Mai, trcff mesec jubilejne kampanje, kako bo plodovit? Odgovorite! PROSVETA GLASiLO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uradnittl tn ajwa*nlàkl prostori 8667 8. Lawndala Ara. CXfloa of Publication: tM¡ South Lawndala Ato. TaUphona, EoekwaU 4904 MIMO M. IIU, mi U> _ ** «t Ooo*r««. ot K(M I. IN Chicago, III., sreda, 2. maja (May 2), 1934. Aocaptapoa fo* maÜiaa at apacial rato of poataga provtdod far ta section 11 OS, Act of Oct. 8. 1ÍJ7. aathorlaad Subscription ffl.OO Yearly ST K V.—N U M B K R 86 Koment&rj» SanjeonebertiH i ^ razum» ir J ¡V". lahko živel »to I „petimi leti so raču Z rno il0Vek" let, dane« P» J« Si ljudi * "odločno vo-dajo dr. Meaki,« gt je bilo zmirom dovolj „e da se taki ljudje naj- ¿rpajo, ker so navadne vwjši. Edino S sredst-i hitro in poginoma na-i j^pano energijo, si bo-vni ljudje mogli podaljšanja .. -i viganjem življenjskega ■da in vsestranske masne se bo nedvomno dvignila ivprečna človeška starost in še več let. Razumljive rsakdo raci živi pod ugodno ji; ako pa so pogoji »marsikdo kmalu sit nič-ra življenja. Ako človek ato, da živi, je bolje zanj li! Ijšano človeško življenje pdai vredno podaljšanja ki socialno koristno. Tc i, kadar bo človeška druž-celota imela korist od po-ika. Na drugi strani pa idi posameznik imeti s po-i, da bo znal ceniti in \ leri užiti svoje življenje. K»d temi pogoji bo dolge e posameznika zaželjenc ebno posamezniku kakor sakimi drugimi pogoji je e |K-Hameznika mika in 10 obstanka. rinska znanost naj nada-oj boj za popolno uniče-•zni in za dolgo življenj< — delavci pa. ki eutijt vičnost današnjega eko-ga sistema, naj nadalju-)j Ihij y,a socialno pravič i prinese novo življenje e. ki bo ros lepo in nekaj ickw«'||ii, Oklahoma, j< tovnki pridigar stopil nn i in začel govoriti o ne-7>astav¡l je vprašanje: Mi (K-tieSa? ih iM'vcdah S4■ je pridiga? mrtev /,ajrl<'dat, kakšna so nebe-> manían čakali na njegov ljudi \ neliesa izvira iz 1 primiiivni < loveški sre-I» vrsta jKijmov o sreči *'»ern dolga vrsta |>oj "v 1'rimit ivni človek K-r ni našel svoje v življenju, si je za da jo mora na iti p« nadaljeval svoj<* živ kralje\ .'t vii duhov". ' ' opušča v ero \ r J' -["»/nal, d;, j<. baj-11 «H' prepričan •«m |hh;,I, srf>(-.0 ''k !'"^ai;i kolektiven ' " kot tak da -n .. 7;, « r, 1((( I h' r. »osam«/.. • "lov eška ' I- r I k» čl<>\ <>š ;'o [MMlarjo m ' ' 'lacarie. i/. ■ /koriti anee. Ik b«-da. zarie ' Prašna ne. • vsako 7.H Ilirije [)0. ' i tak«- panj< ' ' "dni Ijudj« -i j*> >mr Bluff a rje v je strah! Amer. Slovenec, ki je nf razpolago simulantom, se je posmehoval pred nekaj meseci, ko je SNPJ naznanila svojo jubilejno kampanjo za nove člane in povabila slovensko mladino v svoje vrste. Takrat je ta zagrizeni klerikalni list pisal v tonu, kakor da je SNPJ odzvonilo in naivno je vzkliknil: Poskusite dobiti našo mladino! — Well, naša kampanja je v teku in takoj prvi mesec je SNPJ dobila čez štiristo novih, mladih članov; nekaj manj ko polovica teh je otrok. To je menda prepričalo ljudi okoli omenjenega lista, da je nekaj narobe, ne pri nas, temveč v njihovih računih — in to je vsekakor vzrok, da je Amerikanski Skrvenec zadnji teden zagnal HISTERIČEN KRIK: "Aktivnost v nasprotnem taboru — slovenski starši flozor!" You bet, da je aktivnost v našem taboru! Naš mladeniški ogenj ôe gori, tridesetletno navdušenje našega aktivnega članstva ie živi! In tega se vi bojite, tega vas je strah! Psovke, s katerimi ta katoliški list obklada odbornike SNPJ — na pr. s "frakarji" — in druga otročja podtikanja so pasje lajanje, na katero pametni ljudje, ki nas poznajo, ne dajo ni«, k večjemu pomilovalen nasmeh. Klerikalni histerik ponovno bluffa, kakor da je bila SNPJ ob svojem začetku drugačna kot je danes, recimo dobra — vili so jo čisto drugačni ljudje" — toda danes je strašansko zanič. Zakaj histerični pisec ne pogleda v letnike jolietskega Amer. Slovenca iz let 1904, 1905» 190« itd., ko so vodili SNPJ tisti "čteto drugačni ljudje", da bi videl, kako so jo župniki prav tako nesram no napadali in lagali o njej kakor delajo še danes? Čemu se hlinitt. da je bila jednota prva leta drugačna, ko pa imamo črno na belem da je bila vseh trideset let slovenskim klerikalcem v Ameriki največji trn v peti? — In to ve tudi mladina, katero smo že infor mirali! — Najlepša cvetka klerikalnega napada na SNPJ je pa v temle stavku: "Ne zapisujte hudiču svoje lastne krvi!" — V tem se zrcali višek katoliško-vraževerne kulturnosti in izobraženosti! Ka kor da ima baba opraviti s šestletnimi otroci, katerim kaže golo čeljust in jim grozi: "Ce ne greste hitro spat in ne potegnete plahte čez glavo, pride parkeljček in vas požre!" — In to ob koncu prve tretjine dvajsetega stoletja! Ni nam treba dokazovati, koliko dajo slovenski delavci v Ameriki na to bab jo grožnjo — kakor nam ni treba dosti odgovarjati na absurdno "vprašanje", koliko je SNPJ koristila našemu narodu v tej deželi. Dokazi so dejstva, ki jih vsakdo vidi, kdor ni totalno slep in med temi so pisači A. S., ki vidijo le svojo stran. SNPJ je še vedno največja, najsolidnejša, najsolventnejša. najcenejša in najgeneroatnejša podporna organizacija med vsemi slovenskimi v Ameriki. To je e« dokaz, da nima slabe uprave, slabega vodstva in slabega sistema; to je dokaz, zakaj je že davno prerastla vse druge, tudi najstarejše katoliške organizacije. Mladinski oddelek SNPJ je še vedno največji (danes (»krog 15,000) in letos bo še večji. Dokaz, da babja grožnja s "hudičem" ne plaši več naših ljudi. &„,,«» SNPJ je v 30 letih svojega obstanka izplačala nad ŠTIRINAJST MILIJONOV dolarjev v podporah svojim članom. Nov dokaz, da je SNPJ najkoristnejša in najgeneroznejša jednota med našim narodom v Ameriki! SNPJ je kot prva demokratična organizacija prisilila v teku let druge jednote, da so se morale reformirati in posnemati našo jednoto. Nov dokaz koristnosti SNPJ! Socialistično vodstvo pri SNPJ, ki pa ni bilo nikdar stoodstotno, je staro 22 let — in baš v tem času je SNPJ prerasla vse druge jednote in stopila v vseh ozirih na prvo mesto. Nov dokaz da gre temu vodstvu le nekaj zasluge, čeprav ne vsa. SNPJ je s svojimi svobodomiselnimi principi koristila svojim tisočerim članom tudi s tem. ker jim je prihranila ogromne tisočake, da jih niso darovali na dlan "mrtve roke" — cerkve. To je tudi nekaj vredno! Vse to so dejstva. Ni treba nič bluffan ja. Naši člani to vedo; tisoči drugih rojakov to vedo. Zato SNPJ letos spel raste in bo Ac* PHHIH ! ' To vedo tudi klerikalci, zalo n jihov histerični krik in strah. Bratje in sestre, naprej! Mladino v naše vrste! Živela zdra- va kri! — __________________________________ William Green vidi manj dela po Ameriki V maren je h>lo brez dela skoraj 11 milijonov oseb Washington. — (FP) — Pr*d-sednik Ameriške delavske federacije William Green vidi slaba znamenja v statistiki o uposle-nosti in bizniški aktivnosti. Kljub naraščanju produkcije ae armada brezposelnih le počasi zmanjšuje, veliko manj kakor pa se dviga produkcijs. Po podatkih federaciji» je bilo v marcu 10,905,000 brezposelnih, mesec prej pa 11,467,000. Od lanskega oktobra do marca se je biznlška aktivnost izboljšala nad 9't, brezposelnost je pa padla le neznatno V maje STAVKE V CLEVELANDU KLIUč DO NOVIH BOJEV Zmagi avtnih in gasolinskih delavcev bodo sledile stavke v drugih mestih. Magnatje se zavedajo položaja "Father" Coughlin kupil pol milijona unč srebra Migljaj iz Washingtona o preiskavi razgalil radiopridigar ja Detroit, Mich. — Rev ( has. A Coughlin, znani radiopridigar in veliko zagovornik srebrne valute |H»leg zlate, je investiral $20,000 v srebrno kovino. Za to vsoto je kupil pol milijona unč srebra v upanju, da se srebro podraži, ako se cene dvignejo na stopnjo leta li>26, kar je Roose-veltova želja Investicija j«' bila narejena v imenu "Radio lige male rožice" in kot kupec je podpisana Amy Collins, tajniea in blagajnica te lige, kat« re usta-vodja novitelj in f'oughlin. i Ta transakcija s ini /i\|j«. < -t \ a o«ipa 'noma N« "*r«h v i r ane i n ""ri *o bi-¡"•lic 11«» ¡n nul j «„J •r *t<(\ m r"' j'-ruh. , nufakturnih industrijah «e je župnik prfKjukcija zvišala 7.9'X , upoule-nost pa le 4.1'« ali skoraj polo-srebrom. ki j vico manj. diAi močno po Apekulaciji, je zad- ¡ "Te Atevilke pokaiujejo. da je nje dni izzvala *lav>e komentar- za ujsmlitev brezr*wwlnih potreb-I je \ Washingtonu; federalni za- no nekaj več ko zviáanje bizni-kladnik Morgenthau je nekaj o- Akih aktivnosti. Ja*no je, da »e menil, da ta reč |s»trebuje pr«*.-j podjetniki bolj zanimajo za zvi-• iskavo. To je raz kač i lo Coughli- Unje produktivnosti na delavca, na in objavil je oster odgovor kak«»r pa za kreiranje del»," pra na naslov federalnega zakladnika m "pojasnilom", da radio liga investuje le začasno in kupuje vi (irren. V aprilu je bilo 20.8"« organiziranih delavcev brez dela v le blago, ne pa papirjev ns boai. 'februarju pa 21.3'/* . Cleveland, O. — (FP) — V dolgi verigi stavk, ki so zadnji teden paralizirale to mesto, sta najvažnejši stavki pri Fisher Body kompaniji in boj gasolinskih delavcev. Stavki nista le lokalnega, ampak tudi splošnega pomena, ker sta ključ do novih bojev v avtni industriji in prodaji gasolina. Ce izpadejo te stavke ugodno za stav kar je, ni nobenega dvoma, da jim bodo sledili delavci tudi v drugih mestih. Tega se dobro zavedajo avtni in oljni mggnati. Da preprečijo kapitulacijo tukajšnjih ravnateljev, so velike oljne družbe poslale semkaj svoje "mogule", visoke uradnike, tudi iz New Yorka. Slično tudi Fisher Body. Gasolinskim družbam se dozdeva, da bodo imele opraviti s slično stavko tudi v drugih mestih, če kapitulirajo pred cle-vlandskimi delavci, ki zahtevajo priznanje unije in višje plače. Na gasolinskih postajah delajo večinoma mladi delavci, gradui-ranci srednjih in višjih šol. Zaslužijo kljub temu pa le od $60 do $90 na mesec. Clevelandsko gasolinsko stavko opazujejo posebno gasolinski delavci v Detroitu, Akronu in v nekaterih drugih mestih, ki tudi govore o stavki. Ce zmagajo njih elevelandski tovariši, ne bo dolgo, ko bodo tudi druga mesta stala pred "gasolinsko sušo", če se bodo družbe upirale priznati unijo in druge zahteve. Voditelji Ameriške delavske federacije, pod katero spada linija gasolinskih delavcev, ki ima federalni čarter, očividno niso naklonjeni stavki. Od tajnika Morrisona so prejeli brzojav, v katerem jih urgira, naj prenehajo s stavko, kar pa so delavci zavrgli. Bolj diplomatično je Greenovo stališče glede stavke pri Fisher Body. Tej stavki on očividno ne nasprotuje, ampak so delavci najbrž "odglasovall zanjo, ker so nezadovoljni s taktiko avtne-ga delavskega odbora." Za avtne delavce je ta stavka velike važnosti, prav tako tudi za magnate. ' "Ce jo ne zadušimo v povojih, se lahko zgodi, da bo prizadeta vsa dežela," j«* rekel L. B. ficsfe, ravnatelj tukajšnje Fisher Body je ve tovarne. produkcija gotovo, k< r bodo morale prenehati vse Chevrolet tovarne, tl tako nesreCno, da si j«- zlomila roko. Nahaja »e v bolnišnici. Adamičevi unpehi v Minnesoti I itj hit b, M inri.— Pisatelj I/miín Detroitu in Pontlacu, Mich. Pri j Adamič j« Imel zelo dobro obi-v odi tel jih ta zahteva nt takoj skana predavanja v okrožju že-riaftla odmeva, vendar pa priha- le/riih rudnikov v Minnesoti V JM iz drugih centrov vest o mož- Kibbingo je bilo IH00 |ss«luéal-nosti splošne stavke pri tej, rev pri prvem In im v šoli Ju-družbi. j nlor College, v Kvelethu 1200, V Tukajšnji delavci zahtevajo Teacher * < olU gu v Hupertorju, priznanje unije in zvišanje plač Wis„ 700 in v Ihiluthu 400, z« .V)'> Gotovo Je to, če stav- katoliških l»slm v ka izpade ugodno tukajšnje Neaičiji delavce, Is, Fi*ber Body imela' |w|jf) ;{0 Mf>f __ Narijsk« na rokah tudi «tavko v druirih p^^ij« jc. ktttolfAki c«r- mestih. Za Rooseveltovo "soel-, fcvw|j ^^^ v |j,.r||nu In usta-alno inienirstvo", s katerim Je V||A dr ugs lista na «leteli. Do I Da bo prizadeta vsa pr< Chevrolet modelov, je zadnjič preprečil splošno stavko v avtni industriji z znanim ča-r«>\ niškim kompromisom, je ta Slavka prva večja klofuta Roo- dane» •<> naeiji zatrli pet kat«,Ii-Akih Matov v Nemčiji. _ rednega bojs nI mogoče pob/žiti s« veltov kom pr om i» ..sploh ni j pod klobuk In vzklikniti, da Je m «»gel roditi drugega, ker raz-j vprašanje rešeno. Priprave za kontinentalni kongres ¥ Ponni Vršil se bo v Readingu v juniju; delavaka /akonodsja glavno vprašanje Reading, Pa,—Dne 2». in 24. junija se bo v »Sinking HprJngsu v bližini tega mesta vršila letna konvencija United VVorkers federacije, ki Je državna sekcija kontinentalnega kongresa. Vršila so bo v a«s'ialističnem parku. Pričakuje se okrog |M»tsto delegatov neodvisnih unij in unij Ameriške delavske federacija, organiziranih brezposelnih, aoci-alističnih klubov In delavskih podpornih organizacij. Norman Thomas in Fmll Hleve, predsednik narodne eksekutlve kongresa, bosta glavna govornika. Povabljena je bila tudi Penn-sylvanla 8ecurity lig«, ki je bila organizirans za propagiranje ao-cialne zakonodaje. Njen tajnik Je Htephen Rashenbush, ki Je bil tudi povabljen za govornika. V t« ku Je tudi pogajanje za združenje t«, lige in United Work«rs federacije. Po smotrih sta ai finski. Letna konvencija *e bo jH*čala z bodočimi smernicami kongresa in predvsem ¡m s programom za dejsvsko in s«s-falrio zakonodajo, tikajoča se države in zvezne vlade. Za svoj program bo državna sekcija kontinentalnega kongresa skutala zainteresirati In združiti vse delavstvo v državi. Mit letni lurek Je bolan Carigrad, .'10 «pr. — Žaro aga, ki trdi, da Je star 104 let in naj-ntarejši človek na svetu, Je resno liolart in nahaja se v l>olriiJftiiri. Zaro pravi, da ne bi rad še umrl, kajti "uvel Je vedno bolj zanimiv in on še ni videl vsega". Zmaga železničarjev v Slama Bangkok, Hiam, 30. apr. — Stavka H000 železničarjev v Sla-mu Je bila po 24 urah končana l rmago za delavee, Dofelll so vl-Ijo mezdo. PROBVETÄ mm DRUŠTVENE VESTI Naznanilu druitvs it. U ' h od njo a«jo dobra nasvete, in društva št. M ' mo vac nmàe »jk, da ko naša .lav Willork. l'a. "¡• vina. kar bomo ukrepali fiad« ....... "" " sej« dne r.ostna priredil«» po«s«mbna in vali-¿aniña! FoUn bomo lahko x zadovoljstvom zrli na naš« «kopno dalo In «a piknika, katereca nsrnersva priredi t» nsš* društvo v proslavo trkkset-lctnice «NPJ v nedeljo, Julija. Na tem mestu opoxarjam tisk Člane, ki SO vedno prapotni * aseaman-tum, naj sa bolj pridno ud«letuj«jo a*J H um bosta dobili več utuina-„ja ia društvo in na boste posabrti, kdaj j a t raba plavati a*««m«nt. To j* važno posebno «daj, ko društvo „una sredstev *a xalaifatije a*«sm«n-ta. Vsakega, ki na bo pkčal asesmen-U v določenem ¿asu, bom morsl su- apendirsti.—Joha l*>,rnf' uJnlk' Iz ursds društvs ¿1. 244 Ksylor Pa. -Pozivam «lan« druitvs št. 2\\, «is »a v polnem številu ude-leta prihodnja saje dna 20. msjs. Na dnevnem radu bodo vsina stvari, ka-t,ra bo trabs rešiti. V tem leta, ko 8NPJ praznuje svojo tridesetletnico, k trabs, ds |f ram o vsi na delo in ji pridobimo valiko novih članov, ker bo t/i v našo Isutno korist. Opozarjam tudi pasivne ¿lan«, ka-terim je 1. maja potekla pasivnost, ds postanejo sktivni, kajti tajnik mora upoštevati peto točko 32. ¿lana pravil. Posten i ta sktivni in pridit« na prihodnjo sejo.—Anton Za*ar. tsjnik. Hm rt na koaa Milwfukee, Wis. Dna 10. aprila Je umrl Frank Jerain, pasivni član društva Mratoljub it. 28Š HNPJ, v starosti 44 lat. Doma Ja bil it Hrastnika in kolikor ja mani znano zapušča nekje v Wyoming enega brata. V poročilu, ki trn je objavil Obsor dna ltf. aprila, ja pomota. Za pasivnimi ¿lani S« ne plača amrtnine, za katero so zsvarovani v ča; podrobnostih bomo poročali |Misnej«. Obrnem opominjam ¿lain- in ¿lamer. tla *e udelrtljo prihodnje «rje, «U naredimo načrt, kako lil bolj uspešno proslavili društveno in Jednotlno obletnico Ni»».- društvo je lillo ustanovljeno IV. sprila 1W0, In njegov pivi iMjtuk Jr bil br. I<«•<» Junko. sedaj tajnik društva št. 121 HNPJ v I tet t «nt u Vsled tega priMilm lir. ^unka ■ In In |Mtrmštvo nI II'» prire tli plt-kiio vrarlkfo v soboto, dne «na ia, oti 7 »v«Vt i v korut «voje lila gajite Viar v MatUa t »kfin domu na hiflrenlh »t in Kdwarda nvr., N K Canton, O. Vstopnina IN«-. Na vr»rllen uljudno \ablmn t i«mi- na*ega društva in člane »oacdnih društev, ta ko tudi pnjatalje in snsnee, omti izvrstno šaljivo gtt.llto poalrešlis m \ »e drugo, kar »|iads srsvrn, bo taks, da Imi lahko v»ak sadovoljen Na «videnje II. maja' Frank (iuna tajnik naša društvo. Dajmo našemu društvu *«č življenja, kar bo koristilo nam samim. Obenem omenjam, d« bo siovenaki avditorij im«l svojo domačo sabavo dna 12. maja v Kraljevi dvorani. Ta organizacija sestoji iz va«h razllénih društev v naaclbini, tato j« vabljeno vu naše občinstvo, da a« udcl«ti. V* bruarska zabava j« dobro uspela; u-parno, d« nam bo tudi La ostal« v prijetnem spominu. N« delo z« naše dvojno slavje, ki se bo vršilo 2 o fva«h pr9* hUmih, iije mataanjam. da sao aa aeji našega društva sprejeli eklep, da priredimo piknik. Datuma še nismo^-pričakuje v določili, toda to bomo storili v kratkem, na kar ie aedaj opozarjamo naše prijatelje. Na tam pikniku komo imeli p le«, petje, tamburaše in druga sabave, poleg toga pa ae bodo dalile tndi nagrade. da bo ta piknik največji v naši naselbini. Frank M. Grackaa, tajnik. 1«. julija Ely, Minn.—Tukajšnja skupna društva priredijo veliko proslavo 30-let-nioa SNPJ dne 10. julija s piknikom, na kaUrem bomo imeli tudi par dobrih govornikov v angleškem in slovenskem jesiku. Slavje se bo vršilo • - ffv^ '*' ^EPA. 2. îfhÂv^ :DA prvo vratna v pridiu val, da diu vsi člani! Povabite tudi svoje dovoli rasvedrils, okrepčila in veae-' ceni knjigo TOE ______________________ČLANOM prijatelje in prijateljice! Za vae bo'U W> želeli Uročiti si ----nath Ija! Torej vai na eeeeHco našega Tl'RN kal»m u društva v soboto, dne 5. «najs! Odbor w «e trudi, da bo pripravljeno vs«, kar T***"?0 }}h ***<*\\i ^ (| spads na Uk« veselice, Uko da bo °*sel *»J»». Torej « vsakdo zadovoljen in postreien prvo- 9 vaiim naročilom p vrstno, lie pozsbiu, da so označeni ga poide. Z naročilom dobitki tudi na vaših vstopnicah. Vas tod! Money Order $2 knjiga atane t p^tn Naroteila pdUjite na PROS VETA, 2657 Ave., Chicago, III. Godina, «pravitelj. lični odbor. John J. Gabrenja, tajnik. Piknik društva 624. Turtle Creek, Pa.—Piknik društvo it. 624 se bo vršil dne 17i junija na Chapelovi farmi, ki se nahsja med E. Pittsburg in McKeesport boulevsr-dom. Vsa okoliška društva so aapro-šena, da rezervirajo ta datum sa naše društvo, zs kar se jim ie sedaj zahvaljujemo. (OaUlo priobčimo prihodnjič.—Ured.) Mary Dukieh. tajnica. seca d«cmbra. Zato a« opomtajajo | nu, ^ ^ITZl vai člani, da redno prihajajo na dru-. .»eament. V slučaju potai- Joeoph M a veta, 268. proatoru—Sons of Herman Hali. Na na Centy Pointu pri 8ofawa jeseru dnevnem redu bomo imeli vaine probleme, kaUre bo treba rešiti. Obveščam vae, ki še ne vedo, da tajniške posle opravlja v tem letu F. Novak, 3524 Atlantic «t. V društvenih zadevah ae obračajte na tajnika in točno plačujU aaeament, kar nima- itvene seje, ako ne bodo, ae bo * nji mi postopslo po pravilih. Toliko v vedriost vsem.—John Beck, Ujnik. Heje društvs 447 dopoldne Nsnticoke. Pa.—Društvo it. 447 je oklenilo ns seji dne 8. aprila, da se bodo njegove seje v bodoče vršile ob 10. dopoldne, mosto ob 2. popoldne. Člsrii na i to upoiUvajo, d« bodo vedeli kdaj priti na sejo. Michael Ferlln, tajnik. koč ae je treba posiuilti ugodnosti. kaUre nudi jednota svojim članom. Pojdimo tudi na delo, da pridobimo jsdnoti novih članov. Frank Novak, Ujnik. Sls v Je »0 letnice sijajen u (iirsrd, O.—NaAa proslava 30 letnice SNPJ in <1 letnic« druitva it. 643 HNPJ, ki se je vriila 7. aprila, Je al-jajno uspela. Dvorana je bila polna občinstva, največ našega članatva. Glavni govornik J« bil br. Vincent Cainksr, predsednik HNPJ, ki je govoril v anglnščini in nam povedal mnogo zanimivega iz zgo Rešiti moramo važne zadeve. Zato pa vai na aejol L. Lajevk. Ujnik. RAD BI IZVEDEL za Martin Mlakarja, doma iz Babnopoljej pri Ložu. Pred 4 leti je bival nekje v Coahvood, W. Va. Rojake prosim, če je komu znano kje se nahaja, ali če je sploh ¿e živ, naj mi sporoče na naslov: John Mlakar, P. O. Box 107, Cassville, W. Va. —i Adv.) KNJIGA O K OK OŠ J EREJI NA PRODAJ Na prodaj Imam aedaj dobro epo polnjeno v slovenskem jeziku tlakenoj oziroma mimiogrsfirsno knjigo, kaU-ro boni sedsj naprej prodajal po 11.60, poi.tnine prosto. Če ieli kdo vzeti zssUpnlštvo U knjige, naj piše sa pojssnilo. Pišite In pošljite denar s naročilom na: Frank Lukančič, P. O. Bos 6, Midway, Pa. —(Adv.) Od New Yoi do Ljublj; Na poti v sUri kraj J« priti do New Yorka in i Uko lahko od Ljubljsn Umkajšnjega doma. Gre za vpraianje: Kakšna h od New Yorks do Ljublj« Prilike sktpnega pttu 16. JUNUA na znanem in priljublj« brzopsrniku lie de Fran spremlja poseben spremlj od New Yorks do Ljublji on "bo akrbel zs udobno ii jetno potovsnje Uko na | ku, kakor na evropski i«k Potniki Uga potovanja boi rej s lahkoto potovali od v Ameriki do doma v t kraju. Ako ste letos namenjeni V kraj, je v Vašo korist, ds a družiU avojim rojakom n junija. Za pojasnila o ceni karte, nem listu, permitu, iprtlja drugih zadevah pišite Uk« LEO ZAKRAJŠE General Travel Servic«, I 302 Eaet 72nd Street. Ne« SreneHJbt IZVEDETI ŽELI! ^ohn D. Rowland, Public Administrator, 612 Main Street, Racine, Wia-consin, ieli izvedeti in priti v dotiko s Louiso Gruden, ženo pokojnega Mike Grudna, ki je preje iivel na Evekth, Minn., aH s komurkoli, ki mu je količkaj znano, kje se U ženska nahaja, Je II ie šiva ali mrtva.** —(Adv.) Vabilo na sejo Clsridge, Pa.—člane in članice druitva it. 7 pozivam, da ae udeleže prihodnje aeje, ki se vrii 6. maja, v polnem številu. Na dnevnem redu bomo imeli več vainih stvari v korist dru-itvu in Jednoti. Govorili bomo glade prostora za piknik In o proslavi tridesetletnice druitva it. 7 In SNPJ. Naše druitvo je bilo ustanovljeno 1!. taka določba potrebna, upam. .lu ne maja 1904, poslovati pa ja pričelo 18. ¡ bo nib«e godrnjal radi U t lok lade. Vsi ' julija Istega leU. BraU in aeštim proaim, da ae udeleže aeje dnš »Mnni. ki so bili navzoči na srji, so glasovali zanjo, ker so videli, da je v resnici potrebna. Jarob Muhvirh. tajnik. \ r ar lira dna X«. mala Itanme), O. Članom društva 27'.), ki *e niso udeležili rtnlnr seje dne K. a pnln. naznanjam društveni aklep, ds društvo puredi plesno veselico dne 26. maja v New Social dvorani, l^mg Run, O. PrlčeUk nk 7:30 kvočer. Nrw Hocial dvorana sv nahaja v prejšnjih p r n s t o r Ih kooperative. Vftopnins ta tManr in nečlane 'l-V. ta ¿lame«» 'J6r. Na člane drugih društev apeliramo, da ns» poselijo, ksr Jim Uotuo hvslešno o priliki vrnili. Veselita Š« vrši v korist društvene tds gsjne. ki jo je npratnils krit» Imeli bomo iivratmt giMlt>o in odbor bo skrbel, d« Ih postretlia tudi prvovrstna, tek« da b«do zadovoljni vsi nsši po •etnikb 1'nditr vsi, ki k morete! CUidno vabimo va« tukajšnje in oko. Ilnke rojake na našo veaelko Na svidenje '¿rt maja' Joe Koarataa. tajnik. ^laansa društva M 162 I m Angele«, t el -Prav gotovo šeli vsak ¿ton napredek In aapeh društvu. d« pa I» tl«kafte, Je trvba resne tmrb. tak uapeh kot smo «a aaČHalk |K,||„«n ¿|an«v k. adeleševa- Naše d« n|ne »la»|e 7* ma|a Hent A lila, w la Društvo it loi HNPJ »r pridno pripravlja, ti» pr« r 1« v I avnjo II letnico in Je«ln«lino 10 letnk» dne 9rt maj« Nekateri ¿lani. ki •<> vseli pet ali deeet vatepnir, ae Jih še ratprudall »n prišli •<• po dru g* Cpamo, d« i hi naše dvojno »la\ je n« m-Ji, na kateti sm« tatohnli to pri rediUv, to je: moralni, «gitanjaki tn gmotni u«prh Clam In ¿lanire. del«jmo ta at««r vsi takti, hnt d« t»l bili vai v prtprav. Ijalrtem t-tt.oro, kajti v»i in» t tem amialu enakepravnt, enak., tteležni in enako |da¿«nt. KkaAajmu m.»-g.k1« p... n»mati omenjene prt*dajalre V»topnw MkuUjmo prlnetti n« pri I ft. maja, da bomo lahko napravili kak dotier aaključek v korkt va«m članom. M. lia loh. Ujnik. Seje t. nedeljo v meeecu Buffalo, N. Y.—iN a seji druitva 406 dne 6. aprila je bilo eklenjeno, da ae vršijo naše redne meeečne aeje vaako drugo nedeljo v meaecu, nrlčeUk ob 10. dopoldne. F. Suaman, 406. Zahvala sa sodolovank Waukegan-No. Ckksgo, III —Prosiš vs 30-letnke SNPJ. ki so jo priredila skupna druitva SNPJ dne 16. aprila, je dobro uspela. Velika udeležba Članatva in občinatva je poka-zala, da ie vedno vlada veliko zanimanje sa SNPJ. Pokazala se je tudi •ploina sadovoljnost. Odbor ai šteje » dolžnost, da ae zahvali vaem ndele-fteneem, vaem, ki ao nudili kakino po-moč In aodelovali v programu, Članicam aa darovano necivo Jn pomoč v kuhinji in vsem, ki so na kakršenkoli način pripomogli, da je kilo slavje Pri pravila Ini odbor. ti ae društvenih aej v polnem številu, kajti k ns ta način bo vsak lahko Spremembe datuma Ia* Angel «a. GaL—Člane druitva št. 74.1 obveščam, da smo na seji dne R sprila aprejell aklep, da ae nai* seje vri« drugo nedeljo V mesecu ob 2. |Mipoldne v prostorih na 37tllš K. 6th at„ ne več prvo nedeljo ko doskj. Na tem meatu se zahvaljujem članom, ki ao ae udekilll aadnje aej« v tako velikem Številu. Druitvo iteje 41 članov In člank, na aejo pa Jih jo prišlo St, kar je aeto kpo števila. Mislim, da ao bili val sadovoljni, kaj ' ti seja ae Je pričela ob t. popoldne, zaključena pa je bik ob 1:16. Um smo proakvljali S0-ktaleo PJ in ae v«ee!o tal.a vali. Bilo j« ga dovolj—Je«t vin In pijaše—ia vae Je bilo hreaplačno. Poaetilo naa je1 mnogo prijateljev in prijateljic, ki so ae soba vali a nam» Na aeji «ta hèk predlagana dva kandidata, aa prihodnjo aejo bomo pa imeli nadaljnja dva. V Um letu ja naš» druitvo dob Ho šest norih članov In «daj sU ie dva pel «Upi k. Napredek je tevej aefc dober Priporočljiva potrudijo v Suri ¿laaj' Velika veselica druitva 128 fkvetand. O.—Članstvo društvs št. 1S6 a« iipoaarja na veselico, ki se bo vriila dne 6. maja v SNI) v spodnji dvorani v korist druitveni blagajni. Pričakuje se velika udekiba. Vstopnice so 60c, ako se ne udeležite, če se pa udeležiU, boste plačali tank samo £&c. Kupon na vstopnki morate pod pisati in gs pri vratih dati v posebno skrinjico. Kdor ne bo Uga storil, bo moral plačati polno vaoU, tako ko oni, ki se ne bodo udeležili. Noben itgovor se ne bo upoiteval. Vstopnice bo treba plačati « asesmentom meaeea mak- Zapomnite si, ds bo naia veeelica ALI TRPITE? PridiU in se prepričajte, da aem zmožen vam pomagati. Skozi vea drugi Uden dobiU poskusnp steklenico slavnega zeliščnega zdravila in prekkavo in zdravljenje PROSTO. Ne odlaiajU. Ure so: od U do 7 zvečer. Ob nedeljsh od U do 1 pop. DR. P. B. Š1MANSKI 1869 N. Domen Ave. • Chicago, III. Dr. John J. Zavert PHYSICIAN ft H l'Rti El ornea nouas at 1724 W. 26th Stre* I:»«—litt—l:M-«:M UIH Tat. Crawfart UtJ at 1866 W. Censak H 4!te—•:•« p. m. Dailr Tat. Canal Nil Wadaaa4sr O Sunday by »ppolnUMS Misiáis i i Tal. i CraefaH IT NO AK«W«a—CALL At H Mj ILTTf SEMENI V zalogi imam najl poljaka in vrtna semena Site po cenik. — Blago Ijam poštnine prosto. ' MATH. PEZDIR Box 772, City Hall St New York, N. Y. a NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 2aleetnim srcem naznanjamo sorodnikom, znsneem in prijst«! tužno vest, ds Je umrla dne 17. aprila 1934 naia hčerka B. JEAN BRENNT Ob am rti Je bila atara 16 meaecev. Na Um mestu ar prsv sahvalimo sa cvetlice ia sa avtomobik drnilnsm: Mr. in ar». Blatič. botri is Chkaga. Nadalje lepa hvsls mr. in mrs. Ni Jenko. mr. Frsnk Cergovič, mr. John Purer in družisi. druiisr Štrukelj, mr. Anton Klopčlč, mrs. Meinarlč in Frenk N» \ hvals pogrebnikom nosilcem In sicer John Fursr, Kdwsrd KH Raymond Ravnikar in John Lopacli. Srčna hvsk vsem, ki «Uj obisk s II in tolažili v uri žsloatl. Teki. drsgs hierks. sladko v zemlji hlsdni.-£aluj«ki ootsli: Oče in msti. Anns sestre in brat Frank J. Albert. U Salk. III. mm j«, da se vsa društva kampanji sa sov» člane PROLET AREC k slovenske glasilo socialističn« stranke e Ameriki. Vaak ckla vae in rojak, ki a« zanima sa soclslisssa, bi ga moral redno člUti, ker vam kaše PRAVO SLIKO SOCIALIZMA Naročnina maša $.1.00 na leto. 11.75 na pol leU Naslov : IHOLRTAREC • Nil 29t9i Rimi CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Pišite pe aai cenik ka|lg! Najhitreje do Jugosl&vue BREMEN «EUROPA ..... ""T'lTr L j t s L J A N F KKSPRKSNI VLAK ab paralka z« jamči pripravna potovsnje Ali pot «j «4« s priljubljenimi ekapreeaimi psrsiU HAMBURG - DEUTBCHLAND ALBERT BA1UN-KEW YORK V prijetnem akališšu. p«» sa*mi eeal. TUDI REDNA ODPLUTJA Z ZNANIMI KABfNSKWI PARN1K1 1 zborne žekznlške «ve* mi C»orbe«rfs. Ilsmbarga aa |i)is«ai «aratolm Madaaea ««^ HAMBURG-AMERICAN Ul NORTH GERMAN U?YI ___ 177 N. Mkklgaa Ava. — 1M W. RaadJpš CHICACO. ILL. "Ciganska nevesta *<*mnnbč*a m+mimU v 3 émémn$kk . PnnM ia iiwIFlni JOHN BCRUSG f» JOHN SCRU3C = Pevska zbora "SVOBODA" inj^1 ^^ IIEKLJ0, šm I. MAJA I9S4 » «SP VzhodniMihijska federacija feilaire, (). — Kratek izčrpek [Jiinika vzhodnoohijske in za-^ W. Va. federacije SNPJ M* 22. aprila. Predseduje br. jfcbol. Zastopniki so navzo-h1' Zapisnik prejšnje seje Zapisnik izredne seje PH- marca, glede Adamiča PM v celoti. Pjttopana .ho Rledeča društva: tM' .lr,:t, 425, 536 in Mür-V l*'rnač kot gost M- ujnik p«Mla obširno po-"prejeto, istotako ila ostalih od-?lkov ***topnikov. F«öWja \ redno J, p()ro-¿¡^¡Pnika društva 968 br. Kolera; njihovo dru-¿J* v „(.h oddelkih in za več ■ razjtrava o proslavi 15 a »M, Warwood, 1* Uih.^L™1 dne 30 maj". Cr 1 (,ruAU'v ni«™> fr» j, prišla ifc, froMlave i fede- J; ; ..... '••«l-racij. " * <**nu iste pozove v ^itnja društva, LAVNOST 30 letnice društva "DELAVEC" št. 8 S. N. P J "et je, nedeljo. 6. maja 1£34 v Hrvatskem Dqmu 9618 COMMERCIAL AVE., SO. CHICAGO, ILL. GOVORI Pritetek »pored* ob 3:30 pop. PO KONl'ANEM PROCRAMU PLES V OBEH DVORANAH VSTOPNINA 38c i»» raosvijA federacije k tikjifc federacije Komitej čiHaške je določil vso-^¡t potroši za nagra- mJirJL ki jih j#nr v sedanji P» ^de so določene ______ kam „«¡rade so dol« IJ.& ki ■» Vilanje-«. "r^U.Jem ,75- Oota $60, novlmJiUnom PrtSflWWM«-«- S kampanje. gXPJ nudi v Jedoje ugodnosti: Tproita zdravniška preiska-, kandidate v oba oddelka, ¿M in mladinskega. rpTamessčniprosti asesment Ave člane mladinskega od- pitanje pristopnine oddelka. Mg ^'a je jednota razpisala pridružena in nepridružena, na proslavo št. 363, ki se vrši dne 30. maja. Soglasno se sprejme predlog, da naša federacija V bližnji bodočnosti proslavi 30 letnico SNPJ, na katero se skuša dobiti pisatelja Adamiča in enega govornika it gl. urada. Izvoli se zadevni pripravljalni odbor za to slavje. Slede razni nasveti v korist federaciji in članstvu sploh, da jednotina društva, ki še niso v federaciji in so morda v finančni stiski za članarino ali asesment federaciji, vseeno pošljejo svoje zastopnike na federacij sko sejo in se jih oprosti članarine za toliko časa, dokler si malo opomorejo. Glavno je, da pomagajo za skupno korist naše federacije in SNPJ. Prihodnja federacijska seja bo dne 26. avgusta na Boydsvil-lu, O. Predsednik izreče zahvalo br. Josephu Matosu za brezplačni prostor za federacijako PW Filip Godina. Pridite vsi in pri-___ 0 Pojite svoje prijatelje in znance. Po seji se bo serviral prigrizek s pijačo. Joseph Oblak. pt ¿lane odraslega a pridobivanje sejo. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ih članov: Mmti oddelek. Za posa- ufWegačlanado4sepaca25c. Volanov $2.50, za 10 $5, za |10, za 20 $15, za 25 $20.-i oddelek. Za vsakega _Klanavstaro.sU od 16. do )eta $1; kdor pridobi 25 ¿la-ff dobi poleg označene nagra- ,, , . w -Čikaška federacija daje poleg grad, katere je razpisala jed-ta, k naslednje: l Prva nagrada $20 za naj-Le število novoprlstopiih čla-Hr v starosti od enega leta do | (Dva člana mladinskega Idtika se štejeta za enega od-Meini). Druga nagrada je K, tretja $9, četrta $7, peta liNta Kampanja trajš od [sarca do 31. decembra 1934. 1 Za nove člane (a): Prvih ||novih kandidatov po 1. maju »dobilo 50 centov popusta pri piitopnini. (b) Vsak nov Član ¡Mlinskega oddelka bo prost knarine za nadaljnji mesec. J. Za predlagatelje (a): Na-pda 50 centov za vsakega todlaganega kandidata, ki po- Pt član odraslega oddelka. Nagrada 25 centov za vsaka, ki postane član mladinske-^ oddelka. Novi člani naj plačajo regu-|Bo pristopnino in všota jim I povrnjena ob zaključku kam-Nje. ^Vsi zastopniki federacije naj kujejo v kampanji kot vodje I izberejo iz svoje srede nad-Inika. Ti načrt je l>il predložen in W>r*n dne 26. aprila 1934. L Frank Ale*h, »la/. Novak, Kak, Christine J. iMrich, člani kam-paJsk»'ga komiteja. Seja kluba brezposelnih Chicago. — Seja kluba brezposelnih se vrši 3. maja ob 8. zvečer v dvorani SNPJ. Predaval bo DRUŠTVENE VESTI Prodava 20 letnice društva Št. 210 McKees Kocka, Pa.—Drušfvo št. 210 bo proslavilo Bvojo dvajsetletnico in tridesetletnico SNPJ v soboto, 12. maja, z veselico, ki se prične ab 8. zvečer v Srbskem domu, Munson in Ellu st. Vstopnina je 25 centov, ¿lani in članice so prosti, toda vsak bo moral plačati v maju 26 centov v društveno blagajno, če se proslave udeleži ali ne. Na to iproslavo vabimo posameinl-ke in člane Rosednih društev. Pridite v velikem Številu, da bomo skupno proslavili dvajsetletnico našega društva in tridesetletnico SNPJ. Imeli bomo izvrsten orkester, da se bomo lahko imenitno zabavali. Za dobro postrežbo bo skrbel odbor. " George Oianich, tajnik. Važna seja društva št. 5 Cleveland, O. — Članstvo društva Naprej št. 5 je prav uljudno vabljeno, da se v velikem številu udeleii seje, ki se vrši B. maja v novem poslopju S. N. D. ob 0. dopoldne. Na tej "seji bomo poleg drugih važnih zadev imeli razpravo o programu društvene proslave 30 letnice, katera se bo vršila, kot je bilo že poročano, v nedeljo, 10. junija, na Pintarjevi farmi, ob kateri priliki se bg razvila druga društvena zastava. Na tej seji se bodo priglasili tudi člani, ki pripravljeni delali na tej proslayi; ra- bimo precej delavcev, da bomo pro-Rram dobro iavedll. Od N. D. se bo vršila tudi parada t avti in godbo i .. , w. vs , bled na čelu Radi varnosti ae U> Olllf V V0J8il(6llt V§{biijH poskrbelo tudi za policijsko sprem- 9 »tvo. Člani, ki imajo svoj® avtomobile in so voljni se udeležiti in pridni- ^l** mladih komunistov milita-žit» tej paradi, so prošeni, da to »po- ririrana roie tajniku do 90. maja, da se bo _ vedelo kolika bo udeležba. . > Ne pozabite, da je sedaj v teku . ^ OHkva' 80- «l)r- — Sovjetska kampanja za pridobivanje novih čla- vlu('a Je odredila, da se Liga Pet milliottov rvtk« mla- neMr^!1 k€r 80 nekl gangeii pr|- znali, da je oroiarno oropal desperado Raymond Hamilton, ki je gangeie oborožil. "Keela bomo dobili pa na kakšen drug načinu, je sentiment šerifa in njegovih ljudi. Keel je namreč dokazal, da je bil usodno noč, ko je bil izvršen rop, v Houstonu. nov ob proslavi 30 letnega obstoja naše jednote. Razpisane so lepe na> grade. Pripeljite na sejo nove kandidate za odrasli oddelek ali pa vpi-Šite otroke v mladinski oddelek. V nedeljo vsi na sejo I L. Medveshek, tajnik. Ustrelil katoliškega župnika New York. — Rev. Julius Mo-scati, italijanski župnik, je bil v nedeljo ustreljen v svojem fu-rovžu, njegova svakinja Christine. V elevelandski tovarni je u-njena. Policija je aretirala tesarskega ))ogodbenika Dominika Marro, ki je bil zadnji pri župniku. Stavka v Fisherjevi tovarni v Clevelandu končana Cleveland, O. — Stavkarji pri Fisher Body Co., avtni tovarni, so v nedeljo z večino odglasovali, da se v pondeljek vrnejo na de k). Med tem se nadaljujejo pogajanja v Dctroitu in drugih mestih, kjer ima ta družbu svoje tovarne. V £levctyndski tovarni je u-poslenih 8400 delavcev. • mladih komunistov, ki šteje pet milijonov članov in Članic v starosti od 16. do 24. leta, podvrže vojaškemu vežbanju. Dečki in deklice se imajo vaditi v streljanju, aviatični tehniki in fizični kulturi. Vežbanje bo trajalo tri mesece in v prihodnjem avgustu bodo morali "komsomolcl" (člani komunistične mladinske lige) pokazati, koliko so se naučili. Oblastem se ni posrečilo omrežen je Dallas, Tex. — L. C. Keel, Indijanec in organizator brezposelnih, je bil v nevarnosti omreže-nja. Oblasti so mu na pritisk podjetniških interesov skušale podtakniti oropanje državno orožarne, iz katere je bilo vzetih več pušk in munlcije. Ta rop so mu tikuAali obesiti na rame, češ, da hoče oborožiti brezposelne, ki so organizirani v Workers Co-operatlve ligi pod KeeJovim vodstvom. Poskus za omreienje je pa po- Stavkarjl se niso dali provociratl Los Angeles. — Mission MIH«, tekstilna družba, je šla v North Carolino po atavkarje, jih naložila v bus, pripeljala v Loa Angeles ter nastanila v hotelu. Z namenom, da provocira atavkarje, ki se bore za višje mezde, je skebe a pOmočjo policije uvrstila v linijo ter jih maršlrala mimo piketne straže. Stavkarji so obdržali hladno kri in se niao dali provociratl. Ceatni department Šel na potit-nlce Phoenix, Arit. — Cestni department okraja Maricopa je suspendiral vse delo in šel na počitnice za dva meseca in pol, ker je zmanjkalo denarja v blagajni. Ob delo je 180 delavcev. Okraj mora nekje dobiti $100,000 za obresti od cestnih bopdov ali pa defaltiruti, kar je vzrok "počlt-nic", ¿"S^'-. AGITIRAJTE ZA PROBVETO! OKROGLE in ČVRSTE in POLNO NABASANE >h ' - • zato boste spoznali, da se Luckies ne izsuse tocVies'rabijo aajmilejši tobak—kajti Luckies rabijo samo Stfe srednje liste—in ti so nojmilejli listi. Ti imajo boljši okus. Potem igra znanost svoj del, da napravi ta izbran tobak res prijazen valemu grlu. Mlt'« toasted"—za zaščito grla. Te mile vrste dobro-okusnega tobaka so rezane v dolga svilnata vlakna in polno nabasane v vsako Lucky—tako okrogle, tako Čvrste, brez zrahljanih koncev. Zato se Luckies dobro drie—zato boste spoznali, oia se Luckies ns izsuie, kar je vaina točka na vsakega kwlilra. Vidite, vedno v vseh ozirih — so Luckies prijazne valemo grlu. "It's toasted" / Luckies to vedno prijtune vaitmu grlu FBOSVETA PROSVETA THB EN LIG HTKN M EM T ulasim) im umima ilovimiu mabodmb podtobmb jednotb of«m wi mmd »aium kr um ti*r„tmim: m uruu*. 4rte»c (!•*•« ckkml u k«m4* nn m feto. ü-m ■ tote. um m art* ma: m Chimm Im Otmm 91M m MU tato. 19.1» m »4 tate; ■■ •mm(*o ww. ntmi im ihm u»lu* BUlm (mm*< Chu—o) m4 Cmi<« r>' r«'. Ckteaa* «»4 Ctow* PÜ »•» mr, ( IM Kik I lutu«; PKOtfVrrA. SMT-M s*. UvaSata Ar«.. CMni*. bi. MEMHKE OT TUB MCDKEATKII 1'JUCa« Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive belsžke is raznih krajev Vprašanje /druženja | Glavno je pa, ako bi se zdru-Cleveland, Obio. — Tukaj ae žili: Mi morsmo ostati in pospe-veliko govori o nepravilnosti levati le naprednost. Nastaviti nakazanja bolniških podpor Slo- od bor, ki bi se držal teh točk venske dobrodelne zveze, ker Mi ne maramo Ix?wisov, ki rine-smatrajo, da je glavni tajnik iz- jo nazaj. vršil poneverbo. Največ govorijo napredni in radikalni člani te zveze. Mnogo ne tudi Sliši o posojilu cerkvi — $125,000 — za gradnjo iste. Ne vem, zakaj bi se napredni in radikalno misleči elementi jezili na to, kar se dogaja v metropoli. Kdor vsaj malo misli, čita in zasleduje tukajšnje dogodke, bi moral vedeti, kaj se vse lahko pripeti tam, kjer je gotova "gliha", ki "vkup štriha" in ki si je svesta kontrole nazadnjaškega sistema. To pa ni glavno vprašanje današnjega sistema društev in jednot. Ampak to, čemu potrebujemo toliko teh jednot, da se zavarujemo? Koliko jih treba? Odgovor: Sedaj samo dve! Katoliško za katolike, ki se bojijo, če bi bili zavarovani pri napredki Jednoti, pekla, in pa napredno jednoto za one, ki se zavedajo potrebne zavarovalnine, v kakšnih slučajih jo rabijo, da so lahko svobodomisleci, če se jim zdi potreba, in se družijo z naprednimi, kulturnimi, unijski-mi, socialno mislečimi rojaki. Vzemimo rojaka, ki je član treh društev. Pri vsakem društvu je morda zavarovan za dolar bolniške podpore in $500 po-smrtnine, pri vsakem društvu mora plačevati posebej za: dvorano, za seje, uradnike, pisalne potrebščine, razne podpore, ki jih deli društvo, ali na kratko rečeno: društveni asesment. Poleg udeleževanja raznih pre-redb. Potem pridejo na vrsto trije glavni uradi, koje mora pomagati vzdrževati član treh jednot. 1/9 pomislite na nepotrebne stroške, ki jih ima "tri-Jednotin" brat z brati. Cemu je vnega tega treba med tem malim narodom? ta zato je treba, tuacija poslabšala za rudarje V Nam ar zdi potrebno, da ar trm ozlru bi se mi morali učiti, Mdrva da si ne bo kdo ah *aJ vzrtl Za vzglrd — kapita- j mislil kaj napačnega. Kakor ar liste Kadar oni vidijo, da jjm 'Jr *,ulo. Je padrl sum ali na I*, rdrulrnje z drugim prinašalo d ruto» ali na i*.grrbnika Kr-dobiček, oni "potegnejo" in "dr~ menca?\er ae je krivično držijo" skupaj. V tem slučaju lalo mnenja, da so ae omsnjenl bi ae mi morali irdinltl. ikar na lepem potatiU «beh po- gova posmrtnina znašala $20 Kar se tiče unije ladijskih delavcev, naj ho omenjeno, da iste ni plačal za tekoče leto. Ril je Hus|»endlran in vsled tega ni bil deležen nobene podpor«* ali po-mirtnine. Pokopan tudi ni bil v pondeljek, temveč v torek zjutraj Is Ermenčevega pogrebnega zavoda na Good llope po kopališču. Pogreba ne je ude-leftllo nekaj članov društva Hra- Agitaclja za SNPJ v DetroHu Detroit, Mich. — Iz poročil v Prosveti, ki prihajajo iz raznih krajev, je razvidno, da so proslave tridesetletnice naše jednote zelo uspešne. Nekateri morda vprašujejo, kaj bo naredil Detroit, ta nekdaj napredna slovenska naselbina, ki ima za seboj zanimivo zgodovino. Resnica je, da so napredni rojaki in člani jednote imeli težke boje z nasprotniki. Boj se je vršil za ohranitev načel SNPJ in v teh bojih je napredna struja vztrajala. Poleg teh bojev je udarila Detroit kriza morda bolj ko druga induatrijska mesta. Dru Atva SNPJ v Detroitu ao imela že 1200 članov, v letih depresije pa ae je to število znižalo skoro za polovico. Nekateri člani so bili več let brez dela in zaslužka in od 1200 članov je bilo 1. 1932-33 90 odstotkov brezposelnih, Samo društvo št. 121 je založilo in plačalo asesmenta $400 za stare člane. O trpljenju naših delavcev bi se dalo mnogo pisati. Kljub depresiji in drugim ne-prilikam, so člani ohranili lojalnost napram jednoti. Sedaj, ko se je položaj nokoliko izboljšal, smo dobili nekaj članov nazaj in število pasivnih se je precej znižalo. Tudi detroitska naselbina, članstvo SNPJ, se pripravlja, da dostojno proslavi 30-letnico SNPJ dne 17. junija. Tukajšnja federacija ima v načrtu obširen in zanimiv program za ta dan. Na ta dan se ne bo vršil samo navadni piknik, temveč tudi proslava jubileja naše jednote. Podrobnosti programa bodo v pravem času objavljene v Prosveti. Angleško poslujoče društvo Št. r>6 Za dvj ki bo odgovarjala za druit seje, za male domače z«| največ radi naie mladine 1 bo lahko tam shajala. Ki zraven naj-etega poslopja d va lota, bo mladina na isti I igrala žogo, za katero je vneta, in tudi razne druKe katere mladina ljubi. V in vanem poslopju bo imelo z prej tudi naše društvo št SNPJ svoje seje. Prihodnji društva št. 121 se vrši v ir vanem poslopju na John P 17149, ne na 6 mile rd. kc sedaj. Naše društvo ima i rodni dom največ delnic in dolžnost je, da to delo v v« zirih podpiramo, i Nadalje, dolžnost naša j se vsi do zadnjega udeležil perete "Ciganska nevesta' tero priredita pevska zbora boda in Slavec 6. maja ob ! poldne v Češki dvorani na man in Butternut. Ta dv< se nahaja samo en blok se od Michigan ave. na Til Člani omenjenih zborov so no posečali naše društvem reditve in na istih sodelova ver jen sem, da nam bodo m polago še za naprej, ko jil mo potrebovali. Pregovor f roka roko umije. Na svidenje 6. maja v i dres, Mary Udovich in Frank Bizjak. Vsebina igrice je tragična, kar se sicer ne očituje v naslovu in tudi ni bila izvedena kot tragedija. Igrana je bila kot komedija in občinstvo jo je kot tako tudi sprejelo. To se je zlasti pokazalo, ko je na odru umiral pijanec Gašper. V tistem momentu se je na odru odigravalo vse tako neokretno, da so gledalci buškniii v smeh namesto v jok.—Hujan, Bernik, Mary Udovich in mali Emil Kmetee so dobro nastopili, pri par dru gih pa se je opazjlo, da se niso naučili svojih vlog. Tem ni mogel pomagati niti šepetalec, ki je bil skoro tako glasan ko igralci Priredba je bila srednje obiskana. Po programu, ki jc traja nad dve uri, se je razvila plesna in splošna zabava v obeh dvoranah.—S. L. Junko, taj. št. 1 Proslava delavskega praznika - Pueblo, Colo. — Kot vsako leto, tako bo tudi letos društvo O-rel št. 21 SNPJ proslavilo delav ski praznik. Ker pa nam v Pue-blu ni dana prilika, da bi ga praznovali na 1. maja, zato premestimo vselej na prvo nedeljo maju. Za to izvoljeni odbor pridno deluje, da obenem proslav tudi 30 letnico jednotinega obstanka. Na programu bodo govori, igra, petje, živa slika, potem pa prosta zabava. Vse to za 35 centov. Vabijo se vsi rojaki bližnjih naselbin, da nas posetijo na dotični večer. Pridite, da en krat skupno pozabimo vsaj za nekaj ur na našo prosperiteto, ki je prišla v deželo s toliko ope-vanim "new dealom". . Frank Pechnik. terem se bo razpravljalo o na- Muha. pevovodja 8av< Detroitske aktivnonti Detroit. Mich —V Detroitu že nad deset let delamo za Sloven ski narodni dom, ki naj bi odgovarjal vse m potrebam. To se pra vi, tudi za večje kulturne in dramske prireditve, da nam ne treba hoditi po tujih dvoranah; obenem bi intela naša mlsdina svoje shajališče, mesto da se hodi po tujih dvoranah, v katere prihajajo razni karakterji, med katerimi se naša mladina pohujšuje in obenem od nas odteguje. Slovenci na zapadni strani so pt-ed leti dobili priliko in jo hitro izrabili, kupili reko judovsko mošejo, katera je bila v tedanjih časih precej poceni, jo nekoliko predelali in dodelali, in imajo svoje shajališče, v katerem se tudi brezposelni med seboj kratkočasijo. Ampak za velike prireditve, naprimer kot je opereta "Ciganska nevesta", katero bosta na 6. maja uprizorila pevska Zbora Svoboda in Slavec, je premajhna. Za Slovenski narodni dom na vzhodni strsni mesta je bila lota kupljena že pred več leti. Vse je bilo že pripravljeno, da se pri- da mu je podar čne z zidanjem. am|>ak manjka-i toda darilo r lo je okrog 4 tisoč dolarjev. Za-1 Slavje 30 letnice SNP. Cleveland, O.—Letos ob mo 30 letnico SNPJ. Zato tošnje leto izrednega pomei vse slovenske naseljence ' deželi, ne samo za člane S Največ priznanja gre našir lim pionirjem, ki so pred 3i orali ledino in položili ti največji slovenski podporn ganizaciji v Ameriki. Naša bratska organizaciji PJ je delavska organizacij medsebojno pomoč in šir delavske izobrazbe. Jasno j lo orisano delo SNPJ v slav ni izdaji Prosvete z dne 4. la. Tam je bilo tudi razvidi poročila tajnika Vidra, kolil kako je SNPJ napredovala i plačala v podporah. In daru naša SNPJ trdna in zdra vseh ozirih. Sla je skozi m kriz, ki pa je vse premaga Naša tukaj rojena mladi! m a posebno priliko, da pri? k društvom SNPJ, da širi I svojih staršev in pionirjev, ša mladina je dobila lepo z ščino v tem pogledu in lahl ponosna na svoje starše. M na pa mora skrbeti in delo da bodo tudi njeni starši p« ni nanjo, na njeno delo za SI Društvo Nanos št. 264 je i nilo, da proslavi 30 letnico PJ dne 5. maja v Sachsen» spodnji dvorani na 7001 C son ave. Vhod v dvorano pri nih (stranskih) vratih. Pri* ob 7.30 zvečer. Vstopnina j« mo 35c. Pričakuje se velika i ležba od strani članstva in činstva. Počastimo spomin 30 niče naše jednote na lep m tako da nam ta dogodek oni v spominu še mnogo k*t! Na naši proslavi bo igrala I bičeva godba. Vsi na naše lil v soboto, dne 5. maja. J one p h Mik lir*. v 1* V Obletnica društvs I7J U Salle. III. - Naše an?W poslujoče društvo Mohs«*» 573 SNPJ bo obhsjslo svoji letnico v nedeljo, dne 6 mtj SND z bogstim sporedom, programu je zanimiva igTJ-bo pričela točno ob 7 zv^rr. bo igra "Oh profesor . *<* janji bo petje*ii obeh dvoranah ter* pra«» « va. Vstopnins sam<| prodaji in SSc pri vratih no vabimo vse »jaki m mi nje, da se z nsmi zabsvif Na svidenje maja Psb. Popravek Neffs. 0.-V dopi*u 'l^ slave tridesetletnice dns in SNPJ i' je Vera Za jc H"r;iJI dfU Demaču. ustanovit^ lepo darilo I^^JL Mar? P PHOS* ET A » min Podporn JidBotTj 17.ja»*a 1907 vdMavi Tri. Boekv«U 4M4 u, A»«-. Cfcicaf* ► u plavni odbor s. n. p. j. UPRAVNI ODSEK: .O «r*toednik....2«67 S. Lawndala Atr, O*»fo, ni. CAINKAB. ....2657 B. LawndaJe Aven Chk*««, HI Uj:bol'.odd.2667 8. Uwndala Av.. Chica*«), DL :£GRAD^HtK.uj ......2M7 g. Lawndafc At^ Chicago, M. jgjCH, ¿ ^f ii^siU... .2667 8. Lawndal. A**, Chicar», 111 COPINA, «Sí^iuí? I!«»? B. Lawodal. Av., Chica«*, HI « roA^dnik......99« E. 74th 8t„ Cleveland, O. .SOKRAKjRPrv.HP;^8ednik. .1198 B. 170th St.. Cleveland. O. *tU)EA GOSPODARSKI ODBBK: ik 140th St, Ctavaland, O. fl prtEOVlCH.r^..... Brooklyi», N. Y ;KYC\TTK0VICH.....■ — proap#ct At4)m 0iaNodon HilU, Bi. 0UP..............IH)R0TNI ODSEK: .........414 W. Hay St, BprfaiffUld, HI • • • • A__nn A - Vam [GORSEK, pwfred»*- P"091™".........................Box 27. ................................Rax 257. Arm«, Kan«. El.......................................Bo« «7, St*abaae. Pa. ........................... ............Box «1, Farkhill, Pa. m PODBOJ.................. ¡^iO parkgrov« Ava., Cleveland, O. *"BARBICH.......NADZORNI ODSEK: . .«. . ...........3«39 W. Müh St., Cbieaco, 111. «Kl ÏAITZ, predsedn»...... ..........2ß ^^ p^ p-ru m nKAMîAI..-• ......................4l8 PiepC6 st, Eveleth, Minn. J„ ............................ Plu-t-*»" ü la Marta vrt«» ma a«j«a. ______ ^--— - - ~ ' ELECTS «i- «p— ¡rí- * .( ■•MT «od baalaaaa mmmmm iSTuUirtmU ta th. •^.ffi *«^ tí^tZi WM«! aba.U * 1 rtfU. ahaaM ¡T. ...... méu tb. J.ri^UtW« ef Ib* trnaanrart elftee Otili „ «arernln« th. -ark ef ta. beard aR-M k. to Fraah ___M •( ib* Ba«r Mnplnlnt. «ni - * ^KSTle n*— to ^hn Cri* •OROCILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI podpori Naktunt In: II. aprila 1914 H* limthen »7, Jcaeph Mod.* »6. An-» Vfiw I". I-iveV 120, Ann« Way-III, Ol«« Jennie C«rU- <, «I. Urn*i Dtrgane »H, Mary Radij B Jiarphinr Majcen 114. Venccl ObW p John Stwll ttl. haiu Pavlteh tU. fen«« Kvari ich 12». I.uka» Dernova^k D, J«jfph Klanrnik $2K. Matthew Ipa- ■ Jarot, I>r«4uif 127, litnatz K ne« bry Okfcw« IIS. Mary Smuk ti*. Ml-M KuUr 114, Frank Jazbec »17, Mi- hrl KoUr. Jr. >34, Louis CoatelU, Jr. r hl Kiwi N*. Jarob Vardian »24. ' tone Friovic 114.50. Kvangeliiic Ferko-* tU M> toniar 120. kla I'ur lan tli, Stc|>hania Japaly t3». ka» kriuj tir.. , Ibrrt Hra»t I2H, Jaruti ('iraj «lß.&O. tfa Ki>k 4M. John Podlwn^t 121», Mrfry Ink 117. K<«a l'odlran^k IÜK.50, Fran- ■ Vudnik K. Jernej Widemar »11,'Ma-I lirtximh 115 60, John KIcir 120. W Bändel »15. Krank Sedminck $2«. Kambif »17, J.weph Srnovranlk B A nli m M dm > jeder |2K. N»*iia 8vn »24, John (iluvna I2K. John U«' JM, Helen Dominik tl«. Krank toAai* t2i.60, Anna Urair tlO. J<»e-b», Kmeiihardt »41.10, Anion Krenrak b frink J u >t in »42, Mary D.kalirh »41. M« Mtrmirh »H. M K«nik »M, Krank Rorman tU. ■a», kruihir »d. Jimefth SU-rmeti f 12. bal Krhlikar »k, l^n» (¡rile t<0. blM, K.«Idv IIB. m» Slack I:1«. «i 'eirlar |n. J.»»|,hine 1'rl.a» »14.50, anai IMievr im. Mary 4 uk t2n, An- 12», I/OWL CeKlur »27.hO. a« lirik »I butar |2n, lamul I2II- J»"-! Sinkmer »27, Julia Malewky t«. W Hiilr ^ »Iti, Mike l.ampreht » «"li KrtMiver »12 , III. Ivan (Joint, »19. ' y ("'r*f Ljudmila Statian tl.7. ¡T" ,J,r"r t2*r,n K5S1» tVrar »22 60. ' «lak I&2.MI. »'"Mnik »20.60, Martha Kri«er H«rt«lie »24. 'ir.liif |',(j P bpMiM w Kr.nk MlujU u P» I " I,',2. E VH- Oolanr »11.60. T*' * "Ur is« tH M' '-"i« Ki,a »S2. Ih ^ 11 Viikmanovirb m ¿rs, ,ul1* I f Mar »M lil v», Kra H fc«, i t ""re i Muhleh Erl*?..........l'auhni K »14. J ft U V"""" Arh ste î""** Uri M Ih Kadar 'lih i rte Star» kii '•"•ar »27 fi.U, Mikllr I ink •2" «.rey„r 11. Johanna • '4, (¿«Mirita "'"ar lir, 6o "4itak I I t1^ «n m ». b K. Ib» t k ! KZ. 'fea. «K k », k.. Ea.. k. Hi »a I M'ir »f,o K fe4^| •'"it» Kmle »so. 1 *»< K iha4.ilnlh »r. •'"t'irri, Ifttaiat "-b'vii.a. »IA. (16. t»<), »tk. tU. IH »1«. 262 JoMph Dcrvlnc «1». 264 Lovrenc« Turalc »14. John Milavee $28 Joaephine Martinric $82. 259 Joaeph Uiajak »24. 262 Roa« Garrn »88, JoMph Godin» »27. Nick M (itek »69. 265 Avne« Urb»a »28. John Z«bk«r »16. Ma ry Persuti »19. Frank Jerman »84. 267 Max J. Frittel »10, Anton Shraj »28. 268 Acne« Kunatelj »1». Mary MJheltch »8 269 Joaeph Kromar »24, Loula Lajko »48.60 271 Katica Nikolich »10, Nick Bubalo »42 Anton Ellar »12. 282 Ferdinand Zohel »82. 28» Alice P. Horvat »16. 290 Peter Skof »20. 202 Frank N«m«c »12. Louia Mlekua »86. 806 R26 Ulja Borcich »88. 580 Annen Tkalac »7, John Valentich »96, Paul Butina »66. 535 Anton Ohreaa »2. Anton P«trlc »ti, Frank Kocjancie »28. r>87 Angeline Kertiac »8. 564 Dora Bareeirh »1». 556 Santo Mladnnleh »16.64», Caroline Am- briwe »26. Charla« Amhroae »26. 566 Katherina Kanich »28. 56« Ikorothy Moenik »17, Harold Meinarcie »14. 678 Jcnnie Mahnich »16. 590 Auguat Pruanlk »19. «I» Frank Gradlaek »80, Fannie Gradiaek »26, Louia Drap »12. 692 Luka Krlatu »4«. Skupaj M.IM7.60. Lawrenra 4,radU*k. pom<4ni Ujnik. Nakaaana dne 18. aprila INI. 1 Anton Archul »17, Frank Ferenrhak »14, Anton Pintar »16.80, Joaeph Metelko 817.50, Frank Samce »85. 8 Petra Paieh »29. John Jurkovich »19. 6 Joaeph Hrovat »30.60, 8 Frank Orn« »8h. SUna Popovieh »22. John Miljak »16. 10 Jernej Stalik »2H. 16 FJIaab-th MagWter »18. Alex C y k jati »10. 20 Paul lydM »28, John Vidmar »20.60. Joaeph Peoel »28. Ida Starkovieh »h«. Ivan Majnarich »80, Joaeph Crep »40. 21 John Mohar tlj. Andrew Buael t22. Mary Zaletel »84.60, Mile Zigieh »50. 34 Antonia Bajt »I«. Frank Luaar »16 »t. fieorge Votkar »28. Charlea Turk »48. Joaephine Ban ir h »I». 36 J«hn Arh »26. Jtaieph Udovie »27. Joaeph Manek »4«. 54 Peter Itanaki »28, Albina K ravan ja »9. Nlek Suchevieh »44. h*> Joaeph Polonio »28. Helena Cvelkovieh »11. Frank Kmalla »14. Joaeph Cre«orirh - - tttJt.->-^- 68 Milka K.rvaeevie »61. «4 Anion Breneetj »1«, Frank Zorko »7, Mary Zupane »14. Anton I>ra«er »34. WaBer i H, r I ah »M M Joaeph Marinar »9. Avrelij Cef »«2. An ton Valeneieh »»0. 69 l• I ranea» (iaapertlr. »2*. Mary Zgo«e »»«. I Katarina Mkrarki M* \ III I ranea» Muhte», »1«. i 'H Frank G ena ley »7, WWtn Grli »17. Jnka kfaM* 114 Martin Zatokar »M. Iva«, Replik »V Matthew Hmirk »M Frank V dop4v«e «24 Jaaep(t K«eae IM ; "4,h tennwk »7 IM Anna Pranaaovketi ||T. Maria Kriaaaaa ti*. F ranea» Roe* »M Antonia IHeMaj I M» Iti Joaeph VMMwar UM. Ivana Horefct 1 117 M < harlea Horn* tf», Aaaa Rai m. 134 Mary Topiiek »1». Mirko Babieh »81. 187 Olga Shutte »32, Anna Potukar »25. Mary Martini »88 50, Mary Majaali »39 50. Mary Franeel »16. Rose Goraik »86 140 Angeht Voje »17. George Jurkovtc »2t. 154 Katherina Borga »24». Ivan Paulie »1«, Anton S rok »2. 162 Jacob Troiar »28. - 172 Mary Delaeh »27, Joaeph Cheiigfe »20. 176 John Bokai »88. Jure ViMetk »hl. ' 182 Michael Drbelak »28.50, Mike l'teah« »17, Utuiae Zdravja »27. 188 Agnea Kalaaainaki »tO. 192 Mary MihHcic »28. Annie Ban »18.I0, Mary Hrlevich »64». 201 Anton Fatur »50. F-ank Milavee »62. 204 Barbara Koviaan 3*0. 207 Ignata Oraaem »28. Peter Stark »40. John A. Koleno »28, J.wph Kofol »40, j (ïeorge llenich »42. 212 George Safar »18. 216 Jenny Avcin »14. 217 Anton Bartol »2*. Louia Gruden »at. 228 Michael Laaar »30. 225 Blax Silc »17. 22« Joaeph Kokalj »8. Frank Ocepek »56. 227 Helen Piatotnib »28. 234 Jiaeph Habernig »80. John Gallun »1», Math Matko »14. 236 George Galinatx »28. Annie Jelich »46. John Somera »40, Helena Popovieh »28. Marian Jurakovich »38. 244 Stella Habe »26. , 264 Katherina Bixaj »8. Caroline Urbancle »29. John Mikllc »14, Michael Krjavec »36. 266 Jacob Zadel »6«. 1 270 John Simcic »11,. Zvonimir Kurhan »ST, George Milo« »7. France« Cendol »16. 278 Joaeph Zajc »6. 274 Martin Vocijak »26, Andrew Zupan »14. 276 Sam Gentbala »28. 284 Antonia Mahnich »6. 286 Joteph Mihalek t28. 287 John Figura »28. 289 Kr next i ne Kenner »14.50, Helen 6raln»v nik »86. 296 Angela Pucely »15.60, Frank Beaek »81. Jacob Cadei »18. 297 John Kopriva »28. Vinko PetacHn »II, Josephine Soncar »27. Heien 8rok »1». 300 John Frank »21. Frank PetroVie »88, Sam Marvi« »76. 304 Mary Udovich »14. Matt Lovain »J4, May Tkaai »46. Frank Km »28. Bude- Vlaha Ijevich »27. | . (>L 806 Johanna Jurcic »88. Magdalena Keiacio »4. ! IHUi 316 Andrew Zidarieh »28. Gaorge »4t. 817 Mary Vianic »8.60, Sarah RrbU}, »28. Theraaa Novak »26. Mile Rehicfc ' »18.50. Peter Skalec »80. Am««da Vlanl^,»l» Nick Perle »27. 818 Anton Zabkar »I«. ^ 820 France« Santel »}6. ^ 84« Andrew Cerar »8. Joaeith Pttdbevaek, »56 847 Ljuba Kliaanin »18. Alek Duvanclc »48.60. Slavka Mrk on j ich »28.50. 84)6 Heien Pompe »15. 376 George Majkea »27. ' ' n 877 Maria Shara »28. Andrew Unuk »»I. 883 Marko Ljubicich »39. 886 Joseph K ravan ja »8. Nick Harbut »28 John Lipovaek »28. Andrew Mihaloic »14 388 Riato Celica »67, Michael Danjelic »»6 897 Antonia Savaren »9.50, William Roxman »22, Philip Jaklle »58. mI': 898 ThereM Slunaki »22. Andrija Pavitia »28 Mary Frankovich »28, Joaeph Suaac »»I 419 Mathilda VarUcnik »17, Antun Mrakte »12. Joaeph Lov«e »88. 422 Gilda Tomaich »28. Anton Kvartx »28. 424 Mary Sekulich »42, Paulina Markovich »16. 426 Mary Lewia »17, Anna Pravorlk »1». 426 Katherine Sanovieh »16. 427 Frank Krajaek »14, Andrew Kruva 117 Joaeph Bukovac »28. 480 George Lončar 846.60. 482 George Vukovieh »18, Anton Kaatelic »28 Vuko VuJ ladinovich »48, lllato Vukovieh »40.60. 450 Joaeph Coprex »14. Anton Vodlcar »18.60 Joaephin« Radlca »28. Joaeph Vucic »22 464 Francea Hoeevar »81. 464 Dragica Cumura »28. Stevan Vojnovicb »27. Rade Perich »28, Florence Radiçe-vic »18.60. 483 Anton Granu» »27, , (îeorge Hotncilovirh »54, Bartol Palcic »28. Sara Dopudja »27 484 Katherine Sifter »10. 498 George Staroevich »28. 622 Nick Slndicie »18. 686 Michael Sarich »28. 688 Andrew Mihalek »24. 648 Peter Liaira »28. 660 Mary Rianer »6, Ferdinand lampe »42. 560 Joaeph Dubrovich »7, Rok Gecan (¿0. 562 Mary Prlmoxich »28. 670 Anton Kotehar »27. 580 Pauline C. Kirk »42. 682 Bartol Bulina »»7. Nick Orlovirh »26.60. 684 Iokazati svoji okolici. Novorojenec je živel samo nekaj ur, potom ao ga oddali v anatomski zavod, kjer ao ga ah ranili v apiritu. Porodnica navaja, da je med noaei-noatjo gledala film King-Kong, ki je napravil nanjo fako atra-Aen vtia, da je zdaj porodila o-troka i vaemi značilnostmi opice. ßfitna Žleza in angina pectoris Golša Golaa nastane vsled kroničnega povečanja ščitne ileoe v celoti ali deloma, ki je krajše ali daljže trajnosti. Ščitna žleia ae nahaja v osijiredju vrh nega dela aapnika n se razteza na obe strani vra-:u. Ta žleza zalaga telo z no-;ranjimi izločki ter vpliva na rast staničevja, na ke»mične spremembe in s tem na funkcije telesnega prehranjevanja. Golš je več vrst. Najnavad-nejši tip se očituje v podaljšanem razširjenju ščitne žleze, ki nastane v dobi zrelosti, posebno >ri ženskah. Ta tip golše po-varočajo usedline kleju sličnoga materiala, ki nastanejo v zvezi z zavživanjem vode in hrane, v kateri primanjkuje joda. Fizičnih vznemirjanj ni in dostikrat golša izgine ,po preteku dolbe desetih ali petnajstih let. V vseh takih primerih se daje ibolniku male količine joda skozi dva tedna in dvakrat v letu. Tako zdravljenje mnogokrat prepreči razvoj navadne golše pri otrocih. Drugi tip golše tvorijo žlezne stanice, ki 'se očitujejo v povečanju ¿čitne žleze. Tudi ta tip ne povzroča fizičnega vznemir j«nja pri otrocih v starosti od dpset>javijo simptomi, ti se pa pokažejo šele takrat, ko je golša že v razvoju in prične ovirati delovanje S4m«*i-nih organov. Težko dihanje je važen «simptom golše, ker ovira funkcije sapnika in kroženje krvi v vratnih žilah. Vzlic temu, da imajo bolniki alaat do jedi, navadno izgubljajfTna težU? Zdravljenje kronične golše je vodno ugodno, zlasti pri otrocih in mladih ljudeh. Za vae primere dovršenoga razvoja kronične icolše, je operacija, ki ne ogroža življenja Mnik«, najboljše ared-stvd, . ,, Pri zdravljenju golše veliko zavisi od učinkovite odstranitve prvotnih vzrokov, bodisi da ti izvirajo iz pitja na jodu poman-kljive vode, nosnih, zobnih ali drugih tvorov in izrastkov. V krajih, (kjer je v«ala okužena, se jo mora prekuhati pred no S4« sme piti ali rabiti pri kuhanju. Količino joda, ki ga zavživa bolnik, mora določiti zdravnik. JMnik mora imeti precej prim bo omogočena kontrola dvojnih zaslužkarjev in prikritih dtluv-cev; da je dobil Pariz v teku dveh mesecev že tretjega policijskega prt fekta; da sta se te dni na Dunaju pomerili najboljši avstrijski strt>-jepiski Antonija Czaba in ll/.u Schnedier. Zmagala je prva, ki je dosegla 804^ točk, tloenp je klasifikacija njene sotekmftfalke Izkazala 7970 točk; da je sodišče v Kištimu obsodilo štiri vodilne uradnike on-dotnega bakrenega rudniku zaradi ropa in zapravljivosti živež-nih zalog na smrt, 3 uradnike na 10 let ječe, enega pa na ptet let za|H>ra; da namerava Charles Lind-bergh in žena iz hiše, ki so jima u ropali prvorojenca, napraviti dom za siromašne otroke.4>ruŽ ba je le osnovana in Lintlbfrgh jo je že preskrbel s potrebnim kapitalom. domača Z1)kavila V aalegl Imaia »edtln« dUava. Knajpe-ve Je4manava kava In laaperllrana »dr«-vila. kater« »trlperai« Mgr. Kaajp. domaČi zdravnik Math Pezdir IIuk 771. City llall Sta., Ni:W YORK. N. Y. Mesec maj je tu, kako je vas želodec? Maj, menoo kratnega evctju jc til, UhIh kakAvn jo vaA ieltuloc? Ako lui-f»'t4' uàivatl l4H»4)to tciru nieaaoa, ttniaj nkibno vMrujtt» vaAt> idravje, tn uživa j to TRINERJEVO GRENKO VINO mino. Ako »avarujet« vaftt» tolo proti holoRiiim, bo VHak nmjtilAki «lan pomenil xa vaH ra4toat in vttHoljo. Tri-nt>rjt>vo grenko vino jt» ¿udovit«) x«ira. vilo. Ono otlpravi hIuI» U<4 tlo jeili, zapeko, iiPNia^noNt, MploArui ttlali po-čutek in 4lrui{t> noradnoati, ki štvirajo it hlali««KH i4'l«t«lta. Pri VN4»h lekarnarjih. Jot. Triner Corporation, l.'^lii S. Ashland Ave., Clioa««», lil. (Adv.) SKUPNA POTOVANJA 8. Maj« II.R l»K FRANCK na Mavre 9. H ASHINGTON na llaMburg II. IIKRKNGARIA na Cherbaurg It. " KltROPA aa Mreman II. MATIHNIA na Trat »I. II.K ItR FRANCK na Mavre 30. " IIKRKNGARIA na t barbaai«. I. junija VHI.CANIA a« Tral I. PARIŠ aa Mavra II. junija aa «ril gla«na leleAnje aku,tnn pniii« a«,e «merilbth Slavenrrv v alart kraj na ananrm braeparnlkM II.R IIK FRANCK. Pilile po nal celoten voanl red parnlkov In cenik kart aa I« In druge »»aruik«. CKNK ZA OKNARNK IMlAlUKR Za » 1.941 . Din II» Za »9.11 ...|.ir IM ft.oa Ml IN DI ,, IM II.M,, , '' III , MM . saa 11.11,. . M IM II.M . Ma MM.. . M Nil NT.M . " inuu 21.71,, " UM ULM . " MM Pa til junto tudi * «MrtUklb deUrJIh Xaraitl, ptaUlitoatl bur»«, ao navedene caita IHMlvrlene apreataatbi gorl all tktll. NOTAKHKI POSI.I Ako .r«blte pmtbl«alllo. pmimllto. Ixjavu, all aku total* kak drug poet'I a atari in kra Jem. ae vaclej obrnlte uai LKO ZAKRAJSEK li.niT.I Trawl H.rvlc, Inc. .102 K. 72nd St., New York, N. Y. Ozdravil oieta Revmatizma J. P. KOTKICII, loboidravRik, ».14 Center HI., Dept. SOI, Chlcafo, lil., porota, «la njeR«»v oie, ki ju trpel na revniatiiimi veliko lat in je potroAil nad »IJMZMHt x «drav-Ijeifjein, je dobil preilpla nekega ntarega »«(ravnika iz Dunaja, kateri Je UNlavil boli^inu popolnoma. Ker p4tzna trpljenje, ki kk ta Ihi* l«xen povxr4tia, Dr. Kotrich juavi, da a veb^ljvm puAlJc viakomur ta predpia onim, ki trpe na revma p«»nj. NofN>nih HtroAk«iv in no (ihvetnoMli. (Adv.) Strokovni medicinski lieti |a>-ročajo o novem, zanimivem načinu zdravljenja angine peetori*. Trije .zdravniki ao o[Miz<»vali v neki ameriški židovski liolnišni-ci, da ae je stanje nekaterih bolnikov z angino pecUiria p<» odstranitvi ščitne žleze silno izboljšalo. Napravili ao več poaku-sov, ki so imeli velik uspeh in to celo v primerih, ki jim noben« druga zdravilna metoda ni pomagala. Hredatv«», ki Jt reAllo že ne-ft teto miiAkih f»alal>eli»Mti in Jim vrnil*» iivahnoat! Zaupne informacije d4»cHa brezplačno in brezob^ezno. Pišite na na»il4»v: Cherman Laboratories Manufacturing ChemieU 421 Kant 157th Ht. riavelaad. Olika. Inlarea«nla apeaarJaM« na nal navt n««la». VOJNA NAPOVEDANA coa-col. — daj« papel aa ■ d e k a a a I vallM nag «M. Olalla balai ina lah« j. (Mpravl Mahba-lrd« baria aleea In aagnlba. Be predaja a jamal.BM vrnitve denarja. Dabi aa v lekarnah, all »a peltl aa »IM. BOUDKKAUX A CAMPHKI.L CHKM1CAL CO. IM N. WKI.La BTKKKT. 4 IIII AIJ4). It.l. ZLATA ŽILA uRiIravljena brei Imletin in iiaub« «•aH« po H|M>cijalla(ll. Vprašajte Ka PROSTO PKKIHKAVO in poMkuHiio Kilravljenje. Ure aoi II ilo 7 sveder. Ob nedtdjab ml II 4I0 I pop. DR. P. II. ftlMANHKI IKHU N. Da men Ave. . ChlraKo, III. ^PKIC Ake I Mala taaetata, na-MbllE« radne alt kal»la «ml redna lllfan)«. naralMa M ataja eter*-brajaka adravlla. Cana tavela R -W-nu «i ■ «ail» napainiM mmmtmí MRS. 4.KKTA I.KMRDVAR ••T R. Tlrd ai. Na« Veik, M. T. BrMLIN a PRAliUf • WAMS AW C A N N r S Vif NMA* BuoAf'í s r GFNOA jtJÎ-«« # s /î. (Al BttGRAO! $, l aj »»*••»»t" vita l,»d«> »i«, »Uka AUGUSTUS all ROMA V 'teme»t all lr»4i, I». p.i«nlka |.r4'« «a-«.M.i.ik df»l«W. kl il 4 laaa. Raata I aetata » Mala,ala trt.riiil« ( «al« 4t ta Url »Ih wdp.-l ja V d'MMo« t Htm IT J à lí NRW VlfRR A f aal» dl a«»ata tl «tat« Nu ** J lia, Ne* II J u Mía, Ig Raa.a »•» >«»nl|a ihm té, Y ul.eale I iunlla In aelerala !'»• <»»« ■ t»«. r> eak)Hi pta^tol la». » a ,aa«"|>alfc«, ell |M wa «Il N M»< Ii ige,. A*». I hoe«". III. I TALI AN LINE ■ ifr |fl9« ^ T' ' Our Society'» 30th Annivareary Year IPIRO fM m npi MHi m VETA Solicit Your Fr for SNPJ MembtM ENGUSH SECTION PAOS BlX FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AÈORICAN SLOVENES The CaMMigB Bms Our Jubilee Membership Campaign marches on! It is gaining momentum with each successive week, as more and more units show vigorous interest snd enthusiasm for its ulti» mate success. Further proof that more and more individual members, lodge* and federation groups are vitally interested in the campaign work is amply evidenced by various iocaJ campaign provisions and prize awards for procuring new members. But the biggest and most generous single campaign appropriation cornea from the Chicago district federation which recently allotted a neat sum of 1226.00 exduaively for the campaign purposes. The official report and announcement of the Chicago federation follow«: CHICAGO DISTRICT FEDERATION OF SNPJ MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN (For the Ujdges of the Federation only) The Committee designated a flat ana of $225.00 to be expended and added to the 1 «34 campaign awards. Money to be divided three waya, aa follows: I, lodges $60.00. 2. new member* $45.00 and 3. proposera $75.00. The balance to be nsed as ei pense money for the campaign. The SNPJ offers the followiag prises: 1—Free medical examinai km for both adalt snd Juvenile applicants 2—Two months froe does for the jeveaika. 3—11.00 reduction In initiation fees for adult a. 4—Also, the following cash awards to those proponing new applicanta. Jl VENILE I lo 4 member» ...........J «-» eurh ft - ............. 240 fatal 1« " ----------- iM 15 - ..............I 2« M ............lies 2.1 - .................. 2« SO ADULT Ilia for »ark a«-« member (iff limit IC (a 35) 25 members |l«.0ft additioaal. The folbwing Federation Prizes are la sddL turn to the HNPJ Prizes. 1—IX>IK;E PR1ZE8—For largest number of new membera initiated. 1st prize........................................... $20.00 , 2nd prize............................................ 15.00 3rd prize............................................. 9.00 4th prise............................................ 7.00 5th prize .......................................... 5.00 6th prise........................................... 4.00 Age, 1—40 years. 2 Juvenile« equal 1 Adult. Durât km of Campsign: MARCH 1, TO DECEMBER 31, 1934. 2—TO NEW MEMBERS: (a)—The first 50 new applicants, after May lat, will receive 50 rent* allowance on their Initiation foe. (h)—Every juvenile will receive one additional month'a duoa free. .1—TO PR(M*OSERS: <«)_An award of 50 rent« for each adult member initiated. (h)—An award of 25 rent« for each juvenile member initiated. Note:—Now members should pay their regular initiation and the refund« «hall be made al the conclusion of the campaign. All Representative* to (he Federal ion «hould act aa drive CAPTAINS and pick from amongst them SUPERVISOR. Submitted snd appmted April 26. 19.14. CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE: FRANK ALE8II. BI AS NOVAK. JOHN KAK. . CHRISTINE TURPIN, DONALD J. I.OTRK II. SNPJ 30th Anniversary Celebrations The fallowing Federation* and Ia>dfj*i of the SNPJ will obterve the Thirtieth Anniver-nary of the Slovene Motional llrnefit Society with fitting Juhile* Pr»»f AUi*, Wie., observe» SNPJ ioth o«ni> r raorg Saturday, May St. I.~ |*har. Chairmaa. Lodge «14. her a visit 3,000 workmen at the Chevrolet and Fisher body plant at St. Louis are out on strike. One man has died of etob wounds during a fight, April 23. All work at the two plants ceased April 21. Pirketing continues. John G. Bostwick, president of the Federated Auto Workers of America, who is directing the strike, said that he haa received no word concerning a possible settlement. garner a good ahare of the Federation^ prisea. Although we started our own memberahip campaign in January, before the official campaign was proclaimed and although we have already initiated 18 new membera in four months we haven't fallen into the stride that some of the other lodges have set. So, let ua get iato the apirit of the campsign snd pull abreast of some of our leading lodgea. a a • What about indoor baseball, Pioneers? ■ How many of you care to play ball this year with the Pioneers? Only a few years ago we had some swell teama. Can't we gather our girla amvour boys together and form two teams which would carry the Pioneer name? Come on, you athletes, let's get together. Let's show them that you can play ball. Come to a meeting on Thursday, May 10, 1934, at the offices of Proletarec, 363«J W. 26th st., at 8 p. m. Every prospective player is invited. a a a ' Attend the Slovene Unemployed Club meeting Thursday, May 3, and hear Phillip Godina relate the way out of unemployment and insecurity. We always manage to have tasty refreshments after every meeting of the unemployed club. We invite you to sttend snd be with un. a a a The date of the Pioneer Social is practically here. Tickets have been mailed to all members and it's due time thst we stsrt agitating and advertising for a good attendance. Sis. Zupancic and Bro. Beniger are training the young people of our juvenile school for a short program. So, be sure to invite the old folks to the Lawndale Masonic Temple on Saturday, May 12. • • • May Day is the universal holiday of class conscious workers. Splendid May Day manifestations were held thruout the nation under the auspices of the Socialist Party. Some of them had great attendances. The workers of the world use this one medium to demonstrate their solidarity. Bigger and better May Day celebrations were held in many communities than has been the case for many, many years. That shows that the workers are awakening. WEDNESDAY. Mi Federation Items MTH ANNIX HMSARY CELEBRA-TION WEHTMORKLAND CO. FED-ERATION OF SNPJ LODGES llermiaie, Pa.— The Westmoreland County Federatlon held its 2nd regular meeting of the year April 22, which waa fairly well attended. One ef the main purpoaes of thia meeting was for (oiñpletlng of all the neeeaaary arréngament» for the cele-bratton of the SOth anniveraary of tbe Slovene National Benefit Society. Thia affatr caá he designated aa Weetmoreiand County. SNPJ day, May M, Wt may safely say that there ia espertad te «ttend the largeat numher of Sloeeoe enthusiaeta that ever ga tbe red ia Westmoreland County. Rtorting at t p. m tbe program coasteting of the followtng will get under way Tbe Slovrne Dramatie Club of E sport, wbe ka ve made quite a reputation for themselves, have selected two plays. "Grobovi bo-do ispregovorili" and "¿ivela sdrava kri," which will be very entertaining and educational. Following the two playa there will be an addreea given by our Supreme Preeident Vincent Calnkar. There will alao lie a program of ainging, and muaic will be intersperaed throughout tbe program. At « p. m. and continuing for the remainder of the day^ Lao Zornick'a popular orchestra will furnish the dance tunea. Tbe admission for this program will be only »Or. Ilxtdgee that will re-reive, these tickets are asked to make their returns of same May SO.) All Westmoreland County lodges are asked to attend the great Federation Cetebretkon to he held ia Was* New-ton ICollinsburg. pt.) on Wad., May SO. . Frank Stem. WwfciBg Km aid Working * Lot us raiac the banner of in« brotherhood a*alnst the danger If ^n, War. Let «« raise the flaK of p^ * de»™*'ation 'or brj work for aU. Let us proclaim «ur altlon to a system that has made ou£ fetcars of forty million people in the States. Let us prepare the wav for a w world of peaee and plenty for all who U THE WORKERS OF AMERICA SF SPECIAL GREETINGS-, To all workers, political prisoner« and tyrs of the labor movement in the ooncenl camps and dungeons of fascism. To Tom Mooney and all other politic«] oners jailed in this country for fightinv I battles. On International May Day, 1934, W( upon the workers to asaemble in one pot United Labor demonstration. Against fascism and war. Against company unionism and the shop. Against starvation and degradation. For the six-hour day and five-day we For employment relief and «ocial insa For international solidarity of the wc For bread, for work, for peace. For a Workers* World! —May Day Manift The Rmlitrs' Column Ambridge, Ps.—The May 6 dance, marking t rent innaugural of the newly opened Ambridge club rooma, promiaes to be quite a sociable 1 The cooperation of all the local Slovene lodg been assured for this affair, the Nas Dom and I lodgea among the number. The dance will be the Croatian Hall and will get under wsy st I Ernie Vagias and his orchestra of eleven will the music. • a a / admit the preoent Revelier member»hip ra ia certainly far more aucceaaful than wan or expected. That ia to the credit of those n actually reaponaible. Locally, successfully beg campaign will aucceaafully terminate. The aalea-talk to entice members is produc aults. That ahould not be difficult as the R are a unit of a progreaaively, expanding frstei ganitation. Secondly, the lodge enjoys a health tation in its community; IU sctivities attract t intereat. Yet, with an enlarged membership, 1 sponsibilitiea face the Reveliers. The lodge ra sorb incoming membera in such a way so tha additiona are made to feel that they are an i part of the lodge. That problem of holding 1 berahip is juat aa important as that other, 1 paigning. It is a aucceaaful lodge that can kee| its memberahip by activity and interest . .. »1 ia what I'm harping about: To keep mtart coming within our fold. This is not a persons lem; it is the entire lodges. Other lodges mu the same possibilities of losing newly-acquir« bers; but, like other units, Ambridge will 1 keep stop with a growing membership and gii items their time and study. e • • ALL THAT SORT OF THING. Midwsy'i have a group of young men and women who begin shuffling along by organising sn E. S. ... The Western Penna. E. S. Federstion will < the SNPJ'a SOth anniversary by holding s pa members only, award prizes for new membei climax the year with a victory banquet »n u fall. < . Sec'y Koaa, note: Didn't you for|atU> > Reva aa buaaing to a Struggler affair? This 1 1931 with 35 membera making the trip. . • « entered in a local muabball loop and the ** league. How about a acrap between the nip and the day lada, manager? . . . It ^"rrslj pay to be too intereated in things of humsn r ship or doing. For, being human, it ran di"PP And then again, a detached interest is akin w terest. . . Like all Reva, I want to see a crows May 6 dance. . . So long, until again. . . i.hui" a< Mohawks' 8th Anlverury La Salle. Ill—On with the Mohawks' E*k«j veraary! Thia coming Sunday. May »' the eighth anniversary program of "" Lodge. No. R73, SNPJ. wifl get under way. ' ia aet and everything ia in readiness » come all. A three-act comedy-drsms. « " under the direction of President John Mrr'. presented by the following member«:-''ra nich, Frank Strell, Ro~ Novak, Mary tilda Martinjak, Rudolph Novak, A"»«" Joaeph Jakae, Amelia Jakae. Julia M«*»^ Vogrich and Lucille Trdin. They will do s power to entertain you during the entire p ^ Singing will also be « peri of the bougt in advance are 2Sc. and those office will be 36c and 10c.; Carnation» be aold by the girla at 10* per fl**" ^ Show your SNPJ apirit by nd purchasing one or two. i<>uf ted. and purchaaing the k*dge will be greatly apports Frankie Pymner and his Comiaa»*'"^ the music in the upper hall. Tbr "M to the tune of a aqueese-bo* ft the the wee hours of the morning. There fer all. Bear in mind the big d«y Survl" forget, you "Outsiders." We'll r* " Ptfl he fall M«J Helen Zevnik. R« I,-*' unite your FORT BS, and sisters of the SI ^ tion a l benefit soc'len • PAT, PROSVETA Pennsy News ^ viiiu, Melropolto i4' \*lzl d Lodge Torch were Cleveland where we V»^****** Of the spik S^^J jolph, Max Merge. Slovene metropolia. ¿AT Slovene everywhere iiStirfly c»rs, in .tore». ^ak^t one hear. Slo-below. What a "L the little town La-"L ST foothill« of the Alto-1V Slovene community of ¿„StClair street is really •¡¡flovene in all it. imprests Beacon'» I had the AlTof meeting a number of m-C personage* well-known in % world. We spent the averting old friends and meet-'¿Ton«- And the "Bee." were , baiy initiating new members u. their dub; thev intend to invade Kb* hills «ome of the.e days, Welcome! Ik next day we attended a con-¿Lnioredby the singing society [uVK who were assisted by the kTji lingers of the soc. klub 27. L concert was enjoyed by everyone L„gt We met many old friends tondes, Strugglers, Beacon«) and M also to John K rebel, the Polj-Jj^Louis Zorko, F. Francescin, J. John Lokar Sr., Bro. Jarc * Bro. Hribar. Etc. gsonf thoie we met in the metro-flit: Pauline Spik, a beautitian; Pals Inc., still looking for "Sugar"; Jean Centa, a "Bee" and active Prog-reeaive; Ann Bogataj, Roaa Sumroda, Rose Chandek, Olga Vehar, Jennie Turk, all Zarja membera; Jennie To-mazic, member of Deiavec; Marian Konchan, Rudy Konchan and Joaeph Konchan, active Commodora; Joaeph Jarc, active Comrade and poaaessor of a dynamic peraonality. Comrades are the largest Cleveland SNPJ lodge; they celebrated their 8th birthday on April 17; they are a jolly, active, congenial and intelligent group of young Slovenea. May auc* ceaa be with them at all timea! May 80, to Weat Newton where Westmoreland SNPJ Federation will celebrate SNPJ 30th anniveraary. Five yean ago Weatmoreland lodges celebrated 25th anniveraary of the SNPJ at Yukon where we met the late Joaeph Zavertnik. At the same celebration we had with ua Bro. Oscar Godina, President of the Chicago Pioneers. It waa then that I first got a glimpae of some of the Comrades. There waa but one E. S. lodge in this county then; now there are many, all united with the Senior lodge, for a common purpoae and on May 80 we will celebrate unitedly the 30th birthday of the SNPJ. What a prog, reaa! Later, five years ago, we participated at a similar celebration at Sygan where we have met new friends—the Muakcteers, Strabane Pioneers, Bro. Frank Zaits of-, the Proletarec, and othera. And now—30. maja gremo VSI na West Newton 1 Jane Fradel, Lodge 725. Your Health Goiter Coiter is a condition where there II áronic enlargement of the whole r i portion of the thyroid gland of krt «r prolonged duration. The thyroid gland is a ductleaa |ad lying in front of the upper gt of the windpipe, extending lat-pally to both aides of the neck, it Hiihet an internal secretion for •tody. It has influence upon meta-lian or tissue change or chemical Pfea whereby the function of body ftition ia affected. * Tb«rt are different types of goit-I One of the most common type !|»iter is a simple or colloid goiter. |i characterized by an extended Éugement of the gland, usually »doping st the age of puberty, M»Uy in girls. This goiter is iMd by excessive deposit of col-ü or glue-like material brought Ut by the lack of iodine in water i food. There are usually no phys-li diiturbances present and often »PP«ars upontsneously from ten to ton year*. In these cases small w of sodium or potassium iodide I liven for two weeks, twice a year, lu treatment often prevent, the wlopment of simple goiter in grow-I children. Adenomatous goiter—made up of »foul glandular epithelium cells— •jar» in children with enlargement ti* thyroid gland, or later in life wy be nodular (knob-like) and ■ » non-resisetnt tumor masa. On ■ustión this goiter is smooth, £ t"d tender- There may be no f«»I dmtnibances present from ■ k twenty years. Iodine should * » gwtn internally for this type pito. *r JwpHtalmic (hyperthyroidism) 1 fhmnic disease caused by J»«iv*, pr«y»,ahly abnormal, thyroid a lid m characterised by en-r*ínt oi the thyroid gland, buVg-LTÍ; h*art action, nervoua vomiting, diarrhea, and >*jjaed rste of basal metabolic mftf»m« appear. W r •M * *»Wr "M « ur* » - '»netto»» of the •«d th»ir clr-' '"My. Short-1 "toilt raapita, vmfitom 0f »«ffwtont sit» « '»dpip, aftd reapira-°f the i »ev, gifted by birth with muHieal ability will play two numbers on her accordion. She is Little ¿ulia Moyl. Little Marjorie Nierai gave us a -vocal hoIo. Our program ended whh a group of Slovene folk soi^a suijg by the members. After the entertainment luncheon was served. Our new entertainmnt committee consists of Mary Moyle, Art Niemi and Gasper Turk. Mary Moyl, Lodge 608. Univaraal Camila Universal, Pa.- The Comet»' Sprir.g Dance was a complete success. We owe our success to the representation ifcr With Comrades COMRADK MEDITATIONS accept the poaition of organising a Cleveland. Ohio—All of the SNPJ,girl»' baseball team. She feel» that of 10 lodge» It was a genuine pleas. ^ beginning of the year, have been ure to meet the out-of-town vUltora1 thus disturbing the circulation. Increase of pulee and palpitation of the heart are conatant features. Hoarse, neaa may be observed, paralysis of muaotoas of (the arm, numbness of the fingers due to presaure, irritability, nervouaness, reatleaaneaa, may be present. In apite of a goiter patient1 having 'a hearty appetite, there may be a loss in weight. The cure of chronic goiter is always favorable under proiper treatment, especially in children and young adulta. In practically all fully developed chronic caaea, operation ahould be done. The mortality ia mil if operated early enough. In the treatment of goiter, much dependa upon the efficiency with which bhe (primary cauae, whether it be fecal origin aa in waters, or in the intestinal canal, or toxins from tonsillar, nasal infections, or albacess-eas, etc.,' is eliminated. This muat be done thorughly. In contamined districts no water should be used as a beverage, or for cooking, or to waah edible foods, salads, fruits, etc., that has not been thoroughly boiled. All foci infeotion ahould be re-moved, such as infected tonsils, adenoids, abscessed teeth, etc. The amount of iodine to be taken for treatment should be preacribed by a physician. The general nutrition should be improved by rest, freedom from excitement, and a generous readily digeatable diet. Applications of X-Rays to the thyroid gland are sometimes beneficial. When medicinal measures fail after a fair trial, operative treatment is indicated. After operation, medical supervision for several years is always necessary, especially in severe cases. John J. Jlavertnlk, M. D. Stalwarts Kenoaha, Wis.—Did you miss the card and bunco party which was held April 11? We had a large attendance and they are already adking for another party. Just keep your eyes open for an announcement may soon appear that we shall sponsor another. I muat congratulate the members on the good attendance at our last meeting which was held at Srither and Sister Niemi's home. After the buaineas »part af the meeting we were sarpTtoed to find out that we also have some good radio artists in our lodge. Under the able direction of our announcer, Brother Arthur Niemi, we had a chance to "broadcast" a program through the Enbeesee. Here is our program in full. Indies and gentlemen: The Enbe#< see has graciously given us the air for an hour commemorating the Hth anniversary of Rtalwarts. The Proud, Virtuous and Gallant name of Stal-wart« shall herewith b<- braaoned thru the air on these ether wave» of magic. Our program opened with two numbers by the "MyaSery Singer"— Mofly Raunick. Now, following our vocaliit comes our moat respected Brother and Preaident, none other than good ale Oaaper Turk, who apoke on "Wine, Woman and Song." Bravo, Gaa, It eure waa a wonderful speech. Next on the program Is "Banjo" Joe Korin, playing "Goofua." Two beau tkful girls, owning up 1« the "mike." They toll ua that they are going to ■Ing "Did You Ever See a Dream Walk in' "—Ann Hlavacek and Motly Raunick. We also have an orator, Mrs. Mary Ctakoweki who gave her version of Paa» In the Boot» " A read-ing on "Da Le#tle Boy" as« given by Mary Moyl. Out tatontH c-»median, J«e Preaterl, wa« neat In line. H»ster Ann Movl apoke on lhr "Family Mj* agerie." The Child Piodlgee, who Faraat City News Foreat City. Pa.—One new member was accepted at our last meeting, Edmond Suponcic. Welcome into our ranks, Edmond. Through the courtesy of John Rak, we have received the Chicago Diatrict Federation's Souvenir Journal and Jubilee Program. A well prepared journal and program, we think. Thanks, Jane. It is also gratifying to see your column in Proaveta. Wc mis. the interesting articles by Anthony Pierce from up Waukegan way. Dip that pen, Anthony. SNPJ Thirtieth Anniveraary In addition to the six lodges of the Anthracite Federation, three non-member lodges—Nor. 45, 372, and (MM —have joined hands for tho purpose of celebrating the Thirtieth Anniver-sarv of the SNPJ. This group of nine lodges represents a combined total membership of about a thousand members, all working together with a common purpose in mind as it should be. We members of Lodge No. 124 will be celebrating our twenty-fifth anniversary at that time making it a double celebration for our lodge. Two picnics will be »pAn'tond by the Federation. One will be in Forest City on June 30, and the other in Luzerne on July 1. The following committee has charge of the local affair: J. Draslor, chair-man; F. Rataic, sec.; U Saaaoo, treaH.; of Lodge 124. Committeemen: J. Mydic, A. Mennard, of Lodge 45; M. Komoen, L. Vedowts, of Lodge 372; J. Taglar, F. Volk. of Lodge 050. Lukus Grove, which is the largest and best situuted grove ^vithif) our reach, has been secured. Music will •be furnished by Gershel's orchestra The president of the SNPJ, Bro. Vincent Cainkar, will address the audi ence. Tickets are now beiog diatrib uted among the different lodges and everyone is aaked to work hard at changing them into caah. The wide field in which Proavetnk Matica, JSF, ia carrying on ita useful work of distributing literature, plays, etc., can be judged by the fact that its membership in the past year was composed of 10b different or ganizationa. Among these were 81 SNPJ lodges, 15 cultural clubs ami U JSF clubs. Joaeph Draaler, Lodge 124. » Little Fort Lodge Newt Waukegan, III.—The Little Fort has purchased "The Native's Return" by Louis Adamic. Bro. Vic Gantar ia in charge of the book and any member wishing to read it plealtf register with Vic at the shoe store. Plans are )>eing made for our an annual picnic to be held on July 1. The committee has not yet been selected but will be at our next meeting. The next meeting will Ik» very intereeting bo be sure to attend. A program is being planned with all the members participating. Refreshments be served by Mayme Stritar, Frances Meeec, and Mary Mesec. Joseph Golob is our latest candidate for memberahip. The Sport» Club is to >>e disbanded and all important matters will he set-tied at the next meeting on May 11. Since the Sports Club is disbanded, the Youth League will sponsor, the girls' and boys' indoor team. Jdl*ns Bartel has been elected captain of the girl/ and Iggie Mesec captain of the boys' team. Any girls -wishing to Join the new- the Slovene Home on May 3. Personal a Vincent Pink is back In town and We hope we *ee a lot of him.- What'* happened to Foxey, Peadlr, Bum, Gua. and the reat of the gang?—The A »cay Club will hold ita meeting next Friday.—Now that Josephine nnd Richie are back from Florida we'll have two more member» at our meet-ing». Tillir and Ki«ly. LODGE NO. 5S9 and we hope to meet them at aome future time to help them celebrate their affair». The crowd as a whole gave us the impression that a goo I time was had by all. Every member» ha» already learned of the memberahip campaign which is now in progress. Are you aware of the fact that during our Jubilee Campaign you can fatten your pock-etbook and increaae your lodge mem-bership to a desirable number? You are now given the opportunity and there are many young men and women and children in your community eligible for admittance into Rngliah speaking lodge» here, »inre the beginning of the year, have been very active. Looking back we recall the »he ha»n*t the proper amount of I ta se ball knowledge neceaaary and that »ome others are more capable. Commodores Initial Dance, where we Please accept this resignation, a» it met a few out-of-town visitora^—and | is for the beat, shall always remember thg ¿{fair us a »octal success. Then the "Cbtnrade:.' dance held, previous to the Commodores' dance, following the Federation program and dance on April 8 and a woelc later the Beacoha dance on April 14. Right here we wiah to mention that we thank the Beacon» for the nice time they ahowed ua and we alao thank Johhnie Aynik for the lovely carnations. On tha( same nite we had the pleasure of having with us Jane Fradel of "the Torch of Lib- our Society. Now is the time to go!«r^ Lod»« «nd h«r iolk»- W* w«r* out and talk to the young people, get k!»d ^ h»v* y°u «nd *ou come and viait with us again. The Nite of the Beacon Dance, the ever active Mias Fradel, again brought into axiatence the "Bcea." The following are now membera of the "Bees"—Marian Konchan and Marie Zeits of the Commodorea; Vic Muagec, Mary Divureko and Anne Tiaven of the Boacona, Jvan Centa, ne»s and death. If you haven't an Dorothy Kerae, and Annette T re bee insurance fund of this sort, where of the Progreaaivoa. Wo, tho mom-will the money come from to pay|bcrs of the "Beva" in Cleveland, hope the»e bills? If you want to enjoy , »ome day to become acquainted with the peace of mind and a contented tho "Bees" In Pennsy. them interested, tell them of the ben-efits they will receive, backed up with a 100% guarantee. For the time allotted a lot can be accomplished. The first provision that every workingman and woman should make is a guaranteed fund which may bit used to pay doctor and honpital bills, burial costa, and all the numerous expenses arising out of the last sick feeling—join the SNPJ for these ben-cfits us a mean» of protection. Join now: For a bigger SNPJ, Joseph Caeaar. Progressive Patches B Z Z Z Z Z 11 > Our April meeting la»t. We rual-ly expected a muuh largo crowd since we're the aecond largeat lodge in the country and the firat in CI«* vuland. We had a great number of gueata from the Loyulite», Beacon», Progressives and (¡ommodoros. The Comrades wish to thank these friends and you can reut assured that at your next affair, you will sure see u Comrade. To President Fifolt: Pauline Spik Era "dances are gone but not forgot-(in sorry but she will not be able to ten. and yet to come is Progressive» | mmm*mrn—mm*mm Card Party and Dance to lie held i Tueaday, May 8th, at H p. m. at the j Slovene Society Home on Hecher ave. | From 8 to U:30 p. m. Cards and Bunco will lie played. And then | from 0:80 to 10 refreahmenta will be served and also u surprise is in store Bv the Busy Bees Euclid, O.—The Beacon Blue Hour, Strugglers Anniversary, and New Our opinion, as to a baseball team, i* that we"*re in favor of a girl»' team. We feel that thia may atir up the Comrade girla and bring out girla that never ahow up otherwise. So, get together and get organised. All the other English apeaking lodgaa will have teama, why not the Comrades? It was very nice of Mra. Joe Fifolt to donate a large birthday cake to donate a large birthday cake to the Comrades for our meeting last weak. The cake waa very lovely—with the inscription "Comrades Anniveraary" written on. It tasted good and we're sure that the Comrades, one and all, appreciate thia. Thanks, "Odda and Knda" With great pleasure we noticed where one lodge, the Montana Stara — ha» had u I00S attendance at their meeting, lan't that something to brag aUiut? Wonder what lodge will be next? Sorry that wo can neve gat out to the Commodores meeting, but we'll drop in aomvtime. The Progreaaivoa are ataging a bunco und card party after their next meeting, May 8,—Noticed where the Progressive are once more becoming active.—Four carloada attended the oBacon dance.—June Fradel inviting u» to Weat Newton to the Federation affair on May 80,—Congratulationa to the Strugglers on your Anniversary. May It lie as much and moro of a success as your past affaire. Memlier» of the Comrades will receive rircullara, etc., now since tin* purchase of u mimeograph machine. Saint and Sinner. Lodge Hews Notes MOIIAWKS' STII ANNIVKKHAKY I l a Salle. 111.-The Eighth Anniver-known only by the three "Busy Bees" Bary colebrntlon of the Mohwwk Uidge which I am sure will be enjoyed by w||| K„t under way at 7 p. m. on May all. Later dancing will follow. So q ut the Slovene Dom. Inasmuch a» far we have heard from the Five the Mohuwks havu an genuroqsly con-Beacon Girls, President of the Com-' trlbuted so much time to the success modores and the Comrades Crooner of other programs sponsored for tha that they will be there. Last but not Uncflt of the Dom und thy Thirtieth least we will have Door and Table Anniversary celebration of tho SNPJ, Priies. Everyone is invited to at- {a record crowd of appreciative pa-tend. Tickets can be had from any trcna ia expected. Not only for the one of the Progresslvos or bought at foregoing reason is so largti a turn the door. |out expected, but for the rea»on that i But wo muat n't forget our great- tho Mohuwks have proven themaelvoi est affair of tho year, our "Sixth jcaptble of presenting a program Anniversary" to be held on Saturday, most enjoyable to it» audience. May 20, at Slovene Hall on Hecher. Music- will be furniHhed by "Jackie Zorc." The adm. will l>e only 35c and Checking fre. More detaila later from the "Bee»." We, the Progres»ive Girl», now The program thia year feature» u three-act farce untitled "OH PRO FESSOU." Dancjng in both hall», beer and lunch in abundance. Only 25c in udvancu, at the door 35c. The la»t meeting waa well attended. the Progressive fellows for what wus Olgu Trdin anil Margaret said and done by us alMiut you three Waller Zero and Frank years ago, and wt> hope thut you ac> cept our humble apology. We thank you and hope to see you ull at our future meeting and dances. What's the matter with the reat of the Progressive writers? Why don't you write any more? Come on gang, let's get started again! Progressive Girla. prri ' Pt Integrity News Chicago. —The regular monthly meeting of the Integrity Ixxlge, No. 031, SNPJ, will lie held Tuesday, May H, at 8 p. m. Entertainment and ref^oahment will follow. Don't fail to attfcnd the meeting. Bring the good old spirit back again by attending 100%. The race 1» on for the Krigli»h ere, and Malmich. They were very well received, Sla tola Amelia .luk»e und Hose Novak furnished the hungry mob with d< licioii» refr«»hmeut». The Four News-Hawk i. ly organized Ringing Club report a^,an*«klng lodges^ It's up to us to WOl.VlvltINK LODGK Detroit.—l-odgv No. 077. Our next mooting will be held Sunday, May 0. There are several subjects to be ill»-cussed and a few members Initiated. You will find things rather Intel est Ing, so make It an appointment. G. O. M>DGK NO. 270 Itmiiihc) , O. Our l^odge is »poll soring a dance on May 20 for tho lM*n<*fit of the treasury. It will be held at the New Social hall at Long Run, O,, at 7:'M» p. m. Admission N6c und 25c. Neighboring lodges are cordially invited. Good music. Mary Koa«-nina. I^IH I.ODGK 74» Angeles, Calif. During CanoaMbarg. Pa. A dance Is to b<-sponsored by our mushball teama st the Slovene Hall on May 12. Many tickets have lx»«n Sold f«r the Universal Iron that 4a to lie given away at the May dance. If you haven't got your tickets to aell or need more. Just take a little walk up the hill and get them from Francej Tomsic. The Eaater dance went over with a'toft in the cold big aucceaa, and everyone seemed to The Integr'ty annual danr be having a grand old time. h»ld on N<»vrmbr» fj, |!»tM, from fight and fight hard to put tho name of Integrity at the top of the ll«t. I^et'a do our In'St. ¡.et rvetynnr uf un rlrlervilne now In grl nt leant one member u mouth from nou> to Ihr emI of Ihr eum/mígn. During the next few month's let the membership f,rat «luarterly meeting come In such n deluge that wo will j P»®«*«»* " ......... rcach the top ao far ahead of our nearest competitor that wo will stay there for all time (at least In Chicago). Help the Integrity to win . . (and foi yourself) one of the prises <>* <»< l'r"vi"u" "VT'^t offered by the HNIM Ut uiV.I- ,hr"U»h tat« no longer. Start the ball a rolling now. Jnst one m<*mlrt>r a month liy every Individual member from now until the clon* of the niNipaign. Kvriybody lovos u wlnm r so let us, all I* winners, you Integrity and me. Bring In your new memlier or.d have several nomination», at our next meeting. All the rest of the lodges ate taking advantage of the campaign and if we dont watch out we will he A couple of young fellow» Midway were also pre ant. Glad to have you anr.onj our crowd and would like to aee y<.\t at our; next dame, and more of your frlenda. Joe Hbtory will he initiated at the May meeting. Lot's hope hell be a great SNPJ b©o»ter Another member from among our wiid«t is going 1» take the oath for l»tter or wottr in Juat a few nor.- we*fc*. Rhe io Mia» Jowphi.te ( »uric, charter et«m»Wr <»f the r««.w r 1/df 6W, Publicity < wmmitt e. held on November NNPJ auditorium. M. will be at the our we had the of introducing two new inemliers into our l/odge, Miss Victoria Pa mi and Mr, Geo Maker, Ml»» |'a: o i» well known to most of the member», lieing pre»ent during some Mr, Ha ker, known more through the older meiuU-r», will in no time acquaint himself with the younger members. Moat of our office bolder» are young and will »<«• t«. it that it will lar not hard for anyone new to lie left out of place during met'Ung* or «idol function». 1 Good idea thia, "after »netting refreahmenta." Here's hoping every one keep» attending the meeting» Our meeting* are getting bigger and bet ter. Via** i hade» l^idge 743. Our next monthly meeting will be Muy (1. We hope that Juat a» many uf you us poaalble will attend a» matters of importance will lie discus»ed; the private party aa sponsored by the Federation, and llston everybody, the party la free. Albert Klurganlc liTV working In Chester, W. Va., and manuga» to come home every wcuk-end. Quito a few Pioneers at the homo of Frances Chcsnlo celebrated the coming marriage of. hor aUter Josephine. A few Pioneers had puits in the play given by the Dramatic club "Belli" at Pitta-burgh. Perbap» the new jur»oy» the muvbball team are getting will help them tu pluy bettor, Here's hoping tboy do. Thu new Jeisoy» will be scarlet with white letter». On the back of them will bo "IIINTON" and on tho front SNPJ. The mu»hhall team wiah tu express their appreciation to Bro. Illnton, who roccnlly tie-came u member, for furnishing the team with Jer»ev». Adieu unlit May 12. when we hope to mic everybody theie. The Beporter. DETROIT FEDERATION Detroit, Mich. The Detroit R, N. P. J. Federation 1» holding a »perlsI meeting at the Slovene Workers' Home, Friday evening, May 4, 1034, promptly at M o'clock. It la important that ull Federation delegate» attend, aa we have numerouB Items of Importance to discus*. In order to go iihead with our proposed plana, ull delegate» »hould be there. Make it your duly to com* and on time. Andrew Grum Jr., Fed. Sec'y, I .oilur No. »15 Canton, o. l.odtfc :j|5 1» sponsoring u dunce on Saturday. May 12, at 7 p. m. in Hungarian bsll, ^102 15th at, N. F. A Kdwaida live,, for the benefit of the lodge treasury. Admission 15c. Kefr*nhmeats and minstrel entertainment, Fveiybody InVlted. Frank Gun«, S»c'y, IU FFMO BIG KOI'II Buffalo. N. Y. The Buffalo Iffg Four cordially invite all the (Jowenda Boosters, Pathfinder« and neighlioriug lodge» to attend their Iflfth Annfver-»ary Dance to lie held at the Slovene Hall in Gowamla,ofhr*t r+jthmieai turna imfgino hie, pltnly of refrerhment« orto pr i <«wd» to go to the mu»hball loam». I» tie a big affair. A Uni* l«< t rit ut,* wdl be given going vitaal •way. Thf» tran«fe and Adolph recording — th w* again received twho'* years, . And only iremory leviva« tHem In ihe faithful MNPJ PIONKKRM! Dadle I'iakaulelk. L.lgt 550. PROSVETA About This and That DETROIT KYMBOI.IC OF YOLTH Détruit. Detroit ha* frit the Mid den upturn in business quit« as quick ly a» H <1x1 th* rapid «1erlu>« In I960. It seem» to be sort of senaitiva child, a.» eager in one direction a* it is in the other. It In« the complete aspects of met u» br.efly examine the d»ce and sec why. It will Ik* remembered by all observers that the auto industry haa boasted, and »till doe", that they were the reason for the great epoch of pro-( aperity during the post-war period. We muat grant them that point inao-far sa we admit that it wa» the freat-e»t agent of that boom. We may slao «ihnerve the fart that it WI» the suto indu »try which felt the blow of the crash firat and hardest, and it wa« the auto indu»try, which wa» the first and (juickeat to revive. Iri other worda, we curl gather from thi» that Detroit and it» auto indu»trie» are vital fac-tor» in the country'» economical »lability. It* great Sntenae reach out and feel thrdbbing of the nation. When the puîné i» fust, automobile» are in great demand; and when it weaken«, there i« no demand. Thu» the so-called captains of induatry take the fulleat advantage of the»« audden upturns and decline«: THfcy work their plant» at full capacity and their employee» to the limit of high production and efficiency. That i» the reason they are so utterly opposed to the unioni* zation of their plants. Unions would prevent this inhuman exploitation. In order to keep a market and to insure late them upon their achievements. They do know how to handle the whip. I wonder how long Detroit and the rest of the country will let this go on? What do you think? Now, here in this Detroit, in thia god-tiead of youthful modernism and this turmoil of unsUbility, some tight years ago sprung forth from its fofebearers an organization and lodge called the Young Americana and since that time recognized by that word of Youthfulness. We were born from our parenta, the Slovene lodges >ff the SNPJ. We were raised upon the principle on which that organization was founded 30 years ago, and taught in the achool of hard knocks and unpleasant experiences. We live in that environment which I had characterized as being Detroit, and have always held the principles of the workingman foremost in our hearts. We, the Young Americans and the Wolverinea, are the Slovene youth groups of Detroit. We have been energetic and shall continue to be so. Detroit has influenced ua in its waya. To othera in the Slovene groups throughout the country, we may have appeared at times to be too radical and eager for changes. But we do not feel that way. We are proud of that fact. We want to keep that spark of our predeceasors alive and full ot spirit. We want the SNPJ to grow and continue to do its good work for its people. Those funds-mental principles upon which it was founded and for which our pioneers a predicted number of sal*s each year atruggled so desperately must be aa well aa a preventive from annihi lation by competitors, the automotive experimental laboratories are constantly bringing out new and marked improvements in the construction and designs of cars. I may add, these are not for the convenience of the buyer, but merely a* new and improved selling points. What they want to »ay is, "Turn In your old 'jellopy' on »omething new and I letter." But with all of their master minds, they have not as yet figured out a way to keep their own employees employed the year round. And what is more, I doubt if they rare much whether they do or not. Men are merely tools in their hands. When they are worn out, they cast them to charity organizations and to the government with a mere, "Here, you take rare of them, we don't need them anymore. They're too old." They remember that there are plenty of men waiting outaide to take their places. Hut now I am getting beside thu point. We ran compare the automotive industry in the capitalistic system as a huge »urging wave on a searoast, nil*I the other» of the nation's industries aa break-waters of the port of capitalistic economical stability. Thi* automotive wave comes rushing in on us at comparatively regular ii,-tervals. The other Industrie», and businesses or break-waters allow stressed to the youth. We must not keep them only to ourselves, but we must spread them to the world. Our future and that of mankind rests aa much in our hands as it does in those of others. This is the thirtieth anniversary of the SNPJ. The Slovene Youth of Detroit recognize the .greatness of the work of our founders. We pay homage to the living and dead who have sacrificed and who have given their talent and energy that such a great and influential as well as beneficial organization be possible for us. It is our duty to go forth with all of our energy in this jubilee. We must carry on that work which those before us have begun. They are passing and we are coming! Let ua not shirk at our new responsibilities! Don't depend on the other fellow to do it all! He'll do hia part. See to it that you do yours. Let's all go out and see these eligible young people. Let's make them members! All »board for the good ship "Jubilee"! Let's bring back a worthy cargo! And so we say, "Bon voyage" and Good Luck! Fraternally, Henry Kaviaic, President, Young Americans Lodge 6C4. MOHAWKS La Salle. III. (Pinch-hitting for a News-Hawk.)—Wanted, a man, or a this surge ty slowly sift through as j woman, one who is not a wind vane, mere riples. These rlples last for j hot a water gauge, not a self-ap some time after the retirement of pointed pedagog, a mere slave to his the wave. They are the Indicator« friends, but a man, who ia a com whirh »how that industry is still ulive. They »ay, "Stand by, you fools! Another wave is conning." But personally I nm afraid that more break witters are «»clog built from day to day lieymtd Uifc immediate coastal ones. hination of heart, head, and one who has sense enough to favor circumstances. One who has that enthusiasm that never calculates its sacrifice«, and is willing to endure all things, good and 'bad. Good thing* They are breaking the gigantic wa\e ! an> sometimes harder to take than uf the past too far off shore. The bad. wave» themselves are becoming mere) Wanted, a man who loves his work; ripples. I who throws his whole heart into it; I do not mean to imply thai the who makes it his constant compan-auto industry ia the key to the whoL* Ion, waking and sleuping; who can, situation, although I do mean thiit it therefore, soe more in hi« work thun 1» an important one. Industries are1 ran any other, ami who, therefore, interdependent. The world is hecom- finds in it possibilities that bring hit mw too specialised to make any one whole nature into play; who catches independent of the others. The same from its very bareness of outlook an hiildn fur individuals. The days of inspiration that quickens the bloo I rugged individualism have faded with in his \ein«; one who inspires inapi the pa*l. ration; one who faces the dlfficul- Hut let on go «in with our rompaii ' »'Uh an indomitable temper. One »on of the youthfulness of Detroit. *ho feels if the Mge is not pro. Del mil'» industries are impulsive»'«•""Ing thai it Is largely hia fault, and «utft i t.i go forward, Tin y hnvr.°"e who ran change, on a minute's In« i.l. h. uti.l are eager to put tli. n | front n care-free devil-may ov.-i. Their passion for the "latest ,MU l»«rson into a serious, respon thing ..ot" predominant in th«-irj "O»!»« man. One who can change a modi mil.ill in 1« conservative and '»'*)"»ity of our younger set into-pe<» n .in out oystem, (Note this in n .i4- I'1«' firm, definite, well-ordere I * n 11 f Jim car by fhrysh-r ..r on paiticipanta of lodge activities. Kin- <>f (.fni-1»1 Motor»' car* n «ting tin it» knee* l.y minie curb.I I he iiihiIik »■» of y oiliIs m appan-iit m Hint killing *pt-«*d with which they go In Moik, in tln< exhausting maim, i in * In« h they «1«. things, ami in th tmal lit up when they slop a- - i| .Ii nly a» they Iw-jran. To thi in, Ih« y had finmhiil their task. Th. i pa« »ion» havr cooled. What at. they t.. ilo lull' They have di»»ipated their life in one mad fling a»"l n -w have nothing to do but alt ar >un«l and think of »umethlng hlgv i and better to do nest. When tfce <.|>;>.,r t mity route*, they go at .rt w»t a» ii im «ho ran build from a spark a huge bonfire; one who has Infinit« patience and pity for the weak; Wh. «III not' suffer them to hi» crowded t'i the wall, one who lielltfves there i more glory in the salvation of a weak «r brother than "stringing" alonj Midi the one who nerds n* master. One who m all thia will do littl«, after all,"than heln the fellow «ho is down, help himself. Ab ive all other thing«, one who feels that »» a man. he I« a born leader uf men, and *ht* doe« not propose to he di »•fa ted hy jealous outside intervals or rontraty fact ions, and a man who h»» fe»rr.»hiv again until once m«.t* thryI feeling that he still can fall prostrate. Is this not «hataeirt Is* ** »«'•rung, in other word» Ut* of th* youth of t«la> * Kager energetic, radical, conservati». lihtn drnng, tifthink trig, rtithless and »ym pattirtir, and mml of »11 the it nk< r of tomortow, tbr p»ogres*or» >.f ibf wertd? I »ee'ns tn have It» »harr of youtttful industrie« whteh hav* meiurvd lato powerful «vrilords. j The) havr Inmi trained In th. » h«« il of rapiiahtsi, F.v»n tn Ihei» suib komnro te ytold, thry ha«* > *lded| l" thr nnld af tlme Tt«i » mak • ebangr» at«l gIv« in )«*«! en'ough t" k»rp u|i witli th« ilrmand» ami lo pf> I serve that aystem upon wb .-h lh#y hav«» Urn *««' Telegram Paging Mohawks: I'm in favor of more lodge activities dealing with sporta. A very good source for inter-lodge activities. It should be encouraged. Brings together the athletic elementa of lodgea aa well ss the scholaatic elementa. Our after-meeting entertainment ia going to be both educational and entertaining, it seems. We have had one hot battle already, more to follow. Hope to sec more members at our next meeting. Nice work, "Team-ster," you're coming along like a big leaguer. Seen at the basketball games, Mary Mahnich, Rose Novak, Julia Mahnich, and Babe, sll waiting to aee our star, Joe Jakse, get into the game; sorry, girls, but, he's barred from league competition, seems he played professional ball aomewhere, which is a league violation. John Strell Jr., Lodge 673. JOHNSTOWN'S LODGE AFFAIRS Johnatown, Pa.—Regardless of the depression hanging heavily over us here in Johnstown, the SNPJ lodges are not forgetting to celebrate their anniversaries and the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ. Lodge Flood City celebrated their fourth anniversary and the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ on April 7 snd The affairs certainly were very successful. An exceptionally large ¿rowd attended the dsnce snd the well rendered program the following day, where our local lodge representatives and guest speakers emphasized the great value of our SNPJ organization and congratulated the lodge on its excellent progress during thft four years of its existence, remembering that the depression was big hindrance. In addition to the good speakers there were various kinds of musical selections, and a two-act comedy, Now Adolph," which was rendered without any criticism whatever. Besides all this each patron was presented with a souvenir booklet which was (printed through the courtesy of our local business men. April 14 was a big day for Lodge No. 82 SNPJ, which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ with a dance and play. Our Slovene Dom hasn't held such an enormous large crowd for a long time. That shows that every member wants to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the SNPJ. The play being a two-act comedy entitled "Two Vagabonds" (Dva potepuha), it contributed the audience with abundance of laughter, and was presented skillfully by local SNPJ members. Also a very good speetn wa» delivered by the president of the lodge mentioned. He discussed the jubilee campaign which is now the greatest event of the organization, and Urged all members of the SNPJ to try their best in getting more good members for the organization. It was the cooperation of the lodges that have helped to acquire these successes. So now next on the program Is "Nafta Sloga," Lodge No. 6041, SNPJ, which will entertain in the Mox. Slov. Dom, May 19, with a play and dance. The play, a three-act dramit "Wedding Night" (Poročna noč), with a prologue will be presented. Frank Seibert's orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. I^et'a cooperate; and make thi« celobratlon a success. Mary Konchan. Sec'y. IxKlge 600. PIONKKRS OF CANONSBURG Strabane, Pa.-The Pioneers' mush-ball team is preparing for the Muah-hall dance to be held May 12 at the SNPJ Hall with Joe Pape's orchestra funishing the music. Also there will lie a "universal iron" given away. Any lodge» wishing to play Mush-ball with the Pioneers please write to the Brooking Manager Frank Pro-gar, Strabane, Pa., box 261, and he will answer your request. The boys' team is taking part in the Federation league and City It ague, which is composed of ten teams; they started to play April 23. Manager Frank Rosmon is working hard to put the lioys in shape fur the season; they are expecting to win the championship in bothc league«. The iptchers: Juhn Podlioy, Tony I'rogar and Albert Florganic; the catchers: John and Sam Deliarso and Frank Progar. The others will tie as following: Frank and August PudUiy, Jack Chesnic, Frank Tom-tic, Joe Delost, Joe Ho)sy; John Pro-gar, Joe Krultz, George Gnatovich, and Frank Sterle with Joseph Kokllch taking the part at watetlioy. Any other memliers wishing to take a tryout please notify the Manager Frank Rosmon, The Pioneers are anxiously waiting the time to play J. Z. Jrs., which ha» promised the Pioneer« a defeat of 16 to 0. A group of I'luneers boys are planning to take a trip to Cleveland and visit some of the SNPJ lodge». The date ha» no! as yet been set. The Pioneers have twen going to different SNPJ dances, and reported on hat ing a very good time. We w«mld like to see some of the lodges uf this Vicinity attending our danee May 12 as we will promise everyone a goud time. .. The next meeting will he held May H, at SNPJ Hall. We would like to *ee more members attending }he meetings. -He Three * Proud ffl Balnsg ta SNPJ Auburn, III.—While reading through the weekly Prosveta and noticing how many of the English Speaking lodges, as well as the Senior lodges are working for the SNPJ'a 30th Anniversary and agitating for a better and bigger SNPJ, it c$rtamly make» one feel proud to think that he belong» to tuck a great Fraternal So• eiety. An Organization which has prospered more since its origination thirty years ago, than has any other Important Time and place—Slovene Workers' Home, Saturday, April 14 (not April 4, as mentioned in laat week's issue of the Prosveta). The play starts at 8 p. m. we know of. Thi» Fraternal Society treat» all of her member» equally snd comes to their assistance when necessary, helping them out when their needs are greateat. This, then, is the reason why the SNPJ has been progressing so rapidly. Since the membera know how the SNPJ haa helped them when they needed help, they have advised others to become members so that they too, may have these opportunities which are granted by the SNPJ. Therefore, YOU, who are not yet members, wake tip and join the biggest and best organization—the SNPJ. The motto, "Every member bring in a new member," ia an excellent one. It should aid greatly in enlarging our Society and bringing in new membera who wifl be a benefit to the Individual lodge as well as to the Organization itself. And of course, the SNPJ will si way« be st hand ready to help the membera just as she has helped thousands of others. The Proaveta also deserves much praise. Just think what we would do without this paper. Why, we wouldn't know anything about our Society, slater lodges, new items, etc. The I'rotveta i» a newtjmper which it very interesting and beneficial to everyone. Through it we grasp new ideas and sre taught new problems just sa we were taught new problems in achool. We can then say that the Prosveta ia a means of education right at home, sitting in your easy chair. Through the Proaveta we alao become acquainted with our Fraternal brothera and aiatera. Even though we may not be personally acquainted with them it seems that by reading their interesting articles week after week we really know them real well. Therefore we ahould work hard to get new aubacriptiona for the Pro• aveta so that it may too, in later ycare, come to ua a larger paper. Maybe we could them have four or five English pagea. Wouldn't that (h wonderful f Now let ua all work more then we have ever done before to make our pNPJ still bigger; so that when she celebrate« her 40th Anniversary she will still shine out as brightly as she baa in the psat. Yours for a bigger and better SNPJ, Francea Homez, Lodge 336. Stcirt Nt« Sibtcribars , for lb« MPROSVETAr Fraternal Protection (Written in honor of present membership drive.) Cleveland.—To sell fraternal protection, requires a limited amount of knowledge and a good deal of patience. It isn't necessary to be a windjammer. Remember that you can never influence a prospect by a ceaseless flow of language. The aver-age man knows very little about the real value of protection offered by our Society. Therefore it is necessary to quietly explain to him juat how SNPJ protection will fit into the economy of affairs in his home and will aid his loved ones after he is gone. A thorough explanation without any high-pressure selling will accomplish more. Have a thorough knowledge of your Society or, in plain language, know the goods you are selling, and with an impressive approach it will work wondera. Wf find that in the insurance field some of the most successful agents are tho»e who talk little and impresn deeply. Success comes to a man who ia willing to be self-made through his own effort« and not the efforts of some one else. During these untiring limes we need men and women of viaion, with will-power ami determi-nation to go forth and dig up those new members, i You must make plan« for the future (that wilt afcaure permanency and progress in your Imlge, «ml the beat way to do it ia—be willing to carry on even in the face of defeat. Future welfare and proaperity depends upon our youth—our English lx>dg yo«r part. And remember that it isn't the gun that bring« down the game, hut the man behind It. The following is an item that bears a meaning nt loyalty plu« larV of tnowledg* of Kraternaliam. It's the cashier's cage of a large insurance rnmpnny A timid little old lady had '"••n appearing re«rularly for year* t«t pay the quarterly premiums on her husband's life insurance policy. A few days ago she came in and told the caahier, in a small voice, "I'm afraid I can't make these paymenta anymore." "What ia the matter?" the cashier aaked her. "Well," answered the little old lady, "It'a the hard times and sll. There ian't as much work for me as there used to be, and my husband doesn't contribute anything anymore—he's been dead for three years." • While the little old lady wept the cashier looked this matter up and found that it was true. He was dead but no beneficiarv wes nnmed, the death benefit remaining in the com-panya' hands until legally releaaed. For three years the little old lady was paying her husband's premium and for three years the company accepted it. Think it over, folks, and work for tho SNPJ! Submitted by John ("Lindy") l*kar. Lodge 614. Or AdamieV'Rthm" Pueblo, Colo.—Interesting and intriguing beyond compare la the word description of Jugoslavia by Louis Adamic. In this, his latest, he has outdone himself in writing. His descriptions are vivid, the people live and breathe; the whole book gives an air of vital strength, stolid stoicism, a certain "do or die" atmosphere. To us—those who have been born in America from Slovene stodc—Jugoslavia is synonimous with the "old country." A place vague and dim, but interesting, to be sure. It is a place wher« all are farmers, with the Alpine crests shooting into the sky. Interesting, yes, but too distant, too in-comprehensive to us who have known nothing but the modern trend of speed, and mixed peoples, where each is for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. We listen with little attention, or none at all, to the tales of Jugoslavia the old folks have to tell. It is meaningless jargon to us. But now, we can live in pleasant Slovenia; we can exchange gossip with the peasantry. We can enjoy the peaceful rural life through the medium of 'The Native's Return." In the book, the country, the people are real, startlingly real. Is it because Adamic compares its natural beauty with the artificially angular and powerful New York, or is it that it is so wonderfully different than his thoughts had depicted it? We can dimly guess at the author's hesitancy to enter the country of his birth, his uneasiness. We can perceive how his interest is awakened and spurred by the family, the country, and the people. His natural ability asserts itself and he records his impressions. His description of the Galachian colony in its barren mountain fastnesses drips with the romance of their struggle for life, their boundless courage and faithfulness for home. His description of Montenegrin life bears the burden of the hard struggle for life, of their strength against privations. But there is no use i rewriting his book. It 1s enough to say that the story (it is more than a story) is one that when begun with will not be released until finished. It is what the young Slovenes in America need to make them see, and know of the courageous stock to which they belong. To know that they come from a people of high moral and physical courag«, of a people who are able to think, to recognize a crisis, and yet be patient, and aympathetic. A people that are so full of hospitality that each literally lives to give. A wonderful country, a wonderful people. A book to be read and enjoyed—and itudied. Joe Hochevar Jr. • 1 WEDNESDAY Mj ON ADAMICS LBCTUf Oakdale, Pa.-Loui, Adam* . of several books and thT published "The Nstiv« M stirred the audience with an ing speech, Sunday, March 25 Canoneburg Slovene Hall The HrinH the, !n8pirin* Mr. Adamic s last year'» trio goslavia. Speaking p»rt,cul«, the younger generation, he ftV( an excellent discription of the try in which many uf their were born. Anyone wishing to l**«^ fully acquainted with the land ancestors should read hi» |ttMt We, a people, who are g()0(i wj workers, should by higher *d„c and greater participation in po| issues become better known and predated by this country. So the Slavs have been too passive indifferent. Through our fr»u organization there are »till and unlimited possibilities to »c| the ideals set forth. These m»j ever be fully realized, but at we should let the rest of the Ai cans know that "we are here," »» Adamic laughingly and regret] stated, "that even Washington is aware of our presence." We should be very proud of Adamic. His tharming talk w»^ spiring to the large audience. }| every effort to hear him. I kM you that you will get from him much pleasure and food for thoi as I did. John Opeks J Ljudje, ki trp« n« KOŽNIH BOLEZH DOBE TAKOJ POMOČ s tsu, 4a rab slavno POSTIH KOŽNO MAZILO, raca rabi na ti»>fa ■ la tmak s najboljši apahom » idr** kotnih apuhljajtv, IJev in makih mamt obrazu, rane ki »r i ta zdraviti, arbe*itc a—«■ tema «namenja, to v 1.1. . , . «'«M blep». Velik Ion ¿de na prodaj ta 11.50 , atvom, ako uapeh ni u-dovolil*, ae vam vrne de-n«r. Citajte kaj pravi «*ba, ki rabi naio kotno mar.ilo. "Porabila aem en londek In to je napravilo ¿ude« u me. Na kratko oblatilo j« moj obrss, roke in vrat. Pošljite ml «e en lonček." Misa K. H Parna, O. Za mašilo plačate kadar a« vam iateca prineae na vat dom PORTERS DRUG C0., »ep 1«08 Mllwauka« Are.. Chlesi* POTU Zopet razpošiljamo stsrokn koae, katere tudi popolnoma j»a in garantiramo. Motike ii itaje ga jekla in razno drugo orodje, ceni je poitnina viteta. Pošljite z naročilom poštno nakaznico "M Order," ali pa gotov denar. Cene so: Motike, ročno kovane iz stsjer- skega jekla ................I Kose zvane M OTOK K z riaks 26, 28, 30, 32 palcev dolgo... Koae poleranke, bol ozke, sano 30-32 palcev dolge....,...... Koaiila iz javorjevegs les» ... Klepalno orodje iz štajerskega jekla, par................... Brusilni "Bargamo" kamni, 5fc. večji ....................... Ribežni za repo ribat dva noi».. Naslovite pisms ns: STEPHEN STONICH Box 275 Chisholm, M Agi tirajte za ProiTeK S r N I) ONLY Tli I C O U I» O N n E LOW Win'lJ SO* os- H u »e k S .i n il %i.zsoU' C.itl»! To je na« nails odftaisnja Ml *** da ljudje vaepov»«H l»v«d« 1« » «najo da ao dele*nl U*a velik*« *** denarja. P*«* Prv** s»a»"«sa IS.Mf.SC v*Uvti toénn.1, je »* » * rih velikih dobltnlh naarad I*"* " v»éjl duMtefc je IWê.SS. I««" * in «• veliko drugih. Tie«'* «■toO»* 1 ta im« fcne drei* nafrad* » «ele»le!. K vam v« pojaanimo ko pin»"" r,< " »•»«»r. Tu je vaèa prilika O*""**' ' dan*. Poti jlte U h'it»"" ak« *» teh t ah ritih okrnim Steril» •• Tukaj je dovolj denarja aa nekn*a. Ali M ra ne imeli radi tudi vi T Jat »a bom od- dal prW Ml «elimo a Um hitro oclatati nato torovlno In raatlritl nate produkte Nekdo. mu«o«e vi, bo dohtl nov Bulrfc Hrdan In ll.tSO.OO v «oiovini In te poao-bej aa toinoat 12.260 n«. vae v aotovlnl ako tako «elite. V alulaju enakpetl a« It-plata enaka nagrada. ~ Nedvomno «elite dohiti ta maanlfloentnl «bitiitek. Tedaj li»*lnite kapan apodaj In na ta aatla »eetanete lahka enakopravni v priliki d« dobitkov do II.SM.OS. Ampak v| m f .rele kiti to*nt. Ali moriti najti 5 obrazov Je Mlwvi lakati obrat« med drevjem, oblakih Itd., na allik na Atmn« Ko Ii va«e »*l dovolj motne najti jik T Neka) njtk aleda direktno na vas. nekaj >e nt,rn*nih dol nekaj fforl — drugi ao ••k *trani. NI toko lahko ko nekateri ljudje m i» 11 jo ampak ae ne «mete u-•i ra t it I glejte In |t*||» m«*o«e jih »..«tote natll R. lik najdete taaoawaj t» lik to poti»!« vat odgovor nam laket. Nitrat Veliko ljudi je «e dobilo velike dobitke v gotovini „d druti> prt katerih •om jat pridruten Nekaj )th je doMle P* ved itooí dolar tov. Imena ao vam na mtpoUa» ako v»ratate , __ Ne pošiljajte nobenefa denarja--tamo pošljite kup»" Vae kar toiate nai.ra.ln le doktte » nkraaav. ako g»«rato — Mi kialtmn takoj i«4v"*nrill to pMS •toll kako atajtto t tonar m I tp tatito voeh d. tU ak« '"»i» t«*ai »s t* dul it« prvi 4>dkllek 0 r gTATTON. ttlt Grand Aw*» Dm Motno». lo«a f kov« fount I ptoiur* and | 1 a tond i Add rea» ....... • rug.