S T R A T E G Y of the University of Primorska 2 0 2 1 — 2 0 2 7 S T R A T E G Y o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f P r i m o r s k a 2 0 2 1—27 As adopted by the Senate on December 23, 2020 and by the Governing Board on December 17, 2020 Koper 2021 C O N T E N T VISION MISSION VALUES MID-TERM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE UP 2021—2027 • SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH EXCELLENCE • INCREASING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AMONG ALL RESEARCHERS • PEDAGOGICAL EXCELLENCE • INNOVATIVE STUDY PROGRAMS • COOPERATION WITH SOCIETY AND INDUSTRY • RECOGNITION IN THE GLOBAL NETWORK OF UNIVERSITIES • INTERNATIONALIZATION AT HOME • HIGH STUDENT MOTIVATION AND STAFF EFFICIENCY • BALANCED STAFF STRUCTURE • QUALITY MANAGEMENT VISION Through its scientific research, educational and artistic activities and its commitment to the local and wider society, UP is building and consolidating its position as a respected and excellent university in the global academic arena. UP is achieving high quality, inclusive and sustainable scientific, educational and artistic work in harmony with strategy Society 2050 with the principles of participatory science and the balance of humanities, social sciences and arts with natural sciences and (bio)technology. MISSION UP’s mission is to contribute to the global knowledge base through constructive cooperation and courageous competition in the global university space. At the same time, it draws ideas and solutions for the development of cooperation with society and industry in which it operates, from within Slovenia and throughout Europe. In accordance with the Statute of the University of Primorska, UP realizes its mission through scientific research, pedagogical, artistic and professional work, thus assuming responsibility for the successful placement of Slovenia in the world. Its work is guided by the National Higher Education Programme, National Research and Development Programme, other strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia and the Guidelines for the Development of the Single European Higher Education and Research Area. VALUES The values of UP are excellence in research, education and the arts, academic freedom, respect for diversity, integration into society as a whole, integrity and trust. The values of UP derive from the constitutionally guaranteed autonomy and the Declaration of Human Rights, which define the University’s attitude towards the State and the external environment in general, as well as its internal organization and the free scientific research, educational and artistic activities of its entire academic community: students, professors and collaborators, researchers and administrative staff. These values are in line with the generally valid premises that define the functioning of universities in the world in general, but also taking into account all the specific features of the Slovenian national territory. UP implements its values through the following operating principles: Flexibility 1. As a young and optimally sized university, UP is able to react flexibly to changes in the global university network, giving it self-critical acceleration whenever possible and integrating it into the home environment. Openness 2. In all its functional dimensions, UP is completely open to the national and international academic and wider social space, both competitive and cooperative. It seeks a mirror in the world for a realistic assessment of the quality of its work, scientific research, education and arts, and in the wider domestic community it fulfils the task of guiding and promoting economic and social development. Responsibility 3. UP is committed to full responsibility in the whole spectrum of its activities: responsibility for the search for scientific truth, responsibility for the credible transmission of this truth to the younger generations and responsibility towards the wider social environment that gives it room for its existence and development. Innovation 4. UP is committed to the principle of innovation by offering its entire academic community the best possible conditions for high-quality and fruitful scientific research, education and artistic activity. Self-correction 5. Through the principle of self-correction, UP has established a loop to detect and correct any deviation from the four principles mentioned. MID-TERM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE UP 2021—2027 artistic activity autonomy academic freedom scientific research integrity SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH EXCELLENCE 1. Strengthening the excellence of globally established research groups, supporting promising researchers with above-average success and accelerating international research integration with the aim of achieving top results UP will strengthen its current focus on developing niche areas of research by joining new strategic development and innovation partnerships and international consortia with established research organizations, which will help to further enhance the research performance, international visibility and international reputation of UP. 1.1 At least one established research institute from abroad will become an associate member of UP 1.2 During the development period of this strategy, UP will acquire one ERC grant 1.3 UP will gain at least three Marie Skłodowska-Curie Scholars 1.4 UP will provide the basis for the exercise of the rights for a sabbatical year for employees 1.5 The promotion of UP’s research achievements will be strengthened and the UP brand for research and development will be introduced 1.6 A targeted staffing with the best domestic and foreign university teachers, researchers, postdocs and PhD students (Assistants) will be established 2. Development of innovative interdisciplinary research areas and breakthrough into excellence with at least one other research area UP will encourage and support the emergence and development of innovative research areas “from the bottom up”. The developing of new areas will be based on the needs of the environment, strengthen scientific research collaborations with the best universities and follow European and international guidelines. UP will promote the transfer of knowledge and experience between already established and emerging research groups. 2.1 By the end of the mid-term strategy UP will be listed in the Shanghai University ranking with at least one more research field “ THE MISSION OF ALL RESEARCH “AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IS TO CREATE AND PASS ON NEW KNOWLEDGE WITH THE AIM OF NURTURING SOCIALLY CRITICAL INDIVIDUALS WHO CO-CREATE BETTER SOCIAL SPACES. INCREASING SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AMONG ALL RESEARCHERS 3. Promoting scientific production, research mobility and research project activities in various forms, depending on the specifics of particular research fields and in line with open science principles UP will promote the quality and quantity of scientific research work in all research areas that are weaker and do not have research program funding. Through internal funding schemes that will be complementary to existing national ones, UP will actively encourage researchers in scientific production, research mobility and applications for research projects. 3.1 At the end of the mid-term strategy period, all research groups that do not yet have core research program funding will be eligible to obtain it 3.2 Each researcher will (co)author at least one article per year in a journal indexed in the WoS or SCOPUS database; on average, UP will achieve 1.5 WoS or SCOPUS publications INCREASING SCIENTIFIC per researcher per year 3.3 25% increase in the number of published scientific monographs RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 3.4 In the period 2021-2027 each researcher will carry out at least two outgoing research AMONG ALL RESEARCHERS mobilities for at least one month 3.5 Each researcher will prepare or participate in the preparation of at least one research project proposal per year 3.6 Another UP scientific journal will be indexed in the WoS or SCOPUS database 4. Providing personnel, financial and infrastructural conditions for the implementation of scientific research activities UP will continue its activities to increase stable funding, which is still below the national average. Special attention will be paid to providing conditions and support for early-stage researchers and top researchers from abroad. 4.1 UP will obtain the HR Excellence in Research certification 4.2 Upgrading the intranet portal with information for researchers 4.3 Developing IT solutions to support scientific research 4.4 Providing modern infrastructure and research equipment PEDAGOGICAL EXCELLENCE 5. Strengthening the quality and effectiveness of education UP will strengthen the quality and efficiency of education with pedagogical excellence in conjunction with the latest research findings, motivating students and increasing cooperation between individual stakeholders (employees, students, graduates and external partners). 5.1 Establishing the principles of (self) evaluation of the learning process and its results 5.2 Upgrading e-learning as a complementary educational mode to classic education 5.3 Pilot implementations of some (parts of) study programs with innovative teaching methods will be carried out 5.4 The creation of new, quality higher education textbooks will be encouraged 5.5 Internal ICT solutions will be developed to support UP’s pedagogical activity INNOVATIVE STUDY PROGRAMS 6. Socially and economically updated development of study programs based on the latest scientific and artistic findings UP will offer a range of study programs that are attractive to students while responding to the challenges of society and the needs of the labor market. 6.1 Increasing the offer of interdisciplinary study programs with special emphasis on postgraduate study programs 6.2 Strengthening the existing study offer with special emphasis on humanities, natural and technology sciences and other fields of study with non-full occupancy but with great potential 6.3 Further development of the field of art study programs 6.4 Strengthening study programs in the field of health care prevention and social security INNOVATIVE 6.5 Establishment of integrated study verticals STUDY PROGRAMS 6.6 Further development of lifelong learning for various target groups 7. Updating existing study programs in line with the latest scientific knowledge and current social and economic challenges to boost competences of students and graduates UP will strive for an integrated approach, taking into account the latest scientific knowledge, the challenges and needs of society and the economy, as well as the latest didactic recommendations for greater student performance and better employability of graduates. 7.1 The share of practical education (training) as a study obligation will be increased 7.2 When submitting a doctoral dissertation, the doctoral student must be the first author of at least one scientific contribution related to the content of the dissertation, accepted for publication in a scientific journal indexed in WoS or SCOPUS IN ORDER TO INCREASE THE SUCCESS AND “EXPAND THE COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS, WE ARE CONSTANTLY UPDATING OUR STUDY PROGRAMS, AND ARE STRIVING TO STRENGTHEN OUR INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDY OFFER IN THE FIELDS OF HUMANITIES, NATURAL SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY. COOPERATION WITH SOCIETY AND INDUSTRY 8. Strengthening cooperation and establishing of new partnerships with industry and users of knowledge in the local, national and international environment UP will strengthen the role of the knowledge creator in the local, national and international space through strategic partnerships with economic entities and other users of knowledge. UP will increase the scope and quality of cooperation and funding from non-public funds. 8.1 A transparent portal of research competencies, projects and research equipment will be established, which will facilitate the identification of fields of cooperation with external stakeholders and increase the visibility of UP within society and industry 8.2 At least 2 new strategic partnerships will be established with economic stakeholders and other users of knowledge, on the basis of which large-scale joint research and development projects will be implemented 8.3 Links will be established to hand over project results and products to users of knowledge, to ensure the sustainability of projects 8.4 Strengthening the involvement of external stakeholders in the design and implementation of study programs 9. Promoting innovation and intellectual property protection UP will actively build an innovative culture. 9.1 Institutional policy in the field of intellectual property and knowledge transfer will be developed 9.2 An internal register of innovation will be set up RECOGNITION IN THE GLOBAL NETWORK OF UNIVERSITIES 10. Strengthening the quality and global reach of international partnerships UP will operate in accordance with international standards for quality in education, research and other university activities. 10.1 Establish a policy of inter-university cooperation based on a review of existing partnerships 10.2 Preparation of individual courses for implementation in a foreign language, as well as joint programs (“joint / dual”) with international partners 11. Enhancing visibility in the global university network UP strives to become an internationally recognized institution committed to excellence in teaching and research. 11.1 Organization of conferences, workshops and summer schools 11.2 Establishment of a globally recognizable UP brand INTERNATIONALIZATION AT HOME 12. Strengthening internationalization at home as a platform for gaining intercultural experiences and competencies UP supports freedom of creation, international and interdisciplinary cooperation, and the enrichment of quality of life through science and education. 12.1 Increasing the scope of international and intercultural content in the study programs INTERNATIONALIZATION 12.2 Establishing a common point (“mixing space”) for connecting and AT HOME socializing between students, employees and members of the local community 12.3 Establishing a virtual environment for the exchange of ideas, experiences and cultures HIGH STUDENT MOTIVATION AND STAFF EFFICIENCY 13. Achieve greater success of the university in all areas by increasing the satisfaction and motivation of both students and staff UP is aware that the satisfaction of the internal public (both employees and students) is the key to successful operation. Therefore, UP will continue to strive to create an environment that facilitates the development, health and well-being of all at UP. Student and employee satisfaction is one of the key elements for risk management, development, health and well-being of both students and employees, and for the successful operation of the university in general. 13.1 The university will respond quickly and effectively to the changing needs of stakeholders, demonstrating a high level of risk management and the ability to take advantage of opportunities 13.2 Safe conditions for study, work and learning will continue to be ensured, and a healthy lifestyle of students and staff will be promoted 13.3 Activities will be organized for students and staff to meet and establish contacts outside the study and work environment, with particular emphasis on the cultural and artistic fields 13.4 Each UP professional staff member (with the exception of the maintenance unit staff) will carry out at least one extended international mobility for the duration of this strategy 13.5 The living, learning and socialization conditions of students will be improved BALANCED STAFF STRUCTURE 14. Successful succession planning Succession planning will identify employees (students and employees) who show the potential and ability for career development in individual areas, and provide them with additional trainings and the development of skills they will need to move to more responsible roles at UP. 14.1 Improving pedagogical, scientific and professional excellence 14.2 Cross-training or internal mobility within the university’s units to improve professional knowledge or disseminate skills and expertise of employees 14.3 Identifying those most suited as holders of individual subjects through comparison of employees’ scientific research and pedagogical references among those elected to a title in the same habilitation field 14.4 Implementation of regular internal trainings for employees and providing of funds for co-financing lifelong education 15. Introduction of mechanisms for successful recruitment of new employees with appropriate knowledge and references Applicants for job vacancies will be selected based on scientific research or professional references and potential. With this principle, also adhered to in the last strategic period, UP will achieve balance or equal representation of different groups as a key element of successful development. 15.1 Publication of international job vacancies at UP 15.2 Upgrading career counseling by establishing an internal database of UP job seekers from among UP students and graduates by defining interests in fields of work and appropriate monitoring of their development during studies (which will be used to find new academic and professional UP staff as well as to find new associates for external partners) 15.3 Establishment of a system of assistance for the integration of new employees “ AS AN EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTION, THE UNIVERSITY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE QUALITY CAREER DEVELOPMENT OF ITS EMPLOYEES, STUDENTS AND GRADUATES, SINCE THEY IN TURN CONTRIBUTE TO THE CULTURAL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE WIDER ENVIRONMENT. QUALITY MANAGEMENT 16. Strengthening the quality management system UP will strengthen the role and importance of quality assurance based on an effective quality management system. 16.1. Prenovljen bo sistem vodenja kakovosti na UP 16.1 Quality assurance system improvement 16.2. Okrepljen bo odprt dialog o pomenu in razumevanju kulture kakovosti 16.2 Promoting consultation processes for an open dialogue on the meaning and understanding of quality culture Strategy of the University of Primorska 2021–2027 Published by University of Primorska Press Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper www.hippocampus.si Photo: Arhiv UP, UP FM/ABC Accelerator, UP FAMNIT, UP PEF © 2021 University of Primorska Koper | 2021 Electronic edition https://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-293-091-2.pdf https://www.hippocampus.si/ISBN/978-961-293-092-9/index.html https://doi.org/10.26493/978-961-293-091-2 Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 70297091 ISBN 978-961-293-091-2 (pdf) ISBN 978-961-293-092-9 (html) w w w . u p r . s i