©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, JUNE 2004 Vol. 12, No. 1: 99-114 XVII. SIEEC, Radenci, 2001 POPULATION DYNAMICS OF ENDANGERED SPECIES COENONYMPHA OEDIPPUS FABRICIUS, 1787 (LEPLDOPTERA: SATYRIDAE) ON THE LJUBLJANSKO BARJE (SLOVENIA) Tatjana ČELIK Biološki institut ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija e-mail: tcelik@zrc-sazu.si Abstract - The False ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus Fabricius, 1787) is the most threatened European butterfly species. In Slovenia the species lives in extensively managed wet meadows of the Ljubljansko barje and in the vicinity of Grosuplje, as well as in dry scrubby grasslands of the Primorska region. In June and July of 1995 and 1996, we studied the dynamics of the population on the Ljubljansko barje, where one of the last marsh populations of the species are to be found in Slovenia. A mark-release-recapture survey was carried out on study site covering an area of 1.27 ha (1995) and 2.63 ha (1996). Mark-recapture data for each sex were processed separately to estimate population size and density, sex ratio, residence (survival) times and catchability. Key words: Coenonympha oedippus, population dynamics, population size, sex ratio, survival rate, Ljubljansko barje Izvleček - POPULACIJSKA DINAMIKA OGROŽENE VRSTE COENONYMPHA OEDIPPUS FABRICIUS, 1787 (LEPIDOPTERA: SATYRIDAE) NA LJUBLJANSKEM BARJU (SLOVENIJA) Barjanski rjavček (Coenonympha oedippus Fabricius, 1787) je najbolj ogrožena vrsta med evropskimi dnevnimi metulji. V Sloveniji živi na ekstenzivnih vlažnih travnikih Ljubljanskega barja in v okolici Grosuplja ter na suhih zagrmičenih travnikih na Primorskem. V juniju in juliju 1995 in 1996 smo proučevali dinamiko populacije na Ljubljanskem barju, kjer je življenjski prostor nekaj zadnjih močvirskih populacij vrste v Sloveniji. Z metodo lova, markiranja in ponovnega ulova smo vzorčili na raziskovani površini 1,27 ha (1995) oz. 2,63 ha (1996). Za oceno velikosti 99 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieiAStaifrtlflpniologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 in gostote populacije, spolnega razmerja, stopnje prisotnosti (preživetja) in ulovljivosti odraslih osebkov smo podatke obdelali ločeno za oba spola. Ključne besede: Coenonympha oedippus, populacijska dinamika, velikost populacije, spolno razmerje, stopnja preživetja, Ljubljansko barje Introduction The False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus Fabricius, 1787) is the most seriously threatened European butterfly species (Heath 1981, Balleto & Kudrna 1985, Kudrna 1986, SBN 1987, Chinery 1989, Munguira 1995, Schmid 1996) and one of the seven critically endangered butterfly species in Europe (Swaay & Warren 1998). It is protected by the Appendices of the Bern Convention (Council of Europe 1992) and the Directive of the European Union Council 92/43/EEC (European Communities 1992). Severe decline of the species over its European range is mainly due to land drainage, the intensification of agriculture, agricultural abandonment and changing management, leading to fragmentation of suitable habitats and isolation of local populations. At present no practical measures for conservation of species are taken in European countries. Namely, little is known of the ecological needs of the species. Its precise recent geographical distribution is still unknown, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Few studies of the morphometries of the specimens in the collections were done, which figure out the appearance of 12 subspecies (Bischof 1968, Krzywicki 1966) inside the European range. The information about biology of pre-adult stadiums is gathered mostly from rearing experiments (breed in captivity). Almost nothing is known of the structure, dynamics and the genetics of the present populations in Europe. In Slovenia, the species lives on fens and extensive wet meadows of central part of Slovenia (Ljubljansko barje, the vicinity of Grosuplje). In the eastern part of Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia's last marsh populations of C. oedippus can be found. The species is also distributed in SW part of Slovenia (from Goriška Brda in the north to the Koper hills and the Dragonja valley in the south, and to the southeast edge of Trnovski gozd, the Karst and Podgorje karst in the east), where it inhabits dry scrubby grasslands on limestone or flysch (Čelik 2003). In this paper, we infer the population dynamics of local population of C. oedippus in the SE part of Ljubljansko barje. Demographic parameters, such as population size, density, sex ratio, catchability and residence times are represented at the first time. The present results are only one part of my master thesis (Celik 1997), which was carried out with the goal of studying population parameters (structure and dynamics of population, imagoes mobility, dispersion, size and shape of imagoes home range) and ecological needs of pre-adult stadiums and imagoes and to suggest the priority actions for conservation of remnant populations of this endangered species on the Ljubljansko barje. 100 T. Celik: Population dynamics of&SUdaRgerefil'Species Coenonympha oed/ppus Fabricius, 1787 onthe Ljubljansko barje Material and methods The species The False Ringlet (Coenonympha oedippus Fabricius, 1787) is a palaearctic species with a ponto-caspian-south siberian-manchurian type of range (Varga 1977). The distribution of the species is disjunct: in Europe, there are isolated populations in France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Russia (Kudrna 2002), Germany (Braii 2003 pers. comm.), Ukraine and Belarus (Swaay and Warren 1998); the species only has more or less continued distribution in the Asian part of its range (southern Russia, northeastern Mongolia and China, northern Korea). In Spain, the species has only been recorded once, in 1988 in Navarre, and it is therefore defined on a national scale as data deficient species ("indeterminate") (Munguira 2002 pers. comm.). The species is extinct in Belgium, Slovakia and Bolgaria (Lhonore, 1996; Swaay and Warren, 1998; Abadijev 2001). The False Ringlet lives in the zone of deciduous forests, forest steppes and steppes, where it occurred in the following habitats: rich fens, wet meadows (with purple moor grass and sedges), wet and dry heaths, grassy forest clearings (alluvial forests with willow; forests of oak and birch), light beech forests, overgrown dry grasslands (only in Slovenia, Italy and Croatia), forest steppe and steppe (Celik 2003). Adult butterflies emerge in early June and fly until late July. They visit flowers of Cyperaceae and Asteraceae (Carduus, Centaurea, etc.), rarely Papilionaceae (Helsdingen, Willemse, Speight 1996). In Ljubljansko barje, the only known nectar-ing plant of the species is tormentil (Potentilla erecta, fam.: Rosaceae) (Celik 1997, 2003) Adults are active, in particular, in the lower level of grassland vegetation, where they also rest (Celik 1997). Eggs are deposited on the leaves of the food plant, singly, 5-20 cm above the ground (Celik 1997). Larvae hatch in July and early August. They feed until the end of September when they start to hibernate on the roots of grassy vegetation. They emerge from hibernation in April or at the beginning of May and are active to the end of May, when they begin to pupate on the leaves of host-plants. The larval food plants are leaves of Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea), Sedge (Carex flava, C. hostiana, C. panicea, C. distans) (Celik 1997, 2003), Black Bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans), Meadow Grass (Poa sp.) (Lhonore 1996) and Cottongrass (Eriophorum) (Weidemann 1995). Study area The Ljubljansko Barje (centroid: long: 14° 26' 13" E, lat: 46° 15' 54" N), with 12588 ha, is located in the pre-alpine region of Slovenia, at an altitude of 288-289 metres. It is referred to the european CORINE site classification system (code S00000035) (Dobravec et al. 2001). The central plain is exposed to regular flooding, which is one of the most important characteristics of Ljubljansko Barje. 101 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieiAStaifrtlflpniologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 The local population on a wet meadow (centroid: long: 14° 33', lat: 45° 58') near Škofljica (SE part of Ljubljansko barje) was monitored during the flight season in 1995 and 1996. A mark-release-recapture experiment was carried out on a study area, where a grid of 10 m squares was established. In 1995, only the central part of the population was included in the study area of 1.27 ha. In 1996, we extended study area on 2.63 ha, using data on imagoes mobility in previous year. The search area was unfertilized wet meadow on clay with prevailing vegetation community Molinietum caeruleae subasoc. Caricetosum davallianae (Seliškar, pers. comm.). Moist depressions with standing water still in early July predominated there. Marsh conditions permit mowing once a year at the end of July, when depressions are dried enough. Field methods The search site was visited daily, weather permitting, during the flight season of C. oedippus in 1995 (22.6. 20.7.) and in 1996 (14.6. - 19.7.). Within study area, standard transect was performed at each visit. Butterflies were netted and marked with individual number on the underside of the left hindwing with a thin point permanent pen (Schwan Stabilo OH Pen 84IS) and immediately released at the location of their capture. On initial capture the following data were recorded: the (1) individual code, (2) sex, (3) position of capture (number of square 10x10m), (4) time and date. Data analysis Mark-recapture data for each sex were processed separately to estimate population size and density, sex ratio, residence (survival) times and catchability. Demographic parameters (daily population size, estimated sex ratio, daily residence rate) were estimated using Jolly - Seber method as applied to open populations (Seber 1982, Krebs 1989). Estimates of daily adult numbers (H) were calculated separately for males and females. Total daily adult numbers is the sum of the independent estimates for both sexes ( = Ni3 + Ni¥). Peak butterfly density is the maximum daily N; estimate observed in a sampling date, divided by the site area. Average butterfly density is the sum of all R estimates in a site, divided by the product of the site area and the number of testable sampling days. The term "residence" is used rather than "survival" because emigration and death cannot be separated in this study (see Watt et al 1977). The daily residence rate Q. estimates the fraction of animals from day i which will remain in the population on day i+1. Daily residence rates were calculated by three different methods: (1) Scott's (1973) Method 1 (Os), (2) variance-weighted averaging (Ov) (Tabashnik 1980) and (3) recapture decay plotting (Or) (Watt et al. 1977). The first two methods generate weighted averages of the daily Jolly , and base res- 102 T. Celik: Population dynamics of&SUdaRgerefil'Species Coenonympha oed/ppus Fabricius, 1787 onthe Ljubljansko barje idence on all animals marked. In the third method, number of days in residence (x) is plotted against the logarithm of the number of animals in residence x days or longer; the slope of this plot is ln(O). A recapture decay plot thus bases residence only on those animals recaptured at least once (excluding same day recaptures). Mean expected residence times are: - (In O)1 as in Cook et al (1967). Total number of animals present in the brood is: (1 - s); 723 (by Ov); and 571 (by Or). For the 1996 population of C. oedippus, the total number of adults is estimated at: 850 (by Os); 847 (by Ov); and 898 (by O). Total brood size is an important population parameter in conservation programme including continuous monitoring of population. Sex ratio Daily changes in capture sex ratio (male/female) show the population dynamics through the flight period. The sex ratio (male/female) of marked individuals was the same for both years: 1.6 1. Fig. 3: Daily changes in capture sex ratio (male/female) of C. oedippus during 1995 and 1996 on Ljubljansko barje. 105 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieiAStaifrtlflpniologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 The daily numbers estimates for both years suggest that males emerge before females (protandry). Males outnumbered females substantially in the early stages of a brood (max. capture sex ratio: 4.6 on 26 June 1995; 7.3 onl6 June 1996), but not at the end of each brood (Fig. 3). In both years capture sex ratio was approximately 1 (one) in the second half of the flight season, when numbers of males declined and females peak numbers occurred. Residence times and catchability Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 present the recapture decay plots for both sexes in year 1995 and 1996. In both years residence follows a constant loss rate (1- O.) (year 1995: SS'- k = -0.44, Fj 8= 606.5, PcO.OOl; k = -0.62, F14= 80.5, PcO.OOl; year 1996: k = -0.29, f U5= 365.8, PcO.OOl; k = -0.21, F, 23= 409, PcO.OOl). y = -0,4414x + 4,2299 FP = 0,987 X'K w " Y-" ♦ males A females -Lrearno (mates) Linearno (females), 15 0 2 A 6 \ 8 10 y = -0,6244* + 3,9459 R2 = 0,9526 Fig. 4 4 - A; y=-0,2137*+4,8671 R2 = 0,9468 ♦ A ♦ A females ♦ rmles Linearno (males) -Linearno (females) —-Hi—aaaMAA 10 15 \ 20 25 y = -0,2895* + 4.8B52 P? = 0.9606 Fig. 5 Fig. 4: Recapture decay plot for C. oedippus on Ljubljansko barje in 1995. Slope (k) of regression line is: k = In (O ). Residence rate O. is - In (k). Fig. 5: Recapture decay plot for C. oedippus on Ljubljansko barje in 1996. Slope (k) of regression line is: k = In (O ). Residence rate O. is - In (k). Table 2 shows residence statistics for both sexes in 1995 and 1996. There is more variation among the estimates of daily residence rates (Os, Oy, 0.4, ao = e 0 47 = 0.6). The slope (k) is not significantly different from zero (k = 0.27, F15 = 4.23, P>0.1, X = e0-27 = 1.3). 107 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologieiAStaifrtlflpniologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 1,5 0,5 - (0 ~ a n «! £ ¡-0,5 2 J 2 1 -11 3 CD U E 8 —-1,5 0.6, ao = e027 = 1.3). The slope (k) is significantly different from zero (k = -0.13, F{ 14 = 5.28, P<0.05, X = e"0-13 = 0.88). Daily Jolly's can be calculated independently for each sex within flying season for separate time intervals between successive sampling days. Comparison of Jolly Oj for 6 intervals in 1995 indicates the equal residence for both sexes. For 4 of these 6 intervals the male is higher then the female Oi? but only for one interval the difference is significant (PcO.OOl). The female is higher for 2 intervals, with a significant difference for one interval (PcO.OOl). Comparison of Jolly for 9 intervals in 1996 suggests, that males suffered highly loss rate (1-Oj) than females. Only for 3 of these 9 intervals the male Oj is higher then the female with a significant difference for two intervals (P<0.01). The female is higher for 6 intervals, with a significant difference for 5 intervals (P<0.01). Observable residence time is the number of days between first and last capture of individual. Beside Jolly's observable residence time takes into account only recaptured individuals. Observable residence time for the males compared to the females in 1995 also suggest that there is no significant difference in residence between sexes (Z = -0.18, P>0.8). The female observable residence time is higher than male observable residence time in 1996, the difference is significant (Z = -4.18, PcO.OOl). 108 T. Celik: Population dynamics of&SUdaRgerefil'Species Coenonympha oed/ppus Fabricius, 1787 onthe Ljubljansko barje a> 1 oc^i' 3 y' 2 1 • 0 '' * a' • • -1 1 2 3 -1 - a < 1 In (ESR) b a> 1 3 2 1 0 -3 -2 -1 '' -1 e -2 o - ' X "3 9 1 2 3 a < 1 In (ESR) Fig. 8: CES test: capture sex ratio (CSR) vs. estimated sex ratio (ESR) for C. oedippus on Ljubljansko barje in 1995 and 1996. a. = 1, S catchability = $ catchability; aoi > 1, S catchability > $ catchability; aoi < 1, o catchability < $ catchability. a: year 1995: a = 0.6, Z = -1.15, P>0.3. b: ear 1996: a „ = 0.9, Z = -0.18, P>0.9. o average ' ' J o average ' ' 109 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 Observable residence time for the males in 1995 compared to the males in 1996 is not significantly different (Z = -0.18, P>0.8). The female observable residence time in 1995 is lower than female observable residence time in 1996, the difference is very significant (Z = -3.22, P<0.001). Lower observable residence time of females in 1995 compared to females in 1996 (equal, compared to males in 1995) is the consequence of untimely mowing in 1995. The west part of study area in 1995 was mowed on 11th July, the day after the peak number of females. The untimely mowing was not so harmful to males because its population had already decreased. After the 11th July 1995, fresh (unmarked) females and only three marked females (marked before 11th July and caught always on eastern part of the study area) were caught on the eastern part of the study area. So, after mowing no more old females from western part were caught. It means that number of females with long survivals is under-represented and their residence time in 1995 is underestimated. The average catchability of males relative to females (ao average), estimated as the mean capture sex ratio (CSR) divided by the mean estimated sex ratio (ESR), shows again an equal catchability for both sexes within each flying season (Fig. 8 a and b). Discussion Sex ratio Sex ratio (male/female) of marked individuals higher than 1 and equal catchability of both sexes mean that males were more abundant then females in both flight seasons. There are two possible explanations (Tabashnik 1980): (1) male and female adults emerge in equal numbers, but adult males survive longer than adult females; (2) males outnumber females at emergence. Data show that adult males had lower (year 1996) respectively equal (year 1995) residence rates than adult females. Therefore, results of this study suggest that males outnumber females at emergence due to lower pre-adult mortality. The daily numbers estimates for both years show that most of males emerged before females' peak abundance occurred. Sex ratio was close to 1 only at the end of each brood. It seems that females develop more slowly and consequently may suffer higher pre-adult mortality than males. Males emerge before females (protandry) in many species of Lepidoptera. This is the optimal reproductive strategy for both sexes (Ehrlich 1989): presence of numerous males at the mass emerging time of females increases a male's chances of finding receptive female and successfully mating, and minimises the female's pre-reproductive energy use and risk of predation. Population size and density Population size and density are results of abiotic factors and different biotic interactions between individuals in population and between populations of different species. Estimated population size of butterfly species over one flight period (gener- 110 T. Celik: Population dynamics of&SUdaRgerefil'Species Coenonympha oed/ppus Fabricius, 1787 onthe Ljubljansko barje ation) is only a brief information if we know nothing about dynamic of changes in abundance over time. Ecological researches of C. oedippus in 1995 and 1996 on Ljubljansko barje were first studies of population ecology of this species. To imagine the sizes of estimated population parameters for C. oedippus, we compared the results of population studies of three butterfly species: Coenonympha tullia (Satyridae), Maniola jurtina (Satyridae) in Euphydryas editha (Nymphalidae) (Table 3). C. tullia has discontinous distribution with isolated populations in Europe. It inhabits wet, grassy habitats, especially in bogs, mires, fens, moors, heats and wetland margins. Threat status: vulnerable - SPEC 3 (Swaay & Warren 1998). M. jurtina is one of the most common and widespread European butterfly species. E. editha is rare endemic and highly endangered resident of grasslands on serpentine soils in USA (Murphy et al. 1986). Table 3: Comparison of estimated population sizes, maximum densities and daily residence rates for Coenonympha oedippus, C. tullia, Maniola jurtina and Euphydryas editha. Species Locality Year Site area (ha) Total number per brood Maximum density (no. of individ./ha) Estimated daily residence rate Reference C. tullia GB Walles Cardiganshire 1961 40.0 500-600 0.70 Turner, 1963 M. jurtina GB England Hightown 1976 1.4 1960-2590 550-650 0.92 Brakefield, 1982b 1978 1.4 154-175 63 0.82 Brakefield, 1982b E. editha USA California Jasper Ridge 1981 2.5 541-1386 123 0.58-0.87 Murphy et al., 1986 C. oedippus SLO Ljubljansko barje Škofljica 1995 1.3 571-723 139 0.42-0.64 Celik, 1997 1996 2.6 847-898 109 0.75-0.81 Celik, 1997 Estimates of maximum population density for C. oedippus in both flying seasons are comparable only considering aggregated microdistribution of imagoes in both years (Celik 1997). In 1996, 65% of all captures were made on study area of previous year. It means that maximum density in 1996 on area 1.27 ha was 145 individu- 111 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezkstoiiflftttJrnologica slovenica, 12 (1), 2004 als/ha. Similarity of estimates for population densities in 1995 and 1996 (on study area of 1995) suggests that abundance was also roughly similar in both years. Residence rate and lifetime of adults The mean lifetime of adult is 5-10 days for most butterfly species (Warren 1992 in Vogel 1996). The mean expected residence time of adult C. oedippus was 3-5 days. The maximum residence seen was 17 days for males and 25 days for females. Estimates of residence time are lower than maximum residence seen because most of the population never attains maximum lifespan, due to constant loss occasioned by weather, predation, etc. (Watt et al 1977). Cook, Frank & Brower estimate that modal residence rate for diurnal Lepidoptera with more or less colonial population structure in temperate regions may be 0.80 (Brakefield 1982b). In comparison with this the estimates for C. oedippus are quite similar (year 1996). In 1995 the estimated daily residence rate was lower due to greater emigration of imagoes according to improper defined boundaries of study area. The lower daily residence rates for males (0.749-0.799) compared to the females (0.764-0.808) in 1996 are consequence of greater emigration or (and) briefer lifespan due to the males' greater mobility and activity during the day. Probability for emigration was lower for females because of their sedentary behavior (Celik 1997). Greater mobility of males indicates the briefer lifetime of individuals. Males are smaller and have shorter ontogeny than females. Because of greater activity they loss the energetic stores much faster and so they live a shorter period of time than females. References Abadjiev, S.P., 2001: An Atlas of the Distribution of the Butterflies in Bulgaria (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & Papilionoidea). Zoocartographia Balcanica, Volume 1, Pensoft, Sofia - Moscow: 335 str. 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