G. MUTHURAMAN et al.: ENHANCED STABILITY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF A BaTiO3/PbO2 ... 211–215 ENHANCED STABILITY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF A BaTiO3/PbO2 ELECTRODE VIA A LAYER OBTAINED WITH LAYER ELECTRODEPOSITION IZBOLJ[ANA STABILNOST IN ELEKTROKEMIJSKA ZMOGLJIVOST ELEKTRODE BaTiO3/PbO2, IZDELANE Z ELEKTRODEPOZICIJO PLAST NA PLAST Govindan Muthuraman, Kannan Karunakaran, Il Shik Moon Department of Chemical Engineering, Sunchon National University, #255 Jungangno, Suncheon 540-742, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea ismoon@sunchon.ac.kr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-08-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-03-24 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.200 Herein, the electrodeposition of BaTiO3 and PbO2 on Ti using the layer-by-layer method under different current densities (CDs) and times, was investigated. The weight difference in the deposited BaTiO3 explains the BaTiO3 weight decrease by one order with the increasing CD from 0.025 A cm–2 to 0.125 A cm–2 and also follows the same trend during the PbO2 deposition. The PbO2 deposition at different CDs demonstrates that the deposited PbO2 weight increases by one order with the increasing CD. Also, cyclic voltammetry results explain the low and moderate deposition CDs and the time suitably shows the PbO2 redox behavior. According to SEM and XRD, a CD of 0.05 A cm–2 affects the formation of crystalline BaTiO3 and PbO2 more than higher or lower CDs. Finally, the BaTiO3 and PbO2 layer-by-layer electrode electrodeposited at a moderate CD showed a better stability than the electrode including only PbO2. The use of BaTiO3 is promising for the stability of the PbO2 electrode preparation. Keywords: BaTiO3, PbO2, electrodeposition, layer by layer, electrode stability Preiskovana je bila elektrodepozicija BaTiO3 in PbO2 na Ti, z uporabo metode plast na plast, pri razli~nih ~asih in gostotah toka (CD). Razlike v te`i BaTiO3 razlo`ijo nara{~anje te`e BaTiO3 za red velikosti zaradi nara{~anja CD, od 0,025 A cm–2 do 0,125 A cm–2. Podoben trend je bil opa`en tudi pri nana{anju PbO2. Pri nana{anju PbO2, razli~ni CD ka`ejo nara{~anje te`e nanesenega PbO2 za red velikosti z nara{~anjem CD. Tudi cikli~na voltametrija razlo`i majhen in srednji CD in ~as ustrezno ka`e redoks vedenje PbO2. SEM in XRD z 0,05 A cm–2 vodita nastanek kristalini~nega BaTiO3 in PbO2 bolj kot vi{ji in ni`ji CD. Kon~no se ka`e bolj{a stabilnost elektrode elektronane{enega BaTiO3 in PbO2 plast na plast pri zmernih CD, kot pa pri PbO2 elektrodi. Uporaba BaTiO3 je obetajo~a za stabilnost priprave PbO2 elektrode. Klju~ne besede: BaTiO3, PbO2, elektro nana{anje, plast na plast, stabilnost elektrode 1 INTRODUCTION PbO2 clearly emerges as an attractive material used as an anode for a direct oxidation of organic compounds due to its high oxygen-evolution potential, low price, relative stability under the high positive potentials required, stability at high temperatures and ease of pre- paration.1–3 Its high overpotential for O2 evolution allows the application of potentials to about 2.0 V versus a satu- rated calomel electrode (SCE) in an acidic medium without vigorous O2 evolution.4 The PbO2 electrodes have some disadvantages, i.e., they corrode at high rates under reducing conditions and in some acids, and they have poor mechanical properties. Its composites with various oxides (e.g., Al2O3, RuO2, and TiO2) are known4–6 for a high catalytic activity and stability. Among many ways of preparation, such as the sol-gel technology, the plasma-chemical method, etc., the electrochemical synthesis is the most promising method, easy to implement, allowing the technological para- meters to be varied smoothly for a better control of the composition and properties of the resulting composi- tes.4–6 The - and -types of PbO2, applied layer by layer on metal anodes have been widely used in electrolysis.7,8 Generally, titanium is not a viable substrate for practical electrodes in electrodepositing non-ferrous metals. Alu- minum is relatively cheap and has a good conductivity. The electrode material obtained by electrodepositing lead dioxide on an A1 substrate has huge market pros- pects. A stress-free intermediate -PbO2 coating is pro- duced with electrodeposition from an alkaline lead bath9 and it plays the role of the binder on the top -PbO2 coating, improving the service life of the electrode. A non-conducting ceramic material has also been used as the substrate to achieve a high stability of PbO2 with the fluorine resin as the co-dopant on the upper layer.10 In the present investigation, perovskite-type BaTiO3 is applied to Ti as the lower layer using the hydrothermal electrodeposition method. As the top/upper layer, PbO2 is to applied. The effects of the thickness of both layers are controlled with the current density and the deposition Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 211–215 211 UDK 544.6:544.032.1:669.058 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(2)211(2016) time to achieve the electrode stability and activity. Thus, the main work of this paper deals with the layer-by-layer deposition of BaTiO3 and PbO2 and its influence on the PbO2 electrode stability and electrochemical application as a sandwich-type electrode. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 2.1 Electrodeposition Electrolysis was performed using a DC power supply, BS 32C (0–100 V, 0–50 A) from the Korea Switching Company, Korea, using the constant-current mode (the galvanostatic mode). Before the electrolysis start, the anode was initially immersed in the electrolyte for 1 min to stabilize its surface state. The deposition was per- formed in two steps: in the first step, BaTiO3 was formed as the lower coating on a pretreated Ti electrode at 65 °C using a current-density range of 0.025–0.125 A cm–2 for 15–60 min. The BaTiO3 deposited electrode was washed after its deposition in hot ammonia water adjusted to pH 11 to minimize the BaCO3 formation. It was then rinsed in purified Millipore water and cleaned in ethanol with an ultrasonic cleaner for 1 min. Then, -PbO2 was deposited as the upper layer using a current-density (CD) range of 0.025–0.125 A cm–2 for 15–60 min in a 0.1 M HNO3 medium at 65 °C. 2.2 Analysis Cyclic-voltammetry (CV) measurements were per- formed using a VersaSTAT3 from Princeton Applied Research, USA. The electrochemical cell was a three- electrode cell with a working electrode, a platinum-plate counter electrode and an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. The working electrode was prepared with the electro- deposition method. Scanning electron microscopy of the prepared PbO2 electrodes was carried out with Zeiss EVO MA10 to investigate the surface morphology of the films. The XRD patterns of the as-prepared PbO2 sam- ples were obtained from an X’PERT-PRO X-ray diffractometer with Cu-K radiation ( = 0.1540598 nm). The electrolysis was done using a DC power supply from KSC, Korea, with an applied CD of 0.3 A cm–2 in 1 M H2SO4. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1 Selection of deposition conditions As the CD and time are the key factors to control the deposition, the initial work was done to identify the suitable deposition time and CD for the first and second layers of BaTiO3 and PbO2, respectively. First, the BaTiO3 layer was deposited using four different CDs of (0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.125) A cm–2 with four different durations such as (15, 30, 45, 60) min, by keeping the PbO2 (the second layer) deposition parameters (CD = 0.05 A cm–2, 30 min duration) constant. As mentioned in the experimental section, the BaTiO3 and PbO2 deposi- tions were done in different solutions and the obtained results are tabulated in Table 1. It is seen from the 1st row and 4th column of Table 1 that the weight of the deposited BaTiO3 shows no consistency with different deposition times (15–60 min) within a single CD (0.025 A cm–2); a similar inconsistency is also shown for the PbO2 deposition, the 5th column. However, with the in- creasing CD during the BaTiO3 deposition from 0.025 to 0.125 A cm–2, shown in the 1st to the 4th rows, the deposited BaTiO3 weight is reduced by one order from 0.01 to 0.001 (the 5th column). Table 1: Deposited-electrode weight difference in each step of: 1) BaTiO3 and 2) PbO2 at different current densities and times Tabela 1: Razlika v masi nane{ene elektrode za vsako stopnjo: 1) BaTiO3 in 2) PbO2 pri razli~nih gostotah tokov in ~asih BaTiO3 coating PbO2 coating Electrode weightdifference (g) CD@ (A cm–2) Time (min) CD@ (A cm–2) Time (min) BaTiO3 PbO2 0.025 15 0.05 30 0.0222 0.2837 30 0.0181 0.2929 45 -0.0034 0.3043 60 0.024 0.3041 0.05 15 0.05 30 -0.0027 0.0649 30 0.0052 0.2681 45 0.0055 0.2969 60 -0.0087 0.2997 0.1 15 0.05 30 0.0094 0.0908 30 0.0054 0.0217 45 -0.0089 0.0338 60 -0.0076 0.0800 0.125 15 0.05 30 0.0032 0.0702 30 -0.0372 * 45 0.0629 * 60 0.0397 0.0456 0.025 30 0.025 15 0.0159 -0.0318 30 0.0091 -0.0133 45 0.0084 0.1065 60 0.0167 0.4092 0.025 30 0.05 15 -0.0594 0.2779 30 0.0105 0.2188 45 -0.0180 0.0140 60 -0.0065 0.5551 0.025 30 0.1 15 0.1020 0.1611 30 -0.0423 0.3547 45 -0.0137 0.4100 30 -0.0362 0.2384 0.025 30 0.125 15 * * 30 * * 45 * * 60 * * *Dissolution of electrode, @CD = current density, lower than the original weight In a similar way, the deposited PbO2 weight also decreases by one order with the increasing CD (the 6th column – from 0.1 to 0.01). At the same time, the results are different if the PbO2 deposition CD is varied at a G. MUTHURAMAN et al.: ENHANCED STABILITY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF A BaTiO3/PbO2 ... 212 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 211–215 fixed CD and time of the BaTiO3 deposition (5th to 8th rows of Table 1) where the weight of BaTiO3 is main- tained constant but the deposited PbO2 weight is increased by one order with the increasing CD (the 6th column of the 5th to 8th rows in Table 1). It is maintained on the basis of the results that the formation of BaTiO3 on the Ti electrode influenced further deposition of PbO2, which means that the conductivity was lower when BaTiO3 completely covered the electrode due to the dielectric properties of BaTiO3. A similar trend applied to the PbO2 deposition carried out at a high CD and a fixed, low CD of the BaTiO3 deposition where a complete dissolution of the deposited film was observed. Further, through a CV analysis, the electron-transfer behavior of the deposited electrode can be inferred on the basis of PbO2 redox properties. Figure 1a shows the PbO2 redox response to the effects of various CDs and times of the BaTiO3 deposition, where no redox peaks for PbO2 are observed except for two CD variations in the BaTiO3 deposition: 0.025 (45 min) A cm–2 and 0.05 (45 min) A cm–2. In all the remaining conditions, only a charge transfer like the CV response is observed. In the case of the variation in the PbO2 deposition, 60 min and 0.025 A cm–2 or 0.05 A cm–2, CD only shows redox peaks that resemble PbO2,11 as shown in Figure 1b. Under another two conditions, a CD of 0.1 A cm–2 over 45 min and 60 min deposition times, the PbO2 deposition indicates a low oxidation current. All the remaining conditions show a charging current like the CV response without any redox peaks as not enough PbO2 is exposed on the electrode surface. This is well correlated with the deposited weight of PbO2 in the 1st, 2nd and 7th rows of the 6th column of Table 1, where only the deposited PbO2 weight is higher than in the other conditions. 3.2 Morphological characterization SEM images of the BaTiO3 and PbO2 deposited at different conditions are depicted in Figure 2. The first layer of BaTiO3 shows no distinctive difference in the SEM image and it looks almost like a needle structure in micrometer size, as shown in Figure 2a. Both layers deposited at 0.025 A cm–2 show a densely deposited PbO2 layer (Figure 2b). There is a defect in the PbO2 G. MUTHURAMAN et al.: ENHANCED STABILITY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF A BaTiO3/PbO2 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 211–215 213 Figure 1: CV results for electrodeposited BaTiO3/PbO2 using different current densities and times in a 0.1 M phosphate buffer solution at a scan rate of 20 mV s–1: a) variation in BaTiO3 deposition current density and time with fixed current density and time (0.05 A cm–2, 30 min) of PbO2 deposition, b) variation in PbO2 deposition current density and time with fixed current density and time (0.025 A cm–2, 30 min) of BaTiO3 deposition Slika 1: Rezultati cikli~ne voltametrije elektro nane{enega BaTiO3/ PbO2, pri uporabi razli~nih gostot tokov in ~asov, v 0,1 M fosfatni puferski raztopini pri hitrosti skeniranja 20 mV s–1: a) spreminjanje gostote toka in ~asa nana{anja BaTiO3 od stalne gostote toka in ~asa (0,05 A cm–2, 30 min) pri nana{anju PbO2, b) spreminjanje gostote toka in ~asa nana{anja PbO2 pri stalni gostoti toka in ~asa (0,025 A cm–2, 30 min) nana{anja BaTiO3 Figure 2: SEM images of BaTiO3 and PbO2 electrodes, deposited at different CDs and times: a) BaTiO30.1(45 min), b) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/ PbO20.025(60 min), c) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/PbO20.1(60 min), d) BaTiO30.05(45 min)/ PbO20.05(30 min), e) BaTiO30.1(45 min)/PbO20.05(30 min) Slika 2: SEM-posnetki BaTiO3 in PbO2 elektrod, nane{enih pri raz- li~nih CD in ~asih: a) BaTiO30,1(45 min), b) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/ PbO20,025(60 min), c) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/PbO20,1(60 min), d) BaTiO30,05(45 min)/ PbO20,05(30 min), e) BaTiO30,1(45 min)/PbO20,05(30 min) coating if the PbO2 deposition CD increased to 0.1 A cm–2 (Figure 2c). The film cracking is more dominant if both layers were deposited at a CD of 0.05 A cm–2 (Figure 2d). The film cracking is more enhanced if the BaTiO3 layer was deposited at 0.1 A cm–2 (Figure 2e). When both layers were deposited at a low CD of 0.025 A cm–2, there is a smooth layer with smaller particles. Figure 3a shows the XRD patterns of the BaTiO3 deposited electrodes using different CDs and times with a fixed PbO2 deposition. With the applied CD of 0.05 A cm–2, the BaTiO3 peak reflections are less intense at 2 values of about 31.03, 38.58, 41.88, and 55.47 (VRC# 01-075-0213) along with the Ti reflections. Additionally, BaCO3 also appeared on the surface, with a 2 peak at about 23.85 (VRC# 00-044-1487) that might have occurred after the deposition of BaTiO3 due to high pH.12 The BaTiO3 peak intensity increased when the deposition CD increased to 0.1 A cm–2 as shown on curve b in Figure 3a. The lowest CD (0.025 A cm–2) caused a decrease in the crystallinity of BaTiO3, which turned to the amorphous phase; see a broad peak between 2 of 20–35 on curve c of Figure 3. In the case of the PbO2 deposition, the deposited electrode using various CDs and times shows peaks for the PbO2 formation (VRC# 01-076-0564) as shown in Figure 3b. The only difference found is a peak-intensity decrease at a 2 value of about 28.49 when the PbO2 is deposited at 0.1 A cm–2 and 0.05 A cm–2 (60 min and 30 min) on the top of the BaTiO3 deposition using the 0.025 A cm–2 and 0.1 A cm–2 CDs in the 30 min and 45 min durations (Figure 3b, curves b and d). It is evident from the results that the 2 of 28.49 belongs to the (111) plane13, whose peak intensity is reduced, which means that the -PbO2 formation is predominant at this given condition. As seen on curve b in Figure 3a, the BaTiO3 formation is more prominent at the 0.05 A cm–2 CD, which means that the BaTiO3 concentration increases the -PbO2 formation during the PbO2 deposition. It is well known that the -PbO2 formation enhances the catalytic activity tremendously.14 3.3 Stability analysis In order to apply the prepared electrodes, the selectively prepared electrodes obtained their stability in 1 M H2SO4 due to an enhanced CD of 0.3 A cm–2, as depicted in Figure 4. An electrode that was prepared at a CD of 0.05 A cm–2 (45 min) for BaTiO3 and at 0.05 A cm–2 (30 min) for the PbO2 deposition showed a 3.9 V cell voltage up to 110 h (Figure 4, curve a); and after the potential sharply increased to 22 V the prepared elec- trode was decomposed. In the case of the increase in the BaTiO3 deposition at the CD of 0.1 A cm–2 when the G. MUTHURAMAN et al.: ENHANCED STABILITY AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF A BaTiO3/PbO2 ... 214 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 2, 211–215 Figure 4: Electrolysis of different electrodes in 1 M H2SO4 at accelerated current density of 0.3 A cm–2: a) BaTiO30.05(45 min)/ PbO20.05(30 min), b) BaTiO30.1(45 min)/PbO20.05(30 min), c) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/ PbO20.025(60 min), d) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/ PbO20.1(60 min), e) PbO20.025(60 min) Slika 4: Elektroliza razli~nih elektrod v 1 M H2SO4 pri pospe{eni gostoti toka 0,3 A cm–2: a) BaTiO30,05(45 min)/PbO20,05(30 min), b) BaTiO30,1(45 min)/PbO20,05(30 min), c) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/PbO20,025(60 min), d) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/PbO20,1(60 min), e) PbO20,025(60 min) Figure 3: a) XRD patterns of current-density and time variation (mentioned in the figure) of BaTiO3 deposition, b) XRD patterns of BaTiO3/PbO2 prepared at various current densities and times: a) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/PbO20.025(60 min), b) BaTiO30.025(30 min)/ PbO20.1(60 min), c) BaTiO30.05(45 min)/PbO20.05(30 min), d) BaTiO30.1(45 min)/ PbO20.05(30 min) Slika 3: a) Rentgenogram spreminjanja gostote toka in ~asa pri nana{anju BaTiO3, b) rentgenogram BaTiO3/PbO2, pripravljenega pri razli~nih gostotah toka in ~asih: a) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/PbO20,025(60 min), b) BaTiO30,025(30 min)/PbO20,1(60 min), c) BaTiO30,05(45 min)/ PbO20,05(30 min), d) BaTiO30,1(45 min)/PbO20,05(30 min) other conditions stayed the same, the decomposition of the electrode occurred at around 40 h, which means that the stability was reduced with the increasing CD (Figure 4, curve b). In the case of the lowest CD (0.025 A cm–2) used for both the BaTiO3 and PbO2 depositions for 30 min and 60 min, respectively, the stability increased to 180 h (Figure 4, curve c). By keeping the BaTiO3 CD of 0.025 A cm–2 and changing the PbO2 CD to 0.1 A cm–2 over 60 min, the stability of the prepared electrode tremendously decreased to 20 h, as observed in Figure 4, curve d. Finally, only the PbO2 electrode deposited at the CD of 0.025 A cm–2 in 60 min, showing a stability of 48 h (Figure 4, curve e) explains a high influence of the BaTiO3 layer on the stability of the PbO2 electrode. 4 CONCLUSIONS We successfully investigated an electrodeposition of BaTiO3 and PbO2 on Ti using the layer-by-layer method under different conditions. The weight measurement confirms that the BaTiO3 and PbO2 formation is opti- mum at a moderate CD of 50 A cm–2 and a deposition time of 30–45 min. In addition, CV results confirm the same finding through the redox behavior of PbO2. 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