ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS VENEZIA GIULIA ❖ V U J A - K O P E R KNJIZ N I C A âtêV._____________ THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE A'o 5 - 75 December 7945 39 Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of thé Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. GENERAL ORDER No. 24 MOTOR VEHICLE TAXATION WHEREAS it is necessary to make .provision for. the taxation of motor vehicle, and motor boats in those parts of the Territory of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the «Territory»), and WHEREAS the R. D. 30 (December 1923 No. 3283 and subsequent modifications approves the law on bicicle and automobile taxes: WHEREAS the R. D. L. 29 July 1938, No. 1121, converted in the Law 3 Jannuary 1939, No. 58, later modified by R.D.L. 24 November 1938 -No. 1937 and converted in the Law 2 June 1939 No. .739; 'consolidated the tax for heavy automobiles and instituted the four monthly payments of the circulation tax; WHEREAS. R. D. L. 24 November 1938 No. 1937 abolished the circulation-tax mi automobiles, motor-cycles, motor cycles with side-cars and motor boats for the transport of persons and introduced the state statistical tax; WHEREAS the law 4 July 1941, No. .694 instituted the payment of the circulation-tax every two months and the licence disk receipt for the collection of the state statistical tax; WHEREAS D.L. 10 March 1943 No.. 94 introduced the combined circulation tax on autocars and motor tugs with the tax on goods-transport by autocars ; Now, therefore, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel J. A. G. D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer hereby ORDER: as follows : AETICLE I E. D. L. No. 1937 of 24 November 1938 is repealed. AETICLE II PASSENGER SERVICES The circulation of motor cycles, motor cycles with side cars, motor cars, motor boats for private transportation, public bus and taxi services, and for hire including transportation services to hotels and institutions in the Territory are subject to taxes set out in schedules A, B, and C, attached to this Order and to the regulations contained in E. 1). L. No. 3263 of 30'December 1923 and subsequent amendments. AETICLE III (1) The circulation tax on motor lorries, trucks and trailers used for the transportation of goods shall be according to the tariff set out in schedule I) attached to this Order. (2) Motor vehicles in the Territoty used for transportation and distribution of milk, fresh meat, garbags and monopoly goods and motor tanks for sewags, are subject to the payment of the tax set out in schedule II reduced by 50%. AETICLE IV INDUSTRIAL PUBLIC SERVICE VEHICLES (a) The following motor vehicles in the Territory having circulation licences and not fit for transportation of goods are subject to a circulaion tax of L. 35.— per annum for each HP of the motor. 1) Industrial tractors. 2) Chassis of motor trucks with tree axles. 3) Street cleaning trucks. 4j Motor pumps. 5) Water sprinkling trucks. 6) Snow cleaning trucks. 7) Repair trucks. 8) Ladder trucks to repair electric lines. 9) Crane trucks to assist in the recovery of motor ears. 10) Grain Husking machines. 11) Threshing machines. 12) Motor ambulances. 13) Motor Hearses. 14) Motor lorries specially fitted to transport prisoners. 15) Sanitary trucks. 16) Advertising trucks; and trucks for advertising shows provided they are permanently fitted for that purpose. 17) Mobile sound tracks. • 0>) All trailers used with the A/M motor vehicles provided that they are not fit for transportation of goods, as well as trailers used for habitation and for camping and such like, shall pay a tax of L. 500.—f per annum. (e) All motor boats used for transportation of goods shall pay a tax of L. 20.—|per annum for every HP. ARTICLE V SPECIAL CONCESSIONS 1. Motor vehicles listed under (a) and (b) below shall be entitled to a reduction of 30% of tax due under schedule D on a Decree issued by the Intendente di Finanza. (a) Motor vehicles with or without trailers circulating withing a Commune in the .Territory or withing a radius of 5 Km. from the boundaries of the Commune, when the trade of the owner is carried out exclusively within that Commune; (b) motor vehicles with or without trailers used exclusively by public authorities for transportation of food stuffs to supply the market. 2. To obtain the reduction of 30% of tax, an application must be sent to the Intendente di Finanza, in accordance with the regulations set out in Sect. 5 of R. D. L. 10 March 1943, No. 94. The reduction in tax shall commence from the date of the special use of the motor vehicle or from the date of application whichever is the later. ARTICLE VI VEHICLES ON TEST The circulation tax for vehicles on test as laid.down by Art. 2 of R. D. L. No. 2168 of 19 December 1936 shall be as follows: motor cars and motor lorries Lire 5.000, motor cycles and motor cycles with side cars Lire 500 and motor boats Lire 200. ARTICLE VII ASSESSMENTS The circulating tax under Articles 1-5 shall be assessed on the basis of the calendar year and shall be payable every four months commencing 1 st. Jammary, 1 st. May and 1 st. September. When a vehicle or motor boat is taken into use in the 2 nd., 3rd. or 4th. month of any of the four monthly periods the tax payable shall be respectively 3/4, 1/2 or 1/4 of the amount due in that period. If the wole tax for the year is paid in one lump sum the assessment shall be reduced by a 1/20. Fractions of a lira will be rounded up to tlie next lira. All previous instructions concerning the payments referred to in this paragraph are hereby cancelled. ARTICLE Vili CONTRAVENTIONS Any person or persons wlio contravene the provisions of this Order or any of thè regulations contained or referred to herein, governing the circulation of motor vehicles used for the transportation of people and of industrial motor vehicles, trailers and motor boats used for the transportation of goods shall be liable to the following fines in addition to the payment of the tax due: a) For failure to pay the tax;' Minumum fine an amount equal to the tax due; maximum fine twice the amount of the tax due; b) For the use of a motor vehicle for which a higher tax is due; Minimum fine the difference between the tax paid and the amount properly due; maximum fine double the minimum fine. c) For failure to carry the proper circulating licence together with the receipt for payment of tax: Minimum Lire 100.— Maximum Lire 300.— 2. All vehicles used for Public Service shall have affixed there to a special plate having the words «Public Service» and any contravention shall make the owner or hirer liable to a fine of from Lire 500 to Pire 1000.—. 3. All vehicles exempt from tax shall have visibly affixed thereto a label to that effect and any contravention shall make the owner or user liable to a, fine of from Lire 50 to Lire 300. 4. Any person or persons who has obtained the 30% reduction in taxes due under schedule D, and circulate in the Territory without having in his or their possession the proper circulating licence togheter with the Decree called for in Art. 5 (unless the licence bears a note from Ispettorato Compartimentale della Motorizzazione Civile showing the number and data of the Decree) shall be liable to a fine varying from Lire 100 to Lire 1000. 5. Any person or persons who circulate in the Territory with a motor vehicle, trailer or motor boat carrying a load in excess of the licensed carrying capacity of the vehicle shall be liable to a fine varying from .Lire 1000 to Lire 10.000 in addition to paying the additional tax due respect of the excess weight so carried. 6. Any person or persons who in the Territory use a «trial plate» improperly shall be liable to a fine varying from the amount of tax wnich should have been paid on the vehicle so used to a maximum of three that the amount in addition to paying the correct tax. 7. Any person who circulates in the Territory for the purposh of testing a vehicle without carrying the special plate shall be liable to a fine varying from Lire 1000 to Lire 3000 in addition to paying the full tax. The «trial plate» must be returned to the Prefettura within ten days of the expiry of the concession: in case of non compliance the user shall be liable to a fine varying from Lire 500 to Lire 3000. 8. For all other infringments of the provisions of'R. D. L. 30 December 1923 No. 3283 and subsequent amendments, the penalty shall be from Lire 100 to Lire 500. ARTICLE IX The regulations governing motor vehicle taxes contained in R. D. L. No. 3283 of 30 December 1923 and subsequent amendments continue in full force unless they are in contradiction to or superceede the provisions of this Order. ARTICLE X The collection of circulation taxes on motor vehicles and motor boats in the Territory is entrusted to the Automobile Clubs of Trieste, Gorizia and Pola. The Commission granted to the said Clubs for the collection of the circulation taxes sot out or referred to in this Order is fixed at 8%. ARTICLE XI The rates of the taxes fixed by this Order and the other provisions hereof shall come into operation throughout the Territory as from the 1 st day of Jannuary 1946. Dated at TRIESTE, this 26tli day of Xoveinber 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer SCHEDULE A MOTORCYCLES HP Annual tax HP Annual tax 1 200 11 730 2 230 12 810 3 265 13 895 4 305 14 985 5 350 15 1.080 6 405 16 1.180 7 460 17 1.285 8 520 18 1.395 9 585 19 1.510 10 655 20 1.630 MOTORCYCLES WITH SIDE CARS PRIVATE USE HP Annual tax IIP Annual tax l 275 11 1035 2 315 12 1155 3 363 13 1283 4 .419 14 1419 5 483 15 1563 6 555 16 1715 7 635 17 1875 8 723 18 2043 9 819 19 2219 10 923 20 2403 N.B. - For motorcycles with side cars used for pubblic service (taxis) the tax is reduced to one half. MOTOCARS USED FOR TRANSPORT OF PEOPLE PRIVATE USE HP Annual tax HP Annual tax 5 612 18 2664 6 696 19 2908 7 796 20 3160 8 904 21 3428 9 1028 22 3704 10 1160 23 3996 11 1308 24 4296 12 1.464 25 . 4612 13 1636 26 4936 14 1816 27 5276 15 2012 28 5624 16 2216 29 5988 17, 2436 30 6360 For motocars exceeding 30 HP. for each HP. in excess of 30 HP. is added and additional Lire 380.- N.B. - The above rates of tax are applicable on motocars for hire; but are reduced to one half for vehicles used for «public service» and to one third for pubblic bus services ou approved routes. MOTORBOATS FOR PRIVATE USE - TRANSPORT OF PEOPLE HP Annual Tax HP Annual Tax 1 100 26 1236 2 108 27 1320 3 120 28 1408 4 136 29 1496 5 156 30 1592 6 164 31 1688 7 200 32 1788 8 228 33 1892 9 260 34 1996 10 292 35 2104 11 340 36 2216 12 368 37 2332 13 412 38 2416 14 465 39 2568 15 504 40 2692 16 655 41 2820 17 612 42 2948 18 668 43 3132 19 728 44 3216 20 792 45 3356 21 860 46 3496 22 928 47 3640 23 1000 48 3788 * 24 1076 49 3940 25 • 1156 50 4092 Eor motorboats exceeding 50 HP - for eacli HP. in excess of 50 is added an additional 150 Lire. v For motorboats used for authorised public service the above rates are reduced by one half. CIRCULATION TAX RATES FOR MOTORLORRIES, TRUCKS, MOTORVANS AND TRAILERS Registered Carrying Capacity of tlie Vehicle ANNUAL TAX motorlorries trucks, and motorvans ANNUAL TAX trailers. Up to 7 quintals . 1.125 1.245 » >r 8 . » ...... . . . . : . . . . . , . ' . . . 1.350 1.485 » » .10 » 2.250 2.475 Over 10 NE. 15 quintals 4.500 - 4.950 » 15 » 20 » 6.975 7.680 » 20 » 25 » 9.300 10.230 » 25 » 30 » . . . . . . 11.625 12.795 » 30 » 35 » 12.795 14.070 » 35 » 40 » ............ 13.950 15.345 » 40 » 45 » 18.600 20.460 » 45 » 50 » ...... . . .... 20.925 23.025 » 50 » 60 » . . . 24.000 26.400 » 60 » 70 » 28.800 31.680 » 70 » 80 » ........ ... . . . 31.200 34.320 » 80 » 90 » 36.000 39.600 » 90 43.200 — # 90 NE. 100 quintals — 42.240 » 100 » 110 » — 45.600 Over 110 quintals 47.520 ORDER No; 28 COLLECTION AND SALE OF MILK AND DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMAL FODDER WHEREAS, it is considered desirable to regulate the collection and sale of milk and the distribution of animal fodder in certain Communes in those portions of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called the «Territory»■), Now, therefore, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER; ARTICLE I REGISTRATION OF MILK COWS a) Every person or organization owning or having in possession milk cows, within a Commune in which this Order has been made operative by Order of the Area Commissioner as hereinafter provided, shall register the same at the Communal Offices of the Ufflcio Provinciale Statistico - Economico dell’ Agricoltura within 30 days after the effective date within the Commune of this Order. In the case of animals which are acquired more than 30 days after the effective date of this Order the registration shall be within 15 days after such acquisition. b) Registration shall be made at such times and places and under such regulations as shall be prescribed and publicly announced by the said IJ.P.S.E.A. in each Commune in which the Order has become operative, subject to the approval of the Territorial Inspectorate of Agriculture and of Allied Military Government. ARTICLE II CONSIGNMENT AND DELIVERY OF MILK a) For every mature female animal there shall be required a consignment of an average of 2 litres of milk per day (subject however to exemptions which may be granted as provided by Art. 5 (ii) hereinafter stated) which shall be delivered daily to authorized Milk Collection Centres established under Section III of this Order. b) For the purposes of this Order a female animal shall be considered to be mature after the beginning of her first lactation period. ARTICLE III ESTABLISHMENT OF MILK COLLECTING CENTRES a) Each Commune in which this Order has become operative shall establish one or more Milk Collection Centres as necessary for the efficient and hygienic collection of milk and milk products. Each Centre shall be operated under such conditions as may be prescribed by SEPRAL with the approval of the Public Health and Agriculture Divisions of the Allied Military Government. b) An accurate record of all receipts of milk and milk products, the price paid therefor, disposition thereof and sale prices received shall be kept by each Milk Collection Centre. Its boocks and records shall be subject at all times to inspection and audit by the Territorial Inspectorate of Agriculture. e) All milk purchased by Milk Collection Centres shall be bought on the basis of 3.5. per cent butter fat content. The basis price paid for all milk and milk products and premiums or deductions in respect of butter fat content shall be as prescribed from time to time by SEPRAL with the prior approval of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE TV SALE OF MILK All milk and milk products collected by the Milk Collection Centres shall be' sold to the public at such prices and under such regulations as may be prescribed by SEPRAL subject to prior approval of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMAL FODDER a) Dairy cattle shall have priority over all other animals to receive available distribution of ail types of animal fodder. Exceptions may be made in the case of other food producing animals as ordered by the Agriculture Division of the Allied Military Govern ment. b) Distribution of fodder shall be made monthly on the basis of purchase coupons issued by the Territorial Inspectorate of Agricultura and based on the record of receipts of the Milk Collection Centres in accordance with the following conditions : i) Distribution shall be made to registered owners of dairy cattle who deliver a monthly minimun of 60 litres of milk per mature female bovine to the, authorized Milk Celloction Centres. ii) Owners of three or fewer mature female bovines may apply through to the local offices of the Territorial Inspectorate of Agricultura for a reduction of the monthly minimun of 60 litres per cow in order to qualify for receipt of fodder. iii) For each litre of milk delivered monthly over the minimun of 60 litres for each mature female animal the consignor shall be entitled to receive an amount of fodder additional to the basic amount assigned as provided by the above paragraph. Such additional quantity shall be in direct proportion to the increased consignment over the required minimun. ARTICLE VI PENALTIES Any person who violates any of the terms of this Order ,mav be subjected to prosecution in an Allied Military Court and upon conviction shall*be subject to fine or inprisonment, or both, and in addition any animal not registered in accordance with the provisions of this Order may be confiscated. / ARTICLE VII PROVISIONS FOR MAKING ORDER EFFECTIVE WITHIN COMMUNES This Order shall become operative only in those particular Communes which may be specified by Order of the Area Commissioner, and the effective date shall be the date of first publication of both Orders within the particular Commune. Dated at TRIESTE, this 19th day of November 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 37 LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY OF RAILROADS OF THE STATE IN THE TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary under present conditions to make certain chan-yes in the existing law regarding the liability of the Railroads of the State arising out ot the transportation of goods, in that portion of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the «Territory»), Now, therefore, I, ALFRED G. BOW MAN, Colonel J. A. G. D.. Senior Civil A ffairs Officer. ORDER: ARTICLE I RISK OF LOSS Notwitli standing the provisions contained in R. D.L. 25 January, 1940, No. 9 converted into the Law of 13 May 1940, No. 674, the transportation of goods on the Railroads of the State within the Territory, until the formal declaration of the termination of the War, shall he at the sole risk of the SENDER thereof, ARTICLE II PRESUMPTION IN ABSENCE OF PROOF As to goods whose transport on the Railroads of the State within the Territory was consigned and or completed during the period from 1 Jannuary 1943 to and including 9 November 1945, it shall be presumed, until proof is offered to the contrary, that the following resulted from Acts of God (forza maggiore): a) Damage to or partial or complete destruction of the goods. b) Delay or failure to collect for the goods. c) Failure to observe the limitations of time regarding delivery established by Articles 25, 53 and 55 of R. D. L. 25 Jannuary 1940, No. 9. ARTICLE III EXTENSION OF TIME AS TO CLAIMS Until the formal declaration of the termination of the War, the time permitted the Administration of the Railroads or the State within the Territory to act upon a claim dealing with the transportation of goods before action may be brought thereon, is hereby extended from 120 days,'“under existing Law, to 180 days. ARTICLE IV SCOPE OF ORDER The provisions of this Order slialljalso be applicable to the transport of goods on lines within the Territory granted to private industry and subject to the regulations, conditions and rates in effect on the Railroads of the State. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 9th day of November, 1945. ALFRED C. BOW ALAN Colonel J. A. G.D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 38 ORDER RE-COSTITUTING THE INSPECTORATES OF AGRICULTURE, THE PROVINCIAL (U.P.S.E.A.) AND COMMUNAL OFFICES (U.C.S.É.À ) OF THE NATIONAL STATISTICAL-ECONOMIC BOARDS OF AGRICULTURE (U.N.S.E.A.) AND THE BODY FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANICAL CULTIVATION (U.M.A.) WHEREAS by R. I). of 18 November 1929 No. 2071 (since converted into R. D. L. of 18 November 1929 No. 270) there were set up certain Regional (later called Com part mental) Inspectorates of Agriculture with the powers, rights, functions and duties therein set out and WHEREAS by the Law of 2 June 1930 No. 755 further powers and duties were given to the said Regional Inspectorates of Agriculture and WHERE A 8 by R:D. of 13 June 1935 No. 1220 there were set up Provincia Inspectorates of Agriculture with the powers, rights, functions and duties as therein’fse out and WHEREAS by the Law of 18 May 1942 No. 566 there was set up a National Economic Board of Agriculture (U.N.S.E.A.) with offices in each Province, (U.P.S.E.A.) ■such board and offices having the powers therein]: set out and WHEREAS by R. D. of 26 July 1935 No. 1534 a body for the improvement of cultivation by means of agricultural machinery ((hereinafter called U.M.A.) was set up with 1h,e powers, functions, rights and duties therein set out and WHEREAS it is desired to re-organize the agricultural system (including the bodies hereinbefore referred to) within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Military Government (hereinafter called '«the Territory») NOW, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affair Officer in the Territory hereby ORDER as follows: A. THE INSPECTORATES OF AGRICULTURE ARTICLE I (A) There is hereby constituted a Territorial Inspectorate of Agriculture which shall have all the powers, rights, functions and duties of a Regional or Compartmental Inspectorate. of Agriculture. (B) The said Territorial Inspectorate shall consist of three sections (each with its own office) to he called respectively the Technical, Statistical and Administrative Sections (and offices). Each of such sections shall coordinate the work of the corresponding sections (and offices) in the Areas in the Territory as hereinafter mentioned. (C) The head of the Territorial Inspectorate shall be an official of a group and grade at least equal to all other officials in the Agriculture Inspectorates in the Territory and in any case not below group «A» grade VI and shall he called «the Territorial In-_ spector of Agriculture». He will be assisted by (inter alios) an official of group «A» grade VII called the Territorial Vice-Inspector of Agriculture and once of group «A» grade VilT, called the «Principal Inspector of Agriculture». These Officials shall all he appointed and renovable in writing only by me or my successors and shall have all the powers, duties, functions and rights of the officials|holding equivalent positions in Regional or Compartmental Inspectorates of Agriculture. ARTICLE II AREA INSPECTORATES AND OFFICES (B) .Each Area Inspectorate shall consist of three sections similar to those contained in the Territorial Inspectorate. The Statistical Section of each Area Inspectorate shall incorporate and have the powers, duties, functions and rights of the local U.P.S.E.A.; each such Statistical Office shall be called (Area Statistical Office of Agriculture» (U.A.S.E.A.). In each Area Inspectorate'shall also be incorporated the former Provincial offices of U.M.A. (C) The|Senior Official in each Area Inspectorate shall be of group «A* grade VII and shall be called the «Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture». He will be assisted by an official of group .«A» grade VIII called the «Vice-Chief Area Inspector of Agriculture». In addition in the Technical Section there may be (inter alios) not more than two experts, of whom one shall be of group B grade IX or below and one of group B grade X or below. Xo official in the Administrative Section shall, if a Secretary Accountant, be above group B grade X or if an Acting Secretary, be above group C grade XII, The Chief Area Inspectorate shall be appointed and removable in writing only by the local Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government; the other career officials referred to shall be likewise appointed by the said Area Commissioner from persons designated by the Chief Area Inspector from the existing officials of the former Provincial Inspectorates and Statistical "(U.N.S.E.A.) offices. . All Officials referred to in this Article shall have the powers, duties, functions and rights of officials holding similar positions in the said Provincial Inspectorates and Offices, ARTICLE III ZONE OFFICES For reasons of administration the Allied Military Government may divide any Area into twojor more Zones and establish a Zone Agricultural Office in each or any of such Zones. Each Zone Office shall carry out the functions of the Area Inspectorate within its Zone but shall neverthless be under the control of the local Area Inspectorate-Zone Offices shall not be divided into sections but Inspectors, specialists or experts may be appointed thereto in writing by the Local Area Commissioner of the Allied Military Government on the designation of the local Area Inspector. ARTICLE IV COMMUNAL OFFICES (A) Statistical Offices shall be set up in Communes and fractions as instructed by the Allied Military Government. Such offices shall incorporate and have the powers, duties, functions and rights of the Communal Offices of U.P.S.E.A. Each such office shall henceforth be called «Communal Statistical Office of Agriculture» (U.O.S.E.A.). ARTICLE jV CHAIN OF RESPONSABILITY (A) Within, the Territorial Inspectorate. The Senior Official of each of the three sections of the Territorial Inspectorate mentioned in Article I hereof shall in all matters be responsible to and under the control of the Territorial Inspector of Agriculture. (B) Area - Territory Each section of an Area Inspectorate shall «in specialist matters be responsible to and under the control of the corresponding section of the Territorial Inspectorate. In all other matters such sections shall be responsible to and under the control of the Chief Area Inspector, who in his turn shall be responsible to and under the control of the Territorial Inspector. (C) Zone - Area The Senior Official of each Zone Office shall in all specialist matters be responsible to"and under the control of the head of the appropriate section in the local Area Inspectorate and in all other matters directly under the Chief Area Inspector. , (D) Commune - Zone The Official in charge of each U.O.S.E.A. office shall be responsible to and under the control of the official in charge of the local zone office; where there is no local zone office, the official in charge of the U.O.S.E.A. office shall in specialist matters be respo-sible to and under the control of the head of the appropriate section of the Area Inspectorate and in other matters directly under the Chief Area Inspector. ARTICLE VI ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTROL All official* and bodies set up by or reorganized by or referred to in this Order shall at all times be subject to the control and shall comply with the Orders and Instruc tions of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE VII CONFLICT BETWEEN THIS ORDER AND OTHER LAWS When any Law or Decree referred to in this Order on any point is in conflict with the terms hereof this.Order shall prevail. ARTICLE VIII EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective in the Territory, or in any Area, thereof., upon the date of its first publication therein. Dated at Trieste this 12th day of November 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel .T. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 39 EMERGENCY INDEMNITY FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to authorise the payment of an Emergency indemnity (Indennisxo di congiuntura) to all public employees within that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory); NOW, THEREFORE I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I GRANT OF EMERGENCY INDEMNITY Section 1. It is hereby directed that an Emergency Indemnity he paid in a lump sum to all public employees in service within the Territory an hereinafter specified. Section 2. The term «public employees» shall include permanent and temporary employees civil and military, of the State, autonomous state agencies, provinces, communes, welfare and assistance institutions, and all other public bodies and organisations. ARTICLE II AMOUNT OF EMERGENCY INDEMNITY The amount of such Emergency Indemnity shall be a-s follows: a. Public employees residing within the Commune of Trieste........ L. 2.000, b. Public employees residing elsewhere than within the commune of Trieste . . ................................................ L. 1.500, c. Public employees residing within the commune of Trieste who receive rations in kind ....................................... L. 1.200, d. Public employees residing elsewhere whe receive rations in kind . L. 900, ARTICLE III FULL PAYMENT OF EMERCENCY INDEMNITY The Emergency Indemnity shall be paid in full to all public employees who were in service on 15 August 1945 and for a period of at least 8 months prior to that date. ARTICLE IV PROPORTIONATE PAYMENT OF EMERGENCY INDEMNITY Section 1. The Emergency Indemnity shall be paid in part to all public employees who were in service on 15 August 1945 but for a period of loss than six months immediately prior to that date, such part to be in proportion to the number of months so served. A fraction of 6 months greater than two wreeks shall be computed for this purpose as a full month. Section 2. Proportionate payment as above provided shall also be made to the following: 1. All public employees who were honorably separated from service at any time during the six months period immediately prior to 15 August 1945. 2. Widows and minor dependents of public employees who died at any time during the six months period immediately prior to 15 August 1945. ARTICLE V SUSPENDED PUBLIC EMPLOYEES The: Emergency Indemnity shall not be paid to public employees who haye been finally dismissed or suspended bv an Epuration Commission established under General Order No. 7 after the hearing of objections. Those who have been suspended provisionally shall not receive the Emergency Indemnity until and unless a final decision is rendered by such Epuration Commission sustaining the objections to the provisional dismissal or suspension in accordance with such General Order. ' ARTICLE VI BUDGET CHARGE OF EMERGENCY INDEMNITY The Emergency Indemnity shall be chargeable to the salary and wage items of the various budgets. ARTICLE VII EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste, 12tli November 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. I). Senior Civil Affair's Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOV ERNMENT 13 CORPS' ORDER No. 40 EMPLOYMENT OF WIRELESS OPERATORS ON SHIPS WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to establish regulations for the employment ■ of wireless operators on ships whose honte-poB is Trieste; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J. A. 6. D„ Senior Civil A ffairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I EMPLOYMENT OF TWO WIRELESS OPERATORS Section 1 All merchant ships required by law to have radio telegraphy and whose home Port is Trieste, shall employ at least two qualified wireless operators, residents of the Commune of Trieste. Section 2 ... One of such operators shall be a member of the Società Italiana Radio Marittima and the other shall be one of the so called free wireless operators of Trieste. ARTICLE 11 SELECTION OF OPERATORES The Società Italiana Radio Marittima shall maintain two true and accurate, lists of qualified wireless operators, one a list of the qualified members of such Society, and the other a list of qualified so called free wireless operators of Trieste. The wireless operators to be employed on ships in accordance with this Order shall be selected from such lists in the order of their seniority. ARTICLE III DUTY OF HARBOR MASTER It shall be the duty of the Harbor Master of the Port of Trieste to assure compliance with this Order. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall-become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste 15 November 1945. - ALFRED 0. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. 0. D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT 13 CORPS ORDER No. 41 INCREASE OF FEES - WEIGHTS AND MEASURES WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable and necessary to make provision for certain, increases in the fees for inspection of weights and measures, in that part of Venezia - Giulia. administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the Territory); NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer. ORDER: ARTICLE 1 Section 1 The existing fees for the periodical inspection of weights and measures, set forth in tiie Table attached to R, D. L., 28 November 1938, ». 1941, are hereby increased within the Territory by one hundred ( 100) percent. Section 2 a. The existing fees for the first inspection of weights and measures and the instruments therefor and of gas meters and pressure gauges, as set forth in the above Table; and the two fees established at 200 lire each by Article 3 of the above cited Decree; are hereby increased within the Territory by 20(1 percent. b. The total fee for the first inspection of instruments for weighting and measuring as increased by this Order, shall be reduced by one half whenever the result of such, inspection is negative. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. ORDER No. 42 UNAUTHORIZED WEARING OF MILITARY UNIFORMS WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to prohibit the unauthorized wearing of Military uniforms in that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the «Territory»)/ NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED C. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I UNAUTHORIZED WEARING OF MILITARY UNIFORMS PROHIBITED It unlawful for any person to wear a military uniform or fart of a military uniform within the Territory unless authorized to do so by 13 Corps. ARTICLE II PENALTY FOR VIOLATION The violation of this Order shall constitute an offence triable before an Allied Miltary Court and shall be punishable by fine or imprisonment or both as the Court shall determine in addition to all other legal punishment. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated', Trieste 22nd November 1945. ./. C. SMUTS Lt. Colonel for: ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 43 SUSPENSION OF EXPORT DUTIES AND LICENSE FEES WHERE AS, it is deemed desirable to suspend export duties on certain goods and merchandise and also to suspend the license fees on the exportation of certain goods and merchandise, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as Territory)-, NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED 0.. BOWMAN, Colonel. J. A. G. D„ Senior Civil A ffairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE r SUSPENSION OF EXPORT DUTIES The export duties on goods and merchandise, as established by RDL, 9 June 1921, No. 208, converted into RDL, 17 April 1925, No. 473, are hereby suspended'within the Territory. ARTICLE II SUSPENSION OF EXPORT LICENSE FEES The licenses fees for the exportation of goods and merchandise, as established by Article 2 of RDL, 15 April 1943, No. 248, are hereby suspended within the Territory. ARTICLE III effective date of order This Order shall take effect as of 14 November 1945. Dated: Trieste, 24th November 1945. J. C. S MU T S Lt. Colonel for ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel, J. A. G. D. . , Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 45 EXTENSION OF THE TIME FOR RENEWAL OF MORTGAGES WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable under present conditions to extend the time within which mortgages must be renewed under the Law as existing on 8 September 1943, within that part of Venezia Giulia occupied by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the «Terrytory»); • Now, therefore, 1, ALFRED G. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil A (fairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I TIME FOR RENEWAL OF MORTGAGES EXTENDED The time within which all mortgages within the Territory, including mortgages for Treasury Credits, must be renewed under Laws in effect on 8 September 1943, is hereby extended until the formal declaration of the determination of the War and six months thereafter. ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall take effect on the date that it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 24tli day of November, 1945. ,/. C. SMUTS Lt. Colonel for: ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. D. Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER No. 47 ESTABLISHMENT OF FOOD ADVISORY BOARDS WHEREAS, the problem of food and food prices is such that is deemed desirable and necessary to establish Food Advisory Boards for that part of Venezia-Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the "Territory”); , NOW, THEREFORE, I, ALFRED 0. BOWMAN, Colonel, J.A.G.D., Senior Civil -Affaires Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHMENT OF FOOD ADVISORY BOARDS .SECTION 1. A Food Advisory Board is hereby established for the Territory, and Area Sub-Food Advisory Boards are hereby established for the Areas of Gorizia and Pola, with the powers and functions hereinafter stated. SECTION 2. The Territorial Food Advisory Board shall consist of a President and six other members who shall be appointed and be removable by the Allied Military Government. Three of such six members shall be representatives of Consumers and at least one of them shall be a representative of workers’ organizations. The other three members shall be representatives respectively of the following: Sezione Provinciate deH’Alimenta-zione (Sepral); Centro Autotrasporti; and Camera di Commercio ed Industrial SECTION 3. The Area Sub-Food Advisory Boards for the Areas of Gorizia and Pola shall be under the eontroll and supervision of the Territorial Food Advisory Board and shall be constituted and appointed by the Allied Military Government in accordance with the preceding Section. ARTICLE II FUNCTIONS OF FOOD ADVISORY BOARDS The following shall be the functions of the Food Advisory Boards: a) To make studies and investigations regarding the price, supply and distribution of food within the Territory and the Areas thereof. h) From time to time, as requested and as may be deemed expedient, to advise the Allied Military Government as to the problems affecting food within the Territory and the Areas thereof. c) To perform such other functions regarding food within the Territory and the Areas thereof as shall be delegated to them by the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE III. POWERS OF FOOD ADVISORY BOARDS The Food Advisory Boards shall have power: a) To employ a paid Director and such other employees as may be necessary at salaries to be- established by the Military Government. b) To call witnesses, order the production and inspection of books and documents, and to administer oaths. e) To operate through committees or divisions dealing will particular aspects of the problem of food and its distribution. ARTICLE IV SUPERVISION BY ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT The Pood Advisory Boards shall he under the control and supervision of ho Allied Military Government. ARTICLE V PENALITY FOR VIOLATION Any person who wilfully refuses or neglects to obey a lawful order made by the Territorial or Area Sub-Food Advisory Boards, or who violates this Order in any other respect, shall be guilty of an offense and upon conviction by an Allied Military Court, shall be punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, as the Court shall determine. ARTICLE VI EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. Dated, Trieste-29tli November 1945. ALFRED G. BOWMAN Colonel, J.A.G.D. v Senior Civil A ffairs Officer NOTICE No. 8 CONTINUATION OF ’’ASSEGNO DI DISOCCUPAZIONE DOPOGUERRA” ALTERATION IN RATES OF ’’INDENNITÀ DI CONTINGENZA” AND PAYMENT OF ’’INDENNITÀ TEMPORANEA DI ADEGUAMENTO SALARIALE” ARTICLE I ’’ASSEGNO DI DISOCCUPAZIONE DOPOGUERRA” FOR DECEMBER 1945 The special unemployment benefits known as «Assegnò di disoccupazione dopoguerra» shall continue until 31 December 1945 at the rates and subject to the conditions laid down in Order Mo. 13. ARTICLE II ALTERATION IN RATES OF ’’INDENNITÀ DI CONTINGENZA” The indemnity known as «Indennità di contingenza» may as from 1 December 1945, be paid at the following percentages of the amounts laid down in Part 1. para i of Notice No. 4 in lieu of the percentages set out in Part, 1 para 2 of the said Notice: a) To persons working in Commune of Trieste, Monfalcone and Muggia - 100% b) To persons Working in Communes of Gorizia and Pola 90% c) To other persons working in other Communes of the Territory - 80% ARTICLE 111 PAYMENT OF ’’INDENNITÀ TEMPORANEA DI ADEGUAMENTO SALARIALE” A. - Period of payment. - An indemnity to be known as «Indennità temporanea . di adeguamento salariale» may be paid for the months of November and December 1945 to the workers hereinafter specified, in addition to basic salary or wages and «Indennità di contingenza». B. - Persons to whom payable. - The said indemnity shall be payable to all employees and workers to whom «Indennità di contingenza» is now payable by virtue of Notice No. 4 and subsequent agreements authorized by the Allied Military Government. C. - Rates and conditions of payment. - The rates and conditions governing payment of the said indemnity shall be the same as those laid down for payment of «Indennità di contingenza» by Notice No. 4 and the Regulations issued thereunder by the Labour Offices as amended by Article 2 of this Notice. D. - Contractors entitled to add to contract price sums paid as indemnity. - Contractors shall be entitled to add to sums payable under contracts, the performance of which is not completed before i November 1945, (whether such sums have, already been paid or not), any amount paid or payable by such contractors in respect of «Indennità temporanea di adeguamento salariale». Dated at Trieste this 30th day of November 1945. ALFRED C. BOWMAN Colonel J. A. G. I). \ Senior Civil Affairs Officer PART II TRIESTE AREA AREA ORDER No. 24 RE-ORGANIZATION OF THE ’’NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF MOTHERS AND CHILDREN” (O. N. M. I.) AND APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL COMMISSIONER THEREOF WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Allied Military Government to improve the facilities for the care of mothers and young children within the Area of Trieste, and WHEREAS by R. D. of the 24 December 1934, No. 2316, Provisioxis were made in relation to ike «National Society for the Protection of mothers and children» (hereinafter called O.N .M.I.) and Provincial Federations and Communal Councils forming part thereof, and WHEREAS in order to carry out such desire as aforesaid it is considered necessary to make the appointment and provisions hereinafter set out NOW, I, J. C. SMUTS, LT. COLONEL, Area Commissioner Trieste, hereby ORDER as follows: ARTICLE I Prof. JACCHIA Paolo shall he and he is hereby appointed as Medical Commissioner of O.N.M.I. within the Area of Trieste. ARTICLE 11 The said Commissioner shall have all the duties, powers and rights of a Provincial Federation as laid down by the said R. D. of 24 December 1934, No. 2316. ARTICLE III The said Commissioner shall so long as he retains the appointment hereby given him be paid a salary of 8,000 Lire per month payable out of Trieste Area Funds. ARTICLE IV The said Commissioner may be removed and any sucessor appointed in writing only by me or my successor. ARTICLEV The said Commissioner shall in the exercise of his functions be assistent by a. Council constituted as laid down for a Provincial Council in the said R. D. of 24 De cember 1934, No. 2316 (so far as not inconsistent with the terms of this Order), with the addition of such members as the Chief Public Health Officer of the Allied Military Government shall appoint to it and shall exercise the functions of such a Provincial Council (so far as not inconsistent with the terms hereof). ARTICLE VI The Communal Council referred to in the said R. D. of 24 December 1934, No. 2316 shall be constituted (sofar as not inconsistent with the terms of this Order) as laid down in the said R. D., with the addition of such members as shall be appointed thereto by the said Chief Public Healt Officer of the Allied Military Government and shall have the functions of a Communal Council (so far as the same are not inconsistent with the terms hereof) as mentioned in the said R. D. ARTICLE VII Where in such R. D. any reference occurs to a body or person now dissolved or non-existent such reference shall be deemed to be for the purpose of this Order to the body or person now by Law esercixing the functions of such dissolved or non-existent body or person. Where there is no person now exercising such functions, the reference to such dissolved or non-existent person shall be disregarded. A RI CLE VIII The said Commissioner, Federations and Councils shall at all times be under the control of and comply with the Orders and instructions of the Allied Military Government. ARTICLE IX This Order shall come into effect in the Area of Trieste on the date of its first publication therein. Dated at TRIESTE this 30t,h day of October 1945. J. G. S M V T S Lt-Colonel Area Commissioner, TRIESTE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT AREA OF TRIESTE AREA ORDER No. 27 APPOINTMENT OF PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL FOR THE COMMUNE OF FOGLIANO - REDIPUGLIA Pursuant to the 'provisions oj Générai Order No. 11. t, J. G. SMUTS, Id. Got., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER: the following appointments to the administration of the LocaJ Government of the Commune of Fogliano-Redipuglia, with effect from the date of the Arts publication of this Order: President of the Commune: Vinzi Francesco ( lommunal Council: Chairman of Council: Buttignon Giuseppe Members of Council: Furiai) Simone Cechet Giacomo Stabile Ettore Visintin Giuseppe Antonio Substitute Members of Council: Visintin Bruno Brumat Giovanni Battista 30tli October 1945. AREA ORDER No. 28 ESTABLISHMENT OF STATISTICAL SECTION OF THE HOUSING COMMITTEE WHEREAS « is urgently necessary to provide living accomodations for those 'members of the civilian population who are not provided therewith, and WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to as certain the availability of such accommodations, NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the provisions of General Order No. 10 ./, J. 0. SMUTS, TA. Gol. Area Commissioner, 'Trieste, hereby ORDER: SECTION I. ESTABLISHMENT OF STATISTICAL SECTION The Statistical Section is established as a subdivision of the Housing Committee of the City of Trieste. SECTION 2. FUNCTION OF THE STATISTICAL SECTION The Statistical Section will make a complete survey on all buildings in the city of Trieste showing the owner and manager of said building, the use to which it is put, full description of the number of apartments specifying rooms and other space, the persons living therein, rent paid. This survey will also enumerate promises which may be easily converted to living quarters. SECTION 3. POWERS OF STATISTICAL SECTION The Statistical Section will employ a qualified staff who will personally inspect all premises and obtain the required information. Each member of the staff will be fornished with a document issued by the section identifying him as such and authorising him to makeinquiries. SECTION 4. REFERENCE TO AREA ORDER This Order is in addition to Area Order No. 6, which will remain in full forces and effect. ' SECTION 5. CONTRAVENTIONS Any person who hinders, the work of the Section or who fails to give a correct answer to the questions of the staff or who gives false information shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction by a Military Court, shall be subject to punishment and fine or imprisonment or both as the Court may direct. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become operative in Trieste Area on the day of the first publication . 9th November 1945. J. C. S M UTS Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner, Trieste AREA ORDER No. 29 ORDER APPOINTING DIRECTOR OF THE OSPEDALI RIUNITI WHEREAS it is necessary to provide a Director of the Ospedali Riuniti, and WHEREAS the post has been advertised and applications for said post considered by the Chief Public Health Officer, NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Provisions of General Order N. 11, I, J. C. SMUTS, Lt. Col. O.B.E., Area Commissioner, Trieste, hereby ORDER: 1. Dott. PECORARI Faust© is hereby appointed as the temporary Medical Director of the Ospedali Riuniti for a period not encoding 12 months. 2. This Order will come into effect upon the date of its first publication in the Area of Trieste. Dated in Trieste this 24 day of November 1945. J. C. S M UTS Lt. Col. Area Commissioner Trieste GORIZIA AREA AREA ORDER No. 47 APPOINTMENT OF HOUSING COMMITTEE FOR GORIZIA Pursuant to the authority vested in me by virtue of General Order No. 10, /, it. L. SHIRK, Major, A.U.S., Area Commissioner, do hereby ORDER: that 1. a Housing Committee for the Commune of Gorizia be, and is hereby appointed consisting of the following members : Dott. Tullio Bernaba, President Sigia Emilia Coceanis, Member Sig.r Marcello Morpurgo, Member Rag. Vittorio Bramo, Member Sig.r Giovanni Hvalic, Member 2. The offices of said Committee shall be located in the Municipio of Gorizia. Dated, 23rd November 1945. K. L. SHIRK, Major, -Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT AREA OF GORIZIA AREA PUBLIC NOTICE No. 2 WHEREAS, the President of the District Committee of District 4 A (Dolegne, Cosbane), having been threatened with bodily injury, has offered his resignation which has been accepted, and j , ■ WHEREAS, it has not yet been possible to select the officials of Area and Communal Government as provided for bv General Order No. 11; and WHEREAS, it is felt inadvisable to appoint a temporary President of the above District pending the selection of such officials under General Order No. 11; and WHEREAS, pending such implementation of General Order No, 11, it has been decided that the government and administration of such District shall be conducted directly by the Allied Military Government; NOW, THEREFORE, Public Notice is hereby given of the above decision and that all the powers of government and administration of and in such District have been vested in the Civil Affairs Officer of the Allied Military Government now and hereafter assigned to such District who has been further authorized to delegate all or part of such powers to any Military Commander of the Allied Forces in the Area of Gorizia. Dated : 30 August 194S. C. S M U T 8 Lt. Colonel Area Commissioner ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GORIZIA AREA AREA NOTICE No. 3 1. General Order No. 11 providing for the government of Gorizia Area is being implemented. Appointments made by A.M.G. under this Order are being announced, and from time to time will be published in the Press. 2. Those appointments are being made by A.M.G. after wide consultations, so that they will be as widely representative of all classes of the people as is possible in present circumstances. The- fact that they are not fully representative, is due to the fact that a large element of the population has, through its leaders, refused to play its part in the government. 3. These leaders claimed that they were elected by the people; that only persons elected by the people could serve in any government; and they stated that they would not be appointed by A.M.G. 4. It has been repeatedly pointed out to these leaders : (a) That the elections they referred to could not have been fair or democratic, since only they were elected, and no other section of the community. (b) That fair elections are not possible in time of war, or in the present circumstances of Military Government. (c) That it is possible to choose representatives of the people by means other than elections, and that A.M.G. was choosing them by this means. 5. Despite those repeated statements to those leaders and despite repeated requests to them to submit the names of persons desired by the people as their representatives, they have continued to refuse to take their share in the government. 6. In these circumstances A.M.G. has been forced to make appointments without giving representation to this section of the community, and in some areas to carry on the government without any representatives of the people at all. 7. It continues to be the hope of A.M.G. that this section of the people will reconsider the decisions of its leaders. It is the hope of A.M.G. that this group, which was for many years denied representation by Fascism, will not continue to be denied it by their own leaders. 8. A.M.G. will remain ready and willing to welcome this large element of the people to take their just part in the government of this Area. GORIZIA, 8th September 1945. -/. C. S M U T S Lieutenant Colonel Area Commissioner % GAZ ETTE No. 4 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART 1 HEADQUARTERS TRIESTE Page No Order No. 25 - Establishment of Centro Autotrasporti...................... 3 Administrative Order No. 5 - Auditing Committee of Ufficio Agricoltura.................18 Administrative Order No. 6 - Appointment of Murara Candido, Pogassi Giuseppe, Farci Luigi, Mareon Giovanni Aldo, Simone Pasquale to various Positions........................................18 Administrative Order No. 7 - Appointment of President and Vice President of Area of Trieste..........................................19 Administrative Order No. 8 - Appointment of Manager of Centro Autotrasporti.19 Administrative Order No. 9 - Appointment of Judges.....................................20 PA RT 2 TRIESTE AREA Area Order No. 2 - Supervising of Cooperative Operate ............................. 6 Area Order No. 3 - Administration of Jewish Community.............................. 7 Area Order No. 4 - Regulating closing hours of Hotels, bars, etc................... 8 Area Order No. 5 - Commune of Sesana................................................. 8 Area Order No. 6 - Housing regulations.............................................. 9 Area Order No. 9 - Ufficio Stralcio..................................................10 Area Order No. 10 - Administration of Commune of Ronchi...............................10 Area Order No. 11 - Custodian of Rolls of Professions and Arts....................... 11 Area Order No. 12 - Administration of Commune of Grado................................11 Area Order No. 14 - Epuration Committee of Professions and Arts.......................12 Area Order No. 15 - Administration of local government of Trieste.....................13 Area Order No. 16 - Council of Trieste................................................14 Area Order No. 17 - Appointment of President of Chambers of Commerce, etc...........15 Area Order No. 18 - Appointment of President of Commissione Vigilanza...............15 Area Order No. 19 - Administration of local government of Monfalcone................16 Area Order No. 20 - Director of Opera Nazionale Invalidi di Guerra..................16 Area Order No. 21 - President of the Commissione Vigilanza della Stanza Compensazione.......................................................17 Area Order No. 22 - Council of Staranzano Area......................................17 Area Notice No. 1 - Epuration Committee.............................................21 POLA AREA Area Order No. 2 - Prohibiting of removal of building material .....................22 Administrative Order - ' Appointment of Harbour Master.................................22 Administrative Order - Appointment of Communal Council and Communal Secretary. .23 Area Notice - Schools - Changing the name of the supervisor of schools ... .24 Area Notice - Payment of certain debts......................................24 GORIZIA AREA Area Order No.. 3 B - Powers of President of District Committee.....................25 Area Order No. 4 - Appointment of Director of Military District....................25 Area Order No. 5 - Appointment of Commissario Straordinario, Cassa di Risparmio Gorizia.............................................................26 Area Order No. 6 - Appointment of Director of UFTEAL, Gorizia......................26 Area Order No. 7 - Establishment of Courts Gorizia Area............................27 Area Order No. 8 - Property of Nabavljalni Zavod, Gorizia..........................29 Area Order No. 9 - Registration of Hotel Transients................................30 Area Order No. 10 - Appointment of Ispettore per il Servizio di Razionamento........30 Area Order No. 11 - Establishment of Consorzio Autotrasporti........................31 Area Notice No. 2 - Establishment of direct Military Government, District 4, Gorizia. .33 Area Notice No. 3 - Administration of local Government..............................34