30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 43/51 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 25. 10. 2015 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Človek čuti željo po pravilnosti in polnosti življenja. A naj še tako hrepeni po najboljšem, je vedno v sebi nepopoln in slab ter grešen. Zato v vseh časih in verstvih odkrivamo željo po rešitvi iz te uklenjenosti, željo po odrešenju. V vedno hujših časih sodobni človek toliko bolj išče izhod iz neštetih in na videz nerešljivih stisk, išče odrešenje. Prerok Jeremija izraža veliko veselje ob spoznanju, da Bog odrešuje. Tudi mi moramo gojiti to veselje in upanje ob misli na Boga-odrešenika. Še dober človek ne more pustiti sočloveka, kaj šele svojega otroka, samega, kadar je le-ta potreben njegove bližine in pomoči. Kako naj bi torej neskončno bitje, Bog, stvarnik človeka, mogel le-tega puščati samega, sebi prepuščenega, brez odziva na njegove klice na pomoč! Že stara zaveza torej trdi, da je Bog naš oče in zato tudi naš rešenik: »Zberem jih od koncev zemlje,« trdi besedilo. Bogu ni noben človek tuj. Ni kraja na zemeljski obli, ki bi Bogu uhajal izred oči. Dobro je, če razmišljamo o tem, kako so pred Bogom vsi ljudje enaki, enako potrebni odrešenja. Odtod sledi velika dolžnost za nas verne, da oznanjamo tistim, ki še ne vedo za Boga in da je odrešenik, to veselo vest, po kateri tako ali drugače hrepeni vsak človek. Pismo Hebrejcem govori o Kristusovi odrešeniški duhovniški službi. Duhovniki vseh verstev imajo vlogo posrednikov, ki naj Bogu darujejo daritve, posebno tiste za ublažitve božje jeze in za odpuščanje grehov. To njihovo darovanje pa ne izključuje njih samih, saj so tudi oni grešniki. Zato tudi ne gre, da bi svečeniki sami sebe izbirali, ampak jih postavlja Bog. Ob vseh nepopolnostih duhovnikov in Ijudi pa imamo velikega duhovnika Kristusa, ki je brez vsake hibe, obenem pa neizrekljivo razumevajoč, saj je tudi človek. »Ti si duhovnik vekomaj,« zaključuje berilo. Evangelij govori o Jezusu, ki se je srečal s slepim Bartimajem. Ko je le-ta slišal za Jezusa, ga je glasno klical: »Sin Davidov, usmili se me!« Vedno znova je velika skrivnost, kako se srečata Bog in človek. Gotovo prvi prihaja naproti človeku Bog. A tudi človek mora narediti svoj korak, kot ga je storil slepi, ko je zaslišal za Jezusa, ki pa tudi ni šel tam mimo slučajno. Bog namreč v svojem delovanju ne pozna slučajev. Prav nalezljivo je navdušenje, veselje, pripravljenost slepega, ki se je takoj odzval, da bi bil deležen Kristusove pomoči: »Vrgel je s sebe svoj plašč, poskočil in prišel k Jezusu.« - »Kaj hočeš, da naj ti storim?« tudi nas vprašuje Jezus. Ne bojmo se mu povedati svojih želja. Kaj hočeš, da ti storim? 354 | VESTNIK 2015 356 | VESTNIK 2015 358 | VESTNIK 2015 360 | VESTNIK 2015 362 | VESTNIK 2015 364 | VESTNIK 2015 STARTING OUR NEXT FIFTY YEARS As our parish starts the next fifty years, the proper-ty and buildings will re-quire many repairs and improvements. The Parish Council has reviewed this and estimate the cost of repairs to be $500,000 (or about $60,000 a year) over the next 10 years for the 34 projects listed below. We are asking for the assistance of parishioners in forming a committee (about seven persons) to help review these projects, prioritize them, produce specifications and designs and oversee/organize their completion. We would especially appreciate per-sons with experience in construction and mainte-nance. The committee would meet four or five times a year. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Tony Horvat at 905-515-5881 or thorvat@cogeco.ca by Wednesday November 4, 2015. Project Updated October 22, 2015 Identification Major Maintenance and Improvement Projects Number St. Gregory the Great Halls Outdoor 1 Stair/Porch at Slovenian School Door 2 Linen Delivery Bin Outdoors 3 Signage Changed to Standardized Format 4 Smoking Area Butt Bin 5 Front Hall Doors - Sanding and Painting 6 New Front Door System 7 New Hall Roof within 10 Years - (2020) 8 New Asphalt on Parking Lot 9 Iron Fence Painting 10 Handicap Railing at Church Entrance 11 Bell Tower - Metal Work and Painting 12 Church Roof 13 Rectory Roof 14 Signage at Hwy 20, Church Driveway, At Doors, At Hall 15 Moving Hydro Line Underground Lower Hall 16 Sound System installation - existing equipment 17 Signage Changed to Standardized Format 18 Shelving in Bar Foyer (overhead) 19 Shelving in Freezer Foyer (racking) 20 Stage - Wall Painting - renovation/frame 21 Stage - Valance Rod, Curtain Drapery 22 Dishwasher Replacement 23 Flooring Replacement - Kitchen 500 sq ft 24 Flooring Replacement - Hall 3200 sq ft 25 Ceiling Tiles in Choir Room Cloakroom 24 Renovate storage/janitorial closet 25 Signage Changed to Standardized Format 26 Fix Coat Hangers Stands wheels 27 Add coat hangers - standardize VESTNIK 2015 | 355 VESTNIK 2015 | 357 VESTNIK 2015 | 359 VESTNIK 2015 | 361 VESTNIK 2015 | 363 Upper Hall 28 Bar Wall - lower stainless steel plate 29 Signage Changed to Standardized Format 30 Stage Lighting - new system needed 31 Interior Design to Paint Hall and Railing 32 Entire Hall Heating System Replacement 33 Replace linoleum tiling = 4000 sq ft 34 Buff Terrazo - Dance floor and foyer -replace foyer railing MISIJONAR FR. DANILO LISJAK, SDB Mir in veselje v Svetem Duhu vsem vam, prijateljem pri sv. Gregoriju! Po petih letih smo spet skupaj. Lepo je priti med svoje. Ko sem odhajal, sem približno vedel, da odhajam v travnate stepe na sever Ugande med Acholi ljudstvo ob Nilu. Tako kot vi, ki ste pred desetletji zapustili svojo prvo domovino in si v »neznani« s pridnim delom ustvarili drugo – novo domovino. Ko gledam film o vinogradu na katerem ste zgradili župnijsko središče, tudi sam mislim na majhno kapelo zaraščeno z visokimi slonovimi travami in se spomnim na začetke 2010. Vse iz nič. Otroci v sosednji Catholic Fundraising Primary School so nas gledali kot marsovce, saj je duhovnik med 23 letno vojno sem zašel le kvečjemu enkrat letno. Bili so rojeni v velikih begunskih taboriščih (dve na področju zdajšnjega misjona). Pljunili smo v roke in ljudje so pomagali na razne načine. Pogumni učitelj in hkrati katehist, praded zdajšnjega predsednika župnijskega sveta, je 1945 pripravil prvo skupino katehumenov za krst. Naslednje leto so ljudje darovali za nov misjon 42 akrov zemlje za šolo in kapelo. In potem še zemljo za 12 kapel, kjer je danes 7 osnovnih šol s 4 tisoč otroci in tri srednje šole in en VTC-tehnična. Te tudi redno oskrbujemo pastoralno. Zadja leta smo krstili in pripravili 1500 otrok in 500 birmancev. Novo župnijsko središče s 1500m2 uporabnih prostorov smo blagoslovili 6. septembra letos. Naš sobrat, salezijanec domačin Fr. Thomas je postal prvi župnik. Misjonsko Središče Slovenije, dobrotniki iz Slovenije in zdomstva so nam pomagali. Čez 30 Slovencev je fizično pomagalo in učilo domačine, ki jim je vojna vzela znaje in voljo. Naše družine so številne – od 5 do 10 otrok - živijo skromno v slamnatih kolibah in kuhajo v aluminijasti posodi na treh kamenih. So poljedelci in jih bujna vegetacija ne pusti križem rok, sicer bi jih plevel prerastel. Bodočnost je v šolah in pri vzgoji delovnih navad (taborišča so jih duhovno in moralno obubožala). Zato je le dobra kaheza in tedni verouka pri fari - 3 krat letno med počitnicami - edini odgovor in zagotovilo duhovne rasti in povezanosti v novem misjonu. Prihajam kot berač v njihovem imenu. Pozidati moramo še dve kapeli (v eni podružni-ci mašujemo še vedno pod drevesom) in gradi-ti novo sredno šolo za naše otroke (4 tisoč osnovnošolskih). Gradimo z našimi zidarji, da s tem pomagamo družinam. Zato veliko prihranimo. Ena kapela bo stala 12 tisoč dolarjev. 12 učilnic pa okrog 100 tisoč. Če dobim kakšnega dobrega zidarja iz Evrope ali zdomstva, bo to velik dar, saj sam ne bi zmogel vsega. V novem misjonu je dobra, človeka vredna oskrba (self-contain rooms). Kar želim sebi, privoščim tudi gostu. Afrika (Uganda je anglesko govoreča) potrebuje učiteljev! Peter je rekel Jezusu in pravi tudi nam danes: Na tvojo besedo bom vrgel mrežo. Ubogi Afrike nam delijo veselje in srečo. Tega privoščim vsakemu od vas. Bodite veseli kristjani! Hvaležni, Fr. Danilo Lisjak, Acholi Land-Northern Uganda Oltar z novo sliko, Marijo in evharistijo ob strani. Letos blagoslovljena nova župnijska cerkev, ki je zrasla nad ruševinami stare kapele. Sava President Marija Prilesnik is showing off our special Oktober-fest schnitzel with garlic mayo pesto prepared by our chef Christina Schal. - Oktoberfesta se je udeležil tudi avtobus faranov iz Hamiltona. Organizacijo avtobusa je imelo društvo sv. Jožefa. Kot prejšnja leta, je bil tudi letošnji zelo lepo obiskan in prijetna družba. Veselo je bilo v nedeljo tudi pri društvu Triglav v Londonu. Po maši in dobrem kosilu je plesna skupina Mladi glas iz Toronta zaplesala kar precej plesov, nato so mladi zaplesali še z udeleženci v dvorani. Za zabavo, je ostali del popoldneva, poskrbel ansambel Europa. Mnogi so radi zaplesali ob zvokih poskočnih melodij. Ni manjkalo tudi žrebanje za dobitke. Hamilton Develop-ment & Peace Retreat. November 7, 2015 “The Trinity and Ecology” “We are called to sense a rhythm, a cadence of life which we can feel in and around us. It is a rhythm of grace and love found in the magnificence and life of the natural world and in the intrinsic principles of the Universe.” Sr. Linda Gregg CSJ Please join us as Sr. Linda leads us through God’s Word in scripture and in nature; in prayer, quiet reflection, and sharing. Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015. 9:15 – 3:15 Ignatius Jesuit Centre Guelph - St Brigid’s Villa and St Francis Chapel 5420 Hwy. 6 North, Guelph. Sr. Linda Gregg, a member of the Sisters of St Joseph in Canada, has a M. Div., a Doctorate in Ministry in Eco-Theology from The Elliot Allen Institute of Ecology and is on adjunct faculty at Toronto School of Theology, St Michael’s College. Sr. Linda is a contributor in the C.C.C.B. series in response to Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si’ ” , Green Spirit TV - an earth-sustainable way of life. COST: $20.00 + Pot luck lunch - Margaret McDyre at 519-833-4479 marg.mcdyre@outlook.com - Gaiyle Connolly at 905-304-7860 KOSILO V DOMU LIPA Dom Lipa vabi na kosilo, ki bo v dvorani Marije Brezmadežne, 739 Brown’s Line, Toronto, v nedeljo, 8 novembra 2015 ob 12:30. Vstopnice za odrasle stanejo $30, za mladino $20 (6-12 let) in za otroke $5 ( 2-5 let). Dobite jih v župnišču Marije Brezmadežne (416) 255-2721 ali v domu Lipa (416) 621-3820. Vsi ste lepo vabljeni. Zbrana sredstva bomo uporabili za izboljšavo programov in dejavnosti v domu Lipa. CWL - KATOLIŠKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA As our general member-ship is ageing, we are hav-ing more and more difficul-ty recruiting volunteers to help in the many areas needed to create a success of our annual bazaar; therefore at our gen-eral meetings these past 2 months we spoke of whether we should continue with the bazaar. In quick summary, we spoke of all the pros, cons and possibilities. The overall decision was that our ba-zaar is an over 40 year tradition. It brings our people together, whether helping or attending which builds a strong sense of community......our Slovenian community. We need to work on this sense of commu-nity harder than ever if we are to remain intact for years to come. We will be asking for help ... we sincerely hope your answer will be "YES". There will be a food donation box in-side the entrance of the church for Hamil-ton Food Share. Please consider donating. BE THE FOLK IN FOLKLORE Folklorna skupina "VENEC" was estab-lished to bring together people to help nur-ture fun, friendship and Slovenian folklore. VENEC invites all interested in traditional Slovenian dances, singing, costumes and even playing instruments, to join their ranks. This group encompasses adults from throughout southern Ontario, from Niagara through to Toronto. Our members have represented all the organizations and groups that call southern Ontario home. The mission of this group is work together to create one strong recreational group to represent the traditions of Canadian-Slovenians. Former members of dance groups, those looking to rekindle their youth, and those just interested in learning something new, along with a great group of individuals are invited to attend our first practice on Sunday, October 25th in the St. Gregory's Hall starting at 4:30pm. Old and new members (university age and old-er) are asked to help make this 6th season a memorable one. Call: David Antolin: 905-664-5980 or go to Facebook: Folklorna sku-pina VENEC. MESEC ROŽNEGA VENCA V soboto, 31. oktobra zaključujemo mesec rožnega venca. Ob koncu maše bomo zapeli litanije Matere Božje. Hvala vsem, ki ste se udeleževali molitve. TALENT SHOW - BROWN'S LINE TORONTO Talent Show is Sunday, November 22nd. Registration/Auditions are on Thursday, October 29th, from 7 pm to 9 pm at Browns Line. 30TH SUNDAY IN OT Response: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. First Reading Jeremiah 31:7-9 The Lord has saved his people, gathering them from the ends of the earth. Second Reading Hebrews 5:1-6 Christ was acclaimed as high priest by his Father. Gospel Mark 10:46-52 Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, is healed by Je-sus. “His sight returned and he followed him along the road.” Illustration So many radio programmes today like to create interaction with their listeners. Twenty or thirty years ago programmes would largely consist of one-way traffic. Information or music was dished out according to the character of the programme. There were request programmes, but nowadays almost every programme seems to be based on requests or the listeners’ intervention or point of view. One of the favourite things of music pro-grammes is to ask the listeners for examples of piec-es of music that affected them greatly, perhaps the music they chose for their wedding, or the first piece that alerted them to the joys of a singer or perform-er, or a style of music they had been ignorant of till that point. Such moments become foundation mem-ories of significance, to be recalled as vital stages of our past that have changed us for ever. It is as though our learning and formation in life is not so much a gentle slope of a gradual accumulation of knowledge but a zigzag of ascending bends with moments of blinding vision as we turn a new corner and are brought up short by the panorama that confronts us. Gospel Teaching We can imagine that Bartimaeus remembered his first meeting with Jesus for the rest of his life. Before their encounter he had been what we could call a professional beggar, sitting at the side of the road in his trademark cloak, waiting on the generos-ity of passers-by. Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem, where, in Mark’s telling of his passion story, he will be handed over to the powers of state and religion, to suffer and die. He has been discussing this with his chosen disciples, who have shown a marked reluctance to accept what is to happen to him. They are much more interested in finding out what re-wards might come their way for following him. Bartimaeus shows them how a true disciple should respond to Jesus. He is blind. He does not have the natural gifts of the disciples. Yet he has the inner sight to know who Jesus is, and he has the cour-age to ask Jesus for what he wants. His refusal to be silenced by the crowd around him, who obviously consider him to be an embarrassing nuisance, reveals the courage and determination needed if we are to follow Jesus. When Jesus stops and calls to him, his first gesture is to throw away his cloak, his sole securi-ty in life, his official licence as a beggar. Bartimaeus now has nothing. His request to Jesus is to see again. The disciple’s ability to see the truth depends fully on Jesus. Once that sight is given, Bartimaeus is free to act like a true disciple and follow Jesus along the road, even though that road to Jerusalem will lead to suffering and death. Application We find many obstacles that get in the way of our discipleship. We are preoccupied with our hopes and anxieties. Many of these may be like those of the chosen disciples; we too are concerned with our security and whether life is going to be kind to us. The true disciple, modelled on Bartimaeus, follows a different path. The true disciple tries to see more clearly, trying to base the truth of his or her life on that of Christ, who is “the way, the truth and the life”. Part of this immersion in truth is the long pro-cess of learning and experience that is our daily ex-istence. But from time to time we too will be grant-ed moments that offer us a significant step forward. They may be the difficult challenges that come with death, sickness or the loss of work and loved ones. They may require us to let go of the comfortable security with which we have cushioned ourselves. They may also be great moments of joy and elation when we are granted to see or hear things in a new way. What is common to all these moments is that they take us out of ourselves, and their after-effect is that we too are more able to follow Jesus along the way. The great thing is that we do not walk that way alone. We pursue our path in the great company of fellow pilgrims and believers, and we are supported by our risen Lord, always with us in his word and in his sacramental presence. HI GIRLS AGES 10 TO 16 YEARS OLD! The Catholic Girls Club is starting up again! The next meeting is planned for Sunday, November 1st after 11am mass. Pizza will be provided. Please let me know if you will be attending by email at leahskerl@gmail.com or by text at 905-979-1551. It is time to plan the spaghetti dinner, the children’s center at the bazaar and a fun event for us! Hope to see you at the meeting. If you can’t attend but are interested in participating please let me know. Thanks. Leah Škerl ŠTRUDELJ Članice oltarnega društva so organizirale »izdelavo« ŠTRUDLJA. Lahko vprašate po mašah ali pred mašami, v nedeljo in tudi med tednom, Jožico Vegelj ali Gizelo Hauzar in ga boste lahko kupili. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor bodo v PETEK , 30. oktobra, po večerni maši. Pojemo pri maši na praznik vseh svetih v nedeljo 1. novembra. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 25. oktober: St. Gregory the Great - Scholarship Banquet:12:00 Noon . 1. november: St. Gregory the Great - 2:00 p.m. maša na pokopališču Holy Sepulchre nato molitve na treh pokopališčih! . 2. november: London - St. Peter's Cemetery: Mass at 2:00 p.m. . 7. november: St. Gregory - Martinovanje . 8. november: Lipa Park - Martinovanje - začetek ob 1:00 p.m. Igra ansambel: ŠIBAJ . 8. november: Slovenski park - Fall Meeting . 14. november: Sava - Hunter's banquet . 15. november: Triglav - Maša ob 2:00 p.m. - Bowling-balinanje . 21. november: Bled-Planica - Lovski banket . 22. november: Sava - Maša ob 1:00 pm. . 4. december: Lipa park - Tree Decoration . 6. december: Sv. Gregorij - Miklavževanje - maša samo ob: 10:00 a.m., ob 12h v dvorani kosilo in prihod Miklavža z angelci . 6. december: Lipa park, Triglav - Santa Claus - Miklavževanje DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Ob torkih zvečer vabi društvo sv. Jožefa na družabne večere v prostorih Ville Slovenie. BINGO: Our regular Monday Bingos started at Villa Slovenia. Tell your friends, come and join us with a fun afternoon. It is good for the mind! Cleveland Polkafest Weekend - November 26-28th, 2015. The complete package including: bus, Marriott Hotel accommodation 2 nights, admissions, gratuities will cost $375. per person. So that we know what interest there is, please call Jerry Ponikvar or Frank Erzar, no later than NOVEMBER 1st. PRINAŠANJE DAROV Ob nedeljah, pri slovenski maši, darove prinašajo: . 25. oktober: Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš . 1. november: Jožica Vegelj & Eva Erzetič . 8. november: Ivan & Angela Antolin . 15. november: Max & Jožica Pavličič . 22. november: Zorka Rev & Sonja Peternel Hvala vsem za sodelovanje! COOKING SESSIONS Our Cooking session for November 28th upper hall kitchen starting at 9:00 am is filling up quickly. The demonstration planned is to prepare zelje, aj-dovi žganci and buhteljni. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact me (Heidy Novak) by email at novakh@sympatico.ca or by text at 905-317-6002. Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis. Don’t forget to pencil January 16 and April 16, 2016 on your calendars for our next ses-sions. See you in the kitchen! EUROPEAN SCENINC TOURS - JUNE 27 - JULY 11, 2016 - SLOVENIA - HUNGARY This once in a life time trip includes flight from Toronto-Brussels-Ljubljana. Your group will arrive by luxury bus and your accommo-dations will be at the fine establishment of Gostilna Vidrgar. Price includes: Bus trips, Returning flights, Lodging & 3 meals per day at Gostilna Vidrgar (Lunches not included on bus trips, Admission to attractions not included). Tour includes: Ljubljana Castle and the City of Ljubljana - Brezje, Bohinj, Bled, Portorož, Postojna. Hungary - Budapest, Ptuj, Ptujska gora, Ptujski grad, Krvavec and attractions, Podčetrtek, Samostan Olimlje, gostišče Jele-nov Greben. For Information & booking call 519-461-0653 leave message. DUHOVNIŠKI SEMINAR Vsako leto imamo vsi duhovniki hamiltonske škofije tridnevni seminar v Burlingtonu. Letos bo seminar od srede 28. oktobra do petka 30. oktobra. V četrtek imamo zvečer sveto mašo v cerkvi sv. Patricka v Burlingotnu, zato v župniji ne bo svete maše. Pevske vaje za mešani zbor bodo v petek, 30. septembra po večerni maši. DAROVI Za misijonarja Opeka daruje $50 družina Pavlin. Za cerkev darujeta Ana in Zoltan Gergyek $100; za rože v cerkvi daruje družina Dundek $60; za misijonarja g. Danila Lisjaka daruje Angela Kobe v spomin na pokojne iz družine Radovičevič in Kobe $200. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. POKOJNI V Burlingtonu je 21. oktobra 2015 umrl ČOP Polde. Pokojni je bil v 94. letu starosti. Od pokojnega se boste lahko poslovili v Smith's Funeral Home, 485 Brant St, Burlington v petek 30. oktobra od 3-5 in 7-9 p.m. Pogrebna sveta maša bo v soboto 31. oktobra ob 10h dopoldne pri Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal na Browns Line, Toronto. Iskreno sožalje domačim in sorodnikom. Pokojni Leo naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO NOVEMBER 1ST - ALL SOULS DAY MASS Most Reverend Anthony Tonnos, Bishop Emeritus of Hamilton, will offer the annual All Souls Day Memorial Mass at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery on Sunday, November 1, 2015, at 2:00 pm. All are welcome. For more information, please call (905) 522-7727. We cordially invite you and your parish family to attend this Mass, and look forward to seeing you on November 1st. Ob treh popoldne se bomo zbrali pri križu na Holy Sepulchre pokopališču za molitve. Ob 3:30 p.m. bomo molili na slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven in ob 5:00 p.m. v mavzoleju pokopališča Our Lady of the Angels. V mesecu novembru bomo po obhajilu molili za vse naše pokojne farane! 30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 25. OKTOBER Darinka, mučenka †† † za žive in rajne župljane Pokojni starši Kuzna in sin Metod Steve Sajder SCHOLARSHIP BANQUET 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 12:00 NOON Jožica z družino Žena z družino ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 26. OKTOBER Lucijan, mučenec † †† †† †† Ivan Tompa Anton in Katarina Tonaj Terezija in Ladislav Salajko Francka in Jože Pust 7:00 P.M. Štefan Petek Olga Čulig Olga Čulig Angela Kobe TOREK - TUESDAY 27. OKTOBER †† Za duše v vicah 8:00 A.M. N.N. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 28. OKTOBER Simon in Juda Tadej, ap. † † † † †† † Marija Grebenc, 2. obl. Ivan Zupančič Jožef Rajbar Karolina Starc Anton in Ivan Malevič, obl. Bob Herrington 7:00 P.M. Lojze Grebenc Žena in družina Ana in Zoltan Gergyek Karolina Benko z družino Družina Malevič Družina Ftičar ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 29. OKTOBER PETEK - FRIDAY 30. OKTOBER Marcel, mučenec †† †† †† † † Pokojni iz družine Kološa Pokojni Mes in Sraka Viktor, Antonija in Apolonija Elizabeta Ferko Elizabeta Ferko 7:00 P.M. Majda Družina Mes Marija Glavač Kathy in Martin Simončič mož Toni Ferko SOBOTA SATURDAY 31. OKTOBER Volbenk, škof † †† †† † † Pokojni iz družine Kornhauzer Štefan Gonza Pokojni Geričevi Pokojni Simončičevi Iztok Kunstek Štefan Zadravec, obl. 9:15 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Gizela Hauzar Žena Vera in hči Sandy z dr. Martin in Kathy Simončič Martin in Kathy Simončič Martin in Kathy Simončič Žena z družino 30. NEDELJA MED LETOM 1. NOVEMBER VSI SVETI †† † † †† za žive in rajne župljane Angela in Alojz Kocmut Marija Grebenc Albin Žagar Pok. duhovniki iz naše župnije Molitve na pokopališčih: ob 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Marija in Tone Bukvič Lojze Grebenc Družina Žagar Jožica in Pavel Novak SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 25.10. 2015 Do 1.11. 2015 Zaradi duhovniškega seminarja ni maše v župniji. Duhovniki bomo skupaj s škofi maševali v župniji St. Patric v Burlingtonu Maša na pokopališču 3:00 P.M., 3:30 P.M., 5:00 P.M. Glavač