45DR, Vol. XV (1999) 29 Mirna Macur, Majda »erniË IsteniË THE STUDY OF HEALTH-CARE USERS: SAMPLING AND METHODOLOGY The privatisation process of health care introduced mixed economy of care and a greater assortment of health services which has resulted in a variety of experiences among users of the same type of service. This process devided users of a particular service in a three groups according to the way of payment of the service: - users of public health services, who do not pay directly (health insurance), - users of health services at private practitioner with concession (health insurance), - users of health services (most often at private practitioner) who pay directly for the service. In the research we compared users’ experience of health services and their satisfaction with services among the three groups of users. More specificly, in users’ evaluation of health services we were exploring: - percieved changes of health services (both public and private) after the adoption of the new health legislation (the Law on Health Activities) in 1992, - percieved changes in the level of health protection, - user behaviour pattern in the event of dissatisfaction with the service, - user aspirations regarding health services. Since medicine is a profession which incorporates many branches, we wanted to limit our research to a few types of health services. First we concentrated on primary health care which, in Slovenia, is run by general physicians and some specialists (like paediatricians, dentists, gynaecologists, oculists). Primary health care in Slovenia used to be entirely public, but now private physicians (with or without concession) also comprise primary health care. We further limited our research on two types of physician: general physician and dentist. The first one is important because he is the most frequently visited physician by the majority of the population. One of the reasons is also the fact that in order to visit a specialist1 in Slovenia, the patient needs a referral from a general physician. We decided to analyse services also at a specialist in the primary health care. We chose dental services because dentist is very frequently visited physician, as well. Another important argument for including dentists is that among physicians dentists most frequently decide to open private practice.2 By including dental services we will be able to compare the services at the public physician, concession holder and the pri- vate physician. 46 DR, Vol. XV (1999) 29 Sampling We needed three equal groups of previously defined users that emerged with mixed economy of health care. Since in the population users of the public physician prevail, we were unable to use the representative Slovenian sample. For our sample we had to find enough users who pay directly for the services, so we did a screening using a short telephone questionnaire. We asked respondents in the representative sample of 3,000 Slovenians whether they: - had visited a general physician or a dentist within the last 12 months (yes/no) - had visited a physician in a: a) public health centre b) private health centre or c) both. - had paid for the health service they received. From the screening we learned that in the last 12 months 76 per cent of the respondents had visited a general physician or dentist. Among them 59.6 per cent had visited a physician in a public health centre, 20 per cent in private health centre and 20.4 per cent in both centres. We selected only the users - patients (those who had visited general physician or dentist during the last 12 months). The three categories of users were selected with the following crosstabulation: Table 2 Three groups of users of health services Paid for the service Paid for the service Visited a physician in: YES NO Public health centre A Private health centre C B Both B Legend: A - users of public health services, who do not pay directly (health insurance) B - users of health services at private practitioner with concession (health insurance) C - users of health services who pay directly for the service. The analysis showed that in a representative sample of 3,000 people: - 954 users visit a public physician (group A). - 384 users visit a concession holder (group B). They usually go to a private practi- tioner and they don’t pay for the health service because they use their health insurance. There are two cells in a table presenting a group B. Lower cell B is composed of Mirna Macur, Majda »erniË IsteniË 47DR, Vol. XV (1999) 29 users that visited two physicians during the last 12 months: the public and the concession holder. In order to select enough users at the concession holder, we included them in group B, since users of the public physician are more frequent. - 246 users pay directly for services rendered (group C). Field research We decided to interview the same number of respondents in each group ‡ three times 150 respondents. This number was taken from the smallest group, C (246 users), bearing in mind non-response in the field research. Approximately 250 names were taken also for group A and B for field research. As these groups of users were larger, we selected a random sample of 250 names from each group. In a field research, trained interviewers from Gral iteo company successfully inter- viewed around 450 users: 150 in each group. Field research was concluded in may 1998. The creation of a database and organising of the data was conducted in June of the same year. Finalising groups After the field research was completed, we again tested the preciseness of the defined groups. In the telephone inquiry, our three questions were included into a more exten- sive questionnaire, which meant they had to be short; and, for our purposes, they were not precise enough. For example, the question “Did you pay for the health service?”, was not always understood only in relation to the services of the general physician and dentist, but sometimes with reference to health services in general. The questionnaire contained more specific questions which helped us create precise groups for the general physician and for the dentist. All the respondents answered the section of the questionnaire containing general questions about users, health insurance and aspirations regarding health services. The section which referred to the general physician was answered by those who visited the general physician during the last 12 months. The section referring to the dentist was answered only by those users who had visited dentist in the past 12 months. Users who had visited both physicians in the past 12 months answered the whole questionnaire. Questions “Where does your physician work?” and “Do you pay for the health services directly?”3 were asked for both the general physician and the dentist. Using cross-tabulation we were able to determine the exact groups for each physician. The study of health-care users: Sampling and methodology 48 DR, Vol. XV (1999) 29 Table 3 Precise groups according to the method of payment of the health service and the type of the physician (general physician or dentist) Screening Field research - Field research - dentist general physician Users of public physician 159 233 65 Users at the concessionaire 167 92 40 Self-paying users 142 3 85 Total 468 328 190 Not all respondents were included in the newly defined groups. Although questions in the questionnaire were more precise, the answers were not exact enough. We excluded the users whom we were unable to include into any of the groups (21 users who had visited a general physician and 45 users who had visited a dentist). On the other hand some users who had visited both physicians in past 12 months were included in both the general physician and dentist groups. Presentation of results There are 468 users in our sample but that sample is not representative. It is composed of three different groups of users for each physician who do not represent the whole population. Therefore, we will not analyse the structure in a whole sample, but struc- ture within each group and compare them. Results will be presented in two parts: the first will include the users who had visited general physician in past 12 months and the second, the users who had visited the dentist during the same period of time. All results will, of course, be presented in groups. Mirna Macur, Majda »erniË IsteniË 49DR, Vol. XV (1999) 29 NOTES 1. Except for some specialists on the primary level: paediatricians, dentists, gynaecologists. 2. Table 1: The number of contracts with private practitioners in 1995 -1996 Activity general dentists specia- pharma- FTH care transport. Other phy- lists cies sicians Year 1995 96 239 99 33 26 5 3 4 1996 138 313 199 46 33 3 - 3 Source: Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (1997), Business report for the year 1996 (Poslovno poro(ilo za leto 1996), Ljubljana. Pp. 20 3. The range of answers for this question was: always, often, sometimes, seldom and never. The study of health-care users: Sampling and methodology