| 7 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L Dušan Petrovič glavni urednik | Editor-in-chief NOVA UREDNIKA IN ŠE KAJ NEW EDITORS AND MORE Drage bralke in bralci Geodetskega vestnika! Nikoli ni prav lahko prevzeti dela in zadolžitve za nekom, ki je oboje opravljal z veliko uspeha in zagna- nosti, je pa lepo vedeti, da nadaljuješ v dobrih razmerah in utečenem okolju. Novica ni povsem nova in vestni bralci Geodetskega vestnika ste v zadnji številki leta 2021 lahko prebrali, da dosedanja glavna in odgovorna urednica dr. Anka Lisec po osmih letih izjemnega dela in truda predaja vodenje revije v druge roke. V letih dela na mestu urednice je ob podpori izdajatelja Zveze geodetov Slovenije, Oddelka za geodezijo Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo UL, sponzorjev, uredniškega odbora, tehničnih sodelavcev, recenzentov, piscev, lektorice in tudi nas, bralcev, vzorno skrbela za razvoj naše znanstvene, strokovne, poljudne in informativne stanovske revije ter tako nadgradila trud vseh predhodnih urednikov in sodelavcev. Ob zahvali za njeno opravljeno delo in prizadevnost lahko le upam, da nam bo s skupnimi močmi tudi v naslednjih letih uspelo ohraniti revijo vsaj na dosedanji ravni, a jo hkrati razvijati v skladu z vsemi spremembami, ki nam jih prinašajo tehnologija in družbene razmere. Vlogi glavnega in odgovornega urednika Geodetskega vestnika sta bili tako pri zadnji urednici kot pri še nekaj njenih predhodnikih združeni, sedaj pa si ju bova razdelila s kolegom s fakultete dr. Miranom Kuharjem. Verjameva, da bo v vrvežu današnjega časa in ob številnih obveznostih to prednost; po eni strani bova tako skušala zagotavljati hitro odzivnost do piscev, recenzentov, pa tudi do bralk in bralcev, po drugi strani pa bova, zagotovo vsaj v začetnem obdobju, lahko drug drugega opozarjala na morebitne nerodnosti, ki se pri tako obsežnem delu vsekakor lahko zgodijo. Koliko bova uspešna, boste bralke in bralci zagotovo najbolje opazili sami. Posebnih sprememb v načinu dela in ekipi, ki sodeluje pri pripravi vestnika, ne predvidevava, se pa za delo in sodelovanje zahvaljujem dvema dosedanjima ožjima sode- lavcema: dr. Boženi Lipej, nekdanji glavni in odgovorni urednici revije, ki je zadnja leta kot področna urednica skrbela za področji upravljanja in evidentiranja nepremičnin, ter dosedanjemu skrbniku spletne strani dr. Klemnu Kozmusu Trajkovskemu. Vsekakor verjamem, da bomo še sodelovali v drugih vlogah. Zato pa z novim letnikom uvajamo dve tehnološko-oblikovni spremembi. Za najširši krog uporabnikov je najpomembnejša vzpostavitev nove spletne strani. Tehnološki razvoj in novi trendi pri oblikovanju vsebine in dostopa do spletnih strani so terjali posodobitev in zamenjavo dosedanje spletne strani, ki je vsekakor uspešno opravljala svojo vlogo v vseh dosedanjih letih. Nova spletna stran je bolje prilagojena uporabi in | 8 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA L branju na različnih napravah, od tabličnih računalnikov do prenosnih telefonov, vlogo dosedanjih dveh kazal v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku prevzema izbira jezika celotne strani, spremenjena je grafična podoba. Posebej nadgrajeno je iskanje prispevkov nekdanjih izdaj in letnikov, saj je kar za vse izdaje od leta 1953 naprej mogoče poizvedovanje po naslovih, avtorjih ali ključnih besedah namesto dosedanjega pregledovanja celotne številke, kar bo zagotovo zelo olajšalo iskanje arhivskih člankov in objav. Seveda bomo veseli vseh vaših odzivov, morebitnih predlogov za izboljšanja ali opozoril na morebitne napake, ki se pri prenosu velikega števila podatkov iz enega v drug sistem lahko tudi pripetijo. Druga sprememba, ki jo uvajamo, pa je skorajšnja vzpostavitev spletnega sistema za oddajanje, recenziranje in spremljanje prejetih znanstvenih člankov. S tem bomo predvsem olajšali delo avtorjem, urednikom in recenzentom, hkrati pa zmanjšali možnosti zamud ali izgub člankov pri posredovanju prek elektronske pošte. Za obe novosti je zaslužen dr. Robert Klinc s Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo UL. Sicer pa boste v tej številki kot običajno lahko prebrali nekaj novih znanstvenih dognanj, spoznali nekaj novosti in zanimivosti iz stroke, dobili navdih za pregled ali branje knjige, morda pa nostalgično obudili spomin na nekdanji računski pripomoček. Ne spreglejte najave letošnjega jubilejnega Geodetskega dneva in še kakšne druge novice. | 9 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 66/1 | UV OD NI K | E DIT OR IA LDear Readers of Geodetski vestnik, It is not an easy task to take on the duties and responsibilities of a person who was so successful in their endeavours; nevertheless, it is a relief to know that favourable working conditions have been established and things run smoothly. The news is not entirely new, and avid readers of Geodetski vestnik could notice in the last 2021 issue that, after eight years of exceptional and hard work, the preceding editor-in-chief, Anka Lisec, PhD, was resigning from her position. Through all these years and with the support of the publisher, the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia, the Department of Geodetic Engineering at the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering of University of Ljubljana, sponsors, the editorial board, technical staff, peer reviewers, authors, language editors and also us, the readers, she has maintained a high standard in the development of our scientific and professional journal, together with its popular and informative pieces. Thus, she honoured the achievements of her predecessors, editors and members of editorial team alike. I would like to thank her for all the work she did, and I can only hope we are able to maintain the quality of the journal with joint efforts in the coming years. At the same time, we aim to pursue the course open to numerous changes resulting from developments in technology and society. Thus far, the roles of the chief and executive editors have been merged, but they will be split between my colleague from the Faculty, Miran Kuhar, PhD., and I. We see this as an advantage given the frantic times and numerous other responsibilities. On the one hand, we will be able to provide a quick response to authors, peer reviewers and readers; on the other, we will be able to, at least during the initial period, catch one another's mistakes, which may easily occur with all the complexity that editorial work invol- ves. And it is you, dear readers, who will be the best judges of our success. No radical changes in the way work for the journal is done are envisaged; we would like to thank two members of the editorial team for the parts they have played: these are Božena Lipej, PhD., former editor-in-chief of the journal, who recently has worked as the field editor for Real Estate Management and Recording, and to Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski, who has worked as website administrator. I do not doubt we will cross paths in some other duties again. Notwithstanding, two technological and design changes are being introduced in this year's volume. More important for the wider public is the development of a new website. Technological developments and recent trends in the design and access to web content call for the modernisation and replacement of the present website, which has undoubtedly been serving its purpose well in all these past years. The new website is better adapted to use on different devices, ranging from tablets to smartphones; in addition, the two separate list of contents in Slovene and English have been replaced by two language variants of the entire page. Graphic design has also been changed. The most important improvement is the enhan- ced search for the articles in the archive, including all the issues and volumes from 1953 to the present. Now it is possible to filter the search according to titles, authors, or keywords instead of searching issue by issue. This will definitely enhance the user experience. We would definitely be glad to receive your comments, suggestions for improvements, or corrections, as mistakes are bound to occur when a large amount of data is being transferred from one system to another. The second change will be implementation of an on-line editorial system for the submission, reviewing, | 10 | | 66/1| GEODETSKI VESTNIK and monitoring of the tendered professional papers. This will predominantly make the work easier for the authors, editors, and peer reviewers. It will also reduce the possibility of the articles being late or lost, which may happen if they are transferred over e-mail. Both improvements are the result of the work of Robert Klinc, Ph.D., from the Faculty of Civic and Geodetic Engineering. As usual, this issue brings to your attention some recent scientific findings; you will be able to learn about new and interesting features in our professional field; you might get an inspiration for a peek into or a proper reading of a book; this issue might also evoke sweet memories of a vintage calculating device. Please don’t overlook the announcement of this year's jubilee Land Surveying Day, and other news.