EPFICIE?TCY OP MULTIPLE BUS STRUCTURE I. Rozman, M. ColnariS, B. Stiglio TEHHTŠKA FAKULTETA MARIBOR * ISKRA AVTOMATIKA LJUBLJANA UDK: 681.3.02 ABSTRACT - Analyaia of efficienoy two or more busea linked withabua llnker io ahovra in this ar- tlole. A queueing theory ia uaed. AnalyBis exaotly valid only for ejcponential diatribution8 for both A. andv^. It la ahown how the linking of two buaea influenoea the mean bua reaponse time in compariaion with the architecture with oonsiats of one bus and the aame number of com- puters that are oonnected to two buaea. IJJTRODUCTTON Analyais of effioienoy of multicomputer ar- chltecturea with a common bua ia well know in literature /1/, /2/, /3/, /4/. A model of theae arohitecturea ia derived. An anlytical treat- ment of thla model ia baaed on a queueing the- ory or better on already derived equation3 for mean time ezaiatence in the ayatem whloh i3 deaoribed by the queue M/G/l/N. V/ith the aid of introduced approzimationa ia ahovm that re- aulta obtained without mador toleranoe are va- lid alao ln oasea where diatributiona are un- eiponential i. e. in auch caaea whioh can be treated by a queue. Por thia queue an exaot mathematical aolution ia not knovm. Thi3 ata- tement ia alao valid for the oalculation of throughput /but not for the mean bua reaponae time WN/ in the caaea where the arbiter is not FCPS. But in all theae caaea, individual pro- ceaaora whioh are oonneoted on a common bua perform a atatiatically equal work. In litera- ture /3/ ia ahovm the approzimation whlch tranaforma a model with a atatiatically unequal work into a model with a 8tatistically equal work. The problem of connetlng two or more buaea where computera are oonneoted to eaoh bua atill remaina an open question. The moat important problem ia how the linking of two buaea in- fluenoea the mean bu8 reaponoe time in com- parialon with the arhitecture which oonaiata of one bua and ot the same number of compu- tera that are conneoted to two buaea. DESCRIPTION 0P ARCHITECTURE The linking of two bu3eB to each other ia made for the following reasona: - the inoreaae of the throughput of the whole arohitecture la greater if we add ane more bua with oonneoted oomputeraj the realization price for a bua linker ia low in oopariaon with the prlce of the whole ayatem; the fault tolerance 18 exiating. bus 1 Common resorces Common resorces bus 2 Pioture 1: Two-Bua-Llnking Bua linker ia an active interface which en- ablea two-direction conmtunioation between two bu3ea. Tn its inherent atruoture, it muat con- tain a memory with enough capaoity. Into ti.is memory computera vrrite measagea for the coir.pa- tera whioh are located on t!ie other bus. A too 55 amall memory cauaes an inorease oi the reapon- ae tirae beaou8e the meaaagea have to urait to obtaln bus and alao have to wait that the me- mory is empty. Therefore it is convenient that the memory ia great enough for a two-3ide tranamiaaion in order to permit the tranami- asion of all oomputers from one bua to the computera in the other bua in tHe aarae moment. Th» bua linker alao packs mesaagea into a block. T/hen the bua linker obtaina another bua, it permita the transmisaion of all existing meaaagea in the block to the eomputera to whioh the meaaagea are addreaaed. TKE MODEL Searohing for the auitable model the following auppoaltiona are made: - bua linker aota undependently 'for each dire- rection of tranamiaaion; - the time vrtiich ia neceaaary for the trana- miaaion of meaaage through the bua linker ia ahort in oomparlaaon with the bua occupation •time. Therefore it oan be negleoted; - the arbiter at eaoh bus 1B FCFS; - the bua linker aota in the aenae of bua oooupation alway3 then when the message en- tera ita empty memory. In caaea there are still meaaagea in the memory (the bua linker ia waiting for bua occupation3), the new measage is loaded into the memory. On the ba8ia of the above mentioned aupposi- tiona and the queueing theory the model ia formed. bVl 21 Picture 2(a): Tha model for tranamiaaion of mea8agea in the following directiona: bu3 1 - bus 2 X bV2 ii lTI Ploture 2(b): The model for transmisaion of measage8 ln the oppoaite direotl- on In the model ahown on picture 2 the bua linker ia devided into two parta - aeparately for eaoh direction. The influenoe of one bu8 upon the other ia expreased by the aouree which ge- nerates the bua ocoupationa /\- BL^ or A. 3^2 aooording to the direotion of tranamlasion. A,-,..... /l-^n are processora whioh generate bua oooupationa for bua 1 with the mean tlme between bua oooupatlon8 -^-7—. ^U. preaenta a bus with the mean bua oooupation tlme ——. The aame lmpretertation ia valid alao for bua 2. TIIE ANALYSIS In the analyaia of the model oijly exponential diatributiona are taken into account for both A and/U. . Other diatributiona oaniiot be taken into account ezactly. In auch caaes some appro- zimation method8 ahould be applled. The ezpo- nential diatribution leada to the aolution of •the quene Mi/Mi/1/N. ' The mean time of retardanee in the sya1;em ia aolved by Perdinand /5/,/6/. (1) (2) (3) 1, requeat from aource k waiting for or being aerviced 0, requeat aource k ia in operational atate 56 W, du, lnZ. 1 -• V du •lnz. i The calculation Wi acoordlng to the equation (4) ia diffloult. When the value N ia high, the caloulatlon of Z^ ie not almple. In the calculation Wi the derivation 1 Z,r is naoe- aaary to be oalculated whioh additionaly com- plioatea the whole procedure. Perdinand /5/, /6/ presenta the efficiency of eaoh element II (i) N aa a probability that i th element ia not wai.ti.ng for or being serviced: (i) (1) N (1) (5) U«1"1' can be ezprvaaed with the followlng ex- preaaion: 1 Ai (6) i from whioh the mean bua reaponce time Wl for the element i oan be derived (7). (7) u (i) N If we wont to oaloulate the throughput of the whole arohitecture according to the equation (8), 1 (8) VT7 ezample are equal, too. A6 tO 2O 30 ',0 £0 60 70 80 30 100 A (7.) Ploture 3: Wr va. % 7^. Wr ia normative value of the mean bus reaponoe tlme of the bua: the oorreot result will not be obtained. The equatlon (8) is valid only in such cases in which eaoh ta3k obtalna the bus. In our oaae a part of taaks ia concluded on the level of one bua. The equation (8) involves only thoae taaka whioh occupy another bua but does not inolude the local oaea. TIIE NiraERICAL REStlLTS In the preaentation of a nuraerical calculation two ezamples are ahovm (picture 3). They ole- arly present all featurea whioh are typical for a link wlth two buses. In the flrat exam- ple two computera are oonneoted to eaoh bua. In the aecond example four ooraputera are con- nected to each bus. The parametera u,, i = 1 ... 4 are equal in the firat example. The pararaetera u,, i = 1 ,,. B in the seoond 7\ presenta the mean arrlval of demanda in one bua: A (N - L) (10) In the equatlon (10), L standa for the mean time of retardanoe in the syBtem for the cfueue M/M/l/N. This parameter can be simply calcula- ted. Prom the plcture 3 we oan see that the increaae of traffio through the bua linker approximately parabolioally prolonga V/i, The parabolicity becoraea more aharp with the saturation. If we oompare V/i for one processor in the two- bua arohiteoture with that in one bua arohi- teoture wit!i that in one bua architecture, un- 57 der the aame conditiona, we notice that IVi is alwaya smaller in the two-bus architecture. In the firat case, in the two bus architecture, when u^, i = 1 ... 4 = 0,1, A = 0,1 is wr = 1,090 vrhile wp =1,320 In one bus arhitecture. In the second caae we can notice a sirailar difference in favour of two-bus arohiteoture. Thia dlfference beoomea more atreased in higher density of traffic (htgher u±). Thia difference is oauaed by the paoking of messa- gea into a blook. COITCLUSION Prom the reaulta obtained we can oonclude that the link of two or mor« buaea ia eapeoially effective in auoh caaes where one bus become8 aaturated. AI30 the price for the bua linker 13 not so high that it cannot juatify the re alization of the linker. The price ia appro- ximately 5 % ot the prloe ofthe whole arcHi- teoture. '.Vhen we deal wlth a very highly coupled ayatem, one bua can be devided into several buaes which are oonneoted by bua lin- kera. Phla leada to the so oalled cluster arohltecture. 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