/HMERISK/I DOMOVIIM/t 7L ltVI J fl AMERICAN IN SPIRIT POUBRII IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVCNIAh MORNING NSWSPA AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) Ameriška C na. September 1 6, 1 983 VOL. LXXXV Visoka kakovost Kresovih plesalcev Novi grobovi iz Clevelanda in okolice CLEVELAND, O. - V soboto, 10- septembra, smo imeli možnost videti v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair ju izjemno lepo predstavo Slovenske folklorne skupine Kres. Zopet smo lahko spoznali slikovitost slovenske narodne Plesne kulture, hkrati pa , vse vrline Kresovega ansambla. Tisti, ki radi enega ali drugega vzroka niso mogli biti prisotni, bodo lahko zamujeno nadomestili čez dober teden, v netijo, 25. septembra, ko bodo . esovci predstavo ponovili in s*cer zopet v SND. Ta drugi nastop se bo začel popoldne °b 3.30, vstopnice so po $5 na osebo in so že v predprodaji. Sedeži tokrat niso rezervirani, otroci do 13. leta starosti bodo vstopnine prosti. Pri Kresu kot pri drugih ta-'b skupinah imajo težko na-°6o: prikazati pristno folklo-r° ln obenem ne dolgočasiti jpdalcev. Prav tako teh gle-alcev ne zavajati z izumetni-enostmi ali preko ponavljanja oločenih plesnih gibov, za atere vedo, da bodo izzivali čudenje in velik aplavz. Graditi morajo spored tako, a tudi nepoučen gledalec ra-ZUnie' kaj je pristno in kaj je ^narejeno. Kresovcem se je uspelo, vsaj tako se je meni j e*° Preteklo soboto zvečer. z°gnili so se enostavnosti, ki ^ drugače prav lahko mejilo dolgočasno ponavljanje, ,rat' ni bilo pretirane pona-Jeuosti, ki bi bila posledica mika od ljudskega izročila v J1 28 spektakularnost. dvehCS0V spored Je bil grajen v Oj. delih. V prvem so v loče- stav'r°Sameznih točkah predrtih P*ese’ izvirajoče iz raz-je , raiev Slovenije. Vsak ples vrst* *ep° koreografiran in iz- snd° izvajan- Ker Je oder v tok Prostorno omejen, se ni zgodilo, da je bilo njem preveč plesalcev. Pri vsakem plesu je sodelovala manjša skupina. Stalni obiskovalci Kresovih in tudi Inštitutovih nastopov smo mnoge teh plesov v eni ali drugi obliki seveda že videli, vendar so se zdeli preteklo soboto še vedno sveži in zanimivi. Kresovi plesalke in plesalci so zelo lahkih in hitrih nog. Dekleta in tudi mnogi fantje imajo sijoč nasmeh, vsi so ponosnih drž, gibi so temperamentni in sploh dajejo vtis, da se imajo radi, da je skupina kot ena velika družina. Drugi del sporeda je bil bolj nenavaden. Tu so Kresovci prikazovali razne pustne norčije in običaje. »Tradicionalnih« plesov, takšnih, kakršnih smo navajeni, dejansko tu ni bilo. Videli pa smo lepo izdelane maske in prav zanimiv prikaz pustnih šeg. Tudi v tem delu so bili nastopajoči zelo dobri v svojih vlogah, tu in tam je bilo morda le nekaj preveč pretirane emocionalnosti od posameznih plesalcev in plesalk. Množica nastopajočih v drugem delu je bila odlično medsebojno usklajena. Omeniti je treba prvovrstno spremljavo pri mnogih točkah orkestra Veselih Slovencev, pri katerem so vsi instrumentalisti odlični. Od vseh koreografij nobene ni mogoče izpostaviti, ker je bila vsaka posebej lepa. Kar bi želel videti bi pa bilo več solo nastopov. Morda pa taki nastopi niso v navadi v ljudskih plesih ali pa nočejo v skupini individualnih plesalcev-zvez-dnikov oz. zvezdnic. Vso pohvalo zasluži voditeljica Kresa Breda Lončar in tisti številni sodelavci, ki so po napornem delu tako lepo uspeli. Iste čestitke seveda vsem nastopajočim. Rudolph M. Susel ^tvoritveni dan lepo obiskan dom**10 soboto popoldne je več sto ljudi obiskalo Slovenski *»ve»toi°Starele na Neff Rd*ln sl 08ledal° nove Prostore tega bj., ’ ^ ima prostor za 150 stanovalcev. Enotnega mnenja ki ž 1 ’da je ta dom ne le lepa, marveč zelo koristna ustanova, i^isrč VS° PodPoro na^e skupnosti. Obiskovalce doma sta Ve8» di° spreiema*i 8a- Alma Lazar, dolgoletna članica domo-kot d*reWtorija, in gdč. Zora Glazer, ki rada pomaga domu Prostovoljka. Andrew F. Rezin Včeraj je v St. Alexis bolnišnici za rakom umrl 62 let stari Andrew F. Rezin, rojen v Nevburgu in bivajoč od 1. 1923 na Maple Hts., mož Josephine, oče Andrewa A., JoAnn Lam-pa in Janiče Rogel, 9-krat stari oče, sin Andrewa (pok.) in Anne, roj. Kuhar, Rezin, brat Johna in Ann Grilj (oba že pok.), mizar po poklicu, a v pokoju odi. 1970. Pokojnik je bil zelo aktiven društveni delavec. Bil je član glavnega odbora ADZ od 1. 1968 in predsednik krajevnega društva št. 25, več let načelnik mladinskega odseka pri ADZ, član Društva Najsv. Imena pri Sv. Moniki, SNPJ št. 139, IOF št. 881, pevskih zborov Zvon in Planina, član direktorija Slovenskega narodnega doma na Stanley Ave. nad 20 let in nekaj časa domov blagajnik, član Kluba slovenskih upokojencev v Nevburgu-Maple Hts. in klubov finančni tajnik 8 in pol leta. Leta 1971 ga je SND na Stanley Ave. izbral za »moža leta«. Bil je veteran druge svetovne vojne in aktiven v več veteranskih organizacijah. Pogreb bo iz Fortunovega pogrebnega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. v ponedeljek, 19. septembra, zjutraj ob 8.30, v cerkev sv. Monike ob 9.30, nato na pokopališče Vseh svetnikov. Na mrtvaškem odru bo jutri, v soboto, zvečer od 7. do 9. ter v nedeljo popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. Louis Oblak V ponedeljek, 12. septembra zvečer je v Euclid General bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 83 let stari Louis Oblak s 32451 Eddy Rd., prej bivajoč na 6612 St. Clair Ave., rojen pri Sv. Gregorju pri Grabnu, Slovenija, od koder je prišel v Cleveland 1. 1926, mož Jennie, roj. Adamič, oče Victor j a (pok.), stric Antona Oblak in Marie Žakelj, brat Johna, Antona, Josepha, Victorja, Ludvika (vsi že pok.) ter dveh mlajših sestra, član ADZ št. 18, ABZ št. 173, KSKJ št. 226, Slovenske pristave in Baragovega doma. Pokojnik in žena sta lastovala in vodila Oblak Furniture Store na vogalu E. 66. ceste in St. Clair Ave. 45 let, vse do 1. 1979. Pred prihodom v ZDA je imel pokojnik vlogo v pasijonski igri in po naselitvi v Clevelandu ustanovil odbor, ki je priredil pasijon 1. 1930 in 1931 v Slovenskem narodnem domu. Predstavi sta odlično uspeli. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega pogrebnega zavoda na 6502 St. Clair Ave. danes, v petek, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Anton Snyder V torek, 13. septembra, je v St. Vincent Charity bolnišnici na posledicah padca z lestve Kosilo pri Sv. Vidu— Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu vabi na vsakoletno kosilo, ki bo v nedeljo, 18. septembra, v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Vstopnice so po $5 na osebo, za otroke do 12. leta pa po $3. Pridite in pripeljite s seboj tudi družino in prijatelje! J Prodaja krofov— To soboto bo prodaja krofov ob običajnem času v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Ponovitev predstave— Sedeži za Kresove drugo predstavo 25. septembra v SND na St. Clairju niso rezervirani. Vstopnice, ki so $5 na osebo, imajo vsi člani Kresa, dobite jih lahko tudi pri Ster-letovi restavraciji in Tony’s Polka Village, naprodaj bodo še vhodu v dvorano na dan nastopa. Program se bo pričel popoldne ob 3.30. In še: Kresova nabirka starega papirja je še v teku. Lahko ga pripeljete k Pako Inc., 37500 N. Industrial Parkway, ali pa pokličite 944-0708, 261-5568 ali 531-1588 in ga bodo prišli pobrat. V domu za ostarele— Marie Benevol, naša dolgoletna naročnica, sedaj stanuje v sobi B-104 v Slovenskem domu za ostarele na 18621 Neff Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Ga. Benevol je mati Jeanne Hrovat in Marie March. Lepo bi bilo, če bi jo njene prijateljice obiskale ali ji poslali kartico. Prav tako stanuje v Slovenskem domu za ostarele naša naročnica Frances Mohorčič, ki je živela mnoga leta v St. Clairski okolici. Vesela bi bila obiskov. K molitvi— Člani Društva Najsv. Imena fare sv. Vida imajo skupno molitev nocoj ob pol osmih v Zakrajškovem pogrebnem zavodu na St. Clair Ave. za pokojnega Antona Žnidaršiča. umrl 89 let stari Anton Snyder (prej Žnidaršič) z 1166 E. 60. ceste. Do nesreče je prišlo preteklo soboto, ko je pokojnik kljub visoki starosti obrezoval drevje pri svojem domu, izgubil ravnotežje ter padel. Ležal je v nezavesti vse do svoje smrti. Bil je vdovec po pok. ženi Ceciliji, roj. Smolič, oče Ludwiga in An-thonya (Norfolk, Va.), 6-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Anne Zalar. Mnoga leta je pokojnik lastoval in vodil Lyon Dairy, mlekarno, ki je bila na 1166 E. 60. cesti. Bil je član ADZ št. 17, SNPJ št. 5 in Euclid Rifle kluba. Pogreb bo (dalje na 2. str.) Vinska trgatev— To nedeljo bo na Slovenski pristavi tradicionalna vinska trgatev. Po 1. uri popoldne bodo na razpolago štej k kosila, za pokušanje vina pa suhe klobase in sir. Igrali bodo harmonikarji. Vabljeni! Koncert Fantov na vasi— Fantje na vasi prirejajo svoj vsakoletni koncert v soboto, 1. oktobra, ob 7h zvečer v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. Gostovali bodo Fantje na vasi iz Toronta. Vstopnice so na razpolago pri vseh članih zbora, ali jih pa lahko rezervirate, če pokličete Janeza Tominca (531-8855) ali Tomaža Sršena (432-2041). Obiski— Pred nedavnim so urad Ameriške Domovine obiskali Otmar in Anica Tašner iz Chicaga in brat Alojz Tašner iz Buenos Airesa, Argentina. O-gledali so si nove stroje in se zanimali za postopek tiskanja na nove stroje. Prav tako se je pri nas pretekli teden ustavila Francka Mehle, ki je na obisku iz mesta San Justo, Argentina. Ga. Mehle ima sina v Detroitu in sestro v Kanadi. V ponedeljek se je pa oglasil v tiskarni p. Fortunat Zorman iz Lemonta, ki se mudi v našem mestu več dni. Zanimal se je za naš novi stroj — med njegovim obiskom smo pravkar tiskali Glasilo KSKJ — in govoril o težavah v zvezi s tiskanjem Ave Maria. Hvala za prijetne obiske! Slovenska pisarna sporoča— Prejeli so pošiljko Pratik 1984 Družbe sv. Mohorja v Celovcu. Cena je $2.50 plus en dolar za poštnino in odpravo, kdor naroči po pošti. Že več kot polovico je prodanih. Na zalogi je še nekaj knjig: Alojzij Gržinič - Boj za slovensko šolstvo na Primorskem. Cena $6 plus $1.50 za poštnino in odpravo, kdor naroči po pošti. Na zalogi je tudi še nekaj izvodov letošnje izdaje knjig Goriške Mohorjeve družbe, cena $20 plus dva dolarja po pošti. Pisarna je odprta vsak torek, četrtek in soboto od 10. do 1. ure pop. Vsakdo si more ogledati veliko zalogo knjig. Knjige naročite na naslov: Slovenska pisarna, 6304 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. VREME Oblačno in deževno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 67 F. Spremenljivo oblačno in hladno jutri z možnostjo krajevne plohe. Najvišja temperatura okoli 68F. V nedeljo deloma sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 70 F. V ponedeljek in torek deloma do pretežno sončno z najvišjima temperaturama v srednjih alih visokih 70-ih. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. — 431-0628 — Cleveland OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (ISSN 0164-680X) James V. Debevec — Publisher Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Editor Published Tuesdays and Fridays except first two weeks in July and one week after Christmas NAROČNINA: Združine države: $28.00 na leto; $14.00 za pol leta; $8.00 za mesece Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav: $40.00 na leto; $25.00 za pol leta; $ 1 5.00 za 3 mesece Petkova izdaja; $1 5.00 na leto; Kanada in dežele izven Združenih dežav; $20.00 na leto. SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $28.00 per year; $ 14.00 for 6 months; $8.00 for 3 months Canada and Foreign Countries: $40.00 per year; $25.00 for 6 months; $ 1 5.00 for 3 months Fridays only: $15.00 per year — Canada and Foreign $20 Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 611 7 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 No. 69 Friday, September 16, 1983 Ob 40-letnici italijanskega zloma v drugi svetovni vojni (IV. del) Tito zmagal najprej na diplomatskem polju Nemci so po zlomu Italije prevzeli oblast tudi v Ljubljani in Jadranskem Primorju. V Ljubljanski pokrajini so izročili skrb za upravo generalu Rupniku. Ta je za vzdrževanje javnega reda, miru in varnosti z njihovim soglasjem ustanovil Slovensko domobranstvo. To se je v kratki dobi razvilo v močno in udarno vojaško organizacijo, ki je z uspehom varovala slovenska naselja na Dolenjskem in Notranjskem pred partizanskim nasiljem. Po uspelem poskusu v Ljubljanski pokrajini je bila v Jadranskem Primorju ustanovljena domobranstvu slična Slovenska narodna straža, na Gorenjskem pa posebno domobranstvo. ***** V Jajcu v Bosni se je 29. novembra 1943 zbral k drugemu zasedanju Antifašistični svet narodnega osvobojenja Jugoslavije (AVNOJ). Osnoval je predsedstvo in Narodno osvobodilni svet pod vodstvom Tita, ki je bil proglašen za maršala in obrambnega ministra. V Teheranu so štiri dni kasneje Roosevelt, Churchill in Stalin sklenili podpreti Tita in njegov NOS, angleška vlada pa je odpoklicala svojo vojaško odposlanstvo od Mihajloviča. Že 15. decembra 1943 je Sovjetska zveza priznala Titovo vlado kot edino vlado Jugoslavije in prekinila zveze z vlado v Londonu. Anglija in Amerika sta na posvetu v Aleksandriji v Egiptu nekako ob istem času obljubili priznati Titu položaj »enakopravnega zavezniškega poveljnika«, kot ga je imel dotlej gen. Draža Mihajlovič. Koncem februarja 1944 je prišla k Titu prva sovjetska vojaška misija pod vodstvom gen. Kornjeva, od aprila pa so Sovjeti začeli Tita tudi materialno podpirati. Maja (1944) je prišlo v London Titovo zastopstvo pod gen. Velebitom. Vlada Puriča je morala odstopiti. Novo je sestavil Hrvat Šubašič brez gen. Draže Mihajloviča kot vojnega ministra. Ko so Nemci napadli 25. maja Titov glavni stan v Drvarju, se je ta z letalom rešil na otok Vis, kjer je bil pod varnim zavetjem zavezniške vojne mornarice. Tam se je s Titom sestal predsednik londonske jugoslovanske vlade Šubašič in se z njim načelno sporazumel o sodelovanju (16. junija 1944). Sredi avgusta 1944 je bil Tito v Caserti pri predsedniku angleške vlade Churchillu. V tem času je bila Jugoslavija še v angleški vojaški operacijski coni na temelju sovjetsko-angleš-kega dogovora od 18. maja 1944. Na temelju teh razgovorov je kralj Peter II. 12. septembra 1944 pozval preko radia vse Jugoslovane, naj se pridružijo »Osvobodilni vojski« Tita. V dveh govorih je naslovil podoben poziv na Slovence iz Londona pok. dr. A. Kuhar. Dober teden nato je Tito naskrivaj zapustil Vis in odletel v Moskvo k Stalinu. Ko je 20. oktobra (1944) Rdeča armada zasedla Beograd, je Tito prenesel sedež svoje vlade tja. Predsednik londonske vlade Šubašič in Tito sta se 1. novembra domenila o koalicijski vladi in o polnomočjih kralja. Ta dogovor je bil ob priložnosti obiska Šubašiča in Kardelja v Moskvi 25. novembra 1944 potrjen in 1. decembra tudi podpisan. Romanje v Frank, Ohio Ob 40-letnici žrtev Turjaka in Grčaric CLEVELAND, O. - Društvo SPB Cleveland že več kot 20 let prireja vsako leto rmanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, Ohio. V splošnem vsako leto molimo za žrtve vojske in revolucije in tudi za vse rojake, ki so med letom tukaj umrli. Ob znamenitih obletnicah pa je romanje posvečeno spominu teh. Letošnje romanje je posvečeno spominu žrtev na Turjaku in Grčaric in tudi drugih masovnih morišč, ko so komunisti po italijanski kapitulaciji septembra 1943 s pomočjo italijanskega orožja zasedli za kratek čas skoraj večino takratne Ljubljanske pokrajine ter v času svoje oblasti pomorili svoje nasprotnike. Prav v tistem času se je začel tudi preo-kret angleške in ameriške politike, da so končno zavrgli svoje prave zaveznike in prijatelje ter začeli podpirati Titove partizane, kar je končno dovedlo komuniste na oblast. V Frank, Ohio, prihaja mnogo romarskih skupin različnih narodnosti. Duhovniki romarske cerkve Žalostne Matere božje pravijo, da je naša slovenska skupina vsako leto največja, zato so sami proglasili to nedeljo za Slovenski dan — Slovenian Day. Letošnje romanje v Frank bo v nedeljo, 25. septembra. Opoldne bo spominska sv. maša. Kakor je napovedano, bo glavni maševalec škof dr. Edward Pevec ob somaševanju č.gg. dr. Pavel Krajnik iz Loraina in p. Fortunat Zorman iz Lemonta. Sv. maša in pridiga bo seveda slovenska in tudi petje med sv. mašo slovensko. Škof bo morda kaj na kratko povedal angleško in slovensko. Konferenca velikih treh v Jalti 4. do 11. feb. 1945 je priporočila, naj se dogovor Šubašič-Tito čim prej izvede. Kraljevo namestništvo je novo vlado Tito-Šubašič 8. marca 1945 potrdilo. Ta je s tem postala edina zakonita vlada Jugoslavije, Titova »Narodno osvobodilna vojska« redna jugoslovanska vojska. Tito je zmagal najprej na diplomatskem polju, potem šele s pomočjo zaveznikov tudi na bojnem. ***** V domobranskih vojaških enotah je bilo skupno nad 15.000 slovenskih mož in fantov, ki so smatrali za svojo dolžnost borbo proti komunističnemu nasilju, kakor hitro je Komunistična partija sredi tuje zasedbe domovine državljansko vojno začela. Priznati jim je treba, da so se junaško borili, doprinesli neštevilne žrtve, da bi narod rešili novega, hujšega suženjstva, še predno se je rešil tujčevega. Vsi njihovi napori so ostali brez uspeha ne zaradi njihove premale vneme in udarnosti, — saj so domobranski udarni bataljoni partizane redno zmagovali — ampak zaradi zahodnih zaveznikov, ki v Titu in njegovem gibanju niso marali videti komunizma in komunistične revolucije vse dotlej, dokler niso prišli z njim v neposreden spor. Nudili so mu svo ogromno moralno, politično in materialno podporo po Churchillovem načelu: »Saj mi ne bomo živeli po vojni v Jugoslaviji,« kaj nam torej mari! ***** Če bi vodniki zahodnega sveta komunizem in njegove cilje tako poznali, kot jih je tekom državljanske vojne spoznal slovenski narod, in se po tem spoznanju tudi ravnali, bi se bili lahko izognili »mrzle vojne«, pa tudi vroče vojne v Koreji in Indokini, izognili bi se današnji oboroževalni tekmi in ne bilo bi jim treba trepetati pred strahotno atomsko vojno, ki visi kot Damoklejev meč nad vsem svetom. (Konec) Po sv. maši bo v tamkajšnji obednici kosilo za tiste, ki želijo tam jesti. Cena je $5.25. Popoldne ob 2.30 bo Križev pot, nato litanije Matere božje z blagoslovom. Ker je cerkev premajhna za takšno število romarjev, bo sv. maša v zgradbi nove cerkve na prostem, vendar vsem romarjem priporočamo, da izkoristijo proti čas in si ogledajo lepo staro cerkev, ki nas zelo spominja na naše domače cerkve. Zapoznelim priglašancem za to romanje moramo na žalost sporočiti, da so vsi avtobusi že zasedeni, zato ni več mogoče sprejeti novih prijav. Javljeno je, da bo za to romanje v Frank vozilo 7 avtobusov. Ker pa vsako leto prihaja tja tudi veliko število privatnih avtomobilov, bi morda kdo mogel še prisesti k svojemu prijatelju, a to naj vsak sam uredi. Odhod avtobusov iz Clevelanda je ob 8. uri izpred cerkve Marije Vnebovzete v Collin-woodu, ob 8.30 pa izpred Baragovega doma, 6304 St. Clair Ave. V Cleveland se vrnemo okrog 6. ure zvečer. Organizatorji romanja prosijo, da ste vsi točni, ker avtobusi ne morejo čakati posameznikov, ki imajo navado zamuditi. Jože Melaher Novi grobovi (nadaljevanje s 1. str.) iz pogrebnega zavoda Zak na 6016 St. Clair Ave. jutri, v soboto, ob 9.30 dopoldne, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10., nato na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes popoldne od 2. do 4. in zvečer od 7. do 9. John Macks Preteklo sredo je na svojem domu nenadno umrl John Macks, vdovec po pok. ženi Anne, roj. Kozel, oče Geraldine Duncan in Ronalda, 3-krat stari oče, brat Andrewa (S. Car.), zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri Mid-West Forge Co. Pogreb bo iz pogrebnega zavoda Zak-Cosic, 28890 Chardon Rd. na Willoughby Hills, danes, v petek, v cerkev sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. ob 9.30 dopoldne in od tam na Kalvarijo. John C. Bouffard V nedeljo, 4. septembra, je v Mt. Sinai bolnišnici umrl John C. Bouffard, mož Helen, roj. DePenti, oče Johna D., brat Lloyda, Betty Kirk, Mildred Fligle, Charlesa, Georgea in Williama, zaposlen Pr* Cleveland Plain Dealer vse do svoje upokojitve, veteran druge svetovne vojne. Pogreb iz bil iz pogrebnega zavoda Zak-Cosic, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, v sredo, 7. septembra, v novo cerkev sv. Noela na Chardon Rd. MALI OGLASI FOR RENT St. Clair Area 4 rooms & bath, up. Middl® aged couple preferred. No children. No pets. No laundry. Share heat bill. Cal1 361-0730 before 10 a.m., °r after 5 p.m. (68-71) FOR RENT 3 room apt., furnished, person. References, also 5 rooms down. Couples on ly, or 2 singles. Near S • Vitus parish. Call 43T267* Elderly woman to care W two children in exchanfl for rent in Willowick. Ca 383-1980. (68-69) MEDICAL OFFICES EUCLID AVE. E. 260tn AREA. 7 rooms — 1025 SQ-ft. Excellent exposuf®-Parking. Therse are nicer carpeted, attracts GROUND FLOOR 0I' FICES. $700. Good lease- FIVE UNITS All barick. E. 200 St. nea Lake Shore Blvd. Excell® condition. Lots of parkinflj Call and see today $125,000. $69,900 up ) FAMILY. Off La,| re. Eastlake. r irate utilities. $600 P th income. Exce,f.i iition. Lge. lot 50^ “ |g Off with $37,900 ,e E. 200. Older sinQ 3 bdrms. Full >urms. run ~ * room. Full baseme^ Garage. Concrete dr Owner says, “sell.” ^ SALOTTO REALT* 585-0007 71) FANTJE NA VASI KONCERT V SOBOTO, 1. OKTOBRA 1983 V SLOVENSKEM NARODNEM DOMU 6417 St. Clair Avenue Gostujejo FANTJE NA VASI iz Toronta ZAČETEK OB 7:00 ZVEČER Po koncertu zabava In ples ■ Igra Alpski Sekstet For tickets call Tom Sršen 432*2041 or John Tominc 531-8855 •u mali oglasi FOR RENT grooms, up. St. Vitus area. 63 St. All remodeled. New walls, new ceilings, new cabinets. Completely ^modeled. Rent over $100. Call 731-1888. (67-69) grill cook ^art time hours. 3232 Lakeside Ave. 861-3895. (67-69) FOR RENT rrr|s., 2 bdrms., carpeted, ^P- insulated. E. 71 St. near r'’ Clair. Security and eferences. — 321-3907 (X) ELDERLY CARE! 7 home. Live-in or daily, personalized. Complete care- Call 881-6143. (65-72) house for sale by owner EUCLID ^rrn- 2’A baths. Finish-basement. 2 car attached arage. Florida room. In nice area- $79,500. Call 486-2743. FOR RENT St. Vitus area. For older single person. 3 room suite, bath & basement. Call 431-4342 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (X) House for Sale by Owner 3 bdrm brick Colonial. Off E. 222nd St. Eat-in kitchen. Formal din. rm. Fin. rec. rm. 2 full baths. Lge. utility rm. Patio. 1 1/2 car garage. Lge lot with fruit trees. In high 50’s. Call after 6 p.m. 261-4792. (69-76) Grovewood. Alum, sided, completely remodeled. Rec room. Garage. Must see. North of Lake Shore. Large 3-4 bdrm colonial. Family room, Florida room, rec room, fireplace. Above ground pool. Garage. $47,500 Brick double, and single house on 1 lot on E. 68 St. Immediate occupancy. Owner financing 10% on 100 beautiful acres, house, barn. Jefferson. Make offer. • ROJAKI POZOR! Izvršujem vsa zidarska in tesarska dela, kopalnice, kuhinje, porče, dimnike itd. Ogled brezplačen. 944-1470 486-5545 (FX) DR. ALAN B. NAHA Complete dental care. All types of dental insurance accepted. Ask about our special family group plan. Conveniently located at 848 E. 185th St. in the Jo-Ann Medical Bldg, between Shore Carpet & Yale TV across the street from the LaSalle Theater. 531-7700 (F-X) OGRAJE POSTAVLJAM Postavljam nove ograje in popravljam stare. Tudi prodajam potrebni material za ograje po zmerni cehi in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Lahko pokličete vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) V BLAG SPOMIN PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA, OČETA IN STAREGA ATA JANEZ GREBENC ki je umrl 17. sept. 1982. Minilo je te leto dni, odkar si nas zapustil Ti. Smrt Ti vzela je tivljenje, končala Tvoje je trpljenje. Nam pa tetko je pri srcu, ker Te več med nami ni. Sonce naj na trato sije, kjer počivaš dragi Ti. Duša pa naj raj utiva, tam v srečni večnosti. Žalujoči ostali: Marija Grebenc — soproga; John, Frank, Louis, Joseph, Thomas in Peter — sinovi; Mary — hčerka; Donna, Marcie in Lillian — snahe; Kevin — zet; Mark, Mathew, Andrea, Christina, Nicholas, Frances in Anna — vnuki in vnukinje. Burlington, Ont., Canada 16. septembra 1 983. WILLOUGHBY HILLS Alum, sided ranch. 3 bdrms. Lge. modern kitchen. Central air. Divided basement with rec room. 2 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE, PLUS 3 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE IN REAR WITH LGE. DECK. Ideal for hobbies, etc. 100X300 ft. lot. Located bet. Bishop & Rockefeller Rds. Asking around $100,000. DELUXE RANCH Richmond Hts. brick. 3 bdrms. 2 fireplaces. Dining room. Large kitchen. Full basement. Rec. room. 2 car attached garage. Approximately 1 acre. Located Chardon & Richmond Rd. area. C-P-M REALTORS 944-3232 GROVEWOOD AREA 2 family 5 - 5. Well built with double deck porches. Immediate possession. Priced right. 2 bdrm alum, sided bungalow, off St. Clair near Forest City Lumber. Only $29,900. LOCATION REALTY 531-8788 or 531-6576 V BLAG SPOMIN 33. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA IN NIKDAR POZABLJENEGA SINA IN BRATA Pfc. William F. Starič ki je dal svoje mlado življenje na Koreji 16. sept. 1950. Zapustil je dolino solzno. Rešen vsega trpljenja in gorja, Sedaj pa počiva mirno V varstvu Stvarnika svoj’ga. Žalujoči: Matilda, mati Edward, brat Ann Harey, sestra Ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, 16. sept. 1983. *• V'V.. , FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms. 1190 E. 60 St. Call 944-6974. (69,71) NURSING ASSISTANTS Seeking persons with minimum 1-2 years prior experience in hospital or long term facility. Must have basic Nursing Skills to provide direct patient care. Willingness to work evenings or nights. Far western Lake County location. Local references required. Send resume to: Box 123 c/o American Home Publishing Co., 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. GRILL COOK Part time hours. 3232 Lakeside Ave. 861-3895. (69-71) FOR RENT Waterloo Beach area. 4 rooms up. 731-1860. (67,69) EUCLID BY OWNER 4 bdrms. 2 1/2 baths. Custom built home. Double attached garage. Full basement. Lge. family room. Many extras. $94,000 negotiable. Call 486-6941. (67,69) FOR SALE Drasticlly reduced — MUST SELL. 3 bdrm ranch, central air. Beautiful area. 29399 Shaker Drive. Wickliffe. $79,000. Call 943-5891. (FX) V BLAG SPOMIN 24. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠE LJUBE ŽENE IN MATERE Mary Petkovšek ki je zatisnila svoje blage oči 17. septembra 1959. V hladnem grobu zdaj počivaš, rešena si vseh skrbi, mi pa mislimo na Tebe, Te pogrešamo vse dni. Žalujoči: Anton — soprog Tony ml. — sin Cleveland, 16. sept. 1983. (66-73) CAMEO REALTY 261-3900 ask for Anton Matic 531-6787 (fx) 1894 1976 In Loving Memory V blag spomin sedme obletnice nagle izgube našega dragega soproga, očeta, starega očeta in prastarega očeta ANTHONY J. FORTUNA k* 8» je ljubi Bog poklical k sebi dne 15. septembra 1976 Sedem let je te minulo, odkar jubi Bog te je tako naglo poklical, ‘n naše prošnje k njemu pošiljamo, a bojja roka Tvoji duši plačilo naj deli. ^Ven years have passed already Jnce the dear Lord called you suddenly ut you live in our hearts as you always did n(l we pray for your eternal happiness Žalujoči ostali: Your wife, Anna Dorothy, daughter; John Kirk, son-in-law; Roseanne Piorkowski, granddaughter; 0nald, John Jr. and Thomas Kirk, grandsons; Steven Piorkowski, grandson-in-law; ariiyn Kirk, granddaughter-in-law; Jeffrey and Steve Piorkowski, great grandsons; Frances Gordon, sister; and many other relatives. ^®veland, Ohio, September 16, 1983. L Prodaja krofov na zahodni strani mesta V petek, 7. oktobra, bo imel Ženski odsek Slovenskega doma na West Park prodajo krofov. Zelo okusne krofe lahko naročite, ako pokličete Joan na 676-6340 ali Zino na 941-2781. Po krofe boste lahko prišli na dan prodaje in sicer med 5. in 8. uro zvečer. Theresa Stefanik HOUSE FOR SALE Across Lake Shore Blvd. is Eastlake’s new Croatian Complex. California ranch in Timberlake. 3 bdrms., 1 1/2 baths, 3/4 inch paneling in every room. Corner 3/4 acre lot. In-ground heated pool. New roof, 2 car garage. $82,500. Call 951-2985 or 354-6434. (65,67,69,71) Woman Needed For elderly person to live-in. Off Neff Rd. Salary. 481-8229. (69-72) T.K. General Contractors We do all carpentry, painting, wall covering, electrical, plumbing, carpeting, roofing and driveway jobs. TONY KRISTAVNIK, Owner 831-6430 (X) Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS. (FX) Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska Izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov ^CTTTYinrrTTTrTXXXIXXTrareXXX.TtXXXXXXXXXXAXXXXAAX^ BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 S Between Chardon & East 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio y cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XX XX XXI — Special Thanks to Emil Križman A True Fellow Slovenian Recently Mr. Emil Križman of Geneva, Ohio came to the aid of a fellow Slovenian businessman. I want you to know in all sincerity you really have restored my faith and confidence into the old biblical saying, “Seek and you shall find.” I no longer thought this was true, but you have proven to me there are caring and sharing individuals in this world. Many thanks and may God Bless You! Sincerely, A Fellow Slovenian , ZAK FUNERAL 1C0SIC| H0ME 28S<|0 CHARDON RD., W1U0UCHBY HILLS (l Block E»t o! Bishop Rd.) 585-5100 REASONABLE & DIGNIFIED LUNCHEON & COMMUNITY ROOMS AVAILABLE Susan Zak Cosic • Funeral Director PETAR SUSNJARA HANDYMAN Brickwork - Painting — Plumbing — Tile FREE ESTIMATES 431-8022 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5318 Fleet Ave. «41-0048 Modemi pogrebni saved Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! UPOKOJENCI: POZOR! STANOVANJA Z 1 ALI 2 SPALNICAMA Zakaj ne bi živel v St. Clair Place — najboljše storitve, odlična skupina sosedov, klimatska naprava v vsakem stanovanju kakor tudi preproge, blizu grocerij in drugih trgovin, z najemnino, odvisno od vaših dohodkov. Kličite nas na tel: 439-3800 _ Roy G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. and Lake Shore BJvd.) 531-3600 1 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families Roy G. Sankovič, director SPOROČILO OD THE SUNSHINE PEOPLE UPOKOJENCEM IN ZA DELO NESPOSOBNIM Morda ste upravičeni do popusta od 25 do 30% na vašem računu za ogrev hiše na plin Pogoji: Vi ali soprog morate biti družinski poglavar...morate biti oz. postati najmanj 65 let star tekom I. 1983, ali pa morate biti popolnoma in trajno nesposobni za delo...vaši skupni dohodki ne smejo biti večji od $9,000 na leto. The Energy Credit program nudi 30-odstotni popust, ako so vaši dohodki manjši od $5,000 na leto, 25-odstotni popust pa, ako so dohodki manjši od $9,000 na leto. Rok prijave za Energy Credit Program traja do 30. septembra 1983. Obrazci so bili razposlani po pošti vsem, ki so prejeli popust lani; ako so vsi podatki na obrazcu, ki ste ga prejeli, točni, vam preostane samo to, da odgovorite na vprašanje o vašem letnem dohodku in zakonskem poloiaju ter da obrazec podpišete in ga vrnete na naslov Ohio Department of Taxation, P. O. Box 2619, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ako nameravate letos prvič vloiiti prošnjo za ta popust, obrazec boste dobili v vsaki poslovalnici East Ohio Gas Company ter v večini bančnih poslovalnic, javnih knjitnic, poštnih uradov, upokojenskih in soseščinskih centrov. Ako potrebujete več pojasnila o tem programu, pokličite ali pišite Ohio Department of Taxation. Brezplačna tel. št. je 1-800-282-4310. t THE EAST OHIO GAS COMPANY PART OF THE CONSOLIDATED NATURAL GAS SYSTEM The Sunshine People United Slovenian Society Annual Blood Bank Drive Slovenian National Home September 21 — 3 to 9 pm 15810 Holmes Ave. — 681 "6649 A Pint of Blood is a Breath of Life Chairman Al Pestotnlk] — 731-9431 Let Not The Light Kres Players Give Spectacular Show American Home •Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. SEPTEMBER 16, 1983 By James V. Debevec ■ ne °f the most spectacular ows in the history of the °venian community was th^cf ^3St Saturday evening at 6 *0venian National Home !■ Clair Ave. when the res ensemble graphically fni??08^31^ t*le'r superb outdancing talents. tw Show was divided into 0 Portions. The first half a thglety dancers illustrated f CUSt0ms and traditions pi 111 various regions of da Ven'a> They included folk $,”?es ^rom Trans-Mura, aj-J'3, ^hite March Region, and Upper Carniola. „n, The Performers were andS-Ua**y on t^ie'r ^eet> fronf WaS amaz‘ng to sit in the dan r0W and watch 15 or 16 a c-^5 ZOomin8 in and out of not rc e or twirling about and nUm, ear a footstep. One yyj., er trumf was done thout any musical accom-'ment. The costumes were njo y and beautiful — and bgj. styles not seen anywhere faj01^6' Besides the intricate 'vhernUm^erS’ a ^ew waitzes g0wfe ^e girls wore long attj n* and the men formally weree *n. matching outfits WatchPart'cu*arly P*easin8 to frchlw Were a11 age 8rouPs> $chr>„i Ung adults to grade HEach of the 118 mand0fhad fomplete com-manc ”ls ro e i” 'he perfor- fla'vleesšiyand did hiS j°b Were0! 'he musical numbers °rche °ne by the Duke Maršič the „Stra Piaying alongside Th 8e' "'as dpSHC°nd ba*^ °f 'he show Mardj pCated 'o the Slovenian hef0re I ^ W'tb occurs just c°Untrv vm The SCene was a the tran- 1386 and some °f Sprj ’'tons of the arrival of theda„Were demonstrated by Wetg in CerS‘ ®ver ^0 costumes d rr ldence> and each one Osicah' erent- The dancers their y desi8ned and made •haske oWn COstumes and Were m 0rne of ‘he characters fallow enacin8 such as the Crackin Wb° Went around viJUger8 a 'vhip at the tlbite l witch also seemed Thfri8htening. Paced6 Show was very fast-racier WUh different costUnie S COmin8 on stage in reactinpStand tbe townspeople (two to 'heir presence. A ahd (h rs°n^ horse came by feed h youn8sters tried to caipe apPies. Also a camel ehicks°n stage. Mother hen, Were talking around indicating prolifferation of eggs during the year. There were so many different rUse (humans dressed as animals) characters symbolizing the year in the country that you would have to see it to believe it. Beside being uncommonly entertaining, the Kres performance was enormously educational. We commend Breda Lončar the choreographer and program director and her staff for a distinguished and extraordinary well done job. The performance, will be repeated at the same place on Sunday, Sept. 25 at 3:30 p.m. Like a Broadway show in New York, this production should be repeated over and over again until each person in the community has seen it. And then the complete spectacle should be performed in other nationality communities in Cleveland and across the United States and Canada. It would be a shame to produce such a tremendous show and have it die after only two per-Jormances. Its dazzling quality demands that it be shown throughout the world for years until it becomes a well-known standard. The name Kres folk dancers should become equivalent with and instantly bring to mind the term “spectacular hit.” Kres dancers (left to right) Tanya Kavčič, Frank Lončar and Suzi Rihtar perform at the Slovenian National Home. Slovenians Launch Blood Drive Sept. 21 at SH The United Slovenian Society is again launching its annual Blood Bank Drive on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. between the hours of 3 and 9 p.m. We hope this important humanitarian deed is not taken as something that is not important to you as it has not affected your need for blood at present such as in the case of accidents, illness, kidney dialysis, heart operation, or any other affliction brought on by circumstances over which we have no control. Donor requirements are from the age of 17 to 66 with parental consent for the 17 year old, general good health, six weeks following pregnancy, and six months after major surgery. Donors can give blood every 56 days. Minimum weight is 105 lbs. Other medical questions will be evaluated by the Medical Staff at the Blood Bank Drive. In the past, we have helped numerous families and individuals who had the need for blood for numerous reasons, and called upon us for help which we have never refused; because of kind and considerate people like yourselves, who gave that one pint of life-giving blood to save a breath of life. If you or some member of your family can donate blood, or help out on the phone committee, or participate in any form for this worthwhile humanitarian deed, especially in our Slovenian community, we certainly would appreciate your help. For further information, please call Albert J. Pestotnik, 439 E. 272 St., Euclid, OH 44132, phone 731-9431. We are counting on all of you to help. Partners Tom Lončar and Nancy Hlad work on a dance as Tončka Sever (background) looks on. Pestotnik Brothers A Rare Breed By Tony Petkovšek Their original name was Pustotnik and if you take the Slovenian derivitive of pusta from the name it means “hub of the wheel.” An appropriate meaning from their name for two individuals, A1 and John Pestotnik who are being honored by the United Slovenian Society for always being at the hub or very center of our community. Collectively and individually they have both extended themselves to the maximum for their fellow man and for causes which have contributed immensely in making our community the great and unique ethnic establishment it is. From an early Slovenian upbringing on E. 68 Street and St. Clair Avenue through years of fraternal, social, cultural and civic-political involvement, they constantly were at the helm or hub deeply involved for causes which benefited us all. All of the Slovenian Homes and clubs, recreation center-farms, and the other gathering points have all felt their impact either directly or indirectly through their involvement. Needless to say the great success of the establishment of the Slovene Home for the Ag- ed is a reality today because of the determination of persons like the brothers Pestotnik. This testimonial is not necessarily intended to pay tribute to the brothers personally but because of their being “at the hub” and motivating countless numbers of do-gooders over the years, we somehow all have felt the impact. And I, Tony Petkovšek, would not be here 22 years after the fact telling you these things if it were not for these guys intestinal fortitude in projecting and promoting our radio show that has become the longest running daily ethnic program in America. It’s a promotion which also annually brings together hundreds at the largest such gathering on the Thanksgiving holiday, all in perpetuating or favorite kind of music, the Slovenian polka. To John and A1 whose sometime hard nosed determination may have come on too strong for the sake of a better Slovenian community; their soft hearted generosity really has paid off for all of us in the end. We sincerely value their interest and association both on a community level and most especially on a personal basis. Congratulations! A1 Pestotnik John Pestotnik Kres Program Is A Huge Success One hundred and eighteen happy faces, precision dancing and an enthusiastic crowd were just a few of the ingredients which blended together perfectly to make Saturday’s Kres program at the Slovenian National Home a huge success. " r There were mdre than 50 . dances — some very difficult and intricate, some requiring gymnastic skills — from merry and festive polkas to enchanting waltzes. The second part of the show, featuring the Mardi Gras masks and traditions, was not only artistically well arranged, but enlightening for the many third and fourth generation Slovenians in the audience who were previously unfamiliar with these traditions. To the many Slovenian-born in the crowd, the performance brought back many fond memories. According to John Cech, “The program was heartwarming. It brought back many memories of my youth in Slovenia.’’ Just ask a busy person to perform a task and the job not only is done properly, but usually to perfection. Such was the case with Kres. Breda Lončar, choreographer and program director, not only is a devoted wife and mother of five active children (from kindergartner to college freshman). She’s also an author (of several successful Slovenian manuals), teacher and volunteer to many organizations, including many years of teaching Slovenian courses throughout the Greater Cleveland area. I have been able to become better acquainted with Breda through the American Home. She is indeed a beautiful person, endowed with much patience and perseverance. We all commend her for her many accomplishments. And by the way, for those who missed it or might want to see it again, Kres is scheduled for a 3:30 matinee on Sunday, Sept. 25, at the St. Clair Hall. Children 13 and under will be admited free. Tickets are available from all members and at Tony’s Polka Village or Sterle’s Restaurant. * * * The annual dessert card party for the Little Sisters of the Poor will be held from 2-5 p.m. Sunday (Sept. 18) at the Home of the Little Sisters, 4291 Richmond Rd., War-rensville Township. Tickets are $3. There will be refreshments and door and raffle priaes. t * * * ■Memo From Madeline- -»by Madeline Debevec« Also on Sunday, a “Vinska trgatev’’ (crushing of the grapes) will take place at Slovenska Pristava in Geneva, Ohio. After 1 p.m., steak dinners, suhe klobase and cheese for wine tasting will be available. Button box music will be provided. * * * OGRINC-EYERMAN WEDDING Kathleen Ogrinc, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ogrinc, was united in marriage to John H. Eyerman, Jr., on Sept. 9 at a 6:30 p.m. service at St. Ladislas Church in Westlake, Ohio. Following the creemony a reception was held at the North Olmsted Party Center. The newlyweds are both graduates of Cleveland State University. Kathleen is the granddaughter of Mrs. Theresa Ogrinc of St. Clair Ave. in Cleveland. Congratulations! * * * WEST PARK LADIES AUX. SPONSOR KROFE SALE Theresa Stefanik reports: “The Ladies Auxiliary of the West Park Slovene Home are all getting ready for another fine Krofe baking day on Friday, Oct. 7. It will be here before you know it, and most of us have a sweet tooth and the urge to bite into something of our own Slovene bakery every so often. So here is your chance for a fine treat coming right up! Place your order in advance by calling Joan 676-6340 or Zina 941-2781. Pick up orders the same day of Bake Sale on Friday, Oct. 7, between 5 and 8 p.m. Our best wishes to all of you in Slovenian-land, and we look forward to seeing you on Oct. 7.’’ * * * EUCLID CULTURAL COUNCIL SPONSORS TRIP TO CHICAGO TO VIEW VATICAN COLLECTION OF PAPAL ART The Euclid Cultural Council is. offering a rare opportunity to view the Vatican collectidh of papal art, including paintings from the Vatican Museum, the Apostolic Vatican Library, the papal apartments and St. Peter’s Basilica. The excursion by motor coach is from Friday through Sunday, Sept. 23-25, to the Chicago Institute of Art. The cost of $100 includes 2 nights at the Palmer House and tickets to the exhibit. Only a few seats are available. Call 261-1366 for reservations. * * * TRAVEL NEWS Dear Madeline: Greetings to all our friends from Jerusalem. Frank and Josic Godic; Rev. Frank Godic; Rose Cimperman; Olga, Esther and Agnes Turk; Babe Cizel; Bernie Sajovec, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McNeill. * * * Rudy Knific, owner of Knific Insurance in Cleveland, volunteered 30 days this summer at the U.S. National Park Service in Wyoming. He reports: “At Dickinson Park’s 10,000 foot elevation the snow capped mountains were breathtaking. I was camping at Yellowstone National on July 4 when a severe snow storm swept through. It felt like Christmas in July.” Ben Košir (left) and Tony Rus perform in costume before villagers (back) Ani Kurbos and Mary Ann Rihtar. * * * The St. Mary’s School Parent-Teacher Unit is sponsoring a card party starting at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 18, in the school auditorium, 716 E. 156th St. NEW BIRTHS Denise Ann (Zalar) and Joseph Dale, formerly of Aurora Shores, and now residing in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, announce the birth of their second daughter, Kelsey Ann, born on Aug. 19th and weighing in at 8 lbs. and 12 oz. Proud grandparents are Edward J. Zalar and Dorothy E. Zalar of Seven Hills, Ohio, and Edward and Mildred Schauer of Independence, Ohio. Second time great grandparents are Anna Zalar and Marie Przybylski. Jodee Ann adores her baby sister. * * * Anne and Roger Lawson of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Milan, on August 30 and weighing in at 7 lbs. and 14.5 oz. and reaching 19.5 in. in length. The Lawsons are also the parents of 18 month old Kenneth. Proud grandparents are Milan and Marie Dular of Cleveland and i Mr. and Mrs. Broner Lawson of Stephensburg, Kentucky. * * * Gloria and Marion Zrim of Marsdon Avenue, twin sons on July 20, Thomas Ernest, weighing 6 lbs. 14 oz., and Anthony Mkhael, weighing 6 lbs. 15 oz. Lisa and Maric Fortuna of Morris Avenue, a daughter, LeAnn Marie, on July 14, weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. Congratulations to all! * * * A SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Dorothy Kirk of E. 64th Street, Cleveland, who recently underwent surgery and is recuperating at home. Frank Kastigar of Euclid, Ohio, has been released from the hospital following two heart attacks in his home. While his wife was assisting him she injured herself and both were rushed to the hospital. Both are reported to be doing well now at their home. * * * Notre Dame’s annual Chicken Bar-b-que will be held rain or shine from noon-5 p.m. Sept. 18 and 25 at the Notre Dame Educational Center, 1300 Auburn Rd. The menu features barbe-qued chicken, home-made apple pie, cole slaw, chips and buns. All tickets are $3.75, available advanced sales or at the door. St. Vitus Altar and Rosary Society is sponsoring its annual chicken-roast beef dinner on Sunday, Sept. 18. Serving will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. In addition to the delicious dinner, which Is the groups only fund-raising effort of 0* year, a hake sale will be heW* A raffle, featorlifg * beanUW handmade afghan, will tak« place at about 2 p.m. * * * ^ Walk-a-thon to Aid Retarded A walk-a-thon to beach1 retarded children in tb* Cleveland Diocese will be he on Sunday, Sept. 25. Majda Cimperman is Pf ticipating in the walk. For in formation on walking or spon soring a walker, call her a* 881-2082. * * * The Slovene Home for tb* Aged Auxiliary will meet * 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, - -22 at the Home on Neff R°8d' ★ * * Fantje na Vasi will perf°rl8 in concert on Sat., Oct. 1st81 p.m. in the Slovenian Nation*1 Home on St. Clair Ave. Fan * je na Vasi of Toronto will al*0 perform. You can purcha** tickets from any of the coni mittee members or you reserve seats by calling Jon Tominc at 531-8855 or Tom Srsen 432-2041. Sept- Euclid Pensioners News The September 13 meeting of the Slovenion Pensioners Club of Euclid was held at the Slovenian Society Home on Recher Ave. A capacity crowd of more than 300 persons was in attendance. Many members were disappointed in not seeing the movies of Yugoslavia which were to be shown before our business meeting by Sofija Klemen-Krek, our Yugoslav Consul in Cleveland. Through no fault of hers, Mrs. Krek was late in returning to Cleveland from Yugoslavia and could not make the meeting. We hope the film will be shown at a future meeting. Frank Cesen, our president, congratulated the members of the club for their support, 480 strong, at our annual picnic at the SNPJ farm on July 20. Grateful thanks were extended to Mary Ster, our cook, for donating to the club her services at the picnic and all the proceeds from the kitchen. Caroline Lokar reporting on the activities of Club Društvo surprised all with her announcement of the very tidy profit made at the Balinca Tournament. John Kausek again reminded all who traveled or will travel to Europe this year through the auspices of the Kollander Travel Agency to give him their names to enable the club to receive the nominal refund made on each trip by the Kollander Agency. club A moment of silence observed in memory of two our members who passed a'va in August, Josephine Ceb and Joseph Fifolt. Carol* and Rudy Lokar, Sop 1 Prise! and Julia volunteered to be funeral a tendants during the month 0 September. The members of the ^ were happy to welcome 1^ ^ members to the club and welcome to the meeting W* Marsich Grilc of PomPan ’ Florida. Mary, a ^ornJef member of the club, ne forgets to come to our meetl[0 on her annual visit Cleveland. The summer is comingt0 *0 end and so are our tours, ^ well planned and carried ° by Ann Mrak and PaU ^ Burya. The last trips for season on the agenda are ^ Old World Oktoberfest Geauga Lake Park °n. t0 17, the three day ^ Toronto on Sept. 19, 20> ^ 21, and the horse raceSj-f1e Thistledown on Sept. season will end on Oct. 1^ ^ a trip to Loudonville, ^ and its environ to see the m interesting sights there. ^ The winner of the day ^ Rudy Lokar, not oncehap-twice! It couldn’t have pened to a nicer person, orla)1(i our hardest working faithful members. , Helen Levs.^;;, Eleanor CenieJ^s an an- lin- ons ip'5 th« eld- akt ded lefd the ield par- • in->on- • at tli‘ t »' epi-jad- irnt at7 >nal int- ilso IBS« )iH' can olin oin 'S vvas 0 of way buli ,line phic lner at- iof :luh ne"' 1 to larv ItlO' lT)er »vef tinž to 3 af ,s0 Ot)* ilihe th« th« at ep1, to and : rh« vitf hio- iany wa5 put iaP' e°[ and and I'ji' ter5 Mary Ann Ponikvar Hribar Succumbs At the request of her uncle, Janet L., Nancy M., John V. Monsignor B. J. Ponikvar, Pastor of St. Vitus Church, Mary Ann Ponikvar attended special girls’ finishing schools 'n her native Slovenia, Yugo-s avia, and then, as a teenager, catne to Cleveland and was Pwed in charge of all food an housekeeping services for “e Parish rectory. Unfamiliar with English, adjusting to a strange, new 0r d, and homesick for her Parents, four brothers and two sisters, Miss Ponikvar cried erself to sleep on many occa-■ons. With great inner rength, determination and scipline> she taught herself nghsh from Dr. Kern’s Slo-m“‘"•English Dictionary, herae friends and adjusted to (jUtiesnew environment and eriPe^'Cat’ng to achieving an tr.Ca;ion- Miss Ponikvar at-Joh school classes at n Hay High School, served Vit,yea's *n charge of the St. s Rectory and then took a in and Joyce A. Hribar. Dedicated to her family and home, Mary Ann created a home environment which induced all five children to become college graduates and allowed her husband to carry on a heavy and lucrative law practice. Mary Ann took up golf and became a member of Pine Ridge Country Club, where she played to a 17 handicap. She also became an excellent gardener who loved flowers. In 1952 she returned to Bloke, Slovenia, to visit her family, whom she had not seen for 16 years. She made several return trips over the years — on one of which she toured parts of Europe with her three daughters. She participated in several golf tours with her husband, Paul, but preferred to care for home and family affairs. When her children grew up, Mary Ann returned to her nursing career and served as an R.N. at Mount St. Joseph Nursing Home for seven years. She retired late last year because of health problems and died at home in the presence of her family during an exceptionally violent lightning and thunderstorm on Tuesday evening, September 6, 1983. Funeral services were conducted by Jakubs Funeral Home, 936 East 185 Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Family friend, Bishop Edward Pevec, said the funeral mass at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning, September 12, 1983, at Holy Cross Church, Lake Shore Boulevard and East 200 Stree. Interment was in All Souls | kcei.0^ment as a ^ve*'n house-fatn^r an<* ma'd f°r a Euclid coul*/ °n condition she Riah Qattend Euclid Central dem , °o1 as a full-time stu-lovei WhlCh she did- She had var: y V°‘ce and sang us school choral groups. Passed m 1947> and then Exam- h.e State Board keoi lnat'on to become a eUiDln ered Nurse. While ty d as an R.N. at Chari- iharrjpH15^’ ^*ss Pon''cvar bari d attorney Paul J. Hri- b*amet!!Uary’ 1949’ andthey ne Parents of Paul B., Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. A Kosans Celebrate 50 Years (neenJi0ny and Jennie Kosan Ave I,aat) °f 6606 Schaefer Mll ’erf u eland’ °H 44103, ^ddin6 rate t^le'r ^nlden Mth a i^0n Sunday, Sept. 25 at i:0ftMass °f Thanksgiving I ^Urch *3‘ni' 'n St. Vitus lhere b ^ey Were rnarried pastor d tbe fhen assistant S 0’ ev- Andrew A. An-ArecnSePt. 25. MU bpPt‘0n dinner and dance after tKp wd *n their honor °f EorP- 3SS at lhe Veterans l40thanH8c Wars Hall> E-Mr. ^ St- Clair Ave. ^at°n A3!11 Was emPi°yed at 'Pany v„ X e Company for SinarS> and retired in een a Ce fhen, Tony has k*'*r°ad k 3V'd miniature Myself U^’ and busied ^^1S!b“i,dlne Alpine Cetera, such as has ayed at the Perry . -, c. lc®’ 6111 St. Clair 6ars- Som^ and for several m0*' hte inf6 t'me ago Tony !?e his m n-° his att'c to show 9Uite 'atUre failroad It , His wif exPerience. ' a>toue: Jennie is better V?,1 known d.Sthe eldest in the fr lencic f John and Jennie ter'1’ Procarnily’ ^iginahy i„°S; ,^e. Jennie J after 30 years of service to Richman Bros. Co. Tony and Jennie raised three fine sons, all graduates of Benedictine High School. They are Anthony of Seven Hills, O., John, residing with his parents, and James of Parma, O. They have four grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Congratulations and best wishes for many more happy and healthy years. Thanks for Baking I would like to thank all those ladies for their wonderful help for baking during the recent E. 185 St. Old World Festival. It was so nice of them to come again and help bake in large quantities. Without them we could not do the job. Thanks a million for helping. Their names are as follows: Marie Mocilnikar, Donna Lardio, Jo Trunk, Mary Grilc, Nettie Mihelich, Sophie Posch, Mary Lampe, Sophie Person, Francka Hrovat, Mary Price, Mary Stražišar, Zina Sesek, Donna Ohiman, Rose Žnidaršič, and Bea Zakrajšek. Jennie Trennel Vice-pres., Ladies Aux. S.H.A. I "Recent DeathsU- -I ANTONIA KAPEL Cleveland, O. — Antonia Kapel (nee Fidel), age 83, of 18600 Mohawk Ave., died in St. Vincent Charity Hospital on Monday, Sept. 5th after a short illness. She was born in Kalu pri Pivki ne notranjskem, June 14, 1900. She came to Cleveland in 1923. She was a former resident of Holmes Ave., and lived at her present address for 32 years. She was employed as an inspector at the General Electric Pitney Glass Plant at Ivanhoe and E. 152 St. for 22 years. She retired in 1965. She was a member of KSKJ Lodge No. 169, St. Mary’s Altar and Rosary Society, AMLA No. 8, Euclid Pensioners, and Slovenian Women’s Union No. 10. She was the widow of Anton who died in 1973; the mother of Dorothy Spendal of Willoughby Hills, stepmother of Maria Cvetnic, and the deceased Stanko and Tony, all of Yugoslavia. Mrs. Kapel was also the grandmother of nine, and great-grandmother of six. She was sister of Amalia Markelz and Joseph, both deceased. Friends were received at Zele Memorial Chapel. Funeral services were also held at St. Mary Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Family would appreciate contributions in her memory to the Slovene Home for the Aged. FERDINAND JANESCH Ferdinand Janesch, 60, passed away suddenly at his home Sat., Sept. 10. He is survived by his wife, Angela (nee Ratajc), and his son, Michael J. He was the brother of Emil of Austria and the following deceased: Herman and Elsie. He was a die-setter at Morrison Products, Inc., and Addition: Editor: In your Sept. 9th edition of A.H. there was a very fine review of many Slovenians who participated in the Oc-toberfest at the Fairgrounds in Painesville, O. One thing omitted was the fact the United Slovenian Society 30-piece Brass Band under the direction of Norman Novak also performed there in the Main or Large Tent on Labor Day. The program was well received and many favorable comments were made by persons in the very large listening audience. Charles A. Terček Euclid, Ohio Mark S. Telich Attorney at Law Complete Legal Aid 531-4470 worked there for 33 years. He was born in the Parish of Draga Loškem pri Potoku. Mr. Janesch was the son of Karl and Rose Janesch (both dec.) He was a member of Lodge Cerkniško Jezero No. 59 of AMLA. The funeral Mass was at St. Mary Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd., handled arrangements. ELKA PRETNAR Elka Pretnar, 59, died at Hillcrest Hospital after a lengthy illness. She is survived by her brothers and sister: Leopold Pretnar, Janez, Ančka, and the following deceased: Francka Kovačič and Franc Pretnar. She was the sister-in-law of Ivanka Pretnar. She was the daughter of Anton and Ivana Pretnar (both dec.). She was born in Vas Suha pri Škofji Loki. By profession Miss Pretnar was a dietitian at Hillcrest Hospital for over 30 years. She was a member of Društva Lilija. Funeral Mass was Sept. 15 at St. Vitus Church. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Grdina Funeral Home, 1053 E. 62nd St. handled arrangements. Thanks for Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Frances Hočevar, Cleveland — $52.00 Ida Leban, Cleveland — $10.00 Joseph Medved, Cleveland — $2.00 Anonymous, Willoughby Hills, O. — $10.00 Mrs. Lucija Stele, Mentor, O. — $12.00 Matej Roesmann, Euclid, O. — $2.00 Matt Vugrinec, Willoughby, O. — $7.00 John Kozina, Richmond Hts., O. — $22.00 Anonymous, Euclid, O. — $10.00 Rozalija Zupančič, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank A. Turek, Wickliffe, O. — $50.00 William Dreu, Cleveland — $12.00 Sm. Sgt. Anton Velbel, West Chicago, 111. — $2.00 Tone Dolinar, Willowdale, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Milan Belcic, Cleveland — $22.00 Ludvik Kalar, Euclid, O. — $7.00 Vili Zadnikar, Cleveland — $12.00 Felix Augustin, Holy Hill, Fla. — $3.00 Angela Platnar, Toronto, Canada — $2.00 Josephine Leufkens, Mentor, O. — $5.00 Mary Noggy, Euclid, O., in memory of her husband Louis J. Noggy’s second anniversary — $20.00 Anthony P. Gaber, Chicago -- $7.00 Julia Flood, Milwaukee — $2.00 Mary Javornik, Cleveland — $5.00 John Prosen, Cleveland — $5.00 Drago Androjna, Cleveland — $2.00 Frank Martinčič, Sr. — Chicago — $2.00 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-0583 M/ smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbo ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair A ve. New Phone - 361-3112 Nova tel. st. 361-3112 John Fortuna, licensed funeral director Grdina Funeral Homes 1053 East 62 Street 431-2088 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 Grdina Furniture Store 15301 Waterloo Road A531-1235 Avseniks Mark 30th Year (Avsenik story continued to conclusion) 1975 — The Avseniks receive their fourteenth gold record and their seventeenth victory as the most popular group on West German radio. They are also recognized as the most popular ensemble on West German television. In Radovljica Slavko Avsenik receives the Lihnart Award, the highest local honor for achievement in culture. In Berlin he receives the Oskar Award from the European Association of Recording Studies for the quality and popularity of his compositions. In a contest organized by the Yugoslav magazine STOP, the Avsenik Brothers Ensemble is selected as the most popular Yugoslav group in its musical genre. 1976 — The ensemble receives its fifteenth gold record in its twenty-first year with Teldec Records. Forty Avsenik long-play records are being played in forty countries in Europe and beyond. The Avseniks once again receive the STOP magazine award as the most popular Yugoslav group. 1977 — The Avseniks win their eighteenth award as the most popular group on West £5u/issHaus FAMILY STYLE RESTAURANT at Nordic Village 7480 Warner Road, Route 301 Madison, Ohio 44057 GENEVA German radio. They appear in the Olympic Hall in Munich at the fifth gathering of Slovene cultural groups in Western Europe. As the guests of President Tito the Avseniks play for a hunting party for foreign diplomats assigned to Yugoslavia at the hunting retreat at Karadjordjevo. 1978 — On their twenty-fifth anniversary the Avseniks give a jubilee concert in Munich, at which they receive six gold records for their success in recent years. The Avseniks play for President Tito and his wife and a visiting Chinese delegation led by President Hua Guo-feng. On this occasion Slavko Avsenik present Hua Guo-feng with a complete collection of Avsenik recordings, which are played on radio Peking in a one-hour broadcast on November 29, which is devoted to the Yugoslav holiday, the Day of the Republic. 1979 — The Avseniks receive the Golden Rose award in Vienna, granted for being the most frequently played group on Austrian radio. The ensemble plays at the opening ceremony of the 180 meter ski jump at Planica, Slovenia, often used for world championship competition. Slavko Avsenik is included in the international publication »Who’s Who«. 1980 — The fiftieth album of Avsenik songs is released. The Swiss and Austrian branches of K-Tel Records present the Chicken and Roast St. Vitus Altar Society is cordially inviting members, families and friends to their annual Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner on Sunday, Sept. 18 in the auditorium from 11:30 to 2:00 p.m. The young ladies will see that you are properly served with good soup with dumplings, coffee or tea. Avseniks with gold records. The ensemble appears with its own special program on ZDF and on New Year’s Eve over Ljubljana television. 1981 — Slavko Avsenik receives the Golden Lion gold medal from Radio Luxemburg for his composition Na Golici. The ensemble wins new popularity contests for its radio and television appearances. Among others they once again win the STOP magazine award and appear at the Slovenian Night in Munich. 1982 — Her illness compels the replacement of Ema Prodnik by Jožica Kališnik in the trio which accompanies the Avseniks. The ensemble appears at the “Most Beautiful Songs about the Mountains” festival in Hanover, West Germany. The Avseniks appear on many television programs in West Germany, Austria and Slovenia. On the eve of their thirtieth anniversary year, the West German Minister of Culture presents them with the Hermann Lons gold medal in recognition of their numerous performances and enormous popularity. 1983 — On April 8 the thirtieth anniversary jubilee concert takes place at Bled, Slovenia. Soon afterward the Avseniks begin a jubilee tour which will take them across Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Europe and America and which will last until June 1984. (The End) Beef Meal Sept. 18 There will also be a stand with homemade poticas, krofe, variety of other pastries, donated by the members and parishioners, which can be purchased before or after the meal. Tickets can be obtained at the entrance door for $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for children uner 12. Personal ChecKino $ >Ni)i:pi-:M)iiM ►avinc ;s 1515 E. 260th, Euclid. Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 Catholic Missionary Notes: By Joseph Zelle The Rev. Dr. Lojze Snoj, a Salesian missionary, is now located in Lubumbashi, Zaire. He has been a professor ^t the college in Lubumbashi for the past year. At the same time, he has become pastor of the church in the settlement. Last New Year’s Eve he baptized 80 catechists, mostly school children. On New Year’s Day they received their first Holy Communion. * * * World famous Mother Theresa, for many years laboring among the poor and homeless in Calcutta, India, was recently honored by the government of Australia. In a public ceremony she was presented the “Order of Australia”, the second highest national honor in Australia. It was conferred on her for her untiring service for the Australian people. In 1969 she had established there an organization serving “the poorest of the poor.” * * # Slovenian missionaries toil literally in every corner of the globe. Just as an example here is a brief list. The Rev. Vladimir Kos is a Jesuit professor teaching at a university in Tokyo, who has also contributed many poems in Slovenian. Dr. Alozij Slavko Snoj has been very active among the Bantu Blacks in Zaire, Africa. Father Jože Cukale, also a Jesuit, writes from Keorapukur, India. Janko Slabe has his mission in Matanga, Madagaskar. Sister Frančiška Novak teaches in Chiengmay, Thailand. Brother Štefan Burja has been stationed in Siakago, Kenya. Salesian Brother Joško Kramar complains that in recent months there have been some 200 break-ins into their mission storehouse. Brother Kramar’s mission Don Bosco Aramiri is in Kerema, Papua. Sister Anica Miklavčič is in Hong Kong, Sister Deodata Hočevar in Bandung, Indonesia, Sister Terezija Medvešek of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians is in Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villa view Road at Neff 692-1172 Calcutta, India, Sister Terezija Žužek in North Yemen, Sister Cecilina Rode in Iran. The list could go on to include some 100 Slovenian missionaries working for the greater honor and glory 0 God. Exotic places like the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Togo, Burundi, South Africa-Taiwan, and even the Unite States and Canada have Catholic mission posts staff6 by Slovenians. Eighty-six year old Sister Ksaverija Pirc in Thailand h®s been writing to Katoliška Misl joni for some 60 years no«-Katoliški Misijoni is a month) publication, a voice of PaP missionary societies, SloYfj nian missionaries. K published by “Baraga W's sions” and is edited by 1 e Rev. Ladislav Lenček, Subscription is $20.00 a yea ($25.00 in Canada) by surfa<* is: U 4029, mail. The address Cabezuelo (ex Loubet) 1826 Remedies de Escala a’ Provincia Buenos AireSl Argentina. A special appeal is made by MZA to attract t r th6 younger members or Slovenian community- A* young woman or man imb with fhp missinnarV Sp' , the missionary should contact the loca1 Miuuiu i;uiiiai;i j branch of MZA. In Clevela" ’ interested parties can call local president, Mrs. M*11 Lavriša at 481-3768. Circle 1 Sponsors Summers-end On Sunday, Sept. 18theUf j gressive Slovene Womd1 America Circle 1 is sponS°rl3l a “Summers-end” the SNPJ Farm on H«3 Road in Kirtland, O. ^ Music for dancing WI ^ presented by the Ray P° ^ Orchestra from 3 until 2 P\j,; There will be roast beef wiches as well as klobase wieners. Of course, the ^ will also make their fatI1 krofe. ,|i« During intermissi°n Euclid Senior Rockettes perform under the direct1 Mary Zilke. .Ji, Wilma T'Wjj Rec. Sec. FOR ALL CHRISTEN!^ NEEDS anzlovaR’S DEPT STOW “SLOVENIA RADIO PROGRAM” HEARD COAST TO COAST 4 till 5 on Saturdav afternoons E.S.T. on N.B.N. Cable TV systems. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119