VESTNIK 2023 | VESTNIK 2023 | 347 VESTNIK 2023 | 349 VESTNIK 2023 | 351 18. NEDELJA MED LETOM JEZUSOVA SPREME-NITEV NA GORI TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 32/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 6.8. 2023 Fr. Dra go Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ VESTNIK Zunanji povod uvedbe praznika Jezu-sove spremenitve na gori Tabor je bila hvaležnost Cerkve, da so kristjani na ta dan, leta 1456, pod vodstvom sv. Janeza Kapistrana pri Beogradu premagali Tur-ke, ki so si hoteli podjarmiti vso Evropo. Še bolj tehten in duhovno podkrepljen razlog za uvedbo tega praznika pa je dejstvo, da ga Sveto pismo prišteva k naj-vecjim cudežem, kar jih je naredil Bog v dokaz Kristusovega božanstva, to je, da je Jezus resnicno »pravi Bog in pravi clovek«. Danes nam Cerkev ponuja »tri kose kruha« v duhovno hrano in vsi so osredinjeni na predstavitev Božje vsemogocnosti. V prvem berilu prerok Danijel v svojem videnju z zanimivimi prispo-dobami opisuje podobo Boga Oceta, sedecega na prestolu. Prva lastnost Boga je v tem, da je »njegovo oblacilo belo kakor sneg«, s cimer razlaga Božjo brezmejno svetost. Nato pravi: »Lasje nje-gove glave so kakor cista voina,« s cimer pokaže na vecni Božji obstoj, o katerem govori tudi hvalospev cetrte evharisticne molitve, ki pravi: »Od vekov si in na veke ostaneš in v nedostopni svetlobi prebivaš«. Nato vidi prerok »Boga sedecega na prestolu« in razlaga, da so njegov prestol »ognjeni plameni« in njegova »kolesa gorec ogenj«, s cimer želi poveda-ti, da je pripravljen na boj z vsemi, ki se bojujejo proti Bogu. Tako tudi podoba »ognjene reke, ki je tekla in se izlivala iz njega«, pomeni Božjo jezo nad nasprotniki, navzocnost nebešcanov pa množice svetih, ki mu v vecni liturgiji dajejo slavo. V drugem delu tega odlomka pa nam prerok predstavlja videnje Bož-jega Sina, ki prihaja »na oblakih neba«, in spoznanje, da mu je Oce iz-rocil oblast nad »vsa ljudstva, narode in jezike«. Gre za neke vrste opis liturgije ustolicenja Božjega Sina, sprejetja oblasti, ki je »vecna in ne-minljiva«, »njegovo kraljestvo pa neunicljivo«. To ustolicenje Božjega Sina se je na neki nacin izvršilo tudi na gori Tabor, saj pravi apostol Peter v drugem berilu, da je na lastne oci videl Božjo velicino in na last- na ušesa slišal Ocetov glas: »Ta je moj ljubljeni Sin, nad katerim imam veselje.« V evangeliju pa smo slišali o tem, kako je Jezus izbral tri apostole: Petra ter brata Jakoba in Janeza, da bi bili price cudežnega dogodka njegove spremeni-tve na gori Tabor. Ta dogodek je Gospod napovedal že šest dni prej, ko je dejal, da »so nekateri izmed tu-kaj stojecih, ki ne bodo okusili smrti, dokler ne bodo videli Sina clovekovega priti v njegovem kraljes-tvu« (Mt 16,28). In prav pred izbranimi apostoli se spremeni: »Obraz se mu je zasvetil kot sonce in njego-va oblacila so postala bela kot luc«. V teh besedah je sv. Avguštin prepoznal belo oblacilo Njegove neveste, Cerkve. Namrec, cetudi so grehi Cerkve kriceci kot škrlat, bo vendarle oblacilo njegove Neveste, Cerkve, zaradi milosti, ki nenehno prihaja od njenega Ženina, »blešcece kakor luc«. To pomeni, da lahko tudi mi vedno znova oblecemo »oblacilo brezmadežnosti« ter »rastemo in živimo z globoko željo, da bi napredovali na poti evangelija« (VE 151). Potrebno je le stopiti na goro spremenjenja v zakramentu svete spovedi ter se obleci z belino milosti in posvetitve Bogu. Jezusova spremenitev na gori nas vabi tudi k naši spremenitvi iz ustaljenosti k novosti življenja z Bo-gom, pa tudi spremenitvi iz bogoslužja ali obhajanja iz navade, k vecji gorecnosti in polnosti življenja iz Boga, saj pravi sv. Irenej (+203), da je »Božja slava clovek, poln življenja«. Biti poln življenja pa pomeni biti poln milosti in žara za vse plemenito, sveto in Božje, pa tudi nositi belo oblacilo cistosti in resnice tako v svojih besedah kot dejanjih, predvsem pa biti preobražen in povzdignjen k Ocetu, ki mi pravi: brat ali sestra, tudi »ti si moj ljubljeni sin ali hci, nad kate-rim imam veselje«. Da pa bomo lahko zaznali te Oce-tove besede, moramo svoje življenje in svoje poslan-stvo postaviti v odnos z Bogom, ga povzdigniti v Nje-govo narocje, da ga preobrazi, ozdravi in prenovi. Obenem je pomembno, da se sprejemamo kot ljubljeni Božji otroci in da živimo kot velikonocni kristjani, ki verujejo in zaupajo, da nas Vstali spremlja in spremi-nja na poteh našega vsakdanjega vzpenjanja na gore dolžnosti in odgovornosti, ki jih vsakdan narekuje. Prepustimo se delovanju Božje besede in ji dovoli-mo, da pronica v nas, nas opogumlja, popravlja, mo-dri, vodi in nam vliva upanje za osrecujoce življenje z Bogom in bližnjim. (dr. S. Krajnc, Prihova , Ozn. 3, 2017) 346 | VESTNIK 2023 348 | VESTNIK 2023 350 | VESTNIK 2023 352 | VESTNIK 2023 TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD R: The Lord is king, the most high over all the earth! First Reading Daniel 7:9-10. 13-14 The sovereignty of Christ is the sover-eignty of humanity over death. Second Reading 2 Peter 1:16-19 The world seems dark, because we are called to a greater light. Gospel Matthew 17:1-9 That Christ is the beloved Son of the Father is the most fundamental truth of all, and the key to the mysteries of our life. “When they raised their eyes they saw no one but only Jesus.” Illustration Climbing a mountain can be a lonely busi-ness. Yet we don’t know that there are no oth-er people climbing the mountain on another side. It is only at the top of the mountain that we might discover other people have been heading for the same place. The mountain turns out to be the place of convergence. Dan-te in his great poem, The Divine Comedy, sees Purgatory as being like a mountain, which we must climb, letting go of our sins on the way up. The mountain is a tough climb, until we are purged of our sins, and then suddenly we may make our way to the top with ease. At the top, all are gathered together in the wonder of God and the fulfilment for which we were brought into being. The three apostles certainly did not expect to find Moses and Elijah at the top of the mountain, yet who else should we expect to find at the end of the journey? Christ is the fulfilment of the law and prophecy, not just in Judaism but in all human endeav-ours. We are always seeking a law to teach us how to live together, we are always looking for some call to something higher than this life. This is the meaning of law and prophecy, and Jesus completes them both as they find their unity and fulfilment in Christ. Gospel Teaching Why did Peter offer to build tents for the three – Jesus, Moses and Elijah? Per-haps he expected Jesus to ascend into heaven alongside Moses and Elijah. So in saying, “it is wonderful for us to be here”, perhaps he was really saying to Jesus, “Stay with us, Lord.” We know from many sources that the Jews of the time believed that various figures, including Moses and Elijah, had been brought to heaven and become, as it were, superhuman figures. This may well be how Jesus was interpreted by some, as one of the ancient figures of the Old Testament having re-turned to earth. The Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke make it clear that Jesus was born of a woman. He had not come back from the dead. Yet here on the mountain of the transfig-uration, he seemed to be just such a superhuman figure and, even more, associating with superhuman figures. Perhaps indeed Peter expected him to rise up into the air just like Mo-ses and Elijah. So building tents for them would seem like a compromise. The mountain would then become the place where the world could see the divine reality. What Peter prob-ably did not expect at that moment was that they would de-scend the mountain together with Jesus, and go back into ordinary life. Application Going down from the mountain was difficult for Peter, James and John. They had glimpsed the glorious reality of the one they had chosen to follow, yet now they were going back to the cold, grey world of ordinary life. They were told to say nothing to anyone about what they had seen until the Son of Man rose from the dead, but what could they say? They didn’t understand what had happened, and they didn’t understand what the words of Christ meant either. Going down the moun-tain led to the incident where the other apostles had failed to cure a man’s son, who suffered from some sort of epilepsy. Christ said, “Faithless and perverse generation! How much longer must I be with you?” Jesus will in fact answer his own question at the very end of the Gospel, when he sends the disciples out into the world, and promises them that “I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.” Before then, he and the disciples would have to continue the struggle through the frustrating world that they lived in. It would be tempting to say that they were back to reality, but in truth they had left reality behind them on the mountain. It is this world that is full of illusions, fooling us into thinking that it is more real than heaven. Yet it is in this world of illusory rewards that we make our way to heaven. Faith tells us that there is nothing ordinary. Faith transfigures our ordinary lives. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS Na racun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 4. avgusta 2023: - $180.251. - Vplacali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Aug. 6 - Slovenski Park - Civic Holiday Week-end - Sunday, Mass at 1:00 p.m. - Aug. 6 - Lipa Park - Music in the Park Picnic - Aug. 12 - Breslau - Maša in Picnic - 1:00 p.m. - Aug. 15-18 - St. Gregory the Great - Day Camp - Sept. 1-3 - Slovenski Park - Labour Day CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Aug. 19th - Lojzka Novak and team - Sept. 2nd - Groznik, Erzar Lukežic - Sept. 16th - Gosgnach team BRALEC - READER Sidonia Poppa SLOVENIAN SUMMER DAY CAMP Slovenian Summer Day Camp is just around the corner. We have so many activities planned August 15 to August 18 for kids between the ages of 5 and 12. If you have younger children that you think would like to join in, all are wel-come with adult supervision. And remember to mark your calendars for our Friday evening BBQ and end of camp annual Campers vs. Family soccer game. It is always a fun evening for all. Please contact me at or 905-317-6002 to register. Also, any high school students looking to get their hours in - We are happy to have you volunteer with us. Contact me and sign up. Pass the word around to family and friends of our community and let’s make our first camp back since 2019 a great one! Heidy Novak POKOJNI - DECEASED V soboto, 29. julija, je odšel k Bogu po vecno pla-cilo naš faran Leopold Kli-ne, star 94 let. Od njega ste se lahko poslovili v cetrtek, 3. avgu-sta v naši cerkvi, kjer je bila ob 11h dopoldne tudi po-grebna sveta maša. Po maši smo ga položili k vecnemu pocitku na slo-venskem delu pokopališca Gate of Heaven poleg žene Ljudmile (+2005). Iskreno sožalje hcerkama Polly in Millie in njunima družinama. Pokojni Leopold pa naj uživa vecni mir in pokoj. V Prekmurju je 4. avgusta umrla Marija Gabor, doma iz Trnja, stara 73 let. Pogreb pokojne je v nedeljo, 6. avgusta v Žiških. Pokojna je sestra od Ignaca Dogar (London). V naši župniji smo opravili sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše v soboto, 5. avgusta zve-cer. Za sveto mašo sta darovala brat Ignac Dogar z družino in svakinja Angela Antolin z družino. Iskreno sožalje vsem žalujocim, po-kojni Mariji pa vecni mir in pokoj. SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a per-sonal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO Svete maše - Masses 18. NEDELJA MED LE-TOM 6. AVGUST Jezusova spremenitev na gori † †† † † †† † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Max Pavlicic Paula in Rudy Levstek Franc Raduha Max Pavlicic Ivan in Rozina Doma Jože Rajner Ivan in Cecilija Sobocan Za zdravje Pokojni clani društva 10:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. - - - - - - - Karol Ferko z družino Levstek & McLean Families Žena z družino Helen Špiler Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Toni in Marija Franc z družino Janez Lovrencec Anica Saje Slovenski park V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Šušteršic Janez Thursday, August 7, 2003 Babic Jožefa Thursday, August 8, 2002 Krampac Annie Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Verdinšek Franc Sunday, August 9, 2020 Žagar Anne Tuesday, August 10, 1982 Kremesec Terezija Wednesday, August 10, 1988 Tompa Ivan John Tuesday, August 11, 2015 Dorencec Irma Tuesday, August 13, 2019 V nedeljo, 13. avgusta bo gostovala pri nas Vokalna skupina ARDEO iz primorske. Najprej bodo dekleta pele pri sveti maši ob 10h, potem pa bodo imele še kratek koncert po maši. Vokalno skupino Ardeo, ki deluje pod okriljem Kul-turno-prosvetnega društva Šempas, sestavljamo osem vedno nasmejanih deklet. Ardeo v latinšcini pomeni goreti, žareti in tudi biti zaljubljen. Druži nas ljubezen do petja in glasbe, ki jo gojimo že od malih nog, ter medsebojne prijateljske vezi. V razlicnih zasedbah delu-jemo že od leta 2016, od leta 2018 pa nas vodi študen-tka glasbene pedagogike Maja Bratina. Zasedba prihaja iz razlicnih koncev Goriške. Sestav-ljamo jo Maja Bratina, Mateja Mikluš, Sara Faganel, Klara Pregelj, Kristina Pregelj, Veronika Pregelj, Neja Peršic in Andreja Grobiša. Pri petju poleg a cappella izvedb uporabljamo tudi inštrumente in sicer klaviature, kitaro, precno flavto, pri mašah tudi orgle. Prepevamo na kulturnih prireditvah, civilnih in cer-kvenih porokah, pri mašah, na praznovanjih rojstnih dni ter drugih obletnicah in slavjih. Z veseljem se odzovemo vabilom na razlicne koncerte in ostale prireditve po celi Sloveniji. Naš repertoar pesmi je raznolik, saj vkljucuje vse od slovenskih ljudskih pesmi, popularnih skladb do priredb tujih pesmi, pa tudi dalmatinske uspešnice. PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 7. AVGUST Kajetan duhovnik †† † Pok. iz družine Karlin Ivanka Hafner 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Jožica Novak z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 8. AVGUST Dominik, redovni ustanov. † † Aldo Cesen Biserka 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (4) Štefka Eržen SREDA - WEDNESDAY 9. AVGUST Terezija (Edith Stein), red. †† †† Joe in Paulina Ordyniec Francka in Ivanka 7:00 P.M. Olga Glavac z družino Jožica Novak z družino CETRTEK - THURSDAY 10. AVGUST Lovrenc, diakon-muc. † Joe Tompa Za zdravje 7:00 P.M. Sestra Marija Jožica Vegelj z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 11. AVGUST Klara (Jasna), devica † † Ivan Tompa, obl. Ivan Žižek 7:00 P.M. Kathleen & Tony Ceric Žena z družino SOBOTA - SATURDAY 12. AVGUST Ivana Šantalska, redovnica Lelija, devica †† † † †† †† † † † † Pokojni clani društva Ana Baric (Mravinec) Lojze Prilesnik Majda in Frank Cagran Starši in brat Šerbec Frank Verdinšek, obl. Stanislav in Kristina Štefan Stanko Anton Oberman, obl. 1:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. Bivša dvorana Breslau Jože in Angela Prilesnik z družino Vanda z družino Družina Mirt Zinka Mirt Marija Volf Olga Hanc z družino Olga Hanc z družino Sestra Stanka Malevic z družino 19. NEDELJA MED LETOM 13. AVGUST Hipolit in Poncijan, muc. †† † † †† †† † † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Irma Dorencec, obl. Ivan Zelko Pokojni iz družine Ramuš Pokojni iz družine Peternel Ivan Mertuk Max Pavlicic Joža in Janez Šušteršic Irma Dorencec, obl. 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z družino Mož Ignac z družino Matilda Bratuž Sonja Peternel z družino Sonja Peternel z družino Emilia, Kathy & ivan Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Družini Šušteršic in Novak Matilda Prša SVETE MAŠE - MASSES