M. KUBI[OVÁ et al.: MULTI-PARAMETER SURFACE-QUALITY ANALYSIS 23–26 MULTI-PARAMETER SURFACE-QUALITY ANALYSIS VE^PARAMETRI^NA ANALIZA KAKOVOSTI POVR[INE Milena Kubi{ová, Vladimír Pata, Libu{e Sýkorová, Lenka Hýlová, Oldøich [uba Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Technology, Vavre~kova 275, 760 01 Zlín, Czech Republic mkubisova@ft.utb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-10-20 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.095 Recent years have been rich in the research in the field of metrology. Firstly, the research focused on contact gauges, especially on contact profilometers. Consequently, with the investigation and development of materials, it was revealed that contact profilers were not sufficient and it was necessary to focus on 3D non-contact optical profilometers and surveyors. This article describes a new method of the surface control. It is a method of surface printing using the SILOFLEX© dental silicone and the subsequent evaluation. The surface-quality control is carried out using profile geometries that are divided into two basic groups. The first group consists of contact devices and the second group consists of non-contact devices. Both of these groups can use 2D- and 3D-measurement options. Subsequently, the surface quality is assessed using the amplitude parameters specified in the standards. These parameters have to be evaluated complexly using the multi-parameter analysis. This analysis is used today by more and more companies and has become an essential part of the control. It is utilized for all the material types from the engineering industry to medicine. The article deals with a non-contact measurement method. It also shows possibilities of an evaluation using the multi-parameter analysis. Keywords: non-contact measurement, replica, surface quality Zadnja leta so bogata na podro~ju metrolo{kih raziskav. Najprej so bile raziskave osredoto~ene na podro~je kontaktnih meril- nikov, {e posebej na podro~je kontaktnih profilometrov. Posledi~no z raziskavami in razvojem materialov so ugotovili, da kontaktni profilometri ne zadovoljujejo vseh potreb. Zato so se raziskovalci osredoto~ili {e na razvoj 3D-nekontaktnih opti~nih profilometrov in merilnikov. V tem ~lanku avtorji opisujejo novo metodo kontrole povr{ine in njeno evaluacijo. To je metoda povr{inskega tiskanja z uporabo dentalnega silikona SILOFLEX©. Kontrola kvalitete povr{ine se izvaja s profilnimi geome- trijami, ki so razdeljene v dve osnovni skupini. Prva skupina vsebuje kontaktne in druga nekontaktne naprave. Obe skupini lahko uporabljata 2D- in 3D-merilni opciji. Naknadno so kvaliteto povr{ine ocenili z amplitudnimi parametri, specificiranimi v standardih. Ti parametri morajo biti ovrednoteni kompleksno in jih avtorji zato imenujejo ve~parametri~na analiza. Ta analiza se danes vse bolj uveljavlja in uporablja v podjetjih kot pomemben del kontrole. Analiza je uporabna za vse vrste in`enirskih in medicinskih materialov. V tem ~lanku avtorji opisujejo nekontaktne merilne metode. Prikazujejo pa tudi mo`nosti vrednotenja z uporabo ve~parametri~ne analize. Klju~ne besede: brezkontaktno merjenje, replika, kakovost povr{ine 1 INTRODUCTION This article focuses on the research of surface repli- cation and the identification of suitable assessment methods. Previously, Dentacryl™ was the most widely used material for the surface-replica production, which cannot be used due to its inaccuracy, surface interpreta- tion and safety reasons. We decided to test SILOFLEX©, which is used in dentistry, to produce replicas. In this area, we also seek expertise in the preparation and proper use of this material on surfaces. The article deals with a method of the production of replicas using the SILOFLEX© dental material, including the replicas of technological processes. Original faces and replicas are scanned using a Talysurf CLI 500 touchless 3D scanner. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Evaluation of the method Initially, 5 mm × 5 mm original surfaces were scanned using the Talysurf CLI 500 3D surface scanner with a 0.25-μm resolution on the X- and Y-axes. The Z-axis sensitivity was allowed to reach the highest possible level at 1 nm2. After scanning individual faces in X, Y and Z, they were transferred into a three-dimen- sional data matrix. Figure 1 shows 3D topography of the surfaces of the original and the replica. Figure 2 shows photos of the real surface of the original and the replica magnified by 100×. The data was filtered using a double Gaussian robust filter to ensure the correct calculation of the sur- face quality of the original and the replica. To assess Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 23–26 23 UDK 620.1:62-4-023.7:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(1)23(2018) Figure 1: 3D topography of the original (left) and replica (right) whether the original and the replica were close, ISO 4287 was used.1 Canonical-correlation analysis A canonical-correlation analysis examines the nature of the relationships between two sets of variables that represent the frequency parameters of the original sur- face and the replicated surface discussed. These relation- ships are further expressed with the components, which, as already mentioned, constitute a linear combination of the variables from a given set of variables.2,3 Components searched in the form of pairs In a pair, one of the elements of one set of the two sets of variables always corresponds to an element from the other set. The first pair should have the greatest possible correlation. The second pair consists of inde- pendent (orthogonal) components of the first pair and has the second highest possible correlation. This is the case when both sets of variables and their relationships are described with two systems of independent compo- nents.3 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Canonical correlation measures the intensity of the linear dependence between two groups of linear func- M. KUBI[OVÁ et al.: MULTI-PARAMETER SURFACE-QUALITY ANALYSIS 24 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 23–26 Figure 3: Calculation of matrix diagrams comprised of Pearson correlation coefficients Figure 2: Photos of the surfaces magnified by 100× tions of original surface vectors U (Rp, Rv, Ra, Rz, Rt) and the surfaces of the replicated V (Rp, Rv, Ra, Rz, Rt). When evaluating the matrix diagrams (Figure 2) of individual parameters (either numerically or graphi- cally), it is possible to state that there is an indication between the pairs of the characters. It is also possible to state that the graphs exhibit homoscedasticity or heteroskedasticity and, above all, that there are no remarkable distant objects. Thus, Pearson correlation coefficients show that most of the characters show a sufficient pair dependence and, therefore, it can be stated that measured parameters Rp, Rv, Ra, Rz and Rt for the original and replicated surface are suitable for the application of the canonical-corre- lation analysis.7 The criterion for the number of the selected major pairs is the scatter-index graph at the foot of our num- bers, which, in our case, confirms that one canonical root M. KUBI[OVÁ et al.: MULTI-PARAMETER SURFACE-QUALITY ANALYSIS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 23–26 25 Figure 6: Plots of second and third left factors Figure 5: Plots of eigenvalues and first left factor Figure 4: Summary of canonical analysis will suffice to describe the amplitude parameters of the original and replicated surfaces (Figure 3). The graph on Figure 4 shows the linear dependence between the canonical score of the right set of parame- ters V1 (amplitude parameters of the replicated surface) and the left set U1 (amplitude parameters of the original surface). The linear dependence is quite distinct; the Pearson correlation coefficient rises to 0.76 and its testing appears to be significant. On the other hand, in the case of the right sets of parameters V2, V3 and left sets U2, U3, (Figure 5) clusters appear to be homoscedastic, linear dependence is not distinct and Pearson correlation coefficients are relatively low (0. 34 and 0.12). Solutions obtained with cluster analysis Ward’s me- thod (Figure 6), using Euclidean distance, were used to create clusters.8 It follows from the graph that there is a high degree of similarity between the Rt and Rz parameters of the original and replicated surfaces. A similar result can be found for parameter Ra.9 For parameters Rp and Rv, the situation is somewhat more complex. From the clustered graph, it follows that the parameters Ra, Rp and Rv are form a separate cluster, which is determined by ISO 4287. The parameter Ra is composed of the sum of the parameters Rp and Rv. How- ever, due to the small variability between Rp and Rv for the original and replicated surfaces, the cluster analysis fails to recognize the difference between the Rp and Rv parameters.10 4 CONCLUSIONS According to the above results, following the application of the canonical correlation analysis, the first pair of correlation variables U1 and V1 sufficiently des- cribe the dependence of the Rp, Rv, Ra, Rz and Rt charac- ters for the original and replicated surfaces. This claim is confirmed by a high value of the canonical correlation coefficient (0.75999). Therefore, we can assume that from the dependencies above and the relations, supported by the method of clus- ter analysis, it is possible to describe the parameters of the surface roughness Ra, Rz based on the interchange- ability of amplitude parameters. 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KUBI[OVÁ et al.: MULTI-PARAMETER SURFACE-QUALITY ANALYSIS 26 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 23–26 Figure 7: Tree diagram for 10 variables