maximize the benefits, knowledge must be properly managed and exploited. nf By combining the knowledge new opportunities may be created and more innova-o tive responses implemented. Networking gives organizations flexibility and respon-C siveness.  Conference Programme Wednesday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre – mme 12.00–18.00 Registration a 12.30–13.45 Concurrentsessions 13.45–15.00 Concurrent sessions 13.45–15.15 Guided tour of Lublin-city downtown ž rogr 15.00–15.30 Break P 15.15–16.45 GuidedtourofLublin-citydowntownž e 15.30–16.45 Concurrentsessions 16.45–18.00 Concurrent sessions 18.00–18.30 Welcome addresses by: enc Dr. Srečko Natek, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, general chair er Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand, co-organizer Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, nf Poland, co-organizer o Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland co-organizer C 18.30–20.30 Welcomereception 20.00–22.00 Reception for rectors and invited guests, signatures of international bilateral agreements • Lublin Castle Ÿ Thursday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre – 9.00–12.00 Registration 9.00–9.30 Conference opening: Dr. Stanisław Michałowski, Rector of the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Dr. Krzysztof Zuk, Major of Lublin, Poland HE Mr. Manasvi Srisodapol, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to Poland (TBC) Mr. Piotr Kowalczyk, Chairman of the Lublin City Council, Poland Dr. Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Organizing tips: Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak and Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland 9.30–10.15 Keynote speach: East Asian Economic Miracle as Implications for East European Countries Prof. Sang Chul Park, Korea Polytechnic University, Seoul, Korea Discussion  10.15–11.00 Coffee break with official photo session 11.00–11.30 Business Practice Case Study: Business Leadership in the Networked Economy Mrs. Lorraine Warne, Director/Founder, Cambridge Inner Game Leadership, University of Cambridge, United Kongdom mme Discussion a 11.30–12.30 Academic Leadership Forum Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Dr. Radoslaw Dobrowolski, Vice Rector for Research and International rogr Cooperation, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland P 12.30–12.45 Invitation to MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference 2018 e Press conference 13.00–14.00 Lunch 14.00–16.00 Optional: UMCS academic ceremony of awarding the Honorary enc Professor title to Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat from Kasetsart University, Thailand (event will be held at the Faculty of Economics —) er 14.00–14.30 Pearson – Personalized Learning Solutions (presentation) 16.00–16.30 Coffee break nf 16.30–17.45 Concurrent sessions o 17.45–19.00 Concurrent sessions C 19.00 Meeting point (LCC), walk to the Hotel Victoria Restaurant 19.30–22.00 Gala dinner and social event with Best-Paper and Lion Award announcement • Victoria Hotel Restaurant ˜ Friday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre – 8.00–9.00 Sponsor Sessions: Professional software for education based on Balanced Score Card idea – Solet Ltd. 9.00–13.00 Exhibition of Journals 10.30–11.30 Editors’ Panel: Insights from Journal Editors 11.30–12.15 Coffee break/snack lunch with networking for publishing opportunities 12.15–13.15 Research-Education-Business Forum: Network Economy and IT – Creativity and Knowledge – Business Collaboration 13.15–18.00 Free afternoon 18.00 Meeting point (LCC) • walk to the Alan Hugs Restaurant 18.30–20.30 Dinner and academic networking in the Alan Hugs Restaurant ™  Sessions Timetable Date Time #1 #2 #3 #4 mme Wednesday,17May2017 12.30–13.45 A1 E1 D1 C3 a 13.45–15.00 A2 E2 D2 F1 15.30–16.45 B1 E3 D3 G1 16.45–18.00 B2 C1 E4 G2 Thursday, 18 May 2017 16.30–17.45 A3 C2 E5 F2 rogr 17.45–19.00 A4 B3 D4 G3 P Thedistributionofpapersbysessionisofinformativenatureandissubjecttochange. e Thefinalinformationwillbeavailableon-site. Sessions enc • Knowledge management and information technologies (A, A, A, A) er • Human resource management (B, B, B) • Innovation (C, C, C) nf • Economics (D, D, D, D) o • Business and Entrepreneurship (E, E, E, E, E) C • Marketing (F, F) • Education and training (G, G, G) Post-Conference Programme Friday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre – and Faculty of Economics — • Seminar on Starting/Developing/Managing an International Scientific Journal • Workshop on Publishing for Young Researchers ‘Message-Driven Writing: A Technique for Bringing Order to the Creative Process’  Venue Map Map nueeV – Lublin Conference Centre — Faculty of Economics ˜ Victoria Hotel Restaurant ™ Alan Hugs Restaurant š IBB Grand Hotel Lublinianka › Mercure Lublin Centrum œ Hotel Wieniawski  Hotel Europa ž Lublin-city downtown Ÿ Lublin Castle  er East Asian Economic Miracle as Implications for East European Countries Prof. Sang Chul Park peak KoreaPolytechnicUniversity,Korea S MajorthreeEastAsiancountriessuchasJapan,Korea,andChinahavesucceededin e rapidindustrializationprocessesalthoughChinaisstillinanongoingprocesswith high economic growth. Japanese and Korean economic development cases are still regarded as economic miracle owing to their rapid reconstruction from the Second World War and the Korean Civil War. Other small East Asian tigers such as Hong ynot Kong,Singapore,andTaiwanbelongalsotothiscategoryalthoughtheydidnotex-e periencethemassdestruction. K SincetheFallofBerlinWallin,EasternEuropeannationssuchasPoland,Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary are in an economic transition period and have experienced high economic growth. Among these, Poland has been a core nation due to its economic size. In order to develop further, four Eastern European countries may need a development model. East Asian economic development experiences particularly Japanese and Korean cases could be one of the models. Sang-Chul Park has received PhD degrees in political science in  in Germany and economics in  in Sweden. His dissertations discussed Technopolises in Japan. He also passed a habilitation examination (full professorship) in political science in  in Germany as well as a docent evaluation (Swedish habilitation) in economics in  in Sweden. He is currently a Full Professor at Graduate School of Knowledge based Technology and Energy, Korea Polytechnic University and Adjunct Professor at Center for Science-based Entrepreneurship, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. He was also a Private Dozent at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany and Visiting Professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden. He served as Associate Professor at Gothenburg University, Sweden from  to  and as Associate Professor at Okayama University, Japan from  to . He also stayed as Visiting Professor at Fudan University, China in  and as Visiting Scholar at Asian Development Bank Institute, Japan in . His research interests concern industrial policy and regional development and studies on innovation systems and on science parks and innovative clusters in particular. Currently his research areas are expanded toward energy policy, sustainable development strategy, high technology ventures and international business and trade.  Academic Leadership Forum Forum Chair: Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland rum Forum Moderator: Dr. Dušan Lesjak o International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia F The Academic Leadership Forum aims to bring distinguished rectors, vice-rectors, deans, associate deans and other leaders in higher education from around the world to share their ideas about management challenges in a network economy. Forum Members: Dr. Pekka Kess, Univesity of Oulu, Finland Dr. Frederick Kohun, Robert Morris University, USA Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Dugagjin Sokoli, University College, Kosovo eadershipL cademicA  Insights from Journal Editors Panel Chair: Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Kasetsart University, Thailand Journals TheEditors’Panelaimstobringtopeditorsfromleadinginternationaljournalsaround f theworldtosharetheirideasaboutselectionconsiderationandcriteriaforapoten-o tialpublication.Thisdiscussionisexpectedtobenefitandstrengthenpossiblepubli-cations among doctoral students as well as junior faculties. The editors’ insights and viewpoints are important for a submission preparation. Scopus-Indexed Journal Editors’ Panel Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Management in Education International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia xhibition Dr.ZbigniewPastuszak,Editor-in-Chief E InternationalJournalofManagement&EnterpriseDevelopment Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Dr. Valerij Dermol, Editor in Chief ith InternationalJournalofValueChainManagement International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia w Dr.JoannaPaliszkiewicz,DeputyEditor-in-Chief Management and Production Engineering Review Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland nel Dr.JanuszGrabara,Editor-in-Chief a PolishJournalofManagementStudies P FacultyofManagementofCzestochowaUniversityofTechnology,Poland ’ AcademicPublicationsPanel ors Dr.Tzong-Ru(Jiun-Shen)Lee,Editor-in-Chief Communications of the International Information Management Association National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan, ROC Edit Dr.OleseaSirbu,Editor-in-Chief Eastern European Journal for Regional Studies Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Moldova Dr. Haruthai Numprasertchai, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Business Development and Research Kasetsart University, Thailand  Dr. Antonio Felice Uricchio, Editor-in-Chief Dr. Augusto Sebastio, Associate Editor International Journal of Law and Digital Society University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy Dr. Kristijan Breznik, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Journals Dr. Anna Rakowska, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Synergy and Research f Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland o Dr. Marcin Lipowski, Guest Editor of Special Issue International Journal of Synergy and Research Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Mr. Alen Ježovnik, Managing and Production Editor Management and Managing Global Transitions University of Primorska, Slovenia Dr. Anca Draghici, Editor-in-Chief Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara xhibition Transactions on Engineering and Management E Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, Editor-in-Chief ToKnowPress – International Academic Publisher ith International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia w nelaP’ ors Edit  Network Economy and IT: Creativity and Knowledge – Business Collaboration rumo Globalization,intensecompetition,demandingcustomers,regulatorychanges,and F therelentlessprogressoftechnology–allarethefactorsthataccruehighonthelist of key challenges affecting business. How do they respond? The marsh message is – if they do not respond they will not survive, and today change is continuous and never ending. Progress in ICT and other technologies is so dramatic that it’s fundamentally transforming our environment, the way we live, work and the business landscape and society itself. What is happening today is the growth of more dynamic networks, and a new layer of value on top information – knowledge. Organizations need to access knowledge that they don’t have and to generate new knowledge and commercialize it more quickly. The fundamental argument is that knowledge is an important con-tributor to the performance, value and future prosperity of an organization. In order to maximize the benefits, knowledge must be properly managed and exploited. Too tion-Business frequently,companiesdonotknowwhattheyknow,therebyreinventingthewheel, or fail to apply best practice because the knowledge has not been shared. In the knowledge economy connections and collaboration add value. Combine knowledge from different perspectives and you can create new opportunities and respond to challenges in innovative ways. Networking gives organizations flexibility and re-sponsiveness. For discussion: How universities operate in such society and how they collaborate within? ch-Educa ForumChair:Dr.JanChadam Maria Curie-Skłodowska Univeristy & Polish LNG Company, Poland Forum Moderator: Dr. Nada Trunk Širca International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Forum Members Resear Mr.MarceloCatalá,PresidentoftheBoard,CEMEXPoland,Poland Dr. Kwai-Sang Chin, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Dr. Bart J. Debicki, Towson University, USA Dr. Anca Draghici, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Mr. Bashkim Greiçevci, Center for Educational Research and Development, Kosovo Dr. Susana de Juana Espinosa, University of Alicante, Spain Dr. Tzong-Ru (Jiun-Shen) Lee, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Ali Türkyilmaz, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Dr. Bistra Vassileva, University of Economics Varna, Bulgaria Dr. Sabiha Shala, University of ‘Haxhi Zeka’ in Peja, Kosovo Dr. Moti Zwilling, Ariel University, Israel  rumoF tion-Business ch-Educa Resear  Academic Networking ing MakeLearn&TIIMinternationalconferenceincludesspecialopportunitiesfor academic networking: ork • Gala dinner and social event in Victoria Hotel Restaurant (Thursday,  May) • Dinner in Alan Hugs Restaurant (Friday,  May) • Optional excursion to Zamoyski Palace at Kozłówka (Saturday,  May) Meeting in an informal setting Netw isanopportunityforyoungerand experienced participants from different countries to create a lasting personal and professional connection. These are important at planning and implementation of joint research, mobility of teachers and for development and publishing joint cademic scientificarticles. A  A Knowledge Management and Information Technologies  Session Chair: Ladislav Burita The Effective Working with Tovek Tools Ladislav Burita, University of Defence and Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic Kamil Halouzka, University of Defence, Poland Keywords: information analysis, Tovek Tools, knowledge management system, education, research Full Text The Analysis of the Implementation of E-Administration Services Management by the Representatives of Generation Y in Poland Michał Szafranek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: e-Administration, generation Y, digital services, e-government Full Text Intergenerational Cooperation at the Company and Knowledge Transfer ledge Katja Kokovnik and Gregor Jagodič, w International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: intergenerational cooperation, knowledge, training, knowledge transfer Abstract Kno Business Process as a Service: A Flexible Approach for IT Service Management and Business Process Outsourcing Daniel Paschek, Adelin Trusculescu, Adrian Mateescu, and Anca Draghici Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: business process as a service, business process management, business process outsourcing, IT-service management, SMAC Full Text DEA Supported ANN Approach to Operational Efficiency Assessment of SMEs Hidayet Talha Kus and Muhammed Enis Bulak, Istanbul University, Turkey Ali Türkyilmaz, Nazarbayev University, Kahakhstan Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: operational efficiency, DEA, neural networks, classification, SMEs Full Text The Application of Computer Systems Used in Logistics Centres by Courier Companies Tomasz Szczepanik, Beata Skowron-Grabowska, Joanna Nowakowska-Grunt, and Anna Brzozowska, Politechnika Cz ęstochowska, Poland Keywords: logistics centre, courier company, computer systems, IT Abstract  A Knowledge Management and Information Technologies  Session Chair: Moti Zwilling Knowledge Codification: The Knowledge Management Systems Perspective Srečko Natek, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Moti Zwilling, Ariel University, Israel Keywords: knowledge codification, knowledge storage, knowledge management system, knowledge management, information technology Full Text Management TheImpactofITEmpowermentEffectonImprovingCompetitiveAdvantage Regarding Interfering Manufacture Variables Sima Radmanesh and Amin Tavakoli, South Pars Gas Complex, Iran Keywords: competitive advantage, information technology, production, efficiency, quality ledge FullText w ICT-BasedSocialNetworks:FriendorFoe? Alexandra Ioanid and Cezar Scarlat, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Keywords: information & communication technology (ICT), technology-human Kno interaction,socialnetworks,cyber-environment,cyber-criminality,cyber-attack, cybersecurity Abstract Outsourcing in the Management of the Public Hospitals in Lublin Voivodeship Marta Cholewa-Wiktor, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: outsourcing, public hospitals, the methods of managing a hospital, hospital management Full Text Development of a Systematic Model for Improving Software Quality in the Finanical Service Organization Hok-Ling Lee and Kwai-Sang Chin, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Keywords: software engineering, regulatory, quality management, knowledge management, finance Full Text Digital Transformations, Quantity and Quality Business Models Irena Hejduk, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Jaroslaw Sokolnicki, Kozminski University, Poland Keywords: digital transformation, business models, innovations, new technologies Abstract  A Knowledge Management and Information Technologies  Session Chair: Ali Türkyilmaz A Comparison of the Impact of Social Technologies on Empowerment: Poland and Turkey Fatih Çetin, Ömer Halisdemir University, Turkey Özlem Atay, Ankara University, Turkey Joanna Paliszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland Jeretta Horn Nord, Oklahoma State University, USA Keywords: social technologies, women, empowerment, Internet, Poland, Turkey Management Abstract Food-Law Copyright in the Italian Kitchen Augusto Sebastio, University of Bari, Italy Keywords: food-Law, copyright, intellectual property, recipes, taste and shape Full Text ledge The Content of Mission Statements of Slovenian HE Institutions w Jasmina Zeme and Kristijan Breznik, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: mission statements, higher education, network analysis, network islands Full Text Kno Diagnosis of Knowledge Management in Companies Dorota Chmielewska-Muciek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management process, company, IT sector Abstract A Wider Analysis of Bricolage, Breakthrough and the Related Paper by Garud and Karnoe Prateek Kulkarni, United Kingdom Keywords: bricolage, breakthrough, incremental innovation, radical innovation Full Text Smart Mirror-Network Architecture Based on IOT and Cloud Computing Technology Salu George and Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, American University of Nigeria, Nigeria Keywords: internet of things, RFID, WSN, smart mobile, smart mirrors, CoAP, REST, cloud computing Full Text  A Knowledge Management and Information Technologies  Session Chair: Kris M. Y. Law Knowledge Management and Organizational Performance: Literature Review Andrej Novak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge management processes, knowledge infrastructure elements, organizational performance Full Text Management HowOrganizationalLearningandKnowledgeManagementAffect Innovation Capacity of SMEs in China? Kris M. Y. Law, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Kristijan Breznik, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: organizational learning, knowledge management, innovation capacity, ledge smallandmediumfirms,China Abstract w AProposedModelforEvaluateOrganizationalSafetyCulture Alin Gaureanu, Anca Mocan, Hugo Weinschrott, and Corina Dufour Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Kno Keywords:safetyculture,safetyleadership,safetybehavior,safetymanagement system, health and safety performance, model, evaluation Full Text Innovative Competency Model of Thai Banking in Digital Economy Orapan Khongmalai, Thammasat University, Thailand Keywords: innovative competency, knowledge transfer, digital economy Abstract Use of ICT/Web in Higher Education in Croatia: The Case of Economics and Management Studies Josip Mesarić, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia Keywords: higher education, Croatia, modified Technology Acceptance Model, ICT Abstract A Discussion of a Cultural Model in Consideration for Managing in a Networked Economy Robert Skovira and Frederick Kohun, Robert Morris University, USA Vladimir Burcik, Comenius University, Slovakia Dušan Lesjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: Hofstede, cultural model, cultural dimensions, cultural bounded rationality, social environments, moral social circles, mental programs Abstract  B Human Resource Management  t Session Chair: Marzena Fryczyńska Employees’ Adaptation as a Critical Element of Human Resources Management: A Case Study Monika Jakubiak and Magdalena Kondas, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: employees, employee’s adaptation, human resources management, HRM Abstract Employment of Young People and Their Approaches to Find a Job Katja Kokovnik and Gregor Jagodič, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Managemen Keywords: young people, employment, job search, competences, motives for employment ce Full Text Career or Employability: How Networking Competences Determine Them Marzena Fryczyńska and Alena Ivanova, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: employability, career success, networking, competence networking, competencies Full Text Resour A Diagnosis of Polish Start-Ups Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek and Patrycja Marzec, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: start-ups, start-ups’ ecosystems, entrepreneur, Polish market Abstract Organizational Trust and Normative Commitment Human Dagmara Lewicka, Paulina Karp-Zawlik, and Monika Pec, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland Keywords: organizational trust, normative commitment, horizontal trust, normative team commitment Abstract  t B Human Resource Management  Session Chair: Ming-Chu Yu Factors Affecting the Engagement of Employees in the Public Sector: Results of the Pilot Study Andrzej Borowski, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: employee satisfaction, engagement, organizational commitment, public sector Full Text Managemen HowcanHumanResourceManagementPracticesLeadtoIncreasedCorporate Social Performance? Institutional Theory Perspectives Ming-Chu Yu, National University of Tainan, Taiwan ce Keywords:humanresourcemanagementpractices,corporatesocialresponsibility, corporate social performance, institutional theory Full Text Differences in Job Expectations and Engagement among Representative of Generations X and Y Resour EdytaKozak,MariaCurie-SkłodowskaUniversity,Poland Keywords: generation X, generation Y, job expectations, engagement Abstract Active Membership in Students Organizations as an Opportunity for Interpersonal and Organizational Skills Development Ewelina Berlińska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: students’ organizations, interpersonal and organizational skills, human Human resources,youngcandidate,skillsdevelopment Abstract The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working Remotely from the Perspective of Young Employees Magdalena Kłopotek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: remote work, employee, workplace, remote workers Abstract  B Human Resource Management  t Session Chair: Claude Meier Stress Management in Enterprise: Implementation Features and Ways of Development Oleh Kuzmin, Olha Melnyk, Mykhailo Honchar, and Olena Tyvonchuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Keywords: management, crisis management, stress management, deviation, management tools, enterprise Abstract Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Polish and Ukrainian Civil Servants: Managemen A Comparative Study Marzena Cichorzewska, Lublin University of Technology, Poland ce Anna Rakowska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, public employees, job satisfaction, public sector M Abstract Establishing a Digital Leadership Barometer for Small and Medium Enterprises Claude Meier, Sybille Sachs, Christian Stutz, and Vanessa McSorley, Resour University of Applied Sciences Zurich (HWZ), Switzerland Keywords: digital leadership, digitalization, Delphi study, questionnaire, barometer Full Text Global Teams Using Local Knowledge: A Case Study in Latin American Regional Development Blanca Garcia, America Martínez, and Alicia Leal, Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico Human Keywords: human capital, knowledge management, global teams, knowledge economy networks, regional development Abstract  C Innovation  Session Chair: Sophia Mirchova tiona CriticalOperationsCapabilitiesinaHighCostEnvironment: v AGreyRelationalAnalysis Ewout Reitsma, Cinzia Sansone, and Per Hilletofth, Jönköping University, Sweden Keywords: operations strategy, priority, capability, high cost environment, grey Inno relationalanalysis,Sweden Full Text Forecasting the Number of Passengers Serviced at the Maritime Ports in Bulgaria Sophia Mirchova, SWU ‘Neofit Rilski,’ Bulgaria Keywords: maritime transport, forecasting passengers, sea ports, single or simple exponential smoothing method, strategic documents Abstract The Model of Integrated System for Customers Behaviour Analysis Bartosz Bodziak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: customer behaviour, IoT, big data, MkIS, indoor positioning systems Full Text Interconnection between Knowledge Management and Innovation: An Overview of Good Practices at Home and Abroad Tina Vukasović, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: innovation, knowledge management, good practices, Slovenia, foreign markets Full Text  C Innovation  Session Chair: Susana de Juana-Espinosa tion Are Spanish Local Governments prepared for Digital Era Governance? a Susana de Juana-Espinosa and Jorge Valdes-Conca, University of Alicante, Spain v Lourdes Canos-Daros, The Technical University of Valencia, Spain Keywords: digital era governance, e-government, Spain, stakeholders, fuzzy numbers, network management Full Text Inno Adoption Model of Cc E-Commerce: A Conceptual Framework from Consumer Perspectives in Indonesia Farah Alfanur and Yasuo Kadono, Ritsumeikan University, Japan Keywords: CC e-commerce, technology adoption, consumer perspective, behavioral intention, purchase decision Abstract A Proposed Model for Measuring Performance of the University-Industry Collaboration in Open Innovation Anca Draghici, Larisa Ivascu, Adrian Mateescu, and George Draghici, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: university, industry, collaboration, knowledge management, performance model Abstract How Positive Relationships at Work stimulate the Innovation Orientation of Social Enterprises and For-Profit Organizations Aldona Glińska-Neweś, Agata Sudolska, Agnieszka Furmańska-Maruszak, and Joanna Wińska, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland Keywords: positive relationships at work, social enterprises, innovation, innovation-orientation Abstract Global Definition of the Term Innovation: The Social Factors Influencing Individual Understanding Justin Fruehauf and Frederick Kohun, Robert Morris University, USA Dušan Lesjak, University of Primorska, Slovenia Celina Solek-Borowska, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Joanna Paliszkiewicz, University of Life Sciences, Poland Keywords: innovation, innovation education, innovation dissemination, information innovation, vocational education Abstract  C Innovation  Session Chair: Adam Śliwiński tiona TheRemotelyPilotedAircraftSystemsuseinIndustryandAgriculture v AssessmentandPerspectives Michał Ratajczak, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: drone, unmanned aircraft, economy, agriculture Abstract Inno InsuranceInnovationAssessmentModel:ReferenceObject Adam Śliwiński, Anna Karmańska, and Tomasz Michalski Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: innovations, insurance, insurance processes, mapping, benchmark objects Abstract National Culture as a Determinant of Innovativeness Jakub Czerniak and Vitaliy Smygur, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: national culture, determinants of innovativeness, innovation-friendly national cultures, fostering innovations Abstract Factor Affecting Innovation in the Frozen Food Industry Anyanitha Distanont, College of Innovation, Thailand Keywords: technological innovation, product innovation, process innovation, market orientation, frozen food industry Abstract An Analysis of the Impact of Chinese Culture on Quality Management in Light of the Chinese Value Survey Chi Kuen Ivan Ng, Capstone Enterprises Ltd., Hong Kong Keywords: Six Sigma, organizational culture, Chinese culture, quality management, guanxi Full Text  D Economics  Session Chair: Elżbieta Wrońska-Bukalska Media Monitoring, Crisis Public Relations and Enterprise Performance Zeming Yuan, Lin Fan Tianjin, and Yu Jin, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China Keywords: media monitoring, crisis public relations, enterprise performance, property right conomics Full Text E XBRL – Digital Format for Financial Reporting Katarzyna Klimczak, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: XBRL, extensible business reporting language, financial reporting, digital reporting Abstract Foreign Investors on the Stock Market in Poland Ewa Widz, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: market activity of investors, foreign investors, exchange fluctuations, turnover value Abstract Capital Allocation Across Industries: The Case of Hotel and Restaurants Sector and Energy Sector Elżbieta Wrońska-Bukalska, and Kamil Mazurkiewicz, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: economics, business analysis, capital allocation, capital structure, assets structure, hotel and restaurant sector, energy sector Full Text Virtual Enterprise and Performance Measurement Systems: New Challenges for Management Accounting Anna Karmańska, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: IT, virtual enterprise, performance measurement, costs measures, managerial/management accounting Abstract The Problem of Public Debt in Poland and Methods of Stabilizing the Debt Jan Braun and Jolanta Szołno-Koguc, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: public debt, cause of the public debt, stabilizing debt levels, budget deficit Full Text  D Economics  Session Chair: Matei Tamasila The Situation of SME in Poland by Province Jacek Kołbik, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: SME, enterprices, Poland, entrepreneurship conomics Abstract E Firms–FinancialConstraintsandStructureofInvestment:AnApplication on R&D Sector of Largest EU Countries Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu, Serban Miclea, Matei Tamasila, and Mihaela Vartolomei, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: structure of investment, financial constraints, firm-level data, comparative study, panel data analysis Abstract Firms – Financial Performance and Investment: A Panel Data Analysis Applied to Wine Industry from CEE Countries Claudiu Tiberiu Albulescu, Anca Draghici, Simina Silvana Suciu, and Ilie Mihai, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: firm investment, wine industry, capitalization, liquidity, profitability, CEE countries Abstract Evolution of Intangible Assets Recognised in a Statement of Financial Position Katarzyna Bareja, Marta Gawart, and Magdalena Giedroyć, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: intangible assets, accounting, financial reporting, asset recognition Abstract Micro-Enterprises as Exporters in Northern Sparsely Populated Areas Harri Jokela, Eija-Riitta Niinikoski, and Matti Muhos, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: micro-enterprises, export, sparsely populated area, statistics Full Text Determinants of the use of Computer Games in the Teaching Process Witold Chmielarz and Oskar Szumski, University of Warsaw, Poland Keywords: computer games, e-gamers, e-gamers behaviour, didactic process Full Text  D Economics  Session Chair: Małgorzata Mierzejewska Automatic Tax Controller Concept Based on SAF-T Małgorzata Mierzejewska, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: tax fraud, standard audit file tax, automatic tax control, tax gap, predictive models Abstract conomics From Insurance Ombudsman to Financial Ombudsman E Anna Jańska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: insurance ombudsman, financial ombudsman, the insured, the rights of the insured Abstract Long-Term Unemployment as a Problem of the Polish Labour Market Karolina Jasińska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: labour market, labour law, human capital, economics, long-term unemployment Abstract Expectations of Students of Economic Studies Regarding Labour Market Magdalena Panasiuk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: students of economic studies, labour market, expectations regarding labour market, economics Abstract The Influence of the Brand and the Effect of the Country of Origin on the Purchase Usama Daya, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: purchase decisions, internationalization, brand, cars Abstract Current Problems of Preparation and Presentation of Consolidated Financial Statements Volodymyr Voskalo, Zoryana Skybinska, and Natalia Voskalo, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine Keywords: consolidated financial statements, users of consolidated financial statements, methods of consolidation, goodwill on consolidation Abstract  D Economics  Session Chair: Eija-Riitta Niinikoski European Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds in Sparsely Populated Areas: Case University of Oulu, Oulu Southern Institute Laura Kelhä, Eija-Riitta Niinikoski, and Ville Isoherranen, conomics UniversityofOulu,Finland E Keywords:Europeancohesionpolicy,regionaldevelopment,structuralfunds, sparsely populated areas, third task of universities Abstract The Debt Level of Communes in Lubelskie Voivodship Analysis in Years – Karolina Leonarcik, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: commune, debt analysis, individual debt ratio, budget deficit Full Text Factors Determining the Choice of Place of Residence for MCSU’s Students Jan Choma and Ewelina Berlińska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: real estate market, finances, students, making a decisions, marketing, renting flats Abstract Impact of Human Capital on Company’s Value Edyta Ilczuk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: company valuation, value of human capital, human capital, financial method Full Text Development of Reits in the US and the EU: The Impact of Tax Incentives Małgorzata Twarowska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: REIT, investment fund, tax incentives, real estate market Abstract Investigating the Asymmetry of the Oil Price Pass-Through to Pump Prices: The Case of Turkey Fela Özbey and Görkemli Kazar, Mersin University, Turkey Keywords: oil prices, pass-through, asymmetry, Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag model Abstract  E Business and Entrepreneurship  Session Chair: Matti Muhos Promptness of Payments for Goods and Services Supplied among Polish Enterprises compared to European Union Countries Magdalena Mulawa, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: trade receivables, trade credit, promptness of payments, late payments Full Text eneurship Perception of Digital Marketing Tools in New Micro-Enterprises Lari Isohella, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen, Martti Saarela, Matti Muhos, and Tuulia Nikunen pr University of Oulu, Finland e Keywords: new micro-enterprise, start-up, digital marketing, perceptions of digital marketing, Finland Full Text ntrE Critical Incidents of Growth in Nordic E-Health Service Start-Ups Martti Saarela, University of Oulu, Finland Daniel Örtqvist, University of Luleå, Sweden Anna-Mari Simunaniemi and Matti Muhos, University of Oulu, Finland and Keywords: eHealth, healthcare, start-up, entrepreneurship, growth, Finland, Sweden Abstract Lean Management Fundamentals with Regards to Services Wieslaw Urban, Bialystok University of Technology, Poland Keywords: lean management, lean service, lean principles, service science, service co-production Abstract Business Impact of Refugee and Migration Crisis on Greek Tourism Destinations Rouska Krasteva, and Efstratios Pantelis, South-West University ‘Neofit Rilski,’ Bulgaria Keywords: refugee crisis, migration crisis, Greek islands, impacts on tourism Abstract Open Access, Toll Access, and Hybrid Journals: New (and Not So New) Business Models in Academic Publishing Alen Ježovnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: open access, journals, publishing Abstract  E Business and Entrepreneurship  Session Chair: Mariusz Hofman The Early Stages of Growth in Micro-Firms Kai Hänninen, Harri Jokela, Martti Saarela, and Matti Muhos, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: stages of growth, growth, micro-firm, micro-entrepreneurship eneurship FullText pr EarlyStagesofGrowthinSocialandHealthcareServiceBusiness e Anna-MariSimunaniemi,MattiMuhos,andMarttiSaarela, University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: growth management, early stages of growth, social and healthcare ntr business,servicebusiness,SMEs,criticalincidenttechnique,casestudy E FullText Theoretical Framework for Value Creation in Project Oriented Companies Mariusz Hofman, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland and Keywords:valuecreation,projectorientedcompany,structuralequationmodelling Abstract Polish Enterpreneurs’ Projects on Polish Crowdfunding Sites Jarosław Macios, Maria Curie Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: crowdfunding, business projects, social funding, enterpreneurs Abstract The Application and Role of Management Accounting and Controlling Methods in Family Businesses Business KrisztinaNémethandSzilárdNémeth,BudapestBusinessSchool,Hungary Keywords: family business, management accounting, controlling, succession process Full Text  E Business and Entrepreneurship  Session Chair: Piotr Maicki The Governance of Member-Focused and Third-Party-Focused Cooperatives Dietmar Roessl, Research Institute for Cooperation and Cooperatives, Austria Martina Pieperhoff, Research Institute for Cooperation and Cooperatives, Austria Katie Hyslop, Institute for Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, Austria Keywords: cooperatives, trust, reciprocity, governance mechanisms eneurship Abstract pr Aspects Related to Business Ethics for Small and Medium Size Companies e in Romania Cristina Feniser, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Alin Jitarel, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania ntr Anca Mocan, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania E Anca Draghici, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: ethics, behaviour, ethical dilemmas, checklist, survey Full Text and Are Entrepreneurial Educators the Key on Embedding Enterprise Skills across the Curriculum? A Comparison Study Vasilios Tavlaridis and David Gibson, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom Keywords: enterprise educators, competencies, entrepreneurship education, pedagogy Full Text Internet Currency Exchange Services as an Alternative to Traditional Business Financial Institutions Piotr Maicki, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: internet, currency, exchange, services, banks Full Text The Importance of Knowledge in the Development of Services: Analysis of the Development of CAM Services in Slovenia Mateja Kržin, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies and University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Katarina Babnik, Faculty of Health Sciences, Slovenia Keywords: services, knowledge, CAM, Slovenia Full Text  E Business and Entrepreneurship  Session Chair: Antonio Bassi Criteria and Factors in the Success of Projects and Their Management: Survey by Swiss Companies Antonio Bassi, SUPSI, Switzerland Aris Arrigoni, Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale, Switzerland eneurship BenjaminDemma,Schindler,Switzerland Reto Gallera, Diamond, Switzerland pr MauroGalli,SysnthesGroup,Swizerland e Keywords:projectmanagement,success,criteria,factors,Switzerland Full Text ntr AssessingBusinessEcosystemHealth:RoleofAnchoringActor E inFormationPhase Tuomas Lappi, University of Oulu, Finland Tzong-Ru Lee, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan Kirsi Aaltonen, University of Oulu, Finland and Keywords:businessecosystem,ecosystemformation,anchoringactor, ecosystem health Abstract Economic Performance Measures in the Area of Sustainability for Manufacturing Enterprises Chavatip Chindavijak, Kasetsart University, Thailand Keywords: sustainability performance, sustainability performance measurement, economic sustainability, manufacturing enterprise, performance measures Business Abstract Barriers to Adoption of E-Commerce in SMEs in Transition Economies: Case of Albania Narasimha Rao Vajjhala and Salu George Thandekkattu, American University of Nigeria, Nigeria Keywords: barriers, e-commerce, e-business, challenges, transition, Albania Abstract Sustainable Business Models in the Network Economy: Conceptual Framework Justyna Szumniak-Samolej, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: sustainable business models, conceptual framework, social mission, environmental mission, social media Abstract  E Business and Entrepreneurship  Session Chair: Tomasz Napiórkowski Organizational Change Management: Concepts Definitions and Approaches Inventory Andreea Cristina Bejinariu, Alin Jitarel, Ioana Sarca, and Anca Mocan, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania Keywords: organizational, change, management, models, process, metaphors Full Text eneurship Manufacturers’ Benefits from Their Cooperation with Key Retailers pr in the Context of Business Models: A Cluster Analysis e Marzanna Witek-Hajduk and Tomasz Napiórkowski, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland Keywords: manufacturer-retailer relationships, business model, cooperation, ntr coopetition, cluster analysis, consumer durables market E Abstract The Analysis of Location Determinants of Companies from the Logistics Outsourcing Sector: Case Study of Poland and Zbigniew Pastuszak and Katarzyna Budzyńska, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: outsourcing, offshoring, logistics, Hellwig’s method, location factor Abstract Teaching Approaches to Encourage Entrepreneurial Mindset of Students Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial intentions Business Full Text  F Marketing  Session Chair: Marcin Lipowski tinge Micro-Enterprises’DigitalMarketingToolsinBuildingCustomerRelationships Tuulia Nikunen, Martti Saarela, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen, Matti Muhos, and Lari Isohella University of Oulu, Finland Keywords: digital marketing, micro-enterprise, digital marketing tool, Mark customerrelationship Abstract Analysis of Purchasing Decisions made by the Z Generation Consumers Olga Smalej, Maria Curi-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: Z generation, young consumers, decision making styles, buyers’ behaviors Full Text Media and the Buying Process Gregor Jagodič and Tina Vukasović, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: media, shopping behaviour, purchasing habits, consumers Full Text Multi-Channel Consumer Behaviour: Proposition of Intensity Indices Radosław Mącik, Maria Curi-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: multi-channel shopping, consumer behaviour, measurement, index, formula, simulation Abstract Media Consumption Patterns among Polish Consumers Marcin Lipowski, Maria Curi-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: media, convergence, marketing communications, Polish consumers behaviour Abstract Effectiveness of Marketing Activities in Attracting Students from Lublin Universities Paweł Gajewski, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Anna Szymczak, University of Łódź, Poland Donata Langa, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: marketing activities, marketing tools, recruiting students, educational offer, university Full Text  F Marketing  Session Chair: Bistra Vassileva ting Socio-Economic Impacts of the Science and Research Systems e Franci Demšar, University of Primorska, Slovenia Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Frederick Kohun, Robert Morris University, USA Robert Skovira, Robert Morris University, USA Keywords: science, research, development, innovation, socio-economic impacts, Mark European innovation index, global innovation index Full Text Youtube as a Start-Up Marketing Tool: Case Studies of Polish and International Start-Ups Anna Prończuk-Omiotek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Stanisław Skulimowski, Lublin University of Technology, Poland Keywords: start-up, youtube, marketing, video, hype, viral, social media Abstract Consumer Activities and Reactions to Social Network Marketing Bistra Vassileva, University of Economics Varna, Bulgaria Keywords: social network, marketing, social network behavioral models, brand engagement Abstract Cross-Border in the E-Commerce as Exemplified by the Baltic Countries Piotr Nieradka and Katarzyna Niedzwiecka, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: cross-border, e-commerce, baltic countries, parcel mashines, trends Abstract Market Self-Reliance in a Moment: Selected Aspects of Young Consumers’ Behavior Ilona Bondos, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: young customers, mobile phone, service, price/cost perception, online channel Abstract  G Education and Training  Session Chair: Piotr Maleszyk Presence of Central Elements in Entrepreneurial Education: raining ACaseStudyinNorthernFinland T LeenaEskola,Anna-MariSimunaniemi,HarriJokela,Eija-RiittaNiinikoski, and Matti Muhos, University of Oulu, Finland Kaija Arhio, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Finland nd Keywords:entrepreneurialeducation,educationpathway,strategy,education, a casestudy,Finland Full Text Unterstanding Integrated Business Software Bettina Schneider, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland tion Keywords:enterpriseeesourceplanning,integratedbusinesssoftware,threshold concepts, phenomenography, conceptual understanding, higher education, professional training Full Text Cooperation between Vocational Schools and Firms: Educa SchoolsandFirms–Perspectives Piotr Maleszyk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: vocational training, employers, dual vocational training system, local labour markets Abstract Assessing Expectation and Perception of Service Quality: Case Study of a Romanian University Ilie Mihai Taucean, Ana Gabriela Strauti, Matei Tamasila, and Serban Miclea, Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania Keywords: service, quality, servqual, case study Full Text Leading Curriculum Implementation: The Case of Kosovo Osman Buleshkaj, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kosovo Keywords: education, curriculum, leadership, policy, change Full Text  G Education and Training  Session Chair: Łukasz Wiechetek Education on Environmental Protection as Human Right: Case of Kosovo Mimoza Hyseni Spahija and Sabiha Shala, University of Haxhi Zeka, Kosovo Keywords: Kosovo, education, environmental education, human rights raining Abstract T Introduction Geographic Information Systems in Business Education: The Case of Polish Students of Logistics nd Łukasz Wiechetek, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland a Keywords: GIS, geographic information system, curriculum, GIS perception, student’s perspective, GIS framework Abstract Social Inclusion of Migrants in the EU: The Role of Education tion Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Anica Novak, Institute for Romolgical Studies, Education and Culture, Slovenia Aleš Trunk, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: social inclusion, EU policies on integration, migrants, education Abstract Educa Promoting Entrepreneurial Education in Schools Valerij Dermol, Aleš Trunk, and Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: entrepreneurial skills, innovation, creativity, education of teachers and youth Abstract Satisfaction with Dentist Practice Services in Slovenia Miran Forjanič and Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: patient, dental health care, satisfaction, service Full Text The Image of Nursing and Nurses among Primary School Pupils Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Katarina Babnik, University of Primorska, Slovenia Brigita Skela Savič, Angela Boškin Faculty of Health Care, Slovenia Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Keywords: nursing, nurses, public image, perceptions, primary school pupils Abstract  G Education and Training  Session Chair: Attila Turi Qualifications of Lecturers as Indicator of Quality Teaching in Higher Education raining DugagjinSokoli,UniversiCollege,Kosovo T AndrejKoren,InternationalSchoolforSocialandBusinessStudies,Slovenia Keywords: lecturer, quality education, teaching, teaching quality, teaching experience, teaching qualifications, professional development nd FullText a TheImpactoftheCurriculumintheLiteraryWritingoftheChildren of the Secondary Schools Vehbi Miftari, University of Peja, Kosovo Arbnore Mahaj-Miftari, Education Center Bardha, Kosovo tion Keywords:nationalcurricula,goals,competencies,teachingmethods,bookcontent, imaginative spaces, artistic writing Full Text Smartphones Influence on Students: Case Study on Romania Marian Mocan, Larisa Ivascu, and Attila Turi, Educa PolitehnicaUniversityofTimisoara,Romania Cristina Feniser, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Keywords: mobile technology, smart phones, social influence, student Full Text Selected Signs of Discrimination as Perceived by Men Employees of Polish Companies: A Self-Study Research Account Bartłomiej Zinczuk, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland Keywords: discrimination, unequal treatment, stereotypes, employee Abstract Towards Social Inclusion of Young People in the EU Anica Novak, Institute for Romolgical Studies, Education and Culture, Slovenia Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Ksenija Bažon, University of Primorska, Slovenia Keywords: youth in the EU, social exclusion, European policies for youth Abstract Self-Evaluation in Schools: What are Still the Challenges and How to Address Them? Alenka Jurič Rajh, National School for Leadership in Education, Slovenia Andrej Koren, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Mateja Brejc, National School for Leadership in Education, Slovenia Keywords: networking, capacity building, self-evaluation, education Abstract  MBA Students from Kasetsart University, Thailand on Study Visit in Europe and at MakeLearn&TIIM  Accompanying Professors Dr. Yodmanee Tepanon Dr. Nuttapon Punpugdee tudents Mrs. Nadhakan Chinnaranun S MBA Students Miss Pataranit Buntayidasub Mr. Sunchai Rungruengchoosakul Dr. Pawarej Chomdej Mr. Montree Rungsiriroj Miss Jiraporn Chulapun Mr. Thanawut Sabaengban MBA Mrs. Sujittra Inswang Mr. Dhiramesr Sasiraweeroj Miss Jitada Jewajinda Mrs. Pranee Siriphongsathorn Mr. Tawitchai Juntamanee Mr. Kochakorn Sirirat Mr. Tanawat Kajohnkittiya Mr. Chokchai Songsom Mr. Montree Kehanadee Miss Ladda Sorada Mr. Phasit Kiatjanon Mr. Rattachart Sukkasem Dr. Phongthorn Kongmun Mr. Jakkraphant Sutcharitchant Mr. Thanaphon Phonungrattanawong Mr. Withaya Tepaloon Mr. Passakorn Pimarnprom Miss Aunchuleeporn Thongpaijit Miss Apinun Pimphan Mr. Nattanakit Tungchotichayanon Mr. Uchin Pitsamai Mr. Anuchart Yaovarat Mr. Erawan Raksakul Mr. Charin Yaud Mr. Somsak Rattanarukhut Mr. Jaturong Zinliw Miss Kwanwalee Ruengthai  Seminar on Starting/Developing/Managing an International Journal Dr. Valerij Dermol, Editor in Chief, International Journal of Value Chain Management (Scopus-indexed journal), International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Journals AlenJežovnik, ManagingEditor,ToKnowPress&UniversityofPrimorskaPress, Slovenia Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Management in Education (Scopus-indexed journal), International School for Social and Business Studies, University of Primorska, Slovenia tional Dr.ZbigniewPastuszak, Editor-in-Chief, InternationalJournalofManagement& Enterprise Development (Scopus-indexed journal), Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Innovation and Learning (Scopus-indexed journal), Kasetsart University, Thailand erna Dr.NadaTrunkŠirca, Editor-in-Chief,ToKnowPress–InternationalAcademic Publisher, International School for Social and Business Studies and University Int ofPrimorska,Slovenia Target groups: editors-in-chief of ‘young’ journals, academics that plan to start n anewscientificjournal,youngacademicswhoareinterestedinhowthejournals o operateandwhatisimportantfromtheeditor’spointofview. Friday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre 8.00–13.00 Exhibition of Journals 9.00–10.15 Introduction, Dr. Nada Trunk Širca and Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat ‘Publish or Perish’ in the Academia, Dr. Valerij Dermol minar and Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak e Academic Writing Styles, Matija Vodopivec S 10.30–11.30 Editors’Panel 11.30–12.15 Coffee break and snack with networking for publishing opportunities Friday,  May  • Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University 12.30-14.00 Current Trends in Journal Publishing, Moderator: Dr. Valerij Dermol Discussants: Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Dr. Dušan Lesjak, Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Alen Ježovnik 14.00–15.00 Lunch 15.00–18.00 Starting a New Journal and Developing a Journal, Dr. Valerij Dermol and Alen Ježovnik Publishing a Journal, Alen Ježovnik 18.00 Walk to the restaurant 18.15–20.30 Dinner and academic networking in the Alan Hugs Restaurant  Message-driven Writing: A Technique for Bringing Order to the Creative Process Dr. Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia chers Matija Vodopivec, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia The workshop will discuss the message-driven writing technique – a technique where the main message dictates the structure of the text and its content. This technique is in fact commonly used by experienced researchers, and it will be presented in an accessible, clear and useful manner. Because writing is a creative process, it is always demanding and often frustrating – but with the help of this Resear workshop, we will show how it can be made less stressful and more productive. The PhD workshop will also cover the following topics: • Planning the content: how to formulate the main message • Constructing thematic and extended outlines, and the content of individual oung sections Y • Drafting and editing writing the first draft, revising, editing, and tips on writing paragraphs. r • Publishing: what editors seek, selecting journals, and the process of revising fo The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss your own research paper during the workshop and to receive comments and feedback. Workshop presenters also will be available for advice or informal discussion on Thursday afternoon. Friday,  May  • Lublin Conference Centre 8.00–13.00 Exhibition of Journals 9.00–10.15 Introduction, Dr. Nada Trunk Širca and Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat ‘Publish or Perish’ in the Academia, Dr. Valerij Dermol blishing and Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak u Academic Writing Styles, Matija Vodopivec P 10.30–11.30 Editors’ Panel 11.30–12.15 Coffee break and snack with networking for publishing opportunities Friday,  May  • Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University 12.30–13.30 Workshop on Writing for Young Researchers: Group Exercises 13.30–15.00 Lunch 15.00–16.15 Workshop on Writing for Young Researchers: Group Discussion of Exercises 16.30–17.45 One-on-One Coaching (optional) 18.00 Walk to the restaurant 18.15–20.30 Dinner and academic networking in the Alan Hugs Restaurant  International Journal of Business Development and Research Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Haruthai Numprasertchai, Kasetsart University, Thailand, tunities InternationalJournalofInnovationandLearning ISSN - • Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand, ppor InternationalJournalofLawandDigitalSociety O Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Antonio Felice Uricchio, Co-Editor • Dr. Augusto Sebastio, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, International Journal of Management & Enterprise Development ISSN - • Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland, blishing u InternationalJournalofManagementinEducation P ISSN-X• Editor in Chief • Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning ISSN - • Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Kristijan Breznik, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, International Journal of Synergy and Research ISSN - • Editor-in-Chief • Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University, Poland, International Journal of Value Chain Management ISSN - • Editor in Chief • Dr. Valerij Dermol, Editor in Chief, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia,  ToKnowPress ToKnowPress publishes monographs, journals, and conference proceedings in both printed and online versions. It provides a platform for publishing and promoting the latest research across all areas of science. tunities ToKnowPress is a joint imprint of • Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand, • International School for Social and Business Studies, Celje, Slovenia, and • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. ppor To submit a manuscript or for further information, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. O Editor-in-Chief Dr. Nada Trunk Širca, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia Editors Dr. Pornthep Anussornnitisarn, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Zbigniew Pastuszak, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Editorial Board blishing Dr. Valerij Dermol, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia u Dr. Dušan Lesjak, International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia P Dr. Anna Rakowska, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Dr. Bordin Rassameethes, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Punnamee Sachakamol, Kasetsart University, Thailand Dr. Agnieszka Sitko-Lutek, Maria Curie-Skolodowska University, Poland Senior Adviser Dr. Kongkiti Phusavat, Kasetsart University, Thailand Managing and Production Editor Alen Ježovnik, Folio Publishing Services, Slovenia  Pearson – Personalized Learning Solutions Presented by Malgorzata Jaroszewska-Grabos Sales Manager lutions Whenitcomestoplanningyourcurriculum,youknowwhatcoursematerialswill o bestsupportyourteaching.Personalisedsolutionsgiveyouthefreedomtodesign S yourcoursematerialsbasedonexactlywhatandhowyouwanttoteach. Take only the most applicable parts of your favourite materials and combine them in any order you want. You can even integrate your own material if you wish. It’s fast, it’s easy and more targeted course materials give your students a better experience. What personalised learning resources can you create with us? There are many ways to personalise our learning content to meet the needs of your course and your students: earning • Bespoke main course textbook or eBook branded to your university L • Unique case book with just what you use in class • A course reader with introductory chapters from various texts d • A study skills guide designed to support your students e • Pearson MyLab or Mastering course with combined content tailored to your course • A bespoke course website with a range of digital learning resources from eChapters and case studies to videos and quizzes designed • Publishing your own book Benefits: rsonaliz • Tailored to your course e • Branded to your university P • No extraneous material • No time wasting • Focused for your students Pearson Central Europe Ul. Szamocka , - Warszawa, Poland Mobile: + ()   ; + ()    E-mail: Website:  Index x Aaltonen, Kirsi,  Chmielarz, Witold, ,  Albulescu, Claudiu Tiberiu,  Chmielewska-Muciek, Dorota, ,  Alfanur, Farah,  Cholewa-Wiktor, Marta,  Inde Andreevska, Elena,  Choma, Jan,  Anussornnitisarn, Pornthep, ,  Chomdej, Pawarej,  Arhio, Kaija,  Chulapun, Jiraporn,  Aristovnik, Aleksander,  Cichorzewska, Marzena,  Arrigoni, Aris,  Czerniak, Jakub,  Atay, Özlem,  Daya, Usama,  Babnik, Katarina, ,  de Juana-Espinosa, Susana, , ,  Bal, Yasemin,  Debicki, Bart J., ,  Banas, Jaroslaw,  Debicki, Ryszard,  Bareja, Katarzyna,  Demšar, Franci,  Bassi, Antonio,  Demma, Benjamin,  Bauer, Florian,  Dermol, Valerij, , , , , , – Bažon, Ksenija,  Distanont, Anyanitha,  Bednarzewska, Kinga,  Dobrowolski, Radosław, ,  Bejinariu, Andreea Cristina,  Draghici, Anca, , , , , , ,  Berlińska, Ewelina, ,  Draghici, George, ,  Bodziak, Bartosz,  Dufour, Corina,  Bondos, Ilona,  Dyduch, Wojciech,  Borowski, Andrzej,  El-Zoheiry, Hamid,  Braun, Jan,  Eskola, Leena,  Brejc, Mateja,  Feniser, Cristina, ,  Breznik, Kristijan, , , ,  Forjanič, Miran,  Brzozowska, Anna,  Fruehauf, Justin,  Brzuchala, Bogumila,  Fryczyńska, Marzena,  Budzyńska, Katarzyna, ,  Furmańska-Maruszak, Agnieszka,  Buheji, Mohamed,  Gajewski, Paweł,  Bulak, Muhammed Enis,  Gallera, Reto,  Buleshkaj, Osman,  Galli, Mauro,  Buntayidasub, Pataranit,  Garcia, Blanca,  Burcik, Vladimir,  Gaureanu, Alin,  Burita, Ladislav,  Gawart, Marta,  Canos-Daros, Lourdes,  George, Salu,  Catalá, Marcelo,  Gibson, David,  Çetin, Fatih,  Giedroyć, Magdalena,  Chadam, Jan,  Glińska-Neweś, Aldona,  Chin, Kwai-Sang, ,  Goić, Srećko,  Chindavijak, Chavatip,  Grabara, Janusz,  Chinnaranun, Nadhakan,  Greiçevci, Bashkim,   x Halouzka,Kamil,  Kłopotek, Magdalena,  Hänninen, Kai,  Kohun, Frederick, , , , ,  Hejduk, Irena,  Kokovnik, Katja, ,  Hilletofth, Per,  Kołbik, Jacek,  Inde Hofman,Mariusz,  Kondas, Magdalena,  Honchar, Mykhailo,  Kongmun, Phongthorn,  Horn Nord, Jeretta,  Koren, Andrej,  Horvath, Zsuzsana,  Kowalczyk, Piotr,  Hyseni Spahija, Mimoza,  Kozak, Edyta,  Hyslop, Katie,  Krasteva, Rouska,  Ilczuk, Edyta,  Kržin, Mateja,  Inswang, Sujittra,  Kulkarni, Prateek,  Ioanid, Alexandra,  Kus, Hidayet Talha,  Isenmann, Ralf,  Kuzmin, Oleh,  Isohella, Lari, ,  Langa, Donata,  Isoherranen, Ville,  Lappi, Tuomas,  Ivanova, Alena,  Law, Kris M. Y., ,  Ivascu, Larisa, ,  Leal, Alicia,  Jagodič, Gregor, , ,  Lee, Hok-Ling,  Jakubiak, Monika, ,  Lee, Tzong-Ru, , , ,  Jańska, Anna, ,  Leonarcik, Karolina,  Jaroszewska-Grabos, Malgorzata,  Lesjak, Dušan, , , , , , , , , Jasińska, Karolina,  ,  Jewajinda, Jitada,  Lewicka, Dagmara,  Ježovnik, Alen, , , ,  Lin, Binshan,  Jin, Yu,  Lin, Ru-Jen,  Jitarel, Alin, ,  Lipowski, Marcin, ,  Jokela, Harri, , ,  Loboda, Miroslaw,  Juntamanee, Tawitchai,  Macios, Jarosław,  Jurič Rajh, Alenka,  Mahaj-Miftari, Arbnore,  Kadono, Yasuo,  Maicki, Piotr,  Kajohnkittiya, Tanawat,  Maleszyk, Piotr,  Kamieniecka, Malgorzata,  Martínez, America,  Karasek, Aneta,  Marušić, Leonardo,  Karmańska, Anna, , ,  Marzec, Patrycja, ,  Karp-Zawlik, Paulina,  Mateescu, Adrian, ,  Kazar, Görkemli,  Mazurkiewicz, Kamil,  Kehanadee, Montree,  McSorley, Vanessa,  Kelhä, Laura,  Meier, Claude, ,  Kess, Pekka, ,  Melnyk, Olha,  Khongmalai, Orapan,  Mesarić, Josip,  Kiatjanon, Phasit,  Michałowski, Stanisław, ,  Klimczak, Katarzyna,  Michałowski, Tomasz,   Michalski, Tomasz,  Polák-Weldon, Réka,  x Miclea, Serban, ,  Porada-Rochon, Malgorzata,  Mierzejewska, Małgorzata,  Prończuk-Omiotek, Anna,  Miftari, Vehbi,  Punpugdee, Nuttapon,  Mihai, Ilie,  Radmanesh, Sima,  Inde Mirchova, Sophia,  Rakowska, Anna, , , ,  Mocan, Anca, ,  Raksakul, Erawan,  Mocan, Marian,  Rassameethes, Bordin, , ,  Moustaghfir, Karim,  Ratajczak, Michał,  Muhos, Matti, , , , ,  Rattanarukhut, Somsak,  Mulawa, Magdalena,  Reitsma, Ewout,  Mącik, Radosław, ,  Remeikiene, Rita,  Németh, Krisztina,  Roessl, Dietmar,  Németh, Szilárd,  Ruengthai, Kwanwalee,  Napiórkowski, Tomasz,  Rungruengchoosakul, Sunchai,  Natek, Srečko, , , ,  Rungsiriroj, Montree,  Ng, Chi Kuen Ivan,  Saarela, Martti, , ,  Niedzwiecka, Katarzyna,  Sabaengban, Thanawut,  Nieradka, Piotr,  Sachakamol, Punnamee, ,  Niinikoski, Eija-Riitta, , ,  Sachs, Sybille,  Nikunen, Tuulia, ,  Sansone, Cinzia,  Novak, Andrej,  Sarca, Ioana,  Novak, Anica,  Sasiraweeroj, Dhiramesr,  Nowakowska-Grunt, Joanna,  Scarlat, Cezar,  Numprasertchai, Haruthai, , ,  Schneider, Bettina,  Oikarinen, Eeva-Liisa, ,  Sebastio, Augusto, , , ,  Örtqvist, Daniel,  Şerban, Viorel-Aurel,  Özbey, Fela,  Shala, Sabiha, , ,  Paliszkiewicz, Joanna, , ,  Simunaniemi, Anna-Mari, , ,  Panasiuk, Magdalena,  Sirbu, Olesea, ,  Pantelis, Efstratios,  Siriphongsathorn, Pranee,  Park, Sang Chul, , ,  Sirirat, Kochakorn,  Parys, Tomasz,  Sitko-Lutek, Agnieszka, , , , , , Paschek, Daniel,   Pastuszak, Zbigniew, , , , , , , Skela Savič, Brigita,  – Skovira, Robert, ,  Pec, Monika,  Skowron-Grabowska, Beata,  Phonungrattanawong, Thanaphon,  Skrbinjek, Vesna,  Phusavat, Kongkiti, , , , , , – Skulimowski, Stanisław,  Pieperhoff, Martina,  Skybinska, Zoryana,  Pimarnprom, Passakorn,  Śliwiński, Adam, ,  Pimphan, Apinun,  Smalej, Olga,  Pitsamai, Uchin,  Smrkolj, Marko,   x Smygur,Vitaliy,  Uricchio, Antonio Felice, , ,  Sokoli, Dugagjin, ,  Vajjhala, Narasimha Rao, ,  Sokolnicki, Jaroslaw,  Valdes-Conca, Jorge,  Solek-Borowska, Celina,  Vartolomei, Mihaela,  Inde Songsom,Chokchai,  Vassileva, Bistra, ,  Sooksmarn, Suparerk,  Vodopivec, Matija, ,  Sorada, Ladda,  Voskalo, Natalia,  Srisodapol, Manasvi,  Voskalo, Volodymyr,  Štempihar, Aleš,  Vukasović, Tina, ,  Strauti, Ana Gabriela,  Warne, Lorraine,  Stutz, Christian,  Weinschrott, Hugo,  Suciu, Simina Silvana,  Widz, Ewa,  Sudolska, Agata,  Wiechetek, Łukasz, ,  Sukkasem, Rattachart,  Wielki, Janusz,  Sutcharitchant, Jakkraphant,  Wińska, Joanna,  Szafranek, Michał,  Witek-Hajduk, Marzanna,  Szczepanik, Tomasz,  Wojcik, Pawel,  Wrońska-Bukalska, Elżbieta,  Szołno-Koguc, Jolanta,  Yaovarat, Anuchart,  Szoltysek, Jacek,  Yaud, Charin,  Szumniak-Samolej, Justyna,  Yu, Ming-Chu,  Szumski, Oskar, ,  Yuan, Zeming,  Szymczak, Anna,  Zeitel-Bank, Natascha,  Tamasila, Matei, ,  Zeme, Jasmina,  Taucean, Ilie Mihai,  Zinczuk, Bartłomiej, ,  Tavakoli, Amin,  Zinliw, Jaturong,  Tavlaridis, Vasilios,  Zuk, Krzysztof,  Tepaloon, Withaya,  Zwilling, Moti, , ,  Tepanon, Yodmanee,  Thandekkattu, Salu George,  Thongpaijit, Aunchuleeporn,  Tianjin, Lin Fan,  Trunk Širca, Nada, , , , , , , ,  Trunk Širca, Nada,  Trunk, Aleš, ,  Trusculescu, Adelin,  Tungchotichayanon, Nattanakit,  Turi, Attila,  Türkyilmaz, Ali, , , ,  Twarowska, Małgorzata,  Twarowski, Bartlomiej,  Tyvonchuk, Olena,  Urban, Wieslaw,   Notes  ponsorsS and rse rganizO  MakeLearn and TIIM International Scientific Conference is organised by .si the International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia, Slovenia, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland, and Kasetsart University in cooperation with other international partners. The conference takes place in May, each year in a different European country. MakeLearn, Conference on Management of Knowledge and Learning encourages sharing of most recent developments in the fields of management and management of knowledge. By including individuals from major regional businesses it also encourages discussion and the elearn.issbs exchange of knowledge between academia and economy. Although the general themes of the conference remain the same, each year the focus of the conference is adapted to regional and global findings, occurrences and needs of the time. TIIM Technology, Innovation and Industrial Management International conference promotes the exchanges, discussion, and dialogues on how to manage industrial operations and organisations in more innovative, efficient, and productive manners. The sustainable development and the http://mak continuous improvement as a result of technological applications and organisational innovation are the focal points of the conference. MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference 17–19 May 2017 Lublin • Poland International School for Social and Business Studies Mariborska cesta 7, 3000 Celje, Slovenia Tel: +386 3 425 82 40 • Fax: +386 3 425 82 22 E-mail: • Document Outline MakeLearn & TIIM 2017 Table of Contents Welcome Address Conference Boards Conference Aims Conference Programme Venue Map Keynote Speakers Academic Leadership Forum Editors' Panel with Exhibition of Journals Research-Education-Business Forum Academic Networking Sessions MBA Students from Kasetsart University Seminar on Starting/Developing/Managing an International Journal Workshop on Publishing for Young Researchers Publishing Opportunities Pearson – Personalized Learning Solutions Index Organizers and Sponsors MakeLearn & TIIM 2018