8 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Srce in ožiLje Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 1 University Medical Centre Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia 2 Department of Cardiology, Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain und Am Urban, Berlin, Germany 3 Rostock University Medical Center, Rostock, Germany 4 Department of Cardiac Surgery, Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany Korespondenca/ Correspondence: Anže Djordjević MD, e: anze.djordjevic@gmail. com Ključne besede: TAVi; bikuspidna; aortna; zaklopka Key words: TAVi; bicuspid; aortic; valve Citirajte kot/Cite as: Zdrav Vestn. 2017; 86(1–2):8–18 Srce in ožiljeizvirni znanstveni članek Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis: Acute and intermediate-term outcomes in a high volume institution Transkatetrska vstavitev aortne zaklopke pri bolnikih s stenozo bikuspidne aortne zaklopke: kratko- in srednjeročni rezultati v ustanovi z velikim obratom bolnikov Anže Djordjević,1 Giuseppe D’Ancona,2,3 Axel Unbehaun,4 Stephan Kische,2,3 Hüseyin ince,2,3 Miralem Pašić4 Izvleček Izhodišče: Prikazujemo rezultate naše skupine bolnikov z bikuspidno aortno (BAV) stenozo, ki smo jim perkutano vstavili umetno aortno zaklopko. Metode: Retrospektivno smo analizirali perioperativne podatke in podatke s kontrolnih pregledov. Vsi bolniki so bili zdravljeni z metodo transkatetrske vstavitve aortne zaklopke (angl. transcatheter aortic valve implantation, TAVI) v centru z velikim številom posegov. Rezultati: 33 bolnikov z bikuspidno aortno zaklopko (55–87 let) smo zdravili z metodo transkatetr- ske zamenjave aortne zaklopke. Srednji logistični EuroSCORE (angl. European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation) je bil 23,2 ± 19,3. Večini pacientov smo vstavili zaklopko Edwards Sapien® s transapikalnim pristopom (87,9 %). 9 bolnikom (27,3 %) smo morali dodatno balonsko razširiti zaklopko zaradi zmerne do hude paravalvularne regurgitacije, 3 bolnikom (9 %) smo morali vstaviti drugo zaklopko zaradi vztrajajoče hude paravalvularne regurgitacije, 2 bolnika (6 %) pa smo morali nato še klasično operirati s pristopom preko mediane sternotomije. Po posegu je bila blaga aortna regurgitacija prisotna pri 12 bolnikih (36,4%), zmerna AR pri 3 %, regurgitacije večje kot stopnja 2, pa nismo zabeležili. Uspešnost delovanja aortne zaklopke po perkutani metodi smo glede na merilo VARC (angl. Valve Academic Research Consortium) ocenili na 82 %. Med bolniki z in bolniki brez paravalvularne regurgitacije po posegu ni bilo pomembnih razlik v anatomiji BAV, razporeditvi kal- cija in velikosti ter tipu vgrajene umetne zaklopke. 30-dnevno preživetje je bilo 100 %, 2-letno pa 70 % (CI: 52.7–93.1), kar je podobno pri bolnikih s paravalvularno regurgitacijo po posegu ali brez nje. Zaključki: Transkatetrska zamenjava aortne zaklopke je izvedljiva pri bolnikih s stenozo bikuspidne aortne zaklopke. Tudi v izkušenih centrih je tehnično zahteven poseg povezan z večjim številom do- datnih balonskih dilatacij, vstavitvijo dodatne druge zaklopke ali potrebo po klasični kardiokirurški operaciji. Zanimivo bo videti, ali bodo rezultati podobni tudi pri novejši drugi generaciji perkutanih aortnih zaklopk. Abstract Background: We report our experience with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in pa- tients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) stenosis. Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 9 iZVirni ZnAnSTVeni čLAneK Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Prispelo: 3. 9. 2016 Sprejeto: 26. 12. 2016 Methods: Perioperative and intermediate-term follow-up data were retrospectively analysed. All procedures were performed within the premises of an experienced high-volume TAVI centre. Results: Thirty-three consecutive BAV patients (age 55 to 87 years) underwent TAVI. Mean logistic European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation (EuroSCORE) was 23,2 ± 19,3. Transapi- cal Edwards Sapien® valve was implanted in the majority of patients (87.9 %). Nine patients (27.3 %) required post-ballooning of the implanted valve for moderate to severe paravalvular leak, 3 patients (9 %) required a second valve implantation for persistent severe paravalvular leak, and 2 (6 %) re- quired conversion to conventional surgery. Post-operative mild aortic regurgitation (AR) was pre- sented in 12 patients (36.4%) and AR = 2 in 3 %. No AR > 2 was observed. The device success rate ac- cording to the valve academic research consortium (VARC) criteria was 82 %. Similar BAV anatomy, calcium distribution, type and size of implanted valve were noticed in patients with and without residual AR. There was no thirty-day mortality. Two-year estimated survival was 70 % (CI: 52.7–93.1) and was similar in patients with and without post-procedural residual paravalvular leak. Conclusions: TAVI in BAV stenosis is feasible but, even in experienced centres, is technically more challenging and is associated with a higher rate of post-dilatation, re-valving, and conversion to conventional surgery. Results should be re-tested in light of the recent introduction of second-gen- eration TAVI prostheses. 1. Introduction Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) has been considered a relative contraindication for transcatheter aortic valve implanta- tion (TAVI) mainly because of the theo- retical risk for uneven and incomplete prosthesis expansion and wall apposi- tion, resulting from calcium asymmetric distribution in the annulus, commis- sures, and aortic valve leaflets, which will eventually lead to consequent increased rate of prosthesis malfunction and para- valvular regurgitation. Although there are reports describing the feasibility of TAVI in patients with BAV, experience remains restricted, of- ten referred to multicentre cohorts, and with limited mid-term follow-up infor- mation (1-8). We present our experience focusing on preoperative BAV anatomi- cal data, perioperative findings, and in- termediate-term clinical results. 2. Methods Perioperative and intermediate-term follow-up data of all patients with BAV treated consecutively with TAVI from May 2008 to April 2014 at the Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany, were retrospectively analysed. Type of BAV, annular geometry, calcium distri- bution, and calcium amount were all re- corded. All patients had signed consent to the procedure and to the processing of their data for medical and scientific purposes. 2.1 BAV Classification Aortic valves were classified as bi- cuspid according to preoperative multi- slice computed tomography and trans- oesophageal echocardiography and were arranged in 3 groups (9). Fusion of two of the three aortic leaflets was observed in all patients. If the fusion occurred between the right and the left coronary cusps, the BAV was classified as type 1. Similarly, type 2 BAV included fusion of the right- and non-coronary leaflets, whereas fusion of the left- and non-cor- onary cusps was classified as type 3 BAV. Moreover, the presence or absence of a raphe was marked with a “+” or a “-“ , re- spectively (placed next to the valve type). Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 10 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Srce in ožiLje Figure 1: Percentage of different BAV morphological types as observed in our patient group. 2.2 Geometrical Annular Data Geometrical annular information was analysed using multi-slice cardiac com- puted tomography. Measures included: aortic valve (AV) annulus at the insertion of the aortic cusps (perimeter derived di- ameter, major and minor axis), native AV area, LVOT, aortic root, sinotubular junc- tion and ascending aorta maximal diame- ters. The annular ellipticity index (EI) was calculated as the ratio between the semi- minor and the semi-major aortic annulus axis (EI = b/a, where a is semi-major and b is semi-minor axis). We also calculated linear and numeric eccentricity, as previ- ously described by our group (10). 2.3. Aortic Unit Calcification Information about calcification score were obtained from multi-slice comput- ed tomography and expressed as the AV and LVOT calcified volumes. Moreover, the calcification area and distribution on each of the cusps was also evaluated. Measurements were performed auto- matically using the dedicated planning workflow from the software 3mensio Valves® (Pie Medical Imaging BV, Maas- tricht, the Netherlands). 2.4 Implantation Technique Two different prostheses were im- planted: transapical Edwards SAPIEN® valve (Edwards Lifesciences, Inc., Irvine, California) and transfemoral Medtronic CoreValve® (Medtronic, Inc., Minne- apolis, Minnesota). All procedures were performed under general anaesthesia and following previously described and established protocols  (11-13). Rules for prostheses sizing did not differ from those normally applied for TAVI in tri- cuspid AV stenosis (14). 2.5 Perioperative and Follow-up Evaluation Perioperative results were collected and procedural success/complications were classified following the Valve Aca- demic Research Consortium (VARC) recommendations. Intraoperative trans-oesaphageal and pre-discharge trans-thoracic echocardiography were performed. Paravalvular and valvular regurgitation was calculated and classi- fied as mild (I), moderate (II), and severe (III) according to semiquantitative and quantitative parameters (15). Trans-prosthetic gradients were cal- culated together with indexed effective orifice areas (EOAi) and eventual patient prosthesis mismatch (PPM) (16). Clinical follow-up through outpatient visits (one month after discharge) and telephone contacts (after rehabilitation and one year after the procedure) was performed. 2.5 Statistical Analysis Data are presented as absolute num- bers, percentages, and mean ± standard deviation. Patients without and with residual paravalvular leak ≥ 1 at the end of TAVI were compared. Comparisons were also performed with patients that required prosthesis re-ballooning, second valve implanta- Bicuspid Valve Type LC + RC, raphe + LC + RC, raphe - RC + NC, raphe + RC + NC, raphe - LC + NC, raphe + LC + NC, raphe - Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 11 iZVirni ZnAnSTVeni čLAneK tion, and conversion to conventional surgery. Differences between continuous vari- ables were tested by means of unpaired Student t-test, Mann-Withney test, chi- square and Fischer exact test whenever appropriate. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were built and the equality of sur- vival distribution between patients with and without paravalvular leak was tested (Mantel-Cox, Breslow, Tarone-Ware). 3. Results 3.1 Perioperative A total of 33 patients (13 females and 20 males) were treated. Preopera- tive patients and AVs data are reported in Table 1 and Figures 1–2. Moreover, Table 2 summarizes intraoperative data. The majority of patients were treated by means of transapical Edwards SAPIEN® valve. Nine patients (27.3 %) required post- ballooning of an implanted valve for moderate to severe paravalvular leak occurrence. Three patients required a second valve implantation (9 %) for persistent severe paravalvular leak that became mild after re-valving. Two con- versions (6 %) to conventional surgery were necessary. One patient had mal- positioning of a self-expandable valve with structural damage of the prosthesis during implantation. The second patient experienced annular rupture during im- plantation of a balloon expandable valve. Table 3 includes the intraoperative echocardiography together with the clinical outcome data. At the end of the procedure, mild paravalvular leak was noticed in 12 patients (36.4 %) and mod- erate paravalvular leak in one patient (3 %). Central AV regurgitation was re- ported in one patient (3 %). PPM was moderate in 5 patients (15 %) and no pa- tient developed severe PPM. The device Table 1: Patients Baseline Data. BAV (n = 33) Age (yrs) 73.0 ± 7.3 Men 20 (60.6 %) Body surface area (m2) 1.97 ± 0.24 Aortic annulus size (mm) 24.99 ± 3.01 Aortic valve area (cm2) 0.50 ± 0.11 ellipticity index 0.84 ± 0.10 Linear eccentricity 7.04 ± 2.71 numeric eccentricity 0.51 ± 0.18 Max. diameter (mm) LVoT 40.47 ± 7.02 aortic root 36.64 ± 3.93 sinotubular junction 32.12 ± 4.36 ascending aorta 38.48 ± 5.78 Bicuspid valve type Lc + rc, raphe + 20 (60.6 %) Lc + rc, raphe - 4 (12.1 %) rc + nc, raphe + 7 (21.2 %) rc + nc, raphe - 2 (6.1 %) Lc + nc, raphe + 0 Lc + nc, raphe - 0 Calcium score (mm3) total 5716.34 ± 4989.95 LVoT 1636.94 ± 2275.24 valve 4061.22 ± 3027.96 non-coronary leaflet 1303.30 ± 1026.77 right-coronary leaflet 1446.72 ± 1077.01 left-coronary leaflet 1311.18 ± 1081.87 calcium mass total (g) 8.87 ± 7.71 Logistic euroScore 23.2 ± 19.3 euroScore ii 10.3 ± 11.6 STS score 8.0 ± 9.2 LVeF 48.61 ± 15.33 Data presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; LC, left-coronary; RC, right-coronary; NC, non-coronary; EuroSCORE, European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation; STS, Society of Thoracic Surgeons; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 12 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Srce in ožiLje success rate according to VARC criteria was 82 %. No patient died in the first 30 days after the procedure. Two patients (6 %) died in a different institution because of pneumonia and sepsis during the post- surgical rehabilitation, both 6 weeks af- ter discharge. When comparing anatomical vari- ables of patients without and with ≥ 1 re- sidual paravalvular leak at the end of the procedure, there was a trend for larger aortic annular diameter and valve area in patients that developed paravalvu- lar leak (Table 4). Moreover, a trend for higher valve calcium volume with higher distribution in the right and left coro- nary leaflets was noticed in patients that developed paravalvular leak. Operative time was significantly longer in patients that developed paravalvular leak. Pros- thesis performance, in terms of trans- valvular gradient, effective orifice area and eventual PPM, was similar in both groups (Table 4). Moreover, a sub-analysis of patients that required re-ballooning (9 patients), re-valving  (3 patients), and conversion to conventional surgery  (2 patients) was performed. Although there were no significant differences in terms of valve anatomy, ellipticity, calcium distribution, and calcium content, these patients had significantly larger native annular area, perimeter, and perimeter derived diam- eter when compared to the remaining patients (27.6 ± 2.1 mm vs. 24.8 ± 3.0 mm; p = 0.01). 3.2 Follow-up Clinical follow-up was complete in all patients and average duration was 20 ± 15 months (1–70 months). Overall two-year estimated survival was 70 % (CI: 52.7–93.1) (Figure 3). There were no reported cardiac deaths. No patient re- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 total LVOT valve no n- co ro na ry lea fle t lef t-c or on ar y lea fle t rig ht -co ro na ry lea fle t Calcium Score Follow-up Months 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 2412 36 48 60 72 33, 31, 27, 23, 20, 17, 11 N. at risk Figure 2: respective calcium scores for different parts of the aortic valve apparatus as observed in our patient group. Figure 3: K-M survival curve in patients undergoing TAVi for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis. estimated survivals: at 6 months 90.1% (ci: 80.0-100.0); at 1 year 82.0% (ci: 68.5-97.8); at 2 years 70.0% (ci: 52.7-93.1). Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 13 iZVirni ZnAnSTVeni čLAneK Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis quired reoperation for AV dysfunction and/or degeneration or any sort of ad- ditional cardiac surgery. No significant difference (p = 0.5) in terms of estimated survival was noticed between patients without (66.2 %; CI: 42.4–100.0) and with (68.6 %; CI: 45.0–100.0) residual paravalvular leak ≥ 1 after TAVI. Discussion The occurrence of BAV in patients with severe AV stenosis may represent a theoretical challenge for TAVI. In fact, this anatomic variation that is present in at least 50 % of patients submitted to conventional AV replacement  (17) has been considered, per se, an exclusion cri- terion for TAVI (18). In patients with BAV, a potential risk of TAVI is mainly in an uneven expan- sion of the prosthesis, resulting from the heterogeneous pliability of the native valve and the particular stiffness of the leaflet where a raphe is present. Zegdi et al.  (19) have proven these important theoretical drawbacks of TAVI in a group of 16 BAV patients where a self-expandable stent, specifi- cally designed for stented valves, was de- ployed intraoperatively inside the aortic valve before undergoing AV resection for conventional surgical aortic valve replacement. Elliptic stent deployment and under-deployment were the rule in BAV. In a second phase, the authors performed an ex vivo study of a “home- made” stented valve to confirm that the regularity of the coaptation line was de- pendent on the quality of stent deploy- ment (20). Zegdi report, although of seminal im- portance, presents some differences from the daily TAVI practice. First, it does not include a phase of balloon valvuloplasty before stent deployment within the na- tive AV annulus. Secondly, it is focused on the anatomical adaptation of a self- expandable stent and does not take into consideration the dynamics of balloon expandable stents. Finally, it considers the ex vivo behavior of a “homemade” stented AV prosthesis that may differ greatly from the in vivo performance of the TAVI prostheses currently available on the market. Table 2: Procedural Data. Variable BAV (n = 33) Valve type edwards 29 (87.9 %) coreValve 4 (12.1 %) Access Edwards Transfemoral 0 Transapical 29 (100 %) Transaxillary 0 Transaortic 0 CoreValve Transfemoral 3 (75 %) Transapical 0 Transaxillary 1 (25 %) Transaortic 0 Valve size (mm) Edwards 23 5 (17.2 %) 26 9 (31 %) 29 15 (51.7 %) CoreValve 23 1 (25 %) 26 1 (25 %) 29 2 (50 %) Procedure duration (min) 97.89 ± 36.40 Amount of contrast dye used (mL) 133.81 ± 73.27 Data presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. 14 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Srce in ožiLje In fact, despite the described impor- tant theoretical drawbacks, TAVI has been applied, although in limited num- bers, in BAV patients at prohibitive risk for conventional surgery. Published ex- periences have mainly described acute and mid-term results with both balloon expandable and self-expandable TAVI prostheses. In these patients, occurrence of more than moderate aortic regurgi- tation ranges from 0 to 32 % with mean trans-valve pressure gradients always below 15 mmHg (1-8). Mylotte et al. have reported the mul- ticenter results of TAVI in BAV. In a to- tal of 139 patients procedural mortality was 3.6 %, with valve embolization in 2.2 % and conversion to surgery in 2.2 %. Post-implantation aortic regurgitation grade ≥ 2 occurred in 28.4 % but was prevalent in only 17.4 % when CT-based TAVI sizing was performed. One-year mortality was 17.5 % (7). Bauer et al. evaluated 38 patients with BAV within the German TAVI registry, and have compared them with a cohort group of 1357 tricuspid aortic valve pa- tients. Although TAVI outcomes were satisfactory in both groups, the occur- rence of ≥ grade 2 AR was significantly more common in BAV (25 % vs. 15 %). Thirty-day mortality rate was similar in both cohorts and BAV was not as- sociated with higher 1-year mortality rate (6). In a case-match study, Kochman et al. compared 28 BAV with 84 tricus- pid valve patients (1:3 ratio), implanted with both balloon expandable and self- expandable prostheses. There was a sta- tistically insignificant trend for higher post-procedural mean pressure gradient (11.5 ± 6.4 vs. 10.4 ± 4.5 mm Hg) and aor- tic regurgitation grade ≥ 2 (32 % vs. 23 %) in the BAV patients that did not result in an increased 30-day and 1-year all-cause mortality (5). More recently Costopoulos et al. have shown more concerning results in a mul- ticenter experience. When comparing TAVI in 21 BAV versus 447 tricuspid AV patients, the authors noticed a trend to- ward a lower device success rate (85.7 % vs. 94.4 %) and significantly higher 30- day mortality rate (14.2 % vs. 3.6 %) in the BAV group (4). Finally, in the most recent multi- center evaluation proposed by Yousef et al.  (8), the authors present results in 108 patients with BAV treated by TAVI within the premises of 21 centres. The Table 3: Postprocedural Data. Variable BAV (n = 33) effective orifice area (cm2) 2.25 ± 0.55 indexed effective orifice area (cm2/m2) 1.13 ± 0.29 Max. aortic valve gradient (mm Hg) 7.95 ± 4.09 Mean aortic valve gradient (mm Hg) 3.99 ± 2.09 Paravalvular Leak = 1 12 (36.4 %) = 2 1 (3 %) > 2 0 30-Day mortality 0 Complications conversion To conventional Surgery 2 (6 %) re-Valving 3 (9 %) Bleeding 3 (9 %) (1 annular rupture and 2 apical bleeding) AKin 0 27 (81.8 %) AKin 1 2 (6 %) AKin 2 0 AKin 3 1 (3 %) TiA 1 (3 %) Stroke 0 Myocardial infarction 0 Pacemaker implantation 1 (3 %) Data presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. AKIN, acute kidney injury; TIA, transient ischemic attack. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 15 iZVirni ZnAnSTVeni čLAneK Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Table 4: comparison of patients with Ar versus patients without Ar after TAVi. Characteristic BAV with AR ≥ 1 (n = 12) BAV without AR (n = 21) p Value Age (yrs) 70.5 ± 8.32 74.38 ± 5.96 0.1 Gender male 10 (83.3 %) 10 (47.6 %) 0.04* Body surface area (m2) 1.97 ± 0.24 1.97 ± 0.25 0.9 Aortic annulus size (mm) 26.34 ± 2.38 24.28 ± 3.07 0.07 Aortic valve area (cm2) 0.55 ± 0.09 0.47 ± 0.11 0.07 ellipticity index 0.82 ± 0.09 0.84 ± 0.11 0.6 Linear eccentricity 7.92 ± 2.2 6.53 ± 2.94 0.3 numeric eccentricity 0.55 ± 0.13 0.49 ± 0.2 0.6 Max. diameter (mm) LVoT 39.94 ± 6.72 40.77 ± 6.99 0.8 aortic root 37.38 ± 3.48 36.22 ± 4.01 0.4 sinotubular junction 32.76 ± 4.66 31.76 ± 4.03 0.8 ascending aorta 37.71 ± 4.82 38.91 ± 6.09 0.5 Bicuspid valve type Lc + rc, raphe + 8 (66.7 %) 12 (57.1 %) nS Lc + rc, raphe - 2 (16.7 %) 2 (9.5 %) nS rc + nc, raphe + 1 (8.3 %) 6 (28.6 %) nS rc + nc, raphe - 1 (8.3 %) 1 (4.8 %) nS Valve type edwards 10 (83.3 %) 19 (90.5 %) nS coreValve 2 (16.7 %) 2 (9.5 %) nS Calcium score (mm3) total 5571.83 ± 3313.14 5798.92 ± 5625.93 0.5 LVoT 1289.29 ± 1229.66 1835.60 ± 2629.79 0.6 valve 4232.53 ± 2349.76 3963.33 ± 3284.77 0.6 non-coronary leaflet 1121.73 ± 750.40 1407.06 ± 1120.32 0.8 right-coronary leaflet 1587.04 ± 953.81 1366.54 ± 1109.05 0.7 left-coronary leaflet 1523.71 ± 840.33 1189.73 ± 1157.35 0.2 calcium mass total (g) 8.73 ± 5.06 8.96 ± 8.72 0.5 Procedure duration (min) 124.22 ± 37.75 86.05 ± 26.03 0.01* Amount of contrast dye used (mL) 141.42 ± 40.83 131.43 ± 83.75 0.08 effective orifice area (cm2) 2.48 ± 0.54 2.17 ± 0.51 0.3 16 Zdrav Vestn | januar – februar 2017 | Letnik 86 Srce in ožiLje composite primary outcome, according to VARC criteria, occurred in one quar- ter of patients (26.9 %) and was mainly driven by re-intervention for valve mal- position (9.3 %). Although the topic TAVI in BAV has been already analyzed in details, the present manuscript presents the largest single center experience with an extend- ed follow-up. All cases were performed within the premises of a facility that has had a consistent exposure to TAVI since its very early introduction. Our results confirm what has been previously shown by others and clearly demonstrate that, although TAVI for BAV has become a standard procedure, challenges should be expected, even in most experienced centres. We have recently reported our 5-year experience with trans-apical TAVI, in- cluding over 700 patients. In our global experience, conversion to surgical aortic valve implantation due to rupture of the device landing zone or coronary artery obstruction was reported in 1.1 % of the cases (6 % in the BAV series), prosthesis re-dilatation for more than mild para- valvular leak in 7.5 % (27 % in the BAV series), and re-valving in 2.2 % (9 % in the BAV series) (13). Valve hemodynamics in BAV patients were also quite different, when compared to those reported in our overall experi- ence. At the end of the procedure, mild regurgitation was present in 19.2 %, and moderate regurgitation in 0.8 % of the patients included in our overall experi- ence (13). In our sub-group of BAV pa- tients, mild and moderate paravalvular leaks occurred in a slightly higher rate (36 % and 3 % respectively). Although the presence of residual paravalvular leak ≥ 1 did not impact upon acute and intermediate-term (2- year) survival, these findings may be biased by the very limited sample size. In fact, there is emerging and consistent evidence that even the presence of mild prosthetic regurgitation after TAVI may impact significantly upon long-term clinical outcomes (21). From an inferential standpoint, we were not able to identify any specific anatomical reason that could have in- creased the risk of TAVI failure in BAV patients. In particular, calcification dis- tribution and calcification amount did not seem to differ significantly in pa- tients that had residual paravalvular leak and/or required further interven- tion. Furthermore, although “ellipticity” was not found to be a predictor of out- come, the sample size and the contained number of valves that were truly elliptic should be considered as a major limita- tion of the present study. Interestingly, we have noticed a trend for larger annular anatomy in patients developing mild paravalvular leak. Moreover, we have reported significantly larger native annuli in patients requiring further intervention (re-ballooning, re- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis Characteristic BAV with AR ≥ 1 (n = 12) BAV without AR (n = 21) p Value indexed effective orifice area (cm2/m2) 1.23 ± 0.39 1.10 ± 0.22 0.6 Max. aortic valve gradient (mm Hg) 8.76 ± 3.60 7.59 ± 4.13 0.4 Mean aortic valve gradient (mm Hg) 4.91 ± 2.70 3.81 ± 1.84 0.3 Data presented as n (%) or mean ± standard deviation. LVOT, left ventricular outflow tract; LC, left- coronary; RC, right-coronary; NC, non-coronary. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis 17 iZVirni ZnAnSTVeni čLAneK Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for bicuspid aortic valve stenosis valving, and conversion) for persistent moderate to severe paravalvular leak. Finally, some comments should be given concerning the risk of inappro- priate prosthesis expansion with conse- quent valve malfunction in patients with BAV undergoing TAVI. In this context, some authors have described a PPM rate after TAVI for tri- cuspid AV stenosis ranging from 40 to 60 % (22,23). In our experience, moder- ate and severe PPMs occurred respec- tively in approximately 27 % and 8 % of patients undergoing TAVI for severe stenosis of a tricuspid AV  (24). In the present series of BAV patients moderate PPM was present in only 15 % of patients and no patient experienced severe PPM. One should take into account also the limitations of our article: this was a single-centre retrospective analysis of a relatively small cohort of patients whose BAV have had different, morphological types. Prospective studies are needed and cooperation between institutions with large numbers would be required to enlarge the study population numbers. In conclusion, although TAVI in BAV is feasible, it is associated with an in- creased rate of implantation failures and caution should be advised when treat- ing these patients, even in the premises of very experienced centres. The pres- ent manuscript presents results achieved with balloon expandable and self-ex- pandable prostheses belonging to an earlier generation of devices. Outcomes may be different once new generation TAVI prostheses, including those that are fully retrievable and repositionable, are tested consistently in this challeng- ing aortic anatomical scenario. Disclosure Mr. Anze Djordjevic has been a fellow funded by the ERASMUS PLACEMENT PROGRAMME 2013/14 of the European Union. The authors have no other conflicts of interest to declare. References 1. Wijesinghe N, Ye J, Rodes-Cabau J, Cheung A, Velianou JL, Natarajan MK. Transcatheter Aor- tic Valve Implantation in Patients With Bicuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis. JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3(11):1122–5. 2. 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