A contribution ^ to the herpetofauna of Žirje Island (Dalmatia, Croatia) PRISPEVEK K POZNAVANJU FAVNE PLAZILCEV IN DVOŽIVK OTOKA ŽIRJE (DALMACIJA, HRVAŠKA) Boris LAUŠ, Croatian Herpetological Society - HYLA, Radučka 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia; E-mail: boris.laus.pmf@gmail.com Many islands of the Croatian part of the Adriatic remain poorly researched. This applies to the island of Zirje as well. No detailed research into the herpetofauna of this island has ever been carried out. Between July 15th and 24th, 2010, a survey on the distribution of reptiles and amphibians was carried out at Zirje Island. The island covers 15.43 km2, or 15.78 km2 with its surrounding islets and reefs (a total of 17) (Friganovic 1994). The highest point on the island is the peak Kapic, 134 m a.s.l. The geological structure of Zirje and its surrounding archipelago is characterized by the domination of the Upper Cretaceous limestones extending in the NW-SE direction. The valley, which is located in the middle of the island, is covered with a thin layer of red soil overlaid with sediments and turned brown (Bognar & Saletto-Jankovic 1994). Climate of the area is characterized by mild winters and warm summers. The amount of annual precipitation is 753 mm, with most of the rainfall recorded in winter. The island suffers severe droughts, which are additionally aggravated by the karst soil (limestone formations) (Segota 1963). The vegetation on the island consists of macchia of the alliance Quercion ilicis and the planted Aleppo pine forest, which propagates subspontaneously, thus superseding the natural vegetation. The arable land is in the valley, where vineyards, fig trees, olive trees, plum trees and vegetables are cultivated (Pandza 2003). During this survey, a total of 9 reptilian and 1 amphibian species were found to occur on the island. Methods of general collecting were used (Heyer et al. 1994), and animals were caught by hand or loop, identified, then photographed and released, or simply identified through visual survey, if possible (Arnold & Overden 2004). Systematic list of the found species, with some additional data, is given in Tab. 1. The only amphibian found was the European Green Toad (Pseudepidalea viridis (Laurenti, 1768)). There is one permanent pond in the valley, which is regularly utilized as a breeding pool for this amphibian. Reptilians include 3 species of lizards: Podarcis melisellensis (Braun, 1877), Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775). Dalmatian Wall Lizard (P. melisellensis) is the commonest reptile species in this area, abundant through the entire island. Mediterranean Gecko (H. turcicus) is quite common around human settlements, whereas the data on its occurrence outside human habitats are scarce. Only two live specimens of European Glass Lizard (P. apodus) were encountered, one in the valley, the other one at Koromasna settlement. Additionally, a dead specimen was found in one of the valley's olive groves. Furthermore, there are 5 species of snakes present on this island, i.e.: Hierophis gemonensis (Laurenti, 1768), Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827), Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831), Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacepede, 1789) and Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758). The commonest was the Eastern Montpellier Snake (M. insignitus), with the majority of observed specimens concentrated in the valley. It is interesting that nocturnal activity of this species was noticed - one adult specimen was found dead on the island road at 9:44 p.m., freshly run over. Balkan Whip Snake (H. gemonensis) was expected to be numerous on the island, but just three specimens were observed, two on the slopes of Kapic hill, and one at the Nozdra vela cove. It is uncertain whether this is due to the time of the survey (July - lower activity rate) or some other factor. European Cat Snake (T. fallax) is crepuscular and nocturnal species that is difficult to observe, however, three specimens were found during our night fieldwork. Two specimens were found next to our residence (below Kapic peak), the third at the archeological site of Gradina, all active after 10:00 p.m. The presence of Leopard Snake (E. situla) was confirmed during this survey by two skin sheds, found at the NW part of the island. Determination was done by comparing their head scales (Janev Hutinec & Lupret-Obradovic 2005), with the red pigment on visible spots of the shed skin clearly indicating this species. On May 2nd, 2009, during our earlier visit of the island, an adult female Leopard snake was also found, located in the valley of the island, next to the monastery ruins. An additional finding of this species came through personal communication. In the summer of 2008, Jadran Kale and his two sons found a dead adult on the island road and photographed it, while Berislav Horvatic did the determination. No Four-lined Snake (E. quatuorlineata) was found during this survey. However, a photo from Zirje Island was received, featuring a local man killing a snake, believing it was venomous. The author of the photo asked for determination of the species, and as the picture clearly shows an adult Four-lined Snake, it can be assumed that this species inhabits the island as well. There is also one tortoise species present to this island: Testudo hermanni (Gmelin, 1789). Only one Hermann's Tortoise was found (in an olive groove in the valley); the locals confirmed that tortoises were not indigenous to the island. It would be advisable to continue herpetofauna studies on the island. The results are much better if surveys are carried out in spring time, during the increased animal activity. This survey was conducted in July, when most of the reptilian species have lover activity rate. The obtained results may therefore not show an authentic picture of the island's herpetofauna. Literature Arnold N., Ovenden D. (2004): Collins Field Guide -Reptiles & Amphibians of Britain & Europe. Collins, London. Bognar A., Saletto-Jankovic M. (1994): Geomorfološke značajke otoka Žirja s arhipelagom. Žirajski libar 1: 169-182. Friganovic M.A. (1994): Žirje - prilog poznavanju fiziogeografskih osobitosti. Žirajski libar 1: 62-72. Heyer W.R., Donnelly M.A., Mcdiarmid R.W., Hayek L.C., Foster M.C. (1994): Measuring and Monitoring Biodiversity: Standard Methods for Amphibians. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 78 pp. Janev Hutinec B., Lupret-Obradovic S. (2005): Zmije Hrvatske - priručnik za odredivanje vrsta. HHD Hyla, Zagreb. Pandža M. (2003): Flora of the island of Žirje and the small islands around it (eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia). Acta Bot. Croat. 62(2): 115-139. Šegota T. (1963): Fizička geografija I (Klima). Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb, pp. 1-208. Table 1. List of reptile and amphibian species observed on the island of Žirje. Tabela 1. Seznam vrst plazilcev in dvoživk, opaženih na otoku Žirje. Species Latitude Longitude Date Time Leg. 1. Pseudepidalea viridis 5554693 4833612 16.07.2010 22:42 Boris Lauš (Laurenti, 1768) 5555063 4832615 21.07.2010 22:47 Boris Lauš 5555323 4832648 15.07.2010 16:58 Boris Lauš 5553095 4834467 16.07.2010 7:35 Boris Lauš 5553054 4834626 16.07.2010 8:27 Boris Lauš 5554813 4833924 17.07.2010 8:57 Boris Lauš 2. Podarcis melisellensis 5553840 4833286 18.07.2010 8:44 Boris Lauš (Braun, 1877) 5553656 4833202 18.07.2010 9:01 Boris Lauš 5549906 4835901 18.07.2010 19:49 Boris Lauš 5549906 4835901 19.07.2010 8:21 Boris Lauš 5553926 4834943 21.07.2010 17:48 Boris Lauš 5553351 4835310 24.07.2010 12:11 Boris Lauš 5554693 4833612 15.07.2010 22:03 Boris Lauš 5552921 4834994 16.07.2010 21:59 Boris Lauš Hemidactylus turcicus (Linnaeus, 1758) 5553971 4833254 18.07.2010 8:54 Boris Lauš 3. 5549943 4835931 19.07.2010 8:06 Boris Lauš 5553132 4834206 20.07.2010 8:37 Boris Lauš 5553876 4835076 21.07.2010 20:18 Boris Lauš 5555078 4832624 21.07.2010 22:31 Boris Lauš Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) 5552438 4834929 17.07.2010 20:12 Boris Lauš 4. 5553032 4834369 20.07.2010 8:53 Boris Lauš 5553781 4835041 21.07.2010 18:07 Boris Lauš 5. Hierophis gemonensis 5554813 4833924 17.07.2010 9:17 Boris Lauš (Laurenti, 1768) 5549328 4836608 19.07.2010 8:42 Boris Lauš 5552096 4835591 16.07.2010 21:44 Boris Lauš Malpolon insignitus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1827) 5552671 4834816 17.07.2010 19:27 Boris Lauš 6. 5553772 4833212 18.07.2010 9:01 Boris Lauš 5553180 4834328 20.07.2010 8:45 Boris Lauš 5551987 4835405 20.07.2010 9:22 Boris Lauš Telescopus fallax (Fleischmann, 1831) 5554693 4833612 15.07.2010 22:13 Boris Lauš 7. 5554693 4833612 19.07.2010 22:47 Boris Lauš 5555120 4832603 21.07.2010 22:35 Boris Lauš Zamenis situla (Linnaeus, 1758) 5553031 4834685 27.08.2008 Jadran Kale (det. Berislav Horvatic) 8. 5553304 4834259 02.05.2009 12:55 Boris Lauš 5550084 4835922 18.07.2010 20:11 Boris Lauš 5549553 4836243 20.07.2010 16:13 Boris Lauš 9. Elaphe quatuorlineata (Lacepede, 1789) 5550631 4836409 June/2008 Mikula Jajac (det. Boris Lauš) 10. Testudo hermanni (Gmelin, 1789) 5553908 4833550 16.07.2010 9:24 Boris Lauš