Milena Gobetz Breda Lončar SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE MANUAL Učbenik slovenskega jezika Volume I Prva knjiga Slovenski Ameriški Institut SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER OF AMERICA, INC. 29227 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills Ohio 44092 U.S.A. SLOVENIAN HERITAGE SERIES Edward Gobetz, Ph.D., Editor © Copyright 1976, 1998, by Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-7668 The 1998 printing of this Manual was made possible by a grant from Frances and Jane Lausche Foundation, Jim V. Debevec, president and Madeline Debevec, secretary-treasurer, donated in honor of Frank J. Lausche (1895-1990), the only five-term Ohio governor and two-term U.S. senator, widely known as Ohio's Lincoln, who was proud of his Slovenian immigrant parents and loved Slovenian language, songs and heritage. To knjigo hvaležno poklanjava najini ljubi mami Albini Osenar, kt je v najinih srcih prva zbudila ljubezen do slovenskega jezika in dediščine in po njej vsem slovenskim materam, ki so z ljubeznijo in žrtvami skozi stoletja ohranjale in še vedno ljubeče ohranjajo—slovenstvo This book is gratefully dedicated to our beloved mother Albina Osenar who first taught us to love and cherish our beautiful Slovenian language and heritage and through her to all Slovenian mothers by whose love and sacrifices the Slovenian language and heritage have been preserved and continue to flourish FOREWORD This Slovenian Language Manual is the result of the authors' experiences in teaching Slovenian both to children and adults. Anxious to obtain suitable instructional materials for their classes, they soon realized that the textbooks available were better suited for the students who already had considerable knowledge of the Slovenian language and a good understanding of grammar, but were too difficult for the large majority of Slovenian-language students in America. Having taught modern and classical languages in the American school system, the authors soon began to prepare their own lessons for their Slovenian classes, incorporating the modern language teaching techniques used by America's leading linguists. They were especially influenced by the late Dr. DeSauze's method of teaching French which has proved highly successful in the Cleveland public schools for many decades. From these classroom materials, used for several years in ditto form, the present text has gradually emerged. Keeping in mind that the manual will often be used by complete beginners with little or no linguistic background, a simplified, step-by-step approach is employed, guiding the student from the Slovenian alphabet through the gradual learning of the most frequently used words and everyday expressions, and progressing to the Slovenian grammar which is learned mostly through illustrations and exercises. Because this manual starts with the most basic elements of the Slovenian language, it is well adapted for beginners, whether they are studying in an organized classroom, in an informal learning circle, or on a self-taught basis. The text has also been found to be quite useful for those students whose mother tongue is Slovenian but who never had the opportunity of learning systematically the so-called literary Slovenian and the essentials of the Slovenian grammar. Thus the manual can be adapted to the use of many categories of students, each studying at his or her own pace. Great attention should be paid to the fact that languages are learned through repetition of frequently used words and sentences. The authors found that those students who regularly brought cassettes to classes, taped the lessons, and listened to them over and over again, were much more successful than the others, even though many of them started as complete beginners. The vocabulary should also be studied on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to develop their own dictionaries, by writing down in a special notebook each new Slovenian word and practical expression, and then frequently testing their knowledge by repetition and self-examination. In this way, a facility with words and practical expressions and fluency in speech and writing will be developed. Those students who study daily achieve much better results than those who study the language only once or twice a week, even if for longer periods of time. Above all, students should speak Slovenian with any person who understands the language and should not be afraid to make mistakes. The more they try to speak, the more often they are helped and corrected by others who know Slovenian, and the more frequently they are forced to look for the needed word in the manual or a dictionary, the faster they will develop a speaking, reading, and writing mastery of the language. Listening to conversations, radio programs, concerts, or sermons in the Slovenian language is another opportunity of which ambitious students should avail themselves, whenever they have a chance. The following suggestions are offered to the teachers who will use this manual: 1. Be particularly helpful and patient with the pronunciation and use the Pronunciation Exercises in the Appendix as frequently as necessary to develop the fluency of the spoken word. 2. The practical expressions listed at the end of each vocabulary should be drilled to perfection. It would be helpful if the students kept a special notebook for these expressions. 3. Particular attention should be given to the vocabulary. Vocabulary quizzes should be given frequently. Students should be encouraged to make original sentences with the vocabulary words. Flashcards, spell-downs, races, puzzles, hidden words, and other game-type devices could be used to stimulate interest and motivation. 4. With children whose attention span is shorter, a variety of teaching devices should be used in each lesson. Each lesson should include a number of appealing activities such as singing, playing various games, having recitations, dramatic presentations and role playing (e.g., a succession of students playing the roles of the teacher, the salesman or a customer in the store, the waiter or a guest in a restaurant, etc.). 5. Original readings using each chapter's new vocabulary could be composed by the students. The authors have noticed that many students have proudly developed their own "texts," with individually written short compositions, translations, songs, poems, riddles, puzzles, and jokes in Slovenian which has stimulated their own learning and the interest in each other's contribution to the course. 6. An exclusive dependence on this manual, or any other text, for the entire classroom period, should be avoided on all levels, but especially on the grade school level. This manual is the first of a three volume set. The original materials in ditto and xerox form have so far been pretested in the upper classes of grade schools, in high school and adult education classes in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Canada, and in college and university Slovenian language classes in Ohio and a number of other states. In addition to organized courses, several individuals (some of them complete beginners and others with a superficial knowledge of Slovenian as learned from their parents) have been learning from the materials on a self-taught basis, with quite encouraging results. Thousands of hours donated by the authors to this project without any financial compensation are, like all other Slovenian Research Center's projects, a labor of love. The printers, however, want the traditional currency and printing expenses have more than doubled between the beginning and the completion of this project. Hopefully, the sales of this volume will enable the Center to publish also Volumes II and III, which have already been completed in manuscript form, together with the appropriate cassettes or records to be used by the students, as well as on radio programs for the benefit of larger groups. Several other texts, including workbooks based on fascinating Slovenian youth novels, Slovenian success stories, and Slovenian readings and historical works are currently nearing completion and their publication is only a matter of time and finances. The authors are grateful to all the professors and teachers, as well as to the many students, for their favorable response and for the many useful suggestions and comments which have been incorporated into this manual, especially to Prof. Joseph Paternost of Pennsylvania State University, Prof. Metoda Mencin of University of Southern Colorado, Prof. Joseph Planinsic of California State College, Mr. Frank Trenta of Barberton High School, Mrs. Anica Tushar of the Slovenian Language Program in Gilbert, Minnesota, and Mrs. Milena Stropnik who pretested some of the materials at the St. Vitus Slovenian Saturday School, and to several other teachers who pretested them in May field Heights and Euclid adult education programs in the Greater Cleveland area. Throughout this project, Prof. Edward Gobetz or, in Slovenian, Edi Gobec, founder and director of the Slovenian Research Center of America, has been working closely with the authors in the preparation of the manual as well as in its pretesting in the Slovenian language courses which he has been teaching for several years as an unpaid volunteer in the Kent State University's Slovenian Studies Program. While he has declined co-authorship, this project would not have been possible without his continuous help and encouragement. The authors' deepest gratitude goes to their beloved mother, Mrs. Albina Osenar, who taught them to love and cherish their beautiful Slovenian language and heritage and who self-sacrificingly spent countless hours baby-sitting for their children, while the authors were compiling and typing the manuscript. This book is, therefore, gratefully dedicated to our mother and through her to all Slovenian mothers by whose love and sacrifices the Slovenian language and heritage have been preserved and will continue to flourish. TABLE OF CONTENTS LESSON PAGE 1 Alphabet and Syllabication ............................................1 2 Verb to be ............................................................................3 3 Classroom..............................................................................10 4 Review......................................................................17 5 Numbers 1 to 201 Colors ..................................................20 6 Adjectives ...............................................25 7 Verbs of ^a Conjugation..................................................30 8 Idiom to like ......................................................................40 Verb to have ........................................................................42 9 Review....................................................................................45 10 Declensions of Nouns — Nominative and Accusative Singular................................................................................49 11 Days of the Week ................................................................59 Accusative of Adjectives ................................................64 12 Possessive Pronouns ..........................................................69 13 Review....................................................................................75 14 Nominative and Accusative of Nouns — Singular, Dual and Plural ..................................................................78 15 Continuation of Lesson Fourteen ..................................92 16 Verbs of ^e Conjugation..................................................99 17 Months and Seasons ............................................................108 18 Review....................................................................................114 19 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers ........................................118 Nominative and Accusative of Personal Pronouns .. 123 20 Verbs of ^i Conjugation..................................................128 21 Relatives ..............................................................................137 22 Verbs of -je and -ne Conjugations ..............................145 23 At the Table ........................................................................150 Expressions of Ability — lahko ..................................158 24 Review....................................................................................161 25 Dative of Nouns — Singular, Dual and Plural .... 169 26 Dative of Adjectives and Pronouns ..............................179 Samples of Letters and Greetings ................................181 27 Past Tense ............................................................................191 28 Future Tense ........................................................................211 29 Verbs to go. to come, to depart ..................................222 30 Review....................................................................................239 31 Christmas ..............................................................................245 32 Easter....................................................................................251 33 Mother's Day........................................................................257 3k St. Nicholas Day................................................................262 35 Thanksgiving Day...............................................269 36 Our Homeland — Slovenia................................................273 APPENDIX Notes on Pronunciation....................................................290 Pronunciation Exercises ..................................................302 LESSON ONE I. THE ALPHABET -- ABECEDA The Slovenian alphabet has twenty-five letters. It has no letters Q, W, X and Y which we have in the English alphabet, but the following letters are added t C (ch sound as in cherry), S (sh sound as in shoe), and 2 (ge sound as in garage). The Slovenian language is phonetic, that is, with very few exceptions, each letter has only one sound. This makes reading and writing much easier in Slovenian than in English. If you remember the sounds of letters, you can read and write. Thus, for instance, "a" in Slovenian always has the same sound as in the English word "art" or "father." While, as a rule, accents are not marked in Slovenian, the accented syllables are underscored in this manual to help you learn the correct accents. In column 1 below are the twenty-five Slovenian letters. Each Slovenian letter is pronounced the same way as the doubly underscored letters in the English words in column 2. In column 3 are examples of Slovenian words using that particular Slovenian letter with the sound you have learned in column 2. Column k has the corresponding English meanings of the Slovenian words used in column 3. - 12 3 * father, or, Ann bass, bank, I shall be price, street, cent if, tea, time yes, day, I give if, he is, father one, heel, aunt he eats, ice, honey dog, entire, smooth film, boy, fig goose, voice, mushroom fast, harp, food and, name, play I, cave, egg when, what, coffee beautiful, ice, light we, May, mother no, nothing,I don't have he, elephant, grave she, foot, hand night, barefoot, piece five, pair, baker duck, hand, fish they are, I am, we are more, sport, school there, three, aunt watch, mouth, ear A art B I°y C pizza C church D lay E e met S apple g narrow e opera F far G go H Help I meet J yes K Kite L lamp M moon N no 0 & soft e awe + o mellow P paper R raJče S sad g shy T Tfown U noon at a, ali, Ana bas, banka, bom cena, cesta, cent ce, čaj, cas da, dan, dam ce, je, oče ena, peta, teta je, led, med pes, ves, gladek film, fant, figa gos, glas, goba hitro, harfa, hrana in, ime, igra jaz, jama, jajce ko, kaj, kava lep, led, luc mi, maj , mana ne, nic, nimam on, slon, grob ona, noga, roka noc, bos, kos pet, par, pek raca, roka, riba so, sem, smo še, šport, šola tam, tri, teta ura, usta, uho v z ž vase £ipper garage vi, vrat, vrata zima, zob, zakaj žaba, žoga, žena you, neck, door winter, tooth, why frog, ball, wife NOTES — OPOMBE The narrow "e" has no English equivalent. It is pronounced as e (e aigu) in French like in the words "bSb§M or "parlez-vous-" To learn the exact sound of this letter listen to your teacher or ask someone who knows Slovenian well. Many Slovenian Americans use a broader "e," such as in the English words "met" or "yet." This is not entirely correct but can easily be understood. Although the Slovenian alphabet is very easy, you must memorize the correct sound of each letter. Practice until you know it by heart, then simply use the correct sound for each letter and you'll be able to read and write Slovenian with relatively few mistakes. II. SYLLABICATION — ZLOGOVANJE When you have become familiar with the sounds of the Slovenian letters, you can begin to practice reading by simply putting the letter sounds together into syllables, for instances mama ma-ma — mother ata a-ta — father teta te-ta — aunt At the beginning, it is best to give all the syllables equal stress and to repeat each sentence until fluency and smoothness are achieved. In Slovenian, each syllable contains a vowel or the letter "r." The letter "r" sometimes takes the place of a vowel, for instance: v ,v . v crna (c9rna) cr-na — black rjav (arjav) r-jav — brown Let us read! Berimo! (orCitajmo!) 1. Kje je ma-ma? 2. Na-ša so-la je no-va. 3. Pro-sim, daj mi pa-pir! To je mo-ja se-stra. 5. Tu-kaj je pi-smo. 6„ Hva-la, gos-pod. 7. Hra-na je do.-bra. 8. Hi-ša je be-la. 9. Vo-da je to-pla. 10. A-na je le-pa. 11. U-ra je zla-ta. 12. U-ra je o-sem. 13• Ma-ma je do-ma. 1^. Gla-va me bo-li. 15. Da-nes je ne-de-lja. Everyday expressions -- Vsakdanji izrazi 1. Do-bro ju-tro, ma-ma! Good morning, mother! Where is mother? Our school is new. Please, give me the paper! This is my sister. Here is the letter. Thank you, sir. The food is good. The house is white. The water is warm. Ann is beautiful. The watch is gold. It is eight o'clock. (literally: The hour is eight.) Mother is at home. I have a headache. (literally: The head hurts me.) Today is Sunday. 2. Do-ber dan, a-ta! 3. Do-ber ve-cer, go-spaS v 4. La-hko noc, go-spo-di-cna! 5. Na svi-de-nje, strici 6. Zbo-gom, te-ta! 7. Pro-sim, ma-ma! 8. Hva-la, sta-ra ma-ma! 9. Ka-ko ste? 10. Hva-la, do-bro. Good day (Good afternoon), father! Good evening, madame! Good night, Miss! So long (I'll be seeing you), uncle! Good-bye, aunt! (literallys With God)! Please, mother! Thank you, grandma! How are you? Thank you, fine. If you learn to read by this syllabication method, you will be surprised how quickly you can read complicated sentences. Granted, your accent may not be perfect yet, but you will not be far from the correct Slovenian pronunciation. LESSON TWO I. THE VERB TO BE — GLAGOL BITI The verb to be is one of the most important words in any language. Learn it by heart and learn it well in all forms, so that you will easily be able to recall the correct form whenever you will need it. Positive form — Trdilna oblika Negative form — Nikalna oblika Singular I am you are he is she is it is Dual we two are you two are they two are Plural we are you are they are Singular Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Ednina (jažl sem (ti) si (on) je (ona) je (ono) je Dvojina Singular I am not you are not he is not she is not it is not Ednina (j az") nis em (ti) nisi (on) ni (ona) ni (ono) ni _u (midva) (vidva) sva _ sta (onadva) sta Množina (mil smo (vi) ste (oni) so Dual Dvojina we two are not (midva) nisva you two aren*t (vidva) nista they two aren't (onadva) nista Plural we are not you are not they are not Množina (mi) nismo (vi) niste (oni) niso Interrogative form — Vprasalna oblika Ednina Ali sem Ali Ali Ali Ali si je je je (jaz)? (ti) ? (on) ? (ona)? (ono)? Dual — Dvo.iina Are we two? Ali sva (midva)? Are you two? Ali sta (vidva)? Are they two? Ali sta (onadva)? Plural — Množina Are we? Are you? Are they? Ali smo (mi)? Ali ste (vi)? Ali so (£ni)? NOTES « OPOMBE 1. The verb BITI (TO BE) is irregular; it must simply be memorized. 2. Inthe interrogative form, the question word "Ali" may be omitted. For examples Is he in school? Ali je on v šoli? or Je on v šoli? Is Mary at home? Ali je Marija doma? or Je Marija doma? 3. TI (you, singular) is also the familiar form used only with a member of the family, a child, or a close friend. VI (you, plural) is used as the plural form (when you speak to three or more persons) and also as the polite or the formal form used in reference to one person. Hence, one should use VI when speaking to adults, strangers, and persons who are not close friends. For example, in a restaurant, the waiter would address you as VI. You, in turn, would say to the waiter VI and not TI. Personal pronouns when used as the subject may be omitted, since, in Slovenian, the verb endings indicate the person. For example: Are you at home? Ste doma? — instead of Ste (vi) doma? I am a student. Sem student. — instead of (Jaz) sem študent« In the first part of the manual, the pronouns will be listed with their verbs because, for beginners, it is easier to recognize the two together. 5. In addition to the singular (ednina) and the plural (množina), all Slovenian verbs, as well as all nouns and pronouns, have the dual (dvojina), which is used only for two. The dual number (dvojina) has been lost in most of the Slavic languages, but it is still in use in Slovenian. It is used whenever one is referring to two persons or things. This feature of the language greatly increases the number of forms which must be learned. Of course, you can always get by, by using the plural instead. However, if you wish to speak grammatically correct Slovenian, the dual must be learned. Examples:Yqu ^ x are friendSi Ti in jaz sva prijatelja, or Midva sva prijatelja. Mom and dad are at home. Mama in oče sta doma. They(two) are here. Onadva sta tukaj. 6. In addition to the masculine forms shown on page 3, the personal pronouns in the feminine dual have two possible forms: midye^or medve; vidve or vedvej onidve or onedve. In the feminine plural, the personal pronouns are: me, ve, one; ona is used for the third person neuter plural. XI. Masculine — Moški VOCABULARY -- SLOVARČEK spol Feminine — genski spol ucenec (student) -učitelj profesor prijatelj gospod (g.) inženir advokat(odvetnik)— arhitekt delavec otrok, otroci zdravnik (doktor)-- Slovenec student teacher professor friend sir, Mr. engineer lawyer architect worker, laborer child, children physician, doctor a Slovenian učenka (študentka) učiteljica profesorica prijateljica gospa (ga.) v gospodična (gdc.) gospodinja tajnica bolniška sestra (bolničarka) zdravnica Slovenka — student — teacher — professor — friend — madame, Mrs. — Miss -- housewife — secretary — nurse — physician — a Slovenian Other words — Druge besede danes doma (adverb) tukaj (tu) tam v soli v službi v bolnici v mestu Kje? Kdo? da ne — today — at home — here — there — in school -- at work — in the hospital — in town, downtown ali (conjunction) Ali? Where? Who? yes no or question word Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji iarazi Prosim Hvala Hvala lepa Najlepša hvala) Prosim, ni za kaj. Mudi se mi. Kako je kaj? Kako si? (Kako si kaj?) Kako ste? (Kako ste kaj?) Kako se (kaj) imaš? (familiar) Kako se (kaj) imate?(formal) Kako ti (kaj) gre? (familiar) Kako vam (kaj) gre? (formal) Hvala, d£bro. Zelo. dobro, hvala. Prav dobro, hvala. Kar po navadi. Please Thank you Thank you very much. You're welcome. (Don't mention it.) I am in a hurry. How is everything? How are you? (familiar) How are you? (formal) How are you? (literally: How do you have yourself?) How are you? (literally: How is it going for you?) Pine, thank you. Very well, thank you. Just fine, thank you. As usual. Note — Pripomba The little word "kaj" in the above expressions has no specific meaning. It is used simply as a flavoring particle. III. PLEASE READ AND TRANSLATE! - PROSIM, BERITE IN PREVEDITE! A. Jaz sem ucenec. Jaz sem učenka. Ti si ucenec. Ti si učenka. Vi ste učitelj. Vi ste uciteljica. On je gospod Močnik. Ona je gospa Pajk. Ona je gospodična Cuk. B. Jaz sem študent. Ti si advokat. On je arhitekt. Ona je tajnica. Ona je gospodinja. Vi ste zdravnik. Ona je "bolniška sestra. C. Jaz sem doma. Jaz sem v šoli-Ti si doma. Ti si v šoli. On je doma. Jaz sem tukaj. On je tam. Ona je v službi. D. Ali si ti ucenec? Ali je on arhitekt? Ali je ona doma? Ali ste vi v službi? Ali je ona učiteljica? E. Ali je on v bolnici? Ali ste vi gospod Pajk? Ali ste vi doma? Ali ste vi učitelj? Ali je Marija tajnica? Ali je on zdravnik? F. Kdo sem jaz? Kdo je on? Kdo ste vi? Kje smo mi? Kje je gospod Pajk? Kje je gospa Kovač? Kje je gospodična Cuk? Kje smo? Kdo je tukaj? Kdo je v šoli? Kdo je doma? Jaz nisem ucenec. Jaz nisem učenka. Ti nisi ucenec. Ti nisi učenka. Vi niste učitelj. Vi niste učiteljica. On ni gospod Močnik. Ona ni gospa Pajk. Ona ni gospodična Cuk. Jaz nisem študent. Ti nisi advokat. On ni arhitekt. Ona ni tajnica. Ona ni gospodinja. Vi niste zdravnik. Ona ni bolniška sestra. Mi smo doma. Mi smo v Šoli. Vi ste doma. Vi ste v šoli. Oni so doma. Mi smo tukaj. Oni so tam. One so v službi. Da, jaz sem učenec. Da, on je arhitekt. Da, ona je doma. Da, mi smo v službi. Da, ona je učiteljica. Ne, on je doma. Ne, jaz sem (your name)_ Ne, jaz sem v soli. Ne, jaz sem učenec. Ne, ona je bolniška sestra. Ne, on je inženir. Vi ste učitelj (učiteljica). On je učenec. Jaz sem ^your name)_ Mi smo v soli. On je v službi. Ona je v bolnici. Ona je v mestu. Smo v šoli. Gospod in gospa Kovač sta tukaj. Mi smo v šoli. Mama je doma. IV. A SHORT READING — KRATKO BERILO "Dober dan, gospod Pajk. Kako ste?" "Hvala, prav dobro. In vi, gospod Zaje?" "Kar po navadi, hvala. Danes nisem v službi. Gospa Zaje je v bolnici." "Kje so otroci?" "Tomaž, Peter in Jana so v soli, Mari.ja je doma in Anica je v mestu." "Ali je ona tam v službi?" "Da, tajnica je. Mudi se mi. Na svidenje1." "Na svidenje1." V. EXERCISES -- VAJE A. C on.jugate the verb TO BE — Spregaj glagol BITI I am _I am not _ you are _you are not _ he is _he isn't _ she is _she isn't _ we two are _we two aren't_ you two are _you two aren't_ they two are_they two aren't_ we are _ we aren't _ you are _you aren't they are _they aren't Am I? _ Are you? _ Is he? _ Is she? Are we two? Are you two? Are they two? Are we? Are you? Are they? B. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. mi smo _ 2. on je -7- 3. ti nisi Ali ste vi? ir j > oni so 6. mi nismo 7. jaz sem 8. Ali je ona? 9. on ni 10. vi ste 11. Ali si ti? 12. jaz nisem 13. ti si 14. vi niste 15. Ali je ona? 16. onadva sta 17. midva nisva 18. Ali sta vidva? 19. Jaz sem učiteljica. 20. Mi smo v šoli. 21. On je doma. 22. Ona je tukaj. 23. Ti si učenec. 2k. Vi ste zdravnik. 25. Ona je tajnica. 26. On ni arhitekt. 27. Ona ni bolniška sestra. 28. Jaz nisem učitelj. 29. Vi ste v službi. 30. Ali je mama doma? 31. Ne, ona je v mestu. 32. Gospa Kovač je učiteljica. 33. Gospod Kovač je advokat. 3^. On je v bolnici. 35. Tukaj smo. c■ Insert the correct form of the verb BITI Positive Negative 1. Jaz Slovenec. Jaz študent. 2. Ona gospodinja. Ona Slovenka. 3- Oni v šoli. Oni otroci. Mi doma. Mi pri jatelii. 5. On Slovenec. On arhitekt. 6. Ona tajnica. Ona tajnica. 7. Onadva tukaj. Onadva advokata. 8. Vi učitelj. Vi učitelj. 9. Ti prijatelj. Ti študent. 10. Ana tajnica. Ana ucitel jica. 11. Vidva v službi. Vidva prijatelja. 12. Oni tam. Oni Slovenci. 13. Vi delavec. Vi inženir. Ik. Jaz ucenec. Jaz zdravnik. 15. On otrok. On advokat. D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedi v slovenščino 1. I am 2. She isn't 3. Is he? 4. We are 5. They are 6. Are you? (sin.) 7. You are (pi.) 8. Are they? 9. Am I? 10. She is 11. They two are 12. They aren't 13. We are not Ik. We two are 15. I am not 16. You aren't (sin.) 17- We are in school. 18. Is he a teacher? 19. No, he is a lawyer. 20. Mary is a student. 21. She is in school. 22. I am here. 23. Ann is at home. 2k. Who is in the hospital? 25. Where is mother? 26. They are in school. 27. Are you a student? (familiar) 28. She is a nurse. 29. Peter is at work. 30. Mrs. Kovač is a teacher. 31. Mr. Kovac is a doctor. 32. Is Miss Pajk Slovenian? 33. Are the children in school? Mary is a secretary« 35• Mr. and Mrs. Pajk are here. 36. Who are you? (formal) 37. They are at home. 38. Where are you? (familiar) 39« Is she Miss or Mrs, Pajk? 40. Are you a student or a teacher? (familiar) LESSON THREE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol Tomaz — Thomas jezik — language tecaj — course, class razred — grade, class, papir classroom — paper svinčnik — pencil stol — chair zvezek — notebook učitelj — teacher ucenec (student) student gospod -- sir, Mr. fant -- boy deček — small boy mčšz —- man, husband Neuter — Sredn.ii spol berilo — reading pero pen, feather okno — window ravnilo — ruler dekle. -- girl, young maiden vrata — door(s) tla — floor(s) Feminine — ženski spol Marijavv slovenščina angleščina beseda šola šolska soba soba knjiga tabla kreda miza škatla slika radirka barvic a torba šolska torba stena ura mapa uciteljica učenka gospa gospodična zena deklica klop luc Mary Slovenian English word school classroom room book blackboard chalk table box picture eraser crayon purse, hand bag school bag wall watch, clock folder teacher student madame, Mrslady Miss woman, wife small girl bench, school desk light Other words — Druge "besede doma v šoli v razredu v šolski sojina steni na mizi tukaj tam pa at home da in school ne in the classroom tudi in the classroom in on the wall ali on the table Ali? here there flavoring particle, sometimes — yes — no — also — and — or — question word translated as "and" Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji izrazi Kaj je to? What is this? Kdo je to? Who is this? To je This is ... To ni * * • This is not... Ali je to? Is this? To ae mogoče. This is possible. To je nemogoče. This is impossible. To je res. This is true. To ni res. This is not true. To je prav. This is right. To ni prav. This is not right. To je narobe. This is wrong. To je važno. This is important. To ni važno. This is not important. To je potrebno. This is necessary. To ni potrebno. This is not necessary. To je lepo. This is nice (beautiful) To je kar dobro. This will do. This is o To je vse. This is all. To vsi vedo. To je prvi tečaj slovenščine. Everyone knows this. This is the first course of the Slovenian language. NOTES — OPOMBE 1. The words "vrata" and "tla" are always plural in Slovenian. Notice that the verb must also be in the plurals Where is the door? Kje so vrata? Here is the door. Tukaj so vrata. The floor is clean. Tla so cista. The floors are clean. Tla so cista. 2. The noun "razred" has various meanings. It can mean class, grade or classroom. Look at the following examples: prvi razred — first grade peti razred -- fifth grade naš razred -- our class razred 2B — classroom 2B 3. The noun "tecaj" can mean course or class: To je prvi tecaj slovenščine. This is the first course of the Slovenian language. Nouns, adjectives and adverbs denoting languages, such as Slovenian, English, French, etc., are not capitalized in unless they are at the "beginning of the sentence. Slovenian, Examples: Slovenian — slovenscina the Slovenian language— slovenski jezik English — angleščina the English language — angleški jezik We speak Slovenian. — Mi govorimo slovensko. However, nouns denoting states, nations and nationalities are capitalized while their adjectives are not. Examples: Slovenia America Slovenija Amerika but the Slovenian school — slovenska šola the English word — angleška beseda In Slovenian, we have a few short words which are often used in colloquial speech but have no specific meaning or translation. In this lesson, the word "pa" is used in this manner. II. EXPLANATION OF THE SLOVENIAN NOUN RAZLAGA SAMOSTALNIKA Nouns include: 1. Persons; oce (father); deklica (girl) 2. Beings or animate (living) objects: roža (flower)j pes (dog)j drevo (tree) 3« Inanimate or nonliving objects: miza (table); letalo (airplane) Ideas or concepts: lepota (beauty); prijaznost (friendliness) 5. Deeds: igranje (playing); plavanje (swimming). Notice that the nouns in the vocabulary are categorized into three headings: FEMININE, MASCULINE and NEUTER. These three genders exist in Slovenian just as they do in English. In English, what is masculine by nature (i.e., boy, man, father, males of animals) is masculine and what is feminine by nature (i.e., woman, girl, mother, female animals) is feminine, and everything else is neuter. In Slovenian, this rule does not apply. You must memorize the gender of Slovenian nouns because what may be considered as the neuter gender in English may be masculine or feminine in Slovenian. Throughout this workbook, we shall indicate the gender of the Slovenian nouns, when necessary, with the following abbreviations: f. — feminine m. — masculine n. — neuter It may be helpful to memorize the following important clues for determining the gender of the Slovenian nouns: a. nouns ending in "a" are almost always feminine with the following exceptions which are always neuter plural: tla — floor(s) pijuca — lung(s) vrata — door(s) jetra — liver(s) usta — mouth(s) ocala — eyeglasses "b. nouns ending in "o" or "e" are almost always neuter with the following exceptions which are masculine: avto — car kino — cinema, movies radio — radio c. nouns ending in a consonant are either masculine or feminine. 5. In Slovenian, the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a, an) do not exist. "The book" or "a book" are both translated "knjiga." When translating from Slovenian into English, use the form which is more reasonable. Example: Tukaj je knjiga. Here is a book. or Here is the book. The translation depends entirely on what you want to say. III. LET US READ AND TRANSLATE -- BERIMO IN PREVEDIMO A. Kje smo, Ana? _ V šoli smo. _ Kaj je to, Ana? _ To je šolska soba. _ In kaj je to? _ To je knjiga. _ In kaj je to? _ To je tabla. _ Kaj pa je to? _ To je pa kreda. _ B. Kaj je tukaj? _ Tukaj je miza. _ Kaj pa je tam? _ Tam je klop. _ Ali je to škatla, Peter? _ Da, to je škatla. _ Ali je to mapa, Tomaž? _ Da, to je mapa. _ Ali je to svinčnik? _ Ne, to ni svinčnik.___ Kaj pa je? Pero. je. ___ C. Kdo je to? To je gospod Pajk. ______ Ali je gospod Pajk učitelj? ___ Da, on je učitelj. _____ In kdo je to? ___ To je Peter. Peter je ucenec. Kdo je pa to? To je Marija. __ Ona je tudi učenka. IV. A SHORT READING -- KRATKO BERILO Tukaj je sola. To je šolska soba. Kaj je v šolski sobi? Tukaj so: klop, miza, knjiga, mapa, svinčnik, pero, papir, tabla in kreda. Tam so: okno, ura in vrata. V razredu je tudi gospa Kovač. Ona je učiteljica. Kdo je pa to? To je Tomaž. On je ucenec. In kdo je to? To je pa Marija. Ali je Marija Slovenka? Da, ona je Slovenka. Ali je Tomaž Slovenec? Da, tudi on .ie Slovenec. To A. Ka.i .ie to? To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je To je To je _ To je _ To je _ je prvi tečaj slovenščine. V. EXERCISES -- VAJE _. (classroom) __. (book) ______. (blackboard) ___. (chalk) ___. (table) _. (box) _. (wall) ___. (clock) _. (folder) To je _. (desk) To je _(light) To je _• (notebook) To je__. (pencil) To je _. (paper) To je _. (chair) To je _(pen) To je _ . (crayon) To je _. (ruler) To je _. (window) To so _. (door) B. Kdo .ie to? To je _. (male teacher) To je _(male student) To je _. (Mr. Gornik) To je _. (boy) To je _. (female teacher) To je _. (female student) To je _. (Miss Mocnik) To je _. (Mrs. Kovac) To je _. (girl) C. Ali .ie to? Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to Ali je to svinčnik 9 (pencil) Da, to .ie svinčnik 9 (table) Da, 9 (chair) Da, 9 (desk) Da, 9 (book) Da, 9 (ruler) Da, 9 (box) Ne, to ni škatla 9 (clock) Ne, 9 (window) Ne, 9 (teacher)Ne, 9 (student)Ne, ? (girl) Ne, D. Answer in sentences using the words in parentheses as clues 1. Kaj je to? (blackboard) To .ie tabla. 2. Kdo je to? (Miss Gornik) 3. Kje je solska soba? (in school) 4. Ali je gospod Kovač tukaj? (Yes) 5- Kje je gospod Pajk? (at home) 6. Ali je to stol? (No, a table) 7. Ali je Ana učenka? (No, a nurse) 8. Ali je mama v bolnici? (Yes) 9. Ali je to svinčnik? (No, a pen) 10. Ali je to klop? (No, a chair) 11. Ali je to pero? (No, a crayon) 12. Kje je knjiga? (on the table) 13. Ali je to škatla? (Yes) 14. Ali si ti Slovenec? (Yes) 15. Kje so otroci? (in school) E. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. What is this? _ 2. Who is this? _ 3. This is Mr. Mocnik. 4. Mary is a nurse. _ 5. Miss Zajc is the teacher. _ 6. Is this the box? _ 7. Mrs. Pajk is in the hospital.__ 8. We are in school. _ 9. Is mother at home?_____ 10. They are here. ___ 11. No, this is not a pen. 12. Here is a chair. _ 13- Where is the door? ____ 14. The teacher is in the classroom. 15- The clock is on the wall. LESSON FOUR REVIEW -- PONOVITEV A. Fill in the correct form of the verb TO BE 1. Mi _ v šoli. (We are) 2. On _ doma. (He is) 3. Ali _ tukaj? (Are they) 4. Ti _ ucenec. (You are) 5. Vi _ doma:* (You are) 6. Midva _ tukaj. (We two are) 7. Ona _ tajnica. (She isn't) 8. Ona _ učiteljica. (She is) 9. Jaz _ Slovenec. (I am) 10. Mi _ otroci. (We are not) 11. Ti _ advokat. (You aren't) 12. Vi _ danes v službi. (You are) 13. Ali _ gospod J arc? (Are you - formal) 14. Ti in jaz _ v Š£li. (are) 15. Ana in Marija _ tukaj, (are) 16. Oni _ v mestu. (They are) 17. Jaz _ učitelj. (I am not) 18. Kje _ Ana in Tomaž? (are) 19. _ učitelj? (Is he?) B. Fill in the missing words 1. Ali je to _? (book) 2. Kje je _? (pencil) 3. _ je to? (Who) 4. _ je to? (What) 5. _ kreda? (Is this) 6. To je _. (a box) 7. Gospa Kovac je _. (a teacher) 8. To ni _. (a table) 9» To je _. (a crayon) 10. Mi smo____. (in school) 11. On je _. (at home) 12. To so . (a door) 13. je pero. (Here) 14. Peter je . (a student) 15. Ana je . (a student) 16. Ali je to ali klop? (a chair) 17. • to je gospa Zaje. (Yes) 18. Ne, zvezek. (this is not) 19. Cuk je tukaj. (Miss) 20. To je Gornik. (Mrs.) 21. Ali je to knjiga zvezek? (or) 22. On je . (a lawyer) 23. Kje je ? (the light) 24. To je . (true) 25. To je . (important) C . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1314. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Let us review the vocabulary "book _ pen _ table _____ crayon _ light _ paper _ box _ window ___ clock picture notebook _ word _ school __ room __ penc il _ boy _ girl _ Mr. _ Mrs. _ Miss ,21. husband _ .22. wife _ .23. teacher (f.). ,24. boyfriend _ ,25. girlfriend_ ,26. secretary _ 27. housewife __ 28. nurse _ 29. door _ 30. floor _ 31. bench _ 32. wall _ 33. chair _ 34. here _ 35. there _36. in school _37. at home .38. this is _39. yes 40. and D. Translate into Slovenian 1, Good morning! 2. I am a student. 3- The teacher is here. 4. Ann is a secretary. 5. She is a housewife. 6. He is an architect, 7. We are in school. 8. Good evening, mother. 9. Mr. Gornik is a lawyer. 10. Where is a pencil? 11. Is Ann at home? 12. This is true. 13. Good-bye, children! 14. Thank you very much. 15. Please. 16. How are you? (familiar) 17. How are you? (formal) 18. Is this a crayon? 19» No, this is a pencil. 20. Where is the book? 21. Is this Mrs. Kovac? 22. I am at work. 23. The notebook is on the table. 24. Here we are! 25. Mrs. Cuk is in the hospital. 26. This is impossible. 27. Good afternoon! (same as Good day!) 28. Where are you? (familiar) 29. Is he the student or the teacher? 30. Is this a pencil or a pen? 31. Very well, thank you. 32. This is all. LESSON FIVE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Numbers 1-20 — Številke 1-20 en (m.), ena (f.). eno (n.) — l dva (m.), dve (f. and n.) — 2 tri — 3 štiri — k sest — 6 sedem — 7 osem — 8 devet -- 9 deset —10 Colors — Barve Masculine bel črn rdec moder plav zelen rumen roza lila vi j o least oranžen rjav siv drap zlat srebrn temno (zelen, svetlo (zel^n, Feminine bela črna rdeča modra plava zelena rumena roza lila vi jolcasta oranžna rjava siva drap zlata srebrna rjav, plav, rjav, plav, Neuter belo črno rdeče modro plavo zeleno rumeno roza lila vijolcasto oranžno rjavo sivo drap zlato srebrno etc.) etc.) enajst dvanajst trinajst štirinajst petnajst sestnajst sedemnajst osemnajst devetnajst dvajset white black red blue blue green yellow pink purple purple orange brown grey tan gold silver 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (preferred) (colloquial) dark (green, brown, blue) light (green, brown, blue) Everyday expressions -- Vsakdan.ii izrazi Kakšne barve je...? Oprostite! Pardon! 2al mi je. Srečno pot! Čestitam! Moje sozalje! Na zdravje! Dober tek! What color is.... Excuse me! Pardon me! I am sorry. Have a safe trip! Congratulations! My sympathy! Cheers! (when drinking socially) Have a hearty meal! (when beginning to eat) Bon voyage! NOTES — OPOMBE 1. All colors are adjectives. 2. Since any adjective can modify a masculine, a feminine or a neuter noun, you will find three endings for each adjective listed in the vocabulary. For example i Masculine: bel papir cm svinčnik Feminine i bela knjiga črna tabla Neuter i belo pero. črno ravnilo 3. Notice that the neuter form of the adjective has either an "o" or an "e" ending. The following rule must be memorized: If the masculine form ends in c, š, ž, c or j, then the neuter form will end in "e"j otherwise it ends in "o." For example: Masculine Neuter rdeč rdece (red) naš nase (our) svež sveže (fresh) moj moje (my) k. The adjectives "lila," "roza" and "drap" are indeclinable. They have the same form for all genders, cases and numbers. 5- The words "svetlo" and "temno" are adverbs and do not change in form (e.g., temno zelen, svetlo rjava). 6. When "1" is at the end of the word, it is pronounced as a "w" sound which is not stressed. For example: stol (chair) is pronounced as "stow" bel (white) is pronounced as "bew" II. LET'S READ AND TRANSLATE — BERIMO IN PREVEDIMO A. Papir je crn. Stol je rjav. Svinčnik je rdec. Zvezek je rumen. Stol je siv. Tabla je črna. Luc je rjava, škatla je rdeča. Kreda je rumena. Mapa je siva. Pero je črno. Ravnilo je rjavo, Per£ je rdece. Okno j e rumeno. Okno j e sivo. B. Ali je zvezek rdec? Ali je stol rjav? Ali je svinčnik crn? Ali je klop siva? Ali je okno zeleno? Ali je knjiga rumena? Ali je ura zlata? Ali je zvezek bel? Ali je pero modro? Ali so tla siva? C. Kakšne barve je škatla? Kakšne barve je klop? Kakšne barve je miza? Kakšne barve je zvezek? Kakšne barve je pero.? Kakšne barve je barvica? Kakšne barve je S£ba? Da, zvezek je rdec. Da, stol^je rjav. Da, svinčnik je crn. Da, klop je siva. Da, okno je zeleno. Ne, knjiga ni rumena, je zelena. Ne, ura ni zlata, je srebrna. Ne, zvezek ni bel, je crn. Ne, per£ ni modro, je rdece. Ne, tla niso siva, so rjava. Škatla je modra. Klop je zelena. Miza je bela.v Zvezek je rdec. Pero je oranžno. Barvica je lila. Soba je svetlo rumena. -21- III. EXERCISES -- VAJE A. 1. 2. 35. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 2930. 31. 32. 33. Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke Knjiga je Tatia je Stena je Kreda je Škatla je Ura je Mapa je Luc je Klop je Zvezek je Svinčnik je Stol je Pero je Okno j e Barvica je Slika je Stena je Papir je Ravnilo je Pero je To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ To je _ (green) (black) (tan) (white) (orange) (gold) (brown) (yellow) (blue) (red) (white) (brown) (black) (white) (purple) (light brown) (light blue) (dark green) (dark red) (orange) (white chalk) (blue paper) (brown table) (yellow wall) (gold watch) (blue book) (green light) (red chair) (yellow pen) (blue notebook) (red light) (pink crayon) (brown bench) B. Write out the following numbers — Napišite sledeče številke 1. 7 11. 20 2. 12 12. 2 3. 15 13. 5 4. 11 14. 16 5. 17 15. 6 6. 4 16. 18 7. 13 17. 3 8. 1 18. 9 9. 14 19. 8 10.19 20. 10 C. Translate into Slovenian -- Prevedite v slovenščino 1. What color is the paper? _ 2. The paper is white. _ 3. Is the book yellow or green?_ 4. The book is green. _ 5. Is the pen black? _ 6. No, the pen is red. 7. What is this? _ 8. This is a brown bench. 9. Is the light red or green? _ 10. Is this a gold watch? _ 11. The box is dark brown. _ 12. The table is light brown. _ 13. The chair is dark green. _ 14. The wall is dark pink. _ 15. What color is the folder? _ IV. A SHORT READING — KRATKO BERILO Tukaj je šolska soba. Šolska soba je zelena. Vrata so rumena. Tla so siva. Luc je bela. Tam sta tudi črna tabla in bela kreda. Tukaj je rjava miza. Stol je tudi rjav. Na mizi so: lila škatla, rumena knjiga, bel papir, rdeče pero, modro ravnilo in zelen zvezek. Kaj je pa na steni? Na steni je zelena ura. Answer the questions using the preceding reading for the answers 1. Kakšne barve j«- šolska soba?_ 2. Kakšne barve so vrata? _ 3. Kakšne barve so tla? _ Kakšne barve je luc? _ 5. Kakšne b^rve je mi,za? _ 6. Kakšne barve je stol? _ 7- Kaj je na mizi? _ 8. Kaj je na steni? V. TWO SHORT POEMS Ste.jmo 1 Eden, dva — ropota, tri, štiri — netopirji pet, šest — polna pest, sedem, osem — kruha prosim, devet, deset — ga grem vzet! — DVE KRATKI PESMICI Let us count: One, two — it's rattling, Three, four — bats, Five, six — a palmful, Seven, eight — I'm asking for Nine, ten — bread, "I°ll take its Eden, dva, tri v gozd bomo šli, štiri, pet, šest, jagode jest, sedem, osem, devet, deset, veverice štet. * * * One, two, three, We're going to the woods, Four, five, six, To eat strawberries, Seven, eight, nine, ten, To count the squirrels« VI. PRONUNCIATION DRILL — VAJA ZA IZGOVORJAVO To-maz je v šo-li„ Kje je ra-dir-ka? Go-spa Gor-nik je tu-kaj. Sol-ska tor-ba je ze-le-na. A-li si ti u-ce-nec? Da, sem. Ka-ko je kaj? Ze-lo do-bro, hva-la. Pa-pir je na mi-zi. Tu-di pe-ro. je na mi-zi. Kje je ma-ma? A-li je A-na do-ma? A-na je v me,-s tu. O-na je taj-ni-ca. Kje smo? V šo-li smo. LESSON SIX I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Adjectives — Pridevniki velik, a, o majhen, majhna, majhno dobe r, dobra, dobro slab, a, o lep, a, o grd, a, o cist, a, o umazan, a, o priden, pridna, pridno len, a, o prijazen, prijazna, pri jasno vesel, a, o žalosten, žalostna, žalostno bogat, a, o reven, revna, revno mlad, a, o star, a, o nov, a, o odprt, a, o zaprt, a, o zdrav, a, o bolan, bolna, bolno poročen, a, o kakšen, kakšnat kakšno ta, ta, to Nouns — Samostalniki Janez Ivanka deček deklica fant — John — Jean or Jane — a small boy — a small girl — boy big, tall small, short good bad beautiful, handsome, pretty ugly clean dirty well behaved, diligent lazy friendly happy, good-natured sad rich poor young old new open closed healthy sick married what kind this Other words — Druge besede še — still, yet, ze — already vedno (zmeraj)- always again zelo dobro tudi zakaj slovensko dekle (neuter)— girl, maiden dete (neuter)— baby, infant jabolko (n.) — apple hiša (f.) — house voda (f.) — water rcsza (f.) — flower Evervdav expressions — Vsakdanji izrazi very well also why Slovenian (adverb) po slovensko — in Slovenian govorimo še ne we speak not yet Sem J-ačen Qacnajor Lac en sem. I Sem zejen (zejna). Sem truden (trudna). Sem utrujen (utrujena). Sem zaspan (zaspana). Sem bolan (bolnaT. Sem prehlajen (prehlajena). I I I I I I am hungry, am thirsty, am tired, am exhausted, am sleepy, am sick, have a cold. Sem pozen (jDozna). Sem presenečen (presenečena). Sem razočaran (razočarana). Sem zadovoljen (zadovoljna). Sem zelo zaposlen (zaposlena). Sem gotov (gotova). Nisem gotov (gotova). Nisem se gotov (gotova). Sem dobre (slabe) volje. I am late. I am surprised. I am disappointed. I am satisfied. I am very busy. I am ready. I am sure (certain). I am not ready. I am not certain. I am not ready yet. I am not yet certain. 1 am in a good (bad) mood. NOTES — OPOMBE 1. As explained in Lesson 5, all adjectives have three endings, because they can modify a masculine, a feminine or a neuter noun. The first ending listed is masculine, the "a" ending is feminine, and the "o," or occasionally the "e" ending is neuter. 2. Notice that the semisilent "e" (as the English a ) drops from the masculine form of the adjective before other endings are added. Since it is not a stressed vowel, it is no longer necessary as the word receives other endings. For example! majhen, majhna, majhno preden, pridna, pridno dober, dobra, dobro 3. The feminine and the neuter forms of the adjective "bolan" are slightly irregular. The "a" after "1" drops: boljin, bolna, bolno Tomaž je bolan." Mama je b^lna. Dete je bolno. k. The adjective~"gotov" has two distinct meanings. It can mean "ready" and also "sure" or "certain," for example: Ali si že gotov? Are you ready yet? Sem gotov, da sem pozen. „ L, ..... ~1 am sure that I am late. 5. Whenever the word "this" xs followed by the verb "to be," it is always rendered in Slovenian as "to" regardless of person or number. For example: To je knjiga. This is a book. To so knjige. These are the books. However, when the word "this" is followed by a noun, then it has to harmonize in number and gender with the noun. For example: Ta fant je dober. Ta deklica je lepa. To jabolko je rumeno. II. READ AND TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH — BERI IN PREVEDI V ANGLEŠČINO A. šolska soba je velika. _ Deklica je lepa. _ Soba je cista. _ Gospod Logar je "bogat._______ Ucenec je zelo len. _____ Učitelj je prijazen. _____ Gospa Pajk je se mlada.________ Gospod Zaje je ze star. ___ Okno je odprto. _ Dete je bolno.___ Jabolko je dobro. _______ B. Ta šola je velika. _ Ta učenka je pridna. ____ Ta soba je majhna. ____ Ta gospa je učiteljica. _ Ta gospod je učitelj. ____ Ta zdravnik je dober. __ Ta delavec je priden. ____ To okno je zaprto. _ To jabolko je dobro. _ C. Ta učenec je priden, ni len. _ Ta šola je majhna, ni velika._ Ta bolnica je dobra, ni slaba.._ Ta deklica je vesela, ni žalostna._ Ta hiša je čista, ni umazana._ To okno je odprto, ni zaprto._ To dete je zdravo, ni bolno. _ D. Ali je gospod Kovač velik ali majhen? _ Ali je gospod učitelj star ali mlad? __ Ali je on reven ali bogat?_ Ali je soba čista ali umazana? _ III. A SHORT READING — KRATKO BERILO Gospod Kovač je dober učitelj. Velik je in še mlad. Vedno je zelo prijazen. Vedno je ves,el. Gospa Gornik je tudi dobra učiteljica. Mlada je in lepa. Tudi ona je vedno prijazna. To je prvi tečaj. Janez je priden ucenec. Tudi Ivanka je pridna. J&nez je Slovenec. Ivanka je Slovenka. Tudi gosp£d Kovač in gospa Gornik sta Slovenca. V šoli govorimo slovensko. Smo dober razred. Answer the questions using the_above reading to find the answers 1. Kakšen učitelj je gosp£d Kovač? _ 2. Ali je on star ali mlad? _ 3. Ali je gospa Gornik tajnica? _ Ali je ona mlada? _ 5* Ali je tudi ona prijazna?___ 6. Ali govorimo slovensko v šoli?_ A. IV. EXERCISES — VAJE Complete the sentences — Dopolni stavke 1. Okno j e . (closed) 2. Deklica je . (well behaved) 3- On je . (friendly) 4. Učenec je . (lazv) 5. Učitelj je . (good) 6. Ti si . (sad - f.) 7. Jaz sem . (sick) 8. On je . (healthy) 9. Tajnica je . (beautiful) 10. Gospa Gornik je . (voung) 11. Hiša je . (big) 12. Sola je . (small) 13. On je . (busv) Ik. Zvezek je . (dirtv) 15. Okno je . (open) 16. Marija je vedno . (friendly) 17. Ali si ? (satisfied) 18. Nisem še (ready) 19. Otrok je (hungrv) 20. Učiteljica je . (late) 21. Ali je mama ? (disappointed) B. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedi v slovenščino 1. This school is new. ____ 2. This student is lazy. ___ 3. This teacher (f.) is friendly._ k. I am very hungry. _... 5. This is a good "book. ______ 6. This house is beautiful. _ 7. Mr. Kovac is very ill. _ 8. This boy is very diligent._ 9. This girl is very beautiful._ 10. The baby is thirsty. _ 11. He is always happy.___ 12. Why are you sad? (formal)_ 13. Is Thomas tall or short?_ 14. Is the teacher young or old? (m.)_ 15. Here is a beautiful red apple. 16. This chair is dirty. _ 17. Are you ready? (familiar)_ 18. I am not sure. _ 19. Mother is very busy. _ 20. She is still young and pretty.. 21. I am surprised. _ 22. I am tired. _ 23. This room is very small. _ Zk. This child is happy. _ 25. Is the window open? _ 26. Where is the red chair? _ 27. This table is not clean._ 28. This flower is very beautiful. 29. This water is not clean._ 30. He is not married. _ 31. This is a beautiful picture._ 32. You and I are good friends._ (friends - prijatelja) LESSON SEVEN I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK "A" Conjugation Verbs — Glagoli spregatve "A' barvati čakati citati dati delati gledati igrati igrati se kaši jati kihati kuhati likati morati plačati plavati počivati pogrešati pomagati pomivati poslušati pospravljati poznati priznati prodati ribati slikati srečati šivati Študirati telefonirati tipkati trkati ub£gati upati vprašati zalivati zaupati zidati zmagati znati Nouns — Samostalniki družina oce, ata mati, mama brat sestra barvam) čakam) citam) dam) delam) gledam) igram) igram se) kašijam) kiham) kuham) likam) moram) plačam) plavam) počivam) pogrešam) pomagam) pomivam) poslušam) pospravljam) poznam) priznam) prodam) ribam) slikam) srečam) šivam) študiram) telefoniram) tipkam) trkam) ubogam) upam) vprašam) zalivam) zaupam) zidam) zmagam) znam) to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to color, to paint (I color) wait for (I wait for) read (I read) give, to put (I give, I put) work, to do (I work, I do) watch (I watch) play something (I play....) play (I play) cough (I cough) sneeze (I sneeze) cook (I cook) iron (I iron) have to, must (I have to, must) pay (I pay) swim (I swim) rest (I rest) miss (I miss) help (I help) wash (I wash) listen (I listen) tidy up, to clean (I clean) know somebody (I know....) admit (I admit) sell (I sell) scrub (I scrub) paint, to photograph (I paint) meet (I meet) sew (I sew) study (I study) telephone (I telephone) type (I type) knock (I knock) obey (I obey) hope {I hope) ask (I ask) sprinkle, to water (I sprinkle) trust, to confide in (I trust) build (I build) win (I win) know how to do something (I ...) f.) m.) f.) m.) f.) family father, dad mother, mom brother sister sin (m. hčerka or hči (f. teta (f. stric (m. otrok, otroci (m. stari ata or dedek (m. stara mama or babica (f. pisarna (f.) or urad (m. univerza (f. nogomet (m. Other words — Druge besede dobro (adverb) zelo dobro (adverb) tudi kaj kje zakaj čigav, a, o moj, a, e nas, a, e v pisarni, v uradu na univerzi son daughter aunt uncle child, children grandfather grandmother office, bureau university- football well very well also what where why whose my, mine our, ours in the office at the university Everyday expressions — Vsakdan.ii izrazi MoJe ime. je Pisem se Ali poznaš (familiar) Ali poznate (formal) gospoda Kovača gospo Gornik gospodično Cuk mojo mamo mojega očeta Dovolite, da vam predstavim gospoda Kovača gospo Gornik gospodično Cuk To je moja mama. To je moja sestra Ivanka. To je moj brat Peter. To je moj stric Janez. Me veseli. Cast mi je. Dobrodošli! Od kod ste? Sem iz Amerike. Sem iz Clevelanda. Sem Slovenec. Sem Slovenka. Smo Slovenci. Sem Amerikanec. Sem Amerikanka. My name is My last name is Do you know Do you know Mr. Kovač Mrs. Gornik Miss Cuk my mother my father Permit me to introduce to Mr. Kovač Mrs. Gornik Miss Cuk This is my mother. This is may sister Jennie. This is my brother Peter. This is my uncle John. Pleased to meet you. (How you do.) I am honored to meet you. Welcome! Where are you from? I am from America. I am from Cleveland. I am a Slovenian. We are Slovenians. I am an American. Sem ameriški Slovenec. Sem ameriška Slovenka» Smo ameriški Slovenci. Upam, da pridete. Upam, da se pridete. Upam, da. Upam, da ne bo dežja. Upam, da ne. NOTES — PRIPOMBE (m.) I am an American Slovenian, (f.) I am an American Slovenian. We are American Slovenians. I hope you'll come. I hope you'll come again. I hope so. I hope it will not rain. I hope not. (m.) (f.) 1. In the verbs "cakati" (to wait for) and "poslušati" (to listen to), the prepositions "for" and "to" are included in the verb and are, therefore, not translated. For example: Ana^caka uciteljico. Ann is waiting for the teacher. Te cakam. I am waiting for you. Poslušam radio. I am listening to the radio. 2. The verbs "igrati" and "igrati se" (to play) differ. The verb "igrati" must always be followed by an object. For example« Peter igra nogomet. Peter plays football. Marija igra klavir. Mary plays the piano. The verb "igrati se" is a reflexive verb. (We shall study the reflexive verbs in detail in Volume II.) In reflexive verbs, the reflexive pronoun "se" must precede or follow the verb. For example: Peter se igra. Peter is playing. Kaj dela Peter? Igra se. What is Peter doing? He is but playing. On se igra. He is playing. 3. The verbs "morati" (to have to, must) and "znati" (to know) are always followed by an infinitive. For example: Moram delati. I must work. Otroci morajo ubogati. Children must obey. Ali znaš plavati? Do you know (how) to swim? Marija ne zna kuhati. Mary doesn't know (how) to cook. Notice that the verb "znati" implies "to know how to do something." The word "how" is not translated. The verb "dati" has two distinct meanings: "to give" and "to put." For example: Učiteljica da nalogo. The teacher gives homework. Kam naj dam to knjigo? Where should I put this book? 5. The possessive pronouns "moj, a, e" (my, mine) and "naš, a, e" (our, ours), as well as all the other forms which we shall study later, can also be used as pronominal adjectives. If they are used as adjectives, they must agree with the noun they modify in gender, number and case. For example: moj zvezek — my notebook naš otrok — our child moja mama — my mother nasa hisa — our house moje pero — my pen naše dete — our baby However, when these words are used as pronouns, the neuter form is used. For example: To je moje. This is mine. To ni nase. This isn't ours. The expression "Pišem se" (my name is or I am) literally means "I write myself" or "I sign myself." For examples Pišem se Janez Kovac. My name is John Kovac. Pišem se Ivanka Kotnik. My name is Jean Kotnik. The expression "Me veseli" is used when being introduced to someone. It corresponds~to the English phrase "Pleased to meet you" or "How do you do"? The expression "Cast mi je" is used instead of "Me veseli" when one is being introduced to someone of great honor or distinction. II. CONJUGATIONS — SPREGATVE To simplify the learning of Slovenian verbs, we shall group them into five main types in accordance with the endings of the present stem. These endings are: —a, —e, —i, —ne, --je. For example: 1. 2. 3. 5. —a verbs —e verbs —i verbs --ne verbs —,ie verbs upa-m pise-m vidi-m ostane-m pije-m I hope I write I see I remain I drink dela-m tece-m sliši-m dvigne-m poje-m I work I run I hear I lift I sing All the verbs listed in the vocabulary of this lesson belong to the —a conjugation because the present stem of all these verbs ends with the vowel "a." Two verb forms will always be listed in the vocabulary. The first one, ending in "ti" is the infinitive which corresponds to the English "to." For example: upati — to hope delati — to work The second verb form (in parentheses) is the first person singular, present tense. By dropping the "m," you have the present stem. For example: upam — Tipa (the present stem) delam — dela (the present stem) When you memorize a Slovenian verb, memorize both verb forms (the infinitive and the present stem) because often the present stem differs from the infinitive. For examples poslati — pošljem (to send, I send) peti — pojem (to sing, I sing) It so happens, that all the verbs belonging to the "a" conjugation, which are included in this lesson, have a regular present stem. (You simply drop the infinitive ending "ti.") The above note applies mostly to verbs of the other conju- gations which we shall study later. To form the present tense of any Slovenian verb, take the present stem and add the personal endings. The personal endings must be memorized. They are as follows: Singular — Ednina I — m you — š (singular and familiar) he, she, it — no ending, stem only Dual — Dvo.iina we two — va you two — ta they two — ta Plural — Množina we — mo you — te (plural and formal) they — jo Let us now conjugate the verbs DELATI and UPATI in the present tenses Delati to work U-pati dela-m I work upam dela-š you work upaš dela he, she, it works upa dela - va we two work upava dela-ta you two work upata dela-ta they two work upata dela-mo we work dela-te you work dela-jo they work upamo upate upajo to hope I hope you hope he, she, it hopes we two hope you two hope they two hope we hope you hope they hope In this manner you can conjugate any other verb! The personal pronouns are usually omitted in Slovenian because the person is already expressed by means of personal endings. For example, "m" stands for "I"; "mo" stands for "we"; "io" stands for "they"; etc. For example: Delamo. We work. Upam. I hope. Ubogajo. They obey. To make any Slovenian verb negative, simply put the little word "ne" in front of the verb. For example: Ne d£lam. I don't work. You don't work. _ He (she, it) doesn't work. Ne delava. We two don't work. Ne delata. You two don't work. Ne delata. They two don't work. Ne delamo. We don't work. Ne delate. You don't work. Ne delajo. They don't work. Ne delaš. Ne dela. 9- In English, we have two ways of translating the present tense, the simple present and the progressive present. In Slovenian, there is only one form. For example: Delam. — I work. or I am working. Pomagamo. — We help. or We are helping. Plavajo. — They swim. or They are swimming. Thus, "be very careful in translating from English to Slovenian. Do not translate the auxiliary words "is" or "are." 10. To make a question, simply put the question word "Ali" in front of the verb. For example: Ali delaš? — Do you work? or Are you working? Ali ubogajo? — Do they obey? or Are they obeying? Ali poslusate? — Do you listen? or Are you listening? Notice that there are two ways of translating a question into English. "Do" and "does" are only the question words which correspond to the Slovenian "Ali." Be careful in translating! 11. Throughout this manual, we shall be indicating the second person (YOU) withi sin. (singular) or Fam. (familiar) for TI and pi. (plural) or F. (formal) for VI Please do not confuse the abbreviations: f. (lower case) for the feminine gender and F. (capital) for the formal form of the verb. Whenever the abbreviation is not indicated, you have a choice of using either the familiar or the formal form of the verb in the exercises. 12. The verb "delati" can mean both "to work" and "to do." For example: Kaj delaš? — What sire you doing? Kje delaš? — Where do you work? Nic ne delam. — I am not working at all. or I am not doing anything. 13. The verb "dati" meaning "to give" or "to put" is slightly irregular in the present tense. It is conjugated as follows: Singular Dual Plural dam dava damo daš dasta daste da dasta dajo or dad£ III. LET US READ — BERIMO A. Mama počiva. Otroci kašijajo. Tajnica tipka. Poznamo. B. Ali znate plavati? Ali zna Mari^a^šivati? Ali zna Tomaž citati? Mama ne počiva. Otroci ne kašijajo. Tajnica ne tipka. Ne poznamo. Da, znam plavati. Da, Mari^j a zna^ šivati. Da, Tomaž zna citati. Ali znavPeter slikati? Da, Peter zna slikati. Ali znaš tipkati? Ne, ne znam tipkati. Ali znajo otroci citati? Ne, otroci ne znajo citati. Ali zna Ana že kuhati? Ne, Ana še ne zna kuhati. C. Kaj dela oce? Oče cita. Kaj dela mama? Mama pospravlja. Kaj delajo otroci? Otroci se igrajo. Kaj dela Marija? Ona lika. Kaj dela brat? On študira. D. Ali mama dobro kuha? Da, mama dobro kuha. Ali Peter dobro barva? Da, on dobro barva. Ali Marija dobro cita? Da, ona dobro cita. Ali znawAna dobro likati? Da, Ana zna dobro likati. Ali znaš dobro kuhati? Ne, ne znam dobro kuhati. IV. A SHORT READING — KRATKO BERILO Naša družina Moj oce je advokat. Dela v pisarni. Mama je gospodinja. Ona kuha in šiva doma. Moj brat študira na univerzi. Zna dobro plavati. V šoli igra tudi nogomet. Moja sestra je učiteljica. In jaz sem tajnica. Delam v mestu. Tipkam v pisarni. Answer in Slovenian using the above reading to find the answers 1. Kaj je oce? ________ 2. Kje dela oce? 3» Kaj dela mama? ________________ 4. Kaj dela brat? 5. Kaj igra brat? _____ 6. Kaj je moja sestra?_ 7. Kaj sem jaz? ______ 8. Kje delam? 9. Kaj delam? 10. Ali moj brat dobro plava? V. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Čakam. ___2. Plavamo. _ 3- Se igramo. ._ 4. Ona tipka._ 5. Ona šiva.__6. Upam. _ 7. Vprašaš. _ 8. Damo. _ -36- 9. Zakaj ne delaš? ____—-- 10. Kdo kaši j a? -—---- 11. On mora zmagati. ___ 12. Oce je bolan. Mora počivati.____ 13. Otroci morajo ubogati. ---- 14. Ona ne prizna. _____________- 15. Kje je Peter? Na univerzi._____ 16. Kje je mama? V mestu. ________ 17. Kje je oSe? V službi. _____ 18. Deklica pomaga. -- 19. Ne poznam. ---- 20. Ne znan tipkati. _._—— 21. Danes moram delati. ___— 22. Ti dobro plavaš.__—— 23. Vi dobro citate slovensko. _____ 24. Kdo trka? ______ 25. Me veseli,. ____ 26. Ali poznate gospo Kotnik? -__---- 27. Upam, da še pridete. _________ 28. Ali moram plačati? ----- 29. Ne pomagajo. ________ 30. Zakaj vprašaš? ____ B. Conjugate — Sprega.ite Positive Negative Interrogative to ask - vprašati to give - dati to listen - poslušati C. Match -- Da.i sku-pa.i 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. I am reading she types we are listening, he is resting n. citam you are asking (sin.). they are knocking_ I hope __ you are working (pi.). Are they waiting? _ she is helping _ she doesn't sew _ we admit _ I am painting _ he must study _ they miss _ they don't obey _ Do you know? (pi.)_ Are you listening? (pi.). I must admit Are you working? (sin.). I am not coughing_ we hope _ she is ironing _ he doesn't obey _ they are building_ a. barvam b. Ali čakajo? c. ona ne šiva c. ne kašijam d. ona pomaga e. priznamo f. pogrešajo g. moram priznati h. ona tipka i. upamo j. ne ubogajo k. zidajo 1. on počiva m. Ali delaš? n. citam o. ona lika p. on ne uboga r. Ali poznate? s. poslušamo š. Ali poslušate? t. on mora študirati u. vprašaš v. delate z. trkajo z, upam D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. We hope. _ She is sewing._ She is cooking.. Is he working?_ 2. I am reading. _ 4. I don't type._ 6. He must work._ 8. We help. _ They are watching. __ I don't know how to swim.. She reads well. Where do you work? (F.) 13. He plays football in school._ 14. Mrs. Gornik is my teacher. _ 15. This is our house. _ 16. I don't know how to type well. _ 17. Mary is a new student. ___ 18. Who is waiting? _ 19. This girl is my sister. _ 20. Our class is big.______ 21. This isn't mine. _ 22. This book is new. _ 23. My name is John Simms. _ 24. I am pleased to meet you._ 25. Do you know (Pam. ) Miss Gornik?_ 26. This is my brother. _ 27. Our grandmother is in the hospital. 28. Our school is closed. _ 29. Where are you from? _ 30. We are from America. _ 31. Welcome! _ 32. I hope you'll come again. _ 33. We are American Slovenians._ 34. I am an American Slovenian. 35. I know Mr. and Mrs. Kovač._ 36. Why don't you listen? fsin.) 37. I am listening. _ 38. He swims well. _ 39. He doesn't work here. _ 40. Why don't you give? (pi.) _ 41. You must give, (sin.) _ 42. I must ask. _ 43. They are building. _ 44. The children are painting. 45. Is this right? I hope so. _ 46. This is wrong. I hope not. 47• Whose pen is this? 48. Whose is this book? It is mine. 49. Where is my pencil? Here it is. 50. Our family is small. LESSON EIGHT I. IDIOM: TO LIKE TO DO SOMETHING 1. TO LIKE TO DO SOMETHING is expressed in Slovenian with the adjective: rad (masculine) rada (feminine) radi (plural) 2. While in English the infinitive (to cook, to swim, to sew, etc.) is used with the verb to like, in Slovenian one uses the adjective (rad, rada, radi) and the regular verb form For*1 thS Same personal ending as the subject of the sentence. or example1Jazj rad ^i^vam. I like to swim. (Ti) rad (rada) citaš. You like to read. (On) rad dela. He likes to work. (Ona) rada siva. She likes to sew. (Mi) radi študiramo. We like to study. (Vi) radi poslušate. You like to listen. (Oni) radi pomagajo. They like to help. Ali (ti) rad (rada) delaš? Do you like to work? Ali mama rada kuha? Does mother like to cook? Ali se Peter rad igra? Does Peter like to play? 3« In the negative sentences, the adjective (rad, rada, radi) follows the verb. For example: ~~ Ona ne šiva rada. She doesn't like to sew. On ne dela rad. He doesn't like to work. Otroci ne ubogajo radi. Children don't like to . obey. 4. If you put the adverb zelo (very) in front of the adjective (rad, rada, radi), it means to like to do something very much. For example: On zelo rad plava. He likes to swim very much. Ona zelo rada kuha. She likes to cook very much. II. EXERCISES — VAJE A- Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Peter rad igra nogomet.______ 2. Moja mama zelo rada kuha.__ 3. Jaz ne študiram rad. _ 4. Oni radi gledajo televizijo._ 5. Marija zel£ rada šiva._ 6. Mi radi plavamo. _ 7. Ona je rada doma. _ 8. Mi smo radi v šoli. _ 9* On ne pomaga rad._ 10. Jaz nisem rad bolan. _ 11. Marija ne dela rada. _ 12. Otroci ne poslušajo radi._ 13. Peter rad igra klarinet. _ 14. Zakaj ne delaš rad? _ 15. Ana zelo rada študira. _ 16. Ali radi citate? _ 17. Moj oce rad barva. _ 18. Moja sestra ne lika rada._ 19. Moj stric rad gleda nogomet._ 20. Mi radi študiramo slovenščino._ B. Translate into Slovenian -- Prevedite v slovenščino 1. He likes to help. _ 2. Children like to play. _ 3. We like to be here. _ 4. I like to listen. _ 5. Do you like to sew? (Fam.)_ 6. She likes to watch. _ 7« I don't like to wait. _ 8. John likes to play football. _ 9. We like to work. _ 10. They don't like to be at home._ 11. She doesn't like to iron. _ 12. Do you like to read? ( F.)_ 13. They like to help. _ 14. He likes to give. _ 15. Do you like to paint? Fam.) _ 16. I don't like to type, _ 17. We like to win. _ 18. He doesn't like to ask III. THE VERB TO HAVE — GLAGOL IMETI Positive — Trdilna obl^kp. (jaz) (ti) (on) (ona) (ono) imgm im&s ima ima ima I have you have he has she has it has Negative — Nikalna oblika nimam nimaš nima nXma nima I don't have you don't have he doesn't have she doesn't have it doesn't have (midva) imava (vidva) imata (onadva) imata we two have nimava you two have nimata they two havejnimata (mi) (vi) (oni) imamo imate imajo we have you have they have nimamo nimate nimajo we two don't have you two don't have they two don't have we don't have you don't have they don't have Interrogative — Vprašalna oblika LI A1 A1 A1 41 Al Al Al Al II im^m imaš ima ima ima imava imata imata imamo imate imajo Everyday expressions Imaš (imate) prav. (jaz)? Do I have? (ti) ? Do you have? (on) ? Does he have? (ona)? Does she have? (ono)? Does it have? (midva)? Do we two have? (vidva)? Do you two have? (onadva)? Do they two have? (mi)? Do we have? (vi)? Do you have? (oni)? Do they have? — Vsakdan.i i izrazi Nimaš (nimate) prav. Imam cas. Nimam 5asa. Imam srec o. Nimam sreče. Imam smolo. Imam vročino. Nimam vročine. Imam prehlad, (ort Sem Imam na razpolago. Note — Opomba The noun following a negative verb gets a different ending, about this later. I I I I I I prehlajen.) I You're right. (Literally1 You have right.) You're mistaken. I have the time. don't have the time, have luck. I'm lucky, don't have luck, have bad luck, have a fever (temperature), don't have a fever (temperature). I have a cold, have at my disposal* More A. IV. EXERCISES — VAJE Fill in the correct form of the verb "to have" Positive mi Negative oni onadva_ ti ona midva vidva_ mi _ ti _ jaz _ Interrogative Ali _ Ali _ Ali _ Ali _ Ali _ vi? jaz? _ona? on? mi? B. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. 35. 7. 9. 11. 13. 15. C. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. imamo nimaš nimamo Ali imajo?_ Kaj imate?. nimajo _ imava _ . 2. . . 8. .10. 12. 14. imate Ali imaš?, ona ima imam Kdo ima?, nimam on nima at a in mama imata Translate into Slovenian -- Prevedi v slovenščino they have he and you have you and I don't have they donft have I have she doesn't have he has I haven't Do you have? {p.) Do they two have? we don't have you have (Fam. ) Has she? you don't have (F .) they don't have D. Conjugate the verb "to have" — Sprega.ite glagol "imeti" Positive Negative Interrogative (jaz) _ _ _ (ti) _ _ _ (on) _ _ _ (ona i ono)_ _ _ (midva) _ _ _ (vidva) _ _ _ (onadva) _ _ _ (mi) _ _ _ (vi) _ _ _ (oni.) _ _ _ V. SONG — PESEM Mi se imamo radi — We like each other 1. Mi se imamo radi, radi, radi, radi, mi se imamo radi, radi, radi, radi, mi se imamo radi, radi, radi, radi, mi se imamo radi, radi prav zares. 2. Zakaj se ne bi imeli radi, radi, radi, zakaj se ne bi imeli radi, radi, radi, zakaj se ne bi imeli radi, radi, radi, zakaj se ne bi imeli radi prav zares? 3« Pa se se bomo imeli radi, radi, radi, pa se se bomo imeli radi, radi, radi, pa se se bomo imeli radi, radi, radi, pa še se bomo imeli radi prav zares. (The English translation) 1. We like each other... (3X) We really like each other. 2. Why shouldn't we like each other.. . (3X) Why shouldn't we really like each other? 3. And we'll keep on liking each other... (3X) And we'll keep on really liking each other. LESSON NINE REVIEW — PONOVITEV A. Fill in the missing words — Doda.ite besede, ki manjkajo 1. _ knjiga je moja. (This) 2. Okno je _. (open) 3. Svinčnik je _. (yellow) 4. Miza je _. (small) 5- Papir je _. (white) 6. Stol je _. (dirty) 7. Stena je _. (green) 8. __ je barvica? (What color) 9. Ta _ je mlada. (teacher) 10. Ta _ je lepa. (picture) 11. Pero je _. (black) 12. Bolniška sestra dela__. (in the hospital) 13. Moja sestra je _. (a secretary) 14. Ali je to _? (ours) 15. Deklica je _. (sad) 16. To je moja _. (girlfriend) 17. _ deček je moj brat. (This) 18. _ hiša je velika. (Our) 19. _ oce je advokat. (My) 20. Soba je _. (clean) 21. Naša _ je majhna, (family) 22. Ona je _ prijazna, (very) 23. Ali je mana _ bolna? (stili) 24. Ti si _ vesel. (always) 25. Ona je _ tukaj, (already) 26. Dete je _. (healthy) 27- _ je dobro. (The apple) 28. Ucenec je _. (lazy) 29. Pero je _.(red) 30. Moj _ je bogat. (uncle) 31. Kje je _? (grandmother) 32. Moja _ dela v mestu, (aunt) ~ -45- 33. Sola je . (closed) 34. Naša hiša je . (old) 35. Ta ucenec je . (well behaved) 36. Moja mama je še . (young) 37. Ta je nova, (book) 38. Moja mama je . (in a good mood) 39. Moj brat je o (sick) 40. Danes v službi. (I am) 41. Marija je . (short) 42. Janez je . (tall) 43- Ana je učenka, (good) 44. Marija je dekle, (friendly) 45. Ta voda ni . (clean) 46. Stena je . (blue) 47. ? (How are you?- F.) 48. (Fine, thank you.) 49. ; (Good-bye) 50. • (Good morning) 51. Ali šivati? (Do you know how to - Fam, 52. Kaj ? (are you doing - (Fam. ) 53. Zakaj ne ? (don't you obey -(Fam.) 54. Ana dobro . (tvoes) 55. Jaz ne znam . (to swim) 56. Moja mama zna dobro . (to cook) 57. Mari_ja ne lika (doesn't like) 58. Jaz rad . (I like to swim) 59. Oni radi . (They like to help.) 60. Mi radi . (We like to work.) 61. Moja sestra zna dobro . (to sew) 62. Moj brat rad nogomet. (likes to play) 63. (I don't have.) 64. (They have.) 65. Oče je . (in a bad mood) 66. Ali ? (Do you have time? - F. ) 67. On _ _ . (doesn't have luck) 68. (I have bad luck) 69. Jaz _ pomagam. (I like to help.) 70. Mi radi _■ (We like to swim.) 71. _ prav. (You're right. - F.) 72. _ vprašati. (We must) 73. On ne__• (He doesn't like to obey.) 7i).. Ali _ gospo Kovac? (Do you know - Fam.) 75. Ne _ gospe KovaS. (I don't know) B. Let us repeat these useful expressions Match — Dajte skup a.i 1. Thank you 1. hvala a. Dobro jutro! 2. Please b. zelo dobro 3. Good afternoon c. Srečno pot! You're welcome V C . Dobrodošli! 5- How are vou? d. To je važno. 6. Very well e. Oprostite! 7. This is true. f. Slovenec sem. 8. Good nieht g. To je nemogoče. 9 = Excuse me h. To je vse. 10. My sympathy i. Na svidenje! 11. This is impossible. h Si lačen? 12. I am sorrv. k. Smo pozni. 13- Have a safe trip! 1. hvala 14. Good-bve m. Prosim, ni za kaj. 15. This is all. n. Moije sozalje! 16. Welcome! 0. Čestitam! 17. Where are you from? P- prosim 18. I am a Slovenian. r. Lahko noc! 19. Good morning s. Me veseli. 20. Are you hungry? v s. Kako ste? 21. I am thirsty. t. Zal mi je. 22. Pleased to meet vou. u. 2e.jen sem. 23- We're late. v. Od kod ste? 2 C oneratulati ons z. Dober dan! 25. This is important. v z. To je res. C. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. upam 2. ne dam 3. znamo 4. gledava 5. nimam 6. nisem 7. fi. on rad da 9. midva sva lo. on ne prizna 11. Ali 12. zmagajo 13. ona lika 14. ne ubogaš 15. ne poznam 16. poslušamo 17. nismo 18. pogrešate 19. ne dam 20. Ali gledaš? D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v nvpnSrinn 1. How are you? (Fam.) 2. Pleased to meet you. 3. I am honored. 4. This is my mother. 5. Welcome! 6. This is true. 7. Are you in a good mood? (Fam.) 8. Is this possible? 9. You're right. (F.) 10. She's mistaken. 11. I have a cold. 12 o She is late. 13. Is he sick? 14. He has a fever. 15- You're welcome. 16. I am thirsty. 17. I hope not. 18. He has bad luck. 19. Do you have time? (F.) 20. Are you very busy? (Fam.) 21. I'm sleepy. 22. Thank you very much. 23- Are you hungry? (Fam.) -48- LESSON TEN I. DECLENSIONS — SKLANJATVE 1. Since Slovenian is an inflected language, the noun and the verb endings change as their function in "the sentence changes, 2. When we speak of the direct object in English* it is relatively-simple to understand. A direct object answers the questions! "Whom?" or "What?" For example i The book is new. In this sentence, the book is the subject of the sentence, therefore, it is in the NOMINATIVE CASE. I have a new book. In this sentence, the book is the direct object, therefore, it is in the ACCUSATIVE CASE. In Slovenian, the noun book receives a different ending in each of the above sentences, showing that it is used in a different case. For example t Kn.iiga je nova. Kn.iiga is the subject, therefore, it is in the NOMINATIVE CASE. Imam novo knjigo. The "o" ending indicates that the word knjiga is used as the direct object and is, therefore, in the ACCUSATIVE CASE. 3. With the aboveExplanation in mind, let us begin the study of the Slovenian noun systemt There are six cases in the Slovenian noun system. Each case has a specific purpose or function. Taking a noun and placing it in the six cases is called "DECLINING" or, in Slovenian, "SKLANJATI." 4. The cases are — Skloni sot 1. NOMINATIVE (imenovalnik) — used as the subject of the sentence and as a predicate nominative — used as a partitive, negative. possessive, which is expressed in English by the preposition "of," and as the object of certain prepositions — used as the indirect object and as object of certain prepositions — used as the direct object and as object of certain prepositions — gives the location (tells where something is)1 it is used also as object of certain prepositions — tells with "what" or with "whom" 2. GENITIVE (rodilnik) 3. DATIVE (dajalnik) 4. ACCUSATIVE (tožilnik) 5. LOCATIVE (mestnik) 6. INSTRUMENTAL (orodnik) something is» it is used as the object of certain prepositions. All Slovenian nouns are divided into four groups called DECLENSIONS or, in Slovenian, SKLANJATVE. The four declensions are t 1. FIRST DECLENSION —nouns of feminine gender that end in "a" Examples i miza, knjiga. soba, stena, ura, učenka, etc. 2. SECOND DECLENSION —nouns of feminine gender that end in a consonant Examples i klop, luc, cerkev (church), Siv^l (animal), etc. 3. THIRD DECLENSION —nouns of masculine gender a.) inanimate (non-living) objects Examples* svinčnik, zvezek, stol, kruh (bread), etc. b.) animate (living) objects Examples» gospod, stric, fant, brat, oSe, učitelj, etc. FOURTH DECLENSION —nouns of neuter gender ending in "o" or *e" Examples* okno, pero, mesto (city), dekle, dete, srce (heart), jajce (egg), etc. All Slovenian nouns can be declined in three numbers* SINGULAR, DUAL and PLURAL. On pp. 52 and 53 you will find a reference sheet on which there is a sample for each of the four declensions in all three numbers. The dual is used only when one is speaking of TWO. In this lesson, we shall study the ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR of all Slovenian nouns. (This is the fourth case of the declensions listed on the reference sheet.) The ACCUSATIVE SINGULAR endings are as follows* 1. FIRST DECLENSION —feminine nouns ending in "a", change the ending to "o" For example* knjiga (book) Knjiga je nova. Imam novo knjigo, raza (flower) Roža je rdeča. Im^n rdečo ro£o. ura (watch) Ura je zl^ta. Imam zl&to uro. 2. SECOND DECLENSION —feminine nouns that end in a consonant have the same ending for the nominative and the accusative singular (while the corresponding adjectives change their ending according to the first de- „ , clension.) For example* klop (bench) Klop je velika. Imgmo veliko klop. cerkev (church) Cerkev je nova. Imamo novo cerkev, luč (light) Luc je ljpa. Imamo lepo luŠ. THIRD DECLENSION svinčnik (pencil) zvezek (notebook) stol (chair) fant (boy) stric (uncle) — a«) masculine nouns denoting inanimate (non-living) objects have the same ending in the nominative and the accusative singular. For example i Svinčnik je moj. Kdo im& moj svinčnik? Zvezek je zelen* Imam zelen zvezek. Stol je rj^v." Im^m rj^v stol. b.) masculine nouns denoting animate (living) objects have in the accusative singular an "a" ending. For example t To je dober fjjnt. Dekle ima fgnta. On img strica v Sloveniji.-Ali poznaš uSitelja? The following masculine nouns which we have studied so far are slightly irregular in the accusative singular« uSitelj (teacher) To je moj stric. Učitelj je v soli. oce deček ucenec inženir Papir — očeta — dečka — uc ene a — inženirja — papirja ("t" is added for easier pronunciation) (the semisilent "e" drops) ("j" is added for easier pronunciation) FOURTH DECLENSION pero (pen) dekle (girl) kosilo (dinner) — neuter nouns have the same ending for the nominative and the accusative singular. For example i Pero je Srno. Im^m črno pero. Dekle je lepo. Fant img lepo dekle,. Kosilo je dobro. Mgma kuha kosilo. With the above explanation in mind, see if you can write the accusative singular of the following nouns t 1. go st> a ftps po 2. t&finec 3. učitelj 4. zdravnik 5. gospodinja 6. tajnica 7. s&ba 8. stol 9. zvezek 10. pero 11. učenka 12. klop 13. akno 14. lu5 15. ravnilo 16. deček 17. dete 18. dekle 19. hiša 20. jabolko 21. otrok 22. teta 23. brat 24. družina -51- II. THE POUR DECLENSIONS -- ŠTIRI SKLANJATVE I. DECLENSION (Feminine nouns ending in "a") Nora. Gen. Dat. Acc. Loc. Inst. 1. 2. I: I: SINGULAR miz a miz e m^z i miz o pri miz z miz~ DUAL i o 1. miz i 2. miz miz ama miz i 5. pri miz ah 6. z miz ama 3. mil k. mi! PLURAL 1. miz e 2. miz 3. miz am k. miz e 5. pri miz ah 6. z miz ami Some additional nouns belonging to this declension are t hiša (house), stena (wall), ura (watch), teta (aunt), slika (picture), deklica (girl), roža (flower), šola (school), m^ma (mother). II. DECLENSION Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Loc. Inst. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. (Feminine nouns ending in a consonant) (mouse) 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. i i ma pri miš ih z mis ma mis mri miš miš 1. 2. 3. i: mis mTs miš mis i i im i ih mi mi s miš i mTs i mis _ pri miš i 5- pri miš ih pri mis z mis jo 6. z mis ma 6. z mis Some additional nouns belonging to this declension are t klop (bench), kokoš (chicken), zival (animal), jesen (autumn), pec (stove), luc (light), pesem (song/7 molitev (prayer), kost (bone). III. DECLENSION (Masculine nouns) Inanimate (non-living) objects A. Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Loc. Inst. 1. svinčnik 1. 2. svinčnik a 2. 3. svinčnik u 3. k. svinčnik k. 5. pri svinčnik u 5. 6. s svinčnik om o. svinčnik a 1. svinčnik ov 2. svinčnik oma 3« svinčnik^ a b. pri svinčnik ih 5* s svinčnik oma 6. svinčnik i svinčnik ov svinčnik om svinčnik^ e pri svinčnik ih s svinčnik i Some additional nouns belonging to this group arei stol (chair), zvezek (notebook), strop (ceiling), časopis (newspaper), klobuk (hat), kruh (bread), zob (tooth), most (bridge). B. Animate (living) objects Nom. 1. brat 1. brat a 1. Gen. 2. brat a 2. brat ov 2. Dat. 3. brat u 3. brat oma 3. Acc. brat a brat a Loc. 5. pri brat u 5. pri brat ih 5. Inst. 6. z brat om 6. z br^t oma 6. brat i (bratje) brat ov brat om brat e pri brat ih z brat i Some additional nouns belonging to this group are t fant (boy), učitelj (teacher), advokat (lawyer), zdravnik (doctor), inženir (engineer), mizar (carpenterT, uc&nec (student)7 oce (father), stric (uncle)7 sin (son), sosed (neighbor). IL DECLENSION (Neuter nouns) SINGULAR DUAL Nom. 1* mest o Gen. 2. mest a Dat. 3. mest u Acc. b, mest o Loc. 5» pri mest u Inst. o. z mest om 1. mest i 2. mest 3. mest oma m][st i 5* pri mest ih 6. z mest oma PLURAL 1. mest a 2. mest 3. mest om k, mjTst a 5. pri mest ih 6. z mest i Some additional words belonging to this declension are t _ letalo (plane), leto (year), pero (pen), drevo (tree), jajce KesS). srce (heart), deklg. (girl), dete (baby), zelje (cabbage). III. VOCABULARY ~ SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol zajtrk prigrizek čaj sladkor kruh keks piškot avto Feminine — Ženski spol vežserja m&ilc a kava marmelada slanina šunka Semlja hiša garala soba dngvna soba kuhinja " televizija gospodinja kuharica roŽa or cvetica or cvetlica Neuter — Syedn.1i spol kosilo mleko mes£ maslo pecivo ja^ce breakfast snack, light meal, refreshments tea sugar bread cracker cookie car supper snack coffee jam bacon ham roll house colloquials Speh (m. >■ garage room living room kitchen television housewife cook flower dinner milk meat butter pastry egg Other words — Druge besede sedaj or zdaj zjutraj dopoldne opoldne popoldne zvečer podnevi or cez dan ponoči v kuhinji v sobi v dnevni sobi v garaži na mizi spimo Everyday expressions — Vaakdan.ii izrazi — now — in the morning — in the morning (from 9 to 12 A.M.) — noon, at noon — afternoon, in the afternoon — evening, in the evening — during the day — at night, during the night — in the kitchen — in the room — in the living room — in the garage — on the table — we sleep; we are sleeping Kako ti je ime? (Fam.) Kako vam je ime? (F.) Kako se pises? (Fam.) Kako se pišete? (F.) Koliko si star (stara)? (Fam.) Koliko ste star (stara)? (F.) Kje si bil(a) rojenTa)? (Fam.) Kje ste bil(a) rojen(a)? (F.) Kraj rojstva Kdaj si bil(a) rojen(a)? (Fam.) Kdaj ste bil(a) rojen(a)?(F.) Datum rojstva Katere narodnosti si (ste)? Kaj je tvoj (vas) poklic? Kaj si (ste) po poklicu? Prosim daj (dajte) mi Prosim, prinesi (prinesite) mi Prosim, povej (povejte) mi — What is your (first) name? — What is your (family) name? — How old are you? — Where were you born? — Place of birth — When were you born? — Date of birth — Of what nationality are you? — What is your occupation? — What is your occupation? (Literallyi What are you by occupation?) — Please give me — Please bring me — Please tell me IV. A SHORT READING ~ KRATKO BERILO Tukaj je šolska soba. Kaj imamo v šolski sobi? V šolski sobi imamo učiteljico ali učitelja, učenko ali ucenca, prijateljico ali prijatelja. Učitelj ima tablo, kredo in knjigo. Učenec ima knjigo, pero, papir, svinčnik in zvezek. Sedaj smo doma- Tukaj je hiša. Hiša ima garažo. Oče je v garaži. Tam je avto. Otrok je v sobi. Gleda televizijo. Mama je v kuhinji. Kuha kosilo. Na mizi ima kavo, mleko, maslo, marmelado in kruh. Cez dan delamo. Ponoči spimo. -54- Encircle all the nouns in the accusative case which you can find in the preceding reading. Answer the following questions in Slovenian based on the reading! 1. Kaj im^mo v Šolski sobi? _____ 2. Kaj ima učitelj? 3« Kaj ima učenec? 4. Kdo je v gar&2si? 5. Kje je otrok? 6. Kaj dela otrok? 7. Kje je mana? 8. Kaj dela mama? 9. Kaj ima mama na mizi? 10. Kaj delamo ponoči? _ V. EXERCISES -- VAJE A. Translate and determine the gender of the underlined words — Prevedite in določite spol podčrtanim besedam 1. Oce ima črno kavo. f. Father has black coffee._ 2. Mqma je doma* _____ _______________________________ 3. Otrok ima mleko. _ Kdo ima kredo? __, 5. Soba ima. novo luč. __M 6. Deklg, ima x>ri.1atel.ia.__ 7. Fant ima pri.1atel.1ico.__ 8. Kdo ima moj svinčnik? _ 9. M^ma kuha večerjo. _ _ 10. Jajce je na mizi. __ 11. Maslo ni dobro, __ 12. Kruh je na m^zi. __ 13» Klop je v sobi. __ 14. Kuhinja je veljaka.__ 15. Otrok ima Piškot. __ B. Translate and underline the words in the accusative case— Prevedite in podčrtate besede v četrtem sklonu 1. Zjutraj im^mo zajtrk. _ 2. Dopoldne imamo malico. _ 3. Opoldne imgmo kosilo, _ 4. Zvečer imgmo veSerjo. _ 5. Otrok ima mleko in kruh. _ 6; 05e ima slanino in jajc®* _ 7. Mama ima tudi kavo. _ 8. Marija ima pecivo in Saj. 9. Ali imaš kruh ali Semljo? _ 10. Opoldne imamo prigrizek. _ 11. Mi irngmo novo hišo. _ 12. Ali je to caj ali kava? _ 13. Ali imate nov a^o? _ 14. Kuharica kuha kosilo. _ 15. Imgm dobro prijateljico, _ 16. Ali imas 5as? _ 17« Ta roSa je zelo lepa. ________________________ 18. Naša Sola je majhna. _ 19. Pecivo je na mizi* i 20. Kdo ima noje pero? _ C. Put the words in the parentheses into the accusative case— Dajte besede v oklepaju v četrti sklon 1. Fant ima (dekle). _ 2. oSe ima (tajnica) v pisarni. _______________________ 3. Učenka ima (knjiga). i 4. Šolska soba ima (luc). _ 5. Deklica ima (roza). _ 6. Oce ima (advokat). _ 7. Učiteljica ima (kreda). _ 8. Stric ima (otrok). __________________ 9. Ali imaš (papir)? _ 10. Ali imate (barvica)? _ 11. Ali imaš rajši (kava) ali (caj)?_ 12. Imam rad (oce). _ -56- 13. Prosim, prinesite mi (veSerja)! _ 14. Kdo ima mojo (ura)? _ 15» Prosim, daj mi (kava)! _ D. Put the following nouns into the nominative and the accusative singular — Napišite naslednje samostalnike v prvem in četrtem sklonu Nominative singular Accusative singular 1. mother mama__mamo_ 2. sister ___ 3. aunt ___ 4. milk ___ 5. bread ___ 6. window ___ 7. chalk ___ 8. secretary ___ 9. lawyer ___ 10. teacher (m.)___ 11. book ___ 12. desk, bench___ 13. uncle ___ 14. husband ___ 15. wife ___ 16. cookie ___ 17. chair ___ 18. table ___ 19. light ___ 20. brother ___ 21. pen ___ 22. student (f.)___ 23. family ___ 24. friend (m.)___ 25. box ___ 26. crayon ___ 27. girl ___ 28. snack ___ 29. egg ___ 30. breakfast _ _ E. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenžcino 1. Peter has a girlfriend. _ 2. Mr. Kovac has a lawyer. _ 3. We have supper now. _ I have an uncle and an aunt._ 5. The student has a book. _ 6. We have breakfast in the _ mo rning. _ 7. The house has a garage. _ 8. The child has milk and a _ cookie. _ 9. My father has bacon and an _ egg» a roll and black coffee._ 10. The student has a book, a , pencil and a notebook. _ 11. Mary has a girlfriend. _ 12. You (Fam.) must have break- ___________________ fast in the morning. _ 13. The bread is on the table. _ 14. Where is the sugar? _ 15* It is on the table. _ 16. Where is my mother? She is _ in the kitchen. _ 17. Mary has the book. _ 18. Do you have breakfast in _ the morning? _ 19. Yes, I have coffee, a roll _ and butter in the morning. _ 20. Do you (F.) have a pencil? n 21. Who has a pen? _ 22. Please bring (Fam.) me tea! _ 23. Please give (F.) me the paper!_ 24. How old are you? (Fam.) _ 25. What is your occupation? _ -58- LESSON ELEVEN I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Days of the week — Dnevi v tednu ponedeljek torek sreida četrtek petek sobota nedelja Nouns — Samostalniki Masculine — Moški spol naslov (stalni, začasni) poklice d^tum :asopajs dom vrt klavir klarinet boben radio sladoled plašč Tdežni plašč) klobuk državljan (ameriški državljan)- jopic strop FewHrnrte (2enski spol) hiša or plot (m.) ograja slika oblaka srajca jopica bluza kapa^ igrača posoda harmonika kitara vijolina domača naloga slovenščina medicina (moška obleka) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday address (permanent, temporary) occupation date signature newspaper home garden, yard piano clarinet drum radio ice cream coat (raincoat) hat citizen (American citizen) jacket ceiling house fence picture, photograph dress (man's suit) shirt sweater blouse cap toy dish or dishes accordion guitar violin homework the Slovenian language the study of medicine državljanka (ameriška) orgle (always plural) hlače (always plural) Neuter — Sredn.ii spol ime^ drzavijanstvo kosilo mesto pismo krilo Other words — Druge besede mrzel, mrzla, mrzlo vsi mi vsi samo potem pozno danes jutri Kaj? Kje? Kdaj? Zakaj? na vrtu na dieti pogovarjati se (se pogovarjam) gremo gremo spat NOTES — OPOMBE — citizen (American) — organ — pants name citizenship dinner city letter skirt cold all, everybody all of us only then, after that late today tomorrow What? Where? When? Why? in the garden, in the yard on a diet to converse, to carry on a conversation (I converse) we go, we are going we go to sleep, we go to bed 1. In Slovenian, the days of the week are not capitalized. 2. "On Monday," "on Tuesday," etc., is expressed in Slovenian with the preposition "v." Notice that the days of the week which end in "a" change to "o" with the preposition "v"t v ponedeljek — on Monday v petek — on Friday v torek — on Tuesday v soboto — on Saturday v sredo — on Wednesday v nedeljo — on Sunday v četrtek — on Thursday 3- When an action is repeated on a certain day, the preposition "ob" is used with the locative, plural. To the days of the week ending in "a," simply add "h"t to the others, drop the semi-silent "e" and add "ih." ob ponedeljkih ob torkih ob sredah ob četrtkih ob petkih ob sobotah ob nedeljah on Mondays on Tuesdays on Wednesdays on Thursdays on Fridays on Saturdays on Sundays Some examples: Ob ponedeljkih imamo slovensko šolo. We have Slovenian school on Mondays. Ob nedeljah gremo v cerkev. We go to church on Sundays. Ob sobotah pospravljam hišo. I clean house on Saturdays. V ned.eljo gremo na piknik. We are going on a picnic on Sunday. Stara mama pride v četrtek. (Our) grandmother is coming on Thursday. V sob£to gremo na koncert. We are going to a concert on Saturday. k. Playing a musical instrument can be expressed in Slovenian in two ways, without the preposition or with the preposition "na" i Igram klavir. I play the piano. Igram na klavir. I play (on) the piano. P^ter igra harmoniko. Peter plays the accordion. Peter igra na harmoniko. Peter plays (on) the accordion. II. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. I do my homework on Fridays. _ 2. What are you doing on Tuesday? 3. We watch television on Saturdays. My mother irons on Mondays. 5. My father doesn't work on Sundays. 6. He is working on Thursday. 7. We are going on Sunday. 8. My brother plays football on Tuesdays. 9' We are at home on Sundays. 10. He is in the office on Wednesdays. C. Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke 1. Q,ce cita . (the newspaper) 2. Mama kuha . (the dinner) 3. On b^rva . (the ceiling) Marija siva ■ (a dress) 5. Ana lika . (a skirt) 6. Tajnica tipka . (a letter) 7. Mi im^mo novo . (fence) 8. On ima . (a girlfriend) 9. Ali vi igrate ? (the piano) 10. Ne, jaz igr^m . (the organ) 11. Ucenec posluša . (male teacher) 12. Oce barva . (the house) 13. Mi študiramo . (Slovenian) 14. Jaz sem . (an American citizen) 15. Otrok ima . (a toy) C. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Kdo ima mojo knjigo? 2. Marija študira medicino. 3. Ali znate plavati? 4. Ali rad gledal televizijo? 5. Ali ste doma ob nedeljah? 6. Kdaj imate zajtrk? 7. Kdo je zdaj doma? 8. Popoldne imgmo malico. 9. Naša družina je majhna. 10. Popoldne sem doma« 11. Zvečer citam časopis. 12. Ali znaš igrati klavir? 13. Kje je moj dgzni plaŠc? 14. Kje sta mleko in sladko*? 15. Imate zelo lep dom. 16. Ob torkih igrajo nogomet. 17. Ali je to kava aH ca j? 18. Mama zaliva vrt dopoldne. 19. Oce dela na vrtu. _ 20. Sola je zaprta ob nedeljah. _ D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. Mary is ironing a shirt. _ 2. Ann is sewing a skirt. _ 3. Peter is doing the homework. _ 4. Mother is cooking the dinner. _ 5. Father is reading the newspaper. _ 6. The child is painting a picture. _ 7. Who is washing the dishes? _ 8. Mary plays the piano well. _ 9. Do you like to swim? (Fam.)_ 10. Do you like to read? (F.) _ 11. I don1t like to study. _ 12. Is (my) mother here? _ 13- Are you listening to the radio? (F.) _ 14. My brother' is studying medicine _ at the university. _ 15. My sister is a teacher. _ 16. Peter knows how to swim well. _ 17. We have homework today. 18. My dad works downtown. _ 19. I am reading a book. _ 20. Who is cooking supper? _ 21. Mother is .sewing my coat. *_ 22. Do you watch television in _ the evening? (F.) _ 23. This is a beautiful house. _ 24. What color is the ceiling? _ 25. The children are playing _ in the yard. _ 26. Are you an American citizen? (F.) _ 27. This is my address. _ 28. Is this your (vas) signature? _ 29. I am on a diet. _ -63- 30. Where is my coat? E. What are the accusative singulars of the following nouns? knjiga __caj _ kosilo soba __kruh __mleko ura __vrt _ mesto hiša __zvezek _ meso kava __svinčnik_ pero deklica __keks _ jajce gospa __plašč _ pismo obleka __stric _ krilo teta __sin _ ravnilo igrača __advokat _ okno bluza __brat _ ime k^va __oce _ pecivo klop __študent _ luč __fant _ III. THE ACCUSATIVE AND THE ADJECTIVE -- TOŽILNIK IN PRIDEVNIK 1. In Slovenian, the adjective agrees with the noun it modifies in gender, number and case. 2. When a noun is placed into the accusative case, the adjective modifying it is also placed into the accusative case. 3. The following rules ought to be studied i a. All adjectives modifying feminine nouns (first and second declensions) have the "o" ending in the accusative singulars. b. Most of the adjectives modifying neuter nouns (fourth declension) also have the **o" ending in the accusative singulars. The exception, however, occurs with the adjectives ending in c, c, š, ž or j. When these adjectives modify a neuter noun, they will have the "e" instead of the "o" ending in the nominative and in the accusative singulars. c. Adjectives modifying masculine nouns (third declension) will add "ega" to the stem only if they are modifying an animate or a living object; otherwise, the adjectives have the same endings as in the nominative case. Examples i Nominative FEMININE Obleka je zelena. Roza je lepa. Cerkev je nova. MASCULINE Papir je bel. Svinčnik je rumen, but i Učitelj je dober. Moj brat je priden. NEUTER Pero je Srno. Kosilo je dobro, buti To je moje ravnalo. Ali je to nase pismo? Accusative Ana ima zeleno obleko. Imgm lepo ro5o. Imjyno novo cerkev. Ali imaš bel papir? Kdo ima rumen svinčnik? Imamo dobrega učitelja* Imgm pridnega brata. Ali ima! črno pero? M^ma kuha dobro kos£lo. Kdo ima moje ravnilo? On ima nase pismoT IV. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Moj stric zida lepo novo _ hišo. _ 2. Imgmo dobro mamo in dobrega _ očeta. _ 3. Ana ima bolnega strica. _ 4. Dekle šiva lepo modro obleko._ 5. Otrok ima veliko novo igračo._ 6. On cita dobro knjigo. _ 7. Cleveland je veliko mesto. _ 8. Fant ima pridno dekle. _ 9. Dekle ima dobrega fanta. _ 10. £li poznaš mojega prijatelja?_ 11. Otroci imajo pridnega in _ dobrega starega očeta. _ 12. Marija img lep nov zelen plalc. _ 13. Mi vsi citamo slovensko. 14. On ima dobrega advokata. 15. Marija ima novo belo bluzo in modro krilo. 16. Mi imamo lepo novo belo ograjo. 17. Oce ima nov rjav klobuk. 18. Opoldne imgno dobro kosalo._ 19* Teta Micka ima pridnega sina. 20. Čakam mojega prijatelja. _ 21. ^na ima enega brata* _ 22. Kdo ima ®oj® rdeSe pero? _ 23. Ivanka ima novo modro obleko. 24. £li je okno odprto? _ 25* Imgmo mladega in prijaznega_ uSitelja. B. Supply a suitable adjective in the accusative 1. _h^So 2. _ vrt 3 • _P®ro 4. _ brata 5. _ solo Supply a suitable noun in the accusative 1. dobrega _ 2. dobro _ 3. zeleno _ 4. rdg5 _ 5. novo _ C. Translate and put into the correct case ImgpL! 1. a new Slovenian book 2. an old brown school bag _ 3. a yellow pencil ________ 4. an old blue sweater _ 5. a small red box _ 6. a new black pen _ 7. a clean white shirt 8. a good and friendly teacher (f.)_ 9. a sick grandfather _ 10. a good grandmother _ 11. a beautiful orange flower _ 12. a new green coat _ 13» a good healthy breakfast _ 14. a dirty brown table _ 15* a rich uncle _ -66- D. Translate into Slovenian -- Prevedite v slovenščino 1. Where is my blue coat? --- 2. Do you know my father? ( F.)_____ 3. I know your (tvojo) aunt.___ 4. My mother is very ill. __ 5. Jane has a beautiful red skirt. __ 6. This is an old dress. ________— 7. I have one brother and one _..._ sister. __,, - — 8. The baby has a little toy._„_ 9. John plays the accordion well.___— 10. I am waiting for my grandma.____ 11. Mary is sewing a new red dress.__ 12. Is this table clean? ____ 13. The boy has a new jacket.____ 14. Ann has a beautiful pink sweater _ and a new dark blue skirt. _________ 15. Do you have a fence? (pi.) _ 16. This is only my temporary address._ 17. We have a big house and a _ small garden. _ 18. Why are you on a diet? (P.)_ 19. Mother is working in the garden._ 20. Father has a new green shirt and brown pants. _ 21. Who plays the organ? _ 22. My sister is washing dishesj._ 23. She is ironing my blouse._ 24. We have a good teacher. _ 25. He is not an American citizen._ 26. Today is Saturday. _ 27. On Saturdays we have Slovenian _ school. _ 28. Ice cream is cold. _ V. A SHORT READING — KRATKO BERILO Danes je sobota. OČe ne dela v pisarni. Otroci niso v soli. Vsi smo doma. Zjutraj imamo zajtrk. Oče ima Srno kavo in kruh. Mama ima samo čaj. Ona je na dieti. Otroci imajo jajca, slanino, kruh in mleko. Dopoldne vsi delamo. Oce barva hiso in pospravlja garajo. Mama kuha kosilo. Brat študira, sestra Siva novo obleko in jaz pospravljam mojo sobo. Opoldne imgpo dobro kosilo. Popoldne delamo na vrtu. Zvečer imejmo majhno večerjo. Potem se pogovarjamo, čitamo ali gledamo televizijo. Ob sobotah gremo pozno spat. Answer the questions based on the above reading 1. Kaj je danes? __________ 2. £li oČe dela v pisarni ob sobotah?__ 3. Ali so otroci v Soli? ____ Kje smo vsi? ______ 5• Kaj imamo zjutraj? .___ 6. Kaj ima za (for) zajtrk?____ 7* Kaj ima ®a?na za za j "brk? __________ 8. Zakaj ima mama sama Čaj? ___ 9. Kaj imajo otroci za z a.i trk?_____ 10. Kaj dela oče? _ 11. Kaj d^la mama? ___ 12. Kaj dela brat?___ 13* Kaj dela sestra? Kaj delam jaz? _ 15« Kdaj imamo kosilo?___ 16. Kje delamo popoldne? ______ 17. Kaj delamo zvečgr? _____ _ 18. Kdaj gremo spat ob sobotah?_ 19. Kaj imas (ti) za zajtrk? _______ 20. Kaj delaš (ti) ob sobotah? ____ I. IDIOMi TO LIKE SOMETHING TO LIKE SOMETHING is expressed in Slovenian with the verb IMETI plus the ad.iective RAD. RADA. RADI (literally it means i to have a liking for) rad — masculine singular rada — feminine singular! masculine dual radi — feminine dual; masculine plural rade — feminine plural Examples Peter ima rad sladoled. Peter likes ice cream. 4na ima rada uciteljico. Ann likes the teacher. Mama in at a imata rada Mom and dad like children, otroke. Marija in Ana imata radi Mary and Ann like school, solo. Mi imamo radi našega We like our teacher, učitelja. Deklice imajo rade lepe Girls like nice dresses, oblake. The idiomatic expression TO PREFER (to like better) is also conjugated with the verb IMETI plus RAjSl or RAJE. (Rajši and raje are adverbs and do not change. These two words are interchangeable.) Examples Oce ima rajši črno kavo. Father prefers black coffee. On ima raje pecivo kot kruh. He prefers pastry to bread. Kaj imas rajši, mleko aH caj? What do you prefer, milk or tea? TO LIKE SOMETHING THE BEST is expressed with IMETI NAJRAJSl or NAJRAJE (Najrajši or najraje are adverbs and do not change.) Examples Najrajši imam^potico. I like potica the best. On ima najrajši Marijo. He likes Mary the best. Najraje imamo nedeljo. We like Sunday the best. II. EXERCISES — VAJE Translate into English — Prevedite v anelešSino Kdo ima rad Marijo? Otrok ima rad mamo. Rajši imam mleko kot kavo. ____ Otroci imajo najrajši sladoled.. Kaj imaš raje, kruh ali zemljo?. Otroci imajo radi mleko. _ Peter ima rajši nogomet kot šolo._ Gospa Cuk ima rada caj ob nedeljah popoldne. ------69- B. Translate into Slovenian ~ Prevedite v slovenščino 1. Father likes bacon. _____ 2. 35. 6. 7. 8. I like the new car. _ Does he like Ann or Mary?. I like pastry. _ We like our new home._ I prefer this book. _ She likes this picture the best.. We prefer this teacher. __ III. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Possessive pronouns — Svo.iilni zaimki moj, moja, moje tvoj, tvoja, tvoje njegov, njegova, njegovo njen, njena, njeno najin, najina, najino vajin, vajina, vajino njun, njuna, njuno nas, na|a, nase vaš, vaša, vaše njihov, njihova, njihovo svoj, svoja, svoje Other words — Druge besede čigav, čigava, čigavo kot vdova (f.) Micka ker roze (f. pl.) {familiarj singular) — my, mine — your, yours — his, its — her, hers — our (s)two (yours and mine) — your(s) two (yours and his or hers) — their(s) two (his and hers) (formal; plural) — our, ours — your, yours — their, theirs — one*s own (the reflexive form) whose? than, like, as widow a nickname for Mary because flowers Everyday expressions Rad (rada) te imgm. Rad (rada) vas im^m. Rad (rada) jo im^m. Rad (rada) ga im^m. Radi jih imamo. ^li me imaš kaj rad (rada)? Kaj bi rad (rada, radij? Mi bi radi... Tega nimam rad (rada). Im§mo se radi. Ljubim te. (familiar) (formal) — Vsakdanji izrazi — I like you. — I like you. — I like her. — I like him. — We like them. — Do you like me? — What would you like? — We would like... ~ I don't like this. — We like each other. — I love you. IV. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS — SVOJILNI ZAIMKI The possessive pronouns denote ownership. They tell WHOSE something is. The possessive pronouns are used as adjectives and as pronouns. When the possessive pronouns are used as adjectives, they are treated as all other adjectives, that is, they must agree in person, number, gender and case with the noun they modify. Examples i Masculine Feminine Moj oce je v mestu. Moja mgma je doma. Tvoj brat je velik. Tvoja sestra je majhna. Njegov stric je bolan. Njegova teta je v bolnici. Njen učitelj je Slovenec. Njena uciteljica je Slovenka. Najin av^o ne dela. Najina sestra je tajnica. Vajin brat je priden. Vajina sestra je prijazna. Njun oce je tukaj. Njuna hisa je nova. Naš dom je lep. Naša družina je majhna. Vaš učitelj je mlad. Vaša uciteljica je dobra. Njihov dedek je star. Njihova stara mgrna je v Sloveniji, Neuter lieu uci. Moje pero je na mizi. Kje je tvoje ravnilo? To je njegovo dekle. Ali je to njeno krilo? . _ . . _ . • Najino kosilo je ze gotovo. To je vajino pecivo. Njuno dete je bolno. Nafe mesto je cisto. Vaše kosilo je na mizi. Njihovo okno je zaprto. When the possessive pronouns are used as pronouns, the neuter form is used. For example« To je moje. This is mine. £Li je to vase? Is this yours? To je njihovo. This is theirs. To ni nase. This isn't ours. Ali je to njeno ali njegovo? Is this hers or his? The reflexive form of the possessive pronouns is SVOJ, A, E. It is used instead of the regular possessive pronounB whenever the idea of possession is directed back to the subject. Examples i Vsak ucenec mora imeti svojo knjigo. Each student must have his own book. Marija ima zelo rada svojo mamo. Mary^likes her mother very much. Starši ljubijo svoje otroke. Parents love their children. In all of the preceding examples, the reflexive form of the possessive pronoun is used instead of the regular possessive pronoun because, in each case, the possession can be traced back to the subject. 5* Possessive pronouns are used less in Slovenian than in English. They are frequently not used at all in references to the parts of the body, personal belongings or members of one's family. Examples Marija dela domačo nalogo. Mary is doing (her) homework. Oce posluša sina. Father is listening to (his) son. Noge me bolijo. (My) feet hurt. V. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Moja sestra je učiteljica. _ 2. Njuna mgma je v bolnici. _ 3. Moj oce je zdravnik. _ 4. Tvoja mgjna dobro kuha. _ 5. Ali igra tvoj brat harmoniko?_ 6. Njegov stric je bolan. _ 7. Njegova teta je v Sloveniji._ 8. Peter je najin prijatelj. _ 9. Njen brat igra nogomet. _ 10. Njgna sestra dobro plava. _ 11. Naš dom je prijazen. _ 12. Vaša prijateljica je tukaj. _ 13- Vaš vrt je lep. _ 14. Njihov avto je nov. _ 15. Njihova šola je velika. _ 16. Gospa Kova5 je najina učiteljica._ 17. Njun sin je dober advokat. _ 18. Vaše pismo je na mizi. 19. Ali poznate mojega očeta? _ 20. Ne pozngm vašega strica. _ 21. Čakamo našega učitelja. _ 22. Mama ima rada svojega otroka._ 23. Jaz poznam njenega brata. _ 24. Kdo ima mojo knjigo? _______ 25. Kdo b^rva v^šo hiso? _ 26. To ni moje. _ 27. Ali je to tvoj nov pl^sc? _ 28. Ta zvezek je njegov. ___ 29• Ta mapa je njena. _ 30. Njihov dom je lep. _ B. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. ray girlfriend _ 2. your book (Fam.) _ 3. their baby (dual) _ 4. his uncle _ 5. your car (dual) _ 6. her uncle _ 7. his father _ 8. their house _ 9. our home _ 10. your family (F.) _ 11. their children _ 12. your brother (Fam.) _ 13. his sister _ 14. our school _ 15. my room _ 16. their garden _ 17. our friend (dual) _ 18. our city , 19. her teacher _ 20. her husband _ 21. His uncle is very rich. _ 22. Mary is typing my letter._ 23. Ann is sewing her dress. _ 24. Where is your (Fam.) brother?_ 25. Your house is beautiful. _ 26. This is ours. _ 27. Whose coat is this? _ 28. Her aunt is a teacher. i 29. His mother is very ill. _________________________ 30. Is Mr. Kotnik your uncle? _ 31. Your dress is pretty. _ 32. Do you like my new coat?_ 33« Do you know my father? _ 34. His father is a lawyer. _ 35* His friend works here. _ 36. Is this your pen? _ 37. This isn't ours. _ 38. Their child is sick. _ 39- His wife is in the hospital._ 40. Her husband is a doctor. _ 41. I am doing my homework. _ 42. Is your sister in school? _ 43. Our dinner is on the table._ 44. This is our home. _ 45. This is their new car. (dual) ____ 46. I know your mother. _ 47. Whose is this? _ 48. I like her. _ 49. We like them. _ 50. Do you like me? _ VI. READING -- BERILO Mo .i a teta Micka Moja teta Micka je zelo dobra Sena. Je vdova. Ima enega sina in eno hčerko. Njen sin je dober inSenir. Je Se poročen in ima pridno Seno in tri otroke. Njena hSerka je bolniška sestra. Dela v veliki bolnici. Ni še poroSena. Teta Micka je pridna in dobra gospodinja. Zna dobro krhati in šivati. Njena hiša je majhna in zelo cista. Ima tudi majhen vrt. Zelo rada ima roze. Rada tudi posluša radio in gleda televizijo. Teta Micka vedno rada pomaga. Jaz jo imam zelo rad, ker je dobra, prijazna in vedno vesela. Answer the questions based on the above reading 1. Ali je teta Micka moja mama?__ 2. Ali je Micka vdova? _,— 3. Kaj je njen sin? -.----- Kaj je njena hčerka? ____ 5. Kje dela njena hčerka? ----- 6. Kakšna je bolnica? _____ 7. Ali je njena hčerka poročena? _ 8. KaJcšna gospodinja je teta Micka?_ 9. Kaj zna delati? ___ 10. Ali je njena hiša velika? _._ 11. Ali je njgna hiša cista?__ 12. Ali ima teta Micka vrt? ____ 13. Kakšen je njen vrt? _._ 14. Kaj ima teta Micka rada? ___ 15. Kaj posluša teta Micka? ___ 16. AH "teta Micka rada gleda televizijo? _ 17. Zakaj imam jaz rad teto Micko? _ LESSON THIRTEEN REVIEW -- PONOVITEV Fill in the missing words — Napišite besede, ki 1. Ima® ___knjigo, (new) 2. Kdo ima moj _? (pencil) 3. Mama kuha _• (dinner) 4. _ je na mizi. (Milk) 5. ____imamo zajtrk. (In the morning) 6. Kaj _ _. ca j ali kavo? (do you prefer 7. _ imapi kavo. (I like the best) 8. ___ je na mizi. (Bread) 9. On ima_ tajnico, (good) 10. Marija je _ tajnica, (good) -75- 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 3^. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 44. ^5. Peter ima Oni imajo učitelja, (young) strica, (rich) Ob Kje je _ Peter ima nove Marija siva _ sladoled. (I like) imamo slovensko šolo. (Saturdays) _? (newspaper) _. (pants) _ obleko. (red) plašč je lep. (Her) hiša je zelo velika. (Our) je tvoja sestra? (Where) _. (in school) ? (supper) Ona je __ Kdaj imate _ Ali je to __ To je moj _ To je moja _ Marija ima lepo belo _ Naša ___je majhna. Mi imamo majhen__. pero? (your - formal) _. (jacket) _. (sweater) (blouse) (family) (garden) —_ gledamo televizijo. (In the evening) Marija dobro igra _. (piano) Ali imaš Ta roza je Bela _? (homework) Otrok ima novo ^na pomiva _ Mi _. (yellow) je umazana, (shirt) __. (toy) (dishes) Cleveland je Kje je _ Zakaj _ (are working) _ mesto, (big) pismo? (my) Imate lep Ob (home) _? (aren't you listening -sin. ) Danes je smo doma. (Sundays) _. (Tuesday) Ali našo učiteljico. (We like) mojega očeta? (Do you know - formal) _ "to knjigo. (I prefer) 46. ? (What is this?) Jaz ne študiram ......... (I don't like to study.) 48. Oce v mestu, (works) 49. Jgnez ima srajco, (dirty) 50. Oni radi igrajo . (football) 51. kuhinja je velika. (Our) 52. Zjutraj imam zajtrk, (small) 53. Kje je __? (sugar) 5*. Ali imaš rad to ........... ? (pastry} 55. Avto je . . (in the garage) 56. Ta ni dober, (cookie) 57. Ne znam . (to swim) 58. Dober ___! (Good evening!) 59. je na mizi. (Dinner) 60. Ona je vesela. (always) 61 o Kje je dom? (yours and his) 62. Koliko si ? (old - masculine) 63. Oce gleda (television) 64. Ali je Ana _ . prijateljica? (your - rtn^l) 65. To je otrok. (their - dual) 66. Kako ti je ? (What is your name?) 67. Ali je to tvoj ? (brother) 68. To ni . (mine) 69. Kdo igra _____ . , . .? (accordion) 70. sestra je moja prijateljica, (your - familiar) 71. Marija ima lepo .,,. _ - (skirt) 72. . je moja mama? (Where) 73. V je koncert. (Sunday) 7*. Kdo igra .? (organ) 75. Kaj je vaš „ ,. ? (address) 76. Imam raje . (tea) 77. Ali imaš uSitelja? fgood) 78. Moj brat študira _________ . (medicine) 79. Ali je oce ..... ? (at home) 80. Ali je to vaš ? (raincoat) 81. Ali je to . „.,_ avto? (their) 82. deklica je dobra učenka. (This) 83- Ali imas rqje kruh ali ? (a roll) 84. Jaz imam pismo, (his) 85. To je mama. (my) 86. Danes je (Thursday) • c«- CO Peter igra (guitar) 88. ne poslusas? (Why) 89. vprašati. (I must) 90. je tukaj? (Who) 91. Ali je to obleka? (new) 92. To ni (ours) 93. (I like you. - familiar) 94. Oce ima rad (bacon) 95. Dedek časopis. (is reading) 96. Ona ga ima (She likes him.) 97. Otroci v soli, (are) 98. On moj prijatelj, (is) 99. cas. (I have) 100. 2e citati slovensko. (We know) LESSON FOURTEEN Thus far in this manual we have studied the accusative singular (tozilnik v ednini) of all four declensions. In this lesson we shall learn the nominative (imenovalnik) and the accusative (toSilnik) in all three numbers* singular, dual and plural. I. VOCABULARY -- SLOVARČEK Nouns — Samostalniki Masculine — Moški spol prt vrt svet cvet zvon or zvonec most dar glas studenec venec rožni venec grad tablecloth gardent yard world blossom bell bridge gift, offering) talent voice* vote fountain» spring wreath rosary castle zob dan (dnevi, dni) las starši Feminine — Ženski spol mati or mgma hči or hčerka pekarna riba cesta trgovina glasba Slovenija počitnice (always plural) pec cerkev molitev breskev žival jesen miš mladost pot lu5 klop Neuter — Srednji spol darilo mesto leto pero drevo telo kol£ neb£ oko" (oci) uhč> (ušesa) zelje srce dekle dete" tele ime vreme očala* tla* vrata* usta* jetra* pljuča* tooth day (days) hair parents — mother — daughter — bakery — fish — road, street — store — music — Slovenia — vacation — oven — church — prayer — peach — animal — autumn, fall — mouse — youth — path, road, route -- light — bench, school desk gift city year pen tree body bicycle, wheel sky eye (eyes) ear (ears) cabbage heart girl, maiden baby, infant calf name weather eyeglasses floor, floors door, doors mouth, mouths liver, livers lung, lungs ♦These nouns are used in the plural only. See page 87- Prepositions — Predlogi na za cez po Other words — Druge besede sposoben, sposobna, sposobno ponosen, ponosna, ponosno hud, huda, hudo jezen, jezna, jezno grem mislim biti sposoben za biti ponosen na se vživeti v misliti na se jeziti na biti hud na se zanimati za spominjati na iti za To me spominja na*.. To (se) gre za... — to, in — on — for — across — for (to fetch or get something) — capable — proud — angry, mean — angry — I go i I am going — I thinkt I am thinking — to be capable ofj to be suitable for — to be proud of — to get used to — to think of — to be mad atj to be angry with — to be mad at; to be angry with — to be interested in — to remind of — to concern — This reminds me of... — This concerns • * • II. THE FORMATION OF THE NOMINATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE CASES A. THE FIRST DECLENSION (Feminine nouns ending in "a") NOMINATIVE Singular miza knjiga teta — a gospa m^ti he i table book aunt Exceptions Mrs. mother daughter Examples 1. Knjiga je na mizi. Dve knjigi sta na mizi, Knjige so na mizi. 2. Miza je nova. Dve mizi sta novi. Mize so nove. Dual — i (dve) mizi (dve) knjigi (dve) teti (dve) gospe (dve) materi (dve) hčeri Plural mize knjige tete gospe matere hčere — e A book is on the table. Two books are on the table. The books are on the table. The table is new. Two tables are new. The tables are new. Singular —o Dual — i Plural — e table book aunt mizo knjigo teto (dve) (dve) (dve) mizi knjigi teti mize knjige tete Exceptions Mrs. mother daughter gospo mater hčer (dve) (dve) (dve) gospe materi hčeri gospe matere hčere I am reading a good book. I am reading two good books. I read good books. I have one aunt. I have two aunts. I have three aunts. Examples 1. C it am dobro knjigo. Citam dve dobri knjigi. Citam dobre~knjige. 2. Imjyn eno teto. Imajn dve teti. Im^m tri tete. NOTES -- OPOMBE 1. There are only three exceptions in this declension* GOSPA, M£TI and HCl. 2. For the noun M&FI, you can always use M£JIA instead. (Mama is a regular first declension noun.) 3« For the noun Hfil, you can always use HČERKA instead. (Hčerka is also a regular first declension nounT) Notice that there is only one slight difference between the nominative and the accusative cases in the first declension. The only change is in the singular* "a" changes to "o." The dual and the plural forms are the same for both cases. EXERCISE — VAJA With the above explanation in mind, put the following first declension nouns into the case and number indicated Nom. singular Nom. duq.1 Nom. plural book knjiga__kn.iigi_ kn.iige_ aunt ___ _ house ____________________ watch ___ _ daughter _________________ secretary _______________ ________________ school ___ _ fish ___ _ dress ___ _ bakery ___ _ room street shirt chalk girlfriend table wall mother _ student (f.). kitchen _ book Acc. singular Acc. dual Acc. plural mizo mizi mize crayon _ sister _ teacher (f.). Miss _ blouse _ cap _ B. THE SECOND DECLENSION (Feminine nouns ending in a consonant) NOMINATIVE light bench oven church prayer peach Singular luc klop pec cerkev molitev breskev Dual — ^i (dve) luci (dve) klopi (dve) peci (dve) cerkvi (dve) molitvi (dve) breskvi Plural luci klopi, peci cerkve* molitve breskve —i or —e *There are a few nouns in this declension ending in "EV." The semisilent "e" in these nouns drops when other endings are added. The plural ending is the same as that of the first declension ("e" instead of "i"). Examples 1. Luc je nova. Dve luci sta novi. Luci so nove. 2. Cerkev je zaprta. Dve cerkvi sta zaprti, Vse cerkve so zaprte. The light is new. Two lights are new. The lights are new. The church is closed. Two churches are closed. All the churches are closed. The ACCUSATIVE case of the second declension nouns is exactly the same as the NOMINATIVE in all three numbers (singular, dual and plural). Examples 1. Moja mgma ima dobro pec. My mother has a good oven. Imamo dve dobri peci. We have two good ovens. Pekarna ima dobre peci. The bakery has good ovens. 2. Kdo zna to molitev? Who knows this prayer? Peter ze zna dve molitvi. Peter already knows two prayers. Otroci ze znajo te molitve. The children already know these prayers. EXERCISE -- VAJA Put the following second declension nouns into the case and number indicated Nom. singular Nom. dual Nom. plural light ___ church _ __ prayer _ __ animal ___ peach oven bench Acc. singular Acc. dual Acc. plural C. THE THIRD DECLENSION (Masculine nouns) NOMINATIVE chair pencil uncle Singular stol svinčnik stric Examples 1. Tukaj je en stol. Tukaj sta dva stola. Tukaj so trije stoli. 2. Moj stric je v bolnici. Moja dva strica sta v Sloveniji. Vsi moji strici so v Ameriki. Dual stola svinčnika strica — a Plural — stoli svinčniki strici Here is one chair. Here are two chairs. Here are three chairs. My uncle is in the hospital. My two uncles are in Slovenia. All my uncles are in America. chair pencil Singular stol^ svinčnik Dual —a stola svinčnika Plural —e stole svTncnike uncle strica* strica strice brother brata brata brate ♦There is a slight difference in the accusative singular of the masculine nouns. The non-living (inanimate) masculine nouns have the same ending as the nominative. The living (animate) masculine nouns have an "a* endingi Imam svinčnik. Imjpi br^ta. Examples 1. Imam nov svinčnik. Imam dva nova svinčnika. Imam nove svinčnike. 2. Im^m enega brata. Imam dva brata. Im^m tri brate. I have a pencil. I have a brother. I have a new pencil. I have two new pencils< I have new pencils. I have one brother. I have two brothers. I have three brothers. Remember also the following peculiarities of the duals and the plurals of masculine nouns i 1. 2. Some masculine nouns ending in b, t, d, or f have two possible nominative plural forms t Nom. plural Acc. plural brother brat br^ti or bratje brate boy fant fanti or fantje fante Mr. gospod gospodi or gospodje gospode To one syllable masculine nouns usually add MovM in the dual and the plural* son sin garden vrt tablecloth prt home dom bell zvon blossom cvet world svet bridge most castle grad voice, vote glas offering or dar Nom. dual sinova (sina)* vrtova (vrta) prtova (prta) domova (doma) zvonova (zvona) cvetova (cveta) svetova (sveta) mostova (mosta) gradova (grada) glasova (glasa) darova (dara) Nom. plural talent * Both forms are acceptable, but the sinovi vrtovi prtovi domovi zvonovi cvetovi svetovi mostovi gradovi glasovi darovi {"šini)* (vrti) (prti) (domi) (zvoni) (cveti) (sveti) (mosti) (gradi) (glasi) (dari) 3. The semisilent "e" endings appearj Dual student ucenec učenca notebook zvezek zvezka ov" form is preferred. drops from the root word when new Plural ucenci zvezki fountain, spring wreath a small boy a Slovenian studenec venec deček Slovenec studenca venca dečka Slovenca studenci venci deSki Slovenci To masculine nouns ending in "r" add "j" before dual and plural endings t engineer piano paper Singular inženir klavir papir Du$l inženirja klavirja papirja Plural inženirji klavirji papirji 5. The dual and the plural of some masculine nouns are irregular and must be memorized. Study the following nouns: child father husband hair tooth day otrok oce mo$ las zob dan Dual otroka oceta mo z a lasa zoba dneva Plural otroci oceti or11 očetje možje lasje zobje dnevi (acc. 'j (acc. (acc. (acc. (acc. (acc. otroke) očete ) može) lase) zobe.) dni or dneve) Examples 1. Gospa Kovač ima tri sinove. Mrs. Kovač has three sons. 2. Ta roza ima dva velika cvetova. This flower has two big blossoms. 3« Ucenci so pridni. Ali so to tvoji papirji? 5. Otroci so v soli. 6. On ima dva pridna otroka. 7. Imam zdrave zobe_. 8. Marija ima lepe lase. 9. Poleti so dnevi dolgi. 10. Njene hcerke~imajo dobre može. The students are well behaved. Are these your papers? The children are in school. He has two good children. I have healthy teeth. Mary has beautiful hair. The days are long in the summer. Her daughters have good husbands, EXERCISE ~ VAJA With the afoove explanation in mind, put the following third declension words into the case and number specified lawyer garden coat child day hat car tooth Nom. singular advokat_ Nom. dual advokata Nom. plural advokati Nom. singular Nom. dual Nom. plural teacher ___ father ___ paper ___ cookie ___ jacket ___ home___ Acc. singular Acc. dual Acc. plural physician ___ husband, man ___ voice, vote ___ bell___ castle ____ chair ___ newspaper ___ son___ friend (m.) ___ teacher (m.) ___ world ___ A Slovenian ___ D. THE FOURTH DECLENSION (Neuter nouns ending in "o" or "e") THE NOMINATIVE AND THE ACCUSATIVE CASES OF THE NEUTER NOUNS ARE EXACTLY THE SAME. Singular — o or e city mesto gift darilo heart srce egg jajce Examples Toronto je veliko mesto. New York in London sta veliki mesti. Ameriška mesta so velika. Za zajtrk imam eno jajce. Za zajtrk imam dve jajci. Za zajtrk imam tri jajca. Dual — i mesti darili srci jajci Plural —a mesta darila srca jajca Toronto is a big city. New York and London are big cities. American cities are big. I have one egg for breakfast. I have two eggs for breakfast. I have three eggs for breakfast. The following neuter nouns memorized: Singular pen pero tree drevo body tel£ wheel, bicycle kolo sky, heaven nebo girl, maiden dekle baby, infant dete calf tele name ime weather vreme eye oko ear uho are somewhat irregular and must be Dual (dve) peresi (dve) drevesi (dve) telesi (dve) kolesi (dve) dekleti (dve) deteti (dve) teleti (dve) imeni (dve) očesi* (dve) ušesi* Plural peresa drevesa telesa kolesa nebesa dekleta deteta teleta imena * • oci ušesa The following neuter nouns have only the plural formi floor (floors) door (doors) liver lung (lungs) mouth (mouths) eyeglasses tla vrata jetra pljuča usta očala * Note that the dual "očesi," "ušesi" is rarely used. Usually, the plural form is used to express two or more eyes or ears. EXERCISE — VAJA Put the following fourth declension nouns into the singular. dual and the plural Singular Dupl. Plural city mesto_ mesti_ mesta_ year _ _ _ dinner _ _ _ pen _ _ _ ruler _ _ _ bicycle _ _ _ skirt _ _ _ window _ _ _ eye _ _ _ tree _ _ _ ear _ _ _ girl _ _ _ egg _ _ _ heart _ _ _ name ___ III. ADJECTIVES IN THE NOMINATIVE AND THE ACCUSATIVE CASES 1. 2. As we have already pointed out in lesson five, in Slovenian an adjective must agree in gender, number and case with the noun it modifies. For example, if a noun is in the accusative plural, the adjective modifying it must also be in the accusative plurali if the noun is in the nominative dual, the adjective modifying it must also be in the same case, gender and number. The child has a beautiful new toy. I have two good aunts. We all have beautiful homes. American cities are large. These eggs aren't good. Examples Otrok ima lepo novo igračo, Imam dve dobri teti. Vsi im^mo lepe domove. Ameriška mesta so velika. Ta jajca niso dobra. Feminine nouns of the second declension ending in a consonant always take first declension adjective endings. For example t This is a beautiful modern church. The bench is green. Mice are small animals. The lights are beautiful. To je lepa modema cerkev. Klop je zelena. Miši so majhne živali. Luči so lepe. Remember that "ega" is added to the adjectives modifying animate (living) masculine nouns in the accusative singular« Ex^nrplfta Mi imspio dobrega očeta. We have a good father. Marija ima enega brata. Mary has one brother. Imamo prijaznega učitelja. We have a friendly teacher. The nominative and the accusative cases of the demonstrative adjective (this, these) are as follows* Nominative Accusative Nominative Accusative Nominative Accusative Examples Masculine ta fant tega fanta ta stol ta fanta ta fanta ti fanti te fante Singular Feminine ta deklica to deklico Dual te deklici te deklici Plural te deklice te deklice Neuter to pero to pero te peresi te peresi ta peresa ta peresa Ta dgklica je dobra učenka. Ali poznaš tega gospoda? Ti svinSniki so moji. Te knjige so njene. Čigava so ta peresa? This girl is a good student. Do you know this man? These pencils are mine. These books sire hers. Whose are these pens? IV. THE USES OF THE NOMINATIVE AND THE ACCUSATIVE CASES A. NOMINATIVE CASE (iraenovalnik or prvi sklon) is used only as the SUBJECT of the sentence or as the PREDICATE NOMINATIVE. Examples Moj oce je učitelj. My father is a teacher. In the above sentence, the word "oce" is the subject of the sentence and the word "učitelj" is the predicate nominative. The predicate nominative always follows the verb TO BE (BITI) Marija je dobra učenka. Mary is a good student. In this sentence."Mary" is the subject of the sentence and "učenka" is the predicate nominative. B. ACCUSATIVE CASE (tožilnik or četrti sklon) is used> 1. AS THE DIRECT OBJECT Mi imamo lepo hišo. We have a beautiful house. Ali poznaš mojega očeta? Do you know my father? Oni imajo pridne otroke. They have good children. In the above sentences, the words HlSo, OČETA, OTROKE are the direct objects and are, therefore, in the accusative case. 2. AS THE OBJECT OF THE FOLLOWING PREPOSITIONS i a.) v — to Grem v trgovino. I am going to the store. b.) na — on Gremo na pocitnice. We are going on vacation • c.) za — for To darilo je za mamo. This gift is for mother. d.) cez — across Gremo cez most. We are going across the bridge. e.) po — for , (meaning to fetch for or to get after something) Grem po kruh. I am going to get some bread. (I am going after bread.) In this lesson we shall concern ourselves only with the direct objects, later on we shall study the prepositions and its objects in detail. 3. WITH THE FOLLOWING IDIOMATIC VERBAL EXPRESSIONS a.) biti sposoben za — to be capable of or to be suitable for Ali je on sposoben za to službo? Is he suitable for this job? b.) biti ponosen na c.) spominjati na d.) misliti na e.) jeziti se na or biti hud(a) na f.) zanimati se za g.) iti (se) za h.) vživeti se v to be proud of Oce je ponosen na sina. Father is proud of This) son. Starši so ponosni na svoje otroke. Parents are proud of their children. to remind of To me spominja na teto Ivanko. This reminds me of aunt Jennie. to^think of Večkrat mislim nate. I think of you often. Vedno mislim na svoje starše. I always think of my parents. to be angry with or to be mad at Zak^j si hud name? Why are you mad at me? Uciteljica se jezi na ucence. The teacher is angry with (her) students. to be interested in^ Peter se zanima za šport. Peter is interested in sports. to concern Gre (se) za Slovence. It concerns Slovenians. to get used to Hitro se vSivim v delo. I get used to work fast. V. EXERCISES -- VAJE Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovensSino I am going to the store. _ A mouse is a very small animal._ Autumn is beautiful. _ This gift is for the teacher._ This prayer is beautiful. _ This peach is good. _ This girl has a good heart. _ We have good parents. _ These are my glasses. _ 11. We have nice weather today. _ 12. Peter has a new bicycle. _ 13. These trees are beautiful. _ 14. This floor is dirty. _ 15. I have healthy lungs. _ 16. She has beautiful black hair. l?. This reminds me of Slovenia._ 18. Children are proud of their_ parents. B. Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. tooth a. cesta 2. mouse b. most 3. fish c. telo 4. heart * c. las 5. weather d. breskev 6. wheel, bicycle e. darilo 7. parents f. pekarna 8. road, street g. oko 9. animal h. cerkev 10. tree i. uho 11. store .i. usta 12. church k. očala 13. hair 1. zob 14. sky m. srce 15. bridge n. riba 16. world 0. mi s 17. gift p. drevo. 18. eyeglasses r. stjirši 19. prayer s. vreme 20. body * s. žival 21. peach t. nebo 22. eye u. trgovina 23. ear V. molitev 24. mouth z. svet to ■ bakery * z. kol£ LESSON FIFTEEN This lesson is a continuation of lesson fourteen. Since lesson fourteen contained a lot of important grammar, we would like to reinforce it with additional exercises. I. VOCABULARY ~ SLOVARČEK Nouns — Samostalniki Masculine — Moški spol strop gramofon magnetofon časopis odgovor Šopek šopek roz Feminine — Ženski spol beseda stena plošča vaja rec pesem pesmica ptica ptička slovnica planina planinca Neuter — Srednji spol berilo Ad.iectives — Pridevniki slovenski, slovenska, slovensko-modern, moderna, moderno svetel, svetla, svetlo drug, druga, drugo drag, dragaj drago kakšen, kakšna, kakšno? Other words — Druge besede včasih (adverb) razlagati (razlagam) ceiling record player tape recorder newspaper answer bouquet bouquet of flowers word wall record exercise thing, item, article song, poem a short song, a short poem bird a small bird grammar mountain a small mountain — reading, a reader Slovenian modem light other, second dear, expensive what kind of? sometimes to explain (I explain) II. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Put the following nouns into the nominative dual and plural Napisi sledeče samostalnike v prvem sklonu dvojine in množine Plural Singular 1. ura 2. hiša Dual (dye) uri. ure. Singular Dual Plural 3, s&stra ____ žena ___ 5. obleka _____ 6. tajnica _ ___ 7. knjiga ___ 8. bolnica ___ 9. pesem ___ 10. prijateljica ____ 11. barvica . , 12. učiteljica ___ 13. teta ____ I**, stena ___ 15. klop ___ 16. luc ___ 17 • hčerka ___ 18. hci ___ 19 • m^ma __- 20. mati ___ 1. fant (dva) fanta__fanti or fant .je 2. prijatelj ___ 3. učitelj ___ k, brat ___ 5. sin ___ 6. mož ___ 7. stol ___ 8. zvezek ___ 9. plasc ___ 10. klavir ___ 11. papir ____ 12. vrt _ _ 13. dom ___ 14. otrok ___ 15. stric ___ 16. zob ___ Singular Dual Plural 17- oce _ _ 18. las ____ 19. dan _ _ 20. glas _____ 1. pero (dve) peresi__peresa 2. drevo _ 3. kolo ____ 4. telo __ _ 5. mesto___ 6. darilo ____ 7. krilo __ ZZHZH 8. okno _____ 9. pi smo ________ 10. ravnilo __ 11. kosilo 12. jajce _ _ 13. srce 14. ime __ 15. dete ___ 16. dekle ____^ZZZZZZZ 17. nebo ______ 18. tele ___' 19. oko _ 20. uho ___ B* Change the following sentences into the plurql Napišite sledeče stavke v množini 1. Knjiga je nova. Kn.iige so nove.__ 2. Ucenec je priden. 3. Moja sestra je uciteljica. _______ 4. Stena je rumena. __ 5. Ura je zlata. _____ 6. Drevo je zeleno. ______ 7. Obleka je nova. __ 8. Tukaj je bela srajca. _________ 9. F^nt igra nogomet. __ 10. Dekle je lepo. _______ 11. Oce je zdrav. _ 12. Otrok je priden. . _— C. Change the following sentences into the dual Napišite sledeče stavke v dvo.iini 1. Mo. j a sestra zna lepo šivati. Mo.ii sestri znata lepo šivati. 2. Maja prijateljica je tukaj. ---- 3. Njen stric je bogat. _________ 4. Njena obleka je lepa. __ 5. To je moje pero. _ 6. Roza je lepa.______ 7. Moja teta je v Sloveniji. ___ 8. Njen brat dela v mestu. _______ 9. Darilo je lepo. ____ 10. Jabolko je rdece. ___ 11. Tvoj zvezek je na mizi. _ 12. Ta pesem je lepa. ____ D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. Flowers are red and yellow. _ 2. My aunt is a nurse. _ 3. This coffee is cold. _ 4. Ann and Mary are my friends. _ 5. Sonya and Martha are my sisters._ (Sonja, Marta) _ 6. Chicago is a big city. _________ 7. Trees are green. _ 8. These cookies are good. __ 9. The chairs are brown. ___ 10. The windows are closed. _ 11. Are the doors open? _ 12. This record player doesn't work._ 13. Slovenian songs are beautiful._ 14. These two books are mine. _ 15* These records are expensive. _ E. Put the following^nouns into the accusative dual and plural and translate — Napisi sledeče samostalnike v tozilniku dvo.iine in množine in prevedi Acc. singular Acc. dual Acc. plural Translation 1. teto teti__tete_ aunt_ 2. hčerko ___ _ 3* tajnico .___ _ uci.teljico ___ _ 5» rožo ____ _ 6. knjigo ___ _ 7. prijateljico___ _ 8. uro ___ _ 9. hišo _____ _ 10. pesem ________ _ 11. strica ___ _ 12. sina ___ _ 13. učitelja ____ _ 14. očeta ___ 15. prijatelja ___ _ 16. stol _____ 17. vrt ___ __ 18. piškot ____ 19. papir ___ _ 20. svet ___ 21. dom _ __ 22. okno ___ 23. pero___ 24. telo ____~~~~~~~~ 25. jajce ___ 26. srce ___ _______ 27. mesto __ 28. dekle _____~ 29. dete ____ __ 30. ime ____ 31. cerkev _ 32. rec _ F. 1. 2. 34. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. G. 1. 2. Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke Nas a hiša ima 4li imaš rad Na mizi so . (big windows) _? (eggs) in (books, pencils, pens) On ima tri _ . (brothers) New York, London in Pariz so in . (large, beautiful cities) Moja sestra ima new dresses) Kje so _ (beautiful, ? (our books) _ imajo radi sladoled. (Children) _ so v soli. (Students) M^ma kuha _. (dinner) _ in _ so na mizi. (Books and newspapers) _ delajo v bolnici. (The nurses) On ima__in__. (three daughters and one son) Peter dela Mama ima raje Jaz ne poznapi Mi imamo _ Oni imajo _ Ali poznaš _ . (tea) (homework) .. (your father) .. (a good teacher - f.) (good children) __? (my grandfather) __. (a good Gospod Kovac ima _ in __ and young wife) Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino I have good friends. _ The teacher has diligent students.. 3. We are listening to beautiful_ records. 4. Our house has small windows. _ 5. Who has my books? _ 6. Your (Fam.) friends are here._ 7. I have one uncle and two aunts. 8. The floor in the kitchen is _ dirty. _ 9. Father has bacon and eggs for__ breakfast. ~3IZZZIIIIZIZZIZZIIIIZZIZIIII^^III 10. Children are watching television._ 11. Ann has two new dresses. 12. We have a table and four chairs_ in the kitchen. 13. The children are healthy. 14. Cleveland is a big city. ______ 15. Slovenian records aire beautiful._______ 16. We have a big garden._______ 17. Mother is in the kitchen. 18. Do you know this Slovenian ____ song? -- 191> Do you know Mr. Logar? _ 20. How old are you? (familiar) 21. Do you have a record player?____ 22. We have a new tape recorder. 23. I am reading a Slovenian newspaper.__ 24. What kind of book are you reading? — 25. The teacher is explaining Slovenian grammar. — III. LET'S READ — BERIMO 1. Kakšna je nasa šola? Nasa šola je velika in moderna. 2. Kakšna je naša šolska soba? Naša šolska soba je velika in svetla. Stene so rumene. Strop je bel. Tla so rjava. Ima tri okna in ena vrata. 3. Kaj je v šolski sobi? V solski sobi so klopi, mize, stoli, tabla, kreda, ura, gramofon, luc in druge reci,. 4. Kdo je v šolski sobi? V solski sobi so učenci, učenke in uciteljica. 5. Kaj delajo ucenci in učenke v šoli? Ucenci in učenke delajo vaje in~citajo berila. Včasih tudi poslusajo plosce. ~ ~ 6. Kaj dela uciteljica v šoli? Uciteljica razlaga nove besede, slovnico in berilo. Fill in the missing words — Napišite "besede, ki manjkajo 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Nas a Stene so Ima tri je i strop je in moderna. _j _ in ena V šolski sobi so ura, _ , luc in druge , mize, stoli, so rjava. _, kreda, UČenci delajo _ Včasih tudi poslušajo _ Učiteljica razlaga nove in citajo in berilo. IV. SLOVENIAN FOLK SONG — NARODNA PESEM Na planineah soncece sije Na planineah soncece sije, na planineah lustno je. Tam pojejo drobne ptičke, tam cvetejo rožice. Eno dekle jih pa trga, da si šopek naredi. The sun is shining on the mountains , It is pleasant (to be) on the mountains. The tiny birds are singing there, The small flowers are growing there. A maiden is picking them So that she can make a bouquet. LESSON SIXTEEN I. VOCABULARY ~ SLOVARČEK "E" Conjugation Verbs — Glagoli spregatve "E" brati izbrati iskati obiskati brisati brisati prah pisati opisati podpisati prepisati plesati (po)klicati (po)kazati prati risati skakati rezati strici prižgati (berem) (izberem) iščem) (obiščem) (brišem) (brišem prah) (pisemj. (opišem) (podpišem) (prepišem) (plešem) (poklicem) (pokažem) (perem) / <. % (rišem) (skačem) (režem) (strizem) (prižgem) - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to - to ■99- read (I read) choose (I choose) seek, to look for (I seek) visit (I visit) (I wipe) (I dust) write (I write) describe (I describe) sign (I sign) copy, to transcribe (I copy) dance (I dance) call (I call) show (I show) wash clothes, to launder (I...) draw (I draw) jump (I jump) cut with a knife (I cut...) cut with scissors (I cut...) light, to turn on the light (I light) wipe dust teci reci peci pasti krasti lagati najti nesti prinesti verjeti razumeti smeti vedeti povedati izvedeti prevesti plesti vzeti hoteti ne hoteti odpreti zapreti umreti zavezati odvezati iti priti (tečem) (rečem) (pečem) (padem) (kradem) (lazem) (najdem) (nesem) (prinesem) (verjamem) (razumem) (smem) (vem) (povem) (izvem) (prevedem) (pletem) (vzamem) (hočem) (nočem) (odprem) (zaprem) (umrem) (zavezem) (odvežem) (grem) (pridem) Other words — Druge besede Ček (m.) ključ (m.) polka (f.) potica (f.) torta (f.) perilo (n.) pismo (n.) vsi vse i vse kar m c ker or zato ker kam? Everyday expressions - — to run (I run) — to say (I say) — to bake (I bake) — to fall (I fall) — to steal (I steal) — to lie (I lie) — to find (I find) — to carry (I carry) — to bring (I bring) — to believe(I believe) — to understand (I understand) — to be allowed to, may (I may) — to know (I know) — to tell (I tell) — to find out (I find out) — to translate (I translate) ~ to knit (I knit) — to take (I take) — to want to (I want to) — not to want to (I don't want to) — to open (I open) — to close (I close) — to die (I die) « to tie (I tie) — to untie (I untie) — to go (I go) — to come (I come) — check — key — polka — nut roll (Slovenian pastry) — cake — the wash, laundry, linen — letter — everybody, all — everything, all; everything that — nothing, anything — because — where? where to? (indicating - Vsakdanji izrazi direction) Ali razumeš (razumete) slovensko? Do you understand Slovenian? Oprostite, ne razumem. Samo malo. Prosim, se enkrat povejte! Prosim, ponovite! Ne vem, kaj to pomeni. Kaj to pomeni? Saj ves (veste). Ves (vestej kaj? Ali res ne ves (veste)? Res ne vem. Excuse me, I don't understand. — Just a little. — Please say it again. — Please repeat. — I don't know what this means. — What does this mean? — Of course, you know. — Do you know what? — You really don't know? — I really don't know. -100- NOTES — OPOMBE 1. All the verbs in this lesson belong to the ~e conjugation because the present stem ends with the vowel "e." Notice that, unlike the —a conjugation verbs, the present stem of the verbs of the —e conjugation differs greatly from the infinitive ending. Therefore, it is very important to study both forms (the infinitive and the present stem) as they appear in the vocabulary. 2. As we have studied in lesson seven, to conjugate any verb in the present tense, simply take the present stem and add the 3. ---m — I ♦ ---s — you (singular and familiar) none — he, she, it ---va — we two ---ta — you two —ta — they two ---mo — we —te — you (plural and formal) ---jo — they Let us conjugate the verb PISATI (TO WRITE) in the present tense t POSITIVE (jaz) (ti) (on, ona, ono) (midva, midve) (vidva, vidve) (onadva, onidve) (mi, me) (vi, ve) (oni, one. pišem — I write or I am writing pišeš — you write or you are writing piše — he, she, it writes or is writing ona) piševa - we two write or are writing pišeta - you two write or are writing pišeta - they two write or are writing pišemo - we write or we are writing pišete - you write or you are writing pisejo - they write or they are writing INTERROGATIVE Ali pi|em? Ali pišeš? Ali piše? Ali pi|eva? Ali pišeta? Ali pišeta? ne pišemo Ali pišemo? ne pišete Ali pišete? ne pišejo Ali pišejo? The verbs SMETI (TO BE ALLOWED TO), HOTETI (TO WANT TO), and NE HOTETI (NOT TO WANT TO) are always followed by an infinitive. For example i Ali smem poklicati? May I call? Hocem vedeti. I want to know. Nočem povedati, I don't want to tell. -101- NEGATIVE ne pišem ne pišeš ne piše ne piševa ne pišeta ne pišeta The verb VEDETI (TO KNOW) is slightly irregular. It is conjugated as follows« Singular Dual Plural vem veva vemo veš vesta Y®ste ve vesta vedo or vejo The verbs ITI (TO GO) and PRITI (TO COME) are also irregular. Because they are used so frequently, we shall have an entire lesson on these two verbs later on. In the present tense they are conjugated as follows: ITI — TO GO (jaz) (ti) (on, ona, ono) (midva, midve) (vidva, vidve) (onadva, onidve) (mi, me) (vi, ve) (oni, one, ona) PRITI -- TO COME grem greš gre greva gresta gresta gremo greste gre j o or gredo. (jaz) (ti) (on, ona, ono) (midva, midve) (vidva, vidve) (onadva, onidve) (mi, me) (vi, ve) (oni, one, ona) Some verbs have Please study the they carry they bring they know they go they tell they open they close pridem prides pride prideva predeta predeta pridemo pridete predejo two possible following! I go or I am going you go or you are going he, she, it goes or is going we two go or are going you two go or are going they two go or are going we go or we are going you go or you are going they go or they are going ■ I come or I am coming ■ you come or you are coming ■ he, she, it comes or is coming > we two come or are coming you two come or are coming ■ they two come or are coming • we come or we are coming > you come or you are coming • they come or they are coming forms in the third person plural. nesejo or neso prinesejo or prineso or vedo gre. j o or gredo povejo or povedo odprejo or odpro zaprejo or zapro II. EXERCISES — VAJE Let's read and translate — Berimo in prevedimo OČe bere časopis v dnevni sobi. _ Kdo išSe knjigo? _ 3. Oce obišče mgmo v bolnici. _ Marija piše pismo. _ 5. Oce podpise cek. _ 6. Ali smem priti? _ 7. Uciteljica prižge luc. _ 8. Otrok riše sliko. _ 9. Jgnez teče v šolo. _ 10. Otroci skačejo na vrtu. _ 11. Mgma nic ne rece. _ 12. Teta Micka pece torto. _ 13. Ucenec nese knjige v šolo. _ 14. Ne smeš povedati, _ 15« Peter odpre vrata. _ 16. Moram iti v šolo. _ 17. Kdo pride danes? _ 18. ^li veš, kje je Toma?? _ 19. Mgma pere ob ponedeljkih. _ 20. Ti zelo lepo pišeš. _ 21. Mama hoče vedeti, kje so otroci.. 22. Kdo ve odgovor? _ 23. On ne pleše rad. _ B. Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke 1. Jaz _ knjigo, (am reading) 2. Marija _. (is drawing) 3. Ali ti rad _? (dance) 4. Moja ura dobro _. (is running) 5. Peter dobro _ (swims) 6. Učenci _ naloge, (are writing) 7. _ slovenske časopise? (Do you read - F.) 8. Ali__? (May I help?) 9. _. (I don't dance.) 10. Kaj _? (are you looking for - Fam.) 11. Ne _. (I don't understand.) 12. _. (I don't know.) 13 .__. (I want to tell.) 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Nočem nic Kdo _ Ana _ (to say) N^si otroci Vse _ _? (is stealing) torto, (is cutting) _? (Do you believe - familiar) _. (We don't want to come.) __* (don't lie) Pridni ucenci vedno __ On _ vse kar * se (we understand) _ domaSe naloge, (bring) _. (he takes, he finds) _. (I don't want to die yet.) Mama Mama luc v kuhinji, (turns on the light) otroke za solo, (calls) C. Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. Uc enec kn.iico. a. verjamem 2. Mama kosilo. b. je 3. Otroci radi . c. Plese 4. Jaz ne • • c. kuha 5. Vi uciteljico. d. • * * pises 6. On polko. e. bare 7. Ti lepo • f. si 8. Jaz ne znam g. skačejo 9. Ona uciteljica. h. poslušate 10. Ti mo.i ori.iateli. i. risati D. Write the Napišite following forms of the verbs listed below sledeče glaeolne oblike I They Translation 1. dela delam delajo work 2. študira 3. kuha 4. igra 5. upa 6. zna 7. gre 8. ima 9. nima -104- _I_They_Translation 10. posluša ___ 11. tece ___ 12. pece ___ 13* ___ 14. bere ___ •■f ■ * « 15. isce ___ _You plural_She_Translation 1. cgka _ ___ 2. lika ___ 3. šiva ___ 4. ima ___ 5. odpre ___ 6. najde ___ 7. nese ___ 8. pride _ _ __________ 9. ve ___ 10. razume ___ 11. pere ___ 12. vzame ___ 13. slika ___ 14. sme ___ 15. prizna ___ _You singular We_Translation 1. poklice ___ 2. gre ___ 3. da ___ 4. mora ___ 5. pogreša ___ 6. hoče ___ 7« upa ___ 8. pove ___ 9. prinese ___ 10. verjame ___ 11. reze ___ _We two_They two_Translation 1. gre ___ 2. odpre ____ 3. skače ___ 4. bere ' ___ 5. n&ce ___ 6. obišče ____ n • » 7. pise ______ 8. gleda ___ 9. izve ___ 10. izbere ______ 11. podpise ___ 12. poklice ___ 13* pokaže ___ 14. pade ____ 15. verjame______ E. Let's review — Ponovimo Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke 1. D^nes je _. (Monday) 2. Klop je _. (green) 3. Imam __ _. (a good mother) 4. Ona ima__. (one brother) 5. Moj oce ima__. (a good lawyer) 6. Mama pere _ __. (on Mondays) 7. Naša hiša je _. (small) 8. Moj stric je _. (tali) 9. __ moja knjiga. (This is) 10•_____.. (I like to read.) 11« _ je moj zvezek? (Where) 12. Ali znaš _? (how to swim) 13. Gospa Močnik je____ (a good housewife) On__. (likes to help) 15- Ona __ kuhati, (doesn't know ) 16. Moja nova jopica je _. (yellow) !7' Ne____ (i don't understand.) 18•___ moje pero? (Do you have - familiar) -106- F. Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. he comes a. pise 2. he reads b. gre 3. he tells c. pride 4. he bakes 5. sme 5. he opens d. hoce 6. he brings e. noce 7. he knows f. bere 8. he is looking for E. pove 9. he takes h. rece 10. he believes i. isce 11. he carries .i. najde 12. he dies k. tece 13. he understands 1. pece 14. he writes m. pade 15. he says n. ve 16. he wants to 0. vzame 17. he closes p. verjame 18. he is eoine r. razume 19. he lies s. krade 20. he finds ♦ s. prinese 21. he is allowed t. nese 22. he steals u. umre. 23. he falls V. laze 24. he runs z. zapre 25. he doesn't want to ♦ z. odpre G. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. What are you doing? (formal)_ 2. I am reading a hook. ___ 3. Does your brother go to school?_ Mary is writing a letter. _ 5. I want to know. _ 6. John is carrying my books. _ 7. I am looking for my pen. _ 8. I am not going today. _ 9. Peter is carrying books for _ his teacher. _ 10. Who knows the answer? _ 11. I don1t know what this means._ 12. We don't want to say anything._ 13. You must come, (formal) _ Do you understand? (plural) _ 15« He is looking for the keys. _ 16. Mother is washing clothes. _ 17* My (two) sisters are baking bread._ 18. Where are you (two) going? _ 19« What do you want to know? (sin.)_ 20. Girls like to dance polkas. _ 21. Students must bring their _ homework. _ 22. We understand everything. _ 23. Everyone knows this. _ 2k, Ann and Mary are not allowed _ to go, 25. He isn't coming because he is_ ill. LESSON SEVENTEEN I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Months of the yespr — januar (januarja) februar (februarja) marec (marca) april (aprila) maj (maja) junij (junija) julij (julija) avgust (avgusta) september (septembra) oktober (oktobra) november (novembra) december (decembra) Nouns — Samostalniki letni cas (m.) letni časi (m. pl.) Meseci v letu January (in January or of January) February(in February or of Feb.) March April May June July August (in March or of March) (in April or of April) (in May or of May) (in June or of June) (in July or of July) (in August or of August) September (in or of September) October (in or of October) November (in or of November) December (in or of December) — season — seasons -108- pomlad (f.) or spomlad poletje (n.) jesen (f.) zima (f.) vreme (n.) leto (n.) mesec (m.) teden (m.) dan (m.) dnevi noc (f.) jutro (n.) večer (m.) drevo (n.) drevesa list {m.) listje (n.) rojstni dan (m.) počitnice (f. pl.) Adjectives — Pridevniki pomladanski or pomladni, a, o poletni, a, o jesenski, a, o zimski, a, o najljubši, a, e krasen, krasna, krasno kratek, kratka, kratko dolg, dolga, dolgo prijeten, prijetna, prijetno mrzel, mrzla, mrzlo hladen, hladna, hladno topel, topla, toplo vroč, vroča, vroče soparen, soparna, soparno leden, ledena, ledeno meglen, meglena, megleno kateri, katera, katero? kakšen, kakšna, kakšno? Other words — Druge besede spomladi poleti jeseni pozimi podnevi or cez dan ponoči danes letos or to leto potem or nato večkrat zdaj or sedaj toda ker or zato ker za — spring — summer — autumn, fall — winter — weather — year — month — week ~ day, days (irregular plural) — night — morning — evening — tree, trees (irregular plural) — leaf — foliage — birthday — vacation — spring — summer — fall, autumn — winter — favorite — gorgeous, very beautiful — short — long — pleasant, agreeable — cold — cool — warm — hot — humid — icy — foggy — which one? ~ what kind of? — in the spring — in the summer ~ in the fall — in the winter — during the day — during the night j at night — today — this year — then, after that — often, many times — now — but, however — because — after (also means for) -109- ko pasti odpasti (padem) (odpadem) — when — to fall (I fall) — to fall off, to fall away (I fall away) Everyday expressions — Vsakdan.i i izrazi Grmi. Se bliska. Sneži. Veter piha. Sonce sije. Dežuje."" Imumo prijetno vreme. Imamo slabo vreme. Danes je soparno. Danes je zelo vroče. Danes je zelo mrzlo. Zelo je ledeno. Zel2 je megleno. Kateri dan je danes? Katerega smo danes? Kdaj je vaš (tvoj) rojstni dan?- Kdaj imaš (imate) letos pocitnice? It is thundering. It is lightning. It is snowing. The wind is blowing. The sun is shining. It is raining. We have pleasant weather. We have bad weather. It is humid today. It is very hot today. It is very cold today. It's very icy. It's very foggy. What day is today? What is today's date? When is your birthday? When do you have vacation this year? NOTES -- OPOMBE 1. The months of the year are not capitalized in Slovenian, unless they occur at the beginning of the sentence. 2. The months of the year are masculine in gender. In the vocabulary we have also listed, in parentheses, the genitive cases of the months. 3. With the months of the year, the preposition "in" is understood. For example t Junija imamo počitnice. We have (our) vacation in June. On pride maja. He is coming in May. Moj rojstni dan je julija. My birthday is in July. Notice that in the above examples, the preposition "in" is not translated and the months of the year are placed into the genitive case. Dates — Datumi In Slovenian, dates are expressed in the following manneri — January 10 (literally* desetega januarja, or the tenth of January) — September 16th ~ May 5th 1976 — December 25, 1976 Notice that in the above examples a period is placed after the number and the month is in the genitive case. 10. januarja 16. septembra 5. maja 25. decembra, 5. The word "spring" has several possibilities in Slovenian when used as an adjective* pomladanski, a, o pomladni, a, o spomladanski, a, o spomladni, a, o 6. The interrogative adjective "kakšen, kakšna, kakšno" can also be sometimes translated as "how." For example* Kakšno je danes vreme? How is the weather today? Kakšna je voda? Zelo mrzla je. How is the water? It is very cold. 7. The neuter form of the adjective is also the adverb form. For example* kratko — shortly lepo — beautifully dobro — well prijetno — pleasantly II. READING — BERILO Letni casi Imamo štiri letne case. To so« pomlad, poletje, jesen in zima. Zdaj je jesen. Trije meseci v jeseni so september, oktober in november. V jeseni je lepo.. Drevesa so krasna. Listje je rdeče, rumeno, rjavo, zeleno in zlato. Ko listje odpade, je zima tu. Pozimi je mrzlo. Dnevi so kratki in noci so dolge. Večkrat sneži, in piha veter. December, januar in februar so zimski meseci. Za zimo pride pomlad. Marec, april in maj so pomladanski meseci. Spomladi večkrat dežuje. Potem pride poletje. Poleti je vroče in soparno. Dnevi so dolgi in noci so kratke. Poleti je prijetno, ker imamo počitnice. Poleti tudi plavamo in imamo piknike. Najrajši imam jesen. Toda vsi letni casi so lepi. Answer the questions — Odgovorite na vprašan .i a 1. Kateri so štiri letni casi? _ 2. Kateri meseci so v jeseni? _ 3. Kakšna so drevesa v jeseni? _ KgJcŠne barve je listje v jeseni? 5. Kakšno vreme imamo pozimi? _ 6. Kakšne so noci pozimi? _ 7. Katgri so zimski meseci? 8. Kateri letni cas pride za zimo?_ -111- 9. Kateri meseci so spomladanski meseci? 10. Ali spomladi večkrat dežuje? _ 11. Kateri so poletni meseci? _ 12. Kakšno je vreme poleti? _ 13* Kateri letni Čas imate vi najrajši?_ 14. £li imate počitnice poleti ali pozimi?. 15» Kaj delate poleti? _ 16. Kateri dan je danes7 _ 17. Katerega smo danes? _ 18. Kakšno vreme im^jno danes? _ A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. III. EXERCISES — VAJE Complete the sentences — Dopolnite Jaz im^m najrajši_. stavke počitnice so Pozimi so dnevi _ Moj rojstni dan je. Danes je Poleti je Pozimi _ Danes _ Imgmo _ m _ ima dvanajst mesecev . Poleti večkrat _. AH _? _ odpade jeseni. _ večkrat dežuje. Pozimi so noči letni cas. Ceste so je moj __ ima sedem dni. grem v Slovenijo. winter) in the summer) short) day and month of your birthday) very cold) hot and humid) it snows) the sun is not shining) pleasant weather) A year) it thunders) Is it raining?) Foliage) In the spring) The wind is blowing.) long) Autumn, favorite) a week) This year) icy, in the winter) B. Write the following dates in Slovenian — Napiži sledeSe datume I. July 4 _ 2. May 21 _ 3. February 14 _ 4. June 25 _ 5. December 6 _ 6. November 13_ 7. September 1 _ 8. October 29_ 9. January 6 _10. March 5 _ II. April 30 _12. August 6 _ C. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. It is cold today. _ 2. It is raining. _ 3. The sun is shining. _ 4. We have nice weather today. _ 5. It often rains in the spring._ 6. I have vacation in the summer., 7. I like summer the best. _ 8. My birthday is in July. _ 9. His birthday is in March. _ 10. Your birthday is this month._ 11. Is it raining? _ 12. The foliage is beautiful in the fall. 13* The trees are green in the summer. 14. I have vacation this week. _ 15« Schools are closed in the summer. _ 16. Children have a long summer vacation. 17. Today is Monday. IV. TWO SHORT POEMS — DVE PESMICI Zbogom, zima! Zbogom zima^ zbogom zdaj, spet odhajaš v drugi kraj. Jaz ti srečno pot želim, se pomladi veselim. Good-bye winter, good-bye now, You are again departing for another land. I wish you a safe trip, I am looking forward to spring. Pomlad nam daje cvetja. Poleti dosti petja! Jesen bogastvo nam razkriva, zima s snegom vse pokriva. Spring gives us blossoms. A lot of singing in the summer! Autumn unveils to us its riches, And winter covers everything with snow. LESSON EIGHTEEN A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. REVIEW — PONOVITEV Let's translate the missing words — Prevedimo besede, ki man .i ka .i o Mi smo učitelj. so tukaj doma. škatla? Marija je To je _ Imam to je škatla. (in school) (I am not) (The door) (She is) (Is this) (Yes) Ali imaš Kdo (a good student) (my book) (a yellow pencil) (white paper) Kaj delaš Mama zna dobro Marija _ v kuhinji? (is helping) _? (on Sundays) _ so stene? (What color) _ in _. (to cook and to sew) __. (likes to read) Imam enega _ in eno _. (brother, sister) Ana Sonja in Janez Danes je Danes smo delate? (Where) __ casa. (I don't have) . svojo prijateljico, (is waiting for) doma. (are) so krasna jeseni. (The trees) _. (Saturday) ------ (today's date) _ je vroce. (In the summer) ___ so na mizi. (Books and notebooks) __? (Do you like to dance? - Fam.) 27. kavo. (I prefer) 28. so na vrtu. (The children) 29. To je (my friend - f.) 30. Ali je to tvoj ? (father) 31. so dolgi poleti. (The days) 32. so dolge pozimi. (The nights) 33. V sobi sta dve (brown tables) 3^. Ali poznaš ? (my grandfather) 35. On ima (a good teacher - m.) 36. Vi zelo lepo (you write) 37. Ali slovensko? (do you understand - Fam.) 38. Kdo je ? (in the hospital) 39. Marija piše . (a long letter) 40. Učiteljica ima • (good students) 41. Peter ima . (a new suit) 42. Marija ima . (a beautiful, new coat) Hočem (to know) 44. Ka.i ? (would you like) 45. čaj in pecivo. (We would like) 46. Ali je to ? (ours) 47. teta je učiteljica. (His, my) 48. Otroci imajo dolee . (in the summer, -* vacation; 49. gremo v Slovenijo. (In July) 50. Kje je naš nov ? (tape recorder) 51. To je lepa . (Slovenian song) 52. iščem (the keys) 53. ne vem. (anything) 54. razumem . (everything) 55. radi pomagajo. (Everybody) 56. (her) prijateljica 57. (their) dom 58. (new) obleka 59. (diligent) učenec 60. (our) . _ . .... vrt 61. (my) oče 62. (closed) 63. (poor) 64. (beautiful) 65. (good) 66. (short) 67. (tall) 68. (cold) 69. (hot) 70. (black) 71. (good) 72. (dirty) 73. (clean) 74. (long) 75. (new) 76. mi _ 77. on _ 78. ti _ 79. vi 80. mi _ 81. ona _ 82. jaz _ 83. on _ 84. ona _ 85. oni _ 86. Marija _ 87. Ana _ 88. Peter _ 89. Mama _ 90. Mi _ 91. Jaz _ . 92. On dobro _ 93« Mama dobro 94. 05e 95. On 96. Oni _ okno zena deklica kosilo dnevi drevesa vreme voda kava otroci miza Sfiba pismo igrače (are working) (is studying) (are not listening - Fam.) (are dancing) (help) (is waiting for) (am writing) (doesn't know) (doesn't give) (don't landers t and) (sews) (is ironing) (is drawing) (is baking) (like to work) (don't know how to swim) (runs) (cooks) (is reading) (opens) (don't want to come) 97. Oni _ . (are going) 98. Ona _ . (is coming) 99* Onadva _ . (take) 100.Midva _ . (believe) B. Translate into Slovenian— Prevedite v slovenscino 1. I am reading a good book. _ 2. Mother is baking a cake. _ 3. My sister is ironing a blouse._ They are playing football. _ 5. This girl is drawing a _ beautiful picture. _ 6. She is writing a long letter._ 7. The student is doing his _ homework. _ 8. The teacher is explaining _ the new grammar. _ 9. They are watching television._ 10. I am looking for my keys. _ 11. Children have new crayons. _ 12. I play the piano. _ 13. Children must obey their _ parents. _ 14. They are building a new house._ 15. She is scrubbing the floor _ in the kitchen. _ 16. Mother washes clothes on _ Mondays. _ 17. I turn on the light. _ 18. My favorite season is autumn._ 19. He likes winter the best. _ 20. Trees are beautiful in autumn. _ 21. What is your favorite season? _ 22. She has two good friends, (f.)_ 23. I have two sisters. _ 24. She has two brothers. _ -II7- 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. What is your name? _ What does this mean? _ Excuse me, I don't understand. I understand just a little. _ I know two Slovenian songs. _ Do you know this Slovenian word? C. Song — Pesem Prišla bo pomlad, vcakal bi jo rad, da bi zdrav, vesel, lepe pesmi pel. To me veseli, k'travica zeleni, drobna pticica pa zvrgoli. Prišla kukavca, moja ljubica in bo kukala in prepevala. Kukala kuku! Kukala kuku! Da bi vedno nam tak* luštno Spring will come, I would like to be around when it comes, That I would healthy and happy Sing beautiful songs. This brings me delight, When the grass is getting green, And the tiny bird is twittering. A cuckoo bird will come, My sweetheart, And she will cry cuckoo And she will sing and sing. She will sing cuckoo! She will sing cuckoo! b'lolMay we always be so happy, too! LESSON NINETEEN I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Numerals — Stevniki Cardinal — Glavni 2 3 4 5 6 7 eden (when used alone) 16 en, ena, eno (when used with 17 nouns) dva (m.)j dve (f. and n.) trije (m.) j tri (f. and n.) štiri pet sest sedem 8 osem 9 devet 10 deset 11 enajst 12 dvanajst 13 trinajst 14 štirinajst 15 petnajst šestnajst sedemnajst 18 osemnajst 19 devetnajst 20 dvajset 21 enaindvajset 22 dvaindvajset 23 triindvajset 30 trideset 40 štirideset 50 petdeset 60 sestdeset 70 sedemdeset 80 osemdeset 90 devetdeset 100 sto 101 sto ena 200 dvesto 300 tristo 400 Štiristo 500 petsto 1000 tisoč 1001 tisoč ena 2000 dva tisoč Ordinal ~ Vrgtilni prvi, a, o drugi, a, o tretji, a, o četrti, a, o peti, a, o sesti, a, o sedmi, a, o osmi, a, o deveti, a, o deseti t a, o enajsti, a, o dvanajsti, a, o trinajsti, a, o štirinajsti, a, o petnajsti, a, o sestnajsti, a, o sedemnajsti, a, o osemnajsti, a, o devetnajsti, a, o dvajseti, a, o enaindvajseti, a, o dvaindvajseti, a, o triindvajseti, a, o trideseti, a, o štirideseti, a, o petdesetij a, o sestdeseti, a, o sedemdeseti, a, o osemdeseti, a, o devetdeseti, a, o stoti, a, o sto prvi, a, o dve stoti, af o tri stoti, a, 0 štiri stoti, a, o pet stoti, a, o tisoči, a, o dva tisoči, a, o milijonski, a, o or milijonti dva milijonski, a, o tri milijonski, a, o 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eight ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth one hundredth one hundred and first two hundredth three hundredth four hundredth five hundredth one thousandth two thousandth one millionth two millionth three millionth milijon dva milijona trije milijoni Fractions — Ulomki ena polovica ena četrtina or en četrt tri četrtine or tri četrt ena tretjina dve tretjini ena petina ena osmina Arithmetic — RaSunstvo 1 + 4=5, Ena in štiri je pet, or Ena plus štiri je pet. 2X3=6 Dva krat tri je šest. 4 X 4 = 16 Štiri krat štiri je sestnajst. one half one fourth (quarter) three fourths (quarters) one third two thirds one fifth one eight 10 -3 =7 Deset manj tri je sedem, or Deset minus tri je sedem. 20T- 2 =10 Dvajset deljeno z dve je deset. 35-r 5 = 7 Petintrideset deljeno s pet je sedem. Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji izrazi V kateri razred hodiš? otroški vrtec, prvi razred, drugi razred, tretji razred, osmi razred, gimnazijo. Hodim v Hodim v H<>dim v Hodim v Hodim v Hodim v Hodim na univerzo. Sem v otroškem vrtcu. Sem v prvem razredu. Sem v drugem razredu. Sem v petem razredu. Sem v osmem razredu. Sem v gimnaziji. Sem na univgrzi. Sem v tečaju slovenščine Glava me boli. Uhfi me boli. Zob me boli. Grlo me boli. Kriz me boli. Trebuh me boli. Roka me boli. Noge me bolijo. Oci me bolijo. n what grade are you? (literally« nto what grade do you walk?) go to kindergarten, go to the first grade, go to the second grade, go to the third grade, go to the eight grade, go to high school, go to the university (college). am in kindergarten, am in the first grade, am in the second grade, am in the fifth grade, am in the eight grade, am in high school, am in college, am in the Slovenian course. have a headache, (literallyt he head hurts me.) have an earache, have a toothache, have a sore throat, have a backache, have a stomach-ache. My hand hurts. My feet hurt. My eyes hurt. NOTES — OPOMBE 1. 2. 3. Numeral 1 is declined like an adjective when it modifies a noun: Imam eno sestro. Imam enega br^ta. Numerals 2, 3 and 4 are irregular adjectives with special declensions listed below: 4. Nom. Gen. Dat. Acc. Loc. Inst. 2 dva (dve) dveh dvema dva (dve) dveh dvema štirje (štiri) štirih štirim štiri štirih štirimi trije (tri) treh trem tri treh _ tremi _ (Thus far, we have studied only the nominative and the accusative cases.) Numerals 5 and above are considered as singular neuter nouns which are always followed by the genitive plural. (We shall study this later in detail when we'll introduce the genitive case.) Examples Marija je stara štiri leta. Janez je star pet let. Ana je stara enajst let. Dekle je staro dvajset let. MoJa mama je stara petintrideset let. Notice in the above examples that numbers 5 and above are always followed by the genitive plural, in this case "let" meaning "years." To translate a two digit number in Slovenian, always begin with the last number listed.^ For example: 65 — petinšestdeset 78 — oseminsedemdeset 132 — sto dvaintrideset 1223 — tisoč dvesto triindvajset 1976 — tisoč devetsto šestinsedemdeset or devetnajst sto šestinsedemdeset Mary is four years old. John is five years old. Ann is eleven years old. The girl is twenty years old. My mother is thirty-five years old. II. EXERCISES — VAJE A* Read the following numbers — Berite sledeče številke 9 13 26 33 168 34 90 310 98 124 450 1250 1976 336 22 11 65 250 390 4689 1250 27 12 9 50 575 8000 6720 175 89 55 16 6 60 600 6000 200 450 61 26 12 80 20 15 2345 310 7 2 30 48 59 94 19 4 287 36 135 480 360 45 16 21 18 100 1 11 111 1111 22 12 72 85 710 890 365 9999 13 10 3 7 B' ffrite^oub the following numbers in Slovenian — Napišite sledeče številke v slovenscini 16 _______113 _ 75 ___ 3500 _ 50 __190 __ 86______475 _ 99 ___210 _ 54__27 _ 46____13 _ 22 ----1977 _ 9 _____2000 __ 33 ______1500 _ 65 ______ 1690 _ ^ __365 _ 28 ___Zj.6 _ 95 __35 _ 5450 __232 _ c* Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino second ___ twentieth _ fifth ___ eighteenth _ first ______fifteenth _ seventh _ fourth _ sixty-fifth__ fiftieth _ tenth _ third _ sixth____eighth _ one-fourth_ one-half _ one-third _______one-fifth _ one-eighth__three-fourths___ D. Express in Slovenian -- Napišite v slovenscini 6x 5 =30 15-8 « 7___ 23+5 =28 IZ=Z=IZ=izizz: 50-t- 5 = 10 ZZZZZIZIIZIZIIIZZZZZZZZ! 10 x 4 = 4o 1. III. PERSONAL PRONOUNS ~ OSEBNI ZAIMKI Thus far we have studied the nominative and the accusative cases of nouns. Let us now study the pronouns in these two cases. They are as follows j NOMINATIVE Singular - jaz ti on ona, ono - - Ednina - I - you - he - she, it ACCUSATIVE Singular — Ednina (mene) (tebe) (njega) (njo) Dual — Dvojina midva (m.) midve or medve (f.) vidva (m.) vidve or vedve (f.) onadva (m.) onidve or onedve (f.)- they two Plural — Množina me te ga jo Dual — Dvojina — we two — we two — you two — you two — they two naju vaju jih Plural (ju or nju) — Množina me you him, it her, it us two you two them two mi (m.) — we nas — us me (f.) — we vi (m.) — you vas — you ve (f.) — you (njih) oni (m.) — they jih — them one (f.) — they (nje) ona (n.) — they 2. Personal pronouns in the nominative case are rarely used in Slovenian. They are usually not expressed unless they are used to show emphasis or contrast. Whenever a nominative personal pronoun is omitted, the person and number of the subject of the sentence can be determined from the verb ending. Examples Pridemo. We are coming. Ne vem. I don't know. Razumeva. We (two) understand. Kaj beres? What are you reading? (familiar) Kam greste? Where are you going? (formal) However, personal pronouns in the nominative case are expressed to show emphasis or contrast. Examples Midva delava, vidva se pa We (two) are working and you (two) igrata. are playing. On govori, ona pa poslusa. He is talking and she is listening. Zdaj jaz govorim! I am talking now! Ti ne smes priti! You are not allowed to come! 3. In the accusative case, the short form (me, te, etc.) is used more often. The long form (mene, tebe, etc.) is used only for emphasis or after prepositions. Examples Ali je to darilo za naju? Is this gift for us (two)? Njo poznam, njega pa ne. i know her, hut not him. Ga ne poznam. i don't know him. On jo ima rad. He likes her. Ali jih slisis? do you hear them? On nas vidi. He sees us. WPS-itlo«!. taking the accusative case (v, na, po SS-S^i^+f^^941 form of the Personal pronoun ma^ be added directly to the preposition. Study the following za mene or zame — for me na tebe or nate — at you po njo or ponjo — for (after) her za njega or zanj — for him v njega or vanj — into it, into him It °r "" for the two of them, for those two za njih or zanje — for them Examples Zakaj si hud ngme? Why are you mad at me? Je J0,?®"** Is this for him? k!oSrTM™ 1 310 always thinking of you. „ . . Who is coming (to git) her? Imgn darilo zate. Pridi I have a gift for you! Come to P°nJ; get it! To ni zame, to je zanjo. This is not for me. this is for . her. On je hud nanje. He is mad at them. For the other pronouns, however, only one form is used* It P° for us two, for the two of us It / VMJU' po for y°u two» for the two of you za nas (na nas, po nas)— for us za vas (na vas, po vas)— for you Examples vSSLJ1«^1?-1* nas? Why are you mad at us? Večkrat mislimo na vas. We often think of you. All je to za naju? is this for us two? Da, to je za vaju. Yes, this is for the two of you. Be careful in translating the pronoun "it"! In English, it is always neuter, whereas, in Slovenian, it can be mafciliie or feminine also, depending on what it stands for. a8CUJ"xne or Examples Mima pece potico. Mama jo pece. Mother is baking "potica." Mother is baking it. feminine?)1*03" 18 feminine' the Pronoun "it" must also be Peter isee ključ. Kdo ga ima? ?f?er for the key. Who has it? masculine^)UC " maSCUline' the Pronoun "it" must also be IV. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Ona ga posluša. __ 2. Jo iščem. ______ 3* Jih ne poznamo. .____ 4. Ali jo obiščeš? __ 5. Oni naju ne poznajo. _ 6. On je hud nate. _ 7. Danes pridem pote. ____ 8. To je zate. ______ 9. Radio je odprt. Ali ga poslušaš?_ 10. Kdo nas išče? _ 11. Mama me poklice. _ 12. Oce me vpraša. __ 13. Ali sta onadva prišla? _ 14. To so krasne roze. Kdo jih ____ zaliva? 15. Kje so moje knjige? On jih ima-_ 16. Midva nisva lačna, sva samo _ žejna. _ 17. Kje je časopis? Oce ga črta. __ 18. Kdo vaju klice? _ 19. Čakam nanj. __ 20. Otroci jo ubogajo. _ 21. Vedno mislim nate. _ 22. Mi smo ponosni nanje. _ 23« Učitelj je ponosen nanj. _ 24. £li je to zspie ali zanjo? _ 25. Oni nas imajo radi. _ B. Complete the sentences — Dopolnite stavke 1. Jaz _ čakam. (him) 2. Oni _ne poznajo, (us) 3. Ona _ne posluša, (me) 4. On _ima- (it — avto) 5. Ti _poznaš, (her) 6. Kdo _vpraša? (you - familiar) -125- 7- ___ poznal? (me) 8* _ imjm tukaj, (them — the books) 9- Oce __ isce. (them — the keys) 10. Mi _ imamo radi. (you — plural) 11. Mama__pece. (it — cake) 12. Kdo ___ isce? (us two) !3» Jaz __ imgm. (them — the pictures) __ne znava plavati. (We two) !5. Ona _ poslusa. (it — the radio) 16. Ali _ poznal? (her) 17- Ona _ ima rada. (him) 18. Moj brat _ pozna, (you — familiar) 19. Marta __ rile. (it ~ picture) 20. Vsi _ imamo r&di. (her) G» Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. Do you understand them? ___ 2. She knows me. _ 3» I know him. _ 4. I am thinking of you. 5. Do you understand me? (Fam.)_ 6. Where is the book? I have it._ 7* Who has a pen? He has it. ____ 8. Do you know Mr. Kotnik? Yes, I know him. _ 9. They listen to us. 10. We're waiting for them. _______ 11. They are mad at us. _ 12. He is thinking of her. _ 13* He is painting it. (the house) 14. I am looking for the newspaper. Who has it? _ 15. Here is your book. Are you _ reading it? _ 16. We are thinking of you. _ 17. I like them, (the pictures) _ I have a headache. _ Do you have a sore throat? (Fam.), She has a backache. _ 18. 19. 20. D. 1. 2. 3. k. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mother likes to sew dresses._ E. Let us review the verbs — Ponovimo glagole Let us review the idiom "to like" I like to read. _ She likes to dance. _ Mary likes to help. _ I like to write in Slovenian._ We like them. _ I like her. _ She likes him. _ We like to listen to you. _ Ann likes to bake cookies. _ to read (mi) to run (on) _ to fall (vi) _ to viBit (oni) to write (on) . to say (jaz) _ beremo to jump (onadva) to give (midva) . to cut (ona) _ to have to (jaz) to iron (ona) _ to write (jaz) _ to know (jaz) _ to bake (ona) _ to choose (mi) _ to wash (ona) _ to bring (vi) _ to find (ti) _ to take (midva) _ to understand (mi) to listen (ti) _ to want ( ona) _ to ask (vi) _ to swim (mi) _ to be allowed (ti) to paint (midva) __ to help (ti) _ to translate (on) to sign (on) _ to give (vidva) _ to have (onadva) to want to (mi) to draw (ona) _ to carry (ti) _ to come (oni) _ not to want to (vi) to sew (onidve) _ to bring (on) _ to go (mi) _ to steal (on) _ V. POEM V soli — "Ti tam Sesti v drugi klopi! Koliko je sestkrat pet?" Majhen mož na prste stopil "sestkrat pet je trideset!" "Vr^ne družijo se rade, pet na smreki jih cepi. Puška poci, ena pade, koliko jih se sedi? Kaj se tebi zdi?" — "Nobena!" "Kaj? To v glavo mi ne gre!" "Ena p^de ustreljena, druge štiri odlete." "Glej ga,^glej, glavica bistra! Mgjhen decek^ velik moz. S časom bos se za ministra, ako vedno priden bos!" — PESEM At school by Josip Stritar "You, over there, the sixth in the second row, How much is six times five?" The little man steps on his toesi "Six times five is thirty!" "Crows like to crowd together, Five of them are crouching on a spruce tree, A rifle is fired, one of them falls, How many are still sitting? What do you think"?— "None"! "What? I don't understand this." "One falls, shot, And the other four fly away." "Look at him, look, what a brain! A small boy, a great man. In time you'll even be a minister, If you are always diligent." LESSON TWENTY I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK "I" Conjugation Verbs — Glagoli spregatve "I" * bati se (bojim se) čistiti (čistim) deliti (delim) dobiti (dobim) govoriti (govorim) * hiteti (hitim) hoditi (hodim) izposoditi si (izposodim si)— kaditi (kadim) kupiti (kupim) ljubiti (ljubim) misliti (mislim) moliti (molim) motiti (motim) motiti se(motim se) narediti (naredim) naročiti (naročim) nositi (nosimt odpustiti (odpustim) oprostiti (oprostim) paziti (pazim) to be afraid of, to be scared (I...) to clean (I clean) to share, to divide (I share...) to receive, to get, to obtain (I...) to speak (I speak) to hurry (I hurry) to walk, to go on foot (I walk...) to borrow (I borrow) to smoke (I smoke) to buy (I buy) to love (I love) to think (I think) to pray (I pray) to bother, to disturb (I disturb) to be mistaken (I am mistaken) to do, to make something (I...) to order (I order) to wear (I wear) to forgive (I forgive) to excuse (I excuse) to watch, to watch out for (I...) počistiti ponoviti ponuditi popraviti posoditi * potrpeti povabiti pozabiti pozdraviti pozdraviti praviti pripraviti preseliti se prositi pustiti rabiti * sedeti * skrbeti * * sliiati spati spomniti spomniti se stati trpeti učiti učiti se videti voliti voziti voziti se zaslužiti zaspati zbuditi zgubiti zgubiti se želeti živeti počistim) ponovim) ponudim) popravim) posodim) potrpim) povabim) pozabim) pozdravim) se (pozdravim se) pravim) pripravim) (preselim se) • prosimT pustim) rabim) sedim) skrbim) slišim) spim) spomnim) spomnim se) stojim) trpim) učim) učim se) vidim) volim) vozim) vozim se) zaslužim) zaspim) zbudim) zgubim) zgubim se) želim) živim) Other words — Druge besede (n. pl.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (f.) oc dežnik dež denar pomoč S kom? Koliko? vsak dan d£bro malo veliko or mnogo premalo preveč niti to clean up (I clean up) to repeat, to review (I repeat) to offer (I offer) to fix, to correct (I fix) to lend (I lend) to endure, to be patient (I endure) to invite (I invite) to forget (I forget) to greet (I greet) to get well (I get well) to tell, to say (I tell) to prepare, to get ready (I...) to move, to move away (I move) to beg, to ask (I beg) to let, to permit, to allow (I let) to need, to use (I need) to sit (I sit) to worry, to take care of, to provide (I worry, I provide) to hear (I hear) to sleep (I sleep) to remind (I remind) to remember (I remember) to stand (I stand) to suffer (I suffer) to teach (I teach) to study, to learn (I study) to see (I see) to vote (I vote) to drive, to transport (I drive) to ride, to drive (I ride) to earn (I earn) to fall asleep (I fall asleep) to wake up (I wake up) to lose (I lose) to get lost (I get lost) to wish (I wish) to live (I live) — eyeglasses — umbrella — rain — money — help — With whom? — How much? How many? — every day — well — a little — a lot, much — too little — too much — not even -129- » See page 131.1 dosti vedno or zmeraj kaj v^Snegai kaj novega kmalu kadar or ko samo kje (adverb of place) Kje? Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji Ali govoriš (govorite) slovensko? Zelo mglo* Samo malo. Ne govorim slovensko. Govorim samo angleško. Govori (govorite) počasi, prosim! Ponovi (ponovite), prosim! Lepo vse pozdravi (pozdravite)! Lepo pozdravi (pozdravite) vse domače! Lepo ga (jo, jih) pozdravi(te)! Kmalu se pozdravi (pozdravite)! Bo3im se. Nic se ne bojim. Skrbi. me. Kaj te (vas) skrbi? To me moti. To me nic ne moti. Ali te (vas) kaj motim? Večkrat mislim nate (na vas). Vedno mislim nate (na vas). Ljubim te. Oprosti (oprostite),prosim. Spomni (spomnite) se name. enough always something soon when only somewhere Where? izrazi important; something new Do you speak Slovenian? Very little. Only a little. I don't speak Slovenian. I speak only English. Please speak slowly1 Please repeat! Give my best regards to all! Give my best regards to everyone at home! Give my best regards to him (to her, to them)! Get well soon! I am scared. I am not afraid at all. I am worried. What is worrying you? This bothers me. This doesn't bother me at all. Am I disturbing you? I often think of you. I am always thinking of you. I love you. Excuse me, please! Remember me! NOTES — OPOMBE 1. Is seems that the largest number of the Slovenian verbs falls into the —i conjugation. In this lesson, we are presenting only the more common ones. 2. You will notice that certain Slovenian verbs are either preceded or followed by the reflexive pronoun Mse" or, less frequently, "si." These verbs are called "reflexive verbs." They are conjugated exactly the same way as any other verb, except that "se" or "si" precedes or follows the verb. Since the Slovenian language has a very large number of reflexive verbs, we shall discuss them in detail in a special lesson later on. 3- You will notice that most of the —i conjugation verbs have a regular verb stem, that is, you simply drop the "ti" ending off the infinitive form. For examplet govoriti — govori. moliti — moli ljubiti — ljubi povabiti — povabi The verbs, preceded by an asterisk, have an irregular stem. Pay special attention to these verbs when studying the new vocabulary. Examples: slišati — sliši bati se — boji se As we have already pointed out, the present tense of any verb is formed by adding the following endings to the present stemt m, s, -i va, ta, ta; mo, te, jo. Example GOVORITI — TO SPEAK Singular — Ednina (jaz) govorim — (ti) (on, ona, ono) govori Dual — Dvojina (midva, midve) govoriva — we two speak or are speaking __ I speak or I am speaking govoriš — you speak or you are speaking he, she, it speaks or is speaking (vidva, vidve) (onadva, onidve) — Množina govorita — you two speak or are speaking govorita — they two speak or are speaking Plural (mi,~me) (vi, ve) govorimo — we speak or we are speaking govorite — you speak or you are speaking (oni, one, ona) govorijo — they speak or they are speaking To make any verb negative, simply precede it by make it a question, precede it by "ALI." Examples SLISATI -- TO HEAR SPATI — TO SLEEP "NE" i and to ne slišim ne slišiš ne sliši ne slišiva ne slisita ne slišita ne slišimo ne slišite ne slišijo You will notice when reflexive. Examples učiti Ali spim? Ali spiš? Ali spi? Ali spiva? Ali spita? Ali spita? Ali spimo? Ali spi.te? Ali spijo? that, very often, in Slovenian, the same verb, has an entirely different meaning. učiti se spomniti — to teach — to study — to remind Učiteljica uči učence. The teacher is teaching the students. Učenci se učijo. The students are studying. Prosim, spomni me! Please remind me. M^ma me mora vedno spomniti, (My) mother must always remind me, spomniti se pozdraviti — to remember Ali se spomnis? Ne spomnim se. Do you remember? I don't remember. — to greet 8, Vse lepo pozdravil Give (ray) regards to all! (or literally« Greet everyone nicely!) pozdraviti se — to get well Kmalu se pozdravi! Get well soon! The verb HODITI which usually means TO WALK or TO GO ON FOOT, may also be translated as TO GO or TO ATTEND when it implies a habit or when it denotes a repeated action of going. Examples t Kam hodil v lolo? Where do you go to school? Ali rad hodil v solo? Do you like to go to school? Hodim v peti razred. I go to the fifth grade. Some verbs have two possible forms in the third person plural. For example t > govorijo or govore ■ dobijo or dobe ■ hitijo or hite ■ naredijo or narede they speak they get they hurry they make II. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Write the following forms of the verbs listed below Napišite sledeče glagolne oblike JAZ -- I _ pozdraviti pozdravim _ spati _ kupiti povabiti skrbeti učiti se čistiti hiteti rabiti govoriti fceleti nositi voliti stati slisati sedeti videti ON — HE kupi he buys I greet MI -- WE TI -- YOU dobiti motiti moliti VI — YOU hoditi bati se naročiti živeti učiti popraviti posodi.ti misliti pozabiti ponoviti ONI -- THEY B. Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. to live s. živeti a. sedeti 2. to need b. povabiti 3. to hear c. naroČiti 4. to sleep 5. povedati 5. to sit d. uSiti 6. to stand e. zgubiti 7. to see f. se bati 8. to pray g. odpustiti 9. to lend h. se uSiti 10. to repeat i. želeti 11. to be scared .1. pozabiti 12. to teach k. pustiti 13. to forgive 1. zasluziti 14. to lose m. rabiti 15. to allow, to let n. paziti 16. to greet o. slisati 17. to watch p. voziti 18. to earn r. pozdraviti 19. to order 8. živgti 20. to wish * S. videti 21. to tell t. ponoviti 22. to forget u. moliti 23. to drive V. stati 24. to invite z. posoditi 25. to study 5. spati C. Read and translate into English — Beri in prevedi v anglesSino 1. AH me slisiS? ______ 2. Zakaj stojiS?__ 3. Kdo govori? ________ Ali kadite? _____ 5. Ne, ne kadim. 6. Deklica rabi novo obleko. ________ 7. Otroci hitijo v Solo. __ 8. Peter hodi v peti razred. 9. noBis oS^la? 10. Mgma me zjutraj zbudi. 11. Povabim te na koncert. 12. Mama ljubi sv^je otroke. 13. 05e je zelo bolan. Veliko trpi. 14. Koliko zaslužiš? 15. £li se me spomnite? 16. Zvečer naredim domačo nalogo. 17. Kdo vozi vaš avto? 18. Moja sestra se uci igrati klavir 19. Mi živimo v Amgriki. 20* On ne zasluzi veliko. 21. Zjutraj ho5em spati. 22. AH vidiš to sliko? 23. Kaj misliš? 24. Moj brat zna popraviti svoj avto 25. On malo govori in veliko dela. 26. Kam hodijo vaši otroci v šolo? 27. Kdo rabi svinčnik? 28. Oce skrbi za svojo družino. 29. Gospa KovaS uci sesti razred. 30. Mgrna nas vedno spomni. 31. Vsak dan molim. 32. Kdo pazi njihove otroke? 33. Kje sediš? 34. Moramo potrpeti. 35« Nic ne rabim. 36. Moramo si izposoditi denar. 37. On ne deli rad. 38. NoSem vas motiti. 39. Prosim pripravite kosilo za tri 40. Moramo se preseliti. 41. Ali rabite pomoč? 42. Niti malo noče spati. 43. Vedno se zbudim pono5i. 44. Ne pozabite se učiti! __ -135 45. Nočemo se preseliti. _ 46. Nic se ne bojim. _ 47. Kmalu se pozdravi! _ 48. Ni5 ne vidim. i 49. S kom govoriš? _ 50. Ali vas motimo? _ D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovensSino 1. I don't hear well. _ 2. He smokes too much. _ 3. We see the picture. _ 4. They pray on Sundays. , 5« She tells me this. _______________ 6. Do you speak Slovenian? (sin.)_ 7. I earn a little. i 8. She talks too much. _ 9. I wish to say "Excuse me." _ 10. I don't drive. _ 11. She sleeps in school._ 12. I wake up in the morning._ 13. Do you see them? _ 14. I need the money, 15. Do you get this newspaper? (pi.)_ 16. They walk on Saturdays. _ 17. I invite my friend. __ 18. I think much. 19. I am scared. _ 20. He doesn't speak English._ 21. I don't remember. _ 22. We hear a beautiful song. _ 23. My father doesn't smoke. _ 24. I wish to forget this. _ 25. The children are sleeping._ 26. You always forget. (Fam.) _ 27. Where is he teaching? _ 28. What is he studying? _ 29. We must share. __________________________________ 30. You must hurry, (sin.) _ 31. I must get new glasses. _ 32. I don't want to stand. _ 33. I like to sleep. _ 34. You must be patient. (Fam.) _ 35» I see Mrs. Gornik. _ 36. Mary wears glasses. _ 37. It is raining. I need a _ raincoat and an umbrella._ 38. Do you like to walk? (F.)_ 39. No, I prefer to drive. _ 40. Mother is teaching Ann to _ cook and sew. _ 41. I need a pen. Do you have it?_ 42. I am learning to speak Slovenian. _ 43. The children walk to school. _ 44. Mother is cleaning the house. _ 45. Do you hear them? (sin.) _ 46. Get well soon! (Fam.) _ 47. I am not afraid. _ 48. I often think of you. _ 49. This doesn't bother me at all. _ 50. I am worried. _ E. Let's conjugate the following verbs — Sprega.imo sledeSe glagole SLIŠATI — TO HEAR SEDETI — TO SIT BATI SE -- TO BE (jaz)___^AIP (ti) _____ (on, ona, ono)_____ (midva) _____ (vidva) _____ (onadva)_____ (mi) _____ (vi) _____ (oni) _____ III. READING — BERILO Imam slabe oci. Ne vidim dobro. Rabim nova očala. Kmalu jih moram dobiti. Zdravnik pravil "Kupite jih1. Zelo slabe oci ima-te!" Ali morate vedno nositi očala? Ne, samo kadar berem &li pišem ali kadar delam kaj važnega. Ali radi nosite oSala? Ne, nic rad jih ne nosim. Zelo me motijo. Večkrat jih tudi kje pozabim ali zgubim. Paziti in skrbeti moramo na svoje oci. Ne vemo, kaj imgmo, ce imamo zdrave oci. Translate orally the above reading into English. Encircle all the verbs in the above reading! IV. A SHORT POEM — KRATKA PESMICA V šolo, našo solo radi pohitirno , v šoli, naši šoli pridno se učimo. Kdor rad v šolo hodi, mnogo ve in zna, znanje pa je boljše kgkor kup zlata! To school, our school We gladly hasten, At school, our school We study diligently. Whoever likes to go to school, Knows a lot, And knowledge is far better Than a pile of gold! LESSON TWENTY-ONE I. VOCABULARY ~ SLOVARČEK Relatives — Sorodniki sorodnik starši mo? Sena ata atek mama mgmica (sorodnica - (pi.y (soprog) (soproga) (o5e) (oSka) (mati) (mgmi) f.) relative parents husband wife father daddy mother mommy sin hčerka (hči) otrok, otroci družina brat sestra teta stric sestrična bratranec nečak nečakinja stari gta (stari oče or dedek) stara mama (babica) vnuk vnukinja vnuki tast t^šča zet snaha svak svgkinja očim mačeha pastorek pastorka zaročenec zaročenka Other words — Druge besede vdovec vdova fizik kemik kemija pisatelj gimnazija or srednja sola odrasel, odrasla, odraslo odrasli poročen, a, o star, a, o starejši e najstarejši, a, e mladj a, o mlajši, a, e ngjmlajši, a, e rad bi bil... rada bi bila rad bi postal* rada bi postala je umrl (umrla) so umrli — son — daughter — child, children — family — brother — sister — aunt — uncle — cousin (female) — cousin (male) — nephew — niece — grandfather — grandmother — grandson — granddaughter — grandchildren — father-in-law — mother-in-law — son-in-law — daughter-in-law — brother-in-law — sister-in-law — stepfather — stepmother — stepson — stepdaughter — fiance — fiancee — widower — widow — physicist — chemist — chemistry — writer — high school (secondary school) — grown up, adult — adults — married — old — older — oldest — young — younger — youngest — would like to be — would like to become — he or she died — they died včasih • — se Že oba — sometimes — still, yet — already — both Everyday expressions — Vsakdan.ii izrazi Kje Živijo vasi starši? tli tvoji (vaši) starši še ivijo? Mama Še živi. Oce še Sivi. Oba še živita. Mama je že umrla. Oce je ze umrl. Koliko bratov (sester, stricev, tet, vnukov, otrok) imaš (imate)? Koliko oseb je v vasi družini? Samo smo. Štirje smo. Pet nas je. Osem nas je. Ta poklic me zelo veseli. Ne hodim ve5 v službo. Starši nam vedno belijo vse najboljše, v nasi družini po poliču NOTES — OPOMBE Where do your parents live? Are your parents still living? (My) mother is still living. (My) father is still living. Both of them are still living. (My) mother died already. (My) father died already. How many brothers (sisters, uncles, aunts, grandchildren, children) do you have? How many persons are there in your family? There are only three of us. There are four of us. There are five of us. There are eight of us. This profession appeals to me very much. I no longer go to work. (Our) parents always wish the best for us. in our family by profession} by occupation 1. After the expression "koliko" and after number five and above, the genitive plural must be used in Slovenian. Since we didn't study the genitive case yet, try to remember the following nouns in the genitive plural formi brat — bratov sestra — sester vnuk — vnukov sin — sinov hčerka — hčerk Examples t Imam Šest bratrancev. Ana ima osem sestričen. Stara mama ima devet vnukov. Koliko tet in stricev imaš? Imam tri tete in dva strica. Imam pet tet. teta stric bratranec sestriČna otrok -- tet — stricev — bratrancev — sestričen — otrfik I have six (boy) cousins. Ann has eight (girl) cousins. (My) grandmother has nine grandchildren. How many aunts and uncles do you have? I have three aunts and two uncles. I have five aunts. 2. As we have already mentioned, the little word "pa' voring particle. It is often translated as occasionally also as "however." -139- 'and, is a fla-and II. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Let*a review possessive pronouns! Translate into English! Ponovimo svo.iilne zaimke! Prevedite v ^ngležcino! 1. tvoj prijatelj _ 2. nasa učiteljica _ 3. moja prijateljica _ 4. njegov bratranec _ 5. njen stric _ 6. njihova hiša _ 7. vas nečak _ 8. naš stari a^a _ 9. tvoj brat _ 10. njegova zena _ 11. moje knjige _ 12. njihova hiša _ 13. njena soba _ 14. najina teta _ 15* vgSa družina 16. njegov stol _ 17. njen plašč _ 18. moja domača naloga _ 19. njegovo dekle _ 20. njuni starši ____ 21. njeno krilo m 22. njihove igraSe _ 23. tvoje sestrične _ 24. naši starši __ 25. moji sorodniki ___ 26. naši prijatelji _________________ 27. njena teta 28. njegova nečakinja _ 29. njen moz ______ 30. vajina stara mama _ 31. njegova snaha _ 32. njuni otroci 33* njihovi vnuki __ -140- 34. njegovi učenci _ 35* njen tast _____ B. Translate into English — Prevedite v anglelSino 1. Moj o£e je ze umrl, __________________ 2. Moja mapia je vdova. _ 3. Maji starSi živijo v Ameriki. _ 4. Njegova stara mama je v bolnici. ______________ 5. Ali je ^a vaša sestra? _ 6. Ne, ona je moja sestricna. _ 7. Ne, ona je moja svakinja. _ 8. Kdo je ta gospa? _ 9. Ona je njena tašča. _ 10. Kaj dela vaš ne$aJc? _ 11. On uci kemijo na gimnaziji. _ 12. Peter študira medicino. _ 13. Rad bi postal zdravnik. _ 14. AH je vaša snaha Slovenka? __ 15. Kje dela vaš zet? ___ 16. On je kemik. Dela pri _ tvrdki (kompaniji) Ford. _ 17. Ali je to njena nečakinja?_______ Ne, to je njena hčerka. __ 18. Moj bratranec je fizik. _ 19. Moja sestra je ze poročena. _ 20. Ta film je samo za odrasle. ___ 21. Gospa Kotnik ima enajst vnukov.______ 22. Njena svakinja je letos umrla. _ 23. Moji bratranci in sestricne _ v Sloveniji ze dobro ______ govorijo angleško. _ 24. Njen stric je vdovec. _ 25. Moja sestra je njena prijateljica. _ 26. Dobri starši imajo dobre otroke. _ 27. V naši družini nas je sedem. __ 28. Koliko imaš bratov in sester? _ -141- c. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. Her uncle is my teacher. ______ 2. Your mother is young and pretty._ 3. Our family is small. _ 4. Their children are well behaved._ 5. His grandson is a doctor. ____ 6. Your niece is a nice girl._ ?. Her aunt is in the hospital._ 8. How many brothers and sisters _ do you have? (Fam.) 9. Their son is a chemist. __ 10. His mother-in-law is ill. ___ 11. Your sister-in-law is a good_ teacher. _________ 12. Her father-in-law is a good _ lawyer. __ 13. Their daughter-in-law is a nurse._ 14. Our grandmother cooks and bakes very well. _ 15. His niece is a good secretary. 16. Her nephew is a physicist. _ 17« My cousin swims very well. _ 18. Their grandchildren are good_ students. _ 19. Our relatives are coming. _ 20. My brother likes football. _ 21. Her cousin is an architect. _ 22. Her stepmother is a good woman.. 23. Are you still working? (Fam.)_ 24. X know already. _ 25. Who is the youngest? _ 26. I am the oldest. _ 27. Who is older, you or I? _ 28. Mary is the youngest. _ 29. She would like to be a teacher. -142- 30. He would like to become a L doctor. III. TWO READINGS — DVE BERILI Naša družina Naša druSina je majhna. Imam oSeta in mano in samo eno sestro. Oce je arhitekt. Mama je gospodinja. Sestra hodi v gimnazijo. Rada bi postala uciteljica. Jaz hodim pa v šesti razred. Rad bi postal fizik. Zelo me veseli ta poklic. * * * Naša družina je velika. Sedem nas jet oce, mama in pet otrok. Trije otroci so že odrasli in so že poročeni. Moj najstarejši brat je inženir. Njegova žena je bolniška sestra. Imata Že tri majhne otroke, živijo v New Yorku. VSasih jih obiščemo. Mjaja starejša sestra £na je uciteljica v Clevelandu, Uci prvi razred* Njen moŽ je profesor kemije. Nimata še nic otrok. Moja druga sestra Marija je tajnica. Zdaj ima majhno dete in ne hodi vec v službo. Njen moŽ je zdravnik, Peter in jaz sva pa še doma* Peter hodi na univerzo. Je zelo dober študent. Postal bi rad advokat. Jaz sem pa najmlajši. Hodim še v gimnazijo. Rad bi postal pisatelj. Zelo rad pišem in berem dobre knjige. Moji starši so zelo dobri. Vedno nam želijo vse najboljše. Translate orally the above readings and answer in Slovenian the following questions based on the second reading 1. Kakšna je naša družina? _ 2. Koliko nas je? _ 3. £li je kdo poroSen? _ Kaj je moj najstarejši brat po poklicu? _ 5« Kaj je njegova žena po poklicu? _ 6. Ali imata otroke? _ 7. Kje živijo? _ 8. Ali jih obiščemo? _ 9. Kdo je Ana? Kje živi? _ 10. Kaj ona dgla? _ 11. Kaj je njen mož po _ poklicu? 12. Ali imata kaj otrok? (kaj - any)_ 13. Kdo je Marija? _ 14. Zakaj Marija ne hodi v službo?_ 15- Kaj je Marija po poklicu? _ 16. Kaj je njen mož po poklicu?_ l?. Kdo je se doma? _ 18. Kaj dela Peter? _ 19- Kaj bo postal? _ 20. Kam hodim jaz? _ 21. Kaj rad delam? , 22. Kaj bi jaz rad postal? _ 23. Kakšni so moji starši? _ 24. Kaj nam vedno želijo? _ Answer the following questions about your own family Odgovorite na vpraian.ia o svo.ii družini 1. Ali je tv£ja družina majhna ali velika? _ 2. Koliko oseb je v tvoji družini? _ 3. Koliko otrok je v tvoji družini? _ 4. Ali tvoji starsi še živijo? _ 5. Ali tvaji stari starši še živijo?_ 6. Koliko bratov in sester imaš? _ 7. Koliko imaš stricev in tet? _ 8. Koliko imaš bratrancev in sestričen?_ 9. iJ-i tvoji starši govorijo slovensko?_ 10. Ali v tvoji družini radi berete? _ 11. Kako se v tvoji družini zabavate?_ 12. Ali se imate radi? _ Write five sentences about your own family — Napišite pet stavkov o svo.ii družini LESSON TWENTY-TWO I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK "NE" Conjugation Verbs (dvignem) dvigniti izginiti obrniti ostati poriniti postati potegniti ugasniti vrniti vstati začeti (izginem) (obrnem) (ostanem) (porinem) (postanem) (potegnem) (ugasnem) (vrnem) (vstanem) (začnem) "JE" Con.iugation Verbs (se brijem) (jem) (pojem) (pijem) (pogrejem) (peljem) (se peljem) (pošljem) (pomijem) (potujem) (potrebujem) (praznujem) (stanujem) (napredujem) (svetujem) (štejem) (skrijem) (pokrijem) (nalijem) (polijem) (zavijem) (odvijem) Other words — Drufife besede obletnica poroka posoda praznik BožiS Velika noS božični prazniki rojstni dan god avtobus solski avtobus briti se jesti peti piti pogreti peljati peljati se poslati pomiti potovati potrebovati praznovati stanovati napredovati svetovati šteti skriti pokriti naliti politi zaviti odviti Glagoli spregatve "NE" - to lift (I lift) - to disappear, to vanish (I vanish) - to turn, to turn over (I turn) - to stay, to remain (I stay) - to push, to shove (I push) - to become (I become) - to pull (I pull) - to turn off, to extinguish (I...) - to return, to pay back (I return) - to get up (I get up) - to begin (I begin) Glagoli spregatve "JE" - to shave (I shave) - to eat (I eat) - to sing (I sing) - to drink (I drink) - to warm up, to heat (I warm up) - to drive somebody (I drive) - to ride (I ride) - to send (1 send). - to wash dishes, floors, etc. (I...) - to travel (I travel) - to need (I need) - to celebrate (I celebrate) - to reside, to dwell, to live (I...) - to make progress, to advance (I...) - to advise, to recommend (I advise) - to count (I count) - to hide (I hide) - to cover (I cover) - to pour in (I pour) - to spill (I spill) - to wrap (I wrap) - to unwrap, to unwind (I unwrap) (f.) — anniversary (f.) — wedding (f.) — dish* dishes (m.) -- holiday (m.) -- Christmas (f.) — Easter (m. pi.) — Christmas holidays je pojeva — we two sing or are singing pojeta — you two sing or are singing pojeta — they two sing or are singing — we sing or we are singing — you sing or you are singing — they sing or they are singing (midva, midve) (vidva, vidve) (onadva, onidve) (mi, me) (vi, ve) (oni, one, ona) — I sing or I am singing — you sing or you are singing — he, she, it sings or is singing pojemo pojete pojejo or po j o 3. The verb JESTI (TO EAT) is slightly irregular in the present tense. It is conjugated as follows« Singular Dual Plural je® jeva jemo jes jesta jeste je* jesta jejo or jedo *" je" can mean both "he, she, it eats" or "he, she, it is" depending on the pronunciation of the final "e" and on the context. For example t Peter jfc tukaj. Peter is here. Peter jč kruh. Peter is eating bread. II. EXERCISES -- VAJE A. Read and translate — Beri in prevedi 1. Danes ostanem doma* _— 2. Ali rad ješ jajca? _ 3. Zvečer ugasnem luč in zaspim. Kdaj začneš delati? _ 5. Dete pije mleko, _ 6. Ali radi potujete? _ 7. Kaj ješ zjutraj? _ 8. Zakaj nic ne Plješ? _ 9. Mgma rada pije črno kavo. 10. Oče se brije vsako jutro. 11. Darilo moram se zaviti. _ 12. Mi radi pojemo slovenske pesmi.. 13. Kaj vi svetujete? _ 14. Kadar potujem, sem vedno utrujen,. 15* Pijem vroČ Čaj. _ 16. Ta deklica je stara pet let in zna šteti do petdeset. 17. Otroci pijejo mleko in jejo piškote za malico. _ 18. Ce zjutraj ne jem, postanem kmalu lačen. _ 19. Knjige moraš vrniti. _ 20. Ce ne pazim, polijem mleko. slovenščino 1, we travel 2. I don't eat 3. she sends 4. he hides s. they celebrate 6. we sing 7. you c ount (sin.) 8. we wrap 9, he drives 10. we live 11. they pull 12. I push 13. 15. you stay (pi.) 14, I become we begin 16, he shaves 17. they send 18. you are singing (F.) -147- c. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenžcino 1. He drinks coffee and I drink_ tea. ___________ 2. Do you eat breakfast every________ morning? (Fam.) ___ 3. Where do you eat lunch? (F.)_ We must begin soon. ____ 5. Who is singing? _________ 6. My parents like to travel. __«_____________________ 7. Where do you live? (Fam.) _ 8. She counts well. ______ 9. My aunt sends gifts for _______ Christmas. ______ 10. Children must drink milk. 11. My mother hides the cookies.____ 12. The students are progressing well.______ 13» Please turn on the light in _ the kitchen! _ _ 14. I must return the books. 15. Mother is warming up the dinner. ____ 16. At noon I become hungry. _ 17. My father gets up and shaves._ 18. We celebrate Christmas on_______ December 25th.___ 19. Please turn off the radio!________ 20. We are staying here today. _______ D. Conjugate the following verbs — Spregai sledeče glagole PETI VSTATI POSLATI POTOVATI JESTI (jaz) _____ (ti) _____ (on, ona,fino)_____ (midva) _ ____ (vidva) _ _______ PETI VSTATI POSLATI POTOVATI JESTI (onadva)_____ (mi)_____ (vi)_____ (oni) _____ E. Match — Da.ite skupaj 1. to begin a. vrniti 2. to eat b. peti 3- to pull c. stanovati 4. to make progress Č. pomiti posodo 5. to recommend d. politi 6. to count e. postati 7. to hide f. ostati 8. to drink ff. zaviti 9. to turn off h. poslati 10. to reside i. pogreti 11. to lift .i. napredovati 12. to travel k. se peljali 13. to wash dishes 1. začeti 14. to shave m. potegniti 15. to celebrate n. skriti 16. to spill 0. vstati 17. to sing p. jesti 18. to become r. potovati 19. to return s. dvigniti 20. to stay * s. svetovati 21. to wrap t. šteti 22. to warm up u. piti 23. to ride V. briti se 24. to get up z. praznovati 25. to send S. ugasniti III. READING — BERILO Mala Micka je pridna deklica. Zjutraj vstane Se ob sedmih in zaSne. delati. Pokrije mizo in pripravi z&jtrk. Pokliče očka. -149- Očka vstane in se zaSne briti. Skupaj jesta zajtrk. Očka pije črno kavo in Micka pije Saj. Ko gre o5ka v službo, Micka še ostane v kuhinji in pomije posodo. Pokrije kruh na mizi, ugasne luc in gre v šolo. V šolo se pelje s šolskim avtobusom. Letos hodi \e v peti razred. V šoli se pridno uci in zelo lepo napreduje. Answer the following questions based on the above reading. Encircle also all the verbs 1. Kakšna deklica je Micka? ______ 2. Kdaj vstane zjutraj? _ 3» Kaj pripravi?___ Kaj naredi o5ka» ko vstane?_ 5. Kaj delata skupaj? ____ 6. Kaj pije o5ka in kaj pije Micka?_ 7. Kaj naredi Micka, ko gre očka_ v službo? _ 8. Ali Micka hodi v šolo? _ 9. Kako pride Micka v šolo? __ 10. V kateri razred hodi Micka?________ 11. Kako se Micka u5i? ____ 12. Kako Micka napreduje v šoli? ___ LESSON TWENTY-THREE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARCEK Nouns — Samostalniki Masculine — Moski suol prt pribor no$ kronik kozarec poper sladkor desert sladoled ♦ . — caj hladilnik štedilnik telefon prah tablecloth silverware knife plate glass pepper sugar dessert ice cream tea refrigerator stove telephone dust — appetite ~ souvenir , keepsake — pot — machine — dishwasher — vase — person — napkin — spoon — teaspoon — fork or forks — cup — bowl — salad, lettuce — dish, dishes in general — a small dish or container a)— soup — vegetable or vegetables — frying pan — postcard (usually a picture post- card) ~ broom — dustpan — salt — pan — meat — pastry « fruit — wine — beer — lavatory, washroom, restroom — to feel (I feel or I am feeling) — to eat supper (I eat or I am eating supper) — to prepare, to get ready (I prepare or I am getting ready) )- to set the table (I set or I am setting the table) tek spominek or spomincek lonec stroj stroj za pomivanje posode Feminine — 2enski spol vaza oseba servieta or prticek (m.) žlica 5^jna Žlica or žlička vilice "(always plural) skodelica or Čgsa skleda solata posoda posodica juha (colloquial* ž upa, ž zelenjava kožica razglednica metla smetiŠnica sol ponev Weu1;er — Sredn.ii spol meso. pecivo sadje vino pivo stranišče Verbs — Glagoli počutiti se (počutim se) večerjati (večerjam) pripraviti (pripravim) pripraviti mizo (pripravim miz servirati (serviram) pometi posgdo (pomijem posodo) brisati (brišem) pobrisati (pobrišem) brisati prah (brišem prah) — to serve, to dish out (I serve or I am serving) — to wash dishes (I wash dishes or I am washing dishes) — to wipe (I wipe or I am wiping) — to wipe up (I wipe up or I am wiping up) — to dust (I dust or I am dusting) 5istiti (Čistim) počistiti (počistim) ribati (ribam) poribati (poribam) pomesti or pometati (pometem or pometam) Adjectives — Pridevniki sit, s^ta, sito zadovoljen, zadovoljna, o pokvarjen, pokvarjena, o Prepositions — Predlogi na z or s pred po pri ob ob šestih pri m^zi na mizi na srgdi mize na štedilniku v peci v hladilniku v družini na desni strgni na levi strani pred vsako osebo pred veSerjo po večerji pri nas^ pri vas Other words — Druge besede vsi vse najprej potem or nato nazadnje spet or zopet Se tudi večkrat včasih tako če ~ — to clean (I clean or I am cleaning) — to clean up, to clean thoroughly (I clean up or I am cleaning up) — to scrub (I scrub or I am scrubbing) — to scrub up (I scrub or I am scrubbing up) — to sweep (I sweep or I am sweeping) — full (not hungry) — satisfied, content — broken, spoiled, damaged, ruined, out of order — on — in or to — with — before, in front of — after — by, at — at (usually referring to time) — at six o'clock — at the table — on the table — in the middle of the table — on the stove — in the oven — in the refrigerator — in the family — on the right side — on the left side — in front of each person — before supper — after supper — at our house t by us — at your house i by you — everybody, all — everything, all — first of all, at first — then, after that — finally, at last — again — already — also — many times, often, frequently — sometimes — so, in this manner — if -152- da — that tako, da (zato da) — so that Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji izrazi Kje lahko kupim razglednice? Where can I buy postcards? Kje lahko kupim spominke? Where can X buy souvenirs? Kaj lahko naredim? ~ What can I do? Kaj lahko naredim z&te (za vas)? What can I do for you? Ali lahko kaj pomagam? Can I help in any way? Ali ti (vam) lahko kaj pomagam? Can I help you in any way? Ne morem ti (vam) pomagati. I can't help you. Kako se počutiš (počutite)? How do you feel? Dobro se počutim. I feel good. Krasno se počutim. I feel great. Ne počutim se~dobro. I don't feel good. Danes se bolje počutim. I feel better today. Danes se veliko bolje počutim. I feel much better today. Kje je žensko stranišče? Where is a ladies* restroom? Kje je moško stranisce? Where is a men's restroom? MOŠKI MEN Ženske (dame) women (ladies) notes — opombe 1. In this lesson we have included some prepositional phrases. You will notice that the objects of prepositions have different endings. For the time being, simply study the prepositional phrases as they occur in the vocabulary because we shall study the prepositions in detail later on. 2. As you will notice in this lesson, the prefix "po" when preceding a verb often gives it the meaning that the action is, or should be, thoroughly completed. For example t čistiti — to clean (Jaz) čistim — I am cleaning počistiti — to clean up (jaz) počistim— I clean up Kdo cisti pri vas? ~ Who cleans at your house? Vsak dan poSistim svojo sobo. I clean up my own room daily. We Bhall discuss this later much more thoroughly. ii. reading -- berilo Pri mizi Vsak dan večerjamo ob Šestih zveSer. Mama pripravi d£bro vecerjoo Marija pripravi mizo. Na mizi je lep, bel prt. Na sredi mize je vaza z rožami. Pred vsako osebo je pribor. Na desni strani sta dve žlici (ena velika in ena Sajna) in noz. Na levi strani so vilice. Na sredi je krožnik. Vsaka oseba ima tudi servieto, kozarec ali skodglico in majhno skledo za solato. Tudi posodice za sol, poper in sladkor so na mizi. Vsi smo lačni in imamo dober tek. Mana servira zelo dobro večerjo. Najprej je juha, nato meso, zelenjava in solata. Nazadnje je deserti torta ali drugo pecivo, včasih tudi sladoled aH pa sadje. Pijemo tudi kavo, mleko ali čaj. Mama pije kavo, otroci pijejo mleko, oče ima Pa najrajši vino ali pivo. Po večerji moja sestra in jaz pomijeva posodo. Krožniki, skodelice, kozarci, žlice, vilic«, noži, sklede, ponve, lonci, kožice — vse je umazano! Jaz pomivam, moja sestra pa briSe. Tudi hladilnik in štedilnik morava počistiti. Nazadnje vzgrneva metlo in smetisnico in pometeva tla. Tako je kuhinja spet cista in vsi smo siti, zadovoljni in veseli. Answer the questions in complete sentences. The answers are in the above reading Odgovorite na vpraSan.ia v stavkih. Odgovori so v berilu. 1. Kdaj večerjamo? _________________ 2. Kaj pripravi mama? _______________ 3. Kdo pripravi mizo? _______ Kakšen je prt? _______ 5» Kaj je na sredi mize? ________ 6. Kaj je v vazi? 7. Kaj je pred vsako osebo? ___ 8. Kaj je na desni? 9. Kaj je na levi? __________ 10. Kaj je na sredi? ______ 11. Kaj ima Se vsaka oseba? 12. Kakšne posodice so tudi na mizi? 13. Kako se počutimo pred večerjo? 14. Kaj najprej jemo? _ 15. Kaj jemo potem? _ 16. Kaj imamo za desert?_ 17. Kaj pije mama? _ 18. Kaj pijejo otroci? _ 19. Kaj oce najrajši pije? 20. Kaj je umazano? _ 21. Kdo briše posodo? _ 22. Kaj mQrava tudi počistiti? 23. Kaj vzameva za pomesti tla? 24. Kakšna je spet kuhinja? _ 25. Kako se počutimo po veSgrji? 26. Kdo pomiva in briše posodo pri vas?____ 27. Ali ti rad pomivaš in brišeš _______ posodo? _____ 28. Ali imate pri vas stroj za ____ pomivanje posode?____ III. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Let's translate into English — Prevedimo v angleščino 1. Kruh je v peci. ____ 2. Pozimi večkrat jemo juho. _____ 3. Kdo spet klice? _______ 4. Kako se danes počutiš? _________ 5. Ali je sladkor na mizi? _______ 6. Pri nas večerjamo ob petih.__. 7. Ta stol je pokvarjen. ______— 8. Oce ga mora popraviti. _ 9. Ali je mleko v hladilniku?__ 10. Pri nas vsi radi jemo zelenjavo._ 11. Večerja je ze na mizi, _ 12. Ali imate nov štedilnik? _ -155- 13. Kje je metla ? _ 14. Moram pomesti tla v kuhinji._ 15. V nasi družini je sest oseb._ 16. Oce pride ob šestih. _ 17. Moram pobrisati prah v _ dnevni sobi. _ 18. Rabim smetišnico. Ali veš, kje je?. 19» Tukaj sta posfidici za sol in poper. 20. Ali je ta krožnik 5ist? B. Match — Dajte skuna.i 1. everything c T vse a. meso 2. plate b. sol 3. bowl c. vaza 4. cup • c. vse 5. knife d. sladoled 6. dishes e. hladilnik 7. spoon f. kožica 8. wine e. prt 9. fruit h. lonec 10. salt i. skleda 11. vase .i. vilice 12. pastry k. štedilnik 13. refrigerator 1. pivo 14. glass m. kozarec 15. tablecloth n. zelenjava 16. fork 0. poper 17. beer P* sadje 18. meat r. pribor 19. stove s. skodelica 20. pepper * s. nož 21. ice cream t. posoda 22. pot u. pecivo 23. silverware v. Žlica 24. vegetable __ z. vino 25. frying pan ___krofcnik C. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenScino 1. When do you eat supper? (pl.)________ 2. We eat supper at six o*clock._____. 3. Who washes dishes at your house?. 4. A beautiful white tablecloth _ is on the table. _ 5. This is a beautiful vase. _ 6. Where is a spoon? Here it is. . 7. I need a knife. _ 8. Is this glass clean? _ 9. Yes, all our glasses are clean. 10. Do you like this soup? (Fam.)_ 11. Yes, it is very good. _ 12. Pots and pans are on the stove. 13. My sister sets the table. _ 14. Do you drink black coffee? ( F.)_ 15. Father likes to drink beer. _ 16. Do you have a fork? (sin.) _ 17. It is already on the table. _ 18. In the summer I like salad the best. _ 19. Who scrubs the floor at your _ house? _ 20. Sometimes my sister scrubs _ the floor and sometimes I do._ 21. Before supper I am hungry and_ after supper I am full. _ 22. I drink black coffee only. _ 23. There are five of us in our _ family. _ -157- 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. IV. 1. 2. On Saturdays my mother and I clean the house. __ She dusts and I scrub the _ floor. __ How do you feel today? (F.)_ I feel very good. __ I don't feel good today. __ I have a headache. Where is a restroom, please?__ THE EXPRESSIONS OP ABILITY (CAN and CAN'T?) — LAHKO. NE MOREM CAN is usually expressed in Slovenian with LAHKO and a regular verb form. "LAHKO" is an adverb and doesn't change. Examples i Kje lahko dobim časopis? Where can I get the newspaper? Kje lahko kupim razglednice? Where can I buy postcards? Ali mi lahko pomagaš? Can you help me? Ali grem lahko s tabo? Can (may) I go with you? Peter vas lahko pelje v Peter can drive you to the bolnico. hospital. "LAHKO" is used only in the positive and interrogative forms. The negative form CAN'T is expressed with the verb MOCl which xs always followed by an infinitive. MOCl is an irregular verb. It is conjugated as follows i Singular — Ednina — I can't or I am not able — you can't or you are not able — he, she, it can't or is not able ne morem ne morel ne more (jaz) (ti) (on, ona, ono) Dual (midva) (vidva) (onadva) Plural (mi) (vi) (oni) Examples t D^nes ne morem priti. Ne moremo vam pomagati 0 Oče ne more delati, ker je boleli. Ne morem razumeti. — Dvojina ne moreva ne moreta ne moreta — Množina ne moremo ne morete ne morejo — we(two) can't or are not able — you(two) can't or are not able — they(two) can't or are not able — we can't or we are not able — you can't or you are not able — they can't or they are not able I cannot come today* We can't help you. Father can't work because he is ill. I can't understand. 3. Do not confuse the verb MOCl (MOREM) with the verb MORATI (MORAM)o Examples i Moram dati. — I must give- Ne morem dati. — I can't give. Ona mora priti. — She must come. Ona ne more priti. — She can't come. Moram te poklicati« — I must call you. Ne morem te poklicati, -- I can't call you because the ker je telefon pokvarjen. telephone is out of order. V. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Let's translate into English — Prevedimo v angleSSino 1. Ali grem lahko s tabo? __ 2. Kdo mi lahko pove, kje so _______ moji ključi? _ 3. Ali otroci lahko vzamejo ____ piškote pred veSerjo? ____ Teta ne more priti. ___——_ 5. OS e lahko to popravi. ____-— 6. Danes ne moremo plavati, ker_ dežuje. , --- 7. mi prosim lahko poveste,____ kje je cerkev? __—-- 8. Ali lahko kupim sladoled? ____ 9. Ne morem se uSiti, Se radio ________ igra. ------- 10. On ne more jesti, ker je______ bolan. ________ 11. Moram narediti domač o nalogo.___ 12. Ce ne moreva priti oba. —__- pridem samo jaz. __ 13. Peter Se ne more govoriti _____. slovensko, lahko pa že vse __________ razume. ___ 14. Ali lahko kaj pomagam? _____ 15. Ne morem verjeti, da gremo _ poleti v Slovenijo. B. Let's translate into Slovenian — Prevedimo v slovenSSino 1. Can I help in any way? __ 2. She can see. 3. I can't hear. ___ 4. I cannot come. ____ 5. They can't speak Slovenian. ______ 6. Can you hear me? (Fam.)_____ 7• I can't go today. 8. Can she come? 9* I can wash the dishes after supper. __ 10. I can call you on Monday. 11. Can I buy this book? 12. Children must first do their__ homework, then they can play.._ 13» I cannot study before supper,._ 14. Where can I find nice souvenirs?____ 15« I must ask you if I may have this picture. 16. The doctor can't come today. 17. We can all do this. _ 18. Where can we buy postcards? _ 19. We can work if we are healthy. 20. I can't sleep if I am hungry._ 21. She can't work because she is ill. 22. What can I do for you?_ 23. Why can't you write? (Fam.) 24. My sister and I can dust and sweep the floor. 25. I cannot sing because I have a sore throat. LESSON TWENTY-FOUR REVIEW ~ PONOVITEV A. Translate the following everyday expressions into English — Prevedite sledeče vsakdanje izraze v angleščino 1. Hodim v peti razred. _ 2. Sem v gimnaziji. _ 3* Grlo me boli. Kriz me boli. _ 5. Ali govorite slovensko? ___________________________ 6. NiS se ne bojim. ?. Kako se po5utite? < 8. Ponovite, prosim! _ 9. On govori samo angleško, _ 10. VeSkrat mislim nate. _ 11. Skrbi me. _ 12. Ali vaši starši Še živijo? _ 13* Zakaj noceŠ jesti? _ 14. Mama je vdova. _ 15* Moj oce je ze umrl. _ 16. Ali rad po.ješ? _ 17. Mi radi potujemo. _ 18. Ne počutim se dobro. _ 19. Prosim, prizgi luc! _ 20. Kje stanujete? _ 21. Kje lahko kupim spomincke? _ 22. Kje je stranišSe? _ 23. Glava me boli. _ 24. Ali vam lahko pomagam? __ 25. Oce se ze bolje poSuti. _ 26. Deluje. Rabim dežnik. _ 27. Sonce sije. Imamo prijetno _ vreme. _ 28. Trebuh me boli. Ne morem ___ jesti. ___ 29. Pozimi večkrat sneži. ______ B. Let us review the verbs — Ponovimo glagole Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. to move 1. se preseliti a. zeleti 2. to reside, live b. slišati 3. to get up c. piti 4. to hear • c. pozabiti 5. to wish d. trpeti 6. to forget e. vstati 7. to hide f. obrniti 8. to drink g. se motiti 9. to suffer h. uSiti 10. to turn (over) i. se uSiti 11. to smoke poslati 12. to teach k. kaditi 13. to be mistaken 1. se preseliti 14. to send m. stanovati 15. to study n. skriti 1. to hear e. slišati a. praznovati 2. to unwrap b. potovati 3. to remember c. ljubiti 4. to sleep • c. se vrniti 5. to pull d. pokriti 6. to spill e. slišati 7. to hurry f. sedeti 8. to return g. se spomniti 9. to travel h. postati 10. to love * odviti 11. to stand j. stati 12. to celebrate k. spati 13. to become 1. hiteti 14. to sit, be seated m. politi 15. to cover n. potegniti 16. to feel o. imeti rad 17. to clean P. pomesti 18. to sweep r. poSutiti 19. to UlTP s. Sistiti C. Put the following verbs into the forms indicated^ and translate Postavite te glagole v primerno obliko in prevedite 1. želeti jaz 2. pripraviti mi 3* peti vidva 4. začeti on 5. ostati ti 6. se bati mi 7• dobiti ona 8. se peljati jaz 9. povabiti oni 10. ponuditi vi 11. poriniti on 12. spomniti midva 13. moliti oni 14. pomiti ona 15• šteti mi 16. dvigniti onadva 17• si izposoditi ona 18. rabiti jaz 19. skrbeti vi 20. misliti mi 21. kupiti jaz 22. ugasniti ti 23. napredovati vi 24. se pozdraviti on 25. zaspati mi 26. se briti on 27. pogreti ona 28. zaslužiti jaz 29• pomesti ti 30. se peljati mi 31. piti midva 32. jesti vi 33* potovati mi 34. brisati ona želim_ I wish D. 1. 35. 7. 9. 11. 12. 13. 15. 1719. E. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. F. 1. 2. 3. Write out the following numbers — Izpišite sledeče številke 50 35 _ 1000 _ 85 _ 21 _ 1976 _ 1950 _ 65 _ one fourth first _ ■petdeset 2. 13 4. 100 6. 250 8. 10 10. 18 second Ik. one half . _16. one third _18. twentieth 20. eight _ Replace the underlined words with a -pronoun — Z amen .i a .i podčrtane besede z zaimkom Otrok ljubi mamo. Otrok _ ljubi. Gospoda Kovača vsi poznamo. Vsi _ poznamo. VeSkrat vidimo nase sorodnike. Večkrat _ vidimo. Vsak dan dobimo časopis. Vsak dan _ dobimo. Prijatelji čakajo Petra in mene. Prijatelji _ čakajo, Oce pije kavo. Zvečer ugasnem luc. Mama posluša Marijo in Ano. kako lepo pojeta. Otroci prinesejo domače naloge v šolo. To je moja sestra. Gospa Kovač povabi mojo sestro in mene. Oce _ Zvečer M^ma _ Pije. _ ugasnem. _ posluša. Otroci šolo. Ali _ prinesejo v poznaš? Gospa KovaS povabi. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino NaŠi sorodniki so dobri. _ Radi jih imajno. _ Starši nas ljubijo. _ Vas ne poznano. Kako se pišete? _ Učiteljica me vpraša, Če rad _ pojem. _ 5. Ce lahko gresta, vaju peljem _ z _ 6. Očeta boli križ. Moramo ga _ peljati v bolnico. _ ?• Mislim nate vsak dan. _ 8. Moj oce v^ju Se pozna* mama _ pa še ne. _ 9. Kje so moji ključi? Kdo jih ima?. 10. Tomaž me vpraša, ce ga vidim _ vsako jutro, ko gre v šolo. _ 11. Ali jih slišiš? _ 12. Ali naju ne poznaš? _ 13* Lahkfi. vas peljem, Če želite. _ 14. Lahko te počakan* ce hočeš. _ 15. Moram ga poklicati. _ 16. Moramo jih obiskati. _ 17. Maraš njo vprašati, ne njega._ Ona mora vedeti. _ 18. Ali je to zgrne aLi zanjo? _ 19* To je za vaju. _ 20. Zakaj si hud name? _ F. Complete the following phrases — Dokonča.i sledeče izraze 1. mama in ata_ (father) 2. brat in _ (sister) 3. žgna in _ (husband) 4. sin in _ (daughter) 5. otrok in _ (family) 6. tata in _ (unclej 7. sestrična in_ (male cousin) 8. nečak in _ (niece) 9. vnuk in _ (granddaughter) 10. tast in _ (mother-in-law) 11. zet in _ (daughter-in-law) 12. svak in _ (sister-in-law) 13. stari a^a in _(grandmother) 14. 15. ocim in (stepmother) pastorek in (stepdaughter) 16. zarocgnec in (fiancee) 17. vdovec in (widow) 18. živ in (dead) 19. otroci in (adults) 20. ca j in (coffee) 21. nož in (fork) 22. strop in (floor) 23. šola in (church) 24. papir in (pencil) 25. učitelji in (students) G. Translate the words in parentheses — Prevedite besede v oklepaju 1. Marija ob petih, (sets the table) 2. Mama dobro veSerjo. (serves) 3. so lepe rdece rože. (In the middle of the table) 4. Kdo kuhinjo po veSerji? (cleans up) 5. Na desni strani sta dve . (spoons) 6. imamo meso, mleko in maslo. (In the refri- 7. Pred vsako osebo gerator) .ie . (plate) 8. Ana posodo, (wipes) 9. poribamo kuhinjo vsako soboto. (At our house) 10. oseb je v vaši družini? (How manv) 11. Rad jem . (fruit) 12. .ie zdrava . (Lettuce, vegetable) 13. priti. (I can't) 14. Za rojstni dan vse sorodnike, (we invite) 15. nas obiskati. (You must - plural) 16. Naša hiša je majhna. Moramo se . (move) 17. Naša ima že tri . (grandmother. 18. V šoli moramo grandchildren) in . (sit. write) 19. To je lepa pesem. Zelo radi pojemo, (it ) 20. Danes se dobro. me boli., (I.don't ~ - feel— head) -166- 21. Najprej _ juho. (we eat) 22. Ne morem _, ker me _ "boli. (eat, throat) 23. Zjutraj se at a _, _ zajtrk in_ v službo, (shaves, eats, goes) 24. V kožici je večerja. Pokrijem jo in jo .(I warm up) 25. ob sedmih zjutraj. (I get up) 26. Otroci zjutraj radi . (like to sleep) 27. Tomaž dobro na univerzi, (is progressing) 28. Ce oce umre, mama . (becomes, widow) 29. Ce » dežnik, (it rains, I need) 30. Moja uci na gimnaziji, (cousin) 31. Rabim nova • (eyeglasses) 32. On ima dobro . (stepmother) 33. Mi radi . (travel) 34. Ali z mano? (can you fo - Fam.) 35. Te so umazane, (fork) 36. Kaj naredim? (can) 37. Samo lahko pijejo in (adults, beer , wine) 38. Koliko na teden? (do you earn - F.) 39. Naš je . (telephone, out of order) 40. Ne te . (I can't call you.) 41. On in . (doesn't smoke and drink) 42. Koliko si ? (How old are you?) 43. Ce si zdrav, dobro . (you sleep - Fam.) 44. Marko hodi v . (eiehth grade) 45. Pozdravite v . ce vidite! (him) 46. Uciteljica pravi, da moramo na nove klopi, (watch) 47. Vsi denar, zato delati, (need, must) 48. povedati. (I am afraid) 49. Zakaj z mano? (don't you speak - Fam.) 50. Ali tvoj stari ata še ? (is living) 51. Tukaj i (we can buy souvenirs) 52. Mati svoje otroke, (loves) 53. Nove moramo večkrat (words, repeat) -167- 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. H. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Vsak dan se Prosim, _ Prosim s šolskim avtobusom, (we ride) _. (turn on the light - Fam. ) Zak^j nic _ Kdo tako lepo Darilo moram Zakaj nic ne Ali__ Ali _ AH _ To je _ televizijo, (turn off - formal) _? (don't eat - singular) _? (sings) _• (wrap) _? (you don't write - familiar) _? (Am I disturbing you?) _ poznate? (them) vidiš? (her) __ . (for you - plural) Tukaj je tvoj svinčnik. AH _ rabil? (it) On je hud On rad _ Za Bozic Kdaj _ Deklica rada Kje je _ _. (angry at me) vse. (share) _ darila, (we get) _ Zahvalni dan? (we celebrate) _ in _posodo, (wash and wipe) _? (lavatory) Moj brat in jaz _ Moja sestra in jaz Peter in ti vsak dan. (study) v šolo. (walk) nova plašč a. (need) _ kuhinjo. (are cleaning) Marija in Ana _ Answer the following questions — Odgovori na sledeča vprašan .i a Kako se pi.šeš ? _ Koliko si star (stara)? _ V kateri razred hodiš? ______ V katero šolo hodiš? __ Kje stanuješ? Koliko vas je v družini? __ Koliko bratov in sester imaš?_ Koliko tet in stricev imaš?_______ Kaj rečeš, ce kaj rabiš? _ Kaj rečeš, ce kaj dobiš? ______ Kaj rečeš, ko vstaneš? __ Kaj rečeš, ko greš spat? __ LESSON TWENTY-FIVE I. VOCABULARY -- SLOVARČEK Names — Imena Janez (Ivan, Ivo, Janezek) -Marko Tone (Anton, Tonček) Tomaž (Tomazek) ~~ Jože, Jožef XJosko) Lojze (Lojzek) (Mihec) (Franc i, Franc ek) (Pavle, Pavelcek) (Tine, Martinček) (Edi) Miha France Pavel Martin Edvard Gregor - John, Johnny - Mark - Anthony, Tony - Thomas - Joe, Joseph - Louis - Michael, Mike - Frank - Paul - Martin - Edward, Ed - Gregory, Greg Marija Marjeta Mila Marta Jožica TonSka Marjana Ivana £na Francka Kristina Katerina Barbara Terezija Helena Zalka (Mara, Mari, Marica, — Micka, Mici, Mirni, Mi j a, Maja, Majda, Mojca, Manea, Minea,, Minka, Marinka, Maruša) (Meta, Metka, Marjetica,Margaret, Margie Marjetka) (Milica, Milka) Mary, Maria, Marie (other popular Slovenian names derived from Mary) (j£$a, Jožefa, Pepca)— (Marjanea) (Ivanka, Ivica, Jana) — (Anica, Ančka, Anuška)- (Kati, Katja, Katka, — Katica) (B^ca, Barbka, Barica)-(Rezika, Rezka, Cvetka) (Lenka, Alenka) (Zala) Emily, Millie Martha Josie, Josephine Antoinette, Tony Maryann, Marianne Jean, Jane, Jennie Ann, Annie Fran, Frances Christine Catherine, Cathy Barbara Theresa Helen Rosalie Verbs — Glagoli jokati se smejati se zahvaliti se zabavati se ponuditi odgovoriti odpustiti nagajati (se jokam) (se smejem or se smejim (se zahvalim) (se zabavam) (ponudim) (odgovorim) (odpustim) (nagajam) t.o cry (I cry) — to laugh, to laugh at (I laugh) to thank (I thank) -- to have a good time (I am having a good time) ■- to offer (I offer) — to answer (I answer) — to forgive (I forgive) — to tease, to vex, to annoy (I tease) služiti (služim) — to serve Nouns — Samostalniki karta; kartica voscilna karta čokolada dobrota dobrote torta nagrada rojstni dan dar denar drobiž gost" darilo voščilo (f.) (f.) (f.) (f.) (f. pl.) (f.) (f.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (m.) (n.) (n.) voščila za^rojstni dan (žična voščila (,)- Other words — Druge besede kdaj takoj pozno zgodaj pozno zvečer zgodaj zjutraj posebno danes domov (adverb) doma (adverb) na ta dan card t a small card a greeting card chocolate goodness good things, goodies cake reward, prize birthday donation, offering money small coins, change guest gift greeting birthday greetings Christmas greetings when immediately late early late in the evening early in the morning especially today home at home, home on this day Vse najboljše! NOTES ~ OPOMBE — Best wishes! (literallyx All the best!) 1. In this lesson we have Included some of the more popular Slovenian names. Try to find out what your name is in Slovenian. If you cannot find it in the dictionary, ask your teacher. 2. The adverb "domov" meaning "home" is used after motion verbs, such as the verbs "to go" or "come" and indicates direction. Examples Grem domov, Prj^di kmalu domov! Moramo iti domov. I am going home. Come home soon! We must go home. The adverb "doma" meaning "at home" usually follows the verb "to be" and indicates location. Examples I am at home today. Father and mother are at home. Will you be home tomorrow? Danes sem doma* Oče in mama sta doma. Ali boš Jutri doma7 "Vse najbfiljše" is a standard Slovenian expression used to congratulate someone on his or her birthday, name day, feast-day ( anniversary, etc. II. DATIVE CASE — DAJALNIK ALI TRETJI SKLON THE FORMATION OF THE DATIVE CASE 1. First and second declension nouns (Feminine nouns) Singular (i) Dual (ama or ema, ima or ma) tetama deklicama cerkvama Plural (am or em or im) tetam deklicam cerkvam teta teti deklica deklici cerkev cerkvi Exceptions gospa gospe gospema gospem hci h5eri hčerama hčeram mati materi materama materam Note Since the dative dual of the second declension nouns varies greatly, we shall indicate these forms in the manual when necessary. The following nouns have the EM ending in the dative plural nocem — to the nights vasem — to the villages lucem — to the lights potem — to the paths pecem — to the ovens mocem — to the forces The following nouns have the IM ending in the dative plural kokošim — to the chickens misim — to the mice pišcalim — to the whistles živalim — to the animals boleznim — to the illnesses 2. Third and fourth declension nouns (Masculine and Neuter) Singular (u) Dual (oma or ema) gospodu bratu sinu očetu Tonetu mozu stricu učitelju inženirju profesorju dekletu drevesu kolesu detetu gospodoma bratoma sinovoma očetoma Tonetoma možema stricema učiteljema inženirjema profesorjema dekletoma drevesoma kolesoma detetoma Plural (om or em) gospodom bratom gospod brat sin oce Tone mož stric učitelj inženir profesor dekla drevo kolo dete _ _ Note The soft ending EM or EMA is used instead of OM or OMA when the original word ends in 6, 3, 2, C and J. Examples prijatelj — prijateljema stric — stricema mož — možema -171- sinovom očetom Tonetom možem stricem učiteljem inženirjem profesorjem dekletom drevesom kolesom detetom prijateljem stricem možem As you can see from the preceding examples, every noun can be put into the dative case, but, in practical application, the dative case is used more frequently with the nouns denoting living or animate beings. B. THE USES OF THE DATIVE CASE 1. The most frequent use of the dative case is that of an INDIRECT OBJECT, indicating to or for whom something is done. It is used most often with the following verbs i a. d^ti (d^m) — to give (I give) b. pomagati (pomagam) — to help (I help) c. pokazati (pokažem) — to show (I show) c. povedati (povem) — to tell (I tell) d. reci (recem) — to say (I say) e. pisati (pisem) — to write (I write) f. prinesti (prinesem)— to bring (I bring) g. kupiti (kupim) — to buy (I buy) h. verjeti (verjamem)— to believe (I believe) i. poslati (pošljem) — to send (I send) j. posoditi (posodim) — to lend (I lend) k. zeleti (zelim) — to wish (I wish) 1. zaupati (zaupam) — to confide, to trust (I trust) m. zahvaliti se (Se — to thank (I thank) zahvalim) n. ponuditi (ponudim) — to offer (I offer) o. odgovoriti (odgovorim)to answer (I answer) p. nagajati (nagajam) — to tease, to annoy (I tease) r. oprostiti (oprostim)- to excuse (I excuse) s. odpustiti (odpustim)- to forgive (I forgive) š. služiti (sluzim)" — to serve (I serve) t. svetovati(svetujem)— to advise, to suggest (I advise) Examples Mama da otroku sladoled. Mother gives ice cream to the child, Anica pomaga mami. Ann is helping (her) mother. TonSka pokaže Mariji knjigo.Antoinette shows Mary the book. Povej Petru, da pridem! Tell Peter that I am coming! France rece učitelju, da Frank says to the teacher that ne ve. ~ he doesn't know. Ka^i Pise stricu Janezu Cathy writes a letter to uncle pismo. ^ # John. Pavle prinese očetu časopis.Paul brings the newspaper to (his) father. Stara m^ma kupi vnukom Grandma buys chocolate and other Sokolado in druge dobrote, goodies for (her) grandchildren. Tone ne verjame Marjanci. Tony does^t believe Maryann. Ivanka pošlje svoji prija- Jeannie sends her friend Majda a teljici Majdi darilo. gift. Mami želimo "vse najbaljše" we wish mother the best of za njen rojstni dan. everything for her birthday. Lojze posodi Tomažu knjigo. Louis lends a book to Thomas. Jože zaupa ocetu. Joe trusts (his) father. Teti Francki se zahvalim za I thank aunt Frances for the darilo. gift. Peter ponudi prijatelju coko- Peter offers a chocolate to (his) lado. friend. Teti Micki moram odgovoriti. I must answer aunt Mary. Fantje radi nagajajo dekle- Boys like to tease girls. torn. Prosim, oprostite mi! Please excuse me! Mama odpusti sinu. Mother forgives (her) son. Služimo Bogu. We serve God. 2. In the first example on the preceding page,"sladoled*' is the direct object and, therefore, in the accusative case. In the same sentence, "otroku** is the indirect object and, therefore, in the dative case. Whenever both the direct and the indirect objects occur in the same sentence, the indirect object or the dative case comes before the direct object or the accusative case. Examples t Uciteljica da ucencem The teacher gives homework to domačo nalogo. the students. In the above example, the indirect object "ucencem" comes before the direct object "domačo nalogo." Metka prinese očetu Margaret brings the newspaper časopis. ~ to (her) father. In this sentence, the indirect object "ocetu** precedes the direct object "časopis." 3. In Slovenian, the possessive adjectives are frequently not expressed in the dative case when they refer back to the subject. Examples! Anica pomaga mami. Annie is helping (her) mother. In this sentence, "her" is understood. Tone pile stricu. Tony is writing to (his) uncle. In this sentence, "his" is understood. In English, the prepositions "to" and "for" identify an indirect object. Do not translate these prepositions in Slovenian! simply place the noun following into the dative case. Examples 1 Teti pisem pismo. I am writing a letter to (my) aunt. Mana da otrokom piŠkote. The mother gives cookies to the children. Stric Janez kupi Petru Uncle John buys ice cream for sladoled. Peter. III. EXERCISES -- VAJE A. Let's match — Da.imo skup a.i 1. I give i. dqm a. pomagam 2. I say b. kupim 3. I send c. se smejim 4. I thank * c. povem 5. I lend d. pisem 6. I trust e. se zabavam 7. I excuse f. odpustim 8. I bring g. želim 9. I'm teasing h. verjamem 10. I show i. dam 11. I believe .i. ponudim 12. I like to help k. služim 13. I'm laughing 1. rečem 14. I am writing m. se jokam 15. I forgive n. zaupam 16. I help 0. rad dam 17. I buy D. se zahvalim 18. I have a good time r. odgovorim 19. I offer s. nagajam 20. I serve ♦ s. oprostim 21. I like to give t. posodim 22. I tell u. rad pomagam 23. I answer V. pošljem 24. I wish z. prinesem 25. I'm crying « z. pokažem B. Let's translate the following verb forms — Prevedimo sledeče glagole 1. she gives 2. he helps 3. we trust 4. they send 5. you tell (sin.) 6. you give (pi.) 7. we show 8. they tell 9. he offers 10. I believe 11. you say (sin.) 12. you wish (pi.) 13. she serves 14. Why are you crying? (Fam.) _ 15« Who is laughing? _ C. Write the following nouns in the dative singular, dual and plural — Napigi sledeče besede v tret.jem sklonu ednine, dvo.une in množine Singular Dual Plural deklica deklici_ deklicama__deklicam teta _ _ _ učenka _ _ _ Anica _ _ _ prij&teljica_ _ _ sestra _ _ _ hčerka _ _ _ žena _ _ _ uciteljica _ _ _ sestricna _ _ _ vnukinja _ _ _ hiša _ _ _ mgma _______________ ________________ __________ mati _ _ _ gospa _ _ _ gospodična _ _ _ gospod _ _ _ učenec _ _ _ učitelj _ _ _ profesor _ _ _ stric _ _ _ mož _ _ _ sin _ _ _ otrok _ _ _ sorodnik _ _ _ zdravnik _ _ _ vnuk _ _ _ oče _ _ Tone _ _ _ dekle, _ _ _ 175- D. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Tone pise očetu vsak teden. 2. Mapa kupi hčerki novo obleko._ 3. Otroci dajo m^mi lepo darilo _ za rojstni dan. _ Gospodinja da družini kosilo._ 5. UČenci prinesejo učitelju _ domaČe naloge. _ 6. Marko pokale prijatelju _ Francetu svoje novo kolo. _ 7. Mama da Mojci velik piškot. _ 8. Tgti Francki pošljem voŠČilno_ karto za rojstni dan. _ 9. Zakaj ne verjameš Jožetu? _ 10. Fantje radi nagajajo dekletom._ 11. Učiteljica da pridni učenki _ lepo nagrado. _ 12. Oče da sinu denar za novo kolo. 13. Prijateljem in sorodnikom i pišemo božična voščila. _ 14. Prijatelju lahko zaupaš. _______________________ 15. Metka prinese stari m^mi , čaj in pecivo. E. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino Note As we have already explained, the possessive adjectives are often understood with the dative case. Simply omit them when translating these sentences. 1. I am writing a letter to _ (my) brother. 2. Peter helps (his) father, _ 3. Ann helps (her) mother. _ 4. Josie is showing the photo- _ graphs to (her) girlfriends. _ 5» Margaret brings flowers to ______________________ (her) aunt. 6. Mother serves (her) family. 7. Cathy is writing a letter to (her) uncle. 8. Father buys mother a new coat. 9. Grandma buys (her) grandson a new toy. 10. Mrs. Kovac gave Barbara a beautiful prize. 11. I lend books to (my) friends. 12. (My) father offers wine and beer to the guests. 13. We write to (our) relatives. 14. We must help (our) friends. 15* Do you believe Ann? (Fam.) 16. I am sending my cousin Mary a greeting card. 17. A good teacher trusts and helps (his) students . 18. Who is teasing Mgjda? 19. Grandpa gives (his) grandchildren money for ice cream. 20. He must tell Anthony that I am coming. 21. I must show Mr. Kotnik where you live, (pi.) 22. May I tell Mrs. MoSnik that you are coming? (Fam.) 23. I must write to (my) aunt. 24. Mr. Cuk gives beautiful flowers to (his) wife. 25* Mother offers coffee and cookies to Mrs. Gornik. 26. He always gives chocolate to the children. IV. READING — BERILO Ro.istni dan Danes praznuje naša stara mama 65. (petinšestdeseti) rojstni dan« Na ta dan pridemo vsi domov. Stari m^mi prinesemo vošcilne kartice, rože in druga darila. 2elimo ji (her) "Vse najboljše!" Stara mama je zel£ vesela, ce jo obiščemo. Posebno rada ima vnuke in vnukinje. Tudi mi jo im^mo zelo radi. Vsi se zabavamo« pojemo, pijemo, jemo in se smejemo. Stara mama servira sladoled in torto. Otrokom da tudi čokolado in druge dobrote. Pozno zvečer gremo domov. Answer the Questions — Odgovori na vprašan.ia 1. Kaj praznuje naša stara mama?_ 2. Kdaj praznuje stara mama _ rojstni dan? _ 3. Koliko je stara? _ Kaj prinesemo stari mami za __ rojstni dan? _ 5« Kaj želimo stari mami za rojstni dan? _ 6. Kdaj je stara mama vesela? _ 7. Koga (whom) ima stara mama _ posebno rada? ___ 8. Ali imajo tudi otroci radi _ staro mamo? _ 9. Kako se zabavamo pri stari _ mani? _ 10. Kaj servira stara m^ma? _ 11. Kaj da stara mama otrokom? 12. Kdaj gremo domov? 13. Koliko si ti star? 14. Kdaj je svoj rojstni dan? 15. Ali tudi ti dobiš darila za tvoj rojstni dan? LESSON TWENTY-SIX I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol sosed bolnik človek ljudje (irregular plural) stari ljudje misijonar župan uspeh c as pozdrav Feminine — Ženski spol soseda bolnica bolnica zelja volja sreča bolezen mladina Neuter — Sredn.ii spol vreme zdravje življenje Ad.iectives — Pridevniki ljub, a, o drag, a, o predrag, a, o canjen, a, o spostovan, a, o vdan, a, o hvaležen, hvaležna, hvaležno podoben, podobna^ podobno močan, močna, močno navdušen, navdušena, o iskran, a, o domač(i), a, o slab, a, o prijazen, prijazna, o mali, a, o majhen, majhna, o Other word^ — Druge besede spominjati se (se spominjam) — neighbor — patient, a sick man — man, a human being — men, human beings, people — old people, old folks — missionary — mayor — success — time — greeting, salutation — neighbor — patient, a sick woman — hospital — wish, desire — will — happiness, luck, good fortune — sickness, illness — youth, young people — weather — health — life — beloved — dear — dearest, too expensive — esteemed — respected — devoted, loyal — grateful — similar, alike, resembling — strong — enthusiastic — sincere — homemade, domestic , homelike — weak, bad — friendly — little — small to remember (I remember) poljubljati (poljubljam) poljubiti (poljubim) pozdravljati or pozdraviti (pozdravljam or pozdravim) k or h (preposition followed by dative case) kljub (prep, followed by dat.) da^ (conjunction) večkrat vedno or zmeraj kako tako • ~- se res veliko malo iskreno prisrčno hitro lepa „ hvaležno Everyday expressions — Vsakdan .i i iz dna srca Kako hitro tece čas! Selimo ti (vam) se mnogo zdravih in srečnih leti Željmo ti (vam) mnogo zdravja, — sreče in uspahov v življenju! želim ti (vam) vse najboljše! — Želim ti (vam) vso srečo! Sprejmi^(sprejmite) nase najboljše zelje in prisrčne pozdrave Pomagaj (pomagajte) mi! Pomagaj (pomagajte) nam! Bog pomagaj! Povej(te) mi (nam)! Daj (te) mi (nam)! Pringsi(te) mi (nam)! Pisi(te) mi (nam)! Odgovori(te) mi (nam)! Vprašaj(te) ga (jo, jih)! Prosim, pokaži(te) mi (nam)! Dolgčas mi je. Poglej(te) ga (jo. jih)! to kiss (I kiss or I am kissing) to give a kiss (I give a kiss) to greet (I greet or I am greeting) to (usually indicating a person to whom one is going) in spite of that often, frequently always how — so still, yet, more really, truly greatly, much a little, a trifle sincerely heartily, cordially quickly beautifully, nicely gratefully izrazi from the bottom of the heart How quickly time goes by! We wish you many more healthy and happy years! We wish you a lot of health, happiness and many successes in life! I wish you the best of everything! I wish you the best of luck! Accept our best wishes and cordial greetings — Help me! — Help us! — God help (you), also used as in English "God bless you" after sneezing. — Tell me (us)! — Give me (us)! — Bring me (us)! — Write to me (to us)! — Answer me (us)! — Ask him (her, them)! — Please show me (us)! — I am lonesome. (Literallyt The time is long for me.) — Look at him (her, them)! Mudi se mi. Mudi. se nam. Ali se ti (vam) mudi? Meni je vseeno. Zdi se mi, da ... Kaj ima!(te) proti meni? Nic nimam proti tebi (vam). Kdo pride k vam? Kdo pride k nam? Kdaj lahko, pridem k tebi (k vam) I am in a hurry. We are in a hurry. Are you in a hurry? It doesn't matter to me. It seems to me that... What do you have against me? I have nothing against you. Who is coming to your house? (literallyi Who is coming to you?) Who is coming to our house? (literallyi Who is coming to us?) 'When can I come to your house? NOTES — OPOMBE 1. This lesson includes a few samples of birthday wishes which may help you to write your own letters and greeting cards. a. Whereas in English we use "Dear" for everybody, Slovenians make a distinction according to the closeness of relationship. The most affectionate expression is "ljubi" (masculine) or "ljuba" (feminine) meaning literally "beloved," e.g., "Ljuba mama!" (beloved mother). Next in closeness is "dragi" (masculine) or "draga" (feminine) meaning "dear," which is used most often for friends and acquaintances, e.g., "Dragi prijatelj!" (Dear friend), "Draga prijateljica!" or "Dragi Janez!" (Dear John). Formally, when "Vi" rather than "Ti"^is used, the corresponding salutation starts with "spostova^i" (masculine) or "spostovana" __________ 'Spostovgni gospod Hrit__ "Cenjena gospa Grcar!" (or, in plural, "Spoštovani gospodje!" "Dear Sirs"). b. In Slovenian, appellations, such as "Dragi gospod Kovač!" etc., are usually followed by an exclamation mark, rather than a comma or a colon. c. In letters and cards, Slovenians capitalize the pronouns YOU and YOUR to indicate respect. "Jaz," meaning "I," on the other hand, is not capitalized except at the beginning of the sentence. d. In the samples which follow, we have also indicated a few possibilities which may be used for the closing of a letter or a card. Here are a few additional examples! 1.) Te (Vas) lego pozdravlja, With best wishes (literallyi Tvoj (Vas) hvaležni "Is greeting you nicely"), nečak, Janez your grateful nephew, John 2.) Te (Vas) prisrčno pozdra- With our warmest regards vijamo, Tvoji (Vasi) (literally: "We greet you vdani vnuki cordially,") your devoted grandchildren 3.) Pozdrav! Greetings (orj regards) 4.) S prisrčnimi pozdravi! Cordially (With cordial. greetings) 5.) Z iskrenimi pozdravi! Sincerely (With sincere greetings) 6.) S toplimi pozdravi! With warm regards 7.) S spoštovanjem! Respectfully (With respect) 8.) Z odličnim spoštovanjem! With great respect (With excellent respect) 9.) Bog Te (Vas) Sivi! Long live! (God bless you! or literally: May God give you life!) In the last lesson we studied the formation of the dative case. Please study also the following nouns which are slightly irregular in the dative plurals starši — parents staršem — to the parents ljudje — people ljudem — to the people odrasli — adults odraslim — to the adults vsi — everybody vsem — to everybody Please study also the following peculiarities: a. to most nouns ending in "e," a "tM is attached (for easier pronunciation) before adding case endings: oce Tone France dekle ocetu Tonetu Francetu dekletu očetom Tonetom Francetom dekletom b. ■r," to masculine nouns ending in case endings: profesor profesorju profesorjem doktor doktorju doktorjem add a "j" before the II. DATIVE CASE — DAJALNIK ALI TRETJI SKLON OTHER USES OF THE DATIVE CASE 1. In addition to its use as the INDIRECT OBJECT, the DATIVE case is used also as the OBJECT of the following PREPOSITIONS: a. k (h before^ words beginning with g and k) meaning "to," usually indicating to whom or to whose place one is going) Examples: Grem k zdravniku. I am going to the doctor. Grem k stricu. I am going to my uncle's house. (literally: I am going to uncle. Grem h gospodu I a going to Mr. Kovac. Kovaču. b.) kljub (vkljub) — meaning in spite of Examples : Kljub slabemu vremenu gremo na piknik. We are going on a picnic~~in spite of the bad weather. Kljub bolezni je vedno vesel. He is always happy in spite of the illness. c.) proti — meaning toward or against Examples i Gremo proti mestu. We are going toward the city. Volimo proti županu! Let's vote against the mayor! 2. DATIVE case is also used with the following ADJECTIVES: a.) (biti) podoben, podobna, podobno — to be similar to; „ , to look alike; to resemble Examples i On je podoben Petru. He resembles Peter. Mar i. j a je zelo. podobna mami. Mary looks very much like her mother. Anica je podt>bna ocetu. Ann resembles (herffather. b.) (biti) hvaležen, hvaležna, hvaležno —to be grateful to Examples. # „ to be th*nkful to Otroci morajo biti hvaležni staršem. Children must be grateful to (their) parents. Zelo sem ti hvaležen. I am very grateful to you. Bogu moramo biti hvaležni za vse. We must be thankful to God for everything. DATIVE WITH ADJECTIVE -- DAJALNIK S PRIDEVNIKOM As we have already studied, in Slovenian, an adjective must agree with the noun it modifies in gender, number and case. Therefore, if an adjective modifies a noun in the dative case, it must also be put into the dative case. The endings for the dative case adjectives are as follows: 1. First and second declension (Feminine nouns) Singular (i) Dual (ima) Plural (im) lepi deklici lepima deklicama lepim deklicam moji sestri mojima sestrama mojim sestram dobri teti dobrima tetama dobrim tetam (The demonstrative adjective "this" is slightly irregular:) tej deklici tema deklicama tem deklicam Third and fourth declension (masculine Singular (emu) dobremu otroku pridnemu ucjsncu tvojemu stricu lepemu mestu Dual (ima) dobrima otrokoma pridnima učencema tvojima stricema lepima mestoma and neuter nouns) Plural (im) dobrim otrokom pridnim ucencem tvojim stricem lepim mestom (The demonstrative adjective "this" is irregular* temu fgntu tema fgntoma tem fantom) Examples Mama da malico lačnim otrokom. Mother gives a snack to the hungry children. Uciteljica da nagrado pridnemu uSencu. The teacher giveB a reward to the diligent student. The dative case of the interrogative pronoun WHO (KDO) is KOMU. For example t Komu pises? To whom are you writing? Komu nagajaš? Whom are you teasing? III. PERSONAL PRONOUNS — OSEBNI ZAIMKI So far we have studied the personal pronouns in the nominative and in the accusative cases. In this lesson we are adding the personal pronouns in the dative case. NOMINATIVE Singular (Ednina) jaz ti on ona, ono Dual (Dvojina) midva (midve)* vidva (vidve) onadva (onidve) DATIVE mi (meni) ti (tebi) mu (njemu) ji (njej) ACCUSATIVE to me to you to him, to her it me te ga jo (mene) (tebe) (njega) (njo) — me you — — to us two to you two naju vaju jih (ju) ngma vama jima (njima)- to them two ♦For the feminine dual in the nominative case, the following forms may also be usedi medve, vedve, onedve. Plural (Množina) mi (me) nam — to us vi (ve) vam — to you — us two — you two — them two oni (one, ona) jim (njim) — to them nas vas jih — us — you — them Note — Opomba The long form of the personal pronouns (mene, meni, tebe, etc.,) is used for emphasis and after prepositions. Otherwise, the short form (me, mi, te, etc., ) is used. Examples i On verjgme meni, tebi pa ne He believes me, but not you. (The long form is used for emphasis.) Who is coming to you (to your house) today? (The long form is used after the preposition wkM) Do you know her? Do you believe her? Kdo pride danes k tebi? £Li jo poznaš? Ali ji verjameš? £li ga v4£i|? Ali mu piseŠ? Do you see him? Do you write to him? Ali jih poslušaš? Ali jim pomagaš? Are you listening to them? Do you help them? IV. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS — VOSClLA ZA ROJSTNI DAN Let us read and translate — Berimo in prevedimo Ljuba stara mama! Ko praznuješ svoj rojstni dan, Ti vsi iskreno želimo vse najboljše. Ti si res zlata stara mama! Vedno nam šivaš obleke, pečeš dober domači kruh in pomagaš mamici v kuhinji in na vrtu. Nas vse imaŠ zelo rada in nas lepo učiš, kako moramo biti pridni. Za vse smo Ti zelo hvaležni. 2elimo Ti še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let. Vse najboljše, naša ljuba stara mama! Ljuba teta Ivanka! Za Tvoj rojstni dan se Te vsi hvaležno spominjamo. Vedno si nam tako dobra. Tudi drugim rada pomagaš. Starim ljudem in bolnikom nosiš roze in darila, jim peres in kuhaš in lepo. skrbiš zanje. Tudi misijonarjem veliko pomagaš. Mi vsak večer molimo tudi zate. Želimo Ti še mnogo zdravih let. Sprejmi naše najboljše zelje in prisrčne pozdrave! Te prisrčno pozdravljajo in poljubljajo Tvoji vedno hvaležni vnuki in vnukinje Matejcek, Milica, Mojca, Tanja, Franci, Metka, Martinček, Aleš, Pavelcek in Andrejcek Tvoje hvaležne nečakinje Milica, Tanja, Mojca in Metka Drggi prijatelj Janez! Kako hitro tece cas! Ta teden praznuješ svoj dvajseti rojstni dan. Mlad si se, zdrav in moc^n in navdušen za vse dobro. 2elim Ti iz srca mnogo zdravja, sreče in uspehov v življenju. Vesel sem, da si moj prijatelj. Večkrat mislim nate. Za rojstni dan Ti pošiljam knjigo "Volja in uspehi". Vse najboljše, dragi Janez! Te prisrčno pozdravlja Tvoj vdani Prance Spoštovana gospa Hribar! Za rojstni dan Vam vsi iskreno želimo vse najboljše in Vas lepo pozdravljamo vdani Janez in Marija Kovač in otroci V. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Write the following phrases in the dative singular and plural Napišite v tret.iem sklonu ednine in množine Dative singular Dative plural to a sick child bolnemu otroku_ bolnim otrokom_ to a small boy to a good teacher(f.)_ ______ to a beautiful girl_ __ to an old friend (m.)______ _ to a good doctor _ to a lazy grandson. _ _ to this lady _ _____ to a small girl ______ to a good son ___________ to this person __ to my relative ______ to grandmother to grandfather __ _ to our guest___ to their aunt ________ to your neighbor _ B. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Vsak teden pišemo staremu _ očetu. _ 2. Mama da piškote pridnim otrokom. _ 3. Starim ljudem moramo pomagati._ 4. Uciteljica rece slabim ucgncem, da se morajo učiti. _ 5. Malemu otroku ponudim čokolado. 6. Teta prinese svojim nečakinjam in nečakom lepa darila. _ 7. Maj emu dobremu prijatelju _ lahko vedno zaupam. _ 8. Lenemu fantu moram pokazati, _ kako se mora učiti. _ 9. Lačni družini pripravi mama _ dobro večerjo. _ 10. Če imaš močno voljo, lahko _ vse narediš. _ 11. Kdo je vaš župan? _ 12. Mojca je zelo podobna očku. _ 13. Zelo smo vam hvaležni za vse,_ 14. Moram iti k zdravniku. _ Grlo me boli. _ 15. Prosim, daj mi svinčnik! _ 16. Piši nam, kako se imaš. _ 17. Kdo pride danes k nam? _ 18. Komu pišeš? _ 19. Daj čokolado tej deklici! _ 20. Povej tem ljudem, da gremo _ domov. _ 21. Zdi se mi, da vas že poznam. _ 22. Kaj imaš proti temu fantu? _ 23- Nic nimam preiti njemu. _ 24. Povej mu, da sem bolan. _ 25. Imamo d(>bre sosede. _ -187- 26. Mladina je navdušena za špert. 27. Sorodnikom pišemo za praznike._ 28. Grem k sosedu po časopis. __ 29. Zdravnik pove bolniku, da __ mora veliko počivati. __ 30. Očka rece otrokom, da morajo_ biti pridni. _ C. Write in the correct form of the pronoun Napiši pravilno obliko zaimka 1. Mgma _ kupi nove hlače. (to him) 2. Vprašaj _^ kje dela. (her) 3- Jaz _ ne slišim, (you - familiar) Oni _ ne poznajo, (us) 5. Mama _ da dobro večerjo, (to us) Jaz _ kupim darilo za rojstni dan. (to her) 7. On _ pomaga, (to us) 8. Povej _• (to hira) 9. Kje je moje pero? Jože _ ima. (it) 10. Ona __ noče pokazati, (to me) 11 • °aj _ tvojo telefonsko številko, (to him) 12. Ali _ vidiš? (them) 13. _ poznam, _ pa ne. (her, him) 14. Ali _ verjameš? (to them) 15. Ali _ pišeš? (to her) 16. Mi 17- Oni 18. Ali 19. On radi pomagamo, (to you - plural) _ ne odgovorijo, (to us) _ odpustiš? (to him) . ima rad. (her) _ kavo, prosim! (to me) _ Piši! (to us) 20. Prinesi 21. Kmalu _ 22. Kdaj prideš k 23. Gremo k _ _? (to mej to my house) (them; to their house) 24. Kaj imaš proti 25. Kaj imaš proti ? (us) _? (me) -188- 26. Poglej _, kako hitro gre! (him) 2?. Prosim prinesite _ pivo! (to us two) 28. Ali _ poznate? (us two) 29. Povej__^ ne _! (him, me) 30. Daj _ svinčnik in papir, prosim! (me) D. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenscino 1. I send her a gift. _ 2. The newspaper is in the kitchen. __ Please give it to me. ______ 3. Your friend is coming. _______ Do you see him? __ This is my sister. __ Do you know her? _____ 5. She knows you. I know her. _ 6. He sends flowers to his _________ mother. ____ 7. Please help my brother. ___ 8. She believes me. _ 9. Write to us soon! _________ 10. It doesn't matter to me. 11. Please bring me black coffee. ________________ 12. Are you in a hurry? _ 13. Yes, I am in a hurry. ___._ 14. Who is coming to our _______ house (to us) today? _____ 15. We are coming to your ____ house (to you) on Saturday. __,_ 16. We wish you the best of _ everything. ______ 17. I am lonesome. _ 18. I am going to the doctor. _ 19. Do you have good neighbors? _ 20. Do you have a good mayor? _ _ 21. How quickly the time goes by! _ 22. We wish you the best of luck! _ 23. Please help me! _ -189- 24. A good daughter helps her sick mother. 25. I am writing to an old friend. 2 6. I trust my friend. 27. The children write to their parents. 28. Grandmother buys her small grandchildren new toys. 29. Ann brings flowers to her sick aunt. 30. The teacher likes to help good students. 31. Please help this girl! 32. Please give this boy a paper and a pencil. 33. Tell these people that we do not understand them. 34. Ann is reading to the small children. 35. He doesn't write to me. E. Match -- Da.ite skupaj 1. sincerely a. vedno 2. cordially b. hvaležen 3. respectfully c. k (h) 4. with warm regards • c. hitro 5. always d. z iskrenimi pozdravi 6. often e. kljub 7- grateful f. podoben 8. similar e. s toplimi pozdravi 9- that, yes h. večkrat 10. to i. da 11. in spite of i. s prisrčnimi pozdravi 12. quickly, fast k. s spoštovanjem LESSON TWENTY-SEVEN I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moski spol koncert pevec (plurali pevci) pevski zbor narodni dom narodni ples prst prstan krof^ domači kruh krompir sendvič Feminine — Ženski spol žoga dvorana klobasa kranjska klobasa hrenovka concert singer (singers) singing choir national home national dance finger ring doughnut homemade bread potato sandwich ball hall sausage Camiolan sausage frankfurter (hot dog) goveja juha pečenka pijana pevka narodna noša narodna himna cerkev Neuter — Sredn.ii spol domače pecivo Other words — Druge besede zabavati se (se zabavam) z abavati (zabavam) vreči (vržem) odličen, odlična, odlično slovenski, a, o domači, a, e poln, a, o narodni, narodna, narodno naroden, narodna, narodno tak, tgka, tako tako včeraj lani or lansko leto pozno cisto potem or nato takoj Deer soup roast beverage, drink a female singer national costume national anthem (hymn) church — homemade pastry — to enjoy oneself, to have a good time (I enjoy myself) — to entertain (I entertain) — to throw (I throw) excellent — Slovenian — homemade, domestic — full, crowded — national ■ - clumsy, awkward such — so, thus, this way -- yesterday — last year -- late -- quite, entirely (alsos purely) — after that -- immediately -191- ves dan (cel dan) dolgo (tako dolgo) ob desetih ob treh v službi nic kaj ? kdaj? že v na za all day for a long time (for such a long at ten o'clock time) at three o'clock at work nothing, (not) anything what? when? already to, in to, at, on for II. PAST TENSE — PRETEKLI CAS ™ ™RM THE PAST TENSE OP ANY SLOVENIAN VERB, SIMPLY USE THE PARTICIPLE THE VERB T0 m (BITI> AND THE PAST ACTIVE Let us review the present tense of the verb TO BE (BITT)i Singular (jaz) (ti) (on) (ona) (ono) Dual (midva, midve) (vidva, vidve) POSITIVE sem si je je je sva sta I am you are he is she is it is we two are you two are NEGATIVE nisem nisi ni ni ni nisva nista nista ; —---- ——-' —»o. — jfuu iwu etre (onadva, onidve) sta — they two are Plural (mi, me) smo — we are (vi, ve) ste — you are (oni, one, ona) so — they are XS qSestKrSo?f aimply precede PortttT. form with B. Let us now study the PAST ACTIVE PARTICIPLE< nismo nTste niso 1. To form the form of the LI or LE." Infinitive (to be) biti (to stand) stati (to work) delati (to seek) iskati (to give) dati (to write) pisati past active participle, take the INFINITIVE verb, drop the "TI" ending and add "L, LA, LO, Here are some examples i Take off "TI" Add "L. LA. LI." etc. bi bil, bila, bili... (been) sta stal, stala, stali (stood) dela delal, delala... (worked) iska iskal, iskala ... (sought) da dal, dala, dali... (given) pisa pisal, pisala ... (written) The past active participle is used as an adjective. Therefore, it has the masculine, feminine and neuter endings in the singular, dual and the plural: Masculine Feminine Neuter Singular 1 (blTT la Tbila) lo (bilo) Dual la (bila) li (bili) li (bill) Plural li (bili) le (bile) la (bila) Perhaps the following chart may be easier for you to remember: 1 — masculine singular la — feminine singular; masculine dual i neuter plural 10 — neuter singular 11 — feminine and neuter dual; masculine plural le — feminine plural Examples i Oce je bil bolan. Father was sick. M^ma je bila v bolnici. Mother was in the hospital. Dete je bilo bolno. The baby was sick. Ata in mama sta bila Father and mother were in lani v Sloveniji. Slovenia last year. Marija in Anica sta bili Mary and Annie were in school, v soli. Dve jabolki sta bili na Two apples were on the table, mizi. Otroci so bili na pikniku.The children were at the picnic. Deklice so bile pridne. The girls were good. Jajca so bila draga. Eggs were expensive. Note — opomba In everyday speech, however, some of the above forms are rarely used. When the gender is mixed, or when it is undetermined, the masculine form is always used in the dual and the plural. Examples: Oce in mama sta delala. Father and mother worked. (The masculine form is used for the participle because the gender is mixed.) Vsi smo delali. We all worked. (The masculine form of the participle is used because the gender is undetermined. ) Now let us conjugate the verb TO BE (BITI) in the past tense: Singular (Ednina) (jaz) sem bil (bila) — I was; I have been (ti) si bil (bila) — you were s you have been (on) je bil — he was; he has been (ona) je bila — she was; she has been (ono) je bilo — it was? it has been Dual (Dvojina) midva sva bila (m.) — we two were; we two have been midve sva bili (f.) — we two were i we two have been vidva sta bila (m.) — you two were; you two have been vidve sta bili (f.) — you two were; you two have been onadva sta bila (m.) — they two were; they two have been onidve sta bili (f.) — they two were; they two have been Plural (Množina) mi smo bili (m.) — we were; we have been me smo bile, (f.) — we were; we have been vi ste bili (m.) — you were; you have been ve ste bile (f.) — you were; you have been oni so bili (m.) — they were; they have been one so bile (f.) — they were; they have been ona so bila (n.) — they were; they have been Let us study the irregular past active participles i There are not very many exceptions in the formation of the past active participle. The exceptions must simply be memorized. Of all the verbs we have studied so far, the following have an irregular past active participles Infinitive Past active participle iti (to go) sel, šla, šli... oditi (to go away) odšel, odšla, odšli ... priti (to come) prišel, prislai prišli ... najti (to find) našel, našla, našli... odpreti (to open) odprl, odprla, odprli... zapreti (to close) zaprl, zaprla, zaprli... umreti (to die) umrl, umrla, umrli... teci (to run) tekel, tekla, tekli... raci (to say) rekel, rekla, rekli... peci (to bake) pekel, pekla, pekli... moci (to be able) mogel, mogla, mogli... vreči (to throw) vrgel, vrgla, vrgli... strici (to cut ) strigel, strigla, strigli... ngsti (to carry) nesel, nesla, nesli... prinesti (to bring) prinesel, prinesla, prinesli... pasti (to fall) padel, padla, padli... odpasti (to fall away) odpadel, odpadla, odpadli... krasti (to steal) kradel, kradla, kradli... j^sti (to eat) jedel, jedla, jedli... pojesti (to consume) pojedel, pojedla, pojedli... plesti (to knit) pletel, pletla, pletli... pomesti (to sweep) pometel, pometla, pom^tli... prevesti (to translate) prevedel, prevedla, prevedli... rasti (to grow) rastel, rastla, rastli or rasel, rasla, rasli... Je deževalo. Je snežilo. — It rained. — It snowed. Memorize also s Dežuje. — It is raining. Sneži. — It is snowing. Colloquially, people also say, "dez gre" for "it is raining" (literally, "the rain goes") and "sneg gre" for "it is snowing. Now let us conjugate a verb in the past tense i DELATI (TO WORK) Affirmative Singular (Ednina) (jaz) sem delal(a) (ti) si delal(a) (on) je delal (ona) je delala (ono) je delalo I worked; I have worked; I was working you worked; you have worked; you were working he worked; he has worked; he was working she worked; she has worked; she was working it worked; it has worked; it was working Dual (Dvojina) (midva) sva delala (m.) — (mi d ve) sva delali (f.) — (vidva) sta delala (m.) — (vi d ve) sta delali (f.) — (onadva) sta delala (m.) — (onidve) sta delali (f.) — Plural (Množina) (mi) smo delali (m.) — (me) smo delale (f.) — (vi) ste delali (m.) — (ve) ste delale (f.) — (oni) so delali (m.) — (one) so delale (f.) — (ona) so delala (n.) — we two worked; we two have worked we two were working we two worked; we two have worked we two were working you two worked; you two have worked; you two were working you two worked; you two have worked; you two were working they two worked; they two have worked; they two were working they two worked; they two !have worked; they two were working we worked; we have worked; we were working we worked; we have worked; we were working you worked, you have workedj you were working you worked; you have worked; you were working they worked; they have worked; they were working they worked; they have worked; they were working they worked; they have worked; they were working Negative Singular (Ednina) nisem delal(a) nisi delal(a) ni delal ni delala ni delalo Dual (Dvojina) nisva delala(i) nista delala(i) nista delala(i) Plural (Množina) nismo delali(e) niste delali(e) niso delali(e, a) Interrogative Singular (Ednina) Ali sem delal(a)? Ali si delal(a)? Ali je delal? Ali je delala? Ali je delalo? Dual (Dvojina) Ali sva delala(i)? Ali sta delala(i)? Ali sta delala(i)? - I didn't work; I was not working? I haven't worked - you didn't work; you were not working; you haven't worked - he hasn't worked; he was not working; he didn't work - she didn't work; she was not working; she hasn't worked - it didn't work; it was not working; it hasn't worked - we two didn't work; we two were not working; we two haven't worked - you two didn't work; you two were not working; haven't worked - they two didn't work; they two were not working; haven't worked - we didn't work; we were not working; we haven't worked - you didn't work; you were not working; you haven't worked - they didn't work; they were not working; they haven't worked ~ Did I work? Was I working? Have I worked? — Did you work? Were you working? Have you worked? — Did he work? Was he working? Has he worked? — Did she work? Was she working? Has she worked? — Did it work? Was it working? Has it worked? — Did we two work? Were we two working? Have we two worked? — Did you two work? Were you two working? Have you two worked? — Did they two work? Were they two working? Have they two worked? Plural (Množina) Ali smo delali(e)? — Did we work? Were we working? Have we worked? Ali ste delali(e)? — Did you work? Were you working? Have you worked? Ali so delali(e, a)? — Did they work? Were they working? Have they worked? Note - Opomba Notice that we have three ways of expressing the past tense in English. In Slovenian, there is only one way. Therefore, be careful not to translate such helping words as "was, were, have, has, did." Examples! Smo pisali. We wrote. We were writing. We have written. Niso prišli. They didn't come. They haven*t come. They were not coming. Ali ste slišali? Did you hear? Have you heard? Were you hearing? When you are asked to conjugate a verb in the past tense, please use the following format« PISATI (TO WRITE) Singular Dual Plural sem pisal, -a sva pisala, i smo pisali, -e si pisal, -a sta pisala, i ste pisali, -e je pisal, -a, -o sta pisala, i so pisali, -e, -a Past tense of the reflexive verbs Reflexive verbs are conjugated exactly the same way, except that the reflexive pronoun "SE" is usually placed either between the helping verb and the participle or at the end of the entire verb form when it is conjugated in the affirmative or in the interrogative form. For example« UClTI SE (TO STUDY) sem se ucil(a) or ucil(a) sem se si se ucil(a) or ucil(a) si se se je ucil(a,o) or ucil(a,o) se je* ♦Notice that there is a slight change in the third person, singular. SEM comes before the entire verb form or after the participle. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Dual sva se učila, -i sta se ucila, -i sta se učila, -i Plural smo se učili, -e ste se učili, -e so se učili, -e, -a or učila, or učila, or učila, or učili, or učili, or učili, -i -i -i sva se sta se sta se -e -e -e, a smo se ste se so se To make any reflexive verb interrogative in the past tense, simply precede it with "Ali." Por example i Ali si se ucil? Did you study? Ali so se ucili? Did they study? Ali se je £na ucila? Did Ann study? In the negative, "SE" is placed either in front of the entire verb form or between the helping word and the participle. For example t Singular se nisem ucil, -a se nisi ucil, -a se ni ucil, -a, -o or ni se ucil, -a, -o Dual se nisva ucila, -i se nista ucila, -i se nista ucila, -i Plural se nismo ucili, -e se niste ucTli, -e se niso ucili, -e, -a or niso se ucixi,-e, -a or nisem se ucil, -a or nisi se u|il. -a 0 or ni se ucil, -a, or nisva se ucila, -i or nista se ucila, • -i or nista se ucila, -i or nismo se ucili, -e or niste se učili, -e -a or niso se uSili, -e, G. Personal pronouns with the past tense Whenever a personal pronoun is used as the direct or the indirect object with the paBt tense, the pronoun is usually placed between the helping verb and the participle. For example: Včeraj sem ga videl. I saw him yesterday. Sem ji pomggal. I helped her. Smo jih srečali. We met them. Nismo te slišali. We didn't hear you. Ali si^mu pisal? Did you write to him? Ni ji še odgovoril. He didn't answer her yet. However, there is again a slight change in the third person singular: the pronouns are usually placed in front of the entire verb form. For example: Mi je Se pisala. She wrote to me already. Jo je srecal. He met her. Me ni poznal. He didn't know me. III. EXERCISES — VAJE If you have forgotten some of the verbs we have studied thus far, please refer to pages 30, 99-100, 128-129, and 145. A. Conjugate the following verbs in the past tense — Spregajte v preteklem 5asu ~~ Singular Dual Plural BRATI (TO READ) — (positive form) DATI (TO GIVE) — (positive form) SPATI (TO SLEEP) — (negative form) PITI (TO DRINK) — (negative form) ITI (TO GO) — (interrogative form) POZABITI (TO FORGET) — interrogative form) SPOMNITI SE (TO REMEMBER) -- (positive form) B. Write the past active participle (the masculine, singular form) for the following infinitives and translate the infinitive form Napišite opisni deležnik sledečim nedolocnikom in prevedite nedolocnike Past active participle Translation of the infinitive 1. imeti imel__to have_ 2. biti _ _ 3. dati _ _ govoriti _ _ 5« kupiti _ _ 6. se peljati _ _ 7. videti _ _ 8. potovati _ _ 9. peti _ _ 10. spati _ _ 11. naročiti _ _ 12. stanovati _ _ 13. skakati _ _ 14. ponuditi _ _ 15. kuhati _ _ 16. pomiti _ _ 17. misliti _ _ 18. vstati _ _ 19. živeti _ _ 20. skriti _ _ 21. šteti _ _ 22. sedeti _ _ 23. stati _ _ 24. zaviti _ _ 25. zavezati _ _ 26. likati _ _ 27. želeti _ _ 28. piti _ _ 29. poslati _ _ 30. iskati _ _ 31. vzeti _ _ Past active participle Translation of the infinitive 32. hoteti 33. ljubiti povedati 35. popraviti 36. čakati 37. ostati 38. pomagati 39. nositi 40. slisati 41. pogrešati 42. se briti prositi 44. gledati igrati 46. izbrati plesati 48. prati ubogati 50. paziti 51. zmagati 52. počistiti 53. hoditi 5^. začeti 55. zaspati 56. se zbuditi 57. učiti 58. plačati 59. trpeti 60. postati 61. poklicati 62. šivati 63. srečati 64. plavati 65. vedeti -201- 66. razumeti _ 6?. dobiti _ 68. znati _ 69. verjeti _ 70. se zahvaliti. 71. kasljati _ 72. morati _ 73. obiskati _ 74. vprašati _ 75- pisati _ Past active -participle Translation of the infinitive The following verbs have an irregular past active participle. Please refer to p. 194-C and study them carefully! 76. iti šel__to go_ 77. oditi _ _ 78. priti _ _ 79. najti _ _ 80. odpreti _ _ 81. zapreti _ _ 82. umreti _ _ 83* pasti _ _ 84. krasti _ _ 85. jesti _ _ 86. re5i _ _ 87. teci _ _ 88. peci _ _ 89. strici _ _ 90. vreči _ _ 91. nesti _ _ 92. prinesti _ _ 93* moči _ _ 94. prevesti _ _ 95 • pomesti _ _ 96. plesti _ _ 97. rasti _ __ G. Practice reading the following verb forms and translate Berite m prevedite Note« As we have already indicated in Lesson 5» in Slovenian, the letter "1" is pronounced as a *w" sound when it occurs at the end of the word (bil — biwj rekel — rekew, etc.) This, of course, will always occur in the past tense singular, masculine form. je videl je verjel je prinesel je prišel je stal je ostal je rabil je vedel je pravil je popravil je zaprl je odprl je umrl je nosil sem rekel Ali si risal? sem tekel Ali si pisal? sem bil Ali si pil? sem šel Ali si pel? sem prišel Ali si jedel? sem nesel Ali si polil? sem našel Ali si vstal? sem delal Ali si postal? sem dal Ali si prižgal? sem bral Ali si se bril? sem gledal Ali si se učil? sem srečal Ali si zaspal? sem poznal Ali si spal? sem poslal Ali si plaval? sem znal Ali si imel? ni ni ni se ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni povedal prodal našel ni igral sedel bral vprašal rekel tekel pekel vzel začel naredil prosil D. Change the following verb forms from the present tense to the past tense and translate the form in the past tense Spremenite sledeče glagolske oblike v pretekli cas in prevedite v preteklem času Present tense Past tense Translation ona pere .je prala_ she washed_ Pridem _sem prišel (prišla) I r.ame_ sta _ _ greste _ _ on vpraša _ _ Ali sivas (fem.) _ _ cikate _ _ pomagamo _________________ ____________________ imaš (mase.) _ _ ne poznam _ _ znajo _ _ on se uci _ _ ne vem _ _ ona lika _ _ Ali razumeš? _ _ moram _ _ ne morem _ _ pogrešava _ _ grem _ __ pridejo _ _ upava _ _ smo ____ on telefonira _ _ mislita (vidva) _ _ Ali kadiš? _ _ Ali pijete? _ _ on ne kupi _ _ ona naredi _ _ povabijo __ _ on ne rabi _ _ ubogajo ____ Present tense barvam Ali posodil? se učimo se zahvalim on se brije poslušata (onidve)_ prodajo _ djjmo _ praznujemo _ srečaš _ pošljeta (vidva) _ hitijo _ hodi (ona) _ ne motim _ prosim _ ves _ on zasluži _ ne zgubiš _ pozabiva (midva) _ se igrajo _ se spomnimo _ se ne bojim _ se uSiva (m^dve) _ govorim _ sem _ vprašamo _ ne jemo _ skrijem z ac nem _ on je (he is) __ ona je (she eats)_ ostanemo _ ona spi _ ne najdem ALi slišite? _ -205- Past tense Translation sem barval (a)_ I painted E. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Nismo vedeli, da je umrl. _ 2. On ni kadil, pa je bolan._ 3. Ali so otroci že prišli domov?_ 4. Kdo je to naredil? _ 5. Kdo je tukaj sedel? _ 6. Metka ni mogla priti. _ 7. Kdo ti je to dal? _ 8. Včeraj sem mu pisal? _ 9. Kdaj ste jih videli? _ 10. Kaj ste jedli za zajtrk? _ 11. Nic nisem Še danes jedel._ 12. Kdo je prižgal luČ? _ 13. Zakaj nisi pel? _ 14. Stgri mani smo poslali darilo _ za rojstni dan. _ 15. Moj brat ji je kupil rože._ 16. Ali si jo poznal? _ 17. Danes nisem nic znal v šoli._ 18. Kati je dobila nov plašč. _ 19. Teta me je povabila na koncert._ 20. Mama mi je kupila lepo _ narodno nošo. _ 21. Kje ste bili tako dolgo? _ 22. Oni so ostali v Clevelandu._ 23. Kaj si mi prinesel? _ 24. Kdo vam je to povedal? _ 25. inica mi je rekla, da ti _ je pisala. _ 26. Nisem te razumel. _ 27« Metka in Tanja sta se _ igrali na vrtu. _ 28. Maja se je jokala, ko je _ videla, da je zgubila uro._ -206- 29* Ali si ze naredil domačo nalogo? 30. Kje si kupila tako lepo obleko? 31» Kje je Mojca dobila to lepo igračo? 32. Kam ste sli v nedaljo? 33» Doma smo vas iskali. 3Ali si našel ključe? 35« Ne, nisem jih našel. 36. Oprostite, nisem vas razumel. 37- Nismo mogli priti. 38. Zakaj se nisi učil? 39« Nisem imel časa. Moral sem m^mi pomagati. 40. Ali si mu verjel? 41. Ali si se ze zahvalil stricu za tako lepo darilo? 42. Hišo smo prodali. Smo ze drugo kupili. 43. Mi. j a je pomila in pobrisala posodo, Katja pa je poribala tla v kuhinji. 44. Janez, kaj si danes delal? 45. Učil sem se in naradil sem domačo nalogo. 46. Kdo je tako lepo igral na klavir? 47. Ali si bral to knjigo? 48. Francka je danes ves dan prala, likala, šivala in čistila. Zelo je bila pridna. 49. Mama je djjnes pekla potico. 50. Kdo je vrgel zogo v okno? 51. Kdaj si vstal danes zjutraj? 52. Naš sosed je umrl. 2e dolgo je bil bolan in je veliko trpel. -207- F. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovensSino 1. I didn't listen. _ 2. Did they come already? _ 3. Did you forget? (Fam.) _ 4. I saw her. _ 5. Did you meet him? (F.) _ 6. I already read the newspaper. _ ?. She didn't dance. _ 8. What did you say? (Fam.) _ 9. The boys ran to school. _ 10. Who threw the ball? _ 11. She asked why you didn't _ come. _ 12. I found the book. _ 13. Where did you put my keys? _ 14. I lost my eyeglasses. _ 15« Who closed the door? _ 16. I turned off the radio. _ 17. He was sick yesterday. _ 18. She thanked us for the gift. _ 19. She didn't tell me. _ 20. I asked her. _ 21. We saw you. _ 22. Who opened this box? _ 23. I couldn't come. _ 24. We were at home yesterday. _ 25. She went to the doctor. _ 26. They came yesterday. _ 27. She was looking for you. _ 28. Peter and John fixed _ the car. _ 29. Cathy and Margaret washed _ and wiped the dishes. _;_ 30. Mother washed clothes on _ Monday. _ 31. He was sick all week. _ -208- 32. She didn't have anything. _ 33. We worked all day. _ 34. We bought a new house. _ 35. I got a new coat. _ 36. She baked cookies. _ 37. Who ate my cake? __ 38. I didn't eat yet. _ 39. I couldn't sleep. _ 40. Did you sleep well? _ 41. She was ironing and I was _ cleaning my room. _ 42. Who gave you this book? _ 43. Where did you get this? __ 44. I forgot what she said. _ 45. I thought that you knew. _ 46. Did you understand what he __ said? _ 47. She stayed at home. __ 48. She walked and he ran. _ 49. I drank milk and he drank _ black coffee. _ 50. I couldn't go because I _ had to study. _ 51. The children were playing. _ 52. The girls were sitting and the boys were standing. _ 53» Their grandmother died in _ October. _ 54. Who painted the house? _ 55* I sent a card to aunt _ Mary when she was in the _ hospital. _ 56. Who paid for the sandwiches? 57. When did you move? _ 58. I used your pen. _ IV. READING — BERILO Včeraj je bila, nedelja. Pozno smo vstali« Ob desetih smo sli v cerkev. Ko smo prišli domov, smo imeli majhen zajtrk. Potem je mama skuhala kosilo. Povabili smo tudi teto Ivanko in strica Toneta. Kosilo je bilo odlično. Jedli smo domačo govejo juho, pečenko, krompir, solato in še drugo zelenjavo. Tudi domače krofe je mama spekla. Kako so bili dobri! Ob treh popoldne smo šli na koncert v slovenski narodni dom. Dvorana je bila cisto polna. Pevci so odlično peli. Po koncertu smo lahko plesali in se zabavali. Lahko smo tudi kupili kranjske klobase, hrenovke ^li sendviče, dobro domače pecivo, krofe in pijačo. Domov smo prišli pozno zvecgr. Imeli smo res zelo lepo nedeljo. Translate the above reading into English. Underline also all the ver ha in thg pag-h tpnsp. Answer the questions — Odgovorite na vprašan .i a 1. Kateri dan je bil včeraj? _ 2. Kdaj smo vstali? _ 3. Kam smo Šli ob desetih? _ Kaj smo imeli, ko smo prišli _ domov? _ 5« Kdo je prišal na kosilo? _ 6. Kaj smo jedli za kosilo? _ 7. Kaj je mama spekla? _ 8. Kam smo šli ob treh? _ 9. Kako so pevci peli? _ 10. Ali je bilo veliko ljudi? 11. Kaj smo lahko kupili po _ koncertu? 12. Kdaj smo šli domov? _ 13. Ali rad ješ slovenske krofe? _ 14. Ali znaš peci krofe? _ LESSON TWENTY-EIGHT I. VOCABULARY - Nouns — FifflnOflt;g1r^1" denar (m.) dom (m ■) plašč (m.) sestanek (m.) odmor (m.) seja (f.) denarnica (f.) knjižnica (f.) slika (f.) steza (f.) stezica (f.) trava (f.) travica (f.) (trav'ca) grmovje (n.) Verbs — Glagoli rasti (rastem or rasem) posekati (posekam) pozeti (pozanjem) izgledati (izgledam) risati (rišem) računati Tračunam) telovaditi (telovadim) hoditi (hodim) Other words — Druge "besede skoraj nikoli or nikdar včasih kmalu vsak dan kdo (relative pronoun) kdo? (interrogative pronoun) med ker da v ce ko kako pri,dno res jutri SLOVARČEK money- home coat meeting, conference, date recess, pause, break, intermission conference, session, meeting wallet library picture, photograph path, pathway, track little path, narrow track grass small blade or grass shrubs, bushes to grow (I grow) to chop down, to cut down (I chop down, I cut down) to reap a field, to cut or mow the grass (I reap a field) to appear, to look (I appear) to draw (I draw) to do arithmetic, to calculate (I do arithmetic) to do gymnastics, to exercise (I do gymnastics) to walk, to attend (I walk) almost never sometimes soon every day someone who? during; among, between because that, so that; yes if when how diligently really, truly tomorrow II. FUTURE TENSE -- PRIHODNJI CAS The future tense indicates an action which has not yet been performed, but will be in the future. In Slovenian, the future tense is formed with the FUTURE TENSE OF THE VERB TO EE (BITI) AND THE PAST ACTIVE PARTICIPLE. The same participle is used in forming the past tense. The only exception to this rule is the verb TO BE (BITI). In the future, it has no participles it stands alone. A. Let us conjugate the verb TO Singular (Ednina) (jaz) bom (ti) boš (on, ona, ono) bo Dual (Dvojina) (midva, uri dve) bova (vidva, vidve) bosta — (onadva, onidve) bosta — Plural (Množina) BE (BITI) in the future tense t I shall be you will be he, she, it will be we two shall be you two will be they two will be (mi, me) bomo (vi, ve) boste (Oni, one) bojo or bodo ona - Negative (Nikalna oblika) ne bom I shall not Ali bom? boš be ne you will not Ali boš? be ne bo he, she, it Ali bo? will not be ne bova we two shall Ali bova? not be ne bosta you two will Ali bosta? not be ne bosta they two will Ali bosta? not be ne bomo we shall not Ali bomo? be ne boste you will not Ali boste? be ne bodo (bojo)- ■they will not Ali bodo (bojo)? — be we shall be you will be they will be Interrogative (Vprašalna oblika) — Will you be? Will he, she, it be? Shall we two be? Will you two be? Will they twc be? Now let us conjugate the verb TO WORK (DELATI) in the future tense: Affirmative Singular (Ednina) (jaz) bom delal(a) (ti) boš delal(a) (on) (ona) (ono) Dual (Dvojina) (midva) (mi dve) bo delal bo delala bo delalo — I shall work j I shall be working — you will work; you will be working — he will work; he will be working — she will work; she will be working — it will work; it will be working bova delala (m.) — we two shall work; we two shall be working bova delali (f.) — we two shall work; we two shall be working (vidva) bosta delala (m.)-- you two will work; you two will be working (vidve) bosta delali (f.)— you two will work; you two will be working (onadva) bosta delala (m.)— they two will work; they two will be working (onidve) bosta delali (f.)— they two will work; they two will be working Plural (Množina) (mi) bomo delali (m.)— we shall work; we shall be work- ing (me) bomo delale (f.)— we shall work; we shall be work- ing (vi) boste delali (m.)— you will work; you will be working (ve) boste delale (f.)— you will work; you will be working (oni) bodo (bojo)delali(m.)— they will work; they will be working (one) bojo (bodo)delale(f.)— they will work; they will be working (ona) bojo (bodo)delala(n.)— they will work; they will be working Negative Sinfillar (Ednina) ne bom delal (a) — I shall not work; I shall not be boš working ne delal(a) — you will not work; you will not be working ne bo delal — he will not work; he will not be delala working ne bo — she will not work; she will not be working ne bo delalo — it will not work; it will not be working -213- Dual (Dvojina) ne bova delala(i) ne bosta delala(i) ne bosta delala(i) Plural (Množina) ne bomo delali(e) ne boste delali(e) ne bodo (bojo)delali(e,a) Interrogative Singular (Ednina) Ali bom delal(a)? Ali bos delal(a)? Ali bo delal(a,o)? Dual (Dvojina) Ali bova delala(i)? Ali bosta delala(i)? Ali bosta delala(i)? Plural (Množina) Ali bomo delali(e)? Ali boste delali(e)? — we two shall not work; we two shall not be working — you two will not work; you two will not be working — they two will not work; they two will not be working we shall not work; we shall not be working you will not work; you will not be working they will not work; they will not be working — Shall I work? Shall I be working? — Will you work? Will you be working? — Will he, she, it work? Will he, she, it be working? — Shall we two work? be working? — Will you two work? be working? — Will they two work? two be working? Shall we two Will you two Will they Shall we be — Shall we work? working? — Will you work? Will you be working? Ali bodo (bojo) delali(e,a)?- Will they work? Will they be working? Please use the following format when you are asked to conjugate a verb in the future tense: PISATI (TO WRITE) Singular bom pisal,-a boš pisal,-a bo pisal,-a, -o Dual bova pisala,-i bosta pisala,-i bosta pisala,-i Plural bomo pisali, -e boste pisali, -e bodo (bojo) pisali,-e, — ct NOTES — OPOMBE 1. Please note that there are two possible forms in the third person plural, future tense: bodo or bojo. These two forms are interchangeable. 2. You may invert the word order in the future: delal bom instead of bom delal (I shall work) dala bo instead of bo dala (she will give) peli bomo instead of bomo peli (we shall sing), etc. 3. We have already studied the past active participles when we studied the past tense. Please refer to pages 192 and 193 for a review. A few verbs have an irregular past active participle. We have already listed these verbs on page 194 C. Please review them! 5. In English, we occasionally express the future with the verb to go, for example« "I am going to write a letter." In Slovenian, the future is always expressed with one single future tense, e.g., "Pisal bom pismo." Be sure to use only this form of the future tense in Slovenian (the future of the verb to be and past active participle) and never translate the verb "to go" literally in forming the future tense. 6. The verb "hoditi" usually means "to walk" but it may also be translated in a more general way "to attend, to go habitually." 7. In Slovenian, negative words, such as "nikoli" or nikdar" meaning "never" and "nic" meaning "nothing, anything," take a negative verb. This results in the so called "double negative" which is allowed in Slovenian. For example« Nikoli ne bom pozabil. I shall never forget. Nikdar ga nisem videl. I never saw him. Nic nisem dal. I didn't give anything. III. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Conjugate the following verbs in the future tense — Sprega.ite v prihodnjem casu HODITI (TO WALK) — (affirmative) Singular Dual Plural DATI (TO GIVE) — (affirmative) GOVORITI (TO SPEAK) — (negative form) Singular Dual Plural PITI (TO DRINK) ™ (negative form) POSLATI (TO SEND) — (interrogative form) BRATI (TO READ) — (interrogative form) B. Put the following infinitives into the future tense using the -pronouns indicated and translate — Postavi sledeče nedoločnike v -prihodn.ii čas in -prevedi Infinitive Future tense Translation gledati (mi) bomo gledali__we shall watch_ dati (ti) bos dal(a)__you will give _ peti (on) __ pisati (ona) _______________ imeti (oni) _____ videti (jaz) ___ vstati (ona) ____ __ govoriti (ona)____________ slišati (vi) ,___ delati (oni)_______ poslati (midva)_ poslušati (ti)__ __ cikati (jaz) Infinitive vedeti (mi) iskali (ona) z ac e t i (onadva) povedati (midva) znati (on) piti (vidva) pomagati (vi) najti (ti) obiskati (onidve) vprašati (jaz) kupiti (mi) pogrešati (me) se učiti (jaz) prinesti (ti) reci (oni) pasti (on) peci ( ona) vzeti (mi) ne hoditi (on) ne narediti (vi) ne šivati (one) ne ribati (ve) ne kaditi (ti) ne pozabiti (ve) ne iti (vidva) priti (vi) zapreti (on) j^sti (mi) prati (vidve) igrati (vidva) se briti (on) stanovati (mi) postati (ona) ne dati (ti) zmagati (oni) C. Put the following verbs into the past and future tenses Napisi sledeče glagole v preteklem in prihodnjem času Present tense Past tense Future tense kuha (ona) .je kuhala__bo kuhala_ damo (mi) ___ poslušajo (oni)________ sem (jaz) ___ greš (ti) ____ znate (vi) _ _ šivate (ve) _ _ bere (ona)_____ začneta (vidva) ___ pišete (vi) _ _ pečeta (vidve) ___ najde (on) ___ kupijo (oni) ___ raste (ono) ___ vstanemo (mi) ___ peremo (me) _ _ vzamete (vi) ____ pozabim (jaz) ____ pišeta (onidve) ___ vozita (onadva) ___ smo (mi) ____ pojete (vi)___ pokaže (on) ___ ne verjame (ona)___ ne vemo (mi) ___ ne razumeš (ti) ___ da (ona) ___ Ali prinese? (on)___ Ali vidita? (vidva)___ Ali hodi te? (vi)_______ Ali spi? (ona) ____ Ali jeste? (vi) ____ Ali gremo? (mi) ___ D. Write the following sentences in the future tense -Napisi sledeče stavke v prihodnjem času 1. Kaj rečeš? 2. Sem doma. 3. Drevo lepo. raste. 4. Kdo pije? 5. Kaj ješ za zajtrk? 6. Kam greste zvečer? 7. Ali ostaneš doma? 8. Peter in Jože ne pijeta. 9. Ali (onadva) kadita? 10. Mami pišem pismo. 11. Stara mama peče potico. 12. Barbara pomije posodo. 13. Mojca in Tanja pijeta mleko. 14. Kaj delaš v nedeljo? 15. Kupimo novo hišo. 16. Kdo ugasne luc? 17. Marta zavije darilo. 18. On potuje v Slovenijo. 19. Kam daš knjige? 20. Kdaj gremo v knjižnico? 21. Kdaj prideta teta in stric? 22. Vi dobite denar« 23. Janez dobro telovadi in se pridno uci. 24. Ali se spomniš? 25. Otroci se igrajo na vrtu. 26. Poleti plavamo. 27. Oni nas čakajo. 28. Kaj nam poveste? 29. Kati rabi nov plašč. 30. Oce ne razume. 31. Ali ti mama verjame? 32. Ali veš, kdo pride? 33» Ti in jaz imava prijatelje« 3^. Ali rabiš bel papir? 35• Nic ti ne dam. 36. On nikoli ne gre. 37. Ce se ne učiš, nic ne znaš. 38. Danes ne m^rem priti. _ 39. Moram iti k zdravniku. _ 40. Mi.ja zaprg. vrata* _ E. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. Will you work on Sunday? _ 2. I shall see. _ 3- Who will help me? 4. We shall take the money. __ 5. I'll never be rich. _ 6. We shall go tomorrow. _ 7. Will you be home tomorrow?_ 8. Will they come today? 9- I'll write to you soon. _ 10. We'll send you the pictures._ 11. 1*11 buy a new wallet. _ 12. I'll miss you. _ 13. She'll finish her homework _ soon. ____ 14. We'll wait for you. ___ 15. She'll bake a cake. __ 16. I'll forget. __ 17. Father will fix the chair.___ 18. She'll tell you. ____ 19. He'll understand. __ 20. Will they sell their house?____ 21. They will ask their parents.________ 22. I shall have to wait. _ 23. I'll wipe the dishes. ___ 24. Mary will bring my books. ____ -220- 25. Mother will give the children_, - milk and cookies when they _____ come home. ____ IV. READING -- BERILO Nas Janezek Nas Janezek je star skoraj sest let. V jeseni bo šel v šolo. Ce ga kdo vpraša, kako bo v šoli, pravi: "Zelo lepo bo! Vsak dan bom šel na avtobus. V šoli bom poslušal učiteljico in bom naredil vse, kar bo rekla. Pridno se bom učil, da bom veliko znal. V šoli bom tudi pisal in risal. Bral bom knjige in veliko bom računal. Včasih bom tudi pel in telovadil. Vsak dan se bom tudi igral med odmorom. Zelo bom vesel, ker bom imel veliko novih prijateljev." Izgleda, da bo naš Janezek res priden ucenec. Translate the above reading and underline all the verbs in the future tense. Answer the following questions in Slovenian; 1. Koliko je Janezek star?_____ 2. Kako pravi Janezek, da bo v šoli?_____ 3. Kako bo v šoli, pravi Janezek?___ Ali bo Janezek hodil v šolo? _____— 5. Kaj bo Janezek delal v šoli?_______.— 6. Ali se bo Janezek pridno učil?_ 7. Zakaj se bo Janezek pridno učil?_ 8. Kdaj se bo Janezek igral v šoli?_ 9. Zakaj "bo Janezek zelo vesel v šoli?. 10. Kakšen ucenec bo Janezek? _ 11. Ali ti rad hodiš v šolo? _ 12. Ali ste vi radi hodili v šolo, ko ste bili otroci? _ V. SONG -- PESEM so tiste stezice? Where are those pathways, That once used to be? Now the shrubs there are growing, And the green grass is there. I'll chop down the bushes, I'll cut all the grass, And I'll make those old pathways, That once used to be. Kje so tiste stezice, k*so včasih bile? Zdaj pa raste grmovje in zelene trave. Bom grmovje posekal, trav'co požel, bom naredil stezice, ki so včasih bile. Note — Opomba The melody of this Slovenian song can also be sung in the above English translation. LESSON TWENTY-NINE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Nouns — Samostalniki Masculine — Moški spol živalski vrt muzej park obisk izlet ples avion (letalo - n.) sprehod zdravnik zobozdravnik frizer, brivec prijatelj vlak avto avtobus pogreb pokoj sosed kino vojak piknik gozd Feminine — genski spol Slovenija — zoo — museum — park — visit — field trip, outing — dance — airplane — walk, stroll — doctor, physician — dentist — barber — a male friend — train — car — bus — funeral — retirement — neighbor — movies — soldier — picnic — woods, forest — Slovenia -222- Ljubljana pristava gora (planina) restavracija cerkev služba trgovina pekarna bolnica bolnica operacija banka posta knjižnica knjigarna plaža pijača frizerka poroka svatba (colloquial: ohcet) večerja soseda Jocitnice (f. pl.) ekarna (ap oteka) Neuter (Srednji spol) mesto gledališče stranisee • e^ letališče pokopališče potovanje morje jezero letalo zdravilo Other words — Druge besede danes jutri včeraj pojutrišnjem predvčerajšnjim pred enim tednom gred enim letom cez en mesec cez dva tedna dane s teden danes mesec letos lani drugo leto — the capital of Slovenia — farmhouse; country house — mountain — restaurant — church — employment, job — store — bakery — hospital — a female patient — operation — bank — post offices mail — library — bookstore — beach — beverage, drink — beautician — wedding — wedding reception — supper — a female neighbor — vacation — drugstore — city — theater — lavatory, rest room — playground — airport — cemetary — trip — ocean — lake -- plane — medicine — today — tomorrow — yesterday — day after tomorrow — day before yesterday — a week ago — a year ago — a month from now — two weeks from now — a week from today — a month from today — this year — last year — next year a, ampak, toda gor dol gor pa dolj gor ven notri nazaj komaj skoraj takoj kmalu vedno (zmera j) nikoli (nikdar) spet (zopet) pozno prepozno zgodaj prezgodaj točno hitro počasi skupaj sam, sama, samo navadno verjetno seveda tja v ze še ne in dol but, however up, upstairs down, downstairs up and down out, outside inside back, backward hardly almost immediately soon always never again late too late early too early on time, exactly fast, quickly slowly together alone, by oneself usually, ordinarily probably certainly there (with motion verbs) already, yet, still not yet Everyday expressions — Vsakdan.ii izrazi Res še ne vem. Mislim, da. Mislim, da ne. Lepo jo pozdravi(pozdravite)! — Lepo ga pozdravi(pozdravite)! — Lepo jih pozdravi(te)! Ce bo vse po sreči... Prav imaš (imate). Se že veselim. Komaj čakam. On si je zlomil roko (nogo). Ona si je zlomila roko (nogo).— I really don't know yet. I think so, I don't think so, (Literally: I think that not.) Give her my regards! Give him my regards! Give them my regards! If everything goes well... You're right. I am looking forward to it already. I can hardly wait. He broke his arm (leg). She broke her arm (leg). Everyday expressions with the verbs to go and to come — Vsakdan.ii izrazi z glagolom iti in priti Kam greš (gresta, greste)? Ali greš (gresta, greste)? Zakaj greš (gresta, greste)? Moram iti... Kam bi rad šel (rada šla)? Kam bi radi šli? — Where are you going? — Are you going? — Why are you going? — I must go... ~ Where would you like to go? (Fam.) — Where would you like to go? (F. and pi.) Rad bi Šel... Rada bi šla... Radi bi šli... Nočem iti. (Ne maram iti.) Hočem iti. Ne morem iti. Ne smem iti. Ali grem lahko, s teboj (s tabo)?- Ali grem lahko. z vami? Lahko greš z meno.j (z mano). Lahko greste z nami. Pojdi z menoj ( z mano)! Pojdite z nami! Pojdimo! Pojdimo skupaj! Pojdimo ven! Po.jdi noter! Pojdite gor! Pojdita dol! Pojdi stran! Raje grem... Raje bi šel (šla)... Ne grem rad (rada). Ne grem rad (rada) sam (Bama). — Grem takoj. I would like to go... We would like to go... I don't want to go. I want to go. I can't go. I am not allowed to go. Can I go with you? (Fam.) Can I go with you? (F.) You can go with me. You can go with us. Go with me! Go with us! Let's go! Let's go together! Let's go out! Come in! Come inside! (Fam.) Go up! Go upstairs! (F.) Go down! (dual) Go away! (Fam.) I prefer to go... I would prefer to go.,. I don't like to go. I don't like to go alone. I am going immediately. Kmalu pridi (pridite)! Se pridi (pridite)! Ali je že prišel? Ali so že prišli? Kdaj prides? Kdaj pridete? Ne morem priti. Pridem kmalu nazaj. Pri^di točno! Pridi sem! Pridi dol! Pridi gor! Pridi noter! Prepozno ste prišli.. Prezgodaj ste prišli. Ravno prav ste prišli. Ali lahko prides? Ali boste lahko prišli? Ali boš lahko prišel Tprišla)? Ali boste lahko prišli na večerjo? Kdaj pride avtobus? Vse prav pride. — Come soon! — Come again! — Did he come yet? — Did they come yet? — When are you coming? — I cannot come. — I am coming back soon. — Come on time! (Fam.) — Come here! (Fam.) — Come down (downstairs)! (Fam.) — Come up (upstairs)! (Fam.) — Come in (inside)! (Fam.) — You came too late! (F.) — You came too early! (F.) — You came just in time. (F.) — Can you come? (Fam.) — Will you be able to come?(F.) — Will you be able to come?(Fam.) — Will you be able to come for supper? — When is the bus coming? — Everything comes in handy. II. THE VERB TO GO — GLAGOL ITI In this lesson we shall give special attention to the verb TO GO (ITI) since it is one of the most often used verbs in Slovenian. It is an irregular verb and must be memorized. A. Let us conjugate the verb TO GO (ITI)i PRESENT TENSE ~ SEDANJI GAS (jaz) grem (ti) greš (on, ona, ono) gre (midva, midve) greva (vidva, vidve) gresta (onadva, onidve) gresta (mi, me) gremo (vi, ve) greste (oni, one, cma) gredo. or gre jo PAST TENSE -- PRETEKLI CAS sem šel (sla) si šel (šla) je šel (šla, šlo) sva šla (šli) sta šla (šli) sta šla (Šli) smo sli ste šli so šli (šle) (sle) v (šle, šla) FUTURE TENSE — PRIHODNJI GAS bom boš bo šel šel šel (šla) (šla) (šla, šlo) bova šla (šli) — bosta šla (šli) — bosta šla (šli) — bomo boste bodo bojo šli sli šli šli (šle) (šle) (šle, (šle, šla) or šla) I go; I am going you go; you are going he, she, it goes; he, she, it is going we two go; we two sire going you two go; you two are going they two go; they two are going we go; we are going you go; you are going they go; they are going I went; I was going you went; you were going he (she, it) went; he (she, it) was going we two went; we two were going you two went; you two were going they two went; they two were going we went; we were going you went; you were going they went; they were going I shall go; I shall be going you will go; you will be going he (she, it) will go; he (she, it) will be going we two shall go; we two shall be going you two will go; you two will be going they two will go; they two will be going we shall go; we shall be going you will go j you will be going they will go; they will be going IMPERATIVES — VELELNIKI Pojdi! Pojdita! Pojdite! Pojdiva! PojdTmo! B. Let us read — Berimo Grem v šolo. Grem v Slovenijo. Grem v Ljubljano. Grem v službo. Grem v mesto. Grem v kino. Grem v trgovino. Grem v pekarno. Grem v lekarno. Grem v bolnico. Grem v knjižnico. Grem v knjigarno. Grem v restavracijo. Grem v cerkev. Grem v park. Grem v gozd. Grem v muzej. Grem v živalski vrt. Grem v pokoj, Grem v gledališče. Grem v stranisce. Grem na potovanje. Grem na počitnice. Grem na obisk. Grem na morije. Grem na plažo. Grem na izlet. Grem na ples. Grem na koncert. Grem na igro, Grem na operacijo. Grem na poroko. Grem na svatbo, (na ohcet) Grem na pogreb. Grem na pokopališče. Grem na univerzo. Grem na spreh£d. (na promenado) Grem na banko. Grem na poŠto. Grem na piknik. Grem na igrišče. Grem na planine. Grem na sestanek, (na Go! (singular and familiar) Go! (dual) Go! (plural and formal) Let*s go! (dual) Let's go! (plural) I am going to school. I am going to Slovenia. I am going to Ljubljana. I am going to work. I am going down town. I am going to the movies. I am going to the store. I am going to the bakery. I am going to the drug store. I am going to the hospital. I am going to the library. I am going to the book store. I am going to the restaurant. I am going to church. I am going to the park. I am going to the woods. I am going to the museum. I am going to the zoo. I am going to retire, (retirement) I am going to the theater. I am going to the lavatory. I am going on a trip. I am going on vacation. I am going for a visit. I am going to the sea (ocean). I am going to the beach. I am going on a field trip.(outing) I am going to a dance-. I am going to a concert, I am going to (see) a play. I am going (to have) an operation. I am going to a wedding. I am going to a wedding reception. I am going to the funeral. I am going to the cemetery. I am going to the university. I am going for a walk (stroll). I am going to the bank. I am going to the post office. I am going on a picnic. I am going to the playground. I am going to the mountains. I am going to the meeting. Grem ven na večerjo o Grem na pristavo. Grem k sosedu. Grem k zdravniku. Grem k zobozdravniku. Grem k frizerju. Grem k stari mami. I am going out for supper. I am going to the farmhouse (country house). Grem Grem Grem Grem k k k k stricu. I am going to (house). I am going to I am going to I am going to beauty salon) I am going to (house). I am going to prijatelju, (prijateljici)I am going to sorodnikom. I am going to vojakom. I am going to the neighbor's the doctor. the dentist. the barber shop (or grandmother"' s (my) uncle's (house), (my) friend's (house), (my) relatives, the army. Grem z Grem z Grem z Grem z Grem z Grem s Grem z Grem z Grem s Grem z Grem z Grem z Grem z Grem s letalom, (z avionom) i am going vlakom. I am going avtobusom. I am going avtom. I am going družino. I am going starsi. I am going mamo. I am going ocTetom (z atom). X am going prijatelji. I am going možem. I am going ženo. I am going otroci. I am going vami. I am going tabo (s teboj). I am going by plane, by train, by bus. by car. with (my) with with with with with with (my) (my) (my) (my) (my) (my) with the with you. with you. family, parents, mother, father, friends. husband, wife. children. (F. and pi.) (Fam. and sin.) Grem po kruh. Grem po mleko. Grem po pijačo. Grem po zdravila. Grem po pošto. Grem po časopis. Grem sam (sama). Grem ven. Grem tja. Grem taJco j. Grem nazaj. Grem spet (zopet). Grem počasi. Grem hitro. Grem spat. Grem peš. Grem gor pa dol^ (gor in dol). Grem stran (proč). I am going to get some bread. I am going to get some milk. I am going to get something to drink. I am going to get the medicine. I am going to get the mail. X am going to get the newspaper. I am going alone. I am going out. I am going there. I am going immediately. I am going back. I am going again. I am going slowly. I am going fast. I am going to bed (to sleep). I am walking. I am going on foot. I am going up and down. I am going away. C. Notes — Opombe 1. Occasionally, you may hear the verb "pojdem, pojdeS, pojde," etc., instead of "grem, greŠ, gre," etc. This is the archaic form of the verb TO GO (ITI) and it is still used sometimes, especially in songs, as for example, in the very popular Slovenian folk song "Jaz pa pojdem na Gorgnjsko..." which we shall present at the end of this lesson. 2. The verb "hoditi," which usually means "to walk" or "to go on foot," may also be translated as "to go" or "to attend" when it implies a habit or a repeated action of going. For example t Kam hodiš v Šolo? Where do you go to school? Ali rad hodiš v šolo? Do you like to go to school? M^ma hodi že tri leta k Mother is going to the doctor zdravniku. for three years already. 3. Notice that there are two possible forms in the third person plural, present tense, of the verb TO GO (ITI)j "gredo" or "grejo." These two forms are interchangeable. You will notice that the verb TO GO (ITI) is a motion verb. It is most often followed by prepositional phrases. 5* The prepositions "v" and "na" both take the accusative case when they mean "to" (expressing or denoting where to, or a place to which someone is going.) The preposition "vH has the additional meaning of "into" and is used mainly with those nouns indicating a place into which one can enter. For example 1 v cerkev — to the church1 v trgovino — to the store j v bolnico —"to the hospital. Otherwise, the preposition "na" is used which also has the additional meaning of "on." For example 1 na počitnice — on vacation; na izlet — on a field trip i na pogrg.b — to the funeral 1 na poroko — to the wedding. 6. The preposition "k" also means "to" and requires the dative case. It is used most often with nouns or pronouns denoting people to whom or to whose place someone is going. For example: Grem k zdravniku. I am going to the doctor. Grem k teti. I am going to (my) aunt's (house). Grem k sosedu. I am going to the neighbor's (house). (The preposition "h" is used instead of "k" before the nouns beginning with "g" or "k.") For example 1 Grem h gospodu Kovaču. I am going to Mr. Kovač. Grem h Kati. I am going to Cathy's. 7. The preposition "z" means "with" and takes the instrumental case which we shall study later. It indicates accompaniment (with whom or with what or by what means.) For example t Grem z mano. I am going with (my) mother. Grem z vlakom. I am going by train. (The preposition^"s" is used instead of "z" before the unvoiced consonants 1 c, Č, s, š, f, h, k, p, and t. E.g., s teto, s sestro) Q 8. The preposition "po" takes the accusative case when it means "for" (indicating a purpose or the act of "fetching* obtaining.) For example i or Grem v trgovino po mleko. Grem po poŠto. Grem po sadje. I am going to the store (to get) milk. I am going (to get) the mail. I am going (to get) the fruit. 9. The verbs PRITI (TO COME) and ODITI (TO LEAVE, TO DEPART) are conjugated exactly like the verb TO GO (ITI) in the past and the future tenses. You simply add the prefix "pri" and "od." 10. Please read and reread the prepositional phrases with the verb TO GO (ITI) until you really master them. You will often need them in Slovenian conversations. III. THE VERB TO PRESENT TENSE -- SEDANJI CAS (jaz) pridem (ti) prideš (on, ona, ono) pride (midva, midve) prideva (vidva, vidve) prideta (onadva, onidve) prideta (mi, me) pridemo (vi, ve) pridete (oni, one, ona) pridejo PAST TENSE — PRETEKLI CAS sem prišel si prišel je prišel (prišla) (prišla) (prišla, prišlo) sva prišla (pri|li) sta prišla (pri|li) sta prišla (prišli) smo prišli (pri|le) ste prišli (prišle) so prišli (prišle, prišla) FUTURE TENSE — PRIHODNJI CAS bom prišel (prišla) boŠ pri|el (prišla) bo prišel (prišla, prišlo) COME — GLAGOL PRITI I comet I am coming — you come i you are coming — he, she, it comes i he, she, it is coming we two come; we two are coming — you two comet you two are coming — they two comet they two are coming — we comet we are coming — you comet you are coming — they comet they are coming I came t I was coming you came t you were coming he (she, it) came t he (Bhe, it) was coming we two came t we two were coming you two came t you two were coming they two came t they two were coming we came t we were coming you came t you were coming they camet they were coming I shall comet I shall be coming you will comet you will be coming he (she, it) will comet he (she, it) will be coming b£va prišla (prišli) bosta prišla, (prišli.) bosta prišla (prišli) bomo prišli (prišla) boste prišli (prišle) bodo prišli (prišle, prišla) — or bojo prišli (prišle, prišla) IMPERATIVES — VELELNIKI Pridi! Pridita! Pridite! we two shall comet we two shall be coming you two will come; you two will be coming they two will comej they two will be coming we shall come; we shall be coming you will come; you will be coming they will come; they will be coming Come! (singular and familiar) Come! (dual) Come! (plural and formal) IV. THE VERB TO LEAVE, TO DEPART — GLAGOL ODITI PRESENT TENSE odidem odideš odide odideva odideta odideta odidemo odidete odidejo PAST TENSE sem ods£.l (odšla) si odšel (odšla) je odšsl (odšla, odšlo) (odšli) (odšli) (odšli) sva odšla sta odŠla sta odšla smo odšli ste odšli so odšlT (od|le) (odšle) (odšle, odšla) FUTURE TENSE bom od|el boš odšel bo odšel bova odšla bosta odŠla bosta odšla bomo odšli boste odšli bodo odšli - or — bojo odšli (odšla) (odšla) (odšlg, odšlo) (odšli) (odšli) (odšli) (odšla) (odŠla) (odšle, odšla) (odšla, odšla) IMPERATIVES — VELELNIKI Odidi! (Colloquially, "Pojdi stran!" is used more often than "Odidi!") It means "Go away!" or "Leave!"(sin. and fam.) Odidite! (Pojdite stran!) — Leave! Go away! (plural and formal) Odidita! (Pojdita stran!) — Leave! Go away! (dual) V. EXERCISES — VAJE A. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino je šla __gremo _ gredo __so šli _ bomo šli __grem _ nisem šel __je prišla _ £Li greste? _ ne bom Sel _ £Li si sel? _ Lahko, grem, _ Ne maramo iti*. Pojdimo! _ Ne grem rad. _ sva prišla._ bo odšla _ so odšli _ ni prišel __ ne boste šli . Ne morem iti.. Ona no5e iti.. Pridi! _ ne bo šla_ ne grejo _ ne greš _ B. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino we went I went he is coming_ I'll go _ she went _ Go! ( Fam.) _ Come! (F.) _ they went _ she goes _ they two left_ they will go _ she is going _ you're going (sin.) Will you (pi.) go?_ we're going _ Let's go! _ we'11 go _ I'm going _ he left _ you two came_ We must go! I can't go. C. Match — Da.i skuna.i 1. zoo a. vlak 2. museum b. pristava 3. walk, stroll c. pogreb train » c. letalo 5. dentist d. poŠta 6. store e. knjižnica 7. vacation f. poroka 8. barber igrišče 9. church h. bolnica 10 . bakery i. kino 11 . library .i. gora 12. theater k. mor je 13. hospital 1. sosed 14. movies m. potovanje 15. trip n. živalski vrt 16. medicine 0. gledališče 17. funeral T>. zobozdravnik 18. wedding r. zdravilo 19- ocean s. počitnice 20. plane * s. pekarna 21. neighbor t. muzej 22. playground u. frizer 23. farmhouse V. cerkev 24. mail} post office z. sprehod 25. mountain ♦ z. trgovina D. Match -- Da.i skuoa.i 1. certainly a. sam 2. hardly b. danes 3. not yet c. vedno 4. already • c. kmalu 5. again d. ven 6. on time e. pozno 7. tomorrow f. letos 8. today komaj 9. yesterday h. nikoli 10. always i. gor 11. sometimes .i. verjetno 12. alone k. spet 13. early 1. čez en mesec 14. late m. seveda 15. out n. Že 16. TO 0. jutri 17. down D. lani 18. inside r. ie ne 19. this year s. točno 20. probably « s. zgodaj 21. a month from now t. vc&sih 22. last year _ u. notri 23. a week ago _ v. dol 24. soon _ z. včeraj 25. never _ z. pred enim tednom E. Translate into English — Prevedite v angleščino 1. Ob nedeljah gremo v cerkev. _ 2. Včeraj smo sli v park na _ sprehod. _ 3. Otr&ci gredo radi v šolo. _ 4. V torek moram iti k zobo- _ zdravniku. _ 5. Nic ne grem rad. _ 6. Mgma je šla v trgovino. _ 7. Kdo bo Šel v lekarno po _ zdravila za očeta? _ 8. Otroci so šli k stari mami« _ 9* Si 5e šel k zdravniku letoB?_ 10. V soboto gremo na "sheet." _ 11. Kdaj bomo šli v gledališče? _ 12. Poleti bomo šli na pocitnice_ na morje. _ 13. Danes ne bom Šel v službo, _ ker sem bolan. _ 14. Jutri moram iti na banko in _ na pošto. _ 15. Kdo bo šel s tabo? Sam bom šel.. 16. Jutri bomo Šli ven na večerjo. 17. Oce gre v sr^do v bolnico na _ operacijo. _ 18. Kdaj greš v mesto? _ 19. Ali greste v Ljubijano na _ univerzo? _ 20. Janez bi rad Šel z vgpii. _ 21. On nikoli ne gre na ples. _ 22. Otroci b£do sli na izlet. 23. Kam bi radi sli? 24. V sredo gremo v muzej. Greš z n^mi? 25. Najprej gremo v živalski vrt, potem pa v park. 26. Pater bo lahks prišel, Ana pa ne sme priti. 27. Jutri grem v knjižnico. Knjige moram vrniti. 28. Metka in Tanja sta Šli na igrišče. Nista še prišli, domov. 29. Kdaj avtobus? Res ne vem Vedno pride pozno. 30. £li bo kdo Šel jutri na pogrsb? 31. Ali greš raje z vlakom ali z avtom? Najraje grem z letalom. 32. Vsi so kmalu prišli nazaj. 33. Ali je Peter že odšal? 34. Polgti gremo ob nedeljah na slovensko pristavo. 35* Pojdimo na planine! 36. Pater in Jgjia gresta skupaj v gledališče. 37. Milica je šla v trgovino po mleko in kruh, 38. Ali lahko pridete k nam na kosilo v nedeljo? 39. Seveda bomo lahko prišli. 40. Stric Janez je prišel, pa je že odš&l. 41. £ta in mama sta šla na koncert. 42. Ali lahko, še pridemo? _ 43« Zdravnik je Se odšel. _ 44. Prepozno ste prišli. ____ 45. Ngsa učiteljica pride zgo- _ daj v šolo in pozno odide. _ 46. Mama mora iti na sestanek _________________ v Šolo. _ 47. Kmalu spet pridite! _ 48. Gospa Močnik še ni prišla. _ Vsi jo Se čakamo. _ 49. Zakaj nisi prišel včeraj v _ šolo? _ 50. Naš dedek gre drugo leto v _ pokoj. _ F. Translate into Slovenian — Prevedite v slovenščino 1. Does he go to school? _ 2. He came alone. ______________ 3» We are going out. , 4. They went by plane. _ 5. Will you go to the wedding? _ 6. Will you come to the concert?_ 7. Let's go for a walk! _ 8. She went to the drug store. ________________ 9. They'll come soon. _ 10. I am going to the doctor. _ 11. We're going to the zoo _ tomorrow. _ 12. Are you going to the dance? _ 13* We came late again. 14. Barbara went to the store to get meat and vegetables. _ 15. Mother went to the bakery _ for bread and cookies. _ 16. When are you going on _ vacation? _________________ -236- 17« Father went to the post office., 18. I am coming back soon. _ 19. Who is going to the library?_ 20. I'll go with you. _ 21. We'll probably leave early. _ 22. We would like to go to the _ museum tomorrow. _ 23. He is coming the day after _ tomorrow. _ 24. I am going right away. _ 25. Did they come yet? Not yet. _ VI. TWO READINGS — DVE BERILI "Kam greš v nedeljo?" "Res še ne vem. Rad bi šel v muzej, ampak ne grem rad sam. £Li bi šel z mano?" " Zelo rad bi šel s tabo, ampak moram iti v bolnico,H "Ali je kdo bolan?" " Da. Mama je v bolnici. Včeraj si je zlomila nogo. " Spam, da se bo kmalu pozdravila. Lepo jo pozdravi, ko jo boš obiskali" " Hvala lepa, bom. Na svidenje!" "Na svidenje!" * * ♦ " Kdaj greš letos na počitnice?" " Verjetno junija, če bo vse po sreči." " Kam pa boš šel na počitnice?" " V Slovenijo grem zopet na obisk k sorodnikom." " Ali boš šel sam?" ........_ „.. ~ .BOHINJ j " Ne, grem s prijatelji." i " Boste šli z letalom?" " Seveda." " Ali boste šli tudi na morje?" " Verjetno, če bo lgpo vrgme." " Kaj pa na planine?" "Seveda bomo sli tudi na planine." "Se ze veseliš?" "Pa še kako! Komaj čakam!" "Zdaj se pa moraš pridno učiti slovensko, da boš razumel svoje sorodnike." "Prav imaš. Res se bom moral pridno učiti." Translate the readings and encircle all the verbs! VII. SONG — PESEM Jaz pa po .Idem na Gorenjsko Jaz pa pojdem na Gorenjsko* gor na gornje Štajersko.** Nihče drug ne pojde z mano k^kor drobna pticica. S kljunSkom mi bo pot kazala, s perjem senco delala. Pesmice bo prepevala, kratek cas mi delala. Mal' počakaj, mal* ponehaj, da se vreme spremeni! Vreme se je spremenilo, zdaj pa moram rajžati. Ti boš pa doma ostala, milo se boš jokala. And I am going to Gorenjsko, Up to the Upper Styria. No one else is going with me Except a tiny bird. She will show me the way with her beak, She will give me shade with her feathers. She will sing little songs, And entertain me. Wait a little, stop a little, Until the weather changes! The weather has changed, And now I must depart. And you will stay at home, And sob softly. Gorenjska, or in English, Upper Carniola, is a beautiful mountainous region of Slovenia, known especially by its world famous resort, Bled. Štajerska, or in English, Styria, is a region of Slovenia lying east of Carniola and is known for its green hills and fertile valleys. " . Vrba LESSON THIRTY REVIEW — PONOVITEV A. Let us translate into English — Prevedimo v angleščino 1. Vse najboljše! _ 2. Želim ti vso srečo. 3. Kako hi.tro te.ce cas. _ 4. Pomagaj mi, prosim! __ 5« Bog pomagaj! _ 6. Kmalu nam pišite! _ 7. Dolgčas mi je. _ 8. Prosim, prinesi mi črno kavo!_ 9. Prosim, daj mi svinčnik! __ 10. Vprašaj jo, kje je bila včeraj._ 11. Mudi se mi. _ 12. Zdi se mi, da ga poznam. _ 13. Kdaj boš prišg.1 k nam? _ 14. Večkrat mislim nate. _ 15. Mgni je vsegno, ce mu poveš._ 16. Boš šel na koncert? Mislim, da. 17. Mislim, da ne. _ 18. Lepo jih pozdravi. 19. Ce bo vse po sreči, gremo _ poleti v Slovenijo. 20. Se Se veselim. _ 21. Komaj čakam. _ 22. Peter si je zlomil roko. 23. Kam greš v nedeljo? 24. Kmalu spet pridite! _ 25. Ne morem priti. Moram iti _ v službo. _ 26. £)Se še ni prišfil domov. _ -239- 27. Ali grem lahko s tabo? 28. Pridi sem! 29. Vse prav pride, 30. Kam bi radi Sli? 31. Rad bi šel v kino. 32. Pojdimo skupaj! 33. Ali boš lahko prišel jutri? 34. Pridi notri! 35> Ne smem iti sam. 36. Takoj pridem nazaj. 37* Ne bom mogel priti. 38. Pojdi ven! 39. Kdaj boste spet prišli? 40. Franc g. je že odšel. 41. Kdaj greš spat? 42. Pojdi z mano! 43. Tone noče priti. 44. Mija ni mogla priti. Mami je morala pom&gati. 45. Prepozno ste prišli. B. Put the following infinitives into the present, past and future tenses using the pronouns indicated — Napišite sledeče glagole v sedan.iemB preteklem in prihodn.iem č^su Infinitive Present Past Future to be (jaz) sem sem bil(a)__bom_ to give (on) dal bo dal to have (mi) __________ , _ to speak (ti) ___ to understand (ona)___ to write (on) ___ to sleep (mi) ___ to eat (jaz) ___ to come (midva) ___ to go (mi) ___ to leave (ti) ___ Infinitive Present Pgst Future to find (fina) __ to lose (jaz) __ to see (vidva)____ to wait (on) __ to help (vi) __ to pay (ti) __ to know (fina)__ to meet (ojiidve)__ to watch(onadva)__ to play (ti) __ to study (mi) __ to sew (one) ____ to teach (ona)__ to ask (on) __ to get (oni) __ to be (mi) __ to eat (vi) __ to bring (on)__ to take (midva)__ to work (ti) __ to read (vidva)__ to say (ona) __ to stand (jaz)__ to swim (mi) __ to sit (oni)__ to hope (jaz)__ to invite (oni)__ to think (jaz) __ to drink (ti)__ to hurry (ona)__ to earn (on) __ to give (midva)__ to walk (on) __ to paint (mi)__ C. Translate the words in Parentheses — Prevedite besede v oklepa.iih 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Ali bos v nedeljo Takoj moram iti _ Imamo zelo lep Grem k _? (at home) (home) (home) (doctor) V nedeljo gremo k _ Marija je zelo podobna Im^mo dobre (grandmother) (mother) (neighbors) da bomo prišli, (him) da je bolan, (me) (to aunt Mary) Vsak mesec pišemo Povej __, Rakel _ je, Ali _ verjameš? (her) učiteljica da nagrado__ucencem. (good) Pomagati moramo _ ljudem, (old) -_ sem se zahvalil za darilo. (Uncle John) Jože zaupa svojemu (father) _ pišemo za rojstni dan. (To the relatives) _ moramo biti hvaležni za vse. (To the parents) ___ piškote, (to the children) ._. da ne ve. (the teacher) ___za rojstni dan. (to grandfather) Fantje radi nagajajo ______, (girls) Marija je posodila svoji _modro krilo, Mama je dala France race Anica piše Stric Janez je kupil _ Lepo__pozdravil Ali _vidiš? (him) bratu novo kolo. (sister) (my) (her) Moramo _ Danes smo Poslali smo Povedali smo Danes sem _ pomagati, (them) _ srečali. (them) grem v mesto. (Tomorrow) ___ vošcilno karto, (him) _. da pridemo, (her) _ videl, ko je šla v šolo. (her) je Se prišlo. (The plane) _ je danes zaprta. (The library) _ je bila nedelja. (Yesterday) -242- 35. Ooflra Knvs^rt j« morala iti v . ___________ ,.„_. (the hospital) 36. V soboto bomo sli v . (the theater) 37. Penicilin je dobro . (medicine) 38. Kie .ie ? (the airport) 39. Magda je šla v . , . (the drugstore) 40. Oce je šel v . (to work) 41. Mama gre ob torkih v . (the store) 42. Kdaj imate ? (supper) Letos gremo na . (the sea) 44. Kdo bo šel po ? (the mail) Ljubljana je zelo lepo . (city) 46. Anica bo šla z nami v . (the zoo) Otroci so šli v . (the museum) 48. V sredo gremo na k stari mani. (a visit) 49. Včasih grgmo v gozd na . (a stroll) 50. Šolski je Se tukaj, (bus) 51. Vsi smo šli na . (the funeral) 52. Tjjdi na smo šli. (the cemetery) 53. Dedek je . (died) 5*. Imamo dobrega . (dentist) 55. Ata je šel k . (barber) 56. Slovenija im^ zelo lepe . (mountains) 57. Kdaj greste na ? (vacation) 58. Gospod Mlinar je šel v . (retirement) 59. Otroci so Šli na . (the playground) 6o. Ali rad hodiš v slovensko ? (school) 61. Ob nedeljah gremo v . (church) 62. Grem na . (the post office) 63. Grem po . (the newspaper) 64. Rad potujem z . (train) 65. Jutri gremo na večerjo, (out) 66. Pridi ! (immediately) 67. Daj mi mojo knjigo! (back) 68. Si 5e naredil domačo nalopo? _ . (Not vet.) 69. Zakaj ješ tako ? (slowly) 70. On zelo teSe. (fast) 71. _ bomo sli z vami. (Probably) 72. Imamo še cas. Je Še _. (early) 73« Poleti hodimo na piknike na slovensko _ (country house) _ večerjamo ob šestih. (Usually) 75» Je Se _. Moramo iti domov, (late) 76. On je _ vesel, (always) 77. _ ga poznam. (Hardly) 78. _ _ je prišel. (Again) 79. Otroci hitro _. (grow) 80. Metka dobro ___. (draws) 81. On _______ ne pride, (never) 82. ___ gremo v kino. (Sometimes) 83« ___ molimo. (Every day) 84. _ je prišg.1? (Who) 85» _ je bilo na koncertu? (How) 86. _ si bolan, ne moreš delati. (If) 87. _ boŠ velik, boš lahko šel v službo. (When) 88. Peter je rekel, _ se mora uSiti. (that) 89. To je _ ieRS: (really) 90. Moramo se _ učiti, (diligently) 91. Janez je zgubil _. (wallet) 92. Jutri bo ____za starše, (a meeting) 93. _ _ je zelena. (Grass) 9^. _ boš šel v knjižnico? (When) 95. Za kosilo smo imeli dobro _. (roast) 96. Na pikniku smo pekli ___. (hot dogs) 97. Kdo rad je kranjske _______? (sausages) 98. Maja ima veliko novo _(bali) 99. Francka je odlična _. (singer) 100•___ že znamo. Lahko Se beremo, pišemo in govorimo po slovansko, (much) LESSON THIRTY-ONE I. VOCABULARY -- SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol praznik Bo^ic božiček venec okrasek or ornament znanec sosed (pi. sosedi or sosedje)— spomin hlev (hlevček) gnge1 (angele ek) pastir Tpastircek) svet duh mir mah Feminine — ženski spol maša — polnocnica lučka sveča (svečka) sreča smreka karta (božična karta) zemlja božična pesem dobrota Tdobrote - pl.) jaslice or jasli (f. pl.) Neuter — Sredn.ii spol voščilo darilo veselje razpoloženje dete (detece) božično drevo (drevesce) Adjectives — Pridevniki božični, božična, božjjono jutranji, jutranja, jutranje -■ zaposlen, a, o najbolj zaposlen, a, o priljubljen, a, o svet, a, o izgubljen, a. o blažen, a, o blagoslovljen, a. o barven, b^rVna, barvno holiday Christmas Santa Claus wreath, garland ornament, decoration ac quaint anc e neighbor (neighbors) remembrance, memory, recollection stable (a little stable) angel (a little angel) shepherd (a little shepherd) world spirit peace moss Mass Midnight Mass a small light candle (a small candle) happiness, luck, fortune spruce tree, evergreen card (a Christmas card) earth Christmas carol goodness (goodies, good things) manger, the Nativity scene greeting gift joy, gladness, delight disposition, mood baby, infant (a small infant) Christmas tree (a small tree) Christmas ■ morning busy, occupied • the busiest beloved, popular, well liked ■ holy ■ lost ■ overjoyed, blissful, beatified . blessed ■ colored ■245- lepj a, o lepši, a, e najlepši, a, e prijazen, prijazna, prijazno — prijeten, prijetna, prijetno — družinski, a, o ves, vsa, vso cel, cela, celo Verbs — Glagoli se bližati (se bMzam) se veseliti (se veselim) se truditi (se trudim) se slikati (se slikam) kupiti (kupim) kupovati Tkupujem) izbrati (izberem) okrasiti (okrasim) postaviti (postavim) obesiti (obesim) peci (pečem) speci (spečem) iskati (iscem) obiskati (obišSem) peti or zapeti (pojem or zapojem) pospravljati (pospravljam) čutiti or občutiti (čutim or — občutim) rabiti (rabim) izrabiti (izrabim) dobro izrabiti 5as Other words — Druge besede težko lahko posebno veliko (followed by genitive) — veliko dela pozno zvečer pozneje ~ enako potem povsod kot drugod skupaj a, ampak, toda med za ko, kadar pretty, beautiful prettier, more beautiful prettiest, most beautiful friendly, cheerful pleasant, agreeable pertaining to the family entire, whole whole, entire, complete to come near, to approach (I...) to look forward to, to rejoice (I., (this verb takes the genitive case to make an effort* to try hard to have pictures taken, to photograph (I have pictures taken) to buy (I buy) to shop, to go shopping (I shop) to choose (I choose) to decorated decorate) to set up, to placed set up) to hang, to hang up (I hang) to bake (I bake) to finish baking (I...) to seek, to look for (I seek) to visit (I visit) to sing (I sing) to clean, to put in order (X clean) to feel, to experience (I feel) to use i to need (I use, I need) to use up, to exploit (I use up) to use time well, to make good use of the time hard easy, easily especially a lot, much, many a lot of work late in the evening later, later on same, equal, equally after that, then everywhere as elsewhere together but, however among forj after, behind when torej, zatore j, z ato nihče vsi vsem za vse vse pri nas pri vas pri njih z nami z vatli za nami za nas therefore no one, nobody all, everybody to all, to everybody for all, for everybody everything at our house (literally« by us) at your house at their house with us with you after us, behind us for us Christmas expressions — Božični izrazi Vesel Božič! Blagoslovljen Božič! Vesele božične praznike! Srečno novo leto! Hvala enako. Slava Bogu na višavah in na zemlji mir ljudemT ki so blage volje! Ali imate^pri vas božično drevo (božični drevescek)? £li imate tudi jaslice? — Merry Christmas! — Blessed Christmas! — Happy Christmas holidays! — Happy New Year! — Thank you, the same (to you). — Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will! — Do you have a Christmas tree at your house? — Do you also have the Nativity scene? Everyday expressions — Vsakdanji izrazi Vse je v najlepšem redu. Vse se sveti. Vse se je svetilo. Ni vse zlato, kar se sveti, Cas hitro bezi. Pojdimo na dalo! Gremo k maši. Gremo k polnocnici. Zal mi je. Zal nam je. med drugim... Se ne. Prazniki so že za nami. Nihče ne more kupiti ene same izgubljene minuteT Everything is in perfect order. Everything is shining. Everything was sparkling. All that glitters is not gold. Time passes quickly. Let's go to work! We're going to the Mass. We are going to the Midnight Mass. I am sorry. I regret. We are sorry. We regret. among other things... Not yet. The holidays are already behind us. (The holidays are already past.) No one can buy a single lost minute. II. READING -- BERILO Božični prazniki Bližajo se božični prazniki. Vsi smo zelo zaposleni. Pišemo božična voščila. Božične karte pošljemo svojim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem. Najbolj zaposlene so nase mame. Za praznike imajo veliko dela. Pečejo piškote in druge dobrote, pospravljajo hišo in kupujejo božična darila za vse. Za Božič tudi okrasimo hišo. Postavimo božično drevo in jaslice. Na božično drevo, obesimo barvne lučke in druge okraske. Okna in vrata okrasimo z božičnimi venci. Na božični dan gremo v cerkev, najprej k polnočnici in potem še k jutranji masi. Kot povsod po svetu, je tudi med Slovenci posebno priljubljena božična pesem* "Sveta noč, blažena noč." Na sveti veČar in na sveti dan povsod slišimo voščila« "Vesel Božič!" ali "Vesele božične praznike!" in odgovoreffeTfffoA "Hvala enako!" J^HSBjfll Answer the questions — Odgovori na vprašanja iBMIl^Ejjfr 1. Kateri prazniki se bližajo? _ 2. Kaj pišemo za božične praznike?_ 3• Kaj pošljemo prijateljem in _ znancem? ____ 4. Kdo je najbolj zaposlan? _ 5. Kaj delajo mame? _ 6. Kaj postavimo za BožiČ? 7. Kaj obasimo na božično drevo? 8. Kaj obasimo na okna in vrata?, 9. Kam gremo na božični dan? 10. Kako voŠČimo za BoŽiČ? 11. Katera božična pesem je posebno priljubljena? 12. AH 13. Ali 14. Ali 15. AH 16. Ali 17. Ali Ali imate radi božične praznike? _ Ali imate pri vas za BoŽic jaslice? Ali se veselite božičnih praznikov? III. CHRISTMAS CAROLS — BOŽlCNE PESMI Sveta noc Sveta noc blažena noc j Vse že s^i, je p&lnoci le Devica z Jožefom tam v hlevcu varje Detece nam. Spavaj, Dete, siadko! Sveta noc, blažena noc; prišla je nam pomoč. Dete božje v jaslih leži, grešni zemlji radost deli, rojen je Resenik. Sveta noc, blatena noc! Radostno pevajoc angeli Gospoda slave, mir ljudem na zemlji žele.* Človek zdaj si otet. Silent Night * Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, All is bright. Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child Holy Infant so tender and mild. Sleep in heavenly peace! Silent night! Holy night! Shepherds quake At the sight. Glories stream from heaven afar. Heavenly hosts sing "Alleluia!" Christ, the Savior is born! Silent night! Holy night! Son of God, love's pure light! Radiant beams from Thy holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth! * The above English translation is not a literal translation. The literal translation of the Slovenian version of "Silent Night" is as follows i 1. Holy night, Blissful night! Everything is asleep, It is midnight. Only the Virgin is there with Joseph, Watching the Infant in the manger for us, Sleep sweetly, o little Infant! 2. Holy night, Blissful night! It came As a help to us. The Holy Infant is lying in the manger, Bestowing joy to the sinful world. The Savior is born. Holy night: The angels are giving glory to God, Blissful night: Wishing peace to men on earth, Joyfully singing Man, now you are redeemed! Gle.i. zvezdice bož.ie Look, the Heavenly Stars translated by Ivan Zorman Glej, zvezdice božje migljajo The stars in their glory are lepo, „ shining so bright! odprto široko je sveto neboj The portals of heaven are open „ tonight, duhovi nebeški se z raja vrste, The praises of angels in harmony ring, prepevajo slavo, na zemljo hite. To us weary mortals glad tidings they bring. Obljuba predavna postala je res, Fulfilled is the promise of long, .. . . long ago, Zvelicar je rojen ljudem iz nebes; The Savior from heaven descends here below. pri ubogih pastircih na slami Among lowly shepherds He lies in lezi. the stall. si revščino izvoli, ponižnost He teaches us meekness and blesses uci. us aii. IV. READING — BERILO Po praznikih Božične praznike smo lepo preživeli. Vsi smo bili veseli in srečni. Vsa hiša je bila v najlepšem redu. Marija je pridno pomagala majni v kuhinji. Spekli sta veliko dobrih piškotov in potic. Oce je kupil lepo, veliko smreko. Otroci so jo okrasili z okraski in božičnimi lučkami. Vse se je svetilo. Vsi smo se trudili, da bi bili pridni, prijazni in dobri. Božič je res lep družinski praznik. V cerkvi so med drugim zapeli i "Slava Bogu na višavah in na zemlji mir ljudem, ki so blage volje!" Povsod smo občutili božični duhi veselje, srečo in mir. Obiskali so nas prijatelji in sorodniki in skupaj smo bili veseli. Tudi slikali smo se in sedaj ze imamo lepe slike za spomin. 2al nam je, da so prazniki že za nami. Kadar je lepo in prijetno , cas še posebno hitro beži. Amerikanci pravijo, da je cas denar. A nihče ne more kupiti ene same izgubljene minute. Zato moramo dobro izrabiti cas! Torej pojdimo na delo! Srečno novo leto vsem! LESSON THIRTY-TWO I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol praznik dogodek jerbas mir zvon, zvonovi Krist, Kristus Bog sosed kolač pirh or pi sanka (f.) hren želodec žebelj blagoslov velikonočni zajtrk Veliki petek - holiday - event - basket, hamper - peace - bell, bells - Christ - God ■- neighbor - bread-like pastry (usually round) - Easter egg - horse-radish - (filled) stomach (similar to a smoked sausage but larger in bulk) -- nail ■- blessing - Easter breakfast ■- Good Friday Feminine — Ženski spol Velika sobota Velika noc Lenka procesija dobrota (dobrote) cvetica or cvetlica or roža krona sreča pomaranča mladina cerkev kri stvar Holy Saturday Easter Helen procession goodness (good things, goodies) flower crown happiness, luck, fortune orange youth church blood thing Neuter — Sredn.ii spol razpoloženje vstajenje hrepenenje tel£ Verbs— Glagoli z apeti (z apo j em) potrkovati or potrkavati (potrkujem^or potrkavam) držati (držim) hiteti (hitim) mood, disposition resurrection yearning body — to sing out (I sing...) ■- to toll (as a bell tolls) - to hold (I hold) to hurry (I hurry) manjkati (manjkam) opaziti (opazim) vstaji (vstanem) teci (tečem) deliti Tdelim) se zbrati (se zberem) sekati (sekam) odnesti (odnesem) Other words — Druge besede velikonscni, velikonočna, o poln, polna, palno okusen, okusna, okusno slaven, slavna, slavno poseben, posebna, posebno slovgsen, slovgsna, slovesno ves, vsa, vso oblečen, oblečena, oblečeno piBan, a, o glasno letos zgodaj zjutraj potem kjer i kjerkoli ker v ze največ vse na vrtu drug drugemu Vesele velikonočne praznike! Veselo Veliko noci Hvala Bogu! Aleluja! to lack, to be missing to notice (I notice) to get up, to rise (I get up) to run (I run) to share, to divide (I share) to gather (I gather) to chop (I chop) to carry away (I carry away) Easter (adj. is not capitalized) full, filled with tasty, delicious renowned, famous extraordinary, special glorious, majestic entire, whole dressed many colored, gay colored loud, loudly this year early in the morning then, after that where, wherever because already the most everything in the garden one to another, to each other Happy Easter holidays! Happy Easter! Thank God! Alleluia! II. READING — BERILO Velika noc Dgnes praznujemo vglik praznik, Veliko noc. 2e zgodaj zjutraj so zvonovi zapeli in potrkavali* "Krist je vstal!" Vsa družina hiti v cerkev. Mala Lenka je oblečena v belo obleko. V roki drži cvetice, ker bo v procesiji. V cerkvi je vse veselo in slovesno. Vsi glasno in veselo pojejo i "Aleluja!" Po masi drug drugemu želimo "Vesele velikonočne praznike!" ali "Veselo Veliko noč!" Potem hitimo domov na velikonočni zajtrk. Včeraj, na Veliko soboto smo nesli poln jerbas k blagoslovu. -252- Hvala Bogu za vse te dobrote i velik kolač (simbol za Kristusovo krono), rdeče pirhe (Kristusova kri), hren (žeblji) in želodec (Kristusovo telo). Tudi pomaranč ne manjka! Kako okusno je vse! Po zajtrku tečejo otroci k sosedom. Mladina se zbere na vrtu, kjer so fantje ze zaceli "pirhe sekat". Bomo videli, kdo bo letos odnesel največ pirhov! Note — Opomba "Pirhe sekat" literally means "to chop Easter eggs." This is a traditional Eastertime game which all youngsters look forward to. An Easter egg is placed on the ground. Everyone tries to hit it with a coin. Whoever is the first one to succeed, gets the egg. Those who miss, lose their coins. Answer the questions — Odgovori na vprašanja 1. Kateri praznik danes praznujemo? ____ 2. Kaj se sliši ze zgodaj zjutraj? _ 3. Kam hiti vsa družina?_____ 4. Kako je Lenka oblečena? Zakaj?_ 5. Kaj drzi Lenka v roki? _ __ 6. Kako razpoloženje ste opazili _______ v cerkvi? ____ 7. Kaj pojejo ljudje na Veliko noc? ____ 8. Kako si voščimo za ta praznik?___ 9, Kam hitimo po maši? _ 10. Kaj smo storili na Veliko soboto? 11. Kakšne dobrote bomo jedli za velikonočni zajtrk? _ 12. Kaj pomeni kolač? _ 13. Zakaj so pirhi rdeči? _ 14. Zakaj damo hren v jerbas? _ 15. Kaj predstavlja (represents) _ Želodec? 16. Kam grejo otroci po zajtrku? _ 17. Kje se zbere mladina? 18. Kakšno igro igrajo fantje? 19« Ali tudi pri vas barvate _ pirhe za Veliko noc? _ 20. Kakšne barve so vasi pirhi?. III. EASTER POEMS AND SONGS ~ VELIKONOČNE PESMI Pirhi Hinko Medic Zajček, prinesi pirhov nam to noc, saj veš, jutri je Velika noc! Naj bodo beli, modri, rdeči, da smejali se nam bodo v sreči Smo gnezdo 5e ti naredili, za plotom v mah ga posadili. Večerjo smo ti tam pustili, korenček v zelje ti zavili. Tudi psa smo v sobo vzeli, za tvojo varnost poskrbeli. Pridi, čakamo te oberoc — Saj veš, jutri je Velika noc! Krist .ie vstal Danilo Gorinšek Lastovica vrh grmičkai Krist je vstal! In vodica sred gozdičkai Krist je vstal! Beli cvet v zeleni tratii Easter Eggs by Hinko Medic Bunny Rabbit, bring us some Easter eggs tonight, For you know, tomorrow is Easter! Let them be white, blue, red, So that they will smilingly gaze at us in happiness, We've prepared a nest for you already, And placed it in the moss behind the fence. We left supper there for you, A carrot wrapped in cabbage. We also took the dog into the room, Thus taking care of your safety. Come, we are waiting for you with both hands, For you know — tomorrow is Easter! Christ Has Risen by Danilo Gorinsek A swallow atop a little shrub i Christ has risen! And a little brook in the midst of a little forest i Christ has risen! A white blossom in the green meadowt Krist je vstali In z neba vsi žarki zlati: Krist je vstal! Lastovica vrh grmička in vodica sred gozdička, beli cvet v zeleni trati in z neba vsi Žarki zlati so zbudili srce moje. Moje drobno srce» Krist je vstal! Zvelicar nas .ie vstal iz groba Zvelicar naš je vstal iz groba, vesel prepevaj, o kristjan! Premagana je vsa hudoba, rešenja tvoj'ga dan's je dan. Potrta je pekla oblast^ zapoj, kristjan, hvaležno cast! Aleluja, aleluja. 0 smrt, kje zdaj je zmgga tvoja, in tvoje ostro zelo, kje? Veselo upa duša moja, življenje večno čakanje. Moj Jezus je od mrtvih vstal, kraljestvo smrti pokončal! Aleluja, aleluja. 0 sreče dan, o dan veseli, ki ga^naredil je Gospod! Da večno hvalo bi mu peli, odrešen je človeški rod! Odprt stoji nam paradiž in vrata vanj je sveti križ. Aleluja, aleluja. Christ has risen! And from the heaven all the golden rays: Christ has risen! A swallow atop a little shrub And a little brook in the midst of a little forest, A white blossom in the green meadow And from the heaven all the golden rays Have awakened my heart. My tiny heart is singingi Christ has risen! Behold Our Lord in Risen Triumph Translated by Ed Krasovich Behold our Lord in risen triumph, Let's sing to Him all praises due All sin and evil have been triumphed, He brings to us salvation true. 0 happy Christians, come and sing The Pascal praises of your King! Alleluia, alleluia. 0 death, where is thy might o'er mortals, 0 death, and where is now thy sting? He bro't us close to hopeful portals. His glorious praises we shall sing. My Jesus from the dead arose j Blood once flowed, just love now flows. Alleluia, alleluia. 0 happy day, o day of gladness, The risen Saviour gained for us. Let's sing His praises, cast off sadness, His love for us is marvelous. The spotless Lamb has paid the price, And waits for us in Paradise, pi-r Alleluia, alleluia. Kristus .je vstal* Christ Did Arise Christ did arise, Christ did arise, Let us arise now, too, From sin and all its due! Glory to GodI Glorious Easter Day, Be our strength today, Be our strength today. Alleluia (3times) Light of the World, Light of the World, The Pascal Light does shine, Revealing Christ Divine, Christ so Divine! Thru this great Pascal Light, Darkness has gone in flight, Darkness has gone in flight. Alleluia (3 times) Kristus je vstal, Kri.stus je vstal, iz groba skalnega. Dvignil se je svetal z lastno močjo. Sveta Velika noc, kaze Njegovo moc, kaže Njegovo moc, Aleluja (3X) Kristus je vstal, Kristus je vstal, sovražniki beŽ£, verni se vesele, zmagan je greh! Sveta Velika noc^ kaze zmagaino moc, kaže zmagaino moc. Aleluja (3X) Note — Opomba The English translation of the above hymn, as well as of the hymn "Zvelicar nas je vstal iz groba" on the preceding page is not a literal one. These hymns are translated freely so that they could be sung both in Slovenian and in English. The literal translation of the above hymn is as follows« 1 2 Christ has risen, Christ has risen, From the rocky grave. The enemies are fleeing, He rose in glory The faithful are rejoicing, With His own strength, Sin is overcome! Holy Easter, Holy Easter, Is manifesting His strength, Is manifesting the triumphal Is manifesting His strength. strength. (2 times) * The above song originally appeared, together with many other translations of Slovenian hymns with notes, in Glory to God (A Collection of Slovenian Hymns in English Translation), compiled and edited by Joann Birsa, a Slovenian musician and pedagogue who is also an associate of the Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc. You may order your copy of Glory to God directly from« Mrs. Joann Birsa, 6305 WeBt 5th Place, Lakewood, Colorado 80226. LESSON THIRTY-THREE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol materinski dan — Mother's Day pozdrav -- greeting veter — wind kruh -- bread mraz -- cold sneg — snow hleb — loaf kralj — king svet — world obraz — face križ — cross, crucifix ogenj — fire sončni žarek — sun ray las (lasje) — hair zaklad — treasure Feminine — Ženski spol mati or mama — mother mamica — mommy ptička — a tiny bird glava — head srajca — shirt srajčka or srajcica — a small shirt hišica — a small house V(>da — water gora — mountain zemlja — earth, world lakota — hunger krona — crown zarja — dawn luna —— moon postelja — bed guba — wrinkle solza — tear skrb — worry sanje (always plural) — dream(s) vila — fairy Neuter — Srednji spol celo — forehead sonc e (sonc ek) — sun srebro — silver zlato — gold kraljestvo — kingdom dete — infant, baby oka (oci) — eye (eyes) Verbs — Glagoli (božam) (hladim) (vladam) (jokam se) (grejem) (trpim) (ljubim) (imgm rad) božati hladiti vladati jokati se greti trpeti ljubiti imeti rad 5e bi bil jaz... bi pel bi hotel biti rekel bi ti Vzemi! Povej mi! Adjectives — Pridevniki predrag, a, o ljub, a, o premil, a, o hud, a, o leden, a^ o vlglen, zna, zno najlepši, a, e najboljši, a, e najslajši, a, e Other words — Druge besede odkrito strašno vedno vendar sicer kakor nikoli nekaj kadar or ko najbolje bo... iz daljnih dalj na gorah dni In noci - to caress (I caress) - to cool (I cool) - to reign (I reign) - to cry (I cry) - to warm up (I warm up) - to suffer (I suffer) - to love (I love) - to like (I like) — if I were.... — (I) would sing — (I) would want to be — (I) would say to you — Take! — Tell me! dearest j too expensive beloved most gentle severe, mean icy damp the most beautiful the best the sweetest openly, frankly, sincerely terribly always nevertheless true enough, moreover as, like never something when it will be best... from the farthest places on the mountains days and nights II. POEMS AND SONGS FOR MOTHER'S DAY ~ PESMI IN DEKLAM ACI JE ZA MATERINSKI DAN Moj dom je hišica bela Moj dom je hišica bela, vedno v njej~ogenj gori, ta ogenj je mam'ca^vesela, ki ljubi me, zgrne živi! My Home Is A Little White House My home is a little white house, The fire is always burning in it. This fire is my happy mommy, Who loves me, who lives for me! Mamica Ksaver Meško Ce bi bil jaz ptička, najlepie pozdrave bi ti prinaSal iz daljnih dalj, najslajše pesmi bi pel tebi, dr^ga^mgmica moja! Ce^bi bil jaz veter, božal bi ti celč>, hladil ti vročo glavo, ko moraš ob pekočem soncu težko delati, da mi pripraviš kruha, draga mamica moja!~ Ce bi bil jaz sončni žarek, grel bi tvoje roke, kadar peres moje srajcice ob hudem mrazu, v ledeni vodi, mamica moja! Ce bi bil jaz kruh, bel bi hotel biti kakor sneg na gorah in hleb velik kakor vsa zemlja, da ne bi nikoli lakote trpela Ti, ljuba mamica moja! Mommy by Ksaver Meško In ce bi bil jaz kralj, rekel bi tii "Vzemi zlato krono ti, mamica moja! In vse kraljestvo vzemi, zakaj najbolje bo meni in Se vladaš ti, mamica moja If I were a tiny bird, I would bring you the most beautiful greetings From the farthest places, I would sing to you the sweetest songs, My dear mother! If I were the wind, I would caress your forehead, I would cool your feverish head. Because you must work hard under the burning sun, To give me sustenance, My dear mother! If I were a sun-ray, I would warm your hands. When you wash my shirts In the severe cold, in icy water, My mother! If I were bread, I would want to be as white as the snow on the mountains, And a loaf as large as the whole world, That you would never be hungry, You, my beloved mother! And if I were a king, I would say to youi "Take the golden crown, You, my mother! And take the entire kingdom, drugim, For it will be best for me and premilal" others, If you reign, my dearest, most gentle mother!" Se majhen deček sem Se majhen deček sem in mlad, povedal pa bi nekaj rad, sicer le malo znam in vem, a to odkrito reci smem: Matere, ohrani naj vas dobri Bog varuj vas nesreč in vseh nadlog! I Am but a Small Bov I am but a small and a young boy, But I would like to say something. True enough, I know but little, But I can say this sincerely* Mothers, may the good God keep you, And guard you from all misfortunes and all hardships! Mamica je_kakor zar.ia Mgjnica je kakor zarja, zjutraj se sraehlj^, ko se v postelji se dete s sanjami igra. In zato nikdar nikomur mamice ne dara, eno le na svetu širnem mamico imgpio Mamica je kakor luna, dolge Vdi no5i, da počiva njeno dete mirno, brez skrbi. In zato, nikdar... Mamica je kakor sgncek, srček njen je zlat, kakor žarek, ki posije od nebeških vrat. In zato nikdar... Mamica moja, povej mi Mamica moja, povej mi, zakaj imas vlažne oci? Kaj si res jokala zame dni in noci? Mapiica moja, povej mi, zakaj imas zguban obraz? Ali te gube izklesal res sem le jaz? Mamica moja, srebro Že imaš vpleteno v laseh, ali Bi bila res zame vedno v skrbeh? Mamica moja udano v kriš se na steni ozre, novo si solzo *z oSesa tiho otreT Mamica mo.ia Marica moja je strašno bogata, nima zlata — in je vendar vsa zlatat zlate so njene oSi, zlati so njeni lasje, zlate so njene besede, in zlato je njeno srce.. Mommy Is Like The Dawn Mommy is like the dawn, She smiles in the morning, While her baby is still in bed Playing with his dreams. And that is why I shall never Give my mommy to anyone, For I only have one mommy In the whole wide world. Mommy is like the moon, She keeps awake long nights, So that her baby can rest Quietly, without worries. And that is why I shall never... Mommy is like the sun, Her heart is of pure gold, Like the sun-ray which glows From the heavenly gates. And that is why I shall never... Oh. Mother Of Mine. Will You Tell Oh, mother of mine, will you tell me, Why tears are filling your eyes? Was I the cause of your weeping, All days and all nights? Oh, mother of mine, will you tell me, Why wrinkles cover your face? Was I the cause of these wrinkles, All by myself? Oh, mother of mine, filled with silver Now is your beautiful hair. Were you truly so worried, How I might fare? Now mother of mine all-accepting Turns to the cross on the wall, Silently brushing away The new tears that fall. My Mommy My mommy is terribly rich, She has no gold — yet she is pure goldi Golden sure her eyes, Golden is her hair, Golden are her words, And golden is her heart. Vila Ne zabite, dragi otroci, da vile Se vedno Sive, kot senca so vedno za vami, v dobrotah za vas le skrbe. Otrok veš, kdo je ta vila, ki ti ob strani stoji, ki boža te, kruhek ti reže, v ljubezni le zate živi? Ta vila je mamica ljuba tvo j~na j dražji zaklad, brez nje težko je živeti, ce imas jo — zelo Bi bogat! A Fairy Never forget, my dear children, That fairies are truly alive, Like a shadow, they follow you always, Taking care that only good things befall you. My child, you know who this fairy is Who stands ever by your side, Who caresses you, who gives you bread, Who in her love lives only for you? This fairy is your beloved mother, That most precious treasure of yours, Life without her would be unbearable, If you have her — you are rich indeed! Slovenian mother, by M. Gaspari LESSON THIRTY-FOUR I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol Sv. Miklavž otroški praznik Kristus škof svetnik god bonbon j bonboni angel^ angelcek parkelj or hudiS porednež pomaga^ predal začetek nagovor obisk mrak Feminine — Ženski spol Mala Azija igrala dobrotai dobrote šiba sprememba kuhinja mladina brada zvezda vreča preteklost nagajivost Neuter — Sredn.ii spol stoletje obdarovanje opravilo sonce Adjectives — Pridevniki priljubljen, priljubljena, o četrti, a, o svoj, a, e drug, a, o priden, pridna, o poreden, poredna, o — St. Nicholas — children's holiday — Christ — bishop — saint — name-day — a piece of candyj candy — angel — a little angel — devil — rascal, a mischievous boy — helper — drawer — beginning — address, speech — visit — dusk Asia Minor toy goodness) goodies, good things rod, switch, stick change kitchen youth, young people beard, chin star sack the past prankt teasing century distribution of gifts errand, service sun — popular, well liked — fourth — one's own — other, second — diligent, well-behaved, good — teasing, naughty sveti, a, o nagajiv, a, o razveseljiv, a, o vsak, a, o enak, a, o Verbs — Glagoli obdarovati (obdaruj em) praznovati spraševati pričakovati prinesti pomesti spremljati preplašiti opaziti hoteti nagajati poribati rabiti praviti napraviti skušati gladiti odpustiti sestaviti navdušiti (praznujem) (sprašujem) (pričakujem) (prinesem) (pometem) (spremljam) (preplašim) (opazim) (hoc em) (nagajam) (poribam) (rabim) (pravim) (napravim) (skušam) (gladim) (odpustim) (sestavim) (navdušim) ponuditi se (se ponudim) čuditi se svetiti se (se čudim) (se svetim) izmuzniti se (se izmuznem) globoko se zamisliti (globoko^se zamislim) resno se držati (se resno držim) ubogati na prvo besedo (ubogam na prvo besedo) napraviti cim vec veselja iti na smeh (mi gre na smeh)- grabiti listje (grabim listje)- Adverbs — Prislovi verjetno navadno nestrpno vestno pridno polteno holy, saint mischievous gratifying, pleasing each, every same, equal to give presents (I give presents) to celebrate (I celebrate) to keep on asking (I keep on asking) to await, to look forward to, to anticipate (I await) to bring (I bring) to sweep (I sweep) to accompany (I accompany) to scare, to frighten (I scare) to notice (I notice) to want to (I want to) to tease, to annoy (I tease) to scrub (X scrub) to need, to use (I need, I use) to say (I say) to make, to do (I make, I do) to try (I try) to make smooth, to polish (I...) to forgive (I forgive) to compose, to put together (I...) to inspire, to fill with enthusiasm (I inspire) to offer one's services, to offer one's self (I offer my services) to wonder, to be amazed (I wonder) to sparkle, to glow, to shine (I sparkle) to slip out, to slip away (I...) to be absorbed in deep thoughts, to ponder seriously (I...) to look serious (I look serious) to obey promptly, literallyi to obey on first word (I obey...) to make (someone) as happy as possible (I make...) to make someone laugh (it makes me laugh) to rake the leaves (I rake...) probably usually impatiently, anxiously conscientiously diligently honestly, really, thoroughly -263- zlahka or lahko navdušeno zadovoljno tako Se zdavnaj samo se Other words — Druge besede vkljub Seprav kar ko kot pa Jo j i po veSerji pri sosedovih med otroci na vrhu v preteklosti v predalu iz predala za sabo za vse dobro in lepo nič ne manjka ni nic drugače easily enthusiastically with satisfaction — so long time ago already only ... yet in spite of although just when as , like but, and Oh! Alas! after supper at the neighbor's among children at the top in the past in the drawer out of the drawer behind them(selves) for everything good and beautiful nothing is missing nothing is different II. READING — BERILO SVETI MIKLAVŽ priljubljeni otroški praznik Sv. Miklavž, ki je bil v četrtem stoletju po Kristusu škof v Mali Aziji, je med otroci verjetno najbolj priljubljen svetnik. Vsako leto na dan svojega godu, dne 6. decembra, obdaruje vse pridne otroke z igračami, bonboni in drugimi dobrotami, porednim pa prinese šibo. Navadno ga spremljajo angeli, ki mu pomagajo z obdarovanjem pridnih otrok in parkelji, ki pošteno preplašijo poredneŽe. Vkljub parkljem otroci nestrpno pričakujejo dan sv. Miklavža. Mamica in a^a, pa tudi učiteljice in uSrtelji, navadno zlahka opazijo razveseljive spremembe. Otroci niso tako nagajivi kot v preteklosti. Vestno in pridno pišejo domače naloge in že na prvo besedo ubogajo. Mamici te dni prav ni5 ne manjka pomaga&ev. Milica se sama ponudi, da bo po veSerji pobrisala posodo. Tanja hoče -2 64- pomesti tla. Franci nič ne nagaja Mojci in tudi Mojca je tako pridna, da se mamica in a"ta kar čudita. Pri sosedovih ni nic drugače. Peter in Tomaž pridno in navdušeno grabita listje. Marjanca je mamici poribala kuhinjo. Metka je pomila vsa okna, da se kar svgtijo v soncu. Joj, kako pridna je ta naša mladina! "Ti lahko kaj pomagamo, mamica?'' sprašuje Magda. "Kar pokliči me, a^ek, če me kaj rahis!" pravi Martinček svojemu a^ku, ki se resno drži, Čeprav mu gre na smeh. Ko otroci opravijo razna opravila, se izmuznejo v sobo. Za sabo zaprejo vrata. Potem vzamejo iz predala papir in pero. Globoko se zamislijo in potem začnejo pisati pisma. Na vrhu vsakega pisma pa najdemo enak začetekt "Preljubi sv. Miklavž!" Sv, Miklavž pa si zadovoljno gladi dolgo sivo brado. Zelo rad ima otroke. Ze zdavnaj jim je odpustil vse nagajivosti. Zdaj misli samo še na to, kako. bi jim napravil čim več veselja. Skuša tudi sestaviti zelo lep nagovor za svoj obisk slovenskih otrok, da jih bo tako, navdušil za vse dobro in lfipo, III. EXERCISES ~ VAJE A. Translate the above reading into English — Prevedite berilo v angleščino B. AriHwgr the following questions — Odgovorite na sledeča vprašanja 1. Kdo je najbolj priljubljen svetnik med otroci? 2. Kdaj praznujemo god sv. Miklavža? _ 3. Kaj prinese sv. Miklavž pridnim otrokom? Kaj prinese sv. Miklavž porednim otrokom? _ 5. Kdo spremlja sv. Miklavža? _ 6. Kakšne spremembe opazijo mama in a*ta, učiteljice in učitelji? 7. Kaj bo Milica naredila po večerji? 8. Kaj hoče Tanja narediti? _ 9. Kdo niČ ne nagaja Mojci? _ 10. Kako je pri sosedovih? _ 11. Kaj delata Peter in Tomaž?_ -265- 12. Kaj je Marjgnca naredila za mamico? _ 13. Kaj je Metka pomila? _ 14. Kam se izmuznejo otroci? _ 15» Kaj vzamejo iz predala? _ 16. Kaj delajo v sobi? _ 17. Kaj je na vrhu vsakega pisma? _ 18. Kakšno brado ima sv. Miklavž? _ 19« Koga ima sv. Miklavž zelo rad? _ 20. Kaj skuša sv. Miklavž sestaviti?_ 21. Za kaj bi sv. Miklavž rad navdušil otroke? 22. Ali tudi tebi kaj prinese sv. Miklavž? C. Match — Da.ite skupa.i 1. toy 1. igrača a. preteklost 2. beard, chin b. mladina 3- a little angel c. Sv. Miklavž 4. visit * c. stoletje 5. bishop d. bonboni 6. devil e. vreča 7. rascal f. svetnik 8. helper g. poreden 9. youth h. brada 10. St. Nicholas i. nagajiv 11. sun .i. porednež 12. star k. priljubljen 13. rod, switch 1. igraSa 14. candy m. priden 15. saint n. obisk 16. century 0. angelček 17. sack T>. vsak 18. past r. škof 19. teasing, naughty_____ s. zvezda 20. well behaved • s. enak 21. popular, well liked t. parkelj 22a same 23. each, every 24. mischievous 25. name-day u. sonce v. šiba z. god ž. pomagac D. Fill in the missing words — Napišite besede, ki 1. Sv. Miklavž je bil četrtem _ 2. Njegov _ v Mali po Kristusu. praznujemo 6« 3. Pridne otroke obdaruje z pa prinese _ 4. _ 5. _ in bonboni, porednim in spremljajo sv. Miklavža. 6. Otroci pišejo 7. Na _ pošteno preplašijo sv. Miklavžu. vsakega pisma najdemo enak začetek t 8. Sv. Miklavž misli samo, kako bi otrokom napravil čim več 9* Za svoj slovenskih otrok skuša sestaviti lep 10. Slovanske otroke bi rad navdušil za vse _ in IV. POEMS AND SONGS -- DEKLAMACIJE IN PESMI Sveti Miklavž Hinko Medic Miklavžek, Miklavžek, ti striČek naŠ zlati, kdo polni ti vrečo, da moreš vsem dati? Tončku voziček, Lenki pero, Petru mošnjicek in Majdi kolo! Miklavžek, MiklavŽek, frejel sem nožiSek, e hvala za zvezke, ti ljubi naš striČek! St. Nicholas St. Nick, St. Nick, Oh, our beloved uncle, Who fills your sack So that you can give to everyone? To Tony a wagon, To Helen a pen, To Peter a wallet and to Mary a bike! St. Nick, St. Nick, I received a pocket knife, And thanks for the notebooks, Oh, our beloved uncle! Nocoj .ie Miklavžev večer Mirko Kuncic Angeli božji odprli so vrata zlata in zacingijalii "Cin, cin." Spustil po lestvi srebrni na zemljo spečo" se je Miklavž z vso svojo pisano, čudežno srečo. Tiho, skrivnostno od doma do doma roma. Roma? Vozi se, vozi na zlatih saneh, z njim zbor krilateeV, kraguljeki in smeh. Juhuhuhu! Pridnim nosi orehe^ medene kolače, fige, rožice in*~krasne igrače.— Sibo pa, hu, razposajenim bo punčkam, fantičkom parkelj prinesel, pomigal z rozickomt Bu-bu-bu-bu! Mi angelei smo mali Mi angelei smo mali, nas Bogec rad ima, kaj žalost je, ne vemo, za bol nihče ne zna7 Svilena nam je krila pripela božja moc, da nosimo povelja do revnih zemskih koc. A ko na nebu zlate zvezdice zagorej igramo se v vesoljstvu od mraka do zore. In svetle mi rubine in zvezdic trosimo in bgdnim rajsko srečo na zemljo nosimo. It's The Eve Of St. Nicholas The heavenly angels opened the golden gates And jingled:"Din, din.** Down the silver ladder to the Bleeping earth Came St. Nicholas With his colorful, miraculous fortune. Silently, mysteriously, from home to home he travels, He travels? — He rides, he glides on the golden sleigh, With him a host of heavenly angels, sleigh bells and laughter. Hahahahal To the good children He brings nuts, honey cakes, Figs, carobs and gorgeous toys.— But a rod, wow. To the mischievous little girls and boys A devil will bring and wiggle with his horns i Boo-boo-boo-boo• We Are The Little Angels We are the little angels, So very loved by God, What sorrow is, we know not, What pain is, we forgot! All silken are our wings Received from heaven above To carry God's own wishes To earth below with love. And when the heavenly stars Light up the skies so bright, We play in that vast universe From dusk till morning light. Bright, shining many rubies, We shower and twinkling stars, And to the poor we bring God's graces from above. LESSON THIRTY-FIVE I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moški spol Zahvalni dan spomin priseljenec romar Indi j^nec pridelek Bog " dom pur^n nadev nadevan puran sladek krompir sorodnik starši Feminine — Ženski spol Indijgnka dobrota; dobrote brusnica služba solata bu5a hrana svoboda Neuter — Sredn.ii spol praznovanje zdravje Verbs — Glagoli praznovati (praznujem) postati (postanem) deliti (delim) priti (pridem) uživati (uživam) zahvaliti se (se zahvalim) Other words — Druge besede včasih skupaj ko z njimi zanje ce tudi svoj, a, e Thanksgiving Day remembrance immigrant pilgrim an Indian crop God home turkey stuffing stuffed turkey sweet potato relative parents an Indian woman goodness, kindness i good things, goodies cranberry job, work salad pumpkin food liberty celebration health employment to celebrate to become to share, to come to enjoy to thank (I celebrate) (I become) to divide (I share) (I come) (I enjoy) (I thank) sometimes together when with them for them if also one1s own tradicionalen, Ina, o prijeten, prijetna, o zadnji četrtek v novembru na tiste case vec vrst solat nešteto drugih dobrot traditional pleasant last Thursday in November of those times many kinds of salads countless other good things II. READING -- BERILO Zadnji četrtek v novembru praznujemo v Ameriki Zahvalni dan. Praznovanje Zahvalnega dne je spomin na tiste case, ko so prvi priseljenci "Pilgrims" aH "romarji" postali prijatelji z Indijanci in so skupaj z njimi delili svoje pridelke in se zahvalili Bogu zanje. Na Zahvalni dan so Šole zaprte. Tudi oce ne gre v službo. Mjma pripravi tradicionalno kosilo i pečenega purana z nadevom, sladek krompir, brusnice, vec vrst solat, za deBert pa še bučni zavitek ("paj"). Včasih pridejo na kosilo tudi sorodniki in tako vsi skupaj delimo dobrote. Lepo je, Se se na ta dan tudi mi zahvalimo Bogu za vse dobrote, ki jih uživamo i za zdravje, za službo, za dobre starše, za dobre šale, za prijeten dom, za hrano, za svobodo in še za nešteto drugih dobrot. III. EXERCISES ~ VAJE A. Answer the questions — Odgovori na vprašanja 1. Kdaj praznujemo v Ameriki Zahvalni dan? 2. S kom (with whom) so postali priseljenci prijatelji? 3» Kaj so delili? _ Ali greste v šolo ali v službo na Zahvalni dan? 5* Kakšno kosilo pripravi mama? 6. Ali rad ješ purana? _ 7• Kdo pride tudi vS^sih k vam na kosilo? _ 8. Kako praznujete Zahvalni dan pri vas (at your house)? 9. AH ostanete doma na Zahvalni dan? 10. Kaj naj tudi mi naredimo na Zahvalni dan? B. Match - Dajte skupaj 1. Thursday 2. Thanksgiving 3. turkey liberty 5. God 6. pilgrim 7« immigrant 8. home 9. cranberry 10. food 11. pumpkin 12. health 13. job 14. sometimes 15. when 16. if 17. also 18. parents 19. to enjoy 20. to come 21. to share 22. to celebrate 23. to thank 24. to become 25. Indian k. Setrtek a. Bog b. dom Co zdravje 5. včasih d. hrgna e. postati f. puran g* se zahvaliti h. priseljenec i. Indijanec j« služba k. četrtek 1. uživati m. svoboda n. praznovati 0. deliti P« Zahvalni dan r. bu£a s. romar š. brusnica t. • ce u. tudi v. s t ar s i z. priti ž. ko IV. THANKSGIVING SONG ~ ZAHVALNA PESEM Hvala večnemu Bogu! Vse stvari Ga zdaj molite, Stvarniku, Dobrotniku ve5no slavo zadonite! Zbori angelski pojo, hvali zemlja in nebo. Sveti, sveti, sveti Bog, vse je polno tvoje slave! Tebe moli zemlje^ krog, malijo nebes višave. Vsi svetniki Te caste, vsi pravični Te slave. Holy God, we praise Thy name! Lord of all, we bow before Thee! All the earth Thy sceptre claim, All in heaven above adore Thee. Infinite Thy vast domain, Everlasting is Thy reign. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee, While in essence only One, Undivided God we claim Theej And adoring bend the knee, While we own the mystery. This song can be sung both in Slovenian and in English. The above translation is not a literal one. The literal translation is as followst Thanks to the Almighty God! Let the entire creation pray to Him now! To the Creator, to the Benefactor, Let eternal praises resound! Angelic choirs sing to Thee, Heaven and earth give praise to Thee! Holy, holy, holy God! Everything is filled with Thy glory! Thou art worshipped by all the living, Thou art praised in the heights of heaven. All the saints give honor to Thee, All the faithful give glory to Thee! .V V,.. t r e' ' ¥ i, if i t Mrs. Anna Zager's Thanksgiving, by Don Wolf -2?2- LESSON THIRTY-SIX I. VOCABULARY — SLOVARČEK Masculine — Moski spol Slovenec (Slovenci) — a Slovenian (the Slovenians) narod ~~ — nation, people svet — world zapad — West vzhod — East sever — North jug — South kraj -- place, locality, spot rojstni kraj — birthplace pesnik — poet pisatelj — writer, author hrib — hill hribček ~ little hill, hillock vinograd — vineyard topol — poplar tree dimnik — chimney mozaik — mosaic nacin — way, manner, mode, style način življenja — life style šopek — bouquet sosed — neighbor del — part, section, portion, share odstotek — percentage, per cent turizem — tourism, tourist traffic poklic — profession, vocation, occupation dohodek — income razvoj — development, growth napredek — progress prebivalec (prebivalci) — inhabitant (inhabitants) izseljenec (izseljenci) — emigrant (emigrants) priseljenec (priseljenci) — immigrant (immigrants) potomec (potomci) — descendant, offspring (descendants) kras — bare and rocky land Kras — Karst Triglav — the highest mountain in Slovenia* also the higest mountain peak of the Julian Alps Feminine — ženski spol Slovenija — Slovenia Jugoslavija — Yugoslavia Evropa — Europe Švica — Switzerland Italija — Italy Avstrija — Austria Madžarska — Hungary Hrvaška Združene države Amerike domovina dežela pokrajina planina gora jfjroa nizava or nižina lepota, krasota zgodovina meja republika federacija štorklja folklora navada arhitektura kultura industrija cvetka barva prestolnica zibel or zibelka cenitev raznovrstnost or raznolicnost privlačnost Neuter — Sredn.ii sool prebivalstvo kmetijstvo Število gnezdo jezero mesto glavno mesto mestece predmestje polje življenje toplice letovišSe osrčje prgišče narečje ponemcevanje središče Jadransko morje Croatia United States of America homeland, native country country, land province, region, landscape mountain mountain, mount cave, cavern lowland, low country beauty history border, boundry line republic federation stork folklore custom, habit, usage architecture culture industry little flower color, paint metropolis, the capital city cradle estimate, valuation variety, diversity attraction, attractiveness population farming, agriculture number nest lake city the capital small town suburb field, plain life spa, thermal spring, health resort resort the heart of, the interior handful dialect germanization center Adriatic Sea Slovenske pokrajine The Provinces of Slovenia Primorska {f.) Notranjska (f.) Koroška (f.) Gorenjska (f.) Dolenjska (f.) Bela Krajina (f.) Štajerska (f.) Prekmurje (n.) Adjectives — Pridevniki mogočen, mogočna, o soneen, s onena, o različen, različna, o privlačen,^privlačna, o številen, številna, o napreden, napredna, o naroden, narodna, o naraven, naravna, o rodoviten, rodovitna, o celoten, celotna, o prvoten, prvotna, o ljubek, ljubka, o važen, važna, o moder, modra, o tajinstven, a, o očarljiv, a, o čudovit, a, o slovit, a, o slikovit, a, o bogat,"a, o gorat, a, o visok, a, o svetovno znan, a, o grob, a, o prostran, a, o poln, a, o njihov, a, o zaposlen, a, o pokopan, a, o podzemski, a, o madžarski, a, o nemški, a, o rimski, a, o hrvaški, a, o slovenski, a, o italjanski, a, o srednji, a, e gospodarski, a, o kulturni, a, o industrijski, a, o — Littoral — Interior — Carinthia — Upper Carniola — Lower Carniola — White Carniola — Styria — Mura Region — mighty, powerful, lofty, immense — sunny — different, various — attractive, alluring — numerous — progressive, advanced — national — natural — fertile, fruitful, productive — total, entire, complete — original, first — lovely, sweet — important — blue, azure; wise, prudent — mysterious, mystic — enchanting, charming — wonderful, marvelous, miraculous — famous, renowned, celebrated — picturesque, colorful — rich — mountainous, hilly — tall, high — world-famous, internationally known — rude, ruthless, harsh — wide, spacious — full of, filled with — their — employed, busy, occupied — buried — underground — Hungarian — German — Roman — Croatian — Slovenian — Italian — central, middle — economic, economical, thrifty — cultural — industrial kakšen, kakšna, o kateri, a, o največji, a, e najvišji, a, e najlepši, a, e — what kind of — which, which one — the "biggest, the greatest — the highest, the tallest — the most beautiful Verbs — Glagoli biti podoben imenovati našteti ležati ljubiti se roditi se izseliti povezati srepati meriti ocgniti živeti spadati zapisati prispevati doprinesti (sem podoben) — (imenujem) (naštejem) (ležim) (ljubim) (se rodim) (se izselim) (povežem) (srečam) (merim) (ocenim) (živim) (spadam) (zapišem) (prispevam) (doprinesem) predstaviti or predstavljati — (predstavim) (predstavljam)— se razprostirati (se rasprostira) to resemble, to look like (I.,,) to name, to call (I name) to enumerate (I enumerate) to lie, to be situated (I...) to love (I love) to be born (I am born) to emigrate, to move out (L..) to tie, to unite (I tie, I unite) to meet (I meet) to measure (I measure) to estimate, to rate (I estimate) to live (I live) to belong (I belong) to write down (I write down) to contribute (I contribute) to contribute (I contribute) to represent (I represent) to stretch out, to expand (it stretches out) Adverbs — Prislovi severno južno vzhodno zahodno na severovzhodu na jugovzhodu toliko malo manj malo vec vec ali manj dalje vsaj pol v ?riblizno ežko kjer od koder še vedno le po mnenju najbolj or najvgc north — south east — west in the northeast — in the southeast — so much, so many a little less a little more — more or less — farther on at least — half — approximately — with difficulty — where — from where — still — just , only according to — the most Other words — Druge besede nekateri — some vsi ostali — all the rest, all the others med drugim — among other things kot — as, like toda — but, however, yet čeprav — although da — that, so that nad — over, above med — between, among izmed — out of poleg or zraven — next to, in addition to , besides vkljub — in spite of okrog — around proti — toward, against blizu — ne sir na — on, in z (s) — with pod — under II. READING ~ BERILO Naša domovina Sloveni.ia Slovenija je ena najlepših dežel na svetu. Po svojih mogočnih planinah je podobna Švici in nekateri pisatelji so jo imenovali "Jadransko Švico". Toda Slovenija ima zraven planin tudi Jadransko morje, tajinstveni Kras z nad 400 podzemskimi Jamami in prostrano Panonsko nizavo. Our Homeland, Slovenia Slovenia is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It resembles Switzerland by its mighty mountains and some writers called her the "Adriatic Switzerland." Yet, in addition to its mountain ranges, Slovenia also has the Adriatic Sea, the mysterious Karst, with over 400 under-gound caves, and the spacious Pannonian Plains. Slovenija je polna lepot in Slovenia is filled with beau- raznolicnosti. Vsaka pokrajina ty and diversity. Each region is je čudovit svet zase. Tam ob mo- a spectacular, different world in drem Jadranu na zapadu lezi son- itself. In the west, on the Blue ena Primorska, z mesti Portorož, Adriatic, lies the sunny Littoral, Piran, Koper in Nova Gorica. with the cities of Portorož, Pi- Bolj v notranjosti se razprostrl- ran, Koper, and Nova Gorica. Fur-ra tajinstvena Notranjska, s sve- ther inland extends the mysteri-tovno znano Postojnsko jamo, ki ous Interior, with its world-fa-je ena največjih in najlepših na mous Postojna Caverns which are svetu, in Lipico, prvotnim domom among the largest and the most slovitih Lipicancev na zapadu, in beautiful caves in the world, and Vrhniko, rojstnim krajem naj- Lipica, the original home of the večjega slovenskega pisatelja, widely known Lipitzaner horses Ivana Cankarja, na vzhodu. in the west, and Vrhnika, the birthplace of Ivan Cankar, the -277- Na severu proti Avstriji je Koroška, ki jo vsi Slovenci ljubijo kot "zibel slovenstva in slovenske zgodovine." Očarljiva je gorata Gorenjska z mogočnim Triglavom (2,864 metrov), z ljubkim mestom Kranj, kjer je pokopan največji slovenski pesnik, France Prešeren, in s svetovno znanimi letovišči Bled in Bohinj. Južno od Gorenjske^in še vedno v osrčju Slovenije počiva med prijaznimi hribi in vinogradi Dolenjska, z Novim mestom, Ribnico in Žužemberkom, od koder se je izselilo v Ameriko toliko Slovencev. Dalje na vzhodu je zelena Štajerska, kjer se gore in hribčki prelivajo v Panonsko nižino s prostranimi, rodovitnimi polji. Na severovzhodu proti madžarski meji je slikovito Prekmurje, z visokimi topoli in gnezdi štorkelj na dimnikih. Na jugovzhodu blizu Hrvaške pa je Bela Krajina z mestecem Črnomelj, ki~~je znana med drugim po svoji bogati folklori. Tu je prgišče krasot,čudovit mozaik naravnih lepot in kontrastov, kot tudi različnih folklor, nav^d, narečij, arhitektur in načinov življenja. Kot cvetke različnih barv so slovenske pokrajine povezane v en sam šopek, poln lepot in privlačnosti. To je Slovenija — naša domovina, naš "stari kraj"! Slovenija je ena izmed šestih republik v federaciji Jugoslaviji. Leži na severu Jugoslavije, kjer se Zahod sreča z Vzhodom in Srednja Evropa z Jugom. Njene sosede so na zapadu Italija na Beveru Avstrija, na vzhodu Madžarska in na jugu Hrvaška. Slovenija meri 20,251 kvadratnih kilometrov ali malo manj kot greatest Slovenian writer, in the east. Toward Austria, in the north, is Carinthia, which is loved by all Slovenians as the "cradle of Slovenian culture and history." Enchanting is the mountainous Upper Camiola with the mighty Triglav (9,373 feet), with the lovely city of Kranj (Crain), where France Prešeren, the greatest Slovenian poet is buried, and with the world-famous resorts of Bled and Bohinj. South of Upper Carniola, but still in the very heart of Slovenia, is Lower Carniola, with friendly hills and vineyards, and with Novo mesto, Ribnica, and Žužemberk whence so many Slovenians came to America. Further east is the green Styria, where mountains and hills melt into the Pannonian Plains, with spacious, fertile fields. In the northeast, toward the Hungarian border, is the scenic Mura Region, with its tall poplars and nests of storks on the chimneys. In the southeast, close to Croatia, is the White Camiola with the little city of Črnomelj, known among other things for its rich folklore. Here is a handful of natural beauties and contrasts, of diverse folklore, customs, dialects, architectures, and styles of life. As flowers of different colors, these regions are tied together in a bouquet full of beauty and attractions. This is Slovenia — our homeland, our "old country"! Slovenia is one of the six republics of the Yugoslav Federation. It lies in the north of Yugoslavia, where West meets East and Central Europe meets South. , Her neighbors are Italy in the west, Austria in the north, Hungary in the east, and Croatia in the south. Slovenia measures 20,251 square kilometers, or a 8,000 kavdratnih milj. Republika Slovenija ima nekaj nad 1,800,000 prebivalcev. Del Koroške je pod £vstrijo, kjer vkljub grobemu ponemcevanju še vedno živi k^kih 50,000 do 80,000 Slovencev, Pod Italijo je približno 125)000 Slovencev in pod Madžarsko, v Porabju, nekaj nad 10,000. Težko je oceniti število Slovencev po vsem ostalem svetu. Minimalne cenitve so okrog pol milijona, maksimalne pa en milijon ali vec. Največ slovenskih izseljencev in njihovih potomcev je v Združenih državah Amerike, po mnenju profesorja Roucka okrog 400,000 in po cenitvah Slovenskega instituta — Slovenian Research Centra of America vsaj pol milijona. Prestolnica slovenske repu-blike^in kulturno in gospodarsko središče Slovenije je Ljubljana, nekdanja rimska Emona, ki ima danes s predmestji nad četrt milijona prebivalcev. Drugo največje slovensko mesto je Maribor, kulturno in gospodarsko središče Štajerske, s približno 100,000 prebivalcev. Zelo lepa in privlačna mesta so tudi Celje, Velenje, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Kranj, Škafja loka, Novo mesto, Črnomelj, Piran, Koper in Portorož. Med najbolj znana letovišča in toplice spadajo Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska gora, Rogaška Slatina^ Slatina Radenci} Šmarješke, Cateške in Rimske Toplice, Atomske Toplice pri Podčetrtku in Laško. little less than 8,000 square miles. The population of the Republic of Slovenia is 1,800,000. A part of Carinthia is under Austria where, in spite of ruthless Germanization, there are still some 50,000 to 80,000 Slovenians. Some 125,000 Slovenians remain under Italy, and about 10,000 of them live in the Porabje Region, under Hungary. It is difficult to estimate the number of Slovenians in the rest of the world. Minimum estimates are around half a million souls, and maximum estimates surpass a million. The largest number of Slovenian immigrants and their descendants are in the United States of America — about 400,000 according to Prof. Roucek and at least half a million according to The Slovenian Research Center of America. Ljubljana, known as Emona in Roman times, is the capital of the Slovenian Republic and also the cultural and economic center of Slovenia. Suburbs included, it counts over a quarter million souls. The second largest Slovenian city is Maribor, the cultural and economic center of Styria, with about 100,000 inhabitants. Among other attractive cities are also Celje, Velenje, Ptuj, Murska Sobota, Kranj, Škofja loka, Novo mesto, Črnomelj, Piran, Koper and Portorož. Among the best known resorts and spas ares Bled, Bohinj, Kranjska gora, Rogaška Slatina, Slatina Radenci; Šmarješke, Cateške and Rimske Toplice s Atomske Toplice at Podčetrtek, and Laiko. Slovenija je najbolj indu- Slovenia is the most industrijska republika v Jugoslaviji, strialized republic of Yugosla-Samo 20 odstotkov Slovencev živi via. Only 20 per cent of Slove-od kmeti^jstvap vsi ostali so za- nians are in agriculture} the posleni v industriji, turizmu in rest are employed in industry, drugih poklicih. Čeprav Slovenci tourism, and other fields. predstavljajo le 8 odstotkov prebivalcev Jugoslavije, prispevajo 16 odstotkov k celotnemu narodnemu dohodku Jugoslavije o Pridno delajo v Sloveniji in mnogo so doprinesli k razvoju in napredku številnih drugih držav« Ameriški pisatelj R.H. Markham je zapisal, da so Slovenci "eden najbolj naprednih narodov sveta." Although Slovenians constitute only 8 per cent of the total Yugoslav population, they contribute 16 per cent to the total national income of Yugoslavia. They work hard in Slovenia and they have contributed much to the growth and progress of many other countries. According to the American author, R.H. Markham, "Slovenians are among the most advanced peoples in the world," A. III. EXERCISES — VAJE Match — Da.ite skupaj 1. Switzerland m. Svica a. sever 2. nation b. planina 3- native country c. rojstni kraj 4. north V C . priseljenec 5. south d. prebivalstvo 6. east e. vzhod 7. west f. potomec 8. mountain g. mestece 9. birthplace h. letovišče 10. offspring i. dežela 11. citv jo predmestje 12. little town k. izseljenec 13. suburb 1. pokrajina 14. metropolis m. Svica 15. neighbor n. s ose d 16. resort 0. domovina 17. immigrant P. jezero 18. emigrant r. jama 19. population s. narod 20 = cavern, cave v So narec je 21. c ountry t. polje 22. province, region u. jug 23 0 field v. prestolnica 24 0 lake z. mesto 25. dialect v z. zahod B. Translate into Slovenian -- Prevedite v slovenščino 1. the highest mountain na.iviš.ia pora_ 2. a world-famous resort _______ 3- a cultural center _ 4. a Slovenian poet _ 5. our homeland ___ 6. a picturesque landscape_____ 7. an enchanting country _ 8. an underground cave _ 9. my life _ 10. my birthplace _ 11. a fertile field _____ 12. a tall poplar _ 13- The Adriatic Sea _ 14. a sunny province 15- the Slovenian nation _ 16. the Italian border _ 17- a famous writer _ 18. a wonderful world 19. the capital city _ 20. a different dialect _ 21. an important occupation _ 22. a blue lake _ 23. a lovely little town ____ 24. the national income ____ 25- a rich neighbor _ c* Answer the following questions — Odgovorite na sledeča vprašan .i a 1. Kateri deželi je Slovenija _ podobna po svojih planinah? __ 2. Kako so nekateri pisatelji ___ imenovali Slovenijo? ____ 3» Kaj ima Slovenija poleg ____ planin? _ 4. Katera pokrajina lezi ob Jadranu? 5„ Katera važna mesta so na Primorskem? 6. Kje lezi Koroška? ?. Zakaj Slovenci še posebno ljubijo Koroško? 8o Katera pokrajina v Sloveniji je najbolj gorata? 9. Kateri dve sloviti letovišči sta na Gorenjskem? 10. Kdo je pokopan v Kranju? 11» Kdo je France Prešeren? 12o Katera pokrajina je južno od _ Gorenjske? _ 13- Katera znana mesta so na _ Dolgnjskem? _ 14. Katera pokrajina je na severo^ vzhodu proti madžarski meji? _ 15« Katera pokrajina je na jugo- _ vzhodu blizu hrvaške _ 16. Koliko kvadratnih milj meri _ Slovenija? _ 17. Koliko prebivalcev ima _ republika Slovenija? _ 180 Kje leži Slovenija? 19» Približno koliko Slovencev _ živi. pod Italijo? _ 20. Približno koliko Slovencev _ živi pod Avstrijo? _ 21. Približno koliko Slovencev živi pod Madžarsko? _ -2B3- 22. Koliko Slovencev je po vsem ostalem svetu po maksimalni cenitvi? 23. Kje živi najvgc izseljencev in njihovih potomcev? 24. Kaj je Ljubljana? 25« Približno koliko prebivalcev_ ima Ljubljana s predmestji? _ 26. Katero mesto je kulturno in _ gospodarsko središče Štajerske? 27o Kakšna republika je Slovenija?_ 28. Koliko odstotkov Slovencev _ živi od kmetijstva v Slove.- _ niji? _ 29. Koliko odstotkov prebivalcev__ Jugoslavije predstavlja Slo-_ veni j a? __ 30o Kaj je napisal ameriški _ pisatelj R.H. Markham o _ Slovencih? __ D* Answer in a few words — Odgovorite v par besedah 1. najvišja gora v Sloveniji ,_ 2b glavno mesto Slovenije _ 3. največji slovenski pesnik ______ 4o največji slovenski pisatelj 5. svetovno-znana podzemska jama__ 60 prvotni dom slovitih Lipicancev_ 7 o pokrajina ob Jadranskem morju_ 8. najbolj gorata pokrajina v Sloveniji_ 9. svetovno-znano letovišče na Gorenjskem_ 10. slovenska pokrajina pri madžarski meji _ 11« dežela zapadno od Slovenije ______ 12. dežela severno od Slovenije ___ 13. dežela vzhodno od Slovenije _ 14. republika Jugoslavije južno od Slovenije _ 15. prebivalstvo republike Slovenija _ 16. Naštejte (enumerate) nekaj slovenskih mest: 17„ Naštejte nekaj letovišč : 18. Naštejte nekaj toplic: 19. Naštejte vse slovenske pokrajine: Primorska_ _Littoral IV. SONGS AND POEMS — PESMI IN DEKLAMACIJE Gor čez .jezero Narodna Gor cez jezero, gor cez gmajnico, kjer je dragi dom z mojo zibelko, kjer so me zibali mamica moja in prepevali, haji, hajo. Sem še majhen bil, sem bil zdrav, vesel, sem vecbarti k'tero pesem pel. Zdaj vvse minulo je, nic vec pel ne bom, saj ni vec moj ljubi, dragi dom. Slovenec sem Jakob Gomilšek Slovenec semI Slovenec sem! Tako je mati d'jala, ko me je dete pestovala; zatorej dobro vem, Slovenec sem, Slovenec sem. Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! To jasna pamet v glavi, to v srcu blagi cut mi pravi. S ponosom reci smem: Slovenec sem, Slovenec sem. Slovenec sem! Slovenec sem! Jaz ljubim ocetnjavo, gorim za njeno cast in slavo, kar čutim, to povemi Slovenec sem, Slovenec sem! Slovenska deklica Narodna Sem deklica mlada, vesela, sem pravo slovensko dekle. Kot slaveek veselo bi pela, da b' daleč razlegalo se. Tralala, tralala, tralalalalala, t r al al a, t r al al a, t r al al al a. Beyond the Laka Folk song Translated by'Ed Krasovich B'yond the lake so clear By those pastures dear, There's the home I miss, With my cradle's bliss, My mother's lullaby Haunts me still today; When she stilled my cry, Haji, hajo! Oft I sang at play As a child so gay! Those were happy days, Sweet in many ways! But now all that is done. Now the earth I roam. Gone is all the fun — My home, sweet home. I Am Slovene I am Slovene, I am Slovene! So my dear mother told me When in her arms she held me. That's why I know so well, I am Slovene, I am Slovene. I am Slovene, I am Slovene! My mind tells me faithfully What my heart feels so truly. With pride I tell you this: I am Slovene, I am Slovene. I am Slovene, I am Slovene, My homeland I love dearly Its honor and its glory. I'm saying what I feel t I am Slovene, I am Slovene. Slovenian Girl Folk song I am a girl so young and so happy, A true Slovene girl am I! Like a nightingale I'm happily singing, Resounding with joy near and far. Tralala, tralala, tralalalalala, Tralala, tralala, tralalala. Zakaj "bi veselo ne pela, zakaj bi vesela ne b'la? Saj vsak dan 'krog mojega cela, mi sap'ca slovenska pihlja. Tralala, t r al al a, t r al al al al al a, Tralala, tralala, t r al al al a. Ka.i .ie domovina Martina Bidovec Gore visoke, vode globoke, šume zelene, zarje rumene, pisane trate, njivice zlate vsa ta milina je domovina. Zvezdice jasne, rožice krasne, beli oblaki, mavrični traki^ v polju škrjancek, zajček zaspancek, vsa ta milina je domovina. Metuljčki veseli, pisani, beli, oce naš zlati in ljubljena mati, vsa ta lepita, vsa ta dobrota, vsa ta milina je domovina. Bop in Slovenija Ivan Pregelj V jeziku sladkem, ki ga znam, po ljubi materi imam, iz zvestega mivvre srca pozdrav najlepši ta: Bog in Slovenija! Domovini Simon Gregorčič ... 0 mati moja domovina, ljubezen moja ti edina, ti moja skrb in bolečina, Bog čuvaj dobrotijivi te, Bog živi te, Bog živi te! Why shouldn't I sing and be happy, Why shouldn't I happy be now? For the breeze from Slovenian mountains Caresses so softly my brow. Tralala. . . What Is My Fatherland The lofty mountains And deep waters And green forests, A golden dawn And this richly colored lawn, And these fields so filled with beauty... This beloved, charming land Is my fatherland. The glowing stars And gorgeous flowers, These white clouds And rainbows pure, And the lark so sweetly singing, Bunnies sleepily there nibbling... This beloved, lovely land Is my fatherland. The butterflies So gay and happy, And my father's heart of gold, The best mother in the world! All this beauty, All this goodness... This enchanting, lovely land Is my fatherland. God And Slovenia In this sweet tongue, My mother's tongue And from the depths of my poor heart Comes forth a greeting in a song: God and Slovenia! To Mv Homeland Oh, mother dear, my homeland sweet, You are my only love! You are my worry and my anguish! God bless you richly from above, Long live, Slovenia, my love! Appendix NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION 1. The Slovenian alphabet has twenty-five letters. It omits from the English alphabet the letters Q, W, X, Y and adds the letters C (ch sound in cherry), S (sh sound in shoe) and 2 (ge sound in garage). 2. The sounds of the Slovenian letters are pure and not diphtongal. To achieve a relatively pure pronunciation, you will need practice and patience. It may help to read the sounds in a staccato rhythm at first, to get away from the habit of prolonging the vowel sound as is commonly done in English. 3. As in other languages, several dialects exist also in the Slovenian language. This manual presents the literary Slovenian as taught in language courses in Slovenia. Do not be alarmed if your ancestors have (had) a slight variation to the pronunciation given here or if they used Slovenian adaptations of foreign words, such as "zupa" instead of "juha," "šuhi"(cevlji), "mantl" (plašč), "šalca" (skodelica), "štenge" (stopnice), etc. For the most part, the Slovenian language is a phonetic one, that is, one reads what one sees, with each letter having a constant, specified sound. However, there are exceptions to this rule. At times, a letter will get a different pronunciation when it is grouped with certain other letters, or when it occupies a certain position in the word. 5. There are five main vowels in the Slovenian language: A, E, I, 0, U. Sometimes, the letter "R" takes the place of a vowel in a syllable and is pronounced accordingly, as indicated on page 297. 6. Every vowel can be stressed (accented) or unstressed (not accented). Sometimes a stress on a vowel can give a totally new meaning to the same group of words. For example« Hiti! (Hurry!) gori (up there) hiti (he hurries) Gori! (Fire!) j§ (he eats) je (he is) 7. Consonants are either voiced or unvoiced, unvoiced meaning that no vibration of the vocal cords is present. The voiced consonants arei b, d, g, j, 1, m, n, r, v, z, The unvoiced consonants arei c, c, f, h, k, p, s, š, t. (All unvoiced consonants are present in the words i ŠKAFEC HOČE PASTI.) 8. There are three basic accent marks to learn in the study of Slovenian« ' OSTRIVECi indicates a long, stressed vowel. For the "e" and "o" it also indicates a narrow pronunciation. Examples« l£pa» miza, mSma, ita, lSd, ISp, kd6, Gra -290- \ KRATIVEC* indicates that the vowel is short but^stressed.^ Examples* rak, fant, raiec, vec, nit, dim, nov, jug a STRESlCAi indicates a long, stressed vowel. It is used only with the "o" and the "e." The "strešica" over these two vowels indicates that the broadest pronunciation of these vowels is called for. Examples* žena, teta, ena, Sna, 6kno, roka, vftda Please note, however, that except for learning purposes and, occasionally, in poetry, it is not necessary to indicate the accent marks in Slovenian. 9. In Slovenian, short vowels occur in the final or the only syllable. There are only a few exceptions to this rule. 10. Usually, but not always, the accent of a word falls on the root syllable of the word. In a polysyllabic word, the accent is usually on the next to the last syllable. For some words the accent is moveable 1 it changes its position in accordance with the inflection of the word. THE ALPHABET — ABECEDA The English equivalent sound is given next to the letter at the top and the English translation of the Slovenian word is in parentheses. The accented syllables are underscored in polysyllabic words. A — grm, fj|r ata Anton april (father) mama (Anthony) sam (April) kam Anton ima dobro mano. Ana ima rada Antona. (mother) (alone) (where) ima (he, she has) Azija (Asia) roka (hand) Anthony has a good mother. Ann likes Anthony. B — tirook, liberty babica barva balon (grandmother) (color) (balloon) Barbara bere berilo. Betka ima belo bluzo. ubogati soba boben (to obey) (room) (drum) zob rob hleb (tooth) (edge) (loaf) Barbara is reading a reading exercise. Betsy has a white blouse. C — cats, hits cesta (road) muca (cat) venec (wreath) cvet cena (blossom) (price) Cvetka nima copat. Cerkev je na tej cesti, raca (duck) tujec (stranger) vejica (comma) zajec (rabbit) Theresa doesn't have the slippers. The church is on this street. C — church, cherry človek (human being) oSe^ časopis (newspaper) vroce caj (tea) lac en (father) luc (hot) nic (hungry) vec (light) (nothing) (more) £)ce cita časopis. Ptiček čivka na cesnji. Father is reading the newspaper. The little bird is chirping on the cherry tree. D --do, lig dim dan dar (smoke) (day) (donation) Dgnijel duha dim. Drevo da drva. leden (icy) sedaj (now) kreda (chalk) prehlad (a cold) mlad (young) med (honey) Daniel smells the Bmoke. The tree gives wood. E — 6 (long, narrow as in the French word "parlg£-vous") e (short, stressed as in "ready" or "egg") (broad, stressed as in "bat" or in w§pple") a (unstressed, semisilent, schwa "e" as in "opera") g - - long and narrow (This is a very difficult sound since we do not have an English equivalent. It is comparable to the French accent "aigu" as in wbSbS," or "parl^-vous. To make this sound, place lips into a smile, show the front teeth and breathe out a narrow "e.") cena lep svet (price) (beautiful) (world) Svet je lep. Eda že gre. — short, \ e stressed enak edin enota (alike) (unique) (unity) Kmet hoče jajce. Po dežju ni vroce. Eva (Eve) jS (eats) Eda (Edith) ze (already) epik (epic) gre (goes) The world is beautiful. Edith is going already. (ready, egg) kmet (farmer) jajce (egg) hocem (I want) oce^ (father) dež (rain) vroce (hot) The farmer wants an egg. It isn't hot after the rain. -292- £ — stressed, broad pronunciation (the short "a" sound in apple or bat) ena (one) metla (broom) era (era) sestra (sister) eden (one) čelo (forehead) Sestra ima metlo. Imgm visoko celo. e — unstressed, (My) sister has a broom. I have a high forehead. semisilent, schwa "e" (very similar to the English "er" or wur" in such words as op ara, farther, murder) In Slovenian, this semisilent "e" simply drops ouf ~ as other endings are added to the word. (dog) psi (smooth) gladka (sweet) sladka (student) u5enci (rabbit) zajci (dogs) (smooth - fem.) (sweet - fem.) (students) (rabbits) semisilent "e" in the words to pes — pas gladek — gladek sladek — sladek ucenec — učenec zajec — zajec Notice the absence of the the right! A final note on the "e"< The broad, stressed § and the short, stressed e are very often grouped into the same category in the beginning textbooks. The pronunciation of these two sounds appears similar to a beginner. Therefore, it should not be over-emphasized to a new student of the language, since it is a difficult thing to master. It would be better to concentrate on the long, stressed S which is so unlike any sound in the English language. It is this 6 sound which will add distinction and authenticity to a new student's pronunciation of the Slovenian language. In any case, the student should not feel bad if he can't always reach a correct pronunciation of these various "e" sounds. As long as he uses one of the Slovenian "e" sounds, the chances are that he will be understood. F — £ar, laugh fant figa fižol (boy) (fig) (beans) Fant je fotograf. France ima Fiat. Afrika (Africa) krof (doughnut) klofuta (slap) grof (count) žirafa (giraffe) golf (golf) The boy is a photographer. Frank has a Fiat. G ~ go, leg glas (voice) ogenj (fire) -293- Bog (God) grlo (throat) grozdje(grapes) Kdo grize grozdje? Ogenj goril odgovor (answer) krog noga (foot) log (circle) (grove, wood) Who is munching on the grapes? The fire is burning. H — hurry, him hi s a hlape hlev (house) (pants) (stable) Hlapec hiti. v hlev. Hiša ni hlev. lahek (easy, light) vrh (top, summit) pihati (to blow) smeh (laughter) Miha (Mike) mah (moss) The stable boy is hurrying to the barn. The house is not a barn. I — beet, meat ime (name) lim igla (needle) dim in (and) riba Ivan je v Indiji. Ime Izidor je v imeniku. (glue) (smoke) (fish) iti (to go) priti (to come) hodim (I walk) John is in India. The name Izidor is in the directory. J — xes» may jezik (tongue) hoja jaz (I) kočija je (is) Mija Jože jg jagode. Jana joka. (walk, gait) (carriage) (Mia) moj (mine) junij (June) pij: (Drink!) Joe is eating strawberries. Jane is crying. Note that a "j" is not pronounced if it follows an "1" or an "n" and stands at the end of the word. For example* bolj — bol (better) kostanj — kfistan (chesnut) konj — kon (horse) čevelj — cevel (shoe) nagelj — nagel (carnation) žebelj — žebel (nail) vonj — von (smell) kašelj — kašel (cough) But if a "j" follows an "n" or an "1" and does not stand at the end of the word, the "j" is pronounced, e.g., polje (field), konji (horses). K — cat, kitten krava (cow) kako (how) kaj (what) likam (I iron) tako (so) moka (flour) -294- mak (poppy) rak (cancer) engk (the same) Karl ima raka. Kokos ne kriči "kikiriki." Charles has cancer. The chicken doesn't cry, "cock-a-doodle-do." L « look, little led (ice) celo lep (beautiful) telo luc (light) delo Leon je len. Lenka ima lepe lase. (forehead) (body) (work) glagol (verb) bacil (germ) general (general) Leo is lazy. Helen has beautiful hair. Note that an "1" is sometimes pronounced as an "1" in "life," and sometimes as a "w" in "how" or, according to some sources, as a soft, unaccented""u" as in "few." The usual pronunciation of "1" as in "life" occurs t 1.) before a vowel« lev (lion)j lisica (fox); luna (moon); before the consonant "j"i polje (field); olje (oil); in grammatical terms« glagol (verb); spol (gender)i in words of foreign origin« bacil (germ); alkohol (alcohol) in the genitive duals and plurals of nouns ending in "la" or "lo"« skal (of the rocks); del (of the works); in names« Ciril (Cyril); Zalka (Rosalie); Karl (Charles). w" pronunciation as in "how" (or "u" as in "few") is used when« 1.) "1" is at the end of a word« bil — biw (been); rekel — rekew (said); stol ~ stow (chair); "1" precedes any other consonant than "j"« igralci — igrawci (players); molčati — mowcati (to remain silent); coin — cown (boat), etc. Note, however, that many Slovenians use the usual "1" pronunciation (as in "life") in these instances (paragraph 2), for example, they say "molčati" rather than "mowSati," etc There are four distinct exceptions to this rule which are too complex to mention here. Let it suffice to say that an "1" which occurs before any other consonant than "j" will be pronounced as "w." If the pronunciation guide lists an "1" pronunciation, then that particular word is an exception. 2.) 3.) 5.) 6.) The 2.) M — mother, lamb mlin (mill) m^ma (mother) mleko (milk) Mleko je na mizi. Mi ja nima mame. 11113m zima ime (I have) (winter) (name) lim um pogum (glue) (intellect) (courage) The milk is on the table. Mia doesn't have a mother. N — no» noog ne ni . * nic (no) (is not) (nothing) Ana hrana vrana (Ann) (food) (crow) in (and) on (he) ven (outside) Ne, nimam nic naloge. Nihče ne ve, kje so nebgsa. No, I have no homework. Noone knows where heaven is. 0 — 5 (long, narrow, stressed as in "yellow" or "low") (J (short, broad, stressed as in "soft* or "aloft") 8 (long, broad, stressed as in "awe" or "paw"7 o (short, unstressed, schwa souri3 as in "of") 6 — long, narrow, stressed (Just the "o" sound and not the "w" in "yellow" or "mellow." Use only the first part of the dipthong and be careful not to prolong the sound, so that it is pure.) osem (eight) nofc (night) to (this) olje (oil) dom (home) nato (then) opica (monkey) sola (school) seno (hay) Osem opic je seno. Eight monkeys are eating the hay. Noe ima svojo moc. Night has its power. 5 — short, broad, stressed (Keep in mind that this is a short, staccato sound as in the English word "soft") oj (alas!) no£ (knife) gremo (we go) on (he) slon (elephant) jemo (we eat) no (now then) grof (count) nor (crazy) Grof ima krof. The count has a doughnut. Malo jemo in gremo domov. We eat a little and go home. 6 — long, broad, stressed (This is essentially the same sound as in the short "o" except a little broader. To make this sound, open your mouth a little more and drop your jaws a little more. It is pronounced as in the English words "awe" or "paw.") osa (wasp) kosa (scythe) ona (she) osel (donkey) roka (hand) okno (window) oreh (walnut) noga (foot) ocka (daddy) Roko in nogo da v vodo. He puts his hand and his foot in the water. Kosa je zadela oso in The scythe injured the wasp osla. and the donkey. o — short, unstressed, schwa sound as in "£f" (This sound is very similar to the unaccented, semisilent "e." It occurs in syllables which are quickly passed over. ) Examples Povej! (Telil) oblast (power) koruza (corn) P — git, tag. pismo (letter) pika (period) posta (mail) Peter piše pismo. Opica ima lep rep. repa (turnip) opica (monkey) lepota (beauty) lep (handsome) rep (tail) slep (blind) Peter is writing a letter. The monkey has a beautiful tail. R — (rolled) red — rrrred, rim — rrrrim riba roza roka (fish) (flower) (hand) ura (watch) drevo (tree) družina (family) veter (wind) večer (evening) dober (good) Ura hitro gre. Rezka"~rada je dobro ribo. The clock goes swiftly. Theresa likes to eat a good fish. Note that "r** is pronounced as "ar" (as in "after" or "later") when t 1.) it stands first (initially) before another consonant, as for instance! rdec — erdec (red) rjast — arjast (rusty) rl — arz (rye) rjuha — a rjuha (bed sheet) rjav — a rjav (brown) rjuti — a r juti (to howl) 2.) it stands between two consonants, for example i vrt — vart (garden) cm — earn (black) vrč — verČ (jug) krt — kart (mole) vrh — varh (summit) prt — Part (tablecloth) vrv — varv (cord) smrt — smart (death) Whenever the letter "r" is pronounced as *ar," it receives the qualities of a vowel. S — son, bus, hiss sreda sem sam (Wednesday) sestra (sister) (I am) most (bridge) (alone) kost (bone) kos (piece) nos (nose) kis (vinegar) Sonja sedi v senci. Vsako soboto grem s sestro na sprehod. Sonya is sitting in the shade. Every Saturday I go for a walk with (my) sister. S — shoe, hush šola (school) pišem (I write) miš (mouse) šest (six) hiŠa (house) uš (louse) še (more) kaša (porridge) kokoš (chicken) Miš še hodi v hišo po kašo. The mouse is still coming into the house for porridge. Ali ima kokoš uši? Does the chicken have lice? T — time, at tukaj tam tabla (here) teta (aunt) (there) l^to (year) (blackboard) letalo (plane) smrt (death) past (trap) tat (thief) Tone stoji pri letalu. Tablo je treba umiti. Tony is standing by the plane, It is necessary to wash the blackboard. U — boot, do ura uho uicenec (clock) (ear) (student) hruška (pear) juha (soup) suh (slim) cemu? (why?) od gladu (from hunger) Suhi ucenec j6 suho hruško. The skinny student is eating a dried pear. Jure ima umazano uho.. George has a dirty ear. Note that some texts give the short "u" a separate place, while others put all the "u" sounds into one category. If the distinction is made, the short "u" is essentially similar in sound, but it is not as prolonged as the long "Cl." The English equivalent sound for the short "u" is the "u" sound or in "few". (pound) (on the bottom) Kruh je na dnu. Po dežju grsjno na jug. in "Hebrew' Examples funt na dnu kruh (bread) po d£Žju (after the rain) jug (south) The bread is on the bottom. We are going south after the rain. V — vase, vain The letter "v" has three pronunciations: 1.) it is pronounced as "v" as in "volcano" or "live" before vowels, before consonants "r" and "1" and in a group or cluster 3.) Examples veja (branch) vreme veselje (joy) vlada voz"" (wagon) vroče (weather) s krvjo (with blood) (government) z vrvjo (with a (hot) rope) na vlak (on the train) 2.) it is pronounced as the "w" in "where" or in 'ho^* when it is at the end of a word or after a vowel and when it stands before any consonant except "r" or "1" Examples ziv (alive) vsak zdrav (healthy) delavci prav (right) povsod It should be noted that before an "1* (each, every) (workers) (everywhere) or an "lj" or an "r, "v" may be pronounced as a "v" in "vase "where." For example, or as "wreme." •vreme' or as a \ may be pronounced as * in •vreme' it is pronounced as an unaccented, vocalic "u" as in "boot" or "dg" between consonants and before two or more consonants ExqmpleB predvsem (above all) vzrok (reason, purpose) odvzeti (to take away) Again, the distinction of this last pronunciation is not always listed. Z — zoo, easy zima zakaj zelje (winter) (why) zvezda gnezdo (cabbage) miza Zina zaspi pri mizi. Zakaj otroci niso zdravi pozimi? (star) z (with) (nest) voz (wagon) (table) iz (out of, from) Zina falls asleep at the table. Why aren't the children healthy in the winter? 2 — garage. pleasure žoga Sep ze (ball) družina (pocket) roža (already) koza Žena živi za^družino. Ali je žaga Že tu? (family) (flower) (skin) riž (rice) nož (knife) kriŽ (cross) The wife lives for the family. Is the saw here already? ADDITIONAL NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION Some specialists make the following recommendations which, however, are not universally observedt 1. At the end of a word, a VOICED consonant is pronounced UNVOICED. Examples t drug is pronounced "druk" (other) nož is pronounced "nos" (knife) 2. A VOICED consonant before an UNVOICED consonant is pronounced UNVOICED. For example i ovca is pronounced "ofca" or, more frequently, "ouca" (sheep) teSko is pronounced "teskg" (hard, difficult) redko is pronounced "retko" (thin, loose) 3. An UNVOICED consonant before a VOICED consonant is pronounced VOICED. For example t kdo is pronounced "gdo" (who) glasba is pronounced "glazba" (music) risba is pronounced "rizba" (drawing) Two identical consonants are pronounced as one long consonant t Examples oddati (to give away) izzvati (to call, to summon) sarjijiisli (think alone) 5. If a prefix or a preposition ends in b, d, or z, the last consonant is pronounced as p, t, or s only before a pause and before UNVOICED CONSONANTS. For example« od tebe is pronounced "ot tebe" (from you) iz sobe is pronounced "is sobe" (out of the room) ob poti is pronounced "op poti" (along the path) In points 1 to 5 above, variations exist, depending on preference, easiness of pronunciation and dialect, thus, for instance, "nož" is pronounced "noŽ" by some and "nos" by others, etc. 6. Concerning prepositions "s" and meaning "with"i use "s" in front of words beginning with an UNVOICED consonant. (The unvoiced consonants are t c, c, f, h, Examples i s cunjo s čebulo s fanti s hrano s kavo s Petrom s svinčnikom s solo s tabo (with a rag) (with onions) (with the boys) (with the food) (with coffee) (with Peter) (with a pencil) (with the school) (with you) -300- jMV. s prijateljx b. use "z" in front VOICED consonant Examples t z Ano z eno roko z iglo z očkom z učiteljico z bonboni z družino z gospo Kotnik z juho z limono z mgmo z nožem z rožami z vlgkom z zdravnikom z žogo of words beginning with a VOWEL or a (The voiced consonants arei bt d, g, j, 1, m, n, r, v, z, ž) with Ann) with one hand) with the needle) with daddy) with the teacher) with candy) with the family) with Mrs. Kotnik) with the soup) with a lemon) with my mother) with a knife) with flowers) with a train or by train) with the doctor) with the ball) Remember that the prepositions "s" and "z" DO NOT get a stress when pronounced* they are assimilated into the pronunciation of the word following« petrom i ^eto \ ^adjot ^y lakom, etc. Prepositions house"t "k" and "h" mean "to," "toward," "to someone's a. use "k" before all words beginning with a VOWEL and before all consonants other than "k" or "g"i Examples i k ^ni k Ivanki k mami k šoli (to Ann) (to Jennie) (to my mother) (to the school) b. use the preposition "h" before the consonants "k" or "g"i Examples: h grobu (to the grave) .h gospodu Kovaču (to Mr. Kovac) h krstu (to the Baptism) h kralju (to the king) Remember that the prepositions "k" and "h" DO NOT get a Btressi they are also assimilated into the pronunciation of the word following: k£nij l^folii ljlprstuj gospodu Kovaču, etc. PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES Notes to the študenti 1, The pronunciation exercises on the following pages are given only to give you additional practice for each letter of the Slovenian alphabet. 2. To get the most out of these exercises, you may wish to follow the following suggestions* a. Do not begin with these exercises until you have completely mastered the Slovenian alphabet and have thoroughly studied the lesson on syllabication (Lesson I, pp. 1-3)» b. At the beginning, it would be wise to concentrate only on one letter at a time. c. It would be of great help if you would divide all the words into syllables before you begin reading the particular exercise. For example* Maj/hna mi/ska je pod mi/zo. a small mouse is under the table. Kre/da je be/la. The chalk is white. d. The letter which is accented is underscored in each word. Please note these accent marks when reading. According to Slovenski -pravopis (Slovenian Orthography) a number of words have two acceptable accents (e.g., ponuditi or ponuditi, both of which are correct). Some students find it easier to stress the right syllable by striking the table (or some other object) with their hand just before pronouncing the accented syllable, or even using their foot, as in music, until the correct accent is learned. e. If you are following this course with a teacher, it would be extremely beneficial to bring to class a cassette and tape the pronunciation exercise entirely. This way, you will be able to play it over and over again and soon the language will become very familiar to you. f. If you are trying to learn Slovenian by yourself, thoroughly study the introductory notes on pronunciation first. This may be of some help to you. g. Finally, please remember that every language, Slovenian included, has many dialects. Your relatives or Slovenian friends may speak a number of dialects and may pronounce and accent the same words in different ways. 3. The English translation given in these exercises is as literal as possible. If the English would suffer, a free translation is used. At times, a word that is "understood" in Slovenian must be added in the English translation. For example* Brat je tukaj. (My) brother is here. The Pronunciation exercises are divided into three parts* I. vowels (a, e, i, o, u) II. voiced consonants (b, d, g, j, 1, m, n, r, v, z, z) III. unvoiced consonants (c, c, f, h, k, p, s, š, t) abeceda admiral advokat Afrika agencija ajda akademija akcija akord akrobat akt ali Alpe alt ambasada ambicija Amen ampak Ana ananas angel angleščina Anton aparat apetit apoteka alphabet admiral lawyer Africa agency buckwheat academy action accord acrobat act or Alps alto embassy ambition Amen but, however Ann pineapple angel English Anthony apparatus appetite drug store Zakaj ima Ivan avto? Ana ima rada Antona. Zakaj je Ivana vsak dan zaspana? Azija in Afrika, sta dva kontinenta (ali dve celini). Cikava je ta rjava~krava? Močna kava ni zdrava. Očeta boli glava. Ali je to slovenska zastava? Ali ima Anton avto? Da, on ga ima. Ata in mama sta sama doma. Ta arhitekt ni atlet. Akrobat je naredil nevaren akt. Mgrica rada poje alt. Zdrava hrana je potrebna za zdravje. Zakaj ga še ni nazaj? Mgma kuha zgrne ca j. Kam gre policaj? Km^lu bo maj! Nas a stara mama pride takrat nazaj • april arhitekt ata atlet avgust avto avtor Azija mana ima glava trava krava kava zastava rjava zakaj nazaj tam kam da dan jaz mraz hrana vrana April architect father athlete August car author Asia mother (he, she) has head grass cow coffee flag brown (fem.) why back over there where yes i so that day I cold food — crow Why does John have the car? Ann likes Anthony. Why is Jane sleepy every day? Asia and Africa are two continents. Whose is this brown cow? Strong coffee is not healthy. Father has a headache. Is this the Slovenian flag? Does Anthony have a car? Yes, he has it. Father and mother are home alone. This architect is not an athlete. The acrobat performed a dangerous act. Mary likes to sing alto. Healthy food is necessary for (good) health. Why isn't he back yet? Mother is cooking tea for me. Where is the policeman going? Soon it will be May! Our grandmother is coming back then (at that time). ideja igla igraw igrača igralec . .»» igrišče ima ima in industrija infekcija informacija inozemec inštrument intervju inženir iskra iskren isti iz izbira izbran izdatek idea izjema needle izlet play, game izobrazba toy ti actor, player mi playground vi name si he, she has ki and kri industry pij! infection pri information vsi alien mladina instrument slanina interview domovina engineer družina spark vino sincere kino the same ni£ from, out of ptic choice, selection sedim selected, chosen spim expenditure živim exception excursion education you (familiar) we you (formal) (you) are who, which blood drink! by all, everybody youth bacon native land family wine cinema nothing bird I sit I sleep I live Vi vsi ste prišli.. Indija ima Indijce, Amerika pa Indijance. Ivana se igra z igračo. Ivan nima nic vina. Ti si edina, ki si prišla. Tudi ti pridi! K^dar spim, nic ne govorim. Otroci se igrajo na igrišču. Vi imate isto ime. Inženir ima intervju pri imenitni industriji. Mladina se zanima za izobrazbo. Kateri inštrument igra Ivan? Marija ima infekcijo na nogi. Nina ni iskrepa prijateljica. Mija študira za izpit. Pojdimo na izlet v planine! Ali vidiš hribe in doline? To so idealne slovenske družine. All of you came. India has Indians and America has American Indians. Jane is playing with a toy. John has no wine. You are the only one who came. You come also I When I sleep, I don't speak. The children are playing on the playground. You have the same name. The engineer has an interview with a distinguished firm. Youth is interested in education. What instrument is John playing? Mary has an infection on her foot. Nina is not a sincere friend. Mia is studying for an examination Let's go on an excursion to the mountains! Do you see the hills and the valleys? These are ideal Slovenian families ubog ubogam učbenik učen ucenec učenka učim se učim učitelj uciteljica ud uganem uggnka ugled ugoden uho use s a ulica um umazan umetnica umetnik umivam umor uniforma upanje upam ura uradnik uradnica Uciteljica uci ucence. Jure in Julka sta uSenca. Koliko je ura? Tudi to je kultura. Jure ima umazana ušesa. Univerza je u5na ustanova. Učitelj je uganil uganko. Uboga umetnica upa na uspeh. Ure ni v uradu. Juha se kuha v kuhinji. Tukaj je Juretova puška. Ali je to suha hruška? Turist potuje. Zunaj dežuje. Tu je mo.ja rumena bluza. V kuhinji je~še umazana koruza. Prizgi luc, da najdem ključ! — watchmaker — favor — leather — success — mouth — lips — institution — constitution — little hut — tired — here — also — over here — foreign — foreign land — tourist — tour, trip — culture — soul — George — Julie — soup — fly — bed sheet — skinny (fem.) — he, she cooks — gun — pear — light — key The teacher is teaching the students. George and Julie are students- What time is it? This is culture also. George has dirty ears. The university is a learning institution. The teacher guessed the riddle. The poor artist hopes for success. There is no clock in the office. The soup is cooking in the kitchen. Here is George's gun. Is this a dry pear? The tourist is traveling. It is raining outside. Here is my yellow blouse. The dirty corn is still in the kitchen. Turn on the light so that I can find the key! -- poor urar — I obey usluga — textbook usnje — learned uspeh — student (m,) usta — student (f.) ustnice — I teach ustanova — I study ustava — male teacher utica — female teacher utrujen — limb tu — I guess tudi — riddle, puzzle "tukaj — respect, reputation tuj — favorable tujina — ear turist — ears tura — a narrow street kultura — intellect duša — dirty Jure — female artist Julka — male artist juha — I wash muha — murder rjuha — uniform suha — hope kuha — I hope puška — watch, clock hruška — male office clerk luc — female office clerk kljuS a.) 5 — narrow, stressed (comparable to the English "o" in "old" or "cold") S1 St ' o£im — stepfather kokos — hen olje — oil mož — man, husband opica — monkey roža — flower orgle — organ koza — skin .oder — stage toliko — so much osem — eight koliko — how much osemnajst — eighteen torba — purse, hand bag osemdeset — eighty torta — cake oster — sharp nos — nose ošpice -- measles bos — barefoot ozek — narrow kos — piece; blackbird zob — tooth most — bridge rob — edge, margin kost — bone dom — home gos « goose šola — school goba — mushroom, sponge pot — path godba — music, band kot — corner, angle zgodba — story noc — night moda — style, fashion moc — strength moka — flour krog — circle joka ~ he, she, it cries ubog — poor polje — field kdo — who morje — ocean sto — hundred grozdje — grape(s) kako — how moj — my, mine tako — so tvoj — your lepo — nicely Stoj! ~ Stop! b.) o — broad, stressed (comparable to the English sound of "o" in "soft" or "algng") on — he bor — pine tree oba — both bolj — more obala — seashore dovolj — enough običaj — custom nož — knife stolp — steeple koš — basket stolček — footstool širok — wide storž — pine cone vzor — example, ideal stroj — machine vzrok — reason, cause obisk — visit zlog — syllable oblak — cloud cmok — dumpling oblast — power otrok — child obleka — dress odmor — intermission oblika — shape odhod — departure obljuba — promise odličen — excellent oseba — person obrt — trade obraz — face odprt — open groD — grave strop — ceiling ona olmo voda roka noga rosa kosa koza osa osel oce oreh ovca lovec lonec lepota sokol she window water hand foot dew scythe goat wasp donkey father walnut sheep hunter pot beauty falcon, hawk otok potok šotor soba soya gora pola smola torek orel topol dol gor človek prošnja kostanj rojstvo island brook tent room owl mountain sheet bad luck Tuesday eagle poplar tree down up human being request, petition chesnut birth Reading exercises using three different sounds of Moj dom je nov. Okno je odprto vsako jutro, Olga ima^modre oči. Vsako noc je mrzlo. Kdo je odprl vročo vodo? On ima osem otrok. Ta krog je širok. Omara je visoka. Voda je globoka. Moj nož je oster. Tvoj odgovor je odličen. Obleka je na obešalniku. Obrisi si obraz! Onadva praznujeta osemnajsto obletnico poroke. Otrok ima ošpice. To ogledalo je okroglo. Oce se sonči na obali. "o" Voda v potoku je topla. On si je zlomil nogo in roko. Poleti otroci spijo v Šotoru. Oh, kako je lepo, če je jasno nebo! Kdo~VQzi njgno kolo? Očeta boli oko. Kdo poje tako lepo? Ali je to ravnilo tvoje aH moje? My home is new. The window is open every morning. Olga has blue eyes. It is cold every night. Who opened the hot water? He has eight children. This circle is wide. The cupboard is high. The water is deep. My knife is sharp. Your answer is excellent. The dress is on the hanger. Wipe your face! They (two) are celebrating (their) eighteenth wedding anniversary. The child has measles. This mirror is round. Father is sunbathing on the seashore. The water in the brook is warm. He broke his foot and his arm. In the summer the children sleep in the tent. Oh, how beautiful it is if the sky is clear! Who is riding her bike? Father's eye hurts. Who is singing so beautifully? Is this ruler yours or mine? a.) 8 — sreda kreda skleda beseda stena lena cena cesta presta lep slep led med jed vera mera bela vedno posebno b.) e — 5e ne ji ste en^k enajst zelen sicer cent preveč rdec dez vec (This is the most difficult sound in the Slovenian language. There are four distinct sounds of "e") long, stressed and narrow (This sound is made by placing the lips into a forced smile, then saying "e." It is a pure sound, not diphtongal. If you know French, the aigu" as in "b€bS" or "parlez" is pronounced exactly the same way as the Slovenian "6.") Wednesday jem chalk grem bowl vem word smem wall smeh lazy (f.) greh price sveSa street sreca pretzel gneca beautiful vest blind pest ice sest honey veter meal, dish Peter faith ze measure, size jS white (f.) svet always klet especially pet I am eating I am going I know I am allowed laughter sin candle happiness, fortune crowd conscience palm, fist six wind Peter already he, she, it eats world basement five short, stressed (This sound is made by opening the mouth wider. It is close to the English sound of "e" in "ready," "fret," or "yet.") if jajce no, not obed he, she it is kmet you are (pi.) zet same Sep eleven rep green sklep moreover oce penny vroSe too much hocem red nocem rain sem more ven egg lunch, dinner farmer son-in-law pocket tail resolution father hot I want I don't want I am out C.) t broad, stressed (This sound is made by dropping the jaws wide and is similar to the short sound of "e" as in "apple' or "fat.") ena eden enkrat zemlj a žena želja velik veselje venec veslo medved metla sestra deblo rebro redkev korenje one (f.) one (m.) once earth, world woman, wife wish big joy wreath oar bear broom sister tree trunk rib radish carrots peta teta petelin celo jeklo steklo sedlo jedro jesen česen jelen jezik tele veža breme vreme vedenje — heel — aunt — rooster — forehead — steel — glass — saddle -- kernel — ash tree — garlic — stag — tongue — calf — hallway — burden — weather — conduct, behavior d.) a — unstressed, almost silent "e (This "e' endings "er" as pes ves pesem zajec petek pesek (pes) (ves) (pešam) (zajec) (petek) (pesek) also called "e schwa' is omitted from the word when other are added. It is similar to the English in "opera" and "murder.") dog gladek (gladek) — smooth entire sladek (sladek) ~ sweet song ucenec (ucenac) — student rabbit venec (venec) — wreath Friday zvezek (zvezek) — notebook sand zrezek (zrezek) — cutlet Reading exercises using four different sounds of Kreda je bela. Ali je breskev že zrela? Njena hiša je pogorela. Deklica je vesela, ker nic naloge ni imela. Eva preveč j,esti ne bi smela, ker je predebela. Sestra ni imela prave mere za obleko. Jože nese belo opeko na streho. "e" i The chalk is white. Is the peach ripe yet? Her house burned down. The girl is happy because she had no homework. Eve shouldn't have eaten too much, because she is too fat. My sister didn't have the correct size for her dress. Joe is carrying a white brick on the roof. The milkman brings fresh milk on Wednesday. Please bring white chalk! The shepherd is tending his sheep. 1V(JB ____. Where is father's cattle? Ali razumeš to slovensko besedo? Do you understand this Slovenian " .309- word? Mlekar prinese sveže mleko v sredo. Prosim, prinesi belo kredo! Pastir pase credo. Kje je očetovo govedo? Eda rada je med, se rajši pa sladoled. Med je dobra jed. Kje je led? Oktet bo prišel pet. Teta pride vsakih sedem let. Eda gre v klet po med. Kaditi se ne sme pri tej gospe. Nobeden ne ve, kaj pride še. Kje je lepo dekle? Emil in Eva sta revna. Lena Eva izgleda lepa. Ali je to zelje ali repa? Pesa še ni zrela. V drevo je udarila strela. Moj oce je kmet. Jajce je za obed. To je njen zetT Jože je velik. Gladek pes je ves moker. Dekle poje lepo slovensko pesem. The girl is singing a beautiful Slovenian song. Ali je to breza ali jesen? Is this a birch tree or an ash tree? Kdo radije cesen? Who likes to eat garlic? Kaj imaš raje, poletje ali jesen?What do you prefer, summer or autumn? Caj je dober in leden. The tea is good and icy. Ali je ta pepelnik steklen? Is this ash tray made out of glass? 6. REVIEW OF VOWELS Edith likes to eat honey, but she prefers ice cream. Honey is good food. Where is the ice? The octet will come to sing. (My) aunt comes every seven years, Edith goes to the basement for honey. One is not allowed to smoke in this lady's house. Nobody knows what is yet to come. Where is the beautiful girl? Emil and Eve are poor. Lazy Eve looks beautiful. Is this cabbage or a turnip? The beets are not ripe yet. The lightening struck the tree. My father is a farmer. The egg is for lunch. This is her son-in-law. Joe is tall. The smooth dog is all wet. ata mama ampak da dan dam kam ta tam ka$ ma a zdaj zakaj nazaj cas nas zrak vlak šah mah father mother however yes day I give where this there what May now why back time us air train chess moss ti si pri kri • v nic ptic dim lim spim plin mlin igra igla iti priti isti miza kriza milo krilo -310-~ you are by, at blood nothing bird smoke glue I sleep gas mill play needle to go to come the same table crisis soap skirt ura — watch usta — mouth ud — limb uho — ear tu — here tudi — also tura — tour, trip kultura — culture juha — soup muha — fly kuha — he, she cooks suha — skinny (f.) bluza — blouse koruza — corn luč" — light kljuS — key lep — beautiful slep — blind jem — I eat grem — I go vem — I know 5e — already je — he, she, it eats skleda — bowl bleda — pale (f.) kreda — chalk on, ona — he, she okno — window voda — water roka — hand noga — foot dom — home bom — I shall be moj — my tvoj — your noc -- night moc — strength kako -- how tako — so nož — knife kos basket dol — down gor — up ena -- one (f.) enkrat -- once kmet — farmer zet — son-in-law sem — I am ven — out peta heel teta — aunt Sena — woman zelena — green (f.) Skleda je bela in zelena. Ali je^stena rumena? Kokos se ni pečena. Otroci se igrajo pred solo. Kdo bo pel solo? Ona poje alt, Ana pa sopran. Kdo ne bi bil vesel na ta dan? Mene boli glava. Čigava je ta kava? Kdo bo uganil to uganko? Pojdi z mano na banko! Opica rada je banano. Kdaj bomo obiskali staro mjuno? On hoče kruh in salamo. A — dovolj je ze snega. E — v breg vleče me srce. I — kje moje so sani.? 0 — pozimi je lepo. U — brž~v led in sneg, juhu! The bowl is white and green. Is the wall yellow? The chicken is not baked yet. The children are playing in front of the school. Who will sing solo? She sings alto and Ann sings soprano. Who wouldn°t be happy on this day? I have a headache. Whose coffee is this? Who will guesB this riddle? Go with me to the bank! The monkey likeB to eat a banana. When shall we visit grandmother? He wants bread and salami. A — There is enough snow already. E — My heart is yearning for the slopes. I — Where is my sled? 0 — It is beautiful in the winter. U — Quickly into the ice and snow, hooray! Aaa — Our cat isn't home. Eee — The little mouse knows this very well. Iii — v luknjo se ji ne mudi. Iii — She is in no hurry to get into the mousehole. Ooo — She'll eat the cheese yet Uuu — Run! The cat is here already! Ooo -Uuu - sircek še pojedla bo. Zbeži! Muca je že tu! Aaa — mjjme ni doma« Eee — tam po polju gre. Iii — kako se ji mudi. Ooo — kaj bo to? Uuu — mama je že tu! Aaa — Mother is not at home. Eee — There she is, walking down the field. Iii — How she's hurrying. Ooo — What will happen? Uuu — Mother is here already. 7. THE SOUND "L' (In Slovenian, the letter "1' different sounds.) has two "L" is pronounced as "1" in the English words "love" or "iow" before a vowel i before the consonant "j";'~in grammatical terms; in words of foreign origin; in the genitive duals and plurals of words ending in "la" or "lo and in names. lac en ladja lakota las lastovica laz led ledvica lekarna len lep les letalo leto lev ležim ljubezen ljudja ljubiti bolj molj volja « —, "i zelja glagol spol Cilka Zalka del hungry ship hunger hair swallow lie — ice kidney drug store lazy beautiful wood, lumber plane year lion I lie love people to love more moth will wish verb gender Cecilia Rosalie of the works lice likalnik lilija lim limona lipa lisica listje lovec luc luna lutka mleko steklo klobuk klobase polje olje zelje veselje zebelj kašelj čevelj alkohol bacil general admiral daril — cheek — an iron — lily — glue — lemon — linden tree — fox — foliage — hunter — light — moon — puppet — milk — glass -- hat — sausages — field — oil — cabbage -- joy — nail — cough — shoe — alcohol -- germ — general — admiral — of the gifts b.) "L" is pronounced as "w" in the English words "how" or " now" when it is final or when it precedes any other consonant than "j" je dal je stal je spal je znal je delal je igral je tekel je rekel je pel je pil je bil igralci molčati he gave he stood he slept he knew he worked he played he ran he said he sang he drank he was players to be silent Listje je zeleno poleti. Lenka ima lepe lase. Led je mrzel. Leon je igral na klavir. Mleko je toplo. On je delal in govoril. Učitelj je učil. Luka gleda televizijo. Leona lika perilo. Lev je lepa žival. Ljubezen je lepa stvar. Kdo bo pil limonado? Lepa lastovica je na lipi. Lahko bos kupil zdravila za ledvice v lekarni. Limona je zelo kisla. Lovec je ustrelil veliko, lepo lisico. Lilija je lepa bela roža. bel zrel mrzel stol fižol sol pol gol vol čoln poln volna bolna pepelnik — white — ripe — cold — chair — beans — salt -- half — naked ox boat full wool sick ash tray The leaves are green in the summer. Helen has beautiful hair. The ice is cold. Leo played the piano. The milk is warm. He worked and talked. The teacher was teaching. Luke is watching television. Leona is ironing the wash. A lion is a beautiful animal. Love is a beautiful thing. Who will drink lemonade? A beautiful swallow is on the linden tree. You will be able to buy medicine for the kidneys in the drug store. The lemon is very sour. The hunter shot a big, beautiful fox. A lily is a beautiful white flower. 8. THE SOUND 'R" (The Slovenian "r" is rolled, pronounced as in English words "red — rrred" or "rim — rrrim") raca radirka radodaren radoveden raj rak rama rana rasa rakun duck eraser generous curious paradise crab cancer shoulder wound race raccoon razgled razlika razprodaja razred razstava razum rebro recept rec view difference clearance sale class, grade show, exhibition intellect rib recipe, prescription thing red reka reklama rep repa resen resnica restavrgcija-reven riba riŽ roka rokavica — river — advertisement — tail — turnip — serious — truth restaurant poor fish rice hand glove rumen ruta rabim rečem rišem režem ura kultura krava trava otrok morje roža yellow scarf, shawl I need t I use I say I draw I cut clock, watch culture cow grass child ocean flower When the letter "r" stands initially and is followed by a consonant, or when it stands between two consonants, it receives the qualities of a vowel and is pronounced as "er" in the English words "after" or "later." rdec rz rjav rjast rjuha krt krst smrt — red — rye — brown — rusty — bed sheet — mole — Baptism — death vrt vre vrh četrtek prt zaprt odprt grd Rana ura,^zlata ura! Rumene rože rastejo na vrtu. Ribic lovi ribe v reki. Marija r^da bere romane. Rezka rise raco. Rc>Že so rdeSe. Zjutraj je rosa na travi. Rak je nevarna bolezen. Vrtnica je~lepa roza. Na radiu je reklama za razprodajo. Robert gre v prvi razred septembra. Rdeča ruta je mokra. V restavraciji smo naročili ribe in riz. Rumene rokavice so na razprodaj Peter ima rad ržen kruh. Veverica ima krasen rep. Kadar je mrzlo, rabim rokavice, Riž je zdrava hrana. Krave jedo travo. Vrane se rade družijo. V morju je ogromno rib. garden pitcher, mug top, summit Thursday tablecloth closed open ugly The early hour, the golden hour! Yellow flowers grow in the garden. The fisherman is fishing in the river. Mary likes to read novels. Theresa is drawing a duck. The flowers are red. In the morning there is dew on the grass. Cancer is a dangerous illness. A rose is a beautiful flower. There is an advertisement on the radio for a clearance sale. Robert is going to the first grade in September. The red scarf is wet. In the restaurant we ordered fish and rice. The yellow gloves are on sale. Peter likes rye bread. The squirrel has a gorgeous tail. When it is cold, I need gloves. The rice is a healthy food. The cows eat grass. The crows like to flock together. There are countless fish in the ocean. 314- mah — moss maj — May majhen small mak — poppy malica — snack malina — rasberry malo — a little malokdaj — very rarely malomaren — careless m^ma " -- mother manj — less mapa — map, folder marec — March maska — mask maslo — butter mavrica — rainbow med — honey medicina — medicine medved — bear megla -- fog melodi.ja — melody mera — measure mesar — butcher mesec — month meso — meat metulj -- butterfly mesto — town, city mi — we mikrofon — microphone milo soap minuta — minute mir — peace misel — thought mis -- mouse miza table mlad — young mladina — youth mleko — milk moc — strength moj — my moka — flour morje — sea, ocean mornar sailor most — bridge moz — man, husband mraza — net muca -- cat muha — fly muzej — museum imam I have igram — I am playing dam — I give dom — home bom — I shall lim — glue dim — smoke Medved im^ rad med. Marec je se mrzel mesec. Mornar potuje po morju. Majhna miška je pod mizo. Mlinar melje moko v mlinu. Marija mesa maslo, mleko in med. Metka pometa z metlo. Mija gre malokdaj v muzej. Mi bomo imeli majhno malico. Rabim malo mleka in moke. Mesar mora imeti meso. Muca nima mleka. Mornar je na morju. The bear likes honey. March is still a cold month. The sailor travels on the ocean. A small mouse is under the table. The miller is grinding the flour in the mill. Mary is mixing butter, milk and honey. Margaret is sweeping with a broom. Mia rarely goes to the museum. We'll have a small snack. I need a little milk and flour. The butcher must have the meat. The cat doesn't have any milk. The sailor is on the ocean. na nad ne načelo način načrt nadstropje naenkrat nagelj naglica nagrada nahod najemnina nakluc je nalašč naloga napaka narava narod narodnost naslov nasvet natakarica navada nazaj nebesa nebo nebotičnik nečak nečakinja nedelja nekaj nemir nesreča nevarnost nevesta on above not, no principle manner plan floor, story at once carnation haste reward head cold rent coincidence on purpose homework mistake nature nation nationality address advice waitress habit, custom backwards, back heaven sky skyscraper nephew niece Sunday something unrest misfortune danger bride nevihta « v ~~ nic nihče nikdar nikjer noc noga nogavica nogomet noht nos november no z nujno nuna nacitan nadležen nadut nag najboljši najljubši nagajiv naraven navaden nedolžen neumen nevaren natančen navdušen nov nem nimam nesem nisem nočem ne^ vem thunderstorm nothing noone never nowhere night foot, leg stocking, sock football fingernail nose November knife urgent nun well read annoying conceited naked the best the favorite mischievous natural simple innocent stupid dangerous exact, particular enthusiastic new mute I I I I I don't have bring, I carry am not don't want don't know Nimam nic napak v nalogi. Nihce ne ve, kje so nebesa. Ne poznam neveste. Ta nebotičnik ima dvanajst nadstropij. Naša nečakinja Nina ima nadležen nahod. V nedeljo ne bo nevihte. M«... v__i. •____r j___i I have no mistakes in my homework. Noone knows where heaven is. I don't know the bride. This skyscraper has twelve stories Our niece Nina has an annoying cold. There will be no storm on Sunday. — - . v — ----, " "V o uwi HI Wll LlUUUil^ • New York ima nešteto nebotičnikov.New York has numerous skyscrapers. V nedeljo ne gremo na deloT Nihce ni dobil nagrade. Napisi nečakov natančen naslov. Natakarica nese umazan nož nazaj v umivalnik. Vsak narod ima svoje navade. We don't go to work on Sunday. Noone received the reward. Write (your) nephew's exact address, The waitress is carrying the dirty knife back to the sink. Every nation has its own customs. a.) "V" is pronounced as "v" in the English words "very" or "voice" before vowels and before consonants "1" and "r" vaja — exercise vijolica valček — waltz vitamin v^ren -- safe voda vas — village vojak vaza — vase volja važen — important volk vec — more v^lna večer — evening vonj večsrja — supper voz večina — majority vrabec večnost — eternity vran vedno — always vrana veja — twig, branch vrat veka — eyelid vrata velik — great, tall vrba ven — out vreča vera — faith, belief vreme vest — conscience vrh^ veter — wind vroč veverica — squirrel vrsta vi — you vrt vice — purgatory vrtnica vihar — storm, tempest vilice — fork(s) vlak vino — wine vlada violina — violin vlaga violet vitamin water soldier will wolf wool smell carriage sparrow raven crow neck, throat door(s) willow tree sack, bag weather summit, peak hot row, line garden rose train government humidity, moisture b.) "V" is pronounced as the "w" in the English words "how" or "where" when it is at the end of a word or after a vowel and when it stands before other consonants than an "r" or an "1" ziv siv kriv ljubezniv škodljiv prav plav rjav nov pokrov cerkev breskev molitev — alive vdova — gray vdan — guilty, crooked — kind vhod^ — harmful vprašanje — correct vsak — blue vsakokrat — brown vse — new vsi — lid, covering vžigalica — church vpi.sem — peach — prayer widow devoted entrance question each, every every time everything everybody, all match I register C.) "V" is pronounced as an unaccented, vocalic "u" in the English words "boot" or "do" when it stands between consonants or inTront of Iwo or more consonants predvsem vzrok vzdolž vzor odvzeti — above all — reason — alongside — model, ideal — to take away vzhod vstanem vplivam vztrajam vkljub east I get up I influence I persevere in spite of Note The distinction of this last pronunciation is not always listed. The "v" in the above examples may also be pronounced as a "w" in "where" or "how. A reading exercise using the different "v" sounds V vrču je vrela voda. Ce zi zdrav, gre vse prav. Vida je velika. Veronika je vedno vesela. Vedno zapri vrata v vrtu! Viktor ni vrnil vreče. Vida ne^verjame vse. Vsak večer ne vidimo zvezd. Voda še ne vre. Vidim veverico na onem drevesu, Vsak večer vzamem vitamin. There is boiling water in the jug. If you are healthy, everything goes well. Vida is tall. Veronica is always happy. Always close the gate in the garden! Victor did not return the sack. Vida doesn't believe everything. We don't see the stars every evening. The water is not boiling yet. I see a squirrel on that tree. I take a vitamin every evening. 12• THE SOUND "J" (pronounced as in English words "yes" or "^et") jabolko — apple jopica -- sweater jadrnica -- sailboat jopic — jacket jagoda — strawberry jug — south jaj°e -- egg juha — soup jama — cave, grotto julij — July jasa — glade, desiring junak — hero jasen — clear, bright jutri — tomorrow jata — flock of birds jutro — morning javor — maple tree moj — my, mine jaz — I tvoj — your, yours Jtca -- jail zajtrk — breakfast jedilnica — dining room zunaj — outside jeklo — steel včeraj — yesterday jelen — stag knjiga — book jesen — fall, autumn zakaj — why jesen — ash tree nazaj — back, backwards Jez raj -- paradise jeza — anger Jej! — Eat! jezero — lake Glej! — Look! jezik — tongue, language stands at the end of the word. bolj dovolj dragulj metulj cmrl j čevelj Žebelj nagelj (bol) (dovol) (dragul) (metul) (Čmrl) (cevel) (zebel) (nagel) more enough gem, jewel butterfly bumble bee shoe nail carnation konj (kon) — horse ogenj (ogen) — fire vonj (von) — smell kostanj (kostan) — ches- nut skedenj (skeden) — barn Zakaj Janeza še ni nazaj? Jutri je le prvi maj. Kje je policaj? Daj mi jabolko nazaj! Zajec je v zelju. Jože je jagode. Jeleni so številni v jeseni. Junija in julija je zunaj jasno. Junak ne joka. Jaka bo jedel jajca za zajtrk jutri zjutraj. Tvoja jopica je na javorjevi veji. Konj ima dober vonj. Janez je jabolko v jedilnici. Jure joka od veselja. Janez je jazen in pravit tega!" "Dovolj Why isn't John back yet? Tomorrow is already the first of May. Where is the policeman? Give me back the apple! The rabbit is in the cabbage. Joe is eating strawberries. Deer are numerous in the fall. It is bright outside in June and in July. A hero doesn't cry. Jack will eat eggs for breakfast tomorrow morning. Your sweater is on the branch of a maple tree, A horse has a good sense of smell. John is eating an apple in the dining room. George is crying out of joy. John is angry and saysi "Enough of this!" 13. THE SOUND "B" (pronounced as in English words 1 £all, bone) babica bacil bajta balet balon balkon banana banja banka banket barva bas bazen breg bencin beseda - grandmother bolnica — hospital - germ bolnik — male patient - shack bomba — bomb - ballet bombaž — cotton - balloon bonbon — candy - balcony bor — pine tree — banana boter — godfather — bathtub botra — godmother — bank Bozic — Christmas — banquet brada — beard, chin — color, paint brat — brother bass bratranec — male cousin swimming pool breskev — peach slope, hill brez — without gasoline brisača — towel — word buča — pumpkin biser blisk blizu bluza bober boben bodočnost Bog bogastvo bolečina bolts z en bolan Confirmation burja pearl soba lightening doba ne ar goba blouse zob beaver rob drum lenoba future svetloba God blag wealth, riches bister pain bled sickness, illness sick, ill bos — beech tree — strong wind — room — age, era — mushroom — tooth — edge, border — laziness — light, brightness — noble — clever — pale — barefooted Breda dobro bere. Barbara se boji burje. Božič se bliža. Bela brisača je v banji. Berta ima belo bluzo iz bombaža. Boris barva balkon. Bratranec je bos. Bolnica je blizu banke. Bodočnost bo brez bogastva. Bratec ima bonboncke in balončke, Bolnik ima brezupno bolezen. Babica bere brzojavko. Breda reads well. Barbara is afraid of the wind. Christmas is drawing near. A white towel is in the bathtub. Bertha has a white cotton blouse. Boris is painting the balcony. (My) cousin is barefooted. The hospital is near the bank. The future will be without wealth. (My) little brother has candy and bolloons. The patient has a hopeless illness. (My) grandmother is reading the telegram. 14. THE SOUND "D" (pronounced as in English words* do, day) da d alec darn dar davek deblo december deček deklica del delo deset dete dež dežela dežnik dim dlan dober dobrodošel yes, that far day donation, gift tax trunk, stem December boy girl portion, part work ten infant, baby rain country umbrella smoke palm good welcome dopisnica dopoldne drag drama dražba drobtina drsalke društvo družba družina ducat duh duhovnik duša dvakrat dvigalo dvorana džungla šk£da moda — postcard — in the morning — dear, expensive — drama — auction — crumb — skates — club, society — company — family — dozen — spirit — priest — soul — twice — lift, elevator « hall — jungle — damage — fashion dohodek dokaz dolar dolina dom doma domovina income proof dollar valley- home at home native land creda skleda sod gozd sadje grozdje — herd, flock -- bowl — barrel — forest — fruit — grape(s) Delavec je dobil deset dolarjev. Deklica ima drage drsalke. Danice ne bo doma danes dopoldne. Dedek ima dom v dolini. Kdo je dob^l dobitek na dra.zbi? Deček in deklica pojeta duet v dvorani. DoroTeja je dobila dopisnico od Dominika iz Dunaja. Danes nam je dal dedek denar. Od nedelje do nedelje delamo. Deklica je dala led za ledeno kavo. Dim smo duhali v gozdu. Zdravnik je povedal, da je delo dobro zdravilo. Dora dobi decembra deset dni dopusta. The worker received ten dollars. The girl has expensive skates. Dawn will not be home this morning. Grandpa has (his) home in the valley. Who received the prize at the auction? The boy and the girl are singing a duet in the hall. Dorothy received a postcard from Dominic from Vienna. Grandpa gave us money today. We work from Sunday to Sunday. The girl gave the ice for ice-coffee. We smelled smoke in the forest. The doctor said that work is good medicine. Doris gets a ten-day vacation in December. 15. THE SOUND "G" (pronounced as in English words: good, go) galeb garaža gasilec genij gladek glas glasba glava glavnik glavobol glina globok gluh gneča gnezdo goba^ golaž golob gospa gospod gospodična -- sea gull govor — garage gozd — fireman gora — genius grad — smooth, even grah — voice, sound grd — music greh — head grlo — comb grm — headache grob — clay grozdje — deep gumb — deaf gledam -- crowd, throng govorim -- nest grem — sponge, mushroom — goulash ogenj — dove, pigeon krog — madame, Mrs. igra — sir, Mr. igla — Miss zoga speech forest, wood mountain castle peas ugly sin throat bush, shrub grave, tomb grapes button I am looking I speak I am going fire circle game, play needle ball Gregor se igra v snegu. Gremo v gozd po gobe. Okrog in okrog gre geolog. Gorje, ce se to zgodi.! Gospodinja kuha govejo pečenko z gobami. Govornik glasno govori. Galosi so v garaži. Glas pride iz grla. Gnezdo je v grmu. Gabrijel ne gre v gozd, ker ga boli grlo. Kadar je sneg, gramo v breg. 16. THE SOUND **Z' (pronounced za for zabava — entertainment zabela — fat, grease začetek — beginning zadaj — behind zadosti — enough zadovoljen — satisfied zahvala — thanks zajec rabbit zajtrk — breakfast zakaj — why zaklad — treasure zakon — law, bills marriage zanimiv — interesting zaposlen — busy, occupied zaprt — closed zarja — dawn zastava — flag zastor — curtain zavest — consciousness zdaj — now zdrav — healthy zdravilo — medicine zdravje — health zdravnik — physician zelen — green zelenjava vegetable(s) zelje — c abbage It's burning! The firemen are putting out the fire! Gregory is playing in the snow. We are going to the forest for mushrooms. The geologist is going around and around. Beware, if this happens! The housewife is cooking roast beef with mushrooms. The speaker is speaking loudly. The galoshes are in the garage. The voice comes out of the throat. The nest is in the bush. Gabriel is not going to the woods because he has a sore throat. Whenever there is snow, we go on the slope. as in English words: ^ebra, 5.00) zemlja — earth, world zemljepis — geography zemljevid — map, atlas zet — son-in-law zgodaj — early zgodovina — history zid — wall zima — winter zjutraj — in the morning zlat — gold značaj — character znanec — acquaintance zob — tooth zrak — air zrel — ripe, mature zvezda — star zvon — bell roza -- pink miza — table kriza — crisis vaza — vase bolezen — illness, sickness ljubezen — love fizika — physics lizika — lollipop brzina — speed blazina — pillow koruza — corn bluza — blouse Zelena zelenjava je zelo zdrava. Zgodovina in zemljepis sta dva zanimiva predmeta. Pozimi je zunaj zelo mrzlo. Zdravje je zlat zaklad. Začetek zabave bo pozno zvečer. Zet je zaposlen pri znani tvrdki Zakaj so zastori zaprti? Zajec je v zelju. Pozno zvečer zaspim in zgodaj zjutraj se zbudim. Zobozdravnik bo zdrl zob. Zlata vaza je na mizi. Z sika j ni dosti zabele na zelju? The doctor gave the medicine. We have breakfast early in the morning. Green vegetables are very healthy. History and geography are two interesting subjects. In the winter it is very cold outside. Health is a golden treasure. The beginning of the entertainment will be late in the evening. .(My)son-in-law is employed with a well known company. Why are the curtains closed? The rabbit is in the cabbage. I fall asleep late in the evening and I wake up early in the morning. The dentist will pull out the tooth. A golden vase is on the table. Why isn't there enough fat on the cabbage? 17. THE SOUND "2" (pronounced as in English words t garage, treasure) z aba — frog živčen — nervous z&ga — saw živina — cattle žalosten — sad življenje — life zamet — velvet življenjepis — biography žarek — ray, beam 2iyio! — Cheers! žarnica — electric bulb Long live! žaromet — head-light žleb — gutter |e — already žleza — gland |ebelj — nail z up an — mayor zeja — thirst živim — I live žejen — thirsty zelim — I wish železnica — railroad žvečim — I chew zelgzo — iron žvižgam — I whistle zelja — wish, desire riz^ — rice žeLodec — stomach križ — cross Žemlja — roll mreža — net z ena — woman, wife teza — weight ženin — fiance, koža — skin bridegroom loža — theatre box zep — pocket roza — flower zic a — wire mož — man žlica — spoon nož — knife žila — vein dež — rain zirafa — giraffe dežuje — it is raining ziv — alive, living z i val ~ animal laž — lie, untruth živalski vrt — zoo družina — family 2aba živi v vodi. 2irafa živi vl&ivalskem vrtu. 2upan živi z družino blizu železnice. 2aromet zari v temi. Vrzi zorno v mrežo! Kdo žveči žvečilni gumi? Bolnik je živčen in žalosten, ker ga boli želodec. 2ena pece sveže žemlje. Riz je na krožniku. Ce dežuje, držim dežnik. The frog lives in the water. The giraffe lives in the zoo. The mayor lives with (his) family near the railroad. The head light shines in the dark. Throw the ball into the net! Who is chewing gum? The patient is nervous and sad because he has a stomach-ache. The woman is baking fresh rolls. The rice is on the plate. If it rains, I hold an umbrella. 18. THE SOUND "P" (pronounced as in English words t gaper, goor) pajek paket palačinka palček palec palica palma papež Papiga papir paprika par parada paradižnik park pastir pav pecivo peS pecenica pečenka pek pekarna perts pes pesa pese k pesem pest pet peta petek petje pijača pika pirh pisatelj spider parcel omelette dwarf thumb stick, rod palm tree pope parrot paper pepper pair, couple parade tomato park shepherd peacock pastry stove, oven fried sausage roast (meat) baker bakery pen, feather dog beet(s) sand song, poem fist five heel Friday singing beverage point, dot Easter egg writer, author pogumen pohištvo poleti poletje policaj polje pomlad ponedeljek poroka posoda postelja posta potica potok prah * . v prasic prazen praznik predpasnik predsednik preproga presta pri priča prijatelj prijateljica prijazen prijeten pripraven prirodopis pristava pristen promet prosim prost prst prstan brave, c ourage ous furniture in the slimmer summer policeman field spring Monday marriage dish(es) bed mail, post office nut roll brook dust pig, hog empty holiday apron president, chairman carpet pretzel by witness male friend female friend friendly pleasant handy natural science country house genuine, real traffic please free finger, toe ring letter beer pay mountain coat dance gas lungs vacation climate signature funeral I miss pismo pivo plač a planina plašč ples plin pljuča pocitnice podnebje podpis pogreb pogrešam Pek peče pecivo. Peter piše pismo prijatelju. Pivo je pristna pijača. Poleti prezivimo pocitnice v planinah. Pečenka in pečenice so v peČi„ P^vla^je v petek poslala paket po pošti. Peter pridela poleti peso, paradižnik in papriko na polju. Pohištvo bodo pripeljali v ponedeljek. Po plači bo Pepca kupila lep plašč Na pristavi so peli lepe pesmi. Prosim,^ne pozabi prinesti potice in pij^Če. Policaj je prekinil promet med parado. Pisatelj piše prijetno povest. To pismo je brez podpisa. Pogreb bo v petek popoldne. Na plesu so plesali poskočne polke. Papir je v predalu. Ptice pridejo nazaj spomladi. Peter in Pavla se bosta poročila poleti. To pero ne piše. Slap je lep. Pek je slep. Peter je pojedel pet palačink. prt pšenica ptica puran lep slep skop z ep rep kip slap skupina lupina tablecloth wheat bird turkey beautiful blind stingy pocket tail statue waterfall group shell, peel The baker is baking pastry. Peter is writing a letter to his friend. Beer is a genuine drink. In the summer we spend (our) vacation in the mountains. The roast and the fried sausages are in the oven. Paula sent a package by mail on Friday. In the summer, Peter cultivates beets, tomatoes and peppers on (his) field. They will deliver the furniture on Monday. . Josie will buy a beautiful coat after pay day. They sang beautiful songs at the country house. Please don't forget to bring the nut roll and the beverage. The policeman stopped the traffic during the parade. The author is writing a pleasant story. This letter is without a signature. The funeral will be on Friday afternoon. At the dance they were dancing lively polkas. The paper is in the drawer. The birds come back in the spring. Peter and Paula will get married in the summer. This pen doesn't write. The waterfall is beautiful. The baker is blind. Peter ate five omelettes. tabla tunica tajno takoj taksi talent tam tast ta|ca tečaj teden tekma telefon telegram telo tenis testo teta tiger tih tisoč tla t£ca točen toliko torek torba Tajnica je na telefonu. Otroci tečejo po travi. Trgovina je zaprta ta teden. Tvoja teta je stara trideset let. Turist je truden od potovanja. Tako.j telefonirajte po taksi! V torek tudi ti greš na trg. Ta tla so trda. Telovadba je potrebna za zdravo telo. Teta Tončka tflliko trpi zaradi tuberkuloze (jetike). Ta tovarna ima trideset strojev. Tiger tuli v kletki. V torek je prišel telegram za Toneta. Ta teden je trgovina zaprta. — cake — factory — grass — meadow — hard, stiff — eyelash — market — store — three — thirteen — thirty — trumpet — weary, tired — also -- stranger — tulip — tourist — shower — your — route, way — corner — shovel — beauty — slipper — note — orphan The secretary is on the telephone. The children are running on the grass. The store is closed this week. Your aunt is thirty years old. The tourist is tired from the journey. Call the taxi immediately! On Tuesday you are also going to the market. This floor is hard. Physical fitness is essential for a healthy body. Aunt Antoinette is suffering so much because of tuberculosis. This factory has thirty machines. The tiger is howling in the cage. The telegram for Anthony came on Tuesday. The store is closed this week. _ blackboard torta - secretary tovarna - secretly trava - immediately travnik - taxi trd - talent trepalnica - over there trg - father-in-law trgovina - mother-in-law tri - course trinaj st — week trideset - match, competition - telephone trobenta — telegram truden - body tudi tennis tujec dough tulipan aunt turist tiger tuš quiet, silent tvoj thousand pot •- floor(s) kot hail lopata — punctual, prompt lepota so much copata Tuesday nota handbag, purse sirota fakt (dejstvo) fakulteta falot fant fara (župnija) faran (zupljan) faza fazan februar federacija figa film filolog (jezikoslovec)- filozof (modroslovec)— fizik fizika fižol grof krof fact flanela faculty flavta rascal folklora boy formular (obraz ec) ■ parish fotograf parishioner phase fotografija pheasant frizer (m,) February frizerka (f.) federation fig funt film fanatičen philologist philosopher physicist fantastičen physics fizičen beans fleten , fletna count formalen donought fotogenicen flannel flute folklore form, blank photographer photo hairdresser hairdresser pound fanatic fantastic physical cute, lovely formal photogenic Note The words in parantheses are synonyms. Filozof uci filozofijo. Fotograf dela fotografije. Ta fant je falot. Ta fara ima dobre farane. Federacija ima forma1110 sejo februarja. Frizerka frizira fletno dekle. Grof igra golf. Fizik se zanima za fiziko. Fant igra flavto. Ta film fantastično prikazuje francosko folkloro. Fakulteta ima formalno konferenco februarja. The philosopher is teaching philosophy. The photographer makes photos. This boy is a rascal. This parish has good parishioners. The federation has (its) formal meeting in February. The hairdresser is combing a cute girl. The count is playing golf. The physicist is interested in physics. The boy plays the flute. This film fantastically depicts the French folklore. The faculty has a formal conference in February. 21. THE SOUND "K" (pronounced as in English words s £itten, key) kača kava kavarna kalorija kamela kamen kanarček kap snake coffee coffee shop calorie camel stone canary stroke konec konj korajzen (pogumen)- korak korenje korenina koruza kos end horse brave step carrots root corn piece t blackbird kapa kapela kaplja ^ — karakter (značaj )-kardinal karfijola (cvetica karta kašelj katran kazen kemija kemik kino kip kipar kis kisik kitara klarinet klavir kladivo klima (podnebje)— ključ klobasa klobuk klop kmet kmetija knjiga knjigarna knjižnica kobila kocka koč a kočija kokos koledar koleno kolo kolodvor (postaja) koncert koristen krasen kratek kriv kadim klicem kazem klečim končam velik lahek cap chapel drop character cardinal )cauliflower card cough tar punishment chemistry chemist cinema statue sculptor vinegar oxygen guitar clarinet piano hammer climate key sausage hat bench, desk farmer farm book bookstore library mare cube cottage, hut carriage hen calendar kosilo kost kostanj košara košarka kotalke kovček kovina koza kozarec koza kralj kraljica krava krc kreda kri krilo križ krog krokar krompir krona krst krsta krt^ krožnik krtača kruh kuharica kuhinja kukovica kultura kumara (murka) kužek kvadrat kvas kaj knee bicycle, wheel kje railroad station kdaj — concert kdo — useful kako — gorgeous koliko — short kegljam — guilty, crooked kiham I smoke I call I show I kneel I finish tall, big light, easy kotalkam kregam kupim kuham otrok otok potok dinner bone chesnut basket basketball roller skates suitcase metal goat glass skin king queen cow cramp chalk blood skirt cross circle raven potato crown Baptism coffin mole plate brush bread cook kitchen cuckoo culture cucumber puppy square yeast what where when who how how much I bowl I sneeze I roller skate I scold I buy I cook child island brook Kuharica kuha korenje, kumare in krompir. Kdo kadi. v kuhinji? Konj je koristna žival. Kmet ima konje, krave, kobile, koze in kokoši. Kaplan kleči, v kapeli. Ta knjižnica ima veliko koristnih knjig. Za kosilo sem kupil kruh in klobase. Kati krasno igra klavir in klarinet. Kje si kupila te krasne kotalke? Kdo je kriv te katastrofe? Klobuk in ključi so na klopi. Kemik ima koristno kariero. Kje je kladivo? Koliko stane karfijola? Konzul je na koncertu. Kdaj bo konec konference? Kje je kos kruha? Kužek ima rad kosti. Kovčki bodo na kolodvoru. Kostanj je v košari. Kdo je tako koraozen? The cook is cooking carrots, cucumbers and potatoes. Who is smoking in the kitchen? The horse is a useful animal. The farmer has horses, cows, mares, goats and chickens. The chaplain is kneeling in the chapel. This library has many useful books. For lunch I bought bread and sausages. Cathy plays the piano and the clarinet beautifully. Where did you buy these gorgeous roller skates? Who is guilty of this catastrophe? The hat and the keys are on the bench. A chemist has a useful career. Where is the hammer? How much does the cauliflower cost? The consul is at the concert. When will the conference end? Where is a piece of bread? The puppy likes bones. The suitcases will be at the railroad station. The chesnut is in the basket. Who is so brave? 22. THE SOUND "S" (pronounced as in English words i son, sin) sadje saksofon salama sam, sama samostan samota sanke sapa sedem seja sekunda senator senca seno sestra sestricna seveda sever — fruit — saxophone — salami — alone — convent — solitude — sleigh — breeze — seven — meeting — second — senator — shade — hay — sister — female cousin — of course — north smrt sneg soba sobota sodnik sol solata sonce sova spalnica spominek spomlad srajca srce sreča sreda srna srp death snow room Saturday judge salt salad, lettuce sun owl bedroom souvenir spring shirt heart luck, happiness Wednesdays middle deer sickle sir sirota siv skleda skop slab sladek sladkor slama slan slap slep slika sliva (cespl ja)-slon slovenščina Slovenec Slovenka Slovenci slovnica smreka cheese orphan gray-bowl stingy feeble, sweet sugar straw salty waterfall blind picture plum elephant bad star sto stol streha stric suh svak svakinja sveča svet svez svinčnik d^nes c as vas Slovenian language a Slovenian (m.)pismo a Slovenian (f.)obisk Slovenians cesta grammar spruce tree pesem lisica old, aged hundred chair, seat roof uncle dry, thin brother-in-law sister-in-law candle world, earth fresh pencil today time village letter visit street, road song fox Sinička se ^e vsedla v senco. The chickadee sat in the shade. Slive so sočno sadje. The plums are a juicy fruit. Sinoči sem spesnil pesem za sestro. Last night I composed a poem for (my) sister. Sonce sije spomladi. The sun shines in the spring. Sanjal sem o srni, slonu in I dreamed about a deer, an lisici. elephant and a fox. Mislim, da je dgnes sestra pisala I think that (my) sister wrote pismo stricu. Solata je v skledi. V soboto bo sestanek za slepe. Prosim, prinesi salamo in sir s seboj. Sestra je prinesla spominke iz Slovenije za sorodnike. Solata je slana in kisla. Sestricna je-šla v samostan. Sonja s ana sedi v senci. Suzana gre na obisk k stricu v Slo venijo. SadnT sok je sladek. Kadar je sneg, se sankamo in smučamo. Ob sob£tah spim do desetih. a letter to (my) uncle today. The lettuce is in the bowl. There will be a meeting for the blind on Saturday. Please bring the salami and the cheese with you. (My) sister brought souvenirs from Slovenia for (her) relatives. The salad is salty and sour. (My) cousin went to the convent. Sonya is sitting alone in the shade. Sue is going to Slovenia to visit (her) uncle. The fruit juice is sweet. When there is snow, we go sledding and skiing. On Saturdays I sleep until ten o'clock. šah šal zobna šcetka v ae šerif Šest šestnajst šestdeset širok šivgnka |ivilja škarje škatla škoda škodljiv škof škaf š ko raji šofer (voznik) šola šotor chess scarf tooth brush still, yet sheriff six sixteen sixty wide needle seamstress scissors box damage harmful bishop bucket, pail boots chauffeur school — tent šofer previdno Šofira. Sunka je na štedilniku. Šivilja r^bi novo šivanko. Saša je stara sest let in zna šteti do šestdeset. Ali gojiš kakšen šport? Rabim sivanko in škarje. V škatli so novi škornji. Student je dobil štipendijo. Študenti radi šepetajo v soli. spijon špargelji spinaca šport številka štedilnik štruca (hleb) študent šunka štipendija šepetati šivati šofirati (voziti)- šteti Študirati šepetjp šivam šofiram (vozim) — štejem študiram spy asparagus spinach sport number stove loaf student ham scholarship to whisper to sew to drive to count to study I whisper I sew I drive I count I study The chauffeur is driving carefully. The ham is on the stove. The seamstress needs a new needle. Sasha is six years old and she knows how to count to sixty. Do you cultivate any sport? I need a needle and the scissors. The new boots are in the box. The student received a scholarship. Students like to whisper in school. 24. THE SOUND "C" (pronounced as in the English words i catg., .jets) carina — custom, duty muca — cat cena — price taca — paw cent — cent venec — wreath cerkev — church zajec — rabbit cesta — street, road kozarec — glass cev — pipe babica — grandmother cigan — gypsy (m.) sonce sun ciganka — gypsy (f.) palica — stick cigareta — cigarette palec — thumb copati — slippers lica — cheeks cunja — rag žica — wire cvet — blossom 5 lic a — spoon cvet(l)ica — flower raca — duck Muca ima Cilkine copate. Cvetlicama na Cankarjevi cesti ima krasne cvetlice. Cena teh cigaret je petdeset centov. Cvetka nase cvetlice v cerkev. Mojca ima lepa lica« Cev je cela. Daj babici kozarec cimeta! Otroci ne nosijo srajc v soncu. Cigancek se cmeri na cesti. Zvonec zacinglja« "Cin, cin!" The cat has Cecilia's slippers. The florist shop on Cankar Street has gorgeous flowers. The price of these cigarettes is fifty cents. Florence is carrying the flowers to the church. Maria has beautiful cheeks. The pipe is whole. Give grandma a glass of cinnamon. Children do not wear shirts in the sun. The little gypsy is whimpering on the street. The bell dings s "Ding, dong!" 25. THE SOUND "C" (pronounced as in the English words 1 church. cherry) čaj — tea cut — sense čarovnica — witch cuvaj — guard, watchman čarovnik — magician črn — black čas — time čuden — odd, strange cast — honor čvrst — tough časopis — newspaper čakam — I wait for caša — goblet, cup citam — I read čebela — bee čestitam — I congratulate čebula — onion čistim — I am cleaning česen — garlic se čudim -- I am surprised ček — check čutim — I feel čelo — forehead luč -«- light čeprav — although peč — oven češnja — cherry meč — sword česplja (sliva) — plum moč — might, power četrt — quarter ptiček — a tiny bird četrtek — Thursday kaca — snake čevelj — shoe pogača — round flat cake cigav — whose igrača — toy čipke — lace ocala — eyeglasses čitalnica — reading room buca — pumpkin čitanka — reader oci — eyes clan — member nocem — I don't want to človek — human being hočem — I want to čokolada — chocolate pečem — I am baking coin — boat tecem — I run čreda — herd, flock rečem — I say čriček — cricket črka — letter črta — line Čudež — miracle čuk — wood-owl Čigavi čevlji niso čisti? Ta človek je Čvrst. Cuk je čudovit ptič. Čigav čaj časi? Cesnje in cešplje so na peci. Nočem ne čebule in ne česna. Vsak se Čudi čarovniku. Ali hočeš čokolado? V čakalnici sem čakal Četrt ure. Father has black glasses. I am reading the newspaper in the reading room. Whose shoes aren't clean? This man is strong. The wood-owl is a wonderful bird. Whose tea is in the cup? The cherries and the plums are on the stove. I want neither onion nor garlic. Everyone is astonished at the magician. Do you want a chocolate bar? I was waiting in the waiting room for a quarter of an hour. 26. THE SOUND "H" (pronounced as in English words: how, hello) halja halo harfa harmonika helikopter heroj (jun^k) hitim himna hinavec hiša hitro hodim hočem humor hud hudoben hčerka (hci) gown hello harp accordion helicopter hero I hurry hymn hypocrite house quickly I walk I want to humour angry mean, wicked daughter Hr^na v hladilniku je hladna. Heda je hvaležna za haljo. Helka lahko hodi hitro v hrib. Hrast stoji ob hiši. Helena ima dober humor. Heroj je hvale vreden. Hvala za hleb in hrenovko. Hren je v hladilniku. Herman igra himno na harmoniko. Helena kuha juho. Juha je ze hladna. hlače hladen hladilnik hleb hrana hrast hren hrbet hrib hvala hvale vreden hvaležen zahvalim se juha rjuha kuha muha pants cool refrigerator loaf food oak tree horseradish back hill thank you praiseworthy grateful I thank soup bed sheet he, she cooks fly The food in the refrigerator is cool. Heda is grateful for the gown. Helen can walk quickly up the hill. The oak tree stands by the house. Helen has a good sense of humour. A hero is praiseworthy. Thank you for the loaf and the wiener (hot dog). The horseradish is in the refrigerator. Herman is playing a hymn on the accordion. Helen is cooking the soup. The soup is cool already. "Thanks to your Slovenian language materials, students have achieved a much greater success this year than a year ago when we used other texts. I cannot adequately express my great satisfaction with your lessons,"—Prof. Metoda Mencin, University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Colorado "Your lessons can be used in courses with relative ease. I am most grateful for them."—(Mrs.) Anica Tushar, Slovenian Language Instructor, Gilbert, Minnesota "I find your lessons very easy to understand, and the organization is very good. Studying Slovenian with the help of your material may not be as difficult as I once thought."— John S. Butchar {Janez Bučar), School Psychologist, Milwaukee, Wisconsin "I have been trying for about five years to learn the Slovenian language, but have not been able to find grammar books in English which are sufficiently elementary. This manual has fulfilled my needs exactly. It contains essential vocabulary, everyday expressions, pronunciation, readings, and many practice exercises, presented in a systematic way and enabling almost anyone to learn the basics of the language. For me it has been a godsend and I have progressed more in a few monthsthan in several years of previous effort."—Frank J. Trenta, High School teacher, Barberton, Ohio "I learned enough to write a letter in Slovenian to my grandmother, 84, who lives in Wyoming. She was so very happy!" (Mrs.) Bette Powell, Santa Clara, California "! am beginning to correspond in Slovenian with my relatives in Slovenia, Yugoslavia. I want to thank you for making this possible,"—(Miss) Linda Poropat, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Slovenski AmerUki Institut SLOVENIAN RESEARCH CENTER DP AMERICA, INC. 29227 EDDY ROAD WilloiiRhby Hills, Ohio 44092 U.S.A. Research, education, exhibits, publications and information service on Slovenian heritage