ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 14 • 2004 • 2 original scientific article UDC 581.9:582(497.4-15) received: 2004-12-13 CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, A NEW SOUTHEASTERN-ALPINE SPECIES FOR THE FLORA OF SLOVENIA, AND VIOLA PYRENAICA RAMOND EX DC., SECOND RECORD FOR THE FLORA OF THE JULIAN ALPS Bostjan SURINA University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 1 E-mail: ABSTRACT Carex austroalpina (Carex ferruginea subsp. austroalpina) and Viola pyrenaica are reported from the Krn Mts. in the Julian Alps (Southeastern Calcareous Alps). C. austroalpina, a southeastern-Alpine species is new for the flora of Slovenia. The two localities in the Krn Mts. are at the easternmost range of their distribution area. The record of V. pyrenaica in the Krn Mts. is the second for the flora of Slovenia (the Julian Alps) after nearly half a century. The phy-tosociological characteristics of the sites are given. Both findings are of significant importance for further phyto-geographical assessment of the Southeastern Calcareous Alps. Key words: flora, Carex austroalpina, Viola pyrenaica, phytogeography, Julian Alps, Slovenia CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, UNA NUOVA SPECIE ALPINA SUD-ORIENTALE NELLA FLORA SLOVENA, E VIOLA PYRENAICA RAMOND EX DC., SECONDA REGISTRAZIONE NELLA FLORA DELLE ALPI GIULIE SINTESI L'autore presenta un resoconto sulle specie Carex austroalpina (Carex ferruginea subsp. austroalpinaj e Viola pyrenaica, scoperte sul massiccio del Monte Nero (Alpi Giulie, Alpi calcaree sud-orientali). La C. austroalpina, specie alpina sud-orientale, è una novita nella flora slovena. Per quanto riguarda la loro diffusione, entrambi i siti si estendono all'estremita orientale del massiccio. Per la flora della Slovenia (Alpi Giulie), è appena la seconda volta che viene individuata la specie V. pyrenaica, dopo quasi cinquant'anni. Sono illustrate le caratteristiche fitosociologiche di entrambi i luoghi di crescita. La scoperta è di straordinaria importanza nella prosecuzione del censimento fitogeo-grafico delle Alpi calcaree meridionali. Parole chiave: flora, Carex austroalpina, Viola pyrenaica, fitogeografia, Alpi Giulie, Slovenia 231 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 14 • 2004 • 2 Boštjan SURINA: CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, A NEW SOUTHEASTERN-ALPINE SPECIES FOR THE FLORA OF SLOVENIA™, 231-236 INTRODUCTION The phytogeographical peculiarities of the flora and vegetation of the Southeastern Calcareous Alps (Julian Alps, Kamnik Alps and the Karavanke Mountains) have been known to botanists for a long time. In comparison to other Alpine regions they are characterised by a significant number of conservative, progressive, absolute and relative endemic species, southern-, south-eastern-Alpine, north-Illyrian and Illyrian (Illyricoid) species (see Engler, 1901; Mayer, 1946, 1960a, 1960b; Merxmuller, 1952, 1953, 1954; Wraber, 1970a, 1970b, 1995a). According to Pawlowski (1970), the Southeastern Calcareous Alps are floristically the second richest region of the entire Alps. The particularity and originality of its flora are to be attributed to the Alps' specific origin as a result of the historical, geographical and ecological peculiarities of the area. Conservative endemic taxa (e.g. Campanula zoysii, Cerastium julicum, Cerastium subtriflorum, Festuca laxa, Moehringia villosa, Saxifraga tenella...), taxonomically clearly isolated and therefore probably dating to the Tertiary period, occur at present in a typical refuge area (e.g. Tribsch & Schonswetter, 2003), although the problem of estimating the age or origin of aforementioned species is questionable (for M. villosa see Dakskobler, 2000). This is presumably due to the fact that certain parts of the Southeastern Calcareous Alps lay near or even outside the extreme border of glaciation during the Pleistocene period and that these taxa were able to survive in the unglaciated areas or recolonise newly ice-free districts. Other taxonomically isolated and therefore old endemic taxa could include the remnants of the once broader distribution of the same (e.g. Aquilegia bertolonii, Artemisia atrata...) or later separated (during the Pleistocene period) ancestor taxa (e.g. vicariant taxa Festuca laxa - F. dimorpha, Gentiana froelichii ssp. froelichii - G. f. ssp. zenariae, Gentiana lutea ssp. vardjanii - G. l. ssp. lutea.) (see also Wraber, 1990, 1995a). The splitting of the distribution area of originally more widely distributed taxa, which could be purely geographical and/or ecological (silicicolous and calcareous flora), and their subsequent isolation led to numerous endemic taxa. The aim of the paper is to evaluate new findings from the phytosociological and phytogeographical points of view. MATERIAL AND METHODS Floristical and phytosociological research was performed in the Krn Mts., Julian Alps (Southeastern Calcareous Alps). The phytosociological characteristics of the growth sites were established by applying the sigma-tistic phytosociological method (Braun-Blanquet, 1964). The nomenclature source for ferns and flowering plants was the Register of the Flora of Slovenia (Trpin & Vres, 1995) and for syntaxa Feoli Chiapella & Poldini (1993) and Grabherr et al. (1993). The collected specimens are stored at the Herbarium of the Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC), where the research was carried out. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Carex austroalpina Becherer We found Carex austroalpina (Carex ferruginea subsp. austroalpina) at two localities in the Julian Alps. At the first site (rel. 1, see Appendix), which is located on the southern slope of the Mt. Lemez at 1,730 m a.s.l., it grows in a stand that probably belongs to the association Centaureetum rhaponticae s. lat. There are only a few specimens of C. austroalpina in the stand. In the second locality (rel. 2), between the mountains of Veliki and Mali Smohor at 1,925 m a.s.l., we found a few specimens of C. austroalpina in the stand of the association Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis. Because of the phytogeographical position of the southern Julian Alps (especially the Krn and Tolmin-Bohinj Mts.), the finding of C. austroalpina in the Krn Mts. is not entirely unexpected. Botanists (e.g. E. Mayer and H. Kunz) have actually spent decades searching for the species, but unfortunately with no luck (E. Mayer, pers. comm.). The localities on Mt. Lemez and between the Mts. of Veliki and Mali Smohor are the only known sites as far as the Slovene Calcareous Alps (Fig. 1) are concerned, whereas the species was reported from the westernmost parts of the Julian Alps (see Poldini, 2002). From the sinsystematical and phytogeographical point of view, the taxon C. austroalpina is of great significance for an assessment of the south- and southeastern subalpine and alpine grasslands ("Seslerio-Semperviretum" s. lat.). Sutter (1962) treated it as a characteristic and differential species of the alliance Caricion austroalpinae (Pignatti & Pignatti, 1975; Feoli Chiapella & Poldini, 1993). The associations of the alliance Car-icion austroalpinae, which in contrast to the postglacial associations of the alliance Seslerion coeruleae, probably survived the glacial area at more or less the same sites in which they can be found today (Pignatti & Pig-natti, 1975), include a high number of characteristic, mostly endemic species. The occurrence of C. austroal-pina in the Krn Mts. (and thus Julian Alps) additionally confirms the placement of these stands in the southeastern Alpine alliance Caricion austroalpinae. Viola pyrenaica Ramond ex DC. Viola pyrenaica grows on the south-eastern slope of Skrbina pass between Mts. Lemez and Debeljak (the Krn Mts., the Julian Alps), at an altitude of 1,500 m a.s.l. (rel. 3). It is very common in stands of the association Ave-nastro parlatorei-Festucetum calvae. 232 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 14 • 2004 • 2 Boštjan SURINA: CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, A NEW SOUTHEASTERN-ALPINE SPECIES FOR THE FLORA OF SLOVENIA™, 231-236 I Carex austroalpina Q : Viola pyrenaica . i Fig. 1: Dlstrlbutlon map of Carex austroalpina and Viola pyrenaica in Slovenia. SI. 1: Razširjenost vrst Carex austroalpina in Viola pyrenaica v Sloveniji. To date, the locality in the vicinity of Mt. Crna prst (southern ridge of the Julian Alps, MTB: 9749/4) was the only known locality in the Julian Alps (Mayer, 1954). The occurrence of 9. pyrenaica on the Skrbina pass is the second record for the Julian Alps after nearly half a century. In 2004, Dakskobler (2004, 2005) found some new localities of the species in western Slovenia. In the neighbouring region of Carinthia, botanists have observed it in the valleys of Ziljska dolina (in the vicinity of Smohor) and Labotska dolina (Mayer, 1954). Its currently known distribution (unpublished data of Daksko-bler are not included) in Slovenia is shown in figure 1. There is a clear indication that not only the flora of the Southeastern Calcareous Alps (e.g. the Julian Alps) but also the flora of the southernmost ridge of the Julian Alps itself (the Mt. Breginjski Stol) is of a unique historical and phytogeographical origin (Mayer, 1960b; Wra-ber, 1970b, 2001). Such an assumption is based on the area of distribution of more than 20 species of various geoelements that occur only on the southernmost ridge of the Julian Alps, some of them also in the Kamnik Alps and the Karavanke Mts. but not (or more sparely) in the central part of the Julian Alps, e.g. Aconitum angustifo-lium, Aquilegia bertolonii, Arabis pauciflora, Athaman- tha turbith, Centaurea haynaldii subsp. julica, Cortusa matthioli, Eryngium alpinum, Gentiana froelichii ssp. froelichii , Gentiana lutea ssp. vardjanii, Geranium ar-genteum, Horminum pyrenaicum, Moehringia villosa, Papaver alpinum ssp. victoris, Pedicularis elongata ssp. julica, Pimpinella alpina, Primula wulfeniana, Saxifraga exarata ssp. atropurpurea, Scorzonera rosea, Stemma-cantha rhapontica, Thlaspi kerneri, Trifolium noricum and others. In the same sense, recent findings of Viola cornuta on the Mt. Lemež and its vicinity (the Julian Alps) could be of phytogeographical significance, although its indigenous origin in the Southeastern Calcareous Alps has not been fully proven (Surina & Vreš, 2003; Wraber, 1995b). ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dr. Igor Dakskobler (Institute of Biology, Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) kindly reviewed the manuscript and added many useful comments and improvements, while Tomaž Seliškar helped me with the cartographic material. My sincere thanks go to both of them. 1 In the Julian Alps as Gentiana froelichii subsp. zenariae. 233 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 14 • 2004 • 2 Boštjan SURINA: CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, A NEW SOUTHEASTERN-ALPINE SPECIES FOR THE FLORA OF SLOVENIA™, 231-236 Appendix Relevé 1 Locality: Slovenia, the Julian Alps, the Krn Mts., southern slope of Mt. Lemez; MTB: 9748/1, UTM: UM92, elevation: 1,730 m a.s.l.; exposition: SE; inclination: 25o; releve area: 25 m2, herb cover: 100 %, leg. et det.: B. Surina, date: 26.6.2002: Stemmacantha rhapon-tica 2, Achillea distans 1, Betonica alopecuros 1, Bro-mus erectus 1, Carduus carduelis 1, Centaurea triumfettii 1, Festuca nigrescens 1, Galium lucidum 1, Helianthe-mum grandiflorum 1, Koeleria eriostachya 1, Lotus cor-niculatus 1, Phleum pratense 1, Senecio doronicum 1, Acinos alpinus +, Aconitum angustifolium +, Anthoxanthum odoratum +, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. al-pestris +, Aster alpinus +, Buphthalmum salicifolium +, Carex austroalpina +, Carex ferruginea +, C. ornitho-poda +, C. sempervirens +, Cerastium strictum +, Chaerophyllum villarsii +, Dactylis glomerata +, Fetsuca calva +, Galium anisophyllum +, Genista radiata +, Heracleum austriacum ssp. siifolium +, Hippocrepis comosa +, Laserpitium peucedanoides +, Lathyrus occi-dentalis +, Leucanthemum cf. maximum +, Lilium carniolicum +, Myosotis alpestris +, Phyteuma orbicu-lare +, Pimpinella alpina +, Potentilla crantzii +, Primula veris ssp. columnae +, Prunella grandiflora +, Pulsatilla alpina +, Ranunculus nemororsus +, Scabiosa lucida +, Sesleria albicans +, Silene nutans +, Thymus alpigenus +, Trollius europaeus +. Relevé 2 Localitiy: Slovenia, the Julian Alps, the Krn Mts., between the Mts. Veliki Smohor and Mali Smohor; MTB: 9748/1, UTM: UM92, elevation: 1,925 m a.s.l.; exposition: SE; inclination: 200; releve area: 30 m2, herb cover: 90 %, leg. et det.: B. Surina, date: 26.6.2002. Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis: Carex sempervirens 5, Sesleria albicans 3, Genista radiata 2, Helianthemum grandiflorum 2, Erica carnea 1, Gentiana clusii 1, Helianthemum alpestre 1, Hieracium sylvaticum 1, H. vil-losum 1, Laserpitium peucedanoides 1, Pulsatilla alpina 1, Achillea clavenae +, Anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris +, Aposeris foetida +, Astrantia bavarica +, Bartsia alpina +, Betonica alopecuros +, Carex austroalpina +, Carlina acaulis ssp. symplex +, Galium anisophyllum +, Gentiana verna +, Gypsophila repens +, Heliosperma alpestre +, Heracleum austriacum ssp. siifolium +, Knautia longifolia +, Leontopodium alpinum +, Lotus corniculatus +, Pedicularis rostrato-capitata +, Phyteuma orbiculare +, Polygala alpestris +, Ranunculus hybridus +, Saxifraga paniculata +, Senecio abrotanifolius +. Relevé 3 Localitiy: Slovenia, the Julian Alps, the Krn Mts., between the Mts. Debeljak and Lemez; MTB: 9748/1, UTM: UM92, elevation: 1,500 m a.s.l.; exposition: SE; inclination: 200; releve area: 25 m2, herb cover: 100 %, leg. et det.: B. Surina, date: 26.6.2002. Avenastro parla-torei-Festucetum calvae: Festuca calva 4, Cerastium strictum 1, Helianthemum grandiflorum 1, Koeleria eriostachya 1, Pimpinella alpina 1, Primula veris ssp. columnae 1, Scabiosa lucida 1, Viola pyrenaica 1, Achillea distans +, Acinos alpinus +, Alchemilla cinerea +, A. /állax +, Carex digitata +, Centaurea triumfettii +, Dactylis glomerata +, Dianthus sylvestris +, Erica carnea +, Galium anisophyllum +, Galium lucidum +, G. sylvaticum +, Genista radiata +, Gymnadenia odoratissima +, Helictotrichon parlatorei +, Koeleria pyramidata +, Laserpitium siler +, Leucanthemum cf. maximum +, Li-gusticum seguieri +, Lilium carniolicum +, L. martagon +, Lotus corniculatus +, Luzula luzuloides +, Myosotis alpestris +, Phleum pratense +, Polygonum viviparum +, Potentilla crantzii +, Prunella grandiflora +, Pulsatilla alpina +, Sesleria albicans +, Stemmacantha rhapontica +, Thesium alpinum +, Veronica chamaedrys +. CAREXAUSTROALPINA BECHERER, NOVA JUGOVZHODNA ALPSKA VRSTA V SLOVENSKI FLORI, IN 9IOLA PYRENAICA RAMOND EX DC., DRUGI ZAPIS ZA FLORO JULIJSKIH ALP Boštjan SURINA Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, SI-6000 Koper, Garibaldijeva 1 E-mail: POVZETEK 9 prispevku avtor podaja fitocenološko oznako rastišč vrst Carex austroalpina fCarex ferruginea subsp. austroal-pinaj in Viola pyrenaica v Krnskem pogorju. Najdba južnoalpskega šaša (C. austroalpina) pomeni novo vrsto v flori Slovenije, najdba vrste V. pyrenaica pa šele drugo potrditev za Julijske Alpe in Slovenijo. 234 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 14 • 2004 • 2 Boštjan SURINA: CAREX AUSTROALPINA BECHERER, A NEW SOUTHEASTERN-ALPINE SPECIES FOR THE FLORA OF SLOVENIA™, 231-236 Novi nahajališči južnoalpskega šaša (C. austroalpina) na južnem pobočju Lemeža (9748/1, UM92) ter med Velikim in Malim Smohorjem (9748/1, UM92) sta po današnjem vedenju najbolj proti vzhodu pomaknjeni v južnoalpskem arealu te vrste. Na južnem pobočju Lemeža, na nadmorski višini okrog 1730 m, uspeva v bolj ali manj vlagoljubnem sestoju visokih steblik. Sestoj smo začasno uvrstili v asociacijo Centaureetum rhaponticae s. lat. Med Velikim in Malim Smohorjem smo primerke vrste C. austroalpina opazili v sestoju južnoalpskega vednozelenega šašja (Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis), in sicer na nadmorski višini okrog 1925 m. Na obeh nahajališčih so primerki maloštevilni. Pirenejsko vijolico (V. pyrenaica) smo opazili na jugovzhodnem pobočju Skrbine med Lemežem in Debeljakom (9748/1, UM92) na nadmorski višini okoli 1500 m. Precej obilno se pojavlja v sestoju asociacije Avenastro parlato-rei-Festucetum calvae. Rastišče je bolj ali manj toploljubno in je nekakšen naraven sukcesijski prehod od meliščne vegetacije k traviščni. V sintaksonomskem oziru najdbi dodatno potrjujeta pravilnost umeščanja subalpinskih in alpinskih traviščnih asociacij v Jugovzhodnih Apneniških Alpah (Ranunculo hybridi-Caricetum sempervirentis, Avenastro parlatorei-Festucetum calvae, Centaureo julici-Laserpitietum sileris) v južnoalpsko zvezo Caricion austroalpinae, medtem ko v fitogeografskem oziru prispevata k domnevi, da ima flora južnojulijskega loka (Tolminsko-Bohinjske gore in Krnsko pogorje) v primerjavi s floro osrednjih Julijskih Alp le nekoliko drugačno flornozgodovinsko preteklost. Ključne besede: flora, Carex austroalpina, Viola pyrenaica, fitogeografija, Julijske Alpe, Slovenija REFERENCES Braun-Blanquet, J. (1964): Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage. Springer, Wien -New York, 865 pp. Dakskobler, I. (2000): Fitocenološka oznaka rastišč en-demične vrste Moehringia villosa (Wulfen) Fenzl (Caryo-phyllaceae). Razprave IV. razreda SAZU, 51, 41-93. Dakskobler, I. 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