ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME III No. 16 - 11 June 1950 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1950 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 107 EMPLOYMENT AND PLACING OF WORKERS - AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 85/1949 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend Article X of Order No. 85 dated 25 April 1949 relating to the employment and placing of workers whithin that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article X of Order No. 85 dated 25 April 1949 is hereby cancelled and substituted by the following: „ARTICLE X „Section 1 — Employers have the option of hiring directly, and without the intermediary of the Labor Office ,for work by the day or for casual work, provided such workers are „registered as unemployed and the work be necessarily of an urgent and undelayable nature. „Section 2 — For this purpose the employer, who finds himself occasionally and periodically compelled, by the nature of his work, to avail himself of day or casual labor, shall „apply beforehand for a general authorization to the Labor Office which will give its final decision direct to the employer after considering all the circumstances of the application. „Section 3 — All employers who have received authorization for such direct hiring shall, „in any case, transmit to the Labor Office, every 15 days, a list of the names of the above wor-„kers employed by them during the foregoing fortnight. Sucht list be compiled in duplicate and „shall show, for each worker, his surname, his Christian name, his father’s name and the number of his unemployment card, as well as the number of days worked by him during the „aforesaid period.“ ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 30th day of May 1950. Ref. : LDIAI50I109 CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General TJ. S. Army Director General, Civil Affairs ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW FREE AREA WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish a new free area within the locality named „Ex Arsenale“ in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-XJnited States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE 1 A new free area, to be named „Ex Arsenale“, is hereby established in the locality named „Ex Arsenale“, between the S. Marco shipyard and „Arsenale Triestino“. The said area is marked off on the map appended to this Order and deposited with the Department of Legal Affairs, where it may be freely consulted by all interested persons. ARTICLE II The new free area „Ex Arsenale“ established by this Order shall be subject to the provisions of (a) R.D. 15 September 1022 No. 1356, Article 11, (b) R.D. 24 February 1924, No. 225, Article 4 (c) ,and (c) Decree issued by the Ministry of Finance dated 20 December 1925, approving customs regulations for the operation of the Trieste Free Area. ARTICLE III The operation of the above named new free area is entrusted to Magazzini Generali, Trieste. ARTICLE IV Order No. 60 dated 28 March 1950 is hereby repealed. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LDfAf50I112 Director General, Civil Affairs DEPOSIT OF APPEALS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL COUNCIL WHEREAS by Order No. 59 dated 28 March 1949 an Administrative Appeal Council was established within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), to consider and decide upon appeals lodged against the decisions of the Zone Administrative Board ; WHEREAS by Article I, Section 2, of said Order No. 59 it was established that the procedure before the Administrative Appeal Council shall be that prescribed by law for proceedings before the jurisdictional Sections of the Council of State ; and WHEREAS, pending the actual establishment of said Administrative Appeal Council and the Office of the Secretary it is necessary to provide for the depositing of appeals in accordance with art. 36 of R.D. No. 1054 of 26 June 1924, so that the appellants rights may be protected, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1 — Pending the establishment of the Office of the Secretary to the Administrative Appeal Council established within the Zone by Order No. 59 dated 28 March 1949, the duties of the said Office shall be temporarily performed by the Department of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government. Section 2 — Appeals which have been already deposited with the Department of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, shall be considered as deposited in accordance with Art. 36 of R.D. No. 1054 of 26 June 1924. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me, Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of June 1950. CLYDE D, EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LDIAI50I120 Director General, Civil Affairs PROVISIONS CONCERNING MOVING PICTURES WITH REDUCED SIZE FILMS (CINEMATOGRAFIA A PASSO RIDOTTO) WHEREAS it is considered advisable to facilitate performances of moving pictures with reduced size films within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Moving pictures with reduced size films (spettacoli cinematografici con pellicole a formato ridotto) may be performed with non inflammable films only. ARTICLE II Operating rooms, safety appliances and precautionary measures as prescribed by article 117 of the Regulation for the execution of the Consolidated Text of the Public Safety Laws, approved by R.D. 6 May ,1940, No. 635, shall not be compulsory in premises destined for moving pictures with reduced size films. t ARTICLE III While the obligation of a preliminary permit as set forth in R.D.L. 3 February 1936, No. 419 for fractions of Communes and for Communes without cinema-halls remains unaltered, the inspection of premises to be destined for moving pictures with reduced size films shall be assigned to a Commission consisting of the Mayor, the Sanitary Official, a technician, of the „Genio Civile“ and an officer of the Fire Service assisted by the Communal Secretary. The Commission’s opinion shall be given in writing and must be reached with the participation and approval of all members. ARTICLE IV Contraveners of the rules contained in this Order shall be liable to punishment in terms of Article 17 of the Consolidated Text of the Public Safety Laws, as approved by R.D. 18 June 1931, No. 773. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. ; LDfAf5oj8y Director General, Civil Affairs EXTENSION OF THE VALIDITY OF ORDER No. 10/1950, RELATING TO THE IMPORTATION TREE OF CUSTOMS AND LICENCE DUTIES OF ROUGH COMMON WOOD DESTINED FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF MECHANICAL AND CHEMICAL WOOD PULP (CELLULOSE) WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the validity of Order No. 10 dated 20 January i950, relating to the importation free of Customs and Licence duties of rough common wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood pulp (cellulose) in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The quantity of rough wood, or of wood simply split, for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood pulp (cellulose) allowed to he imported free of Customs and Licence duties pursuant to Order No. 10 of 20 January 1950 and which remains to be imported on 31st December 1949, may be admitted under the terms referred to in the said Order up to the 30th June 1950. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 3rd day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LD/Af 50/95 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 112 FISCAL PRIVILEGES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ZAULE INDUSTRIAL PORT WHEREAS it is deemed opportune to grant to „Ente Porto Industrial di Zaule“, as established by Order No. 104 of 12 May 1949, particular fiscal privileges for all acts performed in accordance with its statutory objects, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I For the purposes of the application of any tax or duty provided for by any general or-special law, „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“, as established by Order No. 104 of 12 May 1949, shall benefit, for all acts performed in accordance with its statutory aims, by the same privileges as are enjoyed by Statal Administrations. ARTICLE II The said Body shall likewise be entitled to all the fiscal privileges provided for by Article II of Order No. 102 dated 12 May 1949, as amended, in respect of works which it will directly or indirectly perform within the Zaule Industrial Port, in accordance with its statutory aims. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 3rd day of June 1950. CLYDE D. EDDLEMAN Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/AIjoIi2i Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 34 APPOINTMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE WHEREAS Article VII of Order No. n dated 31 August 1945 as amended by Article I of Order No. 106 dated 23 May 1950 provides that the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture shall be appointed by the Allied Military Government, NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — Capt. Antonio Cosulich is hereby appointed President of the Chamber of Com- merce, Industry and Agriculture. 2. — This Order shall have effect as from 1 June 1950 and shall enter into force at the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of June 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDjB!50I35 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 35 LEGAL RECOGNITION OF SERGIO AND ALDO GENITONI WHEREAS SVRIAN Vincenzo of late Pietro residing at Trieste, Via Maiolica No. io, has legally recognized his adulterine sons Sergio and Aldo Genitoni by Notarial deed dated September 20, 1949 and has asked for a declaration of efficacy of the recognition, pursuant to Article 252, second and third paragraph of the Civil Code, and WHEREAS all conditions prescribed by said law have been complied with ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel, F.A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The legal recognition made by SURIAN Vincenzo by Notarial deed dated Sep- tember 20, 1949 in respect of his adulterine sons Sergio GENITONI bom at Trieste on May 2, 1929 and Aldo GENITONI bom at Trieste on April 6, 1930, is hereby granted to all effects, pursuant to Article 252, second and third paragraph of the Civil Code. 2. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F.A. Executive Director to Ref. : LD\B\$o\33 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 36 LEGAL RECOGNITION OF NIDIA AND MARIA PIA FRANCO - ROSSALDI WHEREAS ROSSALDI Luigi of late Carlo, resident in Trieste, via Imbriani No. I, has legally recognized his adulterine daughters Nidia and Maria Pia FRANCO - ROSSALDI by a Notarial deed dated March 8, 1950 and has asked for a declaration of efficacy of the recognition, pursuant to Article 252 second and third paragraphs of the Civil Code, and WHEREAS all conditions prescribed by said law have been complied with ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The legal recognition made by ROSSALDI Luigi by Notarial deed dated March 8, 1950 in respect of his adulterine daughters Nidia FRANCO-ROSSALD1 born at TRIESTE on March 2, 1929 and Maria Pia FRANCO-ROSSALDI bom at Trieste on August 14, 1939, is hereby granted to all effects, pursuant to Article 252, second and third paragraph of the Civil Code. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1950. VONNA F. BURGER Colonel F. A. Executive Director to Ref. : LDIBI50I34 Director General, Civil Affairs Administrative Order No. 37 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mario CABRIN born at Trieste on July 20, i8gy, resident at Trieste, Piazza della Borsa No. 4, has complied with the law formalities required to obtain the change of his surname into that of CAPRIN according to the authority granted to him by Director of Legal Affairs on March 15, 1950, and WHEREAS said person has now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected and be valid also in respect of his wife Anna VIOLIN, and WHEREAS the provisions of Titolo VIII chapter I of R.D. No. 1328 of July 9,1939 on the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections having been raised. NOW, THEREFORE, I, VONNA F. BURGER, Colonel F. A., Executive Director to Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: 1. — The surname of the interested person Mr. Mario CABRIN is hereby changed into „CAPRIN“ and the change is valid also in respect of his wife Anna VIOLIN. 2. —■ The applicant will provide for the inscription of this Order in the proper reg- ister of births and the annotation at foot of the deed itself, according to the existing Law. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1950. VONNA F. BURRGER Colonel F. A Executive Director to Ref. : LDIBI50I36 Director General, Civil Affairs MINIMUM WAGES FOR JANITORS IN THE EMPLOYMENT OF HOUSE OWNERS, NOT REGISTERED WITH ASSOCIATION OF THE CATEGORY NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established 'pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1st December 1947, has issue in respect of janitors in the employment of house owners, not registered with Association of the category the following award: LODO ARTICOLO 1 CLASSIFICA DEI LAVORATORI A partire dal 15 aprile 1950 ai portieri di cui in premessa, sarà praticato un trattamento economico nella misura e nella forma indicate in appresso. GRUPPO A) Portieri d’ambo i sessi ai quali vengono affidati anche la vigilanza e la custodia degli stabili adibiti ad uso di abitazione o ad altro uso. GRUPPO B) Tutti gli altri portieri d’ambo i sessi. GRUPPO C) Presta-servizi. Sono esclusi dalla presente classifica i portieri quando la loro prestazione ha carattere personale e domestico e cioè quando essi sono addetti a stabili abitati soltanto da parenti od affini entro il terzo grado anche se in appartamento separato, nonché i portieri che sono addetti a stabili destinati prevalentemente a sedi di Ditte industriali e commerciali. Ai fini dei minimi di salario e delle indennità dovute al portiere, gli stabili sono classificati in 4 categorie in relazione ai seguenti elementi ed al numero dei vani che compongono i fabbricati. 1) scale di marmo di granito o di altri materiali che richiedono una lucidatura 2) ascensore 3) montacarichi 4) impianto centrale di riscaldamento o impianto di riscaldamento autonomo nei singoli appartamenti o studi 5) impianto e distribuzione di acqua calda 6) latrina di servizio 7) citofoni (portavoce) 8) autorimesse per inquilini 9) impianto di telefono urbano con centralino in portineria IO) bagni installati nei singoli appartamenti. ARTICOLO 2 STABILI DI I.a CATEGORIA Appartengono alla I.a categoria quelli stabili destinati anche promiscuamente ad uso di abitazione o studio professionale o commerciale che abbiano non meno di 70 vani con un meno di 7 degli elementi indicati nell’Art. 1 e gli appartamenti o studi abbiano un minimo di 5 vani ciascuno oltre gli accessoii. A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette — Voi. Ill, No. 1G — 11 June 1950 285 STABILI DI Il.a CATEGORIA Appartengono alla II.a categoria gli stabili destinati anche promiscuamente ad uso di abitazione o studio professionale o commerciale che abbiano non meno di 60 vani con 6 degli elementi indicati nel precedente Art. 1 e gli appartamenti o studi abbiano un minimo di 4 vani oltre gli accessori. STABILI DI IlI.a CATEGORIA Appartengono alla HI.a categoria gli stabili destinati anche promiscuamente ad uso di abitazione o studio professionale o commerciale che abbiano non meno di 50 vani con due degli elementi indicati nel precedente Art. I e gli appartamenti o studi che abbiano un minimo di 4 locali ciascuno oltre gli accessori. STABILI DI IV.a CATEGORIA Appartengono alla IV.a categoria gli stabili destinati anche promiscuamente ad uso di abitazione o studio professionale o commerciale fino a 40 vani, che non abbiano i requisiti per essere classificati nelle categorie precedenti. ARTICOLO 3 MINIMI DI SALARIO a) i minimi di salario mensile da corrispondere ai portieri i quali prestano la loro opera in un solo portone di casa, sono i seguenti : La II. a III. a IV.a PORTIERI GRUPPI A ART. 1 1320 1160 1060 980 PORTIERI GRUPPI B ART. 1 124Ó 1030 950 860 PORTIERE GRUPPO A ART. 1 880 750 690 610 PORTIERE GRUPPO B ART. 1 810 650 560 460 b) .— i salari come dalla suddetta tabella a) vengono aumentati per ogni 10 vani o frazione di vani oltre ai minimi stabiliti per ogni singola categoria nella seguente misura : GRUPPO A UOMINI ................ L. 60 DONNE ....................... L. 50 GRUPPO B UOMINI ................ L. 40 DONNE ....................... L. 30 c) — per i portieri per i quali è fatto espresso divieto di esercitare un mestiere, i salari di cui alla suddetta tabella vengono inoltre aumentati per ogni appartamento o per-ogni ufficio o studio professionale nella seguente misura : APPARTAMENTI UFFICI 0 STUDI PROFESSIONALI Gruppo A Gruppo A UOMINI L. 39 DONNE L. 31 UOMINI L. 52 DONNE L. 41 Gruppo B Gruppo B UOMINI L. 31 DONNE L. 25 UOMINI L. 44 DONNE L. 33 d) — negli stabili aventi più di una scala, il salario del portiere dovrà essere aumentato di L. 77 per gli uomini e di L. 63 per le donne per ogni scala in più. e) — Agli effetti del computo dei vani, intendesi per vano utile i locali padronali ed i camerini con luce diretta con superficie di almeno 8 mq. La cucina con gli altri accessori contano complessivamente un vano. f) — Per gli stabili di I.a categoria e di II. a categoria ogni 3 accessori in più contano un vano. gj Ai portieri ai quali non spetta alcun salario in quanto adibiti in case con un imponibile inferiore alle 14.500, verrà corrisposta un’indennità straordinaria computabile anche agli effetti della gratifica Natalizia e dell’indennità di licenziamento nella seguente misura : GRUPPO A e B PORTIERI L. 380 GRUPPO A e B PORTIERE L. 200 h) — Minimi di salario mensile da corrispondere ai lavoratori di cui al gruppo C) del-l’Art. 1 del presente Contratto : A) per gli stabili aventi un’imponibile non superiore alle L. 14.500 UOMINI L. 400 DONNE L. 300 B) Per gli stabili aventi un’imponibile superiore alle L. 14.500 UOMINI L. 500 DONNE L. 400 Qualora il portiere, uomo o donna, presti la sua opera in due o più stabili distinti, o di uno stabile avente un’ingresso principale e successivi ingressi secondari non comunicanti fra loro, egli sarà retribuito a seconda delle prestazioni relative ad ogni singolo corpo di fabbricato. ARTICOLO 4 INDENNITÀ’ PER L’ASCENSORE ED IL TELEFONO Per il servizio di telefono urbano, con centralino in portineria, è dovuta un’indennità mensile di L. 77 per gli uomini e L. 61 per le donne. Per gli stabili provvisti di ascensore e montacarichi, al portiere addetto al servizio è dovuta un’indennità mensile di L. 91 (L. 74 se donna) per l’ascensore L. 47 (L. 39 se donna per i montacarichi). Per ogni ascensore in più^ verrà fatta un’aggiunta mensile di L. 61 (L. 50 se donna) per l’ascensore L. 22 (L. 17 se donna) per il montacarichi. ARTICOLO 5 INDENNITÀ’ PER IL SERVIZIO DI RISCALDAMENTO Per il funzionamento dell’impianto centrale di riscaldamento, qualora il portiere abbia avuto espresso incarico dal proprietario, sono dovute, nei mesi nei quali funziona rimpianto, un’indennità mensile di : L. 451 (364 se donna) per le prime due caldaie L. 181 (145 se donna) per ogni successiva caldaia proporzionalmente alle giornate in cui le stesse sono attive. Per rimpianto centrale di acqua calda, è dovuta un’indennità di L. 9 (L. 8 se donna) per ogni giornata di servizio. ALLOGGIO ED INDENNITÀ’ DI RISCALDAMENTO L’indennità dovuta al portiere in caso di mancato godimento dell’alloggio è stabilita in L. 123 mensili per vano. La cucina viene considerata vano utile. L’indennità sostitutiva di ri-scaldamento è stabilita in L. 9 giornaliere per il periodo o giornate nelle quali funziona rimpianto di riscaldamento nello stabile. ARTICOLO 7 ALLOGGIO DEL PORTIERE Per gli stabili costruiti posteriormente al 14.12.1940 l’alloggio da assegnarsi al portiere deve essere composto di almeno due vani di cui uno adibito ad uso cucina. Se il portiere al momento della sua assunzione in servizio in detti stabili ha più di cue persone a carico con lui conviventi, l’alloggio deve essere composto di almeno 3 vani di cui uno adibito a cucina. Resta naturalmente invariata la situazione di fatto esistente negli stabili costruiti anteriormente al 14.12.1940. Per quelli costruiti anteriormente a detta data e qualora l’alloggio assegnato al portiere sia composto di un numero di vani, in raffronto ai conviventi,' inferiore a quanto precedente-mente stabilito, al portiere^ sarà corrisposta una indennità di L. 123 per ogni vano in meno a partire dalla data di entrata in vigore del presente Contratto. ARTICOLO 8 INDENNITÀ’ SOSTITUTIVA PER LA LUCE E L’ACQUA L’indennità sostitutiva degli elementi di retribuzione corrisposti in natura sono stabiliti in L. 100 per la luce dell’alloggio assegnato al portiere e L. 60 per l’acqua. ARTICOLO 9 INDENNITÀ’ PER LE ORE STRAORDINARIE E SERVIZI VARI Il lavoro straordinario prestato dal portiere è compensato con una maggiorazione di L. 7 per ogni ora. ARTICOLO 10 RISCOSSIONE DELLE PIGIONI Qualora il portiere dello stabile sia espressamente incaricato dal proprietario alla riscossione degli affitti, dovrà corrispondere al portiere all’atto della consegna delle pigioni, un compenso pari a L. 0.50% sull’importo riscosso. ARTICOLO 11 TRATTAMENTO SALARIALE PER LE DONNE Il trattamento salariale delle indennità ridotte per lo donne, previsto negli articoli precedenti, si applicano al portiere non capo-famiglia. La portiera che non abbia persone a carico con lei conviventi o coabitanti non è considerata capofamiglia agli effetti delle retribuzioni dell’indennità prevista dal comma precedente. I figli maggiorenni ed anche i figli minori, purché occupati non sono da considerarsi come persone a carico. ARTICOLO 12 I salari e le indennità di cui agli articoli precedenti sono comprensivi delle maggiorazioni previste dai precedenti accordi fino alla data dell’entrata in vigore del presente contratto. ARTICOLO 13 INDENNITÀ’ DI CONTINGENZA Ai sensi dell’Ordine No. 302, pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’l agosto 1948, il personale di cui trattasi continuerà a godere dell’indennità di contingenza in esso prevista. Per quello che concerne il criterio di determinazione dalla quota di indennità di contingenza, cui si accenna nell’ordine suddetto, sarà preso per base esclusivamente quello dei vani. ARTICOLO 14 DECORRENZA E DURATA Il presente lodo decorre dal 15 aprile 1950 e verrà a scadere il 15 ottobre 1950. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 20 aprile 1950. Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : „ Ubaldo ZAN1ER „ Deodato DE COLLE „ Renato CORSI I Consulenti tecnici : „ Vincenzo BACCI „ Ruggero TIRONI „ Giovanni POLI » Approvato 16 maggio 1950 Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Sgd. E. de PETRIS Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1950. Rej.: LD/Cj50/26 E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labor CONTENTS Order Page No. 107 Employment and placing of workers - Amendment to Order No. 85/1949 . 277 No. 108 Establishment of a new free area........................................ 278 No. 109 Deposit of appeals to the Administrative Appeal Council ................ 279 No. 110 Provisions concerning moving pictures with reduced size films (cinematografia a passo ridotto) ......................................................... 280 No. Ill Extension of the validity of Order No. 10/1950, relating to the importation free of Customs and Licence duties of rough common wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood pulp (cellulose) ............................ 281 No. 112 Fiscal privileges for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port....... 281 Administrative Order No. 34 Appointment of the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture ........................................................................... 282 No. 35 Legal recognition of Sergio and Aldo Genitoni........................... 283 No. 36 Legal recognition of Nidia and Maria Pia Franco-Rossaldi................ 283 No. 37 Authoiity to change the surname ........................................ 284 Notiee No. 29 Minimum wages for janitors in the employment of house owners, not registered with Association of category ............................................. 285