Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39, 1992, s. 83 - 100 FDC: 921:923.4:303/304:308(4977.12) FOREST OWNERS AND FOREST WORK Mirko MEDVED* Abstract Only the most important findings of the investigation of wood production in private forests (MEDVED, 1991) are presented in the article. The private forest owners are classified in six socio-economic categories and four different classes, according to the sizes of their forest estates. The owners perform most of the felling and skidding by themselves. In average the technical equipment is rather old-fashioned and mostly inappropriate from the view of work safety. Individual protective outfit is extremely rarely used. Therefore the number of work accidents in forests is very high (in average 15 fatalities annualy). The accidents are more frequent in case of owners of smaller forest estates. The forest owners are convinced that they need more knowledge for work in the forests and that they should have professional assistance as well. In their opinion the professional assistance by tree marking would be the most important. Key words: private forests, forest production, working equipment, education, work safety LASTNIKI GOZDOV IN DELO V GOZDU Izvleček V članku je le nekaj pomembnejših ugotovitev iz raziskave o pridobivanju lesa v zasebnih gozdovih (MEDVED 1991). Lastniki gozdov so obravnavani po šestih socio- ekonomskih kategorijah in štirih velikostnih razredih gozdne posesti. Lastniki sami opravijo največ dela pri sečnji in spravilu lesa. Tehnična sredstva so v povprečju dokaj stara in iz vidika varnosti pri delu, neustrezna. Uporaba osebnih zaščitnih sredstev je na izjemno nizkem nivoju, zato ne preseneča veliko število nezgod pri delu v gozdu (povprečno 15 smrtnih nezgod letno). Nezgode so pogostejše med lastniki, ki imajo manjšo gozdno posest. Lastniki gozdov so prepričani, da potrebujejo več znanja za delo v gozdu in tudi strokovno pomoč. Po njihovem mnenju je najpomembnejša strokovna pomoč pri odkazilu dreves za sečnjo. Ključne besede: zasebni gozdovi, pridobivanje lesa, oprema za delo, izobraževanje, delovne nezgode Mag. M. M. Dipl. Ing. of Forestry, Inštitut za gozdno in lesno gospodarstvo, Večna pot 2, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 85 2 THE METHODS OF WORK 85 3 INCORPORATION OF FOREST OWNERS IN FOREST 86 WORK 4 . TECHNICAL AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR 87 FORESTWORK 5 (UN)SAFETY BY THE FOREST WORK AND THE 89 CONSEQUENCES 6 THE EXPECTATIONS AND THE NEEDS OF FOREST 93 OWNERS 7 CONCLUSION 97 8 SUMMARY 97 9 LITERATURE 99 84 Medved M.: Forest owners and Forest work 1 INTRODUCTION Within the research project "Production of wood in private forests of the Republic of Slovenia", an extensive inquiry of forest owners was organized by IGLG (Institut for Forest and Wood Economy) in summer 1990. 865 private forest owners (with an estate Iarger than lha) from the regions of Jesenice, Kamnik, Polhov gradec, Vrhnika, Idrija, Ajdovščina, Nazarje, Šoštanj, Laško, Vransko, Slovenske Konjice and Radlje ob Dravi were chosen by the principle of random selection. Almost a half of the relatives of persons who died in work accidents in forests in the last 10 years (63 fatalities) were inquired as well. The results of investigation are published in the Master of Sciencc research work "Incorporation of private forest owners in forest production" (MEDVED, 1991). As the entire methodology of work had already been prepared before the moratorium on cutting in some puhlic forests was passed, the consequences of this measure were not assessed in this inquiry. Only the most important results of the investigation are presented in this article. I hope these results to be useful for the work of some people (agriculture furtherers, district rangers), especially for their contacts with forest owners. Due to the power of arguments, especially the ones concerning work accidents in private forests and (un)use of individual protective outfit, the farmers might become more careful and the authorities might try to solve the more and more complicated situation in the field of private forests faster and more cfficiently. For forest owners, the forests mainly represent their working site, where they fell trees, bring wood products to the forest roads, prepare wood for winter heating, cultivate their forests, some evcn hunt a little, help by construction of forest roads and perform plenty of other minor, yet important jobs. A great variety of interests in private forests results in numerous different tcchniques of performing the forest work. The greatest differences in the way of work by individual forest owners occur by the process of wood production. Great differences exist in the equipment for felling, and above all in the equipment for extraction and transport of forest products. There also are great differences in qualification of forest owners fo.r these phisically very demanding and dangerous works. The danger of wood procluction in private forests is well presented by the number of accidents, which often end tragically. For the majority of farms in mountaineous regions of Slovenia, forests represent the main source of income. In low country, where smaller forest estates are prevailing, the owners usually do not clepend existentially on the forest income. 2 THE METHODS OF WORK The forest owners were studied according to six socio-economic estate categories. They also were classified in four groups, with regard of the area of their forest estates. 85 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 The data about the age of family members and their jobs and the data about the areas of forest estate were the main factors for classification of farms to the socio- economic categories. The foJlowing six socio-economic estate categories were suggested by agriculturists (KOVAČIČ, 1983): FULL-TIME FARM: ali the family members in their active age (between 15 and 65 years) work nowhere but ona farm. POTENTIALLY FULL-TIME FARM: only the family members that do not belong to the heart of a family are employed outside of the farm. PART-TIME FARM: at least one of the active members of a family works nowhere but on a farm and at least one of the others is regularly employed somwhere else. SUPPLEMENTARY FARM: all active members of a family are regularly employed and only work on the farm in their free tirne. SENIOR FARM: ali family members are over 64 years and they stili work on a farm. NONAGRICULTURAL ESTATE: a family possesses some farming land (or forests in our case ), but nobody does any work there. By forest areas, the farms were grouped in four forest estate size classes. The size determination of forest estates was prepared after WINKLER (1987): the acreage of forest between lha and 2.99ha - very small forest estate • the acreage of forest between 3ha and 4.99ha - small forest estate the acreage of forcst between Sha and 14.99ha - medium forest estate the acreage of forest above lSha - large forest estate 3 INCORPORATION OF FOREST OWNERS IN FOREST WORK Forest owners perform the work in forests by thernselves or together with their families, with help of hired workers or together with local forest enterprises. In considerably large area of forests nobody does the forest work - because there are a lot of forest owners, that do not even know where their forest estates lie. In Figure 1 the realization of most important forest works (felling, skidding, timber transport, silviculture, building of skidding trails), which are performed by forest owners and their families is presented. From Figure 1 it can be seen, that in case of agriculturally most active farms the part of work done by forest owners and thein families is much greater than in case of less active socio-economic estates. The greatest part of work is done by forest owners on their own by felling and wood extraction (90% or even more work in case of full- time, potentially full-time and supplementary farrns, and less than 50% in case of senior farms and nonagricultural estates). A relatively small share of transports performed by farrners ( even in case of full-time farms), is a consequence of a great 86 Medved M.: Forest owners and Forest work share of market production. Because of that, plenty of wood transportations are realized with assistance of forest enterprises. But the activity of forest owners in the field of forest works which represent the major investments to forests (forest infrastructure - building of skidding trails, silviculture) is still insufficient. Share (%) 100 BO 60 40 20 FuH-tirne Potenti. Part-umo Supp1am. Sonlot Nonagr1. Socio-economic types of estate Figure 1: Forest works, performed by forest owners and their families 4 TECHNICAL AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT FOR FOREST WORK It is well known that Slovene farmers are - regarding the quantity - very well technically equipped especially with tractors. Our investigation verified this - in average there is more than 1 tractor per farm in Slovenia (in case of full-timc farms even 1.8). Unfortunately, most of the tractors are rather old already - about 10 years in average. Most of the farmers also use tractors for work in forests (90%). For forest work, more and more farmers begin to use tractors with four wheel drive and almost 60% of farmers also use tyre chains. But a very worrying fact is, that one third of tractors is not equipped with protective cabine. And there are negligible few tractors with additionally reinforced cabin. The full-tirne farmers usually use winches for wood extraction (70% ). This characteristic distinguishes them from ali the other socio-economic types of landowners. Among the winches, 95% are single-drum winches, mostly used by the principle of three-point connections. Even better than with tractors, the forest owners are equipped with chain saws ( only the saws used for forest work were taken into consideration). Ali the types of farms - with an exception of senior farms - posses at least 1. chain saw (full- tirne farms 1.7). 87 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 Compared to tractors, the chain saws are even more old-fashioned, but despite that their average age is not so high (8 years). So it is understandable that over 40% of the chain saws are not equipped with chain brakes. The forest owners are extremely badly equipped with measuring instruments. The consequence is (in)accuracy and (un)quality of bucking in private forests (MEDVED, 1989). Wood extraction performed by draught animals is becoming more and more seldom (only about 10% of forest owners stili use animals for wood extraction). Two thirds of forest owners perform hand skidding and preskidding. A lot of manual work is also done by loading of wood on the trailers (70% of forest owners). Only 10% of forest owners use tractor attachments for this purpose. The wood is transported on tractor trailers ( 44%) and home made trailers or carts (23% ). Even if the unsuitability of technical equipment is overlooked, this should never occur in case of individual protective equipment. In Figure 2 the use of particular protective means for forest work by forest owners is presented. For a comparison and better illustration, the results of a similar investigation from Austria - Kaernten (BERNKOPF 1991) are also presented. Share (%} 100 ~-----------------------~ 1 D Slovenla llllll!I Austria ~ Kaernten 1 80 60 40 Prot.trousers Ear protect. Helmet Gloves Boots Figure 2: The use of protective outfit by work in forests In general, conditions are the most critical in case of (un)use of protective helmets and special protective trousers by felling. The comparison with Austria shows, that also in this field we stili have a lot to do before we catch Europe. The forest rangers and the whole forestry will have to spend plenty of energy for the humanization of forest work in private forests. The forest rangers keep in permanent contacts with forest owners and are thus able to inform and warn them of the dangers of forest 88 Medved M.: Forest owners and Forest work work. Unfortunately, a great majority of forest owners is completely convinced that they perform their work perfectly and that nothing could ever happen to them. Because of this a suitable health and social insurance legislation and legislation concerning working security of farmers would contributc a lot to the safety of forest work. Just remember the case concerning the us.e of safety belts in cars! How much it was discussed whether the demand for their use was justifiable or not. Now this is legalized, and nobody argues about it any more; just the drivers that do not use safety belts have to pay penalties. The forestry branch will have to keep informing the forest rangers about the development of technical equipment for work in forests, so that they would be able to advise the forest owners when buying new equipment. In Slovenia, plenty of rather unexpensive equipment is available, which is because of its technological obsolescence no longer used in western countries. Due to the lower prices, such equipment has a lot of buyers among the forest owners that are not acquainted with the situation. 5 (UN)SAFETY BY THE FOREST WORK AND THE CONSEQUENCES In the last 10 years in average 15 fatalities annualy took place in private forests. To this tragic number the 20 fatalities which each year occur by work with farm tractors could also be added (DURJA VA, 1990). In private forests a fatality occurs on every 100 000m3 of net annual cut. In Slovenian state forests, a fatality only occurs on every 1.300.000m' of annual cut. With regard to the quantity of annual cut, a 100% more fatalities occur in private forests of Slovenia than in the private forests in Austria (the comparison was done for the year of 1987). The greatest nurnber of fatalities take place in the areas of Murska Sobota, Brežice, Novo mesto, Kranj and Celje. 60% of fatalities occur during the working days of a week and 40% on Saturdays and Sundays. From this it could be eoncluded, that the majority of forest owners is regularly employed and thus has not enough tirne for forest work during the working days of a week. The greatest number of fatalities happen by felling (66%), one fifth by wood extraction (20%) • 2% out of the 20% by hand skidding and ali the others by tractor skidding. The remaindcr of accidents happen by loading and transportation of timber (14%). Most accidents are a consequence of a hit of a falling tree (29% ). It happens very often, that the worker who cuts a tree, fells it on his fellow-worker. Releasing of lodged trees is the second most dangerous forest work (ll % of fatalities). Among fif- teen such cases, only twice a suitable method of releasing was chosen. Most often the fatality occured by felling of the tree, upon which the other tree was hanged-up. The 89 Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 39 following operations share the third place: felling and manufacturing of the trees, injured or partially felled by weather rigours, load ridc by tractor skidding and full- load transportation (9% of fatalities each). The next cause of accidents are falling branches and treetops. The inquired relatives of the victims told, that none of them used protective helmet by work in the forest. The injuries of head were the main cause of fatalities (58%) and the injuries of thorax the seeond one (22%). All other parts of the body were mentioned asa eause of fatality in less than 10% of accidents. Some forest owners, chosen by the principle of random seleetion, were asked a few questions about the aecidcnts by forest work. On every fifth farm, at least one accident has happened by forest work in the last 10 years. The accidents happened most often in case of full-time farms ( every third farm) and potentially Puli-tirne farms (every fourth farm). It was found out that the best indicator of frequency of the accidents is the forest estate area, while the socio-cconomic type of estatc almost has no influence on it. The senior farms are an exception - the injurics are much more frequent there although the least work is done by the owners (Figure 1). The trend of decreasing frequency of accidents by increased forest estate can be clearly scen from Figure 3. In case of small forest estates the accidents are four timcs more frequent than in case of estates larger than 1Sha - with regard to the acreage of forests as well as wlth regard to the quantity of forest production. ha/1 accident per year Num.or accid./1000 m3 of the cut wood 750 ~--------~~--_-_-_-:__-_-_-_-----.. --------,------, 2.5 ---ha -1-m31 600 + 450 - 1.5 300 + 150 + 05 oL-----L----~L----_, ___ ____,_ __ ___c ___ ____io O 5 10 IB 20 25 30 Forest estate area (ha) Figure 3: The frequency of accidents in forests, with regard to the forest estate area 90 Medved M.: Forest owners and Forest work Because of a possibility of comparison, the results of some foreign investigations are presented as well. In the German countries Niedersachscn and Bayern, 0.58 respectivelly 0.4 accidents happened per m' of the wood cut in private forests (REHSCHUH and co-workers, 1984). The calculations show, that annualy one accident happens per 890ha of forest in Niedersachsen and one per 540ha of forest in Bayern. The accidents by various phases of work and working operations (Table 1) were compared to the results from the private forests of Austria (STAOLMANN, 1986). The comparison is presented, because the results of ours are gotten by the inquiry of a random sample of farmers, while in Austria a special form has been issued for registration of accidents in forests by the Farmers Social Insurance Organization of Austria (Socialversicherungs-anstalt der Bauern). Table 1: The structure of accidents by various phases of working operations (shares in%) Phase of work/ The IGLG inquiry Austria 1986 Working operation 1990 FELLING ANO MANUFACTURING 61 73 - Trimming 25 24 - Barking 1 1 - Passages 1 3 - Other working operations 34 45 SKIDDING 32 16 - Tractor skidding 7 - Hand skidding 9 LOADING ANO TRANSPORTATION 5 3 - Loading 1 - Transport 4 SILVICULTURE 2 4 OTHER ACTIVITIES 4 In Slovenia, there are relatively more accidcnts by skidding and transportations of wood. The most probable reason for this is, that more old-fashioned and for forest work unsuitable tractors are used. Because of that, the relatively smaller share of accidents by felling does not mean, that absolutely less accidents occur in Slovenia than in Austria. Because of the insufficiency of