Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 24/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 14. 6. 2015 11. Nedelja med letom 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Biti drobno seme Čas je, da začnemo bolj zavestno sodelovati z nevidno božjo navzočnostjo v nas. Česar se Bog dotakne uspe, pa čeprav je še tako majhno in šibko. A prav pri tej nebogljenosti naših čutov nam pomaga vera. Vsak kristjan bi moral biti drobno seme, ki na božjem soncu raste v drevo, drugim v veliko korist. Bog ne potrebuje nobene veličine, da bi pokazal svojo moč. Neštetokrat beremo v sv. pismu in tudi življenje samo kaže, da prav po majhnih stvareh Bog dela velike. Tako lažje zaznavamo božje delovanje v stvareh in ljudeh. Nas to spoznanje opogumlja in spodbuja, da se ne oziroma na svojo majhnost in slabost, kadar želimo delati dobro. Zaupamo v Boga in njegovo moč. Uspeh je torej v božjih rokah. In če Bog nekaj začne ter človek z njim sodeluje, bo božja zgradba v tem človeku zdržala vse pretrese. Tako postaja v zgodovini posameznika in celega človeštva vedno bolj jasno, da ostane trajno samo tisto, kar Bog zida ali kar gradimo po njegovih načrtih. Vse drugo je le navidezna veličina, ki je toliko bolj bedna, ko se podre, kolikor višja je bila videti. Zato pravi besedilo: »Tedaj bodo spoznala vsa drevesa polja, da sem jaz, Gospod, ponižal visoko drevo..., da sem posušil sveže drevo in dal poganjati suhemu drevesu.« Seveda pa drevo ni samo sebi namen. Tako je tudi človek obdarjen z božjimi darovi zato, da služi soljudem. Jezus nam vse te misli, ki so jih preroki črpali v božjem Duhu, apostoli pa iz njegovega nauka, podaja s preprosto priliko o božjem kraljestvu. Božja pota do nas in v nas ter v celi zgodovini so tako skrivnostna, da jih bomo doumeli šele ob koncu časov. Lahko se pa veselimo ob Jezusovem zagotovilu, da Bog v vsakomur nenehno deluje, čeprav tega večinoma niti ne opazimo. Pozneje, posebej če gledamo nazaj, sadovi kažejo na božje delovanje. Kako je majhno pri Bogu vedno lahko veliko, če se mu človek preda, pove Jezusova druga prilika o gorčičnem zrnu, ki je, kot pravi, »manjše od vseh semen..., a postane večje kot vsa zelišča«. Zgodovina velikih kristjanov potrjuje to Jezusovo napoved o malem, drobnem semenu. Le-ta z božjo močjo in pod božjim vodstvom ter odprtim sodelovanjem človeka poraja družbe in človeka v njej. Jezus ne pozabi dodati, da mora tako drevo služiti drugim, »da morejo ptice neba prebivati v njegovi senci«. HAMILTON - SV. REŠNJE TELO IN KRI V nedeljo, 7. junija 2015, na praznik sv. Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi - v Kanadi ga obhajamo na nedeljo, smo imeli eno samo mašo, ob 10:00 dopoldne. Nekaj v slovenščini, nekaj v angleščini, tako, da so vsi razumeli. Pri maši sta pela tako župnijski mešani pevski zbor -dirigiral je John Horvat in igral na orlge Carl Vegelj, kot tudi angleški zbor pod vostvom Ivana Mertuka. Ob koncu maše smo se zvrstili v procesijo, na čelu s križem in svečami, potem bandera in pevci, pa ministranti in duhovnik z Najsvetejšim in nato vsi ostali. Prvi oltar je, kot navadno, pri kipu Marije Pomočnice (SOD), drugi je ob travniku (KŽZ-CWL) in tretji ob Villi Slovenija (Društvo sv. Jožefa). Lepo vreme in pomagalo, da so lahko vsi lepo sodelovali s petjem in molitvijo. Po zadnjem oltarju smo zaključili z zahvalno pesmijo in blagoslovom v cerkvi. Hvala vsem, ki ste pripravili in okrasili oltarje. Še posebej hvala ga. Olgi, ki je okrasila tudi cerkev in dva oltarja. Pomagala ji je tudi ga. Gizela Hauzar. Milka Ferko z možem je okrasila in pripravila oltar ženske zveze. Hvala vsem, ki ste nosili križ in sveče, bandera, prinašali darove, sodelovali kot bralci in pobiralci darov. Hvala vsem, ki se redno udeležujete bogoslužja. Do jesenskega banketa bodo svete maše ob običajnih urah, slovenska maša ob 9:30 in angleška ob 11:00 h dopoldne. As I begin with my new role as Past President of our CWL here at our Parish, I would like to say that working so closely with our wonderful CWL members has been a pleasure and an honour. We came together regularly to continue to plan events, fundraise for missions and our parish and grow spiritually. I am pleased to now welcome our newly elected executive members for the upcoming term: President - Sidonia Poppa President Elect - Rosemary Sušteršič Vice President - Theresa Sarjaš Treasurer - Vera Gonza Secretary - Pamela Gosgnach These ladies will without a doubt do a wonderful job leading our CWL moving forward, however, nothing would be possible without all our members who are always so willing to lend a helping hand when asked. Congratulations on your new positions and God Bless! - Heidy Novak 11th Sunday in OT Response: Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. First Reading Ezekiel 17:22-24 Speaking of Israel's future, Ezekiel pictures God transplanting a tiny sprig into new ground where it grows into a mighty cedar. Second Reading 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Though we make our journey "by faith and not by sight", we walk with confidence. Gospel Mark 4:26-34 Jesus compares the kingdom to a mustard seed that grows into a mighty tree, but its growth is often as imperceptible as that of a seed hidden in the ground. 'The seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know." Illustration Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a nineteenth-century English poet, was also a considerable artist. One day an elderly man asked him if he would come and view some drawings he had done and tell him what he thought of them. Being kind-hearted, Rossetti at once agreed, but when the art work was put on display before him he could see that it had no real artistic merit. Reluctantly, he had to tell the old man that the pictures were of little value. The man's reaction seemed to show that he wasn't too surprised by the judgement, but he asked Rossetti if he would be so kind as to take a look at two or three other pictures before he went. They were, he explained, the work of a young man and it would be good to get Rossetti's assessment of them. This time Rossetti's enthusiasm was unmistakable. "Oh, yes," he said, "these are very good, fine, full of promise. Tell me, who is this young artist; is it by any chance your son?" The old man shook his head. "No," he said, "it's me; I did them forty years ago. And if only someone had given me that kind of encouragement, I'd never have lost heart and given up." Gospel Teaching Whether we're young or old, we stand in need of encouragement. And that is true especially of our spiritual life: in our efforts to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, it's easy to get discouraged, to feel that we are making little or no progress. At times we wonder whether we mightn't even be going into reverse. If that's how we feel, today's readings could serve as a spiritual pick-me-up. The prophet Ezekiel, who gave us our first reading, lived at one of the most disastrous periods of Israel's history, when its people had been hauled off into exile far away from their homeland and many were feeling that God had abandoned them. Ezekiel assures them that this is not so. On the contrary, the Lord has a plan for his people; he will pluck them up, like taking a tiny twig from a branch, and transplant them so that they will grow into a vast tree. That magnificent tree, though Ezekiel himself could not have known it, stands ultimately as a symbol of the kingdom of God. In the Gospel, Jesus tells a parable, a story with a message not unlike that of Ezekiel. He speaks of a tiny mustard seed, which grows so huge that it provides a resting place for all the birds of the air. And he tells us that the kingdom of God is like that. Despite its tiny beginnings - from one virtually unknown young man who died by crucifixion - it has not only survived over two thousand years of history but still holds in its embrace millions of people throughout the world. And we are reminded that nothing can ultimately thwart God's plans. While this parable gives us the big picture of God at work, Jesus tells another parable, which might be described as God's work in miniature. God works not only on the grand scale, not only in nations and among nations, but also on the small scale, in the lives of individuals. And so Jesus tells the story of a farmer who sows his seed and then, until the harvest arrives, must patiently wait. All he knows is that secretly, night and day, the seed is growing, always growing, though he doesn't know how; one day it will produce the blade, then the ear and finally the full grain of wheat. Application In our lives, too, the Lord has sown his seed and is permanently at work within us; but, as St Paul explains, for the moment we do not see it, for we live by faith, not by sight. And while we are called to cooperate, the work of salvation is God's achievement, not ours. In fact God is longing for us to grow in faith and hope and love, in freedom and goodness, more than we do ourselves. That is why the Psalmist can speak of believers who have grown old still continuing to flourish, "still full of sap, still green". That is why Paul can proclaim, "We are always full of confidence." And that is why we, far from losing heart, can humbly look forward to the day when the Lord comes; for then he will reveal the harvest that has been achieved in us. LONDON - TRIGLAV: MASA IN PROCESIJA Že nekaj let imamo procesijo svetega Rešnjega Telesa in Krvi tudi pri slovenski skupnosti Triglav v Londonu. Pridne gospodinje za dvanajsto uro pripravile kosilo, tako, da vsi, ki so želeli so se lahko okrepili. Ob dveh popoldne smo začeli sveto mašo in po maši, smo se zvrstili v procesijo s križem na čelu, dekleti s cvetjem in Najsvetejšim. Vmes smo prepevali pesmi in tako počastili Jezusa v Rešnjem Telesu. Hvala vsem, ki so pripravili in lepo okrasili tri oltarje . Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor-vaje шшшь -li, У ■>■*!% Nalednja vaja za mešani * • ; J pevski zbor bo v četrtek, 18. ^ ' junija, po večerni maši. Pripravili se bomo za Slovenski dan, ki bo letos v soboto, 27. junija na Slovenskem parku. Sveto mašo začnemo ob 11:00h dopoldne, po maši je še procesija. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 21. junij: Bled-Planica 13 - Father's Day -maša ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 27. junij - sobota: SLOVENSKI DAN v Slovenskem parku - ob 11:00 a.m. maša s procesijo, ob12:30 kosilo, ob 2:30 p.m. kulturni program - ob 4:30 p.m. otroške igre, ob 5:00 p.m. zabavni večer z ansamblom Brajda. ♦ 5. julij: Lipa Park: Sausage Festival ♦ 11. julij-sobota: Slovenski park -Pečenka Fest ♦ 12. julij: London-Triglav - Piknik ♦ 18. julij: Bled-Planica 13 - CAN-SLO-FEST ♦ 26. julij: Bled-Planica 13 - Proščenje: maša ob 12:30 p.m. ♦ 1. avgust-sobota: Slovenski park -Soccer Torunament ♦ 2. avgust: Slovenski park - maša ob 1:00 p.m. - Mladinski dan - Balinanje ♦ 4. - 8. avgust: St. Gregory the Great -DAY CAMP gift bearers for sunday_ At the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, parishioners are now bringing up the gifts to the altar. If you would like to be part of this volunteer group, please speak to Pamela to sign up for the 9:30 a.m. Mass or Sonya to sign up for the 11:00 a.m. Mass. You can also use the sign up sheets in the foyer to pick a date that suits you. Please remember to provide your phone number in case we need to contact you. Thanks to those people who have already volunteered, you have shown your commitment to St. Gregory's in a special way. - Pamela and Sonya. Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery Memorial Mass Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, OMI, DD, Bishop of Hamilton, will celebrate the annual Memorial Mass on Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 11:00 am at Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, Stoney Creek. All are invited to attend. st. joseph society - Društvo sv. Jožefa St. Joseph Society/Društvo Sv. Jožefa has chartered a school bus for the Slovenski Dan at Slovenski Park on Saturday, June 27th. The bus will depart at 10:00 a.m. and return by 10: p.m. The cost per person: $20. This includes bus fare and $10. Admission. Please make your reservation as soon as possible by calling Frank Rihar @ 905-544-1471 or Jerry Ponikvar @ 905-333-5813. Društvo Bocce Tournament: Saturday, August 29th, 2015 - For information contact Frank Erzar @ 905-643-0285 Trips planned by the Društvo for 2015: Oktoberfest - Sava Club-Saturday, October 17th, 2015 Cleveland Polkafest Weekend - November 26-28th, 2015. Details to follow! summer day camp With school almost out and summer on its way, it is time again to start planning for our annual Slovenian Summer Day Camp. We are proud to announce that this will be our 15th year. We hope that children take advantage of this week of summer with Slovenian friends and high school students sign up to volunteer and share some new ideas. Summer camp will be as always, the first week of August ... August 4-7, 2015: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. daily. The registration forms are available in the church vestibule, or you can email me directly for a form at Parent volunteers are also always welcome! We look forward to seeing you all again this summer! M baragovi dnevi - baraga days: Cleveland_ Letošnji Baragovi dnevi bodo v Clevelandu, 5. in 6. septembra 2015, na "Long Weekend". Odhod avtobusa izpred naše cerkve bo v soboto, 5. septembra zjutraj in prihod nazaj v nedeljo, 6. septembra pozno zvečer. Kdor se želi udeležiti tega romanja naj se čimprej prijavi - nekateri ste se že - Tereziji Sarjaš (905-5601218) ali Veri Gonza 905-560-0089). V soboto zvečer bo angleška sveta maša v slovenski cerkvi sv. Vida, v nedeljo pa bo ob 2:00 p.m. Slovenska sveta maša, ki jo bo vodil upokojeni koprski škof msgr. mag. Metod Pirih, v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Prosimo, da najkasneje do 15. julija 2015 plačate $75 CAD in $125 USA dolarjev (V ceni je vštet prevoz z avtobusom - če bo avtobus poln, prenočišče in prispevek za banket). sveti zakon - poroka_ V soboto, 13. junija 2015, sta si v naši cerkvi obljubila večno zvestobo ženin Gregory Petiquan in nevesta Sylvia Ferenčak. Iskrene čestitke in veliko božjega blagoslova in varstva božje Matere Marije na njuni skupni poti. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in fiл S'oven'an 5:30 рм- " slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke/ marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v don bosco bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest -please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561 -5971. Od 14. 6. 2015 Do 21. 6. 2015 svete maše - masses 11. Nedelja me letom za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 14. Junij ff Ana in Janez Potokar Družina Groznik Valerij, mučenec f Ivan Mertuk, obl. 11:00 a.m. Kathy in Joe Prša Ponedeljek f Ivan Mertuk, obl. 7:00 p.m. Žena Emilija Mertuk Monday ff Štefan in Verona Prša Emilija Mertuk 15 Junij ff Marko Molec in Branko Šertelj Družina Molec Vid, mučenec f Gizela Hozjan Gizella in Štefan Ray Torek - Tuesday 16. Junij f Za zdravje 8:00 a.m. Lojzka Saje Beno, škof Sreda - Wednesday 17. Junij Albert, duhovnik f Frančiška Napast, obl. ff Frančiška in Stane Napast, obl. f Slavko Štern f Paul Richard Novak f Milan Pleša, obl. 7:00 p.m. Družina Pinter Kathy in Martin Simončič Žena in družina English choir Žena Božica Četrtek - Thursday f Paul Richard Novak 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič f Antonija Pleterski Manja Erzetič 18. Junij f Paul Richard Novak Mešani pevski zbor Marko in Marcelijan, mu f Terezija Hajdinjak Martin in Regina Nedelko f August Žalik Martin in Regina Nedelko Petek f Marija Kolenc 7:00 p.m. Manja Erzetič Friday ff Sorodniki iz družine Sarjaš Alojz in Agata Sarjaš 19. Junij f Janez Hočevar Žena Marija Romuald, opat f Paul Richard Novak Toni Ferko Sobota - Saturday 20. Junij Silverij, papež Florentina, devica ff Za duše v vicah f Stan Napast f Anton Cvetrežnik ff Sorodniki Alojziji ff Veronika in Ivan Obal f Skledar Regina 8:00 a.m. N.N. 5:30 p.m. Družina Pinter Družina Pinter Julija Sagadin z družino Sin z družino Družina Gomboc 12. Nedelja me letom 21. Junij Alojzij, redovnik za žive in rajne župljane ff Pokojni Bratanič in Vogrinc f Alojzija Hull f Frank Gimpelj /Bled-Father's Day f Angela Papič 9:30 a.m. Milena Volčanšek 11:00 a.m. Milka in Karol Ferko 12:30 p.m. Brat Jože z družino Sestra Amalija Štadler