SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 48/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27.11. 2022 1. ADNENTNA NEDELJA 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Pripravljeni pričakujmo Gospoda Bogoslužje prve adventne nedelje nam v prvem berilu govori o Izaijevem videnju konca časov. To je videnje medsebojne ubranosti, miru in zagona k uresničitvi božjega načrta, ta pa je načrt dobrote. Takšno vizijo moramo imeti vedno pred očmi, ko potujemo skozi težave, tudi skozi katastrofe in vojne, skozi najstrašnejša dogajanja človeškega življenja. Prerok Izaija vidi, da bo »poslednje dni gora Gospodove hiše vstala vrh gora, vzvišena nad griči. K njej bodo vreli vsi narodi« (2,1). Jeruzalemski tempelj je predstavljen kot cilj srečanja vseh ljudstev, ki bodo spoznala Gospodovo voljo. Rekli bodo: »Pridite, pojdimo h Gospodovi gori, k hiši Jakobovega Boga, da nas pouči o svojih potih, da bomo hodili po nje-govih stezah!« To je čudovito videnje. Vsa ljudstva so lačna in žejna pravice, pravičnost pa je na Gospodovi poti. Zlo v svetu prihaja zaradi tega, kar vsakdo hodi svojo pot, toda poti, zasnovane na sebičnosti, ne morejo svetu prinesti harmonije in miru, marveč nujno izzivajo nasprotja in vojne. Če bi pa, vsak iskal pravo pot v Bogu, bi ustvarili tudi ubranost med seboj. Izaija vidi, da bo »Bog sodnik med narodi in bo delil pravico mnogim narodom«. Narodi se bodo spreobrnili: namesto vojne bodo iskali mir, srečo in blaginjo za vse. »Svoje meče bodo prekovali v lemeže, svoje sulice v vinjake. Narod ne bo več dvignil meča zoper narod, ne bodo se več učili vojskovanja.« Žal moramo ugotoviti, da se to ne dogaja v današnjem svetu. Pravi božji tempelj ni tisti v Jeruzalemu, ki je bil porušen, kot je Kristus napovedal, marveč je sam Kristus. On je namreč rekel: »Porušite ta tempelj, in v treh dneh ga bom postavil« (Jn 2,19). VESTNIK 2022 | V evangeliju nas Jezus opozarja, da bomo pripravljeni na njegov prihod: »Čujte torej, ker ne veste, kateri dan pride vaš Gospod.« Jezus razlaga, da so v Noetovih dneh ljudje jedli, pili, se poročali, niso pa bili pozorni na znamenja časa niti so bili pripravljeni prepoznati božjo voljo in jo spolniti ... Zato spodbuja: »čujte!« Potrebno je biti buden, naša pozornost naj obrnjena v smer, da bi iskali, kar je v naše dobro. Kdor je buden, ne bo presenečen ob Kristusovem prihodu. Kristus vedno vstopa v naše življenje, toda če nismo čuječi, pustimo, da gre mimo nas, in prav tako njegova milost. Sin človekov bo prišel tudi ob naši smrti. Če nismo bili čuječi, bomo presenečeni. V drugem berilu apostol Pavel kristjanom v Rimu kliče: »Vedite, čas je že, da od spanja vstanemo. Kajti zdaj je naše zveličanje bliže ko tedaj, ko smo vero prejeli.« Treba se je prebuditi iz sna, ne tistega telesnega, marveč duhovnega. Gmotne skrbi ne smejo postati naš gospodar, pač pa morajo biti v službi temeljne usmeritve našega življenja, ki nas vodi k zedinjenju s Kristusom. Apostol Pavel nam kliče, naj »odložimo dela teme«, Izaija pa: »Jakobova hiša, pridite, hodimo v Gospodovi luči.« Apostol Pavel še vabi, naj »si nadenemo orožje svetlobe«. To pomeni, da moramo slediti Kristusu, ne pa telesu in njegovim željam. Apostol Pavel urabi tudi primero noči in dneva. Dela teme so tista, ki jih storimo na skrivnem in nanje ne moremo biti ponosni saj povzročajo vedno hujšo škodo. Če pa nasprotno oblečemo orožje svetlobe, hodimo po pravi poti in delamo to, kar nam svetuje Sveti Duh. On nas vedno usmerja k pravičnosti, miru in ljubezni. Obleči Kristusa pomeni prav to: izvrševati dobra dela v moči njegove milosti. Apostol Pavel pravi, da se je »noč pomaknila in se je dan približal«. Advent je čas gorečega pričakovanja Jezusa. Če ljubimo Gospoda, ga pričakujemo z živo željo. Prosimo Gospoda, naj v nas prebudi takšno goreče pričakovanje njegovega prihoda. Če ga bomo znali sprejeti s pripravljenostjo in ljubeznijo, bomo doživeli veliko srečo. (Prim. Oznanjevalec - A_2007/8, štev. 1) 462 | VESTNIK 2022 1ST SUNDAY OF ADVENT Response: Let go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. First Reading Isaiah 2:1-5 The prophet Isaiah speaks of the pilgrims climbing up to Jerusalem and finding peace. We are called to make our home in Christ and in his kingdom where there will be peace, justice and joy. The Church shows us the way. Second Reading Romans 13:11-14 In a stark warning, St Paul calls us to amend our lives and return to the way of the Lord. Gospel Matthew 24:37-44 Jesus warns against complacency and summons us to focus on Christ and his life. “Stay awake, because you do not know the day when your master is coming.” Illustration The Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh’s poem “Advent” speaks powerfully to these weeks. The opening lines are very evocative: “We have tested and tasted too much, lover – / Through a chink too wide there comes in no wonder.” In an age that is often focused on the next experience, seeking one “high” after another, the poet invites us to recognise the desire for pleasure and to begin a more reflective time. We are invited into the “Adventdarkened room” with the penances of “dry black bread” and “sugarless tea” which will “charm back the luxury/ Of a child’s soul”. It is an opportunity to rediscover wonder and surprise in a tired and overstimulated life. Children can teach us many lessons during these weeks. They are busy preparing their Nativity plays, carol singing and end-of-term activities. They are full of natural excitement and exuberance as they look towards Christmas. Being naturally curious and wanting to explore their world, children teach us to be more spontaneous. Parents will know how one question follows another as they discover knowledge and are fascinated by what they see around them. The poem invites us to see again, like children, “the newness that was in every stale thing” and evoke wonder and praise at the mystery of the gift around us. Already small bursts of colour begin to break into the dark world of winter as some winter flowers appear. They are hopeful signs pointing us towards new life and Christ. The poem ends, “Christ comes with a January flower.” Gospel Teaching Both St Paul and St Matthew present an urgent message to us today: “stay awake”. Jesus warns us that if we are complacent, then the life of a Christian can become lukewarm. We live in a halfhearted way and are only half-alive. We may be ashamed of aspects of our lives that we wish to hide in the darkness and do not want to expose these deeds to the harsh reality of light where others may see them. Rather Advent invites us to be ready to move out of darkness into the light and live with integrity and honesty. There is no room for hidden bad practices. The early Church expected Christ to return in glory very soon after the resurrection. The Gospels communicate an urgency and a warning about living expectantly for the coming of the last days. Now, well into the third millennium, we have lost our expectation for the coming of Christ at the end of time. His promise remains that he will come to judge the living and the dead at the second coming. We can trust in the promise of eternal life and the resurrection from the dead. While we are not as aware of the second coming, the time of our death remains uncertain. We can hope for a long life but cannot guarantee it. We know so vividly and painfully that this is often not the case: sickness strikes, an accident happens, a tragedy occurs and life is turned upside down. It is like a burglar coming in the middle of the night and breaking into the house. The Advent readings remind us of our mortality. This season provides an opportunity to reassess our priorities and live with eyes open to wonder and the gifts we see around us. It is a good time to appreciate and thank those we love for their presence and place in our lives. Advent is a time of waiting in hope. The old will pass away. We can hope that Christ will break again into our lives to bring his gift of peace, for which so many people long today. Application For many families the busyness of the preChristmas season is a challenge to a good Advent. In contrast to this whirlwind of busyness, Advent is an opportunity to give some time to prayer and to reflect on the gifts that we have been given. At the end of the day, a period of reflection can open our eyes to the wonderful gifts around us and lead us to praise God. Advent is a time of repentance when we are encouraged to go to confession and recognise those times when “we have tested and tasted too much” and been indulgent and selfish. Perhaps there are times when we know that we have gone beyond what was right and good. Repentance and confession open the heart again to Christ. We are called to “stay awake”. VESTNIK 2022 | 463 Lipa Park, invites you to join with us in celebration of the Festive Season Sunday, December 4, 2022, Doors open at 12 noon Lunch will be served at 1 p.m. sharp // LUNCH: $20 per person Goulash with Polenta or Pasta For meal reservation, please call in advance, and before Tuesday, November 29 to: Anica Orešar 905-684-0036 or Mary Vrhovšek 905-682-7055 This social afternoon will include a visit from Santa Claus! All children will receive a gift from Santa, but MUST be registered in advance. Please call with the name, age, and boy/girl designation of your children before Sunday, November 27. Cathy Vrhovšek-Guerra 1-905-309-9294 or Brenda Cernac 905-321-2745 Lipa Park invites you to celebrate the Yew Year New Year's Day Celebration - Sunday, January 1, 2023 Doors open at 12 noon Delicious home-style luncheon served at 1 p.m., $40 per person ***Ticket Order Deadline*** - Friday, December 23 Dance, sing along, and enjoy the music of Duo Pannonia throughout the afternoon! For tickets: Mary Ann Barich: 905-945-3750 or John Gerden: 905-708-7221 FESTIVAL EVROPSKEGA FILMA Na letošnjem Festivalu evropskega filma se s slovenskimi glasbeniki, ki nujno potrebujejo pobeg iz svojega vsakdana, z avtobusom zapeljite na turnejo v Avstrijo. Glasbena turneja v filmu ORKESTER služi kot pretveza, da se ljudje prepustijo zabavi in se povežejo s svojimi pravimi čustvi. Film si lahko ogledate v: TORONTO: 28. novembra ob 20:30 v The Spadina Theatre, 24 Spadina Road OTTAWA: 30. novembra ob 18:30 v Ottawa Art Gallery, Alma Duncan Salon, 10 Daly Avenue, ali pa kjerkoli v Kanadi 3. in 4. decembra 2022 na spletni povezavi Karte za film lahko kupite na 464 | VESTNIK 2022 2022 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION AWARDS The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, who are pursuing post-secondary education, and reside within the Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, or Niagara region, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Selected applicants were granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. Thank you to St. Gregory’s for allowing us to have this presentation after Mass last Sunday. Thank you to all who have donated to the foundation as all funds raised go directly to future scholarship and bursary awards. Also, congratulations to all recipients this year. We wish you much success and happiness throughout your post-secondary studies. The 2022 recipients are: Recipient Ethan Burke Virag Mya Chambers Anna Emond Matteya Moccia Luka Stankovic Zachary Wolaniuk Award Bursary - $750 Continuing Post-Secondary Studies at McMaster University Bursary - $750 Continuing Post-Secondary Studies at Niagara College Bursary - $750 Continuing Post-Secondary Studies at Carlton University Bursary - $750 Entrance into Post-Secondary Studies at Brock University Bursary - $750 Entrance into Post-Secondary Studies at Queens University Bursary - $750 Entrance into Post-Secondary Studies at Algonquin College at Carlton University Vladimir Jose Brundula-Ilija Scholarship - $2,000 Entry into Post-Secondary Scholarship at McMaster University Scholarship - $2,000 Continuing Post-Secondary Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University Nikola Lukezic VESTNIK 2022 | 465 MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE XXXVII WORLD YOUTH DAY 2022-2023 “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39) … and went with haste Saint Ambrose of Milan, in his commentary on the Gospel of Luke, writes that Mary set out in haste towards the hills, “because she rejoiced in the promise and sought to serve others with the enthusiasm born of her joy. Full of God, where else could she have gone if not towards the heights? The grace of the Holy Spirit permits no delay”. Mary’s haste is thus a sign of her desire to serve, to proclaim her joy, to respond without hesitation to the grace of the Holy Spirit. Mary was motivated by the needs of her elderly cousin. She did not hold back, or remain indifferent. She thought more of others than of herself. And this gave enthusiasm and direction to her life. Each of you can ask: “How do I react to the needs that I see all around me? Do I think immediately of some reason not to get involved? Or do I show interest and willingness to help?” To be sure, you cannot resolve all the problems of the world. Yet you can begin with the problems of those closest to you, with the needs of your own community. Someone once told Mother Teresa: “What you are doing is a mere drop in the ocean”. And she replied: “But if I didn’t do it, that ocean would have one drop less”. When faced with concrete and urgent needs, we need to act quickly. How many people in our world look forward to a visit from someone who is concerned about them! How many of the elderly, the sick, the imprisoned and refugees have need of a look of sympathy, a visit from a brother or sister who scales the walls of indifference! What kinds of “haste” do you have, dear young people? What leads you to feel a need to get up and go, lest you end up standing still? Many people – in the wake of realities like the pandemic, war, forced migration, poverty, violence and climate disasters – are asking themselves: Why is this happening to me? 466 | VESTNIK 2022 Why me? And why now? But the real question in life is instead: for whom am I living? (cf. Christus Vivit, 286). The haste of the young woman of Nazareth is the haste of those who have received extraordinary gifts from the Lord and feel compelled to share them, to let the immense grace that they have experienced be poured out upon others. It is the haste of those capable of putting other people’s needs above their own. Mary is an example of a young person who wastes no time on seeking attention or the approval of others – as often happens when we depend on our “likes” on social media. She sets out to find the most genuine of all “connections”: the one that comes from encounter, sharing, love and service. Starting with the Annunciation, when she first set out to visit her cousin, Mary has never stopped bridging time and space to visit those of her sons and daughters who need her loving help. Our own journey, if “inhabited” by God, can lead us straight into the heart of every one of our brothers and sisters. How many testimonies have we heard from people who were “visited” by Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother! In how many far-off places of the earth, in every age – through apparitions and special graces – has Mary visited her people! There is practically no place on earth that she has not visited. The Mother of God moves in the midst of her people by tender and loving care; she makes her own their anxieties and troubles. And wherever there is a shrine, a church or a chapel dedicated to Our Lady, there her children flock in great numbers. Think of all those expressions of popular piety! Pilgrimages, festivities, prayers, the enthronement of images in houses and so many other acts of devotion are concrete examples of a vital relationship between the Mother of the Lord and her people, who visit one another in turn! /Continues in next Vestnik/ SPOMINSKA MAŠA: SOD IN KŽZ 23. novembra smo se pri maši spomnili pokojnih članic našega Slomškovega oltarnega društva in Katoliške ženske lige. Hvala vsem, ki ste se je udeležili in sodelovali pri tej maši. Posebna hvala Father Dragotu za pripravo diapozitivov in mašni program in angleškem zboru za lepo petje. Thank you to everyone who participated in our Memorial Mass and especially Father Drago and our English choir. Our departed sisters shared their goodness with their families and our parish community and we hold fond memories of them close to our hearts. - Rosemary Šušteršič VESTNIK 2022 | 467 Miklavž will be here on Sunday, December 4th, and so will our ladies prepared to make Krofe for us all to enjoy. Because we have had so many requests for Krofe, they will be made early Sunday morning and we plan to have them ready for pick up on Sunday after mass. To help us know the quantity that we will need to make, we will be taking orders this time around. If you would like a large number of 'Krofe' we will confirm your request once we have a better idea of how many orders are being placed. As everyone knows, costs have increased drastically, and the maintenance of our church is ongoing. For this reason, donuts will be sold for $2 each to cover our costs and anything left over will go directly towards our parish needs. To place your order, please contact Pamela Gosgnach by text or telephone at: - 905-304-8719 (Please call after 3:00 p.m.) - or by email: Please place your orders by Thursday, December 1st so that preparations can be made accordingly. Thank you! Hvala Olgi Glavač in sinu Marjanu za adventno okrasitev cerkve. Hvala tudi Jožici Vegelj, da je zamenjala oltarne prte za adventni čas. 468 | VESTNIK 2022 Feb 21, 2020 NEW YEAR’S EVE at St. Gregory the Great will be happening this year. As announced last week, St. Gregory the Great WILL BE hosting a New Years Eve celebration this year. As promised, here are a few more details: Ticket cost will be $120 per person and $90 for those 21 years of age or younger. Ticket prices will increase by $20 per ticket on Wednesday, December 21st. Reservations can be made by calling Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002. You are welcome to reserve tickets individually, or you can reserve full tables. Tickets are to be purchased and paid for in order to guarantee your reservation – payments can be made by cash, cheque or e-transfer. Reserved tables may be amended slightly at the discretion of Parish Council, depending on ticket sale numbers and the number of tables required. Your ticket includes entry to our New Year’s Eve celebration, a complimentary drink, appetizers, dinner, late night buffet, party favours, a live band and perhaps some unexpected surprises. We hope that everyone will join us with their family and friends and help make this a New Years celebration to remember. As noted before, we will need help putting all this together. Please contact me if you are interested or able to volunteer. We need kitchen help, bar help, servers, set-up and clean-up help as well as dishwashers. We are hopeful for an unforgettable New Year’s Eve celebration! Heidy Novak, 905-317-6002 DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - TORKOVI VEČERI Villa Slovenia - Tuesday’s night social gatherings started November 1st from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. S prvim novembrom so se v Villa Slovenia zopet začeli »Torkovi večeri«. Vabljeni, da po “dolgem času” zopet pridete skupaj in preživite nekaj uric v dobri družbi prijateljev in znancev. VESTNIK 2022 | 469 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS DOGODKI: - NOVEMBER - Dec. 4, 2022 - Slovenska šola-St. Gregory the Great - Miklavževanje - Only one Mass at 10:00 a.m. READERS - BRALCI BERIL November 27, 2022 Slovenska maša - Mirko Zorko English Mass - Mila Ferko GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS Nov. 27 - Sam & Elizabeth Petek Dec. 4 - Slovenian School Family Dec. 11 - Milena Volčanšek & Majda L. Dec. 18 - Jožica Vegelj & Terezija Sarjaš CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE Dec. 3rd - Groznik, Erzar, Lukežič Dec. 17th - Lojzka Novak team Dec. 30th - Lukežič, Volčanšek team CWL - KŽZ CWL membership envelopes will be available from Pamela Gosgnach as of Wed. Nov. 23rd. These envelopes can be returned to Pamela or placed in the collection box in the vestibule. Please note that membership fees have gone up and are now $35. $25 is directed to national office, $3 to the provincial office, $6 to the Hamilton Diocese and $1 covers insurance. Rationale for this increase includes a significant decrease in membership and an increase in operation costs. Our CWL council voted against this increase in fees but since a majority of councils voted in favour of the motion it was passed. 470 | VESTNIK 2022 Thank you for your understanding. Our next CWL general meeting will take place on Wed. Dec. 7th after 7:00 PM Mass. MIKLAVŽ - UPDATE We have good news from Miklavž! Due to Covid over the last few years we haven't been able to celebrate Miklavževanje with our usual luncheon and visit from Miklavž and his angels. We also missed celebrating 60 years of Miklavževanje at our Parish. This year, we will return to normal and Miklavž and his angels will visit us in our hall after a delicious lunch. Tickets: - Adults (14+): $25.00 - Children (up to 13): $15.00 At this event we will also be celebrating all our students who graduated during Covid while we were limited to our online classes. I hope you will all join us in celebrating Miklavž, so we can continue this beloved Slovenian tradition, as well as the successes of our young Slovenians. For reservations, please contact Sandy at or 905-977-8464 DAROVI - DONATIONS Za misijone je Elizabeth Gimpelj darovala $100. / Hvala za vaš dar. PRVI PETEK V MESECU Ta teden je že prvi petek v decembru. Zvečer bo prilika za molitev in sveto spoved. VEČNA LUČ ADVENTNI ČAS - ADVENT TIME V mesecu decembru bo večna luč svetila po Prihodnjo nedeljo bo že prva nedelja v adnamenu Sonje Langenfus in družine za pokojventu. Imamo 4 adventne nedelje. Letošnji nega Tomaža in Jožeta Langenfus in pokojne adventni čas bo trajal skoraj pet tednov, ker je iz družin Joželj in Jernejčič. sveti večer, 24. december, na soboto. OGNJIŠČE Svete maše bodo kot smo jih imeli zadnjih Prosimo, da potrdite naročnino za prihodnekaj let: ob 6:00 p.m. bo v angleškem jeziku nje leto za revijo Ognjišče. Naročnina za leto in ob 10:00 p.m. v slovenskem jeziku. 2023 je $ 91.8. decembra je praznik Brezmadežne in v torek, 29. novembra se začne devetdnevnica pred praznikom. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Otroci slovenske šole so danes pridno vadili za »Miklavža«, ki bo prihodnjo nedeljo v naši dvorani. Več si preberite v Vestniku. Svete maše - Masses † †† 1. ADVENTNA NEDE- † † LJA † 1ST SUNDAY † OF ADVENT † † 27. NOVEMBER † VIGIL IN MODEST, ŠKOFA †† † † DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Franc Ferenčak Ana in Franc Ferenčak Ann Božnar Magda Udovč Tadeus Perz Darinka Ferletič Manja Erzetič Franc Štadler Franc Ferenčak Apolonija in Ivan Gjerek Manja Erzetič Joe Lackovič Hočevar Tacalsky Farkaš Halas Andrec Napast DiPietro Ivan Janez Elvira Lucia Elizabeth Ivan Daniel Theresa Stanislav Antonio November 30, 2012 November 30, 2021 December 1, 2006 December 4, 1976 December 4, 1983 December 4, 2010 December 4, 2011 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - - Družina Čule Kathy Prša z družino John Božnar z družino Families Udovč and Levstek 11:00 A.M. Žena Stanslawa Stanslawa Perz Pevski zbor Žena Amalija z družino Družina Žižek Hči Terezija Prša z družino Terezija Prša z družino Žena z družino SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. from July to Fall Banquet (Slovenian/English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2022 | 471 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 28. 11. 2022 - 4. 12. 2022 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 28. NOVEMBER † Manja Erzetič †† Verne duše v vicah 7:00 P.M. Hči z družino Ivka Pašalić † Ignac Korošec †† Grazina Hamicki Family 7:00 P.M. Olga Hanc z družino Helena Kwasniewska SREDA - WEDNESDAY 30. NOVEMBER † Janez Hočevar, obl. † Jože Kolenko 7:00 P.M. Žena Marija z družino Marija Korošec z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 1. DECEMBER †† Tilka in Anton Vengar † Manja Erzetič 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Sandra Peternel PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY † Ivan Mertuk † Joe Hanc 2. DECEMBER Na čast kristusove Krvi Katarina Sinajska, dev-muč. 7:00 P.M. Žena Amelia in družina Žena Olga z družino Ana Tadić Katarina Laboure, red. TOREK - TUESDAY 29. NOVEMBER Filomen, mučenec Andrej, apostol Marija Klementina, muč. SOBOTA - SATURDAY 3. DECEMBER Frančišek Ksaver, red. Sofonija, prerok 2. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 4. DECEMBER BARBARA, MU;ENKA JANEY, DUH-UČ. 472 | VESTNIK 2022 † † † † † † †† † † Adolf Košir Marija Bukvič Karel Volf Štefan Prša Frančiška Napast Frank Pinter Marija in Martin Dominko Jožef Raduha Franc Ferenčak † † † † † † †† † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Peter Lenarčič Stane Napast, obl. Manja Erzetič Franc Ferenčak, 30. dan Vladimir Dim Manja Erzetič Anna in Franc Ferenčak Magda Udovč Saveta in Ilija Vojko Mrak MIKLAVŽEVANJE V DVORANI 5:30 P.M. Marija Košir Anton Bukvič z družino Žena Marija Sestra Marija Volf Družina Pinter Žena z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin Štefan in Francka Antolin Regina in Martin Nedelko -------Elizabeth Gimpelj z družino MASS Družina Pinter ONLY Nadja Madronich AT Albina in Joe Antolin z družino 10:00 A.M. Mirko Kolmanič z družino Ana Gergyek z družino Emilia Mertuk z družino Jožica Novak z družino Son Družina Rev 12:00 SLOVENSKA ŠOLA NOON