2022 International Archives Week Challenge RAILWAYS Let the Journey Begin! ge S In 2020 and 2021, the Historical Archives Celje the strategic Krakow-Lviv line makes us realize that and the Town Archives of Ieper issued a digital trains also play an important role in times of crisis. publication on the occasion of the International A 19th century announcement for the subscription Y Archives Week. The goal was clear. Each of shares in a railway company is a reference to the eek Challen participating institution would choose one object perennial debate as to whether railways should be related to a common theme. A maximum of one funded by the public or private sector. A archive per member state of the European Union es W could participate. Both publications were also Design drawings for the construction of railway lines printed afterwards in limited edition. In 2020, 11 and a train depot or a photo of a train viaduct show chiv archives took part on the theme of “the year 1820”. the technically advanced character of railways. An W In 2021, the number of participants around the engine driver in his locomotive, workmen in a train theme of “cycling” increased to 16. The organizers repair shop and an honorary diploma for a station decided to repeat this initiative in 2022. porter are models for all railway men and women tional Ar who have been taking travellers safely to their Due to the Covid pandemic, the European Year of destination since 1825. Finally, a train ticket shows terna Rail announced by the European Union in 2021 what the railways were and are ultimately intended In received less attention than it deserved. As a perk, for: the transport of persons and goods. now that in 2022 train travel is once again possible, we decided to take an archival approach to the We hope that our train brochure will improve subject of “trains and railways”. Train museums and international connections between various train enthusiasts all over Europe have extensive European archives, preferably at high speed. It collections of written, printed or photographic remains for us to thank all our European colleagues RAIL railway material. It is less known that archives for their kind cooperation in this modest initiative. also keep many similar documents. Each of the 21 participating archives chose a representative piece, which has yielded rich results. The oldest recorded Borut Batagelj – Rik Opsommer documents date from the 19th century, when the railways became a mode of transport par excellence. Other archival records show that throughout the 20th century, trains remained fascinating object for travellers. Abbreviations The brochure contains photos and drawings A / Archive of locomotives, trains and station buildings. R / Reference code More administrative documents such as the T / Title announcement of reduced train fares or a legal D / Description report of a train accident are also discussed. References to international train connections, past and present, such as the Orient Express or the Südbahn, show that trains were and are an excellent means of connecting European states. The interior view of a military train or the mention of ustria A A/ Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv / D/ The picture by Johann Vinzenc Reim shows a passenger train Styrian Provincial Archives, Graz on the Southern Railway near Kapfenberg in Upper Styria. The www.landesarchiv.steiermark.at historic Austrian Southern Railway ran from Vienna via Graz and Ljubljana to the Mediterranean port of Trieste and could be R/ AT-StLA-OBS-Kapfenberg-II-003 used continuously in 1857. The first Styrian section, on which T/ Kapfenberg, 402, ca. 1845. Kapfenberg is also located, was the one from Mürzzuschlag to Graz, completed in 1844. (The section over the Semmering, opened in 1854, is considered the first standard-gauge mountain railway in Europe.) What makes the coloured outline etching so special compared to similar depictions from the early days of the railway is the detailed depiction of the locomotive and wagons. The locomotive, axle sequence 2- A with a tender, does not yet have a covered driver’s cab, as was usual in the early days of locomotives. The passenger carriages are already designed as high-capacity carriages with bogies, and the goods wagon also has them. The depiction, dated 1845, is therefore early evidence of the use of such vehicles on this section of the Southern railway. A/ Stadsarchief Ieper / Town Archives of Ypres www.archief.ieper.be R/ Regie stedelijke waterdienst, 273 T/ Official report of a railway accident near Ypres Station on 20 November 1928 D/ Trains are a marvellous way of transportation. However, one never should underestimate their speed. On 20 November 1928, a man and a woman on a motorcycle illegally opened a boom barrier at a railway crossing Belgium near Ypres (Ieper) and crossed the railway tracks. They were hit by train number 2810 Brussels- Ypres. All train crew members involved made statements under oath in front of the Ypres station master Achiel Vandromme. This document shows the statement in French by the engine driver Léopold Baridean, attached to the Brussels Northern Station depot, the statement in Dutch by train stoker Constant De Coninck, attached to the same depot, and the declaration in Dutch by train conductor Jozef Bourgoy, attached to the Bruges Station depot. The engine driver mentions that the barrier on his side was closed. After a scream from the barrier guard, he made an emergency stop. He did not see the woman who was instantly killed, but he removed the pilot on the left to help liberate the heavily wounded man, who was taken by train to Ypres Station, where he later passed away. aria Bulg A/ Цeнтралeн държавeн архив / D/ Locomotive 17.61 was manufactured in 1925 by Skoda - Plsen Central State Archives, Sofia and delivered to Bulgaria in 1936. Tsar Boris III (1918 - 1943) www.archives.government.bg was passionate about trains and often operated the train during his travels. He not only participated in the Dupnitsa - Gorna R/ CSA, fonds 3K, inventory list 14, Djumaya railway track opening, but also took the machinist role unit 173, sheet 73 of the solemn train composition. T/ Locomotive No.17.61 with machinist Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria at Boboshevo station, while opening Dupnitsa - Gorna Djumaya (today Blagoevgrad) railway track oatia Cr A/ Državni arhiv u Pazinu / State D/ Parenzana Railway was a narrow-gauge railway line which Archives in Pazin connected Trieste and Poreč (Parenzo). The railway was 123.1 www.dapa.hr km long and operated from 1902 till 1935 (the last ride of the train was on 31 August 1935 when the last train officially R/ HR-DAPA-28 Kotarsko arrived in Trieste). It was designed by the last Count of Racice poglavarstvo u Poreču, 1868-and engineer Pietro Walderstein. Because Parenzana Railway 1918, H/7, box 31 connected over 30 places in Istria from Trieste to Poreč, the T/ 4th September 1889: Parenzana railway was of great value for the local population, and it Railway – The revision plan of contributed greatly to the economic, commercial, and social rails route for the local railway progress of Istria. The remains of the railway have an immense Trieste – Poreč (Parenzo) cultural, historical, and sporting value given that today the Parenzana is the most visited and best-known cycling and hiking trail in Istria. yprus C A/ Κρατικό Αρχείο / Cyprus State D/ Cyprus Government Railway, New Ford Rail-Car units put into Archives, Nicosia service for transportation of passengers on the Famagusta-www.mjpo.gov.cy Nicosia Section of the Railway, September 1934 R/ Secretariat Archives - Minute Papers: SA1/416/1922 T/ New Ford Rail-Car units put into service, 1934 epublic Czech R A/ Státní oblastní archiv v Plzni, D/ Viaduct crossing the river Ohře was made of locally produced Státní okresní archiv Cheb / State granite blocks in 1865, probably according to the proposal Regional Archive in Plzeň, State developed by the builder of Cheb railway station Heinrich von District Archive in Cheb Hügel. The bridge is 378 m long, hanging 25 m above the river. www.soaplzen.cz/soka-ch The first train crossed the viaduct on 4 October 1865. The original building, which was destroyed during an air raid in R/ Haberzettl Josef (EL NAD 770), 1945, was replaced by a similar new concrete building after the negative photo no. 122/3 war. The photo was taken by Josef Haberzettl, photographer and T/ View of the Cheb viaduct over the architect in Cheb. river Ohře/Eger, ca. 1905 A/ Københavns Stadsarkiv / Copenhagen City Archives k www.kbharkiv.dk R/ P1-310.6 - Dragerforeningens arkiv, Diverse; 1958-1978 T/ Svend Nielsen’s 25 years of membership in the porter association, 1 May 1962 D/ The picture shows the document Svend Aage Nielsen received for 25 years of membership in the porter association (Dragerforeningen). Baggage has always been a faithful companion when traveling by train. As a porter your job was to carry the luggage at train stations around Denmark – especially at Denmar the Copenhagen Central Station, which was built in 1911 as the capital’s third station, today serving as the main railways station in the city. Since 1864 the association helped porters in their business activities. The association was an apolitical organization and was organized as a cooperative. All new members made a deposit and worked for the cooperative. The profit was divided into equal shares after allocation for any investments. When members left the association, the deposit was paid out with interest. The Copenhagen City Archives keeps documents from the porter association covering the period 1905-1994. They provide an interesting insight into Copenhagen’s railway history. onia Est A/ Rahvusarhiiv Filmiarhiiv / The D/ Estonia fought its War of Independence against Russia from National Archives of Estonia, unit November 1918 until January 1920. During the war, Estonian of the Film Archives in Tallinn army used 11 armoured trains both in defensive and offensive www.ra.ee role, often spreading panic among the enemy and forcing its troops to withdraw. Estonia’s armoured trains were built from R/ RA, EFA.10.4.942 the available materials such as railway cars and locomotives. T/ The War of Independence. They did not have any steel armour; their only protection Soldiers of the broad-gauge were sandbags or double walls filled with sand. The weaponry armoured train Captain Irv (No. consisted of ordinary infantry cannons and machine guns that 1) after sauna posing theatrically were placed on rolling stock platforms and protected with costumed in the dining wagon. sandbags. The armoured train No. 1 was named after Captain December 1919. Anton Irv, who was the acting division commander of the armoured trains until his death on 27 April 1919. The soldiers in theatrical costumes were photographed during the last month of the war, in December of 1919 in southern Estonia’s town of Võru. Estonian War of Independence ended with a ceasefire on 3 January 1920 and with the signing of the peace treaty on 2 February 1920. Finland A/ Kansallisarkisto / National D/ As the town of Helsinki was rapidly growing at the end of Archives of Finland, Helsinki the 19th century, its small railway station could not keep up www.kansallisarkisto.fi with the increase in passengers and cargo. Therefore, in 1903 an architectural competition was announced for the design R/ The Archive of Railway Buildings; of a larger station. The competition received 21 entries, and Architectural Plans of Railway architect Eliel Saarinen’s (1873–1950) proposition was chosen Buildings; Original Plans and as the winner, marking his first solo win in an architectural Watercolours of Saarinen in a competition. The original design with which Saarinen won the Wooden Box; Binder IV 3 competition was profoundly national romantic in style, with its T/ Drawing of the Helsinki Railway castle-like details and ornamental bears made of carved stone. Station, Proposition no. 2, 1908 However, due to marked criticism and Saarinen’s study trip to central Europe, his design slowly matured into the more modern, monumental, and rationalist building we still see standing today. In this Saarinen’s original drawing of the southern facade from 1909, one can already spot many details that are present in the station as it can be seen today, perhaps the most prominent example being the arched roofline on top of the main entrance. The design for the station was completed in 1911 – almost seven years after Saarinen won the architectural competition. A/ Archives de la Communauté e d’agglomération du Pays de Saint- Omer / Archives of the Saint-Omer agglomeration www.bibliotheque-agglo-stomer.fr R/ Fonds Allan-Brogniart, 6Z 16 (cliché de Carl Peterolff) T/ Calendar featuring the facade of the new Saint-Omer station and the final infrastructure plan, published by the ranc newspaper “Le Mémorial artésien“, 1902 F D/ To respond to an increased volume of railway traffic, Saint-Omer station, then a modest brick building, was at the heart of various expansion projects from 1897. These did not materialize until 1901, when two influential politicians Alexandre Ribot and François Ringot, linked with the Audomarois, gave it a new impetus. Indeed, the final project, carried out by Clément Ligny, architect of the Compagnie des Chemins de Fer de France, was approved the same year. From 1902 to 1904 the construction of a new station featuring good quality materials such as stone and slate followed. Built in the fashion of a 17th century neoclassical castle, the railway station consists of a large central body, framed by two symmetrical secondary pavilions, demonstrating a search for functionality (large central office, multiplication of counters, etc.). On 12 and 13 June 1904, the station was inaugurated with splendour in the presence of Minister Gaston Doumergue. y German A/ Stadtarchiv Göppingen / Town D/ Göppingen is a railway station on the Stuttgart-Ulm main line, Archives of Göppingen which entered service in 1850. From 1883, the “Orient Express”, www.goeppingen.de/start/ which connected Paris with Constantinople, passed this route. Kultur/Stadtarchiv The railway as a means of transport played a significant role in the industrialization of the Göppingen area and thus in R/ Fotothek I-7-25 its economic success story. Herein lays the connection with T/ Göppingen railway station after mechanical engineering companies such as Boehringer and its modification between 1911 Schuler and with the long-standing model railway market leader and 1917, ca. 1950 Märklin. e eec Gr A/ Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους / D/ The photograph portrays a preliminary design of a steam train General State Archives of Greece. and is part of a greater study for building a railway to transport Central Service, Athens merchandise from Athens, the capital of Greece, to Piraeus, the www.gak.gr biggest port of the country. This was one of the various projects undertaken by the Greek state to modernize the infrastructures R/ Private Collections K. and the economy of the country in the late 1800s. T/ Design of a steam train. 5 February 1892. ary Hung A/ Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár D/ The Hungarian Royal State Railways’ railcard allowed passengers Bács-Kiskun Megyei Levéltára to travel across the railway network, except the local, express, / Hungarian National Archives, luxury and separate railways. The owner of this railcard, Bács-Kiskun County Archives, László Góger (1863–1929) govenment official, later counsellor, Kecskemét landowner of Szilágypanit, became affiliated with the famous www.mnl.gov.hu/bkml Katona family of Kecskemét through his sister’s marriage. The railcard is kept in the files and documents of the Katona family. R/ HU-MNL-BKML-XIII.6.c T/ Railcard, 1896 A/ Cartlann Cathrach agus Contae Chorcaí / Cork City and County Archives Service www.corkarchives.ie R/ IE 627/U140/J/6/3/3 T/ Prospectus of Great Southern and Westerm Railway 1844 D/ Printed Prospectus, Great eland Southern and Western Railway, from Cork and Limerick through Mallow and Charleville, uniting with Dublin and Cashel Railway. Ir Capital of £1,359,00 to be raised in 27,000 shares of £50 Each. This item is located in the personal archive of Richard Dowden, a businessman, scholar, and philanthropist, who was elected Lord Mayor of Cork City in 1845. During the mid to late 19th century, there was extensive railway building in Ireland, largely financed through private capital. Construction of the Dublin to Cork line began in January 1845. William Dargan, Ireland’s foremost railway contractor, built much of the GS&WR’s main lines and a number of its other routes. In July 1848, the Dublin – Cork main line reached Limerick Junction, where it met the Waterford and Limerick Railway and thus linked Dublin and Limerick by rail. In October 1849 the main line reached the outskirts of Cork, where the GS&WR opened a temporary terminus at Blackpool to the north of Cork City. The final 1.6 km of line from Blackpool to the centre of Cork includes a 1,239 m tunnel, and this was completed in 1855. This tunnel is longest railway tunnel ever completed in Ireland. y Ital A/ Archivio di Stato di Gorizia / State D/ Project of August 1907 for opening a new access road (the Archive of Gorizia current Via G. Caprin) to the new Transalpina Station in the area www.archiviodistatogorizia. called “La Bianca”, designed to connect the northern railway cultura.gov.it directly and easily to the centre of Gorizia. The Transalpine Railway Trieste - Gorizia - Jesenice was officially opened on 19 R/ Archivio storico del Comune di July 1906 by the hereditary archduke Franz Ferdinand. The Gorizia (1830-1956), box 1421, new railway became a turning point by connecting the Adriatic file 3076/I, document n. 7182/1 regions and Central Europe, strongly linked by the history and T/ Urban planning project for a road traditions of the Habsburg Empire. The only other station that to the Transalpina Station in survives in Gorizia was the Southern Station, which was part of Gorizia, 24 August 1907 the network connecting the Trieste commercial hub with the provinces of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. It opened on 3 October 1860. Today the road in the picture is the best location for admiring the front side of the station from Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope, a symbolic meeting point of the cities of Gorizia (Italy) and Nova Gorica (Slovenia). Latvia A/ Latvijas Nacionālais D/ Aerial view of Riga Central Railway Station complex. The main arhīvs – Latvijas Valsts building of the station (on the right), built in 1861 by German-Kinofotofonodokumentu arhīvs Baltic architect Johann Daniel Felsko, had already been rebuilt / The National Archives of and expanded twice by 1928 when the photo was taken. The Latvia – Latvian State Archive of photo shows the typical covered platform, elevated railway Audiovisual Documents, Riga overpass, and auxiliary buildings. From 1921 until World War II www.redzidzirdilatviju.lv the station served as local and, as part of the “Nord-Express’s” Tallinn-Riga-Kaunas-Warsaw-Berlin line, also an international R/ LNA_KFFDA_F1_4_46587 transport hub. While today Riga Central Station is still in the T/ Riga Railway Station, 1928 same place, the area now looks very different: the square and nearby streets were significantly remodelled and a new station in Soviet modernist style was built to replace the old in the 1960s, including a 43-meter clock tower. Currently the area is again under reconstruction – this time, for the “Rail Baltica” project, aimed at reintegrating the Baltic states in the European railway network by 2026. g embour Lux A/ Archives municipales de D/ On 23 July 1891, the new Grand Duke Adolph from the house Luxembourg / Luxembourg City of Nassau-Weilburg celebrated his joyous entry into the city of Archives Luxembourg. He was the first representative of the grand-ducal www.vdl.lu/fr/la-ville/en-bref/ family now on the throne. The mayor and municipal council of archives-municipales the city of Luxembourg received the grand-ducal couple with a gun salute and the ringing of all the church bells, followed R/ LU Imp IV/2_149 by a procession in which 151 clubs from all over the country T/ The Imperial Wilhelm-Luxemburg took part. The celebrations lasted a total of three days. To allow Railways announces reduced as many citizens from all over the country as possible to take return train tickets on the part in the celebrations and events in the capital, Luxembourg occasion of the joyous entry railways had provided special trains at reduced fares. of Grand Duke Adolph into Luxembourg on 17 July 1891 Malta A/ L-Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta / D/ The Malta Railway was the only railway line ever on the island of National Archives of Malta, Rabat Malta; it was a single-track line in metre gauge, commonly used www.nationalarchives.gov.mt by European colonial powers. The train started operating on 28 February 1883 on a single route between Valletta and Rabat. R/ NAM/CSG01/2707/1912 Later on, it was extended to the valley below Mtarfa to serve the T/ Railway Workshop, Hamrun British army barracks. The service, operated first by a private (Malta), 1912 company and then by the government, folded on 31 March 1931 having succumbed to competition from the tramway service, the introduction of buses and the private car. The Railway Workshop was one of the main technical education institutions in Malta at the time. lands A/ Noord-Hollands Archief / North D/ This engraving by the cousins Pierre-Emile and Barnabé- Holland Archives, Haarlem Auguste Emile Tilly (E.A. Tilly) shows the departure of the The Nether www.noord-hollandsarchief.nl first Dutch train between Amsterdam and Haarlem of the Hollandsche IJzeren Spoorweg-Maatschappij on 20 September R/ 480 – Collectie van 1839. On the left a locomotive with several wagons at the historieprenten van de station “d’Eenhonderd Roe” in Amsterdam, in the middle the Provinciale Atlas Noord-Holland Haarlemmertrekvaart, in the foreground a large group of 396 spectators. The train was pulled by two locomotives named T/ Festive inauguration of the first “Eagle” and “Speed”. Dutch railway line Amsterdam- Haarlem in 1839, circa 1880. oland P A/ Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / D/ In the archives of the Imperial and Royal Ministry of Railways The Central Archives of Historical is a large collection of plans, maps, and technical drawings Records, Warsaw of railway infrastructure. One of the key elements of the www.agad.gov.pl infrastructure was the roundhouse (nearly always with a railway turntable or wheelhouse for turning railway rolling stock, R/ K. k. Eisenbahnministerium, no. usually locomotives). Rzeszow in contemporary Galicia (now in 111, page 862 SE Poland) was an important railway station in the middle of the T/ Enlargement of the railway line from Kraków (Cracow) to Lwów (Lemberg). The rail was roundhouse with 13 new stalls built between 1856-1858 as a k.k.priv. Galizische Carl Ludwig-for steam locomotives in Rzeszów, Bahn, (CLB) - Archduke Karl Ludwig Josef Maria of Austria, autumn 1917 younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria. In autumn 1917, in connection with the Great War, the railway management in Kraków decided to enlarge the steam locomotive depot (in service from 1919) and add 13 new stalls for steam locomotives at the new roundhouse. Each of the 13 stalls were 25.5 m long. The estimated cost of the whole construction project including an administrative building was 514,000 Austro-Hungarian crowns. venia Slo A/ Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / D/ In the early hours of Sunday, 3 November 1929, a serious train Historical Archives Celje accident occurred at the Rajhenburg railway station (today www.zac.si Brestanica). The death toll and the fact that the iconic train of the era, the famous Orient Express, was involved added to the R/ SI_ZAC/0524/002_00087 Zbirka resonance and drama of the event. The Orient Express was fotografij in slik travelling from Zagreb towards Zidani Most, while a freight train T/ Photo of the railway accident, was travelling in the opposite direction. The signal to take the Rajhenburg, 1929 siding was signalled too late. The locomotive of the express train cut across the freight train and crashed with the service (mail) and dining car into a deep creek bed just before the confluence with the Sava River. The driver of the freight train Vodlak and the coachman Jeromen were killed instantly, while the driver of the express train Medle, who had prevented an even greater disaster by braking, jumped out of the locomotive. The most tragic of all was the death of the train driver Rudolf Arzenšek, who found himself among his colleagues as a private citizen returning from Zagreb after a sports competition. Arzenšek, a member of the Maribor sports club Železničar, was even Yugoslav national champion in wrestling. The fifth victim was the conductor Tavčar. A duty officer at the Rajhenburg station, Rantaša, torn by guilt, cut the veins in both his arms, but was transported to a hospital in Krško, where he recovered. International Archives Week Challenge: ge RAILWAYS (electronic edition) S Published by: Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Slovenia Y eek Challen Stadsarchief Ieper / Belgium Edited by: A es W Borut Batagelj / Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Slovenia chiv Rik Opsommer / Stadsarchief Ieper / Belgium Contributors: W Franz Mittermüller / Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv / Austria tional Ar Rik Opsommer / Stadsarchief Ieper / Belgium Milena Milcheva / Централен държавен архив / Bulgaria ternaIn Maja Milovan / Državni arhiv u Pazinu / Croatia Christos Kyriakides / Κρατικό Αρχείο / Cyprus Karel Halla / Státní oblastní archiv v Plzni, Státní okresní archiv Cheb / Czech Republic Martin Andersen / Københavns Stadsarkiv / Denmark Birgit Kibal / Rahvusarhiiv Filmiarhiiv / Estonia RAIL Jan-Erik Engren / Kansallisarkisto / Finland Matthieu Becuwe / Archives de la Communauté d’agglomération du Pays de Saint-Omer / France Martin Mundorff / Stadtarchiv Göppingen / Germany Amalia Pappa / Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους / Greece Gergő Gönczi / Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Bács-Kiskun Megyei Levéltára / Hungary #IAW2022 Brian McGee / Cork City and County Archives / Ireland International Marco Plesnicar / Archivio di Stato di Gorizia / Italy Archives Anita Čerpinska / Latvijas Valsts Kinofotofonodokumentu arhīvs / Latvia Week 2022 Evamarie Bange / Archives municipales de Luxembourg / Luxembourg 6–10 June Leonard Callus / L-Arkivji Nazzjonali ta’ Malta / Malta 2022 Annabelle Arntz & Mart van de Wiel / Noord-Hollands Archief / The Netherlands Hubert Wajs / Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych / Poland Borut Batagelj / Zgodovinski arhiv Celje / Slovenia Language editing: Simon Zupan Design: Filter, Celje URL: https://zac.si/2022/06/03/railways/ Celje / Ieper June, 2022 Athens / Cheb / Celje / Cork / Göppingen / Gorizia / Graz / Haarlem / Helsinki / Ieper / Kecskemét / København / Luxembourg / Nicosia / Pazin / Rabat / Riga / Saint-Omer / Sofia / Tallinn / Warszawa Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnjici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID 110097155 ISBN 978-961-6448-57-4 (Zgodovinski arhiv) #IAW2022 International Archives Week 2022 Athens / Cheb / Celje / Cork / Göppingen / Gorizia / Graz / Haarlem / Helsinki / Ieper / Kecskemét / København / Luxembourg / Nicosia / 6–10 June Pazin / Rabat / Riga / Saint-Omer / Sofia / Tallinn / Warszawa 2022