101 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples into language learning exercises Johannes GRAËN Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich & Department of Swedish, University of Gothenburg This work describes a blueprint for an application that generates language learning exercises from parallel corpora. Word alignment and parallel structures allow for the automatic assessment of sentence pairs in the source and target languages, while users of the application continuously improve the quality of the data with their interactions, thus crowdsourcing parallel language learning ma- terial. Through triangulation, their assessment can be transferred to language pairs other than the original ones if multiparallel corpora are used as a source. Several challenges need to be addressed for such an application to work, and we will discuss three of them here. First, the question of how adequate learn- ing material can be identified in corpora has received some attention in the last decade, and we will detail what the structure of parallel corpora implies for that selection. Secondly, we will consider which type of exercises can be generated automatically from parallel corpora such that they foster learning and keep learn- ers motivated. And thirdly, we will highlight the potential of employing users, that is both teachers and learners, as crowdsourcers to help improve the material. Keywords: ICALL, language learning exercises, parallel corpora, data-driven learning Graën, J.: Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples into language learning exercises. Slovenščina 2.0, 10(2): 101–131. 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek / Original Scientific Article DOI: https://doi.org/10.4312/slo2.0.2022.2.101-131 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ 102 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles 1 Overview The generation of language learning exercises based on parallel corpus material requires the combination of several techniques and strategies. First of all, in order to automatically assess corpus material regarding its suitability for language learning exercises, we need to annotate it us- ing standard techniques of Natural Language Processing (NLP), such as tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition. In addition, we want to annotate the vocabulary used in those examples with the lowest proficiency level required to compre- hend single lexical items of the target language that the learners want to acquire. The use of NLP techniques for computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is commonly referred to as ICALL (intelligent CALL) due to the numerous components of artificial intelligence (AI) that are ap- plied in NLP methods (Lu, 2018). Concerning parallel corpora (Section 2), we can take advantage of the expected parallelism between individual corpus units in the target language and the native language (L1) of the learner, or another foreign language (L2) in which the learner is sufficiently proficient. The lat- ter case might be advantageous if there is a close typological relation between the target language and the L2. Take, for instance, a Finnish learner of Portuguese, who is already an advanced learner of Italian. In that case, examples from a parallel corpus of Portuguese/Italian will likely have more similarities regarding vocabulary and structure than a parallel corpus of Portuguese/Finnish. The adequacy of the corpus material in particular sentences for dif- ferent learner proficiency levels has received considerable attention in recent years (Pilán, 2018; Tack, 2021). A multitude of factors determine whether learners of a particular proficiency level are likely to compre- hend a sentence or not. In the case of parallel sentence pairs, we will not only estimate the required proficiency level for each of the sentences individually, but also take into account the way it has been translated, independent of the translation direction. Employing interlingual word- level correspondences and intralingual syntactic relations between sin- gle words, we will derive grammatical correspondences, which, in turn, can be classified in terms of proficiency levels (Section 3). 103 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... Data-driven learning (Section 4) is a well-explored technique sup- porting language learner autonomy. The main idea is to let learners ex- plore authentic language material on their own, which will make them observe patterns, turn those into hypotheses and then corroborate these with the help of search tools. Those patterns can relate to any linguistic level, such as lexicon, morphology, or syntax. While the idea of learning languages utilizing language material (as opposed to learn- ing by prescribed rules) has been around for several decades, and its efficacy has been experimentally substantiated, the use of parallel cor- pora for that purpose has received significantly less attention (Lawson, 2001; Bluemel, 2014; Montero Perez et al. 2014, to name a few). Learners benefit from corpus tools that are easy to use and visually help them to explore the respective content. Corpus search activities are either learner-driven, in the case of autonomous learners or open exercises, or instructor-driven, when learners are given concrete tasks to perform. While a learner already needs to have acquired a certain level of autonomy for the former case, the latter requires some form of feedback from the teacher in case the learners have not understood the motivation behind those tasks. That is why we are going one step further and use sentence pairs retrieved from corpora for generating language learning exercises (Section 5). Having annotated and aligned parallel sentences facilitates a whole new range of exercise types. The term crowdsourcing is often associated with the idea of a large number of people doing voluntary work. Voluntariness, however, needs to be seen with respect to the motivation of the volunteers. Whether they are contributing out of interest, are getting paid for their work, or need to participate for other reasons (e.g. to pass a course) makes a difference concerning the results we expect to get. In addition to mo- tivation, we can distinguish, whether crowdsourcers are consciously contributing or not, and thus providing explicit or implicit feedback (Wang et  al., 2019). As opposed to amateur scientists participating in research projects, which is typically referred to as “citizen science”, crowdsourcers can be lay people with no expert knowledge (Section 6). Having briefly discussed all the relevant topics, we proceed to describe the envisaged architecture for the application in Section 7 addressing the previously described challenges. The corpus retrieval functionality has 104 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles been implemented and fed with parallel sentences from the OpenSub- titles corpus (Lison and Tiedemann, 2016) in 21 language pairs, namely every combination of the Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Span- ish and Swedish part of that corpus. We named it PaCLE (Parallel Corpora for Language Learning Exercises) and used it in several experiments, one of which we describe in Graën et al. (in press). 2 Parallel corpora In a previous work (Zanetti, Volodina, and Graën 2021), we describe two challenges of automated exercise generation, namely reducing the ambiguity of generated exercises with the help of NLP methods, and the selection of appropriate sentences from corpora. In both cases, parallel corpora will be of great avail. Parallel corpora consist of at least two datasets that refer to the same sequence of language material. The typical cases are bilingual or multilingual corpora, where those datasets correspond to translations of some material. The original material can be one of the datasets but does not necessarily need to be part of the corpus. As for the material, most parallel corpora consist of plain text, but parallel corpora of au- dio recordings also exist, which are often accompanied by transcripts, such as the Parallel Audiobook Corpus1 (Ribeiro 2018). What is more, corpora consisting of several layers in the same language, such as the just-mentioned Parallel Audiobook Corpus which comprises record- ings of different speakers reading the same books, also meet the con- dition of parallelism. Finally, learner corpora that comprise not only the learners’ writings but also a normalized or corrected version of their text productions are also covered by the term parallel corpus. Unlike parallel corpora, so-called comparable corpora do not nec- essarily possess parallel structures, but merely share the same top- ics per corresponding unit (e.g.,  articles). Wikipedia2 can be seen as a comparable corpus, since a correspondence relation between lan- guages can be established for individual articles (McEnery and Xiao, 2007; Otero and López, 2010; Barrón-Cedeno et al., 2015). 1 https://datashare.is.ed.ac.uk/handle/10283/3217 2 https://www.wikipedia.org/ 105 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... 2.1 Sources Many parallel corpora have been made freely available over the last few decades. The largest source of parallel corpus material is arguably the OPUS collection3 (Tiedemann, 2009, 2012). We have recompiled a small number of existing parallel corpora of different text types and languages (including low-resource languages such as Romansh and Swiss German) into a common format that allows for hierarchical cor- respondence annotation (Graën 2018) on any of the three levels that each of the individual corpora has, namely documents, sentences and words (i.e. tokens) (Graën et al., 2019). At first, parallel corpora were compiled from publicly available translations. In several countries with more than one official language, documents from the respective authorities need to be translated from their original language to all other official ones. Typical examples of such corpora are the Canadian Hansards (Gale and Church, 1991, 1993), parliamentary debates in English and French, or the Belgisch Staatsblad (Vanallemeersch 2010), publications from the Belgian gov- ernment in Dutch and French. In countries like Switzerland with three official languages (on the federal level) and multinational organizations such as the United Nations or the European Union, multilingual transla- tions are produced that can and have been turned into corpora (Koehn, 2005; Rafalovitch et al., 2009; Eisele and Chen, 2010; Volk et al., 2010, 2016; Scherrer et al., 2014; Ziemski et al., 2016). 2.2 Alignment The individual correspondence of textual units (e.g.  sentences or words) is called an alignment, as is the process of deriving these corre- spondence relations. While the correspondence on the document level is typically derived by metadata (e.g. book chapters, webpages, exter- nal identifiers such as numbers assigned to documents), the identifica- tion of corresponding sentences and words requires dedicated tools. The performance of sentence alignment depends to a large part on how many one-to-one correspondences there are – that is, one sen- tence in one language translated to exactly one sentence in the other 3 https://opus.nlpl.eu/ 106 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles language. If there are numerous one-to-many relations or sentences without correspondence in the other language, so-called null align- ments, the alignment performance can be significantly lower. A num- ber of commonly used tools and methods exist to improve alignment performance (e.g. Varga et al., 2005; Braune and Fraser, 2010; Senn- rich and Volk, 2010), and new methods keep being developed (Thomp- son and Koehn, 2019; Jiang et al., 2020). For word alignment, the respective language pairs play an impor- tant role. As a rule of thumb, languages with similar structures and word formation yield better results. If bilingual alignments of more than two languages are combined, two scenarios are possible. Either all alignments agree, which suggests good quality of the individual bilingual alignments, or there are discrepancies between the pairwise alignments, which indicates that one or more of the alignments are erroneous, as not all identified correspondences can be correct in this case (cf. Graën et  al., 2019). An approach of rotating triangulation can be used in this case to combine several bilingual alignments into a single harmonized multilingual one, and thus improve alignment quality. In the same vein, the combination of different alignment tech- niques helps improve alignment quality. Ensemble methods such as the one presented by Steingrı́msson, Loftsson, and Way (2021) have an advantage over the individual alignment methods, as seen in per- formance metrics such as the score or the alignment error rate (see Tiedemann, 2011, Section 2.6). Modern sentence aligners achieve better results by employing pre-trained multilingual neural language models (see Jalili Sabet et al., 2020; Dou and Neubig, 2021). Alignment information in a corpus can be aggregated to derive a distribution from a single lexical unit in the source language to differ- ent units in the target language. The translation variants determined and quantified in this way help us select the right context, including word sense (see Section 3). We used these distributions to calculate a semantic relation between word pairs by means of translation variants (Graën and Schneider, 2020). Figure 1 shows a visualization from the tool that we created for learners to explore the semantics of translation variants from corpora. 107 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... Figure 1: Shared and unique translation variants for English ‘stay’ and Spanish ‘quedarse’ in various languages. Word frequencies are expressed by the size of nodes and alignment probabilities by the thickness of edges. Individual languages are color-coded. 3 Learner proficiency Like any other skill, learning a language starts with the first contact with the target, and eventually ends with its mastery. In between, there is a continuum that can be subdivided into a scale of proficiency levels defined by capabilities that a learner is required to achieve. Several standards of scaling exist and can be approximately mapped to each other, as they all define waypoints on the journey of acquiring a foreign language. The proficiency of an individual learner can be measured in several dimensions, the two most prominent ones being reception vs. produc- tion and oral vs. written. The Common European Framework of Refer- ence for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe 2001) subdivides “lan- guage activities” into reception and production as primary activities 108 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles and interaction and mediation as secondary ones (Council of Europe 2001, Section 2.1.3). Figure 2 replicates Figure 1 from the Common European Frame- work of Reference for Languages, which divides the proficiency scale into three coarse-grained levels (basic, independent and proficient user), each of which is further subdivided into two levels. We will henceforth refer to the six levels from A1 to C2 as CEFR levels. The CEFR scale has become a ubiquitous measure of language learning proficiency, and courses now indicate which level can be obtained after successfully finishing them, while job offers use them to specify profi- ciency requirements. Figure 2: The “Common Reference Levels” as defined by (Council of Europe, 2001). In the field of CALL, a multitude of research has been using the CEFR levels for various purposes, e.g.  for the classification of texts (see Pilán et al., 2017) or the prediction of learner proficiency (Gail- lat et al., 2022). The CEFRLex project4 (François et al., 2016) provides mappings from lexical entries to distributions of CEFR levels for several languages. Those distributions stem in most cases from an analysis of textbooks. Each textbook is dedicated to a particular proficiency level, and the appearance of lexical entries (words and expressions) in the respective textbooks is represented as a frequency distribution. This distribution undergoes a normalization step to account for peaks of low-frequency entries, which is typically due to particular topics involv- ing those entries (Dürlich and François, 2018). We compared the English EFLLex from the CEFRLex resourc- es (Dürlich and François, 2018) with two other lexical resources for 4 https://cental.uclouvain.be/cefrlex/ 109 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... English, namely the Pearson Global Scale of English (Pearson, 2017) and the Cambridge English Vocabulary Profile (Cambridge University Press, 2015), and found that they all agree to a large extent regarding the assigned CEFR level per lexical entry (Graën et al., 2020). The main difference between EFLLex and the other two resources is that the lat- ter distinguish word senses, from which we had to abstract away for the sake of comparability by choosing the lowest level per entry, which typically corresponds to the most frequently used sense. The word “stay” with the sense “to live in a place for a short time as a visitor or guest”, for example, is classified by the Global Scale of English as beginner level (A1) on the CEFR scale. The same word is also used with the sense “to continue to be in a particular state, and not change”, which is classified as an intermediate level (B1). Multiword expressions such as the phrasal verbs “stay on” or “stay out of” rank even higher (B2). Apart from lexical resources, the frequency of a lexical unit in a general corpus and its length in terms of characters are also good in- dicators for the corresponding proficiency level. The relation between these two properties is illustrated by Zipf’s law of abbreviation: shorter words are more frequently used and frequently used words tend to be shorter in general. In addition to comparing EFLLex with other English resources, we also proved the hypothesis that “similar words in two languages, i.e. good direct translations, should have similar CEFR levels” (Graën et al., 2020, Section 3.5) by combining three monolingual CEFRLex re- sources, namely EFLLex for English, FLELex for French (François et al., 2014) and SVALex for Swedish (François et al., 2016), into one multilin- gual resource with the help of alignment probabilities obtained from a large parallel corpus (Graën, 2018), which we then used together with the raw CEFR level provided by EFLLex to predict the CEFR level of lexi- cal entries from the above-mentioned lexical resources, the Pearson Global Scale of English and the Cambridge English Vocabulary Profile. With the knowledge of how to identify words in different languag- es whose CEFR levels are strongly correlated, we can use one of the CEFRLex resources to project CEFR levels from one language onto an- other for which no equivalent resource exists. For multilingual corpora, 110 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles as a matter of course we can project jointly from several languages for which CEFR-graded lexical resources are available. 4 Data-driven learning A typical way for a learner to start learning an unfamiliar language is through language classes with the help of textbooks. Once an exer- cise in the textbook has been solved, however, it cannot be reused in a meaningful way, as doing exactly the same exercise more than once is a tedious task. To keep learners motivated, teachers need not only to have access to a large repertoire of different learning activities, in- cluding exercises, but also need a constant supply of novel language material. A quarter of a century ago, Wilson (1997) identified “two major problems” in creating a language course. Both have to do with the avail- ability of sufficient language learning material. The first one is about meeting “the needs of students with different abilities”, while the sec- ond one addresses the need to provide “enough exercises to ensure that a student is confronted by a different set of examples whenever he or she uses the language learning program”. In Wilson’s view, “corpora present a unique and unexploited resource” in this context. Boulton and Cobb (2017) performed a meta-analysis of publica- tions studying the effects of data-driven learning, and concluded that this technique is both efficient and effective. In a previous study on the same topic (Cobb and Boulton, 2015), the authors state that for data-driven learning to succeed, “massive but controlled exposure to authentic input is of major importance, as learners gradually respond to and reproduce the underlying lexical, grammatical, pragmatic, and other patterns implicit in the languages they encounter”. 5 Language learning exercises Language learning exercises aim at improving the language skills of learners, which, at first glance, seems to be an obvious truism, though not all exercises are equally effective in all contexts. Under some con- ditions, the learning effect can be small to nonexistent, if, for example, the learner is overchallenged by an exercise and cannot solve it. Laufer 111 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... and Ravenhorst-Kalovski (2010) evaluate the vocabulary size required for an “adequate reading comprehension” of regular texts in a foreign language, but also underline that the text type plays a role in this, and that texts with “a large proportion of technical and jargon vocabulary” might be more challenging to comprehend. On the other extreme, un- derchallenging the learner can also lead to them quickly losing motiva- tion (Mousavian Rad et al., 2022). For learning to be effective, exercises should thus be neither too simple nor too difficult for the learner in question. Language learners differ in various dimensions, e.g.  in age (from elementary school pu- pils to language students at university level, or adult learners), motiva- tion (intrinsic or extrinsic), current proficiency level in the target lan- guage (beginner to advanced), previous language learning experiences (e.g. of similar L2s), their metalinguistic knowledge, etc. Furthermore, the settings in which exercises are done also vary: in-class exercises vs.  exercises done at home, individual or group exercises, low-stake (ungraded) vs. high-stake (graded) activities, and so on. In the best case, teachers take into account all these properties when devising exercises as part of the curriculum, which, optimally, consists of complementary exercises and planned repetitions (cf. Na- tion and Webb, 2011; Nakata and Webb, 2016). 5.1 Limitations for automatically generated exercises When it comes to generating language learning exercises automatical- ly, that is by an algorithm instead of a human, only a small number of all possible exercise types are eligible, and even fewer can be reliably as- sessed programmatically. First of all, we want to limit ourselves to the interaction of a single learner with the (interactive) exercise. Observing a group of learners when they are interacting, e.g. in a role-play exer- cise, and providing feedback to the individual participants is something that language teachers are used to; this is, however, far beyond what can be automated today, despite the continuous advance of language technology. If human-human interaction is our target, communication is best channeled through the computer and the exercise is defined in a way such that communication is mostly controlled by the software. 112 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles This kind of language learning has been the subject of several publi- cations in the field of computer-mediated communication (CMC). Ac- cording to Heift and Vyatkina (2017), “CMC has shown to have many features similar to face-to-face language classroom interactions such as clarification requests and feedback”. Another limitation to note is that we will exclusively work with writ- ten text. Oral exercises require additional technologies, speech rec- ognition for productive exercises and speech generation for receptive ones, which add to the likelihood of the software making a mistake when generating the exercise or assessing the user input. There are, however, existing tools for supporting the oral part of language learn- ing, e.g. in the area of computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) (Fouz-González, 2015; Schwab and Goldman, 2018). Our third and last limitation concerns the user input. Natural lan- guage processing techniques are – in their current state – not capable of semantically interpreting free-form answers reliably, especially if the input provided, which is the users’ textual output, deviates significantly from the training material, which for a large share of the available lan- guages still are newspaper texts and other official documents. Texts produced by language learners comprising potentially innovative lexi- cal and grammatical components typically yield a significantly higher error rate when being processed by such models. Assuming that we could process texts produced by learners without making annotation errors, we would still struggle to provide learners with the helpful feed- back that a human teacher could. Existing tools that accept free-form textual input provide selective feedback on spelling and grammatical constructions. A machine-generated exercise where the learner con- tinues a story for which only the beginning is given – with automated feedback provided by an algorithm on writing style, text structure, and word choice– is unlikely to be available soon. 5.2 Exercises from parallel corpora As we have annotated corpus material, we can support the compre- hension of text by simple means, such as color-coding different parts of speech, showing additional information when the user hovers over a 113 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... particular token, interactively displaying syntactic relations (e.g. mark- ing subject and object relations of verbs or pointing out the respec- tive base verbs for separated particles in languages such as German or Swedish). In parallel corpora, we can also highlight translation equiva- lents with the help of alignments (as we do in multilingwis, see Clema- tide et al., 2016; Graën et al., 2017) or combine alignments and syntax to retrieve meaningful chunks of words (as in Zanetti et al., 2021). In an earlier work (Alfter and Graën, 2019) we present the proto- type of a game to train particle verbs in English and Swedish. A virtual currency is used for motivational purposes. The user earns credits for correctly guessed particles and loses them if they are wrong, while dif- ferent types of hints can be “bought” by using credits. Parallel data used by the application is extracted from the CoStEP corpus (Graën et al., 2014), which is based on Europarl (Koehn, 2005), and annotated in an unsupervised way. Particle verbs are classified with respect to their proficiency level based on EFLLex (Dürlich and François, 2018) and SVALex (François et al., 2016). Our work described in Zanetti, Volodina, and Graën (2021) intro- duces a novel type of sentence reordering exercise. We address the issue of potentially erroneous alignment of function words and the (sometimes) unclear correspondence of functional parts by merging single tokens to chunks based on their syntactic relations. We extract- ed sentences from the OpenSubtitles corpus (Lison and Tiedemann, 2016), processed them with standard natural language processing pipelines, and used language-specific readability measures to esti- mate the complexity of sentences.5 6 Crowdsourcing A crowdsourcing application known by many people is “recaptcha” (Von Ahn et al., 2008), a word recognition task that users have to solve before they are allowed to proceed to the actual web content they re- quested. These puzzles have a dual purpose: by solving them, the users primarily prove that they are human, but at the same time they provide 5 A prototype of the envisaged exercise type can be tested here: https://codepen.io/gi0/pen/ vYLJYjp. 114 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles human judgments on words that are unknown to the recaptcha system, thus contributing to a dataset that can be used to train OCR algorithms. Apart from this prototypical example, where crowdsourcing is used “along the way”, there are tools for creating crowdsourcing experi- ments and having people solve a large number of tasks.6 Users of those applications typically spend a considerable amount of time performing a large number of tasks. Here, the recruitment of crowdsourcers plays a key role. One can disseminate information and ask people to volun- teer, or require university students to contribute a particular number of tasks, as is frequently done for publications about crowdsourcing experiments. The crowdsourcing taxonomy by Geiger et al. (2011) can be em- ployed to classify existing crowdsourcing approaches into four different categories, based on: 1) who are the contributors, or rather which type of contributors are wanted for the application in question, and if they have to show their capacity for the given task first; 2) to which degree a user can access the contributions of other users; 3) how the contribu- tions of different users are aggregated or selected; and 4) whether or under which circumstances contributions are remunerated. For cases where no remuneration is available, the authors list as potential mo- tivational factors “passion, fun, community identification, or personal achievement”. Another dimension is defined by the degree to which the partici- pants are conscious as to whether they are contributing their efforts towards a particular goal. Most cases can be unequivocally assigned to one extreme or the other. Any paid crowdsourcing work is by definition explicit, unless the participants are paid for a different task than the one whose data is actually being crowdsourced. At the other extreme, analyzing log files to see how users interact with some software is a good example of implicit crowdsourcing (Wang et  al., 2019). In be- tween we have situations with no explicit tasks and where users might or might not know that they are contributing data through their interac- tions with software. 6 E.g.  the open PyBossa (https://pybossa.com/) or Amazon Mechanical Turk (https://www. mturk.com/) for paid microservices. 115 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... 7 The application Figure 3: The PaCLE application showing five examples for a parallel corpus search in the English-Swedish part of OpenSubtitles. Matching parts are highlighted. The use of ad- vanced regular expressions is supported. The blueprint for the application that we describe in this work can be split into two phases: First, an offline phase, in which sentence pairs are extracted from parallel corpora, processed with (language-specific) 116 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles NLP techniques, assessed regarding their usefulness in language learn- ing and, finally, added to a database. Second, an online phase, in which a web application interacts with two types of users, namely teachers and learners.7 The application allows users to perform searches in the corpus examples using metadata (e.g.  the source of the respective example) and derived measures (e.g. the estimated target proficiency levels) as filters. The retrieved sentence pairs can then be manually re- viewed and turned into learning exercises. In Graën et al. (in press), we used an early prototype of the application in a language-learning class and analyzed the students’ use of the tool and other technologies. Fig- ure 3 shows the user interface.8 One criterion for filtering out sentences in the offline phase is that they are not immediately comprehensible to the reader without the contexts in which they appear in the corpus. Pilán et al. (2017) provide an extensive overview of measures that can be employed for selecting corpus examples suitable for use in educational contexts. Some of the measures they list do not require sentences to be excluded a priori, but rather determine for which type and proficiency of learners they can be used (e.g. measures concerning grammatical or lexical complexity). In addition to monolingual criteria that are applied to one part of a parallel corpus,9 we define measures on sentence pairs that determine wheth- er those pairs are added to the database and measures that are used in the online phase for making a selection that fits the requirements of a particular configuration (languages, search terms, learner proficiency level, exercise type, etc.). A measure that can be used in both phases is the degree of equivalence between the two sentences in terms of syntactic struc- tures and lexical items that are used as translations of each other. By 7 We do not envisage providing two different applications or user modes for teachers and learners, as we conceive autonomous language learners as their own teachers and, beyond that, have no means to distinguish them technically. 8 We started developing the web application with desktop clients in mind. We discourage us- ing the application on mobile phones as, from our perspective, the attention span on those devices is often lower, less information can be displayed (although today’s mobile phones typically have a high resolution), and user input is not as precise and fluent as with regular keyboards and pointing devices. 9 We do not distinguish between source and target languages at that stage. Later on, when selecting corpus examples in the online phase, we usually prefer the target language to be the one that is more comprehensible. 117 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... calculating structural equivalence in terms of the relative frequency that the structure in question is used in a parallel corpus in relation to the overall number of structures identified in both sentences, we obtain a ratio (values between 0 and 1) for which we define a thresh- old for inclusion in the database. For lexical items, a similar formula is used. Higher values of both measures mean that we expect the sen- tence pair in question to show more frequently used structural and lexical correspondence and, consequently, represent a more direct translation (as opposed to a freer one with less frequent correspond- ences and, hence, lower values). 7.1 Corpora While a variety of parallel corpora can be obtained easily, e.g. down- loaded directly from the OPUS collection (Tiedemann, 2009, 2012), not all of them are equally suited for language learning purposes. For a corpus to fit the needs of learners, in the optimal case, it should com- prise language material that a) is adequate for the proficiency level of said learners, b) comprises the material to be learned (lexical ele- ments, grammatical constructions, and so on), c) be sufficiently large so that the application can choose from a large number of examples, and d) be of interest to the learner. The latter point is unequivocally learner-dependent, but we expect that there are domains that are gen- erally better received than others (e.g. law texts vs. fiction). One source of parallel texts that we found particularly useful for the purpose of language learning is the OpenSubtitles corpus (Lison and Tiedemann, 2016) which we used in Zanetti, Volodina, and Graën (2021), but also for the PaCLE application. It consists of translated subtitles for a large number of movies. Translations are contributed by users who can also review the work of other users. A large number of subtitles is available for most of the available 62 languages, but for some languages – such as Bengali, Georgian, or Tagalog – the coverage is quite low, and insufficient for our purposes. Besides the large size and coverage of many language pairs with this corpus, subtitles have the advantage that “[they] cover various genres and time periods and combine features from spoken language 118 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles corpora and narrative texts including many dialogs, idiomatic expres- sions, dialectal expressions and slang” (Tiedemann, 2012). Similar to OpenSubtitles, we find a richer vocabulary and less for- mal language in corpora of transcribed speech, such as the parliamen- tary proceedings of the European Union (Koehn 2005), the Canadian Hansards (described in Gale and Church, 1991, 1993) or the TED Talks corpus (Reimers and Gurevych, 2020). Corpora compiled from legislative texts, patents, technical manu- als, medication leaflets, and other more restricted text types might be helpful for particular learning tasks and more advanced learners, but they are hardly suited for most learners with lower proficiency levels. We can also expect to find considerably fewer appearances of offensive language, often abbreviated as PARSNIP, than in monolingual corpora (Dekker et al., 2019) for the same reason. 7.2 Data preparation Modern NLP applications use language models that can perform sev- eral annotation tasks simultaneously. Performance measures show that those joint models outperform traditional pipeline approaches (Qi et al., 2020). The standard tasks for such models to perform are tokenization, lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, and syntactic de- pendency parsing. Other tasks include morphological analysis, named- entity recognition, and word-sense disambiguation, all of which provide valuable information for the creation of language learning exercises. Some corpora are provided pre-aligned (typically on the sentence level), but there are corpora indicating alignment only on a higher lev- el, such as documents or chapters. In such cases we need to perform document alignment first, followed by sentence alignment to obtain parallel sentences. The correspondence of documents is to a large ex- tent corpus-specific, and thus no out-of-the-box solutions can be em- ployed (Graën, 2018, Section 4.1). In the case of multiparallel corpora, we might want to apply approaches that produce consistent multilin- gual alignments (Graën, 2018, Section 4.3). We also need the retrieved and annotated sentence pairs to be word-aligned. By combining the results of different aligners and 119 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... different types of aligners (probabilistic measures vs.  word embed- dings), we obtain the most reliable alignment links. We then group the correspondence links between single tokens using syntactic relations as described in Zanetti et  al. (2021). After this, function words such as prepositions or particles that often have no correspondence in an- other language are part of larger units for which we can assert corre- spondence with higher precision. The groups we build with the help of dependency and alignment relations often correspond to phrases, but this is not necessarily always the case. Alignment probabilities calculated on the whole corpus or ob- tained from another source help us to identify idiomaticity (Schneider and Graën, 2018). In support verb constructions, for example, the cor- respondence of the aligned nouns, which are frequently direct objects of the verb in question, is a very strong one; that is, we expect it to be the prototypical translation equivalent, while the correspondence of the governing verbs is often an infrequent one (but it can also be the case that the same support verb is used). The English support verb Figure 4: Sentence pair in German and English with different syntactic structures, which is highlighted by the heavily crossing alignment links. Here, language-dependent label sets have been used instead of Universal Dependencies. 120 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles construction “(to) take a walk”, for example, and the Spanish one “dar un paseo” (“give a walk”) are common translations of each other. The nouns “walk” and “paseo” also show a high alignment probability in any parallel English-Spanish corpus. However, “take” is only a good translation of “dar” as part of a limited number of other expressions other than “(to) take a walk” / “dar un paseo” (e.g. ”take a step” and “dar un paso”). 7.3 Example selection For the selection of adequate sentence pairs, we envisage using clas- sifiers like the ones described in Pilán et al. (2017), Pilán (2018) and Tack (2021) for the individual sentences. In addition to the estimat- ed proficiency levels, we will compare the aligned groups of tokens. Noun phrases that translate to noun phrases are arguably less chal- lenging than completely diverging structures. By aggregating syntac- tic structures and calculating conditional probabilities from the ob- served frequencies in a large parallel corpus, we can say how likely it is for a particular syntactic structure in one language to be translated to another structure in the other language. The main idea here is that structural correspondences with higher probabilities will be more ad- vantageous for language learning. Nonetheless, non-standard or less frequent correspondences will certainly be of interest for more ad- vanced learners (Figure 4 shows an example). 7.4 Exercise generation The combination of two sentences including word alignment paves the way for a whole new range of exercise types. At the same time, we can use the information of word and phrase correspondence to improve common monolingual exercises. For cloze tests, for instance, we can use the translation of the sentence in question to identify distractors that are unlikely to accidentally fit in the gap. Contrastive exercises look for similarities and differences between the source and target language, and thus foster metalinguistic aware- ness. Properties that could be the focus of such exercises are mor- phological features (e.g. grammatical genders), the order of syntactic 121 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... elements (e.g. the position of modifying adjectives relative to their gov- ernor), or the use of discourse markers. In the parallel reordering exercise presented in Zanetti et al. (2021) and in the gap-filling exercise with parallel clues presented in Alfter and Graën (2019), the source language serves as an anchor for the learner. Truly multilingual exercises are those where there is no distinc- tion between source and target languages. One example is a gap-filling or cloze exercise in the style of bundled gaps (Wojatzki et al., 2016) but with word pairs (or triples, …) in two (or three, …) different languages. A potential way to find good distractors is to generate different inflections of the original words that have been replaced by the gaps. Alternatively, homographs or false friends can be used with non-parallel sentences to focus on differences and similarities. 7.5 Crowdsourcing aspects The way the application is intended to be used is threefold. First, we envisage an autonomous learner – i.e. a more advanced learner with a good command of technology – to use the application for looking up words, expressions, or grammatical constructions in context togeth- er with their translations. In this scenario, we use the annotation and alignment layers obtained during corpus preparation to let the user interactively explore the examples that they found. Learners can add particular examples to (named) collections, mark their favorites and report entire sentence pairs, individual annotations, or alignment links that they consider false or dubious. In the second scenario, teachers look up examples relevant to their respective topics, with respect to both content and language. They group examples in collections from which they can feed the in-class exercises that they prepare. Sharing those collections between teach- ers and collaborating on the creation of language learning material is facilitated by the application (e.g. by just copying an URL and sending it to other teachers or students). The third scenario goes one step further. Here, teachers use collec- tions of corpus examples to generate exercises. Generated exercises can be reviewed and discarded as needed, but the parallelism in the 122 Slovenščina 2.0, 2022 (2) | Articles exercise types should generally result in higher precision, so good ac- curacy can be expected. Teachers then share those exercises with their students who, in turn, can also provide feedback in terms of reporting any errors or discrepancies in the example items. In all scenarios, users should be able to fix errors for themselves, such as by correcting spelling mistakes in the original corpus material, or propose changes that can be reviewed by other users. The simplest solution that does not require a dedicated user or group to review all proposals is to explicitly ask other users and let them up- or downvote the (proposed) changes. In cases with a clear tendency of mostly up- votes, the solution would be automatically accepted and replace the original example. The current prototype allows users to edit the actual examples, accept or reject them, and put them on a list of favorites, which is meant to keep those examples that learners consider valuable to them. The type of crowdsourcing envisaged for the different scenarios is both explicit and implicit. Explicit crowdsourcing involves error correc- tion and the categorization of annotations as dubious. When users are explicitly asked by the application for their opinions on changes pro- posed by other users, they are also explicitly contributing their knowl- edge. The collaborative elaboration of language learning material falls in the category of crowd annotation. When users mark their favorite examples or remove elements from their collections, they contribute in an implicit way. We can only guess why examples have been removed; it might be due to er- rors in the examples themselves, their annotation, because they are not comprehensible for the individual learner, or they simply do not match the topic in question. In cases of doubt, we can always turn those choices into explicit questions with which we ask other users for clarification. It is important to note that all crowdsourcing tasks are designed to stem from intrinsic motivation. The added value of using the ap- plication for self-learning – which is the corpus search function or the assistance provided with the creation of learning exercises – needs to convince learners and teachers to voluntarily contribute to the project. 123 Learning languages from parallel corpora: a blueprint for turning corpus examples... 8 Conclusions We have discussed a blueprint for an application that generates lan- guage learning exercises from parallel corpora. To this end, we have outlined the required methods and techniques, and described how it is envisaged they will work together in the final application. Moreover, we have argued how the ensemble of annotation and alignment of parallel corpora can be employed to reduce the uncertain- ty about potential errors in automatically generated exercises. What is more, the use of parallel material paves the way for a multitude of novel exercise types that encourage learners to contrast target and source languages, and thus strengthen their metalinguistic capabilities. In short, with the help of implicit and explicit crowdsourcing, we expect language learning material to gradually improve over time. 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S pomo- čjo triangulacije se lahko njihovo ocenjevanje prenese tudi na druge jezikovne pare, če kot vir uporabimo več vzporednih korpusov. Da bi lahko takšna aplikacija delovala, je treba nasloviti več izzivov. V na- daljevanju bomo obravnavali tri. Prvič, v zadnjem desetletju se je nekaj pozor- nosti posvetilo vprašanju, kako v korpusih prepoznati ustrezno učno gradivo. Podrobno bomo opisali, kako na to vpliva struktura vzporednih korpusov. Dru- gič, katere vrste vaj je mogoče samodejno ustvariti iz vzporednih korpusov, tako da spodbujajo učenje in ohranjajo motivacijo učencev. In tretjič, kakšne so možnosti vključevanja uporabnikov, tj. učiteljev in učencev, kot množice, ki bi pomagala izboljšati gradivo. Aplikacijo, ki jo opisujemo v članku, smo delno implementirali in preizkusi- li v različnih eksperimentalnih okoljih. Več funkcij, ki bodo vključene v končno programsko opremo, smo razvili in ovrednotili ločeno. Za implementacijo vseh delov, ki so podrobno opisani v tem dokumentu, pa je potrebno še veliko dela in razpoložljivost dejanskih učiteljev in učencev za namene preskušanja. Da bi lahko potrdili želene pozitivne učinke prispevkov uporabnikov, bo treba konč- ne aplikacije uporabljati dalj časa, kar predstavlja še dodaten izziv. Ključne besede: ICALL, vaje za učenje jezikov, vzporedni korpusi, učenje na podlagi podatkov, množičenje