3 Kako daleč vidimo? Vprašanje, ki ga lahko razumemo na dva načina, ima dve di- menziji – prostorsko in časovno. Ali je pomembnejša pot ali cilj, načrtovanje ali izvedba? Idealno ni enega brez drugega. Dobro je, če zadovoljstvo najdemo tako v delu kot v rezultatih in zasluženem počitku. Končanim projektom pa sledijo vedno novi projekti in izzivi. Po več kot osmih letih uspešnega in predanega dela je funkcijo glavnega urednika revije Urbani izziv sklenil Boštjan Kerbler. Uredniško delo bo nadaljeval pri strokovni izdaji revije. V ime- nu uredniškega odbora se mu lepo zahvaljujem za dosedanje delo! Lahko rečemo, da je to sprememba v najboljšem trenutku in ob vseh doseženih zastavljenih ciljih: revija je mednarodno priznana, vključena je v številne tuje in domače bibliografske baze, dosega veliko citiranost, ima odprt dostop, ohranja in širi svoj krog bralcev. Upam, da bomo uspešno zgodbo s skupnimi močmi tudi nadaljevali. Za vsako številko revije stojijo avtorji, recenzenti, uredniki, prevajalci in lektorji, oblikovalci, tiskarji in nenazadnje vodstvo Urbanističnega inštituta Republike Slo- venije, ki prispevajo svoj čas, svoje znanje in svoj trud, da revija obstaja in se razvija. Hvala vsem in toplo vabljeni k sodelovanju tudi v prihodnje! Prva letošnja številka prinaša šest člankov, katerih avtorji predstavljajo raziskave in prostorsko-načrtovalske izzive iz vse Evrope, od Norveške, Švedske, Nemčije, Madžarske, Poljske, Bosne in Hercegovine do Slovenije. Zato je raznolika tudi vse- bina: oblikovanje mestnega prostora in identitete v povojnem Sarajevu, razvoj novih in najbolj znanih trajnostnih sosesk v Evropi, razvoj podjetništva v predmestnih območjih, vprašanje lastništva stanovanj, načrtovanje novih sosesk, ki bodo imele identiteto, in razvoj zdravstvenih storitev za starejše, prilago- jenih povpraševanju. Upam, dragi bralci, da bo branje prijetno in poučno, ne glede na to, ali boste članke brali v elektronski ali tiskani obliki, v pisarni, na klopi v parku ali v viseči mreži ob morju. Vsem želim prijetno poletje in srečno, kamorkoli vas zanese pot skozi prostor in čas! Damjana Gantar, glavna urednica 4 How far ahead can we see? This question can be interpreted in two different ways and has two dimensions: space and time. What is more important: the path or the goal? The planning or the implementation? Ideally, one cannot exist without the other. It is good to find satisfac- tion in our work as well as our results and well-deserved rest, bearing in mind that completed projects are always followed by constantly new projects and challenges. After more than eight years of successful and dedicated work, Boštjan Kerbler has wrapped up his term as the editor-in-chief of Urbani izziv. He will, however, continue to edit the journal’s special issues. On behalf of the editorial board, I would like to thank him for all of the work he has accomplished. One could say this change comes at the best possible moment, when the journal has achieved all of the goals it set: it is internationally recognised, is included in many international and Slovenian bibliographic databases, is frequently cited, has open access, and is maintaining and expanding its circle of readers. I look forward to continuing this success story through our joint ef- forts. The authors, reviewers, editors, translators, copyeditors, layout specialists, and printers – and ultimately the Urban Planning Institute’s management – stand behind every issue of the journal, contributing their time, expertise, and efforts to help the journal exist and develop. I would like to thank all of you, and I look forward to working with you in the future. The first issue this year features six articles, in which the authors present their studies and spatial-planning challenges from all across Europe (i.e., Norway, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Po- land, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia). Accordingly, the topics discussed are also highly diverse: shaping urban spaces and identity in post-war Sarajevo, the development of new and leading sustainable neighbourhoods in Europe, the develop- ment of entrepreneurship in suburban areas, homeownership, planning new neighbourhoods with identities and the develop- ment of senior healthcare services adapted to demand. Dear readers, I wish you a pleasant and informative reading regardless of whether you are reading the articles in electronic or print form, at your office, on a bench in the park, or in a hammock on the beach. I wish everyone a great summer and success wherever your path through space and time may lead you. Damjana Gantar Editor-in-chief